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Shambhu Oja
Banu Oja
Mark Turin
Elisabeth Uphoff
second edition

South Asia Program

Cornell University
June 2004
Introduction to the Second Edition
The Nepali language is spoken by around 20 million people in the Kingdom of Nepal, where it is
the national and official language. About 11 million of these speakers use Nepali as a mother
tongue. Outside of Nepal, Nepali is also spoken in north-east India and in much of Bhutan. On
account of its widespread use in the states of West Bengal (particularly in the district of
Darjeeling) and Sikkim, the Indian Constitution recognizes Nepali as a major language of India.
While Dzongkha is the national language of Bhutan, Nepali is widely spoken by many of its
citizens and used as a lingua franca across the country. In short, Nepali is a major regional
language used in numerous South Asian countries.

Nepali is an Indo-Aryan language, and thus part of a linguistic grouping which includes
other South Asian languages such as Hindi, Bengali, Marathi and Gujarati. Modern Indo-Aryan
languages are related to Sanskrit, much as modern European languages are related to Latin.
Nepali is written in the Devangar (or Nagari) script, which is also used for Hindi, Marathi and
Sanskrit. Nepali Devangar has 12 vowels and 36 consonants. The script is essentially phonetic,
meaning that the pronunciation closely resembles the written form. The script is written from left
to right, with a top line indicating the word boundaries.

This volume is made up of two discrete glossaries, first Nepali-English and thereafter
English-Nepali. While similar, the lexical corpora which make up the two glossaries are actually
quite distinct. The Nepali-English Glossary closely follows the content of Shambhu and Banu
Ojas Nepali Beginners Primer, and the lesson number in which a word is first used is given in
the penultimate column. This 51-page glossary is organised according to the Nepali alphabetic
order. The English-Nepali Glossary does not map directly onto the content of the lessons in the
primer, but rather provides an extensive corpus of terms which Cornells Nepali language
instructors have been asked to translate over the years. The content of this glossary reflects the
interests of generations of Cornell students who have studied anthropology, ecology, economics,
politics and sociology in Nepal and through Nepali.

Shambhu Oja, Department of Asian Studies

Mark Turin, Digital Himalaya Project

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

June 2004

Acknowledgements to the Second Edition

The production of the second edition of this Nepali-English and English-Nepali Glossary has
relied on the generous support of many individuals. First and foremost, without the financial and
administrative support of the Department of Asian Studies at Cornell University, and specifically
Professor Edward M. Gunn, Ann VanDeMark and Kim Steber, this revised and reworked
glossary would never have seen the light of day. We are grateful for your trust and help. Second,
the Nepali Unicode font team at Madan Puraskr Pustaklaya in Kathmandu have been a pleasure
to work with. In particular, we would like to thank Amar Gurung and Pawan Chitrakar. Finally,
we would like to express our appreciation to members of the Cornell community, in particular to
Anne Stengle and Durga Bor at the South Asia Program for their help with the printing, Professor
Kathryn March for her unflagging support and Sara Shneiderman for her careful editorial eye.
Thanks to Ajay Rai of Wandering Spirits for the front cover photo. Needless to say, any
remaining errors or typographical lapses are our responsibility.

Introduction to the First Edition

The Nepali language program at Cornell faces several challenges that are likely to characterize
similar programs elsewhere. The number of students taking Nepali changes every year, each
student has a different level of ability and there is a scarcity of published Nepali texts and
dictionaries. Most importantly, most Nepali language students have specific but widely diverse
fields of interest. Some students come from the Peace Corps, some come after study or travel
abroad, and increasingly some come from Nepalese-American families. This means that they
have very different language backgrounds and very different reasons for wanting to learn Nepali.
Some want to work in development on irrigation or healthcare; others want to do PhD research on
questions of religious change or womens issues; others simply want to be able to talk to older
members of their families.

It has been our goal at Cornell to teach not only basic skills in spoken and written Nepali
but to try to make our students linguistically competent in their chosen fields of specialization as
well. Because of the difficulties in locating texts and reference books to suit all their varying
needs, we have tried to create new kinds of instructional materials for Nepali which could:

(a) teach increasingly complex grammatical structures

(b) tailor additional vocabulary and dialogues to individual students professional
(c) wherever possible utilize material from Nepalese school books, folk stories,
literature, songs, proverbs, Radio Nepal/Nepal TV, taped conversations, or other
sources not created solely for the classroom

We began the Nepali Computer Project in 1988 with support between 1988 and 1992
from the Northeast Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning, Cornell South Asia
Program, and the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics. Our objective has been to
develop an integrated system to provide Nepali language instructors with flexible teaching
materials that can be readily adapted to suit their students varying numbers, abilities, and wide
range of interests. For this reason we chose a computer-based system because it offered the
flexibility of organization and presentation that we needed.
At present, the project consists of a Beginners Primer, a Beginning Reader, an
Intermediate Reader, and this Glossary which has been compiled from the vocabulary contained
in the other materials using a computer database. All of the words in this glossary are coded by
subject and by the chapter or story in which they are first introduced, so that it would be possible
to print out specific vocabulary lists according to topic of interest and/or level of study.
It has been a long and informative voyage from our first days, trying to produce new
materials for each level of students. These volumes represent the effort not only of the language
instructors and their main assistants, but also the cumulative questions, problems, and needs of
students in Nepali language classes at Cornell for almost ten years. We hope that these volumes,
and those that will follow, will continue to serve them in all of their diverse needs.

Professor Kathryn March

Department of Anthropology
Cornell University

Ithaca, New York

Acknowledgements to the First Edition
The Nepali Computer Project at Cornell owes thanks to many people. First, of course, is the
Cornell South Asia Program which is making this publication possible and which has backed the
Nepali language offerings at Cornell since 1984. We would like to thank the Northeast
Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning for their financial support of this project. The
Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics at Cornell, too, provided invaluable support
both in the basic support of the Nepali language program and in the person of Ann VanDeMark,
without whose administrative savvy any of this work would have been unthinkable. Professor
James Gairs Sinhala glossary provided an important early model and inspiration for our efforts.
And Professor Kathryn March was ever behind the project with constant advocacy and support.
But above all, we are indebted to all the students through the years of Nepali teaching at Cornell
who have read, revised, and added to this work. And of those students we are especially grateful
for the special assistance of Christopher Scott and Bhushan Tuladar.

We are glad to be able to offer this printed version of our Nepali language materials.
However, please bear in mind that this is a first edition and may contain spelling or other errors.
We would deeply appreciate feedback both on technical and methodological presentation so that
we can make the second edition better.

Banu Oja, Shambhu Oja, Elisabeth Uphoff

Ithaca, New York


Technical Notes
Work on the first edition of this glossary started in 1988 using an early Apple Macintosh
computer, a database package called FileMaker+ and the Knchi NR Devanagari font. The
glossary was subsequently published in 1992.

The second edition was prepared in May 2004 by Shambhu Oja and Mark Turin, using the Nepali
Unicode environment devised by the Madan Puraskr Pustaklaya library in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The original glossary was retyped as a tabulated Microsoft Word document, checked and then
sorted according to the Nepali and English alphabetical orders. We have used a Unicode Nepali
font called Kalimati, which is freely downloadable from the Madan Puraskr Pustaklaya website
along with the keyboard layout <>. The updated version of this bilingual
glossary is currently being formatted as a searchable database for online delivery.

List of Abbreviations

an = anthropology (words dealing with kinship or religion)

ag = agriculture
g = general (basic glossary)
h = household (food, utensils, parts of houses)
p = politics
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

n hug g

adj English L-8 g

+ n cupped hands - g

- adj dark L-24 g

- n darkness - g

adv suddenly g

7 n letter (alphabet) - g

n arena, station, base - p

n newspaper L-28 g, p

< n leader, guide - p

n sitting place around a hearth h

= adj tall L-8 g

, @ adv before, ago L-12 g

A n number (numeral) L-23 g

C adv surprise L-7 g

n spicy pickle, chutney L-3 g, h

adv these days, nowadays L-5 g

adj more, yet L-24 g

adv yet, still L-19 g

F n zone L-17 p

F@ n Zone Commissioner - p

IJ v to be stuck g

: conj therefore - g

@ adj very L-31 g

@KL adj additional, besides - g

<, N conj or L-5 g

n court, court house - p

@ adj exceeding, excess, more - p, g

Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

@ n authority, right, power - p

@+ n an authority, official - p

@P n kingdom - p

adj incomplete, half-finished - p, g

-7 n president, chairman (of a committee) - p

n ordinance - p

n grain (wheat, corn, rice, etc) - ag

JS n drought ag

@ adj then - g

@ n famine - ag, p

adj favorable, opportune, convenient - p, g

n grant, subsidy - g, p

n experience - p, g

N v to experience, realize - p, g

n approval, permission - g, p

n guess, estimate - g, p

@ adj estimated - g, p

W adj analogous, similar, resembling - g, p

n request - g, p

n directive, punishment, discipline, order L-13 g, p

X n research L-14 g

adv according (to) L-31 g

n schedule, a list - g, p

adj strange, odd, peculiar L-7 g

X adj ignorant - g

X n difference, gap, interval - p, g

X[ adj international - p, g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

X[ n international unity - p, g

X[ n international law - p, g

X adj last, final L-23 g

X n guess - g

X adv approximately L-3 g

X@< n superstition - an

v to follow, observe - p, an

_` adj uncomfortable, difficult L-24 g

J n office L-26 g

adv now, now then L-9 g

adv certainly L-5 g

n condition, situation g

adj late L-16 g

@ adj sour L-2 g

b adj precious g

W adj other L-5 g

c adj next, another L-5 g

Nd n economics L-8 p

adj apart, separate - g, p

@@ adj a little (when the amount can't be - g

@@ adj a little (measurable) L-5 g

bf adj lazy L-7 g

v to inform, notify - g

N adj unable g

n result, effect - p

adj good, pure L-26 g

Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

adj uncommon, unusual - g

n third month in the Nepali calendar L-17 g

@ N v to hail (weather) L-13 g, ag

@ adj unlimited - g

n sixth month of the Nepali calendar L-17 g

n the day before yesterday - g

adv some time in the far past L-9 g

n hospital L-15 g

adv no L-5 g

J n now L-5 g

n eye L-14 g

n courtyard L-37 g

v to have amoebic dysentery L-13 g

n Sunday L-9 g

= v to arrive L-26 g

v to come L-1 g

n telegram L-1 g

l adj next year L-30 g

, J`l n back (of a person) g

n conduct, behavior - g, p

n today L-4 g

adv nowadays L-4 g

+ adj nowadays L-4 g

n v to be nervous, be worried g

N n model, ideal - p, g

- n exchange, giving and taking of things or - p

ideas, correspondent
p phr et cetera g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

n order, instruction - p

n base, support L-33 g

@ adj modern - p, g

X adj happy, joyful L-37 g

q n self (himself, herself, ones self) L-24 g

r adj ones own L-2 g

adj necessary, essential - g

n necessity - g

, < n sound, noise g

n income (general) - p

n mother L-1 g, an

n income - p

n income source - p

n fixed income (from a tenant farming - p

C n beginning - g, p

N v to rest L-2 g

N adv with ease, leisurely, comfortably g

@N adj financial, economic - p

n potato L-13 g, h

n hope L-37 g

N adj amazed g

n debtor - p, g

t n wish, desire, aim, interest - g

P n prestige, honor, self-respect, status - p

F@ n engineer - p, ag

@ n history - g, p

up adv et cetera - g

n water well - ag
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

X n God of Rain, King of Heaven (Hindu) an

X n justice, judgment - p

Xw adj just - p, g

X adj honest - g

n intention - g

n area, region - p, g

n name of a district in eastern Nepal - p, g

n estimate - g

pron he (singular familiar) L-4 g

L adj the above (written, said) - g

v to split, tear, unravel g

adj height L-8

b v to raise, lift, take up - g

adj appropriate - g

) n compliant(s) - g

P adj light L-24 g

z v to stand up, get up L-1 g

n n north; reply L-16 g

n example - g

n goals, aims - g

{ n industry, enterprise, effort - g

{X n industry, enterprise, craft - g, p

pron s/he, less formal than wahaa, more L-8 g

formal than u
W pron they (familiar) L-4 g

X n progress, advancement - g, p

X adj improved (i.e. improved wheat) - g

n favor, help, benevolence, welfare g

X n novel L-12 g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

n use, utilization, usage - g

adj worth, fitting, suitable, useful - g

n usefulness, utility - g

L adj above-said, mentioned - g

| adj available, obtainable, attained - g

< , v to fast an

adj ready at hand, present - g

n means, method, plan - g

n means, way out, scheme g

X adv in the future, subsequently, hereafter, - g

v to jump g

|, | n produce, crop, yield - g, ag

| v to come up, be produced, yield - g, ag

@ v to be left over, be surplus - g

b v to boil L-14 g

@ v to germinate, sprout, grow, spring up L-14 g

b n translation - g

adj alike L-13 g

adj same L-13 g

n unity, unanimity, oneness - p

adj absolutely, a lot, very, quite L-8 g

n unit (i.e. administrative unit) - p

J n unification - p

adj same L-13 g

adj alone L-7 g

, n aerogram L-7 g

Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

n law, act - p

n dry g

interj oh L-9 g

n tools, equipment - p, ag

adj very much - g

P n malaria - p, an

n medicine - g

7 n class, grade in school - g, p

n turtle -

adv where? (usually used for directions) L-16 g

@ adv how much? L-1 g

n story L-12 g

X n miser, stingy L-37 g

n hair L-14 g

w n coffee L-5 g, h

| n control, possession; hinge - p

adj weak L-13 g

adj at least L-24 g

n earnings - p

v to earn - p

@ n shirt L-1 g

n tax, excise, duty - p

v to tax, insist, force - p

W n sorrow, grief g

N n debt - p

N| n duties - p

n machine - p, ag

n pen L-1 g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

+ adv how? (by what means) L-4 g

pron whose? L-1 g

adv how? (color, quality, shape) L-2 g

J adv when? L-4 g

adv sometimes L-5 g

n fork L-18 g

n uncle (fathers brother) - g, an

w n aunt (fathers brothers wife) - g, an

n paper L-3 g

n paper L-3 g

n lime (fruit) L-2 g, h

n work, duty; button hole - p

F n village corral where stray cattle are kept - ag

as penalty
v to cut, chop L-34 g

n n seventh month in the Nepal calendar L-17 g

n ear - g

adv two days after tomorrow L-9 g

@ n fast for Kali an

n copy, notebook L-1 g

n work L-5 g

N v to work L-5 g

n work, occupation, business - p

adj established, settled - p

n factory - p

N n activity, act, deed - p

NN n official, employee, staff member, worker - p

N n program, schedule L-19 g

N+ n action - p
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

N@ n procedure - p

NX< N v to carry out, execute - p

N n office L-26 g, p

adj black L-3 g

n black market L-19 g, p

J conj or L-5 g

J n book L-1 g

Jn n division, section, item (of land) - p

Jn n cadastral survey - p

J adv why? L-7 g

J conj because L-5 g

JX v to buy L-6 g

J n nail, stake - ag

J n farmer, peasant - ag, p

J@ n kind, sort, type L-16 g

J n installment, pay - p, ag

n chicken L-37 g, ag

n broom L-24 g, h

v to run g

pron which? L-3 g

pron which? (plural) L-5 g

J pron which one? L-3 g

adj certain, some L-31 g

X phrase I dont know (colloquial) - g

n things, talk, chat L-16 g

v to talk, speak with L-2 g

+@ n superstition (negative sense), bad custom - p, an

N v to wait L-33 g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

n original capital (wealth) - p

n family god, lineage deity an

n irrigation ditch - ag

n water-hole, shallow well - ag

adv please (formal) - g

n agriculture L-8 a, ag

pron what? L-1 g

n children (male and female) L-31 g

X n center - p

adj central - p

n banana L-2 g, h

adj some (things) L-27 g

n scissors g

n remarks - p

adj grey L-3 g

pron who? L-4 g

adv about L-24 g

n coat L-23 g

n quota - p

n room L-3 g, h

n unit of distance (two miles) - g

n try, effort, endeavor L-23 g

J adj some (people) L-27 g

n order, series - p

adv in order, step by step, serially, - p

7 n area, constituency, region - p

7- n area tour, field trip - p

v to appoint, depute - p
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

n part, section g

@ n loss, harm, damage - g

n v to be finished (slang) L-12 g

X v to dig - ag, g

n news L-27 g, p

n head clerk - p

n ash g

adj bad L-26 g

n rabbit g

+ n purchase - g

N n expense - g

N N v to spend (money) - g

n consumable supplies - g

n castrated goat L-34 g, ap

v to slip, fall, be dropped L-28 g

n snack L-4 g, h

n register book - p

n food L-4 g, h

v to eat L-2 g

n things to eat, edibles (food) L-27 g, h

v to dismiss, abolish, expel - p

+ adj empty, vacant L-32 g

adj special, actual, real - g

+ adv especially, actually - g

N n chili pepper (hot) L-2 g, h

adj open, frank L-17 g

adj pleased, happy L-7 g

adj very, extremely L-13 g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

n field (irrigated) - ag

n cultivated property - ag

n cultivation, farming - ag

n farmer - ag

n game L-10 g

n sports, athletics - g

n playing fields - g

b v to play L-18 g

adj brown L-3 g

w n cough L-7 g

P v to look for L-37 g

n cage L-37 g

b v to open L-1 g

v to snatch L-24 g

, n crab -

w n name of a river in Nepal, also name of a L-17 g

n last year - g

@ n speed, condition - g

n date (Nepali calendar) L-9 g

X v to count L-1 g

N v to chat, gossip L-11 g

+ adj poor L-35 g

N v to do L-1 g

adj, n hot, summer L-7 g

q n carpet - h, g

J adj deep L-8 g

n wheat - ag

n marijuana L-17 g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

n festival honoring cows in Kathmandu L-32 g, an

- n cattle, livestock L-31 ag

n village L-8 g

v to sing L-12 g

adj dark (color) L-3 g

@ N v to scold, curse L-36 g

adj difficult L-7 g

n song L-12 g

n quality - g

n multiplication L-15 g

n secret, confidential matter - g

C v to lose, miss g

W n teacher L-2 g, p

@ adj sweet L-2 g

f n religious or cultural association, land - an
owned by cultural association

n arch, archway - g

n Home Ministry - p

q n rhinoceros L-6 g

n cow shed - ag

v to weed ag

n planet g

v (tr.) to subtract, decrease, reduce, diminish L-15 g

v to be decreased, be reduced L-23 g

n watch L-9 g

n hour L-7 g

+ n bell L-9 g

n pride, arrogance, ego g

n house, home L-1 g, a

Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

+ n throat L-14 g

n grass, fodder L-3 g, ag

n sun, sunlight L-24 g

v to drag, pull g

C v to travel, walk, revolve L-11 g

n wheel g

w n magician an

v to climb, ride - g

X n donation - an, g

C n spoon, yes-man, sycophant (slang) L-12 g, h

n bird L-24 g, h

v to graze L-31 g, ag

n custom, use, manner - g, an

v to run, drive, stir, pick on someone L-16 g

adj clever, sharp or quick minded L-9 g

n cleverness g

N v to dispatch, consign - p

adj early L-13 g

+ n silver L-37 g

= adj interesting L-8 g

, n small change, ordinary, insignificant g

n rice (husked, uncooked) - g, ag, h

n manner, behavior, conduct L-13 an, g

adj running, functioning, outgoing - g

J v to be needed L-12 g

n cheese - g, h

n letter L-14 g

n China L-31 g, p
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

n sugar L-2 g, h

X v to recognize, know, be acquainted with L-22 g

_ v to slip, slide L-23 g

_ adj slippery L-23 g

n tea L-3 g, h

v to peep, peer g

N v to saw, chop L-37 g

adj cold (used for things) L-7 g

, n things L-11 g

n election - p

= v to be quiet L-18 g

- v to sit quietly, remain quiet L-26 g

n cigarette L-6 g, h

n twelfth month in Nepal calendar L-17 g

+ n time L-26 g

n a resting place under tree L-36

N v to sow (seeds), spread (things), scatter, - ag

broadcast grain
n umbrella L-6 g

n pupil - p

n student hostel - p

n scrutiny, close examination - p

X v to choose, select - p

n official stamp, seal - p

n skin, leather, animal hides - g, ag

@ adj fast L-9 g

@ n moment L-9 g

n vacation, day off, break - g

v to separate - g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

+ n knife, dagger L-37 g

n vicinity, neighborhood, close at hand g

adj short (length) L-8 g

v to leave, quit, give up - g

@ adj intermingled, made of many things - g

n sparkle g

n mane, short stiff hair on an animals neck g

= n land - ag

n jungle, forest L-34 g, ag

@ adv about, approximately L-26 g

n city in southern Nepal, also the name of a - p

X n democracy, peoples rule - p

n people, the people - p

n population - p

< n public health - p

suf suffix used for counting people L-3 g

< n animal L-25 g, ag

X n animal L-25 g, ag

X n birth g

n answer L-2 g

n gathering, meeting L-29 g, p

n land - ag

X n landowner, usually one who employs - ag, p

tenant workers
C adj total L-6 g

C N v to collect, gather L-37 g

W+ adj important, urgent - g

n aquatic animals -

- n water resources -
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

n watershed -

adj full of water -

n youth, young man - g

, adj like, similar to L-13 g

adv whenever, at any time L-25 g

n test, exam, inspection - p, g

t v to examine, test L-30 g

= v to attack g

adj cold (used only for weather) L-7 g

adj good, well g

n magician an

+ n information, knowledge - g

v to go L-1 g

X v to know how, have a skill L-10 g

adj Japanese L-10 g

w conj whereas L-32 g

adj apparent, manifest, noted, known, - p

n curiosity, inquest L-28 g

X n commodity, property - p

C, n responsibility, charge - p, g

b n district L-26 g, p

@ n livelihood g

n life L-25 g

-@ n biology L-8 g, ag, p

adj impure (food) L-16 g

n n shoe(s) L-1 g, h

adj whichever, any - g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

C n district in the Western part of Nepal L-16 g

n second month in the Nepali calendar L-17 g

phr in any case, anyway L-16 g

n addition, sum; force, pressure; joint L-13 g

v to add, join L-15 g

u v to plow - ag

n name of a town in northwestern Nepal - g

n knowledge, wisdom - g

n jacket L-23 g

P adj in excess, too much - g

P n day-laborer - p, ag

P@ n astrologer an

n quarrel, lawsuit - g, p

adj fast, instantly, at once g

adv almost L-10 g

- adv one day before, the day before yesterday L-9 g

b v to sparkle, glitter g

n bush L-34 g, ag

v to take out L-37 g

+ n brick tile - ag

n cottage, hut h

adj false g

n bag L-1 g

n suspension bridge - ag, g

n jail - p

, ! n window L-1 g, h

n head L-14 g

J n ticket, stamp L-7 g

Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

J n Tikaa, auspicious mark (frequently red) L-34 g, an

worn on the forehead
J v to wear a Tikaa L-34 g, an

n piece g

K n tourist L-16 g

n table L-1 g, h

n Western-style hat L-3 h

J n Nepali hat, cap L-3 h

n ward (of a city or big town), street, for - g

example Thamel Tol
n place L-25 g

X v to assume g

n place g

p adj right, okay, correct L-7 g

adj big L-8 g

n contract, lease - g, p

N v to make certain - g

adj actual, solid - g

v to call, summon, invite - g

adj one and a half (measurement) L-31 g

n apartment L-7 g

, n methods, manner, style - an, g

v to cover, conceal, hide g

n backbone, spine g

J adj late, slow L-9 g

n stone, rock L-19 g

n door, gate L-1 g, h

adj rush, jostle, keen competition -

u adv immediately, all at once - g

u+ adj contemporaneous, of that time, then - g

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conj and (formal, literary) L-31 g

A n statistics, census - g, p

pron you (formal) L-1 g

conj but L-5 g

n Terai, the southern part of Nepal L-11 g, p

N+ n vegetable(s) L-3 g

N n side, towards - g

n salary L-36 g, p

n floor, level (i.e. first, second, etc) - g

n lake g

N adv thus, therefore, on account of that - g

n layer, stratum, arrangement - g

n strength, energy - g

J n reminder, pressure - g

adj hot (for things) L-7 g

n loom - h

X v to pull L-37 g

n heat L-24 g

_ v to bask, warm oneself g

n bamboo shoot L-37 g, ag

n finished, accomplishment, completion - g

v to finish, complete, accomplish - g

K n date (Western calendar) L-9 g

n lake, timing in music, rhythm L-10 g, ag

+ n training L-17 g

@ pron she (singular familiar) L-8 g

@ pron you (familiar) - g

@ suf about (time), towards (direction) L-4 g

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@N adj thirsty L-7 g

@ n festival of brothers and sisters L-30 g, an

(in November)
adj, those L-3 g

WX adv immediately L-21 g

n frost L-13 g, ag

adj smart, bright L-25 g

conj although, even though, even so L-26 g

J n duty, assigned work - g

v to depute, appoint, decide, allocate - g

n cannon - p

+ n mustard - h, ag

n weight - g

prep until then L-30 g

u adj that much, so much L-10 g

u adv therefore, for that reason L-5 g

adv that is why L-5 g

u, u adv there L-3 g

u adj, that L-1 g

adv quarterly - g

n fatigue, exhaustion L-7 g

n addition, increment - g

adv quietly, calmly g

_ v to give more, add more L-26 g

_ n slap g

N v to be trembling with fear g

v to be tired, be exhausted g

b v to start, begin L-37 g

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n knowledge L-5 g

n kind of Nepali bag L-31 g

n things, type, kind L-29 g

7 n south L-16 g

n number of a section (in a document) - g, p

adj kind g

n petition, application - p

n cupboard L-28 h, g

N n entry (in office accounts or registers) - p

N n view, vision, appearance - an, p, g

N N v to view, inspect, pay homage, - an, p, g

ceremonially visit
n bad condition, state, bad days g

q n important Hindu festival, usually in L-30 g, an, p

J n yoghurt L-7 h

P v to compare - g

n teeth L-14 g

n older brother L-2 g, an

n firewood L-37 g, ag

n gift (religious), contribution - an

n price, money - g

n daal and rice (Nepali meal) L-3 g, h

+ n beard g

p n afternoon L-4 g

p adj bored L-7 g

p+ n older sister L-2 g, an

p n day L-5 g

p-p adj, n daily L-12 g

p v to give L-1 g
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p n diarrhea L-7 g

: n pain, grief, suffering, trouble L-7 g

: adj painful, sad g

n milk L-3 h

@ n society, public, people, the world, subject - p

adj, both L-10 g

| adj weak, thin (for people and animals) L-13 g

W adj exact, accurate, correct - g

S adj cruel, wicked, immoral g

v to show L-18 g

prep from L-1 g

v to see L-18 g

n Devi, a Hindu goddess L-34 g, an

n country L-8 g, p

adv daily - g

adj undecided, in a dilemma (literally: on g

two edges)
N v to repeat L-26 g

prep by, through (the agency of) - g

interj oh no, whoops L-9 g

adj rich L-336 g, p

X n thank you L-13 g, p, an

N n religion, duty, virtue, justice L-31 g, p, an

N v to possess, adopt -

n water tap - ag, an, p

W W v to weep (bitterly) -

adj very, many L-7 g

adv usually, mostly L-14 g

n copy, imitation - g, p
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+ adj artificial, counterfeit, not genuine, fake - g, p

n map L-15 p, ag, g

adj, adv close by, nearby - g

n result, effect, consequence L-27 g

u adj attached, file (of papers) threaded - g

+ n river L-8 g, ag

n example, sample, model - p, g

adj politely g

adj new L-6 g

adj unpleasant L-5 g

adj not good, bad L-2 g

+ n pipe, tube, tobacco pipe - ag, h

S n destruction g

n leader, chief, master, foreman - p

n nose L-14 g

v to exceed, overcome, step over - p, g

t v to dance L-12 g

n term of affection (fem.), dear (for L-39 g

n measurement - p, ag

, n survey - p, ag

n profit - p, ag

n name L-1 g

n destruction, ruin, loss g

n export commodities - p

@ n exports - p

@ v to be cured, be healed L-12 g

@ v to come out L-30 g

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@ pron self (himself, oneself, etc) - g

@ n policy L-31 g, p

@u adv always - g

@X adj sleepy L-7 g

@ adv one day after, the day after tomorrow - g

@C @ adj the following - g

@X n control, restriction, limitation - p

@X N v to control, restrict - p

@ n rule, principle (as distinguished from - p

@@ adj prescribed, assigned, regular - p

@L adj appointed, designated - p

@L v to appoint - p

@ adj near, close L-1 g

@+7 n inspector, supervisor - p

@+7 n inspection, supervision, observation - p

@N n decision - g, p

@ n director L-11 g, p

@ n guidance, direction, supervision - p

@N n election - p

@N n construction - p, ag, g

@N N v to construct - p, ag, g

@ adj blue L-3 g

n request, application - g, p

@ n sure knowledge, resolution, - g

@ adj fixed, certain - g

@X adj without doubt g

n salt L-2 g, h

v to bathe L-7 g
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n leader - p

n leadership - p

+ n service - p

n loss, damage, harm - p, g, ag

X adj warm L-13 g

X n justice, law - p

X@ n judge - p

v to cook L-3 g, h

K v to fall, be thrown down g

@ prep after, later, afterwards L-4 g

F-JN n five year plan - p

n to teach L-5 g, p

v to read, study L-1 g, p

n v to investigate, find out g

n letter - g

@, n newspaper, magazine - g, p

< n rank, title, honor - p

@ adv also L-2 g

X n hand, glove (anything with five fingers) L-1 -

n abroad, a foreign country - p

< n care, concern - g

K n acquaintance, introduction - g

K n result, outcome - g

KN n change, alteration - g

K n assembly, council, member of council - p

K n atmosphere, conditions, circumstances, - g

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n pigeon g, ag

@N n the day after tomorrow L-4 g

n domestic animal - ag

- n animal husbandry - ag

n store, shop L-7 g

adj yellow L-3 g

v to be available L-6 g

n lesson L-2 g, p

n kid (baby goat), sheep ag

n leaf L-3 g, ag

n water L-3 g, ag

v to irrigate L-19 g, ag

n support, maintenance, respect, nurture - g

N v to support, maintain, obey, follow, - g

respect, practice, nurture
n turn g

b v to tame, domesticate, grow, raise ag

n mountain L-8 g, ag

J v to drink L-6 g

Jt suf each, every, individually - g

J n flour L-7 h

J` n back (of a person) -

J n sadness, sorrow, worry L-7 g

J adj hot (spicy) L-2 g, h

n capital (money) - p

n capitalism - p

< n capitalist - p

v to wipe g

n dwarf -
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adv again - g

adj old L-6 g

W n man, male - g

n book - g

n library - g

v to submit - g

, w
n advance (money) - g

n a city in western Nepal L-10 g

n last year - g

adv quarter to, 3/4 L-9 g

_ adj purple L-3 g

n kind(s), sort(s) g

adj published - g

n nature - g

adj famous - g, p

n progress - p, g

n publicity - p

n people p

@ n reaction - g

@@@ n representative - g

@@ n competition - g

@ n defense, reply (of a lawsuit), counter- - g, p

n copy, number (of paper), towards (people - g
adj each L-34 g

N N v to present, display - g

N n big fair, exhibition - g

N v to display, exhibit - g

n act of giving (a gift or donation) - g

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adj chief, prime, main - p

X n Prime Minister - p

n influence, effect - g, p

+ adj influential - g, p

adj chief, main - p

u N v to attempt, endeavor (formal) - g

N v to use - g

n speech, lecture - g

v to praise, appreciate g

adj plenty, sufficient, abundant, more than - g

J adj administrative - p

n administration - p

7 n practical education or training - p

+ n questionnaire - p, ag, an

n extension (i.e. agricultural extension), - g


n maternity hospital - g

n proposal - p, g

v to present, show, exhibit, declare - g

n departure, going away - g

n question L-2 g

n living beings g

J n zoology L-3 g

@ n priority - g

adj received, obtained, acquired - g

@@ adj technical - p, ag

@@ n technician - p, ag

adv often L-5 g

adv frequently, generally L-5 g
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adv usually L-5 g

-N n love-talk g

N v to return L-10 g

N v to send back, restore - g

N adj wide L-8 g

n fruit L-6 g, h, ag

n so and so, such and such (person or - g

n iron (metal) L-37 g

n section, division, a wide open space of - g

land (usually cultivated)

n eleventh month of the Nepali calendar L-17 g

b v to brush off, throw g

J adj light (color) L-3 g

JN n return, refund - g

adj independent, free - p, g

, t
adj little, tiny (boy or girl) g

v to break, smash, cause dissention - g

, N
N n free time, leisure L-21 g

n egg g h, g, ag

v to lay an egg L-37 ag

b v to bloom g, ag

adv again L-26 g

, adj dirty L-8 g

n time - g

+ n pocket g, h

v (tr.) to ring (a bell), play musical instrument, L-9 g

cause others to quarrel
n bazaar, market L-6 g

n budget - p
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P v to strike, ring L-9 g

b v to collect, gather - g

n pack L-6 g

N v to sweep h

+ adj excess, more than enough or needed - g

< n promotion - p

adj more, excess - g

+ n replacement - p

+ N v to replace - p

n forest L-33 g, ag

J n battery L-8 g, p

v to make L-3 g

X N v to close L-1 g

X n arrangements, management - p

prep in accordance with - g

n type of berry ag

n account, description, explanation - p, g

adj regular, equal - g, p

N n social class - p

n class organization - p

N n year L-4 g

N, N n monsoon L-29 g, ag

b-b adv by hook or by crook, at last, finally g

n bus L-11 g

n domestic animals, goods, objects - g, ag

v to sit L-1 g

v to mislead, tempt, beguile g

J n younger sister L-2 g, an

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w n remaining, left over L-9 g

adj uncultivated, fallow, barren

n dam - ag

@ v to be tied g

n bamboo - ag, h

n father L-2 g, an

n goat (in general) ag

n she-goat - ag, h

prep from L-6 g

n road, trail, path, way L-11 g

v to distribute - p

n habit - g, an

prep for, in place of, instead of - g

interj wow L-9 g

n fence - g, h, ag

n Childrens Organization - p

n name of an area in Kathmandu L-35 g

+ n crops, harvest - ag

n fact, actually - g, p

phrase in fact g, p

J adj factual, actual - g, p

J prep outside L-8 g

@ n seed ag

@@ adj developed - p

@ n development - p

n decentralization - p

@J n sale - g

@J n sales tax - p
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@@ v to be broken, not functioning L-11 g

@ n unit of land measurement, 5/8 acre - ag

@ adj poor, unfortunate - g

@ n thought, opinion L-3 g

@ N v to think L-3 g

@ n science L-5 p

adj past (time, events) - g

@{ n education, learning - p

@{ n student L-2 g, p

@{ n Power Department - p

@ n widow an

@X n request, urge - g

@ n detailed description, procedure - g

@ n argument, dispute - g

@ n department - p

@ n allocation, division - p

@ n tragedy g

@W adj opposed, against - p

@W< n seedling - ag

@W n plant L-24 g, ag

@ n opposition, contest, protest - p

@ adj antagonistic, hostile, opposed - p

@N v to forget L-11 g

@J{ n university L-23 g

@< adj faithful, sure, reliable - g

@< n confidence, faith, trust, belief - g, an

@ v to convince - g, an

@ n morning L-4 g
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@J n Thursday - g

v to explain - g

v to understand L-24 g

n Wednesday L-8 g

+ n daughter-in-law, younger brother's wife an

n n profession, occupation - p

J n growth - g

n insult g

t v to sell L-37 g

adj meaningless - g, p

n inopportune time, untimely - an, g

@@ adv description in all its details p


n evening L-4 g

adj fine, good - g

adv excessively, amply - g

n meeting - p

n frustration, depression -

n plant, tree - ag

N n circular - p

n sack - g

b v to speak - g

|n n individual (person) - g

| n administration, arrangement, - p
management, authorization
| n use, manner, treatment, practice - p

|+ adj practical, in common use, routine - p

n points, details, body of writing - p

| n interest (financial) - p

| n trade, occupation, business - g, p

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|_ adj full, widespread, extensive, pervasive g

n God - an, g

n n allowance (i.e. for travel) - p

n fifth month in Nepali calendar L-17 g

X v to tell, say L-1 g

@ n future - g, p, an

A adj fearful, dreadful, ferocious g

adj terrible L-36 g

adj later on, afterwards - g

N v to fill - g

adj good, fine - g

+ adv sincerely - g, p

n building - g

@ n Building Department - p

n utensil (general) L-31 g

n younger brother L-2 g, an

n part, section L-2 g, an

n rent, hire - g

X n kitchen L-15 g, h

X n sisters son an

+, n load, burden g, ag

n bear g

n male (for animals) - ag

n attitude, way of thinking or feeling - p, an

n speech, lecture - g, p

n language L-4 g

n language school - g, p

@ prep inside L-8 g

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n pineapple L-6 g, h

n geography L-5 g, p

u n fur g

n land reform - p, ag

N n Ex-Soldiers Organization - p

n meeting, visit, interview - p

v to meet L-1 g

n sheep ag

N v to pierce, make a hole in; bewitch g

adj hungry L-7 g

+ n famine - p, ag, an

n party L-7 g

+ adv tomorrow L-4 g

@ d n physics L-8 g

n frog -

n tour, field trip - p, ag

pron I L-1 g

n purpose - g

n joy, happiness; Mars - g

n Tuesday - g

@ n eighth month of the Nepali calendar L-17 g

n kerosene - h, g

n group or bunch of people, orbit, an

n aim, intention, meaning - g

N v to help L-34 g

- N n middle-class - p

n mind L-5 g
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N v to like L-5 g

= v to feel like L-5 g

n intention, desire g

, + n ban, prohibition - g, p

v to celebrate L-36 g

n entertainment - g

X n Ministry - p

X n Minister - p

X n temple L-17 g, an

n repair(s) - g

N v to repair L-36 g

n manure ag

X adj miscellaneous - g

X n last day of the month - g

n ink - g

n draft (of a paper) - g

adj expensive L-10 g

u< n importance, value - g

u<N adj important - g

n tax, rent, duty, excise, fee - p

n realization, feeling - g

v to realize - g

n continent L-8 g, p

J n month L-10 g

n Womens Organization - g, p

n sir, gentleman - g, p, an

prep in, on, at L-1 g

n mothers brothers wife L-2 an

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n minute book (of meetings) - p

n demand - g

= v to ask, demand, beg L-27 g

n tenth month in the Nepali calendar L-17 g

n fish L-35 g, h

+ n fish pond - ag

n middle L-31 g

n soil L-20 g, ag

adj only L-6 g

N n intoxicating substance - g

n respect, rank - g

d n anthropology L-8 g, an, p

n name of a lake in Tibet L-22 g

@ n person L-3 g

X n person L-3 g

X v to agree, obey, respect, follow or practice L-36 g

(a religion)
N v to excuse, pardon L-10 g

n mothers brother L-2 g, an

N v to love L-36 g

N n avenue, road - g

N v to kill L-36 g

N prep care of, through, via - g

n goods, freight L-26 g

n Revenue Office - p

n meat L-6 h

@ adj tasty L-2 g

@ n date (general) L-9 g

@ n friendship L-31 g
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@ adj friendly L-8 g

@ v to bring together, join, adjust, reconcile, - g

@ v to mix L-16 g

@d n mechanic, wood worker, mason - ag, p, g

@J v to work hard L-25 g

adj diligent L-25 g

L n name of a religious site in western Nepal L-22 g

n mouth, face L-14 g

n headman of a village, patriarch, senior - p, ag

adj wrinkled g

n handful, palm g

@ adj in accordance with - g

n court-case, law-suit -

n profit - g

N adj stupid g

n statue L-20 g

n country, state - p

w n national laws, legal code - p

b n value, worth, price - g

b n evaluation - g

adj difficult L-23 g

n a district in northern Nepal L-16 g

n elements, rudiments - g

n deer g

n chair L-1 g, h

n agreement, accord - g

n open field - g

n socks L-1 g, h
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adj fat, healthy L-13 g

@ n pearl g

n price, cost - g

+ n tenant or sharecropper - g, p

n chance, opportunity, occasion - g

n weather L-17 g

C n due date, time limit - g

p conj if L-18 g

adv for this reason, so L-5 g

adv this is why L-5 g

, adv here L-3 g

n yak L-6 g

n transportation - g

N v to memorize, remember L-26 g

adj here (also very polite for you) L-22 g

J pron these L-3 g

pron this L-1 g

J pron this one L-3 g

= n qualification - g

n written plan, project - g

conj and L-2 g

n sum, amount, kind, sort, item - g

7 n protection g

n rakshi, alcohol, hard liquor L-10 g, h

= v to be drunk L-16 g

n color L-3 g

J-J adj multicolored L-3 g

u N n name of a park in Kathmandu L-36 g

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adj pleasant L-5 g

d n chemistry L-8 g, p

@ n receipt - g

v to be found, remain L-22 g

n desire L-29 g

v to put, keep L-3 g

n ambassador - p

n capital L-17 g, p

@ n politics - p

@ d n political science L-8 g, p

adj political - p

n night L-4 g

n red L-3 g

adj good, beautiful L-2 g

n opinion, idea - g

[@ n president - p

J[ adj national L-18 g, p

KL n vacancy (place) - g

Kn adj vacant - g

W n tree L-25 g, ag

W n cold (sickness) L-7 g

W v to cry L-36 g

W n form, appearance, shape - g

WJ n rupee (primary unit of currency in Nepal) L-5 g

particle used at the end of a phrase or sentence - g

when information is second hand or
v to supervise, look after - g

n radio L-18 g
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n disease L-31 g

+ n bread L-34 g, h

J n ferris wheel L-34 g

n land measurement common in the hills - ag

interj well, okay L-9 g

n aim, target, goal - g

n millionaire - g, p

n cost, price - g

v to wear, put on (clothes); grow grain L-19 g, h

= v to take with L-27 g

@ prep for L-12 g

N v to apply, implement - g

= v to feel like, assume L-7 g

n gain, advantage, profit - g

adj long L-8 g

@ adj written - g

@ n gender - g, an

@ J n long rope swing tied to four bamboo - g

@ v to take L-5 g

n writer, author - g

v to write L-1 g, p

v to bring with, carry away L-27 g

n people, world, planet, universe g, p

n public service - p

adj greedy L-37 g

interj well, okay L-9 g

b v to bring L-26 g

< suf used for counting inanimate objects L-3 g

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N v to sweep L-24 g

pron s/he (formal) L-1 g

n doubt, suspicion - g

@ n Saturn (planet) -

@ n Saturday - -

n branch (of a Department or Ministry) - p

X n peace - g

n Peace Corps - g

7 n teacher L-17 g, p

7 adj educated L-21 g, p

adv at once, immediately, soon - g

n Venus (planet) -

n Friday - -

adj clear, pure, correct - g

adj good, auspicious L-22 g

n labor, toil - g

n voluntary labor - g, p

n Mrs, wife - g

n Mr, husband - g

n emergency L-33 g

n sign, code, gesture, hint, symbol - g

n numbers L-1 g

prep with L-3 g

n organization - p

n director, conductor - p, g

@@ n directing council, executive committee - p

n use, direction - g

N v to direct, conduct, execute - g

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adj fine, well, good L-4 g

n adj combined, united, joined - g

n n United Nations - p

n world L-8 g

n culture L-29 g, p, an

n institution, organization - p

J v to be finished L-37 g

v to be able, can L-9 g

v to help, assist g, p

J n music L-18 g

n secretary - g

v to be decorated g

adj easy, simple L-7 g

prep instead of L-37 g

n road L-6 g

@ n Department of Roads - p

u n reality, truth - g

n capital, place of control; approval, - p


n headquarters - p

n member - p

n membership - p

q adv always L-5 g

@ n Saturday L-9 g

X, X n satisfied, satisfaction g

X prep face to face - g

adj clean L-8 g

n quarter L-9 g

n early morning, dawn L-37 g

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adj all L-7 g

n time L-12 g

N adj powerful, capable, able - g

N n support, corroboration, ratification - g

n problem - g

d n sociology L-8 g, p

u v to catch, grab, hold L-36 g

@@ n council, committee - p

n community - p

adj community - p

adv including, together - g

C v to remind, counsel, convince L-36 g, p

C n wealth, property g

C adj completed, accomplished, well-off (i.e. a - g

CN n contact, relationship - g

CN adj complete, all, whole - g

CX adj the concerned - g

CX n concerning, related to - g

CJ adj probable - g

C prep up to, up until L-1 g

C n approval - g

n meeting, conference - p

C n correction, amendment, revision - g

n hundred L-3 g

adv without asking permission g

adj without stopping g

W< adj transferred, contagious - p

N n government L-22 g, p
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N v to transfer, shift, move (to a new house) - g

7 n supervision, survey, inspection - p

n matches (to light a fire) - g, h

b n advice L-36 g

adj cheap L-10 g

, v to help, assist L-34 g, p

@ adj bearable g

n cooperation, assistance L-34 g, p

n city L-8

adj narrow L-8 g

n evening L-4 g

@ adj cultural - an, p

n bicycle g

n fourth month in the Nepali calendar L-17 g

7 adj literate L-21 g, p

+ n vegetable garden - ag

n half, half past (time) L-9 g

n friend L-2 g

n resources, aids, means, equipment - g

adj ordinary, simple - g

adj little, small L-8 g

N n power, strength, ability, vigor - g

prep in front g

J adj collective, group - p

C n communism - p

adv perhaps L-12 g

adj all g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

N@ adj public - p

n breath L-25 g

N v to breathe L-25 g

n shopkeeper (male) L-5 g

n shopkeeper (female) L-6 g

n sir L-12 g

adj very L-33 g

@ n carpenter - g

@ v to teach L-1 g

@ v to learn L-1 g

@7 n education L-10 g, p

@ n irrigation - ag

@ n sitaar (a musical string instrument) - g

@ n dew L-13 g

@ adj straight, fair - g

@X n principles, doctrines, ideology - g

@@ v to be finished L-13 g

n cinema, movie, film L-10 g

@ n skill - p

@ adj skilled, skillful - g

@K n recommendation - g

@@ adj limited - g

@ n sewing, needlework L-26 g

@ n glass, lead (material) - g

n injection - g

C n person without land, homeless - ag, p

n Friday L-9 g

adj happy g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

, =+ adj neat, clean L-25 g

n information, notice - g

+ n notice board L-12 g

u v to sleep L-2 g

adj correct L-24 g

n improvement, reform - g, p

N v to improve, reform, correct L-33 g, p

n gold L-37 g

X n orange (fruit) L-2 g, h

X v to listen, hear L-4 g

@ n convenience, comfort, facility - g

| n highest rank of civil officer, also a - p
respectable term of address
W v to start, begin L-13 g

W adv immediately, without stopping - g

adj informed - g

N v to inform - g

n catalog, index - g

, n suggestion - g

adj white L-4 g

n army, corps - g, p

n share (i.e. financial), partnership - g, p

+ n a donut-like bread L-34 h

n service - g, p

t v to think L-37 g

adj straight, fair, honest - g

- v to ask L-2 g

n Monday L-9 g

+ adj same - g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

n level, standard L-34 g

n place, position - g

adj local - g

@ n situation, conditions, circumstances - g

S adj clear, plain, evident - g

n apple L-2 g, h

n account book, book keeping - g, p

n source - g

n native country, homeland - g, p

n native (for a country) - g, p

< n nature, disposition L-25 g

<C n largest Buddhist temple in the world, - g, p
located in Kathmandu
<N n heaven - g, an

< n taste - g

<p adj tasty L-34 g

<J adj natural, inherent - g

<N n self-interest - g

< adj selfish - g

<, < n health L-24 g

n thousand L-3 g

adv yes please (formal), excuse me L-1 g

n grandmother L-2 g, an

n grandfather L-2 g, an

interj oh no, whoops L-9 g

K adj green L-3 g

W suf used to make nouns plural L-3 g

adj every L-34 g

b n noise L-18 g
Nepali - English Glossary

Nepali part English lesson subject

< n airplane L-4 g

, < adv okay (polite affirmative) L-6 g

n branch g

v to drive L-21 g

n bone g

n n elephant L-10 g

W pron we L-4 g

n condition g

b v to set, place, put into L-23 g

< n wind, air L-24 g

v to laugh L-36 g

J n snow L-13 g

J n yesterday L-4 g

J adj nowadays L-5 g

adv by foot (walking) L-16 g

JX+ n Hindi language L-10 g

JX adj, n Hindu L-17 g

J n diamond g

J n, adj mud, muddy L-23 g, ag

J n math, account, sum L-5 g, p

v to be L-5 g

n postman L-31 g

N v to look, watch L-3 g

adj short (height) L-8 g

adv maybe L-5 g

English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

abandon v #, &) g
able (to be) v + g
about prep
above prep 1, 1 g
above (said) adj 7 g
absolutely adv , =
, 1: > g
accept v , = g
accomplish v =,
= = g
accomplished (successful) adj DE, ), 1, G g
according (to) v , , I
account (description) n g
account (financial) n I g
account-book n
, M g
acknowledge v E, =, N,
Q g
act n =, g
act (law) n g, p
acting adj
-, =M g
actions n =M, =, 1 g
activities n , g
actual adj , g
actually adv
add v #, V g
addition n , g
additional adj 1X7, I g
adjust v 1 g
administration n Y, p, g
administrative adj Z p
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

admit v , =
E, = g
admit in v = = g
advance (of money) n Z
advantage n , g
adversary n 1 g
advertisement n I` g
advice n : g
advise v : Q g
aerogram n g
after prep 1 g
afternoon n Q g
again adv M
, g
against (opposed) prep 1>b, Ic g
ago adj , 1 g
agree v E g
agreement n
, g
agriculture n
I g, ag
aim n ,
air n h g
airplane n h g
alcohol (liquor) n + g, h
all adj , g
allocate v +, = g
almost adv j g
alone adj + g
also adv 1 g
although conj 1
always adv k , 1& g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

amaze v = ), D E g
ambassador n
amendment n
amount n , D, g
and conj , g
animal (domestic) n ag, g
animal (wild) n E, ag, g
animal husbandry n ag, g
another adj p g
answer n , 7 g
anthropology n q,
I`, I` g, an
any adj
, g
anyway adv
apart adj g
apartment n
g, h
apparent adj , &c g
appearance n
>, , g
apple n g, h
application (put into use) n , r : g
application (request) n 1
appoint v =
, +, 17 g
appointed adj M, Z g
appropriate adj , 1
7 , g
approval n ,
, h1 g
approximately adv , 1
E, 1, g
arch, archway n
area n , c g
arena n
, = c, g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

argument n 1, g
army n
, 1
g, p
arrange v 1, Q = g
arrangement/s n E, Y, E g
arrive v ,
) g
artificial adj
tM, M, 1 g
ash n g
ask v u, ) g
ask (for) v ) g
assembly n
, p
assistance n , , g
assistant n , g
assume v E, = g
astrologer n v1 an
at prep g
atmosphere n X1, , j g
attach v w =, #, x g
attack v ), =, = g
attempt (formal) n &, g
auspicious adj , G, I,
authority n 1, 1, & h p
authorization n 1 g
available adj , V
r, g
available (be available) v g
back (of a person) n , I{,
bad adj , g
bag n ,
bamboo n g, ag
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

bamboo shoot n g, ag
ban n M, , 1E g, p
banana n
g, h
barren adj ag
base, basis n ,
, g
bask v
V, + g
bathe v
bazaar n g
be v
bear n g
bearable adj , ) g
beard n }, M g
beautiful adj , ,
, E g
because conj I, II g
bedroom n & g, h
before prep , 1, I g
beg v ) g
begin v =, :
> g
beginning n ,
D, > g
behavior n , Y g
belief n Ih g
bell n jM g
beside prep , 1, E g
besides adj
, g
bicycle n g
big adj ,
biology n -1`, q g, p
black adj g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

black market n p
bloom v
: g
blue adj 1 g
boil v : g
bone n g
book n
I, g
boredom n Qt g
botany n 1 1` g
both adj
branch (of a Ministry, n , 1 p
Department or bank)
branch (of a tree) n g
bread n M g, h
break v g
break (shatter) v
break (time off) n 1 g
breath n g
breathe v
= g
bring v : g
bring (away) v 1 ,
broadcast (media) v = p
broken (to not function) v 11 g
broom n
brother (older) n , g, an
brother (younger) n g, an
brown adj
budget n
, Y I g, p
building n g
Building Department n I p
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English part Nepali subject

bus n g
bush n g, ag
business (trade) n Y, , Y g
busy adj Y g
but conj g
buy v IE g
by (through the agency of) prep g
cage n g
call v , + g
can (be able) v + g
capable adj =, ), g
capital (city) n g, p
capital (economic) n ,
capital sum (as opposed to n
, p
capitalism n
capitalist n

, 1 , = p
car n 1, g
care n , g
carpenter n 1 g
carpet n h
case (legal) n , ,
catch v & g
cattle n p, ag
celebrate v g, an
cement n 1E
center n E
, 1 g
central adj EM
certain adj 1, t g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

certainly adv , 1 g
certificate n g
chair n
g, h
chairman n uc, p
chance n , g
change n X= g
chat v = g
cheap adj g
cheese n h
chemistry n q g
chicken n
h, ag, g
chief n ,
, p
chief adj
, p
children n M
g, an
choice n , g
choose v E, v g
cigarette n
g, h
cinema n 1
circumstances n X1, , 1 g
city n g
clash n t, I g
class (school) n c g
class (set) n I7 g
class (social) n = g
clean adj g
clear adj ,
b g
clerk n I g
clever adj g
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English part Nepali subject

cliff n 1 g
climb v g
close v E = g
close adj 1, g
cloud n g
coat n g
code (legal) n -
, I g
coffee n Z g, h
cold (sickness) n >, > g
cold (things) adj g
cold (weather) adj g
collect v ,
: =, D = g
color n G g
combine v 1, 1 g
come v g
come out v 1+ g
comfortable adj
I, g
commentary n , c, M-IV p, g
committee n 11 p
communal adj
I g, ag
communism n D p
community n ,
p, an
compare v
v, = g
comparison n
, g
competition n 11, 1=, g
complaint n , M
complete adj , =
D= ,
completed adj D g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

comply v
E, g
concerning prep DE, DE g
condition n , X1, 1, g
conduct n ,
, g
conduct v
= g
confidence n Ih,, &, g
connection n DE g
constituency n 1= c, 1= j p
construction n 1= g
consult v : 1, Q g
contemporary adj 1, g
continent n
g, p
contract n t
g, p
control n r, 1E g, p
control v r g, p
convenience n , 1
convenient n
, 1 g
convince v , D
, g
cook v g, h
cooked (to be) v + g
cooperation n 1, X, 1 g, p
cooperative n M, , p, ag
copy n t, g
copybook n g
corn n ag
correct adj , Q
b g
correct v ,
= g
correction n

, g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

cost v = =, g
cottage industry n
cottage, shack n ,
cough n Z g
council n X, 11 p
counsel v : Q, = Q g
count v E g
country n
, g, p
court (law) n g, p
courtyard n
cow-shed n ag
crab n G g
creditor n , X p
crop n r, r, ag
crops n M ag
cruel adj , 1=, = g
cry v > g
cultivated property n
-M ag
cultivation n
- ag
cultural adj
1 g, p, an
culture n , X1X
g, p, an
cupboard n h
cured (to be) n , 1
g, an
curiosity n ` g
custom n , X1X g, an
cut v g
daily adv QQ g
daily adj 1
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

dam n g, ag
damage n 1, + g
dance v g
danger n
M g. h
dangerous adj , g
dark n
u , E g
dark (color) adj g
date (general or official n 11 g
date (Nepali calendar) n g
date (Western calendar) n X g
daughter-in-law n
M an
day n Q g
day after tomorrow adv g
day before yesterday adv g
day-laborer n v,
g, ag, p
dear n I, V g
debt n =, X g, p
debtor n , X g, p
decentralization n IE
decide v +, 1 =, 1= = g
decision n 1=, 1 g
declare v = g
decorate v
, I =,
= g
decrease v , g
deep adj I g
deer n
demand v ), g
demand n g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

democracy n E, E p
department n I p
Department (of a Ministry) n I p
departure n , 1 g
depute v g
description n , I g
desire n , , g
destruction n , g
details n I g
developed adj I1 g, p, ag
development n I g, p, ag
diamond n M g
diarrhea n Q g
die v = g
difference n E, , 1E g
difficult adj
p, g
dig v E g
diligent adj 1
, X g
direct v
= g
director n 1 ,
g, p
dirty adj ,
discipline n
, 1 ,
disease n g
dismiss v =, =
dispatch (mail) n g
display v = = g
dispute n 1,
dissent n , 1
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

distribute v #, 1 = g
district n : g, p
divide v = g
division n , I g
doctrine n 1E g
domesticate v : ag
donation n E p, an
doubt n
draft (of a paper or budget) n p, g
drink v I g
drive v , + g
dropped (to be) v g
drought n , M
dry adj
, g
duty n =Y g
duty (tax) n ,
each adj
ear n g
early adj g
earn v g
east n
= g
easy adj g
eat v g
economics n = q g, p
education n c g, p
effect n , g
effort n , & g
egg n
h, g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

elect v E , E p
election n
1=, p
elephant n 7 g
emerge v
1, g
emergency n 1
, 1 g
employee n =M, 1 g
employment n 1, 1 g
empty adj M, X7 g
energy n , 7 g
engineer n 1 ag, g
English adj
enlarge v g
enough n , =V, , Z
) g
entertainment n , E g
entitlement (to land) n ag, p
entry (in an official n = g, p
equal adj , g
equipment n , g
especially adv M g
essential adj , >M g
establish v =, I = g
estimate n ,
, E g
estimated adj
1 g
etcetera conj &M g
evaluation n
: g
evening n g
every adj
evident adj , &c g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

exact adj
>, Q g
exam n , Xc g
examine v , Xc = g
example n ,
exceed v , I g
excellent adj ,
excess n M g
excessive adj 1, &1 g
excuse v =, c = g
exhibit v = = g
exhibition n = g
expense n = g
expensive adj G g
experience n , M,
expert n I`
g, p
explain v
, =, r = g
explanation n , r g
export v 1 =, 1= = g, p
extensive adj , r
1 g
extremely adv &1, 1 g
eye n ,
, g
face to face phr ,
E g
fact n , & g
factory n g
factual adj I g
fair n =,
, E g
fair adj h, E g
faith n Ih, 1 g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

faithful adj Ih, 1h, u g
fall v =, =, g
fallow adj ag
false adj
famine n 1, M g, ag
famous adj g
farmer n 1
, I ag
fast adj 1, g
fast v , an
fat adj g
fat n g, h
father n ,
, , I g, an
fatigue n , h g
favorable adj , I
, IM g
fearful adj , ) g
fee n ,
feel (to) v , = =, ,
), = g
feel like v ) g
feeling n , I g
fence n g
fertilizer n ag
field (irrigated) n
field-trip n g
fill v = g
final adj E, M g
financial adj -Y DE, 1= g, p
financier n
, 17-r p
find v g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

fine adj , X
E , , c g
finished adj N,
finished (to be) v , I, 1u
7 g
firewood n g, h, ag
fish n g, ag, h
fish-pond n M ag
floor (first, second, etc) n g
flour n I g, h
flower n
g, ag
follow v , E g
food n
, g, h
for prep 1, g
forbid v =, 1
= g
foreign country n
, I
p, g
foreigner n I
g, p
foreman n g
forest n , G g, ag
forget v 1= g
fork n g, h
form n , ,
>, 1 g
formerly adv I, 1 g
found (to be) v , g
free adj , E, 1
t g
frequently adv XX, g
Friday n
friend n , 1, 1
friendly adv 1 g
friendship n 1 g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

frog n
x g
from prep ,
frost n
g, ag
fruit n
g, ag, h
frustration n
full adj X, E g
function v
, = D =, : g
funny adj v, 1 g
furthermore adv
>, , g
future n I g
game n
gap n E, 1 g
gate n g
gather v D =, :
gathering (of people) n ,
g, p
gender n 1G g
gentle adj g
gentleman n 1 g
geography n
g, p
germinate v ,
g, ag
gesture n
get v g
gift n , , M
, M
g, an
give v Q g
give up v #, &) g
glass n g
go v g
goal n
, g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

goat (castrated) n g, ag
goat (female) n g, ag
goat (uncastrated) n g, ag
god n , g, an
god (family) n
goddess n
g, an
gold n
good adj , , , g
good (health) adj E g
goods n , , 1 g
government n g, p
grab v &, g
grain n , E ag
grandfather n ,
g, an
grandmother n
, v g, an
grant n , 7
grass n g, ag
graze v g, ag
great adj , , I
greedy adj g
green adj M g
grey adj
grow (intransitive) v g
grow (plants) v 1, =, g, ag
growth n
Ib g
guard n g
guess n , E
guest n
, g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

guidance n = 1 g
habit n g
hail n 1 g, ag
hair n g
half n g
hand n g
happy adj , E,
harm n +, 1 g
hat (Nepali) n g, h
hat (Western) n g, h
he (familiar) n , g
he (formal) n g
head n g
headman n
headquarters n
- g, p
health n w g
hear v E g
heat n g
heaven n = an, g
height n g
help v =, g
here adv g
hereafter adv E g
highway n )
( g
Himalaya n I g
Hindu n, adj IE g
hint n g
hire n g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

historical n 11 g
history n 1 g
hold v & g
holiday n
1, g
home n g, h
homeland n
g, p
honest adj E g
honor n v, D g
hope n g
hospital n , I& g
hospital (maternity) n
hostile adj I, c g
hot (spicy) adj I g, h
hot (things) adj g
hot (weather) adj g
hour n j g
house n g, h
housework n
, = g, h
how (by what means) adv M g
how (much/many) adv 1 g
how (quality) adv g
human being n - g
hundred n g
hunger n g
hurry n 77, g
I pron g
i.e. abbr g
idea n , I g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

if conj Q g
ignorance n `, g
illiterate adj c g, p
immediately adv
>E, & g
implemented adj , =Eh X g
importance n &h g
important adj >M g
improve v , =, =
= g
improved adj E g
improvement n , E, X
in prep g
include v =
including adj , I
income n D, g, p
income tax n p
incomplete adj , 1Ib
increase v g
independent adj , E, h1
t p, g
indicate v 1 =,
, = g
individual n Y7 g
industry n , X g, p
influence n g
influential adj M g
information n g
informed adj
, g
inherent adj 1I, E=, I g
injection n
ink n g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

inopportune (time) adj
, I g
inside prep 1 g
inspect v X= =, 1Xc =, = g
inspection n X=, 1Xc, c, g
inspector n 1Xc, c g
instead adj , g
institution n
g, p
insult n v
, g
intention n , , , 1 g
interest (financial) n r p
interesting adj ) g
interim n EX g
international adj E g, p
interview n E= g
introduction n
X, 1, g
invite v +, , 1D = g
iron n g
irrigate v
, 1 = g, ag
irrigation n
1 ag
irrigation ditch n
item n , , - g
jacket n v
jail n p
Japanese adj g
job n , 1, r, E g
join v # g
joint adj ,
, 7 g
journey n , , g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

judge n E1 p
judgment n E, E,
jump v g
just adj EZ, E p
justice n E, E p
kerosene n I
g, h
kind n I1, , g
kind adj g
kingdom n 1v g, p
kitchen n E, E g, h
know (be acquainted) v E g
know (to have skill) v E g
knowledge n ` g
known adj g
labor n g, ag
lake n g
land n , ) g, ag
land reform n
landless (person) n
D ag
landowner n 1E ag
language n g
last adj E, M g
late adj I, , g
later adv 1, g
laugh v g
law n
, g, p
lawsuit n
layer n g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

lazy adj : g
lead n 1, X g
leader n ,
, =-= an, g, p
leadership n
& an, p
leaf n g, ag
learn v 1+ g
leather n g, h
leave v # g
leave (from work) n , 1
I g
lecture n , r g, p
left over v 1, Z g
legal code (national law) n
Z p
leisure n =, =
lesson n , c,
letter n , g
letter (alphabet) n c g
level (standard) n ,
library n
license n , 1
1 , E
g, p
life n g
lift v :, g
light n v g
light (color) adj It g
like v = g
like (similar to) prep , g
lime n g, ag, h
limited adj 1 g
link n DE, g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

list n ,
, g
listen v E g
literate adj c g, p
literature n I& g
little adj
, , E g
little (measurable) adj 11 g
little (unmeasurable) adj 11 g
living standard n 1
, g, p
load n M g
local adj ,
long adj g
look v
= g
loom n h
loss n , + g
love v = g
love-talk n
-= g
machine n , E g
magazine n 1 g, p
magician n , Z
g, an
maintenance n , I, 1, I g
majority n 1,
g, p
make v g
malaria n , g, h
male (animal) n g, ag
male (human) n ) E an, g
management n E, Y g
manner n
, , , g
manure n ag
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

many adj , , 1
, 1t , g
map n + g, p
Mars n G g
math n I g
matter n = g
mature adj t, X+h g
maximum adj I g
maybe adv g
meaning n , g
meaningless adj
, = g
means n g
measurement n g
meat n g, h
mechanic n 1q, M g, ag
medicine n 1, g, h, an
meet v
meeting n
, , ,
member n g, p, h
membership n p
memorize v =, D g
mentality n , 1
, 7 g
method n , G
, X, M g
middle n , g
military n 1
g, p
milk n
g, h, an
millionaire n g
mind n , Q, 7 g
minister n E p
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

ministry n E p
miscellaneous adj
11, g
miser n ,
, , g
mix v 1 g
model n
=, g
modern adj
1 g
moment n 1, c g
Monday n g
monkey n g
monsoon n =, = g, ag
month n I g
more adj , ,
morning n 1 g
mostly adv
mother n
, g, h
mountain n g
mouth n
move v : g
Mr n , g
Mrs n 1 g
mud, muddy n, adj I g
multiplication n
mustard n M g, h
nail n Z g, h
name n g
narrow adj
national adj M g, p
natural adj
1, hI g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

nature n
nature (character) n h g
near adj 1, g
nearby adj g
neat adj
)M, g
need, to be needed v
I, g
nephew (brothers son) n 1, an
nephew (sisters son) n E an
new adj g
news n , g, p
newspaper n , 1 g, p
night n g
no adv
, g
noise n : g
north n 7 g
nose n g
notice n
notice board n
M g
novel n E g
now adv g
nowadays adv 1, I,
number adv
, g
obey v E g
occupation n ,
, 7 , g
offering n , 1, M
g, an
office n = g
officer n 1M, =M p
often adv , g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

okay (agreement) interj E
, g
okay (polite) interj , h g
old adj
on prep g
only adj g
open v : g
open adj , :
opinion n 1, g
opponent n 1 g
opportune adj ,
opportunity n g
opposed adj I>b, Ic g
opposition n 1, I, 1c,
or conj I, h g
orange n
E g, h, ag
order (command) n , `,
g, p
ordinance n u
, X, 1, 1
` p
ordinary adj
, I, M g
organization n
organizer n , Y g
original adj D, 1 g
other adj > g
outside n I g
overcome v , =
I g
own (ones) adj g
pack n
, M, D , g
paper n , g
pardon v = g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

parents n - g, an
part n , j, I g
partnership n
, I
, 1 g
party n g
party (political) n , c p
past adj 1
, g
pay v 1= g
pay n , v, X1 g
peace n E g
Peace Corps n E
peasant n I, 1h
ag, p
peculiar adj , D g
pen n g
people n >, , , g
pepper (hot) n
= g
percent n 1 g
perhaps adj g
permission n
person n E , 1 g
persuade v , Ih , g
petition n , , 1E p
physics n 1 q g
picture n +, g
piece n , E
, I, g
pineapple n
g, h, ag
place n , g
plain adj , , D, , g
plan n , 1, g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

planet n , c g
plant n 1>, g
play v
: g
play (musical instrument) v g
playing field n
pleasant adj g
please n
plenty n g
plough v & ag
pocket n M, : g
policy n 1 p
politely adv , =
= g
political adj 1
political science n 1 q p
politics n 1 p
poor (unfortunate) adj 1 g
poor (wealth) adj X g
population n
position n , , g
post office n
postman n Z
potato n g, h, ag
power n w=, 7, c, ,
g, an, p
powerful adj 7M, , g, an, p
practical adj YX, ) I1, g

practice n x, , r g
practise v E, x = g, an
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

precious adj
: g
preliminary adj D, 1 g
present v =,
present adj g
president n p
prestige n v, , 1 an, p
price n ,
, : g
pride n j, =,
prime minister n -E p
principal adj , , =
principle n , 1E
1, g
priority n 1 g
probable adj
DI, 1 g
problem n g
procedure n
X, Y, =-11 g
profession n ,
7 g
profit n
, , g
program n = g
progress n , g
prohibit v =, M =, 1
= g
prohibition n M, 1
, 1E g
project n g
promise v 1` =,
= g
promotion n , ,
proof n g
proper adj g
property n , D g
proposal n g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

proposed adj I g
protect v
c =, c
, c = g
protection n c, c
protest n 1, I g
public adj =1, = p
public n E, , p
public health n hw p
public service n p
publicity n , p
published adj g
pull v
E, : g
punishment n , j g, p
pupil n g
purchase n M g
pure adj
b g
purpose n +, , , 1 g
put v g
put (on) v g
qualification n ) g
quality n
quarter (measurement) n g
quarter to (measurement) n g
quarterly adv 1
question n g
questionnaire n M g
quiet (to be) v ) g
quit v # g
quota n , EM g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

radio n 1
rain v = g
raincoat n =M g
raise (bring up) v : p, ag
raise (lift) n : g
raksi (liquor) n + g, h
rank n , g
rate n , 1, g
ratification n
=, p
reach (some place) v , 1
reaction n
1 g
read v g
real n , I g
reality n &, I g
realization n
realize v
= g
receipt n 1 g
receive v g
recent adj g
recognize v E g
recommendation n 1X g
reconcile v 1, 1
= g
red adj g
reform n
g, p
reform v
= g
region n , c g
regular adj
, 11, r g, an
relation n , DE g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

relationship n DE g
reliable adj Ih, p g
religion n = g, an
remain v g
remaining adj Z g
remember v =, D g
remind v D g
remove v g
rent v ,
repair v = g
replace v M = g
replacement n M g
reply n , 7 g
representative n 11 g, p
request n , 1
1E, g
required adj I, c
research n
E g
resources n , g, ag
respect v E, =, & = g, an
respect n , 1, D, v g, an
responsibility n D, DM
, I&h g
responsible adj D
, 7 g
rest v = g
restore v & =,
: = g
result n X, 1, g
return n I= g
return (to) v =, I= g
review v X
, 1=
= = g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

revise v =
=, 7 g
revised adj 1

, , 7 g
revision n
, g
rhinoceros n g
rice (cooked) n ag, g, h
rice (husked) n ag, h
rice (unhusked) n ag, h
rich adj g
right n 1, g
ring v v, g
ripen (to) v + ag
river n M g
road n , , = g
rock n
G g
roof n , h
room n h
routine adj 1, 11 g
routine n =, >I, Q=, 1&= g

rudiment n ,
, D, g
rule n 1 g
run v , =
, ), ) g
run (administer) v
=, p
rupee n >I g
sack n g
sadness n : g
salary n g
sale n 1I g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

salt n
g, h
same adj , , M g
sample n
satisfaction n E, E g
Saturday n 1 g
Saturn n 1 g
save v ,
=, g
say v E g
science n I` g
scissors n g
scold v 1 =, = g
search v v g
secret n , N
N , V g
secretary n g
section (of an office) n g
see v
seed n 1 ag
seedling n 1>h ag
selected adj I, r g
selection n , g
selfish adj , g
selfishness n , 1=
= Ib g
self-respect n &I g, an
sell v
send back v = g
separate adj ) ,
, , g
separate v
, I
, = g
service n M,
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

settle v = g
sewing n 1 h
share (financial) n
, I g
shared adj , g
she (familiar) pron 1, g
she (formal) pron g
shirt n 1 g, h
shoe(s) n
7 g, h
shop n g
shopkeeper (female) n
shopkeeper (male) n
short (height) adj g
short (length) adj g
show v
show n = g
signature n M g
silver n M g
simple adj g
sincerely (yours) adv M g
sing v g
sir n
sir (business letter) n g
sister (older) n QM an
sister (younger) n I an
sitar n 1 g
situation n 1, , g
skill n , =
1, c, 1 g
skillful adj ,
1, 1= g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

skin n g
sleep v & g
sleepy adj 1E g
slip v V g
slippery adj V g
small adj g
smallpox n 1 g, h
smart adj
, g
snack n g
snatch v g
snow n I g
so conj g
social adj an
society n an, p
sociology n -q g
socks n g, h
soil n g, ag
soldier n 1
g, p
solid adj g
some (people) adj M g
some (things) adj M
sometimes adv II
sorrow n , : g
sound n h g
sour adj 1 g
source n g
south n c g
sow v = ag
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

sparkle n g
sparkle v :, : g
speak v : g
speak with v =
special adj , I
specially n I
speech n , g
speed n 1 g
spend v = = g
spike n Z, 1 g
spoon n D g, h
sports n
staff (employee) n =M, == g
stake (wooden) n I g
stamp n I g
stamp (office), seal n p
start v =
:, > g
state n , v
statistics n w g
statue n
1= g
still adv g
stipend n 7 g
stir v g
stomach n
stone n
G g
store n g
story n g
straight adj 1 g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

strange adj g
strength n , , w= g
strong adj 1 g
student n I g
student hostel n g
study v , u = g
stupid adj
= g
submit v =
subsidy n , 1=
subtract v g
subtraction n g
successful adj , 1b, I g
suddenly adv , t1 g
sugar n g, h
suggestion n ,
suitable adj
, , 7 g
summon v +, =, = g
sun n
= g
Sunday n g
sunshine, sunlight n g
superfluous adj
, I E , : g
superstition n
>, EI, >IM an
supervise v =
supervision n 1 g
support n =, , - g
sure adj 1, , 1E
surplus n , Z

survey n , , c g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

suspicion n
sweep v =, = h
sweet adj
1 g
swim v
: g
swing n IG g
symbol n
, , E g
table n
take (out) v + g
take (to) v 1 g
take (with) v ), 1 , 1 g
talk (with) v =
tall adj ) g
taste n h g
tasty adj 1, hQ g
tax v p
tax n p
tea n g, h
teach v 1, g
teacher n
c, > g
technical adj I1 g
technician n I1` g
tell v E g
temple n E an
tenant (land) n M ag
terrible adj g
test n g
thank you phrase E g
that adj & g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

then adv 1 g
there adv & g
therefore adv &, , = g
these adj g
they pron > g
thick adj + g
thin adj g
thing n ,
things n 1 g
think v , I = g
thirst n 1= g
this adj g
those adj 1 g
thought n I g
thousand n g
throat n M g
through prep =, g
Thursday n 1I g
thus adv =, &= g
ticket n I g
tika n I h, an
time n
, , , g
time (occurrence) n , :, M g
tired (to be) v + g
tobacco n
, g
today adv g
tomorrow adv 1 g
tools n g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

tooth n g
total n D g
tour n g
tourist n
=, X g
towards (direction) prep 1 g
towards (here) prep 1 g
towards (there) prep & 1 g
trade n Y g, p
tragedy n 1 g
training n 1 g
transfer v =, >h = g
translation n , :
transportation n g
travel v , =, =
D g
tree n >, g, ag
trouble n
1, g
truth n & g
try v = g
Tuesday n G g
turn n g
turtle n
type n , I1, , g
umbrella n g
unable adj = g
unanimity n , =D1, , +
uncle (material) n p
uncle (paternal) n p
uncomfortable adj V{, g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

uncommon adj g
uncultivated adj ag
under (authority) prep E= p
unification n I p
unit n g
united adj
7 g
United Nations n
7 p
unity n g
universe n 1h g
university n 1h1 g
unlimited adj 11 g
unpleasant adj g
until (now) prep D g
unusual adj g
up to prep D g
urgent adj >M g
usage n , Y g
use n , g
usefulness n 1, X g
usually adv ,
utensil n
utility n , 1
, 7 g
vacancy n X g
vacant adj X g
vacation n
1, g
value n
: g
vegetable garden n -M, =M M h
Venus (planet) n
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

very adj , ,
, 1t , g
village n ag, an,
visit v = = g
voluntary labor n p
wait v =, = g
walk v
I#, I g
want v g
warehouse (for grain) n ag
warm adj E g
wash n ,
watch n g
watchman n g
water n g
water hole n
water pipe n M ag
water resources n ag
water supply n 1 g
watershed n ag
way n g
we pron , > g
weak adj
, r g
wealth n D g
wear v , g
weather n g
Wednesday n
weight n g
well n ag, h
west n g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

what adj, adv g
what time phrase 1 g
wheat n g
when adv/pron I g
where (direction) adv/pron , g
which (plural) adj/pron
which (singular) adj/pron
whichever pron
1 g
white adj
who pron g
why pron I g
wide adj =, I, g
wind adj h g
window n h
with prep
work n , = g
work v = g
worker n ==, g
world n
, g
worry n I g
worship v =
worthy adj , ) g
writer n
wrong adj , Q
:, b g
yak n , M g
year n =, g
yellow adj
yes (polite) adv g
English - Nepali Glossary

English part Nepali subject

yesterday n, adv I g
yet adv g
yogurt n I h
you (familiar) pron 1 g
you (polite) pron g
youth n g
zonal commissioner n 1 g
zone n - g
zoology n -1` g

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