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ChBi 308 Homework 1 Solution Key 1. For a reaction such as: A—> B+C+D, write the mole balance for A in terms of the reactor volume (V ), concentration (C.,), and rate of formation of A (r,) for constant-pressure (V = f(¢)) and constant-volume batch reactors, respectively. 2. The second order reaction: A—> B+ C is carried out in a tubular reactor, in which the volumetric flowrate v is constant (v= v,). Ifthe initial flowrate of A (Fy) is 12 moles/min: 1, Determine the reactor volume necessary to reduce the exiting concentration to 10% of the entering concentration when the volumetric flowrate is 6 lvmin and the sepecific reaction rate (A) is 0.3 dm'/molmin, b. Ifthe reaction were carried out in a CSTR instead of a tubular reactor, what would be the volume necessary for the same amount of reduction in the concentration of A? Compare the result with the previous one and make some comments on it ©. Assume that the reaction were carried out isothermally at 127 °C in a constant-volume batch reactor, how much time would be needed for the same amount of reduction in the concentration of A? d, Assuming the reaction rates are of: ‘© Zeroth order with k=0.01 moV/Itamin © First order with £=1.7x107 s ‘What would be the solutions of parts a., b., and ¢., respectively? 3. In a 80 liter constant-volume batch reactor, a gas-phase reaction such as A> B+2C takes place isothermally at 127 °C, Assume that the reactor is well-mixed and all of the gases obey the ideal gas law. If 30 moles of a gas mixture, composing of 10% (mole) inert gas and 90% A, is initially placed in the reactor: ‘a, What is the initial pressure in the reactor? b. If the rate of reaction is first order with 0.2 min, how long would it take to reduce the number of moles of A in the reactor to 5.4 moles? Calculate the final pressure in the reactor and molar compositions. ¢. If the rate of reaction is second order with k=1 Imolmin, calculate the time necessary to ‘consume 70% (mole) of A and the final pressure in the reactor. 4. The question from the lecture 5. Write an assay of one page about advantages, disadvantages of different tyep of reactors, where {and which processes) they are used for. What wouuld be the typical size of the reactors with the lower and upper limits that you can find. 4. Hole Balance 4. dna 20 Jor Bates Tecclor V : Constont V: t. dia - dina”) _ gy Vee = eo aoe ay Constant P : cx . _ ia) Ni dee baw os v at vat” Due dee. bea sty 2m -Rdew oi = de wt = beh ny ni li) ave a fis 2 dene flay > Vs yee | a Ot cro : ee beatin L= 0.3 difol.min a= Zmol /(t Ve 80 (CTubwar Reactor) Giese Vet fee yes . re ot oo 3 6: (2-02) (Se 824-5.) eae +3 (0.2)* Ve 900 F (ese) For Hu Some Conversion, CTR. volume 33 lerger than Hae volume of We dubular reactor Ne oO C, Botch Feacter , fe § SNA me Mi dcA = Aa >) Coons VS, tho THN Dee kent) eG” te => te Slsé a “4 (42 eB) => taIsmin (Babee Reactor) J. Lert, Orkar Cecesetus\acat First Onler (bal, tu0ta7) a —=E—re a. Ve nh (dey = - ye len tae be La sto3 x 60 Zz et fenkews Ve ER) = 6 Cae) (mf ve, is) Ve om fide oe CES (455 Be Made * Mee PS Be ln Ge = tofo it ‘ = = Woo ( dad yn & Vesre = Velen ca) = 6 (4.8) (Ib met” gate 0.10% (s ») e Cy (hag ma) ace = tome © Vene® Ye Gscad « 64) Ce ee (ade : a 6.102, (3) tre = Ae 2 Cntr de he C18) ae ae (Ese) (nay oa sf) = 80 min ca af Be K Gah, Se Lh(s) = = yy nO) Cain) = 22.5F min V3, 3.8. Kove NRT Ly Pin POU) oo 30 Wel) x 0.082 ( ) : (243422) «ey Fe 30.0092) 400 / wd edb’ ba Place so ts) Sie) 7 os ow te Y cree Mae, = 308109) 6 0.33957 mol /dant ~ 4. Wo (9.0685 \ a9 + Nes Sy 0.0695 met /dn? Sa. (Sa) OP GMs Ba = c.ocas wat fae " 8.04% min, T+ ho B+ ae x Motel = 34 54421. 64 43.2 2 FBZ males Sel He DBA 20.09 yes 2 | oss 33.2 Fab 26 2 90 = 93.2404 eo . ol Pp x 90 = 93.22(0.0%2),u00 w Bes ows as. 2 o.042- => Tes 30. ol oe oH ft. f dwn s A Ca 203 Can = 0.10125 Mol dau? ler- a)? (ee2 —) = 6.81 atin Nistor = 62.8 poles Dt. (sto GA Br 20 a 8 3S Fae £80 = 648 x o.0€1 «quo Vee 24.788 ate > e 4. Ra AarB ino watch ceachor, Wheat 15 fue He fecesrany to feduce Aue numicer oh males by a Rector of 40 7 The bey Drews 9 gop Hm vs. (acter ah reduction -* in AW humber ob ales, 0.046 ane a tel O.4 ene Until looY ot the mumloer of weles Ts reduced. dus A . 4 2 Litn( ees mv * J Sot. Poet] ot ples Cao gO eet ar tacten ton Le ~ dag 6 ea) = 50.07 ann 3 £ = 5:5:100; uct i t = (1/0.046) *1og(£) 5 plot (t, £) xlabel ("1 (min) ") ylabel ("020 CAOICA 8 10 Columns 1 through 18 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Columns 19 through 20 95.100 Columns 4 through 11 34,9878 50.0562 58.8707 65.1246 69.9756 73.9301 77.2002 80.1930 82.7535 85.0440 87.1159 Columns 12 through 20 89.0075 90.7475 92.3586 93.8584 95.2614 96.5794 97.8219 98.9973 100.1124 3/3 Homework 2 (Mainly Ch 2 and 3) Solution Key 1. The exothermic reaction 4->B+C was carried out adiabatically and the following data recorded. a 0 02 04 05 06 08 09 Lra(moldm'min) 10 16.67 50 50 50 12.5 (0.09 The entering molar flow rate of A was 5 mol/s. a, What are the PFR and CSTR volumes necessary to achieve 40% conversion? b. Over what range of conversions would the CSTR and PFR reactor volumes be identical? ¢. What is the maximum conversion that can be achieved in a 10.5 dm’ CSTR? 4. What conversion can be achieved if a 7.2 dm’ PER is followed in series by a’ CSTR? e. What conversion can be achieved if a 2.4 dm’ CSTR is followed in a series by 7.2 dm’ PER’ f. Plot the conversion and the rate of reaction as a function of PFR reactor volume up to a volume of 10 dm’. 2. The irreversible gas-phase nonelementary reaction 4+2B ->C is to be carried out isothermally in a constant-pressure batch reactor. The feed is at a temperature of 227°C, a pressure of 1013 kPa, and its composition is 33.3% A and 66.7% B. Laboratory data taken under identical conditions are as follows; -ra(mol/dm's) x10° 0.010 0.005 0.002 (0.001 | oe 0.0 02 04 0.6 | a. Estimate the volume of a plug-flow reactor required to achieve 30% conversion of A for an entering volumetric flow rate of 2 m'/min, 'b. Estimate the volume of a CSTR required to take the effluent from the plug- flow reactor (PER) above and achieve 50% total conversion (based on species A fed to the PER). What is the total volume of the two reactors? cc. What is the volume of a single PER necessary to achieve 60% conversion? 80% conversion? d. What is the volume of a single CSTR necessary to achieve 50% conversion? \d CSTR to raise the conversion from 50% to What is the volume of a 60%? f. Plot the rate of reaction and conversion as a function of PFR volume. 3. Figure shows Cyo/-ta versus X, for a nonisothermal, nonelementary, multiple- reaction, liquid phase decomposition of reactant A. Gaahra min) Conversion, X Xi=03 x=07 X,=03 Consider the two systems shown in the figure above in which a CSTR and a PER are connected in series. The intermediate conversion is 0.3 and the final conversion is 0.7. How should the reactors be arranged to obtain the minimum total reactor volume? Explain. b. If the volumetric flow rate is 50 Limin, what is the minimum total reactor volume? Is there a better means, ie. smallest volume achieving 70% of conversion other than either system proposed above? d. At what conversions would the required reactor volume be identical for either a CSTR ora PFR? €. Using the figure in part a. together with the CSTR design equation, make a plot of t versus X. If the reactor volume is 700 L and the volumetric flow rate is 50 L/min, what are the possible outlet conversions? 4. Calculate the individual reactor volumes as well as the total reactor volume for each scheme below for the reaction data given as the following when the intermediate conversion is 50% and Fyy = 43.2 mol/min (Hint: Use Simpson’s rule for calculating the PFR Volumes) oe 00/01 [02 [03 04 05 06 | 07 | 08 [085| -ra(moV/dm’s) 0.0053 0.0052 0.0050 0.0045 0.0040 0.0033 (0.0025 0.0018 0.00125 (0.001) Fy X08 5. For each of the following irreversible reactions and rate laws at low temperatures, suggest a rate law at high temperatures. (Hint: The reactions are highly exothermic and therefore reversible at high temperatures) re ZkCPC, —— 14K ,P,+K Py ¢. The catalytic reaction 4+B C+D with rate law: 6. The gas-phase reaction 24+4B->2C which is first-order in A and in B is to be carried out isothermally in a plug-flow reactor. The entering volumetric flow rate is 2.5 dm'/min, and the feed is equimolar in A and B. The entering temperature and pressure are 727 "C and 10 atm, respectively. The specific reaction rate at this temperature is 4 dm3/gmol ‘min and the activation energy is 15000 cal/gmol. Set up a stoichiometric table for the PFR system. ‘What is the volumetric flow rate when the conversion of A is 25%? What is the rate of the reaction at the entrance to the reactor? What is the rate of the reaction when the conversion of A is 40%? (Hint: First express ~r, as a function of X alone) e. What are the concentrations of A at the entrance to the reactor and at 40% conversion of A? f. What is the value of the specific reaction rate at 1227°C? 7. Fora reversible reaction A+B = C+D, derive the expression for Ks. 8 What is collision theory? Fora rxn 4 +B — C, derive the rate constant expression (you can check the solution in your book CD). ‘What are the missing points (assumptions) of collision theory. Dot ace Yn of anf ete r= 22a ley on 08 » ‘Fora Goad stream shat antes the reaction with a previous conversion of 0.40 and lames at any conversion up to 0.60, the ‘Yolumnas of the PER and CSTR wll be idandial because tha rate Is constant over this conversion range. ay, Me oe ° Voom = 10.5 dim? Alo a Use trial and error to find the maximum conversion. First, pick a conversion. Second, find 1/~r, fom the plot. Third check to see :FX/sra is equal to 0.035. IFit is, then the correct conversion Las been ‘chosen. ? min 2 20.70, 2 = 005, and = 0.005 ‘Maximum conversion = 0.70 From part (), we know dil Xya040, Use al and error te ary 2Ho ° com | x % ‘From pur (a), we know that Xre040. Use tial and error to a stig a me x narronn voor Shel] At X; w 0.908, V 0300 [Azea Under the curve] =300(0.024]= 7.2. dm! Conversion = 208 Bho AsmRaC Datatakan at 1013 kPa (10 atm) and 227°C (50002 K) edaP O80 Sr * Tope anca) CO emote Yu 20333 € 3) 76-0000797 6.006005 0.000082 0.600001 oz | 04 | a6 rena. 3a 063.84 )81127-68 (@ 30% conversiun in PPR: pa tom = Cn we 56n8s sa Vev,re (4666.48) ‘Amin 15 jnin)= , ae Pein )= 155.5 (0) 3010 50% conversion in CSTR: ABE pain) ndos cn! top =£28 e025 = Ven = 1e924f( fe) Toul Volume: Ves =155.5+405.6= 56111" (8) 60% conversion in FFR: * we Cu, (= 2028198 > Vee = (2028191 {BD Yona) =<7606m° ‘80% conversion to PFR: {6.38 nol known for X>0160~ can not do, qo ©) 30% mcsTR: reC, 2304095 vos eroaenn awe) (© 5010 60% conversion m CSTR: rele). gris =a Verve ~(1285{ 12 Yat iin)e 2704 a? sy 3.8) For an intermediate conversion of 0.3, figure shows that a PFR yields the smallest volume, since fort he PFR we use the area under the curve. A minimum volume is also achieved by following the PFR with CSTR. In this case, the area considered would be the rectangle bounded by X = 0.3 and X = 0.7, with a height equal to the CAQ-rA value at X = 0.7, which is less than the area under the curve. She » ° 4) Yq 7 50 fein Vey, 2, vues ‘Le aren considered ix pazt a. 3 0, ¢, ref ae toran St 2 a “e, met = (3 ~ 09(209 © § (0,9409¢80-20) + (0.7-0.29025) saa so Vew. 2 = (50 ifs) GS min) © 7802 = 750 The smeltens oroe evn be ohteved Wy ectag anly one CSM ith ahte oye 4 32 (0.70.0) SM Co.tson eas) = 10.8 ate ee. Bo Vay, X= (0) t/ate (20.5) mis = 125 1 ‘We would fuethar sedsce vhs total volume by using 4 PAE at fleet ap ce che epaversion that tives the same Cyp/-eq a8 390.7. To ebenin oqesl CHIR and FFE volun zea under the curve mst be eoqel angle up to the specified eomversion. tution. es che CM, Se the exes of the ze ‘Dy esta and erner wo coe that Ta0.dS ise g recesses Bes cosaseentats = 36s ase 4 xe0.7 So Vev, 5 © (50 1/atm) (25.65 min) © 832.5 2 Glo Far the PER of fee St Waiag Stapsen’s mate 1 SOE cao = caus 6 2038) = acne) = ata) - aren + 2180) = dan ata an e ROE cao cass abo ab) oad eas em) OT) een Se Vener (50 U/mtadCLt.72 min) © 1862 arttezens pretty Phere ds alee a aoineien 4 ex 00.7 Tey 2 = 00 Fer we come z {0.8-00089) © 26.6 ate For she FR 26, ref? See “oe oA a0 + acam) + scan = Aue = sca = ata) + acany sas) oa) 2 Aph an azo ao aa 6 a6) «2496 ab 6 an 6 amo 20.8 ate Tey 160.79 Foe the COR T= (0.79)(50) = 28.7 ate Sq Ve vt & (50 S/ats)(25-7 win) @ 1285 7 (dt) Jor the PFE : Te m.9 2 = 29.9 = 0.515 = 29.58 ate So Ve vor = {0 1/mie)(28.58 min) = 1279 2 0.9% aifterense Fo ° z 00 8 02 8 OM OS 06 OT fyiayi) ws aos ots Maia 2.0 2.0 BE 28.0 37d 260 402 20.8 264 For oar partioniar esse on wey, 30 tfaaa” M4 mie The graph ylelds thaee possible steady states Ey ~ 0.388, 2, © 0.595, and 2, 0.730. Qho Ye @ Plug flow: Fro Bia cy Faroe 432 mol/min = 0.92 mel /s lnegsatiry Wehween Xz 0 ond X=O-5 by usty Smepson’ cures as Vin Fre f at = Fo {% L4G) + UPony rica °F nl 41 ‘ me 8k wy * toa * Stes z Fae O25 (120+ Wxan4 308) = OFZ ~ 11.93 = BOG dm Gah: Ven Fao Moke = 0. #2«(0.8-~05) (S00) alt. g dn? = Fae Ss Vioet a Via V2 = 252+ 96 dnt baer: Mm Ge Xt - 0. 72 x(05) 4303 = 405-4 dan? : nee te Viole = Vr eNQue 214. Bde Va e Fhe i st 2 0.72% C151) 108% du® one Pre: 5 a, Ab lige tteqeroturess Ast (ot equitintum) => Kes Coe tee & (oe 2) 2? Kes Ste (Ab eq, robe toms ern to tus eae) bb Ab aig Aenperstures: At26 yt o m2 cal ee — ba Co =D Leys te Coal em Ye co) Cater) ewwe Kew C. At Wigh Hugerebures: AvB et ew D Ulmer - Tere] ——_—__&— 4a kare roe ee FH. From Hae rade expression in Te. ; ab equililetum —% +0 s weg » Wt (Pate EP uy | io) Gee 1s eater tay ae 6. Gos -plase cen: O. Ghercliomebere “Tatole : “quer Fao ~ Foe x Bee a c ° + Fre x 2s Tax Ce ty bea cae etrecoo (ob de ertronce) = ead cdare, Jae Po Cae = = Osteo oe te = 6-BKt0™ $2 ooo K Kat) as RCE. J nea e bene = LEAR. LPL) aoe ms Yx (6-0sxto*)* (1.0.4) (ou) 2A+uB 390 OR Ar 2B 0 Frolt “85 b Saynod -euu> ent _. vee eee) ; Tale TF Civetaatanl) Fao X Wagtecr, TF oe eat DP Vee (Ex) 2 Clo) eb 90.25, ve 2.5 (0.48) dat = Va 1.88 dat/min *aol/ it Onto“) ™/_ laa? vat, 4.49 10" pol (dara Mel Ain dat / & Cae 2x) a Ye Cx) Bue Ae =e] = wave 3. 6oxt0> 3 dan wecaef somes (al. le EE (So As = Yyi896.9% SEF (Iatg 293), eek 15200 (42 ain seh) - 4-25 IO ol /da ain cals Fa = Fao (1-0) 2 Cron 6.03 x10 ol /It = Cp vr x Kwong = 4.6010? de® /gmeliacin — Cconstent) 32 yd. © dat, Zep aca, 1o/jo

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