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Sl. Answers Sl. Answers
No No
1 a) 16 a)0.4H
2 d) zero 17 c) slip rings
3 c) H = VIt 18 b) 30 A
4 d) electric potential 19 b) power is transmitted in a
direction perpendicular to the
both fields
5 d) 24 pF 20 a)contracts
6 a)C2N-1m-2 21 a)pure line spectrum
7 b) n2 : 1 22 Mere attempt
8 a) drift velocity 23 a)plane
9 b) increases 24 c) sommerfeld
10 c) velocity of the particle 25 c)1:4:9
11 b) 20 26 c)
12 d) infinite resistance 27 b) absorbs green light
13 a)1.732 28 c)opposite to the direction of
motion of oil droplet
14 c) unchanged 29 a)K
15 b) room heater 30 c)capacitor
Important Note:
1. For answers in Part II , Part-III, and Part- IV like reasoning , explanation, narration,description
and listing the points, students may write in their own words but without changing the concepts
and without skipping any point.
2. Answers written only in BLACK or BLUE should be evaluated.
3. For graphical representation, X and Y variables must be mentioned . If not , reduce mark.
4. Marks should be given to the unit, only if the answer is correct for problems.

Q.No Descrbtion MAR TOTAL

31 Electric Polarisation Correct definition 3 3
PE 1
32 Capacitors Any 3 Applications (3x1) 3 3
33 =pEsin 1 3
substitution 1
B.KANNAN M.Sc., B.Ed., GHSS MUDUR, VELLORE-631 003| Ph:7871748594
= 8.5x10-26 Nm (correct answer +unit) +
34 Electrochemical Equivalent correct definition 2 3
Unit = kg C-1 1
35 Kirchoffs Voltage Law- Correct statement 3 3
(Closed circuit if not mentioned reduce 1 mark )
36 Emf and potential difference ( any two 2x1) 3 3
37 I = or I = ( related formula) 1 3
substitution 1
t = 80 s (correct answer +unit) +
38 Seebeck Effect correct statement 3 3
39 Amperes circuital law correct statement 3 3
= o Io 1
40 Any 3 characteristics of Nichrome (3x1) 3 3
41 Three methods of producing induce emf(3x1) 3 3
42 Q factor correct statement 3 3
Q= (or) Q = 1

43 e = - M or any related formula 1 3

t = 6.25 x 10-3 H (or) 6.25 mH (correct answer +unit)
44 Any 3 conditions for obtaining clear and broad interference bands 3 3
45 Optic axis correct statement 3 3
(Particular direction if not mentioned reduce 1 mark )
46 S=- or C = 1 3
t = 0.0833 g / cc (correct answer +unit)
47 Any 3 applications of Moseleys Law 3 3
48 Characteristics of Laser (any 3 ) (3x1) 3 3
49 Hard X-rays and Soft X-rays ( any 3 differences) (3x1) 3 3
50 2d sin = n 1 3
substitution 1
max = 5.64 x 10 -10 m(correct answer +unit) +
51 Electri potential energy of dipole placed in electric field 5
Diagram 1
Explanation 1
dw = d
W = - pE cos (or) U = - pE cos 1 2
= 0 , U = - pE 1
52 Principle of capacitors 5
Diagram 1
B.KANNAN M.Sc., B.Ed., GHSS MUDUR, VELLORE-631 003| Ph:7871748594
Explanation ( potential decreases capacitance increases not mentioned 2
reduce 1 mark)
Capacitance depends geometry of the conductor and nature of the medium 1
Capacitors storing electric charges 1
53 Wheatstone Bridge
Diagram 1
Applying kirchoffs first law
Junction B I1-Ig-I3 = 0
Junction d I2+Ig-I4 = 0
For closed circuit network ABDA , I1P+IgG-I2R = 0
For closed circuit network ABCDA, I1P+I3Q-I2R-I4S = 0
For balancing condition Ig = 0 1
= 1
54 a) R = and related formula 2 5
Substitution 2
Change in resistance percentage = 0.2%
b) =
Substitution 1
X = 9.305
= 1
= 1.082 x 10-6 m (correct answer +unit) 1
55 Thermopile 5
Principle 1
Diagram 1
Explanation 2
Deflection in the galvanometer is directly proportional to the intensity of 1
56 Conversion galvanometer into an ammeter 5
Diagram 1
Connecting low resistance in parallel to the galvanometer 1
Explanation 1
IgG = ( I-Ig)S or S = G( Ig/ I-Ig) 1
Ra = GS/G+S 1
57 Energy losses in Transformer 5
Hysteresis loss 1
Copper loss 1
Eddy current loss ( iron loss) 1
Flus loss 1
Mere mentioning the names of losses (4 x =2) 2 3
58 Average power in an a.c circuit 5
Explanation 1
e = Eosint

B.KANNAN M.Sc., B.Ed., GHSS MUDUR, VELLORE-631 003| Ph:7871748594
I = Iosin(t+)
Upto Pav = cos 1
Pav = Erms Irms cos
The average power of an ac circuit is also called the true power of the 1
circuit 1
59 Sin = Nm 1 5
Substitution of R
R = 45 1
Substitution of B
B = 30 1
Angular separation( R - B ) = 15 1
60 Polaroids any 5 applications (5x1) 5 5
61 Spectral series of Hydrogen atom 5
Explanation of five series 2
Formula 2
Mere mentioning the names of spectral series only 2
62 =R ( - ) 1 5
=R ( - ), = 1
=R ( - ), =
Substitution and calculation
2= 6563 (correct answer +unit)

63 Electric potential due a dipole 10
Diagram 1
Explanation 1
V1 =

V2 =
V= ( ) 1
Upto ( 1 + cos ) 1
Upto ( 1 - cos )


Special cases
(i) , V= 1

(ii) ,V=

B.KANNAN M.Sc., B.Ed., GHSS MUDUR, VELLORE-631 003| Ph:7871748594
(iii) ,V=0 1
64 Electric field due to charged spherical shell 10
Case (i) outside the shell
Diagram 1
Explanation 1
= E (4r2 ) 1
E= 1
Case(ii) on the surface
E= (r=R)
Case(iii) inside the shell 1
Diagram 1
Explanation 1
= E (4r2 ) 1
The field due to a uniformly charged thin shell is zero at all points inside the 1
65 Magnetic induction due a circular coil 10
Diagram 2
Explanation 1
dB =
=90 dB =
Explanation for two components of dB 1
B= 1
B= 1
B= 2a
Upto 2

66 Eddy current 10
Definition 2
Direction of eddy current Lenz law 1
Explanation any 3 applications (3x2) 6
( for mere mentioning the headings mark each)
Eddy current can be minimized by using thin laminated sheets instead of 1
solid metal
67 RLC Circuit 10
Explanation 1
RLC Series circuit diagram 1
Voltage phase diagram
Impedance diagram
VL = IXL 5
VL and VC are 180 out of phase with each other
V2 =VR2 +( VL-VC)2 1

B.KANNAN M.Sc., B.Ed., GHSS MUDUR, VELLORE-631 003| Ph:7871748594
V= -IXc)2 1

=Z= 1
tan= =
=tan-1( 1

68 Raman effect 10
Raman effect explanation 1
Diagram (3x1) 3
Explanation of stokes and Anti-stokes lines with respect to frequency 1
Explanation of Raman effect (3x1) 3
Explanation for = o-s 1
is positive for stoke line
is negative for Anti-stoke line
Intensity of stoke line is always greater than antistoke line 1
69 Youngs double slit experiment: Bandwidth 10
Diagram 2
Explanation 2
(reduce mark if the waves arrive inphase or out of phase depending
upon the path difference between two waves is not mentioned)
Upto path difference 2

Condition for bright fringes for bright band X= (+) 1

Condition dark fringes for = (+) 1
Definition for Bandwidth 1

70 J.J Thomson Experiment 2 10

Diagram 1
Explanation 2
Derivation upto V =
t= 2
y1 = | 2

Y=k y1 1
= 1


B.KANNAN M.Sc., B.Ed., 6



B.KANNAN M.Sc., B.Ed., GHSS MUDUR, VELLORE-631 003| Ph:7871748594

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