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Fall 201718


Digital Assignment - 2
B.Tech (EEE/EIE), C1 Slot, Faculty: Prof. P. Mahalakshmi
Submission Deadline: 27th October, 2017 (Friday)

Your task:
(a) To find research articles from international journals like IEEE Transactions, Springer
or Elsevier for the problem statement given against your register number.
(b) Explain the methods used for data collection, processing techniques and classify
the signal with necessary block diagrams, signal images/ spectrums.
(c) Infer your understanding in regards to the application of various filtering
techniques that you have been studying now.
(d) Your assignment should be written/typed in the following manner (single column
draft not exceeding 4 pages):
Title : Your assignment topic
Author: (Your name and register number), SELECT, VIT University, Vellore
Abstract: (7-8 lines)
Materials and Methods:
Results and Discussion:
References: Mandatory

Note: Kindly execute this innovative assignment task on your own which would certainly
enhance your independent research skills.
If duplication of answers/assignment is identified, then your assignment will be evaluated
for a maximum of 7 marks only.
S.No Register Questions
1 of
Biomedical Analysis of Speech signals
2 15BEE0004 Analysis of Seismic signals
3 15BEE0011 Analysis of ECG (Electro Cardio Gram) signals
4 15BEE0019 Analysis of EMG (Electro Myo Gram)signals
5 15BEE0022 Analysis of EEG (Electro Encephalo Gram)signals
6 15BEE0024 Analysis of EGG (Electro Gastro Gram) signals
7 15BEE0042 Analysis of PCG (Phono Cardio Gram) signals
8 15BEE0047 Analysis of Atrio-ventricular conduction defects
9 15BEE0053 Detection of Myocardial infarction
10 15BEE0070 Detection of Left Bundle-branch block (LBBB)
11 15BEE0083 Detection of Right Bundle-branch block (RBBB)
12 15BEE0084 Analysis of EOG (Electro Oculo Gram) signals
13 15BEE0085 Analysis of Biomedical Signals using Fourier Transform
14 15BEE0094 Analysis of ERG (Electro Retino Gram) signals
15 15BEE0096 Diagnosis of paroxysmal neurological attacks using EEG

Digital Assignment -2 Due on: 27th October 2017

Fall 201718
Digital Assignment - 2
B.Tech (EEE/EIE), C1 Slot, Faculty: Prof. P. Mahalakshmi
Submission Deadline: 27th October, 2017 (Friday)

16 15BEE0100 Detection of Myocardial ischemia using ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)

17 15BEE0108 Detection of Atrial enlargement using ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)
18 15BEE0116 Detection of Mitral valve diseases using ECG(Electro Cardio Gram)
19 15BEE0117 Detection of Aortic valve diseases using ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)
20 15BEE0119 Study on Brain Computer Interface using EEG (Electro Encephalo Gram)
21 15BEE0120 Study on Magnetic Resonance Imaging using sparse samples
22 15BEE0134 Study on Computed Tomography techniques using Fourier transform
23 15BEE0139 EEG Classification of Alzheimers disease
24 15BEE0143 Analysis of any three biomedical signals using Fourier Transform
25 15BEE0148 Analysis of temperature signals
26 of 15BEE0156
Biomedical Analysis of Speech signals
27 15BEE0162 Analysis of Seismic signals
28 15BEE0173 Analysis of ECG (Electro Cardio Gram) signals
29 15BEE0176 Analysis of EMG (Electro Myo Gram)signals
30 15BEE0178 Analysis of EEG (Electro Encephalo Gram)signals
31 15BEE0184 Analysis of EGG (Electro Gastro Gram) signals
32 15BEE0185 Analysis of PCG (Phono Cardio Gram) signals
33 15BEE0187 Analysis of Atrio-ventricular conduction defects
34 15BEE0189 Detection of Myocardial infarction
35 15BEE0192 Detection of Left Bundle-branch block (LBBB)
36 15BEE0197 Detection of Right Bundle-branch block (RBBB)
37 15BEE0206 Analysis of EOG (Electro Oculo Gram) signals
38 15BEE0226 Analysis of Biomedical Signals using Fourier Transform
39 15BEE0231 Analysis of ERG (Electro Retino Gram) signals
40 15BEE0232 Diagnosis of paroxysmal neurological attacks using EEG
41 15BEE0233 Detection of Myocardial ischemia using ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)
42 15BEE0248 Detection of Atrial enlargement using ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)
43 15BEE0259 Detection of Mitral valve diseases using ECG(Electro Cardio Gram)
44 15BEE0264 Detection of Aortic valve diseases using ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)
45 15BEE0269 Study on Brain Computer Interface using EEG (Electro Encephalo Gram)
46 15BEE0272 Study on Magnetic Resonance Imaging using sparse samples
47 15BEE0281 Study on Computed Tomography techniques using Fourier transform
48 15BEE0299 EEG Classification of Alzheimers disease
49 15BEE0305 Analysis of any three biomedical signals using Fourier Transform
50 15BEE0306 Analysis of temperature signals
51 15BEE0315 Detection of Myocardial infarction
52 15BEE0317 Detection of Left Bundle-branch block (LBBB)
53 15BEE0319 Detection of Right Bundle-branch block (RBBB)
54 15BEI0009 Analysis of EOG (Electro Oculo Gram) signals
55 15BEI0015 Analysis of Biomedical Signals using Fourier Transform
56 15BEI0019 Analysis of ERG (Electro Retino Gram) signals
57 15BEI0021 Diagnosis of paroxysmal neurological attacks using EEG
58 15BEI0022 Detection of Myocardial ischemia using ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)
59 15BEI0025 Detection of Atrial enlargement using ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)
60 15BEI0027 Detection of Mitral valve diseases using ECG(Electro Cardio Gram)

Digital Assignment -2 Due on: 27th October 2017

Fall 201718
Digital Assignment - 2
B.Tech (EEE/EIE), C1 Slot, Faculty: Prof. P. Mahalakshmi
Submission Deadline: 27th October, 2017 (Friday)

61 15BEI0031 Detection of Aortic valve diseases using ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)
62 15BEI0033 Study on Brain Computer Interface using EEG (Electro Encephalo Gram)
63 15BEI0037 Study on Magnetic Resonance Imaging using sparse samples
64 15BEI0040 Analysis of PCG (Phono Cardio Gram) signals
65 15BEI0043 Analysis of Atrio-ventricular conduction defects
66 15BEI0049 Analysis of ECG (Electro Cardio Gram) signals
67 15BEI0050 Analysis of EMG (Electro Myo Gram)signals
68 15BEI0053 Analysis of EEG (Electro Encephalo Gram)signals
69 15BEI0056 Analysis of EGG (Electro Gastro Gram) signals
70 15BEI0059 Analysis of PCG (Phono Cardio Gram) signals
71 15BEI0060 Analysis of Atrio-ventricular conduction defects
72 15BEI0075 Detection of Myocardial infarction
73 15BEI0078 Detection of Left Bundle-branch block (LBBB)
74 15BEI0080 Detection of Right Bundle-branch block (RBBB)
75 15BEI0083 Study on Brain Computer Interface using EEG (Electro Encephalo Gram)

Digital Assignment -2 Due on: 27th October 2017

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