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Name : Yoan Elisa Gunawan

Nrp : 3303017030

Lecturer : Drs. Julius F. Nagel, S.Th., MM.




1. What can you say about Indonesia or our country? (IPolEkSosBudHanKam situation), please
select 1 from these 7 situations.


* Political situation

In the current era of Indonesian democracy, it isn't rare to find in politics the number of
politicians that move from one political parties to another parties; whose purpose is to occupy the
seat of government, whether it's the legislative seat or the executive. Not only the politicians,
even the political parties are no longer have the clear direction of their struggle. The political
party that was supposed to be a vessel of struggle, today impressed as a merchandise. Political
parties are easily bought or leased.

In our current political system, political transactions between politicians and political parties are
very easy, as long as there is money, the interests of each can be met. The importance is the goal
to master. People who become the determinant has being used as a tool alone. People are only
needed to smooth the goal.

The aim of politicians is no longer for the welfare of the people, although they are often
campaigning that their struggle is none other for the people, in fact today, the majority of
politicians and political parties are far from the interests of the people.

What causes a politician today to move easily from one political party to another? And, why the
majority of political parties today is easy to accept the proposal of a politician whose nota bene is
not a cadre?

The main factor of why it happens in my opinion is because someone who becomes a politician
or who wants to fight in the political world does not have an ideology that became the basis or
principle of his/her movement. There are no ideology of struggle that they implemented, so in
result political parties can easily accept politicians or politicians who have material powers
(money), as long as they can smooth their way to the top of power. Their interests are only the
interests of the group.
An ideology is very important for a politician. A politician with ideology will be clearly oriented,
clearly that his/her struggle are for the interests of the people.

Today, according to what I observe, ideology becomes very important because it can create the
thinking and the spirit of life among humans. Given an ideology embraced by a politician and
political party leaders, it will make him/her more solidly outlined in the struggle and not
impressed with the fulfillment of personal interests. Political parties can not be bought, and
politicians don't easily move to political parties that doesn't know clearly the direction of their

2. a. Who is the domestic figure you admire? Why ?


The domestic figure I admire is none other than the Diponegoro strategist, Nyi Ageng Serang.
Due to her expertise in war strategy, she was appointed to be the war strategy advisor for Prince
Diponegoro. Until her old age, she still led troops against the colonial.

The reason why I admire her is because as follows:

In the past, when women did not get the same opportunities as men, their role was only as
wingking konco(whose work is only in the kitchen). However, the title does not apply to Nyi
Ageng Serang; whose real name is Raden Ajeng Kustiah Retno Edi. She is a reliable strategist.
Her nature as a woman did not preclude her from taking up weapons while performing her role
as a warlord. Even when she's already old (73 years), she is still active in the battlefield.
Accompanied by her grandson Raden Mas Papak, they lead the troops of Prince Diponegoro.
Prince Diponegoro always listened to the advice of Nyi Ageng Serang.

However, because the physical is no longer possible especially when in a heavy field, make Nyi
Ageng always be carried with a palanquin. On the palanquin she led her troops.

One of her best strategies in the battlefield is the use of taro leaves (In Java: Lumbu). With that
leaves Nyi Ageng ordered hes troops to protect her head for disguise so it looks like a garden of
taro plants when seen from a distance. The enemy will be attacked and destroyed when it is near
and within target distance.
Nyi Ageng's strategy often made Prince Diponegoro acknowledge the reliability of this female

Finally, because she is already old and weak, Nyi Ageng resigned from the battlefield. After that
she settled in the Nataprajan family home in Yogyakarta until she died in 1828 at the age of 76
because of illness. At the time of her departure, the Diponegoro War is still ongoing. The sense
of patriotism of Nyi Ageng remains intense, indicated by her request to the troops to unite her
body in Beku that had been taken from the Dutch through guerrilla warfare, for she wanted to
remain united in the struggle of her people.

Many people have good will and ability but do not have the mental and will power to achieve
them. Therefore Nyi Ageng Serang has been the one that gave me a real prove and an example
of persistence and passion in pursuit of a goal. This is why I really admire her.

b. Who is the foreign figure you admire? Why ?


The foreign figure I admire is Galileo Galilei. Galileo's words that I admire until now and apply
today are "Never fear the loneliness and alienation because you maintain the right principle."

Why ? Here is my reason and the info about Galileo Galilei,

Galileo Galilei is a great Italian scientist, he is famous for his denial of the belief that the
earth is the center of the solar system. Galileo believes that the earth is not the center of the solar
system but the sun. Galileo is a type of scientist who does not like to argue a lot. He prefers
experimenting, which results in accurate results rather than just arguing. In addition to being well
known for having proved that the sun centric is true and has successfully modernized the
binoculars, Galileo is also famous for many other inventions such as the discovery of the laws of
inertia and his observations in the field of astronomy. He has also succeeded in deflecting the
general habits of the scientists of that time who had always held on to Aristotle's theories as if
Aristotle's theory had never been wrong when, after Galileo's proof, many of Aristotle's theories
were wrong.

This makes the scientists are no longer too confident with the teachings of Aristotle, scientists
must perform experiments first to make a conclusion. Since then a careful emphasis on
quantitative calculation has become the basis for knowledge inquiry, no longer blind to certain
scientific theory.

Galileo is a brave scientist and has great responsibility for the proven truth. Galileo was the first
European scientists who emphasized the importance of experiments and observations and careful
calculations in drawing conclusions on the phenomenon of knowledge. Galileo boldly denied the
idea that scientific truth was decided by power either in the name of the church or on Aristotle's

Even when Galileo was tried by the church council and told him to revoke the claim that the
earth was not the center of the solar system, Galileo then politicked to revoke his statement and
then he bowed to the earth whispering quietly, "Look, he's still moving." It's like Galileo
laughing at the church with a sign which means that even if he revokes the sun centric statement,
the fact remains that the earth still revolves around the sun not the other way around.

And besides this, Galileo is a symbol of rebellion against dogma and authoritarian power that
binds freedom of thought especially in laying the foundations of modern science methods.

At this age not just a few who are afraid to express their opinions. And ultimately because of fear
or lack of self-confidence, they decide to follow opinions or decisions from the majority or the

I am here not wanting to be one of those people who are chained by the fear. Because of this I
deeply admire Galileo because he dares to stick to his principles even though others do not
believe him.

3. What media of information do you like? Why?


I love the media information in the form of electronic media. Specifically, electronic media wih
the form of internet. Because In my opinion, Internet is the most effective electronic information
media. Internet technology has opened the way in revolutionizing all. The Internet has enabled us
to contact and know the condition of others around the world more easily, such as sending e-
mails, live streaming radio, online tv and more. The internet revolution has allowed us to easily
know and access information widely.
Example: With the Line app, we can find out the newest and latest news through Line Today
which is always being given to us users every single day.

4. What do you do to live in a society?


This vast Indonesia consists of various tribes, races, and religions and is highly vulnerable to
conflicts if each person does not want to tolerate each other. Therefore I am working on a
harmonious and peaceful society, which of course I start from within my own family. Because if
within each family tolerance can be well established, the impact can be felt in the life of the

The things I do are start from respecting the rights and personalities of others, avoiding using
harsh words that offend others, then not discriminating my attitude toward people based on their
religion or race, and helping others when I can help them. In short, I always try to be a polite and
friendly person, whom also able to socialize well in this social life.

5. Why is communism / materialism banned in Indonesia?


Because communist ideology is not in accordance with the personality of the Indonesian nation
which principle is based on Pancasila. Communist ideology does not recognize private rights, but
everything is for the state. The teachings of communism are thought to limit the right of thought
and belief of society to their own inner self. In contrast to the ideology of Pancasila which
recognizes private rights as long as it does not harm the public interest.

The prohibition of communism is considered an act of defending democracy.

6. a. How do you respond to the latent danger of communism?


The latent danger of communism is that if the communist really exists and happens then the
situation will be bad and will result in the destruction of the order, the concept, and the value of a
nation. Therefore we must be wary of the movements of the parties that seek to awaken
communist (Communist is a group of communist ideologies who are doing betrayal against
government and ideology of Pancasila).

We as the next generation of the Indonesian nation must be charged and reminded by the latent
communists. This should be done so that the love of the homeland of Indonesia is not lost and we
continue to uphold and follow the values of Pancasila.

b. How to prevent it?


We must be smart to sort, do not let us be affected by the information and their invitation.
Communist understanding is already spread everywhere, its influence can occur from social
media and mass media. Especially when our mental and ideological conditions are experiencing
deterioration. We must rebuild our mental and ideological resilience to the younger generation.
Especially, the insight of nationality and love of the homeland, which is more dominant due to
the affecting global situation.

We should always hold communications and socialization that impart the love of our homeland
and nationality. And this needs the support of the role of religious leaders, educators and
culturalists, their support being the most important and effective, to strengthen mental and
ideological resilience, in averting the influence of latent communist danger.

6. How do you respond about the information media that discredits the government?


My response is first, I will find out why the people who use the information media discredit the
government. Once I know the reason then I can draw 1 of 2 existing conclusions. First, the
government did make a mistake or second, this person including 1 of the many people who are
looking for an excuse to be able to impose the degree and dignity of the government in public
and that person is better to be arrested as soon as possible and of course subject to the article that
regulates this matter. Because otherwise, it can make people lose their confidence in the
government that will certainly end up in the destruction of the government of the country.
7. What can you contribute to this country?


Regarding what I can contribute to Indonesia, for now, I think I can only give what I can as a
student, that is learning and trying to achieve the highest achievement. And the knowledge that I
get from this, I will use to develop the community that is around me. Then in addition to
studying, another thing that I do is to obey all the rules that exist in Indonesia, and of course
besides all of this I will pay the tax in time.

8. Reasons to take citizenship classes?


Because I want to be a smart citizen and a smart citizen who knows and is fully aware of her
rights as a citizen, as well as know and fully responsible for her obligations to the safety of her
nation and country. In addition, as I will be plunged into the international business world, then I
hope from this citizenship lecture I can get the following things:

A. Have the ability to think rationally, critically and creatively, so as to understand the various
discourses of citizenship.

B. Have the intellectual skills and skills to participate democratically and responsibly.

C. Have good character and personality, in accordance with the norms that apply in the life of
society and state.

9. Is there a reason you feel proud to be an Indonesian citizen? Why ?


Yes, we are a country of various races, tribe and have different customs in each region. But we
prove to be united under one country namely Indonesia. Meaning we have a strong unity, can not
be divided on a tribal basis. In addition, I am also proud of the Indonesian language. The
language championed by the founders of the state. Indonesia language is reputedly not too
difficult to learn, and our language is rich with articulation so that when we learn other languages
it is not too difficult to recite other languages. And of course I am also proud of how rich the
culinary of Indonesia is. Actually, without the above reasons, I am still proud to be Indonesian,
where I was born, raised, where I eat, Where I sleep, my breathing place and where my family is.
The only place that I can call "home".

11. Tell me about the brief history of your life?


My name is Yoan Elisa Gunawan, I am the only daughter of Mr. Lan Lit Ing and Mrs. Go Phen
Sian. I was born on September 20, 1999 in Surabaya, East Java. I grew up and big in Surabaya
until I was 11 years old. By the time I reached 12 years old, my family and I decided to move to
Waingapu, East Sumba. Actually I do not want to move from Surabaya, because at that time my
life career as a pianist is running smoothly. But what can I say, my mom has another will. Finally
I continue to take my education there from grade 6 to 12. Although I did not like Waingapu at
first, I even hate it if I can be honest. But over time I became comfortable and liked to be in
Waingapu. When I'm in junior and senior high school, I achieved various achievements, but I
began to reach the provincial and national level when I'm in senior high school. Then after I
graduated, I decided to study in Jakarta. But unfortunately, my mom's close friend said that the
college that I want to enter is rarely have new students who graduated from high school. The
majority of the new students there are the ones who already have scholars, degrees, whether it's
Bachelor or Master. So I decided to take my Bachelor degree first elsewhere. After discussing
with my parents, I chose WM, IBM major, and currently I'm studying in WM, Surabaya, East

12. The most exciting thing / experience in your life?


My family rarely celebrates birthdays. Even if one of us is having birthday, congratulations are
rarely given. But on my 10th birthday, I was very surprised and happy, because my dad and mom
bought me a huge birthday cake and celebrated my birthday. This memory may be to others only
one of the memories of ordinary memory, but for me, forever this memory will be embedded in
my mind.

13. The saddest thing / experience in your life?


By the time I was 6 years old, I was given a Daschund-type dog that was 2 months old at the
time. Dad, mom, and I finally decided to gave a name Boni to the puppy. My memory of
receiving and seeing Boni from inside a box is still very clear. My best friend, the closest one,
who always accompanies me when I am lonely because my dad and mom often go out to work is
Boni. There are so many beautiful and sweet memories with him, but when the three of us want
to move to Waingapu, I see with my own eyes, Boni is already lifeless and keep releasing white
foam from his mouth. Until now the shadow of Boni's body can not escape from my mind. Even
now I am still traumatized and crying if I remember it. And until now, no one can replace Boni.

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