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Assignment -1 ME 1004 Fluid Mechanics Roll No:

Part A
1. Fluid mechanics is also known as [2]
a. Mechanics of fluids c. Both a and b
b. Studies on momentum d. None of the above
2. Newtons law of viscosity is related with [1]
a. Stress and strain in a fluid c. Shear stress and rate of strain
b. Shear stress, pressure and d. Viscosity and shear stress
3. Kinematic viscosity of a fluid is also knows as [1]
a. Momentum diffusivity c. Mass diffusivity
b. Thermal diffusivity d. None
4. Arrange the following materials in the increasing order of density, viscosity and
compressibility. [3]
a. Air
b. Mercury
c. Water
d. Blood
5. Which among the following statement is always true about the ocean [1]
a. Density increases with depth c. Temperature decreases with
b. Pressure increases with depth
depth d. Salinity increases with depth
e. All of the above
6. Hydrometer is an instrument to measure-------(specific weight / pressure / viscosity ) and
makes use of (Newtons law/ buoyancy / Pascals law) [2]

7. Define viscous dissipation. Due to viscous dissipation the temperature of a fluid [1]
a. Remain constant c. Decreases
b. Increases d. Cannot say
8. Convert the following [3]
a. 50 kPa to ---- m of water column
b. 30 mm Hg Vacuum pressure to Pa (abs)
c. 3 bar (g) to ------N/m2 (abs)
9. Which property of mercury help it to be used as a manometry fluid [1]

Feedback questions[optional]
1. How do rate the subject Fluid Mechanics? [a] Too Theoretical [b] Very Practical [c] Much
numerical [d]
2. In what way do you think the subject can be made more interesting? [a] Focusing more on
theory [b] more on practical examples [c] more numerical [d] site or industry visits [e] guest
lectures [f] videos [g] ..
3. What suggestion you would like to give for improving the class lectures? [a] [b]

4. Give a one line statement about your greatest objective in profession and life.

Review-1 FM/Aug.2017 Page 1

a. Low surface tension
b. Low compressibility
c. High density
d. Low viscosity
10. Honey in the bottle was found difficult to pour in the morning. Explain? [1]

11. Explain why the overcrowding in the deck of a boat or ship is not permitted? How can the
stability of a floating body is determined? [2]

Part B Answer any four questions 4 x 8= 32 Marks

12. Helium has a molecular weight of 4.003. What is the weight of 2 cubic meters of helium at 1
atmosphere and 20C?
13. A conical thrust bearing idealised as a cone of semi-angle 30, maximum cone diameter 20
cm rests and revolves over a uniform fluid layer of thickness 0.1 cm at 600 rpm. If the fluid
has a viscosity of 1 poise, Calculate the rate of power dissipated in the bearing.
14. A 1-m3 volume of water is contained in a rigid container. Estimate the change in the volume
of the water when a piston applies a pressure of 35 MPa.
15. Given that velocity distribution in a flow u=750y-2.5x106y3 where velocity in m/s and y in
meters. If the fluid is water what is the shear stress at wall and at a distance of 2 mm from
16. Two discs of 250 mm diameter are placed 1.5 mm apart and the gap is filled with an oil. A
power of 500 W is required to rotate the upper disc at 500 rpm while keeping the lower one
stationary. Determine the viscosity of the oil.
17. Pressure drop of water flowing through a pipe (density 1000 kg/m3) between two points is
measured by using a vertical U tube manometer. Manometer uses a liquid with density 2000
kg /m3. The difference in height of manometric liquid in the two limbs of the manometer is
observed to be 10 cm. The pressure drop between the two points is:
18. A dam is having a surface as y= x2/4. The height of the water retained by the dam is 20m;
density of water is 1000kg/m3. Assuming g as 9.81 m/s2, the horizontal force acting on the
dam per unit length is:
19. The profile of the inner face of a dam takes the form of an inclined plane of 45o,. The water
level is 27m above the base of the dam. Determine the thrust on the dam (per meter with)
due to the water pressure, its position to the free water surface.
20. A triangular dam of height h and base width b is filled to its top with water. Show that the
condition of stability. B=.44 H
21. A block of wood 30 cm cross section and 60 cm long weighs 330 N. Can it float in water

Feedback questions[optional]
1. How do rate the subject Fluid Mechanics? [a] Too Theoretical [b] Very Practical [c] Much
numerical [d]
2. In what way do you think the subject can be made more interesting? [a] Focusing more on
theory [b] more on practical examples [c] more numerical [d] site or industry visits [e] guest
lectures [f] videos [g] ..
3. What suggestion you would like to give for improving the class lectures? [a] [b]

4. Give a one line statement about your greatest objective in profession and life.

Review-1 FM/Aug.2017 Page 2

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