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BD 4 Superlative (10A)

Internet research

Choose a country and find out the information below.

Transform the adjective into SUPERLATIVE (The coldest). Add some curiosity if you find:

Wet place

The wettest place in Finland is the city Vaasa. Its humidity is about 100%.

Hot city

The hottest city in Finland is Helsinque. Its temperature is about 8 celsius.

Windy place

The windiest place in Finland is the beach of Helsinque.

Cold region/city

The coldest city in Finland is Oulu. The temperature is about 6 celsius.

High mountain

The hightest mountain of Finlanda is Kovddoskaisi. It has about 1242 meters of altitude.

Long river

The longest river of Finland is Kemijoki. It has 550 km.

Big city

The biggest city of Finland is Helsinque. It has about 558 457 peploes.

Beautiful city

The most beautiful city of Finland is Turku.

Popular place for tourists (why)

The most popular place for tourists in Finland is the Fortress of Suomenlinna.
Because It is at the entrance of the capital of finland.

Good time of year to visit (why)

The best time of year to visit Finland is from May to September. Because the days are longer
and brighter.

Bad time of year to visit (why)

The worst time of year to visit Finland is from October to April. Because the days are colder.

Dangerous city

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