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Experiment 1:

TOPIC Electricity
TITLE Lightning Phenomenon
APPARATUS Van De Graff (metal dome), metal globe
HOW TO DO 1) Turn on the Van De Graff Generator. Friction of rubber
inside produce accumulation of charges on its dome.
2) Bring the metal globe near the Van De Graff.
OBSERVATION Observe the spark produced and relate with the lightning
EXPLANATION Metal dome represents as the ground. The metal globe
represents as the cloud. Cloud contain water rub with the air,
produce negative charges and they attract to positive charges
from the ground. Spark produce is lightning.

Experiment 2:

TOPIC Electricity
TITLE Electrostatic Bubble Experiment
APPARATUS Marble tile, straw, liquid soap dishwasher, balloon, water
HOW TO DO 3) Mix dishwasher soap with water
4) Suck bubble in the straw and hold it in your mouth.
5) Blow gently a large bubble with straw
6) Slowly bring a charged balloon to the bubble
OBSERVATION The bubble will be moving towards the balloon.
EXPLANATION The charge on the balloon attracts the molecules in the
bubble. The positively charged balloon will attract the bubble
causing it to move according to the balloon.
Experiment 3:
TOPIC Electricity
TITLE Rotary Electrostatic Motor that rotates
APPARATUS Plastic cup, 4 strips of aluminium foil, a pencil, wire, Van de
Graph Generator, plasticine
HOW TO DO 1) Set up the apparatus.
2) Turn on the Van de Graph Generator.
OBSERVATION The plastic cup will rotate.
EXPLANATION The generator will cause the tip of wire to produce a large
electric field. The air molecules that happen to be in the
region, its electrons are pulled off into the wire. Oxygen
molecules becomes positive. So it will be repelled at the
positively charged wire. It will hit the aluminium on a side and
causes it to rotate.

Experiment 4:

TOPIC Electricity
TITLE Vegetable Power
APPARATUS 2 potatoes, 2 pieces of thick copper wire, 2 alligator wire clips,
2 zinc plated nails, galvanometer
HOW TO DO 1) Insert copper wire into potato.
2) Insert zinc plated nail into potato.
3) Connect copper at the first potato to one end of the
voltmeter by alligator wire.
4) Attach one alligator wire to one end of the voltmeter to
the zinc platted nail of the second potato.
5) Attach the alligator wire to the copper of second
potato to the zinc plated nail on the first potato.
OBSERVATION The voltmeter deflects showing flow of current, give a reading
1.5V from 4 lemons/potatoes. It able to light up one LED.
EXPLANATION A potato battery is an electrochemical battery, otherwise
known as electrochemical cell. An electrochemical cell is a cell
in which chemical energy is converted to electrical energy by a
spontaneous electron transfer. Chemical energy from fruit or
biomass use as electrical energy as a better conserving energy
to replace unrenewable energy.
Experiment 5:

TOPIC Electricity
TITLE Stripped Down Motor
APPARATUS Cup, enamel or insulated copper wire, two large paper clips,
masking tape, 1 or 2 batteries, 2 disks or rectangular ceramic
magnets, aluminium foil.
HOW TO DO 1) Set up apparatus.
2) Allow current to flow through copper loop.
3) Rotate the loop.
OBSERVATION The copper wire loop will rotate.
EXPLANATION The wire coil loop becomes an electromagnet when current
passes through it. The electromagnet interacts with a
permanent magnet, causing the coil to spin. Electromagnet
concept apply to kinetic energy appliance or motor

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