Testi 1 KL 8

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TEACHER; Esnur Sulemanovka Total point..

1. Complete these sentences with the right information!

Use words for countries and nationalities.
1. Veracruz is a city in Mexico.
2. The capital of J is Tokyo.
3. The F. word for thank you is a merci.
4. There are %0 stars on the A.. flag.
5. C. is the country to the north of the USA.
2. Present simple
Write the sentences in a different way. Use verbs in the present simple.
a. Andreas is Greek. Andreas comes from Greece.
b. His home is on a small island. He . On a small island.
c. His mother an father have both got jobs in the local hotel. His parents
bothin a local hotel.

3.Reading A puzzle; whats her name? Read the information on the puzzle and
then write the name of the photo.
My names
And I live in Paris. I always
walk to school and I come
home for lunch. My favourite
subject is art.

*Louise is very good at drawing and she loves painting.

*Alice and her family have got a flat in Paris.
*Christine walks along the river every day when she goes to school.
*Alice and Christine arent in the same class but they live in the same street.
*Louise doesnt really enjoy living in Paris. She often stays in her grandparents
village at the weekend.
*Christine wants to be an art teacher when she leaves school.
*Louises family have lunch together at home.
*Alice and Christine usually share a table in the school canteen at lunchtime.

4. Translate these sentences in your language;

a. What are you doing?-Im trying to open this cartoon of orange juice.

b. Do people in Britain have hot chocolate for breakfast?- I dont know.

c. My aunt speaks Spanish and Italian, and shes learning Greek at the
5. Present simple-present continuous

a.Where John? He _____________________(listen) to a new CD in his room.

b. Dont forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always
______(rain) in England.
c. Jean ________(work) hard all day but she _______(not work) at the
d. Look! That boy __________(run) after the bus. He _____(want) to catch it.
e. He _______(speak) German so well because he ________(come) from
f. Shh! The boss __________(come). We ____(meet)him in an hour and
nothing is ready.
g. She _______(hold) some roses. They _____ (smell) lovely.
h. Mary ______(swim) very well,but she _____(not run) very fast.

6. Past Simple regular and irregular. Complete the sentences

a. _____________________(they have) a good time last weekend?
b. I ____________________ (stay) in a good hotel last week.
c. Sarah _________________( not finish) the exam yesterday.
d. ______________________( you go) to France last summer?
e. We ___________________(not know) where to go last night.
f. I _______________________( eat ) in good restaurant two night ago.
g. Tom ____________________(not buy) a new suit last Saturday.

infinitive Past simle Perkthim



Points 0-13 14-20 21-27 28-34 35-40

Mark 1 2 3 4 5

Teacher ;Esnur Sulemanovka

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