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The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2015, 9, 763-767 763

Open Access
Research on Stress Distribution and Failure Depth of Mining Floor During
the First Weighting of Main Roof

Bingchao Zhao1,2,*, Zhangrong Liu1 and Chao Tong1

School of Energy, Xian University of Science and Technology, Xian, Shaanxi, 710054, P.R. China
Key Laboratory of Western Mine Exploitation and Hazard Prevention of the Ministry of Education, Xian University of
Science and Technology, Xian, Shaanxi, 710054, P.R. China

Abstract: In order to research on stress distribution and failure depth of mining floor during the first weighting of main
roof, based on the analysis of abutment pressure distribution in this case, an elastic mechanics model is established to cal-
culate the stress of any point in the floor, expressions for this model are deduced, and meanwhile a failure criterion of
floor rock is put forward according to the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria. Take the parameters of 3612 mining face of Zhu
Zhuang coal mine as an example, through solving stress distribution of mining floor during its first weighting of main
roof, stress contour and failure district of floor are given out. The result shows that, the failure depth of 3612 mining floor
is 12.4m, which is rather close to the measured value 13m, thus the utility and reliability of this study method is well veri-
fied. The result provides theoretical basis for bottom grouting strengthening before the first weighting of main roof, and
establishes the theoretical foundation for further research on safe mining on confined waters.

Keywords: Failure criteria, first weighting of main roof, floor failure, stress distribution, water invasion.

1. INTRODUCTION In recent years, numerical simulation [2, 6-9] and similar

material simulation [4, 10, 11] are the two main ways to stu-
Permo-carboniferous coal seam is mainly exploited in the
dy on the stress distribution and failure depth of mining
eastern region of North China coal production base, where
floor. According to the basic theory of elasticity, this paper
thin limestone and huge thick Ordovician limestone karst attempts to discuss on this issue with the application of ana-
aquifer are widely developed. Between the main mining
lytical method.
seam and the karst aquifer, there are sand-mudstone aquiclu-
de with varied thickness [1, 2]. With the continuous deepe-
ning of the mining level, problem that mining floor threaten 2. BASIC PRINCIPLE
by Ordovician limestone karst water tends to be increasingly Assuming there is a half-plane body with part AB of its
serious, floor water invasion thus induced and gets much boundary being subjected to the action of normal distributed
attention in recent years. force, whose collection degree is q, as shown in Fig. (1). To
Affected by underground coal mining, the stress of mi- calculate the stress of point M(x, z), it is necessary to take a
ning floor strata redistributs towards concentration or relief, d long micro segment from AB. The micro segment is
causing floor strata of a certain depth deformating or even  away from the origin of coordinate O, and the force
failuring, which leading to the significant alteration of floor dF = qd it subjected can be considered as a small concen-
hydraulic conductivity [3, 4]. A large number of mine water
invasion case studies show that in a certain condition of mine trated force. Then stress of point M(x, z) induced by dF can
hydrogeology, not only high permeability channel (say col- be calculated as follows [12].
lapse column, fault, poor sealed boreholes and so on) will dF=qd |
q( x )
bring about water invasion, but also passage caused by mi-
ning does [5]. Mining floor failure depth is a critical parame-
ters for the design of waterproof coal pillar, the risk evalua- O x
| d|
tion of water invasion and the determination floor grouting
reinforcement depth. Therefore, to master stress distribution a b

and failure depth of mining floor and predict the water re-
sisting ability of floor accurately are rather significant to the
prevention of mining floor water invasion. x M

*Address correspondence to this author at the School of Energy, Xian z

University of Science and Technology, Xian, Shaanxi, 710054, P.R. China; Fig. (1). Schematic diagram of distributed load on semi-infinite
Tel: +86 18309269438; E-mail: plane.

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764 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2015, Volume 9 Zhao et al.

dF=qd |
K |
2H K |
open-off cut face q( x )
H |H

O | d| x

- ? e d L a b + ?

x M

Fig. (2). Analysis of mining floor stress distribution during the first weighting of main roof.

 2qd z(x   )2 There are not a few research achievements on the abut-
d x =  ment pressure distribution, but unfortunately most of them
 [(x   )2 + z 2 ]2 did not give the quantitative expression. According to the
2qd z3 distribution characteristics of measured underground pres-
 d z =  (1)
 [(x   )2 + z 2 ]2 sure, the abutment pressure distribution can be simplified as
linear varied distributed load, as shown in Fig. (2). Then the
d  xz =  2qd (x   ) z
magnitude of abutment pressure can be expressed as
  [(x   ) + z 2 ]2
q =  H ,   (,L  d  e)
According to the principle of force superposition, the L+ d +
stress of point M(x, z) induced by distributed force between q2 =  H[(K 2 1) e
+ K 2 ],   (L  d  e,L  d )
A and B is derived as
q = K  H   L ,   (L  d,L)
 3 2
d (3)
2 qz(x   )2 d

 x =  q( ) = q4 = 0,   (L,0)
[(x   )2 + z 2 ]2
q = K  H  ,   (0, a)
2 qz 3 d 5

b a
 z =  (2)
[(x   )2 + z 2 ]2 q6 =  H[(K1 1)
+ K1 ],   (a, a + b)
q(x   )z 2 d b
 xz =  2
a [(x   )2 + z 2 ]2
q =  H   (a + b,+)
3. ANALYSIS OF STRESS STATE AT ANY POINT OF  --- the average bulk density of overburden, MN/m2;
MAIN ROOF K1 ----- the abutment pressure concentration factor before
the mining face
3.1. Mathematical Model of The Pressure Distribution of
K2--- the abutment pressure concentration factor after the
Solid-plug Conveying Element
mining face;
During the first weighting of main roof, both whose H ---the buried depth of coal seam, m;
hanging area and the failure depth of mining floor reach
maximum, right here it is easily to occur water invasion ac- a --- the distance between face and the peak point of front
cidents [9]. Consequently, research on stress distribution and abutment pressure, m;
failure depth of mining floor during the first weighting of b --- the distance between the peak point of front abut-
main roof is the basis of the further research on floor water ment pressure and its boundary, m;
invasion. d---the distance between open off cut and the peak
Surrounding rock stress redistribution induced by coal point of rear abutment pressure, m;
mining not only causes stress concentration in surrounding e---the distance between the peak point of rear abutment
coal pillar, but also transfers to the deep floor, altering whose pressure and its boundary, m;
original stress distribution [13]. With the face advancing, the
L --- the first weighting interval of main roof, m.
magnitude and distribution of abutment pressure increase
gradually. As the first weighting of main roof occuring, they According to equation (2) and equation (3), the stress of
achieve the maximum value as well. point M(x, z) induced by distributed force between A and B is
derived as
Research on Stress Distribution and Failure Depth of Mining Floor The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2015, Volume 9 765

 2  Lde Equation (5) can be further written as

( q1 f1d +
 Ld L

 x = q f d + q3 f1d

   Lde 2 1  Ld 
 =  1   2 = ( x   z ) +  2

a a+b +
+ q5 f1d + q 6 f1d + q7 f1d )  max 2 2 xz (6)

0 a a+b

2  Lde  1 +  2 =  x +  z
( q1 f 2 d +
 Ld L

 z = q f d + q3 f 2 d
    Lde 2 2  Ld

+ q5 f 2 d +
a a+b +

q 6 f 2 d + q7 f 2 d )
0 a a+b
 x --- the horizontal stress of point M(x, z), Mpa;

2  Lde
= ( q1 f3 d +
 Ld L

 xz q f d + q3 f3 d
 z ---the vertical stress of point M(x, z), Mpa;

   Lde 2 3  Ld

a a+b +
+ q5 f3 d + q 6 f 3 d + q7 f3 d )  1 ---the maximum principal stress, Mpa;
0 a a+b

z( x   ) 2 z3  2 ---the minimum principal stress, Mpa;

where f1 = , f2 = and
[( x   ) 2 + z 2 ]2 [( x   ) 2 + z 2 ]2  ---the internal friction angle of floor rock,;
(x   )z 2
f3 = . c--- the cohesion of floor rock, Mpa.
[( x   ) 2 + z 2 ]2
Take equation (6) into equation (5), the failure criterion
According to equation (4), the stress (  x  z  xz ) at any point (x, z) of floor strata is derived as
contour can be draw with the application of the software
Maple, and then to study on the stress distribution of mining  +  ( x   z )2
floor during the first weighting of main roof.  x z
tan  + c

cos   +  xz2 (7)

 2 2
4. MINING FLOOR ROCK FAILURE CRITERION According to equation (4) and equation (7), the stress
Many scholars have deeply study on the strength theory contour and mining damage area of floor strata can be draw
of rock, and have put forward some rock failure criterion, with the application of the software Maple, and then deter-
such as the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, the Griffith strength mine the failure depth of floor rock.
theory, the Drucker-Prager criterion, the twin shear unified
strength theory, the Tresca's yield criterion and the Miese's 5. CASE STUDY
yield criterion. Among them, the Mohr-Coulomb criterion is The 180m wide face 3612 of a coal mine extract flat
the most concise and most widely used [14, 15]. In order to seam, which is 610m deep underground and 2.61m thick. As
be simple and practical, this paper adopts the Mohr-Coulomb the face advances 62m from the open - off cut, the first
criterion. weighting of main roof appears accompanied by floor heave
| under the action of abutment pressure, and cause to water
L invasion. The field measured parameters of the face are:
K1=3, K2=2.5,  =0.025MN/m3, H=610m, a=e=5m, b=d=
50m, L=62m,  = 33 , c=1Mpa. According to equation (4)
and equation (7), the stress contour and mining damaged
| D
area of floor strata during the first weighting of main roof are
draw with the application of the software Maple, as shown in
| 2| Fig. (4).
A O |
2 | B | |

As can be seen from Fig. (4), the stress distribution of

Fig. (3). The Mohr-Coulomb criterion in coordinates   . floor strata during the first weighting of main roof has the
following marked characteristics and rules:
As shown in Fig. (3), in the light of the Mohr-Coulomb
(1) Within the scope of abutment pressure, the horizontal
criterion, if intensity curve AL intersects or touches stress
stress, vertical stress and shear stress of floor strata concen-
 +2 trate in different degree. The more close to the peak value of
circle, i.e. point B( 1 , 0) is less than or equal to
2 abutment pressure, the stress concentration is more obvious.
1   2 While floor strata that is a certain deep below gob appears
away from line AL, then the rock failure. This rela- stress relief phenomenon, as shown Figs. (4a-c).
tionship can be represented by the following inequality (2) Both the horizontal stress and vertical stress contour
present as U shape, while shear stress contour presents as an
 +  M shape. Thats to say, the floor strata that is a certain deep
 1 2
tan  + c   
 2  1 2 below abutment pressure is stress - concentrated area, the
 2 floor strata that is a certain deep below gob is stress - relaxed
 tan 2

area, out of the stress - concentrated area is original stress
766 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2015, Volume 9 Zhao et al.

de a theory floor grouting reinforcement scope before the

first weighting of main roof.

(1) During the first weighting of main roof, there are both
stress concentration and stress relief in the gob floor under
the action of abutment pressure, the influence scope of
abutment pressure transmission in floor is limited, and the
scope of vertical stress redistribution is much larger than that
(a) of horizontal stress redistribution.
(2) With the application of the theory of this paper, the
maximum floor failure depth during the first weighting of
main roof of face 3612 of a coal mine is determined to be
12.4m, which is much close to the measured value 13m. The
caculated damaged area can provide a theory floor grouting
reinforcement scope before the first weighting of main roof.

The authors confirm that this article content has no con-
(b) flict of interest.

This work was financially supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (51304156).

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Received: June 10, 2015 Revised: July 29, 2015 Accepted: August 15, 2015
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