Leadership Com Ind

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SCCA 2103 237734

1.0 Introduction

The leader can generally be defined as the person who leads or directs a group,
organization, or state. In specific definition, a leader is one or more people who choose,
equip, train, and influence one or more followers who have various gifts, abilities, and skills
and focus on their followers mission and organizational objectives cause his followers to be
voluntary and passionate spend spiritually, emotionally, and physically in a coordinated effort
to achieve mission of organization and objective.

Leadership can be defined as the Individual who is the leader in the organization is
considered collectively. In addition, leadership is the activity of leading a group of people or
organizations or the ability to do this. Leadership involves several things, namely to create a
clear vision, share the vision with others so they will voluntarily follow, provide information,
knowledge, and methods to realize that vision, and harmonize and balance the interests of all
members and stakeholders. A leader grew in times of crisis, and was able to think and act
creatively in difficult situations. The general definitions about leadership are the individuals
who are the leaders in an organization or regarded collectively. Leadership also can define as
the activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this.

Communication is a process of delivering messages and ideas from a source to a

destination. The source and destination of the communication process is human mind. The
message is delivered in the form of thoughts, descriptions of things or impressions. Messages
may also exist in the form of orders, requests, inquiries or other ways of expression.
Communication is a process whereby two or more people form or exchange information with
one another, which in turn will arrive at a mutual understanding (Rogers & D. Lawrence
Kincaid, 1981). Communication is a form of human interaction that affects each other,
deliberately or inadvertently. Not limited to the form of communication using verbal
language, but also in terms of face expression, painting, art, and technology (Shannon &
Weaver, 1949). It can be concluded that the communication is a process where the message is
communicated by the communicator to the recipient. The message can be a result of a
thought or feeling intended to change the knowledge, attitude or behaviour of the recipient of
the message.

To be a good leader, the presentation presented must be effective. Here we can see,
communication is very important to improve our ability as a leader. Effective and interesting
presentations are able to give satisfaction to ourselves and our audience.

SCCA 2103 237734

2.0 Preparing a presentation

Before starting a presentation, as a leader, we need to make preparations first. We
need to think about the context of our presentation. We also need to know who the audience
is listening to and what their interests are. We also need to know how many viewers are. It is
very important for us to prepare ourselves before the presentation. In addition, we also need
to provide tools for visual help to attract audiences.
Topic determination is also very important to attract viewers. As a leader, we have to
think carefully about the main points or points that we want to communicate. We should be
able to write clearly in one or two sentences. The content structure also affects our
presentation. Most of the speakers use an irregular set of ideas to make the idea no longer
exist. This makes the audience less clear about the content (Simona, 2015).
Additionally, we also need to think of ways to attract listeners as an example, giving a
tailored example, anecdotes or stories, interesting statistics or interesting quotes. We can also
think of whether some of the information we describe should be included in the hand-out or
not. We also need to review the sentence either too long or too little. This should be done so
the discussion period is not too long or not too fast. In our presentation, we are prohibited to
speak too fast because it can cause the audience do not understand what we are saying. As a
guide, we use about one minute for every 100 words, plus time if necessary to change
transparency. Presentations would be better if we use PowerPoint data projections. This is
because, we can use it as a back-up useful if there is a technical problem (Patterson, 2013).
Next, we are encouraged to plan accurate and effective words for opening, transition
points, and conclusions. If we feel anxious, write the contents that we want to present on
paper to make it easier for us to recall our content. We can also make more notes if we need
them. We also need to make sure the use of the language we use is simple, but in academic
form and not a conversation style. We also should think about the questions that our audience
wants to ask. This will allow us to be more willing to answer the questions raised by them.
On the day of the show, we need to be calm and orderly (Patterson, 2013).
If we feel nervous, we do not have to worry too much. That is normal. We should
breathe slowly and deep for a few minutes, and try to relax our face, mouth and neck. This
will make us look relaxed, and will improve our voice quality. Then remind how well we
prepare ourselves, and enjoy it. Concentrate not on yourself or on our notes, but on the
audience and explain to them what we want to convey (Tonc, 2002).

SCCA 2103 237734

3.0 Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is very important for the presentation. Non-verbal
communication is like movement, face expression, voice and eye contact. In controlling the
presentation, we are advised to stand straight but not stiff. By standing, allowing our
diaphragm moves easier to control our breathing and sound production. With that, we will
feel better, sound better, and look better (Manap, 2014).
We are not allowed to move too much because it can cause disruption in our
presentation. However, if no movement at all can cause boredom and communication
ineffective for our audience. We also can use movements and gestures to denote the transition
point or to pressure an important point. We need to avoid unnecessary signal movements and
repetitive movements. We can use the laser only when needed, and with a firm movement.
Facial expressions can be used in the presentation. However, our expression of
expression should match with the message we want to convey. We are not allowed to show
shady faces because it can cause the audience are not to be sure of what we are saying. Next,
we are encouraged to speak a bit more loudly than we think we should be. This should be
done for the audience to be able to hear clearly about the message that we want to convey.
We need to make sure our voices are heard by every audience. If our voice is slow, use a
microphone as a help. This will help us and give us more confidence. Use our voice as a
means of communication. All of these techniques have contributed greatly to making a great
performance to be heard (Yazdanifard, 2015).
Eye contact is very important in the presentation. This is because, eye contact can
establish a connection between the speaker and the audience. It encourages the audience to
listen. Therefore, it is advisable to view the audience for more effective communication. We
start and end our presentation with a direct eye contact that sees the whole audience. During
the presentation, see our visual help or our note if we have it, but do not look at it and talk to
it. Look at the audience as much as we can. We need to see the whole audience not just the
same audience.

SCCA 2103 237734

4.0 Using visual aids, hand-outs and notes

In the presentation, we are encouraged to use tools such as projectors, hand-outs and
notes. If we are use the projector, make sure before the presentation, the equipment is
working properly. Determine the best place to stand up, so that we do not blur the view of the
audience to see the screen. If we use the screen, use the laser pen as a pointer.
We can use PowerPoint as a presentation tool. We have to prepare our tool before we
begin to make a presentation. This can save our time. PowerPoint has excellent online help
and tutorials. Use it while we are preparing our presentation so we can make full use of it. We
are advised to print PowerPoint slides, so we have other alternatives in case we have
technical problems (Dahiya, 2015)
Hand-outs are also useful in presentations. Hand-out can be used to show detailed
data for visual help, such as transcript data from interviews, or mathematical calculations. If
there are many details, the points we want to refer to in our presentation should be clearly
displayed in the manual. Hand-out will also be the notes, given before the presentation. We
do not have to put too much information in hand-out because it can cause the audience are
reading the hand-outs and not pay attention to our presentations. We are also advised to add
our email addresses and addresses, so that people who working in the same field may contact
us later. We can also give hand-out at the end of our talk, so the audience can listen
Visual aids often provide enough support for our presentation. If we think we need a
note as well, we can use it as a reference. We need to handle visual aids, notes, and
audiences. A good alternative is to use a photocopy of our visual tool, with a note written on
it. So it's easier to align our progress through notes and visual aids.

SCCA 2103 237734

5.0 Handling Nerves and Public Speaking Fears

Everyone will feel nervous when speaking in public. This problem makes us less
confident to speak in public. We need to reduce the sense of nervousness so that our
presentation is not affected. Things to do to reduce the nervousness are, by making a curse on
what makes us tremble. We can also investigate our fears by making a list of certain things
that make us feeling anxious or scared. Then create a list that suits us to overcome or address
this (Paul J.H. Schoemaker, 2013).
Moreover, the current if nervous, we need to breathe deeply. Practice to breathing
deeply and slowly to calm our mind. Before we go to the stage, and during the speech, we
can try to "calm the breath" with a breath, then remove the vision of our voice as we exhale.
Body warming before talking can also help in reducing nervous. Exercise reducing tension
will help us focus. By doing little physical activity before our speech will also calm down and
help we get rid of more nervousness.
The formal practice before the talk event will help us feel more confident about what
we are will say and how we will say it. Another way to deal with shaking is to visualize
success. Pictures of ourselves are successful and have fun. Close our eyes and do mentally
neatly greeting us once or twice before we deliver it. Enough sleep and good breakfast is one
of the ways to reduce fear. It is important to keep yourself and follow our morning ceremony
before the talk. Do not drink coffee if we are not a coffee drinker.
Additionally, getting used to the front is also able to give us confidence to speak in
public. Taking pressure from ourselves can also be used to reduce tremor. Very rarely anyone
gives a perfect speech. In fact The President of the United States has the space to improve
when speaking to the public and our audience will understand if we make a mistake. Think of
every speech we give, and the mistakes we make, as step forward into a more effective
speaker (Yazdanifard, 2015).

SCCA 2103 237734

6.0 Conclusion

We do not have to be the perfect presenters to give a very memorable performance. In

fact, even though native speakers find it difficult to perform. But we need to improve our
presentation by working hard and continuing.

As a leader, we have to improve our presentation style so that our followers can
respect us as their leader. There are several ways that we can improve our presentation style
as a leader. Firstly, we need to prepare the presentation. This first step explains about what
we should do before making a presentation which is preparing speech texts with simple and
effective language styles. In this way, our presentations will be more fluent and effective.

The next step is the use of non-verbal communication in the presentation. Non-verbal
communication such as face expression, voice, motion, vibration and eye contact can be used
in our presentation. All types of non-verbal communications should be used in our
presentation so that the presentations are effective and convince the audience.

Additionally, the use of visual aids, hand-outs and notes also can improve the quality
of our presentation. The visual tool helps us to give a clear explanation to the audience.
Viewers will also feel more interested in getting our presentations with visual aids.

Finally, we can improve our presentation by knowing our weaknesses. We will be

able to fix the weakness we have if we know it. So, we have to figure out what our
weaknesses are. In conclusion, a good presentation will be achieved if we try to fix it. Never
despair with what we want.

SCCA 2103 237734

Dahiya, A. L. (2015). Effective Leadership is all About Communicating Effectively:
Connecting Leadership and Communication . International Journal of Management &
Business Studies, 43-48.

Manap, S. (2014). Leaderships and Communication Styles: A Reference on the Leadership

Theory and Communications Steps in an Organization. Journal of Social Science, 44-

Patterson, B. E. (2013). An Integrative Definition of Leadership . International Journal of

Leadership studies, 6-66.

Paul J.H. Schoemaker, S. K. (2013). Strategic Leadership:The Essential Skills. Harvard

Business Review, 1-5.

Simona, C. E. (2015). Developing Presentation Skills in the English Language Courses for
the Engineering Students of the 21st Century Knowledge Society: A Methodological
Approach . Procedia, 69-74.

Tonc, A. (2002). Developings Skills of NGOS Presentation and Communication. Eastern

Europe: The Regional Environmental Center for Central.

Yazdanifard, M. J. (2015). How Effective Leadership can Facilitate Change in Organizations

through Improvement and Innovation. Global Journal of Management and Business
Research: A Administration and Management, 1-6.

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