Assignment 6: KG LX M Xs Vs R G S S L X

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1. Consider the electromagnetic ball suspension problem given in Assignment 1. Denoting

the position of the ball as and the voltage applied to the coil as , where
, , are the steadystate position and voltage, respectively, the incremental transfer

2 kg

x( s) Lx0 m

v( s ) R 2 2g
s s
L x0

where m 2 kg, R 20 , L 0.5 H, k 3 10 4 Nm2/A2, g 9.81 m/s2.

(a) Obtaina2dofcontrollertomeetthefollowingcontrolobjectives: x0 5 10 3 m,settling

time 1 sec,peakovershoot 5 %,gainmargin>6dB,phasemargin>350.
(b) Simulatethecompensatedsystemandcheckiftheabovespecificationsaresatisfied.
(c) Repeatpart(b)fortheoriginal(nonlinearized)magneticsuspensionsystem.

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