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My Sisters Keeper Script

Narrator : Hello everyone. I hope you all are living a goodlife, healthy life,
happy life, your life. Not everyone is fortunate enough, you see. Our own
Anna Fitzgerald, a 13 year old who lived for her luiekmic sister Kate. Anna
was the successful result of an experiment by a scientist who managed to hook
up Sara Fitzgerald and Brain Fitzgerald's genes to create a creature, who
could be a perfect donor for Kate.
Anna had spent her 13 years of life in donating Blood, stemcells, bone
marrow, cordblood and various other vitals to Kate. Kate's condition began to
worsen, and soon she was in need of a Kidney. Who else but Anna could
donate hers. This is when the end seemed to start. The first scene starts with
Anna meeting Mr Campbell, who is a lawyer. Now what does she need a
lawyer for?

Chamber Scene
Anna: My sister is dying, and my mother wants me to donate one of my
kidneys to her.
Campbell : wowowo!!! First of all please introduce yourself
Anna : I am Anna and my mother Mrs. Sara Fitzgerald wants to donate my kidney
to my sister Kate.
Campbell: Wait.. So what are you talking about Anna?
Anna: Im telling you, my parents dont even care about me. The only reason
Im alive is because my mother wanted me to become a perfect donor for
Kate, and now she needs me to donate my organs to her.
Campbell: Anna, no one can make you donate an organ if you dont want to.
Anna (sarcastically): Oh really.
Campbell: Yes, really. Did you even talk to your parents about why you dont
want to donate a kidney?
Anna: They dont listen to me.
Campbell: They might, if you tell them that this is a crime.
Anna: They dont really pay attention to me except when they need my blood
or when Kate is in danger.
Campbell: So Anna, why are you here?
Anna: Im here to find a lawyer! I want you to be my lawyer to represent
me in court against my parents. How much do I have to pay?
Campbell: I charge two hundred dollars an hour. But for this case, the money
isnt important for me.
Anna: You cant be my lawyer for free. I will polish your doorknobs then.
Campbell: Well I guess if you want to. Then Ill be seeing you soon, to
start on our case.
(Anna and Campbell shake hands and Anna leaves the office)

Courtroom Scene
Narrator : That escalated quickly. This case is going to be unprecedented. A
daughter suing her parents for her Right over her own body so that she is not
forced into donating her kidney.
If she wins, her sister dies, if she loses, her sister gets to live for a few more
Sara, being a lawyer by profession, decides to fight her own case. Anna, in the
other hand gives her power of attorney to Mr Campbell, who is fighting it
Sara: Brian Why arent you here? Are you that busy to come?
Campbell: Its ok, we are going to win this case.
Judge: we are all here to decide Annas case. While she is fighting for Rights
over her own body.The issue being whether or not anna should donate her
kidney. So, first lets ear about Annas position. Mr. Campbell.
Campbell: I believe that Anna should win this case because she has been
suffering for the past 13 years giving up her organs to Kate, her sister. And
she has been treated like a test experiment. The doctors started taking things
from her the moment she was born.
Cord blood as an infant, white-cell transfusions...
... bone marrow, lymphocytes...
... injections to add more stem cells, and then they took them too.
But it was never enough.
Judge: ok. What do you think Sara?
Sara: My Lord,Brian, my husband is not here so I take the responsibility to
speak. I really believe my second daughter Anna should donate her kidney to
her dying sister,Kate. The trade is between a kidney or death. Kate, my
Judge: Its ok Mrs. Fitzgerald. Kate, would you want to express your opinion.
Kate : I'm sorry, Jesse.
I'm sorry I took all the attention when you were the one who needed it the
Dad, I know I took your first love from you.
I only hope that one day, you get her back.
Mom, you gave up everything for me.
Your work, your marriage, your entire life...
... just to fight my battles for me every single day.
I'm sorry you couldn't win.
And to my baby sis, who was always so very little...
... I'm sorry I let them hurt you.
I'm sorry I didn't take care of you.
It was supposed to be the other way around.
Judge : Seeing Kates condition, I declare the proceeding to be continued in
the next session.

Hospital scene
Narrator : Kate was taken straight to the hospital from court. Her condition
is worsening and the delayed judgement would keep her in the hospital longer.
We see the whole family gathered in the hospital room when the doctor enters.
There is an aura of deep sorrow in the room, although Kate is cheerful.
Unusually calm. What makes her that?
Doctor : Hello, Kate. One to 10, how's your pain?
Kate : Six.
Doctor : Six?
Mother : Got a minute? She looks very sick today...
Doctor : Sara, these painful moments are gonna get briefer and further apart.
Kate's in system failure now. Body defenses are at zero.
The fevers Kate's been getting, it's infection from the dialysis.
And it's not just in her arm or leg, it's in her blood.
I wanna see how.
I'm sorry, Sara, this is it.
We're at the end.
Kate : Will it hurt?
Doctor : No. I'll make sure of that.
Mother : Listen, I don't wanna hear talk like that, okay, honey?
You just stay strong enough for surgery, okay?
Kate : Okay, Mom.
Doctor : Mrs. Fitzgerald, you might want to consider taking Kate home.
Mother : No.
Doctor : Making her comfortable...
...managing her pain.
Mother : What? You think we should take Kate home to die?
Doctor : What do you want me to say, Sara? It's an option.
Look, I know you don't listen to anybody, but it's our job to tell you.
Doctor : Death is a normal process of life. You need to acknowledge that.
Mother : No, I don't. Who is this broad?
Doctor : Have you spoken to Kate?
You know what she wants?
Mother : I don't care what anybody wants.
We're doing the operation.
Doctor : What operation, Sara?
You have an unwilling donor.
The hospital won't even allow it anymore without a court order.
You think we don't know what's going on here?
Doctor : Your daughter is dying, and you might want to spend...
...some quality time with her.
Kate : Hey, Mom?
Do you know that Minnesota is known as The Land of Ten Thousand
Well, Montana's got, like, a million times that.
Mother : No, I didn't know that
Kate : This is it. Mom
I know I'm going to die now.
I suppose I've always known that.
I just never knew when.
And I'm okay with it. Really.
I don't mind my disease killing me.
But it's killing my family too.
While everyone was so worried about my blood counts...
... they barely even noticed that Jesse was dyslexic
Jesse: Mom Dad! You both were so busy in treating Kates cancer,you never
thought of curing Kate. It was she who asked anna to sue you. Mom! You
dont understand Kate wants to die! Look at her! Look at Anna! Try and look
at the truth!!
Mother : (crying badly) Kate, my child..
Father : Anna is that true!!

Kate : Yess!! Its truevery true!!

(Anna hugs Kate and starts crying)
I'm sick, and I'm tired, and I'm ugly.
Father: Stop it.
Kate : Don't you dare tell me that I'm beautiful, because I'm not.
Don't you dare tell me that nobody's gonna stare at me, because they will.
Father : Oh, God.
Kate : I'm a freak.
( Anna starts crying )
Father : From the moment we decided to genetically conceive...
... I suppose this was the eventual outcome.
It was our fault. We went against nature and this was our comeuppance.
Did we not her into helping her sister?
All those little encouragements and rewards, were they real?
Or did we just want what we wanted?
She was so little when all this started.
Sara, it is time we take Kate home and spend the little time we have with
smiles and love.
Kate : I wanna go to the beach.
Father : What did you say, baby?
Doctor : She wants to go to the beach.
It's the damnedest thing. She's been talking about it all day
Narrator: They went to the beach. They had a family time. They laughed
together. They joked and ate and played. Forgetting for a while that it might
be the last time they will see Kate laughing. Their hearts were full of grief but
a happy farewell to Kate is the most they could do.
She left us after two days. Doctor made sure that her end would be painless, so
the only pain which was felt was by the other Fitzgeralds. They all died a
Today, after 10 years, this would be Kate's 25th birthday. Everyone, Doctor,
Mr Campbell, The judge and Kate's friends are invited. Anna is 23 year old
now. A beautiful lady running an NGO which gives shelter to the cancer
patients. Jesse's dyslexia was looked after. Sara and Brian were more close
then ever.
And Kate, she was happy.


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