BI Incident Report

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Incident Report – Cop In Coma After Accident

A. Introduction

A traffic policeman was seriously injured when a motorcyclist crashed into him after
being hit by another car.

B. Description of Incident

Date: 23 April 2010

Time: 8.45 a.m.

Location: A junction near the Ampang Puteri Hospital.


A policeman was seriously injured when a motorcyclist lost control of his vehicle and
rammed him because of a silly mistake made by a car driver. The 24 year old woman
who was driving the car, Proton Wira in blue colour, did not put on the signal before
turning to her left, the direction where the motorcyclist was coming from behind. This
made her to crash into the motorcyclist and made him lost control of his machine. This
has resulted the motorcyclist to ram towards the policeman who was controlling the
traffic. The injured policeman was sent immediately to the nearby hospital by the car
driver. The policeman was in coma because of some serious head injury.

C. Causes:

Upon investigating the scene of the incident and interviewing witnesses, it was
determined that the woman who was driving the car did not follow traffic rules
because she did not put on the signal before turning to her left which made her crashed
into the motorcyclist who was coming from behind. The other major cause was the
brakes of the motorcycle was not functioning well, this made the motorcyclist lost
control of his motorbike. To worsen the situation, the motorcyclist was also speeding,
which made in more difficult for him to control the motorbike. The motorcyclist also did
not wear any reflective or bright coloured clothes which made it difficult for the car
driver to notice him since it was raining and the level of visibility was low.
D. Recommendations:

To prevent similar occurrences, the following recommendations are givens:

1. The car driver and motorcyclist should be followed the rules of road safety.

2. The motor vehicle must be sent for servicing once every six months.

3. The car driver and the motorcyclist must be sent for re-training.

4. The motorcyclist should be wore reflective or bright coloured clothes when cyclist on
the road.

5. We must be careful and concentrated when we are driving, especially during rainy

E. Conclusion:

We should follow all the traffic rules when we are on the road.

Reported by:

Lew Mei Fong 01DAT08F1022 _________________

Lim Yong Jing 01DAT08F1038 _________________

Yap Sin Kwei 01DAT08F1033 _________________

Ng Wai Sun 01DAT08F1032 _________________

Date: 12th July, 2010

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