الأبعاد التسويقية للمسؤولية الاجتماعية ودورها في تعزيز الصورة الذهنية للمؤسسة الصغيرة والمتوسطة

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41-41 6142
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The different literatures in social responsibility field has witnessed recently a wide attention due to
the large growth of competition between organizations, for this reason, the purpose of this paper
aims to shed light on the social responsibility's marketing aspect as one of the most prominent
mechanisms that enhance the mental image for SMEs, therefore, we addressed a various trends that
are related to the theory of social responsibility, and demonstrating its importance and place among
the promotion of mental image of SMEs.

Keywords: social responsibility, mental image, SMEs

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( )


2 ( )Caroll


1 (
( 6141 88 .612
2 :
41 1 6148.416
Archie B. Carroll, ''A three dimensional conceptual model of corporate social performance'', Academy of
management Review, Vol.4, N4, 1979, pp 497-505.
Pomering, & Dolnicar, ''Consumers sensitivity to different measures of corporate social responsibility in the
Australian Banking Sector'' Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Brisbane,
Queensland, 4-6 December, 2006, p
Perry, Patsy and Towers, Neil, ''Determining the antecedents for a strategy of corporate social responsibility
by small- and medium-sized enterprises in the UK fashion apparel industry'', Journal of Retailing and
Consumer Services, vol.16, N5, 2009, pp. 377-385.
" - "-

( .)....

( )Caroll
( )Caroll

( :)4

Source: Archie Caroll, ''The pyramid of corporate social responsibility: Toward the moral management of
organizational stakeholders'', Business horizons, 1991, vol.34, N4, p. 39-48.

( )Ferrell & Hartline ( )Caroll


Ferrell & Hartline, Marketing Strategy, 5th Edition, South-Western, USA, 2011, p62
" - "-

. :






. :
( )
. :


1 .412
" - "-

. :


: :

1 "
" "

" 2


( cause-related

Maignan & Ferrell, "Corporate social responsibility and marketing: An integrative framework", Journal of the
Academy of Marketing science, 2004, vol. 32, N1, p. 3-19.
2 : 6111 .59
3 -
2 6141 8 .811-818
" - "-


- :
: .
: .

: :

( )4
( :)1



Michael Baker, The Marketing Book, 5th ed, Butterworth-Heinemann, Great Britain, 2003, p 670.
www.causegood.com/blog/cause-marketing-examples/, consulted: 22/09/2016 at 09:45 am.
" - "-

: '' ''
14 6141 4 .16

: .
'' '''' '' .

: .

. :


6118-6112 .61
" - "-

( )Kapferer & Thoening

1 ( )Lambin
2 ( )Duncan




11 41
41 11 411 11

/ 4 611 16
411 111 .4


Michel Ratier," Limage de marque la frontire de nombreux concepts", Cahier de Recherche de
lUniversit des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse 1, N 2003- 158, CRG IAE Toulouse, 2003, P 2.
Jean-Jacques Lambin et Chantal de Moerloose, Marketing stratgique et oprationnel : du marketing
lorientation-march, 7me d, Dunod, Paris, 2008, P. 289.
3 " ( )"
62 6144 6 .615
4 '' '' .274-273
" - "-

% 8955 % 11

)(OCDE 21

6116 % 84 .



( ...(

1 -
: - 6118 .42-41
2 - Djezzy-
: - 6146 .28
" - "-

: :


: :

2 ( )Russell

Jos Lemmink et al., '' The Role of Corporate Image and Company Employment Image in Explaining
Application Intentions'', Journal of Economic Psychology, February 2003, Vol.24, N1, pp 1-15.
2 '' )
('' 411 88 6144 .18
" - "-


Source: Abratt Russell, ''A new approach to the corporate image management process'', Journal of
marketing management, 1989, vol. 5, N 1, p. 63-76.

. :

. :

. :
( )....

" - "-




( )
( )
( ) Freeman
( )Murillo & Lozano

( )... 2

: :

( )6

Abratt Russell, op-cit, p. 63-76.
Suman Sen, Corporate social responsibility in small and medium enterprises: application of stakeholder theory
and social capital theory, Doctor Business Administration thesis, Southern Cross University, Australia, 2011,
p 68.
Heledd Jenkins, ''business opportunity 'model of corporate social responsibility for smalland mediumsized
enterprises'', Business ethics: A European review, 2009, vol. 18, N 1, p. 21-36.
" - "-

( :)2
)Mankelow (2003

/ .
. Castka et al.
& Spence
. )(2003

/ Spence et al.
. Fuller & Tian
/ / Murillo & Lozano
/ .
. Williamson et al.
)Jenkins (2006


( Russo & Perrini
) ( )
Source: Suman Sen, Corporate social responsibility in small and medium enterprises: application of stakeholder
theory and social capital theory, Doctor Business Administration thesis, Southern Cross University, Australia,
2011, p64-65.

( )

" - "-

Leaders the of Voice Survey

6118 4111
4111 % 21
% 11


) (Bronn & Vrioni % 21

( )....


1 -
6141 .414
Yuan-Shuh Lii & Monle Lee, ''Doing Right Leads to Doing Well: When the Type of CSR and Reputation
Interact to Affect Consumer Evaluations of the Firm'', Journal of Business Ethics, January 2012, Vol.105,
Issue 1, pp 6981
Brnn & Vrioni, ''Corporate social responsibility and cause-related marketing: an overview'', International
journal of Advertising, 2001, Vol. 20, N2, pp. 207-222.
" - "-



( .)...

()cause-related marketing



.1 '' ''
.2 :
41 1
" - "-

.3 ''
) ('' 411 88 6144

6118-6112 .61
( ( 6141 88 .612
.6 -
: -
6118 .42-41
.7 -
Djezzy- :
- .6146
.8 " (
)" 62 6144 6 .615
.9 -

.11 ''
'' 14 6141 4 .16
.11 :
.12 -
6141 .811-818

13. Abratt Russell, ''A new approach to the corporate image management process'', Journal of
marketing management, 1989, vol. 5, N 1, p. 63-76.

14. Archie B. Carroll, ''A three dimensional conceptual model of corporate social performance'',
Academy of management Review, Vol.4, N4, 1979, pp 497-505.
15. Archie Caroll, ''The pyramid of corporate social responsibility: Toward the moral
management of organizational stakeholders'', Business horizons, 1991, vol.34, N4, p. 39-
"- - "

16. Brnn & Vrioni, ''Corporate social responsibility and cause-related marketing: an overview'',
International journal of Advertising, 2001, Vol. 20, N2, pp. 207-222.
17. Ferrell & Hartline, Marketing Strategy, 5th Edition, South-Western, USA, 2011.
18. Heledd Jenkins, ''business opportunity 'model of corporate social responsibility for small
and mediumsized enterprises'', Business ethics: A European review, 2009, vol. 18, N 1, p.
19. Jean-Jacques Lambin et Chantal de Moerloose, Marketing stratgique et oprationnel :
du marketing lorientation-march, 7me d, Dunod, Paris, 2008.
20. Jos Lemmink et al., '' The Role of Corporate Image and Company Employment Image in
Explaining Application Intentions'', Journal of Economic Psychology, February 2003,
Vol.24, N1, pp 1-15.
21. Maignan & Ferrell, "Corporate social responsibility and marketing: An integrative
framework", Journal of the Academy of Marketing science, 2004, vol. 32, N1, p. 3-19.
22. Michael Baker, The Marketing Book, 5th ed, Butterworth-Heinemann, Great Britain, 2003,
p 670.
23. Michel Ratier," Limage de marque la frontire de nombreux concepts", Cahier de
Recherche de lUniversit des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse 1, N 2003- 158, CRG IAE
Toulouse, 2003.
24. Perry, Patsy and Towers, Neil, ''Determining the antecedents for a strategy of corporate
social responsibility by small- and medium-sized enterprises in the UK fashion apparel
industry'', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol.16, N5, 2009, pp. 377-385.
25. Pomering, & Dolnicar, ''Consumers sensitivity to different measures of corporate social
responsibility in the Australian Banking Sector'' Australian and New Zealand Marketing
Academy Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, 4-6 December, 2006.
26. Suman Sen, Corporate social responsibility in small and medium enterprises: application of
stakeholder theory and social capital theory, Doctor Business Administration thesis,
Southern Cross University, Australia, 2011.
27. Yuan-Shuh Lii & Monle Lee, ''Doing Right Leads to Doing Well: When the Type of CSR
and Reputation Interact to Affect Consumer Evaluations of the Firm'', Journal of Business
Ethics, January 2012, Vol.105, Issue 1, pp 6981

28. www.causegood.com/blog/cause-marketing-examples/, consulted: 22/09/2016 at 09:45

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