My Kolbs Experiential Learning Cycle Exercise

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My Kolbs Experiential Learning Cycle Exercise

During the streaming week of University Centre Colchester for the BaHons Musical Theatre Course I
Ricardo Jorge Madeira Cardoso and my peer course colleagues were streamed in different categories:
Dance (Tap, Ballet, Jazz)
This particular exercise is aimed at the streaming session in Singing where all of us had to prepare a
song that we hadnt sing for our audition.
During the performance of our solo singing the lecturers were sat down at a table and were taking
notes on our performance and what was good and what needed work on.
When I got up to go the centre and present my solo I directed myself with my music sheet and gave
the indications that were necessary to Caroline (our accompanist and Musicianship lecturer).
I presented myself and the name of my song and the name of the composers.
Window to Window (reprise) Naked Boys Singing
Music Writer: Rayme Sciarioni
Lyricist: Rayme Sciarioni
My performance:

After everyone sang their solos all the lecturers gave us feedback on our performances and what we
could improve
Here is an example of feedback that was given to me by the lecturer Andy Edwards:

(Andy Edwards on Ricardo Cardoso performance Window to Window (reprise) from Naked Boys Singing, Streaming Week
(Week 9) Solo Singing Performance)

During my solo singing there were plenty of things that could have gone better and made my
performance more believable, give it more character and give it more of a performance ready type of
What did I do wrong during my performance:
I ignored the feeling that the intro of the song should give me, therefore the character wasnt
being well represented and transmitted to the audience.
When the introduction finished, I started to sing, according to Andy Edwards notes on my song
(attached on the previous image) and I agree with the notes that were given to me, I started
too strong.

Ricardo Jorge Madeira Cardoso (BaHons) Musical Theatre Year 1 Student ID: 1457424
Why did this happen, I didnt prepare my performance as well I should off, I didnt practice my song
as much as I should off and that created the situation that it wasnt performance ready and had some
weak points that need to be worked on.
Now every time that I have an exercise I practice correctly, breaking down everything that is right and
everything that is wrong, creating strategic points where to work more and where to work less and
then implement them in my work schedule making sure that I work on everything that I need to work
on, using the different techniques that I am acquiring and learning throughout the course.

This piece of writing was created due to an exercise that was requested by our Lecturer Simon Warne
on the Kolbs Experiential Learning Cycle.

Ricardo Jorge Madeira Cardoso (BaHons) Musical Theatre Year 1 Student ID: 1457424

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