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Paul University Iloilo

General Luna St., Iloilo City


Assignment No. 3: Organization of the Business

a. Answer on this sheet. Type your name above. Key in your answers to each question below. You may type in
answers as long as you want you can use several paragraphs for discussion to each question.
b. Save this file using the following format:LN_title of assignment. For example: Monterola_assign01
c. Email the file to :
d. Deadline of this assignment is on Sept. 27, 12MN.
e. Late assignments will be given a deduction of 5 points for each day of delay. You are very much encouraged
to submit assignments ahead of the deadline.
f. Assignments in this course are no less important than those of other courses. Your inability to manage
your time or computing resources will not be accepted as a valid excuse. (Several assignments falling due
at the same time are often unavoidable.)
g. This is just laying down the groundwork of your business plan. You can always change some of the
concepts/ideas as we go along in the semester.
h. I strongly recommend that you do research as you answer the questions. Answer it as if you are already
writing your business plan. This means that your answers should be well-thought-of, organized, concept-
based, technical in nature. You have to use business English in your choice of words. Everything as to be in
third person do not use first person. Please take note of your grammar and tenses.
i. Should you see the need to use drawings, charts, graphs, others to illustrate your point, you are free to do
j. I also suggest that you already use references (you were already taught this in your subject on Research 1)
as you answer the assignments, so you will not forget when you write the final paper.

The Organization
1. Who are the members of your management team? What skills, education, and experience do they bring to
the team?

2. What other key managers do you plan to recruit?

3. Do you plan to use consultants? If so, describe their qualifications.

4. What are your plans for future employee recruitments?

5. What will be the compensation and benefit plans for managers and other employees?

6. What style of management will be used? What will be the decision-?making process in the company? What
mechanisms are in place for effective communication between managers and employees? If possible,
present a simple organizational chart.

7. How will personnel be motivated? How will creativity be encouraged? How will commitment and loyalty be

8. What employee retention and training programs will be adopted? Who will be responsible for job
descriptions and employee evaluations?

9. Who will have an ownership interest in the business?

10. Will the business function as sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation?

11. What are the liability implications of this form of organization?

12. What are the tax advantages and disadvantages of this form of organization?

13. If a corporation, where will the corporation be chartered and when will it be incorporated?

14. What attorney or legal firm has been selected to represent the firm? What type of relationship exists with
the companys attorney or law firm?

15. What legal issues are presently or potentially significant?

16. What licenses and/or permits and/or forms to be filled upare required? Research on this: Requirements of
Municipal Office (if municipality) or City Hall (if in the city), BIR, SSS, DTI, SEC, FDA, PhilHealth, PAG-IBIG, etc.

17. What strategic alliances are already in place , and what others do you plan to establish in the future?
Describe the forms and nature of these alliances. What are the responsibilities of and benefits to the parties
involved? What are the exit strategies should an alliance fail?

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