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Teacher Inquiry and the

What is Inquiry?
Individualized Learning Plan

Representations of Inquiry Representations of Inquiry

Fullerton Online Teacher Induc7on Program 1


Representations of Inquiry What is Inquiry?

Inquiry is the inten&onal

process of:
Diagnosing problems,
cri7quing experiments,
dis7nguishing alterna7ves, planning
inves7ga7ons, researching conjectures, searching
for informa7on, construc7ng models, discussing
with peers, and forming coherent arguments.
Linn, M., Davis, E., and Bell, P. (2004)

What is the Purpose of Teacher Inquiry? What is the Individualized Learning Plan?
The ul7mate purpose of the Teaching as Inquiry cycle is to The Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) addresses the CSTP and
achieve improved outcomes for all students. provides a road map for New Teachers' induc7on program
Just as importantly, the cycle is an organizing framework that ac7vi7es.
teachers may use to help them learn from prac7ce and build The ILP requires New Teachers to
greater knowledge. iden7fy professional growth goals and measurable outcomes,
For FOTIP purposes, teacher inquiry will guide the describe how the they will work to meet those goals, and
development, implementa7on, and evalua7on of the New plan for evalua7ng data to reect on progress.
Teachers Individualized Learning Plan. The ILP is collabora7vely developed at the beginning of Induc7on
by the New Teacher and Mentor.
Improved Each semester, New Teachers design, implement, evaluate, and
Student Organizing update their ILPs.
Outcomes Framework
Revised plans iden7fy new goals for professional growth and may
for ReecKon
include as goals from a previous semester.

Fullerton Online Teacher Induc7on Program 2


Relationship Between Teacher

5-Step Teacher Inquiry Cycle Inquiry Cycle, ILP, and POP Cycle
Inquiry ILP SecKon POP Cycle
The FOTIP Teacher
Sec7on 2 CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Inquiry Cycle is Sec7on 2: Pre-Observa7on
Focus Sec7on 3 Inquiry Focus
represented in ve Sec7on 4 Inquiry Research
steps. Sec7on 3 Lesson Implementa7on
Lesson Plan
Plan Plan
Sec7on 2: Pre-Observa7on
Steps align with the Conference

Individualized Sec7on 3: ME Observa7on of Lesson

Teach --
Learning Plan and
Classroom POP Cycle. Sec7on 5 Results Sec7on 4: Post Observa7on
Analyze Pre/Post Assessment Data Table Conference
Sec7on 4: Post Observa7on
Reect Sec7on 5 Reec7on

In the FOCUSING stage of

Teacher Inquiry, teachers Purpose:
idenKfy student outcomes for Teachers establish a FOCUS

a specic change in student baseline for student
learning or achievement. performance/achievement
and a direc7on for their ac7ons.
What are students currently able to do?
What baseline data documents their current
abili7es? Key QuesKon:
What do you want students to be able to do? What is important (and therefore worth
What evidence will conrm that students met these spending 7me on), given where my
new outcomes? students are at?

Fullerton Online Teacher Induc7on Program 3


Inquiry ILP SecKon POP Cycle

Sec7on 2 (CSTP Areas of Inquiry) Sec7on 2: Pre-Observa7on Conference
In the PLANNING stage of Teacher
Focus Sec7on 3 Inquiry Focus (Inquiry Focus/Special Emphasis/Focus Inquiry, teachers select
Sec7on 4 Inquiry Research Students/Specic Feedback) PLAN
instrucKonal, management, or
ILP POP CYCLE assessment strategies that will
Iden7es CSTP areas of inquiry In prepara7on for lesson
support students in achieving outcomes.
according to semester. development:
Poses inquiry ques7on; iden7es Records inquiry focus, What strategies are being used and how well do they work?
pre/post assessment and student special emphasis, focus According to the research, what strategies might be more
outcomes. students. eec7ve?
Reviews research and talks with Iden7es special feedback According to colleagues, what strategies might be more
colleagues. requested from Mentor eec7ve?
Iden7es 3 focus students. during observa7on. What strategies will best support English learners and
Iden7es special emphasis students with special needs?
according to semester.

Inquiry ILP SecKon POP Cycle

Purpose: Plan Sec7on 3 Inquiry Planning
Lesson Plan
Sec7on 2: Pre-Observa7on Conference
Teachers use evidence PLAN

from research, past prac7ce,
and colleagues to plan teaching ILP POP CYCLE
and learning opportuni7es aimed at Iden7es 7meline and pre/ Shares focus and lesson plan
post assessments for with Mentor.
achieving outcomes. inquiry.
Reects on lesson plan
independently and with
Key QuesKon: Mentor.
What strategies (evidence-based) are
most likely to help my students learn
what they need to learn?

Fullerton Online Teacher Induc7on Program 4


In the TEACHING stage of Teacher

Inquiry, teachers teach the
lesson(s) uKlizing the new
Teachers u7lize new strategies
strategies. They also
to teach the lesson(s) and
metacogniKvely monitor the
support student learning.

What teacher and student ac7ons occurred during Key QuesKon:
the lesson?
How did the lesson ow more or less smoothly than
How are these new strategies suppor7ng
previous lessons on the same topic? student learning?
Where did students need more or less monitoring or

Inquiry ILP SecKon POP Cycle

Teach ---
Sec7on 3: Observa7on of Lesson
In the ANALYSIS stage of
Teacher Inquiry, teachers ANALYZE
analyze data and compare
ILP POP CYCLE pre- and post-assessments.
Delivers lesson. Delivers lesson.

Mentor observes lesson How does the post-assessment compare to the pre-
delivery and takes notes.
New Teacher thinks about To what degree were students able to achieve
lesson during delivery and outcomes?
records ideas immediately
To what degree were English learners and students
with special needs able to achieve outcomes?

Fullerton Online Teacher Induc7on Program 5


Inquiry ILP SecKon POP Cycle

Analyze Sec7on 5: Results Sec7on 4: Post Observa7on Conference

Teachers inves7gate success of
teaching in terms of student
Analyzes pre/post Analyzes lesson
outcomes. They analyze the data assessment data for class eec7veness.
and summarize key ndings. and for three focus students.

Key QuesKon:
What happened as a result of the teaching?

In the REFLECTION stage of

Teacher Inquiry, teachers
Teachers interpret ndings to
evaluate the eecKveness of the
consider what they should do next.
strategies and uses informaKon

to decide next steps.
Key QuesKon:
What are the implica7ons for future
What would you do dierently next 7me? teaching?
How do your ndings inform future prac7ce? Is there something I need to change?
What are the next steps for learning?

Fullerton Online Teacher Induc7on Program 6


Inquiry ILP SecKon POP Cycle

Reect Sec7on 5: Reec7on Sec7on 4: Post Observa7on Conference


Teacher Inquiry Cycle was adapted

Reects on data analysis and Iden7es lesson strengths
from Teaching as Inquiry (New
iden7es next steps for
professional development.
and areas for improvement. Zealand).
Notes professional growth
Iden7es professional growth Linn, M. C., Davis, E. A., & Bell, P.
via CSTP Con7nuum and how to on CSTP con7nuum based
move forward on con7nuum. on POP Cycle. (2004). Internet Environments for
Iden7es new skills and Science Educa3on. Mahwah, NJ:
knowledge gained.
Iden7es ac7on items.





Fullerton Online Teacher Induc7on Program 7

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