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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, in the name of Allah S.W.T the most gracious, the merciful,
and to our prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Alhamdulillah, at last we have finished our group
assignment report after struggling to complete it.

We would like to thank to our lecturer, Madam Shariah Bt Abdul Wahid for the kindness,
comments, supports and concerns in helping us in completing this report. She also gave us her
suggestions to do this group assignment on schedule and thanks for her patience. Although she
been busy with her job but she still spends her time to teach us about this group assignment.
Without her, we will face difficulty in completing this project.

Lastly, thanks to our lovely parents, lecturers and also our friends for give much and good
supporting times to help us to finish this group assignment and report. Without them, it is so hard
for us to complete this assignment.

Finally, we would like to thank for those individuals who have shared their suggestions
and evaluations of this assignment.

For this research, we had described what is our problem that is mostly happened in our life
especially for us the university hostel students which is to dry our clothes at the cloth line provided.
Our research is to plan a smart system for the cloth line so that the problem we have stated could
be overcome. We also have listed down the objectives of the research. One of them was to
recommend an efficient cloth line system at male hostel UniKL BMI since the target audience we
chose is male students. We have conducted several type of questionnaires, about 50% of hostel
residents use the outdoor cloth line provided. Most of them do have the same kind of problem
which is not able to pick up the clothes during raining and those some of the clothes which do not
picked up by the owner itself become a burden to the other residents. Meanwhile, from the test we
find that the prototype function smoothly under three conditions. After we worked on for the
methodology, made a research and review from the journals we got that finally we chose the
Arduino Uno board and the LDR system, we could successfully conducted the prototype of the
smart cloth line. Overall, the objective of identifying problem faced by hostel students of UniKL
BMI to dry their laundry at the outdoor cloth line provided is achieved. Also, more efficient cloth
line system which is the Smart Cloth System also has been recommended for the public.


1.0 Background Information

There are several basic methods of drying garments which are by using the mechanical dryer
(tumble dryer), drying flat, line drying and using a rack. The benefits of line drying (using
cloth line) that we knows is that it is good for environment and eventually save money.
According to Department of Energy statistics, about 5.8 percent of electricity use in our home
goes towards the clothes dryer. It typically costs 30 to 40 cents to dry a load of laundry in a
residential electric dryer and approximately 15 to 20 cents in a gas dryer. Besides, drying
garments using outdoor cloth line will make the clothes last longer and will naturally disinfect
the clothes (kill germs and bacteria). Since drying garments using outdoor cloth line give
benefits to environment and the people, most of us use the outdoor cloth line. A cloth line or
washing line are basically any type of rope or cord being stretched together between two points
(pole). It can be either outdoor or indoor. This is where the recently washed garments are hung
to be dried.

Precarious climate nowadays can be troublesome to individuals to dry their garments outdoor.
Peoples also sometimes forget to take their cloth at the apparel suspension during the rainy
days. This becomes a problem especially for hostel students and the working individuals who
are busy with their daily routine at university or their work place. They certainly worry for
drying their garments outdoor due to inclement weather.

The hostel in UniKL BMI only provides outdoor cloth line for students to dry their garments.
This will burden the hostel students to dry their garments due to inclement weather. It is
because they are too busy with their student life and most of the time they will be at the
academic building. They wont be able to take their garments at the cloth line when it is raining
since they are not at the hostel area. To solve this problem, Smart Cloth Line System will be
developed with Arduino Uno software, water sensor and light sensor as the main components
of the system.
1.1 Problem Statement

It will be troublesome for hostel students who are busy with their daily routine at university to
dry their garments at the hostel outdoor cloth line due to inclement weather. It will take more
time to dry the laundry since they could not take their laundry at the cloth line during rainy
days as they are not at the hostel most of the time.

1.2 Objective

The objective of this research is

To identify the problem faced by hostel students of UniKL BMI to dry their laundry at the
cloth line.
To determine the suitable system that will be used for the cloth line.
To recommend an efficient cloth line system at male hostel UniKL BMI.

1.3 Research Question

The research questions for this research are:

1. How can we help the students staying at the hostel to dry their garments at the outdoor
cloth line without any worries?
2. Is Arduino Uno software, water sensor and light sensor suitable for Smart Cloth Line

1.4 Scope Of Research/Study

This study mainly focuses on the Smart Cloth Line System which will provide an efficient
cloth line system at UniKL BMI Male Hostel.

The research is conducted at year 1, electronic student staying at west wing ground floor male
hostel UniKL BMI.
1.5 Significance Of Research/Study

For students, it is hard to find time to have laundry day where the cloth is dried throughout the
whole day because of the precarious weather. For example, when they are not around at the
hostel area or have classes, they might have problem to pick up their clothes at cloth line when
it is raining. So, the findings of this study is important as it will ease the burden of the students
staying at the hostel. This Smart Cloth Line System will help the student to dry their clothes in
a faster and easier way. The students will not have to worry about their clothes whenever or
where ever they are. Moreover, they also did not have to wash their clothes again as before
when their clothes caught in the rain. This will make their life easier. So basically, our Smart
Cloth Line System will provide more efficient cloth line systems and provide proper places for
the students at hostel to dry their garments.

1.6 Limitation Of Research/Study

There are several limitation experienced from the research conducted. Firstly, there are lack of
resources and information regarding this research topic available at UniKL BMI library and
the databases provided. Secondly, the slow internet connection available at the hostel and
UniKL BMI campus complicate us to search for resources and information related to the
research topic. Thirdly, different schedule between the group members make it difficult for us
to have discussion on the research. Last but not least, time constraint in which the limited
period of research is insufficient for as it complicate us to have a proper and complete research.

1.7 Definition Of Terms

The research will focus on effectiveness of Arduino Uno, water sensor and light sensor (Light
Dependent Resistor-LDR) in detecting precarious weather especially rainy days and sunny
days to provide more efficient cloth line system at UniKL BMI hostel which will automatically
retrieve-out the clothes when it is the sunny day and oppositely retrieve-in the clothes when it
is raining.

2.0 Introduction
This chapter will discuss about the literature review of the Arduino software, light sensor and
water sensor which are the most important software and sensors that will be used in Smart
Cloth Line System. Throughout this chapter, we will get to know more about the specification,
function, advantages and disadvantages of the software and sensors. This information will be
used to build the more efficient cloth line system. This chapter also will explain about
definition of term that are related to the research. This is for a better understanding of the
Arduino, water sensor and the light sensor.

2.1 Literature Reviews

2.1.1 Arduino Development Environment
The Arduino development environment comprises of a text editor for writing code, a
message area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons for frequent functions and a sequence of
menus. It attaches to the Arduino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them
(Sethuramalingam et al, 2012).

A. Language Editor

The Arduino 1.0.1 software atmosphere has been interpreted into 30+ different
languages. In normal case, the IDE loads in the language chosen by our operating
system. The language can be manually adjusted by starting the Arduino software and
selecting the Preferences window. Adjacent to the editor language there is a dropdown
menu of currently supported languages. The desired language can be chosen from the
menu and restart the software to make use of the preferred language. If the desired
language is not supported, the IDE will default to English.

The Arduino can return to its normal setting depending on the operating system by
selecting System Default from the Editor Language drop-down. This setting will
commence only after restarting the Arduino software. In the same way, after changing
the operating systems settings, the Arduino software must be restarted to update it to
the latest default language.

B. Writing Sketches

Software is written using Arduino which are called as sketches. These sketches are
written in the text editor. Sketches are saved with the file extension as .ino. It has options
for cutting/pasting and for searching/replacing text. The message area provides feedback
at the time of saving and exporting and also displays errors. The console shows text
output by the Arduino environment together with complete error messages and
additional information. The bottom right-hand corner of the window shows the existing
board and serial port. The toolbar button permits to confirm and upload programs,
create, open and save sketches and open the serial monitor.

C. Sketchbook

The Arduino environment employs the idea of a sketchbook - a standard place to

accumulate the programs (or sketches). The sketches in sketchbook can be initialized
from the File > Sketchbook menu or from the Open button on the toolbar. The initial
time while running the Arduino software, it will automatically generate a directory for
the sketchbook. The location of the sketchbook can be viewed or modified with the
assistance of Preferences dialog.

D. Libraries

Libraries offer additional functionality for use in sketches, for instance, working with
hardware or manipulating data. In order to use a library in sketch, it is necessary to select
it from the Sketch > Import Library menu. This will introduce one or more #include
statements at the beginning of the sketch and compile the library with the sketch. Since
the libraries are uploaded to the board with the sketch, they enhance the quantity of
space it takes up. When a sketch no longer requires a library, just remove its #include
statements from the top of the code.
2.1.2 Type of Arduino Boards

According to Louis (2016), Arduino boards are available with many different types of built-
in modules in it. Boards such as Arduino BT come with a built-in Bluetooth module, for
wireless communication. These built-in modules can also available separately which can
then be interface (mounted) to it. This module is known as Shield.

Some of the most commonly used Shields are:

Arduino Ethernet shield: It that allows an Arduino board to connect to the internet using
the Ethernet library and to read and write an SD card using the SD library
Arduino Wireless shield: It allows your Arduino board to communicate wirelessly using
Arduino Motor Driver Shield: It allows your Arduino boards to interface with driver
of a motor etc

Here is a list of the different types of Arduino Boards available along with its microcontroller
type, crystal frequency and availabilities of auto reset facility:
2.1.3 Arduino Uno

Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or can be connected to

software on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP).Arduino is an open-source
physical computing platform based on a simple i/o board and development environment that
implements the Processing/Wiring language. The Arduino Uno Rev3 is a microcontroller
board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used
as PWM outputs), 6 analogue inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power
jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the
microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with AC-to-
DC adapter or battery to get started (Venkatesh et al, 2015)

2.1.4 Photoconductive Sensors/LDR

A photoconductive sensor is a thick film semiconductor material whose electrical resistance
decreases with increasing incident light. These rugged assemblies that can withstand
hundreds of volts are typically smaller than 0.25 inch diameter.(Godfrey, 2003)

Photoconductive sensors based on cadmium sulphide (CdS) have sensitivity curves that
closely match the sensitivity of the human eye. Accordingly, they are useful in applications
involving human light perception such as headlight dimmers and intensity adjustments on
information displays. These sensors can be designed for measuring microwatts to mill watts
of optical power and are very inexpensive at high volume (less than $0.10 each). These
characteristics make CdS photoconductors the sensor of choice in applications such as street
light control and in the toy industry where economy is a major consideration.

There are, however, considerations that limit the use of CdS photoconductors in more
sophisticated applications requiring sensitivities over a wide spectral range, small variations
between individual parts, or no history-dependent response. The resistance of these sensors
depends on the thick-film microstructure, so the resistance specification has a wide tolerance
- a max/min ratio of 3 is not uncommon. The resistance also has long term memory which
depends, at any given time, on the amount of light actually incident on the sensor plus the
sensor light history for the past several days.

Photoconductors made from materials other than CdS such as lead telluride and mercury
cadmium telluride are also available. These materials have spectral sensitivities that cover
the range that photodiodes cannot: above 2 m out to 15 m. This longer wavelength
sensitivity is very important for infrared imaging cameras and for long wave instrumentation
such as is used to monitor carbon dioxide laser emission and atmospheric physics. These
sensors tend to be more expensive than both silicon photodiodes and CdS photoconductors.

2.1.5 Water Sensor Alarm

Water Alert Sensor Cable and Water Detection Sensor Cable are the latest addition to Dorlen
Products line of early warning water leak detection equipment. By using a water sensing
alarm combination with Sensor Cable, the user can purchase a system specific to their needs,
from a simple local audible water sensor alarm to a large water leak detection system
(Layton, 2017)
2.2 Definition of Term

2.2.1 Rain Tracker Rain Gage-Model Rg-10

The Rain Gage RG-10 senses using beams infrared light. The RG-10 is suitable for almost
any application that requires reliable and sensitive rain sensing, including automatic
retraction of awnings, boat and ship window wiper control, and wiper control for specialized
vehicles and equipment. The RG-10 senses the drops directly, and is thus able to detect a
much smaller amount of water.

2.2.2 Outdoor Retractable Laundry Hanger

Outdoor laundry system equipped with German technology and can work perfectly to solve
problem drying our laundry and make the clothes dry under the sun or indoor when it rains.
This system is highly suitable for residents staying in high rise flats and apartments due to
limited space constraints. This system work simply on a German gas spring and roller
bearing from Japan, this system sit flat to the ceiling when not in use, and it makes maximum
use of the air space in our home.

2.2.3 Temperature Control System

This deals about temperature control system which is a particular system for Server room.
This system consists of temperature sensor, PIC, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), driver
circuits, AC air heater and AC motor. This motor operated based on two levels of speed and
functioning for controlling the temperature value inside of a regular room automatically.
This system would operate based on values or ranges of the temperature inside the room that
would be detected by using the temperature sensor.
2.2.4 Rollout Awnings

Rollout awning is made up of all heavy American made stock components, thick, white
epoxy/PVC coated/full bath dipped over heavy aluminium alloy frames. This awning arms
have Triple-Angled- Elbows with Triple-Springs sealed inside for water tightness providing
Triple Strength and added stiffness for maximum use on windy beach fronts. They can be
rolled up even when wet without forming mildew and provide the highest longevity for
awning material used in roll out awnings.

2.3 Conclusion

In conclusion, Arduino, water sensor and the light sensor (LDR) are the best software and
sensors that will produce an efficient and effective cloth line system at UniKL BMI hostel. By
using the Arduino software, water sensor and light sensor (LDR), the cloth line will retrieve-
out the clothes when it is the sunny day knowing from the light sensor, and oppositely retrieve-
in the clothes when it is raining knowing from the water sensor used.

3.0 Introduction
This chapter discusses the methodology of the research. The main purpose of the research is
to identify the problem faced by hostel students of UniKL BMI to dry their laundry at the
outdoor cloth line provided at the hostel. To identify and assess the problem, year 1, electronic
students staying at west wing ground floor male hostel UniKL BMI were chosen as the
respondents for this research. Data for the research were collected through questionnaire,
interview and observation.

3.1 Research Instrument

The research utilizes both quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The instrument
used to collect data were questionnaire and observations. A set of questionnaire containing 10
questions were developed for the research. Different question types were used in the
questionnaire such as yes/no questions, multiple choice questions, ranking questions, open-
ended questions and close-ended questions.

The qualitative data for the research came from the interview and observations. The interview
was utilized to confirm the finding from the questionnaire as well as to triangulate the data
collection methods.

Observation was another method of data collection for this research. In this research,
observation was used to obtain the frequency of the selected respondents using the outdoor
cloth line provided at the hostel and the problem faced in drying their garments at the outdoor
cloth line. An observation sheet was developed for the research.

3.2 Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the year 1, electronic student staying at west wing ground
floor male hostel UniKL BMI with 100 populations. 20 of them were chosen as the sample
for this research. In May, 20 sets of questionnaire were distributed to the respondents.
3.3 Research Procedure

3.3.1 Questionnaire
The questionnaire were distributed at the male hostel of UniKL BMI. It takes about 10
minutes for each respondents to complete the questionnaire. The interview session was
conducted after the respondents completed the questionnaire. The data was analysed by using
a few types of graphs and charts such as bar graphs, pie charts and line graphs.

3.3.3 Smart Cloth Line System Prototype Test

The Smart Cloth Line System are tested to ensure that it function properly and accordingly.
It is tested under 3 condition which is on rainy day, sunny day and at night. This is to make
sure that it works efficiently to help students staying at UniKL BMI hostel.

Testing Smart Cloth Line System on Rainy Day

To test the Smart Cloth Line System on rainy day, artificial rain is created
where water is sprinkled above the prototype of the Smart Cloth Line. The
prototype cannot be tested under the real situation of rainy day as there are
some parts of it which are not water resistant. When water are sprinkled
above the prototype, water sensor which is on the roof of the hut will detect
the presence of water (rain). When the rain is detected, an instruction will be
sent to Arduino Uno (the microcontroller) to inform the current weather
condition. Then, the Arduino Uno will release an instruction for the motor to
retrieve the clothes into the hut.

Testing Smart Cloth Line System on Sunny Day

For this part of prototype test, the Smart Cloth Line System was tested on a
sunny day, at 12.00 pm at the futsal court. The clothes are in the hut before
it is tested under the sun (sunny day). When the power source is turned on,
the light sensor or the LDR which is on the roof of the hut will detect the
presence of light. The Arduino Uno will receive the current weather
condition sent by the light sensor. Then, the Arduino Uno will release an
instruction for the motor to retrieve the clothes out of the hut.

Testing Smart Cloth Line System at Night

This test is conducted at the hostel study room with low intensity of light (to
create night situation). Before the test started, the clothes at the Smart Cloth
Line System were outside the hut. The light sensor (LDR) will not be able to
detect low intensity of light. The light sensor send information to the Arduino
Uno regarding the weather condition. The motor will retrieve in the clothes
into the hut according to the instruction released by the Arduino Uno.

3.4 Conclusion
In conclusion, all data have been recorded based on the research instruments used in this
methodology which is the respondents, and also the prototype test. In this chapter, the problems
faced by the students in drying their clothes at the outdoor cloth line provided at the hostel
were studied. The prototype of the Smart Cloth Line System also has been tested and it
functions well. The findings and results will be presented in Chapter 4.

4.0 Introduction
This chapter will discuss the findings of the methodology used in this research which is the
respondents and the prototype test conducted. The analysis of the questionnaire distributed
which is about the problems faced by hostel students of UniKL BMI to dry their laundry at the
outdoor cloth line provided at the hostel were presented and being discussed in this chapter. In
this chapter, the findings of the Smart Cloth Line System prototype which has been conducted
will be presented and analysed.

4.1 Description of Findings

4.1.1 Findings from Survey/Questionnaire
1. Respondents Details


25% 20-22 10% BET MEDICAL

40% 23-25 25% 40% ELECTRONICS

35% 26-28 25% BET DATA


40% 2nd
15% 3rd
25% 4th

Figure 4.2.1: Respondents Details

The pie chart in Figure 4.1.1 shows the respondents details that took part in the research
based on their age, program and current semester. From 20 respondents, 40% (8 person) of
them aged between 20 to 22, 35% (7 person) of them aged between 23 to 25 and the rest of
them aged between 26 to 28 years old. For the programs taken by the respondents, 40% of
them are in BET Electronics program, 25% from BET Medical Electronics, 25% from BET
Data Communication and 10% from B.E Electrical. The respondents who took the
questionnaire for this research are on their first semester, second semester, third semester
and fourth semester with 8, 5, 3 and 4 respondents respectively.

2. Question 1: How did you dry your clothes after being washed?



Figure 4.2.2: Methods Used By Unikl Bmi Hostel Residents to Dry Their Garments
Figure 4.2.2 above shows the methods used by UniKL BMI hostel residents to dry their
garments. Out of 20 respondents who took the questionnaire, 9 of them uses the outdoor
cloth line, 3 uses indoor cloth line, 2 uses laundry services and 5 uses tumble dryer. One of
the respondents uses other method which is drying the clothes in their room. It can be
inferred that most of the UniKL BMI hostel residents uses the outdoor cloth line as a method
to dry their clothes. It is based on the 45% of the whole 20 respondents who chooses the
outdoor cloth line to dry their clothes

3. Question 2: If you use the outdoor cloth line provided at the hostel, how often do you
do so in a week?


5% 15%




Figure 4.2.3: Frequency of Use of Outdoor Cloth Line by Unikl Bmi Students

About 10 of the respondents (50%) use the outdoor cloth line at the hostel 4 to 5 times a
week, 5 of them (25%) use it 2 to 3 times a week, 3 of them (15%) use the outdoor cloth
line once a week and 1 of them (5%) did not use it at all. Based on the pie chart in
Figure 4.2.3, it can be seen that most of the UniKL BMI hostel residents uses the outdoor
cloth line frequently.

4. Question 3: Do you aware the benefits of drying clothes under the sun (outdoor)?

When the respondents were asked whether they aware the benefits of drying clothes under
the sun (outdoor), half of them (10 respondents) state that they are aware about the benefits
and the other half state that they are not aware.

5. Question 4: Do you have any problems in drying the clothes at the outdoor cloth line
with the precarious weather these days?

15 out of the 20 respondents (75%) state that they have problems in drying the clothes at the
outdoor cloth line especially with the precarious weather these days while another 5 of the
respondents (25%) state that they did not have any problems with it.
6. Question 5: I think the outdoor cloth line system at the male hostel in UniKL BMI is





Figure 4.2.6: Opinion of Unikl Bmi Hostel Resident about the Outdoor Cloth Line
Most of the respondents thinks that the outdoor cloth line provided at the UniKL BMI
hostel are in bad condition. Only 1 and 2 respondent thinks that the outdoor cloth line in in
good and very good condition respectively. This shows that appropriate action should be
taken to improve and upgrade current outdoor cloth line provided at the UniKL BMI hostel.
7. Question 6: Have you ever experience a condition where you cant pick up your
clothes at the outdoor cloth line when its raining?





Figure 4.2.7: Experience of Unikl Bmi Hostel Residents Where They Can't Pick Up the
Cloth When It's Raining

Based in Figure 4.2.7, 7 respondent always cannot pick up the clothes at the outdoor cloth
line when it is raining, 5 of them sometimes experience the situation and 4 of them face
it once in a while. The remaining 4 respondents state that they never experience it. It can
be inferred that the hostel residents who use the outdoor cloth line are inconvenient since
they are worried about their clothes at the cloth line when they are not the hostel

8. Question 7: What is your action when your clothes at the outdoor cloth line gets wet
again because you are unable to pick up the clothes because of rain?






5.4 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2


Figure 4.2.8: The Action of Unikl Bmi Hostel Residents When Their Clothes Gets Wet Again
Because Of Rain

From Figure 4.2.8, 7 of the respondents wash the clothes again when it gets wet again
because of rain, 6 of them let the clothed dry again at the cloth line and another 7
respondents send the clothes to the launderettes. This shows that it will be troublesome
for the when their clothes gets wet again when it is raining where they cant pick up the
clothes since they are not in the hostel compound.

9. Question 8: Do you have any complaint about the outdoor cloth line provided at the
male hostel in UniKL BMI?

The respondents gives a few complaint about the outdoor cloth line provided at UniKL BMI
hostel. The complaints stated by the respondent in the questionnaire are current cloth line is
not efficient, not enough space and it is only located at the ground floor.

10. Question 9: In your opinion, how will Smart Cloth Line System helps you in your
daily routine especially with your laundry?

15 out of 20 respondent (75%) state that the Smart Cloth Line will be a big help for the
hostel resident as they will not have any worries to dry their clothes at the outdoor cloth
line in the precarious weather nowadays. Another 5 respondent (25%) were not sure about
the Smart Cloth Line System. This shows that having Smart Cloth Line System at the
UniKL BMI hostel will surely help the hostel residents to dry their clothes outdoor without
any worries.

11. Question 10: Any comments or suggestion? Please state.

For this question, not all 20 respondent give their comment and suggestion. Only 5 of them
(25%) gives their comment and suggestion. Among the suggestions and comments provided
are they want the outdoor cloth line to be upgraded, they want the Smart Cloth Line System
to be implemented at the cloth line provided at the hostel and they also said that the Smart
Cloth Line System is a good system and will help the students.

4.2 Findings from Observations

Based on observation made, it shows that most of the UniKL BMI hostel resident use the
outdoor cloth line provided to dry their clothes. The outdoor cloth line are always full and
when it is raining, there are still clothes at the cloth line which they could not pick up since
they are not at the hostel compound.

4.3 Findings from Smart Cloth Line Prototype Test

The Smart Cloth Line Prototype has been tested under 3 condition, rainy day, sunny day and
at night. From the test, the Smart Cloth Line prototype works well under all 3 conditions. The
Arduino Uno, water sensor and the light sensor (LDR) works according to their function. The
prototype works smoothly where the clothes were retrieved into the hut when the water sensor
detects water and the light sensor did not detect light (low light intensity). The Smart Cloth
Line also retrieve the clothes out from the hut when the light sensor (LDR) detects high
intensity of light from the sun.

4.4 Analysis and Discussion of Findings

Based on survey and questionnaire took by the respondents, most of the UniKL BMI hostel
resident (50%) use the outdoor cloth line provided. However, they face problems in using the
outdoor cloth line to dry their clothes in the precarious weather nowadays. Since they are busy
with their routine as a student, they are not always at the hostel compound especially during
the day. So they are not able to pick up their clothes at the cloth line when it is raining. This
will be troublesome for them as their clothes get wet again because of the rain in which they
have to wash the clothes again, send it to the laundrettes or wait for them to dry gain.

Based on the test conducted on the Smart Cloth Line prototype, it function smoothly under the
3 conditions where the Arduino Uno, water sensor and the light sensor works according to their
function. The clothes will be retrieved into the hut when it is raining or dark (night) and will
be retrieved out when it is sunny day. This will definitely help the hostel residents to dry their
clothes at the outdoor cloth line without any worries. Their clothes also will dry faster even in
the precarious weather nowadays.

Based on the findings from the questionnaire and observation, the objective of identifying
problem faced by hostel students of UniKL BMI to dry their laundry at the outdoor cloth line
provided. A suitable system (Smart Cloth Line System) for the cloth line system has been
determined and the prototype has been successfully tested. More efficient cloth line system
which is the Smart Cloth System also has been recommended for the male hostel UniKL BMI.
Based on the findings from the methodology, all of the objectives stated earlier has been
successfully achieved.

4.5 Conclusion

The findings from questionnaire, observation and prototype test has been presented and
analysed in this chapter. In conclusion, the problem faced by the hostel residents of UniKL
BMI to dry their clothes at the outdoor cloth line has been analysed and the Smart Cloth Line
system was recommended to help them drying their clothes without any worried even in the
precarious weather nowadays.

5.0 Introduction
This chapter will discuss about overall of this research with some of recommendation like
suggestions for future study or research. This chapter consists the overview of the study and
review of the findings. Future researchers have the opportunity to discuss and improve this
research with some recommendation regarding the alternative way which is stated briefly
through out this research. Ideally, the info mention regarding this research will discussed and
more additional data to support this research that might be useful in the future.

5.1 Overview of the study

The findings of this research indicate a positive response that Arduino Uno, water sensor and
the light sensor (LDR) works very efficient for the Smart Cloth Line prototype. Moreover, the
Smart Cloth Line Prototype has been tested under three condition, rainy day, sunny day and
at night. Through three condition, apparently the efficiency of prototype also depends on it
since different condition require different test of components. Arduino Uno works well with
water sensor in rainy day while both Arduino Uno and light sensor works efficiently in sunny
day. For last condition, Arduino Uno, water sensor and the light sensor (LDR) works best
together at night. In conclusion, the researchers are now able to know the best components
that must be put together for making the Smart Cloth line works more efficiency and able to
solve main problem of this research.

5.2 Review of findings

From this research, there are several findings that can be concluded as well from the beginning
is was started until now. Based on the questionnaire, about 50% of hostel residents use the
outdoor cloth line provided. Most of them do have the same kind of problem which is not able
to pick up the clothes during rain and those some of the clothes which do not picked up by the
owner itself become a burden to the other residents. Moreover, from the test we find that the
prototype function smoothly under three conditions. Those are rainy day, at night and during
the day. For overall findings, the objective of identifying problem faced by hostel students of
UniKL BMI to dry their laundry at the outdoor cloth line provided is achieved. Besides, a
suitable system which is The Smart Cloth Line System that we are working in for the cloth line
has been determined. Last but not least, more efficient cloth line system which is the Smart
Cloth System also has been recommended for the public.

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