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WaterCAD v5

for Windows

19862002 Haestad Methods, Inc. All rights reserved.

WaterCAD v5 Users Guide (First Printing)

This book is published by Haestad Methods, Inc. and is intended for civil
engineers and hydraulic modelers
(including professional engineers, technicians, and students). This book
may not be copied, photocopied,
reproduced, translated, or converted to any electronic or machine-
readable form in whole or in part without
prior written approval of Haestad Methods, Inc.
The following are registered trademarks of Haestad Methods, Inc.:
CulvertMaster, Cybernet, FlowMaster, PondPack, SewerCAD, StormCAD, and
The following are trademarks of Haestad Methods, Inc.:
HECPack, POND-2, Graphical HEC-1, Graphical HEC-Pack , and Darwin
Calibrator (patent pending).
Haestad Methods is a registered tradename of Haestad Methods, Inc.
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37 Brookside Rd.
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WaterCAD Users Guide


Table of Contents
Preface 1
Chapter 1 Orientation 3
1.1 What Is WaterCAD? 3
1.2 What's New in WaterCAD v5.0? 4
1.2.1 New in v4.5 5
1.3 Installation, Upgrades, and Updates 7
1.3.1 Minimum System Requirements 7
1.3.2 Installing Haestad Methods' Products 7
1.3.3 Uninstalling Haestad Methods' Products 8
1.3.4 Troubleshooting Setup or Uninstall 8
1.3.5 Software Registration 8
1.3.6 Upgrades 9
1.3.7 Globe Button 9
1.3.8 Network Licensing 9
1.4 Learning WaterCAD 12
1.4.1 WaterCAD Documentation 12
1.4.2 How to Use Help 13
1.4.3 How Do I? 13
1.4.4 Help 13
1.4.5 Glossary 13
1.4.6 Tutorials 14
1.4.7 Sample Projects 14
1.4.8 Haestad Methods' Workshops 14
1.5 Contacting Haestad Methods 14
1.5.1 Sales 14
1.5.2 Technical Support 15
1.5.3 Your Suggestions Count 15
1.5.4 How to Contact Us 16
Chapter 2 WaterCAD Main Window 17
2.1 Overview 17
2.2 Main Window Components 17
2.2.1 Stand-Alone Mode, AutoCAD Mode 17
2.2.2 WaterCAD Main Window 18
2.2.3 Drawing Pane 19
2.2.4 Status Bar 19
2.2.5 Menus, Toolbars, and Shortcut Keys 20
2.2.6 Command Line 21
2.3 WaterCAD Menus 21
2.3.1 WaterCAD Menus 21
2.3.2 File Menu 22
Table of Contents

2.3.3 Edit Menu 24

2.3.4 Analysis Menu 26
2.3.5 View Menu 26
2.3.6 Draw Menu (in AutoCAD Mode Only) 28
2.3.7 Tools Menu 28
2.3.8 Report Menu 29
2.3.9 Help Menu 30
2.4 WaterCAD Toolbars 31
2.4.1 Toolbar Button Summaries 31
2.4.2 Tool Pane Summary 31
2.4.3 The Tool Palette 32
2.4.4 Analysis Toolbar 32
2.4.5 Animation Options 33
2.4.6 Other Toolbar Buttons 33
2.5 The Status Bar 34
2.5.1 Status Bar Contents 34
2.5.2 General Status Information 35
2.5.3 File Status 35
2.5.4 Unit System Status 35
2.5.5 DXF Background Status 35
2.5.6 Cursor Location 35
2.5.7 Calculation Results Status 35
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons 37
3.1 Overview 37
3.2 Lesson 1 - Constructing a Network and Performing a Steady-State
Analysis 37
3.3 Lesson 2 - Extended Period Simulation 46
3.4 Lesson 3 - Scenario Management 50
3.5 Lesson 4 - Reporting Results 56
3.6 Lesson 5 - Automated Fire Flow Analysis 65
3.7 Lesson 6 - Water Quality Analysis 68
3.8 Lesson 7 - Working with Data from External Sources 73
Chapter 4 Starting a WaterCAD Project 97
4.1 Overview 97
4.2 File Management 97
4.2.1 File Management 97
4.2.2 Import Command 98
4.2.3 Multiple Sessions 98
4.2.4 Importing a Submodel 99
4.2.5 Exporting a Submodel 99
4.3 Project Management 99
4.3.1 Project Setup Wizard 99
4.3.2 Project Summary 100
4.4 Options 100
4.4.1 Global Options 100
4.4.2 Project Options 101
4.4.3 Drawing Options 103
4.5 FlexUnits 105
WaterCAD Users Guide

4.5.1 FlexUnits Overview 105

4.5.2 Field Options 105
4.5.3 Units 106
4.5.4 Display Precision 106
4.5.5 Scientific Notation 106
4.5.6 Minimum and Maximum Allowed Value 106
4.5.7 FlexUnits Manager 107
Chapter 5 Layout and Editing Tools 109
5.1 Graphical Editor Overview 109
5.2 Graphical Editor 109
5.2.1 Using the Graphical Editor 109
5.2.2 Working with Network Elements Within the Graphical Editor 109
5.2.3 Creating New Elements 110
5.2.4 Changing the Pipe Layout Tool to Insert a Different Type of Node
5.2.5 Morphing Elements 111
5.2.6 Splitting Pipes 111
5.2.7 Selecting Elements 111
5.2.8 Editing Elements 112
5.2.9 Other Tools 113
5.3 Selection Sets 114
5.3.1 Selection Sets 114
5.3.2 Selection Set Manager 114
5.3.3 New Selection Set 114
5.3.4 Selection Set Dialog 114
5.3.5 Duplicate Selection Set 115
5.3.6 Rename Selection Set 115
5.3.7 Selection Set Notes 115
5.3.8 Delete Selection Set 115
5.4 Find Element 115
5.4.1 Find Element 115
5.5 Zooming 115
5.5.1 Zooming 115
5.5.2 Zoom Center 116
5.5.3 Aerial View 116
5.6 Drawing Review 117
5.6.1 Drawing Review 117
5.6.2 Selection Tolerance 118
5.7 Relabel Elements 118
5.7.1 Relabel Elements Dialog 118
5.7.2 Relabel Operations 119
5.7.3 Elements Selected 119
5.8 Element Labeling 120
5.8.1 Element Labeling 120
5.8.2 Moving Element Labels and Annotation 121
5.9 Quick Edit 121
5.9.1 Quick Edit 121
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors 123
6.1 Overview 123
Table of Contents

6.2 Element Editors 124

6.2.1 Using Element Editors 124
6.2.2 Pressure Pipe Editor 124
6.2.3 Pressure Junction Editor 125
6.2.4 Tank Editor 125
6.2.5 Reservoir Editor 126
6.2.6 Pump Editor 126
6.2.7 Valve Editor 127
6.3 Element Editors' Tabs 128
6.3.1 General Tab 128
6.3.2 Demand Tab 136
6.3.3 Section Tab 138
6.3.4 Controls Tab 139
6.3.5 Quality Tab 141
6.3.6 Fire Flow Tab 144
6.3.7 Capital Cost Tab 145
6.3.8 User Data Tab 147
6.3.9 Messages Tab 147
6.3.10 VSP Tab 148
6.3.11 Energy Tab 149
6.4 Prototypes 151
6.4.1 Prototypes 151
6.5 User Data Extension 152
6.5.1 User Data Extensions 152
6.5.2 User Data Extension Dialog 152
6.6 Zone Manager 155
6.6.1 Zone Manager 155
6.6.2 Zone Dialog 155
Chapter 7 FlexTables 157
7.1 Tabular Reporting Overview 157
7.2 Table Manager 157
7.2.1 Table Manager 157
7.2.2 Creating New Tables 158
7.2.3 Editing Tables 158
7.2.4 Duplicating Tables 158
7.2.5 Deleting Tables 158
7.2.6 Renaming Tables 159
7.2.7 Resetting Tables 159
7.3 Table Setup Dialog 159
7.3.1 Table Setup Dialog 159
7.3.2 Table Type 160
7.3.3 Available Table Columns 160
7.3.4 Selected Table Columns 160
7.3.5 Table Manipulation Buttons 160
7.3.6 Allow Duplicate Columns 161
7.4 Table Window 161
7.4.1 The Table Window 161
7.4.2 Editing Tables 162
7.4.3 Sorting/Filtering Tables 163
7.4.4 Table Customization 164
7.4.5 Table Output 166
WaterCAD Users Guide

Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives 167

8.1 Overview 167
8.2 Alternatives 167
8.2.1 Alternatives 167
8.2.2 Alternatives Manager 168
8.2.3 Alternatives Editor 170
8.2.4 Physical Alternative 170
8.2.5 Active Topology Alternative 173
8.2.6 Demand Alternative 173
8.2.7 Initial Settings Alternative 174
8.2.8 Operational Alternative 175
8.2.9 Logical Control Set Alternative 175
8.2.10 Age Alternative 176
8.2.11 Constituent Alternative 176
8.2.12 Trace Alternative 178
8.2.13 Fire Flow Alternative 178
8.2.14 Capital Cost Alternative 179
8.2.15 User Data Alternative 180
8.2.16 Energy Cost Alternative 180
8.3 Scenarios 180
8.3.1 Scenarios 180
8.3.2 Scenario Selection 181
8.3.3 Editing Scenarios 181
8.3.4 Scenario Manager 181
8.3.5 Scenario Wizard 183
8.3.6 Scenario Editor 185
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities 189
9.1 Overview 189
9.2 Steady-State/Extended Period Simulation 190
9.3 Optional Analysis 191
9.4 Global Demand and Roughness Adjustments 191
9.5 Check Data/Validate 192
9.6 Calculate Network 193
9.7 Flow Emitters 193
9.8 Fire Flow Analysis 194
9.8.1 Fire Flow Analysis 194
9.8.2 Fire Flow Results 195
9.8.3 Not getting Fire Flow at a Junction Node 195
9.8.4 Manual Fire Flow Scenarios 195
9.9 Water Quality Analysis 197
9.9.1 Age Analysis 197
9.9.2 Constituent Analysis 197
9.9.3 Trace Analysis 198
9.10 Calculation Options 198
9.10.1 Calculation Options 198
9.10.2 Hydraulic Analysis Options 199
9.10.3 Water Quality Analysis Options 199
9.11 Patterns 200
9.11.1 Patterns 200
Table of Contents

9.11.2 Pattern Manager 201

9.11.3 Pattern Editor 201
9.11.4 Importing Patterns 202
9.12 Logical Controls 203
9.12.1 Logical Controls Overview 203
9.12.2 Creating a new Logical Control 203
9.12.3 Logical Controls Operation 205
9.12.4 Logical Control Manager 205
9.12.5 Control Dialogs 208
9.12.6 Condition Dialogs 209
9.12.7 Action Dialogs 213
9.12.8 Finding Controls and Control Components 215
9.12.9 Logical Control Sets 217
9.13 Active Topology 217
9.13.1 Active Topology 217
9.13.2 Active Topology Selection Dialog 218
Chapter 10 GA Optimization and Calibration 219
10.1 Darwin Calibration Overview 219
10.2 Darwin Calibrator 219
10.2.1 Darwin Calibrator 219
10.2.2 New Calibration 220
10.2.3 Optimized Calibration 220
10.2.4 Manual Calibration 222
10.2.5 Calibrations 222
10.2.6 Calibration Solutions 223
10.2.7 Calibration Export to Scenario Dialog 224
10.2.8 GA-Optimized Calibration Tips 224
10.2.9 Calibration Results Statistics 225
10.3 Field Data Sets 225
10.3.1 Field Data Set Dialog 225
10.3.2 Field Data Sets Dialog 227
10.3.3 New Field Data Set 228
10.3.4 Field Data Observation Dialog 228
10.3.5 Entering Fire Flow Test Results 228
10.3.6 Select Element 229
10.3.7 Field Data Import 229
10.4 Adjustment Groups 231
10.4.1 New Adjustment Group Dialog 231
10.4.2 Rename Adjustment Group Dialog 231
10.4.3 Calibration Groups 231
10.4.4 Calibration Adjustment Groups Dialog 231
10.4.5 Selection Set Dialog 232
10.5 Calibration Options 233
10.5.1 Calibration Options 233
10.5.2 Optimized Calibration Advanced Options 234
10.5.3 Calibration Options Formulae 235
Chapter 11 Cost Estimating 237
11.1 Overview 237
11.2 Capital Cost Manager 238
WaterCAD Users Guide

11.2.1 Capital Cost Manager 238

11.2.2 Capital Cost Manager - Button Section 238
11.2.3 Capital Cost Manager - Center Pane 238
11.2.4 Capital Cost Manager - Left Pane 239
11.2.5 System Cost Adjustments Table 239
11.2.6 Active Cost Scenarios 240
11.3 Energy Cost Manager 240
11.3.1 Energy Cost Analysis 240
11.3.2 Energy Cost Manager 240
11.3.3 Energy Pricing Manager 242
11.3.4 Energy Pricing Editor 242
11.4 Cost Alternatives Manager 243
11.4.1 Capital Cost Alternatives Manager 243
11.5 Unit Cost Functions 243
11.5.1 Unit Cost Functions 243
11.5.2 Unit Cost Functions Manager 244
11.5.3 New Unit Cost Functions Dialog 244
11.5.4 Unit Cost Function Notes 244
11.5.5 Tabular Unit Cost Function 244
11.5.6 Formula Unit Cost Function 245
11.6 Cost Reports 246
11.6.1 Cost Reports 246
11.6.2 Element Detailed Cost Report 246
11.6.3 Project Detailed Cost Report 247
11.6.4 Project Element Summary Cost Report 247
11.6.5 Project Summary Cost Report 247
11.6.6 Pipe Costs Report 247
11.6.7 Cost Warnings Report 247
Chapter 12 Presenting your Results 249
12.1 Overview 249
12.2 Element Annotation 249
12.2.1 Element Annotation 249
12.2.2 Attribute Annotation Dialog 250
12.2.3 The Annotation Wizard 250
12.3 Color Coding 251
12.3.1 Color Coding 251
12.3.2 Color Coding Dialog 252
12.4 Reports 253
12.4.1 Predefined Reports 253
12.4.2 Element Details Report 253
12.4.3 Element Results Report 254
12.4.4 Tabular Reports 254
12.4.5 Scenario Summary Report 255
12.4.6 Project Inventory Report 255
12.4.7 Calculation Results Table 255
12.4.8 Plan View Report 255
12.4.9 Calculation / Problem Summary Report 255
12.4.10 Contour Plan View 256
12.4.11 Totalizing Flow Meters 256
12.4.12 Tabular Report Window 256
12.4.13 System Head Curve Dialog 257
Table of Contents

12.5 Graphs 257

12.5.1 Pump Curve 257
12.5.2 Tank Storage Curve 257
12.5.3 Junction Demand Graph 257
12.5.4 Pattern Graph and Report 257
12.5.5 Plotting a Variable vs Time 257
12.6 Contours 259
12.6.1 Contour Map Manager 259
12.6.2 Contour Plot 260
12.6.3 Contour Smoothing 260
12.6.4 Enhanced Pressure Contours 260
12.6.5 Contour Labeling 261
12.6.6 Spot Elevations 261
12.7 Profile 262
12.7.1 Profile 262
12.7.2 Profile Setup 263
12.7.3 Profile Plot 263
12.7.4 Export Profiles (in AutoCAD Mode) 264
12.7.5 Walk 264
12.7.6 Walk Selection 264
12.8 Scenario Comparison 264
12.8.1 Scenario Comparison 264
12.8.2 Annotation Comparison Wizard 264
12.8.3 Scenario Comparison Window 265
12.9 Graphic Annotation 266
12.9.1 Graphic Annotation 266
12.9.2 Legend 267
12.10 Preview Windows 267
12.10.1 Plot Window 267
12.10.2 Print Preview Window 267
12.10.3 Graph Options 268
12.11 Status Log 269
12.11.1 Status Log 269
Chapter 13 Engineering Libraries 271
13.1 Engineering Libraries Overview 271
13.2 Engineering Library Manager 272
13.2.1 Engineering Library Manager 272
13.2.2 WaterCAD Engineering Library Modules 272
13.2.3 Engineering Library Editor 272
13.2.4 Material Properties 273
13.2.5 Minor Loss Properties 274
13.2.6 Liquid Properties 274
13.2.7 Constituent Properties 275
Chapter 14 GIS and Database Connections 277
14.1 Overview 277
14.2 Database Connections 279
14.2.1 Database Connection Manager 279
14.2.2 Standard Database Import/Export 279
14.2.3 Database Connection Editor 281
WaterCAD Users Guide

14.2.4 ODBC 284

14.2.5 Sharing Database Connections between Projects 285
14.2.6 Database Connection Example 286
14.3 Shapefile Connections 287
14.3.1 Shapefile Connection Manager 287
14.3.2 Shapefile Connection Editor 288
14.3.3 Shapefile Link Wizard 289
14.3.4 Import Shapefile Wizard 289
14.3.5 Export Shapefile Wizard 292
14.3.6 Sharing Shapefile Connections between Projects 293
14.3.7 Shapefile Format 294
14.3.8 Shapefile Connection Example 294
Chapter 15 Exchanging Data with CAD Software 295
15.1 AutoCAD Polyline to Pipe Conversion 295
15.1.1 Polyline to Pipe Conversion Overview 295
15.1.2 Converting your Drawing in Multiple Passes 296
15.1.3 Polyline to Pipe Wizard 296
15.2 Import/Export of DXF Files 299
15.2.1 Import a DXF from AutoCAD or MicroStation 299
15.2.2 Exporting a DXF file 299
15.2.3 Redefining WaterCAD Blocks in AutoCAD 299
15.2.4 Advanced DXF Import Techniques 299
Chapter 16 Additional Features of the AutoCAD Version 301
16.1 Overview 301
16.2 AutoCAD Environment 302
16.2.1 AutoCAD Mode Graphical Layout 302
16.2.2 Toolbars 302
16.2.3 Drawing Setup 302
16.2.4 Symbol Visibility 302
16.2.5 Rebuild Figure Labels 303
16.3 AutoCAD Project Files 303
16.3.1 AutoCAD Project Files 303
16.3.2 Drawing Synchronization 303
16.3.3 Saving the Drawing as Drawing*.dwg 304
16.4 WaterCAD Element Properties 304
16.4.1 Element Properties 304
16.4.2 Select Layer 304
16.4.3 Select Text Style 305
16.5 Working with Elements 305
16.5.1 Edit Element 305
16.5.2 Deleting Elements 305
16.5.3 Modifying Elements 305
16.6 Working with Elements Using AutoCAD Commands 306
16.6.1 WaterCAD Custom AutoCAD Entities 306
16.6.2 AutoCAD Commands 307
16.6.3 Explode Elements 307
16.6.4 Moving Elements 307
16.6.5 Moving Element Labels 307
16.6.6 Snap Menu 307
Table of Contents

16.7 Undo / Redo 308

16.7.1 Undo / Redo Operations in AutoCAD 308
16.8 Converting Native AutoCAD Entities to WaterCAD Elements 308
16.8.1 Converting Native AutoCAD Entities 308
16.8.2 Layout Pipe Using Entity 309
16.8.3 Change AutoCAD Entities to Pipes 309
16.9 Special Considerations 309
16.9.1 Import WaterCAD 309
16.9.2 Working with Proxies 309
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions 311
A.1. Overview: "How Do I" 311
A.2. Import/Export Tips 311
A.2.1. Import/Export Tips 311
A.2.2. Importing Data from Previous WaterCAD/Cybernet Versions 312
A.2.3. Transitioning from Cybernet v2 313
A.2.4. Importing EPANET Files 316
A.2.5. Importing KYpipe Data 316
A.2.6. Importing Spot Elevations 316
A.2.7. Exporting Spot Elevations 316
A.2.8. Importing Database and Shapefile data created with WaterCAD v3
A.3. Modeling Tips 317
A.3.1. Modeling Tips 317
A.3.2. Modeling a Hydropneumatic Tank 318
A.3.3. Modeling a Pumped Groundwater Well 318
A.3.4. Modeling Parallel Pipes 319
A.3.5. Modeling Pumps in Parallel and Series 319
A.3.6. Modeling Hydraulically Close Tanks 320
A.3.7. Modeling Fire Hydrants 320
A.3.8. Modeling a Connection to an Existing Water Main 320
A.3.9. Top Feed/Bottom Gravity Discharge Tank 322
A.3.10. Estimating Hydrant Discharge Using Flow Emitters 323
A.3.11. Modeling Variable Speed Pumps 324
A.3.12. Creating Scenarios to Model "What If?" Situations 326
A.3.13. How Do I Access the Haestad Methods Knowledge Base? 326
A.3.14. Darwin Calibrator Troubleshooting Tips 326
A.4. Display Tips 328
A.4.1. Display Tips 328
A.4.2. How Do I Change Units in a Column? 329
A.4.3. How Do I Control Element and Label Sizing? 329
A.4.4. How Do I Color Code Elements? 329
A.4.5. How Do I remove Label Color Coding from imported AutoCAD files?
A.4.6. How Do I Reuse Deleted Element Labels? 330
A.5. Editing Tips 330
A.5.1. Editing Tips 330
A.5.2. Mouse Tips 330
A.5.3. Laying out a Pipe as a Multi-segmented Polyline 331
A.5.4. Changing a Pipe into a Multi-segmented Polyline 331
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory 333
B.1. Overview 333
WaterCAD Users Guide

B.2. Pressure Network Hydraulics 334

B.2.1. Network Hydraulics Theory 334
B.2.2. The Energy Principle 334
B.2.3. The Energy Equation 335
B.2.4. Hydraulic and Energy Grades 335
B.2.5. Conservation of Mass and Energy 336
B.2.6. The Gradient Algorithm 337
B.2.7. Derivation of the Gradient Algorithm 337
B.2.8. The Linear System Equation Solver 339
B.2.9. Pump Theory 340
B.2.10. Pump Type 342
B.2.11. Valve Theory 343
B.3. Friction and Minor Losses 344
B.3.1. Friction Loss Methods 344
B.3.2. Minor Losses 346
B.4. Water Quality Analysis 347
B.4.1. Water Quality Theory 347
B.5. Engineer's Reference 354
B.5.1. Engineer's Reference 354
B.5.2. Roughness Values - Manning's Equation 355
B.5.3. Roughness Values - Darcy-Weisbach Equation (Colebrook-White) 355
B.5.4. Roughness Values, Hazen-Williams Formula 356
B.5.5. Typical Roughness Values for Pressure Pipes 357
B.5.6. Fitting Loss Coefficients 357
B.6. Genetic Algorithms Methodology 358
B.6.1. Darwin Calibrator Methodology 358
B.7. Energy Cost Theory 363
B.7.1. Energy Cost Theory 363
B.8. Variable Speed Pump Theory 365
B.8.1. Variable Speed Pump Theory 365
Appendix C: Scenario Management Guide 371
C.1. Overview 371
C.2. About this Guide 371
C.3. Before Haestad Methods: Distributed Scenarios 372
C.4. With Haestad Methods: Self-Contained Scenarios 373
C.5. The Scenario Cycle 374
C.6. Scenario Anatomy: Attributes and Alternatives 374
C.7. A Familiar Parallel 375
C.8. Scenario Behavior: Inheritance 375
C.9. Overriding Inheritance 376
C.10. Dynamic Inheritance 376
C.11. When are Values Local, and When are They Inherited? 376
C.12. Minimizing Effort through Attribute Inheritance 377
C.13. Minimizing Effort through Scenario Inheritance 378
C.14. A Water Distribution Example 378
C.15. Building the Model (Average Day Conditions) 379
Table of Contents

C.16. Analyzing Different Demands (Maximum Day Conditions) 379

C.17. Another Set of Demands (Peak Hour Conditions) 379
C.18. Correcting an Error 380
C.19. Analyzing Improvement Suggestions 380
C.20. Finalizing the Project 381
C.21. Summary 382
C.22. Conclusion 382
Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating 383
D.1. Capital Cost Estimating Basics 383
D.2. Entering Data for Multiple Elements 385
D.3. Unit Cost Functions 388
D.3.1. Formula Cost Functions 391
D.3.2. Tabular Cost Functions 393
D.3.3. Numeric Variables / Text Variables 393
D.3.4. Complex Pipe Elements 393
D.4. Building Cost Scenarios 394
D.5. Viewing Cost Results 396
D.6. Assigning Costs to Model Elements 400
D.6.1. Assigning Costs to Model Elements 400
D.6.2. Pipe Costs 400
D.6.3. Node Costs 402
D.6.4. Pump Station Costs 404
D.6.5. Non-Construction Costs 405
Appendix E: Haestad Methods 411
E.1. Overview 411
E.2. Software 411
E.2.1. WaterCAD 411
E.2.2. SewerCAD 412
E.2.3. StormCAD 412
E.2.4. PondPack 412
E.2.5. FlowMaster 412
E.2.6. CulvertMaster 412
E.3. Haestad Press 413
E.3.1. Haestad Press Publications 413
E.4. Training and Certification 413
E.4.1. Training and Certification 413
E.5. Internet Resources 414
E.5.1. Internet Resources 414
WaterCAD Users Guide

Glossary 415
References 423
Index 425
Table of Contents


WaterCAD Users Guide



Welcome to WaterCAD
Thank you for purchasing WaterCAD. At Haestad Methods, we pride
ourselves in providing the very best
engineering software available. Our goal is to make software that is
easy to install and use, yet so powerful
and intuitive that it anticipates your needs without getting in your way.
WaterCAD is a feature-rich program with extensive on-line documentation
that is able to provide a level of
instruction appropriate to your needs. Do not be fooled by the existence
of this users guide. You do not
need to read anything to get started!
When you first use the program, WaterCADs intuitive interface and
interactive dialogs will guide you. If
you need more information, go to our comprehensive, context-sensitive,
on-line help by either pressing the
Help button present in each dialog box, pressing the F1 key, or right-
clicking anywhere in a dialog. Help
text regarding the area of the program in which you are working will be
We are betting that you will be able to use our product right out of
the package. If you know how to run
Setup within Windows, then go ahead and get right to work. Install
WaterCAD, and enjoy!


WaterCAD Users Guide


Chapter 1


1.1 What Is WaterCAD?

WaterCAD is a powerful yet easy to use program that helps
engineers design and analyze complex
pressurized piping systems. WaterCADs powerful graphical interface
(both in Stand-Alone and AutoCAD
mode) makes it easy to quickly lay out a complex network of pipes, tanks,
pumps, and more. You can use
WaterCAD to:
Perform steady-state analyses of water distribution systems with
pumps, tanks, and control valves.
Perform extended period simulations to analyze the piping
system's response to varying supply and
demand schedules.
Perform water quality simulations to determine the water
source and age, or track the growth or
decay of a chemical constituent throughout the network.
Perform Fire Flow Analyses on your system to determine how
your system will behave under
extreme conditions.
Use the powerful Scenario Management features to mix and
match a variety of "What If?"
alternatives on your system. Create multiple sets of hydraulic, physical
property, operational, initial
setting, fire flow, cost, and water quality alternatives.
Create and run any number of scenarios by
mixing and matching alternatives, then view and compare the
results quickly and easily with
WaterCAD's flexible scenario management feature.
Calibrate your model manually or with the assistance of the
Darwin Calibrator, which utilizes the
power of Genetic Algorithms.
Link to GIS data using Shapefile and Database connections.
Tip: The best introduction to WaterCAD is the One-Minute Tutorial.
Explore WaterCAD freely
and remember that there is a lot of valuable information in on-line help.

Chapter 1 - Orientation

1.2 What's New in WaterCAD v5.0?

WaterCAD v5.0 includes a variety of new and enhanced features, including:
Darwin Calibration - The new Darwin Calibrator harnesses the
power of Genetic Algorithms to
automatically calibrate pipe roughness, demands, and pipe status. An
unlimited number of calibration
scenarios can be automatically generated and ranked by their
proximity to your observed data, and
the adjustments suggested by the calibrator can be automatically
applied to your model. Manual
Calibration can also be performed from within the Darwin Calibrator on
selected groups of elements
or for all pipes and junctions in the model. The Darwin Calibrator is
available as an optional feature
Active Topology Alternative - By using the Active Topology
Alternatives feature, you can
temporarily remove any of the network elements from the drawing
view. While these elements are
Inactive, they are not included in any calculations. This
capability allows you to maintain multiple
network configuration scenarios within a single project file,
eliminating the need to switch between
multiple files.
Variable Speed Pumps - You now have the ability to make any
pump a Variable Speed Pump.
Variable speed pumps can be controlled using a pump speed
pattern or choose to have the pump
adjust its speed to meet a specific head at a target node.
Energy Cost Analysis - WaterCAD v5 has the ability to
estimate the energy costs associated with
running the pumps in a network. This feature goes beyond simply
calculating the amount of
electricity used in that it also accounts for the energy losses
and gains associated with tank level
changes over time.
Logical Rule-Based Controls - Logical Rule Based Controls
provide greater flexibility and
functionality than Simple Controls, giving you enhanced ability
to dictate the behavior of your
System Head Curve Generation - WaterCAD now has the ability to
automatically generate system
head curves, which can be used to find the appropriate pump
size for the system or to find the
operating point for an existing pump.
General Purpose Valve - GPVs can be used to represent
reduced pressure backflow prevention
valves, well draw-down behavior, turbines, or any other device or
situation with a unique headloss -
flow relationship.
Demand and Pattern Import - You can now import demands and patterns
from ASCII text files.
Time Variable Reservoir - HGL patterns can now be applied to
reservoirs, providing the ability to
simulate tidal activity and situations where the reservoir represents a
tie-in to another system whose
pressure varies with time.
Manual Fire Flow Scenarios - With only a small amount of
input data, you can have the program
automatically create Fire Flow scenarios for each individual node in
which a user-defined Fire Flow
demand is applied. You can then perform a batch run on these
scenarios to compare them, or run a
Steady State or Extended Period simulation on each individual scenario.
Flow Emitters - Use Flow Emitters to model fire sprinklers, irrigation
systems, leakage, or any other
situation in which the node demand varies in proportion to the pressure
at the emitter node.
Totalizing Flow Meters - By using Totalizing Flow Meters, you
can determine the total and net
amount of flow passing through any network element.
Submodel Import and Export Export a model, or portions thereof, for
import into other projects.
Animation Support - Animate the plan and profile views separately or
at the same time to serve as
an ideal tool for presentations and output analysis.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Quick Attribute Selector - The quick attribute selector organizes the

available attributes into groups
of related attribute types, allowing you to easily find the desired
Mousewheel Pan and Zoom Support - You can now Pan and Zoom inside the
drawing pane using
the mousewheel.
Time Of Day Support - WaterCAD now has Time-of Day support,
utilizing a standard 24-hour
clock. (AM and PM)
Enhanced Filtering Capability - In addition to the Filtering options
available in previous versions,
WaterCAD v5 allows you to Filter using the operators "Begins With" and
Improved Element Calculation Messages - A printable list of
all elements with messages and
warnings can now be accessed from the calculation results tab.
Improved Element Graphs - Element graphs can now display multiple
elements simultaneously.
AutoCAD Double-click Support - Double-clicking an element opens the
Element Editor dialog for
that element, eliminating the need to select the Edit menu command.
AutoCAD Multi-line Tooltips - Hovering the mouse cursor over an
element will open a multi-line
tooltip which displays any current Annotation applied to that element.
AutoCAD Contour Labeling - Contour labeling can now be achieved using
WaterCAD commands.
Labels can be applied to the ends or the interior of the contour lines.
Windows XP Support - WaterCAD v5 is now compatible with
Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
Note: Support for Windows 95 and AutoCAD R14 has been discontinued in
WaterCAD v5.
1.2.1 New in v4.5
Performance Improvements - The primary focus of this release was
performance. WaterCAD has
always provided you with the fastest way to get your Modeling
work done. As models continue to
grow, WaterCAD continues to improve. This release is the
result of extensive user testing using
some of the most complex Water Distribution models available.
Calculation Enhancements - This version of WaterCAD now
incorporates the latest in Water
Distribution calculation technology. Hydraulic calculations run
faster, and Water Quality
calculations are performed using the latest and most efficient Water
Quality algorithm.
Editable Quick View - The Quick View Window has always been the
fastest way to view the data
associated with any element. Now you can use Quick View to make input
changes as well (and, as
you would expect, with full undo/redo support).
New in v4.0
AutoCAD 2000 Support - Run WaterCAD in AutoCAD mode (which
is the upgrade for Cybernet
v3) inside both AutoCAD 2000 and AutoCAD R14.
Microsoft Office 2000 Support - Take advantage of the
capabilities of Microsoft Excel 2000 and
Access 2000 for cut-copy-and-paste, as well as database integration.
Windows 2000 Support - Load the current version of WaterCAD on Windows
95, Windows 98, NT
4.0, and Windows 2000.
Network Licensing - Purchase a multi-seat license. With the
purchase of the AutoCAD version of
WaterCAD, your engineers and technicians can individually use
WaterCAD in either Stand-Alone
Chapter 1 - Orientation

mode or AutoCAD mode and share project files.

Custom Fields - Utilize user-defined custom fields for storing
information, which you can use to
perform many standard operations including filtering, sorting, and color-
User-Defined Groups - Organize your input, profiling, and
reporting steps with persistent user-
defined groups of pipes and nodes by type or any other basis.
Polyline to Pipe Conversion - Batch convert existing AutoCAD lines,
polylines, and blocks to water
distribution elements via automated polyline to pipe options.
Allows you to customize polyline to
pipe parameters.
Drawing Review - Quickly navigate your model using the
drawing review tool in order to identify
and resolve design problems in the network.
Element Relabeling - Automatically renumber, replace, or append
a prefix/suffix to selected
element labels.
Aerial View - Access this separate window to facilitate
zooming, panning, and locating a small
viewing area in the main window.
Aligning Pipe Labels - Automatically align pipe labels and annotations
with the associated pipe.
Cost Estimating - Perform detailed cost estimates using an
integrated cost analysis modeling
subsystem. Calculate a planning level estimate of the capital cost
associated with an entire system or
any portion of a system. This makes it easy to compare the
costs associated with the various
scenarios, thus helping to ensure that the most cost-effective design is
Contouring by Selection Set - Generate contours based on any model
parameter for a subset of the
Performance Optimization - Experience a 150% performance
increase in Calculation Engine,
200% increase in Model Validation, 100% increase in Graphical
Editor, and 200% performance
increase in opening and saving files.
Fire Flow Capacity - Analyze fire flow capacity of predefined subsets
of the network. Color-code
and contour the system or a selection set according to available fire
Labels - Automatically label pressure, flow quantity, and any other
selected input/output parameter.
Dynamically updates annotations (labels) with each calculation,
alternative scenario, or change in
International Settings - Select a local date and time format.
External Data Sources - Externalize and leverage existing
enterprise data using standard database
connections. Freely exchange data for all network elements with
GIS software using exclusive
dynamic shapefile connections. Extract, transform, and load enterprise
information to and from the
model using built-in automated data tools. Avoid data preprocessing or
intermediate file generation.
Preserve the consistency of external data using built-in automated data
model filters that dynamically
validate and enforce model integrity.
Extensive Documentation - Review lessons and tutorial files
that cover the basics of water
distribution network design and analysis. Access our extensive
Internet-based support database,
called the KnowledgeBase', through our ClientCare' Program.
Technical Support - Subscribe to one of our ClientCare
packages and access technical support
seven days a week.
WaterCAD Users Guide

1.3 Installation, Upgrades, and Updates

1.3.1 Minimum System Requirements
Below are the minimum and recommended system requirements for running
WaterCAD without significant
delays. Note that some of these requirements for AutoCAD Mode,
such as RAM, are fairly high due to
AutoCAD and operating system demands, not WaterCAD itself.
Stand-Alone Mode:
Processor: Pentium II - 450 MHz
RAM: 64 Megabytes
Hard Disk: 25 Megabytes of free storage space, with additional room for
data files
Operating System: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows ME, Windows 2000,
or Windows XP
Display: 800 x 600 resolution, 256 colors
AutoCAD Mode:
Processor: Pentium II - 450 MHz
RAM: 128 Megabytes
Hard Disk: 25 Megabytes of free storage space, with additional room for
data files
Display: 800 x 600 resolution, 256 colors
While Haestad Methods' software will perform adequately given the
minimum system requirements,
performance will only improve with a faster system. Our
products are designed to perform at optimal
levels with a fast CPU and ample amounts of RAM and free disk
space. We highly recommend running
our software on the best system possible to maximize its potential,
especially for larger models containing
thousands of pipes. We understand that an engineer's time is a valuable
commodity, and we have designed
our software to help make the most of that time.
Note: Support for Windows 95 and AutoCAD R14 has been discontinued in
WaterCAD v5.
1.3.2 Installing Haestad Methods' Products
For Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows ME, and Windows XP
follow these six easy
steps, for installing a single user license copy of the program:
If you have not done so, turn on your computer.
Place the diskette labeled Disk 1 in the floppy disk drive (commonly
the a: or b: drive).
Place the CD in your CD-ROM drive (commonly the d: or e: drive).
If the Autorun feature of the operating system is enabled, setup will
begin automatically. Proceed to
step six.
If Autorun is disabled, click the Start button on the task
bar, select Run from the menu, and type
d:\setup (use the actual drive letter of the CD-ROM drive if it is not
the d: drive), and then click OK.
Chapter 1 - Orientation

Follow the instructions of the Setup Wizard.

Note: If you own a network license version of the software, please refer
to the Network Licensing
section. If you still have questions, consult the KnowledgeBase on our
web site
or contact Haestad Methods technical support.
1.3.3 Uninstalling Haestad Methods' Products
Haestad Methods' products come with an uninstall option. After a
single user license copy of a Haestad
Methods' product is installed onto a computer, it must be uninstalled
before a new installation can occur.
To uninstall the program:
On the Windows Start Bar, click Start / Programs / Haestad
Methods / WaterCAD / Uninstall
WaterCAD. The original floppy disk labeled Disk 1 that came
with the product must be in the floppy
drive at the time you uninstall.
1.3.4 Troubleshooting Setup or Uninstall
Because of the multi-tasking capabilities of Windows 98, NT,
2000, ME, and XP, you may have
applications running in the background that make it difficult
for the setup routines to determine the
configuration of your current system. If you have difficulties during
the install (setup) or uninstall process,
please try these steps before contacting our technical support staff:
Restart your machine.
Verify that there are no other programs running. You can see
applications currently in use by
pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del in Windows 98, ME, XP, or 2000, or Ctrl-Shift-Esc
in Windows NT. Exit any
applications that are running.
Run setup or uninstall again without running any other program first.
If these steps fail to successfully install or uninstall the product,
contact our support staff immediately.
1.3.5 Software Registration
During the installation of the program, a dialog will appear asking you
to register the software. Please note
the label with your registration information is on the inside back cover
of the manual.
Although this software is not copy protected, registration is required to
unlock the software capabilities for
the hydraulic features that you have licensed. All registration
information must be entered into the
Registration dialog exactly as it appears on the label.
Product ID
Registration Number
After you have registered the software, you can check your
current registration status by opening the
registration dialog in the software itself.
To open the Registration dialog:
WaterCAD Users Guide

Select Help / About from the pull-down menus.

Click the Registration button in the About dialog.
The current registration status (number of licenses, expiration date,
feature level, etc) will be displayed.
Use the Print button to print a copy of the information shown in the
Registration Form dialog.
Use the Copy button to place the registration information in the Windows
Clipboard so that you can paste
it into another Windows application.
Note: If you own a network license version of the software, please refer
to the Network Licensing
section. If you still have questions, consult the KnowledgeBase on our
web site
or contact Haestad Methods technical support.
1.3.6 Upgrades
When you click the Registration button on the Help / About
WaterCAD dialog, the current
registration status (number of licenses, expiration date, feature level,
etc) is displayed. To upgrade to more
pipes or inlets, higher feature levels, or additional licenses,
contact our sales team today and request
information on our ClientCare Program. We will provide the information
you need to get up and running
in no time!
1.3.7 Globe Button
Haestad Methods makes it easy to stay up-to-date with the
latest advances in our software. Software
maintenance releases can be downloaded from the Haestad Methods web site
quickly and easily if you are a
subscriber to our ClientCare Program. Just click the Globe icon on the
tool palette to launch your preferred
web browser and open the Haestad Methods Program Update web
site. The web site will automatically
check to see if your installed version is the latest available.
If it is not, it will provide you with the
opportunity to download the correct upgrade to bring it up-to-date.
The ClientCare Program also gives you access to our extensive
KnowledgeBase for answers to Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ). Contact our sales team for more information on
our ClientCare Program.
Tip: Use the Globe button to keep your investment current.
1.3.8 Network Licensing
Network versions of this product are available. If you purchased a
network version, your program will run
at any workstation located on your network if a floating license key is
available for use. Floating licenses
allow one or more concurrent users of a particular application to access
and use the full capabilities of the
software if the number of concurrent licenses does not exceed
the number allowed under the terms of the
license sale. Once the number of concurrent users exceeds the
licensed number, new application sessions
will run in a limited demo mode.
Network licensing is implemented using Rainbow Industries
SentinelLMTM license manager.
Administrators should refer to the SentinelLMTM System Administrators
Guide for details on implementing
network licensing at your location.
Chapter 1 - Orientation

Registering Network Programs

During the installation of the network deployment folder, a
dialog will appear asking you to register the
software. The label with your registration information is on
the inside back cover of the manual. This
registration data is required to enable the software capabilities
for the hydraulic network size and features
that you have licensed. All registration information must be entered
into the Registration dialog exactly as
it appears on the label.
Product ID
Registration Number
After you have registered the software, you can view the
current registration and floating license usage
status at any of the workstations that has the product software installed
on it.
To open the Registration dialog:
Select Help / About from the pull-down menu.
Click the Registration button.
The current registration status (number of floating licenses,
expiration date, feature level, etc) will be
displayed. If all available floating licenses are in current use, the
software will run in demo mode.
Network administrators may activate network licenses and upgrade
the features served by their floating
licenses by invoking the Request License option, which is activated using
the Registration button on this
Use the Print button to print a copy of the information shown.
Use the Copy button to export the registration information to the Windows
Clipboard so that you can paste
it into other Windows applications.
Requesting Permanent Network License
System administrators who are responsible for managing network
license versions of Haestad Methods'
software must activate their organizations floating licenses by
obtaining a permanent license file from
Haestad Methods. This may be done using the Request License button on
the Registration dialog. This
button will only be available for users who have purchased the network-
licensing feature.
Note: Haestad Methods uses SentinelLM License Manager software from
Rainbow Technologies
to manage network licensing for this application. For more
information concerning the
administration of the Haestad Methods floating network licensing,
please refer to the Sentinel
Software System Administrators Guide online documentation
installed with your network
license server software.
To acquire a network license file, the administrator must first
generate the network locking codes for the
computer that will be acting as the network license server. To get your
license server locking code, use the
SentinelLM echoid utility. This is installed with the license server
software onto the computer acting as the
network license host for this application.
Note: The echoid utility must be run from the same computer that will
act as the license server
host for this particular Haestad Methods application.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Write down the values for the locking codes that are posted in the echoid
utilitys message box. Be certain
to record these values accurately, as they will be used by Haestad
Methods to generate a custom license file
keyed to the specific license servers hardware signature. Once
issued, a license key-code may not be
installed on another machine. You will not be able to transport
the license server to another network
machine without obtaining new lock codes.
With echoid values in hand, start the Haestad Methods product
application on any workstation located on
the network served by the license manager. You can even install and run
the Haestad Methods application
from the same computer that will be acting as the license server host
Select Help / About from the pull-down menus to open the
Registration dialog. Open the Request
License Key dialog using the Request License button. Fill out
the form, then either email or fax the
completed form to Haestad Methods using the Submit Request button.
Installation Guide for Network License Versions
To set up a Haestad Methods software product for operation as a network
licensed version:
Place the diskette labeled Disk 1 in the floppy disk drive (commonly
the a: or b: drive).
Place the CD in your CD-ROM drive (commonly the d: or e: drive).
If the Autorun feature of the operating system is enabled, setup will
begin automatically. Proceed to
step 5.
If Autorun is disabled, click the Start button on the task
bar, select Run from the menu, and type
d:\setup (use the actual drive letter of the CD-ROM drive if it is not
the d: drive). Click OK.
To perform the following steps, you must have full
administrator privileges for the target network-
based installation folders. Follow the instructions of the
Setup Wizard, which will guide you
through the installation of two components:
Network deployment folder - A directory installed on a network node
that is available from
all client workstations on which the license product will be installed.
Users of the floating
licenses will invoke the network-based installation utility setup.exe,
which will install and
configure the application to each client workstation.
Network License Manager and Utilities - The license manager service
executable file that
will automatically monitor availability and distribute network floating
licenses to client
applications as they are started up across the license hosting LAN. The
license manager may
be installed on any shared node in the network, but is generally located
on a network server
Start the license server using the appropriate procedure for the host
machines operating system:
Windows NT/2000/XP - Use the loadls utility via the Service Loader
menu option to install
the license server. The license manager runs as a service and can be
manually controlled via
the Windows NT Control Panel\Services group.
Windows 98/ME - To enable automatic license server startup, use
Windows Explorer to add
the license server program, Lserv9x.exe, to the Windows 95/98 system
StartUp folder.
Manually start the license server by running the lserv9x via the License
Server menu option.
Announce the availability of the product via email. Instruct
interested users to install the product the
using the Start / Run menu command and browsing to the network
deployment folder installed in
step 5 to run setup.exe. The license server ships with special 30-day
licenses that will allow users to
begin using the application immediately.
Obtain a permanent license file for the application. A permanent
license file must be obtained from
Haestad Methods within 30 days of receipt of the product package.
Request a permanent license file
by following these steps:
Chapter 1 - Orientation

At the host computer on which the license server will run, use the
echoid utility via the
Locking Codes menu option to determine the locking codes that will be
used to generate
license keys for your network. The license key file will be configured
specifically for the
license server machine installation. Write these locking codes down.
Start the Haestad Methods' product application at any workstation
where the product has been
installed. The product can even be installed directly on the computer
acting as the license
Select Help / About from the pull-down menus and click the
Registration button. Use the
Request License button at the bottom of the Registration dialog and fill
out the License Key
Request form with the system administrator contact and host server
locking code information.
Be certain to accurately record the locking codes obtained during the
previous step since
inaccurate information will result in the generation of unusable license
Click the Submit Request button. Following the instructions in the
form, e-mail or fax the
form to Haestad Methods. The activation request will be processed, and a
license file will be
generated and e-mailed to the system administrator making the request.
Use the lslic utility located in the AdminTools directory to
modify the permanent license file
managed by the network license server. After the license key file
requested above is received via e-
mail from Haestad Methods, save the file attachment to a computer folder
on any computer resident
on the network serviced by the running license server. For future
convenience, safety, and ease-of-
support, it is recommended that the license file be saved in
the license manager tools directory,
AdminTools. This utility must be run from the operating system
prompt. Enter lslic -F
<filename>, where <filename> is the name of the license file
attachment emailed by
Haestad Methods and saved to the hard-drive. This step will
install the new license key into the
license file, lservrc, located on the same computer and in the same
directory that the license server
Once these steps are completed, floating licenses will be
available to concurrent users via the network.
Should the number of users exceed the number of license keys available,
the unlicensed client sessions will
continue to run in demo mode.
Network Deployment Folder
Interested users may install the complete product via the
network deployment folder using the Windows
Start / Run command. Browse to the deployment directory, and run
setup.exe to install the program to a
client workstation.
1.4 Learning WaterCAD
1.4.1 WaterCAD Documentation
WaterCADs on-line documentation delivers extensive detail and
convenient assistance. Simply click the
Help button, press the F1 key, or right-click anywhere in the program to
access context-sensitive help.
The WaterCAD Users Guide is provided to you as a means to read and learn
about WaterCAD while you
are away from your computer. The topics you find in the
Users Guide will also be found in the on-line
Note: The on-line help is typically more complete and up-to-date than the
manual, as it is refined
with each new software update.
WaterCAD Users Guide

WaterCAD also contains on-line tutorials, lessons, and sample

files to help you become familiar with the
softwares features and capabilities. The tutorials can be
accessed by clicking Help\Tutorials from the
pull-down menu. The lessons can be found in the printed
documentation as well as in the on-line help.
The sample files are located in your Haestad\Wtrc\Sample directory.
1.4.2 How to Use Help
All of our products feature extensive context-sensitive help.
There are several ways to obtain help on
Select Help from the pull-down menu.
To get help for the window in which you are working, press the F1 key
or click the Help button.
To get help for a specific item, right-click the desired item and
select Help from the pop-up menu.
To navigate within Help:
When you click text that is underlined, Help "jumps" to the related
topic or definition. If the text is
dashed underlined, the text will appear in a pop-up window.
To return to the previous topic, click the Back button at the top of
the Help window.
To print a Help topic, click the Print button at the top of the Help
Tip: To make the Help window stay on top of other windows,
select Options / Keep On Top / On
Top from the pull-down menu in the main Help window.
1.4.3 How Do I?
"How Do I" is an easily referenced topic in WaterCADs on-line
documentation. It is a listing of
commonly asked questions about WaterCAD. Follow these steps to find your
way to How Do I:
1 Click Help\How Do I from the pull-down menu.
2 The listing of "How Do I" topics will appear. Click on
the topic of your choice for a detailed
3 To return to the listing of "How Do I" questions, click the Back
1.4.4 Help
Provides context sensitive help for the current window.

1.4.5 Glossary
The glossary contains many terms used throughout the application and the
on-line Help.
To use the Glossary:
Click Help / Contents to open the main Help window.
Click the Contents tab, and then double-click the Glossary book.
Chapter 1 - Orientation
Click the Glossary page, and the Glossary topic will appear.
Click the first letter of the word for which you are looking for more
Click the desired term, and a pop-up box will appear with a definition
of the selected word.
1.4.6 Tutorials
Tutorials provide a quick introduction to various features of the
program. To access tutorials, click Help /
Tutorials from the pull-down menus. Run a tutorial by selecting one of
the entries in the list and clicking
the OK button.
End a tutorial at any time by either pressing the Esc key (in Stand-
Alone mode), or by clicking the Close
button in the upper right-hand corner of any tutorial dialog. If you
need further information, access our on-
line help by pressing the F1 key.
1.4.7 Sample Projects
1 Select the File\Open command from the pull-down menu to access the
Open Project File dialog.
2 Choose EXAMPLE?.WCD (or EXAMPLE?.DWG, if using WaterCAD in
AutoCAD mode) from the
Sample directory, and click Open.
These are working network models, so you can explore the
systems and see how different elements are
modeled. First, calculate the system by using the GO button on the
main toolbar. Then use Quick View,
Graphs, Profiles, Tabular views, Detailed Reports, Color Coding,
and Contouring to see how the system
behaves. To get the best introduction to a new feature, try running some
of the tutorials.
1.4.8 Haestad Methods' Workshops
Haestad Methods offers a variety of workshops dealing with
topics ranging from urban stormwater
management to water distribution modeling, alternating theory,
modeling insights and hands-on practice
with software instruction. These workshops are held at various
locations, and include discounted pricing
when purchasing Haestad Methods' software.
For more information on our workshops (such as instructors,
schedules, pricing, and locations), please
contact our sales department, or visit our web site at
for current workshop schedules and
locations. We will be glad to answer any questions you may have
regarding the workshops and our other
products and services.
Haestad Methods offers a range of other training services
including on-site training and on-line training.
For detailed information on the availability of these options, visit
1.5 Contacting Haestad Methods
1.5.1 Sales
Haestad Methods professional staff is ready to answer your questions.
Please contact your sales
representative for any questions regarding Haestad Methods latest
products and prices.
Phone: +1-203-755-1666
Fax: +1-203-597-1488
WaterCAD Users Guide

1.5.2 Technical Support

We hope that everything runs smoothly and you never have a
need for our technical support staff.
However, if you do need support our highly skilled staff offers their
services seven days a week, and may
be contacted by phone, fax, and the Internet. For information on the
various levels of support that we offer,
contact our sales team today and request information on our ClientCare
When calling for support, in order to assist our technicians in
troubleshooting your
problem, please be in front of your computer and have the following
Operating system your computer is running (Windows 98, Windows
NT, Windows ME, Windows
2000, or Windows XP)
Name and build number of the Haestad Methods software you
are calling about. The build number
can be determined by clicking on "HelpAbout [Software Name]". The build
number is the number
in brackets located in the lower right-hand corner of the dialog box that
Version of AutoCAD you are running (if applicable)
Any error messages or other information that was generated
A note of exactly what you were doing when you encountered the problem
When e-mailing or faxing for support, please provide the following
additional details to
enable us to provide a timely and accurate response:
Company name, address, and phone number
A detailed explanation of your concerns
The Haestad.log and Error.log files located in the product directory
(e.g. Haestad\SewerCAD)
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM EST
Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST
You can contact our technical support team at:
Phone: +1-203-755-1666
Fax: +1-203-597-1488
1.5.3 Your Suggestions Count
At Haestad Methods, we strive to continually provide you with
sophisticated software and documentation.
We are very interested in hearing your suggestions for improving
our products, our on-line Help system,
and our printed manuals. Your feedback will guide us in
developing products that will make you more
Please let us hear from you!

Chapter 1 - Orientation
1.5.4 How to Contact Us
Phone: +1-203-755-1666
Fax: +1-203-597-1488
Mail: Haestad Methods
37 Brookside Road
Waterbury, CT 06708-1499

WaterCAD Users Guide


Chapter 2

WaterCAD Main Window

2.1 Overview
If you are already familiar with standard Windows interfaces, you will
find WaterCAD to be intuitive and
comfortable. Even if you are not accustomed to Windows
standards, just a few minutes of exploring
WaterCAD should be enough to acquaint you with the flexibility and power
that this program offers.
In this chapter, we will examine the programs main window,
menus, and toolbars. After reading this
chapter, you should be able to interact with this software in a quick and
efficient manner. Additional tools
for layout, annotating, and editing are described in the chapter "Layout
and Editing Tools".
2.2 Main Window Components
2.2.1 Stand-Alone Mode, AutoCAD Mode
Both the Stand-Alone graphical editor and the AutoCAD interface perform
actions through the WaterCAD
model server.
This use of a common central model enables both modes to
perform the same functions with the same
behaviors. For example, graphical layout and model management
are virtually identical between the two
Note: Because of the common WaterCAD model server, model data
is easily shared between
AutoCAD and Stand-Alone modes.
One advantage of Stand-Alone mode is that your interaction is more
streamlined and dynamic by virtue of
the fact that the editing environment is a dedicated network editor.
Also, since AutoCAD is not needed to
run in Stand-Alone mode, less system resources and memory are required.
A significant advantage of the AutoCAD mode is that you can
create and model your network directly
within your primary drafting environment. This gives you access
to all of AutoCADs powerful drafting
and presentation tools, while still enabling you to perform WaterCAD
modeling tasks like editing, solving,
and data management. This relationship between WaterCAD and AutoCAD
enables extremely detailed and
accurate mapping of model features, and provides the full array
of output and presentation features
Chapter 2 WaterCAD Main Window

available in AutoCAD. This facility provides the most

flexibility and the highest degree of compatibility
with other CAD-based applications and drawing data maintained at your
Note: AutoCAD mode is an available feature level. Contact us
to upgrade your WaterCAD
Stand-Alone version to include the AutoCAD integration feature level.
2.2.2 WaterCAD Main Window
Both the WaterCAD Stand-Alone interface and the AutoCAD interface have
many components common to
Windows-based programs. The following figures illustrate some of
the important areas that make up the
WaterCAD Stand-Alone and AutoCAD 2002 interfaces (the WaterCAD main
window looks fairly similar
in AutoCAD 2000 and AutoCAD 2002):

WaterCAD Stand-Alone Interface

WaterCAD Users Guide


WaterCAD AutoCAD 2002 Interface

Notice that many of the window components (such as the menus

and toolbars) are very similar for the
Stand-Alone editor and AutoCAD. Other features (such as the
command line) are only available in
For more information regarding the various functions and
behaviors of AutoCAD, please refer to
AutoDesks documentation.
2.2.3 Drawing Pane
The drawing pane, the center of WaterCADs graphical activity,
is where the water network elements are
displayed. It is the main interactive area for creating elements,
editing data, and even displaying results.
In Stand-Alone mode, the drawing pane can also display a background .DXF
image. This background can
be helpful for aligning and positioning elements, as well as adding
additional drafting elements for printing
plan views.
In AutoCAD, the drawing pane is where all graphical elements, not just
WaterCAD entities, are displayed
and manipulated. Lines, arcs, text, and many other drafting
elements can be created and modified within
the drawing pane.
2.2.4 Status Bar
The status bar is located along the bottom of the main application window
and provides useful information
about application settings, the current user activity, file save status,
Chapter 2 WaterCAD Main Window

Tip: When you position the mouse pointer over a toolbar button
or menu item, the status pane
will display a descriptive message. Leave the mouse over a
section of the status pane to display
an informative popup tip.
2.2.5 Menus, Toolbars, and Shortcut Keys
Anyone who has ever watched someone else use a computer should
realize that not all people use
computers in the same way. Some prefer to primarily use the mouse, some
the keyboard, and others use a
combination of both.
For this reason, Haestad Methods programs provide access to the
most common features through several
means, including:
Pull-Down Menus
Shortcut Keys
Command Line (AutoCAD Only)
Pull-down Menus
As with any Windows-based program, the menu system provides easy access
to many features. Items can
be accessed by clicking the desired menu text, or by pressing
the Alt key to activate the menus and then
pressing the key for the underlined letter of the menu item you wish to
For example, to open an existing file you can use the mouse to select
File / Open, or you can press the Alt
and F keys (Alt + F), then O on the keyboard.

Toolbar buttons offer one-click access to some of the most commonly
used features, giving you a quicker
way to perform the most frequent operations.
For example, to open an existing file (the equivalent of
selecting File / Open from the pull-down menu),
simply click the File Open tool.

Shortcut Keys
Shortcut keys are the keyboard equivalent of toolbars. Key
combinations - usually a simultaneous
application of the Ctrl (Control) key and a letter key - can provide
instant access to common features. If a
shortcut is available for a menu item, it will be indicated in the menu
For example, to open an existing file (the equivalent of
selecting File / Open from the pull-down menus)
you can press the Ctrl and O keys (Ctrl + O) at the same time.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Quick Attribute Selector

Whenever attributes are selected, such as when setting up
annotations or database connections, you can
select them from organized categories using the Quick Attribute Selector
Simply click the in the attribute field to bring up the pull-down menu.
From this menu you can select attributes from the list of available
2.2.6 Command Line
The command line is a special area that is not available in Stand-Alone
mode. In AutoCAD mode, this area
enables you to type commands directly, rather than using the menus,
toolbars, or shortcut keys.
For example, to open an existing AutoCAD file (the equivalent of
selecting File / Open from the pull-down
menus) you can simply type the command OPEN at the AutoCAD command line.
Many of AutoCADs commands are easy to enter at the command line,
including accessing drafting tools
(like LINE and CIRCLE) and editing tools (like MOVE and ERASE).
Modeling elements can also be
manipulated through the AutoCAD command line, just as they can
be manipulated via the menus or
For more information on the AutoCAD command line, please see the AutoCAD
2.3 WaterCAD Menus
2.3.1 WaterCAD Menus
Although the toolbars and shortcut keys provide quick and easy access to
commonly used features, the pull-
down menu system provides much more comprehensive access to
WaterCADs properties and behaviors.
Since toolbar buttons and shortcut keys do not exist for all of these
features, the menus are a logical choice
for exploring all areas of WaterCAD. This section will
introduce you to many of the things you can do
with the menus in WaterCAD and show you how you can access
these features, including the toolbar
buttons and shortcut keys that are available.
Commands are grouped under several menus, which are pretty much
identical between Haestad Methods
products. This makes any Haestad Methods product look very
familiar once you already know one. The
menu system for WaterCAD consists of the following selections:
Chapter 2 WaterCAD Main Window

2.3.2 File Menu

The File menu contains many of the items dealing with project management.
It provides features to create,
read, write, and print project files, as well as features for sharing
data with databases and GIS systems.
New - Create a new project. When you choose this item, a dialog will
appear so that you can enter a
drive, directory, and filename for your new project file. The
Project Setup Wizard will then help
you set up your new project.
Toolbar Button:
Shortcut Key: Ctrl + N
Open - Load an existing project file from disk. When you
select this item, a dialog will appear so
that you can choose the name and location of the project you want to
Toolbar Button:
Shortcut Key: Ctrl + O
Save - Save the current project file to disk. While saving the
project file, the status pane will briefly
display a message to show you the progress of the save command.
Toolbar Button:
Shortcut Key: Ctrl + S
Save As - Save the current project to disk under a different filename.
When you use this command, a
dialog will appear prompting you to enter the drive, directory, and a new
file name for your project.
Project Summary - Access the Project Summary information, such
as the project title and the
project engineer.
Import\Database - Import data from a Microsoft Access database (*.mdb)
using one of the standard
database import connections.
Import\Shapefile - Build network elements from ESRI Shapefiles.
This command will start the
Shapefile Wizard, which will help you bring the GIS elements
and their associated data into your
Import\Polyline to Pipe - (Stand-Alone mode only) Build network
elements from a .DXF file. This
command will start the Polyline to Pipe Wizard, which will help
you convert polyline data
representing geographical data into your project as pipes and nodes.
Note: A similar command called Change Entities to Pipes is available
in the AutoCAD version
under the Edit menu.
Import\Network - Import data from KYpipe v1, v2 or v3, EPANet 1.0, or
Cybernet v1 and v2 file.
Note: WaterCAD v3 and v4 projects should simply be opened in
WaterCAD v5 (as any
WaterCAD v5 project), without using the Import command. However, once
you save the project
in WaterCAD v5, the project files cannot be opened in WaterCAD v3 or v4
any longer.
Import\Spot Elevations - Bring spot elevation data from a space or
comma delimited ASCII file in a
variety of formats.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Import\Submodel - Combine current network with a previously exported

WaterCAD submodel. See
the Importing a Submodel and Exporting a Submodel topics for more
Note: Coordinate data is included in the .wsm file so elements
in the imported submodel may
overlap elements in the current drawing. Imported elements will
not overwrite the existing
elements, and may be moved to the desired location.
Import\DXF Background - (Stand-Alone mode only) Bring a .DXF drawing
file into your project
as a background map. This command will open a dialog that
prompts you to select the name and
location of the desired .DXF file.
Import\WaterCAD - (AutoCAD mode only) Import a Stand-Alone
WaterCAD file (*.wcd) into
WaterCAD in AutoCAD mode.
Note: WaterCAD has the ability to import demands and patterns
from text files. This option is
not available from the File Menu along with the other import
options, but can be found in the
Demand Alternative editor and the Pattern Manager, respectively.
Further information
regarding these import options can be found in the following
topics: Importing Patterns and
Importing Demands.
Export\Database - Export data to a new Microsoft Access
database (*.mdb) using one of the
standard database connections.
Export\Shapefile - Export your project to ESRI Shapefile
format for access in GIS applications.
This command will start the Shapefile Wizard, which will help you create
shapefiles with the desired
project elements and associated data.
Export\Spot Elevations - Export spot elevation data to a space or
comma delimited ASCII file.
Export\Submodel - Exports currently selected network elements to .wsm
format for importation into
other WaterCAD projects.
Export\.DXF File - Export the entire network drawing to a
.DXF format, which can be read by all
popular CAD programs. This command will open a dialog
prompting you to enter the name and
location for the .DXF file you would like to create.
Synchronize\Database Connections - Access the Database Connection
Manager, which allows you
to share WaterCAD data with external databases, spreadsheets, and other
ODBC compliant sources.
Details of this comprehensive feature are explained in the
chapter entitled "GIS and Database
Synchronize\Shapefile Connections - Access the Shapefile Connection
Manager, which allows you
to share WaterCAD data with external GIS systems. Details of
this feature are explained in the
chapter entitled "GIS and Database Connections".
Print - Print the current view of the project drawing to a
printer. Profiles and tabular reports are
printed from their respective windows. The print command invokes the
standard Print dialog, which
allows you to select the printer and set up properties to be used.
Shortcut Key: Ctrl + P
Print Preview - Open the Print Preview dialog for the
current view of the project drawing. This
feature allows you to see the drawing as it will be printed before
sending it to the printer.
Toolbar Button:
Print Setup - Select the default printer for WaterCAD to
use. You can also use this command to
Chapter 2 WaterCAD Main Window

change options related to the printer driver, such as resolution,

portrait or landscape orientation, and
other printer details.
Exit - Close the current project and exit WaterCAD. If you made any
changes to the current project,
you will be asked if you want to save the project before you exit
Shortcut Key: Alt + F4
1, 2, etc. - The most recently opened project files appear at the
bottom of the File menu. Using this
file list, you can quickly select and open a recently used file without
locating its drive and directory.
2.3.3 Edit Menu
The Edit menu provides access to basic commands for controlling WaterCAD
elements, including element
navigation, selection, deletion, and undo / redo.
In Stand-Alone mode:
Undo [Last Action Performed] - Reverse the last reversible
action performed. Reversible actions
include things such as element creation, deletion, editing, and
moves. The Undo command cannot
reverse the effects of some model actions, such as calculation,
database synchronization, scenario
creation, and tabular edits. Additionally, to ensure that the model is
maintained in a consistent state,
the undo/redo history will be flushed whenever an irreversible menu or
button command is issued.
Shortcut Key: Ctrl + Z
Redo [Last Action Undone] - Reverse the effects of the last undone
action. Any action that can be
undone can be redone.
Shortcut Key: Ctrl + Y
Delete - Erase selected elements. Deleting an element
removes it from all aspects of the project,
including all scenarios.
Shortcut Key: Delete
Select\All - Select all of the elements in the current project.
Shortcut Key: Ctrl + A
Select\By Element\[Element Type] - Select all elements of a
certain type, such as all pipes or all
Select\By Selection Set - Select the elements contained in a
predefined selection set.
Select\Clear Selection - Reset (empty) the current selection set.
Find Element - open the Find Element dialog, which allows you to
locate an element and bring it to
the center of the drawing pane. This element search is based
on the element label (note that this is
not case sensitive).
Shortcut Key: Ctrl + F
Drawing Review - Open the Drawing Review window to isolate
elements that may need to be
scrutinized for potential problems (orphaned nodes, elements with
messages, superimposed nodes,
In AutoCAD mode:
WaterCAD Undo [Last Action Performed] - Reverse the last
reversible action performed.
Reversible actions include such things as element creation, deletion,
editing, and moves. The effects
WaterCAD Users Guide

of some model actions cannot be reversed, such as calculation,

database synchronization, scenario
creation, and tabular edits. Additionally, to ensure that the model is
maintained in a consistent state
the undo/redo history will be flushed whenever an irreversible menu or
button command is issued.
WaterCAD Redo [Last Action Undone] - Reverse the effects of the last
undone action. Any action
that can be undone can be redone.
Cut - Delete the selected entities and place them on the
Windows clipboard. These items can be
pasted into other Windows programs, or back into AutoCAD.
Shortcut Key: Ctrl+X
Copy - Place the selected entities from the current AutoCAD drawing on
the Windows clipboard.
Shortcut Key: Ctrl+C
Paste - Place the items on the Windows clipboard into the current
AutoCAD drawing.
Shortcut Key: Ctrl+V
Paste Special - Place special items located on the Windows
clipboard, such as Excel Spreadsheets
and Word documents, into the current AutoCAD drawing.
Select\All - Select all of the elements in the current project.
Select\By Element\[Element Type] - Select all elements of a
certain type, such as all pipes or all
Select\By Selection Set - Select the elements contained in a
predefined selection set.
Select\Clear Selection - Reset (empty) the current selection set.
Edit Element - Open an elements dialog. Select this item
from the pull-down menu and click the
element you wish to edit.
Edit Elements - Edit a group of elements. Select this item from the
pull-down menu, then select a
group of elements using the crosshairs or by windowing an area.
After the elements have been
selected, right-click and the Table Manager will appear. The selected
elements will be reported in
the tables.
Modify Elements\Scale Elements - Scale the symbols representing
the elements in the current
selection set.
Modify Elements\Rotate Labels - Rotate the labels of the elements in
the current selection set.
Modify Pipes\Insert Bend - Insert a bend along a selected Pressure
Pipe Element.
Modify Pipes\Remove Bend - Delete a bend along a selected Pressure
Pipe Element.
Modify Pipes\Remove All Bends - Delete all the bends along a selected
Pressure Pipe Element.
Modify Pipes\Change Widths - Change the Width of the lines
representing pipes.
Change Entities to Pipes - Build network elements from
AutoCAD entities. This command will
start the Polyline to Pipe Wizard, which will help you convert
the desired polylines representing
geographical data into pipes.
Note: A similar command called Import Polyline to Pipe is available in
the Stand-Alone version
(under the File pull-down menu).
Find Element - Open the Find Element dialog, which allows you to
locate an element and bring it
to the center of the drawing pane. This element search is based on the
element label and is not case
Chapter 2 WaterCAD Main Window

Review Drawing - Open the Drawing Review window, which is used to
isolate elements that need
to be scrutinized for potential problems (orphaned nodes,
elements with messages, superimposed
nodes, etc).
2.3.4 Analysis Menu
The Analysis menu contains items useful for managing
calculations. These include the scenario and
alternative managers and the calculation commands.
Scenarios - Access the Scenario Manager, allowing you to
analyze and recall an unlimited number
of "What If?" alternative calculations for your model.
Alternatives - Access the Alternative Manager, allowing you to
organize your data into building
blocks to be combined to form scenarios.
Active Topology - Access the Active Topology Editor, allowing you to
temporarily remove elements
from the drawing view and network calculations.
Patterns - Access the Pattern Manager, allowing you to define
automatic time-variable changes
within the system.
Logical Controls - Access the Logical Controls Manager, which allows
you to create, edit, and find
Rule-Based, or Logical, controls.
Zones- Access the Zone Manager. From here, you can define
zones in which to place network
System Head Curve - Open the System Head Curve Dialog,
allowing you to enter the necessary
input data to have WaterCAD generate a system head curve.
Capital Costs - Open the Capital Cost Manager in order to
view, edit, or perform Capital Cost
Estimating calculations.
Toolbar Button:
Energy Costs - Open the Energy Cost Manager in order to
view, edit, or perform Energy Cost
Estimating calculations.
Darwin Calibrator - Open the Darwin Calibration Manager.
Compute - Open the Calculation dialog, which gives you access to items
such as calculation options
and referenced alternatives.
Toolbar Button:
2.3.5 View Menu
In both AutoCAD and Stand-Alone mode, the View menu provides
access to tools dealing with the
drawing pane, toolbar visibility, and so forth.

WaterCAD Users Guide


In Stand-Alone mode, you are provided with the following tools:

Pan - Upon selection hold down the left mouse button to move the
Toolbar Button:
Shortcut Key: Hold down the mouse wheel
Zoom In - Enlarge the current view of the drawing.
Toolbar Button:
Shortcut Key: + (Keypad)
Mouse: Hold down Ctrl while scrolling Up with mouse
Zoom Out - Reduce the current view of the drawing.
Toolbar Button:
Shortcut Key: - (Keypad)
Mouse: Hold down Ctrl while scrolling Down with mouse
Zoom Window - Activate the user-defined zoom tool. This tool enables
you to select the corners of
the area within the drawing pane that you wish to enlarge.
Toolbar Button:
Zoom Extents - Reset the drawing zoom factor such that all
elements are displayed in the drawing
Toolbar Button:
Zoom Previous - Return the drawing pane to the most recent view.
Toolbar Button:
Zoom Center - Open the Zoom Center dialog, which enables you to
specify the central coordinates
and zoom factor to change the view in the drawing pane.
Aerial View - Enable or disable the Aerial View window.
This window allows you to display a
second view of the drawing at a larger scale.
Quick Edit - Enable or disable the Quick Edit window, which
allows you to quickly view input
data, output data, and the legend for active color coding for any
element. The Quick Edit dialog also
allows you to edit the input data.
Toolbar Button:
Toolbars / Standard - Toggle the display of the Standard toolbar at
the top of the window, which
provides shortcuts to the most commonly used commands.
Toolbars / Analysis Toolbar - Toggle the display of the
Analysis toolbar, which includes the
scenario selection list, as well as the time step selection list if
Status Pane - Toggle the display of information at the bottom of the
window regarding your current
Chapter 2 WaterCAD Main Window

Background - Toggle the visibility of the projects .DXF
background. If there is no .DXF
background specified for the current project, this menu item will be
Tip: In AutoCAD mode, refer to the AutoCAD on-line help.
2.3.6 Draw Menu (in AutoCAD Mode Only)
The Draw menu is actually an AutoCAD menu that is accessible in the
current program.
Tip: You can add additional AutoCAD menus to your Haestad
Methods' application menus
using AutoCAD's 'menuload' command. See the AutoCAD documentation for
more information.
2.3.7 Tools Menu
The Tools menu provides general tools for placing or modifying
graphical elements, annotating, color
coding, contouring, changing the projects options, etc.
Selection Sets - Access the Selection Set dialog, which
allows you to create selection sets of
elements based on element labels, element types, filters, and other
Color Coding - Open the Color Coding dialog, which allows you to
control the display of elements
based on value ranges such as pipe diameter, hydraulic grade, and so
Toolbar Button:
Element Annotation - Access to the Element Annotation dialog,
which allows you to display
element attribute labeling, such as pipe diameter and pipe flow.
Toolbar Button:
Profiling - Open the Profile Setup dialog, which allows you
to generate a profile of your piping
system along a specified path.
Toolbar Button:
Contouring - Access the Contour Map Manager to create and view
Toolbar Button:
Relabel Elements - Open the Relabel Elements dialog, which enables you
to renumber some or all
of your project elements.
Element Labeling - Set the format for the labels applied to
elements as they are added to the
Prototypes - Specify the default values for new network elements.
Engineering Libraries - Declare the paths to and edit the libraries
used in this project.
User Data Extension - Open the User Data Extension dialog, where you
can add and define custom
data fields. For instance, you can add new fields such as the pipe
installation date.
WaterCAD Users Guide

FlexUnits - Open the FlexUnits dialog, where you can control

units and display precision for any
parameter. Note that you can also change the unit and display
precision of variables from several
other areas within the program.
Layout\Select - Activate the selection tool used to highlight
elements. Once elements are selected,
they may be moved or edited.
Toolbar Button:
Layout\[Element Type] - Activate the corresponding element tool to
place elements in the graphical
Tool Palette:
Layout\Spot Elevation - Activate the spot elevation tool, which is
used to add spot elevations.
Toolbar Button:
Layout\Graphic Annotation - (Stand-Alone mode only). Activate
various annotation tools, which
enable you to add lines, borders, and text elements to the project
Toolbar Button:
Layout\Legend - Activate the legend tool used to add a key for the
current drawing color coding for
links and nodes.
Toolbar Button:
Options - Specify settings for the current project, such as
the friction method, coordinate system,
unit system, and auto-prompting.
Element Properties - (AutoCAD mode only) Control on which
layer each type of object and its
associated text is placed. Also controls the text style for labels and
Preferences - (AutoCAD mode only) Activate the AutoCAD Preferences
command in order to edit
general AutoCAD settings.
Contour Labeling - (AutoCAD mode only) After exporting a
contour plot to the AutoCAD
drawing, this option allows you to apply various label types to the
contour. See the Contour Labeling
topic for more details.
2.3.8 Report Menu
The Report menu provides access to a collection of preformatted
textual and graphical reports.
Furthermore, the report menu provides access to FlexTables, which enable
you to create your own custom
Element Details - Open the Detailed Reports dialog, which enables you
to print detailed reports for
any set of elements.
Element Results - Open the Analysis Results dialog, which
enables you to print reports of the
results for any set of elements.
Element Graphs - Opens the Graph Setup dialog to allow you
to set up custom graphs of any
element or set of elements.
Tables - Access the Table Manager, which enables you to open
predefined tables or generate your
Chapter 2 WaterCAD Main Window

own custom tables.

Toolbar Button:
Scenario Summary - Generate a report for the current
scenario, including an alternative summary,
calculation options, and so forth.
Project Inventory - Generate a report summarizing the project
elements, including the number and
breakdown of pipes, the number of manholes, and so forth.
Plan View - Generate plan view printable reports of the
network for either the current drawing
display (Current View) or the entire drawing extents (Full View).
2.3.9 Help Menu
The Help menu contains items that relate to on-line
documentation for WaterCAD (which includes the
information contained in the printed documentation, as well as updated
information and built-in tutorials).
Help menu items can also be accessed from the Help button:
Toolbar Button:
Contents - Open the Table of Contents for the on-line Help.
How to Use Help - Access instructions for using the Help system.
AutoCAD Help Topics - Access the AutoCAD on-line Help.
Release Notes - Provide the latest information on the current
version of WaterCAD. This topic,
which takes the place of a ReadMe file, includes information
about new features, tips, performance
tuning, and other general information.
Services - The services menu items will open an Internet browser on
Haestad Methods internet site
or a local page that provides an overview of the services and products
offered by Haestad Methods.
In the local page, accessed by selecting Content, there are
links to Haestad Methods Internet sites,
which are updated frequently.
Welcome Dialog - (In Stand-Alone mode only). Open the Welcome dialog,
which is also shown at
program startup.
Tutorials - Access the interactive tutorials, which guide you through
many of the programs features.
Tutorials are a great way to become familiar with new features.
Using WaterCAD - Open a Help topic with an Introduction to
WaterCAD and related elementary
How Do I - Provide instructions for tasks commonly performed
within the program, as well as
frequently asked questions.
About WaterCAD - Open a dialog displaying product and registration
WaterCAD Users Guide

2.4 WaterCAD Toolbars

2.4.1 Toolbar Button Summaries
The toolbar buttons are grouped based on functionality, so element
creation tools are all together in the tool
palette, results tools are all together on the tool pane, and so forth.
Note: In AutoCAD mode, some tools are provided by AutoCAD itself (such
as file open and save,
zoom, and so forth), so these tools are not included on the WaterCAD
2.4.2 Tool Pane Summary
The tool pane contains buttons for project management, data management,
and results presentation.
File Tools (Stand-Alone Only)

New - Create a new project.

Open - Open an existing project.

Save - Save the current project.

Print Preview - View a print preview of the current view.

Zoom Tools (Stand-Alone Only)

Zoom Extents - Zoom to the full extents of the drawing.

Zoom In

Zoom Out

Zoom Window - Zoom to an area selected by you.

Zoom Previous - Zoom to the previous view.

Calculation and Data Management Tools

GO - Open the Calculation dialog for the current scenario.

Tabular Reports- Open the Table Manager dialog.
Chapter 2 WaterCAD Main Window

Reporting Tools

Color Coding - Color code the network.

Annotation - Annotate elements with input or output data.

Profile - Open the Profile wizard to develop a network profile.

Contours - Open the Contours window to generate contours of various


QuickView - Open the QuickView window for easy data viewing.

Updates and Help Tools

Globe - If you are connected to the Internet, this will take you to
Haestad Methods
web site for product updates and other services.

Help - Access the on-line help system.

2.4.3 The Tool Palette

The tool palette contains a Select tool, Network Element tools, and
Annotation tools.
The Select tool allows you to select elements for group
editing, detailed reporting, deleting, or
moving elements.
The Network Element tools allow you to add elements to your
network. These tools can also be
used to split pipes and morph nodes.
The Graphic Annotation tools can be used to add polylines, borders,
and text to your drawing. You
can also add a link or node color-coding legend using the Legend tool.
Note: Click a tool to select it as the active tool. In Stand-Alone
mode, when a tool is selected it
will be highlighted, and the cursor appearance will change to reflect the
active tool.

Tip: In Stand-Alone mode, right-click the tool palette to

access the Prototype Manager for
setting the default data for each type of network element.
2.4.4 Analysis Toolbar
The Analysis toolbar displays the active scenario and provides a
means for changing the current scenario
and accessing the Scenario Manager. All input and output
information displayed in the tables, profiles,
element dialogs, and annotation will be related to the active scenario
shown on the Analysis toolbar.
WaterCAD Users Guide

You can change the current scenario from the combo box. You
can access the Scenario Manager by
clicking the Scenario Manager button . To the right of the Scenario
Manager button are the Active
Topology Editor , Darwin Calibrator , and Cost Manager buttons
(Capital and Energy Cost
Managers). .
To the left of the Scenario combo box are the Extended Period
Simulation Analysis Controls. These
include VCR-style controls to move through the time steps or to
animate the drawing view and the
Increment combo box which controls how many time steps are
skipped when the Forward or Reverse
buttons are clicked. This increment also controls which time steps are
displayed during animation.
By clicking the down arrow next to the Play button, you can access the
following Animation Options:
2.4.5 Animation Options
Clicking the Animation Options button provides the following functions:
Animation Delay Opens a dialog that allows you to set the delay
between animated frames.
Animate All Windows If this option is selected, then
every window capable of being animated
will animate when the play button is clicked. If the option
is not selected then only the current
window will animate.
2.4.6 Other Toolbar Buttons
Some of the following toolbar buttons appear on secondary
windows, such as the Print Preview window
and the Profile window, available throughout the program:
Print Preview
Copy to Clipboard
Page Up/Down
Print Preview
Open a Print Preview on the contents of the current window.

Chapter 2 WaterCAD Main Window

Page Up/Down
Navigate between pages of a multi-page report.

Export the data in the current window to a file format that can be used
by other applications (such as .DXF
and ASCII text files).

Copy to Clipboard
Copy data to the clipboard, where it can be pasted into most
Windows-based spreadsheet, database, and
word processor applications.

Print the contents of the current window.

Options vary depending on the context. They may include things such as
printer setup, or graph options for
the current window.

Close the current window.

2.5 The Status Bar

2.5.1 Status Bar Contents
Information displayed in the status bar includes:
(Stand-Alone mode only)
General Status Information
File Status
WaterCAD Users Guide

Unit System Status

DXF Background Status
Cursor Location
Calculation Results Status
The AutoCAD status pane contains similar information, but deals
with your AutoCAD drawing status
rather than your hydraulic project. For more information about
AutoCADs status pane, please refer to
your AutoCAD documentation.
2.5.2 General Status Information
General status information includes messages that relate to the
users current activities. These messages
consist of information such as pull-down menu command
descriptions, and indications regarding the
progress of an executing command.
2.5.3 File Status
If changes have been made since the last time the project file was saved,
an image of a diskette appears in
the status pane. If the file is currently in a saved state, no such
image will appear.

2.5.4 Unit System Status

The unit system box on the task bar indicates which unit
system, System International (metric) or US
Customary (English), is currently active. It does not indicate changes
to units of individual fields.
2.5.5 DXF Background Status
This area of the status bar simply indicates whether a .DXF
background is currently visible for the active
2.5.6 Cursor Location
The status bar displays the current X and Y (or Northing and Easting)
coordinates for the cursors position
within the drawing pane.
2.5.7 Calculation Results Status
In Stand-Alone mode, if the current calculation results are out-
of-date or otherwise invalid, an indicator
will appear in the status bar that signifies that the results no longer
match the state of your input data. If the
results are currently valid, no such indicator will appear.

Chapter 2 WaterCAD Main Window


WaterCAD Users Guide


Chapter 3

Quick Start Lessons

3.1 Overview
The purpose of Chapter 3 is to provide step-by-step lessons, in order to
give you hands-on experience with
many of the features and capabilities of WaterCAD. These
detailed lessons will assist you in getting
started with the exploration and use of the software. Before
proceeding with the lessons, however, it is a
good idea to run through the brief online tutorials, accessed
from the Help menu. These interactive
tutorials will take you rapidly through overviews of key program
Another way to become acquainted with WaterCAD is to run and
experiment with the included sample
files, located in the Haestad\Wtrc\Sample directory. Remember, you can
right-click or press the F1 key
to access the context-sensitive online Help at any time.
Note: In order to follow these lessons, you can either do them in
sequence, since each lesson uses
the results of the previous ones, or do the lessons in any order, using
the catch up files located in
3.2 Lesson 1 - Constructing a Network and Performing a
Steady-State Analysis
WaterCAD is an extremely efficient tool for laying out a water
distribution network. It is easy to prepare a
schematic or scaled model and let WaterCAD take care of the link-node
In constructing a distribution network for this lesson, you do not need
to be concerned with assigning labels
to pipes and nodes, because WaterCAD will assign labels
automatically. When creating a schematic
drawing, pipe lengths are entered manually. In a scaled drawing, pipe
lengths are automatically calculated
from the position of the pipes bends and start and stop nodes on the
drawing pane.
In this lesson, you will create and analyze the network shown
below. You will use a scaled background
drawing for most of the network; however, four of the pipes
are not to scale, and will have user-defined
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

Water Distribution Network

Notes: In this network, the modeling of a reservoir connected to a pump

simulates a connection
to the main water distribution system. Simplifying the network in this
way can approximate the
pressures supplied to the system at the connection under a
range of demands. This type of
approximation is not always applicable, and care should be taken
when modeling a network in
this way. It is more accurate to trace the network back to the source.
If at any time during this lesson the program asks, "Do you wish to reset
all calculated results to
N/A?" click NO.
Part 1 - Creating a New Project File

AutoCAD specific instructions Stand-Alone specific


1. Double-click the WaterCAD desktop icon to start WaterCAD

Stand-Alone. If the
Welcome to WaterCAD dialog appears, select the Close button.
2. Open the Global Options tab, accessed from the Tools\Options pull-
down menu. Since
we will be working in SI units, click the Unit System selection box, and
select System
International. Click OK.
3. Select File\New from the pull-down menu. Click No when asked if you
want to save
the current project.
4. In the Create Project File As dialog, double-click the
Lesson folder, enter the file
name MyLesson1.wcd for your project, and click Save. The
Project Setup Wizard
will open.
WaterCAD Users Guide

1. Double-click the WaterCAD desktop icon to start WaterCAD for AutoCAD.

Open the
Global Options tab, accessed from the Tools\Options pull-down
menu. Since we
will be working in SI units, click the Unit System selection
box, and select System
International. Click OK.
2. Select File\Open from the pull-down menu. When prompted, do not
save changes to
the current drawing. If the Select File dialog opens, move to step 3.
Otherwise, do the
Press the Esc key. At the command prompt, type filedia, press
the Enter key to activate
the command, and then enter a new value of 1. Select File\Open from the
pull-down menu
again, and do not save changes to the current drawing. Note
that the filedia variable
controls whether some AutoCAD commands appear as dialogs or
simply at the command
3. Select the existing AutoCAD file Lesson1.dwg from the
Wtrc\Lesson folder. With
the drawing open, select File\Save As from the pull-down menu.
In the Save
Drawing As dialog, double-click the Lesson folder, enter the
filename as
MyLesson1.dwg and click Save to save the file in your \Wtrc\Lesson
4. Now, select the Layout Elements tool in the WaterCAD toolbar.
Then, move
the cursor onto the drawing pane and right-click to select
Reservoir from the pop-up
menu. Click the approximate location of reservoir R-1 (see diagram
above). You will
be prompted to set up the project. Click Yes to open the Project Setup

The remaining commands are for both Stand-Alone and AutoCAD modes.
5. In the Project Setup Wizard, title the project Lesson 1 -
Steady State Analysis and click the Next
6. Choose your desired settings. For this lesson, use the program
default values. Click the Next button.
7. Select the Scaled radio button located under the Drawing
Scale option. Set the horizontal scale to 1
mm = 4000 mm, and the vertical scale to 1 mm = 400 mm.
Stand-Alone users only: Select the
Browse button next to the Background Filename box. Select
Lesson1.dxf from the Lesson folder
and click Open. All users: Click the Next button to continue.
8. The element prototype buttons allow you to set default values for
each element type. We will use the
default prototype values in this lesson, so click the Finished button.
Part 2 - Laying Out the Network
1. To draw the skeletonized water distribution network shown
previously, select the Pipe Layout tool
from the toolbar. Then, move the cursor onto the drawing
pane and right-click to select
Reservoir from the pop-up menu. Click the approximate location of
reservoir R-1 (see the preceding
Water Distribution Network diagram).
2. Next, move the cursor to the location of pump P-1. Right-
click and select Pump from the pop-up
menu. Click to place it. Place junction J-1 by right-
clicking, selecting Junction from the pop-up
menu, and clicking the appropriate location.
3. Proceed with laying out the network by placing junctions J-2, J-3,
and J-4. Close the loop by selecting
junction J-1. Right-click and select Done from the pop-up menu.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

Tips: To construct a pipe with bends in the Stand-Alone

version, hold down the Ctrl key and
click the location of the bend. Then, release the Ctrl key
to enter the next element. In the
AutoCAD version, right-click and select Bend from the pop-up menu, then
insert the bend.
You can insert bends after a pipe is constructed by right-
clicking the pipe in Stand-Alone and
selecting Bend\Add Bend. Then, drag the new vertex to the appropriate
location. In AutoCAD,
select Edit\Modify Pipes\Insert Bend, click the pipe, and click to place
the new vertex.
4. Select the Pipe Layout tool again and click junction J-3.
Move the cursor to the location of J-5, and
click to insert the element. Right-click and select Done.
5. Insert the PRV (Valve\PRV on the pop-up menu), junction J-6,
and the tank by selecting the Pipe
Layout tool and placing the elements in their appropriate
locations. Be sure to lay out the pipes in
numerical order (P-7 through P-9), so that their labels correspond to the
labels in the diagram. Right-
click and select Done from the pop-up menu to terminate the Pipe Layout
6. Insert the tank, T-1, and the pipe connecting it to node J-3. Right-
click and select Done. The network
layout is now complete.

7. Save the WaterCAD network by clicking the Disk icon on the toolbar or
by choosing File\Save.
Part 3 - Entering Data
There are four ways to enter and modify element data in WaterCAD:
Dialogs - You can use the Select tool and double-click an
element to bring up its editor. In
AutoCAD, click the element once with the Select tool to open the
elements editor.
FlexTables - You can click the Tabular Reports button to bring up
dynamic tables that allow
you to edit and display the model data in a tabular format. You can edit
the data as you would in a
Database Connections - The database connection feature allows
you to import and export element
data directly from external sources such as Excel spreadsheets,
GIS, Jet Databases like Microsoft
Access, or any other ODBC database. This process is further
explained in the chapter on Database
Connections, in the Database Connections tutorial, and in Lesson 7.
Alternative Editors - Alternatives are used to enter data for
different "What If?" situations used in
Scenario Management. This topic is covered extensively in the Scenario
Management chapter, in the
Scenario tutorial, and in Lesson 3.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Part 4 - Entering Data through Dialogs

To access an elements dialog in Stand-Alone mode, simply
double-click the element with the cursor. In
AutoCAD, first click the Select tool on the toolbar, then click
the element whose attributes you wish to
1. Open the Reservoir Editor for reservoir R-1, and select the
General tab. Enter the hydraulic grade
line elevation from the following Reservoir Data table.
Reservoir Data
Reservoir Elevation
R-1 198 Connection Zone
General Tab

2. Click on the ellipsis () button next to the Zone field. This action
opens the Zone Manager. Click
Add, then enter a label for the new pressure zone, Connection
Zone. Click OK, and OK again to
exit the Zone Manager.
3. Finally, select the zone you just created from the Zone
list box, and then click OK to close the
Reservoir Editor.

Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

4. Open the Tank Editor for tank T-1. Enter the data from the table
below. Leave the other parameters
set to their default values. Click OK to exit the dialog.
Tank Data
General Tab
Tank Zone Section
T-1 Zone-1 Constant Area 226 225 220 200 8
Section Tab

5. Open the Pump Editor for pump PMP-1. Select Standard (3

Point) from the Pump Type list box.
Enter the pump elevation and the discharge curve as given in
the Pump Data tables below; however,
before entering the first discharge value (3800 l/min), make
sure to change the discharge units from
m3/min to l/min. Do this by right-clicking in the Design Discharge
box, selecting Design Properties,
and selecting l/min from the Units list box. Also, notice the
pump has an upstream pipe and a
downstream pipe to define the direction. If the pump is ever going in
the wrong direction, simply click
the Reverse button to change it. In this example, the upstream pipe
should be P-1, and the downstream
pipe should be P-2. Click OK to exit the dialog.
Pump Data
PMP-1 193 3 Point
General Tab

Shutoff: 30.0 0
Design: 27.4 3800
Max. Operating 24.8 7500
General Tab

6. Enter the Valve Editor for valve PRV-1. Use the

information given in the PRV Data table below.
Leave the other parameters set to their default values. Click OK to exit
the dialog.
PRV Data
Status Settings
PRV-1 165 150 Active Pressure 390
General Tab

7. Enter the data for the junctions as outlined in the

following Junction Node Data table. However,
before entering the demand data, right-click in the Demand
column, and select Demand Properties
from the pop-up menu. From the Units list box, select l/min and click
OK. Leave all other fields set to
their default values.
Note: Use the procedure described in steps 2 and 3 above to create the
new Zone, Zone-2.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Junction Node Data

Demand Tab
Zone Demand
J-1 184 Zone-1 38
J-2 185 Zone-1 31
J-3 184 Zone-1 34
J-4 183 Zone-1 38
J-5 185.5 Zone-1 350
J-6 165 Zone-2 356
General Tab

8. Finally, you need to specify user-defined lengths for pipes

P-1, P-7, P-8, P-9 and P-10, since the
reservoir, tank, PRV, and nodes J-5 and J-6 are only shown in approximate
locations. Select pipe P-1
to open the Pipe Editor. Click the box labeled User Defined
Length to activate this feature. Then,
enter a value of .01 m in the Length field. Because you are using the
reservoir and pump to simulate
the connection to the main distribution system, you want
headloss through this pipe to be negligible.
Therefore, the length is very small and the diameter will be large.
Repeat this procedure for pipes P-7,
P-8, P-9 and P-10, using the user-defined lengths in the table below.
Pipe Data
Pipe Material

P-1 Ductile Iron 1000 0.01
P-2 Ductile Iron 150 N/A
P-3 Ductile Iron 150 N/A
P-4 PVC 150 N/A
P-5 Ductile Iron 150 N/A
P-6 Ductile Iron 150 N/A
P-7 PVC 150 400
P-8 Ductile Iron 150 500
P-9 Ductile Iron 150 31
P-10 Ductile Iron 150 100

Part 5 - Entering Data through FlexTables

It is often more convenient to enter data for similar elements
in tabular form, rather than to individually
open a dialog for an element, enter the data into the dialog, and then
select the next element. Using tabular
reports, you can enter the data as you would enter data into a
1. To access the tabular report, click the Tabular Reports button on
the toolbar.
2. Click the Pipe Report and click OK. Note that the white fields are
editable, but the yellow fields are
not. The pipes may not be in alphanumeric order in the table. To sort
the table by pipe label, right-
click the Label column heading. Select Sort\Ascending from the pop-up
menu that appears.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

3. For each of the ten pipes, enter the section size and the pipe
material as outlined in the Pipe Data table
above. Notice that the C values for the pipes will be automatically
assigned to preset values based on
the material; however, these values could be modified if a different
coefficient were required.
4. Leave other data set to their default values. Click the
Close button to exit the table when you are

Part 6 - Performing a Steady-State Analysis

1. Click the GO button to bring up the Calculation dialog.
Make sure that the Calculation Type is
marked as Steady-State.
WaterCAD Users Guide

2. Click the GO button on the dialog to analyze the model. When

calculations are completed, a Results
report is displayed.
3. The Results tab displays a summary of model results. Scroll through
the summary to get an idea of the
results that are given. There should be a green light displayed on the
Results tab of the dialog. You
can quickly tell if there were warnings or failures with a glance at the
light. A green light indicates no
warnings or failures, a yellow light indicates warnings, while a red
light indicates problems.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

4. Click Close when you are done. After a model run, all
the calculated fields in dialogs and tabular
reports will display results. See Lesson 4 for an overview of the output
options available.
Note: Before proceeding to the next lesson, save this project (for
instance as MyLesson1.wcd in
Stand-Alone mode or MyLesson1.dwg in AutoCAD mode).
3.3 Lesson 2 - Extended Period Simulation
This lesson will illustrate how WaterCAD can model the behavior
of a water distribution system through
time using an extended period simulation (EPS). An EPS can be conducted
for any duration specified by
the user. System conditions are computed over the given duration at a
specified time increment. Some of
the types of system behaviors that can be analyzed using an EPS include
how tank levels fluctuate, when
pumps are running, whether valves are open or closed, and how demands
change throughout the day.
Note: If, at any time during this lesson, the program asks,
"Do you wish to reset all calculated
results to N/A?" click NO.
This lesson is based on the project created in Lesson 1. If you have not
completed Lesson 1, then open the
project Lesson2.wcd (Lesson2.dwg in the AutoCAD version) from the
Wtrc\Lesson directory. If you did
complete Lesson 1, then you can use the MyLesson1 file you created.
WaterCAD Users Guide

After you have opened the file, select File\Save As from the
pull-down menu. Type the filename
MyLesson2 and click Save. Select File\Project Summary, and change the
Project Title to Lesson 2 -
Extended Period Simulation. Click OK.
Part 1 - Creating Demand Patterns
Water demand in a distribution system fluctuates over time. For example,
residential water use on a typical
weekday is higher than average in the morning before people go
to work, and is usually highest in the
evening when residents are preparing dinner, washing clothes, etc. This
variation in demand over time can
be modeled using demand patterns. Demand patterns are simply
multipliers that vary with time and are
applied to a given base demand, most typically the average daily demand.
In this lesson, you will be dividing the single Fixed demands for each
junction node in Lesson 1 into two
individual demands with different demand patterns. One demand pattern
will be created for residential use,
and another for commercial use. You will enter demand patterns
at the junction nodes through the
Junction Editors.
1. Open the editor for Junction J-1 and select the Demand tab. By
default, the demand pattern is set to
Fixed. In the Demands table, leave the first row set to Demand, and set
the baseline load to 23 l/min.
Click the corresponding cell in the Pattern column, and select
the ellipsis () button that appears.
This action opens the Pattern Manager. Click the Add button to create a
new pattern for this model.

2. In the Pattern dialog, enter the name Residential in the

Label field. Leave the Start Time to
12:00:00 AM and set the Starting Multiplier to 0.5. Under
Format, select the radio button labeled
Stepwise. The resulting demand pattern will have multipliers
that remain constant until the next
pattern time increment is reached.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

3. In the Pattern table, enter the times and multipliers from

the table below. Click OK when you are
finished to return to the Pattern Manager.
Residential Pattern Data
3 0.4
6 1.0
9 1.3
12 1.2
15 1.2
18 1.6
21 0.8
24 0.5

Note that the multiplier for the last time given (24 hr) must be the same
as the Starting Multiplier
(0.5). These values are equal because the demand curve represents a
complete cycle, with the last
point the same as the first.
4. While we are in the Pattern Manager, we will go ahead and create a
pattern for commercial demands.
Select the Add button, and create a pattern labeled Commercial, having a
Start Time of 12:00:00 AM
and a Starting Multiplier of 0.4. Enter the data below into the Pattern
table. This pattern will also be
stepwise. Click OK when you are finished to return to the Pattern
Commercial Pattern Data
3 0.6
6 0.8
9 1.6
12 1.6
15 1.2
18 0.8
21 0.6
24 0.4

5. Click OK to return to the Junction Editor for J-1. In

the Pattern list box for the first row, select
Residential from the choice list. In the second row, enter
a demand of 15 l/min. Select
Commercial as the pattern for this row. Click OK to exit the junction
J-1 editor.
WaterCAD Users Guide

6. Go into the Demands table in the editors for junctions J-2, J-3, J-4,
J-5 and J-6 and enter the demand
data from the table below. We will use the Residential and
Commercial demand patterns already
created, so just select the appropriate pattern from the list box.

J-2 23 8
J-3 23 11
J-4 23 15
J-5 350 N/A
J-6 280 76
Demand Tab

7. Now, we will set up an additional demand pattern to

simulate a three-hour fire at node J-6. In the
Demand tab of Junction Editor for J-6, insert an additional
demand of 2000 l/min in row 3 of the
Demands table.
8. Click the Pattern column for row 3 and select the ellipsis ()
button to open the Pattern Manager.
Select the Add button to add a new demand pattern. In the Pattern
dialog, enter a Label of 3-Hour
Fire, a Start Time of 12:00:00 AM, and a Starting Multiplier
of 0.00. Select the radio button for
Stepwise format.
9. Enter the information given below into the pattern table.
3-Hour Fire Pattern Data
Time from
18 1.00
21 0.00
24 0.00

10. After you have filled in the table, select the Report
button at the bottom of the dialog box. Choose
Graph from the menu to display a graph of the demand pattern. Notice
that the value of the multiplier
is zero, except for the period between 18 and 21 hours, when it is 1.0.
Since we input the demand as
2000 l/min, the result will be a 2000 l/min fire flow at junction J-6
between hours 18 and 21.
11. Click Close to exit the graph, OK to exit the Pattern
dialog and OK again to exit the Pattern
Manager. Finally, select your new pattern, 3-Hour Fire, from the
Pattern selection box in row 3 of
the Demands table, and click OK to exit the Junction Editor.
Part 2 - Running an Extended Period Simulation
1. To run the Extended Period Simulation, click the GO button on the
toolbar. Select the radio button for
Extended Period. Accept the defaults of a Start Time of
12:00:00, a Duration of 24 hours, and a
Hydraulic Time Step of 1 hour. Then, click the GO button to run the
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

2. After the model runs, the green light on the Results tab
indicates that there are not any warnings for
the analysis and WaterCAD was able to compute a balanced
solution for the distribution network.
Click the Close button.

3. You can view results by opening individual element dialog

boxes, clicking the Report button to
generate detailed reports and graphs for the individual elements,
as well as through output tables,
color-coding, profiling, contouring, and annotation. For example, open
the Valve Editor for the PRV
and click the Report button. Select Detailed Report from the
menu. Scroll and page through the
report to view the Calculated Results Summary. Notice that the PRV is
throttling, except for hours 18
to 20, when the fire occurs and the downstream pressure setting
can no longer be maintained. See
Lesson 5 on reporting results for more information.
Save this project before proceeding to Lesson 3.
3.4 Lesson 3 - Scenario Management
One of WaterCADs many powerful and versatile project tools is Scenario
Management. Scenarios allow
you to calculate multiple "What If?" situations in a single project file.
You may wish to try several designs
and compare the results, or analyze an existing system using
several different demand alternatives and
compare the resulting system pressures. A scenario is a set of
alternatives, while alternatives are groups of
actual model data. Both scenarios and alternatives are based
on a parent/child relationship where a child
scenario or alternative inherits data from the parent scenario or
In Lessons 1 and 2, you constructed the water distribution
network, defined the characteristics of the
various elements, entered demands and demand patterns, and
performed steady-state and extended period
WaterCAD Users Guide

simulations. In this lesson, you will set up the scenarios needed to

test four "What If?" situations for our
water distribution system. These "What If?" situations will involve
changing demands and pipe sizes. At
the end of the lesson, you will compare all of the results using the
Scenario Comparison tool.
Note: If at any time during this lesson the program asks, "Do
you wish to reset all calculated
results to N/A?" click NO.
This lesson is based on the project created in Lesson 2. If you
completed Lesson 2, open the project you
created previously, MyLesson2 in the Wtrc\Lesson directory. Otherwise,
open the file called lesson3.wcd
(lesson3.dwg in the AutoCAD version).
After you have opened the file, select File\Save As from the
pull-down menu. Type the filename
MyLesson3 and click Save. Select File\Project Summary, and change the
Project Title to Lesson 3 -
Scenario Management. Click OK.
Part 1 - Creating a New Alternative
First, you need to set up the required data sets, or
Alternatives. An Alternative is a group of data that
describes a specific part of the model. There are thirteen
Alternative types: Physical, Active Topology,
Demand, Initial Settings, Operational, Logical Control Set, Age,
Constituent, Trace, Fire Flow, Capital
Cost, Energy Cost, and User Data. In this example, you need
to set up a different Physical or Demand
Alternative for each design trial you want to evaluate. Each Alternative
will contain different pipe size or
demand data.
In WaterCAD, we create families of Alternatives from Base
Alternatives. Base Alternatives are
Alternatives that do not inherit data from any other Alternative. Child
Alternatives can be created from the
Base Alternative. A Child Alternative inherits the
characteristics of its Parent, but specific data can be
overridden to be local to the Child. A Child Alternative can, in turn,
be the Parent of another Alternative.
1. Select Analysis\Alternatives from the pull-down menu. Highlight the
Demand alternative in the left
pane of the dialog. Currently, there is only one Demand
Alternative listed. The Base-Demand
Alternative contains the demands for the current distribution system.
2. You can change the default Base-Average Daily demand name to be
something more descriptive of
our data. Click the Rename button, and enter the new name,
Average Daily with 2000 l/min Fire
3. You would like to add a Child of the Base-Demands
Alternative because the new Alternative will
inherit most data. Then, you can locally change the data that you want
to modify. You will modify the
existing demand data by increasing the fire flow component at node J-6
from 2000 l/min to 4000 l/min.
Click the Add Child button and enter the name 4000 l/min Fire
Flow for the new Alternative, and
then click OK.
4. The Demand Alternative Editor for the new Alternative will
appear showing you the data that was
inherited from the Parent Alternative. Notice the key at the bottom
describing the check boxes. As the
key indicates, all of your data is inherited. If you change any piece of
data, the check box will become
checked because that record is now local to this Alternative and not
inherited from the Parent.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

5. Click in the Demand Summary column for node J-6. A button appears.
Click this button to open the
Demand table for this node. Change the 2000 l/min fire demand to 4000
l/min, and click OK. Click
Close to exit the Alternative Editor and return to the Alternatives
Manager, and Close again to exit
back to the drawing pane.
Part 2 - Editing and Creating Scenarios
Alternatives are the building blocks of a Scenario. A Scenario is a set
of one of each of the thirteen types
of Alternatives, plus all of the calculation information needed to solve
a model.
Just as there are Base, Parent, and Child Alternatives, there are also
Base, Parent, and Child Scenarios. The
difference is that instead of inheriting model data, Scenarios
inherit sets of Alternatives. To change the
new Scenario, change one or more of the new Scenarios
Alternatives. For this lesson, we will create a
new Scenario for each different set of conditions we need to evaluate.
1. Select Analysis\Scenarios from the pull-down menu. You are now in
the Scenario Manager. There
is always a default Base Scenario that is comprised of the thirteen base
Alternatives listed in the right
pane. The left pane of the Scenario Manager contains a list
of the Scenarios. Only the Base is
available initially, because we have not created any new Scenarios.
2. You should first rename the Base Scenario as something more
descriptive. Click the Scenario
Management button and select Rename from the pull-down menu.
The Scenario name in the left
pane will become editable. Type in a descriptive name for the Scenario,
such as 2000 l/min, 3-hour
Fire Flow at J-6 (EPS) and then press the Enter key.
3. Now, you will create a Child Scenario from our existing
Base Scenario, to incorporate our new
Demand Alternative. Click the Scenario Management menu button, and
select Add\Child Scenario
from the menu. Type in a Scenario name of 4000 l/min Fire
Flow at J-6 (EPS) and click OK. A
dialog for the new Scenario appears listing the Alternatives as inherited
from the Base Scenario.
WaterCAD Users Guide

4. Your new Child Scenario initially consists of the same Alternatives

as its Parent Scenario, except the
Demand Alternative should be the new Alternative you created,
4000 l/min Fire Flow. Check the
box next to Demand. A selection box for this Alternative appears. Click
the box, and select the new
Alternative from the list. The new Alternative is no longer
inherited from the Parent, but is local to
this Scenario. Click Close to exit the Scenario.

Part 3 - Calculate and Compare

1. You are going to calculate both of the Scenarios at the same time
using the Batch Run tool. Click the
Batch Run button on the left side of the Scenario Management dialog.
Check the boxes next to both
Scenarios, and then click the Batch button. Click Yes at the prompt to
run the batch for two Scenarios.
When they have finished computing, click OK.
2. You can see the results for each Scenario by highlighting it in the
Scenario list. Click the Results tab
at the top right in the dialog box to see the selected Scenarios
results. We can see that the Scenarios
are different, but what exactly is different about them? We will use the
Scenario Comparison tool to
compare the results. Click the Scenario Comparison button to
start the Annotation Comparison
Wizard. Select the 2000 l/min, 3-hour Fire Flow at J-6 (EPS) Scenario
in the first list box and the
4000 l/min Fire Flow at J-6 (EPS) in the second list box. Click the
Next button.
3. We will compare the results for pressures at the junctions and
velocities in the pipes, so click the check
boxes next to Pressure Junction and Pressure Pipe, and then click Next.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

4. Select Pressure from the list box under the Attributes column for
Pressure Junction Annotation. Edit
the entry in the Mask column by deleting the label name, so that only
the pressure and unit variables
(%v %u) remain. Click Next.
5. Select Velocity from the list box under the Attributes
column for Pressure Pipe Annotation. Again,
you can edit the label in the Mask column. Click Next. Check to make
sure your annotation is correct,
and then click Finished.
6. A plan view of the system with annotation displaying the
difference between the two Scenarios will
appear. To better view the data, maximize the window and use
the zoom buttons from the upper
toolbar to look at different areas of the model. The difference between
the two is found by subtracting
Scenario 1 from Scenario 2. For example, say Scenario 1 has a pressure
of 50 kPa at a junction, and
Scenario 2, which represents a future scenario, has a pressure
of 45 kPa at the same junction.
Comparing these pressures for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 would
result in annotation stating a
difference of -5 kPa. When you have more than two scenarios, you can
select different combinations
of the scenarios from the two list boxes and click the Update
button to view the differences between
the two. You could also click the Auto Update check box and
the differences will automatically
update every time you change the combination of scenarios and time
increments in the list boxes.
7. Check the Auto Update box and use the VCR-style buttons to
scroll through different increments.
Look at the difference in pressures at junction J-6 during the
fire flow (between 18 and 21 hours).
There is a very large pressure drop due to the substantial increase in
demand. In the next part of this
lesson, we will look at scenarios to reduce this decrease in pressure.
Part 4 - Physical Alternative
You need to further examine what is going on in the system as a result of
the fire flow, and find solutions to
any problems that might have arisen in the network as a result. You can
review output tables to quickly see
what the pressures and velocities are within the system, and
create new Alternatives and Scenarios to
capture your modifications.
WaterCAD Users Guide

1. Click the Close button to exit the Scenario Comparison

Window. Click Close again to exit the
Scenario Manager and return to the drawing pane.
2. Select the Tabular Reports button from the toolbar. Highlight
Junction Report in the list, and click
OK. Select 4000 l/min Fire Flow at J-6 (EPS) in the Scenario list box,
and set the Time to 18.00 hr.
Most of the system pressures look acceptable at this time
increment; however, the pressure at J-6 is
actually negative.
3. Click the Options button and select Table Manager from the menu.
Highlight Pipe Report, and click
OK. In the Pipe Report table, notice that the headloss gradient for
pipes P-8 and P-9 are significantly
higher than in the rest of the system. We can reduce the headloss
gradient by increasing the sizes of
these pipes. The pressure at J-6 should increase as a consequence.
4. Click Close to exit the table. We will create a new Scenario having
a new Physical Alternative with
the pipe sizes for P-8 and P-9 increased to 200 mm. Select
Analysis\Scenarios from the pull-down
menu. Highlight 4000 l/min Fire Flow at J-6 (EPS) in the
list of Scenarios, click the Scenario
Management button, and select Add\Child Scenario from the menu.
5. Name the new Scenario P-8 and P-9 Set to 200 mm, and click OK.
6. Under the Alternatives tab of the Scenario dialog, check the box for
Physical. Click the ellipsis ()
button to open the Physical Properties Alternatives dialog. Click the
Add Child button, and name
the new Alternative P-8 and P-9 Set to 200 mm. Click OK.
7. Under the Pipe tab for this Alternative, change the pipe sizes in
the table for pipes P-8 and P-9 from
150 mm to 200 mm. Click the Close button to exit the
editor, and click Close again to exit the
Physical Properties Alternatives dialog.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

8. Select the new Physical Alternative from the list box for the
scenario, and click Close to return to the
Scenario Manager. Select Batch Run to run the model. Turn off the
check boxes for the first two
scenarios, and turn on the check box for Pipes P-8 and P-9 Set to 200
mm. Click Batch and select
Yes to confirm and run the Scenario. Click OK when the run is complete.
9. Close the Scenario Manager and return to the drawing pane.
Select the Tabular Reports button
from the toolbar, and open the Junction Report. In the Scenario list
box, select the new Scenario, and
examine the pressures at J-6 for 18, 19, and 20 hours. The
pressures for this node are now at
acceptable levels.
If you would like to learn more about the various results presentation
methods available in WaterCAD, see
Lesson 4.
Close the open dialogs and save this project before proceeding with
Lesson 4, Reporting Results.
3.5 Lesson 4 - Reporting Results
An important feature in all water distribution modeling software
is the ability to present results clearly.
This lesson outlines several of WaterCADs reporting features, including:
Reports, which display and print information on any or all elements in
the system.
Tabular Reports (FlexTables), for viewing, editing, and presentation
of selected data and elements
in a tabular format.
Profiles, to graphically show, in a profile view, how a
selected attribute, such as hydraulic grade,
varies along an interconnected series of pipes.
Contouring, to show how a selected attribute, such as
pressure, varies throughout the distribution
Element Annotation, for dynamic presentation of the values of
user-selected variables in the plan
Color Coding, which assigns colors based on ranges of values to
elements in the plan view. Color
coding is useful in performing quick diagnostics on the network.
Note: If at any time during this lesson the program asks, "Do
you wish to reset all calculated
results to N/A?" click NO.
For this lesson, you will use the system from Lesson 3, saved as
MyLesson3' in the Wtrc\Lesson directory.
If you did not complete Lesson 3, you may use the file lesson4.wcd
(lesson4.dwg in AutoCAD). After you
have opened the file, select File\Save As from the pull-down menu. Type
the filename MyLesson4 and
click Save. Select File\Project Summary from the pull-down
menu, and change the Project Title to
Lesson 4 - Reporting Results.
Part 1 - Reports
1. Select the 2000 l/min, 3 hour fire flow at J-6 (EPS)
Scenario from the Scenario toolbar. Click the
GO button to open the Batch Run dialog, select that scenario from the
list, and click GO to analyze it.
2. When the Results dialog appears, notice that the Results report can
be saved to a file or printed using
the buttons in the top left corner. This report displays key system
characteristics on a formatted page.
In an EPS analysis such as this one, these characteristics are
displayed for each time increment. If
there were any warnings or problems, they would also appear here.
WaterCAD Users Guide

3. Click Close. Note that the results for the current Scenario (the
Scenario appearing in the list box in the
toolbar) can be accessed at any time by clicking the GO button in the
toolbar, and then clicking on the
Results tab.
4. Open the Tank Editor for tank T-1. Click the Report
button at the bottom of the dialog and select
Detailed Report from the pull-down menu to view a formatted summary
report for the tank. On page
2, that you can see the tanks status (draining or filling) at each time

5. Every element can generate a report in the same general

format, which includes the name of the
calculated scenario and a series of tables describing the elements
properties and results in detail. You
can print this report or copy it to the clipboard using the buttons at
the top of the dialog. The report
will print or paste into a word processor in the exact format seen on the
screen. Click the Close button
on the report, and then click OK to exit the Tank Editor.
6. You can also print detailed reports for several elements at one
time. In the Stand-Alone version, use
the Select tool to draw a window around the elements you want to
report, or hold down the shift key
while selecting the elements individually. Then, select
Report\Element Details from the pull-down
menu to bring up the Detailed Reports dialog. In the AutoCAD
version, start by selecting
Report\Element Details from the pull-down menu. The crosshairs
change into a pickbox. Using the
pickbox, select elements from the drawing space that you want
to report (individually or using a
window), and then right-click to bring up the Detailed Reports dialog.
7. When the Detailed Reports dialog opens, the elements selected
from the layout view are already
highlighted for output. From this dialog, you can edit the element
selection set (hold down the Ctrl key
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

to select multiple elements from the list), and then print the reports.
Click the Select button to go to the
Selection Set dialog. If you wish to select multiple elements based on
some criteria, you can do that
here. Click Cancel to return to the Detailed Reports dialog. If you
wish, you can click the Print button
to print all of the reports for the selected elements. Click Cancel to
exit the dialog.
8. Another type of report available is the Element Results
Report. The elements to be included in this
report are selected the same way as the elements for the Detailed Report,
except that Elements Results
are selected from the Report pull-down menu. The result is a
single report containing calculated
analysis results for each of the elements selected. From the Elements
Results Report dialog, you can
print or copy/paste the report for any element(s). The
Elements Results Report contains all of the
results calculated for the selected element(s). Select elements
to be included in this report and click
Preview to view the resulting output. Click Close when you are finished
to exit the preview and the
Analysis Results Report dialog.
9. Select Scenario Summary from the Report pull-down menu.
This report summarizes the alternatives
and options selected in the current scenario. Click Close.
10. Click the Report pull-down menu again and select the
Project Inventory option. This report will tell
you the total number of each type of element and the total length of pipe
in the system. Click Close.
11. Finally, click the Cost Management button in the toolbar
and select Capital Cost. Assuming
Capital Cost Estimating calculations had already been run,
clicking the Report button located above
the Scenario Costs tree view would generate a Capital Cost Analysis
Report. Click Close.
Part 2 - Tabular Reports (FlexTables)
Tabular Reports are an extremely powerful tool in WaterCAD.
These reports are not only good
presentation tools, they are also very helpful in data entry and
analysis. When data must be entered for a
large number of elements, clicking each element and entering the data can
be tedious and time consuming.
Using the tabular reports, elements can be changed using the global edit
tool, or filtered to display only the
desired elements. Values that are entered into the table will be
automatically updated in the model. The
tables can also be customized to contain only the desired data. Columns
can be added or removed, or you
can display duplicates of the same column with different units.
The tabular reports can save you an
enormous amount of time and effort.
Tabular reports are dynamic tables of input values and calculated
results. White columns are editable input
values, and yellow columns are non-editable calculated values. When data
is entered into a table directly,
the values in the model will be automatically updated. These
tables can be printed or copied into a
spreadsheet program.
Two very powerful features in these tables are Global Edit and Filtering.
Suppose we decide to evaluate
how our network might operate in five years. Assume that the
C factor for 5-year old ductile iron pipe
reduces from 130 to 120. It would be repetitive to go
through and edit the pipe roughness through the
individual pipe dialogs, particularly when dealing with a large system.
Instead, you will use the filter tool
in this example to filter out the PVC pipes, and then use global edit
tool to change the pipe roughness on
the ductile iron pipes only.
1. Begin by setting up a new Alternative and Scenario to
capture the changes to the C values. Select
Analysis\Scenarios from the pull-down menu. Highlight the
Scenario P-8 and P-9 Set to 200 mm
and click the Scenario Management button. Add a Child for this Scenario
called 5-yr-old D.I.P.
2. Because we want to create a new Physical Alternative, check
the box labeled Physical and click the
New button. Name the new Alternative 5-yr-old D.I.P. and
click OK. Click Close to exit the
Alternative Editor, and again to exit the Scenario Manager and return to
the drawing pane.
3. To open a tabular report, select the Tables option from the
Report pull-down menu or click the
Tabular Report button on the toolbar. Select the Pipe Report from the
list and click OK.
WaterCAD Users Guide

4. Click the Scenario list box and select the new Scenario from the
list. Right-click the Material column
and choose Filter\Quick Filter from the pop-up menu. You want to display
only ductile iron pipes in
the table. To do so, set the Column field to Material, set the Operator
to =, and set the Value field to
Ductile Iron. Click OK.
5. Now, you will use the Global Edit tool to modify all of the roughness
values in the table. Right-click
the Hazen-Williams C column and select Global Edit. Select Set from the
Operation list and enter
120 into the Global Edit box. Click OK. All of the values are now set
to 120.
6. To deactivate the filter, right-click anywhere in the dialog
and select Filter\Reset from the pop-up
menu. Click Yes to reset the filter.
7. You may also wish to edit a table by adding or removing columns
using the Table Manager. Click
the Options button at the top of the table dialog box and select
8. Scroll through the list on the left side to see the types of data
available for placement in the table. You
can highlight a particular item, then use the [ < ] and [ > ] buttons to
add or remove that column from
your table. For this example, we can display junction elevations in both
meters and feet by checking
the Allow Duplicate Columns box, highlighting Elevation (shown in
gray) in the list of available
columns, and clicking the [ > ] button. Elevation now appears
twice under Selected Columns. You
can adjust the order in which the columns will be displayed using the
arrows below the right hand list,
or simply drag items up and down. Click OK, and OK again to exit the
Table Manager.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

9. The revised table appears with two Elevation columns, both in meters.
Drag and drop the new column
heading to relocate it next to the original Elevation column.
To apply separate units to the two
columns, click the Options button and select Use Local Units. This
option allows the tabular report to
have units independent of the project and local to the table.
In other words, without this option
switched on, changing the units from meters to feet in the
table would change the unit for pressure
throughout the project. The Use Local Units option is ideal
for displaying the same variable with
multiple units within the same tabular report. Click Yes in the warning
box that appears indicating that
you wish to switch to local units. To assign units of feet to one of the
columns, right-click the column
heading and select Elevation Properties from the pop-up menu. In the Set
Field Options dialog, select
'ft' from the Units list box. Click OK to return to the updated table.
10. Click Close to exit the table when you are finished. Click GO to
open the Batch Run dialog, and click
GO to compute the network for 5-yr-old D.I.P, and then click Close.
Part 3 - Create a Plan and Profile
1. To create a plan view of the distribution system, click the
Report pull-down menu and select Plan
View\Full View. This option will create a plan of the entire
system regardless of what the screen
shows, while the Current View option will create a plan of exactly what
is displayed in the window at
that moment.
2. The Plan View will be put into a separate window, which
can then be printed or copied to the
clipboard. If you click the Copy button, you can paste the
plan view into a word processor. Click
3. You can also create a plan view in the Stand-Alone version
for export to AutoCAD or other
compatible software. Simply click the File menu and select Export\DXF
File. This action will create
a .DXF file of your network that you can then import into AutoCAD. In
AutoCAD, use plan views as
a quick way to develop simple scaled views of your primary network.
4. To create a profile view, select the Profiling option from
the Tools pull-down menu, or click the
Profile button in the toolbar. This activates the Profile Setup
dialog. From the dialog, choose
WaterCAD Users Guide
the attribute you wish to profile from the Attribute list box.
For this example, choose Calculated
Hydraulic Grade.
5. Next, click the Select From Drawing button. The dialog
disappears, and the crosshairs change to a
pick box in AutoCAD. Click pipes P-1, P-2, P-6, P-8, and P-9, selecting
a continuous path, or "walk",
through the network. Right-click when you are finished (and
select Done in Stand-Alone). The
Profile Setup dialog reappears, with the selected elements
appearing, in order, in the list. Click the
Profile button to view the profile.

6. Once the profile is created, you can make adjustments to

its appearance, if desired, by clicking the
Options button and selecting Graph Options. A dialog opens in which you
can change the titles, fonts,
scaling, and line types used in the graph. Leave everything
set to the defaults for this example, and
click Cancel to exit the dialog.
7. When you have finished setting up the graph, it can be
printed or copied to the clipboard using the
buttons at the top of the Plot window.
8. Click Close to exit the Plot window when you are finished. Click
Close again to exit the Profile Setup
Part 4 - Contouring
The contouring feature in WaterCAD enables you to generate
contours for reporting attributes such as
elevation, pressure, and hydraulic grade. You can specify the
contour interval, as well as color code the
contours by index values or ranges of values. In this lesson,
we will contour based on hydraulic grade
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

1. To create a plan view of the water distribution system with contours,

click the Contour button from the
toolbar. Within the Contour Manager, choose Calculated Hydraulic
Grade from the Contour list
2. Create a Selection Set of elements you will use in contouring by
clicking the ellipsis () button next
to the Selection Set list box. Click Add, name the set Contour by HGL,
and click OK.
3. Define your selection set so that it consists of all junctions in
Zone-1. Click Select\By Filter\Pressure
Junctions. Under Column, select Zone; for Operator, select [ =
]; and for Value, select Zone-1.
Click OK to return to the Selection Set dialog.
4. Notice that the selected elements are now highlighted under Available
Items. Click [ > ] to move the
elements to the Selected Items list, and click OK. Click OK again to
exit the Selection Set Manager.
5. Select Contour by HGL in the Selection Set list box, and click
Initialize to update the Minimum and
Maximum HGL elevations. Enter an Increment of 0.1 m, and an Index
Increment of 0.2 m. Make
sure the radio button for Color by Index is selected, and click OK.
6. A plan view of the water distribution model is opened in a separate
window, along with contours that
interpolate between the elevations of the selected network components.
7. To improve the appearance of the contouring, press the Options button
and choose Smooth Contours.

8. Click Close to return to the drawing pane.

WaterCAD Users Guide

Part 5 - Element Annotation

When you want to label network attributes in the plan view, use the
Annotation feature. With it, you can
control which values are displayed, how they are labeled, and how units
are expressed. For this example,
we will annotate demands at the junctions, and flow and velocity in the
1. Click the Element Annotation option located in the Tools
pull-down menu or click the Annotation
button on the toolbar to open the Annotation Wizard.
2. Select the elements you wish to annotate. In this example,
we will add annotation to the pressure
junctions and pipes. Select these elements from the list and click Next.
3. The next dialog allows you to choose the attributes you wish to
annotate for the specified element type.
The Attributes column is used for selecting the attribute you would like
to annotate. The Mask is a
template of how the annotation will appear on the screen. The %v and %u
options are added to display
and control the value and units associated with the attribute. The
Preview column shows an example
of the annotation with values for the variables. For this
example, we will add annotation for the
demand summary at each junction.
4. In the first row of the attribute column select Demand (Calculated)
from the list and click Next. Add
Discharge and Velocity annotations for the pipes in the same manner and
click Next.
5. The final dialog of the Annotation Wizard contains a summary
where you can check your
annotations. If there are any errors, click the Back button to go
backwards in the wizard and make any
necessary changes. Click Finished.

6. The drawing will now display all of the annotations. You can try
changing the properties of an element
and recalculating. The annotations will update automatically to reflect
any changes in the system.
7. If the annotation is crowded, you can click and drag the
annotation to move it. In the AutoCAD
version, click on the annotation and then click the grip to move it, or
use an AutoCAD command such
as Move or Stretch. Alternatively, you could go back into the Annotation
Wizard, and abbreviate or
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

remove the Mask labels. A third option is to decrease the Annotation

Height. This option is found
under the Drawing tab in the Tools\Options menu.
8. If you wish to delete the annotations, click the Annotation
toolbar button, and uncheck any checked
boxes. Click Next, and then Finished.
Part 6 - Color Coding
You can also review results in the plan view by color coding the elements
based on attributes or ranges of
1. Select the Color Coding option under the Tools pull-down
menu or click the Color Coding button
on the toolbar.
2. The Color Coding dialog allows you to set the color coding for links,
nodes, or both. We will color
code by diameter (link attribute) and pressure (node attribute) in this
example. Click the Link tab, and
from the Color Coding list box, select the Diameter attribute. In the
table, enter values of 150, 200,
and 1000 mm with colors of red, blue, and green, respectively.

3. Next, click the Node tab, and select Pressure from the list box.
Click the Calculate Range button to
get the minimum and maximum values for the variable displayed at the top
of the dialog. Then, click
the Initialize button and the model will select the color
coding ranges in the table automatically.
Finally, click OK to generate the Color Coding.
4. We can add a legends to the drawing by clicking the Insert Legend
button, choosing the Link
Legend or Node Legend option, and clicking anywhere on the drawing space
to place the legend. In
AutoCAD, accept the defaults when prompted about scale and legend.
WaterCAD Users Guide

5. Color coding is dynamic; that is, it updates automatically

as you change time increment or Scenario
using the list boxes above the drawing pane. Notice that as you switch
from the first Scenario to P-8
and P-9 set to 200 mm, the color of these pipes changes from red to
6. To turn the color coding off, simply open the Color Coding dialog and
set the Attribute to <None> on
both the Link and Node tabs. To delete a legend, select it by clicking
once, and hit the Delete key.
Close the open dialogs and save this project before proceeding with
Lesson 5.
3.6 Lesson 5 - Automated Fire Flow Analysis
One of the primary goals of a water distribution system is to
provide adequate capacity to fight fires.
WaterCADs automated fire flow analysis can be used to determine
if the system can meet the fire flow
demands while maintaining minimum pressure constraints. Fire flows can
be computed for all nodes in the
system, or you can create a selection set consisting of specific nodes
where you wish to test available flow.
Fire flows are computed by iteratively assigning demands and
computing system pressures. The model
assigns the fire flow demand to a node and checks the model, checking to
see if all pressure constraints are
met at that demand. It will assign a new demand and
automatically re-check the system pressures if a
constraint is violated. Iterations continue until the
constraints are met, or until the maximum number of
iterations is reached.
The purpose of this example is to walk you through the steps to
create, calculate, and analyze a fire flow
scenario. This lesson again uses the distribution system from the
previous lessons.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

Part 1 - Inputting Fire Flow Data

1. Start WaterCAD and open the file Lesson5, found in the
Haestad\Wtrc\Lesson folder. Or, if you
have previously completed Lesson 3 or 4, you can use your MyLesson3 or
MyLesson4 file. Select
Project Summary from the File menu, and change the title of
the project to Lesson 5Fire Flow
Analysis. Click OK.
2. Previously, we ran an analysis with a fire flow at node J-6 by
manually adding a large demand to the
individual node. Before running the automated fire flow
analysis, we will create a new Demand
Alternative, removing that demand. Select Analysis\Alternatives
from the pull-down menu and
highlight the Demand alternative in the left pane. Highlight
Average Daily with 2000 l/min Fire
Flow in the right pane, and click Duplicate.
3. In the Demand Summary column for node J-6 (row 6), click the word
Composite, and it changes to
a button. Click the Composite button to open the editor for
the composite demand. Click the 2000
l/min demand, and click Delete. Select Yes to confirm, OK to close the
editor, and Close to exit the
Demand Alternative.
4. You will now see the Demand Alternative Copy of Average Daily with
2000 l/min Fire Flow in the
list. Highlight it and click the Rename button. Rename this Alternative
Base-Average Daily'.
5. You are going to analyze the fire flows by adding to the Maximum Day
Demands, which are 1.5 times
the Average Day Demands. Set up the Maximum Day Demand Alternative by
highlighting the Base -
Average Daily Alternative and selecting Duplicate. Right-click
the Demand column, and select
Global Edit. Set the Operation to multiply, and enter a value of 1.5.
Click OK.
6. Click Close to exit the new Demand Alternative, and Rename
this Alternative Max. Day. Then,
highlight the Fire Flow alternative in the Alternative Manager.
7. Click the Edit button to set up the Base-Fire Flow
Alternative. Enter a Needed Fire Flow of 3,000
l/min, a Fire Flow Upper Limit of 6,000 l/min, and Apply Fire
Flows By Adding to Baseline
Demand. This selection means that in performing the analysis,
the fire flow will be added to any
demands already assigned to the junction. Alternatively, you
could have selected to replace these
demands, so that the fire flow would represent the total demand at the
8. For Pressure Constraints, set both the Residual Pressure and
Minimum Zone Pressure to 150 kPa.
Leave the box for Use Minimum System Pressure Constraint
unchecked, so that the minimum
pressure will only be checked for the zone a particular node is in. Note
that if you had multiple zones
within your project and wanted to insure that a minimum system-
wide pressure constraint was met,
you could check the Use Minimum System Pressure Constraint box and type
it in the box provided.
This box is grayed out until the check box is activated.
9. Using the Selection Set list box, you can choose to apply the fire
flow to All Junctions or a Subset of
Junctions. For this example, choose the Subset of Junctions
option. Then, click the ellipsis ()
button to open the Selection Set dialog.
10. For this example, a fire flow analysis is only needed for the
junctions at the four street corners in our
drawing. Choose the Select From Drawing button and click nodes
J-1, J-2, J-3, and J-4 (in Stand-
Alone, you must hold down the Shift key while making multiple
selections). When you are finished,
right-click (and select Done in Stand-Alone).
11. The nodes you selected are now in the Selected Items list. Click OK
to exit the Selection Set dialog.
Note that the Selection Set table is now filled with your Selection Set.
Click the Close button to exit
the Fire Flow Alternative dialog, and Close again to exit the Alternative
Manager dialog.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Part 2 - Calculating a Fire Flow Analysis

1. You must now set up a new Scenario to utilize the appropriate
alternatives and set up the calculation
options. Select Analysis\Scenarios to open the Scenario Manager,
and choose Scenario
Management\Add\Base Scenario. Name your new Scenario Automated
Fire Flow Analysis and
click OK.
2. In the Alternatives tab of the Scenario dialog, change the Physical
Alternative to P-8 and P-9 Set to
200 mm. Change the Demand to Max. Day and leave all other
Alternatives set to their defaults.
3. Click the Calculation tab, make sure that Steady State is selected,
and check the Fire Flow Analysis
box. Note that all fire flow calculations must be performed under
steady-state conditions. Click Close
to exit the Scenario dialog.
4. To run the Scenario, click GO Batch Run. Check the box for
Automated Fire Flow Analysis, and
uncheck the other Scenarios. Click Batch to run the analysis,
and Yes at the confirmation prompt.
When the calculation is complete, click OK and Close to exit the Scenario
Part 3 - Viewing Fire Flow Results
1. Click the Tabular Reports button, located to the right of the GO
button on the WaterCAD toolbar, to
open the Table Manager. Highlight the Fire Flow Report and
click the OK button to view the
report. Make sure that Automated Fire Flow Analysis is selected in the
Scenario list box.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

2. In the Satisfies Fire Flow Constraints column, all of the

boxes are checked except for the nodes that
you did not analyze, because the specified needed flow of 3,000
l/min was available and minimum
pressures were exceeded. For nodes J-1 and J-3, pressures were
computed for the Fire Flow Upper
Limit of 6,000 l/min, because none ever dropped below specified minimum
pressures. Nodes J-2 and
J-4 reached their minimum residual pressures at flows slightly
below the maximum of 6,000 l/min.
Notice also that the report contains the Minimum System Pressure
(excluding the current node being
flowed) and its location.
3. When you are finished reviewing the report, click Close in the
WaterCAD Fire Flow Report dialog and
save your file as 'Mylesson5.'
Note: Another good way to review an automated fire flow analysis is to
use color coding. If you
have a situation where no nodes meet the pressure constraints
for the needed fire flow, you can
color code these nodes in the plan view for easy
identification. See Lesson 4, Part 6 in this
chapter for more information on color coding.
3.7 Lesson 6 - Water Quality Analysis
In conjunction with Extended Period simulations, WaterCAD is
capable of performing a water quality
analysis to compute water age, constituent concentration, or percentage
of water from a given node (trace
analysis). Using these features, you can look at factors such as
residence time in tanks, chlorine residuals
throughout the system, and which tank or reservoir is the primary water
source for different areas in your
This lesson uses the file called Lesson6.wcd (Lesson6.dwg in
the AutoCAD version), located in the
\Haestad\Wtrc\Lesson directory. Open this file, and then select
File\Save As from the pull-down menu.
Type the filename MyLesson6 and click Save.
The water distribution system has already been set up for you.
It has one reservoir and one tank. The
system serves primarily residential areas, with some commercial water use
as well. There are two pumps
connected to the reservoir. However, under normal conditions,
only one pump will be in use. A
background drawing has been included for reference. If you would like to
turn off the .DXF background in
the Stand-Alone version, select Tools\Options from the pull-down
menu, click the Drawing tab, and
uncheck the Show Background box. In the AutoCAD version, you can simply
turn off the desired layers.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Note: If at any time during this lesson the program asks, "Do
you wish to reset all calculated
results to N/A?" click NO.
Part 1 - Computing Water Age
You will begin by running an age analysis for water in the
system, assuming an initial age of 0 for all
nodes. The water from the reservoir will be an infinite supply of new
water, so the age of water elsewhere
in the system will be a reflection of time from the start of
the run and how long ago the water left the
reservoir. The analysis will be run for a 2-week period (336 hours), in
order to determine the equilibrium
point of the system.
1. Start by adding a new Alternative for the age analysis.
Select Analysis\Alternatives from the pull-
down menu and highlight the Age alternative in the left pane.
Click the Add button to add a new
Alternative, and name it Initial Age = 0. Since you are assuming an
initial age of 0 everywhere in the
system, you do not need to enter any initial ages. Close the table and
the Alternative Manager.
2. Next, set up a new Scenario to run an Extended Period Simulation
incorporating the new Alternative.
Select Analysis\Scenarios from the pull-down menu. There is one
Scenario already set up called
Existing - Avg Day'. Highlight this Scenario and click Scenario
Management\Add\Child Scenario.
Type in Age Analysis as the new Scenario name, and click OK. Under the
Alternatives tab, click to
check the box labeled Age, and select the Alternative you just created,
Initial Age = 0, from the list
3. Click the Calculation tab to view the calculation settings
for this Scenario. Extended Period
Analysis should already be selected. Enter a Start Time of 0,
Duration of 336 hours, and Hydraulic
Time Step of 1 hour. Check the Water Quality Analysis box, and select
the Age radio button.

Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons
4. Click the Options button. In this dialog, you will find various
calculation options such as number of
trials, accuracy, and tolerance settings for each of the water
quality analysis types. You will leave
these options set to their default values, so click Cancel to
exit the dialog, and Close to exit the
Scenario Editor.
5. You are now ready to run the Scenario. Click the Batch
Run button and check the box for Age
Analysis. Click Batch, and then Yes at the verification
prompt. When the run is complete, click
Close to exit the Scenario Manager. Select Age Analysis from the
Scenario toolbar list box.
6. A good way to view changes in water quality attributes over
time is to use color coding. Click the
Color Coding button on the toolbar. Under the Link tab, set
the Attribute list box to Calculated
Age, and then click the Initialize button to set up a default color
scheme. Accept this default scheme,
and repeat this procedure for the Node tab. When you are finished, click
7. Once back in the drawing pane, click the Legend button on
the toolbar, and select either the Node
Legend or Link Legend (in this case, the color coding should be the same
for both). Click anywhere
in your drawing to place the legend. If you do not place it correctly
the first time, you can always drag
it and drop it in a new location.
8. Set the time increment in the toolbar to 4 hours. Use the VCR-style
buttons to scroll through time in
your analysis, and observe the color changes in your network reflecting
water age.
9. A good way to check if your network has had sufficient time to reach
an equilibrium point is to look at
Age vs. Time graphs for your elements. Open the Tank Editor for Tank T-
1, click the Report button
at the bottom of the editor, and select Graph. Select
Calculated Age as the Dependent variable.
Make sure Age Analysis is checked in the Available Scenarios box and
click OK.

WaterCAD Users Guide


10. From the graph, you can see that once a repeating pattern
is reached, the age of the water fluctuates
between approximately 34 and 49 hours in 24-hour periods. Looking at
these equilibrium ranges for
various nodes can help guide you in setting up initial water age values
in subsequent runs.
Part 2 - Analyzing Constituent Concentrations
In this portion of the lesson, you will look at chlorine residuals in the
system over time. WaterCAD stores
information on constituent characteristics in a file called a constituent
library. You will add information for
chlorine to this library, set up initial concentrations in the system,
and run the simulation.
1. Select Analysis\Alternatives from the pull-down menu.
Highlight the Constituent alternative, and
click the Add button. Name the new Alternative Chlorine Injection and
click OK.
2. Click the ellipsis () button next to the Constituent list
box to open the Constituent Library, and
click the Insert button. An entry for Unlabeled appears in the table.
Click the Edit button, and enter
the data below into the dialog.
Label: Chlorine
Bulk Reaction: -0.10/day
Wall Reaction: -0.08 m/day
Diffusivity: 1.2e-9 m

3. Leave the Unlimited Concentration box checked, click OK, and then
click Close to exit the Constituent
Library. You should now be back in the Constituent Alternative Editor.
4. Select Chlorine from the Constituent list box. Notice that
the Bulk Reaction in the table is
automatically updated. For the Pump and Valve, set the pumps and valves
to an initial concentration
of 1 mg/l. Click the Junction tab, and initialize the
chlorine concentrations by entering a value of 1
mg/l at each junction node. Under the Reservoir tab, enter a value of
2.0 mg/L for the reservoir, and
for the Tank, enter a value of 0.5 mg/l.
Tip: To quickly enter the initial concentrations for an element type,
use the Global Edit feature.
5. Close the Editor and the Alternative Manager. Now, open
the Scenario Manager and set up a new
Scenario in order to run the Constituent Analysis. Create a
new Child off of the Age Analysis
Scenario by highlighting it and clicking Scenario
Management\Add\Child Scenario. Type Chlorine
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

Analysis as the new Scenario name, and click OK. Under the Alternatives
tab, check the box labeled
Constituent, and select the Chlorine Injection Alternative from the
choice list.
6. Click the Calculation tab, select the Constituent radio
button in the Analysis section, and leave
everything else set to the inherited values. Click Close to
exit the dialog, click GO Batch Run,
uncheck 'Age Analysis', check 'Chlorine Analysis', then click Batch to
run the model.
7. Make sure Chlorine Analysis is visible as the current
Scenario and set up color coding using the
procedure from Part 1. This time, color code by Calculated Concentration
instead of Calculated Age.
Scroll through the time steps to view how the concentrations
change throughout the network. When
you look at your results using color coding, tables, and graphs, try to
discover what better initial values
for chlorine concentration might be.
Part 3 - Performing a Trace Analysis
A trace analysis determines the percentage of water at all
nodes and links in the system from a specific
source node (the trace node). In systems with more than one source, it
is common to perform multiple trace
analyses using the various source nodes as the trace nodes in
successive analyses. For this run, we will
perform a trace analysis to determine the percentages of water coming
from the tank.
1. Select Analysis\Alternatives from the pull-down menu. Highlight the
Trace alternative, and click the
Add button. Name the new Alternative Trace Analysis for Tank and click
OK. In the Trace Node
list box, select the tank, T-1. Leave the initial percentages
set to zero, and close the editor and the
Alternative Manager.

2. Next, set up a new Scenario to run an Extended Period Simulation

incorporating the new Alternative.
Select Analysis\Scenarios from the pull-down menu. Create a new
Child for the Age Analysis
Scenario by highlighting it and clicking Scenario Management\Add\Child
Scenario. Type in Trace
Analysis as the new Scenario name, and click OK. Under the Alternatives
tab, click to check the box
labeled Trace, and select the Trace Analysis for Tank Alternative from
the list box.
WaterCAD Users Guide

3. In the Calculation tab, select the Trace radio button in the Analysis
section, and leave everything else
set to the inherited values. Click Close to exit the dialog, click GO
Batch Run, and run the analysis
for the new Scenario.
4. Use color coding (by Calculated Trace), tables, and graphs
to view the results of this run. As you
scroll through the time periods, notice how the colors spread
outward from the tank during periods
when the tank is draining, and recede when the tank begins to fill. For
more information on reporting
features, see Lesson 4.
Close the open dialogs and save this project before proceeding with
Lesson 7.
3.8 Lesson 7 - Working with Data from External Sources
WaterCAD supports several methods of exchanging data with external
applications, preventing duplication
of effort and allowing you to save time by reusing data already present
in other locations. For instance, you
can exchange data with databases or a GIS system, or you can
convert existing CAD linework to a pipe
There are multiple ways of importing data from outside sources
into WaterCAD. You can set up one or
more database connections to bring in information stored in many
standard database and spreadsheet
formats. GIS information can be brought in through connections to ESRI
Shapefiles. If you have existing
drawings of your network in a .DXF format (.DWG format in the
AutoCAD version), you can have
WaterCAD convert your lines and/or blocks into distribution
system elements, setting up preferences for
handling situations such as T-intersections and line endpoints, and
creating tolerances to allow for drawing
imperfections. Or, you can display a .DXF file as a
background drawing for use in laying out a scaled
network (Stand-Alone version only). Finally, WaterCAD will
automatically import networks created in
EPANet, KYPipe, and previous versions of Cybernet/WaterCAD.
WaterCAD again utilizes database and Shapefile connections to
export data from the model for use
externally. You can also copy tables, reports, and graphs and paste them
into other Windows applications,
or save plan and profile views in .DXF format for use when creating
construction documents in CAD.
This lesson covers the three main methods of building your network using
external data, summarized in the
following table.
Method Description Advantages Disadvantages
Create connections
to import and
export model data
using common
database and
Extremely versatile. Allows
exchange of most any model data
with a wide variety of applications,
including anything with an ODBC
format. A topographic
representation of the network can be
created by using node coordinates
and assigning "to" and "from" nodes
to pipes. Once a connection is
established, it can be saved for later
use, and multiple connections can be
created and synchronized
Pipes will be depicted as
straight lines connecting
the "to" and "from" nodes,
so pipe bends will not be
Create connections
to import and
export model data
in ESRI Shapefile
Advantages are similar to those of
Database Connections, except the
topographic data exchange is
automatic and pipe bends are
accounted for.
More proprietary. You
have to have software that
supports ESRI Shapefiles
in order to utilize the data.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

Polyline to
Convert existing
lines, polylines, and
blocks in
DXF/DWG format
into pipes and other
network elements.
Enables you to use legacy CAD
drawings to build your network.
You can set up tolerances to allow
for drawing imperfections, and
preferences for how nodes will be
Elements are assigned
default labels as they are
created. Only topographic
data can be brought in, not
model values. Requires
user to carefully review
the drawing for accuracy.

Part 1 - Importing Shapefile Data

In this part of the lesson, you will import ESRI Shapefiles to
construct the distribution network in
WaterCAD from existing GIS data. If you have ArcView, ArcInfo,
or other application that can open a
Shapefile, then you can, if you choose, view the files
externally prior to importing them. However, you
will still be able to perform the workshop problem even if you dont have
one of these applications. This
lesson uses the network from Lesson 6.

The ESRI Shapefile actually consists of three separate files

that combine to define the spatial and non-
spatial attributes of a map feature. The three required files are as
Main File - The main file is a binary file with an extension of .SHP.
It contains the spatial attributes
associated with the map features. For example, a polyline
record contains a series of points, and a
point record contains x and y coordinates.
Index File - The index file is a binary file with an extension of
.SHX. It contains the byte position of
each record in the main file.
Database File - The database file is a dBase III file with an
extension of .DBF. It contains the non-
WaterCAD Users Guide

spatial data associated with the map features.

All three files must have the same file name with the exception of the
extension, and be located in the same
Listed below are the files you will be importing. Only the
main files are listed; however, corresponding
.SHX and .DBF are present as well.
If you have a program such as ArcView that allows you to view
Shapefiles, begin by setting up a View
with all of the Shapefiles (Themes) listed above turned on.
If you completed Lesson 6, you should
recognize the layout from that lesson. You can look at the data table
for each of the Themes to see what we
will be importing. When you have finished reviewing the Shapefiles,
close the application.

Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

1. Double-click the WaterCAD desktop icon to start WaterCAD

Stand-Alone. If the
Welcome to WaterCAD dialog appears, select the Close button.
2. Open the Global Options tab, accessed from the Tools\Options pull-
down menu. Since
we will be working in SI units, click the Unit System selection box, and
select System
International. Click OK.
3. Select File\New from the pull-down menu. Click No when asked if you
want to save
the current project. In the Create Project File As dialog,
double-click the Lesson
folder, enter the file name gisprob.wcd for your project, and click
Save. The Project
Setup Wizard will open.
4. In the Project Setup Wizard, title the project Lesson 7, Part 1 -
Importing GIS Data.
Click Next. Click the Next button again to leave this dialog set to
its default values.
In this dialog, set up the drawing as Scaled, with a
horizontal scale of 1:5000 and a
vertical scale of 1:500. Change the three Annotation
Multipliers (Symbol Size, Text
Height and Annotation Height) to 2.8. Click Next, leave the
Prototypes set to their
default values, and click Finished.

1. Double-click the WaterCAD desktop icon to start WaterCAD for

AutoCAD. Select
Tools\Options from the pull-down menu and choose the Global tab. Since
we will be
working in SI units, click the Unit System selection box, and
select System
International. Click OK.
2. Choose File\New from the pull-down menu and select No when prompted
to save the
existing drawing. If the Create New Drawing dialog opens, move
to step 3.
Otherwise, do the following:
Press the Esc key. Then, type filedia at the command prompt and press
Enter. Type
the value '1' and press Enter. Then, choose New on the File pull-down
menu again,
and do not save changes to the existing drawing. Note that
the filedia variable
controls whether some AutoCAD commands appear as dialogs or
simply at the
command prompt.
3. When the Create New Drawing dialog appears, make sure Metric is
selected, and click
OK. Answer Yes when asked if you want to set up the project. In the
Project Setup
Wizard, title the project Lesson 7, Part 1 - Importing GIS Data and
click Next. Click
Next again to accept the defaults on the second screen.
4. In this dialog, set up the drawing as Scaled, with a
horizontal scale of '1:5000' and a
vertical scale of '1:500.' Change the three Annotation Multipliers
(Symbol Size, Text
Height and Annotation Height) to '2.8.' Click Next, leave the
Prototypes set to their
default values, and click Finished.

The remaining commands are for both Stand-Alone and AutoCAD modes
5. Select File\Synchronize\Shapefile Connections from the pull-down
menu. If you have not defined any
Shapefile connections in WaterCAD yet, you will be asked if you
want to create a Shapefile
connection. Answer Yes to start the Shapefile Connection
Wizard. Or, if you have already defined
Shapefile Connections in any other WaterCAD project, start the
Shapefile Connection Wizard by
clicking Add in the Shapefile Connection Manager that appears. Enter the
Connection Label Lesson
7, Part 1 for this connection, and click the Next button.
WaterCAD Users Guide
6. Now, you need to check the boxes for the types of elements
you will be importing. For this
connections, check the boxes for Pressure Junction, Pressure Pipe, PRV,
Pump, Reservoir, and Tank.
Click Next.

7. Leave the Shapefile Unit set to 'm,' and check the box to
establish missing connectivity data from
spatial data, and then click Next again.
8. Click the ellipsis () button next to the Shapefile field.
Browse and select the file PresJunc.shp
from the \Haestad\wtrc\lesson directory, then click Open. Set
the Key/Label Field to LABEL. This
item designates the field that WaterCAD matches with its own
element labels, so that data will be
assigned to the correct place.
9. Using the Field Links table, you must now match the data
types available in WaterCAD to the data
types you will be bringing in from the Shapefile. In row 1,
select Elevation from the WaterCAD
column, and ELEV from the Database column. Set the Unit to
'm' to let WaterCAD know that the
coordinate it is reading from the Shapefile is in meters. If
the units in your Shapefile were different
than the units set up in WaterCAD, the program would automatically make
the necessary conversions.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

10. Fill in the next row, so that your entries correspond to

the table below. Click Next when you are
Pressure Junction Shapefile Connection
WaterCAD Database Unit
Elevation ELEV m
Demand DEMAND l/min

11. The wizard now takes you to the dialog for setting up the
Pressure Pipe connections. Continue by
filling in the information below for the Pressure Pipe and clicking Next
to proceed to the next dialog.
The Shapefile for each type of element will be located in the
\Haestad\wtrc\lesson directory (for
instance, select the prespipe.shp file for the pressure pipe
connection), and the entry for Key\Label
Field will always be LABEL. Your Field Links tables should look like the
tables that follow.
Pressure Pipe Shapefile Connection
WaterCAD Database Unit
Diameter D mm
Hazen-Williams C C

WaterCAD Users Guide

PRV Shapefile Connection
WaterCAD Database Unit
Elevation ELEV m
Diameter D mm
Initial HGL HGL m
Initial Valve Status INITIAL_ST

Pump Shapefile Connection

WaterCAD Database Unit
Elevation ELEV m
Shutoff Head SHUT_H m
Design Head DES_H m
Design Discharge DES_Q l/min
Operating Head
Maximum Opera-
ting Discharge
MAX_Q l/min
Initial Pump Status INITIAL_ST

Reservoir Shapefile Connection

WaterCAD Database Unit
Elevation ELEV m

Tank Shapefile Connection

WaterCAD Database Unit
Tank Diameter TANK_D m
Base Elevation BASE_ELEV m
Minimum Elevation MIN_ELEV m
Maximum Elevation MAX_ELEV m

12. When you are finished setting up the Shapefile connections, click
Next to proceed. The Synchronize
Now? box will appear. The Synchronize Shapefile Connection box should be
checked, and In selected
because we will be reading data from the Shapefiles.
13. Click Finished, and Yes when prompted if you want to proceed.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

14. A Status Log is generated showing the elements as data is

read into the model. When the import is
complete, you should get a yellow light in this window,
indicating that the synchronization was
successful, but that there are warnings. If there were no warnings, you
would get a green light, and if
there were errors, a red light. In this case, the warnings
are due to the fact that we instructed
WaterCAD to generate our network connectivity from the GIS
spatial data. The log indicates where
connectivity is being established, which is fine. Close the
Status Log and click OK to return to the
drawing pane.
WaterCAD Users Guide
15. Now, examine the network that you imported. Notice that it looks
like the network from Lesson 6, and
many of the pipes have bends and curves in them. Since you have
topographic information stored in
the Shapefile, these bends can be imported. Because we created a scaled
drawing, the pipe lengths will
be read from the layout.
16. Notice also that the default Scenario, Base, is currently displayed
as the current Scenario. Whenever
data is brought in through a database or Shapefile connection,
it is automatically written into the
Alternatives referenced by the current Scenario. Similarly,
whenever data is exported, the data
associated with the current Scenario will be used.
17. To run the model, click the GO button in the toolbar, and then click
GO in the dialog. Now that you
have calculated data, you could export the new data to your GIS
database by going into the database
and creating a new label for it. In Part 2 of this lesson, we will
use an almost identical procedure to
export pressures using database connections.
18. When you are finished, close the Scenario Editor. Proceed to Part 2
of this lesson or save your file as
'MyLesson7' and exit WaterCAD.
Part 2 - Importing Data from a Database
This portion of the lesson will take you through the steps to set up a
connection to a database, in order to
create a new water distribution network from existing data.
The necessary data has been included as a Microsoft Excel 5.0
spreadsheet. If you do not have software
that can read this file type, you will still be able to perform the
workshop, but you wont be able to open the
data to view it externally.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

This lesson uses the network from Lesson 6.

1. Open the spreadsheet file Lesson7.xls and take a look at it. As
you can see from the worksheet tabs,
the data is organized into six worksheets, one for each type of element
in the network. When setting
up a spreadsheet yourself, you may organize and group data however you
like. Just make sure that the
different types of data are sorted into columns, with a
descriptive heading in the topmost cell, and
include a column for your labels.

2. Double-click the WaterCAD desktop icon to start WaterCAD

Stand-Alone. If the
Welcome to WaterCAD dialog appears, select the Close button.
3. Open the Global Options tab, accessed from the Tools\Options pull-
down menu. Since
we will be working in SI units, click the Unit System selection box, and
select System
International. Click OK.
4. Select File\New from the pull-down menu. Click No when asked if you
want to save
the current project. In the Create Project File As dialog,
double-click the Lesson
folder, enter the file name dbprob.wcd for your project, and click
Save. The Project
Setup Wizard will open.
5. In the Project Setup Wizard, title the project Lesson 7, Part 2 -
Importing Data from a
Database. Click Next. Click the Next button again to leave
this dialog set to its
default values. In this dialog, set up the drawing as
Schematic, and change the three
Annotation Multipliers (Symbol Size, Text Height and Annotation
Height) to 25.
Click Next, leave the Prototypes set to their default values, and click
WaterCAD Users Guide

2. Double-click the WaterCAD desktop icon to start WaterCAD for AutoCAD.

Open the
Global Options tab, accessed from the Tools\Options pull-down
menu. Since we will
be working in SI units, click the Unit System selection box,
and select System
International. Click OK.
3. Choose New on the File pull-down menu and select No when
prompted to save the
existing drawing. If the Create New Drawing dialog opens, move
to step 3.
Otherwise, do the following:
Click the Esc key. Then, type filedia at the command prompt and press
Enter. Type
the value '1' and press Enter. Then, choose New on the File pull-down
menu again,
and do not save changes to the existing drawing. Note that
the filedia variable
controls whether some AutoCAD commands appear as dialogs or
simply at the
command prompt.
4. When the Create New Drawing dialog appears, make sure that Metric is
selected, and
click OK. Answer Yes when asked if you want to set up the
project. In the Project
Setup Wizard, title the project Lesson 7, Part 2 - Importing Data from a
Database and
click Next. Click Next again to accept the defaults on the second
5. In this dialog, set up the drawing as Schematic, and change
the three Annotation
Multipliers (Symbol Size, Text Height and Annotation Height) to
'25'. Click Next,
leave the Prototypes set to their default values, and click Finished.
6. Select File\Synchronize\Database Connections from the pull-down menu.
Click the Add button.

7. Enter the Connection Label Lesson 7, Part 2 for this connection,

and click the Add button.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

8. Set the Database Type to Excel 5.0. Click the ellipsis () button
next to the Database File field, and
browse to select the Lesson7.xls file from the \Haestad\Wtrc\Lesson
9. Click the Database Table list box. Notice that the items
in the list correspond to the different
worksheet tabs in your spreadsheet file. Select Junction$ from the
list, and Pressure Junction for the
Table Type. Set the Key/Label field to Label. This item designates the
field that WaterCAD matches
with its own element labels, so that data will be assigned to the correct
10. Using the Field Links table, you must now match the data
types available in WaterCAD to the data
types you will be bringing in from the spreadsheet. In row 1, select
X from the WaterCAD column,
and X (m) from the Database column. Set the Unit to 'm' to let WaterCAD
know that the coordinate it
is reading from the spreadsheet is in meters. If the units in your
database were different than the units
set up in WaterCAD, the program would automatically make the necessary
11. Fill in the remaining rows, so that your entries correspond to the
table below. Click OK when you are
Junction Database Connection
WaterCAD Database Unit
X X (m) m
Y Y (m) m
Elevation Elevation (m) m
Demand Demand (l/min) l/min

WaterCAD Users Guide


12. You should now be back in the Database Connection dialog.

Click the Add button, and set up your
database connection for pipe data. Use the same spreadsheet file you
used for the junction data, but set
the Database Table and Table Type to Pipe$ and Pressure Pipe,
respectively. Your Key/Label Field is
again Label. Then, set up the following Pipe Database connection.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons
Pipe Database Connection
WaterCAD Database Unit
+Start Node Start Node
+Stop Node End Node
Diameter Diameter (mm) mm
Material Material
Hazen-Williams C Roughness
Length Length (m) m

13. Repeat the above procedure to set up connections for Pump,

Reservoir, Tank, and Valve connections,
using information from the following tables.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Pump Database Connection

WaterCAD Database Unit
X X (m) m
Y Y (m) m
Elevation Elevation (m) m
Shutoff Head Shutoff Head (m) m
Design Head Design Head (m) m
Design Discharge Design Q (l/min) l/min
Maximum Operating
Max# Head (m) m
Maximum Operating
Max# Q (l/min) l/min
Initial Pump Status Initial Status

Reservoir Database Connection

WaterCAD Database Unit
X X (m) m
Y Y (m) m
Elevation Elev# (m) m

Tank Database Connection

WaterCAD Database Unit
X X (m) m
Y Y (m) m
Tank Diameter Tank Diameter (m) m
Base Elevation Base Elev# (m) m
Minimum Elevation Minimum Elev# (m) m
Initial HGL Initial Elev# (m) m
Maximum Elevation Maximum Elev# (m) m

PRV Database Connection

WaterCAD Database Unit
X X (m) m
Y Y (m) m
Elevation Elevation (m) m
Diameter Diameter (mm) mm
Initial HGL
Initial Grade
Setting (m)
Initial Valve Status Initial Status
Note: The Table Type for this connection is PRV.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

14. When you are finished setting up the database connections, click OK
to close the Database Connection
Editor, and then click the Synchronize In button. WaterCAD
will give you a confirmation prompt.
Click Yes to proceed. You will then get a message asking if you want to
add an element. Click Yes to
15. A Status Log is generated showing the elements as data is
read into the model. When the import is
complete, you should get a green light in this window. If there were
warnings or errors you would get
a yellow light or red light, respectively. You could then
scroll through the log to see where any
problems might be occurring. Click Close to exit the Status
Log, and OK to exit the Database
Connection Manager.
WaterCAD Users Guide

16. You should now be able to see the imported network in the
drawing pane, but the symbol and label
sizes are very small. Select Tools\Options from the pull-down menu, and
then click the Drawing tab.
Set all three Annotation Multipliers to '25', and click OK.
17. Now, examine the network that you imported. Notice that it is
different in appearance from the same
network imported using a shapefile in Part 1 of this lesson. The
difference stems from the fact that in a
database connection, a pipes layout is defined only by the location of
its end nodes. Therefore, pipes
appear without bends, making a straight line connection between
nodes. Hydraulically, your model
will not be affected, since the pipe lengths are user-defined, not scaled
from the layout.
18. Notice also that the default Scenario, Base, is currently displayed
as the current Scenario. Whenever
data is brought in through a database or Shapefile connection,
it is automatically written into the
Alternatives referenced by the current Scenario. Similarly,
whenever data is exported, the data
associated with the current Scenario will be used.
19. Click the GO button, and then click GO again to run the model.
Now that you have calculated data,
we can export it back to our database. For this example, we will only
export pressures at the junction
nodes. Go ahead and close the Scenario Editor.
20. Use Excel to open Lesson7.xls in another window. Click on the tab
for the Junction worksheet, and
add a new column heading in cell F1 called Pressure. Save and Close
the file.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

21. Go back to the WaterCAD window, and choose

File\Synchronize\Database Connections from the
menu. Highlight Lesson 7, Part 2, and click the Edit button. Select
the junction table from the list,
and click Edit again.
22. In Row 5 of the Field Links table, link WaterCADs
Pressure to the Databases Pressure. The Unit
should be set to 'kPa.' Click OK and OK again to get back
to the Database Connection Manager.
Click the Synchronize Out button to send the information back to the
WaterCAD Users Guide

23. Finally, if you reopen the Lesson7.xls file in Excel, you

will see that the pressure values have now
been added.
Part 3 - Converting CAD Drawing Entities
The Polyline to Pipe tool enables you to take existing CAD
entities and use them to quickly construct a
water distribution network. Although this feature is called Polyline to
Pipe, Line and Block entities can be
converted as well (Polylines and Lines can be converted to pipes; Blocks
can be converted to any available
node type).
Building a model based on graphical elements can be an error-prone
process. Difficulties can arise due to
the fact that a drawing may appear to be correct visually, but
may contain problems that are not readily
apparent. For example, what appears to be a single line in a drawing
could in fact be made up of many line
segments - or it could be made up of 2 lines, one directly on top of
The Polyline to Pipe Wizard will guide you through the
conversion process, enabling you to set up
options relating to tolerances, node creation, and handling T-
intersections. To help alleviate some of the
problems that you may encounter during the import process, a
comprehensive drawing review is also
performed. During conversion, the network is analyzed, and
potential problems are flagged for review.
After performing the conversion, the Drawing Review window will allow
you to navigate to and fix any
problems that may be encountered.
For users in Stand-Alone mode only:
1. Open WaterCAD and choose Tools\Options from the pull-down
menu. In the Global Options tab,
make sure that the Unit System is set to System International,
and then click OK. Next, select
File\Import\Polyline to Pipe. You will be asked if you want to set up
the project. Click Yes to start
the Project Setup Wizard.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

For users in AutoCAD mode only:

1. Start WaterCAD for AutoCAD and open the file Lesson7.dwg in the
\Haestad\Wtrc\Lesson directory.
Select Edit\Change Entities to Pipes from the pull-down menu.
The AutoCAD command line will
prompt you to Select objects. Draw a selection window around all of
the objects in the drawing by
clicking the upper left and lower right corners, then right-click. Click
Yes when asked if you wish to
set up the project.
For all users:
2. In the wizard, enter Lesson 7 -- Polyline to Pipe as the
project title, click Next, and Next again to
accept the default settings. Make sure that you are set up for a Scaled
drawing, with a horizontal scale
of '1:5000' and a vertical scale of '1:500.' Set the three
Annotation Multipliers to 2.8. Click Next
3. In order to minimize your data input later, create prototypes for
common element characteristics. The
most common type of pipe in the model you will be creating is 150 mm
ductile iron with a C of 130.
Make sure these characteristics coincide with the prototype values, and
click OK.
4. Since you have two identical pumps, go ahead and set up a prototype
for them, using the data below.
Be sure to change the units to 'l/min' before entering the
discharge values. Click OK when you are
Pump Data
148 3 Point

Shutoff: 70.0 0
Design: 50 1200
Max. Operating 35 2000

5. Create one more prototype, this time for the PRVs. They
both have an elevation of 129 m and an
HGL setting of 185.2 m. Click OK, and then Finished. The Polyline to
Pipe Wizard now opens.
For users in Stand-Alone mode only:
6. Browse to open the file Lesson7.dxf, located in the
Haestad\Wtrc\Lesson directory. Leave the .DXF
unit set to meters, and click Next.
WaterCAD Users Guide
For all users:
7. Now, set up the options WaterCAD will use when performing the
conversion. Change the Tolerance
to 1 m, so that pipe endpoints that come within a meter of
one another will be assumed to be
connected. Select the radio button for Convert Polylines and Lines to
pipes, and tell WaterCAD create
a Pressure Junction if no node is found at a polyline endpoint. Click
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

8. Select the option to join pipes at T-intersections within the

specified tolerance, and click Next.

9. Select Yes when asked if you have blocks that you would like to
convert to nodes, and fill in the table
by matching the AutoCAD Blocks JUNCTION, PRV, PUMP, RESERVOIR,
and TANK with the
corresponding WaterCAD elements (Pressure Junction, PRV, Pump,
Reservoir, and Tank). Click
WaterCAD Users Guide

10. You will be given the option to alter the prototype settings. This
option is useful if you want to import
in multiple passes, grouping like data together to make the
data entry process more automated. For
instance, we could have chosen to import all of the 100 mm
pipes, then the 150 mm pipes, etc.,
changing the prototype each time. For this example, we will leave the
prototypes as we set them in the
Project Setup Wizard. Click Next.
11. Make sure that the layers HMI_NODE and HMI_PIPE are both checked,
and click Finished to perform
the conversion. When it is completed, Close the statistics window.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Lessons

12. A Drawing Review dialog opens with five junctions listed in it. The
purpose of the Drawing Review is
to alert you to problems or assumptions made during the import.
Find any one of these junctions by
highlighting it in the list and clicking Go To. The drawing pane will
center on the junction and select
it. If you have difficulty seeing the selected element, increase the
zoom factor in the Drawing Review
13. Open the element, and click the Messages tab. There will be a
message telling you that the node was
added during the Polyline to Pipe conversion. The junction had to be
added because there was no node
at that location in your .DXF drawing, but there was a
polyline endpoint. In the Polyline to Pipe
Wizard, you instructed WaterCAD to add junctions to endpoints.
Even though you now have your drawing converted to a pipe network, it is
still not ready to be run, because
you can only bring in element types and network connectivity using this
type of import. Before you could
run this model, you would have to input data for elevations,
demands, pipe sizes, etc., either directly into
WaterCAD or through database connections.
For users in AutoCAD mode only:
The WaterCAD elements are now on layer 0, since that layer was
current when you performed the
conversion. If you turn off layers HMI_PIPE and HMI_NODE, only the
actual WaterCAD elements will
be visible.
From these seven lessons, you have had a brief introduction to the
capabilities of WaterCAD. Feel free to
continue to play with the program. Use this model to explore and become
familiar with all of the features.
If you do not know what a button does, just try it.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Chapter 4

Starting a WaterCAD Project

4.1 Overview
This chapter explains how to start a new project and describes the files
that WaterCAD creates to save your
projects data. At the beginning of a project, you also need
to set some global settings. In the Global
Options and Project Options dialogs, you can specify the unit
system, the friction formula(s) used, and
whether you want to use Auto Prompting. In the Drawing Options dialog,
you can specify settings such as
the drawing scale and the size of the symbols and annotations.
Note: These options can also be viewed or edited by selecting
the Options menu item from the
Tools pull-down menu.
You can also access the FlexUnit dialog in order to globally specify the
units and number of decimals to be
displayed for each type of data.
4.2 File Management
4.2.1 File Management
WaterCAD uses the .WCD extension to store all model input data
(including element inputs, alternatives
and scenarios, etc.) both for Stand-Alone and AutoCAD modes.
When WaterCAD runs within AutoCAD, two important files are used. The
.WCD file is still used to hold
all model data, and a .DWG file contains all of the AutoCAD
entities. This means that even a complete
AutoCAD drawing corruption (or loss) will not endanger your hydraulic
model data - in fact, you can even
regenerate the AutoCAD modeling elements from the .WCD file!
WaterCAD Backup Files
When a .WCD file is overwritten by a save action, a backup file of the
.WCD file is created with a .WCK
extension. Note that AutoCAD also generates a backup drawing file, with a
.BAK extension.

Chapter 4 Starting a WaterCAD Project

Shapefile/Database Connection Files

If you use the Shapefile or Database Connections Managers to exchange
data with external data sources,
the connection files you create and use have the .HSC and .HDC extension
respectively. By default, they
are named WTRC.HSC and WTRC.HDC, and are located in your haestadwtrc
directory. In this case,
these connections are shared between all your projects. You
are also given the option to keep these
connections local to your project. In this case, these files are placed
in your current project directory, with
the same name as your .WCD file but with the .HSC and .HDC
file extensions, respectively. See the
"Sharing Shapefile Connections between Projects" and "Sharing
Database Connections between Projects"
topics in the "GIS and Database Connections" chapter for more
Libraries are saved in separate files so they can be shared between
projects. The paths are specified in the
Engineering Library Manager. They have an .HLB extension, and
are located by default in your
haestad\wtrc directory.
Additional Files
WaterCAD creates additional files in the same directory as your .WCD file
to save the calculation results.
Since recalculating the scenarios can regenerate these results,
these files do not necessarily need to be
included when backing up your important files. However, if you are
unsure, simply copy all files present in
your project directory.
Tip: It is recommended to use a separate directory for every
WaterCAD project on your
computer to facilitate project management and backup.
4.2.2 Import Command
The Import Network command allows you to import data from KYpipe v1, v2,
or v3, EPANet v1 or v2,
and Cybernet v1 or v2. You will then be able to save this project as a
WaterCAD v5 project. The data is
imported into an empty project. Therefore, before the data is imported,
you will be prompted to save your
current project if it contains WaterCAD elements.
Notes: The current project remains in schematic mode when importing
We have made every effort to prevent the loss of data during
these imports. However, all
imported data should be checked for accuracy.
WaterCAD v3 and v4 projects should simply be opened in WaterCAD v5 (as
any WaterCAD v5
project), without using the Import command. However, once you save the
project in WaterCAD
v5, the project files cannot be opened in WaterCAD v3 or v4 any longer.
To access the Import dialog, select Import\Network from the File pull-
down menu.
4.2.3 Multiple Sessions
WaterCAD does not support multiple sessions. WaterCAD uses a single
document model and support for
multiple views has not been implemented. Therefore, do not try
to open more than one session of
WaterCAD at the same time or data loss and/or data corruption could

WaterCAD Users Guide


4.2.4 Importing a Submodel

Click the File pulldown menu and select ImportSubmodel.
In the Import WSM File dialog, select the submodel file to be
imported. Click the Open button
Note: If any element labels in the submodel are being used by elements
in the project, you will be
prompted to change these element labels.
Review the Status Log to ensure that all desired input data has been
4.2.5 Exporting a Submodel
You can export a model, or any portion thereof, as a submodel for import
into other projects. Input data is
also stored in the .WSM file that is created in the process
of Exporting a Submodel. This input data will
only be imported to alternatives with the same name. See the
Importing a Submodel topic for more
information regarding input data transfer.
Also note that the coordinate data associated with the submodel
is retained, and this data dictates the
location that the submodel elements will appear in the model you are
importing to. This can cause elements
to overlap one another.
Note: If any element labels in the submodel are being used by elements
in the project, you will be
prompted to change these element labels.
To export a submodel:
In the drawing view, highlight the elements to be exported as
a submodel. To highlight multiple
elements, hold down the Shift key while clicking elements.
Click the File pulldown menu and select ExportSubmodel.
In the Create WSM File dialog, specify the directory to
which the file should be saved, enter a
name for the submodel and click the Save button.
Review the Status Log to ensure that no problems occurred during the
export process.
4.3 Project Management
4.3.1 Project Setup Wizard
The Project Setup Wizard can only be accessed at the start of a new
project. All of the options that are
edited from the Wizard, however, can be changed individually from other
pull-down menus.
The Project Setup Wizard assists you in the creation of a new project
by stepping you through many of
the project-wide options, allowing you to set up most of your notes and
defaults before you even create the
first pipe. The areas covered by this Wizard include:
Project Summary - Includes information about the project, such
as the project title, the project
engineer, and general comments.
Project Options - Include information regarding global options, such
as the desired friction method
and coordinate system.
Drawing Options - Include information regarding the drawing
pane, such as the drawing scale,
Chapter 4 Starting a WaterCAD Project

annotation multipliers, and background drawing data (for Stand-Alone mode

Prototypes - Enable you to set default values for elements, which are
used to initialize values for any
new elements that are added to the project.
4.3.2 Project Summary
The Summary dialog provides a way to enter a Project Title,
the name of the Project Engineer, and any
significant comments (for example, the project revision history). The
Date field defaults to the current day.
To change any portion of the date, click the item to be changed (i.e:
month field), then use the up and down
arrows on the keyboard to set the date.
The Project Title and Project Engineer will print in the footer of
To access the Project Summary dialog, select File / Project Summary from
the pull-down menus.
4.4 Options
4.4.1 Global Options
The Global Options dialog allows you to customize the following options
for this application:
Welcome dialog (Stand-Alone mode only)
Unit System
Enter Key Behavior
Background/Foreground Color (Stand-Alone mode only)
Sticky Tool Palette (Stand-Alone mode only)
Auto Prompting
To access the Global Options tab, select Tools / Options from the pull-
down menus.
Welcome Dialog
The Welcome dialog appears when the program is started, and provides easy
access to common tasks you
may want to perform when you first start using the program. The
following options are available:
Exit Program
Unit System
Although individual units can be controlled throughout the program, you
may find it useful to change your
entire unit system at once to either the System International
(SI) unit system or the US Customary
(English) system.
When you switch to a different unit system, you will be asked to confirm
this action. If you choose YES,
all data will be displayed in the default unit for the selected system.
Note: If the file that you are editing in Stand-Alone mode is already
associated with an AutoCAD
drawing, be careful not to change the unit systems. Otherwise,
the .DWG and the .WCD files
may become irreversibly out of sync.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Enter Key Behavior

Enter Key Behavior controls which standard the Enter key follows during
CUA Enter Key - With this setting, the Enter key acts as
it normally does for Windows
applications. It conforms to Common User Access (CUA)
standards. This means that when you
press the Enter key, it is as though you pressed the default button on
the dialog. CUA Enter Key is
the recommended setting.
Tabbing Enter Key - With this setting, the Enter key behaves the same
as the Tab key for editable
fields (not buttons). This means that when you press the Enter key, the
cursor will move to the next
field in the dialog.
Window Color
You can specify the background and foreground colors of the
main graphical window in Stand-Alone
mode. The foreground color is the default color that is applied to all
elements symbols, pipes, labels, and
annotations when no color coding is defined. These color settings also
apply to the Scenario Comparison
window, but do not apply to the Profile or Graph Plot windows.
Sticky Tools
Sticky Tools are available in Stand-Alone mode. With Sticky Tools
disabled, the drawing pane cursor will
return to the Select tool after creating a node or finishing a pipe run.
With Sticky Tools enabled, the tool
does not reset to the Select tool, allowing you to continue dropping new
elements into the drawing without
reselecting the tool.
The Sticky Tool Palette can be turned on or off to meet your needs and
Auto Prompting
Auto Prompting allows you to immediately enter data as elements
are added to the drawing, without
interrupting the layout process.
When Auto Prompting is active, the Auto Prompting dialog will
immediately appear when you add an
element to the drawing. From the Auto Prompting dialog, you can modify
the element's default label and
access the remaining input data by clicking the associated Edit button.
Auto Prompting can also be toggled
off in this dialog.
4.4.2 Project Options
The Project Options dialog allows you to set the following essential
information about your project:
Friction Method
Input Modes
Pipe Length Rounding
To access the Project Options tab, select Tools\Options from the pull-
down menu.
Friction Method Theory
The Friction Method option enables you to select the methodology
for determining flow resistance and
friction losses during calculations.

Chapter 4 Starting a WaterCAD Project

Available methodologies include:

Hazen -Williams Formula
Mannings Formula
If you change the friction method after pipes have been entered
into the network, the program will ask if
you want to update the roughness values of those pipes. If you select
Yes, the program will assign all pipes
a new roughness that corresponds to the default roughness of the pipe
You can specify the type of liquid transported by the network,
the characteristics of which (kinematic
viscosity and specific gravity) are defined in the Liquid Library.
Note: The kinematic viscosity is used in determining the
friction coefficient in the Darcy-
Weisbach Friction Method.
Input Modes
WaterCAD supports several input modes to adjust data entry to
your style or the needs of a particular
Coordinates - Coordinates can be displayed either in X and Y
format or as Northing and Easting.
Whichever coordinate input mode is chosen will be active everywhere
within the program (element
editors, FlexTables, etc.).
Settings - This drop-down list allows you to set whether values on
control conditions will be input in
terms of hydraulic grade or pressure. Note that regardless of the mode
you choose, the program will
always display values in both hydraulic grade and pressure.
Tank Levels - This drop-down list allows you to set whether tank
operating ranges will be input in
terms of elevations (height above a datum elevation of 0) or levels
(height above the wet well's base
Pipe Length Rounding
Pipe length rounding is used to determine the level of
precision desired for scaled pipe lengths. Pipe
lengths will automatically be rounded according to the pipe length
rounding value.
For example, consider a pipe with an actual scaled length of 35.8 meters.
If the pipe length rounding value
is 1.0 meter, the program will assume the pipe length to be 36.0 meters.
Notes: This only affects the value as it appears in elemental
editors, FlexTables, and so on. The
actual length of the pipe figure in the drawing pane is not physically
adjusted to force the pipe to
a rounded length.
A change to the pipe rounding length is not retroactive. Therefore, it
will not affect existing pipes
unless the User Defined Length is toggled off and then on
again in the appropriate element
WaterCAD Users Guide

4.4.3 Drawing Options

The Drawing Options dialog allows you to specify information
regarding the graphical display of
elements in the drawing pane, including:
Drawing Scale
Annotation Multipliers
Pipe Text
Background Drawing
Symbol Visibility
To access the Drawing Options tab, select Tools / Options from the pull-
down menus.
Drawing Scale
You can set the scale that you want to use as the finished drawing scale
for the plan view output. Drawing
scale is determined based upon engineering judgment and the destination
sheet sizes to be used in the final
You may choose either schematic or scaled mode to define the horizontal
and vertical distance scales.
Schematic - Pipe lengths are not automatically initialized from their
lengths in the drawing pane, but
must be manually entered for each pipe.
Scaled - Pipe lengths are determined from the lengths of the pipe
elements in the drawing pane.
HOR - Horizontal scale controls the scale of the plan view.
VER - Vertical scale controls the default elevation scale (for use in
profiles, for example).
Scaled or schematic mode can be set on a pipe-by-pipe basis. This is
useful when scaled mode is preferred,
but an exaggerated scale is needed for layout of detailed piping
Whether the drawing is set in scaled or schematic mode
automatically reflects the setting of the pipe
prototype. While in schematic mode, Gravity Pipe Prototypes and
Pressure Pipe Prototypes can be
assigned a default length. When the drawing mode is scaled, pipe lengths
do not need to be initialized from
the prototype. Switching between scaled and schematic in either the
Project Options or Pipe Prototype
dialogs has no effect on existing pipes.
Annotation Multipliers
Annotation multipliers allow you to change the size of symbols,
labels and annotation text relative to the
drawing scale. There is not a single annotation size that is going to
work well with all projects and scales,
so these values should be adjusted based on your judgment and the desired
look of the finished drawings.
Symbol Size - The number entered in this field will either
increase or decrease the size of your
symbols by the factor indicated. For example, a multiplier of 2 would
result in the symbol size being
doubled. The program selects a default symbol height that corresponds to
4.0 ft (approximately 1.2
m) in actual-world units, regardless of scale.
Text Height - The text height multiplier increases or decreases the
default size of the text associated
with element labeling by the factor indicated. The program automatically
selects a default text height
that displays at approximately 2.5 mm (0.1 in) high at the user-defined
drawing scale. A scale of 1.0
mm = 0.5 m, for example, results in a text height of approximately 1.25
m. Likewise, a 1 in = 40 ft
scale equates to a text height of around 4.0 ft.
Annotation Height - The annotation height multiplier increases or
decreases the default size of the
element annotation by the multiplier indicated. The program
automatically selects a default text
Chapter 4 Starting a WaterCAD Project

height that displays at approximately 2.5 mm (0.1 in) high at the user
defined drawing scale. A scale
of 1.0 mm = 0.5 m, for example, results in a text height (to
scale) of approximately 1.25 m.
Likewise, a 1 in = 40 ft scale equates to a text height of around 4.0 ft.
Pipe Text - Selecting the Align Text with Pipe box aligns
the text with pipes. For more
information, see the Element Annotation topic.
In AutoCAD mode if you change the Symbol Size, Text Height, or
Annotation Height you will be
prompted with the Text Positioning dialog, which allows you to select one
of the following options when
applying the scaling operation.
Maintain current text positions - The current position of all the
annotation will be maintained after
the scale is changed.
Reset text to default positions - The annotation will be
repositioned to the default position
calculated by the program.
On the Text Positioning dialog there is a check box that is labeled
Don't show this dialog again. If you
check this box you will not be prompted with this dialog until
you turn it back on using one of the
following commands at the AutoCAD command line.
WTRCScaleChangeOptions - if you are in WaterCAD
STMCScaleChangeOptions - if you are using StormCAD
SWRCScaleChangeOptions - if you are using SewerCAD
Pipe Text
The Align Text with Pipes toggle lets you specify whether you want the
pipe labeling and annotations to
be parallel to the pipe or horizontal.
Background Drawing (Stand-Alone mode only)
In Stand-Alone mode, a .DXF file may be used as a background image for
the drawing pane.
DXF Background Filename - This field enables you to specify
a .DXF file to be used as the
background for your project. Enter the drive, directory, and file name,
or click the Browse button to
select a file interactively.
Show Background - If the background .DXF file is turned off,
it will not be read from a disk or
displayed in the drawing pane. If the background is not
turned off, it will be read from a disk and
DXF Unit - The .DXF drawing unit conversion is used when importing
.DXF background files, and
also when exporting a .DXF file from the project. Note that the value in
this field governs the import
behavior for .DXF files saved in scientific, decimal, or fractional
units, but not for .DXF files saved
in architectural or engineering units.
.DXF file import behavior is governed by specific factors within the .DXF
file. If a file does not import as
you expect, check the options used to generate it carefully. For
example, try importing the .DXF back into
the original program or into another program that supports the
.DXF format, such as AutoCAD or
MicroStation. If the file does not import into other applications, there
may be an invalid or missing header,
invalid elements, or other errors.
Symbol Visibility
Symbol visibility allows you to customize the drawing by turning specific
layers on or off. Each drawing
layer holds a particular type of graphical element, such as labels and
annotation. To remove the graphical
elements of a particular layer from the drawing view, simply
uncheck the associated box, which are as
WaterCAD Users Guide

Show Labels - The label layer holds the labels for all network
Show Graphic Annotations - Graphic annotation includes lines,
borders, and text (in Stand-Alone
mode only).
Show Element Annotations - Element annotation includes any dynamic
annotation that is added to
the project, such as through the Annotation Wizard).
Show Source Symbols - For a water quality analysis, a symbol may be
displayed next to nodes that
are defined as Constituent Sources.
Show Control Symbols - A symbol may be displayed next to pump, valve,
and pipe elements with
one or more controls, as defined in the Controls tab of the element
Show Flow Arrows - Arrows indicating the flow direction may be
displayed after calculations have
been run.
4.5 FlexUnits
4.5.1 FlexUnits Overview
FlexUnits (the ability to control units, display precision, etc)
are available from almost anywhere within
Haestad Methods software, including element dialogs, FlexTables, and the
FlexUnits Manager.
4.5.2 Field Options
Most dialogs provide access to FlexUnits to set options such as unit,
rounding, and scientific notation for
any field in the dialog.
To set the display options for a unitized attribute:
1. Right-click the field, and select Properties from the pop-up
menu. The Set Field Options dialog
will appear.
2. Set the options you want for your units.
3. Click OK to set the options for the field, or Cancel to leave without
making changes.
You will be able to change the following characteristics:
Display Precision
Scientific Notation
Minimum and Maximum Allowable Values
Some attributes do not have theoretical minimum or maximum values, and
others may have an acceptable
range governed by calculation restrictions or physical
impossibilities. For these attributes, minimum and
maximum allowable values may not be applicable.
Tip: You can see the results of your changes in the preview at the top of
the dialog.
Chapter 4 Starting a WaterCAD Project

4.5.3 Units
Units are the method of measurement displayed for the attribute. To
change units, click the choice list, then
click the desired unit. The list is not limited to either SI
or US customary units, so you can mix unit
systems within the same project.
FlexUnits are intelligent - the units actually have meaning. When you
change units, the displayed value is
converted to the new unit, so the underlying magnitude of the attribute
remains the same.
For example, a length of 100.0 feet is not converted to a
length of 100.0 m or 100.0 in. It is correctly
converted to 30.49 m or 1200.0 in.
To change units, right-click the attributes field and select
Properties from the pop-up menu, or select
FlexUnits from the Tools pull-down menu.
4.5.4 Display Precision
The precision setting can be used to control the number of digits
displayed after the decimal point, or the
rounding of numbers.
Number of Digits Displayed After Decimal Point
Enter 0 or a positive number to specify the number of digits after the
decimal point.
For example, if the display precision is set to 3, a value of 123.456789
displays as 123.457. This works
the same regardless of whether scientific notation is active.
Enter a negative number to specify rounding to the nearest power of 10.
(-1) rounds to the nearest 10, (-
2) rounds to the nearest 100, and so on.
For example, if the display precision is set to (-3), a value of
1,234,567.89 displays as 1,235,000.
Note: Display precision is for numeric formatting only and will not
affect calculation accuracy.
To access display precision, right-click the attributes field and select
Properties from the pop-up menu, or
select FlexUnits from the Tools pull-down menu.
4.5.5 Scientific Notation
Scientific notation displays the number as a real number beginning with
an integer or real value, followed
by the letter "e" and an integer (possibly preceded by a sign). Click
the field to turn scientific notation on
or off. A check will appear in the box to indicate that this setting is
turned on.
Note: Scientific Notation is for numeric formatting only and will not
affect calculation accuracy.
To access scientific notation, right-click the attributes field and
select Properties from the pop-up menu,
or select FlexUnits from the Tools pull-down menu.
4.5.6 Minimum and Maximum Allowed Value
Minimum and maximum values are used to control the allowable
range for an attribute, and are used for
validation of user input. For example, some coefficient values
might typically range between 0.09 and
0.20. A frequent user input error is to misplace the decimal
point when entering a value. If you enter a
WaterCAD Users Guide

number that is less than the minimum allowed value, a warning

message will be displayed. This helps
reduce the number of input errors.
You may change this number in cases where you find the default limits too
Note: These allowable minimums and maximums are only available for
certain parameters.
To access unit minimum and maximum, right-click the attributes field and
select Properties from the pop-
up menu, or select FlexUnits from the Tools pull-down menu.
4.5.7 FlexUnits Manager
The FlexUnits Manager allows you to set the parameters for all the units
used. The dialog consists of the
following columns:
Attribute Type - Parameter measured by the unit.
Unit - Type of measurement displayed. To change the unit of an
attribute type, click the choice list
and click the unit you want. This option also allows you to use both US
Customary and SI units in
the same worksheet.
System - Set the system of units. Click the system column
for the desired unit, and a button will
appear. Click the button, and set the unit system to US or SI.
Display Precision - Rounding of numbers and number of digits
displayed after the decimal point.
Enter a negative number for rounding to the nearest power of
10: (-1) rounds to 10, (-2) rounds to
100, (-3) rounds to 1000, and so on. Enter a number from 0 to 15 to
indicate the number of digits
after the decimal point. This feature works the same whether scientific
notation is on or off.
Scientific Notation - Display numbers in scientific notation.
Click the field to turn scientific
notation on or off. If it is turned on, a checkmark appears in the box.
Note: The display units can also be changed from several other
areas in the program, and any
changes are project-wide. For example, if length is changed
from units of feet to meters, all
dialogs will display length in meters. If you change the units in the
dialog from meters to yards,
the FlexUnits Manager will indicate that length is in yards.
To access the FlexUnits Manager, select Tools / FlexUnits from the pull-
down menus.

Chapter 4 Starting a WaterCAD Project

WaterCAD Users Guide

Chapter 5

Layout and Editing Tools

5.1 Graphical Editor Overview

This chapter describes the various tools that are available to simplify
the process of graphically or manually
entering network data. These tools allow you to select
elements to perform various graphical or editing
operations, locate particular elements, review the network for potential
problems, label or relabel elements,
review your data, or define any new type of data.
5.2 Graphical Editor
5.2.1 Using the Graphical Editor
One of the most powerful features of the graphical editor, both in Stand-
Alone and AutoCAD modes, is the
ability to create, move, edit, and delete network elements
graphically. With these capabilities, modeling
becomes a simple point and click exercise. The on-line
tutorials have step-by-step instructions for
performing common tasks in the graphical editor, and Lesson 1 also offers
5.2.2 Working with Network Elements Within the Graphical Editor
Most network editing tasks can be performed using only your mouse. The
pull-down menus and AutoCAD
command line also offer the ability to perform many of these
tasks, but by simply pointing and clicking
with the mouse you will be able to:
Create New Elements
Select Elements
Edit Elements
Move Elements
Delete Elements
Graphic Annotation
Chapter 5 Layout and Editing Tools

Note: As you place your mouse over each element, a tool-tip

is displayed informing you of the
elements label and annotations. This feature is useful when the element
labels have been turned
off or when the drawing view is zoomed out.
5.2.3 Creating New Elements
The tool palette contains all of the tools necessary for adding
network elements to the drawing. These
element tools include:

Pipe Layout Tool - Pipes are link elements that connect

junction nodes, pumps, valves,
tanks, and reservoirs.

Pressure Junction Tool - Junctions are non-storage nodes where

water can leave the
network to satisfy consumer demands or enter the network as an inflow.
Junctions are also
where chemical constituents can enter the network.

Tank Tool - Tanks are a type of storage node. The water

surface elevation of a tank will
change as water flows into or out of it during an extended period

Reservoir Tool - Reservoirs are a type of storage node. The

water surface elevation of a
reservoir does not change as water flows into or out of it
during an extended period

Pump Tool - Pumps are elements that add head to the system as water
passes through. A
Pump is represented as a node.

Valve Tool - Valves are elements that open, throttle, or close

to satisfy a condition you
specify. A valve is represented as a node.

Spot Elevation Tool - In addition to the elevations at junction

nodes and other network
elements, supplemental spot elevations can be entered throughout the
model without adding
unnecessary model nodes.

Although elements can be inserted individually, the most rapid method of

network creation is through the
Pipe Layout tool. The Pipe Layout tool enables you to connect existing
nodes with new pipes, but also
allows you to create new nodes as you lay out the pipes.
For example, when the Pipe Layout tool is active, clicking
within the drawing pane will insert a node.
Clicking again at another location will insert another node and connect
the two with a pipe. Use the on-line
tutorials to experience it interactively.
5.2.4 Changing the Pipe Layout Tool to Insert a Different Type of Node
While laying out a network, you may need to change the type
of node that the Pipe Layout tool inserts.
This can be done very easily by following the steps outlined below:
With the Pipe Layout tool active, right-click in the drawing pane.
A pop-up menu will appear with a list of available element types.
Select an element type from the pop-up menu.
Note: The cursor appearance will change to reflect the type of node to
be inserted.
WaterCAD Users Guide

5.2.5 Morphing Elements

Occasionally, you may find that you need to replace a node with a
different type of node. You can make
this change through a process called morphing.
Morphing enables you to change an existing network node type, without
having to delete and re-create the
node and all of its connecting links. Information types that
are common between the existing and new
elements will be copied into the new element. To morph an
existing element into a different type of
Select the new element type from the Tool Palette.
In the drawing pane, place the cursor over the old element and click
the left mouse button.
You will be prompted to verify that you want to morph.
Answer yes to perform the morph, or
answer no and a new element will be added at the specified location. If
you accidentally morph an
element, this action can be undone by selecting Edit / Undo from the
pull-down menus.
5.2.6 Splitting Pipes
You may encounter a situation in which you need to add a new node in the
middle of an existing pipe. For
example, you may want to insert a new inlet to capture
excessive surface flow in StormCAD, a new
junction to represent additional demand in WaterCAD, or a new
manhole to maintain maximum access
hole spacing in SewerCAD.
You can split existing pipes simply by inserting a node along the pipe as
From the Tool Palette, select the node type.
In the drawing pane, place the cursor over the pipe and click.
You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to split the pipe. If
you choose to split the pipe, the
node will be inserted and two new pipes will be created with the same
characteristics as the original
pipe (lengths are split proportionally).
If you choose not to split the pipe, the new element will be placed on
top of the pipe without
connecting to anything.
If you accidentally split a pipe, this action can be undone by
selecting Edit / Undo from the pull-down
5.2.7 Selecting Elements
You can select one element or a group of elements from drawing
pane on which to perform various
operations such as moving, deleting, and editing.
Selecting Elements (Stand-Alone Mode)
In Stand-Alone model activate the Select tool .
To select a single element, simply click the desired element. To
select a group of elements, click the
drawing pane and drag the mouse to form a selection box around the
elements you want to select, then
click again to choose the other corner of the selection box. All
elements that are fully enclosed within
the selection box will be selected.
To toggle the selected status of one or more elements, you can follow the
same instructions as above while
holding down the Shift key. There are also additional ways to select
elements through the Edit menu.
Chapter 5 Layout and Editing Tools

When an element is selected in the Stand-Alone drawing pane, it will be

displayed with at least one grip. A
grip is a black box, as shown below, that indicates the figures
insertion point. The label of a selected item,
or the number of selected items, will be displayed in the status bar.

Selecting Elements (AutoCAD Mode)

Within AutoCAD, the Select tool does not need to be active
when making a selection. Simply use the
standard AutoCAD selection techniques.
AutoCAD also offers a variety of other selection methods that are
outlined in the AutoCAD documentation.
When an element is selected in AutoCAD, it may be displayed in
a dashed linetype, and the grips may
become visible, as shown below. The exact display depends on
how the element was selected and the
value of the AutoCAD variable GRIPS.

Other Graphical Selection Functions

Single Element Selection Dialog
Use the Select Element dialog box to select a single element from your
Elements -The Elements drop-down list acts as a filter for the
elements displayed in the available
element display pane. Select an element type here to only
display elements of that type, or select
<all> if you want all element types to be displayed.
Ellipsis Button () - Opens the Selection Set dialog.
Select From Drawing - This button returns you to the drawing pane to
allow you to visually select
an element. When an element is clicked in the drawing view, you are
returned to the Select Element
dialog, where the element that was clicked will be highlighted.
Calibration Group Selection Dialog
This dialog is very similar to the Selection Set dialog, with one
exception: Once an element has been added
to a group, it cannot be included in any other groups. See the Selection
Set topic for more information on
using this dialog.
Select From Drawing Button
The Select From Drawing button allows you to graphically select elements.
Clicking this button brings you
back to the drawing view to allow you to graphically choose
the elements that you want to deactivate.
While in this mode, clicking the right mouse button opens a
menu that allows you to select Done, which
will bring you back to the dialog in which you initially clicked the
Select From Drawing button.
5.2.8 Editing Elements
There are several methods for editing network element data,
including Quick Edit, FlexTables, and the
Alternative Manager. You can also import data using Database Connections.
Perhaps the most common method of changing element data,
however, is from an individual elements
editor dialog. To edit a single element, use the Select tool in Stand-
Alone mode or in AutoCAD mode.
WaterCAD Users Guide

In Stand-Alone mode and in AutoCAD 2000i, editing a single element is

very easy. Simply double-click
the element, and the Editor dialog will open. Alternatively,
you can right-click the element and select
Edit from the pop-up menu.

In AutoCAD 2000/2002, the process is slightly different. First, click

the Select tool, then click the element
you wish to edit. If you are using AutoCAD 2000/2002, you
can also right-click to activate the pop-up
context menu or simply double-click the element to be edited.
Right-click context menus can provide easy access to common functions and
In AutoCAD 2000i, as in Stand-Alone, you can also double-click the
element to bring up its editor.
Moving Elements
You can change the location of elements easily, whether you are in Stand-
Alone or AutoCAD mode.
The first step is to select the element(s) to be moved. Next, click to
drag the element, and release to drop it
at its new location. In AutoCAD mode, you can accomplish this
by dragging the grips. When a node is
moved to a new location, all connected pipes will remain
attached, and pipe lengths will automatically
update (unless the pipe has a user-defined length or you are working in
schematic mode).
Tip: For more information regarding moving elements within
AutoCAD, please refer to your
Autodesk documentation.
In the same fashion, you can graphically change the location of
element labels and annotation relative to
the element.
A node element can also be moved by editing its coordinates in
the elements editor, in FlexTables, or
through database connections.
Deleting Elements
Deleting elements is quite easy. Simply select the element(s) to be
deleted, and press the Delete key on the
keyboard. Note that the integrity of the network is automatically
maintained when deletions are performed.
This means that when a node is deleted, any connecting pipes are also
deleted to prevent "dangling" pipes
that would cause the network to be invalid.
There are also several other methods of deleting elements, including
selecting Edit / Delete from the pull-
down menus, or typing ERASE at AutoCADs command line.
5.2.9 Other Tools
Although this product is primarily a modeling application, some
additional drafting tools can be helpful for
intermediate calculations and drawing annotation. AutoCAD, of course,
provides a tremendous number of
drafting tools.

In Stand-Alone mode, drafting and annotation tools allow you to

add polylines
(multi-segmented lines), rectangles, and text to the drawing pane.
Chapter 5 Layout and Editing Tools

Line-Enclosed Area
In Stand-Alone mode, you can calculate the enclosed area of any
closed polyline. This feature can be
especially helpful for determining the size of storm catchments or land-
use areas.
Simply right-click the closed polyline, and select Enclosed Area from the
pop-up menu. The Area dialog
will open, displaying the calculated area of the polyline enclosure.
Note: This tool is only available for closed polylines. To close an
open-ended polyline, right-click
it and select Close from the pop-up menu.
Although this feature is not provided in AutoCAD mode, you can
determine the area of any AutoCAD
polyline by performing a LIST command.
5.3 Selection Sets
5.3.1 Selection Sets
Selection sets are user-defined groups of network elements.
They allow you to predefine a group of
network elements that you want to manipulate together.
Selection sets are defined through the Selection
Set Manager by selecting Tools / Selection Sets from the pull-down menus.
5.3.2 Selection Set Manager
Add - Add a new selection set.
Edit - Edit an existing selection set.
Duplicate - Copy an existing selection set.
Delete - Delete an existing selection set.
Rename - Rename an existing selection set.
Notes - Add a note regarding the selection set.
5.3.3 New Selection Set
After clicking Add in the Selection Set Manager, a dialog appears.
Simply enter the name of your new
selection set in the dialog. Click OK to name the selection
set, or Cancel to exit the dialog without
creating a selection set.
5.3.4 Selection Set Dialog
In this dialog, you will notice two panes. A listing of all
the elements in the network is displayed in the
Available Items pane. To add items to the Selected Items
pane, select the desired elements in the
available list and click the [>] button under Add. To add all the
elements to your selection set, click the
[>>] button.
Additionally, you can use the Select button to highlight items in the
Available Items pane using a variety
of powerful selection techniques, or by graphically selecting elements
from the drawing. It will also allow
you to invert the selection set, thereby unselecting the ones
already selected and selecting the ones not
already selected. You can also clear the selected items using the Select
WaterCAD Users Guide

The features mentioned above are also available to remove items from the
Selected Items pane.
There is also a Select From Drawing button. Clicking this button brings
you back to the drawing view to
allow you to graphically choose the elements that you want to
include in the selection set. While in this
mode, clicking the right mouse button brings you back to the Selection
Set Dialog.
5.3.5 Duplicate Selection Set
Click Duplicate to make a copy of the highlighted selection set.
5.3.6 Rename Selection Set
Click Rename to open a dialog that allows you to change the name of the
highlighted selection set.
5.3.7 Selection Set Notes
Click Notes to input free form paragraph text that will be associated
with the highlighted selection set.
5.3.8 Delete Selection Set
Click Delete to delete the highlighted selection set.
5.4 Find Element
5.4.1 Find Element
This is a powerful feature that allows you to quickly locate
any element in the drawing by its label. It
performs a case insensitive search. The Find Element feature is
available from the Edit menu on the main
To find an element:
Choose Edit / Find Element from the pull-down menus.
Type the label of the element you wish to find, or click
the list box to choose from a sorted list of
elements in the system.
You may wish to choose a Zoom Factor from the list provided. 100% is
the default Zoom Factor. If
you wish to magnify the view of the drawing, then choose a
Zoom Factor greater than 100%. To
decrease the view of the drawing, choose a Zoom Factor less than 100%.
Click OK.
5.5 Zooming
5.5.1 Zooming
Zooming controls how large or small a drawing appears on the screen.
Zooming is helpful when you want
to enlarge the display to see the drawings details, or to
reduce the display to see an entire drawing.
Zooming does not change the actual size of the drawing, only the size of
the current view.
Chapter 5 Layout and Editing Tools

You can zoom by doing one of the following:

From the View pull-down menu or the toolbars you can perform the
following zoom operations:
Zoom In

Enlarge the view of the drawing.

Zoom Out

Decrease the view of the drawing.

Zoom Window

Choose the portion of the drawing to fit in

the window by drawing a selection box
around it.
Zoom Extents

Bring all elements in the drawing into view.

Zoom Previous

Return to the most recent view of the

Zoom Center Center the location of specific coordinates
within the drawing pane.
Notes: You can use the Plus key (+) and the Minus key (-) on the numeric
keyboard as a shortcut
for zooming in and out respectively (Stand-Alone mode only).
You can also zoom in and out by holding down the ctrl key and using the
mouse wheel.
5.5.2 Zoom Center
The Zoom Center dialog provides you with a quick way to zoom to any area
of your drawing. This feature
is useful if you want to start laying out a network around
certain coordinates, or if you know the
coordinates of an existing element that you would like to locate.
To use Zoom Center:
Select View / Zoom Center from the pull-down menus.
In the Zoom Center dialog, enter the coordinates to which you would
like to zoom.
Select a zoom factor if you would like to increase or decrease the
Click OK, and the specified coordinates will be located at the center
of the drawing.
5.5.3 Aerial View
The Aerial View is a small navigation window that provides a graphical
overview of your entire drawing.
You can toggle the Aerial View window on or off by selecting
View / Aerial View from the pull-down
A Navigation Rectangle is displayed in the Aerial View window.
This Navigation Rectangle provides a
"you are here" indicator showing you current zoom location respective of
the overall drawing. As you pan
and zoom around the drawing, the Navigation Rectangle will
automatically update to reflect your current
WaterCAD Users Guide

You can also use the Aerial View window to navigate around
your drawing. To pan, simply click the
Navigation Rectangle to drag it to a new location. To zoom, click
anywhere in the window to specify the
first corner of the Navigation Rectangle, and click again to specify the
second corner.
In AutoCAD mode:
Refer to the AutoCAD on-line Help for a detailed explanation.
In Stand-Alone mode:
With Aerial View window enabled (by selecting the View / Aerial View from
the pull-down menu), click
and drag to draw a rectangular view box in the aerial view. The area
inside this view box is displayed in
the main drawing window. Alternately, any zooming or panning
action performed directly in the main
window updates the size and location of the view box in the Aerial View
The Aerial View window contains the following buttons:
Zoom Extents - Display the entire drawing in the Aerial View window.
Zoom In - Decrease the area displayed in the Aerial View window.
Zoom Out - Increase the area displayed in the Aerial View window.
To resize the view box directly from the Aerial View window, simply click
to define the new rectangular
view box. To change the location of the view box, hover the mouse cursor
over the current view rectangle
and click to drag the view box frame to a new location.
5.6 Drawing Review
5.6.1 Drawing Review
The Drawing Review window allows you to quickly navigate to and review
any group of elements. This
tool is particularly useful for finding potential problems in a
network. These problems may result from
data entry errors or data discrepancies in the source (database,
Shapefile, or CAD drawing) from which a
model was imported.
By default, when the Drawing Review window opens, all elements will
appear in the list. You can work
with any subset of elements by choosing one of the following items:
Select / Custom - Allows you to choose any set of elements to review
using the Selection Set dialog.
Select / All Elements - Automatically selects all available elements.
Select / Nodes in Close Proximity - Allows you to select
all nodes that are within a user-defined
tolerance of another node. The tolerance is defined in the Nodes in
Close Proximity dialog, which
opens when this option is selected. This tool is useful for
finding and correcting connectivity
problems. For example, if two nodes are close to each other they may
actually be the same node, and
one of them needs to be deleted.
Select / Pipe-Split Candidates - Allows you to find nodes
that are closer to a pipe than a user-
defined tolerance, but are not connected to the system. The
tolerance is defined in the Pipe-Split
Candidates dialog, which opens when this option is selected.
This option is useful for finding and
correcting connectivity problems.
Select / Orphaned Nodes - Allows you to select all orphaned nodes in
your network. A node is an
orphan when it is not connected to any pipe.
Select / Elements with Messages - Allows you to select all the
elements that have warnings or error
Chapter 5 Layout and Editing Tools

messages, appearing in the Messages tab of an Element Editor dialog.

This is useful for correcting
data entry errors.
Select / Clear Drawing Review Messages - Allows you to reset
Drawing Review messages for all
elements in the list. Drawing Review messages are automatically
added during various Import
operations such as Polyline to Pipe Import and Land Development
Desktop Import (SewerCAD or
StormCAD only). After you review and fix these problems, you
may want to clear the review
messages. If you want to retain some of the drawing review
messages, simply remove those
elements from the list prior to performing this operation.
The elements you select will appear in the primary list located along the
left side of the Drawing Review
Go To - To navigate to an element, select the desired element in the
list and press the Go To button.
Next / Prev - To navigate to the elements sequentially, use the Next
or Prev buttons.
Zoom - You can control the degree to which the drawing review zooms
into the selected element by
choosing a zoom factor from the field labeled Zoom, located in the lower
right corner of the dialog.
Tips: You can double-click an element in the list to quickly navigate to
that element.
If you know the name of the element to which you wish to
navigate, type the label in the field
located above the element list and click the Go To button.
All menus and toolbars will remain available even when the
Drawing Review window is open.
This allows you to navigate to and fix any problems that you find.
Use the Drawing Review window in conjunction with the QuickView window
to review the data for the
selected elements.
To access the Drawing Review dialog, select Edit / Review Drawing from
the pull-down menu.
5.6.2 Selection Tolerance
Some select operations require you to specify a tolerance for defining
which nodes will be selected for the
Drawing Review window.
Elements in Close proximity - If the distance between the
elements in the drawing is within the
specified tolerance, those elements will be selected for display in the
Drawing Review window.
Pipe Split Candidates - If the distance between a node and a pipe is
within the specified tolerance, it
will be selected for display in the Drawing Review window.
5.7 Relabel Elements
5.7.1 Relabel Elements Dialog
Element relabeling allows you to modify the labels of a selected set of
elements. This feature is especially
useful with a model built from a database that uses numeric IDs to
identify elements, making it difficult to
distinguish between the different types of elements in the
system. With element relabeling, you can
quickly append a prefix such as P- to all pipes in your system so that
it is obvious which labels belong to
elements representing pipes.
WaterCAD Users Guide

The Relabel Elements dialog contains two sections:

Relabel Operations - Allows you to select and define the operations
you want to perform.
Elements Selected - Allows you to select which elements in your
project you want to relabel.
To access the Relabel Elements dialog, select Tools / Relabel Elements
from the pull-down menus.
5.7.2 Relabel Operations
The element relabeling tool allows you to perform three types
of operations on a set of element labels:
Replace, Renumber, and Append. The active relabel operation is chosen
from the list box in the Relabel
Operations section of the Relabel Elements dialog. The entry
fields for entering the information
appropriate for the active relabel operation appear below the Relabel
Operations section. The following
list presents a description of the available element relabel operations.
Replace - This operation allows you to replace all instances of a
character or series of characters in
the selected element labels with another piece of text. For
instance, if you selected elements with
labels P-1, P-2, P-12, and J-5, you could replace all the P's with the
word Pipe by entering P in the
Find field, Pipe in the Replace With field, and clicking the Apply
button. The resulting labels are
Pipe-1, Pipe-2, Pipe-12, and J-5. You can also use this
operation to delete portions of a label.
Suppose you now want to go back to the original labels. You can
enter ipe in the Find field and
leave the Replace With field blank to reproduce the labels P-1, P-2, P-
12, and J-5. There is also the
option to match the case of the characters when searching for the
characters to replace. This option
can be activated by checking the box next to the Match Case field.
Renumber - This operation allows you to generate a new
label, including suffix, prefix, and ID
number for each selected element. For example, if you had the
labels P-1, P-4, P-10, and Pipe-12,
you could use this feature to renumber the elements in
increments of five, starting at five, with a
minimum number of two digits for the ID number field. You could specify
a prefix P- and a suffix
-Z1 in the Prefix and Suffix fields, respectively. The
prefix and suffix are appended to the front
and back of the automatically generated ID number. The value of the new
ID for the first element to
be relabeled, 5, is entered in the Next field. The value by
which the numeric base of each
consecutive element is incremented, 5, is entered in the Increment field.
The minimum number of
digits in the ID number, 2, is entered in the Digits field. If the
number of digits in the ID number is
less then this value, zeros are placed in front of it. Click the Apply
button to produce the following
labels: P-05-Z1, P-10-Z1, P-15-Z1, and P-20-Z1.
Append - This operation allows you to append a prefix, suffix, or both
to the selected element labels.
Suppose that you have selected the labels 5, 10, 15, and 20,
and you wish to signify that these
elements are actually pipes in Zone 1 of your system. You can use the
append operation to add an
appropriate prefix and suffix, such as P- and -Z1, by
specifying these values in the Prefix and
Suffix fields and clicking the Apply button. Performing this
operation yields the labels P-5-Z1, P-
10-Z1, P-15-Z1 and P-20-Z1. You can append only a prefix or suffix by
leaving the other entry field
empty. However, for the operation to be valid, one of the entry fields
must be filled in.
The selection set of elements on which the relabel operation is
to be performed can be selected in the
Elements section of the Relabel Elements dialog.
To access the Relabel Elements dialog, select Tools / Relabel Elements
from the pull-down menu.
5.7.3 Elements Selected
The Elements section contains a pane that lists the elements to
be relabeled. You can select the set of
elements that appears in this pane by clicking the Select
button. This accesses the Selection Set dialog,
where you can pick a set of elements from all the elements currently in
the project.
Chapter 5 Layout and Editing Tools

For the Append and Replace operations, the order that the elements appear
in the text pane does not affect
the results of the operation. However, for the Renumber operation, the
order in which the elements appear
in the text pane determines the order in which they will be
renumbered. The default order in which the
elements appear in the text pane is in the alphanumeric order of the
element labels, called Ascending order.
If you wish to change this order, click the Sort button, and select
Network Order to put the elements in
the order they appear in the network, Descending Order to put
them in reverse alphanumeric order, or
Ascending Order to put them back in alphanumeric order.
5.8 Element Labeling
5.8.1 Element Labeling
The Element Labeling dialog is used to specify the automatic numbering
format of new elements as they
are added to the network. The following options are available:
Element - View the type of element to which the label applies.
Next - Enter the integer you want to use as the starting value for
the ID number portion of the label.
The program will generate labels beginning with this number, and
will choose the first available
unique label.
Increment - Enter the integer that will be added to the ID
number after each element is created to
yield the number for the next element.
Prefix - Enter the letters or numbers that will appear in
front of the ID number for the elements in
your network.
Digits - Enter the minimum number of digits that the ID number will
have. For instance, 1, 10, and
100 with a digit setting of two would be 01, 10, and 100.
Suffix - Enter the letters or numbers that will appear after
the ID number for the elements in your
Preview - View an example of what the label will look like
based on the information you have
entered in the previous fields.
Changes to the element labeling specifications will only affect
the numbering of new elements. Existing
elements will not be affected. In order to adjust the
numbering of existing elements, utilize the Relabel
Elements option accessible from the Tools menu.
Note: Pipe labeling can be aligned with the pipes or be displayed
horizontally, depending on the
Pipe Text setting specified in the Drawing Options dialog.
You can control the angle at which the text flips from one
side of the pipe to the other to read in the
opposite direction, when the pipe direction on a plot is nearly vertical.
By default, the text flips direction
when the pipe direction is 1.5 degrees, measured counter-
clockwise from the vertical. You may modify
this value by inserting a TextFlipAngle variable in the Haestad.ini file
that is located in the program file of
your Haestad directory, and specifying the angle at which the
text should flip. The angle is measured in
degrees, counter-clockwise from the vertical. For instance, if
you want the text to flip when the pipe
direction is vertical, you should add the following line to the
Haestad.ini file:
Reasonable values typically fall in the range 15.0 deg to -15.0 deg.
To access the Element Labeling dialog, select Tools / Element Labeling
from the pull-down menus.
WaterCAD Users Guide

5.8.2 Moving Element Labels and Annotation

When multiple lines of annotation are present, you can move all lines
as a group by clicking and holding
the left mouse button, and dragging the labels to the desired
position. If you want to move these labels
individually, click on one of the lines of annotation to highlight them.
You will notice highlighted grips in
the middle of each line. Click on this grip with the left
mouse button, hold down the button, and drag to
move a single line of annotation to the desired location.
Tip: To select multiple lines of annotation, hold down the
Shift key while clicking the lines
5.9 Quick Edit
5.9.1 Quick Edit
The Quick Edit window provides you with a fast way to edit or view the
data associated with any element
in the network without having to open the element dialog. It is a
floating window that includes input and
output information for any element that you have selected. It
also includes a convenient color-coding
legend. Three tabs are provided on the window:
Input - Contains input data for the selected element.
Output - Contains output data for the selected element.
Legend - Displays ranges of the active color-coding.
When the Quick Edit window is open, the data for an entity will
immediately be displayed when you select
it within the graphical editor. Once an element has been selected, click
on any editable field on the Input
tab to edit the associated value. Edits will be committed when you leave
the Quick Edit window. Changes
made through the Quick Edit window can be undone/redone by accessing the
Edit menu.
Notes: You can change the size of the Label, Value, and Unit columns on
the Input/Output tabs
by using the resizing bar at the top of the Quick Edit window.
You can highlight an Input or Output attribute (e.g. Demand),
by clicking the label of that
attribute in the Quick Edit window. This highlighting provides
for better visual feedback, for
example, when monitoring the pressures at several nodes.

Chapter 5 Layout and Editing Tools

WaterCAD Users Guide

Chapter 6

Hydraulic Element Editors

6.1 Overview
This chapter presents a detailed look at the input and output
data for each type of element used in a
WaterCAD project and the way it is organized in the graphical
user interface. First, a description of the
elements used to model the water distribution network is
provided, including prototypes as a way to
initialize new model elements with default values. Then the
chapter addresses the user data extension,
which allows you to add your own attributes to any element, and the Zone
Manager, which allows you to
group modeling elements into zones.
The primary component of a WaterCAD project is the network model. The
element types that are used to
form a network are:
Pressure Pipes - Pipes are link elements that connect
junction nodes, pumps, valves, tanks, and
reservoirs to each other. The only way for water to travel from one node
to another is by following a
path through one or more pipes.
Pressure Junctions - Junctions are non-storage nodes where water can
leave the network to satisfy
consumer demands, water can enter the network as an inflow, or chemical
constituents can enter the
Tanks - Tanks are a type of storage node. The water surface elevation
of a tank will change as water
flows into or out of it during an extended period simulation. Tanks can
have either a circular or non-
circular cross section.
Reservoirs - A reservoir is a type of storage node. The
water surface elevation of a reservoir does
not change as water flows into or out of it during an
extended period simulation, unless an HGL
Pattern has been applied to the reservoir. Reservoirs can be
used to model external water sources
such as lakes, streams, and wells. When an HGL pattern is
applied, reservoirs can also be used to
represent tidal activity and connections to other systems where the
pressure varies over time.
Pumps - A pump is an element that adds head to the system as water
passes through. It is typically
defined by a pump curve and control elevations, which turn the pump on or
off. It is represented as a
Valves - A valve is an element that opens, throttles, or closes to
satisfy a condition you specify. It is
represented as a node.
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

Note: A water distribution system model will not be considered

valid for calculation if the
number of pipes exceeds the licensed size. To determine how
many pipes you are licensed for,
choose the Help/About WaterCAD menu item. Click the Registration button
to view the size that
has been licensed. If the total number of pipes exceeds the
licensed size, the project will not
6.2 Element Editors
6.2.1 Using Element Editors
The Element Editors allow you to edit all input data and view
all output data defining a single network
Note: Element data may also be viewed/edited more efficiently
through FlexTables, which
display all the data in customizable tabular format, allowing
you to perform functions such as
sorting, filtering, and global editing. The data may also be quickly
reviewed and edited through
the Quick Edit window.
To access an Element Editor:
Stand-Alone: Double-click the element you wish to edit, or right-
click the element and select
Edit from the drop-down menu.
AutoCAD 2000 /2002: Double-click the element you wish to edit,
Pick the Select tool and click the
element you wish to edit, or select the element and choose Edit from the
down menu.
AutoCAD 2000i: Double-click the element you wish to edit, or right-
click the element and select
Edit from the drop-down menu.
6.2.2 Pressure Pipe Editor
Pipes are link elements that connect junction nodes, pumps, valves,
tanks, and reservoirs to each other. The
only way for water to travel from one node to another is by
following a path through one or more pipes.
The pressure pipe editor organizes the related input data and calculated
results into the following tabs:
General - General pipe information including dimension and physical
characteristics data, as well as
hydraulic results.
Controls - Control data used to specify whether the pipe is
open or closed at a specified time or
based on the HGL or pressure at any node in the system.
Quality - Input parameters used when performing a Water
Quality Analysis as specified in the
Scenario Calculation dialog.
Capital Cost - Cost Analysis input/output data used when performing
Cost Analysis calculations.
User Data - Additional data as defined by the user. New
fields can be added, such as the pipe
installation date.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Messages - Calculation messages, such as warnings or error

messages, and user-entered notes and
For more information on the data, refer to the topics describing each
6.2.3 Pressure Junction Editor
General - General junction information including geographical data and
hydraulic results.
Demand - Assignment of demands or inflows to junction elements in
order to simulate water leaving
or entering the network. Inflows and demands consist of a baseline flow
rate and an associated Fixed
or Extended Period Simulation (EPS) Pattern.
Quality - Input parameters used when performing a Water
Quality Analysis, as specified in the
Scenario Calculation dialog.
Fire Flow - Contains fire flow input and output data.
Capital Cost - Cost Analysis input/output data used when performing
Cost Analysis calculations.
User Data - Additional data as defined by the user. New fields
can be added, such as the junction
installation date.
Messages - Calculation messages, such as warnings or error
messages, and user-entered notes and
For more information on the data, refer to the topics describing each
6.2.4 Tank Editor
Tanks are a type of storage node. The water surface elevation of a tank
will change as water flows into or
out of it during an extended period simulation. Tanks can have either
circular or non-circular cross sections.
WaterCAD allows you to define tanks with either fixed or variable
Note: For steady-state simulations, a tank is considered to
have a constant water surface
elevation, similar to a reservoir.
The tank editor organizes the related input data and calculated results
into the following tabs:
General - General tank information including geographical data and
hydraulic results.
Demand - Assignment of demands or inflows to tank elements in order to
simulate water leaving or
entering the network.
Section - Data defining the geometric characteristics of the tank and
its operating level range.
Quality - Input parameters used when performing a Water
Quality Analysis, as specified in the
Scenario Calculation dialog.
Capital Cost - Cost Analysis input/output data used when performing
Cost Analysis calculations.
User Data - Additional data as defined by the user. New
fields can be added, such as the tank
installation date.
Messages - Calculation messages, such as warnings or error
messages, and user-entered notes and
For more information on the data, refer to the topics describing each
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

6.2.5 Reservoir Editor

A reservoir is a type of storage node. The water surface elevation of a
reservoir does not change as water
flows into or out of it during an extended period simulation. Reservoirs
can be used to model external water
sources such as lakes, streams, and wells. The reservoir
editor organizes the related input data and
calculated results into the following tabs:
General - General reservoir information including geographical data
and hydraulic results.
Quality - Input parameters used when performing a Water
Quality Analysis, as specified in the
Scenario Calculation dialog.
Capital Cost - Cost Analysis input/output data used when performing
Cost Analysis calculations.
User Data - Additional data as defined by the user. New fields can be
added, such as the reservoir
installation date or other GIS data.
Messages - Calculation messages, such as warnings or error
messages, and user-entered notes and
For more information on the data, refer to the topics describing each
6.2.6 Pump Editor
A pump is an element that adds head to the system as water passes through
it. This software can currently
be used to model six different pump types:
Constant Power
Design Point (One-Point)
Standard (Three-Point)
Standard Extended
Custom Extended
Multiple Point
Tip: Avoid using constant power or design point pumps except for
preliminary estimates. They
are often enticing because they require less work on behalf of
the engineer, but they are much
less accurate than a pump curve based on several representative points.

Note: It is not necessary to place a check valve on the pipe immediately

downstream of a pump,
because pumps have built in check valves that prevent reverse flow.
The pump editor organizes the related input data and calculated results
into the following tabs:
General - General pump information including geographical data, pump
curve data, initial settings,
and hydraulic results.
VSP - This tab contains the variable speed pump settings.
Controls - Data specifying the on/off elevation settings of the pump,
as well as relative speed factor
settings in the case of a variable speed pump.
Energy - This tab contains the pump efficiency input for use in Energy
Cost analysis.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Quality - Input parameters used when performing a Water

Quality Analysis as specified in the
Scenario Calculation dialog.
Capital Cost - Cost Analysis input/output data used when performing
Cost Analysis calculations.
User Data - Additional data as defined by the user. New
fields can be added, such as the pump
installation date.
Messages - Calculation messages, such as warnings or error
messages, and user-entered notes and
For more information on the data, refer to the topics describing each
6.2.7 Valve Editor
A valve is an element that opens, throttles, or closes to satisfy a
condition you specify. This software can
model several different types of valves. The behavior of a
valve is determined by the upstream (From
Pipe) and downstream (To Pipe) conditions. The valve types include:
Pressure Reducer Valve (PRV) - PRVs throttle to prevent the
downstream hydraulic grade from
exceeding a set value. If the downstream grade rises above the set
value, the PRV will close. If the
head upstream is lower than the valve setting, the valve will open fully.
Pressure Sustaining Valve (PSV) - PSVs throttle to prevent
the upstream hydraulic grade from
dropping below a set value. If the upstream grade is lower
than the set grade, the valve will close
Pressure Breaker Valve (PBV) - PBVs are used to force a specified
pressure (head) drop across the
valve. These valves do not automatically check flow, and will
actually boost the pressure in the
direction of reverse flow to achieve a downstream grade that is lower
than the upstream grade by a
set amount.
Flow Control Valve (FCV) - FCVs are used to limit the maximum flow
rate through the valve from
upstream to downstream. FCVs do not limit the minimum flow rate or
negative flow rate (flow from
the To Pipe to the From Pipe).
Throttle Control Valve (TCV) - TCVs are used as controlled
minor losses. A TCV is simply a
valve that has a minor loss associated with it where the minor
loss can change in magnitude
according to the controls that are implemented for the valve.
General Purpose Valve (GPV) - GPVs are used to model
situations and devices where the flow -
headloss relationship is specified by the user rather than
utilizing the standard hydraulic formulas.
GPVs can be used to represent reduced pressure backflow
prevention valves, well draw-down
behavior, and turbines.
Tips: You can change a valve from one type to another by a
process called "morphing". Just
click the new valve type on the toolbar, and drag the new valve on top of
the old one.
If you are using a valve that does not normally check flow, but you would
like it to, simply set one
of the pipes connecting to the valve with a check valve.
The valve editor organizes the related input data and calculated results
into the following tabs:
General - General valve information including geographical data and
hydraulic results.
Controls - Data specifying how the valve is controlled, as a
function of the time or the hydraulic
condition at any node in the system.
Quality - Input parameters used when performing a Water
Quality Analysis, as specified in the
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

Scenario Calculation dialog.

Capital Cost - Cost Analysis input/output data used when performing
Cost Analysis calculations.
User Data - Additional data as defined by the user. New
fields can be added, such as the valve
installation date.
Messages - Calculation messages, such as warnings or error
messages, and user-entered notes and
For more information on the data, refer to the topics describing each
6.3 Element Editors' Tabs
6.3.1 General Tab
Pressure Pipe General Tab
The General tab for pressure pipes is organized into the following
Pipe - General pipe data.
Initial Status - Specify a pipes initial condition, open or closed.
User-Defined Length - Specify whether the pipe length is calculated
automatically or user-defined.
Nodes - Define a positive direction for the flow in the
pipe. This is used for check valves or flow
results. A reported negative flow indicates that the water is flowing
from the To Node to the From
Hydraulic Results - Calculated hydraulic data.
Water Quality - Results of the water quality computations in
the pipe reported when a Water
Quality Analysis has been performed.
For more information on the data, see the topic on each data section
Pipe Section
In this section you enter in all of the pipe general characteristics:
Label - Unique name referencing the pipe in reports, error messages,
and tables.
Material - Pipe material, with its associated roughness value,
selected from the Material Library.
Diameter - Diameter of the pipe.
Roughness Coefficient - Pipe roughness coefficient or value associated
with the roughness method
selected during the project setup (Mannings n, Hazen-Williams C,
or Darcy-Weisbach roughness
height) for the selected material. You can keep the roughness
value associated with the selected
material, as defined in the material library, or override the roughness
value for that specific pipe.
Minor Loss Coefficient - Coefficient K used in the minor
loss equation, as defined in the Minor
Losses section in Appendix B. This is the equation most
commonly used for determining the
headloss in a fitting, valve, meter, or other localized component.
Check Valve - When this box is checked, flow can only travel from the
From Node to the To Node
in a pressure pipe.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Tips: By clicking the ellipsis (...) button located next to

the Material you can access the
engineering library to create and customize materials.
By clicking the ellipsis () button on the Minor Loss Coefficient field,
you can access the Minor
Loss elements and generate composite minor loss coefficients to be
applied to the pressure pipe.
Set the minor loss coefficient value to 0.0 if there is no minor loss in
the pipe.
Minor Loss Elements
Pressure pipes can have an unlimited number of minor loss
elements associated with them. This program
provides an easy-to-use table for editing these minor losses. The minor
loss table consists of four columns:
Quantity - The number of minor losses of the same type to be added to
the composite minor loss for
the pipe.
Minor Loss - The type of minor loss element.
K Each - The headloss coefficient for a single minor loss element of
the specified type.
K Total - The total minor loss coefficient for the row. It is the
Quantity multiplied by the K Each.
The Minor Loss Elements dialog also has three command buttons:
Insert - Insert a row in the table.
Duplicate - Create a new row in the table with the same values as the
selected row.
Delete - Delete the selected row of the table.
The Minor Loss Elements dialog is accessed by clicking the ellipsis
() button next to the Minor Loss
Coefficient choice list on the Pressure Pipe Editor.
Initial Status Section
The initial status of the pipe can be either Open or Closed. It is
possible that this status will change when
calculations are performed, based on the presence of controls for that
Note: In Steady-State Analysis mode, the Initial Status is used as the
permanent status. However,
it can be overruled by the presence of controls, if the Use Controls in
Steady-State Analysis check
box in the Calculation Options dialog is checked. The
Calculation Options dialog is accessed by
clicking the GO button in the main view to display the Calculation tab of
the Scenario Editor, and
then clicking the Options button.
User-Defined Length Section
If the User-Defined Length box is checked, you can enter a
pipe length. Otherwise, the program will
compute a pipe length from node center to node center,
accounting for bends if there are any. Creating
user-defined lengths is useful for drawing quick schematics to accelerate
your design process.
Nodes Section
This section allows you to identify the calculated flow direction. A
reported positive flow value indicates
that the flow is in the direction of the From Node to the To Node. It is
also useful for check valves, which
allow flow only in the From Node to To Node direction.
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

The Reverse button allows you to change the direction of a

pipe, switching the From Node and the To
Hydraulic Results Section
This section reports the following hydraulic results:
Discharge - Calculated total flow in the pipe.
Velocity - Calculated velocity in the pipe.
Headloss Gradient - Headloss in the pipe represented as a slope, or
Pressure Pipe Headloss - Loss of energy in the pipe due to friction
and minor losses.
Control Status - Open or Closed status of the pipe. Open
means that flow occurs in the pipe and
Closed means that there is no flow.
Water Quality Section
This section reports the results of the water quality
computations at this location, assuming that a Water
Quality Analysis was performed. The water quality parameter
displayed depends on the type of water
quality analysis being performed. This parameter is one of the three
Age - Report how long the water has been in the system at this node or
Trace - Report the percentage of water at this node or link
that originated at another chosen node
(tank, reservoir, or junction).
Constituent - Report the concentration of a given constituent at this
node or link.
Pressure Junctions General Tab
The General tab for junctions is organized into the following sections:
General - General information about the junction.
Calculated Hydraulics - Calculated demand, hydraulic grade and
pressure at the junction.
Water Quality - Result of the water quality computations at this node
reported when a Water Quality
Analysis has been performed.
For more information on the data, see the topic on each section. The
Water Quality section is described in
the "Pressure Pipe General Tab" section.
General Section
This section allows you to enter general information about the junction,
such as:
Label - Unique "name" referencing the junction in reports, error
messages, and tables.
X (Easting) - The location of the junction may be
represented by an X-value or an Easting value,
depending on individual preferences.
Y (Northing) - The location of the junction may be
represented by a Y-value or a Northing value,
depending on individual preferences.
Elevation - Elevation of the junction.
Zone - Specify the zone the junction belongs to. You may click the
ellipsis () button to access the
Zone Manager, which allows you to edit or add zones.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Emitter Coefficient - Discharge coefficient for emitter (sprinkler or

nozzle) placed at junction. Units
are flow units at 1 unit of pressure drop (psi or m). Leave blank or set
to 0 if no emitter is present.
See the Flow Emitters topic for more information.
Junction Calculated Hydraulics Section
This section reports the following results:
Demand (Calculated) - Total demand leaving (or entering) the
pipe network at the junction at the
current time.
Calculated Hydraulic Grade - Hydraulic grade at the junction.
Pressure - Pressure at the junction.
Tank General Tab
The General tab for tanks is organized into the following sections:
General - General geographic information about the tank.
Hydraulics - Calculated flow entering/leaving the tank and the
calculated hydraulic grade in the
Water Quality - Result of the water quality computations at
this node reported when a Water
Quality Analysis has been performed.
For more information on the data, see the topic on each section. The
Water Quality section is identical for
all elements and is described in the "Pressure Pipe General Tab" section.
General Section
This section allows you to enter general information about the tank such
Label - Unique name referencing the tank in reports, error messages,
and tables.
X (Easting) - The location of the tank may be represented
by an X-value or an Easting value,
depending on individual preferences.
Y (Northing) - The location of the tank may be represented
by a Y-value or a Northing value,
depending on individual preferences.
Elevation - Ground elevation of the tank.
Zone - Specify the zone the tank belongs to. You may
click the ellipsis () button to access the
Zone Manager, which allows you to edit or add zones.
Hydraulics Section
This section reports the hydraulic data of the tank:
Hydraulic Grade - Calculated hydraulic grade in the tank.
Inflow/Outflow - Flow entering/leaving the tank (the field label
changes accordingly).
Reservoirs General Tab
The General tab for reservoirs is organized into the following sections:
General - General geographic information about the reservoir.
Reservoir Calculated Hydraulics - Calculated flow entering or leaving
the reservoir.
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

Water Quality - Result of the water quality computations at

this node reported when a Water
Quality Analysis has been performed.
For more information on the data, see the topic on each section. The
Water Quality section is identical for
all elements and is described in the "Pressure Pipe General Tab" section.
General Section
This section allows you to enter general information about the reservoir,
such as:
Label - Unique name referencing the reservoir in reports, error
messages, and tables.
X (Easting) - The location of the reservoir may be
represented by an X-value or an Easting value,
depending on individual preferences.
Y (Northing) - The location of the reservoir may be
represented by a Y-value or a Northing value,
depending on individual preferences.
Elevation - Elevation of the water surface in the reservoir,
which is assumed to remain constant
through time.
HGL Pattern - Allows you to apply a pattern for changes to the
reservoirs hydraulic grade line over
time for extended period simulations. Click on the ellipsis () button to
open the Pattern Manager.
From the Pattern Manager, you can create, edit, and import HGL patterns
for the reservoir.
Zone - Specify the zone in which the reservoir belongs. Click the
ellipsis () button to access the
Zone Manager, which allows you to edit or add zones.
Reservoir Calculated Hydraulics Section
This section reports the hydraulic data of the reservoir:
Inflow/Outflow - Flow entering/leaving the reservoir (the field label
changes accordingly).
Pump General Tab
The General tab for pumps is organized into the following groups:
General - General data about the pump.
Pump - Type of pump curve and related data.
Initial Setting - Initial conditions for a pump describing
the pump's behavior at the start of the
analysis in EPS mode, or its permanent setting in Steady-State mode.
Pipes - Direction the pump is operating (i.e. from upstream to
downstream node). The direction of
pumping can be reversed by clicking the Reverse button.
Operating Point - Values of pump head and discharge, which
are computed by the program to
balance with the remaining system heads and flow rates.
Water Quality - Result of the water quality computations at
this pump reported when a Water
Quality Analysis has been performed.
For more information on the data, see the topic on each section. The
Water Quality section is identical for
all elements and is described in the "Pressure Pipe General Tab" section.
Pump General Section
This section allows you to enter general information about the pump such
Label - Unique name referencing the pump in reports, error messages,
and tables.
WaterCAD Users Guide

X (Easting) - The location of the pump may be represented

by an X-value or an Easting value,
depending on individual preferences.
Y (Northing) - The location of the pump may be represented
by a Y-value or a Northing value,
depending on individual preferences.
Elevation - Elevation of the pump.
Pump Section
The information required for a pump depends on the type of
pump that is selected. The possible
information is as follows:
Pump Type - Select one of the six available types of pump curves.
Pump Power - Represents the water horsepower, or horsepower that is
actually transferred from the
pump to the water. Depending on the pump's efficiency, the
actual power consumed (brake
horsepower) may vary.
Shutoff - Point at which the pump will have zero discharge. It is
typically the maximum head point
on a pump curve.
Design - Point at which the pump was originally intended to
operate. It is typically the best
efficiency point (BEP) of the pump. At discharges above or
below this point, the pump is not
operating under optimum conditions.
Max Operating - Highest discharge for which the pump is actually
intended to run. At discharges
above this point, the pump may behave unpredictably, or its performance
may decline rapidly.
Max Extended - Absolute maximum discharge at which the pump can
operate, adding zero head to
the system. This value may be computed by the program, or entered as a
custom extended point.
Note: All defined pump curve points have an associated head and
Initial Setting Section
The initial conditions for a pump describe the pump's behavior at the
start of the analysis. These conditions
Status - One of two available status conditions: On (normal
operation), Off (no flow under any
Relative Speed Factor - Characteristics of the pump relative to the
speed for which the pump curve
was entered, in accordance with the affinity laws. A speed
factor of 1.00 will indicate pump
characteristics identical to those of the original pump curve.
Note: In Steady-State Analysis mode, the Pump Status is used as the
permanent status. However,
it can be overruled by the presence of controls, if the Use Controls in
Steady-State Analysis check
box in the Calculation Options dialog is checked. The
Calculation Options dialog is accessed by
clicking the GO button in the main view to display the Calculation tab of
the Scenario Editor, and
then clicking the Options button.
Pipes Section
This indicates the direction in which the pump is operating (from
upstream pipe to downstream pipe).
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

Tip: You can switch the Upstream and Downstream Pipes by clicking the
Reverse button.
Operating Point Section
The pump's operating point represents the values for pump head and
discharge, which are computed by the
program to balance with the remaining system heads and flow rates.
The calculated parameters are:
Pump Head - Head generated by the pump at the operating point.
Discharge - Discharge produced by the pump at the operating point.
Pump Intake Pressure - Calculated hydraulic grade line at the intake
of the pump.
Pump Discharge Pressure - Calculated hydraulic grade line at the
downstream end of the pump.
Note: For a constant power pump, the calculated operating point may be
outside of the range for
which the pump is representative of a real pump. Be very
cautious and check all results

Tip: For more information about the theory behind the pump
operating point, see the Pump
Theory chapter.
Valve General Tab
The General tab for valves is organized into the following sections:
General - General information about the valve.
Valve Characteristics - Diameter and minor loss coefficient of the
Initial Setting - Behavior of the valve at the start of the analysis.
Pipes - Direction in which the valve is controlling the flow. You can
reverse that direction by clicking
the Reverse button.
Calculated Hydraulics - Calculated hydraulic data upstream,
downstream, and through the valve.
Water Quality - Result of the water quality computations at the valve
reported when a Water Quality
Analysis has been performed.
Head-Discharge Points - This section is only displayed for General
Purpose Valves. GPVs require at
least two unique points to be entered in this table.
For more information on the data, see the topic on each section. The
Water Quality section is identical for
all elements and is described in the "Pressure Pipe General Tab" section.
General Section
This section allows you to enter general information about the valve such
Label - Unique name referencing the valve in reports, error messages,
and tables.
X (Easting) - The location of the valve may be represented
by an X-value or an Easting value,
depending on individual preferences.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Y (Northing) - The location of the valve may be represented

by a Y-value or a Northing value,
depending on individual preferences.
Elevation - Elevation of the valve.
Valve Characteristics Section
The Valve Characteristics section defines the following parameters:
Diameter - Inside diameter of the valve. Used to calculate
the velocity through the valve and a
corresponding minor loss, when a minor loss coefficient is entered.
Minor Loss Coefficient - Coefficient used to model any minor loss
associated with the valve for the
specified valve diameter, when the valve is fully open. Click
the ellipsis () button to define
composite minor losses. The valve is fully open in the following two
The valve status is set to Inactive.
The valve status is set to Active and the hydraulic conditions are
such that the valve is fully
Note: Minor loss data is not required for Throttle Control
Valves (TCVs) because the minor
losses are already accounted for by the valve's primary purpose.

Tip: To change the type of a valve, use the element morphing feature of
Initial Setting Section
The initial conditions describe the valve's behavior at the start of the
analysis. These conditions include:
Valve Status - A valve can have several different status conditions:
Active (throttling, opening, or closing depending on system pressures
and flows)
Closed (no flow under any conditions)
Inactive (wide open, with no regulation)
Settings/Hydraulic Grade/Pressure - For Pressure Reducing,
Pressure Sustaining and Pressure
Breaker Valves, specify either the initial hydraulic grade or the
pressure setting associated with the
Note: You only need to specify either the pressure setting or
the hydraulic grade setting. The
other will be automatically calculated based on the valve's elevation.
Discharge - For Flow Control Valves, specify the initial discharge to
maintain through the valve.
Headloss Coefficient - For Throttle Control Valves, specify the
initial minor losses associated with
the valve.

Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

Note: In Steady-State Analysis mode (in WaterCAD), the Initial Status is

used as the permanent
status. However, it can be overruled by the presence of
controls, if the Use Controls in Steady-
State Analysis check box in the Calculation Options dialog is checked.
The Calculation Options
dialog is accessed by clicking the GO button in the main view to display
the Calculation tab of the
Scenario Editor, and then clicking the Options button.
Pipes Section
This section allows you to specify the Upstream Pipe and Downstream Pipe.
Note: The valve direction, along with the flow direction,
affects the behavior of the valve, as
explained in the Valve Editor topic at the beginning of this Chapter.

Tip: You can switch the Upstream and Downstream Pipes by clicking the
Reverse button.
Calculated Hydraulics Section
This section reports the following calculated hydraulic parameters for a
Discharge - Calculated flow rate passing through the valve.
Velocity - Calculated velocity inside the valve, based on the valve
Headloss - Calculated headloss through the valve.
From HGL - Calculated hydraulic grade immediately upstream of the
To HGL - Calculated hydraulic grade immediately downstream of the
Note: Because a valve is modeled internally as two junction nodes
connected by a controlled link,
the hydraulic grades are referring to the conditions at the two
"hidden" nodes, upstream and
downstream. These conditions also represent the grade at the
adjacent end of each connecting
Head-Discharge Points Section
Headloss - Enter the desired headloss for the corresponding Discharge.
Discharge - Enter the Discharge rate at which the corresponding
headloss is desired.
Insert - Click to insert a new Head-Discharge point.
Delete - Delete an existing Head-Discharge point.
6.3.2 Demand Tab
This program provides the ability to define a hydraulic load consisting
of multiple demands and inflows for
each junction and tank node in the network. Each individual
hydraulic demand or inflow consists of a
baseline flow rate and a pattern that is applied when performing an
Extended Period Simulation (EPS). This
software provides a table for editing hydraulic loads. Each row
represents an individual hydraulic demand
or inflow. The table has three columns: Type, Demand, and Pattern:
WaterCAD Users Guide

Type - Choose the type of load. Demand represents a withdrawal of

liquid from the network system
(if the value entered is negative, then the liquid is entering network).
Inflow represents the addition
of liquid to the system (negative inflow represents flow leaving the
Base Flow - Enter the baseline flowrate for the load. This
number will always be positive. If you
need to define an inflow, change the load type. The units are
volume per unit time (typically l/s or
Pattern - Choose the EPS pattern that will apply to this
load. Each load in the table can have a
different EPS pattern. The multipliers defined in the pattern will be
applied against the baseline load.
The Demand dialog has the following command buttons:
Insert - Insert a row in the table.
Duplicate - Create a new row in the table with the same values as the
selected row.
Delete - Delete the selected row of the table. The selected demand or
inflow is removed from the list.
Graph - Generate a graph of the total demand over time at this
Note: The EPS Pattern is not considered during Steady State
Simulations (the demand baseline
load will be used instead).

Tip: Do not use negative values for the baseline flow rate to simulate
water entering the network.
This program provides you with the option of explicitly defining an
inflow. Inflows are essentially
negative demands.
Importing Demands
WaterCAD now allows you to import simple or composite Demands from an
ASCII tab-delimited text file.
Demands can be imported to junction and tank elements by accessing the
Demand Alternative and clicking
the Import button. Junction and Tank demands can be imported from the
same file. The file to be imported
must be in the following format:
Element Label Demand (Pattern 1) Demand (Pattern 2) etc.
Press the Tab key once between each column. An unlimited number
of demands can be imported from a
single text file by simply adding additional columns, following the
same format. The first row of the text
file is used to associate the demand values with demand
patterns. The first column of the first row is
ignored. The pattern(s) to be associated with the demand values are
entered in the subsequent column(s). If
this row references a pattern that is not available in the current
project, a new pattern will be created with
the value entered in this column as its label. This pattern
will have a demand multiplier of one for every
time step by default.
After the file to be imported is chosen, the Demand Import
dialog is opened. This dialog allows you to
choose the unit type for the demand values in the file to be imported.
Notes: Nodes that are present in the model but are not
included in the file being imported will
not be modified.
Existing demands are removed without warning from any node that
is present in the file being
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

Note: Each node must have a value entered for every pattern column in the
file. If no demand is
associated with a specific pattern, enter zero as the demand for that
- Pat1 Pat2
J-1 5 10
J-2 6 11
J-3 7 12
J-4 8 13
J-5 9 14
J-6 10 15
J-7 0 20
J-8 15 0

In this example, J-1 will have a composite demand of 15 and will use the
patterns Pat1 and Pat2. J-7 will
have a demand of 20 and will use the pattern Pat2. J-8 will have a demand
of 15 and use pattern Pat1.
Demand Import Dialog
The dialog contains a pulldown menu, which allows you to specify the unit
type to be associated with the
demand values in the file to be imported. This dialog is automatically
opened after selecting the text file to
6.3.3 Section Tab
Tank section data includes the information necessary to describe
the storage characteristics of the tank.
They have been factored into the following logical groups:
Section - The type of cross-section and the basic storage parameters.
Operating Range - The minimum, initial, and maximum operating
Cross Section - Parameters describing the cross-sectional geometry.
Tank Section
The general information for tank section consists of the following:
Section - Choose the type of cross section for this storage tank.
There are two types of cross sections
to choose from: Constant Area and Variable Area.
Inactive Volume - Enter the inactive volume for this storage
tank. This data is used when
performing water quality analysis.
Total Active Volume - If this storage tank is a Constant Area Tank,
the total active volume will be
computed from the other tank data and this field will not be editable.
If this is a Variable Area Tank,
then enter the total storage volume for the tank.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Operating Range Section

This section allows you to set the absolute limits for the water levels
in the tank. Elevations are relative to
the same datum as the rest of your system, while levels refer
to heights of water above the tank's base
elevation. The operating range fields prompt you for the following
Elevations/Levels - Select whether you want to enter the data
in terms of absolute elevation, typically
based on the sea level, or in terms of levels, which are relative to an
arbitrary base elevation of the tank you
Maximum - Highest allowable water surface elevation or level.
If the tank fills above this point, it will
automatically shut off from the system.
Initial - Value used as the water surface elevation or level when
performing steady-state calculations, or as
the beginning condition when performing an extended period simulation.
Minimum - Lowest allowable water surface elevation or level. If the tank
drains below this point, it will
automatically shut off from the system.
Base Elevation - Elevation of the storage tank base used as a
reference when entering water surface
elevations in the tank in terms of levels.
Cross Section Section
There are two basic types of storage tanks, as described below:
Constant Area
The cross sectional geometry of the tank is constant between
the minimum and maximum operating
elevations. Two parameters are needed to fully describe a constant area
tank section:
Cross Section - Choose whether the cross section is circular or non-
Average Area/Diameter - Enter the average area of the non-circular
cross-section, or the diameter
of the circular cross-section.
Variable Area
The cross-sectional geometry varies between the minimum and maximum
operating elevations.
Depth/Volume Ratio Table - Enter a series of points describing the
storage characteristics of the tank. For
example, at 0.1 the total depth (depth ratio = 0.1) the tank stores 0.028
the total active volume (volume ratio
= 0.028). At 0.2 the total depth that tank stores 0. 014 the total active
volume (0.2, 0.014), etc.
Tip: The storage characteristics of the tank can be plotted. Choose Tank
Curve from the Report
Button at the bottom of the Tank Dialog.
6.3.4 Controls Tab
The Controls dialog is separated into two windows- one lists the Simple
Controls, the other lists the Rule-
Based, or Logical, Controls. Controls allow you to configure the
hydraulic model to change the status or
settings of a pump, valve, or pipe at a specific time or when specific
junction pressures or tank water levels
occur in the network. Rule-Based Controls can only be set in
the Logical Control Manager, which is
accessed by clicking on "AnalysisLogical Controls". From the
Controls tab, the following Simple
Control options are available:
To add a simple control - Click the Add button. This will
open the Control dialog where the
specifics of the control can be edited.
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

To edit an existing simple control - Select the description of the

control you wish to edit and click
the Edit button.
To duplicate an existing simple control - Select the description of
the control you wish to duplicate
and click the Duplicate button.
To delete an existing simple control - Select the description of
the control you wish to delete and
click the Delete button.
Note: Pipes with check valves cannot have controls.
Simple Control Dialog
Several types of information are required to define a simple
control for a pressure pipe, pump, or valve.
This data is grouped into the following sections:
Preview - Textual description of the control being edited.
Control - Specify the type of control, either Status or Setting.
Control Condition - Specify whether the control is based on a time
condition or a node condition,
and specify the control setting.
Simple Control Preview
The control preview provides a textual description of the
control being edited. The control preview is
continuously updated while you edit a control, providing constant
feedback as to the state of your control.
Simple Control Type
Simple controls support two types of controls:
Status - Controls the Open/Closed (pipes), inactive/closed (valves),
or On/Off (pumps) status.
Setting - Controls the relative speed factor of a pump and the
parameters for a valve.
Notes: Only status controls are available for pipes. Setting controls
are not appropriate. When
pumps are turned on by a control, their relative speed factor is set to
Relative Speed Pump patterns take precedence over any controls
(Simple or Logical) that are
associated with the pump.

Tip: To activate a closed or inactive valve, use a setting control.

Similarly, to turn a pump on at a
relative speed setting other than 1.00, use a setting control.
Control Condition
A control can be triggered by a specified pressure or hydraulic grade
being reached in any tank or pressure
junction located in the project.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Node Condition
A node condition dictates that the control will be triggered when the
hydraulic condition of a specified tank
or pressure junction is reached.
The comparison component allows the following:
Above - Trigger the control when the junction or tanks
hydraulic parameter is above the node
conditions hydraulic parameter.
Below - Trigger the control when the junction or tanks
hydraulic parameter is below the node
conditions hydraulic parameter.
You can express the conditions at the control node in terms of Pressure
or Hydraulic Grade.
Example: "Closed if node J-2 below 10 psi" means that the controlled pipe
will close when the pressure at
junction J-2 goes below 10 psi.
Time Conditions
There are two types of Time Condition: Time From Start and
Clock Time. A Time From Start condition
dictates that the control will be triggered when the specified
amount of time has elapsed. A Clock Time
condition will trigger the control at the specified hour.
"Closed at Time From Start 2.00 hr" - At 2.00 hours into the analysis,
this link will be closed.
"Set hydraulic grade to 440 ft at Time From Start 5.50 hr"
- At 5.5 hours into the analysis, the
hydraulic grade of this pressure regulating valve will be set to 440
"Open at Clock Time 12:00:00"- Pipe will open when the clock reaches
6.3.5 Quality Tab
The Quality tab of an element allows you to edit the input
data related to water quality. Three types of
water quality analyses can be performed, as defined in the Scenario
Editor dialog accessed by clicking the
GO button in the main WaterCAD window. These are Water Age, Constituent
Concentration and Source
Tracing. The basic parts of an element's water quality input data vary
depending on the element type. Not
all of the following input data sections are available for all elements:
Water Quality - Display the active water quality alternative
for the current scenario, as well as
initial water quality conditions or component reaction rates, depending
on the type of water quality
analysis being performed.
Constituent Source - For nodes only. This section of the dialog
contains three data fields which are
only active when the Constituent Source checkbox is checked:
Constituent Source - This pulldown menu allows you to select the
Constituent Source Type.
The available types are as follows:
Concentration - A Concentration Constituent Source fixes the
concentration of any
external inflow entering the network at a node, such as flow from a
reservoir or from a
negative demand placed at a junction.
Flow Paced Booster - A Flow Paced Booster Constituent Source
adds a fixed
concentration to the flow resulting from the mixing of all inflow to the
node from other
points in the network.
Setpoint Booster - A Setpoint Booster Constituent Source fixes
the concentration of
any flow leaving the source node, as long as the concentration
resulting from the
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

inflow to the node is below the set point.

Mass Booster - A Mass Booster Constituent Source adds a fixed mass
flow to the flow
entering the node from other points in the network.
Baseline Concentration - This data field allows you to specify the
corresponding constituent
concentration at this node over time.
Pattern - The pulldown menu allows you to apply a constituent pattern
to the Constituent
Source. The Ellipsis () button opens the Pattern Manager dialog.
Notes: A constituent source may be a tank, reservoir, or junction (but
not a pump or valve).
The Water Quality data is only used when performing a Water Quality
analysis, which can only
be done in Extended Period Simulation mode.

Tip: When performing a Constituent or Trace Analysis, the

constituent and source trace node
are defined in the Constituent and Age Alternative Editor respectively.
Tank Mixing Model - For Tanks only. This section allows you to
specify the Tank Mixing Model
that will be used by the current tank. The mixing model is
specified on a tank-by-tank basis, and
Completely Mixed is the default model. The following mixing models are
Two Compartment - Under this mixing model, available storage is
divided into two
completely mixed compartments. Inflow and outflow is assumed to take
place in the first
compartment. The second compartment receives overflow from the first, and
this overflow is
completely mixed. When this mixing model is selected, the Two Compartment
Completely Mixed - The default mixing model. Under this model, all
inflow and outflow is
assumed to have been completely mixed.
FIFO - First In / First Out Plug Flow model. This mixing model assumes
that no water
mixing occurs during its residence time in the tank. Water parcels move
through the tank in a
segregated fashion where the first parcel to enter is the first parcel to
LIFO - Last In / First Out Plug Flow model. This mixing model assumes
that no water
mixing occurs during its residence time in the tank. As in the FIFO
mixing model, water
parcels are segregated, however in the LIFO mixing model, the parcels
stack up on top of
each other, and the last parcel to enter is the first to leave.
Two Compartment - For Tanks using the Two Compartment mixing
model only. This section
contains two fields, which describe the division of total tank volume
between the two compartments.
The field labeled Compartment 1 allows you to enter the
percentage of total tank volume that the
first compartment occupies. The percentage for Compartment 2 is then
initialized for you.
Water Quality Section
The general water quality information consists of several parameters,
some of which vary depending on the
type of water quality analysis (Water Age, Constituent Concentration or
Source Tracing):
Alternative - Read-only field showing which water quality
alternative is active for the current
Initial Age, Constituent, or Trace - Specify the initial
water age, constituent concentration, or
WaterCAD Users Guide

source trace at the current location, depending on which type

of water quality analysis is currently
selected in the Scenario Editor dialog. This does not apply to pipes.
When performing Constituent analysis, reaction coefficients are needed,
as defined below:
Bulk Reaction Coefficient - Coefficient defining how rapidly a
constituent grows or decays over
time. This applies to Tank and Pipes only.
Wall Reaction Coefficient - Coefficient defining the rate at which a
substance reacts with the wall
of a pipe.
Note: For age and trace analyses, pipe velocity and flow rate are the
only related data needed for
computations. Therefore, these reaction coefficient fields are grayed
out or not displayed. For
constituent analyses, however, the bulk and pipe reaction
coefficients are needed to define the
reactions that occur within the pipes (in the water and between
the water and pipe wall) and in
the tanks.

Tip: The bulk and wall reaction coefficient fields are

initialized with the values defined in the
constituent library, but may also be edited individually. In order to
select the constituent being
modeled, and its corresponding parameters, or revert to default
values, use the Constituent
Alternative Editor.
Constituent Source Section
Any node element (i.e. tank, reservoir, or junction) can serve as a
source for a chemical constituent.
To turn a node into a constituent source:
Click the check box in the Constituent Source group title.
Enter values for:
Constituent Source - This pulldown menu allows you to select the
Constituent Source Type.
The available types are as follows:
Concentration - A Concentration Constituent Source fixes the
concentration of any
external inflow entering the network at a node, such as flow from a
reservoir or from a
negative demand placed at a junction.
Flow Paced Booster - A Flow Paced Booster Constituent Source
adds a fixed
concentration to the flow resulting from the mixing of all inflow to the
node from other
points in the network.
Setpoint Booster - A Setpoint Booster Constituent Source fixes
the concentration of
any flow leaving the source node, as long as the concentration
resulting from the
inflow to the node is below the set point.
Mass Booster - A Mass Booster Constituent Source adds a fixed mass
flow to the flow
entering the node from other points in the network.
Constituent Baseline Load - Concentration of the constituent to be
modeled, used in
conjunction with the constituent pattern to represent the concentration
over time.
Constituent Pattern - EPS Pattern that will apply to this load. The
multipliers defined in the
pattern will be applied against the constituent baseline load.
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

The behavior of the source during the course of a water quality

calculation varies depending on the type of
element, as follows:
Junction - The concentration is the source concentration and
varies with time according to the
constituent pattern.
Tank - If a tank is tagged as a source, only the discharge
from that tank will have a source
concentration that varies with time according to the source pattern. The
internal concentration of the
tank will vary over time according to inflowing concentrations and
hydraulic demands.
Reservoir Reservoirs can be considered constant concentration
sources whose initial concentration
does not vary with time. If a reservoir is selected as the source the
concentration will vary according
to the source type and the selected source pattern.
Note: Any water leaving a constituent source has a concentration in
accordance with the baseline
concentration and the chosen pattern.
6.3.6 Fire Flow Tab
The Fire Flow tab of the junction editor offers the ability to
adjust an individual junction's required fire
flows and pressures. If these values are not specifically
entered for a given junction, the values will be
based on the default fire flow data as entered in the Fire Flow
Alternative Editor, accessed by selecting
the Analysis\Alternatives menu item, and clicking the Edit button
on the Fire Flow tab. The Fire Flow
Tab is divided into the following sections:
Fire Flow Input - Minimum required fire flow at the selected junction,
and minimum pressures to be
Fire Flow Calculation Results - After performing a fire flow
analysis, results are available for the
junction node assuming it is part of the fire flow selection set.
Tip: Edit the following data exclusively in the Fire Flow Alternative
Editor: whether a fire flow
analysis is to be performed at a node, whether the needed fire
flow is to replace or be added to
current demands, whether a minimum pressure is required for the entire
system, and default fire
flow input values.

Note: Results of fire flow calculations, which are obtained

from calculations performed
separately for an automatic batch run, are only reported in the
Fire Flow tab and in the Fire
Flow Tabular Report (accessed from Report\Tables\Fire Flow Report
or the FlexTable icon).
Results reported in the other Element Editor tabs do not take
into account any fire flow, unless
you explicitly entered this fire flow as a demand at a specific junction.
Fire Flow Input Section
The fire flow input data for a junction are as follows:
Needed Fire Flow - The flow rate required at the junction to meet fire
flow demands. This value will
be added to or replace the junctions baseline demand, depending on the
default setting for applying
fire flows as specified in the Fire Flow Alternative dialog.
Fire Flow Upper Limit -This input defines the maximum
allowable fire flow that a junction can
provide and the maximum allowable fire flow that can occur at any single
withdrawal location. This
WaterCAD Users Guide

is a user-specified practical limit that will prevent the

program from computing unrealistically high
fire flows at locations such as primary system mains, which have a
large diameter and high service
pressures. Remember that a system's ability to deliver fire flows is
ultimately limited by the size of
the hydrant opening and service line, as well as the number of hydrants
available to combat a fire at a
specific location.
Residual Pressure - Minimum residual pressure to occur at the
junction node. The program
determines the amount of fire flow available such that the residual
pressure at the junction node does
not fall below this target pressure.
Minimum Zone Pressure - Minimum pressure to occur at all
junction nodes within the Zone you
are testing. The model determines the available fire flow such that the
minimum zone pressures do
not fall below this target pressure. Each junction has a zone associated
with it, which can be located
in the junctions input data. If you do not want a junction
node to be analyzed as part of another
junction nodes fire flow analysis, move it to another Zone.
Minimum System Pressure - Minimum pressure allowed at any
junction in the entire system as a
result of the fire flow withdrawal. If a nodes pressure
anywhere in the system falls below this
constraint while withdrawing fire flow, fire flow will not be
satisfied. A fire flow analysis may be
configured to ignore this constraint.
Fire Flow Calculation Results Section
After performing a fire flow analysis, the following calculation results
are available for each junction node
in the fire flow selection set:
Satisfies Fire Flow Constraints - Whether the selected
junction node meets the fire flow
Available Fire Flow - Amount of flow available for fire
protection while maintaining all fire flow
pressure constraints.
Calculated Residual Pressure - Calculated pressure at the
junction node during the fire flow
Calculated Minimum Zone Pressure - Minimum calculated pressure
of all junctions in the same
zone as this junction.
Minimum Zone Junction - Label of the junction corresponding to the
minimum zone pressure.
Calculated Minimum System Pressure - Minimum calculated
pressure of all junctions in the
Minimum System Junction - Label of the junction corresponding to the
minimum system pressure.
6.3.7 Capital Cost Tab
On this tab, you can specify whether or not the element is to be included
in the capital cost analysis. If the
element is selected to appear in the cost analysis then you can enter the
costs associated with the element.
This tab is comprised of the following components:
Include in Cost Calculation? - A check box that allows you to control
whether or not this element
will be included in the cost analysis. If this box is checked, the
element will be included in the cost
Construction Costs - Contains a table for an element for entering cost
items that can be expressed in
terms of a quantity, unit, and unit cost.
Non-Constructions Costs - Contains a table for entering costs related
to the elements that need to be
expressed either as a lump sum or as a percentage of the construction
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

Include In Cost Calculation?

This check box allows you to control whether or not this element will be
included in the cost calculation. If
this box is checked, the element will be included in the cost
calculation. If you are modeling a new
subdivision, most of the elements in your model will probably be included
in the cost calculation. However,
if you are adding onto an existing system, you may only calculate the
cost for a small portion of the total
elements in your system.
The value of this field can be varied by alternative. This can be useful
if you want to compute the costs for
different portions of your system separately. For instance, if
you have several phases of construction that
you want to cost separately, you could create one cost alternative that
only includes elements in phase one,
and another alternative that only includes elements in phase two. After
you perform your cost analysis, you
can then perform cost reports detailing each phase of construction.
Non-Construction Costs
The Non-Construction Costs section of the Capital Cost tab contains a
table that allows you to enter an
unlimited number of non-construction cost items for each element.
A non-construction cost item can be
specified either as a lump sum value or as a percentage of the total
construction costs for the element. Each
non-construction cost contains the following four components.
Label - A unique name that identifies the non-construction cost item.
The labels must be
different for all non-construction cost items in a table.
Factor - A numeric value that is used in conjunction with the
operation to compute the cost
for a non-construction cost item.
Operation - The operation that will be applied against the factor to
compute the total cost for
the non-construction cost item. The two possible values for this field
are lump sum or
percentage of the total construction costs.
Cost - The cost of the non-construction cost item.
Construction Costs
The Construction Costs section of the Capital Cost tab consists of the
following two components:
Construction Costs Table - This table allows you to specify an
unlimited number of
construction costs for each element.
Advanced Construction Costs Options - This button is only available
for elements such as
pipes, inlets, gravity junctions, and manholes that support Unit Cost
Functions. Clicking this
button accesses advanced options for the selected construction cost item.
Construction Costs Table
The construction costs table allows you to specify an unlimited number of
construction cost items for each
element. Each construction cost item is composed of four basic
characteristics, which are listed below.
Label - This is a string that identifies the construction cost item.
It must be unique for every
construction cost in the table.
Quantity - This field holds a numeric value that will be multiplied by
the unit cost to compute
the total cost for the construction cost item.
Unit - The value in this field signifies the unit of the value held in
the quantity field. For
pipes, this field can be either a length unit or "each." For nodal
elements this field is a user-
defined string.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Unit Cost - This is the cost per unit specified in the unit column.
For instance, for a pipe it
could be cost per length. This value is multiplied by the quantity to
calculate the total cost for
the construction cost item. If a Unit Cost Function is assigned to a
construction cost item
then this field will not be editable as the value will be computed based
on the Unit Cost
Total Cost - This is calculated by multiplying the unit cost by the
quantity. The value in this
field is always calculated by the program.
Advanced Construction Cost Options
Construction cost items for pipes and gravity structures (inlets,
manholes, and junction chambers) have a
set of advanced options. Under these advanced options, you can specify a
Unit Cost Function to associate
with a construction cost item. A Unit Cost Function describes the
relationship between the unit cost for a
construction cost item and the value of an attribute of the
element. For instance, the unit cost for a pipe
may be a function of the diameter. If you assign a Unit Cost Function to
a construction cost item then the
unit cost for that item is automatically updated as the physical
characteristics of the element change.
For pipes there is an additional advanced option Set Quantity Equal to
Pipe Length, which allows you to
set the quantity field for a construction cost item equal to the length
of the pipe.
6.3.8 User Data Tab
The User Data tab allows you to view and edit the customizable
user data for each element. This tab is
composed of two sections:
User Data - Any Date/Time, Number, Text, and Yes/No data defined by
the user.
User Memos - Any memo data fields defined by the user.
For information on how to add new fields or edit an existing field
format, see the Help on the User Data
Extension dialog.
Note: Default user-defined attributes are provided. These can easily be
deleted or modified.

Tip: User Data Extensions are a powerful way to add your own data to the
project. This data
will not affect the hydraulic calculations in any way, but can
be used as any other data for
operations such as sorting, annotating, reporting, and
User Data Section
This section contains a list of Date/Time, Number, Text, and Yes/No user
data fields, displayed as single
line fields. User data fields are defined in the User Data Extension
User Memos Section
This section contains a list of any memo fields displayed as multiple
line scrolling text panes. User memos
are defined in the User Data Extension dialog.
6.3.9 Messages Tab
All Element Editors have a Messages tab, which contains three parts:
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

Message List - Contains information that is generated during

the calculation of the model, such as
warnings, errors, and status updates.
Description - An informative statement that you may enter about the
Notes - Contains notes that you enter, and may include a
description of the element, a summary of
your data sources, or any other information of interest.
Note: Messages, descriptions, and notes will be printed in any element
6.3.10 VSP (Variable Speed Pump) Tab
The Variable Speed Pump tab is split into two sections:
Variable Speed Pump Type - This section of the dialog is comprised of
a checkbox and a pulldown
VSP Checkbox - Checking this box On makes the current pump a Variable
Speed Pump and
activates the VSP Type pulldown and the VSP Settings section.
VSP Type Pulldown - This pulldown allows you to specify the Variable
Speed Pump type.
The choices include Pattern Based and Fixed Head.
Variable Speed Pump Settings - The available input fields in
this section vary depending on the
VSP type that is chosen.
Pattern Based - When the Pattern Based VSP type is selected, this
section consists of a
pulldown menu and an ellipsis () button. The Pump Speed Pattern pulldown
allows you
to select a previously created pattern, and the ellipsis button opens the
Pattern Manager,
which allows you to select a previously created pattern or create a new
Note: Relative Speed Pump patterns take precedence over any controls
(Simple or Logical) that
are associated with the pump.

Tip: Use the Pattern Based VSP type when you already know the Relative
Speed Settings for the
Variable Speed Pump.
Fixed Head - When the Fixed Head VSP type is chosen, the pump will
increase or decrease
its relative speed factor to maintain the Head specified at a control
node. When this VSP type
is selected, this section consists of the following items:
Control Node - The node that the VSP checks to determine
whether to increase,
maintain, or decrease its relative speed factor.
Note: The algorithm may become unstable when a junction is
specified as the control node on
the suction side of a pump. For best results, tanks should be
specified as the control node when
maintaining a head on the suction side.
Target Head - The Head that the VSP will attempt to maintain for the
Control Node.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Note: The control node target head is the constant elevation

of the hydraulic grade line (HGL)
that the VSP will attempt to maintain. The target head at
the control node must be within the
physical limitations of the VSP as it has been defined (pump curve and
maximum speed setting).
If the target head is greater then the maximum head the pump
can generate at the demanded
flow rate the pump will automatically revert to fixed speed
operation at the maximum relative
speed setting, and the target head will not be maintained. The VSP target
head for junction nodes
can be set on the "VSP" tab of the "Pump" dialog box, and for tanks on
the "Section" tab of the
Tank dialog box by adjusting the initial level.
Maximum Relative Speed Factor - The highest relative speed
factor that the pump
can be set at to meet the target head at the control node.
If the target head cannot be
met when the pump is set at the maximum relative speed factor, the
maximum will be
Ellipsis Button - Opens the Select Element dialog.
Select From Drawing Button - Clicking this button brings you
back to the drawing
view to allow you to graphically choose the element that will
be the Control Node.
While in this mode, clicking the right mouse button opens a context menu
with a Done
option. Clicking this will return you to the VSP tab.
6.3.11 Energy Tab
The Energy Tab is divided into the following sections:
Pump Efficiency - Allows you to choose the pumps efficiency type, and
plot the efficiency curve.
Efficiency Settings - The input requirements for this section vary
depending on the efficiency type
selected in the Pump Efficiency section.
Daily Energy Cost Summary Section - After an Energy Cost
Analysis has been performed, this
section displays a summary of the general calculated results,
such as energy usage and total daily
Peak Demand Summary - After an Energy Cost Analysis has been
performed, this section displays
the calculated results for the peak power usage and the cost associated
with this peak usage.
Efficiency Summary - After an Energy Cost Analysis has been performed,
this section displays the
calculated results for wire power coming into the pump(s), the power
transferred to the water, and the
efficiency of the transfer.
Pump Efficiency Section
This section allows you to specify the Efficiency Type for the
pump that is being edited. The following
choices are available:
Best Efficiency Point - This efficiency type generates a
parabolic efficiency curve using the input
value as the best efficiency point.
Constant Efficiency - This efficiency type maintains the
efficiency determined by the input value
regardless of changes in discharge.
Note: Avoid using the Constant Efficiency efficiency type whenever
possible. This efficiency type
is much less accurate than the other types because of the lack of a
realistic efficiency curve.
Multiple Efficiency Points - This efficiency type generates an
efficiency curve based upon two or
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

more user-defined efficiency points. These points are linearly

interpolated to form the curve.
When using the Best Efficiency Point or Multiple Efficiency Points
efficiency types, the Plot button in this
section is activated. Clicking this button graphs the efficiency curve in
the Plot Window.
Efficiency Settings Section
The available input fields in this section change depending on which
Efficiency Type is selected.
When the Best Efficiency Point type is selected, the input fields are
as follows:
Motor Efficiency - The Motor Efficiency value is representative of the
ability of the motor to
transform electrical energy to rotary mechanical energy.
BEP Efficiency - The efficiency of the pump when it is operating at
its Best Efficiency Point.
BEP Flow - The flow delivered when the pump is operating at its Best
Efficiency point.
When the Constant Efficiency type is selected, the input fields are as
Motor Efficiency - The Motor Efficiency value is representative of the
ability of the motor to
transform electrical energy to rotary mechanical energy.
Pump Efficiency - The Pump Efficiency value is representative of the
ability of the pump to
transfer the mechanical energy generated by the motor to Water Power.
When the Multiple Efficiency Points type is selected, the input fields
are as follows:
Motor Efficiency - The Motor Efficiency value is representative of the
ability of the motor to
transform electrical energy to rotary mechanical energy.
Efficiency Points Table - This table allows you to enter the pumps
efficiency at various
discharge rates.
Daily Energy Cost Summary Section
This section displays the following calculated results after performing
an Energy Cost Analysis:
Utilization - Percentage of total time during the EPS that the pump
was On.
Daily Energy Usage - Amount of energy used during a 24-hour period.
Daily Energy Use Cost - The cost of the energy used during
a 24-hour period, determined by the
calculated energy usage and the energy pricing pattern.
Daily Peak Power Cost - The cost associated with the Peak Demand
Charge, if applicable.
Total Daily Cost - The total cost accumulated during a 24-hour period.
This value is the total of the
Daily Energy Use Cost and the Daily Peak Demand Cost (if a peak demand
charge has been applied).
Note: The Energy Cost Results displayed here are not automatically
updated to reflect any input
data modifications when a new Extended Period Simulation is
calculated. The Energy Cost
Analysis must be recalculated in the Energy Cost Manager to update the
Peak Demand Summary Section
This section displays the following calculated results after performing
an Energy Cost Analysis:
Peak Power - Displays the peak energy usage, as calculated during the
extended period simulation.
This result is displayed even if Peak Demand Charges are not applied.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Peak Power Cost - Displays the energy cost as calculated during the
extended period simulation. If
no Peak Demand Charge has been applied to the associated Energy
Price Definition, this field will
display as zero.
Note: The Energy Cost Results displayed here are not automatically
updated to reflect any input
data modifications when a new Extended Period Simulation is
calculated. The Energy Cost
Analysis must be recalculated in the Energy Cost Manager to update the
Efficiency Summary Section
Water Power - The amount of energy transferred to the water by the
Wire to Water Efficiency - The ratio of the Water Power to the Wire
Wire Power - The amount of energy delivered to the pump motor.
Note: The Energy Cost Results displayed here are not automatically
updated to reflect any input
data modifications when a new Extended Period Simulation is
calculated. The Energy Cost
Analysis must be recalculated in the Energy Cost Manager to update the
6.4 Prototypes
6.4.1 Prototypes
Prototypes allow you to enter default values for the elements in your
network. These values are used while
laying out the network. Prototypes can reduce data entry requirements
dramatically if a group of network
elements share common data. For example, if a section of the network
contains all PVC pipes, use the pipe
prototype to set the Material field to PVC. When a new pipe is created,
its material attribute will default to
Note: Changes to the prototypes are not retroactive and will
not affect any elements created
prior to the change.

Tip: If a section of your system has distinctly different

characteristics than the rest of the system,
adjust your prototypes before laying out that section. This
will save time when you edit the
properties later.
You can configure the element prototypes at the beginning of a
new project during the Project Setup
Wizard. You can also select Tools\Prototypes to edit the prototypes for
the project at any time.
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

6.5 User Data Extension

6.5.1 User Data Extensions
User Data Extensions are a set of one or more fields that you can
define to hold data to be stored in the
model. The User Data Extension feature allows you to add your
own data fields to the project. For
instance, you can add a field for keeping track of the date of
installation for an element, or the type of area
serviced by a particular element.
User Data Extensions exhibit the same characteristics as the pre-defined
data used in and produced by the
model calculations. This means that User Data Extensions can be imported
or exported through database
and Shapefile connections, viewed and edited in FlexTables, included in
tabular reports or element detailed
reports, annotated in the drawing, color coded, and reported in the
detailed element reports. This data can
also be accessed on the User Data tab of each Element Editor dialog.
Note: The user data does not affect the hydraulic model
calculations. However, their behavior
concerning capabilities like editing, annotating, sorting and
database connections is identical to
any of the standard pre-defined attributes.
6.5.2 User Data Extension Dialog
The User Data Extension dialog holds a summary of the user
data extensions currently defined in the
project. In this dialog, there is a tab for each type of element. By
clicking a particular tab, you can access
the user data extensions currently defined for that type of
element. The software initially contains default
user data extensions, but these can be deleted or edited. Each
tab in the User Data Extension dialog is
composed of a table listing characteristics of the user data extensions
defined for that type of element. In
addition, there are a series of buttons that can be used to
add, edit, delete, and share individual user data
extensions. The table listing the user data extensions consists of the
following four columns:
Label - Description that will appear next to the field for
the user data extension, or as the column
heading if the data extension is selected to appear in a FlexTable.
Type - Lists the type of data that is valid for the data
extension. The available data types are
Date/Time, Number, Text, Memo, and Yes/No.
Unit / Picture - Contains the unit of each numeric data extension, or
the date and time presentation
format for Date/Time data extensions. Both the unit and the
date and time representations are
specified when you create the data extension. They can always
be modified by editing the data
Shared - If an asterisk appears in this column, it indicates
that the user data extension is shared
among two or more types of elements. See explanations on the
Existing Fields to Share With
dialog for more details.
The following list describes the four buttons that appear on the right
side of the table:
Add - Adds a new User Data Field. The User Field Specification dialog
will open when you click
this button. Here, you can define the properties of the user data
extension that you are adding.
Edit - You can edit an existing user data extension by
highlighting the data extension you wish to
edit and clicking this button. This will open the User Field
Specification dialog where you can
change the properties for that item.
Delete - You can delete a data extension by highlighting it
and clicking this button. If the data
extension you are deleting is shared among multiple types of elements, it
will only be removed from
the element type that you are currently editing. If you
remove a user data extension, all the
WaterCAD Users Guide

information contained in that field will be permanently removed.

Share - You can open the Existing Fields to Share With dialog by
clicking this button. Here, you
pick which of the available attributes defined for other types
of elements you would like to share
with the current type of element.
At the bottom of the User Data Extension dialog is a File button that
allows you to import or save a set of
user-defined data extensions. You can save the current configuration of
user data extensions for later use
by selecting File / Save, and specifying a file location and name.
The file extension for the files holding
the user data extension configurations is '.udx'. Select File
/ Import to merge the data extension
configurations defined in these files into the current project.
Importing a '.udx' file will not remove any of
the other data extensions defined in your project. User data extensions
that have the same name as those
already defined in your project will not be imported.
To access the User Data Extensions dialog, click Tools / User
Data Extensions from the pull-down
User Field Specification Dialog
The properties defining a user data extension can be viewed and
edited in the User Field Specification
dialog, which is composed of two tabs:
Type - Enter the user data specification.
Notes - Enter any notes related to the User Data Specification.
Type Tab
The Type tab is composed of two sections:
Type - Contains fields for entering the label for the user data
extension, as well as the data type.
Format - Contains fields for defining the specification of the
type of user data extension selected in the
Type section.
Type Section
The Type section contains fields for entering the label and data type for
the user data extension. The name
entered in the Label field corresponds with the User Data
Extension field on the User Data tab of the
Element Editor. This label will also be used as the column heading if
the user data extension is added to a
If you want the label to be displayed on multiple rows when
it is used as a column heading, you can use
forward slashes to specify the location of line breaks. When the label
is used as a field label in a dialog, the
forward slashes will be converted to spaces. In FlexTables, there is an
option to use abbreviated labels for
the column headings. If you want an alternative label to be displayed,
you can specify an abbreviated label
after the original label, and separate them by the bar symbol,
'|'. When the option to display abbreviated
labels is enabled in the FlexTables, this is the text that will be used
as the column heading. For instance, if
you specified the label 'Date/Installed | Date/Inst.' it will be
displayed in one of the following three ways,
depending on the location and options selected.

Field Label
Column heading with
abbreviated label option
Date Installed Date
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

You can select from five different types of data for the user data
extension from the drop-down list in the
Type field. An explanation of each is presented in the list below:
Date/Time - Use this data type when you want the values you are
entering to be in a standard date
and time format. This format can be more useful than storing date
information in a simple text field
because it allows the dates to be sorted correctly when they appear in a
Memo - If a user data extension is defined to be a memo, it will
appear as a scrolling text pane in the
User Memos section of the User Data tab in the Element Editor dialog.
Number - Use this data type for fields that contain numeric values.
You can specify a unit for the
information in this field. The values contained in this field
will then be automatically converted if
you change the unit for this field.
Text - Use this data type to create a single-line text field.
Yes/No - Use this data type to display the attribute as a check box to
represent true/false data.
Format Section
This section is enabled only if you select Date/Time or Number
in the Type section. Here is where you
define the properties governing the type of data selected.
Number Format - If the type of data you selected was numeric, you can
select a unit type (length, volume,
intensity, etc.), a unit, a display precision, and whether to
use scientific notation. There are no format
options for memo, text, and Yes/No data types.
Date/Time Type Format - If you selected the Date/Time type, you
can specify whether you would like
the date or time to appear first in the input field, as well as the
format of the date and time information. The
format in which the date and time information will be displayed can
either be selected from the drop-down
lists, or you can type your own custom format directly into the Date
Picture and Time Picture fields. If
one of these fields is left blank, the corresponding information will not
be displayed.
The Date/Time data type consists of an input and an output format. The
input format is a fixed format that
is determined by the regional settings on your computer.
Whenever you enter information into a
Date/Time field, the information must be entered according to the input
format. If it is not entered in the
proper input format, the value will simply revert to the original value.
The output format is simply a mask that defines the manner in which the
date and time information will be
displayed. It does not affect the way the date and time information can
be entered into a Date/Time field.
The output format can be edited as follows:
To specify dates with no leading zeros for single-digit days,
years, or months, use lowercase d,
lowercase y, or uppercase M.
To specify dates with leading zeros for single-digit days,
years, or months, use lowercase dd,
lowercase yy, or uppercase MM.
To specify abbreviations for the day, year, or month, use lowercase
ddd, lowercase yyy, or uppercase
To specify the full name of the day, year, or month, use
lowercase dddd, lowercase yyyy, or
uppercase MMMM.
If there are characters in the output format that do not map to valid
date or time information, then the actual
value of the character will be displayed. For example, if you wanted the
date to be displayed as June 15,
1998, you would define the format as 'MMMM d, yyyy'. Since the spaces
and comma do not map to any of
the date information, their actual values are displayed. To include a
piece of text that contains a character
that maps to the date or time information, use single quotation marks (')
around the text.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Notes Tab
This tab contains a text pane for entering notes about the current data
extension. The text entered here is
not displayed anywhere in the model, but allows you to keep records for a
particular data extension.
Existing Fields to Share With Dialog
This dialog allows you to choose which of the available attributes
defined for other types of elements you
want to share with the current type of element. The following sections
are available:
Available Items - Lists attributes defined for other element types
that have not already been shared
with the current type of element. In order to add attributes
to the current element type, highlight
them and click the Add button to transfer them to the Selected Items
Selected Items - The attributes in the Selected Items list will be
added to the current element after
you click the OK button.
All the characteristics (such as data type, format, unit, and
display precision) for a particular user data
extension are the same for all the elements that share it. This is
useful when the attribute you are adding
needs to be the same for all the element types for which it
is defined. For instance, if you have a Date
Installed field for every element, sharing guarantees that the date
format is the same for every element and
will appear in a single FlexTable column. If, at a later point, you
decide the date should be in a different
format, you can change the format for one type of element.
That change will filter through to all the
elements that share that attribute.
6.6 Zone Manager
6.6.1 Zone Manager
The zone manager allows you to manipulate zones quickly and easily.
Zones listed in the Zone Manager
can be associated with each nodal element using the Element
Editors, Prototypes, or FlexTables. This
manager includes a list of all of the available zones and standard
manager features, such as:
Add - Add a new zone to the zone list.
Edit - Make changes to an existing zone.
Duplicate - Create a copy of an existing zone.
Delete - Delete an existing zone.
Note: A Zone cannot be deleted if it is referenced by any element.
To open the Zone Manager dialog, choose Zones from the Analysis menu.
6.6.2 Zone Dialog
The zone dialog allows you to name the zone label. When a zone is named,
the junctions are automatically
assigned the new name. The zone dialog contains pertinent information,
Label - Required name to identify the zone.
Notes - Optional input describing the zone.
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Element Editors

In addition to this information, there are also buttons that enable you
to make changes to the collection of
elements in the zone, such as adding elements to the zone.
Note: Only one zone can reference an element. If you add an
element to a zone, the element is
automatically removed from the zone that it was previously in.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Chapter 7


7.1 Tabular Reporting Overview

FlexTables provide you with a powerful data management tool that
can be used to edit input data and
present output data in a quick, efficient manner. Haestad
Methods provides you with default element
tables. However, these tables can be customized to fit your particular
needs. You can also create your own
tables combining various input and output data for different
model elements. You can use FlexTables to
view all elements in the network, all elements of a specific type (e.g.
all pipes), or any subset of elements.
Additionally, tables can be filtered, globally edited, and sorted to ease
data input and present output data for
specific elements.
FlexTables may also be used for creating results reports that can be
sent to a printer, a file, the Windows
clipboard, or copied to your favorite word processing and spreadsheet
7.2 Table Manager
7.2.1 Table Manager
The Table Manager provides support for creating, opening, and managing
tables. Although the predefined
tables provide access to most of the network element
information, it is sometimes practical to present
model results and input data through user-defined tables. The
Table Management button provides the
following tools for manipulating user-defined tables:
OK - Open the selected table.
Close - Exit the Table Manager dialog without opening a table.
Table Management / New - Create a new table using the
Create New Table and Table Setup
Table Management / Edit - Modify the layout of the selected table
using the Table Setup dialog.
Table Management / Rename - Rename the selected table.
Table Management / Duplicate - Duplicate the selected table for
additional customization. This is
a very useful feature when you need to make changes to a predefined
Chapter 7 - FlexTables

Table Management / Delete - Delete the selected table.

Table Management / Reset - Reset a tables units to the
current unit system or reset a predefined
table to factory defaults.
Notes: You cannot rename or delete the predefined tables that come with
this software.
When you choose to print a table, the table name will be used as the
title for the printed report.
You can change the report title by renaming the table.
The predefined tables may need to be modified in certain
situations to have them properly
display the desired data. For instance, if you set up a
project and choose the Mannings friction
method, the default Pipe Report will still display a Hazen Williams C
column, which will contain
no data. The proper column must be added by Editing the table.
To access the Table Manager, select the Tabular Reports button
on the main toolbar, or choose
Report / Tables from the pull-down menu.
7.2.2 Creating New Tables
To create a new table, open the Table Manager by clicking the
Tabular Reports button on the
main toolbar, or by choosing Report / Tables from the pull-down
menu. In the Table Manager dialog,
click the Table Management button and select New.
Specify the Table Type to indicate the type of network elements you
want to display in your table.
Specify either a one or two row display for your table (in SewerCAD or
Enter the name of your new table in the Enter the description for this
table: field. This name will
also be used as the report title when this table is printed.
Click OK to accept these settings and proceed to the Table Setup
dialog where you can define your
7.2.3 Editing Tables
The Edit option allows you to modify the list of attributes that will
appear in your table.
Note: The predefined tables may need to be modified in certain
situations to have them properly
display the desired data. For instance, if you set up a
project and choose the Mannings friction
method, the default Pipe Report will still display a Hazen Williams C
column, which will contain
no data. The proper column must be added by Editing the table.
7.2.4 Duplicating Tables
The Duplicate option allows you to create a new table based on an
existing table.
7.2.5 Deleting Tables
The Delete option allows you to delete any table that you have defined.
You cannot delete the predefined
WaterCAD Users Guide

7.2.6 Renaming Tables

The Rename option allows you to change the name of any table that you
have defined. You cannot rename
any of the predefined tables.
Note: The table name will be used as the title in printed reports. You
cannot rename any of the
predefined tables. If you need to rename a predefined table, duplicate
it first and then rename it.
7.2.7 Resetting Tables
Reset Units to the Current Unit System - This option is only available
for tables that are in Local Units
mode. Local Units mode allows the table to maintain its own "local" set
of column properties, such as units
and precision. Use this option to reset all units in the
selected table to the defaults for the current unit
system, which refers to the units used in the current project. You will
be prompted to confirm before this
action is performed.
Reset to Factory Defaults - You can reset any of the predefined tables to
the factory defaults. This option
is not available for tables that you create.
To reset units to the current unit system select Table Management / Reset
/ Reset Units to <the current
Unit System> in the Table Manager.
To reset the table to factory defaults select Table Management / Reset /
Reset to Factory Defaults in
the Table Manager.
7.3 Table Setup Dialog
7.3.1 Table Setup Dialog
The Table Setup dialog allows you to customize any table through the
following options:
Table Type - Allows you to specify the type of network elements that
will appear in the table. For
example, only pipes will appear in a "pipe" table.
Available Columns - Contains all the attributes that are
available for your table design. These
attributes will change based on the Table Type field.
Pick Button - You can click on this button to access the
categorized Quick Attribute Selector for
selecting columns to be added to the tabular report. The selected column
will be highlighted in the
Available Columns Window to be easily added to the Selected Columns as
seen fit.
Selected Columns - Contains attributes that will appear in your
custom designed table. When you
open the table, the selected attributes will appear as columns in the
table in the same order that they
appear in the list. You can drag and drop or use the up and down buttons
to change the order of the
attributes in the table.
Allow Duplicate Columns - An advanced feature that allows you
to place two or more identical
columns in the same table and set them to different unit systems.
Column manipulation buttons - Allows you to select or deselect columns
to be used in the table, as
well as to arrange the order in which the columns will appear.

Chapter 7 - FlexTables

Note: The number next to the Selected Columns label indicates the number
of columns that will
appear in your table.
To access Table Setup from the Table Manager, highlight the
desired table and select Edit from the
Table Management menu button.
7.3.2 Table Type
The Table Type field allows you to specify the types of
elements that will appear in the table. It also
provides a filter for the attributes that appear in the
Available Columns list. When you choose a table
type, the available list will only contain attributes that can be used
for that table type. For example, only
pipe attributes will be available for a "pipe" table.
7.3.3 Available Table Columns
The Available Columns list is located on the left side of the Table Setup
dialog. This list contains all of
the attributes that are available for the type of table you
are creating. The attributes displayed in yellow
represent non-editable attributes, while those displayed in white
represent editable attributes.
7.3.4 Selected Table Columns
The Selected Columns list is located on the right-hand side of the Table
Setup dialog. The attributes in
this list will appear as columns in the table when it is opened. The
columns will appear in the same order
as the attributes in the selected list.
To add columns to the Selected Columns list:
Select one or more attributes in the Available Columns list.
Click the Add button [>] or drag and drop the highlighted attributes
to the Selected Columns list.
7.3.5 Table Manipulation Buttons
The Add and Remove buttons are located in the center of the Table Setup
[ > ] Adds the selected item(s) from the Available Columns list to the
Selected Columns list.
[ >> ] Adds all of the items in the Available Columns list to the
Selected Columns list.
[ < ] Removes the selected item(s) from the Selected Columns list.
[ << ] Removes all items from the Selected Columns list.
To rearrange the order of the attributes in the Selected Columns list:
Highlight the item to be moved.
Move it up or down in the list by clicking the up or down button
located below the Selected Columns
list, or by simply dragging it to the desired location.
Note: You can select multiple attributes in the Available Columns list
by holding down the Shift
key or the Control key while clicking with the mouse. Holding
down the Shift key will provide
group selection behavior. Holding down the Control key will
provide single element selection
WaterCAD Users Guide

Note: The items displayed in yellow represent non-editable

columns (e.g. columns that contain
calculated data) while those in white represent editable columns (e.g.
columns that contain input
7.3.6 Allow Duplicate Columns
Set this check box to allow duplicate columns in a table. Allow
Duplicate Columns is an advanced feature
that allows you to place two identical columns in the same table and set
them to different unit systems.
7.4 Table Window
7.4.1 The Table Window
The Table window is where you will perform most of your data input and
review. It has many features to
assist you with data entry, data formatting, report
customization, and output generation. To access the
Table window, highlight a table in the Table Manager, and click
OK. Here are some of the topics that
will be covered in this section:
Table Navigation
Table Customization
Sorting Tables
Filtering Tables
Changing Column Headings
Globally Editing Data
Include Inactive Topology
Local vs. Synchronized Units
Mixing Units in a Tabular Report
Abbreviated Labels
Changing Column Display Properties
File (Export Table to ASCII File)
Table Copy to Clipboard
Table Print
Table Print Preview
See the Glossary for information regarding the definitions of the columns
in the Table window.
Chapter 7 - FlexTables

Note: Use the Scenario control located at the top of the Table Window to
quickly view the data
for different scenarios.
To access the Table window, open the Table Manager, highlight
the table you wish to open, and click
7.4.2 Editing Tables
Editable Table Columns
Editable table columns correspond to input data that you can change. The
values in these columns can be
modified either directly or through the Global Edit option.
These columns are displayed with a white
Non-editable table columns are displayed with a yellow
background, and correspond to model results
calculated by the program and composite values.
Table Navigation
The Table window supports two modes: Table Navigation Mode and Cell
Navigation Mode. By pressing
the F2 key, you can toggle between them.
Table Navigation Mode
The Arrow keys, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, Ctrl+<arrow> keys navigate to
different cells in a table. Table
Navigation Mode is the default mode when editing a table. To edit within
a single cell of a table, press the
F2 key to switch to Cell Navigation Mode.
Cell Navigation Mode (Edit Mode)
In Cell Navigation Mode, the Arrow keys, Home, and End keys navigate
within a single cell. When Cell
Navigation Mode is active, the word "EDIT" will appear on the status
pane at the bottom of the window.
Cell Navigation Mode will automatically terminate when you press any key
except for Left, Right, Home,
End, Delete, or Backspace.
Globally Editing Data
You can globally change the values of any editable column in a
table. Right-click the column that you
wish to globally change and choose the Global Edit menu item.
For numeric columns:
Choose the operation to be performed: Add, Divide, Multiply, Set, or
Enter the value you wish to use.
Click OK, and the values in the entire column will be updated to
reflect this change.
For non-numeric columns:
Enter the new value.
Click OK, and the values in the entire column will be updated to
reflect this change.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Note: Global Edit is available only for editable columns.

Global Edit is not available in 2-row
tables (in SewerCAD or StormCAD). You can use Global Edit in
conjunction with Filtering to
globally edit a subset of elements.
7.4.3 Sorting/Filtering Tables
Sorting Tables
Tables can be sorted based on a single column or multiple columns.
Custom Sort
You can sort elements in the table based on one or more columns, in
ascending or descending order. For
example, the following table is given:
Slope (ft/ft) Depth (ft) Discharge (cfs)
0.001 1 4.11
0.002 1 5.81
0.003 1 7.12
0.001 2 13.43
0.002 2 19.00
0.003 2 23.27

A custom sort is set up to sort first by Slope, then by Depth, in

ascending order. The resulting table would
appear in the following order:
Slope (ft/ft) Depth (ft) Discharge (cfs)
0.001 1 4.11
0.001 2 13.43
0.002 1 5.81
0.002 2 19.00
0.003 1 7.12
0.003 2 23.27
To access the custom sort capability, open the table you wish to sort.
Then, right-click a column label and
select Sort / Custom.
Filtering Tables
To access the filtering operations, use the Options button at the top of
the Table window (in the case of a
FlexTable), or right-click the column header by which you wish to
filter. Filters allow you to change the
table so only rows that match the specified criteria will appear.
Quick Filter - Set up a simple filter by right-clicking the column by
which you wish to filter.
Custom Filter - Set up a custom filter based on one or more criterion.
Reset - Turn off the active filter, causing all available rows in the
table to be displayed.

Chapter 7 - FlexTables

Tip: Another way to select which elements are displayed in

the table consists of first selecting
elements, either graphically, or by using the Selection Set
tool. Then, right-click any of the
selected elements and choose Edit Group from the pop-up menu that
appears. This will display
the Table Manager dialog. Only the selected elements will appear in any
of the tables you open
at this point.
When you perform a Quick Filter or a Custom Filter, the Filter dialog
will open allowing you to specify
your filtering criterion.
Each filter criterion is made up of three items:
Column - The attribute to filter.
Operator - The operator to use when comparing the filter
value against the data in the specific
column (operators include: =, >, >=, <, <=, <>, Contains, and Begins
Note: The new filtering options Contains and Begins With allow
more flexibility with regard to
filtering tables. These filters are only available for Column Types that
have alphabetic values, for
example Label or Zone. The Contains filter checks for the specified value
anywhere in the word(s),
and the Begins With filter checks only the first letter for the specified
Value - The comparison value.
Any number of criterion elements can be added to a filter.
Multiple filter criterion are implicitly joined
with a logical "AND" statement. When multiple filter criterion are
defined, only rows that meet all of the
specified criteria will be displayed. A filter will remain
active for the associated table until the filter is
The status pane at the bottom of the Table window always shows
the number of rows displayed and the
total number of rows available (e.g. "10 of 20 elements displayed").
When a filter is active, this message
will appear in a highlighted color.
Table filtering allows you to perform global editing on any
subset of elements. Only the elements that
appear in the filtered table will be edited.
7.4.4 Table Customization
There are several ways to customize tables to meet a variety of output
Changing the Report Title - When you print a table, the
table name is used as the title for the
printed report. You can change the title that appears on your
printed report by renaming the table,
using the Table Manager.
Adding/Removing Columns - You can add, remove, and change the order of
columns by using the
Table Setup dialog. Use the Table Manager to access the Table Setup
Drag/Drop Column Placement - With the Table window open,
select the column that you would
like to move by holding down the left mouse button on its
column heading. Drag the column
heading to the left or right, and release the mouse button to drop the
column into its new location.
Resizing Columns - With the Table window open, place your pointer over
the vertical separator line
between column headings. Notice that the cursor changes shape
to indicate that you can resize.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse to the left or right
to "stretch" the column to its
new size. When you are satisfied, release the mouse button to set the
new column width.
Changing Column Display Properties - With the Table window
open, right-click in the heading
area of the column you wish to change and choose the Properties menu
item. The current column
WaterCAD Users Guide

properties will be displayed in the Set Field Options dialog. Refer to

the section on Local Units for
additional information.
Changing Column Headings - With the Table window open, right-
click the column heading that
you wish to change and choose Edit Column Label. Refer to
section on Changing Column
Headings for additional information.
Changing Column Headings
To change the label of any column in the Table window, right-click the
column heading that you wish to
change and choose Edit Column Label from the context menu. The backslash
character (\) can be used to
insert a line-break wherever you want the title to be split into multiple
lines. If you enter an empty label,
the column heading will be restored to the default label.
Abbreviated Labels
Using label abbreviations will allow columns to take up less
space. This will permit more data to fit on
each page when printing a report. If you wish to define an abbreviated
label, right-click the desired column
heading and choose Edit Column Label. In the Label dialog,
separate the abbreviated label from the
default label with the '|' symbol, located above the backslash
(\) on most keyboards. For example, to use
the abbreviation L for the Length column, type Length|L in the
field provided. When the Use Label
Abbreviations option is toggled on, the abbreviated label will appear.
To toggle the Use Label Abbreviations option on and off, select Options \
Use Abbreviated Labels from
the Table window.
Changing Column Display Properties
You can change the display properties (e.g. units, precision) of any
numeric column in the Table window.
Right-click the label of the column that you wish to change, and select
Properties from the pop-up menu.
This opens the Set Field Options dialog, where you can change the display
properties of the column.
Local vs Synchronized Units
Use the Options button at the top of the Table window to access the Use
Local Units menu item. Click
the menu item to toggle between Local Units and Synchronized Units. A
check mark will appear next to
the Use Local Units menu item to indicate that Local Units mode is
active. Otherwise, Synchronized Units
mode is active.
Synchronized Units - This is the default mode that allows
the table to stay synchronized with the
active project. If you have one project in US Customary and one project
in SI units, the Table will
match the units in the project that is currently open.
Local Units - Local Units mode allows the table to maintain its own
"local" set of column properties
(units, precision, etc). This is a powerful feature that gives
you the ability to build tables that are
always in a fixed unit system, no matter what unit system the active
project is currently using. This
is useful for printing reports in different unit systems.
When the Table window is open, the current unit synchronization mode
is displayed in the status pane at
the bottom of the window.
Mixing Units in a Tabular Report
This software allows for duplicate columns in a table, thus giving you
the ability to display an attribute in
different units.
For example, to see two "Pipe Length" columns in a Table, one in feet and
one in meters:
Open the Table Manager.
Chapter 7 - FlexTables

Click the Table Management button, and select New to create a new
Select the Pipe Table Type from the choice list, and enter a name for
your new table. Click OK and
you will be taken to the Table Setup dialog where you can customize your
In the Table Setup dialog, activate the Allow Duplicate
Columns check box located at the lower
left corner of the dialog.
Add the Length column to the Selected Columns list.
Note: The Length column will still appear in the Available Columns list,
but will be displayed in
a lighter color, indicating that it has already been selected.
Add the Length column again.
Click OK to close the Table Setup dialog. From the Table
Manager, highlight the table you
have just created, and click OK.
Click the Options button at the top of the window and select the Use
Local Units menu item to
turn Local Units on. You will be prompted to verify that you want to use
local units. Click Yes.
Right-click the first Length column and select Length Properties to
set the units in the column to
"ft." Then, right-click the second Length column to set the units to
7.4.5 Table Output
File (Export Table to ASCII File)
You may export the data shown in the Table window to an ASCII
text file in either tab or comma-
delimited format.
To export a table to an ASCII File format, select File\Export Data and
either Tab Delimited or Comma
Delimited from the Table window.
Table Copy to Clipboard
The Copy button at the top of the Table window allows you to
copy tab delimited data to the Windows
clipboard. Tab delimited data can be pasted directly into your
favorite spreadsheet program or word
Table Print
The Print button at the top of the Table window is used to output the
table directly to the printer.
Table Print Preview
Click the Print Preview button at the top of the Table window to view the
report in the format that will be
Note: Using label abbreviations will allow some columns to be
narrower, permitting more data
to fit on each page. Use the Options button at the top of the Table
window to access this option.
Printing with landscape orientation will also allow more columns
to fit on a single page. From
the Print Preview window, use the Options \ Print Setup menu item to
access orientation.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Chapter 8


8.1 Overview
The scenario management feature allows you to easily analyze and
recall an unlimited number of "What
If?" calculations for your model. The powerful two-level
design, which uses Scenarios that contain
Alternatives, gives you precise control over changes to the model,
while eliminating any need to input or
maintain redundant data.
We have worked hard to devise a system that offers the power
and flexibility that you demand, with the
ease of use that you have come to expect from us. If you are like most
users, you will want to jump right in
without having to spend a lot of time reading. When you are ready to
create your first scenario, you will
find that you will be able to accomplish what you want easily and
The Scenario Wizard is designed to get you started quickly,
while slowly exposing you to the power
behind scenarios and alternatives.
When you are ready to model more complex scenarios, you will
appreciate the power and flexibility
provided by the various scenario management features.
If you are a beginning user, try the Scenario Wizard and run
the Scenario tutorial. Also, refer to the
Scenario Management Reference Guide in Appendix D. Be sure to read about
Alternatives, and investigate
the Alternatives Manager dialog.
8.2 Alternatives
8.2.1 Alternatives
Alternatives are the building blocks behind scenarios. They are
categorized data sets that create scenarios
when placed together. Alternatives hold the input data in the form of
records. A record holds the data for a
particular element in your system. The different types of alternatives
are as follows:
Active Topology
Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives

Initial Settings
Logical Control Set
Fire Flow
Capital Cost
Energy Cost
User Data
The exact properties of each alternative are discussed in their
respective sections. By breaking up
alternatives into these different types, we give you the ability to mix
different alternatives any way that you
want within any given scenario.
Scenarios are composed of alternatives, as well as other calculation
options, allowing you to compute and
compare the results of various changes to your system.
Alternatives can vary independently within
scenarios, and can be shared between scenarios.
There are two kinds of alternatives: Base alternatives and Child
alternatives. Base alternatives contain
local data for all elements in your system. Child alternatives
inherit data from base alternatives, or even
other child alternatives, and contain data for one or more
elements in your system. The data within an
alternative consists of data inherited from its parent, and the data
altered specifically by you (local data).
When you first set up your system, the data that you enter is stored in
the various base alternative types. If
you wish to see how your system will behave, for example, by
increasing the diameter of a few select
pipes, you can create a child alternative to accomplish that. You can
make another child alternative with
even larger diameters, and another with smaller diameters. There is no
limit to the number of alternatives
that you can create.
Scenarios allow you to specify the alternatives you wish to
analyze. In combination with scenarios, you
can perform calculations on your system to see what effect each
alternative will have. Once you have
determined an alternative that works best for your system, you
can permanently merge changes from the
preferred alternative to the base alternative if you wish.
Remember that all data inherited from the base alternative will
be changed when the base alternative
changes. Only local data specific to a child alternative will remain
8.2.2 Alternatives Manager
The Alternatives Manager is the central location for managing the
alternatives in your project. It allows
you to edit, create, and manage the various types of
alternatives. It also gives you more advanced
capabilities, such as merging alternatives and creating child
The available alternatives of each type are conveniently
organized in a list on the left side of the dialog.
The network element data is grouped into the following types:
Active Topology
WaterCAD Users Guide

Initial Settings
Logical Control Set
Fire Flow
Capital Cost
Energy Cost
User Data
On the right side of the dialog are a number of buttons that provide
functions for managing the alternatives.
The following list provides a brief description of the function of each
of these buttons.
Add - Create a new base alternative, first prompting for a name, and
then opening an Alternatives editor.
Base alternatives are initialized with the first data set entered either
in tables or specific element dialogs.
Add Child - Create a new child alternative that inherits from the
selected alternative. This allows you to
automatically share the majority of the records from a parent
alternative, while modifying only selected
records in the child alternative.
Edit - Open the tabular record editor for the selected alternative. This
tabular record contains all the values
that are used by the selected alternative.
Merge - Moves all records from the selected child alternative into its
parent alternative, and then removes
the selected alternative. The records in the selected alternative will
replace the corresponding records in the
parent. This is helpful when you have been experimenting with
changes in a child alternative, and you
want to permanently apply those changes to the parent alternative. All
other alternatives that inherit data
from that parent alternative will reflect these changes.
Rename - Rename an existing alternative. This invokes an in-place editor
in the tree view of the available
alternatives. Make the desired changes to the existing name and press
the Enter key
Duplicate - Create a new alternative filled with records copied
from the selected alternative. Use this if
you wish to copy the data from an alternative, but not create
a child. The two alternatives will be
Delete - Remove the selected alternative and its records. Deleting an
alternative will also delete all of the
input data associated with that alternative.
Report - Generate a Print Preview of a summary report of the selected
alternative, all alternatives, or the
selected alternative and all of its children in that hierarchy.
Notes: You will not be allowed to merge or delete an
alternative that is referenced by one or
more scenarios. When you attempt to perform the operation, you will be
provided with a list of
the scenarios that reference the alternative.
If you are attempting to merge an alternative that is
referenced, you will need to edit the
scenario(s) that references the child alternative that you are
merging from, and make them
reference the parent alternative that you are merging to. Use
the Scenario Manager window to
edit the scenario(s), and the Alternatives tab to make the scenario point
to the parent alternative.
Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives

To access the Alternatives Manager, select Analysis\Alternatives from the

pull-down menu.
8.2.3 Alternatives Editor
The Alternatives Editor displays all of the records held by a single
alternative. These records contain the
values that are active when a scenario referencing this alternative is
active. They allow you to view all of
the changes that you have made for a single alternative. They also allow
you to eliminate changes that you
no longer need.
There is one editor for each alternative type. Each type of editor works
basically the same, and allows you
to make changes to a different aspect of your system. The
first column contains check boxes, which
indicate the records that have been changed in this alternative.
If the box is checked, the record on that line has been modified and
the data is local, or specific, to
this alternative.
If the box is not checked, it means that the record on that line is
inherited from its higher-level parent
alternative. Inherited records are dynamic. If the record is changed in
the parent, the change will be
reflected in the child. The records on these rows reflect the
corresponding values in the alternatives
Notes: As you make changes to records, the check box will automatically
become checked. If you
want to reset a record to its parent's values, simply uncheck the
corresponding check box.
Many columns support Global Editing, allowing you to change all
values in a single column.
Right-click a column header to access the Global Edit option.
The checkbox column will be disabled when you edit a base alternative.
To access the Alternatives Editor for a particular alternative, select
Analysis\Alternatives from the pull-
down menu to activate the Alternatives Manager. Select the desired
alternative tab, choose the alternative
you would like to edit, and click the Edit button.
8.2.4 Physical Alternative
One of the most common uses of a water distribution model is the design
of new or replacement facilities.
During design, it is common to try several physical alternatives in an
effort to find the most cost effective
solution. For example, when designing a replacement pipeline, it
would be beneficial to try several sizes
and pipe materials to find the most satisfactory combination.
Our powerful Alternative Manager allows
you to set up an unlimited number of design alternatives and apply them
in different scenarios.
Each type of network element has a specific set of physical
properties that are stored in a physical
properties alternative, as listed below:
Pipe Physical Properties
Pump Physical Properties
Valve Physical Properties
GPV Physical Properties
Junction Physical Properties
Reservoir Physical Properties
Tank Physical Properties
WaterCAD Users Guide

Physical Alternative Editor for Pipes

The Physical Alternative editor for pipes is used to create various data
sets for the physical characteristics
of pipes. The following columns are available:
Material - Type of material from which the pipe is constructed (e.g.
Ductile Iron, PVC, Steel).
Diameter - Internal diameter of the pipe. The nominal
diameter of the pipe is commonly used in
water distribution modeling with little practical impact.
Roughness - A measure of the pipes internal roughness, based on the
chosen friction method.
Minor Loss Coefficient -Appurtenances such as valves, bends,
and tees contribute to local flow
disturbances resulting in energy loss. Click the ellipsis () button to
edit the composite minor loss
element for the pipe.
Check Valve - True or false status indicating the presence of a check
Physical Alternative Editor for Pumps
The Physical Alternative editor for pumps is used to create various data
sets for the physical characteristics
of pumps, which consist of the following:
Label - The label for the pump. This label is not editable in this
Elevation - Elevation of the pump, typically measured from the Mean
Sea Level.
Pump Type - The attributes that define the pump's operating
characteristics. Click this field, then
click the ellipsis () button to edit the parameters for the active pump
Variable Speed Pump? - This column contains a checkbox for each pump
in the model. If the box is
checked, the pump is a Variable Speed pump; if the box is unchecked, it
is not.
VSP Type - This column is only editable when the Variable Speed Pump?
Box is checked for the
pump in question. When the field is activated, it consists of
a pulldown menu that allows you to
select whether the VSP type is Pattern Based or Fixed Head, and an
ellipsis button that allows you
change the settings for the variable speed pump.
Efficiency Type - This field consists of a pulldown menu
that allows you to select whether the
Efficiency type is Best Efficiency Point, Constant Efficiency, or
Multiple Efficiency Point, and an
ellipsis button that allows you change the efficiency settings.
Physical Alternative Editor for Valves
The Physical Alternative editor for valves used to create various data
sets for the physical characteristics of
valves. The following columns are available for all types of valve:
Elevation - Elevation of the valve, typically measured from the Mean
Sea Level.
Diameter - The internal diameter of the valve. The nominal diameter of
the valve is commonly used
in water distribution modeling with little practical impact.
Minor Loss Coefficient - The wide-open minor loss coefficient. Click
the ellipsis () button to edit
the Minor Loss Library.
Physical Alternative Editor for GPVs
The Physical Alternative editor for GPVs is used to create various data
sets for the physical characteristics
of General Purpose Valves. The following columns are available:
Label - The label for the valve. The Label is not editable in this
Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives

Elevation - Elevation of the valve, typically measured from the Mean

Sea Level.
Diameter - The internal diameter of the valve. The nominal diameter of
the valve is commonly used
in water distribution modeling with little practical impact.
Minor Loss Coefficient - The wide-open minor loss coefficient. Click
the ellipsis () button to edit
the Minor Loss Library.
Headloss Curve - This column contains an Edit button for
each GPV in the model. Clicking this
button opens the "Curve" dialog, which allows you to input the
Headloss-Discharge points for that
particular GPV.
Physical Alternative Editor for Junctions
The Physical Alternative editor for Pressure Junctions is used
to create various data sets for the physical
characteristics of junctions, which consist of the following:
Elevation - Elevation of the junction, typically measured from the
Mean Sea Level.
Zone - Specify the zone the junction belongs to. You may click the
ellipsis () button to access the
Zone Manager, which allows you to edit or add zones.
Emitter Coefficient - Input the emitter coefficient for the
corresponding junction.
Physical Alternative Editor for Reservoirs
The Physical Alternative editor for reservoirs is used to create
various data sets for the physical
characteristics of reservoirs, which consist of the following:
Elevation -Elevation of the reservoir, typically measured from the
Mean Sea Level.
HGL Pattern - Displays the hydraulic grade line pattern that
is currently in effect (if any- if no
pattern is selected, this box will display "Fixed"). This box
consists of a pull-down which lists the
available patterns, and an ellipsis button which, when clicked,
opens the Pattern Manager to allow
you to edit or create a pattern.
Zone - Specify the zone the tank belongs to. You may
click the ellipsis () button to access the
Zone Manager, which allows you to edit or add zones.
Physical Alternative Editor for Tanks
The Physical Alternative editor for tanks is used to create various data
sets for the physical characteristics
of tanks. The following columns are available:
Elevation - Ground elevation of the tank.
Base Elevation - The vertical distance of the tanks base above a
known datum. Typically, Mean Sea
Level is the datum used. The base elevation is the elevation from which
all tank levels are computed.
Minimum Elevation (or Level) - This is the lowest possible water
surface elevation for the tank. If
the tank drains below this level, it will shut off from the system.
Maximum Elevation (or Level) - This is the highest possible water
surface elevation for the tank. If
the tank fills above this level, it will shut off from the system.
Section - The physical parameters that define the tank cross
sectional geometry. There are two (2)
types of tank sections, Constant Area and Variable Area. Click this
field, then click the ellipsis ()
button to edit the parameters for the active tank section type.
Zone - Specify the zone the tank belongs to. You may
click the ellipsis () button to access the
Zone Manager, which allows you to edit or add zones.
WaterCAD Users Guide

8.2.5 Active Topology Alternative

The Active Topology Alternative is a new feature (added in v5)
that allows you to temporarily remove
areas of the network from the current analysis. This is useful
for comparing the effect of proposed
construction and to gauge the effectiveness of redundancy that may be
present in the system.
The Active Topology dialog is divided into tabs for each element type:
Pressure Pipe
For each tab, the same setup applies- the tables are divided into three
columns. The first column displays
whether the data is Base or Inherited, the second column is
the element Label, and the third column
allows you to choose whether or not the corresponding element is Active
in the current alternative.
To make an element Inactive in the current alternative, simply uncheck
the box in the Active? column that
corresponds to that elements Label.
8.2.6 Demand Alternative
The Demand Alternative allows you to model the response of the
pipe network to different sets of
demands, such as the current demand and the year 2010 demand.
The demand alternative table includes the following columns:
Label - Identifying label of the junction element.
Type - Demand type, Demand or Inflow. Direct editing of this item is
disabled if the junction has
multiple demands (see Demand Summary below).
Base Flow - Hydraulic load attributed to the junction for Steady-State
Analysis, or the hydraulic load
before applying the Pattern time step multiplier used for Extended Period
Analysis. If the junction
has multiple demands, this field displays a single "calculated"
Baseline Load, and direct editing of
the field is disabled (see Demand Summary below).
Pattern - Name of the Pattern that applies the time-step
multiplier to the Baseline Load if the
junction has multiple demands. Direct editing is disabled and
the pattern name is shown as
Demand Summary - A summary displaying the calculated Baseline Load,
the EPS Pattern applied
to the Baseline Load, and the calculated demand Type (Demand or
Inflow) for the junction.
Clicking twice on a Demand Summary opens an editing dialog for
working with multiple demands
on a junction.
On the right side of this dialog, there is also an Import button.
Clicking this button allows you to choose an
ASCII tab-delimited text file from which to import demands. More
information on this procedure can be
found in the Importing Demands topic.

Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives

Note: Setting up multiple demand alternatives makes it possible

to easily manage different
loading conditions for any network. For example, an "Average
Day" demand alternative
contains the average demands for each junction in the network,
and a "Peak Day" demand
alternative contains the peak demands for each junction in the
network. The Alternative
Manager allows you to create any number of demand alternatives.

Tip: This program allows multiple demands to be attributed to a single

8.2.7 Initial Settings Alternative
The following types of network elements have initial settings:
Pressure Valves
FCVs (Flow Control Valves)
TCVs (Throttle Control Valves)
GPV's (General Purpose Vales)
Initial Settings Alternative Editor for Pipes
The Initial Settings Alternative for pipes is used to specify if the pipe
status is initially Open or Closed.
Initial Settings Alternative Editor for Pumps
The Pump Initial Settings Alternative editor allows you to analyze
various initial settings for pumps.
The fields for each record are as follows:
Status - Indicates whether the pump is initially On or Off.
Relative Speed Factor - Determines the initial speed of the
pump impeller relative to the speed at
which the pump curve is defined.
Initial Settings Alternative Editor for Tanks
The Tank Initial Settings Alternative editor allows you to
analyze various water surface elevations
(hydraulic grades) in your tank at the beginning of the simulation.
Initial Settings Alternative Editor for Pressure Valves
The Pressure Valve Initial Settings Alternative editor allows you
to analyze various initial settings for
pressure valves (Pressure Breaker, Pressure Reducer, and Pressure
Sustaining Valves).
The fields for each record are as follows:
Valve Status - Indicates whether the pressure valve is
initially Active, Inactive (wide-open), or
WaterCAD Users Guide

Hydraulic Grade / Pressure - Initial setting for the valve. Depending

on the input mode, the setting
is entered and displayed in terms of hydraulic grade or pressure.
Initial Settings Alternative Editor for FCVs
The FCV Initial Settings Alternative editor allows you to analyze various
initial settings for Flow Control
The fields for each record are as follows:
Valve Status - Indicates whether the FCV is initially Active,
Inactive, or Closed.
Discharge - Initial flow setting for the valve.
Initial Settings Alternative Editor for TCVs
The TCV Initial Settings Alternative editor allows you to
analyze various initial settings for Throttle
Control Valves.
The fields for each record are as follows:
Valve Status - Indicates whether the TCV is initially Active,
Inactive, or Closed.
Headloss Coefficient - Initial headloss coefficient for the valve.
Initial Settings Alternative Editor for GPVs
The GPV Initial Settings Alternative allows you to choose
whether the valve will be initially Active or
The only available input field for GPVs is as follows:
Valve Status - Indicates whether the GPV is initially Active or
Note: There is no Inactive setting for GPVs. When the valve is active,
the associated headlosses
will be applied as determined by the values entered into the GPVs Head-
Discharge Points Table.
8.2.8 Operational Alternative
The Operational Alternative allows you to specify controls on pressure
pipes, pumps, as well as valves The
Controlled field contains a Boolean (true or false) statement that
indicates whether the network element is
controlled. Clicking in this field activates a button that allows you to
access the Controls dialog and edit
the controls for this element.
8.2.9 Logical Control Set Alternative
The Logical Control Set Alternative allows you to create, modify
and manage both Logical Controls and
Logical Control Sets. The following options are available in this dialog:
Add - Prompts for a name, then opens the Logical Control Set editor
dialog. From this window, you
can add previously created Logical Controls to the new control set.
Edit - Opens the Logical Control Set editor dialog, which allows you
to Edit the highlighted control
Duplicate - Prompts for a name, then opens the Logical
Control Set editor to allow you to add or
remove controls from the control set.
Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives

Delete - Deletes the highlighted control set. You will be prompted to

confirm this action.
Rename - Allows you to rename the highlighted control set.
Report - Generates a summary of the highlighted control set, listing
the ID, Conditions, Actions, and
elements for all of the Logical Controls contained within the control
Note: Logical Controls with identical priorities will be
prioritized based on the order they
appear in the Logical Control Set alternative. See the Logical
Control Dialog topic for more
information regarding Priority evaluation.
8.2.10 Age Alternative
The Age Alternative is used when performing a water quality
analysis for modeling the age of the water
through the pipe network. This alternative allows you to analyze
different scenarios for varying water ages
at the network nodes.
8.2.11 Constituent Alternative
The Constituent Alternative contains the water quality data used
to model a constituent concentration
throughout the network when performing a water quality analysis.
Selecting a constituent from the Constituent scroll-down list provides
default values for table entries. This
software provides a user-editable library of constituents for
maintaining these values, which may be
accessed by clicking the ellipsis () button next to the Constituent
scroll-down list.
The tabbed table(s) at the bottom of the dialog includes
different columns depending on the type of
element(s) populating the table. Columns may include such values as:
Label - Identifying label of the element represented by the row.
Initial Constituent - Concentration of the constituent at the
beginning of the analysis.
Bulk Reaction - Reaction rate constant used to model
reactions of the constituent within the bulk
Wall Reaction - Reaction rate constant used to model
reactions that occur with the material along
the pipe wall.
Is Constituent Source? - True or false check to determine
whether a node is a source of the
Constituent Source Type This column contains a pulldown
menu that allows you to select the
Constituent Source Type, and an ellipsis button that opens a
dialog that allows you to specify the
baseline concentration and constituent pattern for the associated
Constituent Source. The available
Constituent Source Types are as follows:
Concentration - A Concentration Constituent Source fixes the
concentration of any external
inflow entering the network at a node, such as flow from a reservoir or
from a negative
demand placed at a junction. Clicking the ellipsis button () opens the
Concentration dialog
which contains the following fields:
Constituent Baseline Load - Load attributed to the element
before applying the
Pattern time step multiplier used for an Extended Period Analysis.

Constituent Pattern - Name of the Pattern that applies the time step
multiplier to the
WaterCAD Users Guide

Baseline Load.
Flow Paced Booster - A Flow Paced Booster Constituent Source adds a
fixed concentration
to the flow resulting from the mixing of all inflow to the node from
other points in the
network. Clicking the ellipsis button () opens the Concentration dialog
which contains the
following fields:
Constituent Baseline Load - Load attributed to the element
before applying the
Pattern time step multiplier used for an Extended Period Analysis.
Constituent Pattern - Name of the Pattern that applies the time step
multiplier to the
Baseline Load.
Setpoint Booster - A Setpoint Booster Constituent Source fixes the
concentration of any flow
leaving the source node, as long as the concentration resulting from the
inflow to the node is
below the set point. Clicking the ellipsis button () opens the
Concentration dialog which
contains the following fields:
Constituent Baseline Load - Load attributed to the element
before applying the
Pattern time step multiplier used for an Extended Period Analysis.
Constituent Pattern - Name of the Pattern that applies the time step
multiplier to the
Baseline Load.
Mass Booster - A Mass Booster Constituent Source adds a fixed mass
flow to the flow
entering the node from other points in the network. Clicking the ellipsis
button () opens the
Concentration dialog which contains the following fields:
Constituent Baseline Load - Load attributed to the element
before applying the
Pattern time step multiplier used for an Extended Period Analysis.
Constituent Pattern - Name of the Pattern that applies the time step
multiplier to the
Baseline Load.
Tank Mixing Model - This section allows you to specify the Tank Mixing
Model that will be used
by the current tank. The mixing model is specified on a tank-by-tank
basis, and Completely Mixed
is the default model. The following mixing models are available:
Two Compartment - Under this mixing model, available storage is
divided into two
completely mixed compartments. Inflow and outflow is assumed to take
place in the first
compartment. The second compartment receives overflow from the first, and
this overflow is
completely mixed. When this mixing model is selected, the Two Compartment
becomes available for input.
Completely Mixed - The default mixing model. Under this model, all
inflow and outflow is
assumed to have been completely mixed.
FIFO - First In / First Out Plug Flow model. This mixing model assumes
that no water
mixing occurs during its residence time in the tank. Water parcels move
through the tank in a
segregated fashion where the first parcel to enter is the first parcel to
LIFO - Last In / First Out Plug Flow model. This mixing model assumes
that no water
mixing occurs during its residence time in the tank. As in the FIFO
mixing model, water
parcels are segregated, however in the LIFO mixing model, the parcels
stack up on top of
each other, and the last parcel to enter is the first to leave.
Compartment 1 This column is only available for input when the Two
Compartment Tank Mixing
Model is selected. This field allows you to enter the
percentage of total tank volume that the first
compartment occupies. The percentage for Compartment 2 is then
initialized for you.
Constituent Baseline Load - Load attributed to the element
before applying the Pattern time step
Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives

multiplier used for an Extended Period Analysis.

Constituent Pattern - Name of the Pattern that applies the time step
multiplier to the Baseline Load.
Depending on the type of highlighted network element in the table, the
Use Defaults button will reset the
reaction coefficients for that element to the constituent default values
as specified in the constituent library,
or it will reset the initial constituent concentrations to 0.0.
8.2.12 Trace Alternative
The Trace Alternative is used when performing a water quality
analysis to determine the percentage of
water at each node coming from a specified node. The Trace
Alternative data includes a Trace Node,
which is the node from which all tracing is computed.
The trace alternative table includes the following columns:
Label - The identifying label of node elements.
Initial Trace - A percentage value representing the starting condition
at the node.
8.2.13 Fire Flow Alternative
The Fire Flow Alternative contains the input data required to
perform a fire flow analysis. This data
includes the set of junction nodes for which fire flow results
are needed, the set of default values for all
junctions included in the fire flow set, and a record for each junction
node in the fire flow set.
Default Flow and Pressure Constraints
Each fire flow alternative has a set of default parameters that are
applied to each junction in the fire flow
set. When a default value is modified, you will be prompted to decide if
the junction records that have been
modified from the default should be updated to reflect the new default
The default constraints are grouped in the Flow Constraints and
Pressure Constraints sections, as
Needed Fire Flow - Flow rate required at a fire flow junction to
satisfy demands.
Fire Flow Upper Limit - Maximum allowable fire flow that can
occur at a withdrawal location. It
will prevent the software from computing unrealistically high fire flows
at locations such as primary
system mains, which have large diameters and high service pressures.
Apply Fire Flows By - There are two methods for applying
fire flow demands. The fire flow
demand can be added to the junctions baseline demand, or it can
completely replace the junctions
baseline demand. The junction's baseline demand is defined by the Demand
Alternative selected for
use in the Scenario along with the fire flow alternative.
Residual Pressure - Minimum residual pressure to occur at the
junction node. The program
determines the amount of fire flow available such that the residual
pressure at the junction node does
not fall below this target pressure.
Minimum Zone Pressure - Minimum pressure to occur at all
junction nodes within a zone. The
model determines the available fire flow such that the minimum zone
pressures do not fall below this
target pressure. Each junction has a zone associated with it, which
can be located in the junctions
input data. If you do not want a junction node to be analyzed as part of
another junction nodes fire
flow analysis, move it to another zone.
Use Minimum System Pressure Constraint - Toggle indicating whether a
minimum pressure is to
be maintained throughout the entire pipe system.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Minimum System Pressure - Minimum pressure allowed at any

junction in the entire system as a
result of the fire flow withdrawal. If the pressure at a node anywhere
in the system falls below this
constraint while withdrawing fire flow, fire flow will not be satisfied.
Selection Set
Set of selected elements where fire flows need to be analyzed. You can
choose between All Junctions or
a Subset of Junctions that you can edit by clicking the ellipsis ()
button and accessing the Selection Set
Fire Flow Loads
The table on the fire flow alternative editor displays the fire
flow loads for the junctions in this set. The
values in this table reflect the default values entered, unless a change
is made. The columns in the table are
as follows:
Label - Label of the junction whose fire flow record is being
Needed Fire Flow - Flow rate required at the junction to meet fire
flow demands. This value will be
added to the junctions baseline demand, or it will replace the
junctions baseline demand, depending
on the default setting for applying fire flows.
Fire Flow Upper Limit - Maximum allowable fire flow that can
occur at a withdrawal location.
This value will prevent the software from computing unrealistically high
fire flows at locations such
as primary system mains, which have large diameters and high service
pressures. This value will be
added to the junctions baseline demand, or it will replace the
junctions baseline demand, depending
on the default setting for applying fire flows.
Residual Pressure, Minimum Zone Pressure, Minimum System
Pressure - Set of pressure
constraints for each Fire Flow node. See description for each
of these parameters in the Default
Flow and Pressure Constraints section above.
Use Defaults
Click the Use Defaults button to reset the selected row to the default
values for the Fire Flow Alternative.
This does not cause the record to inherit from its parent. It only
causes it to reflect the Default values.
Note: The Defaults for a fire flow alternative can only be
set in the root alternative. All child
alternatives inherit the Default values from the root. The set
of junction nodes is also inherited
from the root and cannot be altered in the child alternatives.
8.2.14 Capital Cost Alternative
One of the most common uses of the Capital Cost Manager is to
compare the cost between several
different system configurations. The compartmentalization of the
data afforded by the cost alternative
makes it easy to develop and subsequently compare various cost
data sets. Developing multiple cost
alternatives is an effective way to evaluate the cost of several
different proposed solutions or to separate the
costs associated with several phases of construction.
The cost alternative editor contains a tab for each type of
element. Each tab contains the following fields
for editing the cost data associated with an element.
Label - Identifies the element associated with a particular record.
Include in Cost Calculation - This field allows the user to
specify whether or not to include the
element in the cost calculation. If this field is checked, the
item will be included in the cost
Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives

Element Costs - This field is only enabled when the field Include in
Cost Calculation has a check
mark. If this field is editable, you can click on it to open
up a dialog where you can edit the
construction and non-construction costs associated with an
element. Note that you can Global Edit
this field to edit the construction and non-construction costs of all the
elements in the alternative.
8.2.15 User Data Alternative
The User Data Alternative allows you to edit the data defined
in the User Data Extension command for
each of the network element types. The User Data Alternative
editor contains a tab for each type of
network element.
8.2.16 Energy Cost Alternative
The Energy Cost Alternative allows you to specify which tanks and pumps
will be included in the Energy
Cost calculations. For pumps, you can also select which energy pricing
pattern will be used, or create a
new one.
The energy cost alternative editor contains a tab for each type of
element. Each tab contains the following
fields for editing the cost data associated with an element.
Label - Identifies the element associated with a particular record.
Include in Energy Calculation- This field allows the user to
specify whether or not to include the
element in the energy cost calculation. If this field is checked, the
item will be included in the cost
Energy Pricing - This field is only available on the Pump tab of the
Energy Cost Alternative editor.
This column consists of a pulldown menu containing all of the energy
pricing patterns that have been
created, and an ellipsis () button that opens the Energy Pricing
8.3 Scenarios
8.3.1 Scenarios
A Scenario contains all the input data (in the form of Alternatives),
calculation options, results, and notes
associated with a set of calculations. Scenarios let you set up an
unlimited number of "What If?" situations
for your model, and then modify, compute, and review your system under
those conditions.
You can create scenarios that reuse or share data in existing
alternatives, submit multiple scenarios for
calculation in a batch run, switch between scenarios, and compare
scenario results - all with a few mouse
clicks. There is no limit to the number of scenarios that you can
There are three types of scenarios:
Base scenarios - Contain all of your working data. When
you start a new project, you will begin
with a default base scenario. As you enter data and calculate your
model, you are working with this
default base scenario and the alternatives it references.
Child scenarios - Inherit data from a base scenario, or other child
scenarios. Child scenarios allow
you to freely change data for one or more elements in your system. Child
scenarios can reflect some
or all of the values contained in their parent. This is a very powerful
concept, giving you the ability
to make changes in a parent scenario that will trickle down through child
scenarios, while also giving
you the ability to override values for some or all of the elements in
child scenarios.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Note: The calculation options are not inherited between

scenarios, but are duplicated when the
scenario is first created. The alternatives and data records,
however, are inherited. There is a
permanent, dynamic link from a child back to its parent.
Manual Fire Flow scenarios - Manual Fire Flow scenarios can be
generated automatically for any
junction or set of junctions in your model. You specify the junction(s)
that you want to perform the
Fire Flow analysis on, input the fire flow demand at the junction(s), and
whether this demand should
replace or be added to the other demands at the junction(s) in
question. The program then
automatically creates a scenario for each junction that was
included in the manual fire flow list.
These scenarios reflect the changes in the network when the
respective fire flow demands are
substituted for/added to the normal demands at that junction. An
additional benefit of manual fire
flow scenarios is the ability to run the newly created
scenarios in an extended period simulation,
which can help you assess the effects of changing conditions and
controls on the availability of the
required fire flow at the respective junctions. For specific instructions
on implementing this feature,
please see the Manual Fire Flow Scenarios topic.
8.3.2 Scenario Selection

You can change the current scenario by simply using the Scenario drop-
down list located on the Analysis
Toolbar on the main application window. When you select a
different scenario, your current input data,
calculation options, and calculated results (if available) will
reflect the selected scenario and the
alternatives it references.
8.3.3 Editing Scenarios
Once scenarios and alternatives are created, you do not need to take any
special steps to input data into the
alternatives referenced by the current scenario. This happens
automatically as you make changes to your
data. Changes to your data are always applied to the
alternatives in your active scenario. For example,
consider that a pipe has a 12" diameter in the alternative
storing data for the Base scenario. Then you
switch to Scenario 2, which references another alternative, and change
the pipe diameter to 16". The new
value will automatically be associated with the alternative in
Scenario 2. If you switch back to the Base
scenario, the pipe diameter will revert to 12".
You can also enter data directly into an alternative using the
Alternatives Editor. This editor allows you
to see all of the changes that you have made in a single alternative. If
you make an unintended change to
the active child scenario and you wish to remove it, go to the tabular
editor for the type of input data you
changed, and uncheck the leading check box on the record(s) for the
elements you wish to restore.
8.3.4 Scenario Manager
The Scenario Manager allows you to create, edit, and manage
scenarios. There is one built-in default
scenario - the Base scenario. If you wish, you only have to use this one
scenario. However, you can save
yourself time by creating additional scenarios that reference the
alternatives needed to perform and recall
the results of each of your calculations. There is no limit to the
number of scenarios that you can create.
The Scenario Manager is divided into four sections:
The three buttons that run across the top of the window:
Tutorial - Open the tutorials.
Close - Close the Scenario Manager.
Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives

Help - Open the on-line help.

The series of five buttons running along the left side of the window:
Scenario Wizard - Open the Scenario Wizard, which walks you step-by-
step through the creation
of a new scenario.
Scenario Management - Offers a menu of options for creating, editing,
and managing scenarios:
Add - Prompts for a name, then creates a new child, base, or Manual
Fire Flow scenario. If
you create a child scenario, it will be based on the scenario that is
currently highlighted.
Edit - Open the Scenario Editor for the scenario that is currently
Rename - Rename an existing scenario. This invokes an in-
place editor in the tree view of
the available scenarios. Make the desired changes to the existing name
and press Enter.
Delete - Delete the scenario that is currently highlighted.
Report - Generate a summary report for the scenario that is
highlighted, including
alternatives, calculation options, notes, and results.
Alternatives - Open the Alternatives Manager for creating, editing,
and managing alternatives.
Batch Run - Open the Batch Run dialog for selecting from
among the available scenarios and
initiating calculations.
Scenario Comparison - Open the Annotation Comparison Wizard,
which allows you to create a
drawing displaying the differences in input and output variables between
two scenarios.
The pane in the center of the dialog:
Scenarios Pane - Available scenarios in a hierarchical tree
showing the parent-child relationships.
You can right-click any scenario to perform scenario management functions
on it. You can double-
click parent scenarios to expand or collapse the child scenarios beneath
The pane on the right side of the dialog, which displays a
variety of information depending on
which of the following tabs is selected:
Alternatives tab - Alternatives referenced by the highlighted
scenario, showing the type and name
for each alternative. An icon distinguishes whether the alternative
belongs to the scenario or is
inherited from its parent scenario . Double-click any alternative to
open the Alternatives Editor.
Summary tab - Summary of the calculation options for the highlighted
scenario, and any notes you
have associated with it.
Results tab - Summary of the last calculation performed for the
highlighted scenario.
Note: When you delete a scenario, you are not losing data
records because scenarios never
actually hold calculation data records (alternatives do). The
alternatives and data records
referenced by that scenario will still exist until you
explicitly delete them. By accessing the
Alternative Manager, you can delete the referenced alternatives and data
To open the Scenario Manager window, select Analysis / Scenarios. Or,
click the button next to the
scenario drop-down list in the main application window.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Batch Run
Performing a batch run allows you to set up and run
calculations for multiple scenarios at once. This is
helpful if you want to queue a large number of calculations,
or simply manage a group of smaller
calculations as a set. The list of selected scenarios for the batch run
will remain with your project until you
change it.
Using the dialog is simple. First, check the scenarios you
want to run and click the Batch button. Each
scenario will be calculated. You can cancel the batch run between any
scenario calculation.
When the batch is completed, the scenario that was current will remain
current, even if it was not one that
was calculated. Select a calculated scenario from the main
window drop-down list to see the results
throughout the program, or select it from the Scenario Manager and click
the Results tab to preview the
The Batch Run dialog contains a Select button that displays options you
can use to select all scenarios or
clear your selections.
Creating Scenarios to Model "What-if" Situations?
The scenario management feature was designed to let you model
"what-if" situations by easily switching
between different input data sets without having to re-enter data, and by
comparing different output results
just as easily.
To create a new scenario:
1. Open the Scenario Manager dialog by clicking the Scenario
Manager button next to the drop-
down scenario list in the main application window.
2. Open the Scenario Wizard by clicking its button in the upper left of
the Scenario Manager dialog.
3. Complete each step in the Scenario Wizard - Name the new scenario,
choose which scenario to base it
on, and choose the alternatives to be included. Click Next between each
step, and click Finish when
you are done.
4. Close the Scenario Manager dialog. Notice the scenario you
have just created is displayed as the
current scenario in the Scenario drop-down list in the main application
5. Proceed to modify your model with the changes you want recorded in
the new scenario.
8.3.5 Scenario Wizard
The Scenario Wizard will guide you step-by-step through the process of
creating a new scenario.
These are the basic steps for creating a new scenario:
Name - Name the scenario and add some comments if you wish.
Base - Select a scenario on which to base the new scenario.
Calculation - Choose the type of calculation that you would
like to perform, as well as other
calculation options.
Alternatives - Specify the alternative types with which you would like
to work.
New/Existing - Create and/or select alternatives for your new
Preview - Preview the scenario, and create it when satisfied.
To access the Scenario Wizard, open the Scenario Manager and click the
Scenario Wizard button.
Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives

Scenario Wizard - Step 1

Here you can enter a unique name and an optional note for the new
scenario that you are creating.
The Name field allows you to input a distinguishing name for this
scenario. A default name is provided,
but we recommend that you change it to something more descriptive. If
the new scenario will be based on
another scenario, you may want a name that indicates what will be
different about the new scenario. For
example: "Post Development".
The next field is optional, and allows you to input free-form
text that will be associated with the new
scenario. Use it to make detailed notes about the conditions the
scenario will model.
Click the Next button to proceed to the next step in defining a new
Scenario Wizard - Step 2
Click the existing scenario on which you would like to base your new
scenario. Your new child scenario
will inherit data from this parent scenario, and will be
initialized with the same calculation settings and
options. The Scenario Wizard, designed to introduce the user to
scenarios, does not allow you to create
new base scenarios.
Existing scenarios in your project are displayed in a "tree" structure,
giving you a graphic depiction of the
parent-child relationships.
Click the Next button to proceed to the next step.
Scenario Wizard - Step 3
This step of the Scenario Wizard allows you to specify the
type of calculation to be associated with the
scenario you are creating.
If you select to be in Steady State mode, you are also given the
option to perform an automated fire flow
If you select to be in Extended Period mode, you are also
given the option to perform one of the Water
Quality Analysis (Age, Constituent, or Trace analysis).
Scenario Wizard - Step 4
Check the boxes next to the types of alternatives you want to include in
the new scenario. The alternatives
for boxes you do not check will be inherited from the specified parent
scenario. You will be free to add or
remove alternatives to the scenario after you create it.
Click the Next button to proceed to the next step in defining a new
Scenario Wizard - Step 5
Here you are asked to specify the source for each alternative you have
requested in the previous tab.
Create New Alternative - If you choose to create a new
alternative, it will inherit from the same
type of alternative in the specified or parent scenario. This
means it will initially use all the same
input data values. Enter a unique and descriptive name for the new
Use Existing Alternative - If you choose to use an existing
alternative, you will be shown the tree of
existing alternatives from which to choose. In this case, you
will not be creating a new alternative
for use in the scenario, and instead may actually be sharing an
alternative with another scenario.
Click the Next button to proceed to the next step.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Scenario Wizard - Step 6

The last step of the Scenario Wizard displays a summary of the scenario
you have defined and are about to
In the left pane is a preview of the scenario as it relates to its parent
and other scenarios. In the right pane is
a list of the alternatives it references, showing their labels
and types. An icon indicates whether a given
alternative is local to the new child scenario, or if it is inherited
from the specified or parent scenario.
If you are satisfied, click the Finished button to create the new
8.3.6 Scenario Editor
The Scenario Editor is the control center for each analysis. It is the
place where you access or change all
the information for performing a single calculation (alternatives,
calculation type, calculation options,
results, and notes). It is organized by the following tabs:
Alternatives - Edit or view the alternatives to be used by this
Calculation - Specify the type of hydraulic/water quality calculations
to be performed, and click the
GO button.
Results - View the hydraulic/water quality calculation results
Notes - Edit or view notes for this scenario.
To open the Scenario Editor for the active scenario, click the
GO button on the toolbar. To open the
Scenario Editor for any scenario, select Analysis\Scenarios from
the pull-down menu to open the
Scenario Manager, right-click the scenario that you wish to edit, and
select Edit from the pop-up menu.
Or, highlight the scenario you wish to edit, click the Scenario
Management button, and select Edit.
Alternatives Tab
The Alternatives tab, located in the Scenario Editor, allows you
to specify the alternatives that will be
used by this scenario. There is one row for each Alternative Type. You
need only concern yourself with
the rows that correspond to the changes you would like to model using
this scenario.
To specify the alternatives you would like to work with, simply click the
check box next to the alternative
type. For example, if you would like to see how your system behaves by
changing the shape or size of a
few pipes, then click the check box next to the Physical Properties
Alternative row.
If you would like to use an existing alternative that you have
already set up, use the drop-down list to
choose the desired alternative. If you would like to create a
new alternative, click the New button. You
will be asked to name the new alternative, and the Alternatives Editor
will open.
The Scenario Wizard will walk you through all of the steps required to
create a new scenario. If you are
unsure how to specify the alternatives that you would like to work
with, we recommend that you use this
Notes: When this scenario is active, the alternatives that you specify
here will be active. Changes
that you make to your model will be made in these
alternatives. When you calculate this
scenario, these are the alternatives that will be used.
This tab will take on a different appearance depending on
whether you are editing a base
scenario or child scenario. When editing a base scenario, the checkbox
column described above
will not be present. You can use the ellipsis () button
located to the right of each drop-down
list to access the associated Alternatives Manager.
Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives

Scenario Editor - Calculation Tab

This dialog is the control center for each network analysis. This program
is capable of performing both a
Hydraulic Analysis and a Water Quality Analysis. Also, Extended Period
Analysis, which considers time-
variable hydraulic demands and constituent source concentrations, is
available. Patterns are used to define
the time-variable aspects of these system loads. Also contributing to
time-variable hydraulic conditions are
tank characteristics and controls associated with Pipes, Pumps, and
This dialog allows you to specify the following data and calculation
Steady State/Extended Period Simulation - If you have selected
Extended Period calculation, a set
of extended period options become available for editing. These
are Start Time, Duration, and
Hydraulic Time Step.
Analysis Modes - In addition to performing a standard hydraulic
analysis, you are given the option
to perform a Water Quality Analysis (in Steady-State mode), or
a Fire Flow analysis (in Extended
Period Simulation mode).
Global Demand and Roughness Adjustments - Use this feature to
"tweak" junction demands and
pipe roughnesses without permanently changing the value of the
input data. You can experiment
with different adjustment factors until you find the one that
causes your calculation results to most
closely correspond with your observed field data.
Check Data/Validate - This feature allows you to validate
your model against typical data entry
errors, hard-to-detect topology problems, and modeling problems.
When the Validate box is
checked, the model validation is automatically run prior to
calculations. It can also be run at any
time by clicking the Check Data button. The process will
produce either a dialog stating "No
Problem Found," or a status log with a list of messages.
Calculation Options - Use this feature to specify parameters
affecting hydraulic and water quality
Clicking the GO button will perform the calculations.
Notes: Calibration is one of the most important steps in
developing a hydraulic and/or water
quality model. This program provides an easy-to-use adjustment
feature that lets you "tweak"
the input data to help you match data observed in the field. In addition,
new to WaterCAD v5.0 is
the Darwin Calibrator, which allows you to calibrate your model manually
or with the assistance
of Genetic Algorithms. For more information on this new feature,
see the Darwin Calibrator
Overview topic.
Each calculation depends upon a number of parameters that can optionally
be configured using
the Calculation Options dialog box.

Tip: If the model has not been calculated, or if the input

data has been changed since the last
calculation, the word Compute (displayed in Red) will appear in
the status pane in the lower
right corner of the main editing window. This is a signal that the model
needs to be recalculated.
Notes Tab
The memo field on the Notes tab allows you to input paragraph text
that will be associated with the new
scenario. Use it to make detailed notes about the conditions that the
scenario will model.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Results Tab
The Results tab contains a summary of the last calculation performed
using this scenario. Click the Save
button to save the results to an ASCII text file. Click the
Print Preview button to preview the Scenario
Results Summary Report.
To open the Results tab for the active scenario: Click the GO
button on the toolbar, or select Analysis \
Compute from the pull-down menu. In the resulting dialog, click the
Results tab.
To open the Results tab for a specific scenario: From the Scenario
Manager, right-click the scenario that
you wish to edit, and select Edit from the pull down menu that appears.
In the resulting dialog, click the
Results tab.
Note: Immediately after you run the calculations, the Results
tab displays automatically. You
will notice a green, yellow, or red light in that tab
indicating how successful the computations
The light and folder color provides you with the following information:
Green light - Calculations were run successfully, without any warning or
error messages being generated.
Yellow light - Calculations were run successfully, without error messages
being generated. However, there
are one or more warning messages. Warnings are displayed in the results
summary in this tab.
Red light - Calculations were not run successfully and error
messages were generated, as shown in the
results summary of this tab.
In order to generate a Scenario Summary Report, click the
Report button. Click the Element Messages
button to open up a table that displays all the messages generated during
the run.
Double click the folders or click the + sign to open them up and display
messages relevant to the folders
caption. When you click the copy button or save button the exposed text
will be stored.

Chapter 8 Scenarios and Alternatives


WaterCAD Users Guide


Chapter 9
Modeling Capabilities

9.1 Overview
WaterCAD provides unmatched modeling capabilities, allowing you to model
and optimize practically any
distribution system aspect, including the following operations:
Hydraulic Analysis
Perform a Steady-State analysis for a "snapshot" view of the system,
or perform an extended-period
simulation to see how the system behaves over time.
Use any common friction method: Hazen-Williams, Darcy-Weisbach, or
Take advantage of scenario management to see how your system
reacts to different demand and
physical conditions, including fire and emergency usage.
Control pressure and flow completely by using flexible valve
configurations. You can automatically
control pipe, valve, and pump status based on changes in system
pressure (or based on the time of
day). Control pumps, pipes, and valves based on any pressure
junction or tank in the distribution
Perform automated fire flow analysis for any set of elements and zones
in the network.
Calibrate your model manually, or use the Darwin Calibrator.
Generate Capital and Energy Cost estimates.
Compute System Head Curves.
Water Quality Analysis
Track the growth or decay of substances (such as chlorine)
as they travel through the distribution
Determine the age of water anywhere in the network.
Identify source trends throughout the system.
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

9.2 Steady-State/Extended Period Simulation

WaterCAD gives the choice between performing a Steady-State
analysis of the system or performing an
extended-period simulation over any time period.
Steady-State Simulation
Steady-state analyses determine the operating behavior of the
system at a specific point in time or under
steady-state conditions (flow rates and hydraulic grades remain
constant over time). This type of analysis
can be useful for determining pressures and flow rates under minimum,
average, peak, or short term effects
on the system due to fire flows.
For this type of analysis, the network equations are determined and
solved with tanks being treated as fixed
grade boundaries. The results that are obtained from this type of
analysis are instantaneous values and may
or may not be representative of the values of the system a few hours, or
even a few minutes, later in time.
Extended Period Simulation
When the effects on the system over time are important, an extended
period simulation is appropriate. This
type of analysis allows you to model tanks filling and draining,
regulating valves opening and closing, and
pressures and flow rates changing throughout the system in
response to varying demand conditions and
automatic control strategies formulated by the modeler.
While a steady-state model may tell whether the system has the
capability to meet a certain average
demand, an extended period simulation indicates whether the system has
the ability to provide acceptable
levels of service over a period of minutes, hours, or days. Extended
period simulations can also be used for
energy consumption and cost studies, as well as water quality modeling.
Data requirements for extended period simulations are greater than for
steady-state runs. In addition to the
information required by a steady-state model, you also need to
determine water usage patterns, more
detailed tank information, and operational rules for pumps and valves.
The following additional information is required only when
performing Extended Period Simulation, and
therefore is not enabled when Steady-State Analysis has been specified.
Start Time - The start time format is a standard 24-hour clock. The
format is Hour:Minute:Second
AM or PM. (eg 12:45:30 PM).
Duration - The duration can be any positive real number.
Hydraulic Time Step - Enter the time interval between hydraulic
solutions for this calculation. The
hydraulic time step is the maximum amount of time that the hydraulic
conditions of the network are
assumed to be constant.
Note: Each of the parameters needed for an extended period
analysis has a default value. You
will most likely want to change the values to suit your particular

Tip: Occasionally the numerical engine will not converge during

an extended period analysis.
This is usually due to controls (typically based on tank
elevations) or control valves (typically
pressure regulating valves) toggling between two operational modes
(on/off for pump controls,
open/closed for pipe controls, active/closed for valves). When
this occurs, try adjusting the
hydraulic time step to a smaller value. This will minimize the
differences in boundary conditions
between time steps, and may allow for convergence.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Whether the model is run in Steady-State or over an extended period is

specified on the Calculation tab of
the Scenario Editor, which can be accessed by selecting
Analysis\Scenarios from the pull-down menu.
9.3 Optional Analysis
In addition to performing a standard hydraulic analysis, you are given
the option to perform a water quality
analysis or a fire flow analysis:
Water Quality Analysis - This check box configures the
calculation to analyze for water quality.
When this box is checked, you need to specify the type of
water quality analysis to perform. This
software is capable of performing three types of water quality analyses:
Age - Determine how long the water has been in the system.
Constituent - Determine the concentration of a constituent at all
nodes and links in the
Trace - Determine the percentage of the water at all nodes and links
in the system. The
source is designated as a specific node.
Fire Flow Analysis - This check box configures WaterCAD to analyze the
system for available fire
Notes: Water quality calculations are time variable in nature,
and therefore are only available
when the calculation is configured for extended period analysis. Be sure
that the Extended Period
Analysis radio button in the Hydraulic Analysis portion of the
Calculation dialog is selected.
Fire Flow calculations are based on a steady-state calculation.
Therefore, if the calculation is
configured to perform an Extended Period Analysis, the Fire Flow
Analysis check box is
disabled. Be sure that the Steady State Analysis radio button in the
Hydraulic Analysis portion of
the dialog is selected.

Tip: Use the Alternatives Manager to set up and maintain multiple Fire
Flow data sets.
These optional analyses are specified in the Analysis section in
the Calculation tab of the Scenario
Editor, which can be accessed from the Analysis\Scenarios menu item.
9.4 Global Demand and Roughness Adjustments
Demand and Roughness Adjustments based on observed data are an important
part of the development of
hydraulic and water quality models. It is a powerful feature for
"tweaking" the two most commonly used
parameters during model calibration: junction demands and pipe roughness.
One of the first steps performed during a calculation is the
transformation of the input data into the required
format for the numerical analysis engine. If a factor and operator are
present in the adjustment fields when
the GO button is clicked, the factor is used during this transformation.
This does not permanently change
the value of the input data, but allows you to experiment with different
adjustment factors until you find the
one that causes your calculation results to most closely correspond with
your observed field data.

Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

The Calibration section contains the following data:

Demand - Use this adjustment field to temporarily adjust the
individual demands at all junction
nodes in the system that have demands for the current scenario. For
example, assume node J-10 has
two demands, a 100 gpm fixed pattern demand, and a 200 gpm residential
pattern demand, for a total
baseline demand of 300 gpm. If you enter a demand adjustment multiplier
of 1.25, the input to the
numerical engine will be 125 gpm and 250 gpm respectively, for a total
baseline demand of 375 gpm
at node J-10. If you use the Set operator to set the
demands to 400, the demand will be adjusted
proportionally to become 133 and 267 gpm, for a total baseline of 400
gpm. In addition, if a junction
has an inflow of 100 gpm (or a demand of -100 gpm), and the adjustment
operation is Set demand to
200 gpm, then the inflow at that junction will be -200 gpm (equivalent to
a demand of 200 gpm).
Roughness - Use this adjustment field to temporarily adjust
the roughness of all pipes in the
distribution network.
Apply - Click the Apply button to permanently adjust the
demands or roughness. Generally, you
will use this button after experimenting with the adjustment
factors on successive calculations, and
comparing the calculation results to observed field data.
The adjustment data is located on the Calculation tab of the Scenario
Editor, which can be accessed by
selecting Analysis\Scenarios from the pull-down menu.
9.5 Check Data/Validate
This feature allows you to validate your model against typical
data entry errors, hard to detect topology
problems, and modeling problems. When the Validate box is
checked, the model validation is
automatically run prior to calculations. It can also be run at any time
by clicking the Check Data button.
The process will produce either a dialog stating "No Problems
Found" or a status log with a list of
The validation process will generate two types of messages. A
warning message means that a particular
part of the model (i.e. a pipe's roughness) does not conform
to the expected value, or is not within the
expected range of values. This type of warning is useful but not
fatal. Therefore, no corrective action is
required to proceed with a calculation. Warning messages are often
generated as a result of a topographical
or data entry error and should be corrected. An error message, on the
other hand, is a fatal error, and the
calculation cannot proceed before it is corrected. Typically, error
messages are related to problems in the
network topology, such as a pump or valve not being connected on both its
intake and discharge sides.
The check data algorithm performs the following validations:
Network topology - Checks that the network contains at least one
boundary node, one pipe, and one
junction. These are the minimum network requirements. It also
checks for fully connected pumps
and valves and that every node is reachable from a boundary node through
open links.
Element validation - Checks that every element in the network
is valid for the calculation. For
example, this validation ensures that all pipes have a non-zero
length, a non-zero diameter, a
roughness value that is within the expected range, etc. Each type of
element has its own checklist.
This same validation is performed when you edit an element in a
dialog. The dialog will not close
until each item on the checklist is satisfied.
Note: In earlier versions of the software, it was possible to create a
topological situation that was
problematic but was not checked for in the network topology validation.
The situation could be
created by "morphing" a node element such as a junction, tank,
or reservoir into a pump or
valve. This situation is now detected and corrected
automatically, but it is strongly
recommended that you verify the flow direction of the pump or
valve in question. If you have
further questions or comments related to this, please contact Haestad
Methods Support.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Tip: Warning messages related to the value of a particular attribute

being outside the accepted
range can often be corrected by adjusting the allowable range for that
The Check Data button and the Validate check box are located
on the Calculation tab of the Scenario
Editor, which can be accessed by selecting Analysis\Scenarios from the
pull-down menu.
9.6 Calculate Network
The following needs to be completed before performing hydraulic
calculations for a network.
1. Set the Calculation mode to Steady-State or Extended Period. If
Extended Period is selected, then
specify the starting time, the duration, and the time step to be used.
2. Optionally, in Extended Period mode, you may perform a Water
Quality Analysis. Set the Water
Quality toggle On and select one of the three available types
of calculations: Age, Constituent or
3. Optionally, in Steady-State mode, you may also perform a Fire Flow
Analysis by setting the Fire Flow
Analysis toggle.
4. Optionally, in the Calibration section, you may modify the demand or
roughness values of your entire
network for calibration purposes. If a factor and operator are present
in the calibration fields when the
GO button is clicked, the factor is used during this calculation. This
does not permanently change the
value of the input data, but allows you to experiment with
different calibration factors until you find
the one that causes your calculation results to most closely correspond
with your observed field data.
To permanently change the value of the input data, select Apply.
5. Optionally, click the Options button to verify general algorithm
parameters used to perform Hydraulic
and Water Quality calculations.
6. Set the Validate toggle On, or click the Check Data button
to ensure that your input data does not
contain errors.
7. Click on the GO button to start the calculations.
Tip: The Check Data button performs a quick check of your input data and
displays any errors
found. It is recommended to run this function before the
actual run of the calculations. Note,
however, that the data is automatically checked when you perform
the calculations if the
Validate toggle is On.
9.7 Flow Emitters
Flow Emitters are devices associated with junctions that model
the flow through a nozzle or orifice. In
these situations, the demand (i.e. the flow rate through the
emitter) varies in proportion to the pressure at
the junction raised to some power. The constant of
proportionality is termed the "discharge coefficient".
For nozzles and sprinkler heads, the exponent on pressure is
0.5 and the manufacturer usually states the
value of the discharge coefficient as the flow rate in gpm through the
device at a 1 psi pressure drop.
Emitters are used to model flow through sprinkler systems and irrigation
networks. They can also be used
to simulate leakage in a pipe connected to the junction (if a discharge
coefficient and pressure exponent for
the leaking crack or joint can be estimated) and compute a fire flow at
the junction (the flow available at
some minimum residual pressure). In the latter case, one would
use a very high value of the discharge
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

coefficient (e.g., 100 times the maximum flow expected) and modify the
junction's elevation to include the
equivalent head of the pressure target.
When both an emitter and a normal demand are specified for a
junction, the demand that WaterCAD
reports in its output results includes both the normal demand and the
flow through the emitter.
9.8 Fire Flow Analysis
9.8.1 Fire Flow Analysis
One of the goals of a water distribution system is to provide adequate
capacity to fight fires. WaterCADs
powerful fire flow analysis capabilities can be used to
determine if the system can meet the fire flow
demands while maintaining various pressure constraints. Fire flows
can be computed for a single node, a
group of selected nodes, or all nodes in the system. A complete fire flow
analysis can comprise hundreds or
thousands of individual flow solutions - one for each junction selected
for the fire flow analysis.
Fire flows are computed at user-specified locations by iteratively
assigning demands and computing system
pressures. The program calculates a steady-state analysis for
each node in the Fire Flow Alternative. At
each node, it begins by running a Steady-State analysis to
ensure that the fire flow constraints that have
been set can be met without withdrawing Fire Flow from any of the nodes.
If the constraints are met in this
initial run, the program then begins iteratively assigning the
Needed Fire Flow demands at each of the
nodes, and checking to ensure that the constraints are met. The
program then runs another set of Steady
State analyses, this time either adding the Maximum Fire Flow (as set in
the Fire Flow Upper Limit input
box of the Fire Flow Alternative) to whatever normal demands are
required at that node, or replacing the
normal demand(s). In either case, the program checks the residual
pressure at that node, the Minimum Zone
Pressure, and, if applicable, the Minimum System Pressure. If the Fire
Flow Upper Limit can be delivered
while maintaining the various pressure constraints, that node will
satisfy the Fire Flow constraints. If one or
more of the pressure constraints is not met while attempting to
withdraw the Fire Flow Upper Limit, the
program will iteratively assign lesser demands until it finds the maximum
flow that can be provided while
maintaining the pressure constraints. If a node is not providing the Fire
Flow Upper Limit, it is because the
Residual Pressure at that node, the Minimum Zone Pressure, or the Minimum
System Pressure constraints
are not met while attempting to withdraw the Fire Flow Upper Limit (or
the maximum number of iterations
has been reached). If a node completely fails to meet the Fire Flow
constraints, it is because the network is
unable to deliver the Needed Fire Flow while still meeting the pressure
After the program has gone through the above process for each
node in the Fire Flow Analysis, it runs a
final Steady-State calculation that does not apply Fire Flow demands to
any of the junctions. This provides
a baseline of calculated results that can then be compared to
the Fire Flow conditions, which can be
determined by viewing the results presented on the Fire Flow Tab of the
individual junction editors, or in
the Fire Flow Tabular Report. The baseline pressures are the
pressures that are modeled under the
standard steady-state demand conditions in which fire flows are not
Note: Results of fire flow calculations, which are obtained
from calculations performed
separately for an automatic batch run, are only reported in the
Fire Flow tab of the individual
element editors and in the Fire Flow Tabular Report (accessed
from the Report menu or the
Tabular Reports button). Results reported in the other Element
Editor tabs do not take into
account any fire flow, unless you explicitly entered the fire
flow as a demand at a specific

WaterCAD Users Guide

Tip: All parameters defining a fire flow analysis, such as the residual
pressure or the minimum
zone pressure, are explained in detail in the Fire Flow Alternative and
in the Fire Flow tab topics.
An on-line Tutorial on Fire Flow can be found by selecting the
Help\Tutorials menu.
Open the Scenario Dialog.
Select the Calculation tab.
Select Steady-State calculation and turn on the Fire Flow checkbox.
9.8.2 Fire Flow Results
After performing a fire flow analysis, calculation results are
available for each junction node in the fire
flow selection set. These results can be viewed in the
predefined Fire Flow Report (in tabular format),
accessed by clicking the Tabular Reports button , highlighting Fire Flow
Report, and clicking OK.
Note that results for the nodes that were not included in the fire flow
selection set are reported as N/A.
9.8.3 Not getting Fire Flow at a Junction Node
Perform the following checks if you are not getting expected fire flow
Check the Available Fire Flow. If it is lower than the Needed Fire
Flow, the fire flow conditions for
that node are not satisfied. Therefore, Satisfies Fire Flow Constraints
is false.
Check the Calculated Residual Pressure. If it is lower than the
Residual Pressure Constraint, the fire
flow condition for that node is not satisfied. Therefore, Satisfies Fire
Flow Constraints is false.
Check the Calculated Minimum Zone Pressure. If it is lower
than the Minimum Zone Pressure
Constraint, the fire flow condition for that node is not
satisfied. Therefore, Satisfies Fire Flow
Constraints is false.
Note: If you are not concerned about the pressure of a node that is NOT
meeting the Minimum
Zone Pressure constraint, move this node to another zone. Now, the node
will not be analyzed as
part of the same zone.
If you checked the box for Minimum System Pressure Constraint
in the Fire Flow Alternative
dialog, check to see if the Calculated Minimum System Pressure is lower
than the set constraint. If it is,
Satisfies Fire Flow Constraints is False.
9.8.4 Manual Fire Flow Scenarios
The Manual Fire Flow Scenarios feature will quickly and easily
create scenarios in which user-specified
Fire Flow Demands are applied to specified junctions. By entering a
small amount of input data, you can
have the program automatically create a scenario for each individual
node. You can then perform a batch
run on these scenarios for further comparison or computational analysis.
To set up a Manual Fire Flow Scenario:
1. Click the Analysis pull-down menu, select Scenarios.
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities
2. Highlight the Scenario from which you want the new scenarios to
inherit their data. (See the Scenarios
topic for more information on scenarios and alternatives.) Click
the Scenario Management button,
select AddManual Fire Flow Scenarios. This opens the Manual Fire Flow
Scenarios dialog.
3. In the Apply Fire Flows By section of the dialog, choose whether the
fire flow demands will replace
or be added to the existing demands by clicking the corresponding radio
4. Click the Select button to choose the junctions for which
you want the Fire Flow scenarios to be
created. When you are finished, click OK.
5. Enter the fire flow demand for each junction in the Needed Fire Flow
column. If all of the junctions
require the same fire flow demand, you can perform a Global Edit to
change them all at once.
6. Once the above steps have been completed, click OK in the Manual
Fire Flow Scenarios dialog. The
program will automatically create a scenario for each junction that was
selected in Step 4.
Manual Fire Flow Scenarios Dialog
The Manual Fire Flow Scenarios dialog is separated into three areas:
Apply Fire Flows By - This area provides you with the following two
radio buttons:
Adding To Baseline Demand - Choosing this option will cause the Manual
Fire Flow
Demands to be added to the normal demands at the Manual Fire Flow Nodes
Replacing Baseline Demand. - Choosing this option will cause the
Manual Fire Flow
Demands to replace the normal demands at the Manual Fire Flow Nodes.
Manual Fire Flow Nodes - This section of the dialog comprised of a two
column table and a Select
Label Column - This column displays the nodes for which a Manual Fire
Flow Scenario will
be created.
Needed Fire Flow Column - This column displays the Needed Fire Flow
for the
corresponding nodes.
Select Button - Opens the Selection Set dialog, allowing you to add or
remove nodes from
the table.
Button Section - The four buttons in this section are:
OK - Closes the dialog and creates a new scenario for each node that
was selected in the
Manual Fire Flow Nodes section.
Cancel - Closes the dialog without saving changes.
Initialize - After at least one normal Fire Flow Analysis has been
calculated, this button will
open the Fire Flow dialog. This dialog contains a pulldown menu which
displays a list of the
Scenarios that have been calculated using a Fire Flow Analysis. The
junctions that were
included in the initial Fire Flow Analysis will be entered in the Label
column, and the
calculated Available Fire Flows from the scenario chosen in the Fire Flow
dialog will be
entered in the Needed Fire Flow column.
Help - Opens the online help.
Fire Flow Dialog
From within the Manual Fire Flow Scenarios dialog, click the Initialize
button to open this dialog. This
dialog contains a pulldown menu, which displays a list of the Scenarios
that have been calculated using a
WaterCAD Users Guide

Fire Flow Analysis. To choose the scenario to initialize from, simply

highlight the desired scenario in the
pulldown and click the OK button.
9.9 Water Quality Analysis
9.9.1 Age Analysis
An age analysis determines how long the water has been in the
system and is more of a general water
quality indicator than a measurement of any specific quality. To
configure for an age analysis:
1. Choose Compute from the Analysis menu or click the GO button.
1 Activate the Extended Period radio button.
2 Check the box labeled Water Quality Analysis.
3 Select the Age radio button.
4 Assuming you have not already set up an Age alternative for this
scenario (including defining the trace
node), go to the Alternatives tab, click the ellipsis () or New button
next to the Age choice list, and
add or edit an Age alternative. To edit an existing
alternative, click the Edit button. Enter the
appropriate data, and click Close. Rename the alternative to give it a
descriptive name. To add a new
alternative, click the Add button. Enter a descriptive name into the New
Alternative dialog, and click
OK. Enter the appropriate data into the Age Alternative
Editor, and click Close. Back in the
Alternatives tab, choose the desired alternative from the Age Alternative
choice list.
5 Return to the Calculation tab and click the GO button.
Note: Water quality analysis can only be performed for extended period
9.9.2 Constituent Analysis
A constituent is any substance, such as chlorine and fluoride,
for which the growth or decay can be
adequately described through the use of a bulk reaction
coefficient and a wall reaction coefficient. A
constituent analysis determines the concentration of a constituent
at all nodes and links in the system.
Constituent analyses can be used to determine chlorine residuals
throughout the system under present
chlorination schedules, or can be used to determine probable
behavior of the system under proposed
chlorination schedules. To configure for a constituent analysis:
1. Choose Compute from the Analysis menu or click the GO button.
2. Activate the Extended Period radio button.
3. Check the box labeled Water Quality Analysis.
4. Select the Constituent radio button.
5. Assuming you have not already set up a Constituent
alternative for this scenario (including the
selection of the constituent), go to the Alternatives tab, click the
ellipsis () or New button next to the
Constituent scroll-down list, and add or edit a Constituent alternative.
To edit an existing alternative,
click the Edit button. Enter the appropriate data, and click Close.
Rename the alternative to give it a
descriptive name. To add a new alternative, click the Add button.
Enter a descriptive name into the
New Alternative dialog, and click OK. Enter the appropriate
data into the Constituent Alternative
Editor, and click Close. Specify the Constituent, which is
defined in the Constituent Library and
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

accessed by clicking the ellipsis () button. Back in the

Alternatives tab, choose the desired
alternative from the Constituent Alternative choice list.
6. Return to the Calculation tab and Click the GO button.
Note: Water quality analysis can only be performed for extended period
9.9.3 Trace Analysis
A trace analysis determines the percentage of the water at all nodes and
links in the system. The source is
designated as a specific node in the system and is called the
trace node. In systems with more than one
source, it is common to perform multiple trace analyses using
the various trace nodes in successive
analyses. The source node and initial traces are specified in the Trace
Alternative dialog. To configure
for a trace analysis:
1. Choose Compute from the Analysis menu, or click the GO button.
2. Activate the Extended Period radio button.
3. Check the box labeled Water Quality Analysis.
4. Select the Trace radio button.
5. Assuming you have not already set up a Trace alternative for this
scenario (including defining the trace
node), go to the Alternatives tab, click the ellipsis () or New button
next to the Trace choice list, and
add or edit a trace alternative. Specify the trace node to
be used for this analysis and provide the
appropriate data. Back in the Alternatives tab, choose the
desired alternative from the Trace
Alternative choice list.
6. Return to the Calculation tab and click the GO button.
Note: Water quality analysis can only be performed for extended period
9.10 Calculation Options
9.10.1 Calculation Options
Calculations depend on a variety of parameters that may be configured by
This program provides defaults for each of the calculation options. If
you make changes to the calculation
options and decide that you would like to return to the
default settings, use the Reset button on the
Calculation Options dialog.
The dialog is divided into two groups:
Water Quality
To access the Calculation Options dialog, click the Options
button on the Calculation tab of the
Scenario Editor, or select the button and click Options.
WaterCAD Users Guide

9.10.2 Hydraulic Analysis Options

The following hydraulic analysis parameters are available for user
Use Controls In Steady State Analysis - When the box is checked,
Simple Controls will be active
during Steady State Analyses.
Note: Logical Controls are not executed during Steady-State Analyses.
Use Linear Interpolation for Multipoint Pumps -
Trials - Unitless number that defines the maximum number of
iterations to be performed for each
hydraulic solution. The default value is 40.
Accuracy - Unitless number that defines the convergence
criteria for the iterative solution of the
network hydraulic equations. When the sum of the absolute flow
changes between successive
iterations in all links is divided by the sum of the absolute
flows in all links, and is less than the
Accuracy, the solution is said to have converged. The default
value is 0.001 and the minimum
allowed value for Accuracy is 1.0e-5.
Emitter Exponent - Emitters are devices associated with
junctions that model the flow through a
nozzle or orifice. In these situations, the demand (i.e. the
flow rate through the emitter) varies in
proportion to the pressure at the junction raised to some
power. The constant of proportionality is
termed the "discharge coefficient". For nozzles and sprinkler
heads the exponent on pressure is 0.5
and the manufacturer usually states the value of the discharge
coefficient as the flow rate in gpm
through the device at a 1 psi pressure drop.
Note: The number of trials specifies the maximum number of
iterations to be performed for
each time step in an extended period simulation, not the total number of
iterations for the entire

Tip: In most cases, the default values are adequate for the
hydraulic analysis. Under special
circumstances, the accuracy may need to be adjusted downward.
This is necessary when the
model converges, yet there are larger than acceptable discrepancies
between the total inflow and
outflow at individual nodes.
9.10.3 Water Quality Analysis Options
The following water quality analysis parameters are available for user
Age Tolerance - If the difference between two parcels of
water is equal to or less than the value
specified in this field, the parcels are considered to be of equal age.
Constituent Tolerance - If the difference between two parcels of
water is equal to or less than the
value specified in this field, the parcels are considered to
possess an equal concentration of the
associated constituent.
Trace Tolerance - If the difference between two parcels of water
is equal to or less than the value
specified in this field, the parcels are considered to be within the same
Set Quality Time Step - Check this box if you want to manually set the
water quality time step. By
default, this box is not checked and the water quality time
step is computed internally by the
numerical engine.
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

Quality Time Step - Time interval used to track water quality changes
throughout the network. By
default, this value is computed by the numerical engine and is equivalent
to the smallest travel time
through any pipe in the system.
9.11 Patterns
9.11.1 Patterns
The extended period analysis is actually a series of Steady
State analyses run against time-variable loads
such as sewer inflows, demands, or chemical constituents.
Patterns allow you to apply automatic time-
variable changes within the system. The most common application of
patterns is for residential or industrial
loads. Diurnal curves are patterns that relate to the changes in loads
over the course of the day, reflecting
times when people are using more or less water than average. Most
patterns are based on a multiplication
factor versus time relationship, whereby a multiplication factor of one
represents the base value (which is
often the average value).
Using a representative diurnal curve for a residence as illustrated
below, we see that there is a peak in the
diurnal curve in the morning as people take showers and prepare
breakfast, another slight peak around
noon, and a third peak in the evening as people arrive home from work and
prepare dinner. Throughout the
night, the pattern reflects the relative inactivity of the system, with
very low flows compared to the average.
Typical Diurnal Curve

Note: This curve is conceptual and should not be construed as

representative of any particular
There are two basic forms for representing a pattern: stepwise
and continuous. A stepwise pattern is one
that assumes a constant level of usage over a period of time,
and then jumps instantaneously to another
level where it remains steady until the next jump. A continuous pattern
is one for which several points in
the pattern are known and sections in between are transitional,
resulting in a smoother pattern. For the
continuous pattern in the figure above, the multiplication factor and
slope at the start time and end times are
the same. This is a continuity that is recommended for patterns that
Because of the finite time steps used for calculations, this
software converts continuous patterns into
stepwise patterns for use by the algorithms. In other words for a time
step a multiplier is interpolated from
WaterCAD Users Guide

the pattern curve. That multiplier is then used for the

duration of the time step, until a new multiplier is
selected for the next time step.
Patterns provide a convenient way to define the time variable aspects of
system loads.
9.11.2 Pattern Manager
Patterns provide an effective means of applying time-variable
system demands to the distribution model.
The Pattern Manager is split into two windows: The left window displays
the 4 types of patterns:
Hydraulic - This type of pattern can be applied to Junctions
or Tanks. Use this pattern type to
describe demand or inflow patterns over time.
Constituent - This type of pattern can be applied to Reservoirs,
Tanks, or Junctions. Use this pattern
type to describe changes in Constituent Baseline Loads over time.
Reservoir - This type of pattern can be applied to
Reservoirs. Use this pattern type to describe
changes in HGL over time, such as that caused by tidal
activity or when the reservoir represents a
connection to another system where the pressure changes over time.
Pump - This type of pattern can be applied to Pumps. Use this pattern
type to describe changes in the
pumps Relative Speed Factor.
The right window displays all of the patterns for the selected
(highlighted) type. The Pattern Manager
allows you to do the following:
Add - Click the Add button. This action opens the Pattern Editor where
the specifics of the pattern
can be entered.
Edit - Select the label of the pattern you wish to edit, and click the
Edit button. The Fixed pattern
cannot be edited.
Duplicate - Select the label of the pattern you wish to duplicate, and
press the Duplicate button. The
Fixed pattern cannot be duplicated.
Delete - Select the label of the pattern you wish to
delete, and click the Delete button. The Fixed
pattern cannot be deleted.
Import - Allows you to import a pattern from a text file. Details
regarding the necessary format and
the import process can be found in the Importing Patterns topic.
Note: In this program, an individual demand node can support multiple
demands. Furthermore,
each demand can be assigned any hydraulic pattern. This
powerful functionality makes it
possible to model any type of extended period simulation.
To access the Pattern Manager select Analysis / Patterns from the pull-
down menus, or click the ellipsis
() button next to any pattern choice list.
9.11.3 Pattern Editor
A pattern is a series of time step values, each having an associated
multiplier value. During an extended
period analysis, each time step of the simulation uses the multiplier
from the pattern corresponding to that
time. If the duration of the simulation is longer than the
pattern, the pattern is repeated. The selected
multiplier is applied to any baseline load that is associated with the
Defining Patterns
Label - A required name to uniquely identify the pattern. This name
appears in the choice list when
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

applying patterns to hydraulic demands or constituent source loads.

Start Time - The first time step in the pattern. The start time format
is a standard 24-hour clock. The
format is Hour:Minute:Second AM or PM. (eg 12:45:30 PM).
Starting Multiplier - The multiplier value of the first time
step point in your pattern. Any real
number can be used for this multiplier (it does not have to be 1.0).
Time Step Points
Time From Start - The amount of time from the Start Time
of the pattern to the time step point
being defined.
Multiplier - The multiplier value associated with the time step point.
Stepwise - The multiplier values are considered to be the average
value for the interval between the
specified time and the next time. Patterns using this format
will have a "staircase" appearance.
Multipliers are set at the specified time and held constant until the
next point in the pattern.
Continuous - The multipliers are considered to be the
instantaneous values at a particular time.
Patterns using this format will have a "curvilinear" appearance.
Multipliers are set at the specified
time, and are linearly increased or decreased to the next point in the
Notes: Patterns must begin and end with the same multiplier value. This
is because patterns will
be repeated if the duration of the Extended Period Analysis is longer
than the pattern duration.
In other words, the last point in the pattern is really the start point
of the pattern's next cycle.
An Extended Period Analysis is actually a series of Steady State analyses
for which the boundary
conditions of the current time step are calculated from the
conditions at the previous time step.
This software will automatically convert a continuous pattern format to a
stepwise format so that
the demands and source concentrations remain constant during a time step.
An individual node can support multiple hydraulic demands.
Furthermore, each load can be
assigned any hydraulic demand pattern. This powerful
functionality makes it easy to combine
two or more types of demand patterns (such as residential and
institutional) at a single loading

Tip: Use the Report button to view or print a graph or detailed report of
your pattern.
9.11.4 Importing Patterns
New in WaterCAD v5.0 is the ability to import Hydraulic,
Constituent, Reservoir, and Pump pattern
information from an ASCII tab delimited text file. The file to be
imported must be in the following format:
Hour Multiplier (Pattern 1) Multiplier (Pattern 2) Multiplier
(Pattern 3) etc.
Press the Tab key once between each column. An unlimited number
of patterns (of a single type) can be
imported from a single text file by simply adding additional columns,
following the same format. The first
row of the text file is used exclusively for labeling purposes. The
first column of the first row is ignored.
The value contained in the second column of the first row will
be used as the pattern label for the first
WaterCAD Users Guide

pattern, the value contained in the third column of the first

row will be used as the pattern label for the
second pattern, and so on.
Notes: The time steps do not need to be in chronological order
in the text file to be imported.
WaterCAD will organize the time steps properly during the import process.
The lowest numbered (earliest) time step will be inserted at
hour zero in the newly created
pattern. The other time steps will be inserted at the appropriate
increment starting from the zero
based start time.
The patterns starting multiplier and ending multiplier must be
- Pat1 Pat2
0 1.1 1.2
4 1.2 1.3
8 1.3 1.4
12 1.4 1.5
16 1.3 1.4
20 1.2 1.3
24 1.1 1.2
9.12 Logical Controls
9.12.1 Logical Controls Overview
IF Condition 1 AND Condition 2 OR Condition 3 AND Condition 4, etc.
Condition X is a condition clause
THEN Action 1 AND Action 2, etc. where Action X is an action clause
ELSE (Optional) Action 3 AND Action 4, etc. where Action X is an
action clause
Note: Logical Controls are not executed during Steady State analyses.
9.12.2 Creating a new Logical Control
Logical controls greatly increase the amount of control you have over
the behavior of the elements in the
To create a new Logical Control:
1. Open the Logical Controls Manager window. This manager is
accessed by clicking on the Analysis
pulldown and selecting Logical Controls.
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

2. In the Logical Controls Manager window, click the Control Management

button, and select New. This
will open the Logical Controls editor window.
3. Now we must define the condition(s) that will trigger the
control, and the action(s) that will be
performed when the control is triggered. To add a condition to
the control, click on the New button.
This opens the New Logical Condition dialog.
4. In the New Logical Condition window, you can specify whether the
condition will be Simple (single
condition) or Composite (multiple conditions). Then, define the
condition type: element demand,
element hydraulic grade, element pressure, system demand, clock
time, or time from start. The input
data requirements change depending on the condition type that is
chosen. Click OK when you are
finished. This will return you to the Logical Controls editor.
(See the New Logical Condition Dialog
topic for more details.)
5. Now that the condition has been set, it needs to be linked to an
action. To add an action, click the New
button to open the New Logical Action Dialog.
6. In the New Logical Action dialog, you can specify whether the action
will be Simple (single action) or
Composite (multiple actions). Then, define the element you want the
action to apply to. The input data
requirements change depending on the action type that is chosen.
Click OK when you are finished.
This will return you to the Logical Controls editor.
Tip: Use the optional ELSE field to cause actions to be
performed when the conditions in the
control are not being met. For example, if you are creating a
control that states, "If the level in
Tank 1 is less than 5 ft., Then turn Pump 1 On", use an ELSE action to
turn the pump off if the
tank level is above 5 ft.

Notes: Logical Controls are not executed during Steady State analyses.
When defining a logical control, you have the option to share conditions
and/or actions. In other
words, more than one control can reference the same condition
or action. Keep in mind that
when you change an underlying condition or action, it will affect all
controls that reference that
condition or action.
To create a logical control in which a pump (PMP-1) is turned on when the
level in a tank (T-1) falls below
a specified value (5 ft.) or when the system demands exceed a certain
level (5,000 gpm):
Conditions - Because this control needs to be triggered by
multiple conditions, a Composite
Condition is chosen. In this instance, the Operator OR is chosen to link
the Conditions, because the
pump should be turned on if either condition is true.
IF Condition - {"T-1" Level < 5 ft.}
OR Condition - {"System Demand" > 5,000 gpm}
Actions - Because this control has a single desired outcome if one of
the conditions is met, a Simple
Action is chosen. The first action in a Logical Control is
always linked to the Condition(s) by a
logical THEN statement. In this instance, an ELSE action will also be
used, to keep the pump off if
neither of the conditions is true.
THEN Action - {"PMP-1" Status = On}
WaterCAD Users Guide

ELSE Action - {"PMP-1" Status = Off}

The finished logical control looks like this:
IF {"T-1" Level < 5 ft.} OR {"System Demand" > 5,000 gpm}
THEN {"PMP-1" Status = On} ELSE
{"PMP-1" Status = Off}
This example illustrates the power of using Logical Controls. To
achieve the same functionality using
Simple Controls, you would need to create four separate controls - one to
turn the pump on if the tank level
is below the specified value, one to turn the pump off if the
tank level is above a specified value, one to
turn the pump on if the system demand is greater than the specified
value, and one to turn the pump off if
the system demand is less than the specified value.
9.12.3 Logical Controls Operation
Logical Controls are applied after the initial hydraulic state
of the network has been computed (i.e., after
time zero). The controls are evaluated over the course of a hydraulic
simulation as follows:
1. The rules are evaluated at a sub-hydraulic time step equal
to 1/10 of the normal hydraulic time step
(e.g., if hydraulics are updated every hour, then rules are evaluated
every 6 minutes).
2. Over this sub-hydraulic time step, clock time and water levels in
storage tanks are updated, based on
the last set of pipe flows computed.
3. If a rule's conditions are satisfied, then its actions are added to a
list. If an action conflicts with one for
the same element already on the list, then the action from the rule with
the higher priority stays on the
list and the other is removed. If the priorities are the same then the
original action stays on the list.
4. If the action list is not empty, then those actions are taken. If
this causes the status or settings of one or
more elements to change, then a new hydraulic solution is computed.
5. The action list is cleared and the next sub-hydraulic time step is
Notes: Logical Controls are not executed during Steady State analyses.
Relative Speed Pump patterns take precedence over any controls
(Simple or Logical) that are
associated with the pump.
9.12.4 Logical Control Manager
The Logical Control Manager is the main work center for Logical Controls.
The Logical Control Manager
manages all Logical Controls, Logical Conditions, and Logical Actions in
the system. The Logical Control
Manager allows you to define controls using advanced IF, AND, and OR
condition logic, which can trigger
any number of THEN or optional ELSE actions.
The Logical Control Manager dialog consists of the following three tabs:
Controls Tab - The Controls tab allows the user to manage
all Logical Controls defined in the
Conditions Tab - Conditions allow you to define the condition
that must be met prior to taking an
Actions Tab - Actions allow you to define what should be
done to an element in the system in
response to an associated control condition.
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

Note: Hovering the mouse cursor over a control in the list will open a
tooltip which displays the
condition(s) and action(s) that make up that control.
Controls Tab
The Controls tab allows the user to manage all Logical Controls
defined in the system. Logical Controls
are made up of an IF Condition, a THEN Action, and an
optional ELSE Action. Controls have a non-
editable application-provided ID (e.g. "LC01") and an optional
Priority for resolving potential conflicts
between logical controls. The Controls Tab is divided into 4 sections:
The pane in the center of the dialog is the Controls List.
This list displays a list of all Logical
Controls defined in the system.
Located above the Controls List is a toolbar with the following
New - Opens the Logical Control dialog, which allows you to create a
new Logical
Edit - Opens the Logical Control dialog, which allows you to Edit the
highlighted Control.
Delete - Deletes the highlighted Control. You will be prompted to
confirm this action.
Find - Opens the Find Control Dialog, which allows you to find a
particular Control based
on a variety of criteria.
Report - Generates a summary of the highlighted control, listing the
ID, Conditions,
Actions, and elements incorporated into the control.
Located along the left of the Controls List are two command buttons:
Control Management - Offers a menu of options for creating, editing,
and managing
Logical Controls. Provides the same functionality as the toolbar, as
described above.
Control Sets - Opens the Logical Control Sets Alternative dialog,
which lists the various
Control Sets you have created. In addition to listing the control sets by
name, the number of
controls in each set is also displayed. The following options are
available in this dialog:
Add - Prompts for a name, then opens the Logical Control
Set Editor dialog. From
this window, you can add previously created Logical Controls to the new
control set.
Edit - Opens the Logical Control Set Editor dialog, which
allows you to Edit the
highlighted control set.
Duplicate - Prompts for a name, then opens the Logical Control Set
Editor to allow
you to add or remove controls from the control set.
Delete - Deletes the highlighted control set. You will be
prompted to confirm this
Rename - Allows you to rename the highlighted control set.
Report - Generates a summary of the highlighted control set,
listing the ID,
Conditions, Actions, and elements for all of the Logical Controls
contained within the
control set.
Located below the Controls List is a Summary pane that
provides a description of the
highlighted control.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Note: Hovering the mouse cursor over a control in the list will open a
tooltip which displays the
condition(s) and action(s) that make up that control.
Conditions Tab
Conditions allow you to define the condition that must be met prior to
taking an action. The Conditions
tab provides a list of all Conditions defined in the system.
There are two types of conditions: Simple
Conditions and Composite Conditions. The Conditions Tab is divided into 3
The pane in the middle of the dialog is the Conditions List. The
Conditions List displays a list of
all Logical Conditions defined in the system. The list contains four
columns: ID (the application
defined id, e.g. "C01" for Simple, "CC01" for Composite), Type
(Simple or Composite),
Description, and References (Logical Control references).
Located above the Conditions List is a toolbar with the following
New - Opens the New Logical Condition dialog, which allows you to
create a new Logical
Edit - Depending on whether a Simple or Composite condition is
highlighted, this button
opens the Simple Logical Condition or Composite Logical Condition dialog,
which allows
you to Edit the highlighted Condition.
Delete - Deletes the highlighted Condition. You will be prompted to
confirm this action.
Find - Opens the Find Logical Condition dialog, which allows you to
find a particular
Action based on a variety of criteria.
Report - Generates a summary of the highlighted condition.
Located below the Conditions List is a Summary pane that
provides a description of the
highlighted condition.
Note: Hovering the mouse cursor over a control in the list will open a
tooltip which displays the
condition(s) and action(s) that make up that control.
Actions Tab
Actions allow you to define what should be done to an element in the
system in response to an associated
control condition. The Actions tab provides a list of all Actions
defined in the system. There are two types
of Actions: Simple Actions and Composite Actions. Actions have
an application-provided non-editable
ID (e.g. "A01" for Simple, "AA01" for Composite). The Actions Tab is
divided into three sections:
The Actions List displays a list of all Logical Actions defined in the
system. The list contains four
columns: ID (the application defined ID, e.g. "A01" for Simple,
"AA01" for Composite), Type
(Simple or Composite), Description, and References (Logical Control
Located above the Conditions List is a toolbar with the following
New - Opens the New Logical Action dialog, which allows you to create
a new Logical
Edit - Depending on whether a Simple or Composite Action is
highlighted, this button
opens the Simple Logical Action or Composite Logical Action dialog, which
allows you to
Edit the highlighted Action.
Delete - Deletes the highlighted Action. You will be prompted to
confirm this action.
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

Find - Opens the Find Logical Action dialog, which allows you to find
a particular Action
based on a variety of criteria.
Report - Generates a summary of the highlighted Action.
Located below the Actions List is a Summary pane that provides a
description of the highlighted
9.12.5 Control Dialogs
Logical Control Dialog
This dialog allows you to edit or create a Logical Control consisting of
an IF Condition, a THEN Action,
and an optional ELSE Action. The Logical Control dialog is split into
four areas:
Control Logic - This area of the dialog is where you specify the
condition(s) and action(s) to create
a Logical Control. It consists of a pulldown bar and three buttons for
each of the three components
of a logical control:
IF Condition - The pulldown list allows you to create a new condition
(<NEW>), find an
existing condition (<FIND>), or choose from a list of conditions that
have already been
THEN Action - The pulldown list allows you to create a new action
(<NEW>), find an
existing action (<FIND>), or choose from a list of actions that have
already been created.
ELSE Action (optional) - The ELSE Action is used when the conditions
for the control are
not met. To specify an ELSE Action, click the checkbox to activate the
pulldown list. The
pulldown menu allows you to create a new action (<NEW>), find an existing
(<FIND>), or choose from a list of actions that have already been
In addition, there are three buttons next to each pulldown menu:
New - Opens the New Logical Condition dialog or the New Logical Action
Properties - Opens the corresponding editor for the control component
that is selected in the
pulldown bar. (Depending on the highlighted control, this button will
open the Simple Logical
Condition editor, Composite Logical Condition editor, Simple Logical
Action editor, or the
Composite Logical Action editor)
Find - Opens the Find Condition or Find Action dialog.
Priority - This area of the dialog is optional. To set a priority for
the control being created, click
the checkbox to activate the priority pulldown. You can set a priority of
1-5, 1 being the highest
priority. If multiple controls meet a certain condition and they have
conflicting actions, the control
with the highest priority will be used.
Notes: At calculation time, the priority is used to determine
the Logical Control to apply when
multiple controls require that conflicting actions be taken.
Logical Controls with identical
priorities will be prioritized based on the order they appear
in the Logical Control Set
alternative. A rule without a priority value always has a lower priority
than one with a value. For
two rules with the same priority value, the rule that appears first is
given the higher priority.
Relative Speed Pump patterns take precedence over any controls
(Simple or Logical) that are
associated with the pump.
Hovering the mouse cursor over a control in the list will open
a tooltip which displays the
condition(s) and action(s) that make up that control.
WaterCAD Users Guide
Note: When creating a new condition or action for a new control, the
condition and action input
fields will be initialized with the data used in the last condition or
action that was created.
Description - This area of the dialog is preset with a
default description. There is an option to
change the default description. To do so, click the checkbox to activate
the description field, and
enter your description in the text box.
Summary - This area of the dialog displays a verbose description of
the control.
Note: Once created, the Logical Control will be assigned an
application generated ID (e.g.
9.12.6 Condition Dialogs
New Logical Condition Dialog
Simple Condition
Composite Condition
Note: When defining a logical control, you have the option to share
conditions and/or actions. In
other words, more than one control can reference the same
condition or action. Keep in mind
that when you change an underlying condition or action, it will affect
all controls that reference
that condition or action.
Simple Logical Condition Dialog
The Simple Logical Condition dialog is split into three areas:
Simple Condition - The input fields for a simple condition change
depending on the condition type
that is selected in the condition Type field. The Simple Condition Types
and the corresponding input
data are as follows:
Element - This will create a condition based on specified attributes
at a selected element. The
fields available when this condition type is selected are as follows:
Element - The Element field allows you to specify which
element the condition will
be based upon, and provides three methods of choosing this
element. The pulldown
displays elements that have been used in other logical controls, the
Ellipsis () button,
which opens the Single Element Selection Dialog, and the Select
From Drawing
button, which allows you to select the element using the graphical
Drawing view.
Attribute - This field displays the available attributes for
the element type currently
specified in the Element field.
Pressure Junctions The following attributes are available for use
when a
Junction is chosen in the Element field:
Demand This attribute is used to create a condition based
on a
specified demand at the corresponding junction. (Eg. If J-1 has
Hydraulic Grade : This attribute is used to create a
based on a specified hydraulic grade at the corresponding
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

(Eg. If J-1 has a hydraulic grade of)

Pressure - This attribute is used to create a condition
based on a
specified pressure at the corresponding junction. (Eg If J-1 has
pressure of)
Pumps The following attributes are available for use when a Pump is
in the Element field:
Discharge This attribute is used to create a condition
based on a
specified rate of discharge at the corresponding pump. (Eg. If PMP-1
has a discharge of)
Setting This attribute is used to create a condition based
on the
Relative Speed Factor of the corresponding pump. (Eg. If PMP-1 has
a relative speed factor of 1.5)
Status - This attribute is used to create a condition based
on the
status (On or Off) of the corresponding pump. (Eg If PMP-1 is
Note: Relative Speed Pump patterns take precedence over any controls
(Simple or Logical) that
are associated with the pump.
Tanks The following attributes are available for use when a Tank is
in the Element field:
Demand This attribute is used to create a condition based
on a
specified demand at the corresponding tank. For tanks, this demand
can represent an inflow or outflow. (Eg. If T-1 has a demand)
Hydraulic Grade : This attribute is used to create a
based on a specified hydraulic grade at the corresponding tank. (Eg.
If T-1 has a hydraulic grade of)
Pressure This attribute is used to create a condition
based on a
specified pressure at the corresponding tank. (Eg. If T-1 has a
pressure of)
Level This attribute is used to create a condition based
on a
specified water level at the corresponding tank. (Eg. If the
water in
T-1 is at a level of)
Time to Drain This attribute is to create a condition based on the
amount of time required for the tank to drain. (Eg. If T-1 drains in X
Time to Fill - This attribute is to create a condition
based on the
amount of time required for the tank to fill. (Eg. If T-1
fills in X
Reservoirs The following attributes are available for use when a
Reservoir is
chosen in the Element field:
Demand This attribute is used to create a condition based
on a
specified demand at the corresponding reservoir. For reservoirs, this
demand can represent an inflow or outflow. (Eg. If R-1 has a
WaterCAD Users Guide

Hydraulic Grade : This attribute is used to create a

based on a specified hydraulic grade at the corresponding Reservoir.
(Eg. If R-1 has a hydraulic grade of)
Pressure - This attribute is used to create a condition
based on a
specified pressure at the corresponding reservoir. (Eg. If R-1
has a
pressure of)
Pipes - The following attributes are available for use when a Pipe is
chosen in
the Element field:
Discharge This attribute is used to create a condition
based on a
specified rate of discharge at the corresponding pipe. (Eg. If P-1 has
a discharge of)
Status - This attribute is used to create a condition based
on the
status (Open or Closed) of the corresponding pipe. (Eg. If P-1
Valves - The following attributes are available for use when a Valve
is chosen
in the Element field:
Discharge This attribute is used to create a condition
based on a
specified rate of discharge at the corresponding valve. (Eg. If PRV-1
has a discharge of)
Setting This attribute is used to create a condition based
on the
setting of the corresponding valve. The type of setting will
depending on the type of valve that is chosen. The valves and
associated setting types are as follows:
PRV Choosing the Setting attribute in conjunction with a
PRV will create a condition based on a specified pressure at the
PRV. (Eg. If PRV-1 has a pressure of)
PSV Choosing the Setting attribute in conjunction with a PRV
will create a condition based on a specified pressure at the PRV.
(Eg. If PSV-1 has a pressure of)
PBV Choosing the Setting attribute in conjunction with a PRV
will create a condition based on a specified pressure at the PRV.
(Eg. If PBV-1 has a pressure of)
FCV Choosing the Setting attribute in conjunction with a
PRV will create a condition based on a specified rate of
discharge at the PRV. (Eg. If FCV-1 has a discharge of)
TCV - Choosing the Setting attribute in conjunction with a PRV
will create a condition based on a specified headloss coefficient
at the PRV. (Eg. If TCV-1 has a headloss of)
Status This attribute is used to create a condition based
on the
status (Closed or Inactive) of the corresponding valve. (Eg. If PRV-1
is Inactive)
Note: The Setting attribute is not available when a GPV is selected in
the Element field.
System Demand - This will create a condition based on the demands for
the entire system.
The fields available when this condition type is selected are as follows:
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

Clock Time - This will create a condition based on the clock time
during an Extended period
Simulation. If the Extended Period Simulation is for a period longer than
24 hours, this
condition will be triggered every day at the specified time.
Time From Start - This will create a condition based on the amount of
time that has passed
since the beginning of an Extended Period Simulation. The following
fields are available
when this condition type is selected:
Operator - This field allows you to specify the relationship
between the Attribute and the target
value for that attribute. The choices include Greater Than (>), Greater
Than Or Equal To (>=), Less
Than (<), Less Than Or Equal To (<=), Equal To (=), or Not Equal To (<>).
Target Value - This fields label will change depending on
the Attribute that is chosen. The value
entered here is used in conjunction with the operator that is chosen to
determine if the condition has
been met.
Description - This area of the dialog is preset with a default
description. There is an option to change
the default description. To do so, click the checkbox to activate the
description field, and enter your
description in the text box. Additionally, the description field
supports the following "expandable
%# ID
%e Element
%a Attribute
%o Operator
%v Value
%u Unit
Aside from reducing the amount of data input, using these masks
provides the additional benefit of
automatically updating the corresponding information when changes
are made to the various condition
Note: Click on the description combobox to select one of the predefined
Summary - This area of the dialog displays an automatically
updated preview of the expanded
Composite Logical Condition Dialog
The Composite Logical Condition dialog is divided into three areas:
Composite Condition - The Composite Condition area of the dialog is
comprised of a two column
table and two buttons. The buttons are as follows:
Insert - Adds a new row to the Condition list
Delete - Deletes the highlighted row from the Condition list
The table contains two columns, as follows:
Operator - This column allows you to choose the way in which the
related Condition logic
will be evaluated. The available choices are If, And, and Or.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Notes: The first condition in the list will use the If Operator. Any
additional conditions will allow
you to choose between And and Or.
Any combination of AND and OR clauses can be used in a rule.
When mixing AND and OR
clauses, the OR operator has higher precedence than AND.
Therefore, "IF A or B and C" is
equivalent to "IF (A or B) and C". If the interpretation was meant to be
IF A or (B and C), this can
be expressed using two Logical Controls:
Logical Control
1: "IF A THEN ..." and Logical Control 2: " IF B AND C THEN ..."
Condition - The pulldown list allows you to create a new condition
(<NEW>), find an
existing condition (<FIND>), or choose a condition that was already
created beforehand.
Choosing New will open the Simple Logical Condition dialog, and choosing
Find will open
the Find Logical Condition dialog.
Description - This area of the dialog is preset with a default
description. There is an option to change
the default description. To do so, click the checkbox to activate the
description field, and enter your
description in the text box. Additionally, the description field
supports the following "expandable
%# ID
%v Value
Aside from reducing the amount of data input, using these masks
provides the additional benefit of
automatically updating the corresponding information when changes
are made to the various condition
Note: Click on the description combobox to select one of the predefined
Summary - This area of the dialog displays an automatically
updated preview of the expanded
9.12.7 Action Dialogs
New Logical Action Dialog
The New Logical Action dialog allows you to define the type of
Action to be created. The two radio
buttons at the top of the dialog are used to specify whether the Action
to be created is a Simple Action or a
Composite Action.
The appearance of this dialog will change depending on which action type
is selected.
Simple Action
Composite Action
Note: When defining a logical control, you have the option to share
conditions and/or actions. In
other words, more than one control can reference the same
condition or action. Keep in mind
that when you change an underlying condition or action, it will affect
all controls that reference
that condition or action.

Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

Simple Logical Action Dialog

The Simple Logical Action dialog is divided into three areas:
Simple Action - This area of the dialog displays the following fields:
Element - The Element field allows you to specify which element the
action will be based
upon and provides three methods of choosing this element. The pulldown
displays elements
that have been used in other logical controls, the Ellipsis () button,
which opens the Single
Element Selection Dialog, and the Select From Drawing button, which
allows you to select
the element using the graphical Drawing view.
Attribute - This field displays the available attributes for the
element type specified in the
Element field. Not all attributes are available for all element types.
The available attributes
Status This attribute is used to change the status of a pipe, pump,
or valve when the
related condition(s) is (are) met. The available choices are
dependant on the element
Setting - This attribute is used to change the settings of
a pump or valve when the
related condition(s) is (are) met. The setting type varies
depending on the type of
Notes: Pipes can only utilize the Status Attribute, Pumps and all Valves
except for the GPV can
utilize either the Status or Setting Attribute. GPVs can only use the
Status Attribute.
For all valves except for the GPV, there is no explicit "Active" status
with which to base a control
upon- the status choices are "Inactive" or "Closed". After a control sets
a valve to "Inactive" or
"Closed", to reactivate the valve another control must be created with a
"Setting" attribute. This
is because a valve cannot simply be set to "Active", but must
have specific input data to work
For GPVs, there is no "Inactive" setting. GPVs can only be set
to "Active" or "Closed". If the
GPV is not closed, the valve will always produce the headlosses
associated with it through the
Head-Discharge Points table.
Operator - The operator for Logical Actions is always Equal To (=).
Attribute Value - This fields label will change depending on the
Attribute that is chosen.
Depending on the element type and the Attribute that was chosen, the
input field may also
change to a pulldown list, which contains the possible settings for that
element. Not all
settings are available for all element types.
Note: Pipes can be set to Open or Closed, Pumps can be set
to On, Off, or have their relative
speed factors increase or decrease. GPVs can be set to Active or
Closed. All other valves can be
set to Inactive, Closed, or have their respective settings changed,
depending on the Valve type.
Description - This area of the dialog is preset with a default
description. There is an option to change
the default description. To do so, click the checkbox to activate the
description field, and enter your
description in the text box. Additionally, the description field
supports the following "expandable
%# ID
%e Element
WaterCAD Users Guide

%a Attribute
%o Operator
%v Value (and Unit, if applicable)
Aside from reducing the amount of data input, using these masks
provides the additional benefit of
automatically updating the corresponding information when changes
are made to the various control
Note: Click on the description combobox to select one of the predefined
Summary - This area of the dialog displays an automatically
updated preview of the expanded
Composite Logical Action Dialog
The composite Logical Action dialog is separated into three areas:
Composite Action - The Composite Action area of the dialog is
comprised of a single column table
and two buttons. The Table contains a list of the Actions to be used.
Each row is a pulldown list that
allows you to create a new action (<NEW>), find an existing action
(<FIND>), or choose an action
that was already created beforehand. Selecting <NEW> will open
the Simple Action dialog, and
selecting <FIND> will open the Find Action dialog.
Insert - Adds a new row to the Action list
Delete - Deletes the highlighted row from the Action list.
Description - This area of the dialog is preset with a default
description. There is an option to change
the default description. To do so, click the checkbox to activate the
description field, and enter your
description in the text box. Additionally, the description field
supports the following "expandable
%# ID
%v Value
Aside from reducing the amount of data input, using these masks
provides the additional benefit of
automatically updating the corresponding information when changes
are made to the various control
Note: Click on the description combobox to select one of the predefined
Summary - This area of the dialog displays an automatically
updated preview of the expanded
Note: Composite Logical Actions consist of multiple Simple
Logical Actions. These actions are
linked with an AND statement.
9.12.8 Finding Controls and Control Components
Find Logical Control Dialog
Filter Controls By - This area of the dialog contains four combo
boxes that allow you to filter the
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

list of Logical Controls that is displayed in the Controls area of the

Condition - This pulldown allows you to display only the Logical
Controls that reference the
condition that is chosen here. In addition, you have two additional
choices: <any>, which is
the default setting and applies no Condition filters, and <Find>, which
opens the Find
Condition dialog.
Condition Element - This pulldown lists the Elements that are
referenced in all of the
Conditions in the current project. Choosing an element in this dialog
will cause only the
controls that contain a condition that references the selected element to
appear in the Controls
area of the dialog. Choosing <any>, the default setting, will apply no
Condition Element
Action - Allows you to display only the Logical Controls that
reference the action that is
chosen here. In addition, you have two additional choices: <any>, which
is the default setting
and applies no Action filters, and <Find>, which opens the Find Action
Action Element - This pulldown lists the Elements that are referenced
by Actions in the
current project. Choosing an element in this dialog will cause only the
controls that contain an
Action that references the selected element to appear in the Controls
area of the dialog.
Choosing <any>, the default setting, will apply no Action Element
Controls - This area of the dialog displays all of the
Logical Controls that match the current filter
logic in the current project.
Find Logical Condition Dialog
Filter Controls By - This area of the dialog contains two combo boxes,
which allow you to filter the
list of Conditions that is displayed in the Conditions area of the
Type - This pulldown allows you to filter by Simple Conditions,
Composite Conditions, or no
Type filter (<any>).
Element- This pulldown lists the Elements that are referenced in all
of the Conditions in the
current project. Choosing an element in this dialog will cause only the
Conditions that
reference the selected element to appear in the Conditions area of the
dialog. Choosing
<any>, the default setting, will apply no Condition Element filters.
Choosing <System> will
cause only the system type conditions to be displayed.
Conditions - This area of the dialog displays all of the
Logical Conditions that match the current
filter logic in the current project.
Find Logical Action Dialog
Filter Controls By - This area of the dialog contains two pulldowns
that allow you to filter the list of
Actions that is displayed in the Actions area of the dialog.
Type - This pulldown allows you to filter by Simple Actions, Composite
Actions, or no Type
filter (<any>).
Element- This pulldown lists the Elements that are referenced in all
of the Actions in the
current project. Choosing an element in this dialog will cause only the
Actions that reference
the selected element to appear in the Actions area of the dialog.
Choosing <any>, the default
setting, will apply no Action Element filters.
Actions - This area of the dialog displays all of the Logical Actions
that match the current filter logic
in the current project.
WaterCAD Users Guide

9.12.9 Logical Control Sets

Logical Control Sets Alternative
The Logical Control Sets Dialog allows you to create, modify
and manage Logical Control Sets. Logical
Control Sets are a way to organize your logical controls, and also
provide the means to use different logical
controls in different scenarios. The following options are available in
this dialog:
Add - Prompts for a name, then opens the Logical Control Set editor
dialog. From this
window, you can add previously created Logical Controls to the new
control set.
Edit - Opens the Logical Control Set editor dialog, which allows you
to Edit the highlighted
control set.
Duplicate - Prompts for a name, then opens the Logical Control Set
editor to allow you to add
or remove controls from the control set.
Delete - Deletes the highlighted control set. You will be prompted to
confirm this action.
Rename - Allows you to rename the highlighted control set.
Report - Generates a summary of the highlighted control set, listing
the ID, Conditions,
Actions, and elements for all of the Logical Controls contained within
the control set.
Notes: Priority is based upon the order that the controls appear in this
dialog. The first control
in the control set has the highest priority, and so on. Any control with
a set priority will overrule
any control with no set priority.
Hovering the mouse cursor over a control in the list will open
a tooltip which displays the
condition(s) and action(s) that make up that control.
9.13 Active Topology
9.13.1 Active Topology
WaterCAD v5s new Active Topology feature allows you to create
alternatives in which selected elements
are removed from the drawing view. While these elements are in the
Inactive state, they are not evaluated
in network calculations. This ability allows you to easily
create before and after scenarios for proposed
construction projects and test the redundancy of existing networks.
While elements are Inactive, they are not included in any
hydraulic equations. Inactive elements are also
not evaluated when generating Contour Plots, and are not available for
inclusion while generating Profiles.
Inactive elements do not appear in the main drawing pane, in the Aerial
View window, or in either of the
Plan View types. When generating Project Inventory reports, Element
Details reports, or Element Results
reports, Inactive Elements are not included.
Inactive Elements will not appear in the corresponding Tabular
Reports, unless the Include Inactive
Topology option is toggled on. The default setting does not Include
Inactive Elements. Inactive Elements
are still available for inclusion in Selection Sets.
Any changes made to the Active Topology are applied to the Active
Topology Alternative associated with
the current scenario, and an unlimited number of Active Topology
Alternatives can be created. See the
Active Topology Alternative topic for more information.
Chapter 9 Modeling Capabilities

9.13.2 Active Topology Selection Dialog

Inactive Elements Pane - This pane displays a list of the
elements, which are inactive for the
current scenario. Elements in this list are not visible in the
drawing view and are not included in
Button Section - The button section of the dialog consists
of three buttons which allow you to
choose which elements are included in the Inactive Elements Pane:
Select From Drawing - Clicking this button brings you back to the
drawing view to allow
you to graphically choose the elements that you want to deactivate. While
in this mode,
clicking the right mouse button opens a menu with the following options:
Done - Select Done when you are finished selecting elements to bring
you back to the
Active Topology Selection Dialog.
Add - This option is the default mode when you click the
Select From Drawing
button. Left-clicking elements while in this mode selects
(highlights) elements.
Selected (Highlighted) elements will be added to the Inactive Elements
Remove - While in this mode, left-clicking elements de-selects
them. Elements that
are not selected will not be added to the Inactive Elements list.
Notes: Selecting a node element to become Inactive will also
select all adjacent pipes to become
Inactive. This is because all pipes must end at a node.
In AutoCAD mode, you cannot use the right-click context menu
command "Repeat" to re-open
the Active Topology Selection Dialog.
Select Custom - Clicking this button opens a Selection Set-type
dialog. Elements in the left
pane are Active, and elements in the right pane are Inactive. All of the
normal Selection Set
functionality is available, including Filtering and Element Type sorting.
Clear Selection - Removes all elements from the Inactive Elements
Pane, thereby causing all
elements to become Active in the current scenario.
To access the Active Topology Selection Dialog, click the Active
Topology button. Alternatively, select
Analysis / Active Topology from the pull-down menus.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Chapter 10

GA Optimization and Calibration

10.1 Darwin Calibration Overview

The WaterCAD Darwin Calibrator provides a history of your
calibration attempts, lets you use a manual
approach to calibration, supports multiple field data sets,
brings the speed and efficiency of genetic
algorithms to calibrating your water system, and presents several
calibration candidates for you to consider,
rather than just one solution. Darwin Calibrator lets you set
up a series of Base Calibrations, which can
have numerous Child Calibrations that inherit settings from their parent
Base Calibrations.
Note: Inheritance is not persistent. If you change the Base Calibration,
the change does not ripple
down to the Child Calibrations.
Use Base and Child Calibrations to establish a history of your
calibration trials to help you derive a list of
optimized solutions for your water system.
To use calibration manager, click Analysis\Darwin Calibrator.
1. Enter field data. Click the Field Data button to view, add, edit, and
delete sets of field data that you use
to calibrate your water model.
2. Create groups that define what attributes of your model you want to
adjust. Click Groups.
3. Choose the options that define how you are evaluating your model.
Click Options.
4. Right-click in the calibrations area to add a Base Calibration, or
click New Base Calibration.
10.2 Darwin Calibrator
10.2.1 Darwin Calibrator
Darwin Calibrator lets you adjust your model to better match the actual
behavior of the water distribution
system. This feature lets you make manual adjustments on the model as
well as adjustments using genetic
algorithm optimization.
Chapter 10 GA Optimization and Calibration

Before you can run the Darwin Calibrator, you must set up your
calibration parameters (Darwin Calibrator
After you define the parameters of your calibration, the Darwin
Calibrator can be used to calibrate your
water model manually and/or by using genetic algorithm optimization.
The Darwin Calibrator dialog box has three distinct components:
The Calibrations area, which contains the list of base and child
calibrations you have tried.
The Calibration Groups area, which contains tabs containing
the groups you set up, including
Roughness, Demand, Status, and Field data tabs.
The Calibration Solutions area, which contains the solutions
calculated by your Manual or
Optimized calibrations.
To open the Darwin Calibrator, select Analysis\Darwin Calibrator.
10.2.2 New Calibration
To start a new calibration trial, click the New or New Base
buttons. If a Base Calibration already exists,
you can also choose to add a new Child Calibration.
Base/Child Calibration Base and Child Calibrations record a history
of the calibrations you try.
The Base and Child relationship work to help you remember the workflow or
route you have used to
test your calibrations.
Optimized Calibration Use a GA (Genetic Algorithm) Optimized
Calibration if you want
WaterCAD to efficiently process and evaluate numerous trial
calibrations of your water system.
You can set the Optimized Calibration to deliver several solutions for
you to review.
Manual Calibration Use a Manual Calibration if you want to
test fitness by adjusting
Roughness, Demand, or Status manually. If you have specific solutions in
mind, Manual Calibration
might let you quickly narrow-down or refine the number and measure of
adjustments before you use
the Genetic Algorithm.
Label Enter a label for the calibration you are setting up.
OK/Cancel Click OK to Add the new calibration or Cancel
to exit without adding the new
To create a new calibration, select Analysis\Darwin Calibrator
and click the New or New Base/Child
Calibration buttons.
10.2.3 Optimized Calibration
Genetic-Algorithm Optimized Calibration provides the following tabs:
Field Data
WaterCAD Users Guide

Roughness/Demand Tabs
The Roughness, Demand, and Status tabs display the groups you
added when setting up your Calibration
Adjustment Groups (Calibration Adjustment Groups Dialog). If a
tab is empty, then you did not create a
group for the condition represented by that tab.
Group Displays the name of the group.
Operation From, the drop-down list, select the operation you want
the calibration to perform.
Note: Try to choose an increment that gives the least number
of possible alternatives. You may
need to decrease the range between your upper and lower limits to do
Minimum/Maximum/Increment Enter the minimum and maximum
values that you want the
Genetic Algorithm to use as boundaries when calculating fitness
solutions. Set the increment as the
intervals at which you want the GA to test.
Status Tab
Use the status tab to see the Initial Status of the Elements listed,
whether pipes are open or closed.
Field Data
The Field Data tab displays all the Field Data Sets you have entered for
the calibration. Check the box next
to the name of the Field Data Sets you want to use for the
calibration trial. Field Data Sets that have
unchecked boxes next to them will not be used to test fitness when you
click Go or Compute.
Use the Options tab to refine how WaterCAD applies the Genetic
Algorithm (GA) to your Optimized
calibration trials.
Note: Larger values for maximum trials and non-improvement
generations will make the
optimization run longer. You may want to start with fairly low
numbers and then gradually
increase the numbers in subsequent runs as you want to ensure better
solutions. If a run seems to
be taking long time, you may click the Stop button to stop the
Reset Click Reset to restore the software default values for the
Darwin Calibration Options
Advanced Click Advanced to access more Optimized Calibration
Fitness Tolerance Set the precision with which you want the
Optimized Calibration to calculate
fitness. As with many of these settings, you should determine a tolerance
that balances accuracy and
speed for your water models. Fitness Tolerance works in
conjunction with Non-improvement
Maximum Trials Set the maximum number of calibration trials
you want the Optimized
Calibration to process before stopping.
Chapter 10 GA Optimization and Calibration

Non-improvement Generations Set the number of maximum number

of generations you want
the GA to process without calculating an improved fitness. If the
Optimized Calibration makes this
number of calculations without finding an improvement in fitness
that is better than the defined
Fitness Tolerance, the calibration will stop. Non-improvement
Generations works in conjunction
with Fitness Tolerance.
Solutions to Keep Set the number of fitness solutions that
you want to keep. Rather than
presenting you with only one solution, WaterCAD presents you
with a customizable number of
solutions, so you can review them manually.
Type any notes that you want associated with the calibration.
10.2.4 Manual Calibration
Manual Calibration provides the following tabs:
Field Data
Roughness/Demand/Status Tabs
The Roughness, Demand, and Status tabs display the groups you
added when setting up your Calibration
Adjustment Groups (Calibration Adjustment Groups Dialog). If a
tab is empty, then you did not create a
group for the condition represented by that tab.
Group Displays the name of the group.
Operation From, the drop-down list, select the operation you want
the calibration to perform.
Value Enter the value you want to use with the Operation you select
for the Group.
Field Data
The Field Data tab displays all the Field Data Sets you have entered for
the calibration. Check the box next
to the name of the Field Data Sets you want to use for the
calibration trial. Field Data Sets that have
unchecked boxes next to them will not be used to test fitness when you
click Go or Compute.
Type any notes that you want associated with the calibration.
10.2.5 Calibrations
The calibrations data window shows all the Base and Child Calibrations
you have tried. The Name of the
calibration displays along with the fitness calculated for that
calibration. 0 is an ideal, perfect fitness and
lower numbers indicate fitnesses that rank better than higher numbers.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Note: After you make changes to a calibration, you need to

click Go or right-click and select
Compute to recalculate the Fitness.
If you change any calibration options, the fitness values will
be different and should not be
directly compared to calibration runs that used different options.
Right-click to Add a new Base or Child calibration or to
Compute, Rename, or Delete an existing
10.2.6 Calibration Solutions
The solutions data window shows solutions for the Optimized or
Manual calibration you select in the
Calibrations data window.
Note: A green square displays next to solutions created with
the current Calibration Options.
You can compare the results for solutions marked with green
squares. If you change the
Calibration Options, previously calculated solutions display with a gray
square. Solutions with a
gray square cannot be directly compared to solutions with a green square.
Solution Drop-down List For Manual Optimizations, this drop-down
list contains one solution
based on your Calibration. For Darwin Calibrations, the solution
drop-down list displays the most
favorable number of solutions, based on fitness, for the
selected Calibration. The number of
solutions that display here depends on what you set in the Solutions to
Keep field of the Options tab
(Optimized Calibration ). Select the Solution you want to see from the
drop-down list and it displays
in the data window.
Note: Any settings you made in the solution tree-view remain
when you switch solutions, which
better enables you to compare solutions.
Roughness/Demand/Status Adjustments Expand the tree-view to
display the adjustments for
any Roughness or Demand Groups, or the Status of any pipes you set up in
your Adjustment Groups
(Calibration Adjustment Groups Dialog). Original values and values
adjusted by the Manual or
Optimized Calibration are displayed.
HGL/Flow Observations Expand the tree-view to display the
simulated HGL/flow against the
observations you recorded in your Field Data, and the difference
between the observed and
simulated values.
Export to Scenario Click the Export to Scenario button to
export the currently selected
Calibration to the water flow model. This opens the Export
Calibration to Scenario dialog box
(Calibration Export to Scenario Dialog).
Copy to Clipboard Click the Copy to Clipboard button to
copy the contents of the Solutions
data window to the clipboard. From the Windows Clipboard, you
can paste the solution data into
other Windows programs, like a word processor or text editor.
Report Click the Report button to display a print preview of the
solutions data window.
Plot Click Plot button to see a graph of your observed
data sets versus the HGL correlation
between the Simulated and Observed HGL.
Chapter 10 GA Optimization and Calibration

10.2.7 Calibration Export to Scenario Dialog

Use the Calibration Export to Scenario Dialog to apply the results of
your Optimized Calibration or Manual
Calibration to your water model.
To use the Selection Set dialog box, after you have calculated
calibrations for your model, click the Export
to Scenario button in the solutions data window of the Darwin Calibrator
dialog box.
10.2.8 GA-Optimized Calibration Tips
Darwin Calibrator employs a powerful competent genetic algorithm search
method based on the principles
of natural evolution and biological reproduction. This kind of
search algorithm is well suited to
optimization of problems of a non-convex and multiple local-
optimal solution nature. Calibration of a
hydraulic model falls into this problem category and, as a result, a GA
optimization based search tool such
as Darwin Calibrator is a sound choice for hydraulic model calibration.
Despite all the good features of GA there are, however, some issues to
A solution is fitter only in relation to other known solutions and,
consequently, a GA has no test for
true optimality. As a GA only knows the best solution relative to others,
a GA has no precise rule for
when to stop. This means that heuristic methods must be used to determine
whether to stop a GA run.
In Darwin Calibrator you can set a GA run to stop either by:
Clicking Stop
Setting a maximum number of trial solutions
Setting a maximum number of non-improvement generations,
whereby if the fitness of the best
solution does not improve by more than a specified tolerance in a set
number of generations, then
the GA stops
A GA is a non-deterministic method that relies to a certain extent on
its initial random population
(starting locations in the solution space). Thus, each GA run performed
may produce different
solutions. (If the user keeps all GA parameters and fitness settings the
same, the method is
deterministic and will produce identical solutions every time.) Given the
fact that a GA has no true
test for optimality, after stopping a GA and producing a particular
result, there is always the
possibility that if you run the GA again you may find a better solution.
In fact, it is good practice to
run a GA a number of times, each time modifying something about the GA
run (e.g., GA parameters,
fitness weightings, or adjustment group settings), in order to produce
another set of potentially better
results. At a minimum, the random number seed should be changed for each
individual run so that the
GA search initiates differently and therefore concludes differently.
The GA calculates fitness of each trial solution according to the
defined objectives for the
optimization problem. GA only uses objective means to decide what
constitutes a fit solution, and
what constitutes a less fit solution. The GA has no way of subjectively
assessing a solution other than
the methods (weightings) built into the definition of the fitness
calculation. The best solution found by
a GA shouldnt be blindly accepted as being correct. To any single
optimization problem there are
likely to be many solutions that closely match the required objectives.
Due to the fact that the GA has
no concept of what constitutes a fit solution, other than its performance
against the defined objectives,
the GA may produce solutions that are in practical terms nonsense, and
therein subsists a very
important point: The GA cannot think for the engineer, it can only search
the combination of choices
that are presented to it. If the engineer doesnt provide the GA with
high quality data and enough or
sufficiently flexible options to consider, then the GA may not be able to
find a satisfactory solution.
Conversely if the GA is presented with too many possibilities to try
(e.g., in Darwin Calibrator, if the
user defines an excessively large adjustment group ranges combined with a
small adjustment
increments and a large number of adjustment groups), then the efficiency
of the GA search is reduced,
and the likelihood that the GA will find the "correct" answer is also
greatly reduced. GA is a highly
sophisticated search technique, but despite all of its great features, GA
still must be used with a degree
WaterCAD Users Guide

of engineering judgment and skill. Only then can the engineer expect the
GA to find solutions that are
not only fit, but are practical and likely to represent the real life
situation as accurately as possible.
Uncertainty in field observations should be assessed before these
observations are used in an
optimization. It is not uncommon for errors in measurement of head loss
to be on the same order of
magnitude or larger that the actual head loss (Walski, 2000). Such
values should not be used in
calibration because the calibration algorithm will dutifully try to match
the field observations even if
they are erroneous. To insure that head loss is adequate to exceed
measurement error, it is helpful to
collect data when velocities in pipes are appreciable. In some systems
sized for fire protection,
demands (and velocities and head losses) are so low most of the time that
head loss measurements are
meaningless other that to check pressure gage elevations. Another problem
that occurs when
calibrating a model is that some of the parameters determined are fixed
and knowable at the time the
data were taken (roughness, valve status), while others are merely a
random observation from a
stochastic process (water use). If a C-factor is determined as 90, then
that value will be true in the not
to distant future. If a water use during a pressure observation is
determined to be 100 gpm (6.3 l/s), is
that value the demand that should be used in modeling given that it is
only one observation from a
distribution? The actual water determined from calibration may not be the
best value to use for
representing the current year status of the system. The user needs to
decide if the water use observed
during calibration is the water use that should be used as a basis for
future modeling.
10.2.9 Calibration Results Statistics
After a Calibration has been calculated, this dialog displays a
summary of the Calibration Statistics. The
information displayed includes the Fitness Rating, the number of
Generations, and number of trials. It also
reports the status of the calibration calculations.
10.3 Field Data Sets
10.3.1 Field Data Set Dialog
Use the Field Data Set dialog box to define the field data
you have collected. This dialog box comprises
three tabs:
Demand Adjustments
Observations Tab
Date Set the date of the observations and field tests.
Note: The time is important because it is used within any
patterns or diurnal curves you are
using to track your water demand. The time entered in your
field data set is used to determine
demand multipliers (from hydraulic patterns), which are used to calculate
the junction demands
that will be simulated in (GA) Optimized Calibration.
Time Set the time of the observations and field tests.
Chapter 10 GA Optimization and Calibration

Note: You must enter a time. You cannot leave the Observations tab or
click OK until you set a
Time from Start Displays the time difference from the time you set
for the field data set to the
time defined as the start of the scenario.
Observations Click Insert to add observed data. Click
Delete to remove the selected row of
observed data.
Note: Valve and pump flows are used as calibration targets, not boundary
conditions. Valve and
pump flows are calculated by using the valve setting and pump
speed, which are used as
boundary conditions if observed. Tanks levels are also used as boundary
Element Type From the drop-down list, select the type of element
for which you want to enter
Note: Using the two buttons next to the Element drop-down list, you can
use the Select Element
dialog box or select your element directly from your drawing.
Element Select the element for which you want to enter observed
Attribute Select the attribute for which you have observed data.
Different attributes are available
for each element, including: Hydraulic Grade, Pressure, Discharge,
and Status. Enter the observed
value for the attribute.
Value Select a value from the drop-down list or type in a value.
Import This allows you to Import field data from a tab-delimited
ASCII text file. See the Field
Data Import topic for more information.
Demand Adjustments Tab
Note: The Demand Adjustments all relate to the particular field data set
you are editing. Demand
multiplier adjustments and additional junction demands (e.g., fire
flow tests) are in addition to,
not in lieu of, junction demands already calculated from pattern
Use the Demand Adjustments tab to adjust demand for the element. Select
the element for which you want
to add an additional demand, such as flow from a hydrant, and enter the
value of that demand.
Override Scenario Demand Alternative Check this box to
override the displayed Demand
Alternative and to use the Demand Multiplier. Clear this check
box if you do not want to use the
Demand Multiplier.
Demand Alternative Displays the Demand Alternative associated
with the selected set of
Demand Multiplier Set a demand multiplier that is applied to your
water model. For example, if
you have knowledge that your demand is higher or lower by a specific
percentage, you can set that
value here.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Junction Select the Junction to which you want to apply Demand

Adjustments. You can select a
junction from a drop-down list, Select Element dialog box, or
by clicking the junction to select it
from the drawing.
Additional Demand Set the additional demand at the selected
Notes Tab
Use the notes tab to enter any comments you want saved with the
To use the New Field Data Set, select Analysis\Darwin
Calibrator, click the Field Data button, and, in
the Field Data Sets dialog box, click Add. Then, after you set the Field
Data Set Name, click OK.
10.3.2 Field Data Sets Dialog
Note: Field data taken at times of peak usage, in high-flow
pipes, and/or where there is
significant head loss, will be more useful when calibrating your
model than data taken in low-
usage, low-flow areas, where there is little head loss.
The Field Data Sets dialog box lets you enter a variety of
test data against which you will calibrate your
water model. WaterCAD lets you use more than one field data set in your
Note: When entering fire flow test results, consider: Entering Fire Flow
Test Results.
Representative Scenario Select the Scenario you want to use for the
calibration. For setting up
scenarios, see: Scenarios.
Field Data Set Displays the field data sets.
Notes: The time is important because it is used within any
patterns or diurnal curves you are
using to track your water demand.
The time entered in your field data set is used to determine demand
multipliers (from hydraulic
patterns), which are used to calculate the junction demands that
will be simulated in (GA)
Optimized Calibration.
(The demand at a junction during a GA Calibration run is the
product of its baseline demands
and the demand factors at the time specified for the field data set.)
Pump settings and control settings, etc., are also determined
from the time setting you specify.
Demand multiplier adjustments and additional junction demands
(e.g., fire flow tests) are in
addition to, not in lieu of, junction demands already calculated from
pattern multipliers.
Also, a steady state run in WaterCAD will run with only
junction baseline demands applied,
whereas an Optimized Calibration run based on a steady state
scenario that uses pattern
multipliers for the specified time.
Date/Time Displays the date and time that was entered for
the field data set. The date field is
purely a label that can be used to record when field measurements were
Add Click Add to add a new field data set.
Chapter 10 GA Optimization and Calibration

Edit Click Edit to modify the selected field data set.

Duplicate Click Duplicate to copy the selected field data
set. This can save you some time in
entering new field data as a new set, but make sure all entered data is
Delete Click Delete to delete the selected field data set.
Rename Click Rename to rename the selected field data set.
To use the Field Data Sets dialog box, select Analysis\Darwin Calibrator
and click the Field Data button.
10.3.3 New Field Data Set
Enter the name of the field data set, or use the default name, and click
To use the New Field Data Set, select Analysis\Darwin
Calibrator, click the Field Data button, and, in
the Field Data Sets dialog box, click Add.
10.3.4 Field Data Observation Dialog
The Observation dialog box lets you select elements in your model and
enter observed data regarding those
elements, such as observed pressures, discharges, statuses, or hydraulic
Element Select the element for which you want to enter observed
Attribute Select the attribute for which you have observed data.
Different attributes are available
for each element, including: Hydraulic Grade, Pressure, Discharge,
and Status. Enter the observed
value for the attribute.
Note: Using the two buttons next to the Element drop-down list, you can
use the Select Element
dialog box or select your element directly from your drawing.
To use the Observation dialog box, select Analysis\Darwin Calibrator,
click the Field Data button, and,
in the Field Data Sets dialog box, click Add. Then, after you set the
Field Data Set Name, click OK. Select
the Observations tab and click Add.
10.3.5 Entering Fire Flow Test Results
When entering fire flows, there are two issues to consider:
How to enter the fire flows.
How to adjust demands at other nodes during fire flow test.
To enter a fire flow test:
1. In Darwin Calibrator, select Field Data\Add.
2. Name that Data Set (something like Fire flow at J-129).
3. Enter the observations as you would for any other condition (
Calibration Field Data Set Dialog ).
4. To enter the fire flow, select the Demand Adjustments tab.
5. Enter the Junction label where the fire flow occurred.
WaterCAD Users Guide

6. Enter and the additional fire flow as Additional Demand.

7. The additional flow is added to the normal demand at that node.
There are several ways to adjust the flows at the non-fire flow node.
Only use one of them:
If you want to use your EPS demand patterns, specify the correct time
for the fire flow test and the
demand will be adjusted with the multipliers.
If you don't have EPS demand patterns or don't want to use them, set
the first flow time to the some
time when the demand multiplier is one (or any time, if there are no
demand patterns). Then you have
two ways to adjust background demands.
You can specify a Demand Multiplier to use.
Note: Do not pick a demand alternative with fire flows because
the fire flows will be double
Or, you can specify some alternative demand other than the one
corresponding to the Representative
You can let the Darwin Calibrator identify the demand multiplier. To
do that, use a time
corresponding to a multiplier of 1, don't override the Scenario Demand
Alternative from the
Representative Scenario, and let the Demand Multiplier be one. In this
way, the Calibrator will pick
the demand multiplier.
10.3.6 Select Element
Use the Select Element dialog box to select an element from your model.
Elements Use the Elements drop-down list to display all elements of
one type, from which you
can select the element you want. From the drop-down list,
select <all> if you want WaterCAD to
display all element types.
Select From Drawing Click Select From Drawing if you want to select
the element by clicking
on it in your model.
To use Select Element, select Analysis\Darwin Calibrator, click the Field
Data button, and, in the Field
Data Sets dialog box, click Add. Then, after you set the Field
Data Set Name, click OK. In the
Observations tab, click the Elements field. Then, click the Ellipses
10.3.7 Field Data Import
You can import Field Data from a tab-delimited ASCII text file. The text
file to be imported must be in the
following format:
Element Type Element Label Attribute Value
Press the Tab key once between each column. One attribute and value can
be entered per line, so to import
multiple attributes and values for a single element, multiple lines must
be entered. There is no limit to the
number of individual Field Data input items that can be imported from a
single text file, although all items
contained in the text file will be imported to the same Field
Data Set. Imported data is appended to any
input data that has already been entered. In other words, importing field
data information will not overwrite
existing input data, even when data for a particular element is already
Chapter 10 GA Optimization and Calibration

The types of data and the corresponding values that can be imported for
each element
type are as follows:

*Whether this value represents Hydraulic Grade or Pressure is determined

by the Global Project Option
Input Mode.

Pressure Junction J-1 Hydraulic Grade 65.3
Pressure Pipe P-1 Status Open
Pressure Pipe P-1 Discharge 100
Pump PMP-1 Hydraulic Grade Out 125
Pump PMP-1 Hydraulic Grade In 37
Pump PMP-1 Status On
Tank T-1 Level 12
WaterCAD Users Guide

To import field data from a tab-delimited text file in the format shown
above, click the Analysis pulldown
menu and select Darwin Calibrator. Click the Field Data button,
and then click the Add button in the
Field Data Sets window. Name the new field data set and then
click the Import button on the
Observations tab of the Field Data Set dialog.
10.4 Adjustment Groups
10.4.1 New Adjustment Group Dialog
Type the name of your Adjustment Group, or accept the default name, and
click OK.
To use the New Adjustment Group dialog box, select
Analysis\Darwin Calibrator, click the Groups
button. Select Roughness, Demand, or Status, and click Add.
10.4.2 Rename Adjustment Group Dialog
Type the name of your Adjustment Group, and click OK.
To use the Rename Adjustment Group dialog box, select Analysis\Darwin
Calibrator, click the Groups
button. Select Roughness, Demand, or Status and click Rename.
10.4.3 Calibration Groups
The calibration groups data window displays a series of tabs
that let you adjust the conditions for the
calibration trial. The tabs and options that are available
depend on whether you selected Manual or
Optimized Calibration.
10.4.4 Calibration Adjustment Groups Dialog
Note: Generally, you should not use one element per group but to do a
pipe-by-pipe calibration,
or something similar, you must create a group for each pipe.
Adjustment groups are used in the calibration process. You can create
Adjustment Groups for Roughness,
Demand, and Status. Select the kind of group you want to create and click
Add to add elements to it. Or,
select an existing group and Edit, Delete, or Rename it.
Notes: Adjustment Groups are a key component of the calibration. You must
be careful to group
similar elements and not dissimilar ones. You can adjust the properties
for a group as a whole
but not for individual members of the group.

A good practice is to decide on your Adjustment Groups first and then

collect the Field Data to
support the number or groups, rather than letting available data
determine how many
Adjustment Groups you have.
Roughness Click Roughness to view any existing Roughness
Adjustment Groups and to Add,
Edit, Delete, or Rename such groups. Each Roughness group should
comprise elements that have
similar attributes, such as pipes in a location of a similar material and
Chapter 10 GA Optimization and Calibration

Demand Click Demand to view any existing Demand Adjustment

Groups and to Add, Edit,
Delete, or Rename such groups. Adding Demand Calibration Adjustment
Groups introduces more
unknowns into a calibration problem. If available, you should enter more
accurate Demand data into
your WaterCAD model, rather than adding Demand Adjustment Groups.
Consider creating Demand
Groups based on usage patterns.
Status Click Status to view any existing Status Adjustment Groups
and to Add, Edit, Delete, or
Rename such groups. Status indicates whether a pipe is open or closed. If
you set up Status groups,
GA-optimized calibration will test each pipe in each group for
open and closed status. We
recommend that Status Groups comprise at most only a few pipes, or one
Label Displays the names of the adjustment groups you have created.
Elements Lists the number of elements in the groups you have
To use the Adjustment Groups dialog box, select Analysis\Darwin
Calibrator, click the Groups button.
10.4.5 Selection Set Dialog
The Selection Set Dialog lets you add or edit items in your
Roughness, Demand, or Status group. The
Selection Set dialog box comprises two data windows: Available Items and
Selected Items. The items listed
are those that appear in your water model.
Select Click the Select button to select items by Filter, Element,
Selection Set, or by clicking the items
you want from your drawing. After selecting the items you want
from the drawing, right-click and select
FilterFilter lets you select members of your group by similar properties
(Filtering Tables).
ElementElement lets you select members of your group that are
like elements, for example, pressure
Selection SetSelection Set lets you choose pre-defined selection
sets to include in the group (Selection
From DrawingFrom Drawing lets you select the elements you want in
your group by clicking them in
the drawing. Right-click and select Done after you finish selecting
elements by clicking.
Select\Invert Selection Use Invert Selection to de-select all
highlighted items and select all unselected
Select\Clear Selection Use Clear Selection to de-select all highlighted
Add To include items in your group, click, ctrl-click, or
shift-click them and use the single-arrow Add
button to move the selected files to the Selected Items data
window. Instead, you can move all items by
clicking the double-arrow Add button.
Remove To remove items from your group, click, ctrl-click, or shift-
click them and use the single-arrow
Remove button to move the selected files to the Available Items
data window. Instead, you can move all
items by clicking the double-arrow Remove button.
OK/Cancel Click OK to accept the items you have included in
your group or click Cancel to exit the
Selection Set dialog without making any changes or additions to
the group. A Selection Set must have at
least one Selected Item when you click OK.
To use the Selection Set dialog box, select Analysis\Darwin Calibrator,
click the Groups button. Select
Roughness, Demand, or Status and click Add or Edit. If you added a new
group, the Selection Set dialog
box opens after you set the name of your new group.
WaterCAD Users Guide

10.5 Calibration Options

10.5.1 Calibration Options
Note: If you change the Calibration Options, any fitness values
you get are not comparable to
fitness values obtained using different Calibration Options settings.
Use the Calibration Options dialog box to set up how the
calibrations are evaluated. The options you
specify are applied to every calibration trial.
Fitness Type Select the Fitness Type you want to use from the drop-
down list. In general,
regardless of the fitness type you select, a lower fitness indicates
better calibration. Fitness Types
include: Minimize Difference Squares, Minimize Difference Absolute
Values, and Minimize
Maximum Difference. See Calibration Options Formulae for formulae that
describe these settings.
Minimize Difference Squares uses a calibration designed to minimize
the sum of squares of the
discrepancy between the observed data and the model simulated values.
(Model simulated values
include hydraulic grades and pipe discharges.) This calibration favors
solutions that minimize the
overall sum of the squares of discrepancies between observed and
simulated data.
Minimize Difference Absolute Values uses a calibration designed to
minimize the sum of absolute
discrepancy between the observed data and the model simulated values.
This calibration favors
solutions that minimize the overall sum of discrepancies between observed
and simulated data.
Note: The Minimize Maximum Difference Fitness Type is more sensitive to
the accuracy of your
data than other Fitness Types.
Minimize Maximum Difference uses a calibration designed to minimize
the maximum of all the
discrepancies between the observed data and the model simulated values.
This calibration favors
solutions that minimize the worst single discrepancy between observed and
simulated data.
Note: You can give higher importance to Head or Flow by
setting a smaller number for its Per
Fitness Point Value.
Head/Flow per Fitness Point Head and Flow per Fitness Type provide a
way for you to weigh
the importance of head and flow in your calibration. Set these values
such that the head and flow
have unit equivalence.
Flow Weight Type Select the type of weight used: None, Linear,
Square, Square Root, and
Log. The weighting type you use can provide a greater or lesser fitness
In general, measurements with larger Flow carry more weight in
the optimization calibrations than those
with less Flow. You can exaggerate or reduce the effect larger
measurements have on your calibration by
selecting different weight types. For example, using no weighting
(None) provides no penalty for
measurements with lesser Flow versus those with greater Flow.
Using Log and Square Root reduces the
fitness penalty for measurements with lesser flow, and using Linear or
Square increases the fitness penalty
for measurements with less Flow.
OK/Cancel Click OK to accept the changes you made and apply them to
all future calibrations.
Click Cancel to close the dialog box without making or saving any
Reset Click Reset to restore the software default values for the
Calibration Options.
Chapter 10 GA Optimization and Calibration
To use the Calibration Options dialog box, select Analysis\Darwin
Calibrator and click the Options
10.5.2 Optimized Calibration Advanced Options
The Advanced Options dialog box lets you customize how the
WaterCAD Genetic Algorithm (GA)
performs. Since Genetic-Algorithm Optimization is a randomly
guided search algorithm, different
parameter values may yield a slightly different set of
solutions, which can used for a sensitivity study of
your model calibration.
Note: All values must be positive, not negative. Recommended
values are based on maximizing
speed and efficiency.
Reset Click Reset to restore the software default values for the
Optimized Calibration Advanced
Maximum Era Number Lets you controls the number of outer
loops the Genetic-Algorithm
Optimized Calibration uses. Each outer loop runs over the number
of generations with the same
population size. A large value for maximum era number will make the
optimization run longer than
a smaller number would. You might want to start with a low
number and increase the number in
subsequent runs.
The allowable range for values is greater than or equal to 1. I you use 0
or less, the Optimized Calibration
uses values based on what is set for Maximum Trials and Non-
improvement Generations (Optimized
Era Generation Number Sets the number of generations of each inner
loop the GA uses.
The allowable range for values is greater than or equal to 1. I you use 0
or less, the Optimized Calibration
uses values based on what is set for Maximum Trials and Non-
improvement Generations (Optimized
Population Size Sets the number of GA solutions in each generation.
Increasing Population Size
results in a longer time for each generation and more solutions to be
The allowable range for values is from 50 to 500. We recommend you use a
range of 50 to 150.
Cut Probability Sets the probability that a GA solution will be
split into two pieces. Setting this
value closer to 100% increases the number of cuts made and
reduces the average string
(chromosome) length. Increasing Cut Probability causes solutions
to vary more widely from one
generation to the next, whereas decreasing this results in more marginal
The allowable range for values is between 0% and 100%, not inclusive. We
recommend you use a value
less than 10%.
Note: Setting the Splice probability closer to 100% increases the demand
on system RAM. If you
are getting out-of-memory errors when using GA Optimization, try
reducing the Splice
Probability closer to 0% and try increasing the Cut Probability away from
Splice Probability Sets the probability that two GA
solutions will be joined together. A Splice
Probability set close to 100% results in long solution strings, which
increases the mixing of alleles
(genes) and improves the variety of solutions.
WaterCAD Users Guide

The allowable range for values is between 0% and 100%, not inclusive. We
recommend you use a range
from 50% to 90%.
Mutation Probability Sets the probability that a GA solution is
randomly altered. A value closer
to 100% causes the solutions to contain more randomization than values
closer to 0%.
The allowable range for values is between 0% and 100%, not inclusive. We
recommend you use a value
less than 10%.
Random Seed Lets you set the random number generator to a
new point. Changing this value
and leaving all other parameters as-is will yield a different solution
The allowable range for values is from 0 to 1, inclusive.
In the Calibrations area, select an existing Base or Child Darwin
Calibration. Click the Options tab in the
Calibration Groups area and click the Advanced button.
10.5.3 Calibration Options Formulae
The following formulae are used for Minimize Difference Squares, Minimize
Difference Absolute Values,
and Minimize Maximum Difference.
Minimize Difference Squares:

Fobs Fsim
Hobs Hsim
nf nf
nh nh


= = 1

Minimize Difference Absolute Values:

Fobs Fsim
Hobs Hsim
nf nf
nh nh

= = 1 1

Minimize Maximum Difference:

= =
Fobs Fsim
Hobs Hsim
nf nf
nh nh
nh 1 1
max , max max

where Wnh and Wnf represent a normalized weighting factor

for observed hydraulic grades and flows
respectively. They are given as:



Chapter 10 GA Optimization and Calibration

The weighting factors may also take many other forms, such as
no weight (equal to 1), linear, square,
square root and log functions. Other variables include:
Hobsnh designates the nh-th observed hydraulic grade.
Hsimnh is the nh-th model simulated hydraulic grade.
Fobsnf is the observed flow.
Fsimnf is the model simulated flow.
Hpnt notes the hydraulic head per fitness point.
Fpnt is the flow per fitness point.
NH is the number of observed hydraulic grades.
NF is the number of observed pipe discharges.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Chapter 11

Cost Estimating

11.1 Overview
The Capital Cost Manager allows you to calculate a planning level
estimate of the capital costs associated
with an entire system or any portion of a system. This makes it easy to
compare the costs associated with
various scenarios, thus helping to ensure that the most cost-effective
design is chosen.
The costs associated with a particular element are broken down into two
categories: construction costs and
non-construction costs. The total cost for each element is simply the sum
of the total construction and non-
construction costs. The total cost for a scenario is computed
by summing the total cost for every element
selected to be included in the cost analysis, and then applying
any global cost adjustments that you have
Each construction cost item is expressed as a combination of a quantity,
unit, and unit cost. The total cost
associated with a single construction cost item is the quantity
multiplied by the unit cost. The unit cost for
each construction cost item can either be entered directly by
you, or if the element is a pipe or gravity
structure (e.g. inlet, manhole, junction, junction chamber) it
can be calculated based on a Unit Cost
Function. A Unit Cost Function is a way to relate a property of the
element, such as the diameter of a pipe,
to the unit cost. This makes it easy to assign a Unit Cost Function to an
element. The cost of the element is
then automatically updated when you modify the physical characteristics
of the system.
The other type of cost is non-construction. Non-construction cost items
are specified either as a lump sum
or as a percentage of the total construction costs. This type of cost can
be useful when trying to explicitly
account for items like omissions and contingencies.
In addition to specifying the costs for each element in the
system, you can also make adjustments on a
system level to the total cost of all the elements included in the cost
analysis. This makes it easy to account
automatically for contingencies and adjustments on a scenario level.
Tip: You do not need to have a hydraulically valid network to perform a
cost analysis. You can
quickly calculate the cost associated with a system at any time
through the Capital Cost
Chapter 11 Cost Estimating

11.2 Capital Cost Manager

11.2.1 Capital Cost Manager
The Capital Cost Manager allows you to quickly compute and
compare the costs associated with your
different scenarios. This dialog provides you with a convenient
place to view, edit, and calculate project
level cost data. This dialog is divided into three sections that are
described below:
Button Section - This column of buttons provides access to the key
pieces of data involved in a cost
Center Pane - This pane displays an explorer view of the cost
information for various scenarios.
Left Pane - This pane displays the contents of the item selected in
the center pane.
To open the Capital Cost Manager, select Analysis / Capital Costs from
the pull-down menus, or click
the button on the Analysis toolbar.
11.2.2 Capital Cost Manager - Button Section
On the right side of the Capital Cost Manager is a column of buttons that
provide access to the key pieces
of data involved in a cost analysis. Each of these buttons is described
as follows:
Unit Cost Functions - Opens the Unit Cost Function Manager,
which is the place to add new or
edit existing functions describing the relationship between a model
attribute and the unit price for the
element. For pipes, this might be a table of data relating the pipe
material to the cost per unit length.
Cost Alternatives - Opens the Capital Cost Alternatives
Manager where you can quickly create
different cost alternatives. For example, you may wish to compare the
cost associated with different
cost functions, or to separately calculate the cost of different phases
of construction.
Cost Adjustments - Opens the System Cost Adjustments Table
for the selected scenario. This is
the location where you enter adjustments that you wish to make on a
scenario level.
Active Scenarios - Opens the Active Cost Scenarios dialog
where you can select which scenarios
will appear in the Capital Cost Manager.
Cost Reports - Opens a menu that provides access to one of the
predefined cost reports detailing the
costs associated with a particular scenario. The reports that
can be opened through this button
include: detailed report , element summary report, project
summary report, pipe costs report, and
warnings report.
To open the Capital Cost Manager, select Analysis / Capital Costs from
the pull-down menus, or click
the button on the Analysis toolbar.
11.2.3 Capital Cost Manager - Center Pane
When you open the Capital Cost Manager, this pane will contain an
explorer view of all the scenarios in
the file. The total cost of each scenario is displayed to the
right of the scenario label. If cost data was
specified for a scenario, you will see a small + symbol to
the left of the folder icon. You can click this
symbol to get an expanded view of the costs associated with a scenario.
In the first level of the expanded view, you will see the
subtotal for each type of element included in the
cost analysis, as well as the total cost adjustments made to the
scenario. If you expand any of these items,
you will get a view of the costs of each individual element. If you
expand the view, one more level you will
WaterCAD Users Guide
be able to see the construction and non-construction costs associated
with an element. The contents of any
component that is selected will be displayed in the table on the pane to
the left of this one.
Just above the right side of this pane is a row of three buttons, which
access the following functionality:
Properties - Opens the System Cost Adjustments Table for the
currently selected scenario.
Graph - Opens a pie chart of the items comprising the total cost of
the scenario.
Report - Opens a tabular report on any component selected in this
To open the Capital Cost Manager, select Analysis / Capital Costs from
the pull-down menus, or click
the button on the Analysis toolbar.
11.2.4 Capital Cost Manager - Left Pane
This pane on the left side of the Capital Cost Manager is used to display
an expanded view of the contents
of the item selected in the center pane.
To open the Capital Cost Manager, select Analysis / Capital Costs from
the pull-down menus, or click
the button on the Analysis toolbar.
11.2.5 System Cost Adjustments Table
The System Cost Adjustments Table allows you to make adjustments
to the total cost calculated for all
the elements included in the cost analysis. This may include items such
as omissions and contingencies that
might be represented as a percentage of the total construction
costs, or land acquisition costs that are
represented as a lump sum. Each cost adjustment consists of the following
Label - A unique name that identifies each cost adjustment.
Operation - The mathematical operation that should be used
with the factor to compute the cost
Factor - A numeric value that is used with the operation and the
total scenario cost to compute the
cost adjustment.
The types of operations that are supported are described below:
% of Construction - Computes the cost of the adjustment as a
percentage of the total construction
costs for the scenario. For example, if the total construction cost for
a scenario is $100,000 and the
numeric value in the factor field is 10, the cost adjustment is $10,000.
% of Total Cost - Computes the cost of the adjustment as a percentage
of the total construction and
non-construction costs for a scenario. For example, if the total cost for
all the elements in a scenario
is $200,000 and the numeric value of the factor is 15, the cost
adjustment is $30,000.
Add - Adds the numeric value specified for the factor to the other
costs computed for a scenario.
Lump Sum - The numeric value specified is a lump sum that
is added to the other costs for the
Multiply - Multiplies the numeric value in the factor field
by the total construction and non-
construction costs for a scenario.
Subtract - Subtracts the numeric value in the factor field
from the other costs computed for the
Chapter 11 Cost Estimating

To open the System Cost Adjustments Table, select Analysis /

Compute Costs from the pull-down
menus, or click the button on the Analysis toolbar. In the
Capital Cost Manager, click the button
labeled Cost Adjustments.
11.2.6 Active Cost Scenarios
The active scenarios dialog allows you to select, which
scenarios you would like to appear in the Capital
Cost Manager. If there is check in the box to the left of the scenario
name then that scenario will appear in
the Capital Cost Manager.
To open the Active Cost Scenarios dialog, select Analysis/Capital
Costs from the pull-down menu, or
click the button on the analysis toolbar and select Capital Cost. In
the Capital Cost Manager click the
button labeled Active Scenarios.
11.3 Energy Cost Manager
11.3.1 Energy Cost Analysis
WaterCADs new Energy Cost Analysis feature allows you to
estimate the cost of operating the pumps
during an Extended Period Simulation.
This cost analysis not only calculates the cost of the energy
being used by the pump, it also adjusts the
reported daily cost based on the effects of storage within the network.
To illustrate this, lets say you have a
tank in the network that has an initial level of 10 ft, and during the
course of the extended period simulation
this level falls to 5 ft. Realistically, this translates to an
energy loss because at some point the pump will
have to expend energy to fill the tank back up to its original level.
Conversely, if the water level in the tank
at the end of the simulation is greater than the initial
level, the cost associated with the additional energy
expenditure will be subtracted from the final daily cost.
The effect of this additional consideration in the cost analysis is that
the estimate provided by WaterCAD
will be much more realistic than an estimate based solely on the cost of
running the pump. For instance: If
you ran an extended period simulation in which the tank was able to meet
the demands of the network for a
24 hour period without requiring additional water, and ran a
cost analysis without accounting for storage
gains/losses for this 24 hour period, the program would calculate that
the daily energy cost for this network
is zero - the pumps did not run, so no energy was consumed. This is
obviously incorrect, as energy will be
required to fill the tank again to recoup the losses of the previous day.
11.3.2 Energy Cost Manager
Button Section - This section contains three buttons:
Prices - Opens the Energy Pricing Manager.
Close - Exits the Energy Cost Manager.
Help - Opens the On-Line Help.
Analysis Control Pane - This section of the dialog consists of a
pulldown menu which allows you to
select the scenario to be calculated, a Go button which begins the
calculation, and a pane that allows
you to control what results will be displayed in the Detailed Results
Pane. Highlighting one of the
calculation components will cause the detailed results of the
cost calculation to be displayed in the
Detailed Results Pane. This section also displays a breakdown of
the calculated costs associated
with the various components of the energy cost analysis.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Detailed Results Pane - This section of the dialog is

comprised of three tabs and a tabular report
pane. This pane displays the detailed results associated with
the currently highlighted item in the
Analysis Control pane. The available Tabs change depending on which row
is selected there.
When the green folder representing the scenario to be calculated is
highlighted, the following
tabs are available:
Pump - Displays a three column table listing all of the pumps in the
current scenario. The
three columns are Label, Include In Cost Calculation?, and Energy
Pricing. To exclude
pumps from the analysis, uncheck the box in the Include In Cost
Calculation? column for
the corresponding pump(s). The Energy Pricing column allows you
to choose which
energy pricing definition is to be used when calculating the
corresponding pump, or to
create a new one. Click the Ellipsis() button to open the Energy Pricing
Manager .
Tank - Displays a two column table listing all of the tanks in the
current scenario. The two
columns are Label and Include in Cost Calculation?. To exclude tanks from
the analysis,
uncheck the box in the Include In Cost Calculation? column for
the corresponding
Summary - Displays a summary of the calculated results for the cost
When the page entitled Pump Usage is highlighted, only a Results tab
is available.
Results - The Results tab consists of a pulldown menu, a
Copy button, a Report button,
and the results pane. The pulldown allows you to choose whether the Daily
Energy Usage
or the Total Energy Usage results are displayed. The Copy button copies
the results table
to the clipboard, and the Report button generates a report containing the
calculated results
that are displayed in the results pane and opens the Print Preview
When the page entitled Time Detail is highlighted, the following tabs
are available:
Results - The Results tab consists of a pulldown menu, a Copy button,
a Report button,
and the results pane. The pulldown for this tab has only a single option,
Time Details. The
Copy button copies the results table to the clipboard, and the
Report button generates a
report containing the calculated results that are displayed in the
results pane and opens the
Print Preview dialog.
Graph - - The Graph tab consists of a pulldown menu, a
Copy button, a Report button,
and the plot pane. The pulldown for this tab allows you to choose which
attribute is to be
graphed. The Copy button copies the plot to the clipboard, and
the Report button opens
the Print Preview dialog containing the graph as displayed in the plot
pane. To change the
graph options, right click in the graph display pane and select Options.
When the page entitled Storage is highlighted, only a Results tab is
Results - The Results tab consists of a pulldown menu, a
Copy button, a Report button,
and the results pane. The pulldown allows you to choose whether the Daily
or the Storage
results are displayed. The Copy button copies the results table
to the clipboard, and the
Report button generates a report containing the calculated results that
are displayed in the
results pane and opens the Print Preview dialog.
When the page entitled Peak Demands is highlighted, only a Results tab
is available.
Results - The Results tab consists of a pulldown menu, a
Copy button, a Report button,
and the results pane. The pulldown allows you to choose whether the Peak
Demand Daily
Summary or the Peak Demand results are displayed. The Copy button copies
the results
table to the clipboard, and the Report button generates a
report containing the calculated
results that are displayed in the results pane and opens the Print
Preview dialog.
Chapter 11 Cost Estimating

To open the Energy Cost Manager, open the Analysis pulldown

menu, and select Energy Costs.
Alternatively, click the Cost Management button and select Energy Cost.
11.3.3 Energy Pricing Manager
Add - Prompts for a name, then opens the Energy Pricing Editor.
Edit - Opens the Energy Pricing Editor for the currently highlighted
Duplicate - Prompts for a name, then opens the Energy
Pricing Editor, which is pre-set with the
input data from the currently highlighted definition.
Delete - Verifies the action, then deletes the highlighted definition.
Rename - Allows you to rename the currently highlighted definition.
11.3.4 Energy Pricing Editor
Energy Pricing - This tab is divided into two sections. The upper
section contains a required input
Start Time - A value between 0 and 24 that specifies the first time
step point in the definition.
The lower part of the dialog is comprised of a two column table and
three buttons. The columns in
the table are as follows:
Time From Start - The time at which the value entered into the
corresponding Energy Price
field will take effect.
Energy Price - The Energy Price at the time specified in the
corresponding Time From Start
The buttons to the right of the table include:
Insert - Creates a new row in the definition table.
Duplicate - Duplicates the highlighted row in the definition table.
Delete - Deletes the highlighted row in the definition table. You will
be prompted to confirm
this action.
In addition, in the upper right-hand side of the dialog, there is a Plot
Plot - Creates a price-vs.-time graph for the current pricing
Peak Demand Charge - This tab consists of the following fields:
Include Peak Demand Charge? - This checkbox activates and deactivates
the input fields.
When the box is checked, a Peak Demand Charge will be applied as
determined by the Peak
Demand Charge and Billing Period input fields.
Peak Demand Charge - The charge applied per kW at the time of greatest
power usage.
Billing Period - The Billing Period is the length of time over which
the peak demand is
considered. An equivalent daily cost is found by dividing the peak cost
by this period of time.
Notes - Allows you to enter descriptive text concerning the pricing
definition being created.
WaterCAD Users Guide

11.4 Cost Alternatives Manager

11.4.1 Capital Cost Alternatives Manager
The Capital Cost Alternatives Manager allows you to edit,
create, and manage your capital cost
alternatives. It also gives you more advanced capabilities, such as
merging alternatives and creating child
On the right side of the dialog are a number of buttons that provide
functions for managing the alternatives.
These buttons are identical to the buttons found in the
Alternatives Manager. See the Alternatives
Manager topic in the Scenarios and Alternatives chapter for a description
of the function of these buttons.
To access the Capital Cost Alternatives Manager, select Analysis
/ Alternatives from the pull-down
menu and select the Capital Cost tab, or click the Cost Alternatives
button in the Capital Cost Manager.
11.5 Unit Cost Functions
11.5.1 Unit Cost Functions
A Unit Cost Function is a description of the relationship between an
element attribute and the unit cost for
that element. For example, it might describe the relationship between
pipe diameter and the cost per unit
length or it could relate the depth of a gravity structure to the unit
cost for that structure. You can specify
the relationship between the unit cost and the value of the attribute as
either tabular data or as a formula.
Tabular Unit Cost Function - Relates attribute values to unit costs
as a series of data points. This is the
only way to enter unit cost data for non-numeric attributes such as
material. If the attribute for which you
are supplying the cost data is numeric then values between the
data points that you enter will be linearly
interpolated. If the unit cost is requested for an attribute value that
falls outside of the range of data that you
supplied in the table, the model will assume that the unit cost is equal
to the unit cost at the most extreme
point closest to the value that was requested. For example if
the following points had been entered (8 in,
30$/ft) and (12 in, 40 $/ft) and the unit cost was requested
for a 16 in diameter pipe the value returned
would be 40 $/ft. The warnings report available from the cost
manager will list the elements and
construction cost items for which this is true.
Formula Unit Cost Function - Represents the unit cost as a function of
the selected numeric attribute of
the following form:
( )
c x a d Cost + =

Where: Cost= Linear cost of the pipe (local currency/m, local

x = Selected attribute (unit depends on the type of attribute)
a,b,c,d = Parameters you specify (units depend on local
currency and the type
of attribute)
Note: For certain values, such as when x is less than c and b is not an
integer, this equation will
be invalid. Under these conditions, the unit cost returned by the
function will be zero.
Chapter 11 Cost Estimating

11.5.2 Unit Cost Functions Manager

You can add, delete, and edit the Unit Cost Functions for your project
through this manager. You will be
able to assign the cost functions defined here to one or more of the
elements of the appropriate type in your
system. For example, if you define a cost function for pipes,
you will be able to select this cost function
from the choice list on the Cost tab of the Pipe Element Editor.
Use the Save command to save the Unit Cost Functions listed in the Unit
Cost Functions Manager. You
can then import them into another project using the Import command. The
Save and Import commands
are accessed from the File button in this dialog.
11.5.3 New Unit Cost Functions Dialog
When you add a new Unit Cost Function, you will be prompted with this
dialog containing two fields, Unit
Cost Function Type and Unit Cost Function Attribute. This is the
information that is needed to initialize
the new Unit Cost Function that you are about to create.
The Unit Cost Function Type field allows you to select whether you would
like to enter your cost function
data in tabular or formula format. We recommend that you quickly
familiarize yourself with both formats
to see which is most convenient for you. If you wish to
base your unit cost on an attribute that is not
numeric, such as material, you must choose a tabular format.
The Unit Cost Function Attribute field is for selecting the
attribute for which your unit costs are
functions. For example, the unit cost of a pipe might be based upon its
diameter or its material. Attributes
that are not numeric can only be selected if the Unit Cost Function type
is tabular.
11.5.4 Unit Cost Function Notes
In this section, you can enter optional notes related to the Unit Cost
11.5.5 Tabular Unit Cost Function
Tabular Unit Cost Function
This tab contains the data for Unit Cost Functions defined with tabular
data. The information is defined in
the following fields:
General - Contains general information identifying the Unit Cost
Attribute Value Range - Displays the range of the selected
attribute in the current scenario. This
information can be useful for specifying cost data for the entire range
of values in the model.
Unit Cost Data - Specifies the tabular data relating unit cost to the
value of the selected attribute.
In order to help you enter and visualize the function, use one of the
following buttons at the bottom of the
Plot - Plots the tabular data relating cost to the value of the
selected attribute.
Initialize Range - Initializes the minimum and maximum values
in the Attribute Value Range
section, based on all the elements present in your project for the
current scenario.
Note: If the attribute you have selected to define the Unit
Cost Function is outside the defined
range for some elements in your network, the unit cost used
will be the cost of the minimum or
maximum value of the attribute you defined in the table.
WaterCAD Users Guide

General Section
This section contains general information identifying the Unit Cost
Function, as follows:
Label - Unique name that identifies your Unit Cost Function.
Element Type - Displays the type of element to which the function
applies, which is always pressure
pipe in WaterCAD, but could also be gravity pipe, junction, inlet,
manhole, or junction chamber in
SewerCAD or StormCAD.
Attribute Label - Element attribute that controls the unit cost, such
as pipe diameter. This attribute
is selected when you add a new function in the Unit Cost Function
Attribute Value Range Section
This section displays the minimum and maximum values for the attribute
that controls the unit cost in your
current network. Click the Initialize Range button to have these values
Unit Cost Data Table
This allows you to define the Unit Cost Function in a tabular
format, preferably defining the costs
associated with the entire range of values present in your network. To
display the current range of values
in your model, initialize the Attribute Value Range section by clicking
the Initialize Range button.
11.5.6 Formula Unit Cost Function
The data defining formula-based Unit Cost Functions is grouped as
General - General information identifying the Unit Cost Function.
Valid Cost Data Range - The range for which the function is
valid for the attribute used to define
the Unit Cost Function.
Coefficients - Coefficients defining the formula relating the unit
cost to the attribute value.
In order to help you enter and visualize the function, use one of the
following buttons at the bottom of the
Plot - A graph of the Unit Cost Function.
Initialize Range - The minimum and maximum values of the attribute
used to define the Unit Cost
Function based on all the elements in your project.
Note: If the function is invalid for any interval within the Valid Cost
Data Range, it is set to 0.0
in that interval. Click the Plot button to see if there are any problems
with the function.
If the attribute you have selected to define the Unit Cost Function is
outside the Valid Cost Data
Range for any element in the network, the formula will still be applied
to calculate that element
unit cost. However, an error message for that element will be reported
when computing the cost
for the system.
General Section
This section contains general information identifying the Unit Cost
Function, as follows:
Label - Unique name that identifies your Unit Cost Function.
Element Type - Displays the type of element to which the function
applies, which is always pressure
Chapter 11 Cost Estimating
pipe in WaterCAD, but could also be gravity pipe, junction, inlet,
manhole, or junction chamber in
SewerCAD or StormCAD.
Attribute Label - Element attribute that controls the unit cost, such
as pipe diameter. This attribute
is selected when you add a new function in the Unit Cost Function
Local Unit - Unit of the attribute that controls the unit
cost. This unit is used for defining the
formula coefficients.
Valid Cost Data Range Section
This section specifies the range of values for which the function is
valid for the attribute used to define the
Unit Cost Function. Clicking the Initialize Range button
accesses the two values based on the range of
values present in your current network.
Coefficients Section
In this section, you can enter the coefficients defining the
Unit Cost Function. The x-parameter, which
represents the value of the attribute on which the Unit Cost
Function is based, is expressed by the unit
specified in the Local Unit field on this tab.
11.6 Cost Reports
11.6.1 Cost Reports
In addition to the standard reporting capabilities, the cost analysis
feature provides a number of specialized
reports for presenting results. These reports include:
Element Detailed Cost Report - Presents a detailed view of
all the cost information entered for a
single element.
Project Detailed Cost Report - Provides a detailed view of
calculated cost data for every element
included in the cost analysis.
Project Element Summary Cost Report - Returns a summary of
the costs for every element
included in the cost report.
Project Summary Cost Report - Provides an overview of all the costs in
the system.
Pipe Costs Report - Provides an overview of the costs
associated with the pipes in the project,
grouping them by material and section size.
Cost Warnings Report - Provides a list of warnings for a particular
Cost Scenario.
Each of these tabular reports can be sent directly to the
printer, or copied and pasted into your favorite
spreadsheet program for further refinement.
11.6.2 Element Detailed Cost Report
This tabular report contains a detailed view of all the cost
information entered for a single element. It
includes an itemized list of all the construction and non-
construction costs for an element, as well as the
subtotals and total cost of the element. This report is only available
for elements that have been selected for
inclusion in the cost calculation.
See the Tabular Report Window for information about exporting and
printing the data in this report.
WaterCAD Users Guide
To access the field Element Detailed Cost Report:
Stand-Alone: Double-click the element for which you wish to
see the report, or right-click
the element and select Edit from the drop-down menu. In the
dialog that
appears, click the Report button and select Cost Report from the menu.
AutoCAD 2000 /2002: Pick the Select tool and click the element
you wish to edit, or select the
element and choose Edit from the drop-down menu. In the dialog that
click the Report button and select Cost Report from the menu.
AutoCAD 2000i: Double-click the element for which you wish to
see the report, or right-click
the element and select Edit from the drop-down menu. In the
dialog that
appears, click the Report button and select Cost Report from the menu.
11.6.3 Project Detailed Cost Report
This tabular report contains a detailed view of all the cost information
entered for every element included in
the cost analysis. It includes an itemized list of all the
construction and non-construction costs for each
element, as well as the cost adjustments made to the total cost of the
project. This report is only available
after the costs have been computed for the scenario.
See the Tabular Report Window for information about exporting and
printing the data in this report.
11.6.4 Project Element Summary Cost Report
This tabular report provides a summary view of all the cost information
entered for each element selected
for inclusion in the cost analysis. It contains an overview of
the costs assigned to each element, and an
itemized list of the cost adjustments. This report is only
available after the costs have been computed for
the scenario.
See the Tabular Report Window for information about exporting and
printing the data in this report.
11.6.5 Project Summary Cost Report
This tabular report provides a summary view of all the cost information
entered for the elements selected
for inclusion in the cost analysis. This report contains an
overview of the costs assigned to each element
type and an itemized list of the cost adjustments. This report
is only available after the costs have been
computed for the scenario.
See the Tabular Report Window for information about exporting and
printing the data in this report.
11.6.6 Pipe Costs Report
This printed report provides a summary of the cost of all the pipes
included in the cost analysis. The pipes
are broken down by material and section size. The total length
of pipe for each size and material are
reported along with the total cost associated with that group of pipes.
11.6.7 Cost Warnings Report
This report provides a list of all the cost warnings for the
selected scenario. You will receive warnings
when you have assigned a Unit Cost Function to a particular element but
the attribute value for that element
lies outside of the valid range of data you set for the Unit Cost
Function. You need to check these elements
and make sure that the cost data supplied to these elements is
Chapter 11 Cost Estimating

To open the Cost Warnings Report, open the Capital Cost Manager
by selecting Analysis / Compute
Costs from the pull-down menu, or click the button on the Analysis
toolbar. In the dialog that appears,
click the Cost Reports button and select Warnings from the drop-down

WaterCAD Users Guide


Chapter 12

Presenting your Results

12.1 Overview
This chapter covers the various methods that are provided for viewing,
annotating, graphing, and reporting
your data. It also presents the tools available for generating contours,
generating profiles, and color coding
elements based on any attribute.
12.2 Element Annotation
12.2.1 Element Annotation
Element annotations allow you to display detailed information
such as pipe lengths or node ground
elevations, as well as calculated values such as velocity, in
your drawing. You can add one or more
annotations for any type of element in the system. Annotations
update automatically. For example,
annotations will display newly calculated values and will be refreshed as
you change scenarios.
Notes: The annotations and their format are defined by using the
Annotation Wizard. In Stand-
Alone mode, the annotation format can also be easily modified in the
Attribute Annotation dialog,
which opens when you double-click the handle of the annotation
text in the drawing, or if you
right click on the annotation and select Edit <Attribute> from the pop-up
Pipe annotations can be aligned with the pipes or displayed
horizontally, depending on the Pipe
Text alignment setting specified in the Drawing Options dialog.
You can flip the text from one side of the pipe to the other (reading in
the opposite direction) to maintain
readability when the pipe direction on a plot is nearly vertical. By
default, the text flips direction when the
pipe direction is 1.5 degrees measured counter-clockwise from the
vertical. You can modify this value by
inserting a TextFlipAngle variable in the Haestad.ini file,
located in the Haestad directory. The angle is
measured in degrees, counter-clockwise from the vertical.

Chapter 12 Presenting your Results

For instance if you want the text to flip when the pipe
direction is vertical, you should add the following
line to the Haestad.ini file:
Reasonable values fall in the range from 15.0 degrees to -15.0 degrees.
The TextFlipAngle is only applicable to annotations on the plan view.
12.2.2 Attribute Annotation Dialog
To access the Attribute Annotation dialog right click on the
annotation and select <Attribute Name>
Annotation from the pull-down menu. Alternatively, in the main view in
Stand-Alone mode, double-click
the handle of the annotation text to display the corresponding Attribute
Annotation dialog. Here you can
easily modify the format of that attribute annotation without going
through the Annotation Wizard again.
The replaceable parameters "%v" and "%u" represent the attributes value
and unit respectively.
12.2.3 The Annotation Wizard
You can use the Annotation Wizard to add annotations to the
drawing, as well as to remove or modify
existing annotations in the drawing. You can annotate all elements or
any subset of elements.
The wizard is divided into three steps:
Select Elements - Select the types of elements to annotate.
Specify Annotations - Specify the set of elements to
annotate, the attributes you would like to
annotate, and the format of your notations.
Summary - Summary of the selected annotation settings.
To access the Annotation Wizard, click the Annotation Tool
on the toolbar, or select Tools /
Element Annotation from the pull-down menu.
Annotation Wizard - Select Elements
This step allows you to specify the types of elements you wish
to annotate by checking the appropriate
boxes. You may annotate more than one type of element at a
time by checking all the desired element
types. If you have already annotated your drawing, you can
remove annotations for a particular type of
element by unchecking the corresponding box.
Tip: If you decide to turn off the annotations for a
particular element type, your annotation
settings will be retained, allowing you to easily toggle annotation back
Annotation Wizard - Specify Annotation
The next step(s) allows you to specify the subset of elements
and the attributes you wish to annotate for
each element type. For each element type, you will be
presented with a table where you can specify the
attributes you wish to annotate, and the mask for each attribute.
Specify the set of elements - Choose All Elements from the
choice list for annotation to be
applied to all elements in the network, or choose a selection
set. Click the ellipsis () button to
access the Selection Set Manager to edit or add selection sets.
Attributes - Select from a list of all available attributes
for the current element type including
calculated values. Click this field, and choose the attributes you wish
to annotate by selecting from
WaterCAD Users Guide

the list that appears. Clicking the sideways triangle button will open
the categorized Quick Attribute
Mask - Customize the way the annotation is displayed. The replaceable
parameters "%v" and "%u"
represent the attributes value and unit respectively. By
default, the mask is set up as follows:
<attribute name>: %v %u.
Initial Placement (Available for profile annotations only) - Specify
how the annotation will be offset
relative to the label of the element it is referring to. If the
<default> is selected then the annotation
will be placed under the label. To specify a custom offset select
Offset from the pull-down menu
and click the ellipses () button to bring up the Offset dialog. In this
dialog you can specify the x
and y offsets. Click OK when completed.
Tip: When annotating, for example, pipe diameters, the default
mask is "Diameter: %v %u".
The default annotation for a 150 millimeter pipe would be
"Diameter: 150 mm". By changing
the mask to "%v %u", the resulting annotation would be "150 mm".
Annotation Wizard - Summary
The last step of annotating your drawing is reviewing the
choices you have made. If you would like to
make changes at this time, simply click the Back button to
return to previous windows in the wizard.
When you are satisfied, click the Finished button to apply the
annotations to the drawing.
Tips: You can turn annotation visibility on or off by editing
the Drawing Options. Your
annotation settings will be retained.
If the Drawing Options are set so that element annotations will
not be displayed, clicking the
Finished button in the Annotation Wizard will automatically turn
annotations on.
In Stand-Alone mode, you can double-click an annotation element
in the drawing to edit the
associated mask.
The Annotation Text Height can be adjusted from the Drawing tab of the
Options dialog, accessed
by selecting Tools / Options from the pull-down menus.
12.3 Color Coding
12.3.1 Color Coding
Color Coding allows you to assign colors to elements in the drawing based
on a variety of input and
output attributes. For any attribute, you can supply a color scheme or
have the application generate one
for you. For example, you can supply a color scheme to display all pipes
sizes between 2" and 8" in
green, those between 10" and 24" in blue, and those between 27" and 48"
in red.
To access Color Coding, select Tools / Color Coding... from the pull-down
menus, click the Color Coding
button on the main toolbar, or double-click a color coding legend
figure in the drawing.
Chapter 12 Presenting your Results

12.3.2 Color Coding Dialog

At the top of the Color Coding dialog are two tabs, Link and Node. You
can set up color coding for both
links and nodes, or just one of the two. The following fields are
Attribute - Select the attribute by which you would like to color
code, or select <None> to turn color
coding off. By clicking the sideways triangle button, you can access the
categorized Quick Attribute
Selection Set - Choose All Elements from the pull-down list to apply
color coding to be applied to
all elements in the network, or choose a selection set to
apply color coding to a subset. Click the
ellipsis () button to access the Selection Set Manager to edit or add
selection sets.
Calculate Range - Automatically determine the minimum and maximum
for the specified attribute
and selection set.
Minimum / Maximum - Displays the calculated minimum and
maximum values for the specified
attribute in the selection set.
Initialize - Automatically calculate a default color coding range for
the specified attribute, based on
the values in your project.
Ramp Automatically generate a gradient range between two colors that
you specify. Pick the color
for the first and last values in the list and the program
will select colors for the other values. For
instance, picking Red as the first color and Blue as the last
color will produce varying shades of
purple for the other values.
Use the Initialize and/or the Insert buttons to define your color coding
map. Then click OK to apply the
specified colors to the appropriate elements.
Notes: Color coding legends can be added to any location in the
drawing by clicking the Legend
button on the Tool Palette.
Color coding will automatically update as input or results
change. For example, after
performing a calculation, colors will update to reflect the newly
calculated values.
If the results for the selected attribute are not available, or if all
values for that attribute are the
same, automatic range initialization will not be performed. You
can enter your own custom
range in this case.
A schematic can have any number of color assignments.

Tip: The Quick View window can be used to display a summary of the
active link or node color
coding parameters.
WaterCAD Users Guide

12.4 Reports
12.4.1 Predefined Reports
This application provides several predefined reports that can be used in
your projects. This feature makes
report generation a simple point-and-click exercise. Simply select the
elements for which you want a report
and send them to your printer.
The following types of Predefined Reports are available:
Element Details Reports
Element Results Reports
Tabular Reports
Scenario Summary Reports
Project Inventory Reports
Plan View Reports
Note: Detailed reports can be copied to the Windows clipboard
in RTF format for use in your
favorite word processing program. Refer to the Print Preview window for
more information.
To access the Predefined Reports, select Report from the pull-
down menus and select the report of your
12.4.2 Element Details Report
The Detailed Reports dialog allows you to print detailed reports for all
elements or any subset of elements
in the system.
In Stand-Alone mode, from the Detailed Reports dialog, select multiple
elements to be printed by holding
down the Shift key or the Control key while clicking with the
mouse. Holding down the Shift key will
provide group selection behavior. Alternately, use the Select button to
open the Selection Set dialog. This
provides more powerful selection functions. When you are
satisfied, click the Print button to output the
selected reports.
Notes: You can graphically select elements that you would like
to print before opening the
Detailed Reports dialog. This is done by holding down the Shift key and
selecting elements, or by
dragging a window around the area of interest. The selected elements
will be highlighted in the
list of elements to print when you open the dialog.
You can print a detailed report for a single element without
using the Detailed Reports dialog.
Simply open the element editor for the desired element and click the
Report button.
In AutoCAD mode, to activate the Detailed Reports dialog, select
Report / Element Details from the
pull-down menus. The cursor will change to a pick box,
signaling you to choose the elements for which
you would like to view reports. Select elements as you normally would in
AutoCAD. Press the Enter key,
and the dialog will appear. While all of the elements in the project
are listed, the ones you have selected
are highlighted. You can use the Select button to further edit this
list. Click the Print button to output the
selected reports when you are satisfied.
To access the Detailed Reports dialog, select Report / Element Details
from the pull-down menus.
Chapter 12 Presenting your Results

12.4.3 Element Results Report

The Element Results dialog allows you to print or preview a
single report containing the results for any
number of elements in the system.
From the Element Results dialog, you can select elements to be printed by
holding down the Shift key or
the Control key when clicking with the mouse. Holding down the Shift key
will provide group selection
behavior. Alternately, use the Select button to open the Selection Set
dialog. This provides more powerful
selection functions. When you are satisfied, click the Preview button to
view the selected reports, or click
the Print button to print the selected reports.
Notes: You can graphically select elements that you would like
to print before opening the
Element Results dialog. This is done by holding down the
Shift key and selecting multiple
elements, or by dragging a window around the area of interest.
The selected elements will be
highlighted in the list of elements to print when you open the dialog.
When working with large systems, the preview option can require
a great deal of system
resources. You can reduce resource requirements by selecting a
small subset of elements with
which to work. The print option has lower system resource
requirements than the preview
In AutoCAD mode, to activate the Element Results dialog, select
Report / Element Results from the
pull-down menus. The cursor will change to a pick box,
signaling you to choose the elements for which
you would like to view reports. Select elements as you normally would
select them in AutoCAD. Press the
Enter key, and the dialog will appear. While all of the elements in the
project are listed, the ones you have
selected are highlighted. You can use the Select button to further edit
this list. Click the Print button to
output the selected reports when you are satisfied.
To access the Element Results dialog, select Report / Element Results
from the pull-down menus.
12.4.4 Tabular Reports
Using the powerful FlexTables feature you can very quickly
generate a tabular report containing any
attribute and any network element.
Tip: All tabular data in this program can be copied to the Windows
Clipboard by right-clicking
the desired table and selecting Copy from the pop-up menu.
You can then paste this data into
your favorite spreadsheet or word processor to generate custom reports
and graphs.

Note: The predefined tables may need to be modified in certain

situations to have them properly
display the desired data. For instance, if you set up a
project and choose the Mannings friction
method, the default Pipe Report will still display a Hazen Williams C
column, which will contain
no data. The proper column must be added by Editing the table.
To access the Table Manager, click the Tabular Reports button
on the main toolbar or choose
Report / Tables from the pull-down menus.
WaterCAD Users Guide

12.4.5 Scenario Summary Report

The Scenario Summary provides a detailed report of the active scenario,
including alternatives, and a brief
summary of the calculation options.
To access the Scenario Summary Report, select Report / Scenario
Summary from the pull-down
12.4.6 Project Inventory Report
The Project Inventory report provides a detailed report that includes a
summary of the active scenario, a
network inventory, and a detailed pipe inventory (grouped by pipe
To access the Project Inventory Report, select Report / Project Inventory
from the pull-down menus.
12.4.7 Calculation Results Table
The calculation results for each element in a network can be
viewed in a table format. This table is
predefined and you cannot change it. It displays the set of the most
commonly desired output attributes for
the type of element for each reporting time step in the hydraulic
analysis. The contents of the table can be
copied to the Windows clipboard to transfer the data to another
application such as a spreadsheet or word
processing document.
To copy the data to the Windows clipboard, right-click the table and
select Copy from the context menu.
Tip: You can change the reporting time step increment on the Analysis
To view the Calculation Results Table for a particular element, select
Table from the Report button on the
editor dialog for the desired element.
12.4.8 Plan View Report
Generate reports for the plan view of the network, for either the current
drawing display (Current View) or
the entire drawing extents (Full View).
To generate a preview of the report for the current view or the entire
network, choose either Report / Plan
View / Current View or Report / Plan View / Full View, respectively, from
the pull-down menus.
12.4.9 Calculation / Problem Summary Report
After running hydraulic calculations, the Results tab of the
Scenario Editor is displayed. This tab
contains a summary of the calculation results. To view any problems or
warnings encountered during the
simulation click the Element Messages button.
Tip: Holding the mouse cursor over a message in the Element
Calculation Message Browser
report will open up a pop-up message box that displays further
information on the message.
The report consists of a series of folders that represent different
stages of the calculation process. Double
click a folder or click the + sign to view information related to the
folders caption. The color of the folder
will indicate if any problems occurred during that portion of the
The colors indicate the following:
Green light - Calculations were run successfully, without any
warning or error messages being
Chapter 12 Presenting your Results

Yellow light - Calculations were run successfully, without
error messages being generated.
However, there are one or more warning messages. Warnings are displayed
in the results summary
in this tab.
Red light - Calculations were not run successfully and error
messages were generated, as shown in
the results summary of this tab.
This report can be previewed before being printed or copied to the
clipboard by clicking the Printer button
on the Results tab. It can also be exported to a text file
by clicking the Save button on the Results tab.
Only the exposed text will be exported, copied or printed.
The Results tab is accessed from the Scenario Manager, reporting
the results corresponding to the
highlighted scenario in the scenario tree view. It can also be accessed
for the currently active scenario by
clicking the GO button, which opens the Scenario Editor.
12.4.10 Contour Plan View
A preview of the Contour Plan View Report, showing all contours
as displayed in the Contour Plot
window, can be obtained by clicking on the Print Preview button in the
Contour Plot window.
12.4.11 Totalizing Flow Meters
Times - The Times section allows you to specify the time period for
which the meter will calculate
flows. This section consists of two pull-down menus:
Start - The time when the meter begins calculating flow passing
through the corresponding
Stop - The time when the meter stops calculating flow passing through
the corresponding
Volumes - The Volumes section displays the results of the meter
calculations in the following four
result fields:
Net Volume - The value reported in this field is the Negative Volume
subtracted from the
Positive Volume.
Positive Volume - The amount of flow passing through the meter from
the element upstream
(From Node) to the element downstream (To Node).
Negative Volume - The amount of flow passing through the meter from
the element
downstream (To Node) to the element upstream (From Node).
Total Volume - The total amount of flow passing through the meter in
either direction.
12.4.12 Tabular Report Window
This window is used to display data in a tabular format. At
the top of the window are five buttons that
provide the following functionality:
File - Export the data in the report to either a comma or tab
delimited text file.
Copy - Copy the data in the report to the clipboard so that it can be
pasted into another program such
as a spreadsheet or word processor.
Print Preview - Open a print preview of the report, from which the
report can be sent directly to the
WaterCAD Users Guide

Close - Close the report.

Help - Access the online help for this report.
12.4.13 System Head Curve Dialog
Pump - The Pump field allows you to specify which pump the
system head curve will be based
upon, and provides three methods of choosing this pump. The pulldown
menu, which lists all of the
pumps in the network, the Ellipsis () button which opens the Single
Element Selection Dialog, and
the Select From Drawing button, which allows you to select the
element using the graphical
Drawing view.
Maximum Flow - This field is automatically supplied with the Maximum
Operating Discharge value
for the selected pump.
Number of Intervals - This field determines the number of Head /
Discharge points that will be used
to create the system head curve. The higher the number of intervals used,
the smoother the curve will
12.5 Graphs
12.5.1 Pump Curve
To generate a pump curve, open the Pump Editor for the pump of
interest, click the Report button, and
choose the Pump Curve menu item.
12.5.2 Tank Storage Curve
To generate a plot of the tank storage volume versus the elevation,
open the Tank Editor for the tank of
interest, click the Report button, and choose the Tank Curve menu item.
12.5.3 Junction Demand Graph
To generate a graph of the total demand at a junction over time, open the
Junction Editor for the junction
of interest, select the Demand tab and click the Graph button.
12.5.4 Pattern Graph and Report
You can generate a graph or a full report of a pattern that represents
the multiplier variable of the pattern
over time. To do so, open the appropriate Pattern Manager dialog and
access the pattern for which you
would like to generate output. From the Pattern Editor dialog, click the
Report button, and select Graph
or Detailed Report.
12.5.5 Plotting a Variable vs Time
Graph Setup
The Graph Setup dialog allows you to graph calculated results for any
element in the system. The dialog is
divided into three tabs:
Graph Setup - This tab contains the Dependant pulldown menu. This
menu lists the attributes that
Chapter 12 Presenting your Results

can be graphed for the current element type. The attribute

range is automatically initialized by the
program depending on the calculated values for the elements that are
being graphed.
Elements- This dialog consists of a pane that lists the elements
available for graphing and a Select
button. Click the checkboxes next to each of the elements that you want
to graph. The Select button
opens the Selection Set dialog, which allows you to choose the
elements will be displayed in the
Scenarios - Select and compare various scenario computations.
Note: The Graph Setup option is only available for Extended Period

Tip: When the Plot Window is open, click the Options button
to graph other dependent
variables or to change the graph options. Clicking Options / Graph Setup
opens the Graph Setup
dialog. Clicking Options / Graph Options opens the Graph Options dialog.
Click the Report pulldown, select Element Graphs. Then choose the element
type you would like to graph.
The Graph Setup dialog can also be accessed for any element in the
system. For the element you would
like to graph, open its Element Editor by double-clicking the
element in the main window, then click the
Report button and select the Graph menu item.
Available Scenarios
This feature allows you to select which scenario(s) you wish to
view and compare on the current graph.
Place a check mark by the scenario(s) you wish to display.
Note: The only scenarios that will be available to graph are
scenarios for which an Extended
Period Simulation have been calculated.
Graph Window
The Graph window is divided into two tabs: Graph and Data.
The Graph tab displays a plot of the
selected dependent variable vs. time. The Data tab will display the data
under the Graph tab in a tabular
The following functions will either be formed on the plot or
the tabular data depending on which tab is
Copy - Copies the graph / data onto the Windows Clipboard for use in
other applications.
Print - Outputs the contents of the Graph/Data tab to the printer.
Options / Graph Options - Allows you to customize the plot
by changing the graphs axes, fonts,
titles, etc. This is only available when the Graph tab is selected.
Options / Graph Setup - Allows you to rebuild the graph with different
data and parameters.
Close - Close the Graph window.
Help - Provides access to help for the Graph window.
The graph window is accessible whenever you plot time-based data through
the Graph Setup dialog.
WaterCAD Users Guide

12.6 Contours
12.6.1 Contour Map Manager
The Contour Map Manager contains the information required to
generate contours for a calculated
network, organized as follows:
Contour - Choice list used to select the attribute that is
to be contoured. Clicking the sideways
triangle button will open the categorized Quick Attribute Selector.
Selection Set - Contours can be generated using all elements in the
network or a subset of elements,
defined in the Selection Set Manager. Click the ellipsis ()
button to access the Selection Set
Notes: In addition to using selection sets. You can also
add nodes to a special zone that will
ensure that they are excluded from the contouring point set. Cybernet 2
users might recall that
Zone number 99 was reserved for this purpose. You should
create a zone named 'Do not
contour'. You can then add the nodes that you do not want
to be included in the contour set.
You can change the name of the contour exclusion zone by
editing the file, haestad.ini, and
setting the variable, ExcludeFromContouringTag equal to any string
label. The exclusion label
is not case-sensitive.
If you want to exclude some spot elevations from the contouring
point set, set their Description
field to 'Do not contour' (or whatever value is set in the
'ExcludeFromContouringTag' variable).
Minimum - Lowest value to be included in the contour map. It may be
desirable to use a minimum
that is above the absolute minimum value in the system to avoid creating
excessive lines near a pump
or other high-differential portions of the system.
Maximum - Highest value for which contours will be generated.
Increment - Step by which the contours increase. The contours created
will be evenly divisible by
the increment, and are not directly related to the minimum and
maximum values. For example, a
contour set with 10 minimum, 20 maximum, and an increment of 3 would
result in the following set:
[ 12, 15, 18 ] not [ 10, 13, 16, 19 ]
Index Increment - Value for which contours will be highlighted and
labeled. The index increment
should be an even multiple of the standard increment.
Initialize - This button, located to the right of the
Contour section, will initialize the Minimum,
Maximum, Increment, and Index Increment values based on the
actual values observed for the
elements in the selection set.
Ramp Automatically generate a gradient range between two colors that
you specify. Pick the color
for the first and last values in the list and the program
will select colors for the other values. For
instance, picking Red as the first color and Blue as the last
color will produce varying shades of
purple for the other values.
Color by Range - Contours are colored based on attribute ranges. Use
the Initialize button to create
five evenly spaced ranges and associated colors.
Color by Index - The standard contours and index contours have
separately controlled colors so you
can make the index contours more apparent.
Chapter 12 Presenting your Results
Tip: Initialization can be accomplished by clicking the Initialize
button. This program will then
automatically generate values for the minimum, maximum, and so on, to
create an evenly spaced
contour set. These values may or may not be the desired range for your
purposes, but should at
least give you a better concept of the range of values with which you are
To access the Contour Map Manager, click the Contour button
on the main toolbar or select
Tools\Contouring from the pull-down menu.
12.6.2 Contour Plot
The Contour Plot window displays the results of a contour map
specification as accurate, straight-line
View the changes in the mapped attribute over time by using WaterCADs
new animation feature. Click the
Play button to automatically advance through the time step increments
selected in the Increment pull-down
The plot can be printed or exported as a .DXF file using the
File button at the top of the window. In
AutoCAD mode, you can export the contours directly to your AutoCAD
drawing by clicking File\Export
to AutoCAD.
Note: Contour line index labels can be manually repositioned in this
view before sending the plot
to the printer. The Contour Plot Status Pane displays the "Z" coordinate
at the mouse cursor.

Tip: Although the straight-line contours generated by this

program are accurate, "smooth
contours" are often more desirable for presentation purposes. You can
smooth the contours by
clicking Options, and selecting Smooth Contours.
12.6.3 Contour Smoothing
The Contour Smoothing option displays the results of a contour
map specification as smooth, curved
The plot can be printed or exported as a .DXF file using the command
buttons at the top of the window.
Note: Contour line index labels can be manually repositioned in this
view before sending the plot
to the printer. The Contour Plot Status Pane displays the "Z" coordinate
at the mouse cursor.
12.6.4 Enhanced Pressure Contours
Normal contouring routines only include model nodes, such as junctions,
tanks and reservoirs. When spot
elevations are added to the drawing, however, you can create
more detailed elevation contours and
enhanced pressure contours.
These enhanced contours include not only the model nodes, but also the
interpolated and calculated results
for the spot elevations. Enhanced pressure contours can help the modeler
to understand the behavior of the
system even in areas that have not been included directly in the model.
WaterCAD Users Guide
12.6.5 Contour Labeling
New to version 5 is the ability to apply contour labels after
the contour plot has been exported to the
AutoCAD drawing. The labeling commands are accessed from the Tools menu.
The following options are
End - Allows you to apply labels to one end, both ends, or any number
of selected insertion points.
After selecting this labeling option, AutoCAD will prompt you to
Select Contour to label. After
selecting the contour to label, AutoCAD prompts for an Insertion point.
Click in the drawing view to
place labels at specified points along the contour. When prompted for an
Insertion point, clicking the
Enter key once will prompt you to select point nearest the
contour endpoint. Doing so will apply a
label to the end of the contour closest to the area where you
clicked. Clicking the Enter key twice
when prompted for an Insertion point will apply labels to both ends of
the contour.
Group End - Choosing this option opens the Elevation Increment
dialog. The value entered in this
dialog determines which of the contours selected will be
labeled. If you enter 2, only contours
representing a value that is a multiple of 2 will be labeled,
and so on. After clicking OK in this
dialog, you will be prompted to select the Start point for a
line. Contours intersected by the line
drawn thusly will have a label applied to both ends, as modified by the
Elevation Increment that was
Interior - This option applies labels to the interior of a contour
line. You will be prompted to select
the contour to be labeled, then to select the point(s) along the contour
line where you want the label
to be placed. Any number of labels can be placed inside the contour in
this way. Clicking the label
grip and dragging will move the label along the contour line.
Group Interior - Choosing this option opens the Elevation
Increment dialog. The value entered in
this dialog determines which of the contours selected will be
labeled. If you enter 2, only contours
representing a value that is a multiple of 2 will be labeled,
and so on. After clicking OK in this
dialog, you will be prompted to select the Start point for a line.
Change Settings Allows you to change the Style, Display
Precision, and Font Height of the
contour labels.
Delete Label - Prompts to select the contour from which
labels will be deleted, then prompts to
select the label(s) to be removed.
Delete All Labels - Prompts to select which contour(s) the
labels will be removed from, then
removes all labels for the specified contour(s).
12.6.6 Spot Elevations
In addition to the elevations at junction nodes and other
network elements, supplemental spot elevations
can be entered throughout the model without adding unnecessary model

Note: These spot elevations have no effect on the network

model, but can better define the
terrain surface throughout the drawing. The result is that
elevation contours and enhanced
pressure contours can be generated with more detail. This gives the
modeler a better prediction
of the system's behavior, even in areas where the model has been
Because spot elevations are not included in the actual piping network,
there is very little information in the
spot elevation editor. The data consists of the following:
Spot Elevation Input Data - General characteristics defined by the
Chapter 12 Presenting your Results

Spot Elevation Calculated Results - Values calculated from the model

To access the Spot Elevation editor:
Stand-Alone: Double-click the spot elevation you wish to edit or
right-click the element and
select Edit from the drop-down menu.
AutoCAD 2000 /2002: Pick the select tool and click the spot
elevation you wish to edit or select the
element and select Edit from the drop-down menu, or double-click
the spot
Spot Elevation Input Data
Spot Elevations have user-defined characteristics, including:
Label - Unique "name" by which a spot elevation element will
be referenced in reports, error
messages, and tables.
X-Coordinate (Easting) - The location may be presented as an
X-value or defined as an Easting
value, depending on individual preferences.
Y-Coordinate (Northing) - The location may be presented as a
Y-value or defined as a Northing
value, depending on individual preferences.
Elevation - Elevation of the spot elevation.
Description - Optional notes describing the spot elevation.
Spot Elevation Calculated Results
Because spot elevations are not directly tied to the hydraulic
network model, there are only a few values
that are calculated from the model results:
Enhanced Hydraulic Grade - Interpolated hydraulic grade at this
Enhanced Pressure - Pressure based on the interpolated hydraulic
Notes: These values are obtained by interpolating between three
adjacent model nodes. The
enhanced hydraulic grade is determined from this interpolation,
and the enhanced pressure is
then computed as a function of the interpolated hydraulic grade and the
For spot elevations that are outside the model bounds, there
may not be three adjacent model
nodes. If this is the case, the enhanced hydraulic grade will be
determined to be zero, which may
result in negative pressures. This does not necessarily demonstrate that
there are poor conditions
in the system. It simply indicates that the spot elevations may cover a
wider area than the model
12.7 Profile
12.7.1 Profile
A profile is a graph that plots a particular attribute across
a distance, such as ground elevation along a
section of piping. As well as these "side" or "sectional" views of the
ground elevation, profiles can be used
to show other characteristics, such as hydraulic grade, pressure, and
constituent concentration.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Although profiles in general are not limited to a specific

alignment, piping network models are usually
concerned with a specific profile alignment type called a network walk.
12.7.2 Profile Setup
Setting up a profile is a matter of simply selecting the walk and the
attribute on which the profile is to be
based. The Profile Setup dialog includes:
Attribute - Parameter to be plotted on the vertical axis of the
Elements - List of elements that define the walk to be profiled.
In addition, the network walk can be manipulated by using some of the
associated options:
Select From Drawing - Return to the drawing in a protected
mode to select and deselect elements
for inclusion in the walk.
Note: In AutoCAD mode, you cannot use the right-click context menu
command "Repeat" to re-
open the Profile Setup dialog.
Reverse - Reverse the order of the walk. The first node in the list
becomes the last, and the last node
becomes the first.
Remove All - Remove all elements from the current walk.
Remove All Previous - Remove all elements that appear before the
selected element in the list. If
the selected element is a pipe, the associated node will not be removed.
Remove All Following - Remove all elements that appear after the
selected element in the list. If the
selected element is a pipe, the associated node will not be removed.
When everything is set up to your satisfaction, click the Profile button
to generate the graph.
To open the Profile Setup dialog:
Click on the Profile button on the toolbar of the main window.
- or -
Select Tools\Profiling from the main menu.
12.7.3 Profile Plot
The Profile Plot window displays the results of an analysis in a profile
format. The plot can be copied to
the Windows clipboard or printed out directly. By selecting the
Options\Graph Options menu button, you
can also adjust the titles, axes, colors, and other characteristics of
the graph.
There is also a time toolbar on the Profile Plot window that
allows you to follow the profile through
extended period simulation results.
Note: For an extended period simulation, the extents of the
axes are determined based on the
minimum and maximum attribute values for the entire time step, not just
the current time step.
This is done so that stepping through the time steps gives a more
accurate portrayal of the system
behavior without rescaling.
Chapter 12 Presenting your Results

12.7.4 Export Profiles (in AutoCAD Mode)

Profiles can be exported to the AutoCAD drawing using the File menu on
the Profile Plot dialog. Profiles
will be exported to an insertion point below the current drawing extents.
12.7.5 Walk
A walk is a collection of nodes and pipes that follows a specific path
through the network. It can include
any type of network element, but cannot include annotations or spot
Notes: A walk is a non-branching path through the network, and can only
be extended at either
end. Pipes cannot be added along the midsection of the walk.
Likewise, elements in the
midsection of the walk cannot be deselected without first deselecting all
of the elements between
one end and the undesired element.
A walk cannot double back on itself, so once a pipe has been
selected it cannot be included
elsewhere in the walk.
12.7.6 Walk Selection
After clicking the Select From Drawing button to define a walk,
you will be returned to the drawing
editor. If there are already elements in the current walk,
they will be displayed in a highlighted mode.
Otherwise, you need to begin a new walk by simply clicking any pipe. The
pipe and its end nodes will then
be highlighted. Continue clicking pipes to add them to the walk, or
click highlighted end pipes to remove
them from the current walk.
Once you have selected a walk, press the Escape button on your
keyboard, or right-click with the mouse
and select Done.
12.8 Scenario Comparison
12.8.1 Scenario Comparison
The data calculated in different scenarios can be compared
through the use of the Scenario Comparison
window. This allows you to create an annotated drawing to
display the differences in the values for any
two scenarios.
Note: The active topology that is displayed is based on the
current scenario. Any elements that
are inactive in the current scenario will not be displayed, even if the
elements are active in other
12.8.2 Annotation Comparison Wizard
The Annotation Comparison Wizard is used to create a drawing
that contains text elements displaying
the differences between specific attributes of two scenarios.
The Annotation Comparison Wizard is
identical to the Annotation Wizard except it has one additional step.
This step involves selecting the two
scenarios you wish to compare.
Scenario 1 - Choose the baseline scenario.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Scenario 2 - Choose the scenario you wish to compare to Scenario 1.

The value in Scenario 1 is subtracted from the value of
Scenario 2, and the difference is displayed.
Therefore, if any specified attributes value is greater in Scenario 2
than it is in Scenario 1, the difference is
displayed as a positive number. If the value is smaller in Scenario 2
than in Scenario 1, it is displayed as a
negative number.
For example, suppose your model contains two scenarios. One is named
2002 Conditions, and the other is
named 2010 Conditions. To create a drawing that displays the difference
in velocity in a pipe between the
2002 scenario and the 2010 scenario, you would use the
Annotation Comparison Wizard. You could
choose the 2002 scenario as Scenario 1, and the 2010 scenario as Scenario
2. You would then complete the
rest of the steps in the wizard. The drawing produced would
show positive values where the velocity
increased under 2010 conditions and negative values where the velocity
decreased under 2010 conditions.
Tip: For applications that support extended period simulations,
you can choose the same
scenario for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 to annotate the differences
between two time steps of that

Note: The active topology that is displayed is based on the

current scenario. Any elements that
are inactive in the current scenario will not be displayed, even if the
elements are active in other
To access the Annotation Comparison Wizard, open the Scenario
Manager and click the Scenario
Comparison button.
12.8.3 Scenario Comparison Window
The Scenario Comparison window allows you to view, print,
export, and modify scenario comparison
Along the top of the window is a row of buttons that perform the various
functions listed below:
File / Export To DXF - Exports the drawing in the standard .DXF file
File / Export To AutoCAD (available only in AutoCAD mode) - Export the
drawing to the current
AutoCAD drawing.
Zoom Tools - Provides standard zoom capabilities for navigating within
the drawing.
Options / Annotation Manager - Opens the Annotation Comparison
Wizard to add, delete, or
modify the scenario comparison annotations.
Options / Annotation Height Multiplier - Modifies the text
height for the scenario comparison
Options / Find Element - Allows you to locate an element by its label.
Print Preview - Opens the Print Preview window to view how the printed
page(s) will look.
Close - Closes the Scenario Comparison window.
Help - Get quick access to this Help topic.
Several user interface elements are available to let you modify the
scenarios that are being compared, and
to control when the scenario comparison annotations are updated. These
interface elements are described
in more detail below.
Chapter 12 Presenting your Results

Scenario 1 - This row of controls is similar to the Analysis Toolbar

on the main window. This field
allows you to choose, from the list of available scenarios, the
one that will be the baseline in the
Scenario 2 - This row of controls is identical to those described
above in Scenario 1, but instead of
defining the baseline for the comparison, the scenario you pick here will
be compared to the baseline.
Update - Click this button to refresh the scenario comparison
annotations. This button is used when
Auto Update (described below) is off, and you have changed either
Scenario 1 or Scenario 2.
Auto Update - A check in this box indicates that Auto
Update is on, and that the scenario
comparison annotations will be refreshed whenever Scenario 1 or Scenario
2 is changed. With Auto
Update off, you can select the desired combination of Scenario
1 and Scenario 2, then click the
Update button. With Auto Update on, the annotations will refresh
automatically to every scenario
or time step change.
The Scenario Comparison window is accessed by clicking the
Scenario Comparison button in the
Scenario Manager, and then completing the Annotation Comparison Wizard.
12.9 Graphic Annotation
12.9.1 Graphic Annotation
In Stand-Alone mode, several Graphic Annotation tools are
provided for enhancing the appearance of
your drawing. Graphic annotations can be manipulated like any
other element in the Graphical Editor.
You can add, move, and delete them just as you would with any network
To add graphic annotation to your drawing, use the Tools\Layout
/ Graphic Annotation menu item, or
use the tool-palette located along the left side of the main window. The
available tools are:
Line Tool - Add polylines or polygons such as drawing roads or
catchment outlines.
Border Tool - Add rectangles to your drawing for creating borders such
as property lines.
Text Tool - Add text to your drawing for adding explanatory notes,
titles, or labels for non-network
Tips: The program will calculate the area of a closed polyline. Right-
click the polyline for which
you wish to determine the area and select Enclosed Area.
To open or close a polyline, right-click the polyline and select Close.
A check will appear next to
the menu item to indicate that the polyline is closed.
To add bends or vertices to a polyline, right-click the
polyline at the location you would like to
add a bend and select Bend/Add Bend.
To remove bends or vertices from a polyline, select the
polyline, right-click the bend you would
like to remove, and select Bend/Remove Bend.

Note: To turn off Graphic Annotation, uncheck the corresponding

box in the Symbol Visibility
section of the Drawing Options tab in the Global Options dialog.
WaterCAD Users Guide

12.9.2 Legend
Legends are used to display the ranges of the active link and
node color coding. The legend tool adds a
color coding legend to the drawing. This legend is automatically updated
as the color coding is modified.
Editing of the legend figure is not required. In Stand-Alone mode,
multiple legends may be placed in the
drawing to assist you when printing specified regions within the drawing.
Tip: You can double-click a color coding legend in the
drawing to edit the associated color
coding parameters.
12.10 Preview Windows
12.10.1 Plot Window
The Plot window provides the following functionality:
Copy - Copies the plot onto the Windows Clipboard for use in other
Print - Outputs the contents of the Plot window to the printer.
Options \ Graph Options - Allows you to customize the plot
by changing the graphs axes, fonts,
titles, etc.
Close - Close the Plot window.
Help - Provides access to help for the Plot window.
The plot window is accessed whenever you generate non-time based plots
such as cost function curves or
pump curves, or whenever you plot input data such as loading patterns.
12.10.2 Print Preview Window
This window provides you with a preview of what will be
printed. The window contains the following
Pg Up / Pg Dn - Navigate between pages of the report.
Copy - Copy the report(s) to the Windows Clipboard.
Print - Output the report to the printer.
Print Setup- Change printer options, such as portrait or landscape
page layout.
Fit to Page - The Fit to Page check box will not appear if the Print
Preview window does not
contain a drawing, or if the drawing is in schematic mode. When checked,
the drawing will be
scaled to fit within a single page. When not checked, the drawing will
be output using the
drawing scale.
Close - Close the Print Preview window.
Help - Provides access to help for the Print Preview window.
Chapter 12 Presenting your Results

12.10.3 Graph Options

These features allow you to customize the way a graph or pie
chart looks. The dialog is divided into
several tabs:
Titles - There are three sets of titles for a graph: Graph title, X-
Axis title and Y-Axis title. Each title
set contains two levels: title and subtitle. A pie chart simply has a
title and a subtitle.
Title Font - This feature allows you to select and change the text
font type for specific items on the
graph or pie chart. Use the selection list to choose the item for which
to change the font, then click
the ellipsis () button to select the desired font type from
the list of available fonts currently
installed on your PC.
Axis (for graphs only)
Automatic Scaling - By default, the program uses the
Automatic Scaling options for setting the X
and Y-axis minimum, maximum, and increment values. To customize an axis,
turn the check mark
off and enter the desired values for the minimum, maximum, and
increment. If desired, you can
customize a single axis while leaving the other in the Automatic Scaling
Log Scale - Place a check mark in this box to use a log scale for this
axis. You can use a log scale
for one or both axes.
Grid (for graphs only)
X-Axis - Place a check mark in this box to view grid lines
corresponding to the X-Axis labels.
Y-Axis - Place a check mark in this box to view grid lines
corresponding to the Y-Axis labels.
Line Color - Use this selection list to define the color to use for
both axes grid lines.
Line Style - Use this selection list to define the line type (solid,
dashed, etc) to use for both axes grid
Fill Color - Use this selection list to define the color to
use for background fill within the plotting
boundaries of the graph.
Save as Default - Place a check mark in this box to save the current
grid settings as the default for
subsequent graphs.
Note: You can specify to use grid lines for one or both axes.
Display (for pie charts only)
Data Labels - Allows you to annotate pie charts with percentages,
labels, or both.
Percentages - Indicates how many decimals are to be displayed for the
percentage figures.
Legend Location - Allows you to place the legend (if any) on the left,
right, top, or bottom of the pie
Chart View - Allows you to generate a 3D-view pie chart.
Show Legend - A check mark designates that the legend will be included
on the graph or pie chart.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Turn the check mark off if you do not wish to show the legend.
Series - Each series represents a different curve on the graph or a
slice on the pie chart. If the graph
contains only one curve, or the pie chart contains only one
slice, then it is designated as Series 1.
Scroll through the list and select the desired curve or slice
(series number). Then, use one of the
options below to customize it:
Label - Name for the selected curve (series).
Line Color - Color for the selected curve (series).
Line Style (for graphs only) - Style for the selected curve (series).
Line Width (for graphs only) - Width for the selected curve (series).
Symbol (for graphs only) - Data point symbol to use for the selected
curve (series).
Save as Default - Place a check mark in this box to save the current
legend settings as the default for
subsequent graphs.
Access the Graph Options by clicking the Options button at the top of a
Plot or a Graph Window.
12.11 Status Log
12.11.1 Status Log
Several commands generate a status log showing the results of that
command. For instance, a status log is
displayed when you calculate a scenario using the GO button.
The status information is displayed at the
top of the dialog. The dialog contains the following buttons:
Save - Export the status log results as an ASCII file.
Print or Print Preview - Print or preview the status log results.
Close - Close the status log dialog after design calculations.
Help - Access context-sensitive online help.
Chapter 12 Presenting your Results


WaterCAD Users Guide


Chapter 13

Engineering Libraries

13.1 Engineering Libraries Overview

The Haestad Methods' Engineering Libraries and Library Managers are
powerful and flexible facilities
for managing specifications of common materials, objects, or
components that are shared across projects.
Some examples of objects that are specified through engineering
libraries include pipe materials, pipe
sections (in StormCAD and SewerCAD), and sanitary loads (in
SewerCAD only). You can modify
engineering libraries and the objects they contain by using the Tools /
Engineering Libraries option, or by
clicking the ellipsis () buttons available next to the fields in dialog
boxes that make use of library objects.
The data for each engineering library is stored in a tabular ASCII file
with the extension .HLB.
Tip: We strongly recommend that you only edit these files
using the built-in facilities available
by selecting Tools / Engineering Libraries. If absolutely necessary,
these library files may be edited
or repaired using any ASCII editor.
The standard set of engineering libraries shipped with your
Haestad Methods product reside in the
products program directory. By default, each project you
create will use the objects in these default
libraries. In special circumstances, you may wish to create
custom libraries to use with one or more
projects. You can do this by copying a standard library or creating a
new library, and setting the path in the
Engineering Library Manager to the path for the custom library.
When you change the properties for an object in an engineering
library, those changes will affect all
projects that use that library object. At the time a project is loaded,
all of its engineering library objects are
synchronized to the current library. Objects are synchronized based on
their label. If the label is the same,
then the objects values will be made the same. If any
library referenced in a Library Manager path
cannot be found at the location specified, then the standard
library in the program directory will be used.
Once a project is created, it is not necessary to have access
to the engineering library in order for that
project to be edited or analyzed.
Chapter 13 Engineering Libraries

13.2 Engineering Library Manager

13.2.1 Engineering Library Manager
The Engineering Library Manager dialog consists of a table of
two columns and three buttons. In the
table section, there is one row for each kind of engineering library used
in your project. You cannot create
library types other than the types found in the set of
standard libraries shipped with the product. The
columns in the table are as follows:
Library - This column lists the kind of object stored in the
referenced library.
Path - This column lists the path to the library to be
used for objects of a certain kind within the
current project. By default, the path will reference the
standard library shipped with your Haestad
Methods product. To browse for other libraries of the same type that you
may have already created,
click the Browse column.
The buttons will perform their respective actions for the row that is
currently highlighted. These buttons are
as follows:
Browse - Click this button if you wish to search your
computer or network and locate other
engineering libraries. To reference a library in the path field, the
library must already exist. To create
it you may copy a standard library using Windows File Manager
or Explorer, or click New as
described below.
Edit - Click this button if you wish to add, delete, or
edit the objects within a specific kind of
engineering library.
New - Click this button if you wish to create a new library.
Note: Most users do not need to create custom libraries or edit the
library paths. You only need
to change path values if you wish to create and use custom libraries.
The Engineering Library Manager can be accessed by selecting
Tools / \Engineering Libraries from
the pull-down menus.
13.2.2 WaterCAD Engineering Library Modules
WaterCAD makes use of the following library modules:
Material Library
Minor Loss Library
Liquid Library
Constituent Library
13.2.3 Engineering Library Editor
The Engineering Library dialogs consist of a table with two columns:
Label - This column contains a textual description of the object. In
general, objects are considered to
be the same if their labels are the same. For example, when
a project is loaded, the engineering
library objects are synchronized to the current library based on label.
Available in ... - This column contains a checkbox indicating whether
the library object on the given
row is enabled for use by this application. If an object is enabled, it
will appear in choice lists as a
WaterCAD Users Guide

candidate for use in the project. If an object is disabled, it will

remain in the library and be editable,
but it will not be offered as a candidate for any operations
in the program. If a disabled object has
already been used in a project, then it will remain in use.
Disabling it will not affect the existing
project in any way.
The following command buttons appear on the Engineering Library dialog:
Insert - Insert a new, unlabeled object into the current library. You
must then click the Edit button to
edit the label and add the appropriate values before the library will be
valid. Library objects will be
sorted by label in ascending alphabetical order the next time
you open the Engineering Library
Duplicate - Create a copy of the currently highlighted object at the
bottom of the list.
Delete - Delete the object represented by the highlighted row. Note
that this command always deletes
objects from the library, but never deletes an object from your
current project if it is in use. To
change the library object that is currently in use by a
project, proceed to the dialog containing the
field where the library object is referenced and select a different
library object.
Edit - Access the object properties editor.
Usage - Only applies to the material engineering library. Use this
button to specify specific uses for
the material.
The Engineering Library Editors can be accessed by selecting
Tools\Engineering Libraries from the
pull-down menus, highlighting the library you would like to access, and
clicking the Edit button.
13.2.4 Material Properties
A customizable library of materials is provided. Pipes are constructed
from various materials. It is often
useful to specify the material of the pipes and channels/ditches
in your hydraulic and hydrologic models.
Materials provide the pipe or channel with a default value for the
roughness coefficient used in the friction
equations. Therefore, a material must be defined with the following
Label - Name of the material as it will appear in material selection
Culvert Inlet Material Type - Limits the type of culvert inlets that
are available when the material
is used as the culvert material (used in CulvertMaster). The
inclusion of this property allows the
sharing of libraries among Haestad Methods' products.
Manning's Coefficient - Default value for Manning's n. This is a
number generally between 0.009
and 0.300.
Roughness Height - Default value for absolute roughness
height. This will be used in conjunction
with the Darcy-Weisbach friction equation. The roughness height has
units of length, typically mm
or ft.
Kutter's n Coefficient (StormCAD and SewerCAD) - Default value for
Kutters formula. This is a
unitless number generally between 0.009 and 0.300.
C Coefficient - Default value for Hazen William's C. This is a
unitless number generally between 60
and 150.
The check boxes next to each item specify whether the friction method
will be available for the material.
For example, some materials, such as asphalt, only have Mannings n
values defined.
Chapter 13 Engineering Libraries

This dialog only applies to the Material Library. Usage is what
specifies the type of section or pipe that
will be available for each material. Use the following commands to
select which sections you would like to
be available for each material:
[ > ] Adds the selected item(s) from the Available Items list to
the Selected Items list.
[ >> ] Adds all of the items in the Available Items list to the
Selected Items list.
[ < ] Removes the selected item(s) from the Selected Items list.
[ << ] Removes all items from the Selected Items list.
13.2.5 Minor Loss Properties
An editable library of minor losses is provided. Minor losses
are used on pressure pipes and valves to
model headlosses due to pipe fittings or obstructions to the
flow. A minor loss is defined with the
following properties:
Label - Name of the minor loss as it will appear in choice lists.
Type - General type of fitting or loss element. This field is used
to limit the number of minor loss
elements available in choice lists. For example, the minor loss
choice list on the valve dialog only
includes minor losses of type valve. You cannot add or delete types.
K Coefficient - Headloss coefficient for the minor loss. This
unitless number represents the ratio of
the headloss across the minor loss element to the velocity head of the
flow through the element.
13.2.6 Liquid Properties
An editable library of liquids is provided. All hydraulic or hydrologic
networks transport a particular
liquid. Liquids are defined with the following properties:
Liquid Label - Name of the liquid as it will appear in choice lists.
Kinematic Viscosity - Ratio of the liquid's dynamic, or absolute,
viscosity to its mass density. This
is a common parameter in fluid mechanics. The units of kinematic
viscosity are length squared per
unit time (typically m
/sec or ft
Specific Gravity - Ratio of the specific weight of the
liquid to the specific weight of water at
4C(39F). Specific gravity is a unitless number.
Temperature - Reference temperature for the liquid. This is
required because the two parameters
listed above are generally a function of the temperature. The default
temperature for new liquids is
room temperature (20C / 68F).
Notes: Certain friction methods (i.e. Manning's, Hazen
William's) were developed
experimentally, and are only applicable to water at room
temperature (20C / 68F). This
program will ask you to confirm a liquid choice that is
inconsistent with the chosen friction
method, but it will not prevent you from using it.
Specify the liquid to be modeled in the Project Options dialog.

WaterCAD Users Guide


13.2.7 Constituent Properties

General Tab This tab allows you to input general constituent
properties, such as the name of the
constituent, diffusivity and concentration.
Reaction Rates Tab This tab allows you to input the reaction order
and reaction rate for Bulk and
Wall reactions.
Notes: The constituent library shipped by Haestad Methods includes a
single constituent labeled
"Constituent". The values for this constituent do not correspond
to anything in particular. It is
not intended that you use this constituent for an actual analysis, but it
was provided simply as a
starting point for the library.
A negative value for the reaction rate constants indicates constituent
decay, and a positive value
indicates constituent growth.
General Tab
Constituents are defined with the following general properties:
Label - Name of the constituent as it will appear in choice lists.
Diffusivity - Molecular diffusivity of the constituent. This
value is only used when pipe wall
reactions are considered in the water quality analysis. Diffusivity has
units of length squared per unit
time (typically m
/s or ft
Unlimited Concentration - Check this box if the constituent does not
have a limiting concentration
or potential. If this box is checked, the Concentration Limit field will
not be available for editing. If
it is not checked, the Concentration Limit field is applicable.
This box will typically be checked,
but certain constituents, such as trihalomethanes (THM's), have a
limiting concentration or formation
potential that needs to be modeled.
Concentration Limit - Limiting concentration or potential for the
constituent. When a concentration
limit is given, reaction rates will be proportional to the difference of
the current concentration and the
concentration limit. Concentration limit has units of mass per
unit volume (typically mg/l or
lbs/million gal.)
Reaction Rates Tab
The water quality module of WaterCAD can track the growth or
decay of a substance by reaction as it
travels through a distribution system. In order to do this it
needs to know the rate at which the substance
reacts and how this rate might depend on substance
concentration. Reactions can occur both within the
bulk flow and with material along the pipe wall. Bulk fluid
reactions can also occur within tanks.
WaterCAD allows a modeler to use different reaction rates for the two
zones of reaction. This tab allows
you to input the reaction order and reaction rate for Bulk and Wall
reactions. This tab is divided into two
Bulk Reaction Section - Bulk flow reactions are reactions
that occur in the main flow stream of a
pipe or in a storage tank, unaffected by any processes that might involve
the pipe wall. The following
input fields are available in this section:
Order This value is used to set the order of reactions occurring in
the bulk fluid.
Bulk Reaction Rate - Default bulk reaction rate coefficient assigned
to all pipes. Use a
positive number for growth, a negative number for decay, or 0 if no bulk
reaction occurs.
Wall Reaction Section Wall Reactions are reactions that occur
with material on or near the pipe
wall. The rate of this reaction can be considered to be
dependent on the concentration in the bulk
Chapter 13 Engineering Libraries

flow. The following components comprise this section:

Order This value is used to set the order of reactions occurring at
the pipe wall. The value
can be 0 or 1.
Roughness Correlated This checkbox will make all pipe wall reaction
dependent on pipe roughness.
Wall Reaction Rate This input field is active when the Roughness
Correlated box is
unchecked. This value indicates the wall reaction rate coefficient
assigned to all pipes. Use a
positive number for growth, a negative number for decay, or 0 if no wall
reaction occurs. The
units used by this field will change depending on the Order that is
Correlation Factor This input field is active when the Roughness
Correlated Box is
checked. The Correlation Factor is a unitless value that represents the
factor correlating wall
reaction coefficient to pipe roughness.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Chapter 14

GIS and Database Connections

14.1 Overview
Haestad Methods GIS/Database Connection feature provides the
modeler with the ability to dynamically
exchange data with a variety of applications. You can
establish a "connection" between your hydraulic
model and relational and non-relational database management
systems (RDBMS and DBMS),
spreadsheets, and ESRI Shapefiles. Throughout the rest of this chapter,
the term "external file" will be used
to generically refer to any one of these types of files.
Where information pertains to a specific type of
external file, that type will be used.
The GIS/Database Connection system is extremely powerful. It
can be used to update hundreds or
thousands of database records with a few clicks of the mouse. This
chapter provides detailed information
on the structure and behavior of the system so that it can be used more
The purpose of the GIS/Database Connection system is to provide you with
a safe and convenient means of
exchanging data with external files. This system has several advantages
over simply providing an open file
format for direct manipulation by the end user.
Generality - Open file formats have a specific form that must
be adhered to. This restrictiveness is
problematic for both the developer and the end user. Developers are now
under additional constraints when
modifying the software. They must be cognizant of the fact that users
may depend on this format, and are
therefore less free to modify it. The end user, on the other hand, has
no control over this format, and is at
the mercy of the developer. A new version may change the format
completely, and all of your existing data
must be converted. In addition, the file format is rarely
convenient for an end user since it is typically
chosen for efficient processing by the program. The
GIS/Database Connection system allows you to
exchange data between the model and any arbitrarily defined external
files. This flexibility allows you to
set up a database or spreadsheet, and it frees the developer to use a
file format that is most efficient for the
Data Protection - Open file formats can typically be modified by anyone,
often without the knowledge of
the modeler. By providing an interface to exchange data, the model is
protected from inadvertent changes.
The modeler is in complete control of when and how the model or external
files are updated.
Type Coercion - Quite often the external files do not store
the data using the format expected by the
hydraulic model. For example, a database may store the length
of a pipe using single precision floating
point numbers, whereas the model works with double precision floating
point numbers. When exchanging
data between the model and the external file using the GIS/Database
Connection system, the data is coerced
from one type to the other automatically.
Chapter 14 GIS and Database Connections

Unit Conversion -The quantities used in hydraulic models almost always

have some unit associated with
them. For example, pipe lengths are typically expressed in meters or
feet. General purpose database and
spreadsheet applications do not support the concept of unitized
numbers. A pipe length, for example, is
simply represented as 100.0. Is that 100.0 meters or 100.0
feet? The GIS/Database Connection interface
allows you to specify the database unit so the numbers can be
converted from the model unit to the
database unit and vice versa.
Virtually all model inputs and calculated results can be
exchanged through the GIS/Database Connection
system. The system not only supports the update of existing model
elements and external file records, but
also the creation and deletion of these elements and records.
For example, by performing a Sync In
operation (explained in detail below), an entire hydraulic model
can be built from data stored in a
spreadsheet. Likewise, an empty spreadsheet can be completely
populated with data from an existing
hydraulic model by performing a Sync Out operation. The spreadsheet can
be kept synchronized with the
hydraulic model over the course of a project as new elements are added or
deleted, and the input and output
data is modified.
The GIS/Database Connection system has a three-tiered architecture:
Table or Shapefile Links
Field Links
The first tier is the Connection. Connections are organized
and managed by Connection Managers.
There are two types of Connection Managers: a Database
Connection Manager and a Shapefile
Connection Manager. As the names imply, the first manages connections to
databases and spreadsheets,
and the second manages connections to ESRI Shapefiles. The
Connection Managers are similar, and
provide an interface for adding, editing, deleting, duplicating, and
synchronizing Connections.
To exchange data between the model and external files, a
Connection must be created and then
synchronized. The two synchronization operations that can be performed
on a Connection are Sync In and
Sync Out. Sync In synchronizes the model to the data contained in
external files. In this case, the model
acts as a "consumer" of the data, and external files act as
the data "provider". Sync Out synchronizes
external files to the data contained in the model. Thus, for Sync
Out, the model is the data provider and
external files are the consumers. Exactly what data is exchanged during
synchronization depends on how
the Connection is defined. Intuitively, a Connection must
specify which files are to be connected to the
model, and what data in each file is to be exchanged.
The second tier is the Table or Shapefile Link. A Database Connection
uses these links to gather and store
information. Each Connection can contain one or more Table or
Shapefile Links. Each of these links
specifies the type of external file with which to exchange data (implied
with Shapefile links), the name of
the file, and, if the file contains multiple tables, which table within
the file is of interest.
The third tier of the system is the Field Link. Each Table or Shapefile
Link uses one or more Field Links to
specify exactly what data in the external file is going to be
exchanged. A Field Link defines the
fundamental mapping between a field in an external file and a field in
the model. For example, a field link
may be used to "map" the GRND_FT field of an external database file to
the Ground Elevation attribute of
the model.
In summary, a Connection defines a link between the model and external
files. Table or Shapefile Links
and Field Links are used to specify files, tables, and fields to be
linked. Once a Connection is created, it
can be synchronized in or out. The synchronization action will
update models ("in" direction) or the
external files ("out" direction).
The rest of this chapter provides details on the dialogs and windows used
to interact with the GIS/Database
Connection system. Although Database Connections and Shapefile
Connections are similar in concept,
there are differences in the interfaces and options. Therefore, they
will be discussed in separate sections.
WaterCAD Users Guide

14.2 Database Connections

14.2.1 Database Connection Manager
This manager, accessed by selecting File / Synchronize /
Database Connections from the pull-down
menu, helps you track and work with database connections. On the
left side of this dialog is a list of the
current database connections.
There are several options available in the Database Connection Manager,
Add - Creates a new database connection using the Database Connection
Edit - Changes the configuration of the currently selected connection.
This will open the Database
Connection Editor, where you can rename the connection, change the
associated database files, and
perform other changes to the connection configuration.
Duplicate - Creates a connection identical to the selected
one. This feature is very helpful when
defining two or more connections with many similar attributes.
Delete - Removes the selected connection from the list.
Synchronize In - Updates the network attributes from the
databases defined in the selected
Synchronize Out - Updates all databases in the connection from the
current status of the model.
Reset - Returns the highlighted standard database import or export
connection to default settings.
When synchronizing in, output fields such as hydraulic grade
line or computed pipe flow will not be
updated. If an attempt is made to update an output field during a
Synchronize In operation, a "Read Only
Warning" will be issued in the status log, indicating which attribute
could not be updated.
When synchronizing out, all mapped information will be overwritten in
the database files, including input
and output conditions.
Tips: If you do not want your input values overwritten upon
synchronizing out, simply duplicate
the connection. Then, edit one connection such that it
includes only the values you want to
synchronize in, and one that includes only the values you want to
synchronize out.
When synchronizing out, be sure that the model element labels
are of the same data type as the
database column to which you are mapping. Otherwise,
synchronizing out to the database will
yield erroneous results. For example, if you were to synchronize in from
a database where your
pipe identifier was numeric, then any changes or additions to the pipes
in the model should also
use a numeric-labeling scheme. To assure the consistency in type
in this case, select Element
Labeling from the Tools menu and remove the appropriate element
prefixes before any changes
are made to the model.
To access the Database Connection Manager, select File / Synchronize /
Database Connections. From
this dialog, there are two ways to get to the Database Connection Editor.
You can click Add to create a
new connection, or select Edit to change an existing connection.
14.2.2 Standard Database Import/Export
The Database Connection Manager is initialized with four standard
database connections for importing
and exporting model data using simple File menu commands. These standard
connections are as follows:
[Project Export - SI] - Used for the File / Export / Database command
when the global unit system
Chapter 14 GIS and Database Connections

is set to System International.

[Project Export - US] - Used for the File / Export /
Database command when the global unit
system is set to US Customary.
[Project Import - SI] - Used for the File / Import /
Database command when the global unit
system is set to System International.
[Project Import - US] - Used for the File / Import /
Database command when the global unit
system is set to US Customary.
The purpose of the standard database connections is to provide
a powerful yet easy-to-use method of
exposing the model data to external applications using a
standard database format, Microsoft Access
database (.mdb). This method is powerful because it provides you with
all the flexibility and functionality
of a user-defined database connection, such as unit conversion and type
coercion. It is easy to use because
it is predefined with all of the standard model data, and requires
nothing more than a file name to execute.
The standard database connections are almost identical to user-
defined database connections with the
following exceptions:
Standard connections cannot be deleted.
The label of a standard database connection cannot be changed.
The target database for a standard database connection is determined
at the time it is synchronized.
During a Synchronize In operation, you will be prompted to
choose an existing Microsoft Access
Database (.mdb). During a Synchronize Out, you will be prompted for
the name of a new Access
database. If an existing filename is chosen, a warning will
indicate that the existing file will be
The field names of the external database tables are editable from
within the Table Link Editor.
The Database Type on the Table Link Editor cannot be changed.
Standard connections can be reset to their factory default
values. To do this, select a standard
connection from the list in the Database Connection Manager, and click
the Reset button.
By default, the standard database connections include a table link for
each element type, and field links for
all the attributes related to that element type, with some
minor exceptions. The default units for the
specified unit system (SI or US) are used for unitized attributes. The
Key Label field is designated as the
key field for each of the table links, and it is created as an index for
the table during database creation. No
duplicates are allowed.
As noted above, the field links external field names can be edited
directly within the Table Link Editor. It
is valid to have more than one internal attribute "mapped" to a single
external field name. Although this is
not the case for the standard connections in their factory default state,
you can create this condition. Under
this condition, the following behaviors will be observed:
Import (Synchronize In) - All of the attributes will be populated with
the value of the database field
if it is a valid value for the specified attributes.
Export (Synchronize Out) - The database field will be
populated with the last non-blank attribute
Note: If an existing filename is chosen during export, the
existing database file will be
overwritten. Therefore, any custom tables, queries, or forms present in
that database will be lost.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Note: Model data that are typically a collection of data

(e.g. SewerCAD unit sanitary loads,
StormCAD watershed areas and rational C coefficients, and
WaterCAD junction demands)
cannot be written to a single record, and are therefore not exported to
the database. However, if
these collections only contain a single item, that single item
will be transferred to and from the
database during export and import.
By default, the Standard Database Export creates Microsoft Office 2000
Access files. These files cannot be
read with Office 97. If you want to use Office 97, you need to use a
text editor to edit the HAESTAD.INI
file located in your HAESTAD directory, and replace the line:
Basically, a value of 3 results in the program creating an Office 97
Access file, whereas a value of 0 will
have the program generate an Office 2000 Access file.
Use the File / Import / Database menu item to import data using the
standard database connections.
Use the File / Export / Database menu item to export data using the
standard database connections.
Use the File / Synchronize / Database Connections menu item to
view or edit the standard database
14.2.3 Database Connection Editor
The Database Connection Editor is used for defining the group
of table links to be included in the
connection. The Database Connection Editor has tabs for
Database Connection and Synchronization
There are three standard operation buttons at the bottom of the dialog:
OK - Accepts the current condition of the connection, including any
changes that have been made.
Cancel - Closes the Database Connection Editor without saving any
Help - Opens the context-sensitive Help system.
To access the Database Connection Editor, select File / Synchronize /
Database Connections from the
pull-down menu. This will open the Database Connection Manager.
From this dialog, there are two
ways to get to the Database Connection Editor. You can click Add to
create a new connection, or select
Edit to change an existing connection.
Database Connection Tab
The Database Connection tab of the Database Connection Editor provides an
interface for the standard
attributes of a connection. It contains the following:
Connection Label - A required unique alphanumeric
identification for the connection. This is the
label that appears in the list on the Database Connection Manager dialog.
Table Links - Provide basic information about each table link, such as
the referenced database file,
the specific table within the database, and the type of table
that is referenced. A table link can be
highlighted from the list, at which point the following commands can be
performed using the buttons
on the right side of the dialog:
Add - Adds a new table link. If there are no table links currently
defined for this connection,
this will be the only button available.
Chapter 14 GIS and Database Connections

Edit - Changes the characteristics of the selected table link, such as

the referenced file or
table, or the mapping of the tables field links.
Duplicate - Duplicates the selected table. This command is very
helpful when defining two
or more table links with similar attributes.
Delete - Deletes the selected table link from the connection.
Synchronization Options Tab
The Synchronization Options tab of the Database Connection Editor
provides an interface for some of
the behaviors of the connection. These options cannot be accessed until
the Table Links are defined, and
are as follows:
Add objects to destination if present in source - If this
option is selected, when performing a
Synchronize Out for example, elements that are present in the
model but are not found in the
database file will be created in the database. If this is not checked,
only the elements that are present
in both the model and the database will be updated.
Prompt before adding object - If this is checked, you will
get a dialog notifying you of each
unmapped element in the source, and asking if you would like
to create a new element in the
destination. If this is not checked, the additional elements
will be automatically created in the
Remove objects from destination if missing from source - If
this is checked when synchronizing
out, elements that are present in the database but not in the model will
be deleted from the database.
If this is not checked, the unmapped elements will be ignored.
Prompt before remove - When this box is checked a dialog
will appear notifying you of each
unmapped element in the destination and asking if you would like to
remove that element. If the box
is not checked, the additional elements will be automatically removed
from the database.
Notes: In order to be successfully created from the database,
pipe elements must have a Start
and Stop node associated with them. This association can be established
by mapping the + Start
Node and + Stop Node attributes in the pipe table link, or by the +
In Link or + Out Link of
a node table link. Mapping both the pipe table and node table
attributes may result in the
reading of redundant data causing the connection to fail.
By default, elements created from a database are located at
coordinate (0,0). This behavior can
be overridden by mapping the X and Y or Northing and Easting attributes
of the node elements.
Database Table Link Editor
The Table Link Editor is a tool for defining or modifying a table link.
This dialog is separated into two
groups, one dealing with the file and table information, and the other
dealing with the field links (attribute
The general table link information includes:
Database Type - Type of database to which the link will be made.
There are many types of external
files that can be linked into the model. Among these are
Btrieve, Dbase, Excel, FoxPro, Jet (.mdb
files, such as Access), Lotus, and Paradox, as well as Oracle, Sybase,
SQL Server, or any other Open
Database Connectivity (ODBC) compliant database.
Database File - File referenced by the table link. To browse
directories and specify a file path, click
the ellipsis (...) button.
Database Table - Once the external file has been selected,
it will be scanned for tables (or
WaterCAD Users Guide

worksheets), which will then be available for selection from this field.
Only one table can be linked
for each table link, but table links can be easily duplicated and edited
from the Database Connection
Table Type - Defines the type of data that can be mapped for this
particular table link. For example,
a Pipe type of table link means that the available model
attributes to be mapped are items such as
material, roughness coefficient, flow rate, and velocity.
Key\Label Field - Key by which the entire database-model
mapping is defined. The model
references each element by a unique alphanumeric label, and the
database must contain the same
labels in one of the columns. If the key field for you data type is
numeric, you will want to be sure
that your model labels include numbers only. Make sure that
there are no duplicate element
labels/keys within the data source.
The Field Links group is a manager for the attribute mapping. The
tabular list in this group has three field
Model (SewerCAD, StormCAD, WaterCAD) - Each item in this
column is an attribute in the
model that is being mapped to the database. The list of
available attributes depends on the type of
the table.
Note: Clicking the button in the Field Links cell will open
the Quick Attribute Selector. This
will allow you select attributes from organized categories to
more easily find needed
Database - Each item in this column is a heading from the
database table, which correlates to the
item in the model being mapped.
Unit - This column defines the units of the values in the
database. During a synchronization
operation, the values will automatically be converted to the appropriate
units to maintain the desired
unit systems in both the model and the database. No conversion on your
part is required.
In addition to the standard table operations of Insert,
Duplicate, and Delete, the Field Links Manager
offers the following additional operation:
Select - Opens the Select Field Links dialog for an efficient method
of selecting the fields of interest
from the available model fields.
To access the Table Links Editor, select File / Synchronize / Database
Connections from the pull-down
menu. This will open the Database Connection Manager. Click
Add to create a new connection, or
select Edit to change an existing connection. From the
Database Connection Tab of the Database
Connection Editor, click Add or Edit.
Select Field Links
The Select Field Links dialog provides an easy-to-use interface
for populating the Field Links group of
the Table Link Editor or Shapefile Link Editor.
The dialog contains two lists:
Available Items - Model attributes that are available for mapping
in the current Table or Shapefile
Selected Items - Model attributes that have been selected for mapping.
The following buttons are provided to move items from one list to the
[>] - Moves the selected item or items from the Available Items list
to the Selected Items list.
Chapter 14 GIS and Database Connections

[>>] - Moves all items from the Available Items list to the Selected
Items list.
[<] - Moves the selected item or items from the Selected Items list to
the Available Items list.
[<<] - Moves all items from the Items Selected list to the Available
Items list.
Note: The Select Field Links dialog provides functions similar to the
Table Setup dialog. Please
refer to Selected Table Columns help for information on topics
such as selecting multiple
14.2.4 ODBC
About ODBC
ODBC, which stands for Open Database Connectivity, is a standard
programming interface developed by
Microsoft for accessing data in relational and non-relational database
management systems (DBMS).
Using ODBC, applications such as Haestad Methods engineering software
can access data stored in
many different PC, minicomputer, and mainframe DBMS, even though each
uses a different storage
format and programming interface.
The ODBC architecture conceptually consists of three parts:
The application program - The Haestad Methods product.
The Data Source Administrator Program - Embedded in Microsoft Windows.
The low-level drivers for accessing specific databases - Supplied by
your database vendor.
Although most computers with Windows will have ODBC present, the
exact databases you can interface
via ODBC will depend on the databases and drivers installed on your
ODBC is powerful because it is generic and can access many database
systems, including mainframe, GIS,
and legacy systems. However, because ODBC must be general, it
is slower, more complex, and more
difficult to use than working directly with a database. When you
have the option to work directly with a
database, you will usually find it faster and easier than going through
For specific information about ODBC in your environment, see
your database vendors documentation.
For general information on ODBC, see the online Help for the ODBC Data
Source Administrator Program.
To find the Administrator Program, go to the Control Panel of your
computer and double-click the ODBC
icon. Choose the Help button on the dialog that appears, and go to the
Help Contents.
ODBC Database Type
The first field of the database connection Table Link Editor is the
Database Type. The list box displays
the external databases and versions supported by the Database
Connection feature. One of the Database
Types you can select is ODBC. This does not refer to a specific database
or version. It is actually a link to
the ODBC Data Source Administrator Program running on your
computer. This link will provide an
interface between the Haestad Methods Database Connection and a
specific DBMS and source database
ODBC Database File
If you have selected ODBC as the Database Type, when you click
the ellipsis (...) button next to the
Database File field the ODBC Data Source Administrator Program
will take over and offer a list of the
ODBC data sources installed on your computer. Depending on how your
computer is configured, you may
see database systems or actual database files from which to choose.
WaterCAD Users Guide
Note: You will also see database systems such as Microsoft
Jet or Excel that are supported
directly via choices in the Database Type list. In general,
the Database Connection feature will
work faster by choosing these database systems directly rather than going
through ODBC.
If you choose a data source from the Administrator Program, upon
returning to the Table Link Editor you
will see an ODBC "connect string" in the Database File field, rather than
a file path. This connect string is
a series of key = value pairs, separated by semicolons. It
specifies the database location, security
parameters, and access options needed by the particular ODBC
driver you are using. In general, you
should not edit this string in any way as you could introduce an error
that would prevent the ODBC driver
from accessing the data source you have selected.
Note: If you are unable to successfully synchronize to the data
source using the default form of
the ODBC string, it is possible that you may need to add some parameters
to the string that are
specific to your environment. See your database vendors ODBC
documentation for details.
Synchronizing Via ODBC
Once you have successfully created and entered the data for a
database connection that uses ODBC, the
Synchronize In and Synchronize Out operations perform as they do
for any other database format.
However, ODBC databases are accessed with slightly different internal
mechanisms, and thus may generate
different error conditions. If synchronization fails to complete, see
the status log for error messages. Note
the project or database object the program was processing when the error
occurred. Refer to your database
vendors documentation for detailed information on any errors reported.
Using ODBC to access SQL Server databases will result in an error #3197
if the synchronization attempts
to delete a database record. To avoid this error uncheck
Remove Objects on the Synchronization
Options tab of the Database Connection Editor.
ODBC Database Tables and Fields
There are many complexities in successfully accessing ODBC
databases. You will know if there are
problems on your machine because the Database Table or other
database-related fields will not have any
entries in the associated drop-down lists.
If this happens, confirm that ODBC is installed and operating correctly
on your computer. Double-check
that the ODBC data source you are trying to reference actually exists and
is accessible by other programs in
your environment. Check the HAESTAD.LOG file for error messages
pertaining to ODBC. If none of
these steps helps you correct the problem, please call Haestad Methods'
Technical Support.
Given the diversity of ODBC database drivers and the difficulty of
reproducing your networked computing
environment, we cannot guarantee that the Database Connection
feature will function with all ODBC
databases. However, we will try to determine the source of your problem
and offer a fix or workaround if
If you edit the connect string manually, you will need to re-
enter the dependent fields such as Database
Table and Field Links.
14.2.5 Sharing Database Connections between Projects
When WaterCAD works with database connections, it is using a file with an
.HDC extension, which stores
the information regarding database files, table links, and field mapping.
When you open a WaterCAD project file (.WCD), WaterCAD first
looks for a file in the same directory
and with the same filename but with the .HDC extension. If
it finds this file, it uses the database
Chapter 14 GIS and Database Connections

connectivity information contained therein. If it does not find

this file, then it defaults to a file in the
installed WaterCAD directory called WTRC.HDC.
Sharing Database Connections between Projects
If you are working on a local drive and you have several
project files, all of which reference common
Connection information, let your project files automatically
default to the WTRC.HDC file. Any
connectivity changes that you work on in one project will be
automatically reflected when you open any
other project.
If there are several people working on different projects on different
computers, but they still wish to have
common connectivity information, the appropriate .HDC file can be copied
(and renamed if necessary) to
the individual local drives.
Preventing Database Connectivity Sharing between Projects
There are times when shared connectivity can be more cumbersome
than helpful, such as when there are
many projects, each with different database connectivity. At
these times, it is more useful to have the
connectivity associated with one specific project rather than with all
projects. To do this, simply copy the
WTRC.HDC file from the installed WaterCAD directory to the same
location as your project file, and
rename it to the same name as your .WCD file.
For example, if your WaterCAD project file is PROJECT1.WCD,
rename WTRC.HDC to
PROJECT1.HDC. The connections in PROJECT1.WCD can then be
modified without the effects being
reflected in any other projects.
14.2.6 Database Connection Example
To connect your model to an external file, take the following steps:
From the File menu, select Synchronize \ Database Connections to
open the Database Connection
Manager. Click Add.
In the Database Connection Editor, type a label for your Connection.
Click Add to create a new table link. This will take you to the Table
Link Editor.
Select the type of file to which you would like to link,
and then click the ellipsis () button to
browse for and select your database file.
Choose the table to which you would like to link, and the type of
Choose the Key / Label Field to define the column in the
database that contains the labels of the
elements to be synchronized.
Define as many field links as you want by selecting the model
attribute and the associated database
column and unit.
Click OK to exit the Table Link Editor.
Click OK again to exit the Database Connection Editor.
You should be back at the Database Connection Manager. You can leave
this dialog and return to
the model, or you can choose to Synchronize In to the model
from the database, or Synchronize
Out to the database from the model. Click OK to save changes and exit
back to the model. Click
Cancel exit back to the model without saving changes.
WaterCAD Users Guide

14.3 Shapefile Connections

14.3.1 Shapefile Connection Manager
This manager is identical to the Database Connection Manager, except that
it helps you to track and work
with Shapefile connections rather than database connections.
Only a brief description of each dialog
control is presented here. Please refer to the Database
Connection Manager topic for a more detailed
Add - Creates a new Shapefile connection. This will open the Shapefile
Connection Wizard.
Edit - Changes the configuration of the currently selected connection.
This will open the Shapefile
Connection Editor.
Duplicate - Duplicates the selected connection.
Delete - Deletes the selected connection from the list.
Synchronize In - Updates the network attributes from the
Shapefiles linked to the selected
Synchronize Out - Updates all Shapefiles within the connection
from the current status of the
Note: See the Overview at the beginning of this chapter for
a general discussion of Shapefile
To open the Shapefile Connection Manager, select the File / Synchronize /
Shapefile Connections menu
item. If there are no existing Shapefile Connections you will
be prompted to create a new Shapefile.
Click No if you wish to continue on to the Shapefile Connection Manager.
Shapefile Connection Wizard
The Shapefile Connection Wizard provides an easy-to-use interface
for defining a new Shapefile
Connection. It is similar to the Shapefile Import Wizard, but has a few
additional steps. The major steps
in the wizard are as follows:
Label - Enters an alphanumeric label to uniquely identify the
Shapefile Connection.
Select Element Types - Chooses the types of network elements you wish
to connect to Shapefiles.
Shapefile Synchronization Options - Specifies the spatial data unit,
and configures other options.
Import Shapefile Link Editor - Chooses the Shapefile to which you
want to connect and specifies
the details of the link.
Synchronize Now - Choose whether you want to synchronize the
Shapefile Connection when
finished with the wizard. You can choose to synchronize in either
Shapefile Connection Label
The Shapefile Connection Label window allows you to enter a
unique alphanumeric label for your
Shapefile Connection. This window is presented in the Import
and Export Shapefile Connection
Wizards, as well as the Shapefile Connection Wizard.
Chapter 14 GIS and Database Connections

Synchronize Now?
The last step in the Shapefile Connection Wizard, the Synchronize Now?
Window, allows you to specify
whether you wish to synchronize the Shapefile Connection immediately
after editing it in the wizard. The
following options are available:
Synchronize Shapefile Connection - Check this box if you wish
to synchronize the connection
immediately upon clicking the Finished button. By default this box is
checked. If you uncheck it,
you will return to the Shapefile Connection Manager after clicking the
Finished button.
In - Select this radio button if you wish to synchronize
the connection in to the model. This will
update the model data from the Shapefiles linked to the connection.
Out - Select this radio button if you wish to synchronize the
connection out to the Shapefiles linked
to the connection. This will update the Shapefiles from the model.
14.3.2 Shapefile Connection Editor
The Shapefile Connection Editor is similar to the Database
Connection Editor. It offers the tabs for
Shapefile Connection and Synchronization Options.
To use the Shapefile Connection Editor, do the following:
1. Select Synchronize / Shapefile Connections from the File menu.
2. If you do not currently have any Shapefile connections defined, you
will be prompted to indicate if
you wish to create one now. If you answer Yes, you will be
automatically taken to the Shapefile
Connection Wizard.
3. If there are connections already defined, or if you answer No to the
prompt to create one now, you
will be taken to the Shapefile Connection Manager. Select Edit
to open the Shapefile
Connection Editor.
Shapefile Connection
The Shapefile Connection tab of the Shapefile Connection Editor is
similar to the Database Connection
tab of the Database Connection Editor. It contains the following:
Connection Label - A unique alphanumeric identification for the
connection. This is the label that
appears in the list on the Shapefile Connection Manager dialog.
Table Links - List that provides basic information about each
Shapefile link, such as the referenced
Shapefile, the feature type of the Shapefile, and the type of element
that is referenced. As with the
other managers, a Shapefile link can be highlighted from the
list, at which point the following
commands can be performed using the buttons on the right side of the
Add - Defines a new Shapefile link. If there are no table links
currently defined for this
connection, this will be the only button available. Clicking this button
invokes the Shapefile
Link Wizard.
Edit - Changes the characteristics of the selected Shapefile link,
such as the referenced file or
the mapping of the Shapefiles field links. Clicking this button also
invokes the Shapefile
Link Wizard.
Duplicate - Creates an identical Shapefile link to the selected one.
This is very helpful when
defining two or more Shapefile links with similar attributes.
Delete - Removes the selected Shapefile link from the connection.
WaterCAD Users Guide

14.3.3 Shapefile Link Wizard

The Shapefile Link Wizard is used when adding new Shapefile Links to a
Shapefile Connection, or when
editing the existing links of a Shapefile Connection. The first step of
the wizard is bypassed when editing
an existing link. The basic steps of the wizard are as follows:
Select Element Type - Similar to the Select Element Types
window for importing Shapefiles,
except that radio buttons are used rather than check boxes. This is
because a Shapefile Connection
represents a single element type.
Import Shapefile - Choose the Shapefile to which you would
like to connect, and the Key/Label
Field to specify the column in the Shapefile that contains the matching
element labels in the network.
Define as many field links as necessary. For each link,
specify the model attribute, the associated
Shapefile column, and the Unit in which the Shapefile attribute is
Shapefile Link Summary - Quick review of the details specified in the
As with all wizards, you can move forward or backward through
the process to make changes. Click the
Finished button when you are done making changes to the Shapefile Link.
Shapefile Link Summary
The Shapefile Link Summary window provides an opportunity to review the
details of the Shapefile Link
before completing the editing process. The following information is
provided in the summary window:
Type - Type of element represented by this Shapefile Link.
Shapefile - Full path and file name of the Shapefile referenced by
this Shapefile Link.
Key/Label Field - Shapefile field used to map Shapefile
records to their corresponding network
elements in the model.
Attributes Mapped - Number of Field Links mapped in this Shapefile
14.3.4 Import Shapefile Wizard
The Import Shapefile Wizard will guide you step-by-step through
the process of importing ESRI
Shapefiles. These are the basic steps for importing Shapefiles:
Select Element Types - Select the type of network elements you wish to
Shapefile Synchronization Options - Specify the spatial data unit and
configure other options.
Import Shapefile - Browse to and select the Shapefiles you
would like to import, and select the
Key/Label Field to specify the column in the Shapefile that contains the
matching element labels in
the network. Define as many field links as necessary. For each link,
specify the network attribute,
the associated Shapefile column, and the Unit in which the Shapefile
attribute is stored.
Create Shapefile Connection - Select whether you want to
establish a Shapefile Connection. The
Shapefile Connection allows you to update the Shapefile with values from
your model, or to update
your model from the Shapefile.
While using the wizard, you can move forward or backward
through the process to make changes by
clicking the Next and Back buttons. Click the Finished button
when you are done making changes to
import Shapefiles.
To access the Import Shapefile Wizard, select File / Import / Shapefile
from the pull-down menus.
Chapter 14 GIS and Database Connections

Select Element Types

The Select Element Types window is used for selecting the types of
network elements that are of interest
when importing and exporting Shapefiles, or when creating a Shapefile
Connection. The window contains
a list of network element types with a check box preceding each type.
To select an element type for Shapefile Import, Export, or
Connection, put a check mark in the
corresponding box.
Shapefile Synchronization Options
Several options are available to customize the Shapefile
synchronization process. The Shapefile
Synchronization Options are available for editing in the Import
Shapefile Wizard or through the
Shapefile Connection Editor.
The first group of options is only available when editing a Shapefile
Connection. These options are exactly
the same as their counterparts in Database Synchronization Options, and
are as follows:
Prompt before adding object
Prompt before removing object
Unlike the Database Synchronization Options, the Shapefile
Synchronization Options do not allow for
optionally adding or removing elements. When synchronized,
Shapefiles and the model will contain
exactly the same number of records for the specified element
type. For example, suppose a Shapefile
contains a record for the junction labeled J-1. When this
Shapefile is synchronized into the model, the
model will automatically add a junction labeled J-1 if none
currently exists. Likewise, if J-1 is removed
from the model and then synchronized out to the Shapefile, the
record for J-1 will automatically be
removed from the Shapefile. You have no control over this.
The rest of the options are available during the Shapefile
Import Wizard or through the Shapefile
Connection Editor.
Shapefile Unit - Choose a unit from the available list. This is the unit
of the spatial data in the Shapefile.
For example, if the X and Y coordinates of the Shapefile represent feet,
choose feet from the list. If they
represent meters, select meters. This unit must be the same
for every Shapefile in the Shapefile
Connection. If you wish to import Shapefiles that have
different spatial data units, create a separate
connection for each unit.
When Missing Connectivity Data
As noted in the Table Link Editor topic, to create a pipe from an
external file it is necessary for a pipe to
have a start node and stop node associated with it. Typically, these
"connectivity" associations are created
by synchronizing the + Start Node and + Stop Node attributes of
the pipe. Since a Shapefile contains
spatial data, it is also possible to establish these associations based
on the location of nodes relative to the
end points of the pipe. The following options allow you to customize
this behavior:
Establish By Spatial Data - Check this box to configure the
synchronization so that any missing
connectivity data (start node, stop node, or both) for a pipe will be
established from the spatial data if
Tolerance - This value represents the distance to be searched
when trying to locate nodes for
establishing connectivity for a pipe. All nodes within the
tolerance of a pipes end point will be
collected, and the closest node will be selected for connection.
Create Nodes if None Found - Check this box if you would
like nodes to be created during the
synchronization when no nodes are found within the specified tolerance of
a pipes end point. If this
box is not checked, and no nodes are found within the tolerance, the pipe
will not be created because
it has insufficient connectivity data.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Import Shapefile Link Editor

The Import Shapefile Link Editor is similar to the Database Table Link
Editor. Refer to that topic for
detailed information on the following Shapefile Link parameters:
Shapefile - Location of the file that is being referenced by the
Shapefile link. This is identical to the
Database File parameter of the Table Link Editor.
Key/Label Field - Key by which the entire Shapefile/model mapping is
Field Links - Identical to the Field Links group of the Database Table
Link Editor.
Create Shapefile Connection
The Create Shapefile Connection window provides an opportunity during a
Shapefile Import or Export to
specify that a persistent connection containing the Shapefile Links and
Synchronization Options be created.
This connection can be used at a later time to synchronize the
model and the Shapefiles. The Create
Shapefile Connection window has the following parameters:
Add Shapefile Connection - Check this box if you wish to add a
persistent Shapefile Connection to
the Shapefile Connection Manager. By default, this box is checked.
Label - Specify an alphanumeric label for the connection. This field
is only editable when the Add
Shapefile Connection box is checked.
To access the Shapefile Import Wizard, select File\Import\Shapefile from
the pull-down menu.
Shapefile Import Example
Follow these steps to import one or more Shapefiles into a new or
existing model:
From the File menu, select Import\Shapefile to access the Import
Shapefile Wizard.
Choose the element types that you wish to import by selecting one or
more of the check boxes in the
list, and then click the Next button.
Configure the options for this import. First, select the unit for the
spatial data of the Shapefile. Then,
if appropriate for your situation, click the Establish by Spatial Data
check box in the When Missing
Connectivity Data group, and enter a value in the Tolerance
field. For more information regarding
these options, refer to the section on Shapefile Synchronization
Options. Click the Next button to
proceed to the Shapefile Link Editors.
You will be presented with an Import Shapefile Link Editor
for each element type you choose to
import. Perform the following steps for each Import Shapefile Link
a. Enter the name of the Shapefile you wish to import for the specified
element type. Click the
ellipsis () button to interactively browse for and select your
b. Choose the Key/Label field to define the column in the Shapefile that
maps to the element labels
in the model.
c. Define as many field links as necessary by selecting the
model attribute and the associated
Shapefile column and unit. Use the Select button for making the
selection process more efficient.
Click the Next button.
Click the Add Shapefile Connection check box if you wish to
create a persistent link between the
Shapefile(s) you are importing and the model. If you choose to create a
Shapefile Connection, enter
an alphanumeric label to identify the connection. Click the Finished
button to import the Shapefiles.
Chapter 14 GIS and Database Connections

14.3.5 Export Shapefile Wizard

This program has the capability of exporting network elements in the
ESRI Shapefile Format. The ESRI
Shapefile is actually three files that together define the spatial and
non-spatial attributes of a map feature.
In the case of Haestad Methods hydraulic models, map features
are network elements (e.g. pipes,
junctions). Exporting Shapefiles creates brand new files. If
you are exporting a Shapefile to a directory
that already contains a Shapefile of the same name, the existing
Shapefile will be completely overwritten.
If you wish to update the Shapefile rather than overwriting it, use the
Shapefile Connection feature.
The major components of the Wizard are as follows:
Select Element Types - Choose the type of network elements
you wish to export. Each type of
network element will have its own Shapefile associated with it.
This component is identical to the
Import Wizards Select Element Types component.
Export Shapefile Link Editor - Enter a name for each Shapefile you
wish to create. Each Shapefile
name must be no more than eight characters in length, and should not be
duplicated. Define as many
field links as necessary. For each link, specify the network
attribute. The Shapefile variable will
default to a preset value, which can be edited.
Create Shapefile Connection - Choose whether you want to
establish a Shapefile Connection for
this Shapefile. The Shapefile Connection allows you to update the
Shapefile with values from your
model, or to update your model from the Shapefile. This
component is identical to the Import
Wizards Create Shapefile Connection component.
While using the Wizard, you can move forward or backward through the
process by clicking the Next and
Back buttons. When you are finished defining it, click the Finished
button to create the Shapefile.
To export a specific network element type as a Shapefile, choose File /
Export / Shapefile from the pull-
down menus. This opens the Export Shapefile Wizard.
Export Shapefile Link Editor
The Export Shapefile Link Editor is similar to the Database
Table Link Editor, with the following
Shapefile - The name and location for the file that is being exported.
The Shapefile name is limited
to eight characters.
The Field Links group is used to specify the attributes and
Shapefile column headings that you wish to
export, as follows:
Model - Each item in this column is an attribute in the model that is
being exported to the Shapefile.
The list of available attributes depends on the type of table.
Shapefile - Each item in this column is a column heading in
the Shapefile being created, which
correlates to the item in the model being mapped. By default, the
headings are set to an all-capitals
abbreviation of the attribute name, with spaces and periods
replaced by the underscore character.
The column heading can be changed, but must be less than ten
characters long and cannot contain
Notes: The spatial data in the Shapefiles being created will be in the
current display unit for map
coordinates. For example, if the X and Y or Northing and
Easting values in the model are
displayed in meters at the time of the export, then the spatial data
in the Shapefiles created will
also be in meters.
The values for the exported attributes will be in the current display
units for that attribute. For
example, if a junction elevation attribute is displayed in feet
at the time of the export, the
Shapefile will contain that value in feet.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Shapefile Export Example

Follow these steps to export one or more Shapefiles from the model:
From the File menu, select Export / Shapefile to access the Export
Shapefile Wizard.
Select the element types that you wish to export by selecting one or
more of the check boxes in the
list, then click the Next button.
You will be presented with an Export Shapefile Link Editor
for each element type you choose to
export. Perform the following steps for each Export Shapefile Link
Enter the name of the Shapefile you wish to create for the specified
element type. Click the
ellipsis (...) button to interactively browse for a directory in which to
store the Shapefile.
Define as many field links as necessary by selecting the model
attribute and providing a name
for the associated Shapefile column. Use the Select button for making
the selection process
more efficient. Click the Next button to continue.
Click the Add Shapefile Connection check box if you wish to create a
persistent link
between the Shapefile(s) you are exporting and the model. If you choose
to create a Shapefile
Connection, enter an alphanumeric label to identify the connection.
Click the Finished button
to export Shapefiles.
14.3.6 Sharing Shapefile Connections between Projects
When WaterCAD works with shapefile connections, it is using a file with
an .HSC extension, which stores
the information regarding the shapefiles and field mapping for each
element type.
When you open a WaterCAD project file (.WCD), WaterCAD first
looks for a file in the same directory
and with the same filename but with the .HSC extension. If
it finds this file, it uses the shapefile
connectivity information contained therein. If it does not find this
file, it defaults to a file in the installed
WaterCAD directory called WTRC.HSC.
Sharing Shapefile Connections between Projects
If you are working on a local drive, and you have several
project files that all reference common
Connection information, let your project files automatically
default to the WTRC.HSC file. Any
connectivity changes that you work on in one project will be
automatically reflected when you open any
other project.
If there are several people working on different projects on different
computers, but they still wish to have
common connectivity information, the appropriate .HSC file can be
copied (and renamed if necessary) to
the individual local drives.
Preventing Shapefile Connectivity Sharing between Projects
There are times when shared connectivity can be more cumbersome
than helpful such as when there are
many projects, each with different database connectivity. At
these times, it is more useful to have the
connectivity associated with one specific project, rather than with all
projects. To do this, simply copy the
WTRC.HSC file from the installed WaterCAD directory to the same
location as your project file, and
rename it to the same name as your .WCD file.
For example, if your WaterCAD project file is PROJECT1.WCD,
rename WTRC.HSC to
PROJECT1.HSC. The connections in PROJECT1.WCD can then be
modified without the effects being
reflected in any other projects.
Chapter 14 GIS and Database Connections

14.3.7 Shapefile Format

An ESRI Shapefile actually consists of three separate files that
combine to define the spatial and non-
spatial attributes of a map feature. The three required files are as
Main File - A binary file with an extension of .SHP. It contains the
spatial attributes associated with
the map features. For example, a polyline record contains a
series of points, and a point record
contains X and Y coordinates.
Index File - A binary file with an extension of .SHX. It contains the
byte position of each record in
the main file.
Database File - A dBase III file with an extension of .DBF.
It contains the non-spatial data
associated with the map features.
All three files must have the same file name with the exception of the
extension, and be located in the same
14.3.8 Shapefile Connection Example
Follow these steps to connect one or more Shapefiles to the model:
From the File menu, select Synchronize / Shapefile Connections.
If you do not have any connections currently defined, you will be
asked if you want to create a new
one now. Select Yes. If you already have one or more
connections defined, you will go to the
Shapefile Connection Manager. Click Add to access the Shapefile
Connection Wizard.
Provide an alphanumeric label to uniquely identify this new
connection. Click the Next button.
Choose the element types that you wish to import by clicking one or
more of the check boxes in the
list, and click the Next button.
Configure the options for this connection. First select the
unit for the spatial data of the Shapefile.
Then, if appropriate for your situation, click the Establish by Spatial
Data check box in the When
Missing Connectivity Data group, and enter a value in the Tolerance
field. For more information
regarding these options, refer to the section on Shapefile
Synchronization Options. Click the Next
button to proceed to the Shapefile Link Editors.
You will be presented with an Import Shapefile Link Editor
for each element type you chose to
import. Perform the following steps for each Import Shapefile Link
Enter the name of the Shapefile to which you wish to connect for the
specified element type.
Click the ellipsis () button to interactively browse for and select your
Choose the Key/Label field to define the column in the Shapefile that
maps to the element
labels in the model.
Define as many field links as you want by selecting the model
attribute and the associated
Shapefile column and unit if appropriate. Use the Select button for
making the selection
process more efficient. Click the Next button.
Check the Synchronize Shapefile Connection box if you wish to
synchronize the connection
immediately upon clicking the Finished button.
If the Synchronize Shapefile Connection box is checked, choose whether
you want to Synchronize
In to the model from a Shapefile, or Synchronize Out to the Shapefile
from the model.
Click the Finished button to synchronize the connection if the
Synchronize Shapefile Connection
box is checked, or to return to the Shapefile Connection Manager.
WaterCAD Users Guide
Chapter 15

Exchanging Data with CAD


15.1 AutoCAD Polyline to Pipe Conversion

15.1.1 Polyline to Pipe Conversion Overview
This feature allows you to quickly construct a network based on
the entities contained in an AutoCAD
drawing. Although this feature is called Polyline to Pipe, Line and
Block entities can be converted as well.
Polylines and Lines can be converted to pipes and Blocks can be converted
to any available node type.
Building a model based on graphical elements can be an error-prone
process. This is due to the fact that a
drawing can appear to be correct visually, but may contain
problems that are not readily apparent. For
example, what appears to be a single line in a drawing could in fact be
made up of many line segments, or
it could be made up of two lines, one directly on top of another.
To help alleviate some of the problems that you may encounter during the
import process, a comprehensive
drawing review is also performed. During the conversion
process, the network is analyzed and potential
problems are flagged for review. After performing the
conversion, the Drawing Review window will
allow you to navigate to and fix any problems that are encountered.
Tips: The Polyline to Pipe conversion cannot be undone. Be sure to save
your project before you
You can import entities into an existing project. Polylines
will automatically be connected to
nodes within the specified Tolerance. You can add nodes to your project
prior to performing the
Stand-Alone mode - You should take some time to clean up your
AutoCAD drawing prior to
performing the conversion. Look for entities that should not be
converted, such as leader lines,
and move them to their own layer. Turn off layers that you do not wish
to convert. Do a quick
review of your drawing and correct any potential conversion problems that
you may find.
Chapter 15 Exchanging Data with CAD Software

Tips: After performing the conversion, we recommend that you use the
converted file as a DXF
Background. This will greatly enhance your review process. If
you change the entities in your
background drawing to a gray color from within AutoCAD, it will
make it easier to distinguish
between foreground elements and background entities.
AutoCAD mode - You can interactively convert individual entities
to pipes by using the Layout
SewerCAD only - When importing a drawing that contains both pressure and
gravity pipes you
should import your system in two passes. First, import the
layer(s) that contain Gravity pipes,
then import the layer(s) that contain Pressure pipes. On the
first pass create Manholes at pipe
endpoints, and on the second pass create Pressure Junctions at pipe
endpoints. This will ensure
that the correct element will be added where your system
transitions from gravity to pressure.
Refer to the related information section on "Converting your
drawing in multiple passes" for
more information.
15.1.2 Converting your Drawing in Multiple Passes
Depending on how your drawing layers are set up, you may be able to save
yourself a considerable amount
of data entry time by converting your drawing in multiple passes.
For example, if your 12-inch pipes are located on a
"12InchPipes" layer, 18-inch pipes are on a
"18InchPipes" layer, etc., you can import layers one at a time.
Just set up your prototypes prior to
importing that layer.
To assist you in this process, your conversion settings will be
retained between imports. Therefore, on
subsequent passes you will simply need to revise your prototypes and
specify the next layer to be imported.
This same technique can be used when importing blocks.
15.1.3 Polyline to Pipe Wizard
The Polyline to Pipe Wizard will guide you step-by-step through the
process of converting your entities to
Step 1 - The import behavior depends on the mode in which you are
Stand-Alone - Specify the .DXF file that you would like to import.
AutoCAD - This step is skipped. You will be asked to select the
entities to convert before
accessing the Wizard.
Step 2 - Specify the polyline to pipe conversion options.
Step 3 - Specify how T-intersections are to be handled.
Step 4 - Specify how blocks should be converted (for .DXF files that
contain blocks).
Step 5 - Configure prototypes.
Step 6 - Specify the layers to be imported.

WaterCAD Users Guide


To access the Polyline to Pipe Wizard:

Stand-Alone Select File / Import / Polyline to Pipe from the main
AutoCAD Select Edit / Change Entities to Pipes from the main menu.
Polyline to Pipe Wizard - Step 1 (Stand-Alone mode only)
This step allows you to specify the .DXF file to be imported.
Note: If you are running in AutoCAD mode, this step will be skipped.
AutoCAD mode users will
be asked to select the entities to be converted before accessing the
Polyline to Pipe wizard.
DXF Filename - Specify the name of the .DXF file you would
like to import. Use the Browse
button to select the file interactively.
DXF Unit - Specify the .DXF conversion unit (the unit that your
.DXF file is in). For example, if
your drawing is in SI units, specify meters (m). If your
drawing is in architectural units, specify
inches (in).
Polyline to Pipe Wizard - Step 2
This step allows you to specify the following Polyline to Pipe conversion
Connectivity tolerance - Polylines whose endpoints fall within
the specified tolerance will be
connected to the same node. A default tolerance is supplied
based on the current scale. This is
generally a good starting point, but you may wish to increase
or decrease this default tolerance
depending on your particular drawing. If you complete the
conversion process and find that the
tolerance was not correct (pipes that should be connected were not, or
vise versa), you may wish to
repeat the conversion process using a new tolerance.
Specifying which entities to convert - You can optionally
convert Polylines, Lines, or both. You
generally want to convert both Polylines and Lines. However,
if your drawing is set up so that
Polylines are always used to represent pipes and Lines are used
for annotation purposes, you may
wish to convert only Polylines.
Handling missing nodes at polyline endpoints - A pipe can
only be created if there is a node at
both endpoints. If a node cannot be found at a polyline endpoint, a node
must be added. Otherwise,
the pipe cannot be converted. This option allows you to specify whether
a node is created, and, if so,
the default type of element to create.
In general, you will want to create a default node at polyline endpoints.
However, if your network already
contains nodes at polyline endpoints, or if your drawing contains blocks
at polyline endpoints that are to be
converted to nodes, you may wish to specify that the polyline not be
converted. Polylines that cannot be
converted, because one or both end nodes are missing, will be
flagged for review at the end of the
conversion process.
Tip: If the conversion does not yield the desired results, you
can repeat the conversion process
using different settings. Be sure to save your project before performing
the conversion.
Polyline to Pipe Wizard - Step 3
This step allows you to specify how T-intersections (pipe split
candidates) should be handled.
Nodes that fall within the specified tolerance of a pipe are referred
to as pipe-split candidates. There are
two ways to handle these:
Chapter 15 Exchanging Data with CAD Software
Join the pipes at the intersection - The pipe-split candidate
will be used to split the intersecting
Do not join the intersecting pipes - Pipe-split candidates will be
flagged for later review using the
Drawing Review window.
Note: The tolerance that you specify in Step 2 will also be used for T-
intersection processing.
Polyline to Pipe Wizard - Step 4 (for .DXF files that contain blocks)
If your AutoCAD drawing contains blocks, this step will appear, allowing
you to convert AutoCAD blocks,
if desired.
If you would like to convert blocks to nodes, activate the Yes
toggle. A table with two columns will
appear, allowing you to map the AutoCAD blocks you would like to
convert to any of the available node
element types. The AutoCAD block column provides you with a list of
available blocks to convert. The
Element column provides you with a list of available node element types.
For each AutoCAD block you would like to convert, specify the
type of node element you would like to
Tip: When you select an AutoCAD block, the preview pane will
display the graphical
representation of that block. This step will be skipped if
there are no AutoCAD Blocks in your
Polyline to Pipe Wizard - Step 5
Before performing the conversion, you may wish to configure your
prototypes with default data. During
the conversion process, elements will be created using the specified
Click a button to configure the defaults for the associated element.
Polyline to Pipe Wizard - Step 6
Specify the layers that contain the entities you would like to convert.
Use the Preview Drawing button to
preview the elements on the selected layers. This step can be used in
conjunction with the Prototype step to
allow you to convert your drawing in multiple passes.
Tip: It is recommended that you process your drawing prior to
performing the import. If your
drawing contains layers that you do not wish to import, turn them off
from within AutoCAD and
elements on those layers will be ignored during the import process.
Polyline Conversion Problem Dialog
This feature is present in Stand-Alone mode only. This dialog displays
the reason that a polyline was not
converted after running the Polyline to Pipe Wizard.
Drawing Preview
Use the Preview Drawing button to view the elements in the .DFX file that
will be converted.
Next to the Preview Drawing button is a checkbox labeled Only include
elements that will be converted.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Turn the toggle on to preview the entities that will be converted. The
entities to be converted are based on
the settings you specified in the Polyline to Pipe Wizard, such as type
of line entities, blocks, and layers to
be converted.
Turn the toggle off to preview all entities.
15.2 Import/Export of DXF Files
15.2.1 Import a DXF from AutoCAD or MicroStation
To import background graphics in Stand-Alone mode from another drafting
program, you must first export
a .DXF file from your CAD program. This step is usually as simple as
selecting an item from a pull-down
menu in that program, such as File / Export / As DXF, or similar command.
Once the .DXF file has been
created, it can be imported into this program as follows:
1. Select the File / Import / DXF Background command from the
pull-down menu to access the Import
DXF File dialog.
2. Select the .DXF file you wish to import, and click the Open button.
15.2.2 Exporting a DXF file
To export the drawing plan view, select File\Export\DXF file from the
pull-down menu.
Note: You will be able to redefine all elements, except pipes, as blocks
in AutoCAD. Pipes will be
exported as polylines, so you will be able to set their line weight in
15.2.3 Redefining WaterCAD Blocks in AutoCAD
If you would like to change the appearance of these blocks in
your AutoCAD drawing, you can redefine
them as follows:
To begin, start AutoCAD and create thirteen separate drawing
files named HMI_CKV.DWG,
Save these drawings in your AutoCAD directory.
Open the existing drawing that contains the network blocks.
1. At the AutoCAD "Command:" prompt, type INSERT and press enter.
1 At the "Block Name:" prompt, type JUNCTION=C: JUNCTION.DWG and press
2 At this point, the block has been redefined and you can cancel this
3 Repeat these steps for the other named blocks.
Refer to your AutoCAD documentation for more information on Redefining
15.2.4 Advanced DXF Import Techniques
1 In your existing drawing, at the AutoCAD "Command:" prompt,
type (regapp "WTRC") and press
Enter. This will register the program application ID. Be sure to
include the parenthesis.
Chapter 15 Exchanging Data with CAD Software

2 Define blocks named HMI_CKV, HMI_CSRC, HMI_FARW, HMI_PS,

You are now ready to import a WaterCAD .DXF file into your existing
AutoCAD drawing.
Tip: To save time, you can perform the above steps in a new AutoCAD
drawing file and save it
with the name WaterCAD.DWG. Now, instead of performing the above steps,
simply insert this
new drawing into your existing drawing file immediately before importing
a network .DXF file.

Note: Refer to your AutoCAD documentation for more information on

Importing .DXF files.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Chapter 16

Additional Features of the

AutoCAD Version

16.1 Overview
WaterCAD features optional support for AutoCAD integration. You can
determine if you have purchased
AutoCAD functionality for your WaterCAD by using the Help\About
menu option. Click the
Registration button to view the feature options that have been purchased
with your application license. If
AutoCAD support is enabled then you will be able to run your
WaterCAD application in both AutoCAD
and Stand-Alone mode.
The AutoCAD functionality has been implemented so as to be essentially
identical to that offered with the
Stand-Alone base product. Once you obtain familiarity with the Stand-
Alone mode, you will not have any
difficulty utilizing the product in AutoCAD mode.
In AutoCAD mode, you will have access to the full range of functionality
available in the AutoCAD design
and drafting environment. The standard environment is extended
and enhanced by an AutoCAD
ObjectARX WaterCAD client layer that allows you to create, view, and edit
the native WaterCAD network
model while in AutoCAD.
Some of the advantages of working in AutoCAD mode include:
Layout network pipes and structures in fully scaled mode in
the same design and drafting
environment that you use to develop your engineering plans. You will
have access to any other third
party applications that you currently use, along with any custom
LISP, ARX, or VBA applications
that you have developed.
Use native AutoCAD insertion snaps to precisely position WaterCAD
elements with respect to other
entities in the AutoCAD drawing.
Use native AutoCAD commands such as ERASE, MOVE, and ROTATE
on WaterCAD model
entities with automatic update and synchronization with the model
Output contours to your AutoCAD drawing, and interactively label them.
Control destination layers for model elements and associated
label text and annotation, giving you
control over styles, line types, and visibility of model elements.
Chapter 16 Additional Features of the AutoCAD Version

Note: AutoCAD R14 is no longer supported in WaterCAD.

16.2 AutoCAD Environment
16.2.1 AutoCAD Mode Graphical Layout
In AutoCAD mode, Haestad Methods' products provide a set of extended
options and functionality beyond
those available in Stand-Alone mode. This additional
functionality provides enhanced user control over
general application settings and options and extends the command
set, giving the user control over the
display of model elements within AutoCAD.
Key differences between AutoCAD and Stand-Alone mode include:
Element editing functionality has been extended by adding the
Scale Elements and Rotate Labels
commands, accessible under the Edit / Modify Elements pull-down menu,
and the Change Widths
command under the Edit / Pipes pull-down menu.
You can control the appearance and destination of all model elements
using the Element Properties
command under the Tools pull-down menu. For example, you can
assign a specific layer for all
outlets, as well as assign the label and annotation text style to be
16.2.2 Toolbars
In AutoCAD mode, the following toolbars are available:
Command Tools - Enables the Command Toolbar for quick access
to the main commands,
including computations, tables, graphic reports, Quick View, and
direct access to the Haestad
Methods Web Site.
Layout Tools - Enables the Layout Toolbar for access to the Tool
Analysis Toolbar - Enables the Analysis Toolbar to control the current
scenario and provide quick
access to the Scenario Manager , the Active Topology Selection
Dialog, the Darwin Calibrator,
and the Capital and Energy Cost Managers, as well as time and animation
To toggle the display of the Haestad Methods command and layout toolbars,
select View / Toolbars from
the pull-down menu.
16.2.3 Drawing Setup
When working in the AutoCAD mode, you may work with Haestad
Methods products in many different
AutoCAD scales and settings. However, Haestad Methods product
elements can only be created and
edited in model space.
16.2.4 Symbol Visibility
In AutoCAD mode, you can control display of element labels using the
checkbox in the Drawing Options

WaterCAD Users Guide


The following commands allow you to customize the drawing by turning the
visibility of flow arrows and
labels on or off:
To turn on the element labels, type: WTRCLABELSON
To turn them off, type: WTRCLABELSOFF
Notes: In AutoCAD, it is possible to delete element label text using the
ERASE command. You
should not use ERASE to control visibility of labels. If
you desire to control the visibility of a
selected group of element labels, you should move them to
another layer that can be frozen or
turned off.
See Rebuild Figure Labels for more information on restoring labels that
have been erased using
the native AutoCAD command.
16.2.5 Rebuild Figure Labels
When running WaterCAD in the AutoCAD mode, it is possible to
delete associated element label text
entities. Element labels which have been erased can be
selectively undeleted using the command
16.3 AutoCAD Project Files
16.3.1 AutoCAD Project Files
When using WaterCAD in AutoCAD mode, there are two files that
fundamentally define a WaterCAD
model project:
Drawing File (.DWG) - The AutoCAD drawing file contains the
custom entities that define the
model, in addition to the planimetric base drawing information that
serves as the model background.
Model File (.WCD) - The native WaterCAD model database file
that contains all the element
properties, along with other important model data. WaterCAD
.WCD files can be loaded and run
using the Stand-alone mode. These files may be copied and sent to other
WaterCAD users who are
interested in running your project. This is the most important file for
the WaterCAD model.
The two files will have the same base name. It is important
to understand that simply archiving the
drawing file is not sufficient to reproduce the model. You must also
preserve the associated .WCD file.
Since the .WCD file can be run and modified separately from the .DWG file
using Stand-Alone mode, it is
quite possible for the two files to get out of sync. Should you ever
modify the model in Stand-Alone mode
and then later load the AutoCAD .DWG file, the WaterCAD program
will compare file dates, and
automatically invoke its built-in AutoCAD Synchronization routine.
16.3.2 Drawing Synchronization
Whenever you open a WaterCAD-based drawing file in AutoCAD, the WaterCAD
model server will start.
The first thing that the application will do is load the associated
WaterCAD database (.WCD) file. If the
time stamps of the drawing and database file are different,
WaterCAD will automatically invoke its
synchronization check. This protects against corruption that might
otherwise occur from separately editing
the WaterCAD database file in Stand-Alone mode, or editing proxy elements
at an AutoCAD station where
the WaterCAD application is not loaded.
Chapter 16 Additional Features of the AutoCAD Version

The synchronization check will occur in two stages:

First, WaterCAD will iterate across all the drawing model elements and
compare their state with that
held in the server model. Any differences it discovers will
be listed. WaterCAD enforces network
topological consistency between the server and the drawing state.
If model elements have been
deleted or added in the .WCD file during a Stand-Alone session,
or if proxy elements have been
deleted, the application will force the drawing to be consistent with the
native database by restoring
or removing any missing or excess drawing custom entities.
After network topology has been synchronized, the application
will compare other model and
drawing states such as location, labels, and flow directions.
Again, it will list any differences
between the drawing client and server data, and a message box will pop up
giving you an opportunity
to indicate which state, drawing or model server, should be
adopted during the second stage of
You can run the Synchronization check at any time using the command
16.3.3 Saving the Drawing as Drawing*.dwg
AutoCAD uses Drawing*.dwg as its default drawing name. Saving your
drawing as the default AutoCAD
drawing name (for instance Drawing1.dwg) should be avoided, as
it makes overwriting model data very
likely. When you first start AutoCAD, the new empty drawing
is titled Drawing*.dwg, regardless of
whether one exists in the default directory. Since Haestad
Methods modeling products create model
databases associated with the AutoCAD drawing, the use of Drawing*.dwg as
the saved name puts you at
risk of causing synchronization problems between the AutoCAD
drawing and the Haestad Methods
modeling files.
Tip: If this situation inadvertently occurs (save on quit for
example), simply restart AutoCAD,
use the Open command to open the Drawing*.dwg file from its saved
location, and use the Save
As command to save the drawing and model data to a different name.
16.4 WaterCAD Element Properties
16.4.1 Element Properties
When working in the AutoCAD mode, this feature will display a
tabbed dialog with tables containing
different model element types and their associated properties,
along with the properties of the elements
layer, label, and annotation. To modify an attribute, double-click each
associated grid cell. Setting changes
made in this dialog will be used for any newly created elements.
Property changes will be performed on all
elements of the given type. If the Apply to Existing Object
box is checked, modifications made in this
dialog are performed on a global basis. To restrict global changes to a
certain layer for a particular element
type, use the "*current*" option setting for the attribute of interest.
To change the layer, label, or annotation of an element, select Tools /
Element Properties from the pull-
down menu.
16.4.2 Select Layer
When running in AutoCAD mode, this dialog appears when you double-click
the layer name ("*current*"
by default) in the Layer column of the Element Properties dialog. This
is accessed by selecting Tools \
Element Properties from the pull-down menu. It displays a list of the
available layers and their properties
WaterCAD Users Guide

from the current AutoCAD drawing. Click the appropriate field to select
a layer. The "*current*" option
will use whatever layer is set to current in your AutoCAD drawing.
16.4.3 Select Text Style
When running in AutoCAD mode, this dialog appears when you
double-click the text style name
("*current*" by default) in the Text Style column of the Labels
and Annotation tabs of the Element
Properties dialog. This is accessed by selecting Tools / Element
Properties from the pull-down menu. It
displays a list of the available text styles and their properties from
the current AutoCAD drawing. Click the
appropriate field to select a text style. The "*current*" option will
use whatever text style is set to current
in your AutoCAD drawing.
16.5 Working with Elements
16.5.1 Edit Element
In AutoCAD mode, this menu selection will open an element editor for any
specific element. Select Edit /
Edit Element, then select an element. This command is also
available by choosing the Select tool, then
clicking an element in the drawing pane. In addition, double-
clicking an element will open the element
editor for that element.
Note: Double-clicking an element when other elements are
selected will open the AutoCAD
Properties dialog rather than the element editor.
The Edit Element command works with the current selection to
allow you to generate filtered reports.
Refer to Selecting Elements (AutoCAD Mode) for more information on
working with selections.
16.5.2 Deleting Elements
In AutoCAD mode, this command removes all elements in the
current selection. Refer to Selecting
Elements (AutoCAD Mode) for more information on working with selections.
16.5.3 Modifying Elements
Modify Elements
In AutoCAD mode, these commands are selected from the Edit pull-down
menu. They are used for scaling
and rotating model entities.
Scale Elements
In AutoCAD mode, this menu selection resizes an element based upon a
scale factor. After choosing this
command, select an element or group of elements, and enter the scale
factor to be applied.
To access the Scale Elements command, select Modify Elements from the
Edit pull-down menu.
Rotate Labels
In AutoCAD mode, this menu selection rotates the figure label.
After choosing this command, select an
element or group of elements, and enter the desired rotation in degrees.
Chapter 16 Additional Features of the AutoCAD Version

To access the Rotate Labels command, select Modify Elements from the Edit
pull-down menu.
Modify Pipes
Pipes may follow a non-linear alignment, since in pressure systems minor
losses can be safely lumped with
friction losses without significantly affecting model accuracy.
WaterCAD uses the following specialized
commands for editing pipes in AutoCAD:
Insert Bend - Use this command to add a bend to a pipe.
In AutoCAD, you will be prompted to
select a pipe to bend. Select the pipe and the location you
want the bend to appear. The pipe
alignment will automatically conform to this location.
Remove Bend - Use this command to remove a specific bend from a pipe.
In AutoCAD, you will be
prompted to select a pipe and the specific bend to remove.
Remove All Bends - Use this command to completely straighten
a pipe that contains bends. In
AutoCAD, you will be prompted to select a pipe, and all bends will
Change Widths - Use this command to change pipe widths. After choosing
this command, select a
pipe or group of pipes and enter the desired width. Note that the width
entered is equivalent to the
AutoCAD polyline width.
Change Pipe Widths
In AutoCAD mode, this menu option is used to change the thickness of the
pipe width. When selected, the
user is first prompted to select pipes, and is then prompted to enter a
new pipe width to be assigned to the
pipe figures.
Edit Elements
In AutoCAD mode, this menu command is used to open a
spreadsheet FlexTable editor or a selection of
one or more network figures. You are prompted to select figures on which
to build a table.
16.6 Working with Elements Using AutoCAD Commands
16.6.1 WaterCAD Custom AutoCAD Entities
The primary AutoCAD-based WaterCAD element entities - pipes, tanks,
reservoirs, pumps and valves - are
all implemented using ObjectARX custom objects. Thus, they are
vested with a specialized "model
awareness" that ensures that any editing actions you perform
will result in an appropriate update of the
model database.
This means that you can perform standard AutoCAD commands as
you normally would, and the model
database will be updated automatically to reflect these changes.
It also means that the model will enforce the integrity of the network
topological state. Therefore, if you
delete a nodal element such as a junction, its connecting pipes
will also be deleted since their connecting
nodes topologically define model pipes.
Using ObjectARX enables the implementation of highly specialized
editing actions that are not available
with standard AutoCAD entities. Two examples of this specialized
behavior are element morphs and pipe
splits. Again, these modifications will trigger an automatic
update of the model network topology and
associated element properties.
Using ObjectARX technology ensures the database will be adjusted and
maintained during Undo and Redo
WaterCAD Users Guide

A custom model element has certain native text entities

associated with it for displaying label and
annotated property values. These associated label and annotation
entities may be edited separately from the
model element itself. However, most drawing edits made directly to a
model element will be applied in the
appropriate fashion against its associated label and annotation
entities. Thus, if you drag an element to a
new location, the annotation and label locations will update as well.
16.6.2 AutoCAD Commands
When running in AutoCAD mode, Haestad Methods products make use
of all the advantages that
AutoCAD has, such as plotting capabilities and snap features.
Additionally, AutoCAD commands can be
used as you would with any design project. For example, Haestad Methods
elements and annotation can
be manipulated using common AutoCAD commands.
16.6.3 Explode Elements
In AutoCAD mode, running the AutoCAD Explode command will transform all
Haestad Methods custom
entities into equivalent AutoCAD native entities. When a Haestad Methods
custom entity is exploded, all
associated database information is lost. Be certain to save the exploded
drawing under a separate filename.
Use Explode to render a drawing for finalizing exhibits and
publishing maps of the model network. You
can also deliver exploded drawings to clients or other
individuals who do not own a Haestad Methods
Product license, since a fully exploded drawing will not be
comprised of any ObjectARX proxy objects.
See Working with Proxies for more information on this topic.
16.6.4 Moving Elements
When using AutoCAD mode, the AutoCAD commands Move, Scale, Rotate,
Mirror, and Array can be
used to move elements. Refer to Selecting Elements for more details on
this topic.
To move a node, execute the AutoCAD command by either typing it at the
command prompt or selecting it
from the pull-down menu. Follow the AutoCAD prompts, and the node and
its associated label will move
together. The connecting pipes will shrink or stretch depending on the
new location of the node.
16.6.5 Moving Element Labels
When using AutoCAD mode, the AutoCAD commands Move, Scale, Rotate,
Mirror, and Array can be
used to move element text labels. Refer to the help topics Selecting
Elements and Working with Selections
in AutoCAD.
To move an element text label separately from the element, click the
element label you wish to move. The
grips will appear for the label. Execute the AutoCAD command
either by typing it at the command
prompt, by selecting it from the tool palette, or by selecting
it from the right-click menu. Follow the
AutoCAD prompt, and the label will be moved without the element.
16.6.6 Snap Menu
When using AutoCAD mode, the Snap menu is a standard AutoCAD
menu that provides options for
picking an exact location of an object. Refer to the standard
AutoCAD help documentation for more
Chapter 16 Additional Features of the AutoCAD Version

16.7 Undo / Redo

16.7.1 Undo / Redo Operations in AutoCAD
In AutoCAD mode, you have two types of Undo/Redo available to
you. From the Edit menu, you have
access to WaterCAD Undo and Redo. Alternatively, you can perform the
native AutoCAD Undo and Redo
by typing at the AutoCAD command line. The implementations of
the two different operation types are
quite distinct.
The menu-based undo and redo commands operate exclusively on
WaterCAD elements by invoking the
commands directly on the model server. The main advantage of using the
specialized command is that you
will have unlimited undo and redo levels. This is an
important difference, since in layout or editing it is
quite useful to be able to safely undo and redo an arbitrary number of
Note: If you use the native AutoCAD undo, you are limited to
a single redo level. The
WaterCAD undo/redo is also faster than the native undo/redo.
If you are rolling back
WaterCAD model edits, it is recommended that you use the menu-
based undo/redo
Whenever you invoke a native AutoCAD undo, the server model
will be notified when any WaterCAD
entities are affected by the operation. WaterCAD will then
synchronize the model to the drawing state.
Wherever possible, the model will seek to map the undo/redo invocation
onto the model servers managed
command history. If the drawings state is not consistent with any
pending undo or redo transactions held
by the server, WaterCAD will flush the command history. In
this case, the model will synchronize the
drawing and server models.
Note: If you undo using the AutoCAD command and you end up restoring
WaterCAD elements
that have been previously deleted, morphed, or split, some model
state attributes such as
diameters or elevations may be lost, even though the locational
and topological state is fully
consistent. This will only happen in situations where the WaterCAD
command history has been
flushed. In such cases, you will be warned to check your data carefully.
16.8 Converting Native AutoCAD Entities to WaterCAD
16.8.1 Converting Native AutoCAD Entities
WaterCAD features powerful tools dedicated to assisting you in building
WaterCAD models from existing
AutoCAD drawing information. In addition to the standard GIS shapefile
conversion options, there are two
specific commands available in the AutoCAD platform that will be
especially useful to the AutoCAD
Layout Pipe Using Entity
Change Entities to Pipe
WaterCAD Users Guide

16.8.2 Layout Pipe Using Entity

In addition to the standard options available under the Pipe
layout command (accessed by clicking the
button in the WaterCAD Tools toolbar, or by selecting the
Tools\Layout\Pipe menu option), you
may elect to use an existing AutoCAD line, polyline, or arc as
a template to define an equivalent
WaterCAD pipe or series of pipes.
While you are in the Pipe Layout command, you may invoke the
Entity conversion option by using the
Entity keyword, or by selecting Entity from the right-mouse button
context menu. Once selected, you
will be prompted to choose an entity to use as a basis for a new pipe,
and conditionally specify the type of
nodal WaterCAD element(s) to use at each end of the pipe.
Note: This command is extremely useful for constructing pipes
that follow a curved alignment.
In these cases, use an arc as the defining template entity for the pipe
16.8.3 Change AutoCAD Entities to Pipes
When running WaterCAD in AutoCAD mode, this special AutoCAD
command allows you to use a
selection of AutoCAD entities - arcs, lines, polylines, and
blocks - as a defining template set for the
creation of equivalent WaterCAD elements. This command performs
the element generation in batch
fashion. You are prompted for the selection of entities to
convert, and the selection is followed by the
Polyline to Pipe Conversion Wizard that leads you through a
sequence of steps defining the basis of the
batch conversion. The actual steps to be followed in the
Wizard are fully described in the AutoCAD
Polyline to Pipe Conversion topic.
Note: This is an automated batch process that requires some care and
attention with respect to
the selection set that is going to be used as a basis for
generating actual WaterCAD model
elements. For instance, it may be desirable to select like-
sized pipe elements during each pass.
This way, you can use the prototyping capabilities to their greatest
advantage. A little time spent
in planning and strategizing a series of individual conversion
steps will go a long way toward
preventing confusion, which could necessitate later re-conversions.
The Change Entities to Pipes command is accessed from the
Edit\Change Entities to Pipes pull-down
16.9 Special Considerations
16.9.1 Import WaterCAD
When running WaterCAD in AutoCAD mode, this command imports a selected
WaterCAD data (.WCD)
file for use in the current drawing. The new project file
will now correspond to the drawing name, i.e.
CurrentDrawingName.WCD. Whenever you save changes to the network
model through WaterCAD, the
associated .WCD data file is updated and can be loaded into WaterCAD 4.0
or higher.
To import a WaterCAD model into AutoCAD, select File\Import\WaterCAD.
16.9.2 Working with Proxies
If you open a WaterCAD drawing file on an AutoCAD workstation
that does not have the WaterCAD
application installed, you will get an AutoCAD Proxy Information
message box. This is because the
Chapter 16 Additional Features of the AutoCAD Version

executable logic for managing the AutoCAD entities is not

available, and the WaterCAD modeling
elements are not associated with the WaterCAD native database.
WaterCAD proxy objects can be moved and erased. However, doing so will
put the drawing state out of
sync with the model database if the drawing is saved with its original
name. If this happens, and you later
reload the drawing on an AutoCAD station that is running a
WaterCAD application, the application will
automatically load and will attempt to reconcile any differences
it finds by automatically loading its
Database Synchronization routine.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Appendix A:

Frequently Asked Questions

A.1. Overview: "How Do I"

"How Do I" tips are available in the following categories:
Tips: Extensive, up-to-date tips are available at your
fingertips by clicking the button.
This will take you to the ClientCare area of Haestad Methods web site,
where you will be able to
look up Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), modeling tips, and other
useful information in our
KnowledgeBase and do a search on any keyword(s). This area of the
website is only available if
you are participating in the ClientCare program.
If the information you need is not available in this section, click the
Search tab at the top of the
Help window for an index. To make your work easier, WaterCAD
and the Help system are
designed to be used together. If you have a high-resolution
display monitor, you will probably
find it helpful to size the frames of both the program and the Help
windows so that they fit side
by side. Then, while using the program, you can use the right mouse
button or the Help button
in any dialog box to update the Help window with context-sensitive Help.
A.2. Import/Export Tips
A.2.1. Import/Export Tips
The following tips will be covered in this section:
Importing Data from Previous WaterCAD/Cybernet Versions
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions

Transitioning from Cybernet v2

Importing EPANET
Importing KYPIPE Data
Importing Spot Elevations
Exporting Spot Elevations
Tip: You can import data from virtually any model using our
intuitive and powerful Database
and Shapefile Connections feature.
A.2.2. Importing Data from Previous WaterCAD/Cybernet Versions
Cybernet v1 drawing
No support is available for importing a Cybernet v1 drawing directly
into WaterCAD v5. If you want to
import a Cybernet v1 drawing, load it into Cybernet v2 (for
DOS) and re-save the data as a Cybernet v2
drawing. The data can then be imported into WaterCAD v5 following the
procedure described below.
Cybernet v2 drawing
If you are running WaterCAD v5 in AutoCAD mode, simply open the drawing
that contains the Cybernet
v2 data. The import Wizard of WaterCAD v5 will automatically begin
importing the data.
If you are running WaterCAD v5 in Stand-Alone mode, you must
first convert the Cybernet v2 drawing
into a special C2W file format that can then be imported into
WaterCAD v5. This is accomplished by
using one of the C2W utilities inside any of the following
AutoCAD versions: AutoCAD 12, 13 Dos, 13
Windows, 14, 2000, or 2002. Consult the C2W utilities Help for
specifics on its use.
Notes: Because the color coding legend is comprised of native entities,
the built-in conversion is
unable to automatically remove these elements. In WaterCAD v3.0
and up in AutoCAD mode,
color coding legends are block inserts. If your Cybernet v2 drawing
contains legends, you must
manually edit these out of the drawing.
When using the C2W utility in AutoCAD 12 or 13, there are certain
limitations to the amount of
data imported:
- Only Cybernet v2 base data is imported. No change records in
Cybernet scenarios are
- Cybernet multi-point pump curves are not supported. The C2W utility
converts the pump to a
standard three-point curve pump. This may not be the optimum
solution for the multi-point
curve. Validate the points chosen, and consider manually entering the
multi-point data.
- Cybernet demand patterns are not imported. However, junction
node demand type data is
imported. Use the Pattern Manager to enter the Cybernet Extended
Period Simulation GDF
WaterCAD Users Guide

WaterCAD/Cybernet v3 and v4 Files

Simply open the WaterCAD v3 or v4 file, or import the .WCD
file as you normally would in
WaterCAD/Cybernet v3. The .WCD file will be automatically
converted to the WaterCAD v5 format.
Once you save this file in WaterCAD v5, it can no longer be opened in
WaterCAD/Cybernet v3/ v4.
A.2.3. Transitioning from Cybernet v2
This section is intended to offer you some insight about the
tools in this version of WaterCAD that are
different from Cybernet v2 methods.
We have seen the questions that arise in technical support.
We designed WaterCAD v3, v4, and v5
specifically to help our users avoid many of these problems,
while offering even more flexibility and a
much friendlier interface.
Working with the Graphical Editor
One of the first differences is the interface, aside from just
the difference of it being a Windows
application. WaterCAD v5 actually has two interfaces, one for AutoCAD
(called WaterCADs AutoCAD
mode), and our own CAD-style Stand-Alone interface (called WaterCADs
Stand-Alone Mode).
This offers an amazing amount of flexibility, especially since
both interfaces can be used with the exact
same hydraulic model. Organizations now have the flexibility to allow
AutoCAD users and non-AutoCAD
users to work with the same model, without struggling through any type of
intermediate conversion. Even
the style of the two interfaces is similar with identical toolbars and
Where is the Modeling Control Center (MCC)?
The Modeling Control Center in Cybernet v2 served two purposes:
tabular reporting and scenario
management (including calculation). In WaterCAD v5, these same
purposes are served by two separate
objects, which are each orders of magnitude better than anything
that has come before: FlexTables and
Scenario Management.
Report Tables (Flex Tables)
In Cybernet v2, you were provided with a tabular view of the network that
was a bit inflexible and tedious
at times. WaterCAD v5's FlexTables provide tabular reporting tools that
are so powerful and flexible that
you can perform your typical tasks in less time than it used to take you
just to enter the MCC.
With features like sorting, filtering, and global editing, you can review
and adjust your data in a fraction of
the time it used to take, and with none of the hassle. Even the
variables and sequences that are presented in
tabular form are totally customizable to fit your needs.
Links to Graphical Information Systems (GIS) and Databases
One of the most exciting developments of the software industry
in the 1990's has been the push for data
reuse. Constantly improving database capabilities, published file
formats (such as the Shapefile format),
and even tools as simple as the Windows clipboard are all contributing
to a level of data sharing that has
never been seen before. WaterCAD v5 is right there on the leading edge.
With WaterCAD v5s database connectivity, your hydraulic model
can easily be linked to virtually any
major database, spreadsheet, or GIS product currently in use
today. Shapefile wizards and flexible
database linking tools make the process simple and
straightforward, without anchoring you to a specific
database layout or units system.
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions

Scenario Management
Cybernet v2 had two levels of definition: the base data as entered in the
AutoCAD interface or through the
Edit menu in the MCC, and scenario changes as entered through the Setup
Analysis menu. Although this
was far better than any competing scenario management, it was
very limited and certainly not oriented
toward data-reuse.
WaterCAD v5 has a whole new outlook on scenarios, stemming from the basic
principle that every system
has unknowns. If there is only one unknown, such as junction demand, for
example, the options are quite
simple. With the addition of more unknowns, the options quickly become
difficult to manage. How can a
modeler keep track of so many unknowns? Through alternatives and
Alternatives are collections of very specific data, such as junction
demands, or pump and valve operational
settings. A scenario references a certain combination of these
alternatives, similar to a slot machine rolling
different symbols in and out of each position. Rather than
several similar scenarios each holding onto
individually adjusted data, they can instead each reference some
of the same alternatives (just as several
slot machine combinations can show the same symbol). This not only
allows for far more flexibility, it also
greatly reduces the amount of data that is handled. This
greatly reduces the chance of that data being
Inheritance is another attribute of WaterCAD v5s scenario management
that adds a level of functionality
that has never existed before. In Cybernet v2, each scenario
essentially "inherited" data from the base
model, unless a specific change was made. As mentioned above, this is
fine for individual changes, but it
falls apart for subsequent changes. Consider, for example, a
system that is to have pipes replaced in
phases. Phase I changes inherit from the base model, but then what
happens for Phase II? Repeat all of the
changes from Phase I, and add the changes for Phase II? And then again
for Phase III? It is too easy to
overlook a change and make simple typographical errors.
In WaterCAD v5, there is no limit to the extent of inheritance
that could exist. To follow the example
given above, Phase II simply inherits its data from Phase I, and then has
whatever changes are specific to
Phase II rehabilitation. Likewise, Phase III inherits from
Phase II, and so on. Best of all, if something
changes in Phase I, that change is inherited through the
hierarchy such that all of the children (Phase II,
Phase III, etc.) reflect the new data.
There is a scenario tutorial for the Stand-Alone editor, and there is a
scenario Wizard to help you through
your first few scenario creations. Once you have seen what
alternatives and inheritance can do for your
model, you will be glad that you spent a few minutes getting familiar
with them.
Using the Scenario Manager
Scenario functionality is extended even further by the presence
of comparative tools, such as graphing.
Scenario results can be directly compared graphically, plotting all of
the scenarios on the same axes. This
means that determining the effects of things such as system expansion,
future demand increases, and pipe
deterioration can all be seen within seconds of running the models.
Combined with batch runs, which is running several scenarios in
sequence, scenario management has
reached a level that most modelers have only dreamed of until now.
Demand Alternatives
With the new scenario management, demand loading also has all new
flexibility. Rather than being limited
to Avg. Day, Max Day, Peak Hr., User 1 and User 2, there are an unlimited
number of demand alternatives
available in WaterCAD v5. You can still have global demand
and global roughness factors for your
WaterCAD v5 model, so you can make minor adjustments during
calibration without having to generate
new alternatives.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Composite Demands
As well as having an unlimited number of demand alternatives,
there is also no limit to the number of
different demand types you can have. Cybernet v2 was limited to five
demand types (1, 2, 3, 4, and Fixed),
but WaterCAD v5 allows as many different types necessary.
Also, they can have alpha-numeric labels,
such as "Residential", "Commercial", and "Industry XYZ." This enables
you to model service connections
with much more detail, because you can specify diurnal demand
patterns for any number of special
individual customers.
In addition to demands, WaterCAD v5 also provides inflow, or flows that
are introduced into the system.
Perhaps the best improvement for demands, however, is the
ability to attribute more than one type of
demand to a given junction node. An unlimited number of different
customer types can all contribute to the
total demand at a single junction, so there is no need to estimate an
equivalent demand type or add another
demand type to a "fake" junction immediately adjacent to another node.
Control Valves
Cybernet v2 provided you with three types of controlling valves:
Pressure Reducing Valves (PRV's),
Pressure Sustaining Valves (PSV's), and Flow Control Valves (FCVs).
WaterCAD v5 also provides them, plus two additional types: Pressure
Breaker Valves (PBV's) that create a
constant headloss across the valve, and Throttle Control Valves (TCV's)
that allow you to adjust minor loss
coefficients based on system pressures, HGL's, or time.
Cybernet v2 also allowed a valve setting of "Maintain Always" for PRV's
and FCV's. These settings were
primarily used to simulate a pump for preliminary design work.
Through numerous support calls and
dozens of inaccurate models, however, we found that this feature
was often misused, resulting in
frustration. These "Maintain Always" settings are no longer supported in
WaterCAD v5. Instead, we offer
a wider variety of pump options to encourage modelers to make
better educated guesses and better
preliminary design decisions.
Pumps and Pump Curves
Cybernet v2 pumps can be categorized as one of three types: constant
horsepower, three-point, and multi-
point (up to eleven points).
In WaterCAD v5, three-point pump curves are still fully
supported, as are multi-point pump curves. In
fact, there is no limit to the number of points you can enter to
approximate the pump's exponential curve.
Although we continue to discourage the use of constant horsepower pumps
(for many of the same reasons
we discouraged the use of "Maintain Always" setting for valves),
this type of pump is still available in
WaterCAD v5. However, do not use one unless you have actually looked at
a constant horsepower curve.
It only resembles the shape of a typical pump curve over a very short
range near the best efficiency point,
and diverges from this curve rapidly as the curve becomes asymptotic to
both the head and discharge axes.
If you are performing a preliminary design or if you have
another purpose that requires you to estimate
pump characteristics based on insufficient data, consider using a one-
point pump curve. This allows you to
enter the design point and approximate a curve based on a
typical pump curve. Of course, nothing beats
having actual pump test data so you can generate a truly
accurate representation of your pump, and,
subsequently, an accurate representation of the remainder of your system.
In Summary
There are many more features and enhancements in WaterCAD v5,
and they appear in every dialog and
button. The following are a two very important points that we would like
to emphasize as you prepare to
use WaterCAD v5 for the first time:
Tutorials are available in the Stand-Alone editor for a deeper
introduction to nearly every topic, and
there is context-sensitive on-line Help available from anywhere
in the program by pressing the F1
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions

key, or by clicking a Help button.

Don't be afraid to explore. Some of the neatest features
can be easy to overlook. Remember,
whenever you see an Ellipsis () button it means that a special
feature is available. Play with the
model, and most importantly, start to enjoy modeling again.
A.2.4. Importing EPANET Files
From the pull-down menu, select File\Import\Network and choose
EPANet (inp). Then, from the File
Open dialog, select the file you would like to import. During the import
procedure, you will be prompted
for a map scale factor. You may also be asked to specify the Unit of

Notes: In EPANET, pumps and valves are modeled as links. In

this program, they are
graphically modeled as node elements. Hence, during an import, each
EPANET valve and pump
link is replaced by two pipes and one pump or valve element. This will
not affect the behavior of
these elements in your system.
In EPANET, tanks can have an optional inactive volume parameter. If this
parameter is omitted
from the input file or a zero is entered for this parameter,
the EPANET numerical engine will
compute an inactive volume based on the tank's diameter and the minimum
level. To mimic this
behavior, this software will calculate the inactive volume and
display it in the tank data upon
import of the file. When using this software, it is important
to remember that zero inactive
volume means zero inactive volume, and not some internally computed
A.2.5. Importing KYpipe Data
This program supports the import of KYpipe 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0
data sets. If the data set does not include
geometry data, all nodes will be assigned a coordinate of (0,0). This
has no effect on the hydraulic state of
the model. Pipe lengths will not be computed based on the coordinates of
the end nodes, but will be taken
directly from the KYpipe data set.
This program only supports the import of the pipes and nodes of a KYpipe
model. You must insert pumps,
valves, and tanks into the current project.
A.2.6. Importing Spot Elevations
A series of spot elevations can be imported from an ASCII text
file, which might be generated from a
survey data recorder or another software program. These ASCII
files can contain a combination of the
information that is required for spot elevations, such as the label,
coordinates, and elevation. The fields in
the text file are usually separated by either blank spaces or commas.
A.2.7. Exporting Spot Elevations
All of the spot elevations in the current project can be exported to an
ASCII text file, from which they can
be brought into a spreadsheet, word processor, or other program.
These ASCII files can contain a
combination of the information that is required for spot
elevations, such as the label, coordinates, and
elevation. The fields in the text file are usually separated by either
blank spaces or commas.
WaterCAD Users Guide

A.2.8. Importing Database and Shapefile data created with WaterCAD v3

As a result of overwhelming user feedback, as well as through
a review of common technical support
questions, Haestad Methods has decided to make a fundamental
change in the way pump/valve
connectivity is modeled. These elements are now handled as
nodes, whereas they were previously
represented as links in database and GIS connections prior to release of
WaterCAD v5. Unfortunately, this
change will impact existing users who have built database
connections using WaterCAD Version 3.5 and
earlier. However, a survey of our customers has shown that
nodes are the natural and preferred way to
represent a pump or valve in a database. The change is driven
by the desire to improve and enhance the
mapping of these elements onto GIS and enterprise data. Haestad Methods
has invested significant effort
to separate the model representation of pumps and valves from the user
view of these elements.
Specific changes are as follows:
Pumps and valves used to be represented in the model as links, and had
To and From Node attributes.
Now pumps and valves are represented as nodes, and have To and From Pipe
Pumps and valves exported to the Links Table will not be restored to
the model. If the user tries to
import a Link Table with pumps and valves, they will be created as new
pipes of zero length and at
coordinates of (0,0).
The import of pump and valve tables will work as expected,
with the exception of the items listed
A.3. Modeling Tips
A.3.1. Modeling Tips
The paragraph presents some FAQ's related to modeling water
distribution networks with WaterCAD.
Also, please keep in mind that Haestad Methods offers workshops in North
America and abroad throughout
the year. These workshops cover these modeling topics in
depths and many more in a very effective
manner. The following modeling tips are presented in this chapter:
Modeling a Hydropneumatic Tank
Modeling a Pumped Groundwater Well
Parallel Pipes
Modeling Pumps in Parallel and Series
Modeling Hydraulically Close Tanks
Modeling Fire Hydrants
Modeling a Connection to an Existing Water Main
Creating a System Head Curve
Top Feed/Bottom Gravity Discharge Tank
Variable Speed Pump Maintaining a Constant Downstream Pressure
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions

A.3.2. Modeling a Hydropneumatic Tank

Hydropneumatic tanks can be modeled using a regular tank element and
converting the tank pressures into
equivalent water surface elevations. Based on the elevation differences,
the tank's cross-sectional area can
then be determined.
For example, consider a hydropneumatic tank that operates between
50 psig and 60 psig. The tanks
storage volume is approximately 50 cubic feet.
The tank base elevation is chosen to be equal to the ground elevation,
and the pressures are converted into
feet of water (1 psi = 2.31 feet). It is apparent that the tank operates
between levels of 115.5 feet and 138.6
feet. The difference between the levels is 23.1 feet, which
brings us to a needed cross-section of 2.16
square feet.
A.3.3. Modeling a Pumped Groundwater Well
A groundwater well is modeled using a combination of a
reservoir and a pump. Set the hydraulic grade
line of the reservoir at the static groundwater elevation. The
hydraulic grade line can be entered on the
reservoir tab of the reservoir editor dialog box, or under the Reservoir
Surface Elevation column heading in
the Reservoir Report.
Pump curve data can be entered on the Pump Tab of the Pump
Editor. The following example will
demonstrate how to adjust the manufacturers pump curve to
account for drawdown at higher pumping
rates. Drawdown occurs when the well is not able to recharge
quickly enough to maintain the static
groundwater elevation at high pumping rates.
Pump Curve Accounting for Drawdown

The pump manufacturer provides the following data in a pump catalog:
Head (ft) Discharge (gpm)
1260 0
1180 8300
1030 12400
Based on field conditions and test results, the following drawdown data
is known:
Drawdown (ft) Discharge (gpm)
40 8300
72 12400
To account for the drawdown, the pump curves should be offset
by the difference between the static and
pumped groundwater elevations. Subtract the drawdown amount from the
pump head, and use these new
values for your pump curve head data.

WaterCAD Users Guide


The following adjusted pump curve data is based on the drawdown and the
manufacturers pump data.
Head (ft) Discharge (gpm)
1260 0
1140 8300
958 12400
A.3.4. Modeling Parallel Pipes
With some water distribution models, parallel pipes are not
allowed. This forces you to create an
equivalent pipe with the same characteristics.
With this program, however, you can create parallel pipes simply by
drawing the pipes with the same end
nodes. To avoid having pipes drawn exactly on top of one another, it is
recommended that the pipes have
at least one vertex, or bend, inserted into them.
Pipe Bends

A.3.5. Modeling Pumps in Parallel and Series

Parallel pumps can be modeled by inserting a pump on different
pipes that have the same From and To
Nodes. Pumps in series (one pump discharges directly into
another pumps intake) can be modeled by
having the pumps located on the same pipe. The following figure
illustrates this concept:
Pumps in Parallel and Series

If the pumps are identical, the system may also be modeled as

a single, composite pump that has a
characteristic curve equivalent to the two individual pumps.
For pumps in parallel, the discharge is
multiplied by the number of pumps, and used against the same head value.
Two pumps in series result in
an effective pump with twice the head at the same discharge.
For example, two pumps that can individually operate at 150 gpm at a head
of 80 feet connected in parallel
will have a combined discharge of 2150 = 300 gpm at 80 feet. The same
two pumps in series would pump
150 gpm at 280 = 160 feet of head. This is illustrated as follows:
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions

Pumps Curves of Pumps in Series and Parallel

Note: With pumps in series, it is actually more desirable to

use a composite pump than to use
multiple pumps in the network. When pumps shut off, it is easier to
control one pump. Several
pumps in series can even cause disconnections by checking if
upstream grades are greater than
the downstream grade plus the pump heads.
A.3.6. Modeling Hydraulically Close Tanks
If tanks are hydraulically close, as in the case of several tanks
adjacent to each other, it is better to model
these tanks as one composite tank with the equivalent total surface area
of the individual tanks.
This process can help to avoid fluctuation that may occur in
cases where the tanks are modeled
individually. This fluctuation is caused by small differences
in flow rates to or from the adjacent tanks,
which offset the water surface elevations enough over time to become a
significant fluctuation. This results
in inaccurate hydraulic grades.
A.3.7. Modeling Fire Hydrants
Fire Hydrant flow can be modeled by using a short, small
diameter pipe with large minor loss, in
accordance with the hydrant's manufacturer. Alternatively, hydrants
can be modeled using Flow Emitters.
See the Estimating Hydrant Discharge using Flow Emitters topic for more
A.3.8. Modeling a Connection to an Existing Water Main
If you are unable to model an existing system back to the source, but
would still like to model a connection
to this system, a reservoir and a pump with a three-point pump curve may
be used instead. This is shown
Approximating a Connection to a Water Main with a Pump and a Reservoir

The reservoir simulates the supply of water from the system. The
elevation of the reservoir should be equal
to the elevation at the connection point.
The pump and the pump curve will simulate the pressure drops
and the available flow from the existing
water system. The points for the pump curve are generated using a
mathematical formula (given below),
WaterCAD Users Guide

and data from a fire flow test. The pipe should be smooth, short and
wide. For example, a Roughness of
140, length of 1 foot, and diameter of 48 inches are appropriate numbers.
Please note that it is ALWAYS best to model the entire system back to the
source. This method is only an
approximation, and may not represent the water system under all flow
Qr = Qf * [(Hr/Hf)^.54]
Where: Qr = Flow available at the desired fire flow residual
Qf = Flow during test.
Hr = Pressure drop to desired residual pressure (Static Pressure
minus Chosen
Design Pressure)
Hf = Pressure drop during fire flow test (Static Pressure minus
Example: Determining the Three-Point Pump Curve
First point:
This point is generated by measuring the static pressure at the hydrant
when the flow ( Q ) is equal to zero.
Q = 0 gpm
H = 90psi or 207.9 feet of head (90 * 2.31)

(2.31 is the conversion factor used to convert psi to feet of head).

Second point:
The engineer chooses a pressure for this point, and the flow
is calculated using the Formula below. The
value for Q should lie somewhere between the data collected from the
Q = ?
H = 55 psi or 127.05 feet (55 * 2.31) (chosen value)
Qr = Qf * (Hr/Hf)^.54
Qr = 800 * [((90 - 55) / (90 - 22))^.54]
Qr = 800 * [(35 / 68)^.54]
Qr = 800 * [.514^.54]
Qr = 800 * .69
Qr = 558
Q = 558 gpm
Third point:
This point is generated by measuring the flow ( Q ) at the residual
pressure of the hydrant.
Q = 800 gpm
H = 22 psi or 50.82 ft. of head (22 * 2.31)
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions

Pump curve values for this example:

Head (ft) Discharge (gpm)
207.9 0
127.05 558
A.3.9. Top Feed/Bottom Gravity Discharge Tank
A tank element in WaterCAD is modeled as a bottom feed tank.
Some tanks, however, are fed from the
top, which is different hydraulically and should be modeled as such.
Top Feed/Bottom Gravity Tank
To model a top feed tank, start by placing a pressure
sustaining valve (PSV) at the end of the tank inlet
pipe. Set the elevation of the PSV to the elevation of the inlet to the
tank. The pressure setting of the PSV
should be set to zero to simulate the pressure at the outfall of the
Next, connect the downstream end of the PSV to the tank with a short,
smooth, large diameter pipe. The
pipe must have these properties so that the headloss through it will be
The tank attributes can be entered normally using the actual diameter and
water elevations.
The outlet of the tank can then proceed to the distribution system.
Example Layout

WaterCAD Users Guide


A.3.10. Estimating Hydrant Discharge Using Flow Emitters

Another way to model the discharge from a hydrant is to use "flow
emitters". A flow emitter
relates the discharge to pressure immediately upstream of the emitter

KP Q =

where Q = flow through hydrant (gpm, l/s)

K = overall emitter coefficient (gpm/psi
, l/s/m
P = pressure upstream of hydrant (psi, m)
n = pressure exponent (0.5 for hydrant outlets)

The pressure exponent, n, is a variable that can be set in

the Hydraulic Analysis Options section of the
Calculation Options dialog. The default value is 0.5, which
should be used when using flow emitters to
model hydrant outlets.
You should be able to simply model a hydrant as a flow emitter and enter
the appropriate value for K. Not
all of the energy available immediately upstream of the hydrant
is lost, however. Instead, some of the
energy is converted into increased velocity head, especially for the
smaller (2.5 in, 63 mm) hydrant outlet.
In order to accurately model a hydrant, the model must be given an
overall K value, which includes head
loss through a hydrant and conversion of pressure head to
velocity head. AWWA Standards C502 and
C503 govern the allowable pressure drop through a hydrant. For example,
the standards state that the 2.5 in.
outlet must have a pressure drop less than 2.0 psi (1.46 m) when passing
500 gpm (31.5 l/s).
The energy equation can be written between a pressure gage immediately
upstream of the hydrant and the
hydrant outlet:

2 4 4 2
1 1

k D D c gC

where v = velocity (ft/s, m/s)

= unit conversion factor (2.31 for pressure in psi, 1 for pressure in m)

= unit conversion factor (2.44 for flow in gpm, diameter in
inches, 0.0785 for flow in l/s,
diameter in mm)
g = gravitation acceleration (ft/s
, m/s
k = pressure drop coefficient for hydrant
K = overall emitter coefficient

The difference between K and k is that K includes the terms

for conversion of velocity head to pressure
head. k is known but K is the value needed for modeling.
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions

A typical hydrant lateral in North America is 6 in. (150 mm)

and typical outlet sizes are 2.5 in. (63 mm)
and 4.5 in. (115 mm). Values for k vary from minimum values, which can be
back calculated from AWWA
standards, to much higher values actually delivered by hydrants. Values
for K for a range of k values for 6
in. (150 mm) pipes are given below.
Emitter K Values for Hydrants

Nominal (in.)
gpm, psi
l/s, m
gpm, psi
l/s, m
2.5 250-600 18-45 150-180 11-14
2 2.5 350-700 26-52 167-185 13-15
4.5 447-720 33-54 380-510 30-40

The coefficients given are based on a 5 ft (1.5 m) burial

depth and a 5.5 in. (140 mm) hydrant barrel. A
range of values is given because each manufacturer has a
different configuration for hydrant barrels and
valving. The lowest value is the minimum AWWA standard.
A.3.11. Modeling Variable Speed Pumps
With WaterCAD, it is possible to model the behavior of variable
speed pumps (VSP), whether they are
controlled by variable frequency drives, hydraulic couplings or
some other variable speed drive. "Work
arounds" that were previously used, such as pumping through a
pressure-reducing valve, are no longer
The parameter that is used to adjust pump speeds is the relative speed.
The relative speed is the ratio of the
pumps actual speed to some reference speed. The reference speed
generally used is the full speed of the
motor. For example, if the pump speed is 1558 rpm while the motor is a
1750-rpm motor, the relative speed
is 0.89. This relative speed is used with the pump affinity laws to
adjust the pump head characteristic curve
to model the pump.
If only a steady state run is being made and the pump
relative speed is known, the speed of the variable
speed pump can simply be set in the General tab of the pump
dialog. However, if the conditions that
control the pump are not known at the start or an EPS run is being made,
then variable speed behavior must
be described in more detail.
Types of Variable Speed Pumps
The behavior of the VSP is set under the VSP tab within the pump dialog.
There are two ways to control a
variable speed pump. One is to provide a Pattern of pump
relative speeds. This is best used for cases
where you are trying to model some past event where the pump
speeds are known exactly or where the
pump is not being controlled by some target head. This would be the case
where human operators set speed
based on a combination of time of day, weather and other factors.
The second type of control is Fixed Head control where the
pump speed is adjusted to maintain a head
somewhere in the system. For water distribution pumping into a
pressure zone with no storage this is
usually some pressure sensor on the downstream side of the
pump. For wastewater pumping, the pump
may be operated to maintain a constant wet well level on the suction side
(i.e. flow matching).
To indicate that a pump is behaving as a VSP, first check the box next to
"Variable Speed Pump?" at the
top of the VSP tab. This will change the remaining boxes on the tab from
gray to white.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Pattern Based
If you want to provide the actual pump relative speeds,
"Pattern Based" should be selected from the
"VSP Type" pull-down menu. The default pattern is "Fixed"
which corresponds to constant speed
performance at a speed from the General tab.
Usually, you will want to specify a series of pump relative speeds. To do
this, click the ellipsis () button
next to Pump Speed Pattern. This will open the Pattern Manager dialog.
Click the Add button, and the
Pattern Editor dialog will appear. From this dialog, you can assign a
label (name) to the new Pattern and
complete the series of multipliers (i.e. relative speeds) vs. time.
Clicking OK twice will return you to the
VSP tab.
A difficulty in using Pattern Based speeds is that the pattern that would
work well for one scenario may not
work well for other scenarios such that tanks will run dry or fill and
shut off for a slightly different scenario
than the one for which the pattern was created.
Fixed Head
Fixed head control is achieved by selecting "Fixed Head" from the "VSP
Type?" pull down menu. Once
Fixed Head is selected, you must describe how the control is implemented.
You must identify a node that controls the pump. This is the
node where some type of pressure or water
level sensor is located. This can be done by:

Using the pull-down menu and picking the node from the list,
Clicking the ellipsis () button and using the Select Element dialog.
Clicking the Select From Drawing button and picking the node from the

In selecting the control node, you must choose a node that is actually
controlled by the VSP. For example,
the selected node must be in the same pressure zone (i.e. one
that is not separated from the pump by
another pump or PRV) and should not have a tank directly between the node
and the pump.
The user must then select the head to be maintained at that node. If the
node selected for control is a tank,
then the Target Head is set as the initial head in the tank. If a
junction node is selected, the head must be a
feasible head. If a physically infeasible head is given, the problem
may not be solved or some unrealistic
flow may be forced to meet this head (e.g. backward flow through pump).
You also have the option of setting the maximum relative speed
of the pump, which would usually
correspond to the rated speed of the motor. The default value for this is
1.0. You can have the model ignore
this limit by simply placing a large value in the field for maximum
Controls with Fixed Head Operation
When the relative pump speed reaches maximum speed (usually 1.0), the
model treats the pump essentially
as a constant speed pump. In the case of pumps controlled by a junction
node, when the conditions warrant,
the pump will once again behave as a VSP.
However, for pumps controlled by tanks, the pump will run at a maximum
speed for the remainder of the
EPS run, once they reach maximum speed. To get the pump to switch back to
variable speed operation, you
need to insert a control statement that switches the pump back
to variable speed. Consider the example
PMP-1 tries to maintain 280 ft discharge at node T-1 on the discharge
side of the pump but pump (PMP-1)
switches to full speed when the flow is so great that it cannot maintain
280 ft. In that case the water level
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions

drops below 280 ft. As demand decreases, the level increases until it
reaches 280 ft, at which time variable
speed operation begins again. To make this occur in the model, the user
must use a logical control :

IF (HGL T-1 >= 280 ft) THEN (PMP-1 = ON)

to restore variable speed operation.

Note: There should only be a single VSP serving a given
pressure zone. If more than one VPS
tries to use the same node as a control node, then the model will issue
an error message and not
solve. If the user tries to use two different nodes that very close
hydraulically, an error will also
A.3.12. Creating Scenarios to Model "What If?" Situations
The scenario management feature was designed to let you model "What If?"
situations by easily switching
between different input data sets without having to re-enter data.
Comparing different output results is just
as simple.
To create a new scenario:
1. Open the Scenario Manager dialog by clicking the Scenario Manager
button next to the drop-
down scenario list in the main application window.
2. Click the Scenario Wizard button in the upper left of the Scenario
Manager dialog.
3. Complete each step in the Scenario Wizard - Name the new scenario,
choose which scenario to base it
on, and choose the alternatives to be included. Click Next between each
step, and click Finish when
you are done.
4. Close the Scenario Manager dialog. Notice the scenario you
have just created is displayed as the
current scenario in the Scenario choice list in the main application
5. Proceed to modify your model with the changes you want recorded in
the new scenario.
A.3.13. How Do I Access the Haestad Methods Knowledge Base?
You can access of hundreds of commonly asked questions at our online
Knowledge Base.
The quickest way to access the Knowledge Base is to click the Globe
Icon in the product toolbars.
This will automatically log you on to our website. Simply
click the Knowledge Base icon next to the
Haestad product of interest.
If the computer you are using does not have internet access,
you can log on to Knowledge Base at an
alternate computer by going to "" and
entering the ClientCare portion of the
website. You can then logon with the Product ID located in
the back of the Users Manual or your PID
A.3.14. Darwin Calibrator Troubleshooting Tips
If youve found your way to this section then you are probably looking
for an answer to a problem that you
cannot find elsewhere. Please refer to the list below if you are having
problems running Darwin Calibrator
WaterCAD Users Guide

(you keep getting unsatisfactory solutions) or if you receive the "The

calibration engine was unsuccessful.
See the help system for troubleshooting tips." message while running a
If you are receiving the "engine unsuccessful" message then try the
Take note of the error message that is provided along with
the "calibration engine was unsuccessful"
message. It may provide a clue as to why your calibration
didnt run and save you having to go any
further through this list!
Ensure that the scenario model upon which the calibration is based
will run properly in WaterCAD 5.
Select Analysis/Compute from the WaterCAD 5 menu, select the
steady state radio button and click
GO. If the run obtains either a yellow or green light then the hydraulic
model runs Ok and this is not the
Ensure that all your roughness and demand group settings are valid and
reasonable. For example, ensure
that roughness adjustments and/or demand adjustments are not such
that your hydraulic model might
have difficulty converging. e.g., make sure that you are not
allowing demands to be set too high or
pipes too rough, causing excessive amounts of head loss.
If you have a large number of pipes assigned to status
groups, review the need to include all of those
pipes as status decisions and try to minimize the number of pipes in
status groups.
You may be experiencing low system memory. When running Darwin
Calibrator be sure to close any
other unused applications and if adjusting advanced GA parameters
ensure that you are using a cut
probability of more than a few percent, and a splice probability of less
than 90 percent. If your system
doesnt have much RAM (<128Mb) you may also wish to increase
the amount of allocated virtual
memory that your system is using. Windows 95/98/ME users should
let Windows Manage virtual
memory, however, Windows NT4/2000/XP users may wish to increase the size
of their system paging
file. Please consult Windows help to access information on
virtual memory settings specific to your
operating system.
Note: Virtual memory settings should only be adjusted by
advanced users or system
If you are having problems getting reasonable calibration solutions then
try the
Ensure that the Time field for each of your field data measurement
sets corresponds to the time of day
that your measurements were taken. The reason being that the time entered
in your field data set is used
to determine demand multipliers (from hydraulic patterns) which
are in turn used to calculate the
junction demands that will be simulated within the GA
Calibration engine. (i.e., the demand at a
junction during a GA Calibration run is the product of its baseline
demand(s) and the demand factor(s)
at the time specified for the field data set.) Pump settings and control
settings etc., are also determined
from the time setting you specify. Demand multiplier adjustments
and additional junction demands
(e.g., fire flow tests) are in addition to, not in lieu of, junction
demands already calculated from pattern
multipliers. Also note that a steady state run in WaterCAD will run with
only junction baseline demands
applied, whereas a GA calibration run based on a steady state scenario
will still use pattern multipliers
for the specified time.
Modifying the status of a link can have significant effects on
hydraulic results and thus on your chances
of finding good calibration solutions. If you are using a number of
status group adjustments, you should
review why you need those adjustment groups. It may be better
to experiment with these kinds of
adjustments manually, or get somebody to find out whether that valve
really is closed and remove the
status decision from the GA calibration. In general, try to
keep status adjustment decisions to a
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions
Make sure that your adjustment groupings are logical. e.g., junctions
are grouped by similar pattern or
demands for demand groups and pipes are grouped by similar
size, age and location for roughness
Ensure that you do not have too many adjustment groups or
the allowable ranges and increments for
those groups do not allow too many choices for each group. For example, a
roughness group allowed to
vary between a Hazen-Williams C of 80 and a Hazen-Williams C
of 130, with an increment of 0.1
equates to 500 different possible roughness settings for one group. This
is far too high! Try to choose
lower and upper bounds, and an increment that will give you no
more than 10-12 possible values. If
need be, you can start off with course settings (say 80 to
130 with an increment of 5) initially, and
gradually refine the allowable range and increment to refine your
calibration solutions. This applies to
both roughness adjustment groups and also to demand adjustment groups.
Make sure that you have sufficient and quality field data
and that it has been entered correctly. In
general it is a good idea to have as many (or more) field data
measurements as adjustment groups for
the calibration, else your calibration problem is under-specified.
This means that there is likely to be
multiple calibration solutions that produce the same or very
similar hydraulic results. (e.g., solutions
that exhibit compensating errors). In theory, there is only one correct
solution, however, due to limited
observed for many practical model calibrations, the more quality field
data you can provide, the better
chance you have of finding a solution that is close to the real
situation. When assessing the number of
field observations that you have, consider that each individual
observation should contribute unique and
accurate information to the calibration. For example, pressure
measurements made at two junctions in
different parts of the distribution system are likely to be more valuable
than two measurements made at
locations close to each other in the distribution system. In
fact, the two measurements taken at points
close together may only be as good as one measurement. That
is, both measurements "say the same
thing" about the system. Simply, the field data you collect and enter
into Darwin Calibrator should be
data that represents times when your system is experiencing high demand,
even if it is only the result of
such activities as fire flow tests. The reason for this is that during
times of normal demands, the head
loss across the system is usually on the same order of
magnitude as the error in measuring head loss.
Therefore, small errors in measurement can lead to huge errors in
roughness coefficient or demand.
Make sure that you havent entered field data observations that are
made impossible to achieve by any
observed boundary conditions, such as an observed grade out for a PRV set
to a different grade.
Note: Tank levels, pump speed settings, and valve settings are all used
by the calibration engine
as boundary conditions and as such these field data entries
will not appear in the calibration
report summary. That is, these quantities are set as fixed in
the calibration simulations and the
calibration does not try to match these data. All other quantities are
used as observed quantities
that the calibration engine tries to match by adjusting
parameters defined in your adjustment
Make sure you are using the correct boundary conditions. If
you have entered observations for tank
levels etc, ensure that you have not made any errors in entering the
If after following the tips in this check list you are still experiencing
problems, or just to learn more about
the GA or Darwin Calibrator itself, please consult the Darwin
Calibrator Methodology topic for more
A.4. Display Tips
A.4.1. Display Tips
The following display tips will be discussed in this section:
WaterCAD Users Guide

Changing Units in a Column

Controlling Element and Label Sizing
Color Coding Elements
Reusing Deleted Element Labels
A.4.2. How Do I Change Units in a Column?
In a Table you may change the units of all the data within any column.
To change the units:
Select Use Local Units from the Options menu in the Tabular Report
Right-click the column heading, or any data item within a column.
Select Properties from the pop-up menu.
Change the units and select OK. All data items in that column will
change to the selected units.
Note: The change of units affects only the data in the
Table. It DOES NOT change the units
within your network design.
A.4.3. How Do I Control Element and Label Sizing?
To change the size of element symbols and labels:
Select Tools / Options from the pull-down menus, and select the
Drawing tab.
In the Annotation Multipliers group, change the Symbol Size
Multiplier to modify the element
size, and the Text Height Multiplier to modify the label size.
Smaller numbers will make the
element symbols and text decrease in size.
These changes will affect all symbols and text, including color coding
legends, but will not have any effect
on pipe lengths.
A.4.4. How Do I Color Code Elements?
To color code elements:
Select Tools/Color Coding... from the pull-down menu, or click
the Color Coding (rainbow)
button on the toolbar.
In the Color Coding dialog, select the attribute you would like to
color code.
Click the Initialize button to automatically build a range of
colors. You may decide to modify
these default ranges. Alternatively, pick a color for the first and last
values in the list and click the
Ramp button. This will automatically generate a gradient range
based on a combination of the
specified colors.
Click OK to color code the drawing.
All link or node elements and their labels will be colored based on the
specified ranges. You can also use
the Initialize button to quickly set up and modify Color Coding Options.
A Color Coding Legend may
be inserted into the drawing by using the Legend tool located on the Tool
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions

A.4.5. How Do I remove Color Coding from Labels Imported from Pre-v3.5
AutoCAD Files?
Due to popular request, Haestad Methods has implemented the
separation of elements and their labels.
This gives you much more control over the placement and formatting of the
labels, in addition to resolving
the problem of color coding labels with elements. However, if
you open an old drawing (version 3.1 or
earlier) with existing color coding on the labels, this color coding will
not dynamically update.
The solution to this problem is to move the labels to a different
layer, and assign a neutral color to them.
To do this, select Tools / Element Properties from the pull-
down menus, and choose the Labels tab.
Assign a new layer to the labels for all the elements, and check Apply to
Existing Objects.
A.4.6. How Do I Reuse Deleted Element Labels?
To make the program reuse the label for a deleted element:
1 Select Tools / Element Labeling from the pull-down menus.
2 Enter the ID number for the deleted element in the Next field for the
appropriate type of element.
3 Click OK.
4 Add a new element to the drawing.
A.5. Editing Tips
A.5.1. Editing Tips
The following tips will be discussed in this section:
Special Mouse Tips
Lay out a Pipe as a Multi-segmented Polyline
Make a Pipe into a Multi-segmented Polyline
A.5.2. Mouse Tips
The right mouse button can be used to:
Select units and precision for displaying data.
Get context-sensitive Help for dialog boxes and data entry fields.
Open a pop-up context menu of command options for an element.
The mouse wheel can be used in a few different ways:
Click and hold the mouse wheel while moving to pan the drawing view.
Scroll the drawing view horizontally by rolling the mouse wheel.
Hold down the Ctrl button while scrolling with the mouse wheel to zoom
in and out in the drawing
WaterCAD Users Guide

A.5.3. Laying out a Pipe as a Multi-segmented Polyline

When laying out pipes using the Pipe Layout tool, this program will allow
you to draw pipes with multiple
bends by using the Control key on your keyboard.
To draw a pipe with bends:
1. Click the Pipe Layout tool to begin laying out your network.
1 Move the mouse to the desired location, and click to insert the first
2 The layout tool will rubber-band, indicating that a pipe will be
inserted when the next element is added.
In Stand-Alone mode:
1 At this point, hold down the Control key. The cursor appearance will
change to a crosshair to indicate
that pipe bends will be added.
2 While holding the Control key down, click to insert any number of pipe
3 When you are through adding pipe bends, release the Control key.
4 The appearance of the cursor will change to reflect the next element
to be added.
5 Click with the mouse to terminate the pipe and add the next element.
In AutoCAD mode:
4. Select Bend from the right-click menu.
1 Draw the pipe as you would draw a polyline.
2 Right-click and select the end node of the pipe.
A.5.4. Changing a Pipe into a Multi-segmented Polyline
WaterCAD Stand-Alone Mode
To make a straight pipe into a multi-segmented polyline:
1. Right-click the pipe to which you would like to add a vertex.
1 From the context menu, select the Bend\Add Bend menu item.
2 A vertex will be added to the pipe. You may then move the vertex by
dragging with the mouse.
WaterCAD in AutoCAD Mode
1. Select Edit from the Main Menu.
1 Select Modify Pipe.
2 Select Insert Bend.
3 Click the location in the pipe where you want the bend.
4 Use the AutoCAD Move command to move the bend in the pipe.
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions

Note: There is no limit on the number of vertices that a pipe may have.

Tips: In Stand-Alone mode, you can remove vertices by selecting the

pipe. Right-click the vertex
you wish to remove, and select the Bend\Remove Bend menu item.
In AutoCAD mode, you can remove vertices by selecting Edit\ Modify
Pipes\Remove Bends from
the pull-down menu. Select the pipe and the location of the bend that
you would like removed.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Appendix B:

WaterCAD Theory

B.1. Overview
WaterCAD is a state-of-the-art software tool primarily for use
in the modeling and analysis of water
distribution systems. However, the methodology is applicable to
any fluid system with the following
Steady or gradually-varying turbulent flow.
Incompressible, Newtonian, single phase fluids.
Full, closed conduits (pressure systems).
Examples of systems with these characteristics include potable
water systems, sewage forcemains, fire
protection systems, well pumps, and raw water pumping.
The WaterCAD algorithms are anticipated to grow and evolve to keep pace
with the state of the practice in
water distribution and water quality modeling. Because the
mathematical solution methods are being
continually extended, this manual deals primarily with the
fundamental principles underlying these
algorithms, and focuses less on the details of the implementation of the
WaterCAD was designed, developed and programmed by Haestad
Methods staff of Software Engineers
and Civil Engineers. This program is intended to represent the latest
technology in Windows-based Water
Distribution Analysis and Design.
WaterCADs numerical computations are based on research conducted
by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Drinking Water Research Division, Risk Reduction
Engineering Laboratory, its
employees and consultants. As a result, WaterCAD will generate results
consistent with the EPA computer
program "EPANET 2."
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

B.2. Pressure Network Hydraulics

B.2.1. Network Hydraulics Theory
In practice, pipe networks consist not only of pipes, but of
miscellaneous fittings, services, storage tanks
and reservoirs, meters, regulating valves, pumps, and electronic
and mechanical controls. For modeling
purposes, these system elements are organized into the following
Pipes - Tranport water from one location (or node) to another.
Junctions Nodes - Specific points, or nodes, in the system at which an
event of interest is occurring.
This includes points where pipes intersect, where there are major
demands on the system such as a
large industry, a cluster of houses, or a fire hydrant, or critical
points in the system where pressures
are important for analysis purposes.
Reservoirs and Tanks - Boundary nodes with a known hydraulic
grade that define the initial
hydraulic grades for any computational cycle. They form the
baseline hydraulic constraints used to
determine the condition of all other nodes during system
operation. Boundary nodes are elements
such as tanks, reservoirs, and pressure sources.
Pumps - Represented as nodes. Their purpose is to provide energy to
the system and raise the water
Valves - Mechanical devices used to stop or control the flow
through a pipe, or to control the
pressure in the pipe upstream or downstream of the valve.
They result in a loss of energy in the
An event or condition at one point in the system can affect
all other parts of the system. While this
complicates the approach that the engineer must take to find a solution,
there are some governing principles
that drive the behavior of the network, including the Conservation of
Mass and Energy Principle, and the
Energy Principle.
The two modes of analysis are Steady-State Network Hydraulics
and Extended Period Simulation. This
program solves for the distributions of flows and hydraulic grades using
the Gradient Algorithm.
B.2.2. The Energy Principle
The first law of thermodynamics states that for any given
system, the change in energy is equal to the
difference between the heat transferred to the system and the work done
by the system on its surroundings
during a given time interval.
The energy referred to in this principle represents the total
energy of the system minus the sum of the
potential, kinetic, and internal (molecular) forms of energy,
such as electrical and chemical energy. The
internal energy changes are commonly disregarded in water distribution
analysis because of their relatively
small magnitude.
In hydraulic applications, energy is often represented as energy per unit
weight, resulting in units of length.
Using these length equivalents gives engineers a better feel for the
resulting behavior of the system. When
using these length equivalents, the state of the system is
expressed in terms of head. The energy at any
point within a hydraulic system is often represented in three parts:
Pressure Head: p/
Elevation Head: z
Velocity Head: V
Where: p = Pressure (N/m
, lb/ft
WaterCAD Users Guide

= Specific weight (N/m

, lb/ft
z = Elevation (m, ft)
V = Velocity (m/s, ft/s)
g = Gravitational acceleration constant (m/s
, ft/s

These quantities can be used to express the headloss or head gain between
two locations using the energy
B.2.3. The Energy Equation
In addition to pressure head, elevation head, and velocity head, there
may also be head added to the system,
by a pump for instance, and head removed from the system due
to friction. These changes in head are
referred to as head gains and headlosses, respectively. Balancing
the energy across two points in the
system, we then obtain the energy equation:


+ + + = + + +

Where: p = Pressure (N/m

, lb/ft
= Specific weight (N/m
, lb/ft
z = Elevation at the centroid (m, ft)
V = Velocity (m/s, ft/s)
g = Gravitational acceleration constant (m/s
, ft/s
hp = Head gain from a pump (m, ft)
hL = Combined headloss (m, ft)

The components of the energy equation can be combined to

express two useful quantities, which are the
hydraulic grade and the energy grade.
B.2.4. Hydraulic and Energy Grades
Hydraulic Grade
The hydraulic grade is the sum of the pressure head ( p/ )
and elevation head ( z ). The hydraulic head
represents the height to which a water column would rise in a piezometer.
The plot of the hydraulic grade
in a profile is often referred to as the hydraulic grade line, or HGL.
Energy Grade
The energy grade is the sum of the hydraulic grade and the velocity
head ( V
/2g ). This is the height to
which a column of water would rise in a pitot tube. The
plot of the hydraulic grade in a profile is often
referred to as the energy grade line, or EGL. At a lake or reservoir,
where the velocity is essentially zero,
the EGL is equal to the HGL, as can be seen in the following figure.
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory


B.2.5. Conservation of Mass and Energy

Conservation of Mass
At any node in a system containing incompressible fluid, the total
volumetric or mass flows in must equal
the flows out, less the change in storage. Separating these into flows
from connecting pipes, demands, and
storage, we obtain:
V t Q t Q + =

Where: QIN= Total flow into the node (m

/s, cfs)
QOUT = Total demand at the node (m
/s, cfs)
VS= Change in storage volume (m
, ft
t = Change in time (s)

Conservation of Energy
The conservation of energy principle states that the headlosses
through the system must balance at each
point. For pressure networks, this means that the total headloss between
any two nodes in the system must
be the same regardless of what path is taken between the two points. The
headloss must be sign consistent
with the assumed flow direction (i.e. gain head when proceeding
opposite the flow and lose head when
proceeding with the flow).
Conservation of Energy

WaterCAD Users Guide


The same basic principle can be applied to any path between two points.
As shown in the figure above, the
combined headloss around a loop must equal zero in order to
achieve the same hydraulic grade as at the
B.2.6. The Gradient Algorithm
The gradient algorithm for the solution of pipe networks is formulated
upon the full set of system equations
that model both heads and flows. Since both continuity and
energy are balanced and solved with each
iteration, the method is theoretically guaranteed to deliver the
same level of accuracy observed and
expected in other well-known algorithms such as the Simultaneous Path
Adjustment Method (Fowler) and
the Linear Theory Method (Wood).
In addition, there are a number of other advantages that this
method has over other algorithms for the
solution of pipe network systems:
The method can directly solve both looped and partly branched
networks. This gives it a
computational advantage over some loop-based algorithms, such as
Simultaneous Path, which
require the reformulation of the network into equivalent looped networks
or pseudo-loops.
Using the method avoids the post-computation step of loop and
path definition, which adds
significantly to the overhead of system computation.
The method is numerically stable when the system becomes disconnected
by check valves, pressure
regulating valves, or modelers error. The loop and path methods fail in
these situations.
The structure of the generated system of equations allows the
use of extremely fast and reliable
sparse matrix solvers.
The derivation of the Gradient Algorithm starts with two
matrices and ends as a working system of
B.2.7. Derivation of the Gradient Algorithm
Given a network defined by N unknown head nodes, P links of
unknown flow, and B boundary or fixed
head nodes, the network topology can be expressed in two incidence
21 12
A A =
(P x N) Unknown head nodes incidence matrix
01 10
A A =
(P x B) Fixed head nodes incidence matrix
The following convention is used to assign matrix values:
= j) (i, A
1, 0, or -1 if flow of pipe i enters, is not connected, or leaves node
Assigned nodal demands are given by:
] q ,..., q , [q q
N 2 1
(1 x N) nodal demand vector
Assigned boundary nodal heads are given by:
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

] ,...H H , [H H
B f 2 f 1 f
(1 x B) fixed nodal head vector
The headloss or gain transform is expressed in the matrix:
] f ,..., f , [f (Q) F
P 2 1
(1 x P) non-linear laws expressing headlosses in links
) (Q f f
i i i

These matrix elements that define known or iterative network state can be
used to compute the final steady-
state network represented by the matrix quantities for unknown flow and
unknown nodal head.
Unknown link flow quantities are defined by:
] Q ,..., Q , [Q Q
P 2 1
(1 x P) unknown link flow rate vector
Unknown nodal heads are defined by:
] H ,..., H , [H H
N 2 1
(1 x N) unknown nodal head vector
These topologic and quantity matrices can be formulated into the
generalized matrix expression using the
laws of energy and mass conservation:
f 10 12
H A F(Q) H A = +

q Q A

A second diagonal matrix that implements the vectorized head

change coefficients is introduced. It is
generalized for Hazen-Williams friction losses in this case:

1 n
1 n
2 2
1 n
1 1

This yields the full expression of the network response in matrix form:


0 A
f 10
12 11

To solve the system of non-linear equations, the Newton-Raphson

iterative scheme can be obtained by
differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to Q and H to


0 A
12 11

WaterCAD Users Guide




The final recursive form of the Newton-Raphson algorithm can now be

derived after matrix inversion and
various algebraic manipulations and substitutions (not presented
here). The working system of equations
for each solution iteration, k, is given by:
{ } ) Q A (q ) H A A (Q N A ) A A N (A H
21 f 10
k 1
1 k
+ + =

) H A H (A A N )Q N (1 Q
f 10
1 k
1 k 1 1 k
+ =
+ +

The solution for each unknown nodal head for each time iteration is
computationally intensive. This high-
speed solution utilizes a highly optimized sparse matrix solver that is
specifically tailored to the structure of
this matrix system of equations.
Todini, E. and S. Pilati, "A gradient Algorithm for the Analysis of Pipe
Networks", Computer Applications
in Water Supply, Vol. 1 - Systems Analysis and Simulation, ed.
By Bryan Coulbeck and Chun-Hou Orr,
Research Studies Press LTD, Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England.
B.2.8. The Linear System Equation Solver
The Conjugate Gradient method is one method that, in theory, converges
to an exact solution in a limited
number of steps. The Gradient working equation can be expressed
for the pressure network system of
equations as:
b Ax =

1 k
H x

{ } ) Q A (q ) H A A (Q N A b
21 f 10
k 1
+ + =

The structure of the system matrix A at the point of solution is:

12 21 12
11 21
DA A A ) (NA A A = =

and it can be seen that the nature of the topological matrix components
yield a total working matrix A that
Positive definite
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

Stieltjes type
Because of the symmetry, the number of non-zero elements to be retained
in the matrix equals the number
of nodes plus the number of links. This results in a low density, highly
sparse matrix form. It follows that
an iterative solution scheme would be preferred over direct matrix
inversion, in order to avoid matrix fill-
in, which serves to increase the computational effort.
Because the system is symmetric and positive definite, a Cholesky
factorization can be performed to give:
LL A =

where L is lower triangular with positive diagonal elements. Making the

Cholesky factorization allows the
system to be solved in two steps:
b L y

y ) (L x
1 T

The use of this approach over more general sparse matrix

solvers that implement traditional Gaussian
elimination methods without consideration to matrix symmetry is
preferred, since performance gains are
considerable. The algorithm utilized in this software solves the
system of equations using a variant of
Choleskys method which has been optimized to reduce fill-in of the
factorization matrix, thus minimizing
storage and reducing overall computational effort.
B.2.9. Pump Theory
Pumps are an integral part of many pressure systems. Pumps
add energy, or head gains, to the flow to
counteract headlosses and hydraulic grade differentials within the
A pump is defined by its characteristic curve, which relates
the pump head, or the head added to the
system, to the flow rate. This curve is indicative of the
ability of the pump to add head at different flow
rates. To model behavior of the pump system, additional information is
needed to ascertain the actual point
at which the pump will be operating.
The system operating point is based on the point at which the
pump curve crosses the system curve
representing the static lift and headlosses due to friction and
minor losses. When these curves are
superimposed, the operating point can easily be found. This is shown in
the figure below.
WaterCAD Users Guide

System Operating Point

As water surface elevations and demands throughout the system

change, the static head (Hs) and
headlosses (HL) vary. This changes the location of the system curve,
while the pump characteristic curve
remains constant. These shifts in the system curve result in a shifting
operating point over time.
Variable Speed Pumps
A pumps characteristic curve is fixed for a given motor speed
and impeller diameter, but can be
determined for any speed and any diameter by applying the affinity laws.
For variable speed pumps, these
affinity laws are presented as:


Where: Q = Pump flowrate (m

/s, cfs)
h = Pump head (m, ft)
n = Pump speed (rpm)
Effect of Relative Speed on Pump Curve

Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

Constant Horsepower Pumps

During preliminary studies, the exact characteristics of the constant
horsepower pump may not be known.
In these cases, the assumption is often made that the pump is adding
energy to the water at a constant rate.
Based on power-head-flowrate relationships for pumps, the
operating point of the pump can then be
determined. Although this assumption is useful for some applications, a
constant horsepower pump should
only be used for preliminary studies.
B.2.10. Pump Type
This software currently models six different types of pumps:
Design Point (One-Point) - A pump can be defined by a single design
point (Hd @ Qd). From this
point, the curve's interception with the head and discharge axes is
computed as Ho = 1.33Hd and Qo
= 2.00Qd. This type of pump is useful for preliminary designs,
but should not be used for final
Standard (Three-Point) - This pump curve is defined by three points -
the shutoff head (pump head
at zero discharge), the design point (as with the single-point
pump), and the maximum operating
point (the highest discharge at which the pump performs predictably).
Standard Extended - The same as the standard three-point pump, but
with an extended point at the
zero pump head point. This is automatically calculated by the program.
Custom Extended - The custom extended pump is similar to the standard
extended pump, but allows
you to enter the discharge at zero pump head.
Multiple Point - This option allows you to define a custom
rating curve for a pump. The pump
curve is defined by entering points for discharge rates at
various heads. Since the general pump
equation, shown below, is used to simulate the pump during the
network computations, the user-
defined pump curve points are used to solve for coefficients in the
general pump equation:
) Q B ( A Y

) (
Q B A Y =

Where: Y = Head (m, ft)

Q = Discharge (m
/s, cfs)
A,B,C = Pump curve coefficients

The Levenberg-Marquardt Method is used to solve for A, B and C based on

the given multiple-point
rating curve.
Constant Power - These pumps may be useful for preliminary designs and
estimating pump size, but
should not be used for any analysis for which more accurate results are
Tip: Whenever possible, avoid using constant power or design
point pumps. They are often
enticing because they require less work on behalf of the engineer, but
they are much less accurate
than a pump curve based on several representative points.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Note: It is not necessary to place a check valve on the pipe immediately

downstream of a pump,
because pumps have built in check valves that prevent reverse flow.
B.2.11. Valve Theory
There are several types of valves that may be present in a pressurized
system. These valves have different
behaviors and different responsibilities, but all valves are used
for automatically controlling parts of the
system. They can be opened, closed, or throttled to achieve the desired
Check Valves (CVs)
Check valves are used to maintain flow in only one direction by closing
when the flow begins to reverse.
When the flow is in the specified direction of the check
valve, it is considered to be fully open. Check
valves are added to the network on a pipe element.
Flow Control Valves (FCVs)
FCVs are used to limit the maximum flow rate through the valve from
upstream to downstream. FCVs do
not limit the minimum flow rate or negative flow rate (flow
from the To Pipe to the From Pipe). These
valves are commonly found in areas where a water district has contracted
with another district or a private
developer to limit the maximum demand to a value that will not adversely
affect the providers system.
Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs)
Pressure reducing valves are often used for separate pressure
zones in water distribution networks. These
valves prevent the pressure downstream from exceeding a specified
level in order to avoid pressures that
could have damaging effects on the system.
Pressure Sustaining Valves (PSVs)
Pressure sustaining valves maintain a specified pressure upstream
from the valve. Similar to the other
regulating valves, these are often used to ensure that pressures
in the system (upstream, in this case) will
not drop to unacceptable levels.
Pressure Breaker Valves (PBVs)
Pressure breaker valves create a specified headloss across the
valve, and are often used for model
components that cannot be easily modeled using standard minor loss
Throttle Control Valves (TCVs)
Throttle control valves simulate minor loss elements whose headloss
characteristics change over time.
General Purpose Valves (GPVs)
GPVs are used to model situations and devices where the flow -
headloss relationship is specified by the
user rather than utilizing the standard hydraulic formulas. GPVs can be
used to represent reduced pressure
backflow prevention valves, well draw-down behavior, and turbines.
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

B.3. Friction and Minor Losses

B.3.1. Friction Loss Methods
Hazen-Williams Equation
The Hazen-Williams Formula is frequently used in the analysis of
pressure pipe systems (such as water
distribution networks and sewer force mains). The formula is as follows:
54 . 0 63 . 0
S R A C k Q =

Where: Q = Discharge in the section (m/s, cfs)

C = Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient (unitless)
A = Flow area (m, ft)
R = Hydraulic radius (m, ft)
S = Friction slope (m/m, ft/ft)
k = Constant (0.85 for SI, 1.32 for US).
Darcy-Weisbach Equation
Because of non-empirical origins, the Darcy-Weisbach equation is viewed
by many engineers as the most
accurate method for modeling friction losses. It most commonly takes the
following form:
g 2
f h

Where: hf = Headloss (m, ft)

f = Darcy-Weisbach friction factor (unitless)
D = Pipe diameter (m, ft)
L = Pipe length (m, ft)
V = Flow velocity (m/s, ft/s)
g = Gravitational acceleration constant (m/s, ft/s)
For section geometries that are not circular, this equation is
adapted by relating a circular sections full-
flow hydraulic radius to its diameter:
D = 4R
Where: R = Hydraulic radius (m, ft)
D = Diameter (m, ft)

This can then be rearranged to the form:

g 8 A Q

Where: Q = Discharge (m/s, cfs)

A = Flow area (m, ft)
WaterCAD Users Guide

R = Hydraulic radius (m, ft)

S = Friction slope (m/m, ft/ft)
f = Darcy-Weisbach friction factor (unitless)
g = Gravitational acceleration constant (m/s, ft/s)
The Swamme and Jain equation can then be used to calculate the friction
Swamme and Jain Equation:



Where: f = Friction factor (unitless)

k = Roughness height (m, ft)
D = Pipe diameter (m, ft)
Re = Reynolds number (unitless)

The friction factor is dependent on the Reynolds number of the

flow, which is dependent on the flow
velocity, which is dependent on the discharge. As you can see, this
process requires the iterative selection
of a friction factor until the calculated discharge agrees with the
chosen friction factor.
Note: The Kinematic Viscosity is used in determining the
friction coefficient in the Darcy-
Weisbach Friction Method. The default units are initially set by Haestad
Manning's Equation
Manning's equation is one of the most popular methods in use today for
free surface flow (and, like
Kutters equation, is based on Chezys equation). For Mannings
equation, the roughness coefficient in
Chezys equation is calculated as:
k C
6 / 1
Where: C = Chezys roughness coefficient (
s / m
2 / 1
s ft /
2 / 1
R = Hydraulic radius (m, ft)
n = Mannings roughness (
3 / 1
/ m s
k = Constant (1.00
3 / 1 3 / 1
/ m m
, 1.49
3 / 1 3 / 1
/ m ft

Substituting this roughness into Chezys equation, we obtain the well-

known Mannings equation:
2 / 1 3 / 2
Q =

Where: Q = Discharge (m/s, cfs)

k = Constant(1.00
s m /
3 / 1
, 1.49
s ft /
3 / 1
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

n = Mannings roughness (unitless)

A = Flow area (m, ft)
R = Hydraulic radius (m, ft)
S = Friction slope (m/m, ft/ft)

Note: Mannings roughness coefficients are the same as the

roughness coefficients used in
Kutters equation.
Colebrook-White Equation
The Colebrook-White equation is used to iteratively calculate for the
Darcy-Weisbach friction factor:
Free Surface
f R
51 . 2
R 8 . 14
log( 2
+ =

Full Flow (Closed Conduit)

f R
51 . 2
R 0 . 12
log( 2
+ =

Where: Re = Reynolds Number (unitless)

k = Darcy-Weisbach roughness height (m, ft)
f = Friction factor (unitless)
R = Hydraulic radius (m, ft)

Chezy's Equation
Chezys equation is rarely used directly, but it is the basis for several
other methods, including Mannings
equation and Kutters equation. Chezys equation is:
S R A C Q =

Where: Q = Discharge in the section (m/s, cfs)

C = Chezys roughness coefficient (m
/s, ft
A = Flow area (m, ft)
R = Hydraulic radius (m, ft)
S = Friction slope (m/m, ft/ft)
B.3.2. Minor Losses
Minor losses in pressure pipes are caused by localized areas of
increased turbulence that create a drop in
the energy and hydraulic grades at that point in the system.
The magnitude of these losses is dependent
primarily upon the shape of the fitting, which directly affects the flow
lines in the pipe.
WaterCAD Users Guide

The equation most commonly used for determining the loss in a

fitting, valve, meter, or other localized
component is:
K h

Where: hm= Loss due to the minor loss element (m, ft)
V = Velocity (m/s, ft/s)
g = Gravitational acceleration constant (m/s
, ft/s
K = Loss coefficient for the specific fitting

Typical values for the fitting loss coefficient are included in the
Fittings Table at the end of this chapter.
Generally speaking, more gradual transitions create smoother flow
lines and smaller headlosses. For
example, the figure below shows the effects of a radius on typical pipe
entrance flow lines.
Flow Lines at Entrance

B.4. Water Quality Analysis

B.4.1. Water Quality Theory
The governing equations for WaterCADs water quality solver are based on
the principles of conservation
of mass coupled with reaction kinetics. The following phenomena
are represented (Rossman et al., 1993;
Rossman and Boulos, 1996):
Advective Transport in Pipes
A dissolved substance will travel down the length of a pipe
with the same average velocity as the carrier
fluid while at the same time reacting (either growing or
decaying) at some given rate. Longitudinal
dispersion is usually not an important transport mechanism under
most operating conditions. This means
there is no intermixing of mass between adjacent parcels of water
traveling down a pipe.
Advective transport within a pipe is represented with the following

Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

where Ci = concentration (mass/volume) in pipe i as a function of

distance x and time t
ui = flow velocity (length/time) in pipe i
r = rate of reaction (mass/volume/time) as a function of concentration
Mixing at Pipe Junctions
At junctions receiving inflow from two or more pipes, the
mixing of fluid is taken to be complete and
instantaneous. Thus the concentration of a substance in water
leaving the junction is simply the flow-
weighted sum of the concentrations from the inflowing pipes.
For a specific node k one can write:

where I = link with flow leaving node k

Ik = set of links with flow into k
Lj = lengthof link j
Qj = flow (volume/time) in link j
Qk,ext = external source flow entering the network at node k
Ck,ext = concentration of the external flow entering at node k
The notation Ci|x=0 represents the concentration at the start of link i,
while Ci|x=L is the
concentration at the end of the link.
Mixing in Storage Facilities
It is convenient to assume that the contents of storage facilities (tanks
and reservoirs) are completely
mixed. This is a reasonable assumption for many tanks operating under
fill-and-draw conditions
providing that sufficient momentum flux is imparted to the inflow
(Rossman and Grayman, 1999). Under
completely mixed conditions the concentration throughout the tank is a
blend of the current contents and
that of any entering water. At the same time, the internal concentration
could be changing due to
The following equation expresses these phenomena:

where Vs = volume in storage at time t

Cs = concentration within the storage facility
Is = set of links providing flow into the facility
WaterCAD Users Guide

Os = set of links withdrawing flow from the facility

Bulk Flow Reactions
While a substance moves down a pipe or resides in storage it can undergo
reaction with constituents in the
water column. The rate of reaction can generally be described as a power
function of concentration:

where k = a reaction constant

n = the reaction order
When a limiting concentration exists on the ultimate growth or loss of a
substance then the rate expression

where CL = the limiting concentration

Some examples of different reaction rate expressions are:

Simple First-Order Decay (CL = 0, Kb < 0, n = 1)

The decay of many substances, such as chlorine, can be modeled

adequately as a simple first-order
First-Order Saturation Growth (CL > 0, Kb > 0, n = 1):

This model can be applied to the growth of disinfection by-

products, such as trihalomethanes, where the
ultimate formation of by-product (CL) is limited by the amount of
reactive precursor present.
Two-Component, Second Order Decay (CL 0, Kb < 0, n = 2):

This model assumes that substance A reacts with substance B in some

unknown ratio to produce a product
P. The rate of disappearance of A is proportional to the
product of A and B remaining. CL can be either
positive or negative, depending on whether either component A or
B is in excess, respectively. Clark
(1998) has had success in applying this model to chlorine decay
data that did not conform to the simple
first-order model.
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

Michaelis-Menton Decay Kinetics (CL > 0, Kb < 0, n < 0):

As a special case, when a negative reaction order n is

specified, WaterCAD will utilize the Michaelis-
Menton rate equation, shown above for a decay reaction. (For growth
reactions the denominator becomes
CL + C.) This rate equation is often used to describe enzyme-
catalyzed reactions and microbial growth. It
produces first- order behavior at low concentrations and zero-order
behavior at higher concentrations. Note
that for decay reactions, CL must be set higher than the initial
concentration present.
Koechling (1998) has applied Michaelis-Menton kinetics to model chlorine
decay in a number of different
waters and found that both Kb and CL could be related to the
waters organic content and its ultraviolet
absorbance as follows:

where UVA = ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (1/cm)

DOC = dissolved organic carbon concentration (mg/L)
Note: These expressions apply only for values of Kb and CL used with
Michaelis-Menton kinetics.
Zero-Order growth (CL = 0, Kb = 1, n = 0)

This special case can be used to model water age, where with
each unit of time the "concentration" (i.e.,
age) increases by one unit.

The relationship between the bulk rate constant seen at one temperature
(T1) to that at another temperature
(T2) is often expressed using a vant Hoff Arrehnius equation of the

where is a constant.
In one investigation for chlorine, was estimated to be 1.1 when T1 was
20 deg. C (Koechling, 1998).
WaterCAD Users Guide

Pipe Wall Reactions

While flowing through pipes, dissolved substances can be
transported to the pipe wall and react with
material such as corrosion products or biofilm that are on or
close to the wall. The amount of wall area
available for reaction and the rate of mass transfer between the bulk
fluid and the wall will also influence
the overall rate of this reaction. The surface area per unit volume,
which for a pipe equals 2 divided by the
radius, determines the former factor. The latter factor can be
represented by a mass transfer coefficient
whose value depends on the molecular diffusivity of the reactive
species and on the Reynolds number of
the flow (Rossman et. al, 1994).
For first-order kinetics, the rate of a pipe wall reaction can be
expressed as:

where kw = wall reaction rate constant (length/time)

kf = mass transfer coefficient (length/time)
R = pipe radius
For zero-order kinetics the reaction rate cannot be any higher than the
rate of mass transfer, so:

where kw now has units of mass/area/time.

Mass transfer coefficients are usually expressed in terms of a

dimensionless Sherwood number (Sh):

where D = the molecular diffusivity of the species being transported

(length 2 / time)
d = pipe diameter

In fully developed laminar flow, the average Sherwood number along the
length of a pipe can be expressed

where Re = Reynolds number

Sc = Schmidt number (kinematic viscosity of water divided by
the diffusivity of the
chemical) (Edwards, 1976).

Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

For turbulent flow the empirical correlation of Notter and Sleicher

(1971) can be used:

System of Equations
When applied to a network as a whole, Equations 1-3 represent
a coupled set of differential/algebraic
equations with time-varying coefficients that must be solved for
Ci in each pipe i and Cs in each storage
facility s. This solution is subject to the following set of externally
imposed conditions:
Initial conditions that specify Ci for all x in each pipe i and Cs in
each storage facility s at time 0,
Boundary conditions that specify values for Ck,ext and Qk,ext for all
time t at each node k which has
external mass inputs
Hydraulic conditions which specify the volume Vs in each storage
facility s and the flow Qi in each
link i at all times t.
Lagrangian Transport Algorithm
WaterCADs water quality simulator uses a Lagrangian time-based
approach to track the fate of discrete
parcels of water as they move along pipes and mix together at
junctions between fixed-length time steps
(Liou and Kroon, 1987). These water quality time steps are typically much
shorter than the hydraulic time
step (e.g., minutes rather than hours) to accommodate the short times of
travel that can occur within pipes.
As time progresses, the size of the most upstream segment in a pipe
increases as water enters the pipe while
an equal loss in size of the most downstream segment occurs as
water leaves the link. The size of the
segments in between these remains unchanged.
The following steps occur at the end of each such time step:
The water quality in each segment is updated to reflect any reaction
that may have occurred over the
time step.
The water from the leading segments of pipes with flow into
each junction is blended together to
compute a new water quality value at the junction. The volume
contributed from each segment
equals the product of its pipes flow rate and the time step.
If this volume exceeds that of the
segment then the segment is destroyed and the next one in line
behind it begins to contribute its
Contributions from outside sources are added to the quality values
at the junctions. The quality in
storage tanks is updated depending on the method used to model mixing in
the tank (see below).
New segments are created in pipes with flow out of each junction,
reservoir, and tank. The segment
volume equals the product of the pipe flow and the time step. The
segments water quality equals
the new quality value computed for the node.
To cut down on the number of segments, Step 4 is only carried out if the
new node quality differs by a user-
specified tolerance from that of the last segment in the outflow pipe. If
the difference in quality is below the
tolerance then the size of the current last segment in the
outflow pipe is simply increased by the volume
flowing into the pipe over the time step.
This process is then repeated for the next water-quality time
step. At the start of the next hydraulic time
step the order of segments in any links that experience a flow reversal
is switched. Initially each pipe in the
network consists of a single segment whose quality equals the initial
quality assigned to the upstream node.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Behavior of Segments in the Lagrangian Solution Method

Bhave, P.R. 1991. Analysis of Flow in Water Distribution
Networks. Technomic Publishing. Lancaster,

Clark, R.M. 1998. "Chlorine demand and Trihalomethane formation kinetics:

a second-order model", Jour.
Env. Eng., Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 16-24.

Dunlop, E.J. 1991. WADI Users Manual. Local Government Computer Services
Board, Dublin, Ireland.
George, A. & Liu, J. W-H. 1981. Computer Solution of Large Sparse
Positive Definite Systems. Prentice-
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Hamam, Y.M, & Brameller, A. 1971. "Hybrid method for the solution of
piping networks", Proc. IEE, Vol.
113, No. 11, pp. 1607-1612.

Koechling, M.T. 1998. Assessment and Modeling of Chlorine

Reactions with Natural Organic Matter:
Impact of Source Water Quality and Reaction Conditions, Ph.D.
Thesis, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

Liou, C.P. and Kroon, J.R. 1987. "Modeling the propagation of

waterborne substances in distribution
networks", J. AWWA, 79(11), 54-58.

Notter, R.H. and Sleicher, C.A. 1971. "The eddy diffusivity in

the turbulent boundary layer near a wall",
Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol. 26, pp. 161-171.

Osiadacz, A.J. 1987. Simulation and Analysis of Gas Networks. E. & F.N.
Spon, London.

Rossman, L.A., Boulos, P.F., and Altman, T. (1993). "Discrete volume-

element method for network water-
quality models", J. Water Resour. Plng. and Mgmt,, Vol. 119, No. 5, 505-

Rossman, L.A., Clark, R.M., and Grayman, W.M. (1994). "Modeling

chlorine residuals in drinking-water
distribution systems", Jour. Env. Eng., Vol. 120, No. 4, 803-820.

Rossman, L.A. and Boulos, P.F. (1996). "Numerical methods for

modeling water quality in distribution
systems: A comparison", J. Water Resour. Plng. And Mgmt, Vol. 122, No. 2,

Rossman, L.A. and Grayman, W.M. 1999. "Scale-model studies of mixing in

drinking water storage tanks",
Jour. Env. Eng., Vol. 125, No. 8, pp. 755-761.

Salgado, R., Todini, E., & O'Connell, P.E. 1988. "Extending the
gradient method to include pressure
regulating valves in pipe networks". Proc. Inter. Symposium on Computer
Modeling of Water Distribution
Systems, University of Kentucky, May 12-13.

Todini, E. & Pilati, S. 1987. "A gradient method for the analysis of pipe
International Conference on Computer Applications for Water Supply
and Distribution, Leicester
Polytechnic, UK, September 8-10.
B.5. Engineer's Reference
B.5.1. Engineer's Reference
This chapter provides you with tables of commonly used roughness values
and fitting loss coefficients
Roughness Values
Roughness Values, Manning's Equation
Roughness Values, Darcy-Weisbach (Colebrook-White) Equation
Roughness Values, Hazen-Williams Equation
Typical Roughness Values for Pressure Pipes
WaterCAD Users Guide

Fitting Loss Coefficient
B.5.2. Roughness Values - Manning's Equation
Commonly used roughness values for different materials are:
Mannings Coefficients n for Closed Metal Conduits Flowing Partly Full
Channel Type and Description Minimum Normal Maximum
a. Brass, smooth 0.009 0.010 0.013
b. Steel
1. Lockbar and welded 0.010 0.012 0.014
2. Riveted and spiral 0.013 0.016 0.017
c. Cast iron
1. Coated 0.010 0.013 0.014
2. Uncoated 0.011 0.014 0.016
d. Wrought iron
1. Black 0.012 0.014 0.015
2. Galvanized 0.013 0.016 0.017
e. Corrugated metal
1. Subdrain 0.017 0.019 0.021
2. Storm drain 0.021 0.024 0.030

B.5.3. Roughness Values - Darcy-Weisbach Equation (Colebrook-White)

Commonly used roughness values for different materials are:
Darcy-Weisbach Roughness Heights k for Closed Conduits
Pipe Material k (mm) k (ft)
Glass, drawn brass, copper (new) 0.0015 0.000005
Seamless commercial steel (new) 0.004 0.000013
Commercial steel (enamel coated) 0.0048 0.000016
Commercial steel (new) 0.045 0.00015
Wrought iron (new) 0.045 0.00015
Asphalted cast iron (new) 0.12 0.0004
Galvanized iron 0.15 0.0005
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

Cast iron (new) 0.26 0.00085

Concrete (steel forms, smooth) 0.18 0.0006
Concrete (good joints, average) 0.36 0.0012
Concrete (rough, visible, form marks) 0.60 0.002
Riveted steel (new) 0.9 ~ 9.0 0.003 - 0.03
Corrugated metal 45 0.15
B.5.4. Roughness Values, Hazen-Williams Formula
Commonly used roughness values for different materials are:
Hazen-Williams Roughness Coefficients C
Pipe Material C
Asbestos Cement 140
Brass 130-140
Brick sewer 100
New, unlined 130
10 yr. Old 107-113
20 yr. Old 89-100
30 yr. Old 75-90
40 yr. Old 64-83
Concrete or concrete lined
Steel forms 140
Wooden forms 120
Centrifugally spun 135
Copper 130-140
Galvanized iron 120
Glass 140
Lead 130-140
Plastic 140-150
Coal-tar enamel, lined 145-150
New unlined 140-150
Riveted 110
Tin 130
WaterCAD Users Guide

Vitrified clay (good condition) 110-140

Wood stave (average condition) 120
B.5.5. Typical Roughness Values for Pressure Pipes
Typical pipe roughness values are shown below. These values may vary
depending on the manufacturer,
workmanship, age, and many other factors.
Comparative Pipe Roughness Values
Material Mannings
Roughness Height
k (mm) k (0.001 ft)
Asbestos cement 0.011 140 0.0015 0.005
Brass 0.011 135 0.0015 0.005
Brick 0.015 100 0.6 2
Cast-iron, new 0.012 130 0.26 0.85
Steel forms 0.011 140 0.18 0.6
Wooden forms 0.015 120 0.6 2
Centrifugally spun 0.013 135 0.36 1.2
Copper 0.011 135 0.0015 0.005
Corrugated metal 0.022 --- 45 150
Galvanized iron 0.016 120 0.15 0.5
Glass 0.011 140 0.0015 0.005
Lead 0.011 135 0.0015 0.005
Plastic 0.009 150 0.0015 0.005
Coal-tar enamel 0.010 148 0.0048 0.016
New unlined 0.011 145 0.045 0.15
Riveted 0.019 110 0.9 3
Wood stave 0.012 120 0.18 0.6
B.5.6. Fitting Loss Coefficients
For similar fittings, the K-value is highly dependent on things such as
bend radius and contraction ratios.
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

Typical Fitting K Coefficients

B.6. Genetic Algorithms Methodology

B.6.1. Darwin Calibrator Methodology
Computer models have become an essential tool for the management of water
distribution systems around
the world. There are numerous purposes for use of a computer model to
simulate the flow conditions within
a system. A model can be employed to ensure the adequate quantity and
quality service of the potable water
resource to the community, evaluate the planning and design
alternatives, assess the system performance
and to verify a operating strategy for better management of the water
infrastructure system, as well as to be
able to perform vulnerability studies to assess risks that may be
presented and affect the water supply. For
these purposes, a model is constructed in which data describing
network elements of pipes, junctions,
valves, pumps, tanks, and reservoirs are assembled in a systematic manner
to predict pipe flow and junction
hydraulic grade lines (HGL) or pressures within a water distribution
Computer models that have been established over last twenty years and
that are to be constructed in future
are significant investments for water companies. To ensure a
good investment return or correct usages of
the models, the model must be capable of correctly simulating flow
conditions encountered at the site. This
is achieved by calibrating the models. A calibration involves the process
of adjusting model characteristics
and parameters so that the models predicted flows and pressures match
actual observed field data to some
desirable or acceptable level. This is described in more detail in
Walski, Chase and Savic (2001).
Calibration of a water distribution model is a complicated task. There
are many uncertain parameters that
need to be adjusted to reduce the discrepancy between the model
predictions and field observations of
junction HGL and pipe discharges. Pipe roughness coefficients are
often considered for calibration.
However, there are many other parameters that are uncertain and affect
junction HGL and pipe flow rate.
To minimize errors in model parameters and eliminate the
compensation error of calibration parameters
WaterCAD Users Guide

(Walski 2001), you should consider calibrating all the model

parameters, such as junction demand,
operation status of pipes and valves, and pipe roughness coefficients.
Calibrating water distribution network models relies upon field
measurement data, such as junction
pressures, pipe flows, water levels in storage facilities, valve
settings, and pump operating status (on/off)
and speeds. Among all the possible field observation data, junction HGL
and pipe flows are often used to
evaluate goodness-of-fit of the model calibration. The other
parameters of tank levels, valve settings, and
pump operating status/speed are used as boundary conditions that
are recorded when collecting a set of
calibration observation of junction pressures and pipe flow rates.
Field observation data are measured and collected at different times of
the day and at various locations on
site, which may correspond to various demand loadings and
boundary conditions. In order that that the
model simulation results more closely represent the observed data, the
simulation results must use the same
demand loading and boundary conditions as the observed data.
Thus, the calibration process must be
conducted under multiple demand loading and operating boundary
Traditional model calibration of a water distribution model is
based on a trial-and-error procedure, by
which an engineer or modeler first estimates the values of model
parameters, then runs the model to obtain
a predicted pressure and flow, and finally compares the
simulated values to the observed data. If the
predicted data does not compare closely with the observed data, the
engineer returns to the model, makes
some adjustments to the model parameters, and runs it again to
produce a new set of simulation results.
This may have to be repeated many times to make sure that the model
produces a close-enough prediction
of the water distribution network in the real world. The
traditional calibration technique is, among other
things, quite time consuming.
In addition, a typical network representation of a water network may
include hundreds or thousands of links
and nodes. Ideally, during a water distribution model calibration
process, the roughness coefficient is
adjusted for each link and demand is adjusted for each node.
However, only a small percentage of
representative sample measurements can be made available for the
use of model calibration, due to the
limited financial and labor requirements for data collection. Therefore,
it is of utmost importance to have a
comprehensive methodology and efficient tool that can assist the
modeler and engineer in achieving a
highly accurate model under practical conditions, including
various model parameters such as pipe
roughness, junction demand, and link status, and also multiple demand and
boundary conditions.
Calibration Formulation
An optimization calibrator is formulated and developed for
facilitating the calibration process of a water
distribution model. The parameters are obtained by minimizing the
discrepancy between the model-
predicted and the field-observed values of junction pressures
(hydraulic grades) and pipe flows for given
boundary conditions. The optimized calibration is then defined as
a nonlinear optimization problem with
three different calibration objectives.
Calibration Objectives
The goodness-of-fit of model calibration is evaluated by the discrepancy
between the model simulated and
field measured junction HGL and pipe flow. The goodness-of-fit
score is calculated by using a user-
specified fitness-point-per-hydraulic head for junctions and fitness-
point-per-flow for pipes. This allows a
modeler to flexibly weight the evaluation of both pipe flow and
junction hydraulic head. Three fitness
functions are defined as follows.
Objective Type One: Minimize the sum of difference squares
Fobs Fsim
Hobs Hsim
nf nf
nh nh




= = 1
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory
Objective Type Two: Minimize the sum of absolute differences
Fobs Fsim
Hobs Hsim
nf nf
nh nh

= = 1 1
Objective Type Three: Minimize the maximum absolute difference

= =
Fobs Fsim
Hobs Hsim
w minimize
nf nf
nh nh
nh 1 1
max , max max
where Hobsnh designates the nh-th observed hydraulic grade,
Hsimnh is the nh-th model simulated
hydraulic grade, Hlossnh is the head loss at observation data point nh,
Fobsnf is the observed flow, Fsimnf
is model simulated flow, Hpnt notes the hydraulic head per fitness point
while Fpnt is the flow per fitness
point, NH is the number of observed hydraulic grades and NF is the
number of observed pipe discharges,
Wnh and Wnf represent a normalized weighting factor for
observed hydraulic grades and flows
respectively. They are given as:
Wnh = f(Hlossnh / Hlossnh ) (4)

Wnf = f(Fobsnf / Fobsnf ) (5)

where f( ) is a function which can be linear, square, square
root, log, or constant. An optimized
calibration can be conducted by selecting one of three objectives above
and the weighting factors
between head and flow. The model parameters are calculated by using a
genetic algorithm while
minimizing the selected objective function and satisfying the calibration
Calibration Constraints
Optimized calibration is conducted by satisfying two type constraints,
the hydraulic system constraints and
calibration parameter bound constraints. The system constraints are a set
of implicit equations that ensure
the conservation of flow continuity at nodes and energy for the
loops within a water distribution system.
Each trial solution generated by the GA is analyzed using WaterCAD
hydraulic network solver.
The calibration bound constraints are used to set the minimum and maximum
limits for the pipe roughness
coefficients and junction demand multiplier. They are given as follows.
nPipeGroup i RFmax RF RFmin
i i i
,..., 3 , 2 , 1 =

up nDemandGro i DMmax DM DMmin

i i i
,..., 3 , 2 , 1 =
where RFmini is the minimum roughness coefficient or multiplier for
roughness group i; RFmaxi
is the maximum roughness coefficient or multiplier for roughness
group i; and RFi is the
roughness coefficient or multiplier for roughness group i, DMmini
is the minimum junction
demand multiplier for demand group i; DMmaxi is the maximum
demand multiplier for demand
group i; and DMi is the demand multiplier for demand group i.
The pipes that have the same physical and hydraulic
characteristics are allowed to be grouped as one
calibration link, and one new roughness coefficient or one roughness
coefficient multiplier is assigned to all
the pipes in the same group. The junctions that have the same
demand patterns and within a same
topological area can also be aggregated as one calibration junction, to
which a same demand multiplier is
calculated and assigned. Calibration parameters are bounded by
prescribed upper and lower limits and
WaterCAD Users Guide
adjusted with a user-prescribed incremental value. For example, a Hazen-
Williams C value for a pipe or a
group of pipes will be computed within a range of 40 to 140, and by an
increment of 5. Demand multipliers
may range from 0.8 to 1.2 by 0.1. Parameter aggregation is
useful at reducing the calibration dimension,
however caution needs to be excised at pipe and junction grouping,
which may affect the accuracy of the
model calibration.
Genetic Algorithm Optimized Calibration
Genetic algorithm (GA) is a robust search paradigm based on the
principles of natural evolution and
biological reproduction (Goldberg, 1989). For optimizing
calibration of a water distribution model, a
genetic algorithm program first generates a population of trial
solutions of the model parameters. A
hydraulic solver then simulates each trial solution. The
resulting hydraulic simulation predicts the HGL
(junction pressures) and pipe flows at a predetermined number of
nodes (or data points) in the network.
This information is then passed back to the associated calibration
module. The calibration module evaluates
how closely the model simulation is to the observed data, the calibration
evaluation computes a "goodness-
of-fit" value, which is the discrepancy between the observed data and
the model predicted pipe flows and
junction pressures or HGL, for each solution. This goodness-of-fit value
is then assigned as the "fitness" for
that solution in the genetic algorithm.
One generation produced by the genetic algorithm is then
complete. The fitness measure is taken into
account when performing the next generation of the genetic
algorithm operations. To find the optimal
calibration solutions, fitter solutions will be selected by mimicking
Darwins natural selection principal of
"survival of the fittest." The selected solutions are used to
reproduce a next generation of calibration
solutions by performing genetic operations. Over many generations, the
solutions evolve, and the optimal
or near optimal solutions ultimately emerge. There are numerous
variations of genetic algorithms over last
decade. Many successful applications of GA to solving model calibration
have been carried for optimized
calibration of water resource systems (Wang 1992; Wu 1994;
Babovic etc. 1994; Wu and Larsen 1996).
More recently, a competent genetic algorithm (also called fast
messy GA), which has been demonstrated
the most efficient GA for the optimization of a water distribution system
(Wu & Simpson 2001), has been
used for the optimized calibration. A brief overview is given in the
following section.
Competent Genetic Algorithms
The working mechanics of a genetic algorithm is derived from a simple
assumption (Holland 1975) that the
best solution will be found in the solution region that
contains a relatively high proportion of good
solutions. A set of strings that represent the good solutions
attains certain similarities in bit values. For
example, 3-bit binary strings 001, 111, 101 and 011 have a
common similarity template of **1, where
asterisk (*) denotes a "dont-care" symbol that takes a value of either 1
or 0. The four strings represent four
good solutions and contribute to the fitness values of 10, 12,
11, and 11 to a fitness function of
10 ) , , (
2 1 3 2 1
x x x x x f + + =
, where x1, x2 and x3 directly takes a bit value as an integer from left
right. In general, a short similarity template that contributes an above-
average fitness is called a "building
block." Building blocks are often contained in short strings
that represent partial solutions to a specific
problem. Thus, searching for good solutions uncovers and
juxtaposes the good short strings, which
essentially designate a good solution region, and finally leads a search
to the best solution.
Goldberg et al. (1989) developed the messy genetic algorithm as
one of competent genetic algorithm
paradigms by focusing on improving GAs capability of identifying
and exchanging building blocks. The
first-generation of the messy GA explicitly initializes all the short
strings of a desired length k, where k is
referred as to the order of a building block defined by a short string.
For a binary string representation, all
the combinations of order-k building blocks requires a number of

initial short strings of
length k for an l-bit problem. For example, the initial
population size of short strings, by completely
enumerating the building blocks of order 4 for a 40-bit problem, is more
than one million. This made the
application of the first-generation messy GA to a large-scale
optimization problem impossible. This
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

bottleneck has been overcome by introducing a building block filter

procedure (Goldberg et al. 1993) into
the messy GA. The filter procedure speeds up the search process and is
called a fast messy GA.
The fast messy GA emulates the powerful genetic-evolutionary process in
two nested loops, an outer loop
and an inner loop. Each cycle of the outer loop, denoted as an
era, invokes an initialization phase and an
inner loop that consists of a building block filtering phase
and a juxtapositional phase. Like a simple
genetic algorithm, the messy GA initialization creates a population of
random individuals. The population
size has to be large enough to ensure the presence of all
possible building blocks. Then a building block
filtering procedure is applied to select better-fit short strings
and reduce the string length. It works like a
filter that "bad" genes not belonging to building blocks are deleted, so
that the population contains a high
proportion of short strings of "good" genes. The filtering procedure
continues until the overall string length
is reduced to a desired length k. Finally, a juxtapositional phase
follows to produce new strings. During this
phase, the processed building blocks are combined and exchanged
to form offspring by applying the
selection and reproduction operators. The juxtapositional phase
terminates when the maximum number of
generations is reached, and the cycle of one era iteration completes. The
length of short strings that contains
desired building blocks is often specified as the same as an era,
starting with one to a maximum number of
era. Because of this, preferred short strings increase in length
over outer iterations. In another words, a
messy GA evolves solutions from short strings starting from length one to
a maximum desired length. This
enables the messy GA to mimic the natural and biological
evolution process that a simple or one cell
organism evolves into a more sophisticated and intelligent
organism. Goldberg et al. (1989, 1993) has
given the detail analysis and computation procedure of the messy GA.
Babovic V., Wu Z. Y. & Larsen L. C. (1994), Calibrating Hydrodynamic
Models by Means of Simulated
Evolution, in Proceeding of Hydroinformatics94, Delft, the Netherlands,
Goldberg, D.E. (1989). Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization
and Machine Learning. Addison
Wesley, Reading, MA.
Goldberg, D. E., Korb, B., & Deb, K. (1989). "Messy genetic
algorithms: Motivation, analysis, and first
results," Complex Systems, 3, 493-530.
Goldberg, D. E., Deb, K., Kargupta, H., & Harik G. (1993).
"Rapid, Accurate Optimization of Difficult
Problems Using Fast Messy Genetic Algorithms," IlliGAL Report No.
93004, Illinois Genetic Algorithms
Laboratory, University of Illinios at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801,
Walski, T.M. (2000) "Model Calibration Data: The Good, The Bad and The
Useless," J AWWA, 92(1), p.
Walski, T. M. (2001) "Understanding the adjustments for water
distribution system model calibration."
Journal of Indian Water Works Association, April-June, 2001, pp151-157.
Walski, T.M., Chase, D.V. and Savic, D.A. (2001) Water Distribution
Modeling, Haestad Methods, Inc.
Wang Q.J. (1991), The Genetic Algorithm and its Application to
Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Models,
Water Resources Research, Vol.27, No.9, pp2467-2482.
Wu Z.Y. (1994), Automatic Model Calibration by Simulating
Evolution, M.Sc. Thesis, H.H. 191,
International Institute for Infrastructure, Hydraulic and Environmental
Engineering, Delft, the Netherlands.
Wu Z.Y. & Larsen C.L. (1996). "Verification of hydrological and
hydrodynamic models calibrated by
genetic algorithms." Proc. of the 2
International Conference on Water Resources & Environmental
Research, Vol. 2, Kyoto, Japan, pp175-182.
Wu, Z. Y. and Simpson A. R. (2001) "Competent Genetic Algorithm
Optimization of Water Distribution
Systems." J. of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol 15, No. 2,

WaterCAD Users Guide


B.7. Energy Cost Theory

B.7.1. Energy Cost Theory
The concept behind energy usage for a water distribution system is
simple: pumps are used within a system
to add energy, counteracting the energy losses that occur due to pipe
friction and other losses. The cost of
operating these pumps, however, can be one of the largest
expenses that a utility incurs during normal
operations. An accurate understanding of these energies and the
costs associated with them is the key to
developing better, more efficient, and more economical pumping
Pump Powers, Efficiencies, and Energy
Power is the rate at which energy can be transferred, and
there are several different powers that are
associated with the pumping process. In order for power to be
transferred to the water, it needs to go
through several steps: from the electrical wires into the pump
motor, from the motor into the pump, and
finally to the water itself. Each transfer results in losses.
Water Power
Water power is the power associated with the water itself, and is a
function of the fluid characteristics, the
gain in head, and the rate of discharge.
PW = g H Q
where PW = Water power
= Fluid density
g = Gravitational acceleration
H = Change in head
Q = Discharge rate
Brake Power and Pump Efficiency
Brake power is the power at the pump itself, and is related to the water
power by:
PW = PB ep
where PW = Water power
PB = Brake power
ep = Pump efficiency
In other words, the pump efficiency represents the ability of
the pump to transfer power from the pump
itself to the water. The pump efficiency varies over the operating range
of the pump, so it is important to
model pump efficiency as closely as possible to ensure an accurate
representation of your system.
Motor Power and Motor Efficiency
Motor power is the power that the pump's motor receives from
the electrical utility, and is related to the
pump brake power by:
PB = PM em
where PB = Brake power
PM = Motor power
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

em = Motor efficiency
In other words, the motor efficiency represents that ability of the motor
to transfer power from the electrical
lines to the pump itself. For most pumps, the motor efficiency can be
considered to be constant over the
whole operating range of the pump.
Note: For variable speed pumps, there is a drive mechanism
between the motor and the pump
itself. There are also energy losses associated with this
drive, which may be significant in some
In the case of variable speed pumps, the efficiency of the variable
speed drive needs to be accounted for.
This efficiency varies with pump speed among other things. You
are encouraged to correct the Motor
efficiency to include the variable speed drive efficiency.
For example, if a motor has an efficiency of 90% (0.90) and the variable
speed drive has an efficiency of
85% (0.85) at the speeds being used, then the motor efficiency should be
entered as 76.5 % (0.765).
You are encouraged to find the drive efficiency data for the specific
drive that is being used. Below is some
typical data for variable speed drive efficiency, found in the
report, "Operations and Training Manual on
Energy Efficiency in Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants,"
TREEO Center, University of Florida,

Percent of Full Speed Variable Frequency

Eddy Current
Hydraulic Coupling
100 83 85 83
90 82 78 75
70 81 59 56
50 76 43 33

Note: The above data is merely presented as an example and

should not be construed as
representative of any particular pump.
These corrections should not be made to alternatives with constant speed
pumps. If ypu are performing an
analysis to compare constant and variable speed pumps, you should should
set up two alternatives: one for
the constant speed pump and a second for the variable speed pump.
Energy is a representation of the ability to do work, and is related to
power by:
E = P t
Where E = Energy (kW-hours)
P = Power (kW)
t = Time (hours)
Although water energy and pump energy could be calculated, the motor
energy is the primary consideration
for water distribution systems because this is the energy that the
utility is billed for.
WaterCAD Users Guide

There may be several different methods that an electrical
provider may use to bill for their energy. The
most common bases of billing are:
- Energy Usage
- Peak usage
Energy Usage Cost
Energy usage costs are simple: there is a cost associated with
a unit of energy. This price may vary for
different times of day, different days of the week, different seasons,
etc., but the basic concept is still the
Peak Usage Cost
Some energy providers also charge customers based on peak usage
(sometimes also called a "ratchet
charge"). This charge is actually based on power rather than
energy, with the cost being based on the
highest instantaneous power that the customer used during the billing
Storage Considerations
Tank storage can have a considerable effect on the estimated
energy costs for a system. As tanks fill or
drain, they also act as an energy (and therefore cost) storage element.
If a tank is full when a simulation
begins and empty when it ends, there is an energy deficit -
at some point the pumps will need to operate
again in order to replenish the tank. Likewise, if a tank
begins empty and fills over the course of a
simulation, that represents an energy credit when the total daily cost is
Daily Cost Equivalents
Different scenarios may have different analysis durations, so a
direct comparison of costs would not be
equitable. To normalize all analyses to a common reference, costs are
also converted as daily equivalents.
For energy costs and storage costs, the total computed cost is adjusted
according to the ratio of a single day
to the analysis duration. For peak usage cost, a daily cost is computed
by simply dividing the peak usage
cost by the number of days in a billing cycle.
B.8. Variable Speed Pump Theory
B.8.1. Variable Speed Pump Theory
The variable speed pump (VSP) model within WaterCAD allows the
user to model the performance of
pumps equipped with variable frequency drives. Variable
frequency drives continually adjust the pump
drive shaft rotational speed in order to maintain pressure and
flow requirements in a network while
improving energy efficiency and other operating characteristics as
summarized by Lingireddy and Wood

minimization of excess pressures and energy usage,

leakage control through more precise pressure regulation,
flexible pump scheduling, improving off peak energy utilization,
Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

control of tank drain and fill cycles,

improved system performance during emergency water usage events such
as fires and main breaks,
reduction of transients produced when pumps start and stop,
simplification of flow control procedures.

Our hope is that WaterCAD's new variable speed pumping feature

will allow designers to make better
decisions by empowering them to fully evaluate the advantages
and disadvantages associated with VSPs
for their unique application.

Within WaterCAD there are two different ways to model VSPs depending on
the data available to describe
pump operations. The relative speed factor is a unitless number that
quantifies the rotational speed of the
pump drive shaft. 1) If the relative speed factor (or for
EPS simulations a series of factors) is known, a
pattern based VSP can be used. 2) If the relative speed
factor is unknown it can be estimated using the
VSP with WaterCAD's new Automatic Parameter Estimation eXtension (APEX).

Pattern Based VSPs The variable speed pumping model allows

the user to adjust pump performance
using the relative speed factor. A single relative speed setting, or a
pattern of time varying relative speed
factors can be applied to the pump. This is especially useful when
modeling the operation of existing VSPs
in your system.

The Affinity Laws are used to adjust pump performance according to the
relative speed factor setting. See
the Pump Theory topic for more information regarding Variable Speed Pumps
and the Affinity Laws.

VSPs with APEX APEX can be used in conjunction with the VSP
model to estimate an unknown
relative speed setting sufficient to maintain an operating
objective. APEX uses an explicit algorithm to
solve for unknown parameters directly (Boulos and Wood, 1990).
This technique has proven to be
powerful, robust, and computationally efficient for estimation of
network parameters and has been
improved to allow use for steady state and extended period simulations.

To use APEX for estimating relative speed factors, the control node and
control level setting for the pump
must be selected and the pump curve and operating range for
the pump must be defined. The following
paragraphs provide guidelines for performing these tasks.

Control Node Location The location of the control node is an

important consideration that affects
pump operating efficiency, pressure maintenance performance, and,
in rare instances, the stability of
the parameter estimation calculation. The algorithm has been
designed to allow multiple VSPs to
operate within one pressure zone of a network; however, the
pump and control node pairs should be
decoupled from one another. In other words, a control node should be
located such that only the pump
it controls influences it. If the pressure zone of the model
contains a tank or reservoir (hydraulic
boundary conditions), consider making the boundary condition the
control node as opposed to
selecting a pressure junction near the boundary. This will eliminate the
possibility of specifying a set
of hydraulic conditions that are impossible to maintain, and
thus reduce the possibility of
computational failure.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Setting the Target Head The control node target head is the
constant elevation of the hydraulic
grade line (HGL) that the VSP will attempt to maintain. The target head
at the control node must be
within the physical limitations of the VSP as it has been
defined (pump curve and maximum speed
setting). If the target head is greater then the maximum head the pump
can generate at the demanded
flow rate the pump will automatically revert to fixed speed
operation at the maximum relative speed
setting, and the target head will not be maintained.

Tip: Navigating to the target head settings The VSP target head for
junction nodes can be set
on the "VSP" tab of the "Pump" dialog box, and for tanks on
the "Section" tab of the Tank
dialog box by adjusting the initial level.

Setting the Maximum Relative Speed Factor For flexible

operation, a variable speed drive and
pump should be configured such that it can efficiently operate
over a range of speeds to satisfy the
pressure and flow requirements it will be subject to. The
value selected for the maximum relative
speed factor depends on the normal operating range of the drive motor.
To set the proper maximum
value you must determine the drive motors normal operating speed and
maximum operating speed (the
maximum speed at which the drive motor normally operates, not
the speed at which the drive
catastrophically fails). The relative speed factor is defined
as the quotient of the current operating
speed and the normal operating speed. Thus the maximum
relative speed factor is simply the
maximum operating speed of the drive divided by the normal
operating speed. For example, a
maximum relative speed factor of 2.0 means that the maximum
speed is two times the normal
operating speed, and a maximum relative speed factor of 1.0 means that
the maximum operating speed
is equal to the normal operating speed.

Defining the Pump Curve In order to determine the relative

speed factor using APEX, the pump
curve must be smooth and continuously differentiable; thus a one point or
three point power function
curve definition must be used. For best results, the curve should be
defined for the normal operating
speed of the pump (corresponding to a relative speed factor
equal to 1.0, regardless of the maximum
speed setting).

VSP Interactions with Simple and Logical Controls

The VSP model and APEX have been designed to fully integrate
with the simple and rule based control
framework within WaterCAD 5.0. The user must keep in mind that the
definition of controls requires that
the state (On, Off, Fixed Speed Override) and speed setting of
a VSP be properly managed during the
simulation. Therefore, the interactions between VSPs and controls can be
rather complex. We have tried
to the extent possible to simplify these interactions while
maintaining the power and flexibility to model
real world behaviors. The paragraphs that follow describe
guidelines for defining simple and logical
controls with VSPs.

Pattern based VSPs The pattern of relative speed factors specified for
a VSP takes precedence over all
simple and logical control commands. Therefore, the use of
controls with pattern based VSPs is not
recommended. Rather, the pattern of relative speed factors should be
defined such that control objectives
are implicitly met.

Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory

VSP's with APEX A VSP can be switched into any one of three different
states. When the VSP is On,
the APEX will estimate the relative speed sufficient to maintain
a constant pressure head at the control
node. When the VSP is Off, the relative speed factor and flow through
the pump are set to zero, and the
pressure head at the control node is a function of the prevailing network
boundary and demand conditions.
When the control state of a VSP is Fixed Speed Override, the
pump will operate at the maximum speed
setting and the target head will no longer be maintained. The
Temporarily Closed state for a VSP indicates
that the CV within the pump has closed in response to prevailing
hydraulic conditions, and that the target
head cannot be maintained. The VSP control node can be
specified at any junction node or tank in a
network model. As described below, however, the behavior of simple and
logical controls depends on the
type of control node selected.

Junction Nodes When the VSP control node type selected is a

junction node, the VSP will behave
according to some automatic behaviors in addition to the controls defined
for the pump. If the head at the
control node is above the target head, the pump state will
automatically switch to Off. If the head at the
control node is less then the target head, the pump state will
automatically switch to On. The VSP will
automatically switch into and out of the Fixed Speed Override
and Temporarily Closed states in order to
maintain the fixed head at the control node and prevent reverse flow
through the pump. Additional controls
can be added to model more complex use cases.

Tanks When the VSP control node is a tank, the user must manage the
state of the pump through control
definitions, allowing for flexible modeling of the complex control
behaviors that may be desired for tanks.
If a VSP has a state of On, the pump will maintain the
current level of the tank. For example, at the
beginning of a simulation if a VSP has status On it will
maintain the initial level of the tank. As the
simulation progresses and the Pump happens to turn Off,
Temporarily Close, or go into Fixed Speed
Override, the level in the tank will be determined in response to the
hydraulic conditions prevailing in the
network. When the VSP turns On again, it will maintain the current level
of the tank, not the initial level.
Thus control statements must be written that dictate what state the pump
should switch to depending on the
level in the tank. A pump station with a VSP and a fixed speed pump
operating in a coordinated fashion
can be used to model tank drain and fill operations.

Performing Advanced Analyses

The VSP model is fully integrated with the energy cost manager
for easy estimation of pump operating
costs. When comparing the energy efficiency of fixed speed and
variable speed pumps, however, it is
important to bear in mind that the pumps are not maintaining
the same pressures in the network. The
performance of the pumps should be compared in such a way that
takes this difference into account;
otherwise the comparison is of little value. For example, a comparison
between a VSP and a fixed speed
pump is prepared, but the target head at the control node is greater
than the head maintained there by the
fixed speed pump. It is no wonder that the VSP energy efficiency numbers
will be disappointing the VSP
is maintaining higher pressures.

The concept of a minimum acceptable head (or pressure) can be useful when
evaluating the performance of
fixed speed and variable speed pumps. Both pumps should be sized and
operated such that the pressure is
equal to, or greater than, the minimum acceptable head. In this way, the
heads maintained by the respective
pumps can be used to define equivalency between the respective
designs. When the comparison is
thoughtfully designed and conducted, it is likely that the
energy efficiency improvements possible with
VSPs will come to light more clearly.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Lingireddy, S. and D.J. Wood (1998). Improved Operation of Water
Distribution Systems Using Variable
Speed Pumps. Journal of Energy Engineering (ASCE). 124(3) 90-103.

Boulos, P. F. and D. J. Wood (1990). Explicit Calculation of

Pipe-Network Parameters. Journal of
Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE). 116(11) 1329-1344.

Appendix B: WaterCAD Theory


WaterCAD Users Guide


Appendix C:

Scenario Management Guide

C.1. Overview
Haestad Methods scenario management feature can dramatically increase
your productivity in the "What
If?" areas of modeling, including calibration, operations analysis, and
By investing a little time now to understand scenario management, you can
avoid unnecessary editing and
data duplication. Take advantage of scenario management to get a lot
more out of your model, with much
less work and expense.
In contrast to the old methods of scenario management (editing
or copying data), automated scenario
management using inheritance gives you significant advantages:
A single project file makes it possible to generate an
unlimited number of "What If?" conditions
without becoming overwhelmed with numerous modeling files and separate
Because the software maintains the data for all the scenarios
in a single project, it can provide you
with powerful automated tools for directly comparing scenario
results. Any set of results is
immediately available at any time.
The Scenario / Alternative relationship empowers you to mix and match
groups of data from existing
scenarios without having to re-declare any data.
With inheritance, you do not have to re-enter data if it
remains unchanged in a new alternative or
scenario, avoiding redundant copies of the same data. Inheritance also
enables you to correct a data
input error in a parent scenario and automatically update the corrected
attribute in all child scenarios.
These advantages, while obvious, may not seem compelling for
small projects. It is as projects grow to
hundreds or thousands of network elements that the advantages of true
scenario inheritance become clear.
On a large project, being able to maintain a collection of
base and modified alternatives accurately and
efficiently can be the difference between evaluating optional
improvements and being forced to ignore
C.2. About this Guide
The depth of scenario management as implemented by Haestad Methods is
probably far beyond what you
have ever seen before. With that in mind, this guide is intended as an
introduction to the philosophy and
terminology upon which scenario management is based.
Appendix C: Scenario Management Guide

This is not intended as a step-by-step guide to using the software. If

you are a moderately experienced
Windows software user, you should have no difficulty learning
and exploring the scenario management
Excellent tutorials and context-sensitive on-line help are also
available within the software itself. These
learning tools will prove to be of tremendous assistance to you for all
aspects of the software, and should
certainly not be ignored if you are having difficulty. For
more information, just click the Help button,
which is available from anywhere within the program. In
addition, contact Haestad Methods for the
schedule of the workshops that are held around the country.
C.3. Before Haestad Methods: Distributed Scenarios
Let us begin by understanding the approaches that have
historically been used to attempt "What If?"
analyses. Traditionally, there have only been two possible ways
of analyzing the effects of change on a
software model:
Change the model, recalculate, and review the results
Create a copy of the model, edit that copy, calculate, and review the
Although either of these methods may be adequate for a
relatively small system, the data duplication,
editing, and re-editing becomes very time-consuming and error-
prone as the size of the system - and the
number of possible conditions - increase. Additionally,
comparing conditions requires manual data
manipulation, because all output must be stored in physically separate
data files.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Before Haestad Methods: Manual Scenarios

C.4. With Haestad Methods: Self-Contained Scenarios

Effective scenario management tools need to meet these objectives:
Minimize the number of project files the modeler needs to maintain
(one, ideally).
Maximize the usefulness of scenarios through easy access to
things such as input and output data,
and direct comparisons.
Maximize the number of scenarios you can simulate by mixing
and matching data from existing
scenarios (data reuse)
Minimize the amount of data that needs to be duplicated to
consider conditions that have a lot in
The scenario management feature developed by Haestad Methods
successfully meets all of these
objectives. A single project file enables you to generate an unlimited
number of "What If?" conditions, edit
only the data that needs to be changed, and quickly generate
direct comparisons of input and results for
desired scenarios.
Appendix C: Scenario Management Guide

C.5. The Scenario Cycle

The process of working with scenarios is similar to the process of
manually copying and editing data, but
without the disadvantages of data duplication and troublesome file
management. This process allows you
to cycle through any number of changes to the model, without
fear of overwriting critical data or
duplicating important information. Of course, it is possible to directly
change data for any scenario, but an
"audit trail" of scenarios can be useful for retracing the steps of a
calibration series or for understanding a
group of master plan updates.
With Haestad Methods: Self-contained Scenarios

C.6. Scenario Anatomy: Attributes and Alternatives

Before we explore scenario management further, a few key terms should be
Attribute - An attribute is a fundamental property of an object, and is
often a single numeric quantity. For
example, the attributes of a pipe include diameter, length, and
Alternative - An alternative holds a family of related attributes so
pieces of data that you are most likely to
change together are grouped for easy referencing and editing.
For example, a physical properties
alternative groups physical data for the networks elements, such
as elevations, sizes, and roughness
Scenario - A scenario has a list of referenced alternatives (which hold
the attributes), and combines these
alternatives to form an overall set of system conditions that
can be analyzed. This referencing of
alternatives enables you to easily generate system conditions that mix
and match groups of data that have
been previously created. Note that scenarios do not actually
hold any attribute data - the referenced
alternatives do.
WaterCAD Users Guide

C.7. A Familiar Parallel

Although the structure of scenarios may seem a bit difficult at
first, anyone who has eaten at a restaurant
should be able to relate fairly easily. A meal (scenario) is
comprised of several courses (alternatives),
which might include a salad, an entre, and a dessert. Each course has
its own attributes. For example, the
entre may have a meat, a vegetable, and a starch. Examining the
choices, we could present a menu as in
the following figure:
A Restaurant Meal "Scenario"

The restaurant does not have to create a new recipe for every possible
meal (combination of courses) that
could be ordered. They can just assemble any meal based on what the
customer orders for each alternative
course. Salad 1, Entre 1, and Dessert 2 might then be combined to
define a complete meal.
Generalizing this concept, we see that any scenario simply references one
alternative from each category to
create a "big picture" that can be analyzed. Note that
different types of alternatives may have different
numbers and types of attributes, and any category can have an unlimited
number of alternatives to choose
Generic Scenario Anatomy

C.8. Scenario Behavior: Inheritance

The separation of scenarios into distinct alternatives (groups of
data) meets one of the basic goals of
scenario management: maximizing the number of scenarios you can
develop by mixing and matching
existing alternatives. Two other primary goals have also been addressed:
a single project file is used, and
Appendix C: Scenario Management Guide

easy access to input data and calculated results is provided in

numerous formats through the intuitive
graphical interface.
But what about the other objective: minimizing the amount of data that
needs to be duplicated to consider
conditions that have a lot of common input? Surely an entire
set of pipe diameters should not be re-
specified if only one or two change?
The solution is a familiar concept to most people: inheritance.
In the natural world, a child inherits characteristics from a
parent. This may include such traits as eye-
color, hair color, and bone structure. There are two significant
differences between the genetic inheritance
that most of us know and the way inheritance is implemented in software:
Overriding inheritance
Dynamic inheritance
C.9. Overriding Inheritance
Overriding inheritance is the software equivalent of cosmetics.
A child can override inherited
characteristics at any time by specifying a new value for that
characteristic. These overriding values do not
affect the parent, and are therefore considered "local" to the child.
Local values can also be removed at any
time, reverting the characteristic to its inherited state. The child has
no choice in the value of his inherited
attributes, only in local attributes.
For example, suppose a child has inherited the attribute of blue eyes
from his parent. Now the child puts on
a pair of green- tinted contact lenses to hide his natural eye color.
When the contact lenses are on, we say
his natural eye color is "overridden" locally, and his eye color is
green. When the child removes the tinted
lenses, his eye color instantly reverts to blue, as inherited from his
C.10. Dynamic Inheritance
Dynamic inheritance does not have a parallel in the genetic
world. When a parents characteristic is
changed, existing children also reflect the change. Using the
eye-color example, this would be the
equivalent of the parent changing eye color from blue to brown, and the
childrens eyes instantly inheriting
the brown color also. Of course, if the child has already
overridden a characteristic locally, as with the
green lenses, his eyes will remain green until the lenses are removed.
At this point, his eye color will revert
to the inherited color, now brown.
This dynamic inheritance has remarkable benefits for applying
wide-scale changes to a model, fixing an
error, and so on. If rippling changes are not desired, the child can
override all of the parents values, or a
copy of the parent can be made instead of a child.
C.11. When are Values Local, and When are They Inherited?
Any changes that are made to the model belong to the currently active
scenario and the alternatives that it
references. If the alternatives happen to have children, those children
will also inherit the changes unless
they have specifically overridden that attribute. The following figure
demonstrates the effects of a change
to a mid-level alternative. Inherited values are shown as gray text,
local values are shown as black text.
WaterCAD Users Guide

A Mid-level Hierarchy Alternative Change

C.12. Minimizing Effort through Attribute Inheritance

Inheritance has an application every time you hear the phrase
"just like x except for y". Rather than
specifying all of the data from x again to form this new condition, we
can simply create a child from x and
change y appropriately. Now we have both conditions, with no duplicated
We can even apply this inheritance to our restaurant analogy as follows.
Inherited values are shown as gray
text, local values are shown as black text.

"Salad 2 is just like Salad 1, except for the dressing."

"Salad 3 is just like Salad 1, except for the dressing."
Note: Salad 3 could inherit from Salad 2, if we prefer: "Salad 3 is just
like Salad 2, except for the
"Entre 2 is just like Entre 1, except for the meat and the starch."
"Entre 3 is just like Entre 2, except for the meat."
Note: If the vegetable of the day changes (say from green beans to
peas), only Entre 1 needs to
be updated, and the other entres will automatically inherit the
vegetable attribute of "Peas"
instead of "Green Beans".

"Dessert 2 is just like Dessert 1, except for the topping."

Appendix C: Scenario Management Guide

Note: Dessert 3 has nothing in common with the other desserts, so it can
be created as a "root"
or "base" alternative. It does not inherit its attribute data from any
other alternative.
C.13. Minimizing Effort through Scenario Inheritance
Just as a child alternative can inherit attributes from its
parent, a child scenario can inherit which
alternatives it references from its parent. This is essentially still
the phrase "just like x except for y", but on
a larger scale.
Carrying through on our meal example, consider a situation where you go
out to dinner with three friends.
The first friend places his order, and the second friend orders
the same thing except for the dessert. The
third friend orders something totally different, and you order the same
meal as hers except for the salad.
The four meal "scenarios" could then be presented as follows (inherited
values are shown as gray text, local
values are shown as black text):

"Meal 2 is just like Meal 1, except for the dessert." The

salad and entre alternatives are inherited
from Meal 1.
"Meal 3 is nothing like Meal 1 or Meal 2." A totally new "base" or
"root" is created.
"Meal 4 is just like Meal 3, except for the salad." The
entre and dessert alternatives are inherited
from Meal 3.
C.14. A Water Distribution Example
Let us consider a fairly simple water distribution system: a
single reservoir supplies water by gravity to
three junction nodes.
Example Water Distribution System

Although true water distribution scenarios include such alternative

categories as initial settings, operational
controls, water quality, and fire flow, we are going to focus
on the two most commonly changed sets of
alternatives: demands and physical properties. Within these
alternatives, we are going to concentrate on
junction baseline demands and pipe diameters.
WaterCAD Users Guide

C.15. Building the Model (Average Day Conditions)

During model construction, probably only one alternative from
each category is going to be considered.
This model is built with average demand calculations and
preliminary pipe diameter estimates. At this
point we can name our scenario and alternatives, and the hierarchies look
like the following (showing only
the items of interest):

C.16. Analyzing Different Demands (Maximum Day

In our example, the local planning board also requires analysis
of maximum day demands, so a new
demand alternative is required. No variation in demand is expected at J-
2, which is an industrial site. As a
result, the new demand alternative can inherit J-2s demand from
"Average Day" while the other two
demands are overridden.

Now we can create a child scenario from "Average Day" that inherits the
physical alternative, but overrides
the selected demand alternative. As a result, we get the following
scenario hierarchy:

Since no physical data (pipe diameters) have been changed, the physical
alternative hierarchy remains the
same as before.
C.17. Another Set of Demands (Peak Hour Conditions)
Based on pressure requirements, the system is adequate to supply maximum
day demands. Another local
regulation requires analysis of peak hour demands, with slightly lower
allowable pressures. Since the peak
hour demands also share the industrial load from the "Average
Day" condition, "Peak Hour" can be
Appendix C: Scenario Management Guide

inherited from "Average Day". In this instance, "Peak Hour" could

inherit just as easily from "Maximum

Another scenario is also created to reference these new demands, as shown


Note again that we did not change any physical data, so the physical
alternatives remain the same.
C.18. Correcting an Error
This analysis results in acceptable pressures, until it is discovered
that the industrial demand is not actually
500 gpm - it is 1,500 gpm! Because of the inheritance within the demand
alternatives, however, only the
"Average Day" demand for J-2 needs to be updated. The changes will
ripple through to the children. After
the single change is made, the demand hierarchy is as follows:

Notice that no changes need to be made to the scenarios to

reflect these corrections. The three scenarios
can now be calculated as a batch to update the results.
When these results are reviewed, it is determined that the
system does not have the ability to adequately
supply the system as it was originally thought. The pressure
at J-2 is too low under peak hour demand
C.19. Analyzing Improvement Suggestions
To counter the headloss from the increased demand load, two possible
improvements are suggested:
A much larger diameter is proposed for P-1 (the pipe from the
reservoir). This physical alternative is
created as a child of the "Preliminary Pipes" alternative,
inheriting all the diameters except P-1s,
which is overridden.
Slightly larger diameters are proposed for all pipes. Since there are
no commonalities between this
recommendation and either of the other physical alternatives,
this can be created as a base (root)
These changes are then incorporated to arrive at the following
WaterCAD Users Guide

This time, the demand alternative hierarchy remains the same

since no demands were changed. The two
new scenarios ("Peak, Big P-1", "Peak, All Big Pipes") can be
batch run to provide results for these
proposed improvements.
Next, features like Scenario Comparison Annotation (from the Scenario
Manager) and comparison Graphs
(for extended period simulations, from the element editor dialogs) can be
used to directly determine which
proposal results in the most improved pressures.
C.20. Finalizing the Project
It is decided that enlarging P-1 is the optimum solution, so new
scenarios are created to check the results
for average day and maximum day demands. Notice that this step does not
require handling any new data.
All of the information we want to model is present in the alternatives we
already have!

Also note that it would be equally effective in this case to

inherit the "Avg. Day, Big P-1" scenario from
"Avg. Day" (changing the physical alternative) or to inherit
from "Peak, Big P-1" (changing the demand
alternative). Likewise, "Max. Day, Big P-1" could inherit from either
"Max. Day" or "Peak, Big P-1".
Neither the demand nor physical alternative hierarchies were
changed in order to run the last set of
scenarios, so they remain as they were.

Appendix C: Scenario Management Guide
C.21. Summary
In contrast to the old methods of scenario management (editing
or copying data), automated scenario
management using inheritance gives you significant advantages:
A single project file makes it possible to generate an
unlimited number of "What If?" conditions
without becoming overwhelmed with numerous modeling files and separate
Because the software maintains the data for all the scenarios
in a single project, it can provide you
with powerful automated tools for directly comparing scenario
results. Any set of results is
immediately available at any time.
The Scenario / Alternative relationship empowers you to mix and match
groups of data from existing
scenarios without having to re-declare any data.
With inheritance, you do not have to re-enter data if it
remains unchanged in a new alternative or
scenario, avoiding redundant copies of the same data. Inheritance also
enables you to correct a data
input error in a parent scenario and automatically update the corrected
attribute in all child scenarios.
These advantages, while obvious, may not seem compelling for
small projects. It is as projects grow to
hundreds or thousands of network elements that the advantages of true
scenario inheritance become clear.
On a large project, being able to maintain a collection of
base and modified alternatives accurately and
efficiently can be the difference between evaluating optional
improvements and being forced to ignore
C.22. Conclusion
These are the fundamental concepts behind the architecture of Haestad
Methods scenario management. To
learn more about actually using scenario management in Haestad
Methods software, start by running the
scenario management tutorial from the Help menu or from within the
scenario manager itself. Then load
one of the SAMPLE projects and explore the scenarios defined there. For
context-sensitive help, press F1
or the Help button any time there is a screen or field that puzzles you.
Haestad Methods scenario management feature gives you a powerful
tool for modeling real-world
engineering scenarios when analyzing system response to different
demands, reviewing the impacts of
future growth, and iterating to find the least expensive design. That
means you will be able to finish your
projects faster, spend less money, and improve your bottom line.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Appendix D:

Capital Cost Estimating

D.1. Capital Cost Estimating Basics

The Cost Manager in WaterCAD, StormCAD, and SewerCAD is a tool for
tracking the costs associated
with a water distribution, storm sewer, or sanitary sewer construction
project. It is set up to mimic the way
that a typical engineer would track the costs of a capital improvement
project during a planning study. In
order to compute the cost of a particular Scenario, you must
supply the model with the following

1. Elements included in costing. The first step is to select the

elements from the model that you want to
include in a given Cost Scenario. This set of elements may include all
the elements in the model if, for
instance, you are modeling a new subdivision, or a subset of the elements
if you are simply expanding
an existing system.
2. Unit Costs. The second level of data is the costs
associated with each element. The costs for each
element are broken down into two types, construction and non-
construction. Construction costs are
specified on a per unit basis where the unit can be either an item (e.g.,
$/hydrant) or a length unit (e.g.,
$/ft or $/m). Most unit costs are constants, but unit costs for pipe
elements and gravity structures can
also be specified as a function of diameter or some other
property of the element using a unit cost
function. A unit cost function defines the relationship between the unit
cost for an element and some
attribute of that element. Non-construction costs can be
specified as either a percentage of the total
construction costs or as a lump sum amount.
3. Quantities. The third level of information is the quantity of
each item (e.g., number of service lines,
length of pipe, number of valves) associated with a given element. In
the case of pipes, the user need
not specify the length, as the default value for the quantity is the
length of the pipe segment.
4. Adjustments. Finally, the user can enter the adjustments
that should be made to the total costs
computed for the elements in a Scenario (i.e. project). You
can specify these project level cost
adjustments as a lump sum or as a percentage of the total cost.
Element cost data vs. Cost Manager
The early sections of this appendix describe how to handle cost
data for each element. Entering the cost
data for individual elements does not involve the use of the
Cost Manager portion of the program. The
Cost Manager is used to sum the costs of the elements and prepare project
cost reports. Left clicking on
Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

the Cost Manager is accessed by clicking the Cost Manager

button , or by selecting
Analysis\Compute Costs from the pull-down menu. Costs for
individual elements can be calculated
without entering the Cost Manager.
Navigating within the Cost Manager
There are five selections within the Cost Manager.
Unit Cost Functions Use this selection to construct unit cost
Cost Alternatives Opens the Cost Alternative dialog where
you can edit the element cost data
defined in the project.
Cost Adjustments This selection enables the user to enter cost
adjustments that pertain to the overall
Scenario, not just individual elements.
Active Scenarios The user can specify which Scenarios will appear in
the Cost Manager.
Cost Reports View cost reports with varying levels of detail.
The Cost Manager also provides a way of viewing the calculated costs at
user-selected levels of detail.
Level of detail
The cost analysis feature is extremely flexible with regard to the level
of detail in which you can develop
cost estimates. At the simplest level, you may want to capture all the
costs of a pipe in a single $/ft or $/m
unit cost. At the other extreme, you may break down the cost of a pipe
into numerous cost items, including
materials, installation, repaving, hydrants, services, valves,
land, engineering, inspection, legal, permits,
and contribution to a capital clearing account, plus an explicit
allowance for omissions and contingencies.
Either approach can be easily accommodated using the Cost Manager.
Construction vs. overall project cost
It is important to understand which costs you are calculating,
construction costs or overall capital costs.
For example, you must decide if the costs calculated are pure
construction costs, or if they include items
such as inspection, design, land, easements, etc. There is no single
correct way to compute costs, but it is
important to realize which costs are included or not included in the
totals, and to perform cost evaluations
in a consistent manner.
Indirect costs by element or by project
Indirect costs such as design and inspection may be assigned to each
element individually or to the project
as a whole, depending on how you wish to account for the costs in your
estimate. For instance, if a pipeline
project is made up of five pipe elements, the inspection cost may be
added into each element, or calculated
after summing the individual costs and added to the overall project cost.
Cost functions vs. fixed unit cost
For pipes and gravity node structures, it is possible to specify unit
costs as a function of an attribute of the
element. For instance, the unit cost of a pipe might be a function of
the diameter, or the cost per unit for a
gravity structure could be a function of the structure depth. By using a
cost function, the unit cost for an
element will be automatically updated as the physical characteristics of
the element change.
Scenarios vs. Cost Alternatives
While cost data are stored in the Cost Alternatives, costs are
calculated for individual Scenarios. This
distinction is necessary because element properties such as pipe diameter
and manhole depth are not stored
WaterCAD Users Guide

with cost data, but rather with the systems physical data. So, the cost
must be based on a Scenario, which
includes both a Cost Alternative and a Physical Properties Alternative.
Multiple Scenarios
The cost data that you enter is stored in a Cost Alternative, so you
can easily change the cost data that is
used from Scenario to Scenario. For instance, you may have several
phases of construction for which you
wish to separately compute the associated costs. You can do
this by creating two Cost Alternatives, one
containing the cost data for the elements in phase one, and another
containing the costs for the elements in
phase two. By creating the appropriate Scenarios to reference these
Alternatives, you can quickly compute
and compare the costs associated with each phase.
D.2. Entering Data for Multiple Elements
Thus far, data entry has been described for individual elements.
However, in most cases, unit costs are the
same for a given type of item regardless of the element with which it is
associated. For example, a service
line may cost $1200, and you want to use that same unit price for all
elements. You can define these costs
by either using: prototypes, globally editing the costs, or
using unit cost functions. Each method is
explained below.
If you know that you will be using the Cost Manager before you begin your
project, the Prototype feature
allows you to easily establish default cost data by using the
Cost tab. For instance, if you know that all
your pipes are going to have construction cost items for
material and installation, valves, and service
connections, you can enter these items into the construction cost table,
along with their unit costs. Then,
when you have finished laying out your system, you can select the Pipe
Editor and update the appropriate
quantity for each of these items.
For example, the pipe prototype may have an item labeled "Service
Connection" with a quantity of "0" and
a unit cost of "750". Then, for each element, the labels and
unit costs will appear with the default values
from the prototype, and you only need to specify the quantity of each
Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating
Setting the Include in Cost Calculation box
In the prototype shown above, cost data has been entered, but the box
labeled Include in Cost Calculation
has not been checked. When new pipes are created in the graphical
editor, their cost data will default to the
values shown here, but they will not be selected for inclusion in the
cost analysis. If you select Include in
Cost Calculation in the prototype, the program will calculate costs for
every element subsequently entered
into the model. It may be necessary to use the Table Manager or
Alternative Manager to ensure that the
model is only calculating costs for the elements that the user wants
included in the costing. For example,
costs should not be calculated for existing pipes. The Pressure Pipe tab
in the Cost Alternative Editor below
shows how you can specify that only certain pipes are included in the
cost calculation.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Entering cost items and unit prices globally

If you have already entered a system for which you would like to compute
the cost, you can globally edit
the cost data either through a FlexTable or the Cost
Alternative Editor. Once in the Cost Alternative
Editor, select the alternative to be edited, and choose the tab
corresponding to the type of element to be
edited. There, right-click on the Element Costs column heading and
select Global Edit. In this way, it is
possible to add a global unit cost for hydrants or service lines. Then,
within each element, you need only
enter the quantity of these items. If necessary, you can still override
the unit cost in an individual Element
Editor or delete an item entirely.
Using filters to edit only some elements
If you use FlexTables, you can easily select subsets of
elements for applying different default cost data.
For instance, you may wish to apply a different unit cost function to a
material item and an installation item
for pipes having different materials. In the FlexTables, you can filter
a table to view only the pipes that are
made of ductile iron, and then globally edit the cost data for these
pipes. You can then repeat the process
for your PVC pipes. Combining element prototypes and the
global editing capabilities makes it easy for
you to quickly enter large amounts of cost data and develop a planning-
level estimate of the cost of your

Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

D.3. Unit Cost Functions

Unit cost functions define a relationship between a unit cost and a
certain property of an element. For pipe
elements, the unit cost would be in units of $/length and
might be related to the diameter of the pipe. In
WaterCAD, pipes are the only elements for which unit cost
functions can be defined. However, in
StormCAD and SewerCAD, you can also define unit cost functions
for gravity structures like inlets,
junctions, and manholes. Unit cost functions for gravity structures
relate the cost of the element to some
property, such as structure depth. As with any function, unit
cost functions can give the relationship
between cost ($/length or $/structure) and an element property
(diameter or structure depth) in either a
tabular form or an equation.
Form of cost functions
Cost functions can be specified in formula (equation) or tabular (table)
format as shown below:
Formula Unit Cost Function
$/ft = 0.4 D

where D = diameter (in.)

Tabular Unit Cost Function
D (in) 6 8 10 12 14 16
$/ft 5.90 9.00 12.60 16.60 20.90 25.60

WaterCAD Users Guide


The two cost functions are essentially the same at the actual
discrete diameters. The format that the user
chooses is strictly a matter of individual preference. Graphs of the
formula and tabular unit cost functions
given above are shown below:

Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

Multiple cost functions

Of course, not every pipe of a given size is going to have the same unit
cost. Pipes laid in new subdivisions
in soil generally have lower costs than pipes laid in congested downtown
areas with a great deal of rock and
extensive repaving. The user may therefore want to define several
different cost functions corresponding to
different pipes and different conditions. Each of these cost functions
should be given its own unique name
or label.
Some typical unit cost functions may be:
New roads
Cross country with rock
Downtown urban area
Old neighborhood
Boring under highway
A typical list of cost functions (in this case for pipes) is shown below.
Note that you can build a new cost
function by adding it or by duplicating and editing an existing function.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Assigning cost functions to elements

Once the cost functions have been named and defined, you can assign them
to any number of construction
cost items for each pipe being included in the cost
calculations. This assignment can be made using the
Pipe Editor, FlexTables, or the Cost Alternative Editor.
Entering cost function data
You can enter data to construct the cost functions by selecting
Unit Cost Functions from the Cost
Manager, or by clicking the ellipsis () button in the Advanced
Options dialog located under the Cost
tab of any element that supports cost functions. The units of the
independent variable will be the units of
that variable elsewhere in the model, while the units of the unit cost
are $/ft or $/m for pipe and $/unit for
D.3.1. Formula Cost Functions
Defining cost formulas
When you decide to use a formula rather than a table to
describe unit costs, you need only enter four
coefficients to describe the cost function, rather than an entire table
of values. With this method, adjusting
the costs for a different cost function involves changing only one or two
of the coefficients of the equation
rather than an entire table. The general form of the cost function is
$/ft = d + a (x-c)

where x is the value of an element attribute such as diameter, rise, or

span (in length units such as inches
and millimeters for diameter and feet or meters for depth); and
a, b, c, and d are coefficients of the cost

Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

In general, typical ranges for the coefficients for pipe cost

functions in $/ft where diameter (span) is
expressed in inches are:

0.4 < a < 1.0

1.2 < b < 1.8
0.0 < c < 20
0.0 < d < 6

These coefficients are described in more detail in the following section.

Coefficients in cost formulas
Costs are most dependent on b since it is an exponent. It indicates how
sensitive costs are to size. If costs
are relatively independent of size, b is small, while if they
vary dramatically with size, b is larger. The
coefficient d represents a minimal cost for something like
pavement restoration, which is independent of
the size of the pipe. The coefficient a is the best
parameter to adjust when converting cost from one
laying/excavation condition to another.
The figure below shows the effects of the coefficients on the shape of
the cost curve.

If a user has a few data points, it is best to set c and d

to zero, b to 1.6, and see what value of the a
coefficient best fits the cost data. Try using a spreadsheet
graph for this. Then, adjust b to get the
curvature of the cost curve, and c and d to get the correct x- and y-axis

WaterCAD Users Guide


D.3.2. Tabular Cost Functions

Defining cost tables
Setting up a cost table simply involves typing in pairs of values in the
Unit Cost Function Editor dialog.
While the independent variables for the formula cost functions
were required to be numbers, the
independent variables for tabular functions can be numeric or text
values, as shown below.
D.3.3. Numeric Variables Text Variables
Rise Section Size
Structure Depth Material Type
Structure Diameter
Pipe Diameter
Minor Loss Coefficient
Note: In a circular gravity pipe, the rise and span both equal the
D.3.4. Complex Pipe Elements
Sometimes a single pipe may actually have different unit costs along its
length. Consider a 500 foot pipe
that has an 80 foot stream crossing part way along the pipe, 320 feet of
cross country pipe, and 100 feet of
pipe laid in an old neighborhood. There are two ways to approach costing
this kind of pipe element:
Set up three separate model elements (i.e., pipes), each with its own
cost function. This method is the
most straightforward way, even though it increases the number of pipes
the hydraulic model must solve.
Set up one 500 foot pipe with the cost function for cross
country pipe and add the following: a cost
item for the additional cost of the stream crossing with a
quantity of 80 feet and a unit price of, say,
$20/ft, and a cost item for the additional cost of laying pipe in the old
neighborhood with a quantity of
100 feet and a unit price of $30/ft, where the $20 and $30 represents the
incremental costs for the more
expensive pipe laying. The difficulty with this approach is that the
add-on cost is independent of pipe
size. If the add-on costs are a function of pipe size, new cost
functions for those items can be defined.

Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

D.4. Building Cost Scenarios

Costs are calculated for Scenarios, which are made up of physical data,
demands or loads, initial settings,
costs, and other Alternatives. The data used in the cost
calculations is primarily found in the Cost
Alternative, but pipe and manhole sizes are taken from the Physical
Alternative and system adjustment data
is entered in the Cost Manager under Cost Adjustments on a
Scenario basis. Values in the other
Alternatives, such as demands and water quality, have no impact on the
cost calculations. The relationship
between sources of data for cost calculations is shown in the figure

WaterCAD Users Guide


Associating costs with scenarios

While cost data is entered in the Element Editors, FlexTables,
and Cost Alternatives, these costs must be
associated with a Scenario. This is done in the Scenario Manager by
selecting the Cost Alternative to be
used with a Scenario. Each Scenario has a cost associated
with it, which means that there may be many
Scenarios with the same cost. This occurs when the Cost and
Physical Alternatives are the same for a
particular Scenario even though the Scenarios may have a different
demand alterative or initial condition.
However, you can control which Scenarios will appear in the Cost Manager.
For example, consider a pipe on Jones Street that is assigned a
cost function in a Cost Alternative that is
based on the diameter of the pipe. In Physical Properties Alternative 1
the pipe is given a diameter of 12
inches, and in Physical Properties Alternative 2 it is given a
diameter of 16 inches. When Physical
Properties Alternative 1 is combined in a Scenario with the Cost
Alternative it will generate a cost for the
12-inch Jones Street pipe, and when Physical Properties
Alternative 2 is combined with the Cost
Alternative, it will generate a cost for the 16-inch.
Using Cost Alternatives to segregate multiple projects in a plan
Cost Alternatives can also be used to separate costs into
distinct projects. A Cost Alternative identifies
which elements are included in the cost calculation and summary.
For example, you may have ten
elements, such as nine pipes and a pump station, that have costs
calculated for them in the model. Seven of
the pipes will be installed on the north side of town in a single
project, while two pipes and a pump station
will be installed in the south side under a different project. When
defining the Cost Alternative, you set up
one Cost Alternative with the seven north side pipes, and another Cost
Alternative with the two south side
Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

pipes and the pump station. Checking the Include in Cost

Calculation box in the Cost Alternative
Editor under the Cost Manager determines which elements are part of the
cost analysis for each Scenario.
D.5. Viewing Cost Results
You can view cost results on the screen, by exporting them to
spreadsheets and other software, and by
printing them for use in reports. These reported costs can be given on
an element-by-element basis in the
element dialogs, aggregated by pipes and nodes in FlexTables, and on a
project basis in the Cost Manager.
The default display units on cost are dollars ($) with no
decimal places, although they can be changed to
thousands of dollars (k$), and the display precision can be adjusted.
Active Scenarios
The Cost Manager can calculate costs for every Scenario created
in the Scenario Manager. However,
some Scenarios may share the same Cost Alternative and Physical
Alternative, and differ only in the
loading (demand) or initial conditions. In these cases, the costs will
be the same for the different Scenarios.
You may therefore want to view the costs for only a few of the available
Scenarios. This can be done by
selecting Active Scenarios in the Cost Manager and checking the
appropriate boxes. Only those
Scenarios that are selected as active in the Cost Manager will have costs
calculated for them.
Use of cost FlexTables
The cost reports are formatted as FlexTables, so the columns
can be adjusted and display properties
changed. The tables can also be exported to a tab delimited
or comma delimited file, or copied to the
Windows Clipboard and pasted into other software. The actual
values displayed in the cells, not the
formulas, are copied, so the numerical values should not be adjusted once
they are exported. That is, if the
unit cost or quantity is changed, the totals will not automatically
update in the spreadsheet.

WaterCAD Users Guide


Individual element costs

For any element, costs can be viewed under the Cost tab of the element
dialog. If there are more than three
construction or non-construction costs, not all will be visible at once.
The costs can be viewed in a report
like the one shown below by selecting Report\Cost Report from
the pull-down menus. To obtain a
printout, select Print Preview and Print.

Node and pipe cost tables

Just as the model contains some standard pipe and node tables,
they also contain standard cost tables.
These can be viewed from the Tabular Reports dialog by
selecting Node Cost Report or Pipe Cost
Report. In this view, it is possible to sort or filter elements and use
all the functionality of FlexTables to
customize the look of the table. The table can also be
exported, copied, and printed. You can filter out
elements not included in the cost calculation by selecting
Cost Scenario Tables
The costs can be viewed for an entire Scenario (project) in
the Cost Manager itself. The costs are
presented in a tree structure such that the user can expand or collapse
various branches of the tree to suit the
level of detail desired.
More attractive tables are available by selecting Cost Reports. There are
four levels of detail available, as
shown in the examples below:
Detailed tables show all unit costs and quantities.
Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

Element Summary gives construction and non-construction costs for each


WaterCAD Users Guide


Project Summary gives totals for each type of element (eg Pipes, Tanks,

Pipe Costs gives the total length and cost for the pipes included in the
cost analysis.

Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

D.6. Assigning Costs to Model Elements

D.6.1. Assigning Costs to Model Elements
Construction vs. non-construction costs
The costs for each type of element are divided into two types
construction and non-construction. The
definition of each type of cost depends to a certain extent on the user.
However, in general, the difference
between the two types of costs is that construction costs are based on a
unit cost multiplied by a quantity,
while non-construction costs are specified as either a lump sum or as a
percentage of the total construction
costs. The method of specifying non-construction costs is identical
for every element. There are slightly
different options for specifying construction costs, depending on
the type of element to which you are
assigning the cost. These nuances will be explained in more detail in
the sections that follow.
Cost considerations for different elements
While cost management for the various elements shares most
features, different types of elements have
some special behaviors. The four distinct categories are pipes,
nodes with cost functions, nodes without
cost functions, and pump stations. Each type is described in more detail
in the corresponding topics.
D.6.2. Pipe Costs
Cost per item vs. cost per length
The construction costs for pipes are entered into the construction cost
table portion of the Cost tab for the
element. The table can contain any number of construction cost
items. You can specify each pipe
construction cost item as either a cost per item or a cost per length.
If you specify the cost on a per item
basis, then the total construction cost is simply the cost per
item multiplied by the quantity or number of
objects. The user indicates the type of cost in the Unit column by

1. each if the costs are calculated per item, or

2. any length unit if the costs are calculated per length.
Items with cost per length
If a length unit (e.g., ft or m) is selected in the Unit
column, the number in the quantity column is the
length by which the unit cost is to be multiplied. The default value in
the quantity field is the length of the
pipe used in the hydraulic calculations. However, if that particular
unit cost only applies to a portion of the
pipe, you can enter another value by deselecting Set Quantity
Equal to Pipe Length in the Advanced
Options dialog for each cost item.
Unit cost functions for pipes
The Cost Manager allows you to specify the unit cost as a
function of a pipe attribute using a unit cost
function. The unit cost function relates the cost per unit length to a
pipe property such as diameter. If you
specify a unit cost function for a construction cost item, then
the program will calculate the unit cost for
that item. Creating unit cost functions is described later.
Consider a 650 feet of a 10-inch diameter pipe with the following cost
WaterCAD Users Guide

Table 1 Unit Cost as a Function of Diameter

Diameter (in) Unit Cost ($/ft)
8 45
10 55
12 60

And with the following unit costs and quantities:

Material and installation $55/ft (calculated based on the above table)
7 service connections at $650 each
Omission and contingency at 15% of construction cost
Inspection services at 5% of construction cost
Utility Easement at $350
The Cost tab for this pipe would appear as follows:

Each pipe can have as many construction cost items as you wish, which
means that any number of unit cost
functions can be used for a single pipe. For instance, you
could have unit cost functions for materials,
excavation, or resurfacing. The advantage of specifying the costs in
terms of unit cost functions is that as
the physical characteristics of the pipe change, the cost for the element
is automatically updated.
Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

D.6.3. Node Costs

Types of nodes by cost
In terms of assigning construction costs, nodal elements can be
broken down into two categories: those
that support unit cost functions and those that do not support
unit cost functions. For the most part, the
construction cost items for these two categories of nodal
elements are specified in a very similar fashion.
The first category includes the gravity structures: manholes,
inlets, and junctions. The second category
consists of the remaining nodal elements: outlets, pressure junctions,
pumps, valves, tanks, and reservoirs.
Cost items for nodes
The construction cost items for nodal elements consist of a
label, quantity, unit, and unit cost. The unit
field contains a user-defined string and is primarily used for
bookkeeping, since it does not affect the total
cost of the item. The total cost for the construction cost item is
simply the quantity multiplied by the unit
cost, which are parameters defined by the user.
For elements that support unit cost functions (manholes, inlets, and
junctions), the function can be defined
in the Cost Manager and assigned to the construction cost item. As
with pipes, if a unit cost function is
assigned to a construction cost item, then the unit cost is computed
based on some attribute. The difference
is that for pipes the unit cost function computes a cost per length
(e.g., ft or m), while for nodal elements
the unit cost function computes a cost for the item (e.g., structure).
So if a unit cost function is assigned to
a construction cost item, the quantity will default to "1", and the unit
will default to "each". A quick way to
determine if an element supports cost functions is to look at the
element dialog. If it is possible to select
the Advanced button, then you can assign a cost function to that element.
It is in the Advanced Options
dialog that cost functions can be assigned to items, as described later
in this document.
Example for a node without a cost function
The construction cost of a tank, a type of element that does not support
unit cost functions, may
consist of the following items:
1 steel tank at $250,000
600 ft of fencing at $15/ft
Site clearing and grading at $20,000
1 SCADA system and radio transmitter at $20,000
The Cost tab for this item is shown below:

WaterCAD Users Guide


Example of a node with a cost function

For an inlet, you could use a unit cost function so that the construction
costs for the element are updated as
the design is changed. Consider an inlet with the following cost data.
Unit Cost Function of Structure Depth
Depth (ft) Cost of Subsurface
Structure ($)
6 3000
8 3500
10 4000

1 subsurface structure 8 ft deep at $3,500 (calculated from the unit

cost function)
1 surface inlet at $2,000
The Cost tab for this item would appear as shown below:

Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

D.6.4. Pump Station Costs

Pump stations are a special case of nodal elements. In terms of the
hydraulic model, a pump station with
three pumps makes up three hydraulic elements. However, in terms of cost
estimating, a pump station is a
single entity. There are two ways to address this situation.
You can either apportion the costs evenly
between the three elements or aggregate the cost for the entire
pump station on a single pump. From a
reporting and management perspective, it often makes the most
sense to assign all the costs to a single
pump as illustrated below:
3 pumps at $12,000 each
3 pump installations at $4,000 each
9 gate valves installed at $2500 each
3 check valves at $690 each
1 pump station structure at $80,000
1 SCADA system with sensors and radio at $25,000
Engineering and inspection at 15% of construction
Allowance for contingencies @ 5% of construction
Land for pumping station at $20,000
WaterCAD Users Guide

The sum of all these costs is the total cost for the element and would
show up only in the selected pump.
The other two pumps at the station would have zero cost. In the screen
capture below, note that only three
items are shown in the table, but the table can be scrolled to show the
remaining items.

D.6.5. Non-Construction Costs

There are numerous indirect costs that are applied to
construction projects. The terminology describing
these costs varies depending on local conventions, whether a
public or private utility is involved, and
whether construction is being done with force account labor or
outside contractors. There are numerous
items that can be included in these indirect costs, such as:
Design and bidding
Construction phase engineering services
Utility overhead
Capital clearing account
Allowance for interest on funds used during construction
Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

You are able to include these costs in the following ways:
1. With each element as a lump sum.
2. With each element as a percentage.
3. For the overall Scenario as a lump sum.
4. For the overall Scenario as a percentage of construction costs.
5. For the overall Scenario as a percentage of both
construction and non-construction costs (% of total
6. As a factor applied to the overall project (multiplier).
A few of these costs are described in more detail below:
Omissions and contingencies
Usually, cost estimators make an allowance for unforeseen items that come
up during projects, sometimes
referred to as "Omissions and Contingencies" (O&C). These costs
are usually high when the project is
being formulated initially (25%) and get smaller (5%) as the
scope and details of the project are worked
It is important not to count the allowance for O&C twice by
including an allowance on an element-by-
element basis, and then another allowance for the project as a whole.
Land, easement, and right-of-way costs
Many projects involve procurement of land, easements, or rights-
of-way. These costs are usually not a
function of element size, and so can be handled on an element by-element
basis as a lump sum or as a cost
per foot or acre multiplied by the number of feet or acres. If the land
costs are not going to be accounted
for element-by-element, but rather by a single land purchase for
the entire project, a lump sum cost
adjustment should be made to the appropriate Scenario.
Specifying non-construction costs
Non-construction cost items for all types of elements are
computed in the same manner, and can be
specified as either a lump sum or as a percentage of the
total construction costs. For instance, you may
wish to make allowances for omissions and contingencies on an element-by-
element basis. You can do this
by assigning a non-construction cost item to every element that is 15% of
the total construction cost of the
The dialogs and reports below illustrate how the construction and non-
construction costs for the following
elements will appear in Cost tab of the Element Editor dialog and in the
cost report for each element
Pipe (using values from a previous example):
650 feet of 10-inch diameter pipe at $55/ft
7 service connections at $650 each
Omission and contingency at 15% of construction
Inspection Services at 5% of construction
Uility easement at $350

WaterCAD Users Guide


1 steel tank at $250,000
600 ft of fencing at $15/ft
Site clearing and grading at $20,000
1 SCADA system and radio transmitter at $20,000
Engineering and inspection at 12% of construction
Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

2 acres of land at $50,000/acre

Inlet (using values from a previous example):

1 surface inlet at $2,000
1 subsurface structure 8 ft deep at $3,500
Engineering and inspection at 25% of construction cost
WaterCAD Users Guide

Appendix D: Capital Cost Estimating

WaterCAD Users Guide

Appendix E:

Haestad Methods

E.1. Overview
Haestad Methods offers software solutions to civil engineers throughout
the world for analyzing, modeling,
and designing all sorts of hydrologic and hydraulic systems,
from municipal water and sewer systems to
stormwater ponds, open channels, and more. With point-and-click
data entry, flexible units, and report-
quality output, Haestad Methods is the ultimate source for your modeling
In addition to the ability to run in Stand-Alone mode with a
CAD-like interface, three of our products -
WaterCAD, StormCAD and SewerCAD - can be totally integrated
within AutoCAD. These three
programs also share numerous powerful features, such as scenario
management, unlimited undo/redo,
customizable tables for editing and reporting, customizable GIS, database
and spreadsheet connection, and
Be sure to contact us or visit our web site at to find
out about our latest software, books,
training, and open houses.
E.2. Software
E.2.1. WaterCAD
WaterCAD is the definitive model for complex pressurized pipe
networks, such as municipal water
distribution systems. You can use WaterCAD to perform a variety of
functions, including steady-state and
extended-period simulations of pressure networks with pumps, tanks,
control valves, and more.
WaterCADs abilities also extend into public safety and long-term
planning issues, with extensive water
quality features, automated fire protection analyses, comprehensive
scenario management, and enterprise-
wide data sharing faculties.
WaterCAD is available with your choice of a Stand-Alone graphical user
interface, an AutoCAD integrated
interface, or an ArcView or ArcInfo integrated interface.
Appendix E: Haestad Methods

E.2.2. SewerCAD
SewerCAD is a powerful design and analysis tool for modeling
sanitary sewage collection and pumping
systems. With SewerCAD, you can develop and compute sanitary
loads, tracking and combining loads
from dry-weather and wet-weather sources. You can also simulate
the hydraulic response of the entire
system (gravity collection and pressure force mains), observe the effects
of overflows and diversions, and
even automatically design selected portions of the system.
Output covers everything from customizable
tables and detailed reports to plan and profile sheets.
SewerCAD can be run in a Stand-Alone graphical user interface, an
AutoCAD integrated interface, or an
ArcView or ArcInfo integrated interface.
E.2.3. StormCAD
StormCAD is a highly-efficient model for the design and analysis of storm
sewer collection systems. From
graphical layout and intelligent network connectivity to flexible reports
and profiles, StormCAD covers all
aspects of storm sewer modeling.
Surface inlet networks are independent of pipe connectivity, and inlet
hydraulics conform to FHWA HEC-
22 methodologies. Gradually varied flow algorithms and a variety of
popular junction loss methods are the
foundation of StormCADs robust gravity piping computations, which
handle everything from surcharged
pipes and diversions to hydraulic jumps.
StormCAD is available with your choice of a Stand-Alone graphical user
interface, an AutoCAD integrated
interface, or an ArcView or ArcInfo integrated interface.
E.2.4. PondPack
PondPack is a comprehensive, Windows-based hydrologic modeling
program that analyzes a tremendous
range of situations, from simple sites to complex networked
watersheds. The program analyzes pre- and
post-developed watershed conditions, and estimates required storage
ponds. PondPack performs
interconnected pond routing, and also computes outlet rating curves with
tailwater effects, multiple outfalls,
pond infiltration, and pond detention times.
PondPack builds customized reports organized by categories, and
automatically creates section and page
numbers, tables of contents, and indexes. You can quickly
create an executive summary for an entire
watershed, or build an elaborate drainage report showing any or all
report items. Graphical displays, such
as watershed diagrams, rainfall curves, and hydrographs are fully
compatible with other Windowss
software, such as AutoCAD.
E.2.5. FlowMaster
FlowMaster is an efficient program for the design and analysis
of a wide variety of hydraulic elements,
such as pressure pipes, open channels, weirs, orifices, and inlets.
FlowMaster's "Hydraulics Toolbox" can
create rating tables and performance curves for any variables,
using popular friction methods. Inlet
calculations follow the latest FHWA guidelines, and irregular section
roughness can be weighted based on
any popular techniques.
E.2.6. CulvertMaster
CulvertMaster helps engineers design new culverts and analyze
existing culvert hydraulics, from single
barrel crossings to complex multi-barrel culverts with roadway
overtopping. CulvertMaster computations
use FHWA HDS-5 methodologies, and allow you to solve for
whatever hydraulic variables you dont
know, such as culvert size, peak discharge, and headwater
elevation. Output capabilities include
comprehensive detailed reports, rating tables, and performance curves.
WaterCAD Users Guide

E.3. Haestad Press

E.3.1. Haestad Press Publications
Haestad Press provides civil engineering professionals with
affordable, quality reference and textbooks
dedicated to the practical application of engineering theory to
hydraulics and hydrology. Haestad Press
publications include:

References and textbooks: Authored by industry-recognized

Haestad Press offers a complete line of reference books for use
in both
academic and professional settings.
Technical Journals: With an eye towards computer technology, journals
like Current Methods address the latest innovations in water
modeling and practical modeling case studies, as well as
offering credit
towards certification.
Independent Papers: Haestad Press also provides funding for
to write case studies of their projects, for potential publication in a
of industry journals and magazines.

E.4. Training and Certification

E.4.1. Training and Certification
Haestad Methods Continuing Education department has rightfully earned a
reputation for excellence among
hydraulic modelers, because of both the high quality of the
educational experience and the friendly and
professional environment that is provided at locations throughout
the world. These training programs are
famous for efficiently and effectively teaching engineers how to apply
hydraulic theory and state-of-the-art
software to real-world design situations.

Modelers can become certified in a variety of water-related

fields, through an
assortment of teaching methods including:
JumpStart Seminars
Comprehensive Workshops
Publication-Based Programs
To obtain more information about Haestad Methods certification programs,
or to see upcoming events in a
city near you, visit
Haestad Methods has achieved the highest levels of accreditation
from both the International Association
for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), and the Professional
Development Registry for Engineers
and Surveyors (PDRES). In addition to Haestad Methods own
prestigious certifications, these
Appendix E: Haestad Methods

endorsements enable modelers to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

and Professional Development
Hours (PDHs) for their satisfactory participation in various training
and educational programs.
E.5. Internet Resources
E.5.1. Internet Resources
In addition to modeling software, continuing education, and
publications, Haestad Methods also provides
Internet-based tools to help engineers manage their account information,
manage their projects, and manage
their sanity.
Instant Account Management
Now you can go on-line to manage your own account information, such as to
conveniently maintain your
products, customize your communication settings, or indicate your areas
of interest. Just visit the accounts
section at is a special internet service for posting and locating

Requests for
Proposal (RFPs). The database is updated daily with postings
from around the
world, and there are extensive search capabilities that allow
you to find exactly
what you are looking for. is a great way to treat yourself to some fun

with a quick on-line
engineering challenge, and maybe win a laptop or other prizes
along the way. You can
even submit your own questions to stump future CivilQuiz players!

WaterCAD Users Guide


Age - An analysis for the age of water determines how long the water has
been in the system, and is more
of a general water quality indicator than a measurement of anything
Available Fire Flow - Amount of flow available at a node for fire
protection while maintaining all fire
flow pressure constraints.
Base Elevation & Level - Elevation from which all tank levels are
measured. For example, a tank level
of two meters represents a water surface elevation two meters above the
base elevation.
Boundary Node - Node with a known hydraulic grade. It may be static
(unchanging with time), such as a
reservoir, or dynamic (changes with time), such as a tank. Every pipe
network must contain at least one
boundary node. In order to compute the hydraulic grade at the other
nodes in the network, they must be
reachable from a boundary.
Bulk Reaction Coefficient - Coefficient used to define how rapidly a
constituent grows or decays over
time. It is expressed in units of 1 / time.
Calculated Minimum System Pressure - Minimum calculated pressure of all
junctions in the system
during fire flow withdrawal at a node.
Calculated Minimum Zone Pressure - Minimum calculated pressure of all
junctions in the same zone as
the node where fire flow withdrawal occurs.
Calculated Residual Pressure - Calculated pressure at the junction node
where the fire flow withdrawal
Calculation Unready - An element that does not have all the required
information for performing an
analysis is considered to be calculation unready.
C-Coefficient - Roughness coefficient used in the Hazen-Williams
Check Valve - Prevents water from flowing backwards through the pipe. In
other words, water can only
flow from the From Node to the To Node.
Closed/Inactive Status - You can control the status of a valve to be
either inactive or closed. Inactive
means that the valve will act like an open pipe where flow can occur in
either direction, and the headloss
across the valve will be calculated using the valve's minor loss factor.
Closed means that no flow will
occur through the valve.
Constituent - Any substance, such as chlorine or fluoride, for which the
growth or decay can be
adequately described through the use of a bulk reaction coefficient and a
wall reaction coefficient.

Context Menu - A pop-up menu opened by right-clicking a project element

or data entry field.
Commands on the context menu are specific to the current state of the
selected item.
Control Status - A pressure pipe can be either Open or Closed. Open
means that flow occurs in the pipe,
and Closed means that no flow occurs in the pipe.
Conveyance Element - A pipe or channel used to transport water.
Coordinates - Distances perpendicular to a set of reference axes. Some
areas may have predefined
coordinate systems, while other coordinate systems may be arbitrary.
Coordinates may be presented as
X- and Y-values or may be defined as Northing and Easting values,
depending on individual preferences.
Cross Section Type - Tanks can have either a constant area cross section
or a variable area cross section.
The cross section of a tank with a constant area is the same throughout
the depth. The cross section of a
tank with a variable area varies throughout the depth.
Crosshair - The cursor that looks like a plus sign ( + ).
Current Storage Volume - The volume of water currently stored in a tank.
It includes both the
hydraulically active volume and the hydraulically inactive volume.
Database Connections - A connection represented by a group of database
links. There may be a single
linked external file within a connection, or there may be several
external file links within a single
DBMS - An acronym that stands for Database Management System. These
systems can be relational
(RDBMS ) or non-relational.
Demand - Represents the total demand from an individual junction for the
current time period. It is
based on the information from the Demand tab of the Junction Editor.
Design Point - Point at which a pump was originally intended to operate,
and is typically the best
efficiency point (BEP) of the pump. At discharges above or below this
point, the pump is not operating
under optimum conditions.
Diameter - Refers to the a pipe or valves inside diameter. It is the
distance between two internal points
directly opposite each other.
Discharge - Volumetric rate of flow given in units of
time / length
Double-Click - To click the left mouse button twice in rapid succession.
Drag - To hold down one of the mouse buttons while you move the mouse.
Element - An object such as a tank, junction node, or pipe in a drawing.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Elevation - The distance from a datum plane to the center of the element.
Elevations are often referenced
with mean sea level as the datum elevation.
Energy Grade Line (EGL) - Sum of datum (base elevation), elevation,
velocity head, and pressure head
at a section.
Extended Edit Button - A small button with an ellipsis (...) as the
label. Extended edit buttons are
located next to drop-down choice lists, and provide further editing for
the associated choice list items.
External Files - Any file outside of this program that can be linked.
These include database files (such as
FoxPro, Dbase or Paradox) and spreadsheets (such as Excel or Lotus).
Throughout the documentation, all
of these file types will be referred to as "databases" or "external
files" interchangeably.
Extrapolate - To infer a value based on other known values, with the
desired value lying outside the
known range. Often based upon extending the slope of the line connecting
the previous known values to
the desired point. See also: interpolate.
Field Links - Define the actual mapping between model element attributes
and columns within each
database table.
File Extension - The period and three characters, typically, at the end
of a filename. A file extension
usually identifies the kind of information the file contains. For
example, files you create in AutoCAD
have the extension *.DWG.
Fire Flow Upper Limit - The maximum allowable fire flow that can occur at
a withdrawal location.
This is a user-specified practical limit that will prevent this program
from computing unrealistically high
fire flows at locations such as primary system mains, which have large
diameters and high service
pressures. Remember that a systems ability to deliver fire flows is
ultimately limited by the size of the
hydrant opening and service line, as well as the number of hydrants
available to combat a fire at a specific
Flow - Represents the calculated value of the pipe, valve, or pump
discharge at the given time.
From Node - Represents the pipe's starting node. Positive flow rates are
in the direction of "from"
towards "to". Negative flow rates are in the opposite direction.
From Pipe - The pipe that connects to the upstream side of a valve or
Headloss - Represents the energy lost due to friction and minor losses.
The headloss field displays the
pipe, valve, or pump's total headloss at the given time.
Headloss Gradient - Presents the headloss in the pipe as a slope, or
gradient. This allows you to more
accurately compare headlosses for pipes of different lengths.
Hydraulic Grade - Elevation to which water would rise under zero
pressure. For open surfaces, such as
reservoirs and tanks, this is equal to the water surface elevation. The
hydraulic grade field presents the
hydraulic grade for the element at the current time period as calculated
based on the system flow rates and
head changes.

Hydraulic Grade Setting - The constraint to which a valve regulates,

expressed in units of head
(Length). Depending on the type of valve, it may refer to either the
upstream or downstream hydraulic
grade or the headloss across the valve.
Inactive Volume - The volume of water below the minimum elevation of the
tank. This volume of water
is always present, even when the tank reaches its minimum elevation and
closes itself off from the
system. Therefore, it is hydraulically inactive. It is primarily used
for water quality calculations.
Inflow & Outflow - An inflow is a flow into a node from the system, while
an outflow is a flow from the
node into the system. A negative outflow is the same as a positive
inflow, and a negative inflow is the
same as a positive outflow.
Inheritance - Refers to the parent-child relationships used by scenarios
and alternatives. Just as in the
natural world, inheritance is used to refer to the situation where an
entity receives something from its
parent. For example, we speak of a child inheriting blue eyes from a
parent. Unlike in the natural world,
inheritance in scenarios and alternatives is dynamic. If the parents
attribute changes, the childs attribute
automatically changes at the same time, unless the value is explicitly
changed in a child.
Initial Settings - Sets the status of an element for a steady-state
analysis or the first time step in an
extended period simulation. The initial settings for a pipe, pump, or
valve can be set using the elemental
dialogs or a Table.
Initial Water Quality - Represents the starting conditions at a node for
age, trace, or constituent
concentration. The initial value will be slightly different depending on
the analysis type.
Interpolate - Estimating a value between two known values assuming a
linear relationship. See also:
Invert - Lowest point of a pipe opening. Sometimes referred to as the
Label - The unique name by which an element will be referenced in
reports, error messages, and tables.
Length - Represents the distance on a pipe from the From Node to the To
Node, according to the scaled
length of the pipe. To enter an overriding length, click the User
Defined Length field and type in your
desired length value.
Manning's Coefficient - Roughness coefficient used in Manning's Formula.
Material - The selection of a pipe's construction material. This
material will be used to determine a
default value for the pipe's roughness.
Maximum Elevation - The highest allowable water surface elevation in a
tank. If the tank fills above
this point, it will automatically shut off from the system.
Maximum Extended Operating Point - The absolute maximum discharge at
which a pump can operate,
with zero head being added to the system. This value may be computed by
the program or entered
WaterCAD Users Guide

Maximum Operating Point - The highest discharge for which a pump is

actually intended to run. At
discharges above this point, the pump may behave unpredictably, or its
performance may decline rapidly.
Messages - The section that contains information generated during the
calculation of the model, such as
warnings, errors, and status updates.
Messages Light - A light that appears on the Tab of the Messages sheet.
The light will be red if errors
occurred during the analysis, yellow if there are warnings or cautions,
and green if there are no warnings
or errors.
Minimum Elevation - The lowest allowable water surface elevation in a
tank. If the tank drains below
this point, it will automatically shut off from the system.
Minimum System Junction - The junction where the calculated minimum
system pressure occurs.
Minimum System Pressure - The minimum pressure allowed at any junction in
the entire system as
result of fire flow withdrawal. If the pressure at a node anywhere in
the system falls below this constraint
while withdrawing fire flow, fire flow will not be satisfied. A fire
flow analysis may be configured to
ignore this constraint.
Minimum Zone Junction - The junction where the calculated minimum zone
pressure occurs.
Minimum Zone Pressure - The minimum pressure to occur at all junction
nodes within a Zone. The
model determines the available fire flow such that the minimum zone
pressures do not fall below this
target pressure. Each junction has a zone associated with it, which can
be specified in the junctions input
data. If you do not want a junction node to be analyzed as part of
another junction nodes fire flow
analysis, move it to another Zone.
Minor Loss - The field that presents the total minor loss K-value for a
pipe or valve. If an element has
more than one minor loss, each can be entered individually by clicking
the Ellipsis () button.
Mouse Buttons - The left mouse button is the primary button for selecting
or activating commands. The
right mouse button is used to activate pop-up context menus and help.
Note that the mouse button
functions can be redefined using the Windows Control Panel. If your
mouse is equipped with a mouse
wheel, you can use it for various panning and zooming functions.
Needed Fire Flow - The flow rate required at a junction to satisfy fire
flow demands.
Network Element - An element that forms part of the network model.
Annotation elements such as
polylines, borders and text, are not network elements.
Number - The number of parallel conveyance elements in a model.
Notes - The field that allows you to enter text relevant to the model.
It may include a description of an
element, a summary of your data sources, or any other information of
ODBC - Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard programming
interface developed by
Microsoft for accessing data in relational and non-relational database
management systems (DBMSs ).

On/Off Status - The status of a pump can be either on or off. On means

that flow will occur in the
downstream direction, and the pump will add head to the system according
to it's characteristic curve.
Off means that no flow will occur, and no head will be added.
Open/Closed Status - The status of a pipe can be either open or closed.
Open means that flow can occur
in either direction. Closed means that no flow will occur through the
Percent Full - The ratio of the current storage volume to the total
storage volume, multiplied by 100.
Pipe Status - Indicates whether the pipe is open or closed. As input,
this determines how the pipe begins
the simulation. As output, it shows the calculated status of the pipe at
the given time.
Polyline - A composite element that consists of a series of line
segments. Each line segment begins and
ends at a vertex. A vertex may be another element such as a junction,
tank, or pump.
Power - Represents the water horsepower of a pump. This is the
horsepower that is actually transferred
from the pump into the water. Depending on the pump's efficiency, the
actual power consumed (brake
horsepower) may vary.
Pressure - The field that displays the pressure for the current time
Pressure Setting - The constraint to which a valve regulates, expressed
in units of pressure (Force per
Length). Depending on the type of valve, it may refer to either the
upstream or downstream pressure or
the pressure drop.
Pull-down Menu - A menu of available commands or actions you can perform.
A pull-down menu is
usually selected from the menu bar at the top of the main program window.
Pump Status - A pump can have two different status conditions: On, which
is normal operation, or Off,
which is no flow under any condition.
RDBMS - An acronym that stands for Relational Database Management System.
Relative Speed Factor - Defines the characteristics of a pump relative to
the speed for which the pump
curve was entered, in accordance with the affinity laws. A speed factor
of 1.00 would indicate pump
characteristics identical to those of the original pump curve.
Residual Pressure - The minimum residual pressure to occur at a junction
node. The program
determines the amount of fire flow available such that the residual
pressure at a junction node does not
fall below this target pressure.
Reynold's Number - Ratio of viscous forces relative to inertial forces.
A high Reynold's number
indicates turbulent flow, while a low number indicates laminar flow.
Roughness - A measure of a pipes resistance to flow. Pipes of different
ages, construction material, and
workmanship may have different roughness values.
WaterCAD Users Guide

Roughness Coefficient - A value used to represent the resistance of a

conveyance element to flow. In the
Manning's equation, this value is inversely proportional to flow. The
smaller the roughness coefficient,
the greater the flow.
Satisfies Fire Flow Constraints - A true or false statement indicating
whether this junction node meets
the fire flow constraints. A checkmark in the box means the Fire Flow
Constraints were satisfied for that
node. If there is no checkmark, the Fire Flow Constraints were NOT
Select - The process of adding one or more elements to an active
selection set.
Selection Set - The active group of selected elements. A selection set
allows editing or an action, such as
move or delete, to be performed on a group of elements.
Shape - The cross-sectional geometric form of a conveyance element (i.e.
circular, box, arch, etc).
Shutoff Point - The point at which a pump will have zero discharge.
Typically the maximum head point
on a pump curve.
Size - Inside diameter of a pipe section for a circular pipe.
Starting Elevation - The value that is used as the beginning condition
for an extended period simulation.
Status Pane - The area at the bottom of the window used for displaying
status information.
Storage Node - Special type of node where a free water surface exists,
and the hydraulic head is simply
the elevation of the water surface above sea level.
Sub Menu - A list of related options that is typically reached by
selecting a pull-down menu item.
Table Links - A table link must be created for every database table or
spreadsheet worksheet that is to be
linked to the current model. Any number of Table Links may reference the
same database file.
To Node - Represents a pipe's ending node. Positive flow rates are in
the direction of "from" towards
"to". Negative flow rates are in the opposite direction.
To Pipe - The pipe that connects to the downstream side of a valve or
Total Active Volume - The volume of water between minimum elevation and
maximum elevation of a
tank. This is an input value for variable area tanks.
Total Needed Fire Flow - If you choose to add the fire flow to the
baseline demand, the Total Needed
Fire Flow is equal to the Needed Fire Flow plus the baseline demand. If
you choose NOT to add the fire
flow to the baseline demand, the Total Needed Fire Flow is equal to the
Needed Fire Flow.
Total Storage Volume - The holding capacity of a tank. It is the sum of
the maximum hydraulically
active storage volume and the hydraulically inactive storage volume.

Trace (Source Identification) - Determines what percentage of water at

any given point originated at a
chosen tank, reservoir, or junction.
Valve Status - A valve can have several different status conditions:
Closed (no flow under any
condition), Active (throttling, opening, or closing dependent on system
pressures and flows), and Inactive
(wide open, with no regulation).
Velocity - The field that displays the calculated value for a pipe,
valve, or pump velocity at a given time.
It is found by dividing the element's flow rate by its cross-sectional
Vertex - An element in a topological network.
Wall Reaction Coefficient - Defines the rate at which a substance reacts
with the wall of a pipe, and is
expressed in units of length / time.
Water Quality - The field that displays the water quality for the current
time period.
Water Quality Analysis - An analysis that can be one of three types:
Age, Trace, or Constituent.

WaterCAD Users Guide



Benedict, R. P., Fundamentals of Pipe Flow, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1980.
Brater, Ernest F. and Horace W. King, Handbook of Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, New York,
Cesario, A. Lee, Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Water Distribution
Systems, AWWA, 1995.
Clark, R. M., W. M. Grayman, R. M. Males, and A. F. Hess,
"Modeling Contaminant propagation in
Drinking Water Distribution Systems", Journal of Environmental
Engineering, ASCE, New York, 1993.
Computer Applications in Hydraulic Engineering, Third Edition,
Connecticut, Haestad Press, 1999.
CulvertMaster Users Guide, Connecticut: Haestad Methods, 1999.
Essential Hydraulics and Hydrology, Connecticut, Haestad Press, 1998.
FlowMaster PE Version 6.0 Users Guide, Connecticut, Haestad Methods,
Males R. M., W. M. Grayman and R. M. Clark, "Modeling Water Quality in
Distribution System", Journal
of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, New York, 1988.
Practical Guide to Hydraulics and Hydrology, Connecticut, Haestad Press,
Roberson, John A., John J. Cassidy, and Hanif M. Chaudhry,
Hydraulic Engineering, Houghton Mifflin
Company, Massachusetts, 1988.
Roberson, John A. and Clayton T. Crowe, Engineering Fluid
Mechanics (4
Edition), Houghton Mifflin
Company, Massachusetts, 1990.
Rossman, Lewis A., EPANet Users Manual (AWWA Workshop Edition),
Risk Reduction Engineering
Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, USEPA, Ohio, 1993.
Rossman, Lewis A. et al., "Numerical Methods for Modeling Water
Quality in Distribution Systems: A
Comparison", Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE,
New York, 1996.
Rossman, Lewis A., R. M. Clark, and W. M. Grayman, "Modeling
Chlorine Residuals in Drinking-water
Distribution Systems", Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, New
York, 1994.
Sanks, Robert L., Pumping Station Design, Butterworth-Heinemann, Inc,
Stoneham, Massachusetts, 1989.
Streeter, Victor L. and Wylie, E. Benjamin, Fluid Mechanics,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York,
Todini, E. and S. Pilati, "A Gradient Algorithm for the Analysis of Pipe
Networks", Computer Applications
in Water Supply, Volume 1 - Systems Analysis and Simulation, ed. By Bryan
Coulbeck and Chun-Hou Orr,
Research Studies Press LTD, Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England.
Walski, Thomas M., Water System Modeling Using CYBERNET

, Haestad Methods, Incorporated, 1993.

Zipparro, Vincent J. and Hasen Hans, Davis Handbook of
Applied Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York, 1993.


WaterCAD Users Guide

Abbreviated Labels 165
Accuracy 199
Actions Tab 207
Active Cost Scenarios 240
Active Scenario 32
Active Topology 173, 218
Active Topology Alternative 173
Advanced Options 147
Aerial View 116, 117
Affinity Laws 341
Age 415
Alternative 176
Analysis 197
Alternatives 50, 167, 168, 185, 186, 374, 375
Child 168
Editor 170, 181
Inheritance 376, 377
Manager 168
Constituent 197
Fire Flow 194, 195
Hydraulic 189, 190, 334
Options 191
Toolbar 32
Trace 198
Water Age 197
Water Quality 197, 198
Analysis Results Report 29, 254
Animation Options 33
Annotation 63, 64, 249, 250
Comparison Wizard 265
Multipliers 103
Size 329
Annotation Wizard 250
Enclosed by Polyline 114
Assigning Costs to Model Elements 400
Annotation 250
Inheritance 377
Auto Prompting 101
AutoCAD 301, 302
Command Line 21
Commands 307
Drawing Synchronization 303
DXF 299, 300, 301
Element Scale 305
Entities 306, 307, 308
Exporting DXF File 299
Import WaterCAD 309
Importing DXF Files 299
Importing WaterCAD DXF Files 299
Main Window 18
Multiple Sessions 98
Proxies 309
Rebuild Figure Labels 303
Undo/Redo 308
AutoCAD Mode 17, 18, 301, 302
Graphical Layout 302
Project Files 303
Toolbars 302
Autodesk 301
Backflow Preventer 193
Background Drawing 299
Background DXF (AutoCAD) 299
Base 220
Base Elevation 415
Base Scenarios 180, 181
Batch Run 180, 183
Adding to a Pipe 331
in AutoCAD 306
Bernoulli Equation 335
Bibliography 423
Blocks (AutoCAD Mode) 295, 299
Borders 266
Boundary Node 415
Building Cost Scenarios 394
Bulk Reaction 275
Coefficient 415
C Coefficient 344, 415
Calculation 186, 198

Options 198
Problem Summary Report 255
Results Status 35
Results Table 255
Unready 415
Calibration 191, 219
Calibration Adjustment Groups Dialog 231
Calibration Export to Scenario Dialog 224
Calibration Field Data Observation Dialog 228
Calibration Field Data Set Dialog 225
Calibration Field Data Sets Dialog 227
Calibration Group Selection Dialog 112
Calibration Groups 231
Calibration Manager 219
Calibration Options 233, 234
Calibration Options Formulae 235
Calibration Results Statistics 225
Calibration Solutions 223
Calibrations 222
Capital 383, 384
Capital Cost Estimating Overview 383
Capital Cost Reports 246
Change Pipe Width 306
Check Data 192
Check Valve 343, 416
Chemical Analysis 197
Chezy's Equation 345, 346
Child 220, 377
Alternative 168
Scenario 180, 181, 376, 378
Copy Table 166
Copy to 34
Coefficient 421
Roughness 421
Engineer's Reference 354
Equation 346
Typical Values 355
Color Coding 56, 64, 65, 251, 252, 253, 267, 329
Allow Duplicate 161
Change Units 329
Heading 165
Table Customization 164
Table Setup 160
Command Line (AutoCAD Only) 21
Commands (AutoCAD Mode) 307
Compare Scenarios 265
Composite Logical Action Dialog 215
Composite Logical Condition Dialog 212
Composite Minor Loss 129
Concentration 197
Concentration Limit 275
Conditions Tab 207
Configuration 100
Conjugate Gradient Method 339
Connection 277, 278
Database 281, 282
Editing 281
Hiding 285
Lesson 7 73
Management 279
Shapefile 288, 289
Sharing 286
Synchronization 303, 304
Connectivity Tolerance 297
of Mass & Energy 336
Constant Power Pump 133, 342
Constituent 275, 416
Alternative 176, 178
Analysis 197, 198
Library 275
Construction Costs 146
Construction Costs Table 146
Context Menu 416
Contour 259, 260
Plan View 256
Smoothing 260
Contour Labeling 261
Control 140
Condition 141
Status 416
Valve 343
Controls Tab 206
Copy to Clipboard 34
Table 166
Copy/Paste 24
Cost 237, 363, 365, 383, 384, 385
Alternative 179, 180
Analysis 237
Manager 238
Unit Cost Function 243
Cost Manager - Button Section 238
Cost Manager - Center Pane 238
Cost Manager - Left Pane 239
Cost Tab 145
Cost Warnings Report 247
Creating a new Logical Control 203
Creating Scenarios 326
Location 35
CulvertMaster 412
Cursor Location 35
WaterCAD Users Guide

Pump 133, 340, 341, 342
Curved Pipes 331
Custom AutoCAD Entities 306
Custom Extended 342
Custom Sort 163
Database 279
Drawing 103, 104, 105, 302, 303
Labels 165
Libraries 271
Tables 164
Cut Probability 234
Daily Energy Cost Summmary Section 150
Darcy Weisbach
Colebrook-White Equation 346
Equation 344, 345
Roughness Values 355
Darwin 219
Darwin Calibration 221, 222
Darwin Calibrator 219, 220
Darwin Calibrator Methodology 358
Darwin Manager 219
Check 192, 193
Entry 37, 151, 377, 378
Organization 167
Validation 192
Database 277, 278
Export 279, 280, 281
Import 280, 281
ODBC 284, 285
Synchronization Options 282
Table Link Editor 282
Database Connection 277, 281, 282
Editor 281
Example 286
Manager 279
ODBC 285
Standard 279, 280, 281
Default 151
Elements 113, 305
Table 158, 159
Delete Selection Set 115
Demand 137
Alternative 173, 174
Graph 257
Multipliers 202
Demand Import Dialog 138
Design Point 133, 342
Detailed Report 253
Diffusivity 275
Discharge 193, 416
Display Precision 106
Display Tips 328
Change Units in a Column 329
Color Code Elements 329
Control Element/Label Sizing 329
Reuse Deleted Element Labels 330
Downstream Elements Selection 124
Drafting 113, 266
Drag 416
Drawing 112
Options 99, 103
Pane 19
Preview 298, 299
Review 117, 118, 295, 296
Scale 103
Setup (AutoCAD Mode) 302
Synchronization (AutoCAD Mode) 303
Drwin Calibrator Troubleshooting Tips 326
DWG 97, 303
DXF 104, 299
Background 35, 104
Exporting from WaterCAD 299
Import 299, 300
Units 104
Dynamic Inheritance 375, 376
Edit Elements 306
Editable Table Columns 162
Editing Elements 112, 330
Efficiency Settings Section 150
Efficiency Summary Section 151
EGL 335, 336
Element 123, 305
Annotation 249
Deleting 113, 305
Editing 24, 124, 305
Find 115
Labeling 120, 330
Modify 305
Morphing 111
Moving 113, 307
Numbering 119, 330
Rotate (AutoCAD Mode) 24
Scale (AutoCAD Mode) 24, 305
Search 115

Selection 111, 112, 114, 119

Type 111
Visibility 104, 105
Element Detailed Cost Report 246
Element Properties 304
Elevation 415, 417, 419
Base 415
Input Mode 102
Maximum 419
Spot 261, 262
Email Address 15
Enclosed Area 114
Energy 363, 364, 365
Conservation 336
Equation 335
Grade Line 335, 417
Principle 334
Energy Cost Alternative 180
Energy Cost Manager 240
Energy Cost Theory 363
Energy Pricing Editor 242
Energy Pricing Manager 242
Energy Tab 149
Engineering Library 271, 272, 273
Constituent 275
Editor 273
Liquid 274, 275
Manager 272
Material 273, 274
Minor Loss 274
Enhanced Pressure Contours 261
Enter Key Behavior 100, 101
Entering Data for Multiple Elements 385
entering fire flow test results 228
Change into Pipe 309
in AutoCAD 306
to Pipes 309
Entity Conversion 309
Import 316
EPS 190
Analysis 190
Equations 333
Era Generations Number 234
Error Messages 192
Results Report 187
ESRI 2, 277, 278, 294
Export Shapefile 292
Import Shapefile 289
Shapefile Connection 288, 289
Estimate 417, 419
Example Projects 14
Lessons 37
Tutorials 14
Exit WaterCAD 24
Explode Elements (AutoCAD Mode) 307
Export 23
Database 279, 280, 281
DXF 299
Profiles in AutoCAD 264
Shapefile 292, 293
Shapefile Link Editor 292
Spot Elevations 316, 317
Table to ASCII 166
Exporting a Submodel 99
Extended Edit Button 417
Extended Period Analysis 190
Lesson 2 46
External Files 417
Extrapolate 417
Relative Speed 133
Fax Number 15
Links 283, 284, 417
Share 155
Field Data Import 229
File Management 97
Filter Tables 163
Find Element 24, 115
Find Logical Action Dialog 216
Find Logical Condition Dialog 216
Find Logical Control Dialog 215
fire flow 228, 229
Fire Flow 144
Alternative 178, 179
Analysis 194, 195
Input 144, 145
Results 145, 195
Theory 194
Fire Flow Dialog 196
Fire Flow Upper Limit 419
Fire Hydrants 320
fire hydrants as flow emitters 323
Fitness 222, 223
Fitness Tolerance 221, 222
Fitness Type 233
Fitting Loss Coefficients 346, 357
Fittings Library 274
FlexTables 157
FlexUnits 105, 106
WaterCAD Users Guide

Table 107
Flow 419
Arrows Visibility 104
Flow Control Valve 343
flow emitters 323
Flow Emitters 193
Flow per Fitness Point 233
FlowMaster 412
Format 106
User Data 153
Formulas 354
Friction Method Theory 101
From Node 419
From Pipe 419
GA 219, 360, 361, 362
GA Calibration Tips 224
GA Optimized Calibration 220
GA Optimized Calibration Advanced Options 234
General Purpose Valve 171, 175
General Status Information 35
General Tab 275
Genetic Algorithm--GA 219
Genetic Algorithms 219, 361, 362
Global Edit 163
Global Options 100, 101
Global Settings 97
Globe Button 9
Glossary 13, 14
GO Button 193
GPV 172, 175
Grade Line
Energy 335
Hydraulic 335
Gradient Algorithm 337
Derivation 337
Graph Options 269
Graph Setup 258
Graphic Annotation 28, 266, 267
Graphical 112
Graphical Editor 109
Graphical Layout
AutoCAD 302
Stand-Alone 109
Graphically 112
Groundwater Well 318
Grouping Elements 111
Selection Sets 114
Haestad Methods 9, 15
Haestad Methods Knowledge Base 326
Haestad Press Publications 413
Hastad Methods Software 411
CulvertMaster 412
FlowMaster 412
PondPack 412
SewerCAD 412
StormCAD 412
WaterCAD 411
Hazen Williams Equation 344
Coefficients 357
Roughness Values 356
Head 194
Head per Fitness Point 233
Head-Discharge Points Section 136
Headloss 419
Coefficient 274
Headloss Gradient 419
Help 13, 37
Button 30
Menu 30
Technical Support 15
Tutorials 14
HGL 335, 336, 419
Input Mode 102
HGL Setting 419
Horse Power (Pump) 133
Hydrants 320
hydrants as flow emitters 323
Hydraulic Analysis 190
Options 199
Hydraulic Grade 419
Hydraulic Grade Line 335
Hydraulic Grade Setting 419
Hydraulically Close Tanks 320
Hydropneumatic Tank 318
Import 22, 23
Command 98
Cybernet 312, 313, 314, 315
Database 279
Database and Shapefile Data Created in V3 317
DXF Files into AutoCAD 299
Polyline to Pipe 22

Shapefile Link Editor 291

Spot Elevations 316
WaterCAD 22, 23, 309
Import/Export Tips 311
Importing Demands 137
Importing Patterns 202
Inactive 164, 173
Inactive Volume 419
Importing from EPANET 316
Include Active Topology 164
Include In Cost Calculation 146
Inflow 419
Inheritance 375, 376, 419
Dynamic 376
Overriding 376
Initial Settings 419
Alternative 174
Initial Settings Alternative Editor for GPV 175
Initial Water Quality 419
Input 112
Data 123
Modes 102
Quick View 121
Elements 111
Nodes 111
Installation Guide for Network License Versions11
Installation Problems 8
Installing Haestad Methods Products 7
Internet Address 15
Internet Resources 414
Interpolate 419
Inventory 255
Invert 419
Junctions 125
K Coefficients 274, 357
Kinematic Viscosity 274
Knowledge Base 326
Label 419
Abbreviate 165
Elements 120, 330
Rebuilding (AutoCAD Mode) 303
Rotate 306
Sizing 329
Visibility 104
Affinity 341
Conservation of Mass & Energy 336
Layer 105, 298, 304
Layout 39, 40
AutoCAD 302
Network 109
Pipe Using Entity 309
Legend 29, 266, 267
Quick View 121
Length 419
Level 415
Mode 102
Constituent 275
Editor 272
Liquid 274
Manager 272
Material 273
Minor Loss 274
Licenses 9
Light 419
Messages 419
Line 266
Enclosed Area 114
Linear System Equation Solver 339
Linear Theory Method 337
Link Color Coding 252, 329
Liquid 102
Library 274, 275
Units 165
Logical 140
Logical Control 139, 141
Logical Control Dialog 208
Logical Control Set Alternative 175, 176
Logical Control Set Editor 217
Logical Control Sets Dialog 217
Logical Controls Manager 205
Logical Controls Operation 205
Logical Controls Overview 203
Minor 346, 347
Mailing Address 15
WaterCAD Users Guide

Manning's Coefficient 419

Mannings Equation 345
Roughness Values 355
Typical Values 357
Manual Calibration 222
Manual Fire Flow Scenarios 195, 196
Manual Fire Flow Scenarios Dialog 196
Mass Conservation 336
Material 419
Library 273, 274
Maximum Era Number 234
Maximum Extended Operating Point 133, 419
Maximum Increment 220
Maximum Operating Point 133, 419
Maximum Trials 221
Menu 20, 21, 28
context 416
Shortcut Keys 20
Toolbars 20
Merge 99
Messages 148, 419
Light 419
Metric 100, 106
Microstation 299
Allowed Value 106
System Junction 419
System Pressure 415
System Requirements 7
Zone Pressure 415
Minimum Increment 220
Minor Losses 346
Fitting 358
Properties 274
Mix Units in a Tabular Report 165
Input 102
Scaled 103
Schematic 103
Stand-Alone/AutoCAD 17
Model 123, 124, 189
modeling fire hydrants as flow emitters 323
Modeling Tips 317, 324
Modeling Variable Speed Pumps 324
Morphing Elements 111
Mouse Tips 330
Elements 113, 307
Labels 307
Moving Element Labels and Annotation 121
Multi Segmented Polyline 331
Pump Curve 342
Sessions 98
Units 165, 166
Multipliers 103
Mutation Probability 234
Native AutoCAD Entities Converting 295, 308
Network Deployment Folder 12
Network Hydraulics Theory 334
Network Licensing 9
New Adjustment Group Dialog 231
New Base 220
New Calibration 220
New Child 220
New Field Data Set 228
New Logical Action Dialog 213
New Logical Condition Dialog 209
Node 415, 419
Boundary 415
Color Coding 252, 329
From 419
Node Costs 402
Non-Construction Costs 146, 406
Non-Convergence 190
Non-improvement Generations 221, 222
Northing Easting Mode 102
Scientific 106
of Digits After Decimal Point 105
Reynold's 420
ODBC 284
Online Help 12, 30
Open Database Connectivity 284
Operating Point 134
Operating Range Section 139
Operational Alternative 175
Optimized Calibration 221, 222
Options 34
Calculation 198
Drawing 103
Global 100
Graph 268, 269
Project 99, 101
Organize Data 167
Outflow 419
Output 249

QuickView 121
Tables 157
Overview 219, 240
Parallel Pipes 319
Parallel Pumps 319
Pattern 200, 201
Multipliers ................................................... 201
Pattern ..................................................201, 202
Extended Period Analysis 190, 202
Pattern Editor 201
Pattern Graph 257
Time Steps 201
Peak Demand Summary Section 150
Phone Number 15
Physical Alternative Editor for GPVs 171
Physical Properties 170, 171
Pipe 124, 125, 419
Adding Vertices 331
Align Text with Pipe 104
Fittings 274
From 419
Length 419
Length Rounding 101, 102
Material 419
Parallel 319
Splitting 111
Text 104
Tool 29, 110, 111
Pipe Costs 400
Pipe Costs Report 247
Pipe Layout Using Entity 309
Plan View Reports 255
Plot Window 267
Polygon Enclosed Area 114
Conversion Problem 298
Enclosed Area 114
Polyline to Pipe Conversion 295
Wizard 296
PondPack 412
Population Size 234
Power 133
Precision Display 106, 107
Predefined Reports 253
Preferences 100
Head 335
Mode 102
Pressure Breaker Valve 343
Pressure Sustaining Valve 343
Pressurized Tank 318
Preview 267
Print 22, 23, 34
Preview 33
Preview Window 267
Setup 22
Table 166
Problem Solving 311
Problems with Setup or Uninstall 8
Profile 29, 263
Plot 263
Setup 263
Example 14
Files 97, 98, 303
Inventory Report 255
Options 99, 101
Settings 97
Setup Wizard 99
Summary 22, 99, 100
Title 99, 100
Project Detailed Cost Report 247
Project Element Summary Cost Report 247
Project Summary Cost Report 247
Prototype 99, 151
Proxies 309
Publications 411
Pull-down Menu 20
Pump 126, 127, 319
Affinity Laws 340
Constant Horsepower 342
Curve 133, 340, 341, 342
Definition 133
Groundwater 318
Groundwater Well 318
Importing from EPANET 316
Initial Settings 174
Initital Condition 133
Operating Point 134, 340, 341, 342
Parallel and Series 319
Power 133
Theory 340
Type 342
Variable Speed 341
Pump Curve 133, 340, 341
Pump Efficiency Section 149
Pump Station Costs 404
WaterCAD Users Guide

Quick Attribute Selector 21
Quick Edit Window 26
Quick Selection Set Dialog 218
Random Seed 234
Reaction Rates Tab 275
Rebuild Figure Labels 303
Recent Files 22
Redefine WaterCAD Blocks 299
Redo 24, 25, 308
Engineer's 354
References 423
Registering Network Programs 10
Registration 8, 9, 30
Regulating Valves 343
Relabel Elements 118
Relabel Operations 119
Relative Speed Factor 133, 420
Columns 160, 161
Elements 113
Haestad Methods Products 8
Removing Color Coding from labels imported from Pre-v3.5
files? 330
Rename Adjustment Group Dialog 231
Reports 56, 57, 58, 249
Analysis Results 254
Detailed 253
Menu 29
Plan View 255
Predefined 253
Project Inventory 255
Scenario 255
Tabular 254
Requesting Permanent Network License 10
Reservoirs 126
Residual Pressure 420
Results 249
Review Drawing 117
Reynold's Number 420
Rotate Labels (AutoCAD Mode) 104, 305
Chezy's Equation 346
Coefficient 273, 355
Colebrook-White Equation 346
Darcy-Weisbach Equation 344
Hazen-Williams Equation 344
Manning's Equation 345
Roughness Values 354
Colebrook-White 355
Darcy-Weisbach 355, 356
Hazen-Williams 356, 357
Manning's 355
Typical 357
Rounding 106
Pipe Length 102
Rule Based 139, 140, 141, 175, 203, 205, 208
Running the Model 193
Sales 14
Sample Projects 14
Save 22, 24, 31
As 22, 23, 24
as Drawing*.dwg 304
Scale 103
Elements (AutoCAD Mode) 305
Scaled Mode 103
Scenario 30, 180, 183, 265, 375
Alternatives 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 185
Analysis Toolbar 32
Base 180
Batch Run 183
Calculation 186
Child 50, 51, 52, 53, 376
Comparison 53, 55, 264, 265
Editor 181, 185
Inheritance 376, 378
Lesson 3 50
Management 50, 167
Results 187
Selection 181
Summary Report 255
Scenario Management 26, 182, 371, 382
Example 378
Scenario Wizard 183
Schematic Mode 103
Scientific Notation 106, 107
Search for Elements 115
Section 138, 139
Select 28, 112
By Selection Set 24, 114
Element Types 290
Elements 24, 25, 26, 111, 112
Field Links 283
Layer 304
Text Style 305
Select Element 229

Select From Drawing 112

Selection 112
Selection Set 114, 115
Manager 26, 114
Selection Set Dialog 232
Selection Tool 28
Series Pumps 319
Set Field Options 105
Setting 419
Hydraulic Grade 419
Settings 97, 100, 419
Setup 7, 8, 100, 302
Drawing Options 103
Global Options 100
Problems 8
Project Options 101
Prototypes 151
SewerCAD 412
Shapefile 287, 288, 289, 290, 291
Format 294
Shapefile Connection 287, 288, 290, 291
Editor 288
Example 294
Export Example 293
Export Wizard 292
Import Example 291
Import Wizard 289
Link Wizard 289
Manager 287
Synchronization Options 291
Wizard 287
Share Fields 155
Sharing Shapefile Connections between Projects293
Shortcut Keys 20
Shutoff Point 133
Simple 140
Simple Logical Action Dialog 214
Simple Logical Condition Dialog 209
Simultaneous Path Adjustment Method 337
Single Element Selection Dialog 112
Size 104
Size Elements (AutoCad) 305
Smoothing Contours 260
Snap Menu (AutoCAD Mode) 307
Software Registration 8
Solutions 223
Solutions to Keep 220
Solutions to Modeling Problems 317
Custom 163
Tables 163
Tracing 198
Sparse Matrix 337, 340
Splice Probability 234
Splitting Pipes 111
Spot Elevations 261, 262, 316
Stand-Alone Mode/AutoCAD Mode 17
Standard Database Import/Export 279
Standard Extended 342
Status 35
Bar 19, 35
Log 269
Pane 100
Status Bar Contents 34
Initial Settings 419
Steady State Analysis 190
Sticky Tools 101
Storage Volume 419
Active 421
Inactive 419
StormCAD 412
Stretch 113
Submodel Import 99
Suggestions 15
Support 15
Size Multiplier 103
Visibility 104
Visibility (AutoCAD Mode) 302
Synchronize 288
AutoCAD Mode 303
Database Links 279
Options 282
Via ODBC 285
Synchronized Units 165
International 100, 106
System Cost Adjustments Table 239
System Head Curve Dialog 257
Table 157, 161, 162
Change Units 165
Copy to Clipboard 166
Customization 164
Editing 158
Export to ASCII File 166
Filtering 163, 164
Flex Units 107
Manager 157
Mixing Units 165
Navigation 162
WaterCAD Users Guide

Print 166
Print Preview 166
Properties 160
Setup 159
Type 160
Tabular 29
Report 157
Tabular Report Window 256
Tank 125, 126
Curve 257
Hydraulically Close 320
Hydropneumatic 318
Importing from EPANET 316
Pressurized 318
Technical Support 15
Text 307
Style 305
Text Height 103, 104
How Do I 329
Multiplier 103
Theory 333, 365
Network Hydraulics 334
Valve 343, 344
Throttle Control Valve 343
Time Condition 141
T-intersections 297
Project 99, 100
Tolerance 118
Tool Pane 31, 100
Toolbar 20, 302
Analysis 32, 33
and Shortcut Keys 20
Buttons 31
Top Feed/Bottom Gravity Discharge Tank 322
Topology 192
Total Active Volume 421
Totalizer 256
Totalizing Flow Meters 256
Alternative 178
Trace Analysis 198
Training and Certification 413
Tutorials 14, 30, 37
Lessons 37
Type Coercion 277
Undo 24
Undo/Redo Operations in AutoCAD 308
Uninstall 8
Problems 8
Unit Conversion 278
Unit Cost 243
Data Table 245
Function Formula 245
Function Manager 244
Table Coefficients 246
Unit Cost Functions 388, 389, 390
Unit System 100, 101, 107
Unit System Status 35
Units 100, 104, 106, 107, 329
Change in a Column 329
DXF 104
Local 165
Synchronized 165
Updates 9, 30
Upgrades 8, 9
Upstream Elements Selection 124
US Customary Units 100, 106
Usage 274
User Data 152
Alternative 180
User Memos 147
Validation 192
Valve 127, 128, 416
Characteristics 135
Check 416
Importing from EPANET 316
Theory 343
Variable Frequency Drive 148, 324, 365
Variable Speed Pump 365
Variable Speed Pump Theory 365
Variable Speed Pump VSP Tab 148
Variable Speed Pumps 341, 364
Varible Frequency Drives 363
Head 335
Adding to a Pipe 331
VFD 148, 324, 363, 365
Menu 26, 28
Tabular 157
Viewing Cost Results 396
Visibility of Symbols 104, 302
Volume 419
Inactive 419
Total Active 421
VSP 148, 149, 324, 325, 326, 363, 366, 367, 368

Walk 264
Selection 264
Wall Reaction 275
Water Main 320
Water Quality
Analysis Options 199
Water Quality Theory 347
WaterCAD 3, 4, 411
Custom AutoCAD Entities 306
Documentation 12, 13
Elements 123
Import 309
Main Window 18
Theory 333
User's Guide 12
WaterCAD Engineering Library Modules 272
WaterCAD in AutoCAD 301
Files 303
WCD File 97, 98, 303
Welcome Dialog 30, 100
Well 318
Groundwater 318
White Table Columns 162
Window Color 101
Wizards 250, 292
Annotation Comparison 265
Polyline to Pipe 295, 296, 297
Project Setup 99
Shapefile Connection 287
Shapefile Export 292
Shapefile Link 289
Workshops 14
X - Y Mode 102
X Coordinate 102
Y Coordinate 102
Zone 155, 156, 157
Manager 155
Zoom 27, 31, 116

WaterCAD Users Guide




WaterCAD Users Guide




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