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Chat Log C:\Users\LENOVO\Documents\ChatLog Oracle SOA Admin Online Training _ 7_35 PM IST

2017_10_27 21_42.rtf

Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 7:53 PM: Explain About Web service?

Web service is type of software system which is used for exchange the data and use information from one machine
to another machine through network. Generally, Web services based on the standards such as TCP/IP, HTTP, Java,

Web services are pure xml based which is used for exchange information through Internet to direct application to
application interaction. These systems include programs, objects, messages or documents.

Many software applications written in various programming languages and running on various platforms can use
web services to exchange data over computer network.

You can develop Java-based web services on Solaris and that is accessible from your V.B Program that runs on
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 7:55 PM: Q.IT Benefits of Service-Oriented Architecture?
IT benefits of SOA are:
1. The ability to build composite applications is provided.
2. Business services are offered across thvided
3. Provides truly real-time decision-making applications.
4. Reliability is enhanced
5. It is not necessary that Services be at a particular system or network
6. The approach is completely loosely coupled
7. Hardware acquisition costs are reduced
8. At every level theres Authentication and authorization support
9. Existing development skills are leveraged
10. Provides a data bridge between incompatible technologies
11. The search and connectivity to other services is dynamic
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 7:55 PM: Q.Difference Between Oracle SOA 10g and Oracle SOA 11g ?
There are so many changes in oracle soa 11g when compared to oracle soa 10g in business and technically and
some new functionality added In Oracle SOA 11g contains Service Component Architecture where as Oracle SOA
10g having no Service Component Architecture.
ORACLE SOA Suite 10g is based on Oracle AS 10g It uses Oracle Application Server 10.1.x OC4J Sun JVM
Repository tool irca to create the SOA 10g repository Managed with Application Server Console Oracle SOA Suite
11g is based on Oracle FMW 11g It uses the Oracle Weblogic server 10gR3 Sun or JRockit JVM Repository Creation
Utility ( RCU ) to create or delete the SOA 11g repository Weblogic server console used for managing.
Oracle SOA 11g all the SOA Components of Project deployed into into Single Server where as 10g each component
is deployed into particular server.
In SOA 10g having ESB Console, BPEL Console, Application Server Control these are all individual and not well
integrated. In SOA 11g
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 7:55 PM: Q.What is a SOA composite?
SOA composite provides a coarsley-grained service for a business application ,Which processes messages in xml
format. The composite application defines an assembly model stored in SCA descriptor file called composite.xml
that may contain
1. One or more service enty points
2. One or more service components
3. Zero, One or more external references
4. Bindings and properties

Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 7:57 PM: 3. What are the main features of SOA?
SOA separates business functions into services (endpoints), which are made accessible over a network in order to
allow users to combine and reuse them in their applications.
The SOA services can be developed in different languages and OSes as long as they follow the SOA principles.
Services are unassociated and loosely coupled units that do not directly rely on each other for their full functioning.
Rather than services embedding calls to each other in their source code, they use defined protocols that describe
how services pass and parse messages using description metadata.
Orchestration is a process where business functionality from various services are combined in a system fully aware
of all available services and the associated metadata that defines these services and their characteristics.\
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 7:57 PM: Mention the SOA Principles?
SOA principles were first defined by Thomas Erl. These 8 principles are underlying to any good architecture that
utilizes SOA design to build their products and services:
Standardized service contract: Services adhere to a communications agreement, as defined collectively by one or
more service-description documents.
Service loose coupling: Services maintain a relationship that minimizes dependencies and only requires that they
maintain an awareness of each other.
Service abstraction: Beyond descriptions in the service contract, services hide logic from the outside world.
Service re usability: Logic is divided into services with the intention of promoting reuse.
Service autonomy: Services have control over the logic they encapsulate.
Service statelessness: Services minimize resource consumption by deferring the management of state information
when necessary
Service dis coverability: Services are supplemented with communicative meta data by which they can be effectively
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 7:58 PM: What is a reusable Service?
It is an autonomous, reusable, discoverable, stateless functionality that has the necessary granularity, and can be
part of a composite application or a composite service.A reusable service should be identified with a business
activity described by the service specifications (design-time contract).
A services constraints, including security, QoS, SLA, usage policies, may be defined by multiple run-time contracts,
multiple interfaces (the WSDL for a SOAP Web Service), and multiple implementations (the code).
A reusable service should be governed at the enterprise level throughout its entire lifecycle, from design-time
through run-time. Its reuse should be promoted through a prescriptive process, and that reuse should be
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 7:58 PM: How can you achieve loose coupling in a SOA?
One strategy for achieving loose coupling is to use the service interface (the WSDL for a SOAP Web Service) to limit
this dependency, hiding the service implementation from the consumer. Loose coupling can be addressed by
encapsulating the service functionalities in a manner that limits the impact of changes to the implementation on
the service interface.
However, at some point you will need to change the interface and manage versioning without impacting service
consumers, in addition to managing multiple security constraints, multiple transports, and other considerations.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:00 PM: What Is The Difference Between 10g And 11g?

SCA architecture was followed in 11g and not in 10g

In 11g you can put all your project SOA components in composite.xml file and deploy as a single deployment unit
to single server, where in 10g you have to deploy each component to the respective server (i.e. ESB to ESB server,
BPEL to BPEL Server)
Basically all the SOA components like BPEL, ESB (Called Mediator in 11g), & OWSM are brought into one place in
11g using SCA composite concept.
The major difference between 10g & 11g would be the app server container. 10g by default runs onOC4J while 11g
runs on Web logic Server.
In 10g every BPEL is a separate project, but in 11g several components can make 1 project as SCA.
In 10g consoles are separate for BPEL and ESB, but in 11g Enterprise Manager contains all.
In 10g BAM and business rules are outside SOA Suite, but in 11g they are in SOA Suite.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:00 PM: What Is Sca?

Service Component Architecture (SCA) provides a programming model for building applications and systems based
on a Service Oriented Architecture. SCA is a model that aims to encompass a wide range of technologies for service
components and for the access methods which are used to connect them.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:01 PM: What Is Choreography? How Does It Differ From Orchestration?

In choreography there is no business process to control the integration between the systems; each system will
directly integrate with one another in sequence where as in Orchestration there is a business process which
controls all the services (source/Target) which is part of the integration.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:01 PM: How Does A Async Request Run In The Backend?
The sequences of events involved in the delivery of invoke messages is as follows:

The client posts the message to the delivery service.

The delivery service saves the invocation message to the dlv_message table. The initial state of the message is 0
The delivery service schedules a dispatcher message to process the invocation message asynchronously.
The dispatcher message is delivered to the dispatcher through the afterCompletion() call. Therefore, the message is
not delivered if the JTA transaction fails.
The dispatcher sends the JMS message to the queue. Places a very short JMS message in the in-memory queue
(jms/collaxa/BPELWorkerQueue) in OC4J JMS. The small JMS message triggers the Worker Bean in the downstream
This message is then picked up by a Worker Bean MDB, which requests the dispatcher for work to execute. If the
number of Worker Bean MDBs currently processing activities for the domain is sufficient, the dispatcher module m
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:02 PM: How To Increase The Transaction Timeouts In Soa?

For the transaction timeout needs to be increased, all the below settings timeout value needs to be changed to the
expected Timeout value.

Engine Bean
Delivery Bean
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:02 PM: What Is End Point Virtualization?

Generally a service bus is used for endpoint virtualization and in 11g stack; Oracle Service Bus (OSB) is the primary
service bus. In exposed proxy's message flow, it can route the request to any of your environment's actual
(physical) service on the basis of whatever logic.

Mediator can also be used to expose the service and in mediator routing rule, it can be routed to actual service.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:02 PM: What Are Dvm's And How Are They Helpful In Soa?

DVM-Domain Value Map is static mappings between a source and target system which can be used in
transformations. The value can be changed via SOA composer.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:02 PM: What Is The Difference Between Xref And Dvm?

XREF: It is dynamic since the values to the XREF can be populated dynamically and it is stored in XREF_DATA table
in SOA Dehydration store.

DVM:- Domain Value Map is static mappings between a source and target system which can be used in
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:03 PM: What Is Dehydration Store?

Dehydration store is the database where the instances get stored when it gets dehydrated by the process on the
occurrence of non-idempotent activities and also stores the information on the long running processes.

What Is Decision Service?

Oracle SOA Suite provides support for Decision components that support Oracle Business Rules. A Decision
component is a mechanism for publishing rules and rule sets as a reusable service that can be invoked from
multiple business processes. These rules can be changed without redeploying the code.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:03 PM: Why We Use Bpel And Osb?

OSB is the light-weight service bus wherever there is not much business logic involves and there is need to just get
the message routed between the systems OSB is used where as when there is more business logic involves in the
process, then BPEL will be used.

What Is Mds?
MDS Metadata Store

Wsdl and Schemas to be used in the process can be published to the MDS and get it used in the code by referring
the artifacts from the MDS


JAR (Deployment unit) size will be reduced.

Duplication of the artifacts can be avoided between the services.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:03 PM: What Is A Xa Data Source? How It Differs From A Non-xa Data Source?

An XA transaction involves a coordinating transaction manager, with one or more databases (or other resources,
like JMS) all involved in a single global transaction. Non-XA transactions have no transaction coordinator, and a
single resource is doing all its transaction work itself (this is sometimes called local transactions).
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:03 PM: How Can We Secure Our Web Services Using Oracle Soa Suite?

When accessing the services should

Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:04 PM: What Are Transient And Durable Bpel Processes?

Durable:- It is long running process and initiated through a one-way invocation and do incur one or more
dehydration points in the database during execution Ex: Asynchronous

Transient:- It is short-lived process, request-response style processes and do not incur dehydration during their
process execution Ex: Synchronous.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:04 PM: What Is Mediator?

The Mediator is in charge of interconnecting, within an SOA composite application, components that expose
different interfaces. In addition, the Mediator can perform duties such as filtering and making routing decisions.

The composite editor in Jdeveloper gives you the flexibility to define the interface now, to choose an existing
interface, or to define the interface later as you wire components to the Mediator.

Transforming data from one representation to another is, along with routing, one of the key functions of the
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: Difference Between Esb And Mediator?

In 10g for routing, separate router need to keep along with ESB for routing and filter expressions.
Where as in 11g mediator contains routing rules and filter expressions itself.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: What Is The Difference Between Concrete And Abstract Wsdl?

Concrete: Besides the information about how to communicate to the web service, it the information on where the
service exist. It has Bindings (Protocol the message should be sent) and Services(has endpoint for each bindings).

Abstract: It has information about how to communicate to the web service like types (Schema), Message (input and
output messages service accepts) ,Operations (operation that can be performed on this service) and port Type.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: What Is The Service Component Architecture (sca) Used For?

Service Component Architecture (SCA) assembly model abstracts the implementation and allows assembly of
components, with little implementation details. SCA enables you to represent business logic as reusable service
components that can be easily integrated into any SCA-compliant application. The resulting application is known
as a SOA composite application. The specification for the SCA standard is maintained by the Organization for the
Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:06 PM: What Is The Purpose Of Service Data Objects (sdo)?

Service Data Objects (SDO) provides a data programming architecture. It provides a standardized view on data, and
provides efficient transportation, as well as change capture, in form of a change summary. More specifically, it
collects a data graph of related business objects, called DataObjects. This graph tracks the schema that describes
the DataObjects. Knowledge is not required about how to access a particular back-end data source to use SDO in a
SOA composite application. Consequently, you can use static or dynamic programming styles and obtain
connected and disconnected access.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:06 PM: What Is The Purpose Of Business Process Execution Language (bpel)?

BPEL provides enterprises with an industry standard for business process orchestration and execution. Using BPEL,
you design a business process that integrates a series of discrete services into an end-to-end process flow. This
integration reduces process cost and complexity.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:06 PM: What Is The Purpose Of Xsl Transformations?

XSLT processes XML documents and transforms document data from one XML schema to another.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: What Are The Components Comprise An Oracle Soa Suite Installation?

The following components comprise an Oracle SOA Suite installation:

Service Infrastructure
Oracle Mediator
Oracle Adapters
Business Events and Events Delivery Network
Oracle Metadata Repository
Oracle Business Rules
Oracle WSM Policy Manager
Oracle BPEL Process Manager (Business Process Execution Language)
Human Workflow
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring
Oracle User Messaging Service
Oracle B2B
Oracle JDeveloper
Oracle Enterprise Manager
The following components are included with Oracle SOA Suite, but available as a separate download:

Oracle Service Bus (provides service virtualization and protocol transformations for oracle SOA appl)
Oracle Complex Event Processing
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: What Is The Purpose Of Oracle Mediator?

Oracle mediator is used for route, validate, filter and transform data from service providers to external partners.

Route: Determines the service component (BPEL process, business rule, human task, and mediator) to which to
send the messages.

Validate: Provides support for validating the incoming message payload by using a schematron or an XSD file.

Filter: If specified in the rules, applies a filter expression that specifies the contents (payload) of a message be
analyzed before any service is invoked.

Transformation: If specified in the rules, transforms document data from one XML schema to another, thus
enabling data interchange among applications using different schemas.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: What Is The Purpose Of Oracle Service Bus?

Oracle Service Bus provides standalone service bus capabilities, enabling separation between application
developers and target systems or services. Oracle Service Bus receives messages through a transport protocol such
as HTTP(S), JMS, File, and FTP, and sends messages through the same or a different transport protocol.

Service response messages follow the inverse path. Oracle Service Bus handles the deployment, management,
mediation, messaging, security and governance of implementing SOA to enterprise applications.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: What Is The Purpose Of Oracle Adapters?
Oracle Adapters use JCA (Java Connector Architecture) technology to connect external systems to the Oracle SOA
Oracle SOA Suite provides the following technology adapters to integrate with transport protocols, data stores, and
messaging middleware:

Java Messaging Service (JMS)
Advanced Queuing (AQ)
Message Queuing (MQ) Series
Legacy Adapters
Application Adapters
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: What Is The Purpose Of Business Events?

Business events are messages sent as the result of an occurrence or situation, such as a new order or completion of
an order. In Oracle SOA Suite, the mediator service component subscribes or publishes events. When an event is
published, other applications can subscribe to it.

What Is Oracle Metadata Repository?

Oracle Metadata Repository MDS stores business events, rulesets for use by Oracle Business Rules, XSLT files for
Oracle Service Bus and Oracle Mediator, XSD XML schema files for Oracle BPEL Process Manager, WSDL files, and
metadata files for Complex Event Processing.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:08 PM: What Is Oracle Business Rules Used For?

Oracle Business Rules, initiated by a BPEL process service component, enable dynamic decisions at runtime. In
addition, the human task and mediator service components can make use of rules for dynamic routing.

What Is The Purpose Of Oracle Wsm Policy Manager?

Oracle WSM Policy Manager provides the infrastructure for enforcing global security and auditing policies in the
Service Infrastructure.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:20 PM: Is Oracle SOA same as Oracle Fusion Middleware?

No because SOA is one of the parts in Fusion middleware and SOA behaves like user interface where as Fusion is
big platform

What is SCA?

Service Component Architecture (SCA) provides a programming model for building applications and systems based
on a Service Oriented Architecture. SCA is a model that aims to encompass a wide range of technologies for service
components and for the access methods which are used to connect them.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:20 PM: What are the different design patterns in SOA?

Asynchronous Fire and Forget
Asynchronous Delayed Response.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:21 PM: What are Predefined errors in BPEL?

Custom errors
Timed out errors
BPM errors
Validation Errors
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:36 PM: 1xx Informational responses.
2xx Success.
3xx Redirection.
4xx Client errors.
5xx Server errors.
[ Waiting for name ] (to Everyone): 8:40 PM: not able to hear anything
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:40 PM: please relogin
[ Waiting for name ] (to Everyone): 8:40 PM: ok
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:45 PM: A thread can be in one of the following states:
NEW. A thread that has not yet started is in this state.
RUNNABLE. A thread executing in the Java virtual machine is in this state.
BLOCKED. A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock is in this state.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:49 PM: Hogging Threads In Weblogic Server
Hogging threads are candidates for stuck threads.
Threads that might get stuck. These threads will be declared stuck after StuckThreadMaxTimeout seconds which
usually is 600secs.
If the thread gets released by the request before this timeout, it wont be called hogging thread anymore and will
be released to the thread pool.
Hogging Threads that have taken the too much time and we can assume that they are never going to come back.
Hogging threads help us take some decisions, lets say many threads are hogging, we may take a decision to create
new threads for next cycle
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:51 PM:
How to deal with Stuck Thread?
Take multiple thread dumps immediately.
Review thread dumps or from console (managed server > monitoring > threads).
See how many threads got stuck?
If the stuck thread count is increasing or constant?
If constant then if got stuck on same area (application code etc ) or at different places ?
If getting increase then there would be some serious problem and you have to do a quick health check of you
application server, database and other integrated technologies wherever your application reaching like ldap server
for authentication, some other APIs or web services etc, and in parallel review thread dumps for stuck threads and
share same with your developers to analyze quickly
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:51 PM: If you have one, two or few constant stuck threads and its not
increasing then you can monitor it for some more time to check if they get clear or not, if not then to clear them
you have only option to restart your managed server(s), and its better to restart and clear them before they make
further any impact.
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:53 PM: opmnctl
Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:59 PM: What is Thread?
A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program.

Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 8:59 PM:

What is Stuck Thread?
A Stuck Thread is a thread which is processing a request for more than maximum time that you
configured in admin console.

Lucidtek systems (to Everyone): 9:27 PM: NEW

INSTALLED (I have an application named HelloWorld installed, yet not deployed. Its state is Installed)

The admin server console shows all deployments in INSTALLED state when they should be showing as ACTIVE but
the applications are behaving normally.
There is no valid deployment state as Installed. The deployment state is stored in
Installed is a console text string that indicates the LibraryMBean is present in the configuration. Although the
libraries stay in Installed state, they will be available to the applications referencing it without any problems.
The Installed state can be changed to Active by rebooting the domain (admin servers as well as managed
servers). Rebooting the domain will change the state from Installed to Active.

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