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The Black Book of COMMUNISM CRIMES, TERROR, REPRESSION Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth Jean-Louis Panné ‘Andrzej Paczkowski Karel Bartosek Jean-Louis Margolin Consulting Eitor Mark Kramer reine teen bm Hae ea ed ane ee me en ie Cnr Cat Pe Bae ‘wo an ap iad Ker cig eae Ma te Tuc Can Sn ak Contents Farewurd The Ura Atty Init: The Crimes of Communes Span Com Pant Stata agit ie People: Valence, Repression and Tear inthe Sovit Union ig Warm 1 Paranes and MiuaentundngsSurouing the (cetera 2 The hun Fist she Dati the Peat 3. Theted Terr The Din Wir 5 Fr Tambo tate Gret anne Pan From the Tract Gres Tring Mae Forced Cletivaion nd he Great Famine Soca org Flms and th Chl of Reson The Emit o he Camp, he Orr Sd Vit Apps an Ce nthe Glog Sem The ass Cnspiras Concsion Word Reveutin Csi! Wa, nd Teror Sohne Cau Je ous at, td Re Ker The Comintern in ston Sigh Ca Jean an he Shao f the NKYD in Spin Supe Calan Las Ps Common a Terran fem anor ‘The Otter Expect ofCommnism Aa Pesons¥ an Kaa Bath Pala the nes Nation” Cera ad Southasern Earp Part1V Communism ia Asi: Between Reoduston nd Massacre eos Margins Par ua Irion 21, Chin: Aon March nt Nee “for arin 22 Coins Tera an Seca Noth Kaen 22 Viana Lae The tpas of War Comin Deon Sl 24 Cah: The Gantry of Dconsering Cres “on Marin ‘Sor ira Fr Ai Pan Te Thre Wer Pescafonaon, Yr Soro Sy Bolger 2 Conmunion in Latin Ameria 26. Awmounin: Ebi, Ang, and Moranbine 27 Commi in Ahan Sn Boge Inde At the Aare Foreword: The Uses of Atrocity Coram as ben te est sry of the emit ce During ir Ray fo teen iene of Ere a he to Wael Ware alte cst of 19-15 mae Frat ep weswal the mile of Geman and on eae {in wth Chins Sn Wh is fa he ape of oan it had ne ‘Mrs thrd main and seed ose abn Pr sren Sica tnt wld poplin opinion eee hn mo se ‘ites on heya the uh rd Banyo ‘Oe might herrea prio of der hii wold be wcxpin un Cm merce oo hg ny ce Me = foots ns ensues mort ey yee 91 peng ‘amon the Bg Quast ed ye Martens phetameson Fvtary tun Can The Bt Bat of Coma, cy aon in Fant amd mach of Europes wae the try Sk hat wl oe 2 ese cri itgraphy was ced i Sone Ria bythe ‘cymes andr sr ign Camo th ‘Kem capper Noses. An shop ee wie ‘Srrcn unl much cape te top map fl marine frum tesa the centr ar Wart Wa se ned econ ple an impressne amount! Even hac pole remain te Sn Tull pet ofthe Western enpnlelore “This ones Hows om he ree that Cui cn ners tan sec and ale fe m,n the pte prc fe pes Aci, reverchers ve ene inated Mt the October Reon ssa mle’ res and no» Pat cp eat, when ws ina he ber iig pgp bck on the formes Beside he cea san Cont ‘itr ssmr the Par’ hema nrkr "it wh he lige ‘ire of Ober lt i with hl permanent et at ih ‘Mr scartybeam cxr. ‘More evel the mater hs en aca yt as lig ‘he poms «beter Saver scan than the ane the Heal bat The fests the "Bokhari aera Sy th ht pares ter overt, mare rad owas —that ih Marna ain, ‘nich necessitates the fll suppres pre per ot ad the fret The sexond fans purports to fd the pean Bind Sts rection rm abe” af 19-193 in "cual nln” fy belo by Par acs and workers guise be “borg” pels Se Bak ‘rin fest imately leading to masse upward by on the ‘acues bench ‘With Sch is row conser 9 what Tay ll the ah a of suey” peags 4 mora ster than sap Yo the Crm ewimeton cand tue undestuning hi he mach vestigated Yi sal pes chimed time on tat a ever sed ashlar vista all propetonste tthe mateo th Snr The lc Bk ‘les te i erp eo Serine oer she sca nite a at fscured, by moma etaling Lenin's coma oan pe, ‘Son from Ran 19174 Aghansen ‘Thi factual appt pats Cnn in what fie al bse aman perspec Fr war inate weeds ans dere the French pubsher'schrcersatn, ith agrand tel sao ‘sine by conta ta the are at wa Hin ao 18 ilo Titer way. the Comment rend fete mnt sown af ie ‘arage im natary And wen thi fit ba on wth he Fn ub fe pyres dy academic wok bese x pblaing eration. the oh ‘pane pb an ntl dene “The shaking diension ofthe Camus aed, Sev stedet of evenih-cenry hn at est wh she ‘cent Lenin eines retaken ns The enews a is Ie dt he wath shoud come sath» suck ote pi a ie Tobe sure cach majo epande the ageds- Stabs Gulag. Mao Zedony’s Grok Lea Forward and is Carl Revol, Pal Pas Kher Roage—ba i emer of rie Hu hse hss dd yin “hy no (hamonetubie to a up he tan tere the a. Te ap Ing sco hn tal he, paly expan te sick he ame pvc “he fal ome ofthe ssh nee, me dered by the ae mpi of th sm ih et Ns ich ota ete lion tur ut be dt es marae han Common, Ad the ane tse Stphuse Couey ther han tthe res apc fr theme, Spell atthe comparson they mains he oles Seba. Arg from he ft that some Naver jripraene ha ben crore Trench or asso sch ves tha f lace Pap forme ‘noe Gc xing ied 97-98 ocr in depering Jens Chest cal ih), Courieapcly ete the la pee” 2 Cui ith he race ene” of Ras an eer bth as sin it hunts Whit mr he ate the ghee ea po lk Commun eof the egos of Western polo San, Mun Ho Chi Min Fal Cot and cel Pl Po nb he men hey “thndned tv lve eye iw direst a lene Tho cs he pv ean in Pane Sine 185 he et tas eae 1 come to per oni 6 popu nt of Sait and Conan de sen Bla Fran Mier tandem | ‘ohh the erate pros a bays cenromie by al alee treatin Mowe Corey se 180 the ht hs Bech ated BY en's ith Nar he sober ofthe Papo tar asec hire ome “hnowing the rth sat the USSR hae eve bee an aadec Torhermarit happens at ete te vole append te Sox rom nse onl Jor i eed of Commun os ase Forums marty Oras he Hp hte ting Te Blt Bo Ionic Sal Asya his osecrment or toring aes th amepente inl pst" ep countered by eligi ‘Gc cee Gulshan Cnet (obi es i ome. oly ‘hebeclada ewer prod” topper wa em on (bi ma ater tbe Literati te Gla ns et Sow) Nor was ths ‘Kobe won he eer of he et tht heed the Ci Scie nt es eg oe sa of ema pos oti pen to sxc f ston towed the Non! Pt of the Tack Joan Marie Le Tan ter al he conser fad oe id 1 Xin The iden ded wth te naw Gauls it walking oto he Thamernhle the Galats resin sary i pa. Tein the ‘ae spa enon a he pres. Tred, he be dies the ba eown aut Aare rsa ts said with the Cnet Hie et de Sasol Ca ‘hme and ts vim, Commune Founded ty he re of eee Com Imus stds he te Anni Kriegel missin onl ur new As {Sve archives in conjuncin wth youre son hse quay the pin, thee recrchers ar one Cnnmus cn ents {nd iscner the uesnent fir comon ps tha hey ade Thane The Buck Blot raised the fesse piso Curt be colldertors—Nicl Wr ‘or Risin and Jem Lous Maran fo (Cana puly ited techs nb ble onl Soleus hein withthe dete, wich ius race, beaut herve te question of the moral quence far ety’ wo ala nisms ted tded whenever the vey ese of “tan insole. For Nui’ unnuestats a “abt i tw so enenched (OF the Several ane ors of Nas the most vious i tha te Wester democranes ght Wis Wa In sie tl poplar foot” agua “cin” Morne, were the Nace esuped a of pe the Camara dui the ald War mr ony aa Th hough he aks cemocay inthe new is we a ihn it a Predecono theres of wiping i a sient mera teed wth Whe lise general secretary othe ol emp” Nina ache, the Corral embrace of the wlimae cold mart Pre Rom Reagan {Communist rot with 0 Nuremberg and ee ‘nde Communion o solely pu Lenin bond the pe sa Son; and of couse ere let Carman eps ease! rd ute ean frou a peepin tht defent cat dowa Nai in ‘he prime aft nga there tray ing tl beste was rer By contrat Crimann the ps gy ot raed ‘rithm epc very and there piel hl-cnay in hich wo ket Sjmamsn, eo hal-rgent of Stn tn sree caso sme cea tenes uch Cachan’ Aicundes Dubk oY), este ig thesysem a "humanfice” Ass relat fete otasing edge tata al Nim's sores mre bare ly ears where ae nls tengo caplre Sov any, an the of Es Anand Cae remain ale The ee of hs cg ace nfrmton was map by more ‘subj onsideatons: Nasu see lth me mone to Wester rs for isn arse nthe Hear of ned epe inte bowen of Ether, Kats Goethe Bete, nines Mar, Corus coma pgewed as lef 2 itil aberainin the Raman bared of Tope tnt "ia er sles, eit Tasoy a Dees Ian ha ever ake ep oe “The tire datinguing characters f Naso, of cr, he loa, cided mth ie unig eine of sei the eer ‘mn fo ete Repl ine oe which th rm "ei wa ined ound the in of Nuremberg Ag here the Jew peopled he cr gation o esp he mers ox mare sein the eosin of the world Exensn generate of he Final Sls asso omer, Inc soning ony othe 174 a 98h ery yr when Cae “us ratanly lowing. So eres hve cng reams he Time Commis lhe rl nr dha ty seo see Unable and earings to eases rit anon Wesernseo, whee Sin and Cmennien materi hip spray. The saa eC ass ith mo gee ‘Then somal yay expen of repre ps ott with Nin, weve mater ho arial rr cole ene sui. Th ‘Musun Heiger and Pl de Man ave een eng compel and The sutance of th tpt tae. By eons, Las Aran yes Under Sain the tar he Pench Crain Pry' erry abe (owas pated ang the csi of he Pe, the res wa a it ate of his ate fe sul mate sb Bi ein (The Blt Bot paces #198 pm wo be KGB pede, he GPL) Liew, the ‘Sins poet nd Nee! are, Pt Nevin theme ee ws Sn Irentre together with sn, bya ace lm pm even Though in (9 98 4 Chiles toma in Span ead te a geo the Comer, in 1989 mourned ean wth uae le And hs st (pura! er ald be ended nde Tren mice shed the sain inthe as. No Gulag camp een urna mses cert he nat a wee bled no the und dung Khai’ de-Saianton The nly email Sti’ sis safe soe ong Mw lo he Arie yp oF Sc apd lc in Lapis Sune (ough wall af he ile, where {heRGB former beau si sd Nov are there 9) rel itn toh ney sh one mus coe tea of ae each fan ae Than cool wie que By conta, Lenin's sae sil diate Isc enter and hum eens Poorly nits Manse, ‘Theo the font Corman werd, eve vty mone of isp fi een pom ilo ped Idee eveyhere ‘Commun pricy thoagh sly under sew ame compe itis Jas government, in 196 wor he pee atthe smb erin © Camere, Lech Wale (ately an ep pai). Gate Hen the pre minister of Hangs 1H 0 1 ara eb sf he county Commis inner and ener tea cat Talped sips the 1986 rel loge te Svea la aighnng Aust, Oy erst, frmer president Kare Wade wat sac nd ‘se onacis Nurpet ns uncvered. Grane calorie Wester erat fd te day astern appara never served econ fr Si. Evens doc the presen lec boo ir ust tha Canin as AH arb than Nase “The debate around The Blt Bot ca lp rane an anes, On one sie ‘omens the eral Le Mone fue iene to pes» Single Commani moneren oy Phas Pek Pare Rater he ge ff the Khmer Roe ie he enc masse idm end he “rar Communi of Asari ieee rm thes" Cas a of atop; of Asin Cmmuns eh ol nln nto “These of such Eurcenceandeceron tht oti sal verse motes merely strate ons high bd ot ast Cena apd has again al the let In somes te ‘onseraive Le Po sprningredistontsicoysdeie epee Commas, rept thar Mar Lire a in he sae ie Iocan oranzainsl mol evo ewer And einen po ao har aeontry subset thi scl af whatever sige et be trosed esther ee preen demons othe he pop ons serene scent ae Ye if we I the ddd conan to The Blick Bok art he tsp we nd greene shir mae the Leni at ined ‘ered forall thon “eterna pares. Tobe sg the moll wa ped “erent irc eings Ax Margin tnt, the ci pet ff reresion in Rane was asp rete poll plie, the Che ‘GPU'NKYD-KGB, whic ie Chin isthe Ppl’ eration Av ad in Cambodait asgu-ting alsin om sunsets plat ‘loge mebzaon went deeper fn an Rin Sil, eveybere the am watt sees “ees of the people™—ie mas ita” Lenin si aly om, ths innogrtng Communi “anialstion® af advees Moreover the line of iheriane em Satin to Mot Ho Kim Sung to Pol Pot wae ote ce wh ech eer rng ath Inter sad eal pra om hirer Ando come all Site, Po Pots etme is Maran a in 1982 ens poe ers Jun Pat Saree and Merce Mea Poty wee expining How Teor he ids of "homansm"} So ithe eat rena he {Sethe quiet, the doe tnd claps, and Cr mayen she more il alaran, tithe dees shied ane cin this oteme sey evened nd terete dese fase pi, the olor the conan of Novos ugly culms ds thn tundrd hs become enna Data pesead ee Amc th tie pono bth “reo besoin es pi) Ses" creator een eprcnce. Not upg many “Roc omporsos he alas ne een eed sep, ‘eraonteno Aad at one erected pl pie Le Hane fos 8 ‘Speed cence dceuned Carrs odin a “hee te ser serach amen sing + sigan inne: to Narr THe cial eye itn faiths dees of mar, acing te matin, te cay of the ‘Rae emoed and on hs, Rand Aon fone aa Fans Foretccom, ooh rh une aba theo Comma, distin rd bron rman race shine 4 pl ace no SRT ICTS rtm sean Ant Soe Comma ose scr se i han Nati. ee no, hae ney bees o ex: Ib at f mae the para Fern Ere dens hve ea ha us md vince be ator yrera tan tin the namef ab me Te Sein era nvr pdtv tunis The Communi cnt, ‘Nonpeing th humans nivel is aod the ger de ie Tae meee, ican mp ary with meron he imate Sa . ‘tert nti ist slat ereony he Crit, 9 ‘Chir uty compete pe to ae hu ned ep ‘Sion hecyacinoleging he Pa ies psa cress” Navom, hay wav unigue ce (Msi ai was a ely competitive and tt eednpd tere chee By cna Cnn iverson rl ton fey exposed yin Beant mide marth ete tion an his ume a fo he TI den cis bt Nsom sn Conrni. Saxh abt cu Bee Cipesed in Hao Are Oni of Taran bth ve anarchist or nb he Gt seg he {ow ttre hyn nh Jo rhs perish deen by nme atte term pars tl mesa sn eet th gon” ina he sil nd he ‘il eps rea ote "sr me de qe spe be cue city cuted vom mint ne a mo Se ‘Siig deee pS ne ns eal! iar ht juomens mae pps tit ‘Serpe rsh ttn ssn svincnomnuniscaning pa ncampcree meee tri Secon mr se Te de pene fermen 959th Gen cme! 10 ppm NV Sin Golating Gee sn le Comm a ‘aie densncn sn sgson shee Se Pith Be Conds etme as en ta ane bh ‘inet poaon ws pes Sunnen Wn en {lorem si ubac t aneoy We {8 oer reno semen pre rRse {nha tors he Fens in he Epson Sfanh gon nd naan carn a tees “Tae rab ev tht ths psp cpt ls cert apy wht cope aly ‘rh, con a edhe ine ‘etic mak anon “psytrance ‘iors lee here Cement aenrsd Wee tne orn bar ue” yn, ene pag txt Conran No er nr weg he es Cad WS Sandee ca ty ape en ‘eet edt Sly 3 heme hess apt ges ha ee is tig seas Com Sa Conran ld Seem mig pry Noor re Sod Se Seren rh noe etm oopls an eSo ton tno asco na anther a es serra omy rn ot Ba ccs onsen Flpe nt ie ot me me na ‘oma alent a te near hs Inthe went emus; bomeer ral ict praia of | erties rans imperatives Ise abn ster of ples stance That f8 4 ater le verse ight oughly fied a he wiry of sompasionat plano fr the on, nd he pinay of [rasa der for he te tse ether inp a be api) aso Kec ithow dean scythe mer wad Ie perp tension erwcen the ee press fr euaty andthe func cet | eon Te this syndrome ta ges the permanent quae adage 9 ‘Commons net Norn ins anton othe guna sein Fr the Comma pj im gi, ciel comico neritic and ltaran foal ube the Nad peje fled ony aise ana ‘Stim Sl mate ha tha he pation were apr ho mal Sow mee antl, a he lar fear hat cums st Wester, ‘Swat ise Ads we aie a the farm a he date Aral on "an en ens fhe le.” perspec which nde mien ot ‘Commun seo “as ne hands 0 the hi indeed, ay ‘ethan ica spams fr ane, Tne spits Le Monde cart Jad Te lk Bok inpportane ects euting Comin i Navan rr thes ars to Teta the eee ih at ae a ret Le Pe’ par nr hte angering nope movements ewe ia Ebrope rep ent an slang nex peveneon sha rope sons al er ee ‘Saw Host py flus tt Canis cil pst Soul be items or mimi. Soh ara oly eet ines Histor “Suman Sr'seckbatd spi ha one ald ee en aout Sin amps arn os Spe lant” fader nto the foto rkre of Blinc it dsp). To ahh hs enete college “ior Cnn gare dhe the rth he ad denying cs hess batho hari and of may? Ini the aren of hpi pry why The it Bk ss ryt: Wha thas dy poucave pagent? Without pret ‘Sin iia. pct 4 Dale shet of rere owe Chinn's human sty val ne whee pene ad here rowing he bot ec evens and thd allowance fe ‘heacoln of uraoion.Yes ther wba iets hat este bok sper ad ined mw eld om cuir cao a he me ine ne bok uy nen 4 suber of import napa pane The fist hat Commun epi i nr est eo ‘toninalas all satsJo wom san; hey ere ial eps ‘horsey eneace om pric sn spa hy alll ales by iene, Ind wat read fr aman ie Wer secon he ove Una ss tidd°A State agin i Psp and takes metho ers te Sbecessine cles ter fon Gent Ot a 117 Sain det 0 TWEE By wy of compan, Renae hat betwen 825 and 17 tas Card our 6321 pital exces mat of then day he eon THOS 17), where in rs nthe feel "Red Tre” inthe lof 1918 sheave some 150. And 0 om fr 3 thd a cetry:for sample # millon deste during the caleiaon fie of 1982-38, Sapo eccrine dari the Gre Pre, Trion epentrie he Gul {where huge numbers i nthe sear 194-181, and 278000 stl the I Sains death Tou, these appepats reese diferent ade of sate Stace, otal of thers mmedtls el ural beaten ero tbe ‘nd hele fair figures Mug’ taper on Chi’ Lang Machin Sigh ae sen moe stages tina, 10 man “et ‘itm pebble deaths eto he lahat ped roe {Chins shen Gul” te eg mre ht 20 ln dens Fam he il aie the Great Leap aad of 1988196 he args amine i sty Finally in Pl Po ping of Ma's Great Les, stud oe Cam Klin im ston pro the ihe prope of the population oan) The tok scond pone tha thre neve a hein pase of Comair betes mths wrong ra he a ck, Pram he Sr Leni exes need wate, wat rth la enemies and ‘hear pcp agate enact with ly hopes 1951 Se mchor totale “pd L/S" (Ant aon er shuts nesary tomate ae tenon a befor foes ‘nthe tin tle “Lente caren ston of the Epa Betas) Sil sneher pant ino che” are te wef fe a test psu estes eine comme -plane Andeve si See Spo such parm” mets have ben conned wh he teense hanced Na pwc 1 mores pi tat Re ero ant epi a he on tation of prerelatonary pail ete. Communist repesion di nr ‘iis en shonin radial ater a ply anon ona oe fa prac foWelor-—vter he pee sarin oF Run or he pl milearian rev of Chana orth acre maton ‘epi, No dies the ote of Commun paces ren he ieee of thermo world wary purant hog his ru andi wat Rather cc case mas kee ais the population as liberate pac the fe eoiubnary oder and it cope nd inh faeces anhing A fia insisted om by Cours ot ce bo in i tle seco ha Canis eeu “prone il wa reed on ‘fe mopulen Marat bel ce srg the “viet mide Tir Mars ions tapor Sims, Cours a, Niece os founded ase il Drv prominin epee Pog ac stro “Tica cmos oo lps a he weliring of Cant as ner aches pope Marl depicion of eating radi as feels mec Est Stay of cours ha ey bea te estion ‘ppcsning we the "Lin of ta” and rat Eee Pa Telind Ousber Then 5, or year Mn came pve i has nel masse tha eng ome acy 2 hen perpen “ime the Chine soma, homer Moss mara mounted hoya” af the a evn oe wa kine yaa. Cone ‘cin 1959-1041 a was and wo srps his Sie metr y » "Grate forward ond re sam, Mn tal Camm thomas Mrs ha nae the Comm Mani phe Cat of | Tit Poa hd 178, by recting he se of he Cau Reon pia bn Pats Ne ese on Sas Gre Pare fhe Pry 1987-109, Bat the mow deme spo of this mle Traltam ns Pl Ps Khor Reg of 978-19 rape un (Chon, "hpi atm cxpeed mshi festa ah anion to en CamfotieBoend as achevemen” nthe on tak eth ane iin f ih poe tently ed Ma hein itt, ray he ary Lena gry aig mas (sa ning tla he athe Thee fer 17, Dene Xing ‘el did he perverse Pama lnc in Ostaber 1917 Thos {he Comma soy, Th Bic Botts a Peg tthe {Guns Sers ney set hat seo, mt ssl pres, the proven eri hand tha egy pact are ped precip ricaran ean in snd sccm pero po at aera omenty Mars defo nels repre fi? Buccal colo fo Maree ot jn mater ectane eehp ‘emit nt hom ancl ep fn he igo rey {tenga fi” Seach gus aclu anima {Sesrongs leone wo aves retest io ooverome ss “trprang tat Mors ne of ach urn ot oa eer a0 ‘heptaly a commie Bchoad Ease Onl by king conn 8 rade estar sion though incre extagan “eps” cn ‘ke ail fea story ofthe ret tenth etry ry tha a Communi And his bing ws bask so the yexed—andvenng—quson sed by ‘Stine Cour in The lick Bet. Wh ofthe moral equine of {Commansm ith Nai? Aer ty eso dete, tes hat ater eh the ar cea depen oftatarn wil mere ah eemsof preset pace ain rf peice Sone ley enc ter double standard alo hr x ead ight—which lb ‘zs long ine nde No mtr fo thru he Comma ar ay ome fo be decent end a esearch ate ink worse eer i) we snilanas have rin such that of» Mow respon fr so Wiser peer whoa he falc il pat sete Rosa pope sith: "Thank fo aig ed and tee wily ended sp Adams The Bc Bota pra gh vig at Commis etre” For more mundane bur, bone a thsi et tha | cree quative judgment ae ama ot fle with be sen ‘And hr ver aay perhaps rigs turing ont. Ten yas 1s the ators The Bat Boo wuld he cd othe wat teh ‘ow rte And expr f the Sn acies—an evel tse of as Asal oni toed than Tico tn ore shen hist wring ening incre eee fine ont fling our "day of rrmemivance ya he oprah finde, wher povermenes and charchs fray apg he Ft Suey hen he Par haat cape te sepa forthe vce of the shamans log cd ny any fe | ren such ner a etronpective aie wl auays enn one inracale obs. ay reac acaunng ofCammani cre woul lle ‘hey shut the dr ee io and to may ged ss in hs st weed ‘anno sandom pe fra abated wea and some ed Souls wil aay lle them atonal uve mtu). Aad alc Fae-quters afer soa rath sald id Hei nsf ey Lame March nde elre Caan acd rsa sce vl, The Black Book of Communism Intraduetion: The Crimes of Communism Siphane Coueis incon oun nameneyie ping sn Tatas teen wien a his ithe cece of haan mii Lune"! Ouricenned cent) of ies ay connate Ih freuen fev ool thd um ee sped fn ma ike ‘Th aur Eropesn powas were ted the Ae sve ae The Freuh Repbin prsoed cost, nth epee oe 9 ed repuptanepsehtpeedut ree The Und Sats Tenancy faued by scare wisn deep rte into ape Thurcal ageiey-ie esis f Back Aram and he exertion “The fc ema hat 0 entry fa atone ts poe in ts ‘otstnese A uch anc thes ed one mig cnet {rs the cy ef buna ctaporte nord wan Seo Sey of or rd gab sth he Rowe, Band Fundy the Otonan npc wa snl ised ne ome {he Armenian in German i he ene of he Jem and Grp aly ur Matin super Eben. The Cath erect wo it eth thar tard he Sen Germain 5 an 194 ay no Ins eeplayExceSeisand has recent Yen eo ins end Chere monstering fd cy she Nar fo vermin J nuh wu bchrseon heame eel ene Communion has plc hi ior ting lowing with ae ics Inder ecu one ofthe et ln ad at spe pe {I Communi the deing casei of he shar nett ety ‘hu bogan n Sare nT and ened sw Mc 1991, l= entree inthe sry. Canim peste facia and Ne, ote bh and mark on four continent What xc do we mean th er "Corman? We mas ae lotion between th dete of cri so spit. Aap phinsp, communi hs ested frente mira. Wn ht Flan eo in hie Relient omega ne hy, wb “Thurs Mere, chance of Engin in 58, athorof ipa ico ‘heeustons ay rderof Henry Vl who dette neal ery {topan piosiphs may Paes pic cigar eating sey Te drm ts sterner er he Hid of he mls ener Bat "he Communism ht concedes me ext hese see of ess. Ths Commun is stogetber el sented bey mens | Istey and in parr counts, bought He by fas eer Viti lick Lens, Jul Sta Map Zeng Ha Ci Minh, Fel Cnr, and in Franc, by Mace Ther Jaques Das, and Geng Macha Regus of there ta her! cna dns ma Bae Played i he patie af el Canna Bele 917 and weal tr {ohne ne ethan bend Gms thinned whe eso. caliaring ia sae sansa eign ere Ts tee if mela? Tere wl aye bere nics sh msn that eta Commie hs sing tment thre Sron And of course ould be abr wo em hat dst eounded pe Js Christ, during the Renaimance or en inthe sitet centr were pon sie fir the events that took place inthe sent entry, Nantel 3 they bear ewan witht ean hat he Rusa Si Day ete mown to hisory athe Bolt, desided Noe 197 tol He sche Communit” They ha oun fr resting tthe Krein a ten 0 the eh they consid to Be ther pecs Sir "Tham More ad Tomato Cerparel Having gone beyond ind cre nd sl clea sce, the Carmi spn nner consi hi ip on pe tered ‘angie fea fen years n Earn Faroe oe ces in he USSR. ed Chia, he ear add and he ep sere ints rie ab ‘Camel Camaon ering repre meats n al siwll cmon al mean of ‘communica, comaling tds and expling dient However the emir othe feo ha sine peeve the ee hs the Sure in woe the Wes samen oh ler the Chino the “Gree Hela” oe the North Rares of Ki San or even the ‘Vist ond Uncle Harte Ca te bya Fl Cr, ake bythe hardier Che Gaara. Nor can gt Ethiopie unde Mengsta Hae Maram, Anal uner Agia Neo gansan unr Tree ecco Communion hive ye reser a jet msm fm bth hatred orl ipo Ths oo eft Scamp uy Crain with om ml denen ‘heh the erga of Communist re a the te ec fe Sime wily shat rtf tse cme wae atone conde thcndane wih tem ftw do we enced by te ies ol ‘metas bic were tempi internationally and hee Ped of ate Sotncl she nlomed wth pen se Bat wa hs ot he ae ah Nam wl ‘The ces ne sal epne att be et by the std Communi reps bt he unarsen Slo het as Th hay of Commit eis and pris ps an hi ‘aio with hein tinal wate and with he trail om ty are cure prel anon witha evn ene ih tetra vere Inthe USS and the "eles demons ae Sa’ hth wel a 9 Oi ale May ere bee oreo, sic han ener ating fy drm and "ee oe tenis the puro the lsu by ter ead eam an ration ft of He. Neen, muy ache a ites pron iy tha er a aa ben eof eee grebee oF ner Camara Let sand nce anf al he esha hee of nae ring uy he pe of rela err the fave starvation othe penany wre ly shore “cient pear wasp coun wets Our ppc lens ope aes Sn Teas om ere a deg cates of the Commun sen ‘ell ivan an stun sures Stn deol ovens of care {Mins Nave Cau Sse he stil ha of Bucharest 5 {co nen fs saeanin Pal Pt St se Phos Ph the rat wane by sone and tamed te jn take oer he comple Argh ‘Wan daring Ma's Ctrl Reston, sree ee sar cr bre by he Re Gare Yer bower tries Jestaton ay tmaty pin forthe nits in question nd ochamanty shew J Thus we hv dln res pit cian tthe eee of the sheomenan af ra Thee res ed to rsp paren ev iF the peices vary tosome ene eine The tere exction DS "anor main such Eng ago ping, owning teagan, ‘erin ccs pune poring or cx sien dsr of he ep leon by stration, tough marae min, the mg of fn | enh eprain,troug which doth cm warn ana ether toe ‘sil easton ge rough conSnenct i an enclned pa) ae caf esdece, or dhph fre ae eras, ses ange Pesos deci inc of ln ae me capex seas cy dings betwen eves cose hing betwen ues and eb eens ta an popeny be dese oh Msi the cian ‘Nona we he to tart sew. The lloming gh pp rat, edo acl estmatn ger sme seco helen $s USSR: Doman dats {Gin tS lion dae err Fin dst North Kore: tion dats Ciba on deste stern Eure: aon dests Letin Amence 15400 dete ‘a. mn eth The terminal Caan mene a Ci partis nat in ewer sbout IN date Theta appa 10 min peopel "The immer mime of date cones some wide pari aconding wo omeatUnguesionaly if me appa thee Sgr in tre ele ‘ri Fst plc gure Carta Pa fun thec td Mlyears Engg in theron aocous uhh tare and wipe ay ‘neo ato ne fur f the count! pp Hower, Chin's ‘speenar under Manis unpecdeninernf tesher ube of eople to hs the nes Aso the Sov Un of Lena Sin he nd Sn a ein pl, pad pay creme “This turetns apc neil fil to do ato tote meron sae saved 4 trough sett rie “aut aly blo ‘ening eto the em rte" Objet del eters ‘prt The lel uns ims carte Spee ty ‘ee rs uno 148 the Narenerg Tal, which a egaied ‘the Ali comier the ste ome bythe Naas The eae of these crimes was dened by Ate 6 ofthe Carer of the Inertia ‘tar Trina whch Mee! hee meses tine xa pene ‘rr sims and cine aint human An exuminaton ofa he ene “omit by the Lenn Stat ein andthe Coomt wel ‘ol ee tesa neath te theca Caesar, define Atl tt cncered the pa. ‘ing equa, itn, or waging wef pene 2 war “iin af ntti esis ateen or srs orp ‘mean pn a conpirasfr the asp aye ge ing” Ungrstnsiy, Stain summit sch serine ty sera megntng Ia wees with iethse of 5 Aga and 28 September 1939 ene Pron of Pond and va he sancti af the alse, oer Ba Uri and Besarahin he USSR, rape By feng Germany os there wap waron wo fmt the eyo 23 Sage 8 ed iy eat by atakingFtnd wo 30 November 198 The ened ncson “oe Sush Koren by Nth Keeton 25 June 1950and the masvemterenson ‘that arb the Chinese sy ar of compre magide The methods 1 subnet lg ne the Monn-bced Const pet hee ‘ise extention a ite eis pac sie they Dgan wats ha “Comma ca in Aighaitan le oa mate St tay eresn on 2 Desrer 1979,ulenhing a of that canines this a ‘War crimes are died in rice “lon the cans of ar Sich ian lin, a telnet de hee tren depart of vn aes of osu ter ose or C= foray ter poo she marr o enment of pines of Sve eas the ey the lig of tgs the lade pu or [inate proper the warn devrcin of ti, oso la, nda last or jie by mary nests.” Th ees and cso of eat Ire writen do vain conventions, particular the Hague Coven of 1007, which states hat ints of war “he nian nd the eligrns remain unde he prctton nd he ul te pnp eth lwo ats, te) rel fom the ger eb among cited pepe ins ‘Sala gave the oaks frre umber of war ines Tegan fale al te Pah oicereatenpsnern 193, wit 450 en bate tied a Kay on oe such pide ale he ne pecncaar Home, ther eimeson +c lager ssl re ail enonkd inling the ture of deth tthe gulag of tens toads of Geran soldiers ake Prisoner om 1848101988 Norshal we org erat counts Gran ‘omen by Red Army sales inocu Geman. nel the tematic undering ol nde egepmen st the cue cape by the Red fn. Alo conere by Aric Gh wld be be spied etn bes ‘tho open naed a agi Cant reed who were ected By Sing aguas or deport ater bens en pone for eel he sets than: Nai Pah estance orasntions meme aro Ura {nd alc med arian organo and Agha sans ere. “The express “rime agai urn” fre spared on 19 Nay 1915 in jit French, Bish, and Rusa elation omdening Ths ‘oe of the Armeniane ae "ew cine by Turhy aes emai Civztion”™ The strates commited by he Nar ged the Naremberk “Truro rede te concep ste in Arle "Murder teria Anselm portation and te nbamane ns comme sn ‘lan poplar ear or darnghe nar; or perce pl, iain fhe Tena, weer or at lon ofthe dasa of In sagen a Nuremberg te Pench rosso grea, rns iesion by snp of Babe eer he apercandl ond whan fl describe he tating fas tee tenet ncmsenttin ep dl hr exces thos insted an ll hae isi re tho the Hel Feror tor Saeemter apd Oster 18 Fo nse te rnenpupr toute that i the mums it a Ni Nagel He Chat use paca un edo Sioa Buln rte hea the Soviet se rn 195410187 eeste I igo ser 31 Abana wet more han 7 hotags ns mere he dae In oak the Chea fe the Ul ep repre te eect of 2 tale It “anntreaatatc” A emmaci 28 mmbes of ‘be Comstiutal Demat ut” 86 Weers” and 10° Massena and icv and ein up cncenton carp nih peer HD pote. The (Chek af the al ua of Sn cpr sing “17 uae an one Pris wh ha leat ma athe By rant NR Phe Tver {Chat epee 130 hte and xen therm Chk pod ‘stone This mare ctl ol betel mia Ue ar ‘rca ow eau fo the sv the Chey Me™ ‘ibe posal ual a nr thane fart and xe sisi umn of TH Tobe bt cmp the singel fe of Festa Fraime Cb (News of the Tarte Prone {Chatter he xen TH pple te wef 10 Septet Frm tea Nevis 371 pope appeared nthe bel Chea ever wee form nto, el the sre hyaton of al cunerelionsy lturctones Th oto Fst Porat abd (News othe ena Prins ka reer itt smear, hat ia repent ‘heaton of Cra eo Petopad wore a misono 1 ie dec the Fl Ara. 150 White Guards ve be ee ‘ied bythe Chet Inthe re her meres ile ae Seam amone wh is han in psa he ft 0 the pre “The eu or sone rprs th he al Cheha Ms stave sexy hee pb ont te ry fraps {ite sgh bn he onc he thor hha ine alent mary omer 9 ef ae ere “toning prs ve cst, a hey were sent cased in the teas outretaary us ead apr without mee Teisimpnst cme p wh arent Ete forthe nmr of people nko fe wc oth trea mea the Re Ter Lay who st {he man endothe Chea aimed hati ee sci al 191 he {Chee cnecued 3 yop aig with some icin I the Chea can ‘ecco aig eof bg oetesinitsexecton ba ber flare in she ed Yo ply the sypremepunshmer. An hand wl Swans manasa mue foto i the lng en" A oh ow | ‘Ocober 118 ihe Menthe leader Ys Maro iat he amb | ect niin of he Ce since te start of Seen to i en rou" ‘Water the ace mb itn may een ata —and the ttl sported nthe oe pre se nage hat the er et tne fetes NW and 1S —ohe Re Tere marked the debe ennnng af the Bah pace of ing fim of el wept pion aan of lar, chy La pat ad co ™ ‘When workers wet on te opts the Be pric etoning “exigent” and nef per bythe loa Cheb. he sare arya ei, estore dared the we fats allhe “Mpaheoksoumserowluonrin” who ware sxe of hang incite dhe sit we hited dwn Sch pases ere noma athe Sher of 191K By stun the han oer epi a trated by es om Ms for tab epesens, Wet sony Fehr and eects ta 100 ofthe srs witha The nif toe mers see 148 ad 0 sua exec int mom mrke aaltepet the aa bythe hare curs cain cram) “Pest pli raters” ame too 2), withthe age ar Decl , the era thereon pin he 9H eon, Nicer, atl death Senne were cared ot gu amr wee caer tae bt I ‘he space 3 eww the Chek ne ad ever to sts he {etal urbe perl conde deh by he to eine xe ey "The change se went wll bond the figures. The nisin of ‘Schepens meses summa encanta jl pes ot andthe a atest ye ind of pli Fete ah were ane the, igh lb do ine om wt of erate eon Te change nm ucla i tk se sae of the Bek eds ste nan eu fr eames that rok a thi tee Pu parry to On Pam ring th fhe {hata On 280, nthe ac Decry a eet) inci f+ moth eb Bena a han Sie. forthe Chika Citing hel owes agen ae Cubeungatncthewnignandabinecventhe pa i” Nathan, Nessa Oink, who man on the lst member te Pay nd Pasay the pi’ ciao eri dere a meas tenon tn cor tc cece fa ean Si th iy os und dence deme re mpenera” A mein Fe ial cto as xe, Ls Kay wh an ut wet ope thesis the Cha Thre chr pints te Chek in reat th oper ha Ang th mere Drab, tc thar aes ar Ym Sell Sa, Tray and cue Leni imal Herel recites imap asaeig the bl ere she perspstve"On 19 Dent 191 Taman he Cae tay as show tty al he Cea tick un sat the dene he ft the to he lia” wa Ses tenia Ta Las ond" ial Crt 808 1 ah hepnning 11 Datei eis asain fo he Cer Comoe tr cls he Choi deren, wih re ‘se ure ree foray try OT Mac ews ae Frosh rasan abt ean, a te ‘Rem ofthe Chota, ll mt ny tac a airy SShch nlfem al B stacha erent anes My a Tho unt-eavas iia nd chs, foe pad Chk aon—were wn nt Sle f heToo fr teIna Dake the Rep bh y B21 saree 2008 These eps ‘rue dts ns poling he satan and the ois ‘Sox imum ominous pest. pon ovina ony sy rk a tis he Rel Any. The Tops fr the Internal fs the Reps represent fom efor coeal and upprein 1s 3 val ar it he lege ed Army, wich uc pu by deers and which ver teeter hing frac a I8 whip wes ‘One tes dares te ne eps commie ie soncered he egasation he im hati ened nee aM Toth witht an legal bso tematic The decree 8 pi 1919 dows dtnsion feween mre wrk sp” wha tthe prises ha een onde by sal een nn” ins That ths dito was wena anil prc evened {he samplementary tactan 9 1 Ma 1918, whch deste he sre “teat one cp in cach proves th ean a iin 8 pe” {nl fee te stem ctrl poms abe rd The ge the anc vm up he rank cle coe gira td he ple cnn, andr the Sct wen, oan ete patent romano racing ddr ert pa ener) felis who are poesia” “The umber af pple eri a rk camps and conscntion camps inceed ie anand Tn My ¥en > in Sep 121? hee pred ene vero that ha ‘sated in replon that wee inn gan Svs poe. Tan Proine,fr example, the sr 921 tee ne ea 5.8) {ep dwn the pean sl § ecirve Tre cit natin Rai hn gn be eda contr ‘nn he Re hrs andthe Whe march bt init hee ‘Bartels tein he le mn conomeon we ory ‘trimers Then aot the Hon haa ovel seat ltrs rm epasion arid at by dhe the ed cenit high more tering tant Fram pcan pat rc fase hance the cmcriton fc ar ue atl aan ves ws pened nga spec” seein lng, nc ny on otc ar spy he been ng ian ha lh oem. The argon the tion a he Sorin act sean sd ty lon a peut, rb Jnl Toutes ind fe oop hs uh te Rend the Wate id te ‘Grom len ij’ dete le in he ance or eet oe of het In 191 forimtacemasive ps res pit the Bev powers inh ipa snd Uae slwed Adal Kalk end Gena ents asnce handel ml bid hr nee Smet ee tomy ihe apnea ran yt to wee need he ‘oun he anes phot e ukower pce he eet 1 as We my ere she cng Ree Ao ages mit operations Ranch the Wie ri Res Laser than sn the do 1916 He ing of 192, the arent puto wht rly eed thc awa tala Si fea an atermpe by al the dll atte, Red and Wht, i and ila stamp oll el tet pps interes hat ‘hanged tans ser tine nen ed by he Bussiness “tral” apie the aren” he boro ad sll undsae tlomens he ho fr a Derma es pitt and the puting down of wore ses of mii the ow eae es the Red Army, a of pean ess I ee ones the When thos epen sna anyon pst ang pas "Ta Bosboi” "The lh eral i ot e+ man. to Then tho a White ero we sort momen i he rble mae of em ‘Grvedaurin Ursin the samme atmo 199% Sin Pees techness en Dein mcs, wich cnt ore than TSA ‘sm Bt min aun of he Re Terr and Whe Terr he Tends prntel onthe tn pena ero mre team he ame pune The Bue ply of to mat re snub ergata rested fewest hal been ght rp pace tree outa thei wt The Whe Teor wa eer tented ‘auch isin Use no ai th wk of deuce ht were tu oct king memes al aril yt misc ne dicate pore eh Denkan Rl conden the Wie “Trova fen ane of reprint he ple ang 62 it mtr coueterexpanage The Cbs a he Tp fr the Iter Defers of the Repti srt an nerf naan pe Sona cmp ee eder,whch Ba apr at he he ee from th Be regi ‘ASsnal dl wars serene ier deve sample pire le fro of terre by tet waning pati The eek Tero, nth its carmel aps and areal ich can peated tel nar, cece me allan on ‘hecary monte the reine ‘orer tog rhe tight nang en rd aM niin a et ad iis nant deere implicated nay of theonumeabe pes Cons wed en mae soil a ethic ou omelet eine “De Cameliton’” peed ‘Beimansne epi of the 105 cad “lato ater ‘Samco he detain fbn rape) and underins te and tne mt toc he Lenin 98 Sai pf pit Sls undevrabc ovens" the “enemies he es” ech an “na” iat" reve mere” pt hol nhc he book nerf evtton o lgee nk ce Hk a rir own at a cn he hand the Wh ‘he esd rpms He Hu coms oii mia ttc hema lca he pein pars wb were en pion Unto hut shins nee were eer paren ees and onan hr wo sh wa ale masaced dag pone Chea vrei of the asf tr wate tack ancl i 1 Ag 918 atthe Mose acy ve bam ere ety wee. he soe api the sna tl nr the liming Ye Thch scons dl er dr nce he Ble Po then heme igh-aning hkl ach an Akan Coles Sith ees Tot Sanco Te erm faedby it aah {ar pst he sy he ow He ator and te eur ‘hel melt the U erm he ret psn nar {Ener Ses Mokins ho fora Bil th he Re A estas th Whi the oe ain he Hashes ae he ‘Wh esha ha int Tanah of aos sin a {hs reece ain otf te repre asin te ea {hy Math sn is aos ol pe hve ean {tad the imme maps of saute itn a Tes aoe fo he uss psd hy the Row sarc nen Bein IEE. The Irom rs mn 13h snatches exceed i he ers THOU ENT son nc and lin psn a of Janey 122" he et Si Rela wh ner alls fhe Bev ws ‘he sarc of Bh ere sted wn le ees a Feu 19 ‘ete eee 1 het es, Nara Spina re Am agua se daly hsb the Che he ua ares ith 20 ther tan entenced by 4 esinay cot "dentin i sates om aout ‘ber sere nte” Th atom seme be thet ample ur the ‘Sone repime of the sentencing of pla oppose to deeaton 13 icine hepa Sprtonoa manag to ecpe and antic wart te the let Socal Revlon Part, wh by the ha es ae the Soviet government eer to Chelan, ph lt Salt Revlon egmiztion were dane a1, nant te ie {B3DIn te te pear 1875 mans were mprned os ges “Hensth the Chek a mat dso tucen White Gus of he Kratnov varity and White Gud om th scale. The Soest evalua and he Meneses are be coed haps, sd tht legend onthe subsequent eso fh pre bong the Bets the rit Sct Revlon al ays eal December 17 Mer the atin ofthe Consent Ase hh ‘hey held ala major of ett Sov Relators ha com to ere nthe wneteand on th Ca Exes Cait the Sn trom ihe net then expelled other whe Mebane 18 ‘Some Sis Reoltonres other wth Meas and Cathal Democrats thn eased terry an shred eerie Sear and Omak, hich mere won tered by te Whe Ada Keka ‘Caught betwee he Bashers a the White, he Sai Revlon {andthe Meshes enced conser died enna coerent Serf ples with whch tonne Hse reine The lst turn, were extremly able plcine who ned Meares of sppenemeh, ‘nition, andar oppessn csc rs emir mere ‘Are autbaing the repeat fhe Sot Relations ne ‘taper Dl aad (The pele’ case fr 20030 Mach, when Ai Kole’ erie asa bei the Che unde the Sst evolnariesand Mens htc oa March 193m hoe thee was no legal reciept eter of thew pres More ‘an 1.900 milan were sreel in Menon, Tul, Sem, oro Pensa, Sara and Kostas! No oe ca ty Now any wees cited inthe puting doun of usa yesun ea onan Hy ‘Sova Revsromrcs and Meshes Ver ow ii ae aan csc we kn apie th ero isin in erica ident have noes te porta of pil ts where coh pS the mason ‘sco wt of ro lowed mack pai by Lenin in Ponda sn Sant 10 whch be aga brat te Sai Reokor ad the Memo cee hemo an acimpos nd aseran a the ‘When the Land, andthe apts” Aecrng he Ca ee, 2. Sit Reto and eta were sree ht Pom 191" The repens agar wat aes a 4 sing pithy tn, lll am of ting lepton gluten 24 Nr I9B0 Ae tht meting andra stm ae ng Retry eae iter Cre ad Fen pce a the Coates Aon othe sige ey ot ene sass aig fom these pl, pic ced he Ck ‘Tad J lad wath oxalic the ase plan ‘Gena tines nemo go feid e ‘tik eens pit heme at fl ie heen ee tu the vlc ain were be ae he Bers ha rt Soret posr Honing 191K, thepistol fen yar, slinsing 92 with thy sleep Krom Tea FN the mehr Pam ha show th ase the Iie Aue the ellpme of thermal ste om 2 Jly 1918, tae et patna th wakes in th fra alin ach 19% ah ‘Sling Mas Spina th ad st ie emer orf the Popa tr, fe ae hal ten ete nth remendeun pple tsctnm. ‘The moma was aly ane fetes deny ae of i straps offs he ae hs a vs eet meen (On It March she grea tent f wher fe Paonia ‘cing af mote hn fo wand meni ye elton ham ly condemned se hv aw “Tin germ in fe thon he drip of he Cena Cmte he Comat Pr Inplc thas othe Bets and he elms ners The postin ced owe to be ade neo the wets ie sins for he set nf etry citer et ens gant nd tha wesc ing he cy the ca tse (1 pac, rb $8 porns te lene of pli pn oe Ahnu, Tot tn pets bien this mcm, wich ene 0 gt mee une he a Lenin came to Peo in perso 12h 1 Match Ta the he od toa the workers wh wre rig he face wa ea the neal oh Zio eT ‘nih Jeos an cman Dac eel ppl ante nhc ever bow the src, al eon kt vie Hs ed Jews, {Se the Ble gly be mach of he cay Ps had ee ved the aermath of the Oxe Ren 912 The bat hat ‘Sere the between Try, Zim, Kann Me {yl Kel Rad) were ev sod oni he mind cm ‘hsamagamation ofthe as fon" and Bae ‘On Teach 11 Cheha detachment sme th Pt fcr hich Theres few dys more 20 sete esata tht ne Pace wor etn pace wher al he irs weve an ev ei alae abe acronis ha ee dec aint cine” caterers anc wer tuber unr cine sence, Mr he pig nsx wel Inga ceter asec Cheba depen pps spina Inmet he wre st euler meat in he ‘yin quson The wring ss techy card tbe dan The ering 119 named y mums hich ave sage pt dun some the pet wring le eter Rens, sach ul Stemi, Ore yuna, veg em Vora ant Asehan® The ‘rer evane: ere Mens arte Reba aration {pminuale sin that hel omsel the penn san he ‘lego f ed dy, he ars ght ns mane ‘hata sis othe Re Ary Ba he mite wn dean weal wii: he ination of lpg for Commas te lee of Poti pesones fe cation fr even cy cme eed a | nscrpon mate Red Army edn of san ecm reo, Whar made these movements vn mre dangerous in he ee of the ale thers wi thr gun sos in align the ‘ar wenn he fon ust Un Or Bryan Com Aston mating sles jel ees wath he ters, sig “Den teens! awn nh the Btn smn" king ene a tng pa ‘thei, whch were ete by Cha dence an no tal theregime nae several dso ng The eps pn chs an muti aged um mane of wh tr nd ‘he nbs ra sande thet of hanger wa oe heme ‘etl espns the Dash ata the ecu Tt od eel rang the ns pio the repens wre toe Tl nd Awrathnin Marchand Apr 11 Dry ene Ta thea {nth untnns ctern,e winer ef IHC the les ad ae tivo he plain the hy led were re. The ae, fear Muh 1919.04 handed of iain ped eo ste hat clint on 27 Mah in hope “Mach for Pres and ‘ean Hang” hich bz weer sands finds an ay cra On 4 Ap Dzroiny hal ar MO “kad eed and Feu cote tory hc iad anv fo aera ec by these Alte woke mc fre Thor wane ws rhb anger, foe ve wale hirano ee ome. Teese rep trees ng ight Mle pout of eal and he meh mk a sr the goer ka, werkt Ba gh oh apption fom col deseo an wos hase pushy death, Proton ese fb I ge hemi ble ht, 2s” had been exes” he an Ara, er he th the Wp, a sae Gimp i beating 1 wa the Ue sherk ong Prewning Adal Kotha rnp im he acts om ing Pith Thc Gop Dain he waht hn cman aoe poly "kins th curd sie with nich he wre ten he om ‘Sisunpcsdn March Hing bon fbb he aly tons sd pol reans ie ares of sa ai) he eine ‘Sed om 1D Mach when te 45 nts Repent open fe “orks marching roth the ct Jin fonts wh he stokes the lies Stormo the Bosheck Pas eure soiled several mers of te ‘tl Ser Kin he present oh eal Reltnary Mitr Cs (Gerd ice by anh means ose” Trop nb ha remained hl 0 he Fepmean othe Cela Hoke eta athe town and dal et Shou reting When he pons mere ul the mrs and srs ware Tae om gen then nbs th het Va with sts str er nev From 124014 Mach etcen 20a ers ere Stato dose. Ae 15 Moreh the repens were conta be the Iwasa hemo be ret ht es abe bd th Wie Guard canopy or which te werkt and alers were mere cannon Fee Fa ede lth merchants es ete he ad thr over are nds Estat he url urge sins fhe mamaria Anata range en 1/0 I ne wek eer $a rd 300 pest ste sir see dea Ry coms ther 3 Corti bel wih eat ny ance on 8 Marche ‘ar—ana mee Long renter aaral ncdt nthea eee ‘he Whites and the Red thet sale tthe lig Aaa nw “ow thnks rece pbs seal dome” Tes came eva hat was he gest mama nak by Bales lire te ‘sens t Kron A ibe cn of 191 and te bepnig of 1920 ata ees he obs andthe weer deterred een arin, ing he ii ‘om of ean 2.00 hime Ashe pial sito the ma ‘ton of the moka, Try ids eon these at the Nh Pare Cangren in March 199, Tr stp ht unas rly ta Under cpm, ple mre fe ose or wo varie. The ‘spite mare ace stn oma, bu wer sc "iain ‘fmork rere eles the ake Iwata ob hee ore, tsspn ad cet wrkers who wee lochey these mls be ones Inthe army, hee theater meng i he mee ofthe poktarit, Such asthe bs the mrs of the warp, which wae ger tiie ya marty of anda, pn lend Bae dese In practi thier te culsningo ws, nch nr compe Bn tion sins af naan inne he Spi pao pen she ‘ea subordination aios adit crite mone eneleh ‘estate insane of apport ote pdr pcan on wakes lang ie pnts; and panini for scion and nen, bth of ‘tic were edingy widen! Baer worker we of seca “The pen dct the mpc ro ty iain ws anne the daly every Le Awa ee ina repr ‘Mbt the Che tthe werent on 16 Decne 191 oui he smn eo nd ae Tay oe Ac the sinning 1900 the my salary «ork n Pera ses teen 4H a 12508 ra On the fe mak» pod of bate Sin SP vl,» pf tt ID anno al I, Eh Ser wes a ed tnt train mnt af od aso che Inher teens were vie in ive catego mac” from he teal hank lesen ta intl ay nla ree fata aor Bece the “elotay”—the mse and ar (casvee serve lth enced thing al sce ten hee a fething keh “wokere” ware nde tea say of ete Ga “alr urease mth I theese fl ra pt a the Babes hd pti plate weapon pled ama kei ‘evanig punishing erent aegis izes "The bead aon ‘hu fe ee or ayone st set rk he spre a In of ach caitlin nd tl be ceed or pope do Sheth st” wrt nin Tyo ebay 120 "1F mas ‘enn she his ea ru he coy mat bese" sn hr at sie abr of people te eager ogo ak hemline mers Jee ose oh in te aie, ad he api et and ed mers ope, sie a iy a i nich were rly easel “The ts pe ester se ns Sel parce sed Pca on 12 Bary BD," the concerto ‘Srp Asding a he recor ee a the Pepe's Commit of La “peree ofal ige nd ete panesn avs were sed Sikes n the Se alo 1920, Sap he ares wort teed Tag the ity andthe rnapr scent test inch ‘rood co he Basen leas throw 4 Bahan rec Ho the ‘eprenn wed aaitetfictrks snd wks be rst he miata proces Once srs thy wee al eee elena to ‘Sime of bape and “det” At Sek (rmers Ulsan te but on exp reve wares fn he armarents tery meee Tal manner. sesding a Soviet propeans, ayigom herons ‘tne ination at Sov ples rearing are" ind ths ‘ky lingua ay the kl! hat he ain ad done le mare thn ake rs at were noe athe th bn, pod a bsg woken Suds cried he Canina cp abu thrown mieten, ‘The op des the Part iain Le cll for earl be rate of these On 29 Jnr 121, ned By the tome nin tne me hat the ia nor ate a i oc tage Ta 8 tha nrkrs m fherk ae an ins tT Spe tht te aig the mater lh nd se ele ‘ocean lars mubers of srs he rine of eg" Nay str Stree up Wd re of mtarsnton:nEuatnbar ar 182, wires were arested det canon he Rann Ural Raa ie Ap 192,109 muy worters were gente ste pushes the ostoe-Kapa ein May 820, la) wore met he me tes 152 ‘eves ina mc acon io Brann Jane 19 Ny mies esting mitration wee supped ins irs bl on™ ‘One ofthe mon real ses tok lc nthe Tarn fair. crac enter potest pia the Be pe whch halen feo ‘trey panied ors sts Apel 1910 Or Sand Jane 192, amber mcr weber ele srk thes utah see Cemanded,Fonle workers ten rele t work am that Sunda and Sunde thereter in general expning ta Suny theo thes ould pro king fro te sro cutie, rege a8 “aie ry bsg dsm fom he Chee aed wares “Shuma compra ote by Pls psa he Bic Ho ‘Whi hee ned and ares ofthe lene” mii ne descent chang the nl cur esapnens in anda ten in tmundy le wakes ad ape sete pred ha 2 ‘he Cheba sling be arene ton The move pun add men Svan be avteden aa cl ord foe he elo Pat mpi appet com els ede oan IRD poe Stow tna ns huge np spa garded by he Chea Tempera ‘enw Mma the al areas andthe Cha eal persia theese aut hat hc minded an aes city ae. A {Commits te Laon he Tla Cans) gt owas 1 pcs inthe ae of Hing fw gts sanetre To be et ‘capa and isn anc an hy alle wrk wh en reed a signaling to the enero» Hy inal ‘eye ie eels sur a he Ro Aeon yi Freer sonny ne it (wa trated nature eno pe wee sete ararmamswurer tthe cy er, eG ad be mst tempore of the sete ath he ip tre af ‘hereeie once nett the wien fot na etic andsymbils its “Gronthe pesunt who wee rig equine nd ari Spal dprimet the Chek nthe Tepe fr he eral De Tact Repu, fet way oS with Snorer a pd rs a pratt evel al bra te etd iene nes war wich nent fon te mr is ean Ben the Radha the Whi rain ths cuca stage ftw Ble Poser andthe pane ha he pbs of er, ts oma ene noe Deron “thy hem ies wha ls ia hie on ine Se The are muse a fe cl be ome ay eb the “won ‘oom that Try meno chat age who eng epson he had wd clas Uline a wesp tan” the “an Frey Nistor Sua an ter pence “The pean cy Pad ed fe summer of 1918 They Became much ae iene i 1919 and 9B and elated 19221, eo {hey mentary sgl the Bishi as eet ge Thee were wo bin es or ese eas eva: the cst easton a naan the ened consign ste Re Ams. to January 199 che eter Gergana frail uns ta Td charter te et person of he sme T918 secd {cena and re ctf linac regain stem. Every fro tes di cin fa, and lg enh oa one the ‘Sn uo ht wa edn hance mane wth estimate abt he Scot te banc In atin tran he gun tae me wen Frade sch pts hes ee, king en em ed Fak Exch cma expense the alco cle Onl nn te ‘hk ila il it uta die aur dst rege sowing Feol toby marital onan even thee but 1 percent he roles neki hat pret were cel ayaa fr he ‘Rares was mor er cbt tae Byte end of Bh ‘ann abe oem 19180 12) ager regi reel ee Tal and peavey hough fl alte nay sem 9 Bae increase a apron the ane re ‘Opt to sorption, ae Pe See i the ences evn ware ste sc ot fuente othe psa ee ‘hor el bythe Gren, ale cued he rune erring the mea It ne bed ta sn 119 and 2D thre wee me tha Smilon deserter 99 arand SOND dees were sree yas ‘eparrmetsf the Chea a thespecal isin rae sat eer {nthe flowing yet he are nt tween TH nd 30, Ee he the rts ete wel mange sae theatres aed ith the wale ofthe problem, the peren ok exer wane senrssie mesures No ny were nds fester sh ut hf ict dee nrc ufone ena Afr the sme 19 th tenga wes ped ine and nee ondary teat Fee ples grcrnment dee of 18 Fray 1019 ee y Lenin enraged sity ns ha at pete eed of ow tity tnd “Ad ithe tines en wept prope the hens ae to est Or 2 May {O20 Lav set the twig fact the provi omen nd dace spi erating sere: "Aer he expan the ‘Sveny deiner dverers our thts ponent ma be Insewe rhe incre ators ote ce oe ee Fed {one ud beast them ny ay bate ey Bee ‘Shoses and ated sanding pained il thing move thames snctvn har salad somone, The tl ae of ‘tectons wots ral on To 93 and WE) as 91, dees cond drt of the Green aca agsint em, for re er i some ven our cen fete anew ned # ran wa Samana cay {rican edn in YT the veges tht were conn can ins etn the Roan he Whi anon and vee wee he be he rept rom Kent dares of the hs epee a span the imeem ae aera gnd wc iat, dan sce erent ss hs gee ar Tes fe eta it freuen ith reves Hl amet of ft Tein apa hebeen 1 fw den o's he or ee nd sme psa sure ling thunder een ee to Sn pun opie nvr semen cape ming ows nu oad ld gr ys cbtem pital program, way mh hart oe Swat Revltinay toc Excerpts om thee repre ‘Sit stemn tacit wri ne, Sermon bers Tine renting ean, te 21 Bete of the Oa hove opt dn he are Sis peopl wee arene nd AS et Pole mond cen Prins 1 Joe 19% 115 Tega, Th ain ‘ein Tor he Nr a yt ant Poin 2 Joe 191, Th ing ft dts ia he fone aly te Gres bn to ue at fe ed tare Thar deer we shor aancmse Town snr reports inet he gra vines hi 1S cab nthe eer blk lo at wenger ce conte vetrofeein a nh Sloeer "bd" and he bmbing nding ile hex ak 1 doprepmtime eral were on ees the len pm ‘fy fhe wok alge comma The aborts geval al an > eal fr he earn of deere and ance the dealing hal ed the Aston were oer abe tra nh nr a oso Sake rere arr cain the rato bathe lane as thie eet ile tea ses any uy whe be weil il be bred Je ‘Sethe mere eral Che ts ies les ef he ele is war in tect nthe po 15 Oster Neve YK, ita prvere af Rs, he ee ba sits nich 220 Pent vere aed 27 were el nthe Hing, 82 save ‘rout Dung tne drs SA Si cto ate led. ee 12 re orm he fod etches, te Re ey ond he Chea In Sop. tomer 98 fr the er Rusia vices fr whch rr aaa, 8735 des and 735 “bans” were are 182 mre il, 223 wee ee dee were 40 vine among the fina nd the Sit man Ths vey fragmentary teu dom cde the mh eters ring he geal pes wring “Taeupsgscan be oped arn wer pref seein Monch nd Agi 99 fr thereof thera and Cane, Hb say-Aagt 1G the pos of Sanat, Ul Ke Taney a pin ‘ining, which ms een fam the Whit by he Hisense hatin were Sl come hy the ule pean Frm i 930 "hag th Fs a 121 the peasant meee ey acho he defn sein Ulan. he Dom andthe Kaan, clare i age eae in he etl pan Tan, Pe, Sor Sara, Sis, sd Ta ssn! Theamly ta dsb thee te pean a hee Wneinth teh proms Sara al Simin wih i 1919 wore ‘ied prvi mee than ithe he oun uation fo he we "Ros har spins an nnn te fae ns petit em hy hen meee tan ed aol Kohl's White Ay he Hh wre ese eo shnextee weenie eee ay th ‘lige rae tn oth sha ‘hein ni M19 ar thc te apg Ie he the Ch Sn Sums tte ht 4.24 the a alc i nthe ing 88 hud en snes shit nl 210 srs al tum ha es Tis no the ese ate Bo ana in Saar ed tltenzins hk a the ef 18 the Bes permet a {Cron wa fa he psa Nina. Be Inne, nie theo e Ratt he and a hear Tn the peso emma she Bei sen or Ue ‘hing mote tan acl! tures an hn ope rsa Asn-angarin soning hac 199 here el arn ie Pers, News Mb aliens amd oe The passe tetra hs a apa tt Monts Joe Fr may te inom pecan a tot Ressan en ewsh nny se ting spl ete sa thm Musser = Basie» Jens They were al 9 be apt or Uti “These prt of Rtn ein he raat a he gt of the cefontansttween the Blhevis snd a e po the Urania pean The psc of ther pr the Whiten wh ere ne sal ome by the Boh ned by ora peat Ulsan ars vt op owl terete ofthe grt de, eee he pt ed mar ran ten mare compe: some cis uh at Ky were change de fourteen nes nthe pc of we ear hme ok pein Apel 918. In a ah alin 9 oman et tan pace inthe prensa Ks hei Poona, ad Oe Forth fst tc as fay 19 the Ch tis te 210 Invting mre hO40 arl ctatns n srr arr hand pemann The pst amir of Hints, ming ore han 0, ‘he terion te ey" pone othe wnt he Ua po fl” “Ukraine fr he UAraiany dn with he Bers an he fn” “Stare at the nd" “Fe enterprise re ae Zens arian Rel 28100 sre men hel the ei pine Ky exept for aon gs. Under the shige Longe St ome dont he Bi st Jes” they eruieddoens fs pgs sais the Jesh or ‘es inte vs an ilagva Kye and Cherm Thee kc hanks to numero stare te acs af Nestor Ma. A he bea eat army numbing tne of town be pin’ smn aon snl nl aac ropa that hal he erate psa ‘emt cone ncuing the Congres fete Poa Werk Rett Gulp eda Ap 19 into the Mahe wpe The lato sed the een of al erence by te sae peasants andesite or pe se-sneret om hen el ‘ected svt Alng with heh demands cae ater sexo ans, Sie ther pest tren sch cals rth end of aunty, Thectmisim i tus fib fer scale ad arch par he ee trib of andthe ed the “Bee mma and he ep somo the spec rope and he Cla” “Tae handed of pan peng i he pig ands of 1919 ‘ein hic he Rel Amy ple ey rein the tn or Genera Denn’ tps Moving ot of wthrn Ulric 1 May 199, ‘he Whe Aemy aan vi i th Re ry ny puting on the peasant eels Deshi’ stps mk Rhy 2 Jang R on 28 Ags nd ire 30 Septem The etre the be, Hat ete» power tse nthe hg ies a Ie te sme the hands of the eon war reed By geste xen prvaer nhac 2 hay Per tage cue Be y the psa fect Red Ary sents nd the Cha gee mo wee They ‘rel ilps bythe unearths a lsereand haps. The rast and the sabi angus Uren eke en of 91 a the epi of 180 mre he tig or ene ‘storia silence gna the lon poplin routed fan Tes maser Te Re Cr Byer 1920 he Whe amin, with he cneption «Ke saan Sethe rm the Nga to he Ura, te prices Kaas, Si, tn Ute Pate by Ronin, bat abs sara ir he eo ‘Sonic al ben hc vpn bry opting Wn wet own "The Bik fap crcl res han SEM wr tt gh rst the pa caning ee Pack Relies rt ‘comin spre faring op nesta he pins he Neg rex, in Tae, Prva Sara, rato, and Tents al of wih a aloes ifm eto Th use der Retro Oveen nhl ‘he repent gsi eel penn Tamla er eked ts th eating plane 10 and 121 cared ats tat oul hve meat the erin death ofthe peas. On srg thy were wth pad (8 pounds) a gan aS pad at 55 pani) o pos pe Iie These pest the vices ere hu eget raha fu or crcvalin he sumer 1892) rae ote Fr ear a theres wereld by hangs Thiet come of con eee ons and Habs 1920 vos Uae is moma wich al en concede Whit ames tween Decnber 11 vy 192) ut eae ened nde he cone of haneds of dace of Fe Gta nares Migs of te aad wih Mba. Unetbe Bck Fastehe Uainian deh were lars the wee male Toga eres te samme of 1991 Maks aan emer 15.00 fe 2San sae aprons 1 Bess abies went artery Fv nd wo red nets Hands ale rows, namin Kren ven scr handed, bo pt wp Stat een as! the "ph ncn To a ese psec se ernment NI {WD0 cle ont serve Fle Dera nang hi Cammande in Cheha the Rear Ho the Sotbnet* Drcreins rerun har for ore than so mont sting pee for spl nit the Trop cra Dense he Rp ele ts th ge ey etme ied are neat ea nl 5 lates tah nt somes Th ask nv erat al poate i thee rs In Tt the pert fa ae the wear ing Resume Tun the tana of NZ, and wnt ee ean Ang she eps the sale Benen pens an tbe Babes sain ie Crshizetinn™=the seman clinton te Fhe Don and he Kahan ogee 2 pe frst tines the ping f lve rym, 2 hen tein Ck ‘is fears pls evn at sea and ee he Fonoltion sae iy ih Sn ler ad ater ling the ir Yendce™ Tce aera ar ply. othe rou ale ‘oc tc het of bur erect ed i alae ses tee rth ga see ie autor, el sglating Ito suking psn, induing Lani, See Onbomie: Sres Strom. Gru Sala anda Rong Moyet ae she Some 91 bea fits sh the poe nf de Cinsarton ‘Sromed these aero MD, sr Db iti the Don Ind he Kao, The Conc singe December 11 a ic deri i he tas shy hal ene unr theo ems, wee canted the Ba "NUake and senile hl res with he Whe tess hat a uid wat Roca the sping 1918 the ef Atamen Kran Im any 1918 ere ene hae of he [ess inane ao stn Rate detachment he Kl rere ent wi aan Cac ttn thy were rd, Spain of death, ured all th a Srila he ena toms th Ress emir Cnt ha ight ob a, {nd i Coach nna seis ree Bee ‘llth meaars were rt he peel de Gs itn pan anges et nvltin the Bae Pty Cond Casto 2junuate 1910" on fee epee of the cl wo esi te tran meri ph ast the th Cmncks, nme eee fo mda pl unten a Iw pti by Rep he post othe Rel sinay Cite the Dn when erste withing Bes ‘imac wo an aie pl of main enon” Fn abs nmi V0) Unik dts ested ie ha Jt Crain" Inca (Cm ils) ron es ad Sammars flat ns mato mt andl Uo ings we Cen edt ema utc) he Tne th ves dean, sh Camara cho There ean in he dat of Nesorsays a 1 Mach 11 The sengnra del ete tno lla ge en {ign and st a pm ging he whole popaton rhe up {int the besten he Dan pan ad a he eae Pris ore Nth Cec thy ei ie anv Weare in ne tg stn: Ne an apa! he Conical ming, and he Jee Near apie squint and teed on of ex wet by the Chek" Atte Reming f Api the Coma tebe ‘pra wll ar se ety S40 meal ee y hae ‘Gerting ind he iol te Re Any ch, ther baths hig Dns nett wth he Kahan Cana te re of he Dh, ‘MethirUlnianonmterpy cated in ao small mesa othe oe hans af he We Army Nya one TT Ath being Je the Comatose Don ath ln py nih he rer at he ‘Wher Th lat the" rd” wa ed ne dee ppm of the Anite, Jem and Bess” Tt the Bas nr ack in Feary NB, Te nd try sant the Gach nas ees re mares heist. The ole Dua repon wa fre mates rin contbation of 36 ill ait en supe heal ae pdt the th ‘eres ut slat alli gu sang sors hen eng. sae ‘ra asurng tos Chee rp” Every mas who ars eto Bae ‘pune oth aeanaed piling yg poupe od bel Crem, tr by J 1990 pubes 35000 fn the Kun ad Do repos Trapped nthe Crimes sce Feary, Genera! Wrangell in ht Sapa tempo fe hf om the Bb grip he rey inning ors th he Conk nd he rece of Ku On 1 aga 192, 5000 men nde near Novos. Faced with the eb Fors the ‘Whe, Goma and Green the Babs ete redo tno Hater inate an iy the Kut ian he te fo he | opt hgh Wranglers inthe sth af Ura, the Whe sucess re shred. Orerome y the sumer supetior abseil fires Weng bangee ye ae mmbe ian tha amon ther ene ntl dara toward the Crime he fd of Outer The cing af the res by th Bash bc Frat etc the Read Wie rc, a the cin of no he tage mace in he cl nA fn SN cans ware ile by the then Never and Dsante 12" ning thers spinon te lsing sid he Conch ware 8 lend ty the Hel Terr One of he rip lender of the Cs ‘nein shag dCs, Ot 1920 ane thew ‘komad me shan 8H pepe a dat, lf wham were excel Sra Theis and wets en he hts, of Gee a ‘suns or of Cnc whe had ten ups ssn he rine ‘Scere, wee stat ested hoses ad them > “omit snp hich Martin Lats the bad the Urania Chl, ‘shnonlaged m3 repre bene Fee ath camp “Catered gether insemp mar No, thehoap nme, children and em sare the mn appling candi ld the med of Oster The tse dhng ees Th women wll ang oc death The sles ‘ond intractns f Landt wh al commended tha | ‘errs shuld ern ur sdatge 0 whe pant saps wih ‘ie eo xscaig them an ton taped pectin of Wie ses and countess gener I Lands won The By Ted Choe desl strait om ect 30 pop fone dy. TH Sep the town et aos boon a oo a oats pe oe 1 Cask oun ad the Sorat fal srsinon The Rex of Serge “Oniomiiie who mm prnlen of the Reeutosy Coie of the Norm Caan the ne condemns Jeg ee nich oper amin ut xt anda Nearer 1920 On 28 Oster One 1 The enmeKainmays tbe bard ‘uly smog the Chabon, hate ses ge "ha mls ar Onli rc pn ning the pon naa cid faints 28) Sinsthimkoys [008 dered 10 wating Seperion Mihai dee, 2200 ae Sesion {pute ae eben sappy te Set rege a the in oR Remy slo Sv fh nd Camm The pao (220 deer ety stbeeny ie ck cig On ea How i such “pean” sane oa cn Untaney tee e no ocamentn pve ater hat xy aid esse ead hrc nt seme with depts ot the ea ortern seis 0 be th ear may seat ime, se the mies f och wee cnr Gen he tate the alas {Oa teopetatin ms ae be ir chan Nonettherpteal Shape alco the Se-Casshvaton operas of 12D pre the its lllition pean tn estate Thy shar he sae ide cane espn, the ame pre dpa co eave Cvs regina se Doan he Kan ua bs poe forth ppnin othe Baber Aci he trees tween Stand 30 pepe were aleve Septem 11d EN, aca a plata parm tan 3 mn "ng esos sl the ut SC gauge ar he smussae opines sd sags he tte ens thes ther “beng tam cn a’ or hing “oy andre” These mies ute uta he ig he Rel Terri he sl al 19 com anche se Thema hts las west ict with he cm ats en werd no ib nt Ing snd ta ‘ert ns pried aun he ce th, a elena incr cuca Krom make Re so th cep of he A ‘Septhrea he Bo rae te sad tb Nt ee! Far ns ee est md cn we Such eons lsu many ed pond adh nk of he (Cheha wil! with sil lente snes rene rca thes Te By tar tenner the Hah aes hom ache and on ec iene fs the ran of “he emia and the aly gener In Teer af 22 Nar Leni, the Base eer Serie Gaps Sri ‘heats af he Eternal Chk “Tht eget fren oe terete canker rial sks and ty ey decison tiled with crn i and tees sey men aed the teth wh sine mone hey dane Tey se ban pcan throw amon inte po, ge eure, pat ema ele he Hof tbe Coral Commit, eros af Fis Dreciay “an inane ets en Pat) aes pts a eee te detain he gece hf Il Chan vent by Heed Ind visense™The sarc tr al or ral meen eae rape sty fr ial Chas Ne ger aa ft a in ihe urs hes heme Bt ad rma ms on. trial mcotrle ive exact Sven a sa Cel "Kea hve tint ttre a he ne Wha i and areting exe ndiintl Sakinhe nee tha ya ‘puns hey hve antrme the Chek alg es bag bel shee they tik he burg amen, Drannor, Cai ig ath» pr en N. Ric ptr the ede pei tring esi he ahr egies On Jo ‘her Cvee An Zao wa sent am Mc 1 Asie enim Ps seh wo yl depen st Gn een Tete mot pot iy dns sm play alt SRP deuh seman and com uh mc end feo athe mem She th Bobs of Coe Aa “Thess th es ep del whe ight of rch nd o> (Dov Droit an sol he Chess a “The meena ers ts Pasty ad he Cha coin the nae ss cle 19 and 12 he ee the shes, and oS byte Commision of Spl Ing ms Bei ries Trashed by General Deni, wane he ater eng taser Prue Masson 94, nee ngs ut a et pub ‘ory In I025he Ress Sc Retna sean Serge Me amin is bk The Re Tron Ren Ra ey eto te an ‘mare prtoes stab and ln wh merle mast te Bert wun onthe fs fc cele eto He Prinipalepsode entione in ht pnering nth fl me bs» Thott of ocrmenary wesc ee erent msn {jst Because the gnarl ch Fee nh Chea thee ‘Ted in he musty shonph we be fh ein of the mre Imesh pase Using ears roe ante at Tet he in ore of i Themes of apeca” “stapes and ther ene fh ple wh neve ined up ars pevenive nie er simple mine ‘eosin prs cnn sng sted September 11 the Few ne fed Terr Once the capri of pees tg” ah ent te pee” had tes exalt nest cms rete ple machin of erin inp Singin con. The Tee ethan whch ey en changed hand nd each roth true some srw trem in mary frames, wat ws hing tor thn the ingle ta tl hen a been scape the St pm cel snags hens enh iy mene ‘roi re fr an sq shroger te natoahetn ‘talsnesesand the esingal shapes he berpenie aon ‘cs Khar ears 1919, 3 io oe pe 1919-1 ‘vrei ths ston i, une og ol be ken {shots neh yh cient cans Int the een fein he esr argon asullag n encuentro he WS 8 sya ths of the Gael of Wier Daf Oi Shane sg rl snl lo eae Wish dua ae aie pop mom ee sno ini nu hen aw le ed ma Amine ing wilh ut ith a ely ‘sash othe Chea Ura lapel ol tat Ch he re ts export net si ie el i the Che remnant tech a the ere ‘Sygate nd eating att or Re Gn pera st tha he nat the deen he bergen rect ns ati hat pans a is al be repro Bh pT a (Oot ws mento dene secu Kn oen hee thor wen cle he Rm aah an ha wa an ne hohe luna ha pone he sad at one rhe En he Harem ing tea lp the "rearing thee im num ai a ee eager (sus nc Bai cnn ol in rm, Ur md Se gman the “hus gn mame we ied an to the Bataks thea ed Gass a hs ey ‘Betnatainand plas pent ieo themch et ey ane wich aig enter seements to oc eae ‘ems parcur inte scond eines Uda an he on es tbe en 120 The I ulin of the “xin the bari 6 # ea” the eeaton of prone ape ad sags imprisoned sn ‘mie bse hi blngng the “pmeing ses second Tih ete hen bythe Beas In Kh thee wee eacen 28 ad Sip executors) Perry Je 199, nd acter 100-2000 hen the Town ws tale spin in Desir of thi ea 2 Reston Do apo fc 100 funy T9220 Mayes 11 the 1300300 teteen Feb 1920 and Feary 12K oR as 30 {Febuary Aug 191 in Eaten at ont 1D een ug 120 nd etary TK fn Armas, sal tn Kan wen 200 an Son uses 20 The cal na nc nny oe nections peer Bw at oa socio cranny oman Hence hae cin Uleane “rani ans te ce ter brow an hae of he Cau Cetra ‘Aavtna tte Uns The seal xen water epee thes Ipecac or whe the aks were shige pst "cmp. rte pram, Kha inthe ays ealig up he lof he Whites nF and Jone 193 handed of ngs were excl Ki tore then {00 ppl ne Ces 22-28 Aap, blr he nn Wa Fen byte Whar on 3) Ayu The same ser ple at t late Tend wha inthe ce he ncn Camacho Ata, ad the fo Cheba dnd 18 bps om OA Aap aol trv own he poutine te ear raberel + mete Documents fam te ingay commis WF he White Arm, whi sometimes aves ew dyer ven ow bos heen cnt ‘Vist statement esi spy repr 6d phere the toestare and rato se he ent he iin Alou Hoe (tho nee verted ch at mint, gee ih ble he ask ft Te showed few trace rehash the bs Chat wete dag ow hema paves The ne fhe mt desl 1p {onesie mat repr stout erence a ewes repos Dene dens of he tre at be fund batho Sea ‘Megan's ed Torn Ras ad nth pb he Cel Corrie ‘te Sot Revoluiniy Pe, Cheb pose in ern in 1922" ewes in he Crnn wh a wot of Wrage White orcs ad the cans nb od fre te Bae ane we ming a that these mamaces rere mo ene ram mit Neverthe ed af De- ‘ner 13, ore thon S00 pope wee shore anged” A rg abet the excuses happens) esas ae he depurtre af Wea trop In Sevesapl evel hed sk workers wera on 26Novee for hing sed Te Whe wacaion Ov 28 and 3 November the ese afte Revlon Commis Seana psa eo i ‘Sms fs son 8 pte thes 120 In ey Decent, ‘hort ie wae xeon al wou athe thoes Bean eda up ample nt psf the ppl the man towne ti the Cmen where they bse, eso unde of eu a a. tn wore hang, On 6 Deemer Lain an aby Moscow tha "ii burg were ingot im he rie He ate src than ‘hry marr hee ements” whch conse" soa of nd stags oy 1 leap te dees a apa” wo ae The has conn that wis ig the ec ths he oy apc ty ind, ns intone the tap and heaton Sie alihaant n ps heads the ea Ck n= \fstnnne cmaning wane iy tos sh he wc i, pat {Rt moan ther mate cecal ho wheres in Neer ‘W20andth pinns sae Poland, Weng apd the Buses On he rss the ingen te pln a de ns vega Bae eshte te best twine carps and thse be ne ‘Seman he fo orp meme ep he ingyen descr Sevylor alee ral er ‘heropetnm este yl the hanged "Fr Nathanael sein he hanging aes ier ir an las reste Shree he was dea, ithe mi ool ane ner ine Seton lhe wale Sp nya elepraph per werent th Fics cing tes he tr They wee hanging pepe fe, The item in th ots Heme White and Red as nat ob sheen the torr the ay foto th sel wt ge ete bot ‘hear vada theca was ana fr sae are ci en 1920 the Bates ee ere psd ph Terenas of the White es hen eed na ad Seon ete, abs each een reves Dt sup he at Seu the Wher neces ner thes ea he ne gc sn gests he ppt tn tera war ops pens rachis hg they ind Hv nd ns tre eine beyond te onl othe Ee Te the pwc 8 “Tambo one ofthe Vga pris (which ho mle Sena Sarah, Tart Sis) western Serie hes ed otek Tabor nl Tecra ce she as foes funded Ot group Ges or ene he contol of ne he pes! Mo tes ke out dal in he Re Am ers Sr he sn wr {prt mvenets mind nthe fr sewn he wane ist sl nedMowtn Fearne rns Tal. 4 te end of Ferry TWD, slr rs he Krsna! bse ea Prog mutined The ston wc apne an th can becoming wget Inthe aos ge ano lune a ‘ietene sep as the ves the lsh exe ae ed ‘et and ae the ol ep hat cul momentary he mise. da fr nd wired dct th and ssn. hich ws te ep yin i Mac 15 asin i ak Shop ons tse sa he oe, the New Esme Poy ‘Mfejcamemotene the amine reo fens coger re xe so wih ch 2 raat uh Ht pe oe he Ser de ihe Tesh ey Congr te ttn ond ‘2 pacing weap hed he wor hs or ae tmem incr Phen cn sow rc bw at ee ioe immer ene au eon th ing 12 Tk {Cues remaned een bighed iether (224 ‘cr uncom) er Region dene nid sar ‘Ne emmys se wv sl or dean te le ee ‘Chane wee svete Te “ann oh nk fen ef nt “Sry me lang tof ‘etn ums ns htn by he get peo HL he es thar al aed mn eam reqitning when fein la here ar sd wnt ings iine Sem ese aly Steno hue asthe st poeta wep pend 380 “Ged sr pow fr he Behnke rte tbe ow gi bth The Onde Chacha hel ho ad ih pi ae ea hl ent ce enon wi soni ithe me ef oe ot he pest nT th ie th mat ona nd hoc elongating Loc than Since sas toto Pv a en ne! hess aims Rely Party se te ref oer. rom 918 shih depc enn Py til ad ame tat a Tan ers eth ie or cere of 18 en unin ches de SRSIRg ns Jeep cr ea e919 are {ESRSS nl ten pt Eon sono hey ard wn 20 este teqaenens wens, om 8 lon 2 lon ria an al tne eed te ane ey re es stig hey i com mates won we eat stot the nanny oe he esas ty SSRESo0"On 18 Aap 20 aie mses aig he fon! den sep ere ital Khe A he el ahs Meas niweaged, ie detachments comme + 650 of sass {fated even path ven plod ce te ard Tepe on teat oped eno eet al iw fh pu THe old men were bing pinked for heabece of hr om who were dente bing in he wands The pane wee a any tha th coated ras which hd oo ken tenet ston y the crn, as sige ran Khir hero ped raphy By he end of Agent 120 mee thas 140 emma ert roel th ils, p nd Inn hse oo sad psn the Si eine a ch ‘thre dri of Tan Pavnce In the sce a fen wer ths pa evil she ist ald mate singh rn te hun hy ‘hat ad token ou al er Rosa and Uae cnr te previo 0 a ‘etree inoa vega ups ue he satin ae Shipofs flo war, Aled Steptoe Anton ‘Soc ear act since 190 Astnen aspen thes after 1 arp nef Seri returning ely vse 117 Tale ‘many et Sot Retna, eh le he Ble ae irs fel the many be deat that eam he wanes, in frill pint the requtningdeachent ad tachi the fo ‘Soviets wh aed go nt therm lg When the pret ‘ev kh Kiso in Ags 120 try ongnized bth ‘tevin yet mia rena fran ewer the lsd ‘en te Tan Chea He ao are ropes ere hat der ‘ted tas ad rcs dnc the “sen rnin snob the essa ey poplar demand ch me tae te ‘rd uti fe ss he cena of lsh commie INoand te dba he Cheba Te pa tbe undergnd Salt Rens Party ngaizaion ‘stad te Urn of Working Pesci neato an Pest rm theurundngare Deserts ince An hd he aes the Uns of Ning Pent the eat et ‘the Tambor reo sly has mitarysgaiaton a inrmaton ne ‘wor ans poli poga tht ent sesh det ha tes esi een (ith he posbleacpin ofthe Mann me ‘ent hal posed "In Otte 1820 the Blsberis cama wo mone than th i “Tambor ana ew proinal ran centers Desert led bythe theses tori Aono’ pes ry whch tps umbred m than 0 ‘On 1 Oxbe aang an he yo the statin, Lenin mae to Dechy" tl ha ths cnt be tl iy re inthe st exempt be mares than hs Fran ot et fai A the bepnning of November he Bless inthe a mabe sere tan 580 Trop fr he neta Defense othe Replies {ica Wang nthe Cine the mnt os ped Taso Prine uk cece 198 ling se detache the Re Jan he pest sls sean several terion ing the woof he er Vls the proinsof Sanan, Seon ann nd Avan wll etn Sr The station ee expe 3 fame teste hoe eh, rl reps at al en ere oe Seen Sumas Prince tbe mandro he Vlg itary Dis Fore a 12 Tshaury HR tt" tossed Sing esis Ie bsg he arm where te! detaches etre he a ha ts ben ruminant ams The tation te ‘raed wer tine and he ar as bee rel te epee {he cnrage cou” Fram Saat the eal ah eee set he il ing clan Mom," hn erated the le province THe {stn havea thea ln pdf en an soe "Thy ae vise hans al helo he res Wh it nal vous soar Rand Ursin he be pene ua bai the sco wb eget pre tg fn 1913 Es ‘ky nso wn sie she deren bee eld A ‘Shh a on ne fr ere an al een pa rh ltd Tac andthe ly mtg rey ta the pet dt ie fe Fedosnng in thr repn the Sian pans pode whan town upon sh elo th ibe snd sate er own sr Fm faay Mach 2) the lhe st nef he provi "yur Omsk, Chtahink, and Eterna terior Tage tan ‘amc Tan- Shera Ray, hol ik Berwen west esi ad ‘Ss, wes ct On 2 Febrwsry» Rosin pss sy eed Ie Sia ab, whch Re Amy ani do ge ee wil "haha she sam, ath Pera he oh pila Maint non onthe stot he epg a 121s mat Stine "The coma hal es spp andthe sport sytem fad fund bal Mat ote tric eve doe ae wring al fd Tretia pi he es een dan of ein alogster Ashe mrs were the te nthe string ils ‘on 16 Janay "The ote aepaiting min dm the ene "Noone wrk yore bn hey ae thang Sieve ge feb eo uty ay no, The ation in Moar ed Fos trestrorty al seme unontaiaay ee, Prevent mee tesa reed (Gnd Janmry «genet dese ada 3 pst ston lead ets Mss, Purged, an rnc, and nse Cringe when the a Wie arcs a ean deel an ‘Sime the meses enough ug he peo bli, Fr the cof Jar 0 mi March 921, kx pre Metin, he ah ‘doris an ay iin cere dh eng he Mog ‘oncom and Proud at the rdw Fray a the ing March, 1 Mona fm 3 0 2 March thre mre sce conto ten (Chet deuchinens nl grap of dessert ae ‘her nay nthe urs os es th theses Man a he wey ‘reat aod bundle were red Tn Peorad te toes Beamer ids fy 22 Fea, ‘thes wes rm aver the mi ace i “Pe fry Worker Amer" tha nae sng Merce nd Sate Rel tsmayimchraer ns in dere he sl eas the cae fhe Bsn dst resto he wn stn spas, Seem and he psa he lee ll bil poner Tae ‘heen these alle ir sper tke Thema smn aed ‘ost seta eens fom lig met ts pnd ma forthe ies On 24 Pury Cha echent penal re we konto, ling thems, That same yr sha 10 was ‘nd mitt sists never Yehe a the herent ‘Stl nth hse slr eigen om Frc th th ‘orken. Four yeaa the Fb da tht hal rar the Rar ‘ezine, story weed beeping tal mt workers nd mag Soler tine rece O 24 Fea a 00 re Gi ithe 1 the Bose Pay in Petrar sot egrm enin n use "he Sorkin up withthe ean sb. ean waiting Tor thernfercements we Jrundl Tam Ning te ae ‘he net ew ur we we ging tbe meron "Two deste cath een ht the hoi ales had been ang hora emt he i shad thc npn the Krosade {Ret nea Peoprad, Zinn sc ante lam Len on February fr 110 "Krona the two main ship the Secu andthe Paps, hae slopes Sait Reson nd Bick Handed 70 rend‘ stati among the wares ery rte AI the mab fats arcom ste Weshik tt he Saal Revert ging The demands ht Zinn eed “Sia Rene nd Black nara were these hig ht The menses a tees wee lnanding te thc yeas of Bue dst fesse econ, Tread pec, sd edo ofthe peat est "eer peasant rch and ing naa partes” Tey a dead ee eto. Torah iing oa pital psa the ino of #3fel com Ison retanie he nes of hae pied area ca End to rotsaning, te stl pl Chea decent ee Irth ent a ae hey wat wth hd a ae he tn neck vied hey do ing th mre Av Krona cere ot tering mentum Om 1 Match hae nesting tpt ethan 50 poses uae he etre nl may poplin the al se NT Ki, presen of the srl ase Corte he Sets aie pe yo dle the stunt te aed rake hal bet nef bf he rome Th loving day te rebel, nel ya fas 2.80 Bais ay Keo ‘in fred posal eur emit tha atemped kp ‘tothe esa lism Progra The diy Chat pron he suton in Parva inthe st week of Mash VD eve dubs Shut the wdesped ppb seper for the rating at Krme The Kren imme aly ape 2 reel upg i Petra ay dys The hve mae con! wth he tosinearsad witha nr fhe acne Ts atamecingn th Arsen ft oukers voted fr eon to jun the gene ssarection A ‘legion he pe —inlg sn aah Mente nd Sac [Sr Retatanny haben ltd bsp cone with Keo" ‘On? Much se Peg Cha recede ede t "andere dec sive ation aunt te mre” Within Frit hts are ha 2000 ‘ore Known sew aac sympathies or iy, wee ‘eed Unle thc mutes the were ereurarmed en cl pu up ite Fenian tothe Chet hts Hig thus brane suppor fx the Itureson the Baber prered he aml on Krnsntel "The nk of gusting the elon wa ental Genera Mihai Tok chess In pening eo be md he vcr fa the Pi anpign 1 100 nd young erat fom th ia cod ho bam aon | {vlna spel xan fan the Cea Te operation Ban on {Mc fen dns Kross wand of pole ad oie Tes See! ned eo et ten pier nee so er he tent ends Teresi of he vet ret ple forthe fr tine ‘how thom Apo fare WEI 20) worsened death 459 ‘fresno prim oe heap Jat re the fal af Krona er ‘hoo pape manage to cape muse eto Fin, whee hey mere ines in ean apn Te, brand Deel he promise (ames amber them ured to Rasa 192 whee wee imei ese and et psn he Soke ds a Imerr-an of or ner ncn ca nea range" Acc {oon march suf he SH Krona psa ho ere eh holmopy erthan S00 eres sv inthe sping of 1922" “The lary cmp he rte Di, mt al Gon ‘he sut mae hich pad ret tb poner Thy erate aed on barges, neste ied Te ek tha PS des mee a thy were rn vowed it he Fie Oba ‘Rete ome he main ers of the Chea, hal tt ese mise horns nan 1980 Sec yee reperscincu tag fhe snes om Kroyer with Cars an pest fen “Tamtor Province who a so sds ta Khoi, wee deal inthe Dua ins toni 1922. Tate ye oes eat “mites deur’ She sane 21cm Kromet, ere theron whey al aed ow hgh he ‘Once the Krone eeon al en ral teri nena it ture om bunting down sa cts, Bein hs and "hes “Spasms” suing epee uring conined despite hea tango ening an ing Mears ee he bark “On 28 Feovry 191 Deets ha nee al the prvi Cheba “0 sacar oat imme arnt ol ahi Mebe,and Soat Reslsonay igen in arta the fis weigh eles Commins of Agree nd Fo. ad 2) to ar all Mens lar and Scar Rvlanares wring tesa abe oll ferries demain Rater nari the Reining fs lain the epee po ccs th snvoosin the NEP at asp yt earene nthe epee aun the nr sale activ, The repent ‘el at bythe danger thr pose onion tthe New Esai ety, by the et hat hey ad en cpg fri lang and fh hes nt ott mr appach ps “THe ly plc Tor Memos and Scat Resonate hey hide ho llega aon set the” wae Lenin 121 pron ‘fos mh ig tht he sca were tl aking to 0 rouse rte“ the evo Sc Retina sah ab fest organ they mat ale sot ith” Beer arch and Jape Tin me than 20 drat et ace and spate ere these Ry alte metro the Cr Cries fhe er Pars ct in pinay hen threnened sth epi 0 Seri ary {92 sy Dogan bungee and te of the eer, cling er Dan an Boyt Nida, wee apeld absd sd aie in Bein ary 2 ‘Onl th main piesa herein hespringl 2 wast eve ital ration, which ha len se 10 pc of what hal bs TOIT Rarer han ling the pres on wien he Bees mnie {nds snl the mare hep oer the rece Ye The {nb ad in 121 athe aon of the NEP in he et ea Ind itn seen te ents whch pac mare than perce of ths eb the Hae he wees Ba wrk Ath nd I I9a Gon) Patan nw the ma fee eho mace Toe. taste apne haath Celery the Cl ney Wein ‘esr eirese alin ee yma pa of waren “plains nnuaton Ppt pened croc dine wn hs Tt wikcr sn aves sh uted with a mt of ab and unt when on samp or ens deat ene In U1 (rece opr arta” Work a mere ies part Ins am Si and Pann eft) mate te woes nM Crening prin y Benne the wnt rato THe Senn ete ken aa ine wen te works ced eve med ino hl the beat he netted osu a hee of the {TS thy fa on hi hn mraden who te Ubi eee “hie "The dios acho ar arto amg the wii The inp trcpdemis spac hanger” and same cs tras cesT ie the nb of mata od we eet Ato was, yan om 4 Je 121 peed the exion Tr the ing ilps nrc wh at work mth ms Ran {ints neve cfs fam Eamets finer. atoning 28 st ‘Elted tenn adace ihe patna es, MS inact Erm a pratt pa

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