Microscopic and Spectroscopic Insights Into Uranium Phosphate Mineral Precipitated by Bacillus Mucilaginosus

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Microscopic and Spectroscopic Insights into Uranium Phosphate

Mineral Precipitated by Bacillus Mucilaginosus
Wenbo Huang, Wencai Cheng, Xiaoqin Nie,*, Faqin Dong, Congcong Ding,*, Mingxue Liu,
Zheng Li, Tasawar Hayat,, and Njud S. Alharbi#

Fundamental Science on Nuclear Wastes and Environmental Safety Laboratory, Southwest University of Science and Technology,
Mianyang 621010, Peoples Republic of China

Key Laboratory of Solid Waste Treatment and Resource Recycle, Ministry of Education, Southwest University of Science and
Technology, Mianyang 621010, Peoples Republic of China

School of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, Peoples Republic of

Department of Mathematics, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan

NAAM Research Group, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Biotechnology Research Group, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we used spectroscopic and microscopic techniques to investigate the interaction mechanism
between uranium and Bacillus mucilaginosus. According to scanning electron microscope couple with energy dispersive X-ray
detector analysis, the lamellar uranium phosphate precipitation was only observed on the living B. mucilaginosus and the resting B.
mucilaginosus. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy spectrum also indicated the important role of phosphate groups in
forming U(VI)-phosphates precipitation. The X-ray diraction analysis identied the phase of U(VI)-phosphate precipitation as
H3OUO2PO43H2O. Batch experiment showed that biominerilization amount could be up to 195.84 mg/g when exposing living
B. mucilaginosus to U(VI) aqueous solution at pH 5.0 for 1 h. The precipitate was further evidenced by extended X-ray absorption
ne structure spectra based on the presence of UP shell, which demonstrated that hydrogen uranyl phosphate became the main
products on the living B. mucilaginosus with prolonged reacting time. After ashing and hydrothermal process, the precipitated
U(VI) on B. mucilaginosus could be converted into UO2 and K(UO2)(PO4)3H2O. Our ndings have signicant implications in
elucidating the potential role of bacteria in the migration of uranium in geological environment.
KEYWORDS: Biomineralization, U(VI), Bacillus mucilaginosus, hydrogen uranyl phosphate, mechanism

The development of nuke industry including uranium mining
high pH, respectively.6,7 Understanding the interplay mecha-
nism between U(VI) and environmental components (i.e.,
and milling, uranium enrichment, and irradiated fuel reprocess- microorganism, plants, and clay minerals) can help to predict
ing,1 could cause uranium release to environment and inuence the fate of uranium in the environment, which has implications
plants, animals, and microorganisms. In natural environment,
uranium was mainly present as soluble hexavalent uranium for the stewardship of uranium-contaminated groundwater.
(U(VI)) in aerobic conditions and sparingly soluble tetravalent
uranium (U(IV)) in anaerobic conditions.25 U(VI) was more Received: May 29, 2017
prone to migrate at near surface and vadose zone, and most of Revised: August 10, 2017
them as uranyl (UO22+) species and uranyl carbonate Accepted: August 11, 2017
complexes (i.e.,[UO2(CO3)3]4, [UO2(CO3)2]2) at low and Published: August 11, 2017

XXXX American Chemical Society A DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00060

ACS Earth Space Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

There are many technologies for treating uranium-containing elucidate the interaction mechanism of uranium with Bacillus
wastewater, such as evaporation, ion-exchange,8 and chemical mucilaginosus (B. mucilaginosus) at molecular level in this work.
precipitation.9 Although traditional processing methods can B. mucilaginosus, Gram-negative bacterium, was provided by
eectively prevent the pollution of U(VI) in contaminative school of life science and engineering at Southwest University
environment, they exhibited poor performance in remediating of Science and Technology. The most suitable pH and
the groundwater containing low concentrations of U(VI). temperature for its growth are pH = 7.0 and T = 30 C,
Recently, it was reported that the bioremediation was probably respectively. It was used as a model bacterium in this study
a promising alternative method.1012 As a ubiquitous because of its well characterization property and high
component representative in natural conditions, microorgan- performance on U(VI) sorption and biomineralization. The
isms with high surface area to volume ratio could directly x aims of this study are (1) to investigate the biomineralization of
U(VI) outside or inside the cell, or indirectly inuence the U(VI) by B. mucilaginosus cells varied with environmental
chemical behavior of uranium through modication of conditions (i.e., pH, contact time, the concentration of U(VI),
surrounding geochemical conditions.10,13 Previous studies and bacteria); (2) to identify mechanism of biomineralization
have reported that the reaction mechanism of U(VI) occurring between B. mucilaginosus and uranium via a combination of
on the microorganisms/water interface including absorp- scanning electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transform
tion,1418 bioaccumulation,19,20 redox,2126 and biomineraliza- infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diraction (XRD), and
tion.2732 Biomineralization was regarded as a toxicity XAFS techniques. This work highlighted the microstructure of
resistance mechanism of bacterium through forming the U(VI) on B. mucilaginosus and the biomineralization mecha-
biological precipitates by removing U(VI) from contaminated nism, which is proposed as an eective strategy for remediating
subsurface and groundwater. Some researchers determined that uranium-contaminated groundwater in situ.

uranium minerals formed on the surface of microorganisms was
the result of U(VI) sorption and precipitation by plenty of EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
functional groups such as oxalates, suldes, oxide, and
phosphates.27,33 Other researchers illustrated that the specic Material and Bacteria Culture. U(VI) stock solution (1.0
organic molecules produced by bacterial metabolism were more g/L) was prepared from UO2(NO3)26H2O in 10 mL of
or less to trigger uranium nucleation.34,35 For example, Beazley concentrated nitric acid. The bacteria were grown in 200 mL of
et al.36 concluded that cell phosphatase, produced by sterilized LB medium (10 g/L tryptone, 5 g/L yeast extract and
heterotrophic bacteria isolated from uraniferous solids, cleaved 5 g/L sodium chloride at pH 7 0.1) on a shaker with 150
the adscititious glycerol phosphate to release inorganic rpm at 30 0.1 C. The living B. mucilaginosus cells were
phosphate, which coordinated with U(VI) as extracellular harvested by centrifuging for 10 min at 6000 rpm and washed
uranyl phosphate precipitates as an autunite/meta-autunite three times using distilled water. The resting B. mucilaginosus
group mineral. The complexation of uranium with cellular (bacterial spore) was prepared by putting living bacterium in
phosphate groups and phosphate releasing from intracellular the constant 60 C drying oven after 24 h and then the bacterial
have been demonstrated to produce a crystalline state of powder was collected. Dead B. mucilaginosus was obtained via
uranium phosphate compounds (U3PO4, U- autoclaving living bacteria under 121 C for 20 min. All the
(UO2)3(PO4)2(OH)64H2O, U(UO2)3(PO4)2(OH)62H2O).37 reagents were purchased as analytical grade and used without
further purication.
The biomineralization products were relatively stable in a long-
Batch Experiment. All experiments were conducted at
term period and not easy to dissolve again.33,38,39 U(VI)-
bacterial concentration of 0.32 g/L in conical ask containing
phosphate mineral has demonstrated its thermodynamic
15 mL of 100 mg/L U(VI) solutions at 30 C. Our study
stability, more recalcitrant to disturbance from environmental
focused on the migration of uranium in uranium-contaminated
factors and oxidizing conditions.33,38 Thus, formation of
test led (i.e., 40.0060.36 mg/L in groundwater and 200800
uranium mineral precipitated by microbes potentially oers a
mg/kg in soils) and part of uranium tailing (i.e., 7.4016.80
more eective strategy for maintaining low concentration of
mg/L in groundwater) where U(VI) concentration is relatively
uranium in groundwater over long time periods. The
higher than other near the surface of natural contaminated
biomineralization process might undergo two steps: rst, the
groundwater.43,44 The pH was adjusted to the desired value by
adsorption of U(VI) on the cell surface, and second, the
adding a negligible volume of 0.05 mol/L Na2CO3 or 0.01 mol/
immobilized U(VI) was precipitated by phosphate groups as
L HCl. Then, the reacting suspensions were agitated on a
relatively stable uranyl-phosphate mineral phase.38,40 However,
shaker at 150 rpm in 30 C. After a certain reacting time, the
the formation mechanism of biological mineral at the molecular
suspensions were subjected to centrifugation at 6000 rpm for
level, as well as the role of phosphorus-containing groups or
10 min. Considering the slightly acidic environment in most
phosphate molecules releasing from microbial metabolism in
uranium tailing, the pH scope of 3.08.0 was chosen. Strong
the process of biological mineralization were not well described.
acidic or alkali environment was out of the scope here due to
X-ray absorption ne structure spectroscopy (XAFS,
the toxic eects to bacteria. The concentrations of U(VI) in the
including XANES and EXAFS) has been used to explore the
supernatant were measured using spectrophotometrically
uranium speciation on the bacteria cells, which provided the
Arsenazo III method at wavelength of 652 nm.30 The
environmental molecular structure of uranium. On the basis of
adsorption of U(VI) on conical ask was negligible as
the EXAFS results, uranium was demonstrated as U(VI)-
determined by our experiment.
phosphate complex on microbes as evidenced by UP
Removal percentage (R) and removal capacity (Q (mg/g))
shells,41,42 which revealed that uranium coordinated with
could be expressed as eqs 1 and 2, respectively
phosphate. Krawczyk-Barsch et al.18 used XAS spectroscopy
to identify the structure of uanyl phosphate mineral as autunite (C0 Ce)
group (Ca[UO2]2[PO4]226H2O, Ca[UO2]2[PO4]210 R= 100
12H2O). Therefore, we employed the EXAFS technique to C0 (1)

B DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00060
ACS Earth Space Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

Figure 1. Characterization of SEM images of living (A), resting (B), and dead (C) B. mucilaginosus in the U(VI)-free and 100 mg/L U(VI)
containing solutions (D, E, F), respectively, at pH 5.0 for 1 h.

(C0 Ce) XAFS Experiment. The XAFS spectra at U LIII-edge were

Q=V collected at BL14W beamline in Shanghai Synchrotron
m (2)
Radiation facility (SSRF, Shanghai, China). Abiotic hydrogen
where C0 (mg/L) and Ce (mg/L) were initial U(VI) uranyl phosphate (HUP, UO2HPO4nH2O) minerals and 100
concentration and concentration after immobilization, respec- mg/L UO2(NO3)26H2O solutions (UaqVI) were used as
tively. m (g) and V (mL) were the mass of B. mucilaginosus and standards. HUP was prepared by adding 5 g/L monopotassium
the volume of the suspension, respectively. All of the phosphate into 1 g/L uranyl nitrate solution after a reaction
experimental data were averages of triplicate data (the resulting time of 24 h. Then, the precipitants were collected as HUP, and
error bars (within 5%) were provided). their phase was veried by XRD. Samples for XAFS analysis
Hydrothermal and Ashing Treatment. The hydro- were obtain by centrifuging the reacting suspensions between
thermal treatment and ashing treatment were used to U(VI) (100 mg/L) and B. mucilaginosus with dierent reaction
investigate the phase transformation of uranium complex time. All the samples and standards were manipulated, stored,
loaded on biomass.45 In brief, the uranium-loaded biomass and measured in anoxic environments. All the samples and
was carbonized in a crucible until no smoke was emitted and it HUP standard were recorded in transmission mode, while
was cooled down to room temperature; then it was transferred UaqVI standard was recorded in uorescence mode. A silicon
to a mue furnace at 650 C for 4 h. As for hydrothermal (111) double-crystal monochromator was used for tuning the
treatment, the uranium-loaded biomass was added into a 50 mL desired energies of the incident X-ray beam, and Zr-foil was
Teon-lined stainless steel autoclave. Then, the autoclave was used initially for energy calibration. The spectral data were
placed in electrothermal constant-temperature drybox at 200 analyzed using Athena and Artemis, which are included in the
C for 48 h. IFFEFIT 7.0 software package. The EXAFS spectral were
Characterization. The -potential of the living B. isolated from raw project via using the Athena. Furthermore, all
mucilaginosus was measured using an acoustic spectrometer.46 EXAFS ts were proceeded in Artemis programs. In a nutshell,
SEM-EDS were examined on Ultra 55 SEM coupled with the tting parameters were provided from the structure of
Oxford IE450X-Max80 EDS successively. The samples were UO2HUP44H2O from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Data-
prepared by xing contrast and U(VI)-loaded B. mucilaginosus base (ICSD). A fe project in Artemis was established to
with 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution on glass ake for 12 h. Then, calculate scattering paths via inputting the crystal parameter.
the samples were dehydrated in a graded ethanol series The amplitude reduction factor was held constant at 1.0.

according to the sequence of 30%, 50%, 70%, 90%, and 100%.
After air-dried and gold-sputtering for 150 s, samples were
performed by SEM instrument. For EDS analysis, the electron RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
beam was ejected vertically in the horizontal placement of Identication Mineralized U(VI). The biomineralization
sample plane at accelerating voltage of 15 keV and was rst judged by SEM images of B. mucilaginosus before and
magnication of 9000 times. FT-IR spectra were collected after incubation with U(VI) solutions at pH 5.0. Figure 1 shows
from a PerkinElmer Nicolet-5700 spectrophotometer in the their three status, living (A,D), resting (B,E), and dead (C,F)
wavenumber range of 4004000 cm1 at room temperature. bacteria. The surface of original living B. mucilaginosus bacteria
Bacteria before and after U(VI) sorption as a function of pH was smooth and satiation, while the resting bacteria surface
were obtained for FT-IR analysis after mixing with KBr in ratio became folded and smaller due to the formation of bacterial
of 1:100. XRD were performed on an Olympus XPert PRO spore. After incubation with 100 mg/L U(VI) solutions, a large
diractometer using a Cu-Ka radiation source ( = 1.5406 ) to number of lamellate precipitates with nanosize covered on the
identity uranium precipitated on the biomass. The diraction surface of living bacteria (Figure 1D). By contrast, only little
pattern was recorded from 3 to 80 with a step length of similar precipitants were observed on the resting bacteria
0.03342 and a count time of 8 s. The data was analyzed by the surface, and no precipitant was found on the dead bacteria.
software of MDI Jade 6.0, and the diraction data were Similar precipitants on landoltia punctate were demonstrated as
identied using the PDF-2 database of the International Center uranyl-phosphate minerals with a crystal structure in our
for Diraction Data (ICDD). previous report.47
C DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00060
ACS Earth Space Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

The corresponding EDS spectrum showed U peaks over the chemical speciation, and accumulation or transformation were
energy range of 3.14.4 keV after living B. mucilaginosus cell dependent on the microbial metabolism.50 It was determined as
reacted with U(VI) (Figure 2B). Likewise, the intensity of P a common mechanism for phosphatase activity mediated
uranium phosphate minerals, because phosphatase activity is
necessary to obtain an essential nutrient via biodegrading
organic phosphorus-containing compounds (i.e., lycerol
phosphate, long chain polyphosphates, and phytate).51 The
released inorganic phosphate in solutions rapidly precipitates
with U(VI), forming uranyl phosphate minerals. Relative to the
vigorous metabolism of living B. mucilaginosus, the metabolism
of resting bacteria including the phosphatase activity nearly
ceased in order to survive in the extreme environment, which
might be interpreted as why there is such a small amount of
uranium-phosphate precipitants on the resting B. mucilaginosus.
The ultralow abundance of U(VI) precipitants on the resting
bacteria might result in their failure by XRD identication. The
phenomenon that no lamellar uranium-phosphate minerals
were precipitated on dead B. mucilaginosus also inferred that the
microbial activities dominated biomineralization process. In
conclusion, biomineralization was seen under fermentative
growth of B. mucilaginosus where the metabolism is vigorous.
Furthermore, the ashing and hydropenic treatment of
products displayed on Figure 2D. The mineral was converted
into uranium oxide (PDF: 75-0421, UO2) after treatment of
ashing. Hydrothermal reaction was also shaped into uranium
oxide (PDF: 75-0421, UO2) and potassium uranyl phosphate
hydrate (PDF: 29-1061, K(UO2)(PO4)3H2O), respectively.
Both treatments produced uranium oxide (UO2). In addition,
Figure 2. EDS analysis of original (A) and U(VI)-loaded (B) living B. the U(VI)-loaded bacteria after ashing and hydrothermal
mucilaginosus at pH 5.0 for 1 h; X-ray diraction spectrum of the treatment could produce high weight reduction ratio. In our
product of living B. mucilaginosus before and after 100 mg/L U(VI) experiment, 2.5000 and 1.7880 g of uranium-loaded bacteria
treatment (C), as well as the phase after the ashing and hydrothermal was decreased to 0.5334 and 0.3442 g after ashing and
treatments of U(VI)-loaded living B. mucilaginosus (D). hydrothermal treatment, respectively. These methods were very
benecial for recycling of radionuclides.
peak was greatly increased after reaction. The EDX spectrum Biomineralization Process. Figure 3A shows the removal
for U(VI)-loaded cell derived from lamellar precipitation, which of living, resting and dead B. mucilaginosus toward 100 mg/L
means more phosphorus-containing substances were trans-
ferred to where uranium existed and precipitated with U(VI).
The concentrated P content might result from the release by
microbe via ATP hydrolysis, the enzymolysis of polyphosphoric
acid, organophosphate, and other organic phosphate com-
pounds.48 The relative abundance of U and P amounts in
Figure 2B inferred that the lamellar coverage on living bacteria
consists of U and P elements. We tended to interpret the
decreased intensity of Na, Mg, Ca, and K peaks after reaction
by the coverage of UP precipitation during measurement but
not by the ion-exchange mechanism considering a constant
detection depth. The UP precipitation was further analyzed
by XRD in Figure 2C. As compared with the amorphous
Figure 3. Eect of contact time on sorption by living, resting, and dead
bacteria, U(VI)-loaded bacteria exhibited the diraction peaks B. mucilaginosus that was exposed to 100 mg/L U(VI) solution at pH 5
that were corresponding to uranyl oxonium phosphate hydrate, (A); the supernatant phosphate concentration of living B.
referred to as GD-HUP, (PDF: 37-0368, H3OUO2PO43H2O), mucilaginosus contacted with U(VI)-free and 100 mg/L U(VI)
demonstrating the crystalline structure of UP precipitation. solution (B).
GD-HUP belonged to HUP family.49 The crystalline degree of
U(VI)-loaded bacteria was gradually increased from 1 to 48 h
reaction time at the same 2 values, which revealed that the U(VI) as a function of time. It was worth noting that the
formed GD-HUP-like minerals became more stable with the immobilized capacity of living bacteria reached maximum at 1 h
longer interaction time. No bragg peaks were found for U(VI)- (195.84 mg/g) and then decreased slightly until the equilibrium
loaded resting and dead B. mucilaginosus (data not shown). was re-established at 4 h. Similar trend was also found for the
Overall, U-phosphate mineral mainly formed on the metabol- interaction between B. mucilaginosus and U(VI) in concen-
ically active B. mucilaginosus, suggesting that microbial activities tration of 25 and 50 mg/L at pH 5 varied with time in
was closely associated with U(VI) biomineralization.50 As Supporting Information (SI) of Figure S1. Resting bacteria
previous research mentioned, radionuclide bioavailability, presented a slight decrease at 2 h but was not obvious, whereas
D DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00060
ACS Earth Space Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

dead bacteria exhibited no decrease in U(VI) removal amount microbes were demonstrated to break down the precipitation of
after equilibrium. Therefore, this extraordinary phenomenon metal-phosphate to solutions. Although the dissolution of U-
should be a unique characteristic of biomineralization process phosphate mineral was observed during biomineralization, its
by living B. mucilaginosus. Although uranium-phosphate intensity was very limited and the reaction mainly went toward
precipitation on resting bacteria was less than living bacteria the direction of mineral formation. No phosphate was detected
(Figure 1), the removal capacity toward U(VI) was comparable for resting and dead B. mucilaginosus, which indicated that the
to living bacteria. The result suggested that most U(VI) was production of uranyl-phosphate minerals relied on the
immobilized by resting B. mucilaginosus via physicalchemical abundance of phosphate in environments. Overall, biominer-
sorption but not biomineralization. By comparison, the dead B. alization of B. mucilaginosus can be specically dened as an
mucilaginosus had the highest sorption capacity, which might be active phosphatase enzyme driven process where U(VI) was
attributed to that the collapsed structure during autoclaving transformed to insoluble uranyl-phosphate minerals.
process exposed more reactive sites for the capture of U(VI). Removal Inuenced by pH. The eect of pH on U(VI)
Additionally, U(VI) might go through the cell membrane due removal by living, resting, and dead B. mucilaginosus was shown
to the failure of permselectivity membrane for dead bacteria, in Figure 4A after 4 h reaction time. The control experiment
which also resulted in the high sorption capacity of U(VI).
There is a wonder of how phosphate, as the main
composition of formed minerals, reacted with U(VI) during
the biomineralization process. Figure 3B showed the released
phosphate concentration by B. mucilaginosus exposed to U(VI)-
free and U(VI)-containing solution at pH 5 and a dierent
time. Phosphate was measured by vanadium molybdate blue
colorimetric method.52 As shown in Figure 3B, phosphate
content in U(VI)-containing solutions was obviously lower
than U(VI)-free solution over the investigated time. For
example, 0.36 and 0.23 mg/L phosphate was observed in
U(VI)-free and U(VI)-loaded solutions after 48 h. The
precipitation of U(VI) on the surface of B. mucilaginosus
might inhibit the phosphatase activity, leading to the reduced Figure 4. U(VI) removal behaviors by cells of living, resting, and dead
content of phosphate in solutions. Additionally, some B. mucilaginosus as a function of pH (A); the distribution of U(VI)
phosphate, released via microbial metabolism, might participate species versus pH calculated by Visual MINTEQ 3.0 in the presence of
in forming U-phosphate minerals during the dynamic balance carbonate and phosphate, CU(VI) = 100 mg/L, CPO4 = 10 mg/L,
CNa2CO3 = 14.56 mmol/L (B).
process. The coordination of U(VI) with inorganic phosphate
was further evidenced by our EXAFS analysis. Phosphatase
activity was a necessary metabolic pathway of B. mucilaginosus without bacteria demonstrated that no precipitation was formed
for substance circulating and energy owing, as evidenced by over the investigated pH 3.08.0 for 100 mg/L U(VI) when
the increased phosphate concentrations in U(VI)-free solutions pH was adjusted by Na2CO3. On the basis of the above
with increasing time in Figure 3B. No adventitious phosphate discussion, formation of crystal U-phosphate precipitants was
or P-bearing organic substances were added in this study, which the predominant mechanism for living B. mucilaginosus, whereas
made the cells not continuously supply phosphate for U(VI) amorphous U complexation with functional groups should
mineralization. Newsome et al.51 found that the addition of dominate U(VI) removal by dead B. mucilaginosus. The removal
organophosphate in microbial community stimulated the curve shape of living and resting B. mucilaginosus was
precipitation of poorly soluble uranium phosphates. It was signicantly dierent from that of dead B. mucilaginosus, further
reported that under phosphate-limited conditions, bacteria underlining the important role of metabolic activity in U(VI)
could mine uranyl phosphates, releasing uranium to the biomineralization. The optimal U(VI) immobilization capacity
solution.53 When the released phosphate rapidly coprecipitated occurred at pH 5.0 for the three states of B. mucilaginosus.
with the bacteria and U(VI), a lacked phosphate environment Removal capacity of B. mucilaginosus toward U(VI) ranked in
will be sensed by B. mucilaginosus. As a means of obtaining the order of dead, living, and resting bacteria, that is , 95.57%,
phosphate, the enzyme on the outer membrane would be 81.6%, and 73.14% of U(VI) on dead, living, and resting B.
secreted to the solutions, dissolving the U-phosphate minerals. mucilaginosus, respectively.
Thus, the decreased biomineralization of living B. mucilaginosus The removal capacity of living B. mucilaginosus gradually
after 1 h could be explained by the dissolution of U-phosphate increased with increasing pH, and the optimal reacting
precipitants. Figure S2 displays SEM images of 2 and 8 h condition occurred at pH 5.0. The decreased U(VI) removal
interacted living cells. The dissolution of the uranium was observed at pH > 5.0. SEM images also showed the high-
precipitation even can be seen after 2 h in Figure S2A, abundance of U-phosphate precipitants at pH 5.0, low-
evidencing that some of the precipitate was dissolved after 1 h. abundance of the precipitants at pH 3.0 and 6.0, and no
However, no similar dissolution phenomenon was observed for precipitants at pH 8.0 (data not shown). Therefore, the high
a longer 8 h reaction time, and the obvious lamellar removal capacity at pH 5.0 could be attributed to both the high
precipitation formed again. Bacteria were reported to create adsorption and biomineralization at this pH value. The point of
inorganic phosphate via dissolution of phosphate-bearing zero charge for living B. mucilaginosus was measured at
minerals.54,55 It was a survival way for microbes to dissolve approximately 3 (Figure S3). Thus, the surface charge of
phosphorus-bearing minerals via secreting related phosphatase bacteria was more negative charge at pH > 3.56 More positive
or low molecular weight organic in a barren phosphorus charged uranium species (i.e., UO22+, (UO2)2(OH)22+) at pH
environment. The overexpress of polyphosphate kinase gene of 3.05.0 were favored to bind with bacteria due to electrostatic
E DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00060
ACS Earth Space Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

attraction, whereas UO2(CO3)22, UO2(CO3)34 species was peak of amide I (CO) and Amide II (NH/CO) are
predominant at pH > 8.0 and reluctant to be adsorbed due to discovered at 1652 and 1545 cm1, respectively. The peak at
biggish bond space stereochemical hindrance and electrostatic 1384 cm1 is regarded as stretching vibration of CO, and the
repulsion.57 Concurrently, pH greatly inuenced the inorganic peak at 1239 cm1 is assigned to asymmetric stretching (PO)
phosphate species released by living B. mucilaginosus. Figure 4B in phosphodiester of nucleic acids groups.62 Relative to B.
exhibited the distribution of uranium species varied pH in the mucilaginosus, the weakening peak around 1054 cm1 on
presence of phosphate and carbonate groups, calculated by U(VI)-loaded bacteria was phosphate groups of PO/PO
Visual MINTEQ 3.0. It can be seen that the U-phosphate character in CPO32 moiety. Relevant peak intensities and
precipitation like UO2HUP4(s) predominantly existed at pH positions had varied to dierent degree on U(VI)-loaded B.
3.06.0, while U-carbonate species like UO2(CO3)22 and mucilaginosus, revealing that these oxygen-containing groups
UO2(CO3)34, more stable in aqueous solutions, were the played a role in the immobilization of uranium(VI) more or
dominant species. Kulkarni et al.58 found that bacterially less, especially the phosphoryl and phosphate groups.
mediated uranium precipitation was hindered by carbonate- Previous research illustrated the asymmetric stretching
abundant conditions. Suzuki and Baneld59 agreed that frequencies of UO22+ around range between 950 and 890
H2PO4 and HPO42, as dominant species at pH 5.0, can cm1.63,64 These (VI)-loaded samples appeared as a new
favorably coordinate with uranyl ions, whereas the partial characteristic peak of UO22+ at 917, 911, 901, and 896 cm1 at
protonation of phosphate below pH 5.0 could lead to the pH 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0, respectively, which is similar to the
decreased uranyl precipitation. Some researchers believed that band of UO22+ in HUP spectra at 905 cm1. Notably, the
captured U(VI) on the surface of bacteria was more readily to intensity of UO22+ at pH 5.0 was the largest as compared with
precipitated with the anions present in the system like others, which revealed the most content of UO22+. However, no
phosphate anions.60,61 Therefore, the favorable sorption of UO22+ peak was found at pH 7.0 and 8.0. These results were
U(VI) at pH 5.0 was expected to lead to the high U(VI) consistent with immobilized experiment in Figure 4A. FT-IR
biomineralization. According to above results, the slight acid analysis indicated the participation of amino, carboxyl, and
conditions were favorable for biomineralization of uranium. In phosphate groups in the process of uranium mineralization.
addition, we have measured the pH values varied with reacting However, the end-products of mineralization were uranyl
time for living B. mucilaginosus system (Figure S5). The initial phosphate complexes rather than others. The reason might be
pH increased to a dierent extent with the increase of reacting that these groups were used as precursors that just immobilized
time. The pH change might result from the consumption of H+ uranium on bacterial surface, and then the crystal formation
during the biomineralization process, that is, H+ + UO22+ + was mediated by the microbial activity of bacteria, for example,
PO4 + 4H2O H3OUO2PO43H2O or the microbial activity. constantly producing the inorganic phosphate via catalyzing
FT-IR Spectroscopy Analysis. The FT-IR spectrum of phosphorus substances from intracellular substance to promote
original and U(VI)-loaded living B. mucilaginosus at dierent the growth of the mineral. Previous research reported that
pH, as well as the HUP, were plotted in Figure 5. The phosphate groups, from component of lipopolysaccharides and
stretching of NH bond of amino group occupies a broad and phospholipids in Gram-negative bacteria, were conductive to
cationic binding and might serve as nucleation sites for further
strong band at about 3200 to 3600 cm1. A characteristic peak
large amounts of metal deposits.37,65
at 2361 cm1 is belonged to PO stretching vibration. The
XANES and EXAFS Analysis. The XAFS spectra (XANES
and EXAFS) for U(VI) standards of abiotic HUP crystals and
UaqVI and for the samples of uranium on B. mucilaginosus over
a 1120 h reaction time at pH 5.0 were shown in Figure 6. To
identify the speciation of uranium on B. mucilaginosus, the
XANES spectra obtained with B. mucilaginosus were compared
to that of HUP and UaqVI in Figure 6A. Both the edge position
of the samples (at 17178 eV) and their shape were similar to
that of U(VI) standards, suggesting that uranium on B.
mucilaginosus was mostly present as U(VI).
ULIII-edge k3-weighted EXAFS spectra and the correspond-
ing FT (uncorrected phase) were displayed in Figure 6B,C to
investigate the local coordination of uranium on B.
mucilaginosus. On the basis of the XRD results, we used the
crystal structure of GD-HUP to t the spectra, and specic shell
information was shown in Table 1. A good t was obtained
with U(VI) on B. mucilaginosus in a GD-HUP-type environ-
ment. The rst shell of HUP, UaqVI, and all the samples were
tted by the two axial oxygen atoms at 1.781.81 , which was
consistent with the liner trans-dioxo structure reported for
uranium cooperated with oxygens.66 About 5 Oeq atoms were
tted for UaqVI spectrum at 2.44 . However, for the spectra of
HUP and all the samples, U atoms were tted in a 6-fold
coordination with Oeq atoms (with four Oeq 1 at 2.302.37
and one Oeq 2 at 2.48 ). Oeq 2 scatter contributions were
Figure 5. FT-IR spectra of living B. mucilaginosus contacted with 100 reported from neighboring ligand shells rather than directly
mg/L U(VI) varied with dierent pH after 1 h. bond to uranium.41 The UOeq 1 and UOeq 2 shells were not
F DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00060
ACS Earth Space Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

Figure 6. U LIII-edge XANES spectra (A), FT of the R space (B) and K space (C) for HUP, U(VI) in aqueous solution and U(VI)-loaded samples
over a react time of 1, 8, and 120 h in 100 mg/L U(VI) at pH 5.0.

Table 1. EXAFS Structural Parameters of U(VI) contribution of C atoms, relative to P, to coordinate with U
Coordinated with B. mucilaginosus atoms. The similarity of the spectra of samples to that of HUP
over k ranges demonstrated the predominance of phosphate-
sample shell CNa Rb 2c E R-factor
complexed U(VI) on B. mucilaginosus. The structure of U(VI)-
HUP UOax 2.14 1.79(4) 0.0037 3.9 0.0318 phosphate precipitants was similar to that of GD-HUP
UOeq 1 4.81 2.30(9) 0.0040 minerals.
UOeq 2 1.00 2.48(9) 0.0031 The greater extent of U(VI) biomineralization was observed
UP 0.94 3.37(2) 0.0055 with the increase of reaction time by comparing the spectra of
1h UOax 2.26 1.80(3) 0.0046 6.1 0.0563 B. mucilaginosus reacted with the same U(VI) concentrations.
UOeq 1 5.95 2.37(1) 0.0162 As shown in Figure 6B, both the spectrum shape and intensity
UOeq 2 1.00 2.48(0) 0.0173
of uranium speciation on B. mucilaginosus gradually gravitated
UP 1.00 3.58(0) 0.0146
toward that of HUP with the increase of reaction time,
8h UOax 0.91 1.78(9) 0.0010 7.1 0.0374
especially in the K space interval of 10.512 1, which might
UOeq 1 4.28 2.32(1) 0.0022
be contributed by the backscattering of U or the multiple
UOeq 2 1.00 2.48(0) 0.0087
scattering of P atoms.69 FT spectra exhibited a consistent trend,
UP 1.00 3.54(1) 0.0026
as evidenced by an increased intensity of UP peak more close
120 h UOax 1.45 1.81(8) 0.0003 8.9 0.0139
to HUP with increased reaction time. As listed in Table 1, the
UOeq 1 4.83 2.33(2) 0.0081
tted bond length of UP became shorter at prolonged
UOeq 2 1.00 2.48(0) 0.0091
reaction time (i.e., 3.58 and 3.51 at 1 and 120 h, respectively),
UP 1.00 3.51(2) 0.0094
demonstrating the more stable of U(VI)-phosphate complexes
UaqVI UOax 1.57 1.80(4) 0.0089 2.4 0.0178
with minimized energy. Overall, XANES and EXAFS analysis
UOeq 1 4.95 2.44(0) 0.0080
revealed that the molecular structure of uranium on B.
CN, coordination numbers of neighbor. bR, the bond distance. c2, mucilaginosus was similar to the HUP (a GD-HUP-like
the DebyeWaller factor
structure), and the crystal U(VI)-phosphate complexes was
predominant with the increased contact time.
separated as individual peak lacked enough distance span.67 Combination of microscopic and spectroscopic analysis,
The similarity of the sample spectra to that of HUP suggested Figure 7 sketched the process of biomineralization by B.
the phosphate-complexed U(VI) in B. mucilaginosus. Simulta- mucilaginosus: initially absorption and subsequently enzyme-
neously, the peak intensity approximately at 3.373.58 in R mediated uranyl-phosphate precipitates. First, U(VI) was
space was tted as UP shell for uranium species on B. captured by the cell surface via physical (i.e., electrostatic
mucilaginosus, demonstrating the back scattering P atoms to attraction or outer-sphere surface complexation) or chemical
monodentate coordination of U(VI).68 The U atom was (i.e., complexed with the oxygen-containing groups as indicated
coordinated with two bidentate and four monodentate P atoms by FT-IR analysis) interactions. This process happened for
that were reported as 3.14 and 3.69 , respectively.51 Thus, our living, resting, and dead B. mucilaginosus. Meanwhile, in order
UP tting distance might be the result of average mixed to obtain the energy and substances required for microbial
bidentate and monodentate UP coordination. Given the activity (i.e., ATP ADP + Pi), living B. mucilaginosus also
presence of carbon atom in the B. mucilaginosus and the role of secreted and excreted the phosphatase enzyme into the
carbon-containing in the capture of U(VI) in FT-IR analysis, extracellular matrix. The phosphatase can hydrolyze and
we attempted to include C in the EXAFS t. Adding a C shell catalyze the chemical states of organic PO3 contained in
leaded to a greater error on the DebyeWaller factors with no biomacromolecule of phospholipid and the phosphodiester
signicant improvement on the tting, interpreting the weak (PO2) consisted in lipopolysaccharide to inorganic PO4, as
G DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00060
ACS Earth Space Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

Xiaoqin Nie: 0000-0003-2835-4786
Congcong Ding: 0000-0002-2902-2786
The authors declare no competing nancial interest.

This work was supported by the National Basic Research
Program of China (973 Program 2014CB846003), the China
National Natural Science Foundation (Grant 41502316), the
Doctor Foundation of Southwest University of Science and
Technology (Grant 15zx7109, 16zx7155, and 16zx7154), and
the Undergraduate Innovation Fund Project by Southwest
University of Science and Technology (CX16-021).
Figure 7. A graphical analysis of the biomineralization process of B.
mucilaginosus toward uranium.
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Additional gures and information (PDF) (11) Sun, Y.; Wu, Z.; Wang, X.; Ding, C.; Cheng, W.; Yu, S.; Wang,

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50 (8), 44594467.
Corresponding Authors (12) Sun, Y.; Wang, X.; Ai, Y.; Yu, Z.; Huang, W.; Chen, C.; Hayat,
*E-mail: xiaoqin_nie@163.com (X.N.). T.; Alsaedi, A.; Wang, X. Interaction of Sulfonated Graphene Oxide
*E-mail: dingc_3650483@163.com (C.D.). Tel (Fax): +86- with U(VI) Studied by Spectroscopic Analysis and Theoretical
816-6089872. Calculations. Chem. Eng. J. 2017, 310, 292299.

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J DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00060
ACS Earth Space Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX

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