NY - Nassau County Survey Polling Memorandum 10-27-2017-2

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TO: Interested Parties

FR: Fritz Wenzel, Founder and Partner, Clout Research LLC

RE: Survey of Likely General Election Voters in Nassau County, New York

Clout Research is a leading national public opinion research firm based in Dublin, Ohio. Founded in 2005,
it serves clients across the country in politics, business, government, media, and the non-profit sector. It
conducted a telephone survey of likely 2017 voters in Nassau County, New York, regarding the race for
County Executive. The survey was conducted October 25-26, 2017, and included 607 respondents. Among
respondents, 74.3% were landline interviews, while 25.7% were interviews with cell phone respondents.
The survey carries a confidence interval of 95% and a margin of error of +/- 3.94 percentage points.

The survey of likely General Election voters in Nassau County shows Republican County
Executive candidate Jack Martins leading Democratic candidate Laura Curran by a 47% to 41%
margin heading into the last ten days of the campaign.

Martins edge over Curran has been consistent over the course of the last two months, in
part because his favorability ratinga key metric of political success in local racesremains
stronger than her favorability. While Currans favorability has grown to by 17 percentage points
to 47% of the electorate, Martins favorability has grown even more. He is now viewed
favorably by 55% of survey respondents (a 20 percentage point improvement). By five
percentage points, Martins is also slightly more well-known than Curran to Nassau County votes.

Both candidates have improved their standing among their political bases in the past two
months. Curran has increased her base support by eight percentage points, moving from 72%
two months ago to 80% backing today by voters in the Democratic, Working Families, and
Green parties. Martins has also moved up, from 77% two months ago to 82% support among
members of the Republican and Conservative parties. It is interesting to note that Martin is also
seen favorably by 35% of Democrats across the aisle, compared to 27% of Republicans that hold
Curran in a favorable light.

The change in relative favorability also demonstrates the effectiveness of the messaging
utilized by each campaign. In the August Poll, Martins overall name identification was 35%
favorable to 18% unfavorable, or net +17 percentage points. At that time, Currans name
identification was 30% favorable to 16% unfavorable (net +14 percentage points). In this
survey, Martins improved to 55% to 24% (net +31 percentage points), while Currans name

P.O. Box 207, Dublin, Ohio 43017 www.cloutresearch.com

identification was 47% to 27% (net +20 percentage points). Since August, Martins name
identification has improved by a net 14 percentage points. Currans has only improved by a net
6 percentage points.

Martins strong edge in his former State Senate District also contributes to his lead in the
ballot test. Martins 56% to 34% lead within this traditional stronghold for the Democratic Party
(including the entire Town of North Hempstead) is a two percentage point improvement from
two months ago. This reflects his increasing favorability there with likely voters, where he wins
favorable marks from 70% of the electorate, compared to 65% favorability two months ago.
More importantly, Martins lead in this Democratic section of the county is structural, with
nearly three out of every four voters in Senate District 7 indicating that they are firm in their
choice for Martins as County Executive.

Demographically, Martins has a commanding eight percentage point lead with white
voters and, because of his high favorability with Hispanic and Asian-American voters, is also
competitive with non-white voters. Martins has a 10 percentage point lead with married voters
and he leads Curran among both homeowners and renters in this latest survey. Martins leads
47% to 42% with homeowners and 38% to 29% with renters. Curran led among renters two
months ago. There is a significant gender gap in the race. Among men, Martins leads by more
than 20 points, 56% to 34%. Among women, Curran leads by a 48% to 38% edge.

Overall, among the Democrats, Working Family Party and Green Party members, three-
quarters of voters (74%) say they are firm in their choice, slightly more than Republican and
Conservative Party members (70%). While Curran has a slight lead among independents in this
survey, just 52% of these voters said they were firm in their choice and 30% of these voters said
they were very open to changing their minds before they vote.

Amidst the burgeoning news developments of attacks on women that has swept the
country in recent weeks, our survey asked about the local situation in Nassau County and found
that Laura Curran suffers significantly by not criticizingand even campaigning alongside
Democratic Party-endorsed candidates for county clerk, the county legislature and town clerk
who have either been charged or accused of physically assaulting and harassing women. The
survey shows that 50% of respondents are less likely to vote for her, knowing her actions relating
to this issue. While 25% of respondents said her stance made them more likely to vote for her,
the lions share of that group are members of the Democratic, Green, or Working Families
parties. Among Independent and unaffiliated women, 53% were less likely to support Curran
knowing her stance on this issue.

P.O. Box 207, Dublin, Ohio 43017 www.cloutresearch.com

To accurately reflect a likely voting universe for the 2017 Nassau County Executive
election, this survey includes a large 607 person sample that mirrors the electorate in the last
Nassau County Executive election.

P.O. Box 207, Dublin, Ohio 43017 www.cloutresearch.com

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