New Testament James Moffatt

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D.D., D.LiTT.





NOV 25 1914
In his essay on Protestantism, de Quincey has a characteristic para-
graph upon the popular delusion that " every idea and word which exists,
or has existed, for any nation, ancient or modern, must have a direct
interchangeable equivalent in all other languages." No one who attempts
to translate any part of the NewTestament is likely to remain very long
under such a delusion. Thus there is no exact English equivalent for
terms like Xoyos and fiva-rrjpLov and St/caiocrvvi;. The first of these I have
simply transliterated once or twice ; '
Logos '
is at any rate less mis-
leading than '
Wordwould be to a modem reader. Even when an

equivalent can be got for some New Testament term like eOvrj or "AiSi/s,
it cannot be used invariably. I have kept " Gentiles " for Wvyj in cases
where the contrast between Judaism and the outer world is prominent;
if Kipling's
" Recessional " was intelligible to modern readers, " Gentiles "
here should not cause them undue difficulty. But now and then the Greek
term carries a sense which can only be represented by our " pagans " or
" heathen," and occasionally it is no more than " nations." This will
serve as an illustration of the difficulties which confront a translator.
But once the translation of the New Testament is freed from the influence
of the theory of verbal inspiration, these difficulties cease to be so formid-
able. I have tried not to sacrifice the spirit to the letter. It is true, as

de Quincey observes in the same essay, that " the great ideas of the Bible
protect themselves. The heavenly truths, by their own imperishableness,
defeat the mortality of languages with which for a moment they are
associated." Still, this is a victory in which even the camp-followers or
translators have a modest share. They can or they should further this
linguistic Hellenistic Greek has its own defects, from the point
of view of the classical scholar, but it is an eminently translatable
language, and the evidence of papyrology shows it was more flexible than
once was imagined. My intention, therefore, has been to produce a
version which will to some degree represent the gains of recent lexical
research and also prove readable. I have attempted to translate the New
Testament exactly as one would render any piece of contemporary
Hellenistic prose in this way, students of the original text may perhaps

be benefited. But I hope also that the translation may fall into the hands
of some who know how to freshen their religious interest in the meaning
of the New Testament by reading it occasionally in some unauthorized
English or foreign version, as well as into the hands of others who for
various reasons neglect the Bible even as an English classic. This is a
hope which, no doubt, is accompanied with some risks and fears. Every
translation has to face a double ordeal. Some of its readers know the
original, some do not, and both classes have to be met. " The English
reader," as Dr. Rouse remarks, " may be quite competent to judge of
a translation as literature and as intelligible or not intelligible, but he
cannot judge of its accuracy. The scholar alone can judge of its accuracy,
but (granting that he has literary taste) he knows the original too well to
be independent of it, and hence cannot judge of the impression which the
translation will make on the minds of those who are not scholars." If this

is true of Homer, it is three times true of the New Testament. Any new
translation starts under a special handicap. It appears to challenge in
every line the rhythm and diction of an English classic, and this irritates
many who have no knowledge of the original. The old, they say, is better.

They are indifferent to the changes which recent grammatical research

has necessitated in the translation of the aorist, the article, and the
particles, for example, even since the Revised Version of 1881 was made.
But intelligibility is more than associations, and to atone in part for
the loss of associations I have endeavoured to make the New Testament,
especially St. Paul's epistles, as intelligible to a modern English reader as
any version that is not a paraphrase can hope to make them.
This raises one of the numerous points of difficulty that beset the trans-
lator. How far is he justified in modernizing an Oriental book ? How
farcan he assume that certain turns of expression have become naturalized
in English by the Authorized Version itself? I have never seen any

satisfactory solution of this problem, and I have not been able to find one.
However, it is superfluous to discuss such matters at length. This is not
the place to develop any theories on the subject. What the general public
cares for is a translator's practice rather than his principles, and students
can easily detect the latter, or the lack of them, in the former.
I wish only to add this caution, that a translator appears to be more
dogmatic than he really is. He must come down on one side of the fence

or on the other. He has often to decide on a rendering, or even on the

text of a passage, when his own mind is by no means clear and certain.
In a number of cases, therefore, when the evidence is conflicting, I must
ask scholars and students to believe that a line has been taken only after
long thought and only with serious hesitation.
The translation has been made from the text recently issued by Von
Soden of Berlin, but I have not invariably followed his arrangement and
punctuation. Wherever I have felt obliged to adopt a different reading,
this is noted at the foot of the page.
Quotations or direct reminiscences of the Old Testament are printed
in italics.
The books are arranged for the convenience of the general reader in
the order of the English Bible. This applies to the order of chapters as
well. Thus the last four chapters of Second Corinthians appear in their
usual canonical position instead of in what I believe to be their original
position between First and Second Corinthians. The only exception
I have made to this rule is in the case of some occasional transpositions
either of verses or of paragraphs, for example, in the case of the Fourth
Gospel. Any one who cares to look into the evidence for such changes
will find it in my Introduction to the Literature of the New Testament,
Lastly, it is right to add that
I have not consulted any other version

of the New Testament in preparing this work, though probably echoes

and reminiscences have clung to one's mind. The only version I have
kept before me is the one I prepared thirteen years ago for my Historical
New Testament. But the present version is not a revision of that. It is
an independent work. I agreed to undertake it with sharp misgivings,
and method of its composition may at any rate
but I trust that the spirit
do something to make some parts of the New Testament more intelligible
to some readers.
James Moffatt.




JOHN . . . 113

ACTS 145


n. CORINTHIANS . . 223









TITUS . . . . . . . . .270


T. PETER , 291

II. PETER . 296

I. JOHN . 299

n. JOHN .

m. JOHN .





1 The birth-roll of Jesus Christ, Eleazar the father of Matthan, Mat-

the son of David, the son of Abra- than the father of Jacob, Jacob 16
ham. the father of Joseph, and Joseph
2 Abraham was the father of Isaac, (to whom the virgin Mary was
Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob betrothed) the father of Jesus, who
the father of Judah and his is called '
3 brothers, Judah the father of Perez Thus all the generations from 17
and Zerah by Tamar, Perez the Abraham to David number four-
father of Hezron, Hezron the father teen,from David to the Babylonian
4 of Aram, Aram the father of Amin- captivity fourteen, and from the
adab, Aminadab the father of Nah- Babylonian captivity to Christ
shon, Nahshon the father of Sal- fourteen.
5 mon, Salmon the father of Boaz The birth of Jesus Christ came 18
by Rahab, Boaz the father of Obed about thus. His mother Mary
by Ruth, Obed the father of Jessai, was betrothed to Joseph, but be-
6 and Jessai the father of king David. fore they came together she was
David was the father of Solomon discovered to be pregnant by the
7 by Uriah's wife, Solomon the father holy Spirit. As Joseph her hus- 19
of Rehoboam, Rehoboam the father band was a just man but unwilling
of Abijah, Abijah the father of Asa, to disgrace her, he resolved to
8 Asa the father of Jehoshaphat, Je- divorce her secretly ; but after he 20
hoshaphat the father of Joram, had planned this, there appeared
9 Joram the father of Uzziah, Uzziah an angel of the Lord to him in
the father of Jotham, Jotham the a dream saying, " Joseph, son of
father of Ahaz, Ahaz the father of David, fear not to take Mary your
10 Hezekiah, Hezekiah the father of wife home, for what is begotten in
Manasseh, Manasseh the father of her comes from the holy Spirit.
Amon, Amon the father of Josiah, She will bear a son, and you will 21
11 and Josiah the father of Jechoniah call him ' Jesus,' for he will save
and his brothers at the period of his people from their sins." All 22
12 the Babylonian captivity. After this happened for the fulfilment of
the Babylonian captivity, Jecho- what the Lord had spoken by the
niah was the father of Shealtiel, prophet
Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel, The maiden will conceive and 23
13 Zerubbabel the father of Abiud, hear a son,
Abiud the father of Eliakim, Elia- and his name will be called
14 kim the father of Azor, Azor the Immanuel
father of Zadok, Zadok the father (which may be translated, God is
of Achim, Achim the lather of with us). So on waking from sleep 24
15 Eliud, Eliud the father of Eleazar, Joseph did as the angel of the Lord

had commanded him; he took his And on reaching thehouse they saw 11
25 wife home, but he did not hve with the child with his mother Mary,
her as a husband till she bore a son, they fell down to worship him,
whom he called Jesus. and opening their caskets they
offered him gifts of gold and frank-
OHAP. incense and myrrh. Then, as they 12
2 Now when Jesus was born at had been divinely warned in a
Bethlehem, belonging to Judaea, dream not to return to Herod, they
in the days of king Herod, magi- went back to their own country by
cians from the East arrived at a different road.
2 Jerusalem, asking, " Where is the After they had gone, there ap- 13
newly-born king of the Jews ? We peared an angel of the Lord to
his star when it rose, and
saw Joseph in a dream, saying, " Rise,
we have come to worship him." take the child and his mother and
3 The news of this troubled king fleeto Egypt ; stay there till I tell
Herod and
Jerusalem as
all you. For Herod is going to search
4 well so he gathered all the high
; for the child and destroy him."

priests and scribes of the people So he got up, took the child and his 14
and made inquiries of them mother by night, and went off to
about where the messiah was Egypt, where he stayed until the 15
5 to be born. They told him, " In death of Herod. This was to fulfil
Bethlehem belonging to Judaea : what the Lord had said by the
for thus it is written by the prophet I called my Son from

prophet Egypt.
6 And you Bethlehem, in Judah's Then Herod saw the magicians 16
land. had trifled with him, and he was
You are not least among the furiously angry; he sent and slew
rulers of Judah : all the male children in Bethlehem
For a ruler will come from and in all the neighbourhood who
you. were two years old or imder, calcu-
Who will shepherd Israel my lating by the time he had ascer-
people," tained from the magicians. Then 17
7 Then Herod summoned
the magi- the saying was fulfilled which had
cians in secret and
ascertained been uttered by the prophet Jere-
from them the time of the star's miah :

8 appearance. He also sent them A cry was heard in Rama, 18

to Bethlehem, telling them, " Go weeping and sore lamentation
and make a carefid search for Rachel weeping for her children,
the child, and when you have andinconsolable because they
found him report to me, so are no more.
that I can go and worship him But when Herod died, there ap- 19
9 too." The magicians listened to peared an angel of the Lord in a
the king and then went their dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, 20
way. And the star they had seen " Rise, take the child and his
rise went in front of them till it mother and go to the land of Israel,
stopped over the place where the for those who sought the child's
10 child was. When they caught sight life are dead." So he rose, took 21
of the star they were intensely glad. the child and his mother and went
: ;

22 to the land of Israel ; but on hear- I baptize you with water for 11
ing that Archelaus reigned over repentance,
Judaea in place of his father Herod, but he who is coming after me
he was afraid to go there and, by is mightier,
a divine injunction in a dream, and I am
not fit even to carry >

withdrew to the region of Galilee. his sandals

23 He went and settled in a town he will baptize you with the
called Nazaret, so that what had holy Spirit and fire.
been said by the prophets might His winno wing-fan is in his 12
be fulfilled : * He shall be called a hand,
Nazarene.' he will clean out his threshing-
CHAP. his wheat he will gather into
3 In those days John the Baptist the granary,
came on the scene, preaching in the but the straw he will burn with
2 desert of Judaea, " Repent, the fire unquenchable."
8 Reign of heaven is near." (This Then Jesus came on the scene 13
was the man spoken of by the from Galilee, to get baptized by
prophet Isaiah John at the Jordan. John tried 14
The voice of one who cries in the to prevent him ; " I need to get
desert, baptized by you," he said, " and
^Mdke the way ready for the you come to me " But Jesus 15 !

Lord, answered him, " Come now, this

level the paths for him,'') is how we should fulfil all our duty
4 This John had his clothes made of to God." Then John gave in to
camel's hair, with a leather girdle him. Now when Jesus had been 16
round his loins ; his food was locusts baptized, the moment he rose out
5 and wild honey. Then Jerusalem of the water, the heavens opened
and the whole of Judaea and all the and he saw the Spirit of God coming
Jordan-district went out to him down like a dove upon him. And 17
6 and got baptized by him in the a voice from heaven said,
7 Jordan, confessing their sins. But '
This is my Son, the Beloved,
when he noticed a number of the in him is my delight.'
Pharisees and Sadducees coming
for his baptism, he said to them,
" You brood of vipers, who told you Then Jesus was led into the 4
to flee from the coming Wrath? desert by the Spirit to be tempted
8 Now produce fruit that answers to by the devil. He fasted forty days 2
9 your repentance, instead of pre- and forty nights and afterwards felt
suming to say to yourselves, * We hungry. So the tempter came up 3
have a father in Abraham.' I tell and said to him, " If you are God's
you, God can raise up children for Son, tell these stones to become
10 Abraham from these stones The ! loaves." He answered, "It is 4
axe is lying all ready at the root written,
of the trees; any tree that is not Man is not to live on bread
producing good fruit will be alone,
cut down and thrown into the hut on every word that issues
fire. from the mouth of God"
5 Then the devil conveyed him to Simon (who is called Peter) and
the holy city and, placing him on his brother Andrew, casting a net
6 the pinnacle of the temple, said in the seafor they were fisher-
to him, " If you are God's Son, men ; so he said to them, "
Come, 19
throw yourself down; for it is follow me, and I will make you
written. fish for men." And they dropped 20
He will give his angels charge of their nets at once and followed
you ; him. Then going on from there 21
they will hear you on their hands, he saw two other brothers, James
lest you strike your foot against a the son of Zebedaeus and his brother
stone J'^ John, mending their nets in the
7 Jesus said to him, " It is written boat beside their father Zebedaeus.
again, You shall not tempt the Lord He called them, and they left the 22
8 your God" Once more the devil boat and their father at once, and
conveyed him to an exceedingly went after him.
high mountain and showed him all Then he made a tour through 23
the realms of the world and their the whole of Galilee, teaching in
9 grandeur ; he said, " I will give you their synagogues, preaching the
all that if you will fall down and gospel of the Reign, and healing
10 worship me." Then Jesus told all the sickness and disease of the
him, " Begone, Satan it is written,! people. The fame of him spread all 24
You must worship the Lord your through the surrounding country,*
11 Gody and serve him alone." At and people brought him all their
this the devil left him, and sick, those who suffered from all
angels came up and ministered to manner of disease and pain, de-
him. moniacs, lunatics, and paralytics;
12 Now v/hen Jesus heard that he healed them all. And he was 25
John had been arrested, he with- followed by great crowds from
13 drew to Galilee he left Nazaret
; Galilee and Decapolis and Jeru-
and settled at Capharnahum beside salem and Judaea and from across
the lake, in the territory of Zebulun the Jordan.

14 and Naphtali for the fulfilment
of what had been said by the CHAP.
prophet Isaiah : So when he saw the crowds, he 5
15 Land of Zebulun, land of Naphtali went up the hill and sat down his ;

lying to the sea, across the disciples came up to him and he 2

Jordan, opened his lips and began to teach
Galilee of the Gentiles ! them. He said :

16 The people who sat in darkness "Blessed are those who feel poor 3
saw a great light, in spirit !

yea light dawned on those who the Realm of heaven is theirs.

sat in the land and the shadow Blessed are the mourners 1 4
of death. they will be consoled.
17 From that day Jesus began to
preach, saying, " Repent, the Reign
* I accept Blass's suggestion that 'S.vpiav
of heaven is near." here is a corruption of crwoplav (see Mark
18 As he was walking along the i. 28), which is actually read by one
sea of Galilee he saw two brothers, uncial manuscript r.
5 Blessed are the humble f even one of the least, and
they will inherit the earth, teaches men so,
6 Blessed are those who hunger he willbe ranked least in the
and thirst for goodness! Realm of heaven;
they will be satisfied. but whoever obeys them and
7 Blessed are the merciful I teaches them,
they will find mercy. he will be ranked great in the
8 Blessed are the pure in heart I Realm of heaven.) For I 20
they will see God. tell you, unless your goodness
9 Blessed are the peacemakers ! excels that of the scribes and Phari-
they will be ranked sons of sees, you will never get into the
God. Realm of heaven.
10 Blessed are those who have been You have heard how the men of 21
persecuted for the sake of old w^ere told, ^Murder not
goodness I whoever murders must come up
The Realm of heaven is theirs. for sentence,*
11 Blessed you when men
are whoever maligns his brother must 22
denounce you and persecute you come before the Sanhedrin,
and utter all manner of evil against whoever curses his brother must
12 you for my sake; rejoice and go to the fire of Gehenna.'
exult in it, for your reward is But I tell you, whoever is angry
rich in heaven; that is how they with his brother will be sentenced
persecuted the prophets before you. by God. So if you remember, even 23
13 You are the salt of the earth. when you are offering your gift at
But if salt becomes insipid, what the altar, that your brother has any
can make again ? After that
it salt grievance against you, leave your 24
it is fit for nothing, fit only to be gift at the very altar and go away
thrown outside and trodden by the first be reconciled to your brother,
feet of men. then come back and offer your gift.
14 You are the light of the world, Be quick and make terms with 25
A town on the top of a hill cannot your opponent, so long as you and
15 be hidden. Nor do men light a he are on the way to court, in case
lamp to put it under a bowl ; they he hands you over to the judge, and
put it on a stand and it shines for the judge to the jailer, and you are
16 all in the house. So your light is thrown into prison; truly I tell 26
to shine before men, that they may you, you will never get out till you
see the good you do and glorify pay the last halfpenny of your debt.
your Father in heaven. You have heard how it used to 27
17 Do not imagine I have come to be said. Do not commit adultery.
destroy the Law or the prophets; But I tell you, any one who even 28
I have not come to destroy but to looks with lust at a woman has
18 fulfil.(I tell you truly, till heaven committed adultery with her al-
and earth pass away not an iota, ready in his heart.
not a comma, will pass from the
Law until it is all in force. There- * I follow the suggestion that the
fore second and third clauses of ver. 22
should be restored to what seems to be
19 whoever relaxes a single one of their original position as a rabbinic
these commands, were it coxumeut upon the closing words of ver. 21.
: ; ; ; ;

29 If your right eye is a hindrance whoever wants to sue you for 40
to you, your shirt,
pluck it out and throw it away : let him have your coat as well
better for you to lose one of your whoever forces you to go one 41
members mile,
than to have all your body go two miles with him
thrown into Gehenna. give to the man who begs from 42
30 And if your right hand is a hind- you,
rance to you, and turn not away from him
cut it off and throw it away : who wants to borrow.
better for you to lose one of your You have heard the saying, *'You 43
members must love your neighbour and hate
than to have all your body your enemy.' But I tell you, 44
thrown into Gehenna. love your enemies and pray for
31 It used to be said, Whoever those who persecute you, that you 45
divorces his wife must give her a may be sons of your Father in
32 divorce-certificate. But I tell you, heaven :

anyone who divorces his wife for he makes his sun rise on the evil
any reason except unchastity makes and the good,
her an adulteress, and whoever and sends rain on the just and
marries a divorced woman commits the unjust.
adultery. For if you love only those who 46

33 Once again, you have heard how love you, what reward do
the men of old were told, 'You must you get for that ?
not forswear yourself but discharge do not the very taxgatherers
34 your vows to the Lord \ But I tell do as much?
you, you must not swear any oath, and if you only salute your 47
neither by heaven, friends, what is special about
for it is the throne of God, that?
35 nor by earth, do not the very pagans do as
for it is the footstool of his feet, much ?
nor by Jerusalem, You must he perfect as your 48
for it is the city of the great heavenly Father isperfect.
King ;
36 nor shall you swear by your head,
for you cannot make a single Take care not to practise your 6
hair white or black. charity before men in order to
37 Let what you say be simply be noticed; otherwise you get
yes or * no ' '
no reward from your Father in
whatever exceeds that springs heaven. No,
from evil. When you give alms, 2
38 You have heard the saying. An make no flourish of trumpets like
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, the hypocrites in the syna-
39 But I tell you, you are not to resist gogues and the streets,
an injury so as to win applause from
whoever strikes you on the right men;
cheek, I tell you truly, they do get
turn the other to him as well their reward.
8 When you give alms, For if you forgive men their tres- 14
do not letyour left hand know passes,
what your right hand is then your heavenly Father will
doing, forgive you
4 so as to keep your alms secret but if you do not forgive men, 15
then your Father who sees your Father will not forgive your
what is secret will reward trespasses either.
you openly.* When you fast, 16
5 Also, when you pray, you must not do not look gloomy like the hypo-
be like the ihypocrites, crites,
for they like to stand and pray in for they look woebegone to let
the synagogues and at the men see they are fasting
street-corners, I tell you truly, they do get
so as to be seen by men their reward.
I tell you truly, they do get But when you fast, 17
their reward. anoint your head and wash j^our
6 When you pray, face,
go into your room and shut the may be seen 18
so that your fast
door, not by men but by your
pray to your Father who is in Father who is in secret,
secret, and your Father who sees
and your Father who sees what is secret will reward
what is secret will reward you.
you. Store up no treasures for your- 19
7 Do not pray by idle rote like selves on earth,
pagans, where moth and rust corrode,
for they suppose they will be where thieves break in and
heard the more they say ; steal
8 you must not copy them store up
treasures for yourselves 20
your Father knows your needs in heaven,
before you ask him. where neither moth nor rust
9 Let this be how you pray : corrode,
' our Father in heaven, where thieves do not break in
thy name be revered, and steal.
10 thy Reign begin, For where your treasure lies, 21
thy will be done your heart will lie there too.
on earth as in heaven I The eye is the lamp of the body : 22
11 give us to-day our bread for so, if your Eye is generous,
the morrow, the whole of your body will be
12 and forgive us our debts illumined,
as weourselves have for- but if your Eye is selfish, 23
given our debtors, the whole of your body will be
18 and lead us not into tempta- darkened.
tion And if your very light turns dark,
but deliver us from evil.'
then what a darkness it is !

* Retaining iv tQ (f>avep^, which has

No one can serve two masters : 24
powerful support in the Old Latin and either he will hate one and love
Sjnriac versions. the other,
; ; ;


or else he will stand by the one to-morrow will take care of

and despise the other itself.
you cannot serve both God and The day's own trouble is quite
Mammon. enough for the day.
25 Therefore I tell you,
do not trouble about what you CHAP.
are to eat in life, Judge not, that you may not be 7
nor about what you are to judged yourselves;
put on your body for as you judge so you will be 2
surely life means more than food, judged,
surely the body means more and the measure you deal out to
than clothes ! others will be dealt out to
26 Look at the wild birds yourselves.
they sow not, they reap not, Why do you note the splinter in 3
they gather nothing in your brother's eye and fail to see
granaries, the plank in your own eye ? How 4
and yet your heavenly Father can you say to your brother, ' Let
feeds them. me take out the splinter from your
Are you not worth more than eye,' when there lies the plank in
birds ? your own eye ? You hypocrite ! 5
27 Which of you can add an ell to take the plank out of your own eye
his height by troubling first, and then you will see properly
about it ? how to take the splinter out of your
28 And why should you trouble brother's eye.
over clothing? Do not give dogs what is sacred 6
Look how the lilies of the field and do not throw, pearls before
grow; sv^dne, in case they trample them
they neither nor spin,
toil under foot and turn to gore
29 and yet, I tell you, even Solo- you.
mon in aU his grandeur Ask and the gift will be yours, 7
was never robed Uke one seek and you v^ll find,
of them. knock and the door will
30 Now if God so clothes the grass of open to you
the field which blooms to-day and for every one who asks receives, 8
is thrown to-morrow into the fur- the seeker finds,
nace, VTill not he much more clothe the door is opened to any-
you ? O men, how little you trust one who knocks.
31 him !Do not be troubled, then, Why, which of you, when asked 9
and cry, What are we to eat ? or
' '
by his son for a loaf, will
what are we to drink ? or how ' '
hand him a stone ?
32 are we to be clothed ? (pagans '
Or, if he asks a fish, will you 10
make all that their aim in life) for hand him a serpent ?
your heavenly Father knows quite Well, if for all your evil you 11
33 well you need all that. Seek his know to give your children
Realm and goodness, and all that what is good,
will be yours over and above. how much more will your
34 So do not be troubled about to- Father in heaven give good
morrow ; gifts to those who ask him ?

12 Well then, whatever you would depart from my presence, you workers
like men to do to you, do just the of iniquity,^
same to them that is the meaning
; Now, everyone who listens to 24
of the Law and the prophets. these words of mine and acts upon
13 Enter by the narrow gate : them will be like a sensible man
for [the gate] is broad and the who built his house on rock. The 25
is wide that leads to
road rain came down, the floods rose,
destruction, the winds blew and beat upon that
and many enter that way. house, but it did not fall, for it was
14 But the road that leads to founded on rock. And everyone 26
life is both narrow and who listens to these words of mine
close, and does not act upon them will
and there are few who find be like a stupid man who built his
it. house on sand. The rain came 27
15 Beware of false prophets; they down, the floods rose, the wdnds
come to you with the garb of sheep blew and beat upon that house,
but at heart they are ravenous
and down it fell with a mighty
16 wolves. You will know them by crash."
their fruit; do men gather grapes When Jesus finished his speech, 28
from thorns or figs from thistles? the crowds were astounded at his
No, teaching; for he taught them like 29
17 every good tree bears sound an authority, not like their own
fruit, scribes.
but a rotten tree bears bad CHAP.

fruit When he came down from the 8

18 a good tree cannot bear bad hill, he was followed by large
fruit, crowds. A leper came up and knelt 2
and a rotten tree cannot bear before him, saying, " If you only
sound fruit. choose, sir, you can cleanse me "
20 So you will know them by their so he stretched his hand out and 3
19 fruit.* Any tree that does not touched him, with the words, " I
produce sound fruit will be cut do choose, be cleansed." And his
down and thrown into the fire. leprosy was cleansed at once. Then 4
21 not everyone who says to
It is Jesus told him, " See, you are not
me ' Lord, Lord ', who will get into
to say a word to anybody; away
the Realm of heaven, but he who and show yourself to the priest and
does the will of my Father in offer the gift prescribed by Moses,
22 heaven. Many will say to me at to notify men."
that Day, * Lord, Lord, did we not When he entered Capharnahum 5
prophesy in your name? did we an army-captain came up to him
not cast out daemons in your name ? and appealed to him, saying, " Sir, 6
did we not perform many miracles my servant is lying ill at home with
23 in your name ? Then I will de-
' paralysis, in terrible agony." He 7
clare to them, ' I never knew you replied, " I will come and heal him."
The captain answered, " Sir, I am 8
* Ver. 19 is repeated from iii. 10; to
not fit to have you under my roof
preserve the proper sequence of thought,
it must be placed after ver. 20 as a link only say the word, and my servant
with the following paragraph. will be cured. For though I am 9

a man under authority myself, but the Son of man has nowhere
I have soldiers under me; I tell to lay his head."
one man to go, and he goes, I tell Another of the disciples said to him, 21
another to come, and he comes, " Lord, let me go and bury my
I tell my servant, Do this,' and
father first of all " ; Jesus said to 22
10 he does it." When Jesus heard him, " Follow me, and leave the
that he marvelled " I tell you
; dead to bury their own dead."
truly," he said to his followers, " I Then he embarked in the boat, 23
have never met faith like this any- followed by his disciples. Now a 24
11 where even in Israel. Many, I tell heavy storm came on at sea, so that
you, will come from east and west the boat was buried under the
and take their places beside Abra- waves. He was sleeping. So they 25
ham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Realm went and woke him up, saying,
12 of heaven, while the sons of the " Help, Lord, we are drowning " !

Realm will pass * outside, into the He said to them, " Why are you 26
darkness ; there men will wail and afraid? How little you trust
13 gnash their teeth." Then Jesus God " Then he got up and

said to the captain, " Go ; as you checked the winds and the sea,
have had faith, your prayer is and there was a great calm. Men 27
granted." And the servant was marvelled at this; they said,
cured at that very hour. **
What sort of man is this ? the
14 On entering the house of Peter, very winds and sea obey him " !

Jesus noticed his mother-in-law When he reached the opposite 28

15 was down with fever, so he touched side, the country of the Gadarenes,
her hand; the fever left her and he was met by two demoniacs who
she rose and ministered to him. ran out of the tombs; they were
16 Now when evening came they so violent that nobody could
brought him many demoniacs, and pass along the road there. They 29
he cast out the spirits with a word shrieked, " Son of God, what
17 and healed all the invalids that business have you with us ? Have
the word spoken by the prophet you come here to torture us before
Isaiah might be fulfilled, He took it is time ? " Now, some dis- 30
away our sicknesses and he removed tance away, there was a large drove
our diseases, of swine grazing, so the daemons 31
18 When Jesus saw crowds round begged him saying, " If you are
him he gave orders for crossing going to cast us out, send us into
19 to the other side. A scribe came that drove of swine." He said to 32
up and said to him, " Teacher, them, " Begone " So out they

20 I will follow you anywhere " ; Jesus came and went to the swine, and
said to him, the entire drove rushed down
" The foxes have their holes, the steep slope into the sea and
the wild birds have their nests, perished in the water. The herds- 33
men fled; they went off to the
* Reading IfeXctJcoKTot with X*, the Old town and reported the whole affair
Latin and Syriac versions, the Diatessaron,
etc. The variant
of the demoniacs. Then all the 34
iK^XTje-na-ovrai represents
a conventional term which would easily
town came out to meet Jesus, and
be substituted for the less common ex- when they saw him they begged
pression. him to move out of their district.
9 So he embarked in the boat Jesus said to them, 15
and crossed over to his own town. " Can friends at a wedding fast
2 There a paralytic was brought to so long as the bridegroom
him, lying on a pallet; and when is beside them?
Jesus saw the faith of the bearers A time will come when the bride-
he said to the paralytic, " Courage, groom is taken from them,
myson your sins are forgiven."
I and then they will fast.
8 Some scribes said to themselves, No one sews a piece of undressed 16
" The man is talking blasphemy " ! cloth on an old coat.
4 Jesus saw what they were thinking For the patch breaks away
and said, " Why do you think evil from it,
6 in your hearts ? Which is the and the tear is made worse :

easier thing, to say, * Your sins are nor do men pour fresh wine into 17
forgiven,' or to say, * Rise and old wineskins,
6 walk ' ? But to let you see the Son otherwise the wineskins burst,
of man has power on earth to for- and the wine is spilt, the

give sins " he then said to the wineskins are ruined.
paral}i:ic, " Get up, lift your pallet, They putfresh wine into fresh
7 and go home." And he got up wineskins,
8 and went home. The crowds who and so both are preserved."
saw it were awed and glorified As he said this, an official came in 18
God for giving such power to and knelt before him, saying, " My
men. daughter is just dead; do come
9 As Jesus passed along from there, and lay your hand on her, and she
he saw a man called Matthew sitting will live." So Jesus rose and went 19
at the tax-office; he said to him, after him accompanied by his dis-
" Follow me " ; and he rose and ciples. Now a woman who had had 20
followed him. a hemorrhage for twelve years
10 Jesus was at table indoors, and came up behind him and touched
many taxgatherers and sinners the tassel of his robe; what she 21
had come to be guests with him said to herself was this, " If I can
11 and his disciples. So when the only touch his robe, I will recover."
Pharisees saw this, they said to Then he turned round and when 22
his disciples, " Why does your he saw her he said, " Courage, my
teacher eat wnth taxgatherers and daughter, your faith has made you
12 sinners ? " When Jesus heard it well." And the woman was well from
he said, "Those who are strong that hour. Now when Jesus reached 23
have no need of a doctor, but the official's house and saw the flute-
13 those who are ill. Go and learn players and the din the crowd were
the meaning of this word, / care making, he said, " Be off with you ; 24
formercy not for sacrifice. For I the girl is not dead but asleep."
have not come tp call just men but They laughed at him. But after 25
sinners." the crowd had been put out, he went
14 Then the disciples of John came in and took her hand, and the girl
up to him and said, " Why do rose up. The report of this went 26
we and the Pharisees fast a great allover that country.
deal, and your disciples do not As Jesus passed along from there, 27
fast?" he was followed by two blind men

who shrieked, " Sun of David, have Simon (who is called Peter) and
28 pity on us " When he I went Andrew his brother, James the
indoors the blind men came up to son of Zebedaeus and John his
him, and Jesus asked them, " Do brother, Philip and Bartholomew, 8
you beheve I can do this ? " They Thomas and Matthew the tax-
29 said, " Yes, sir." Then he touched gatherer, James the son of Alphaeus
their eyes and said, " As you and Lebbaeus whose surname is
beheve, so your prayer is granted," Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot and 4
30 and their eyes were opened. Jesus Judas Iscariot who betrayed him.
sternly charged them, " See, nobody These twelve men Jesus despatched 5
31 is to know of this." But they with the following instructions,
went out and spread the news of " Do not go among the Gentiles,
32 him all over that country. As rather make your way to the lost 6
they went out, a dumb man was sheep of the house of Israel. And 7
brought to him, who was pos- preach as you go, tell men, * The
33 sessed by a daemon, and when the Reign of heaven is near.' Heal 8
daemon had been cast out, the the sick, raise the dead, cleanse
dumb man spoke. Then the lepers, cast out daemons; give
crowd marvelled ; they said, " Such without paying, as you have got
a thing has never been seen in without paying; you are not to 9
Israel " * ! take gold or silver or coppers in
35 Then Jesus made a tour through your girdle, nor a wallet for the 10
all the towns and villages, teaching road, nor two shirts, nor sandals,
in their synagogues, preaching the
nor stick the workman deserves
gospel of the Reign, and healing his rations. Whatever town or 11
36 every disease and complaint. As village you go into, find out a de-
he saw the crowds he was moved serving inhabitant and stay with
with pity for them; they were him till you leave.
harassed and dejected, like sheep When you enter the house, salute 12
37 without a shepherd. Then he said it;
to his disciples, " The harvest is ifthe household is deserving, 13
38 rich, but the labourers are few ; so let your peace rest on it
pray the Lord of the harvest to send but if the household is unde-
labourers to gather his harvest." serving,
let your peace return to you.
CHAP. Whoever will not receive you or 14

10 And summoning twelve dis-

his listen toyour message, leave that
ciples he gave them power over house or town and shake off the
unclean spirits, power to cast them very dust from your feet. I tell 15
out and also to heal every disease you truly, on the day of judg-
2 and every ailment. These are the ment it will be more bearable
names of the twelve apostles first :
for Sodom and Gomorra than for
that town. I am sending you 16
34 (* But the Pharisees said,
Ver. out like sheep among wolves; so
" Hecasts out daemons by the prince of be wise like serpents and guileless
daemons '") is to be omitted, with D, Syr.^'"-, like doves. Beware of men, they 17
the Old Latin, the Diatessaron, etc. It
is probably a later insertion from xii. 24 will hand you over to sanhedrins
or Mark iii. 22, to prepare for sdi. 24 f. and scourge you in their syna-
18 gogues, and you will be haled before Are not two sparrows sold for a 29
governors and kings for my sake farthing ?
it will be a testimony to them and Yet not one of them will fall
19 to the Gentiles. Now, when they to the ground unless your
bring you up for trial, do not trouble Father wills it.
yourselves about how to speak or The very on your head are 30
what to say; what you are to say all numbered;
will come to you at the moment, fear not, then, you are worth 31
20 for you are not the speakers, it is far more * than spar-
the Spirit of your Father that is rows I

21 speaking through you. Brother Everyone who will acknowledge 32

will betray brother to death, the me before men,
father will betray his child, children I will aclaiowledge him before
will rise against their parents and myFather in heaven
22 put them to death, and you will and whoever will disown me 83
be hated by all men on account of before men,
my name ; but he will be saved who I will disown him before my
holds out to the very end. Father in heaven.
23 When they persecute you in one
town, flee to the next; truly I tell Do not imagine I have come to 34
you, you will not have covered the bring peace on earth
towns of Israel before the Son of I have not come to bring peace
man arrives. but a sword.
24 A scholar is not above his teacher, I have come to set a man against 35
nor a servant above his lord his father,
25 enough for the scholar to fare a daughter against her mother^
like his teacher, a daughter-in-law against her
and the servant hke his lord. mother-in-law ;
If men have called the master Yes, a man's own household will 36
of the house Beelzebul, be his enemies.
how much more will they mis- He who loves father or mother 37
call his servants 1 more than me
26 Fear them not :
is not worthy of me
nothing is veiled that will not he who loves son or daughter
be revealed, more than me
or hidden that will not be is not worthy of me :
known he who will not take his cross and 38
27 what I tell you in the dark, you follow after me
must utter in the open, is not worthy of me.
what you hear in a whisper He who has found his life will 39
you must proclaim on the lose it,

housetop. and he who loses his life for my

28 Have no fear of those who kill sake will find it.
the body but cannot kill
the soul * The iroWwv of the text is either a
corruption of woW^ or, as Wellhausen
rather fear Him who can de-
points out, a mistranslation of the Aramaio
stroy both soul and body equivalent for that. The distinction is

in Gehenna. qualitative, not quantitative.'


40 He who receives you receives A man arrayed in soft wd-
me, ment?
and he who receives me The wearers of soft raiment
receives Him who sent are in royal palaces.
me. Come, why did you go out? 9
41 He who receives a prophet be- To see a prophet ?
cause he is a prophet, Yes, I tell you, and far more
will receive a prophet's re- than a prophet.
ward; This is he of whom it is 10
he who receives a good man be- written,
cause he is good, Here I send my messenger before
will receive a good man's re- your face
ward. to prepare the way for you.
42 And whoever gives one of these I tell you truly, no one has 11
little ones even a cup of arisen sons of women
among the
cold water because he is a who greater than John the Bap-
disciple, tist, and yet the least in the Realm
I tell you, he will not lose his of heaven is greater than he is.
reward." From the days of John the Baptist 12
till now the Realm of heaven suffers
CHAP. violence, and the violent press into
11 After finishing these instruc- it. For all the prophets and 13
tions to his twelve disciples, Jesus the Law prophesied of it until
removed from there to teach and
preach among their towns.
John: if you care to believe
it, 14
he isthe Elijah who is to come.
2 Now when John heard in prison He who has an ear, let him listen 15
what the Christ was doing, he sent to this.
3 his disciples to ask him, " Are you But to what shall I compare 16
the Coming One? Or are we to this generation? It is like chil-
4 look out for someone else ? " Jesus dren sitting in the marketplace,
answered them, " Go and report who call to their playmates,
to John what you hear and see : '
We piped to you and you would 17
5 the blind see, the lame walk, lepers not dance,
are cleansed, the deaf hear, and we lamented and you would
6 the dead are raised.* And blessed not beat your breasts.'
is he who is repelled by nothing For John has come neither eat- 18
7 in me " ! As the disciples of John ing nor drinking,
went away, Jesus proceeded to and men say, * He has a
speak to the crowds about John : devil '

" What did you go out to the the Son of man has come eating 19
desert to see ? and drinking,
A reed swayed by the wind ? and men say, ' Here is a glut-
8 Come, what did you go out to ton and a drunkard,
see? a friend of taxgatherers and
sinners !

Omitting vraxol ehayyeXlCovrai,

Nevertheless, Wisdom is vindi-
which seems a harmonistio interpolation
from Luke vii. 22. Matthew never uses cated by all that she
tvayye\l^fff9au does."
20 Then he proceeded to upbraid At that time Jesus walked one 12
the towns where his many miracles sabbath through the cornfields,
had been performed, because they and as his disciples were hungry
21 would not repent. " Woe to you, they started to pull some ears of
Khorazin Woe to you, Beth-
! corn and eat them. When the 2
saida Had the miracles per-
! Pharisees noticed it, they said to
formed in you been performed in him, " Look at your disciples, they
Tyre and Si don, they would have are doing what is not allowed on
repented long ago in sackcloth and the sabbath." He replied, " Have 3
22 ashes. I tell you this, it will be you not read what David did when
more bearable for Tyre and Sidon he and his men were hungry, how 4
on the day of judgment than for he went into the house of God, and
23 you. And you, O Capharnahum ! there they ate the loaves of the
Exalted to heaven^ No, you will Presence which neither he nor his
sink to Hades, for if the miracles men were allowed to eat, but only
performed in you had been per- the priests? Have you not read 5
formed in Sodom, Sodom would in the Law that the priests in the
24 have lasted to this day. I tell you, temple are not guilty when they
it will be more bearable for Sodom desecrate the sabbath? I tell 6
on the day of judgment than for you. here who is greater
One is
you." than the temple. Besides, if you 7
25 At that time Jesus spoke and had known what this meant, /
said, *'
I praise thee, Father, Lord care for mercy not for sacrifice,
of heaven and earth, for hiding you would not have condemned
all this from the wise and learned men who are not guilty. For 8
and revealing it to the simple- the Son of man is Lord of the
26 minded yes, ; Father, I praise sabbath."
thee that such was thy chosen Then he moved on from there and 9
purpose. went into their synagogue. Now 10
27 All has been handed over to me a man with a withered hand was
by my Father : there; so in order to get a charge
and no one knows the Son against him they asked him, " Is
except the Father it right to heal on the sabbath ?
nor does anyone know the He said to them, " Is there a man 11
Father except the Son, of you with one sheep, who will not
and he to whom the Son catch hold of it and lift it out of a
chooses to reveal him. pit on the sabbath, if it falls in?
28 Come to me, all who are labour- And how much more is a man worth 12
ing and burdened, than a sheep ? Thus it is right to do
and I will refresh you. a kindness on the sabbath." Then 13
29 Take my yoke upon you and he said to the man, " Stretch out
learn from me, your hand." He stretched it out,
for I am gentle and humble in and it was quite restored, as sound
heart, as the other. So the Pharisees with- 14
and you will find your souls drew and plotted against him, to de-
refreshed ; stroy him but as Jesus knew of 15

my yoke kindly and my it he retired from the spot. Many

light/*~~ followed him, and he healed them
; ;


16 charging them
all, strictly not to But if I cast out daemons by 28
17 make him known ^it was for the the Spirit of God,
fulfilment of what had been said by then the Reign of God has
the prophet Isaiah, reached you already.
18 Here is my servant whom I have Why, how can anyone enter the 29
chosen, strong man's house and plunder his
my Beloved in whom my soul goods, unless he first of all binds the
delights ; strong man ? Then he can plunder
I will invest him with Spirit, my his house.
and he will proclaim religion to He who is not with me is against 30
the Gentiles, me,
19 He will not wrangle or shout, and he who does not gather
no one will hear his voice in the with me
streets, I tell you therefore, men will be 31
20 He will not break the bruised forgiven any sin and blas-
reed, phemy,
he will not put out the smouldering but they will not be forgiven
flax, for blaspheming the Spirit.
till he carries religion to victory : Whoever says a word against the 32
21 and the Gentiles will hope in his Son of man will be forgiven,
name, but whoever speaks against
22 Then a blind and dumb demoniac the holy Spirit will never
was brought to him, and he healed be forgiven,
him, so that the dumb man spoke neither in this world nor in
23 and saw. And all the crowds were the world to come.
amazed ; they said, " Can this be Either make the tree good and 33
24 the Son of David ? *' But when its fruit good,
the Pharisees heard of it they said, or make the
tree rotten and
" This fellow only casts out dae- rotten
its fruit
mons by Beelzebul the prince of for the tree is known by its
25 daemons." As Jesus knew what fruit.
they were thinking, he said to You brood of vipers, how can 34
them, you speak good when you
" Any realm divided against itself are evil?
comes to ruin, For the mouth utters what the
any city or house divided heart is full of.
against itself will never The good man brings good out of 35
stand his good
26 and if Satan casts out Satan, and the evil man brings evil
he is divided against him- out of his store of evil.
self; I tell you, men will have to 36
how then can his realm account on the day of judgment
stand ? for every light word they utter;
27 Besides, if I cast out daemons for by your words you will be 37
by Beelzebul, acquitted,
by whom do your sons cast and by your words you will be
them out ? condemned."
Thus they will be your judges. Then some of the scribes and 38

Pharisees said to him, " Teacher, side; they wanted to speak to

we would hke to have some him.* But he replied to the man 48
39 Sign from you." He replied to who told him this, " Who is
them, my mother? and who are my
" It is an evil and
disloyal genera- brothers ? " out his 49
tion that craves a Sign, hand towards his disciples he said,
but no Sign will be given to " Here are my mother and my
except the Sign of the
it brothers Whoever does the will 50

prophet Jonah; of my Father in heaven, that is my

40 for as Jonah was three days and brother and sister and mother."
three nights in the belly of
the whale,
so the Son of man will be three That same day Jesus went out 13
days and three nights in of the house and seated himself
the heart of the earth. by the seaside; but, as great 2
41 The men of Ninive will rise at crowds gathered to him, he entered
the judgment with this a boat and sat down, while all the
generation and condemn crowd stood on the beach. He 8
it; spoke at some length to them in
for when Jonah preached they parables, saying : " A sower went
did repent, out to sow, and as he sowed some 4
is One greater than
and here seeds fell on the road and the birds
Jonah. came and ate them up. Some other 5
42 The queen of the South will rise seeds fell on stony soil where they
at the judgment with this had not much earth, and shot up at
generation and condemn once because they had no depth
it; of soil ; but when the sun rose they 6
for she came from the ends of got scorched and withered away
the earth to listen to the because they had no root. Some 7
wisdom of Solomon, other seeds fell among thorns, and
is One greater than
and here the thorns sprang up and choked
Solomon. them. Some other seeds fell on 8
43 When an unclean spirit leaves a good soil and bore a crop, some a
man, it roams through dry places hundredfold, some sixty, and some
in search of refreshment and finds thirtyfold. He who has an ear, 9
44 none. Then it says, ' I will go back let him listen to this."
to the house I left,' and when it Then the disciples came up and 10
comes it finds the house vacant, said to him, " Why do you speak
45 clean, and all in order. Then it in parables?" He replied, " Be- 11
goes off to fetch seven other spirits cause it is granted you to under-
worse than itself; they go in and
* Ver. 47, which is rightly omitted by
dwell there, and the last state of
55*BL, the Old Latin and Syriac versions,
that man is worse than the first. etc., has been interpolated by an early
This is how it will be with the copyist who wished to prepare for ver. 48
present evil generation." by using the material of Mark iii. 32. It
He was still speaking to the runs thus : ** And a mian said to him,
*Here are your mother and brothers
crowds when his mother and standing outside and wanting to speak to
brothers came and stood out"
; ; ;


stand the open secrets of the Realm trouble or persecution he is at

of heaven, but it is not granted to once repelled. As for him who is 22
these people. sown '
among thorns,' that is the
12 For he who has, to him shall more man who listens to the word, but
be given and richly given, the worry of the world and the
but whoever has not, from him delight of being rich choke the word
shall be taken even what he so it proves unfruitful. As for him 23
has. who is sown ' on good soil,' that is
13 is why I speak to
This them the man who hears the word and
inparables, because for all their understands it; he bears fruit,
seeing they do not see and for all producing now a hundredfold, now
their hearing they do not hear sixty, and now thirtyfold."
14 or understand. In their case the He put another parable before 24
prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled : them. " The Realm of heaven,"
You will hear and hear but never he said, " is like a man who sowed
understand, good seed in his field, but while 25
you will see and see but never men slept his enemy came and re-
perceive, sowed weeds among the wheat and
15 For the heart of this people is then went away. When the blade 26
obtuse, sprouted and formed the kernel,
their ears are heavy of hearing, then the weeds appeared as well.
their eyes they have closed, So the servants of the owner went 27
lest they see with their eyes and to him and said, Did you not sow

hear with their ears, good seed in your field, sir ? How
lest they understand with their then does it contain weeds ? He 28 '

heart and turn again, and 1 said to them, An enemy has done

cure them, this.' The servants said to him,

16 But blessed are your eyes for they '
Then would you like us to go and
see, gather them ? ' ' No,' he said, * for 29
and your ears, for they hear ! you might root up the wheat when
17 I tell you truly, many prophets you were gathering the weeds. Let 30
and good men have longed them both grow side by side till
to see what you see, harvest; and at harvest-time I
but they have not seen it will tell the reapers to gather the
and to hear what you hear, weeds first and tie them in bundles
but they have not heard it. to be burnt, but to collect the wheat
18 Now, listen to the parable of the in my granary.'
19 sower. When anyone hears the He put another parable before 31
word of the Realm and does not them. " The Realm of heaven,"
understand it, the evil one comes he said, '* is like a grain of mustard-
and snatches away what has been seed which a man takes and sows
sown in his heart ; that is the man in his field. It is less than any seed 32
20 who is sown ' on the road.' As for on earth, but when it grows up it is
him who is sown ' on stony soil,' that larger than any plant, it becomes
is the man who hears the word and a tree, so large that the wild birds
accepts it at once with enthusiasm come and roost in its branches,*'
21 he has no root in himself, he does He told them another parable. 33
not last, but when the word brings "The Realm of heaven," he said,
" is like dough which a woman took like a net which was thrown into the
and buried in three pecks of flour, sea and collected fish of every sort.
till all of it was leavened." When it was full, they dragged it 48
84 Jesus said all this to the crowds to the beach and sitting down they
in parables; he never spoke to gathered the good fish into vessels
35 them except in a parable to ful- but flung away the bad. So will it 49
fil what had been said by the be at the end of the world. The
prophet, angels will go out and separate the
/ will open my mouth in parables, evil from among the just and 50
I will speak out what has been fling them into the furnace of fire
hidden since the foundation of there men will wail and gnash their
the world. teeth.
36 Then he left the crowds and went Have you understood all this ? " 51
indoors. And his disciples came up They said to him, " Yes." So he 52
to him saying, " Explain to us the said to them, " Well then, every
parable of the weeds in the field." scribe who has become a disciple
37 So he replied, "He who sows the of the Realm of heaven is like a
38 good seed is the Son of man the field ; householder who produces what
is the world the good seed means
; is new and what is old from his
the sons of the Realm ; the weeds stores."
39 are the sons of the evil one the ; Now when Jesus had finished 53
enemy who sowed them is the devil these parables he set out from there,
the harvest is the end of the world, and went to his native place, where 54
40 and the reapers are angels. Well he taught the people in the syna-
then, just as the weeds are gathered gogue till they were astounded.
and burnt in the fire, so will it be They said " Where did he get all
41 at the end of the world; the Son this wisdom and these miraculous
of man will despatch his angels, powers ? Is this not the son of the 55
and they will gather out of his Realm joiner? Is not his mother called
all who are hindrances and who Mary, and his brothers James and
42 practise iniquity, and throw them Joseph and Simon and Judas ? Are 56
into the furnace of fire there men ; not his sisters settled here among
will wail and gnash their teeth. us? Then where has he got all
43 Then the just will shine like the this ? " So they were repelled by 57
sun in the Realm of their Father. him. But Jesus said to them,
He who has an ear, let him listen " A prophet never goes without
to this. honour except in his native place
44 The Realm of heaven is like and in his home." There he could 58
treasure hidden in a field ; the man not do many miracles owing to their
who finds it hides it and in his lack of faith.
delight goes and sells all he CHAP.
possesses and buys that field. At
that time Herod the tetrarch 14
45 Again, the Realm of heaven is heard about the fame of Jesus.
like a trader in search of fine pearls And he said to his servants, " This 2
46 when he finds a single pearl of high is John the Baptist; he has risen
price, he is off to sell all he possesses from the dead. That is why
and buy it. miraculous powers are working
47 Again, the Realm of heaven is through him."

3 For Herod had arrested John breaking the loaves handed them
and bound him and put him in to the disciples, and the disciples
prison on account of Herodias handed them to the crowds. They 20
the wife of his brother Philip, all ate and had enough; besides,
4 since John had told him, " You they picked up the fragments left
5 have no right to her," He was over and filled twelve baskets with
them. The m'en who ate numbered 21

anxious to kill him but he was

afraid of the people, for they held about five thousand, apart from
6 John to be a prophet. However, the women and children.
on Herod's birthday, the daughter Then he made the disciples em- 22
of Herodias danced in public to the bark in the boat and cross before
7 delight of Herod; whereupon he him to the other side, while he
promised with an oath to give her dismissed the crowds ; after he had 23
8 whatever she wanted. And she, at dismissed the crowds he went up
the instigation of her mother, said, the hill by himself to pray. When
" Give me John the Baptist's head evening came he was there alone,
9 this moment on a dish." The king but the boat was in the middle of 24
was sorry, but for the sake of his the sea, buffeted by the waves (for
oath and his guests he ordered it to the wind was against them). In 25
10 be given her ; he sent and had John the fourth watch of the night he
11 beheaded in the prison, his head went to them, walking on the sea,
was brought on a dish and given but when they saw him walking on 26
to the girl, and she took it to her the sea they were terrified ; "It
12 mother. His disciples came and is a ghost," they said and they
removed the corpse and buried him shrieked for fear. Then he spoke 27
then they went and reported it to to them at once; "Courage," he
Jesus. said, " it is I, have no fear." Peter 28
13 When Jesus heard it he withdrew answered him, " Lord, if it is really
by boat to a desert place in private you, order me to come to you on
but the crowds heard of it and fol- the water." He said, " Come." 29
14 lowed him on foot from the towns. So Then Peter got out of the boat and
when he disembarked he saw a large walked over the water on his way
crowd, and out of pity for them he to Jesus ; but when he saw the 30
15 healed their sick folk. When even- wind he was afraid and began to
ing fell the disciples came up to him sink. " Lord," he shouted, " save
and said, " It is a desert place and me." Jesus at once stretched his 31
the day is now gone ; send off the hand out and caught him, saying,
crowds to buy food for themselves in " How little you trust me IWhy
16 the villages." But he said to them, did you doubt ? " When they got 32
" They do not need to go away give
; into the boat the wind dropped,
17 them some food yourselves." They and the men in the boat worshipped 33
said, " We have only five loaves him, saying, " You are certainhr
18 with us and two fish." He said, God's Son."
19 " Bring them here to me." Then On crossing over they came to 34
he ordered the crowds to recline on land at Gennesaret. The men of 35
the grass, and after taking the five that place recognized him and sent
loaves and the two fish he looked up all over the surrounding country,
to heaven, blessed them, and after bringing him aU who were ill and
86 begging him to let them touch the and if one blind man leads another,
mere tassel of his robe and all who both of them
will fall into a
touched it got perfectly well. pit." Peter answered, " Explain 15
this parable to us at anyrate."
He said, " And are you totally 16
15 ThenPharisees and scribes from ignorant ? Do you not see how all 17
Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying, that enters the mouth passes into
2 " Why do your disciples transgress the belly and is then thrown out
the tradition of the elders ? They into the drain, while what comes 18
do not wash their hands when they out of the mouth comes from the
8 take their food." He replied,
" And why do you transgress the
heart and that is what defiles a
man. For out of the heart come 19
command of God with your tra- evil designs, murder, adultery,
4 ditions ? God said. Honour your sexual vice, stealing, false witness,
father and mother, and. He who and slander. Tiiat is what defiles 20
his father or mother is to
curses a man; a man is not defiled by
5 suffer death. But you say, who- eating with hands unwashed " !

ever tells his father or mother, Going away from there Jesus 21
'This money might have been at withdrew to the district of Tyre and
your service but it is dedicated to Sidon. And a woman of Canaan 22
6 God,'- need not honour his father came out of these parts and wailed,
or mother. So you have repealed " Have pity on me. Lord, O Son
the word of God to suit your own of David My daughter is cruelly

7 tradition. You hypocrites Isaiah ! possessed by a daemon." But he 23

made a grand prophecy about you made no answer to her. Then his
when he said, disciples came up and pressed him,
8 This people honours me with their saying, " Send her away, she is wail-
lips, ing behind us." He replied, " It 24
but their heart is far away from was only to the lost sheep of the
me house of Israel that I was sent."
9 vain is their worship of me, But she came and knelt before him, 25
for the doctrines they teach are saying, " Lord, do help me." He 26
but human precepts.^' replied, " It is not fair to take the
10 Then he called the crowd and children's bread and throw it to
said to them, " Listen, understand the dogs." "No, sir," she said, 27
this :
" but even the dogs eat the crumbs
11 it is not what enters a man's that fall from their master's table." 28
mouth that defiles him, At that Jesus replied, " O woman,
what defiles a man is what comes you have great faith your prayer ;

out of his mouth." is granted as you wish." And from

12 Then his disciples came up and that hour her daughter was cured.
said to him, " Do you know
that Then Jesus removed from that 29
the Pharisees have taken offence country and went along the sea of
13 at what they hear you say ? " He Galilee; he went up the hillside
replied, " Any plant that my and sat there. And large crowds
heavenly Father has not planted came to him bringing the lame, the
14 will be rooted up. Let them alone blind, the dumb, the maimed, and 30
they are blind guides of the blind, many others; they laid them at

81 his and he healed them. This
feet, When the disciples reached the 5
made the crowd wonder, to see opposite side, they found they had
dumb people speaking,* the lame forgotten to bring any bread. Jesus 6
walking, and the blind seeing. said to them, " See and beware of
82 Then Jesus called his disciples and the leaven of the Pharisees and
said, " I am sorry for the crowd Sadducees." They argued among 7
they have been three days with me themselves, " But we have not
now, and they have nothing to eat. brought any bread " When Jesus ! 8
I will not send them away starving, noted this he said, " How little trust
in case they faint on the road." you have in me Why all this talk,

33 The disciples said to him, " Where because you have brought no
are we to get loaves enough in a bread ? Do you not understand 9
" even yet ? Do you not remember
desert to satisfy such a crowd?
34 Jesus said to them, " How many the five loaves of the five thousand
loaves have you got ? " They said, and how many baskets you took
35 " Seven, and some little fish." So up ? And the seven loaves of the 10
he ordered the crowd to recline on four thousand and how many large
36 the ground. He took the seven baskets you took up? Wliy do 11
loaves and the fish and after giving you not see that I was not speak-
thanks he broke them and gave them ing to you about bread ? No, be-
to the disciples, and the disciples to ware of the leaven of the Pharisees
37 the crowds. So the people all ate and Sadducees." Then they real- 12
and were satisfied, and they picked ized that what he told them to
up the fragments left over and beware of was not leaven X but
filled seven large baskets with them. the leaven of the Pharisees and
38 The men who ate numbered four Sadducees.
thousand, apart from the children Now when Jesus came to the 13
39 and the women. Then he sent the district of Caesarea Philippi he
crowd away, got into the boat and asked his disciples, " do people Who
went to the territory of Magadan. say the Son of man is ? " They 14
told him, " Some say John the
Baptist, others Elijah, others Jere-
16 Now the Pharisees and Saddu- miah or one of the prophets." He 15
ceescame up and, in order to tempt said to them, " And who do you
him, asked him to show them a Sign
2 from heaven. He replied, gether with the Diatessaron, insert at the
beginning of this answer the following :
4 " It is an evil and disloyal genera- " When evening comes, you say, It '

tion that craves a Sign, will be fine,' for the sky is red; in
and no Sign shall be given to it the morning you say, It will be '

except the Sign of Jonah." t stormy to-day,' for the sky is red
and cloudy. You know how to
Then he left them and went away. distinguish the look of the sky,
but you cannot read the signs of
* Leaving out the phrase kvXXovs vyiels the times."
with the Latin version, the Old Syriac,
^?, The majority of the uncials, with the
Origan, etc. Its insertion for harmonistic Old Syriac and Origen, rightly omit the
reasons is more hkely than its omission. passage as irrelevant to the original text.
t Three uncials (C D W) of the fifth I Omitting roou 6,prcov after (vfiris with
century and several versions, including strong support from the Old Latin and
the Latin and the Syriac (Vulgate), to- Syriac versions.
16 say I am ? " So Simon Peter re- own soul ? What will a man offer
plied, " You are the Christ, the Son as an equivalent for his soul ? For 27
17 of the hving God." Jesus an- the Son of man is coming in the
swered him, " You are a blessed glory of his Father with his angels,
man, Simon Bar-jona, for it was and then he will reward everyone
my Father in heaven, not flesh and for what he has done. I tell you 28
blood, that revealed this to you. truly, there are some of those stand-
18 Now I tell you, Peter is your name * ing here who will not taste death till
and on this rock I will build my they see the Son of man coming
church; the powers of Hades shall himself to reign."
19 not succeed against it. I will give
you the keys of the Realm of OHAP.
heaven Six days afterwards Jesus took 17
whatever you prohibit on earth Peter, James and his brother John,
willbe prohibited in heaven, and led them up a high hill by them-
and whateveryou permit on selves; in their presence he was 2
earth will be permitted in transfigured, his face shone hke the
heaven." sun, and his clothes turned white
20 Then he forbade the disciples to as light. There appeared to them 3
tell anyone he was the Christ. Moses and Elijah, who conversed
21 From that time Jesus began mth Jesus. So Peter addressed 4
to show his disciples that he had Jesus and said, " Lord, it is a good
to leave for Jerusalem and endure thing we are here; if you like,
great suffering at the hands of the I will put up three tents here, one
elders and high priests and scribes, for you, one for Moses, and one for
and be killed and raised on the Elijah." He was still speaking 5
22 third day. Peter took him and when a bright cloud overshadowed
began to reprove him for it " God ; them, and from the cloud a voice
forbid, Lord," he said, " This must said,
23 not be." But he turned and said " This is my Son, the Beloved,
to Peter, " Get behind me, you in him is my
Satan ! Your outlook is not God's listen to him."
24 but man's." Then Jesus said to When the disciples heard the voice 6
his disciples, " If anyone wishes they fell on their faces in terror;
to come after me, let him deny but Jesus came forward and touched 7
himself, take up his cross, and so them, sa5dng, " Rise, have no fear."
follow me And on raising their eyes they saw 8
25 for whoever wants to save his no one except Jesus all alone. As 9
life will lose it, they went down the hill Jesus
and whoever loses his life for my ordered them, " Tell this vision to
sake will find it. nobody until the Son of man is raised
26 What profit will it be if a man gains from the dead." The disciples in- 10
the whole world and forfeits his quired of him, " Then why do the
scribes say that Elijah has to come
* English fails to bring out the play on
first?" He replied, "Elijah will 11
the Greek word for " rock." The French
version reproduces it " Et moi je te dis
come and restore all things. Nay, 12
aussi que tu es le Pierre, et sur cette I tell you Elijah has already come,
pierre je batirai mon 6glise." but they have not recognized him

they have worked their will on him. he said. Then Jesus said to him,
And the Son of man will suffer at " So their own people are exempt.
their hands in the same way." However, not to give any offeiice to 27
13 Then the disciples realized he was them, go to the sea, throw a hook in,
speaking to them about John the and take the first fish you bring up.
Baptist. Open its mouth and you will find a
14 When they reached the crowd, five-shilling piece; take that and
a man came up and knelt to him. give it to them for me and for your-
15 " Ah, sir," he said, " have pity on self."
my son ; he is an epileptic and he
suffers cruelly, he often falls into
the fire and often into the water. At that hour the disciples came 1
16 1 brought him to your disciples, but and asked Jesus, " Who is greatest
17 they could not heal him." Jesus in the Realm of heaven ? " So he 2
answered, " O faithless and per- called a child, set it among them,
verse generation, how
long must I and said, " I tell you truly, unless 3
still be with you ? How long have you turn and become like children,
I to bear with you ? Bring him here you will never get into the Realm of
18 to me." So Jesus checked the heaven at all. Whoever humbles 4
daemon and it came out of him, himself like this child, he is the
and from that hour the bOy was greatest in the Realm of heaven;
19 healed. Then the disciples came to and whoever receives a little child 5
Jesus in private and said, " Why like this for my
sake, receives me.
20 could we not cast it out ? " He said But whoever is a hindrance to one 6
to them, "Because you have so little of these little ones who believe in
faith. I tell you truly, if you had me, better for him to have a great
faith the size of a grain of mustard- mill-stone hung round his neck and
seed, you could say to this hill, be sunk in the deep sea. Woe to the 7
Move from here to there,' and re- world for hindrances ! Hindrances
move it would; nothing would be have to come, but woe to the
impossible for you." man by whom the hindrance does
22 When his adherents mustered in come !

Galilee Jesus told them, " The Son If your hand or your foot is a 8
of man is to be betrayed into the hindrance to you, cut it
23 hands of men, they will kill him, off and throw it away;
but on the third day he will be better be maimed or crippled
raised." They were greatly dis- and get into Life,
tressed at this. than keep both feet or hands
24 When they reached Capharnahum, and be thrown into the
the collectors of the temple-tax everlasting fire.
came and asked Peter, " Does your If your eye a hindrance to you,
is 9
teacher not pay the temple-tax? tear it out and throw it
25 He said, " Yes." But when he went away;
indoors Jesus spoke first; "Tell better get into Life with one eye
me, Simon," he said, " from whom than keep your two eyes
do earthly kings collect customs or and be thrown into the fire
taxes ? Is it from their own people of Gehenna.
26 or from aliens? " " From aliens," See that you do not despise one 10
of these little ones ; for I tell you, accounts with his servants. When 24
their angels in heaven always look he began the settlement, a debtor
on the face of my Father in was brought in who owed him three
heaven. million pounds ; as he was unable 25
12 Tell me, if a man has a hundred to pay, his master ordered him to
sheep and one of them strays, will be sold, along with his wife and
he not leave the ninety-nine sheep children and all he had, in pay-
on the hills and go in search of the ment of the sum. So the servant 26
13 one that has strayed ? And if he fell down and prayed him, 'Have
happens to find it, I tell you he re- patience with me, and I will pay you
joices over it more than over the it all.' And out of pity for that 27
ninety-nine that never went astray. servant his master released him and
14 So it is not the will of your Father in discharged his debt. But as that 28
heaven that a single one of these servant went away, he met one of
little ones should be lost. his fellow-servants who owed him
15 If your brother sins, go and re- twenty pounds, and seizing him by
prove him, as between you and him the throat he said, *Pay your
alone. If he listens to you, then you debt ' So this fellow-servant fell 29
16 have won your brother over; but down and implored him, saying,
if he will not listen, take one or two *
Have patience with me, and I
others along with you, so that every will pay you.' But he refused; 30
case may he decided on the evidence he went and had him thrown into
17 of two or of three witnesses. If he prison, till he should pay the debt.
refuses to listen to them, tell the Now when his fellow-servants saw 31
church; and if he refuses to listen what had happened they were
to the church, treat him as a greatly distressed, and they went
18 pagan or a taxgatherer. I tell you and explained to their master all
truly. that had happened. Then his 32
Whatever you prohibit on earth master summoned him and said,
* You
be prohibited in heaven,
will scoundrel of a servant I !

and whatever you permit on discharged all that debt for you,
earth will be permitted in because you implored me. Ought 33
heaven. you not to have had mercy on your
19 I tell you another thing : if fellow-servant, as I had on you ?
two of you agree on earth about And in hot anger his master handed 34
anjrthing you pray for, it will be him over to the torturers, till he
done for you by my Father in should pay him all the debt. My 35
20 heaven. For where two or three Father will do the same to you
have gathered in my name, I am unless you each forgive your brother
there among them." from the heart."
21 Then Peter came up and said to
him, " Lord, how often is my brother CHAP.
to sin against me and be forgiven ? When Jesus finished saying this 19
22 Up to seven times ? " Jesus said to he moved from Galilee and went to
him, " Seven times ? I say, seventy the territory of Judaea that lies
23 times seven ! That is why the across the Jordan. Large crowds fol- 2
Realm of heaven may be compared lowed him and he healed them there.
to a king who resolved to settle Then the Pharisees came up to 8
tempt him. They asked, " Is it Then he laid his hands on them and 15
right to divorce one's wife for any went upon his way.
4 reason ? " He replied, " Have you Up came a man and said to him, 16
never read that He who created them " Teacher, what good deed must
male and female from the beginning I do to inherit Hfe eternal ? " He 17
5 said, said to him, " Why
do you ask me
Hence a man shall leave his father about what good ? One alone
and mother, is good. But you want to get
and cleave to his wife, into Life, keep the commands."
and the pair shall be one flesh ? " Which ? " he said. Jesus an- 18
6 So they are no longer two, but one swered, " The commands, you shall
flesh. What God has joined, then, not kill, you shall not commit adul-
7 man must not separate." They said tery, you shall not steal, you shall
to him, " Then why did Moses lay it not bear false witness, honour your 19
down that we were to divorce by father and mother, and you must
8 giving a separation-notice ? " He said
love your neighbour as yourself,
to them, " Moses permitted you to The young man said, " I have 20
divorce your wives, on account of observed all these. What more is
the hardness of your hearts, but it wanting ? " Jesus said to him, " If 21
was not so from the beginning. you want to be perfect, go and
9 I tell you, whoever divorces his wife sell your property, give the
except for unchastity and marries money to the poor and you will
another woman, commits adultery. have treasure in heaven then come

10 The disciples said to him, " If that and follow me." When the young 22
is a man's position with his wife, man heard that, he went sadly
11 there is no good in marrying." He away, for he had great possessions.
said to them, " True, but this truth And Jesus said to his disciples, " I 23
is not practicable for everyone, tell you truly, it will be difficult
it is only for those who have the for a rich man to get into the
gift. Realm of heaven. I tell you again, 24
12 There are eunuchs who have been it is easier for a camel to get
eunuchs from their birth, through a needle's eye than for
there are eunuchs who have been a rich man to get into the Realm
made eunuchs by men, of heaven." When the disciples 25
and there are eunuchs who have heard this they were utterly
made themselves eunuchs for astounded they said, " Who then

the sake of the Realm of can possibly be saved ? " Jesus 26

heaven. looked at them and said, " This is
Let anyone practice it for whom impossible for men, but anything
it is is possible for God." Then Peter 27
13 Then children were brought to repUed, " Well, we have left our all
him that he might lay his hands and followed you. Now what are
on them and pray over them. The we to get ? " Jesus said to them, 28
14 disciples checked the people, but " I tell you truly, in the new
Jesus said to them, " Let the world, when the Son of man shall
children alone, do not stop them sit on the throne of his glory, you
from coming to me the Realm of
; who have followed me shall also sit
heaven belongs to such as these." on twelve thrones to govern the
29 twelve tribes of Israel. Everyone them equal to us who have borne
who has brothers or sisters or
left the brunt of the day's work and
father or mother or children or the heat ' Then he replied to one
! 13
lands or houses for my name's of them, ' My man, I am not
sake will get a hundred times as wronging you. Did you not agree
much and inherit life eternal. with me for a shilling ? Take what 14
30 Many who are first shall be last, belongs to you and be off. I choose
and many who are last shall be first. to give this last man the same as
20 For the Realm of heaven is like you. Can I not do as I please 15
a householder who went out early with what belongs to me? Have
in the morning to hire labourers for you a grudge because I am
2 his vineyard and after agreeing
; generous ? So shall the last be
with the labourers to pay them a first and the first last."
shilling a day he sent them into Now as Jesus was about to go 17
3 his vineyard. Then, on going out up to Jerusalem he took the twelve
at nine o'clock he noticed some aside by themselves and said to
other labourers standing in the them as they were on the road,
4 marketplace doing nothing to them ;
We are going up to Jerusalem, 18
he said, ' You go into the vine- and the Son of man will be betrayed
yard too, and I will give you to the high priests and scribes ; they
whatever wage is fair.' So they will sentence him to death and 19
5 went in. Going out again at twelve hand him over to the Gentiles to be
o'clock and at three o'clock, he did mocked and scourged and crucified
6 the same thing. And when he then on the third day he will be
went out at five o'clock he came raised."
upon some others who were stand- Then the mother of the sons of 20
ing he said to them, Why have
Zebedaeus came up to him with
you stood doing nothing all the her sons, praying him for a favour.
7 day ? ' ' Because nobody hired He said to her, " What do you 21
us,* they said. He told them, want ? " She said, " Give orders
You go into the vineyard too.' that my two sons are to sit at
8 Now when evening came the master your right hand and at your left
of the vineyard said to his bailiff, in your Realm." Jesus replied, 22
* Summon the labourers and pay " You do not know what you are
them their wages, beginning with asking. Can you drink the cup I
the last and going on to the first.'* am going to drink? " They said
9 When those who had been hired to him, " We can." " You shall 23
about five o'clock came, they got drink my cup," said Jesus, " but it
10 a shilling each. So when the first is not for me to grant seats at my
labourers came up, they supposed right hand and at my left; these
they would get more but they too
; belong to the men for w^hom they
11 got each their shilling. And on have been destined by my
getting it they grumbled at the Father." When the ten heard of 24
12 householder. ' These last,' they this, they were angry at the two
said, ' have only worked a single brothers, but Jesus called them 25
hour, and yet you have ranked and said,
* Note the connexion between this
" You know the rulers of the
parable (ver. 16) and xix. 30. Gentiles lord it over them.

and their great men overbear He is gentle and mounted on an ass.
them : And on a colt the foal of a beast
26 not so with you. of burden.^
Whoever wants to be great among So the went and did as
you must be your servant, Jesus told them they brought the

27 and whoever wants to be first ass and the colt and put their
among you must be your clothes on them. Jesus seated
slave himself on them, and the greater 8
28 just as the Son
has not
of man part of the crowd spread their
come to be served but to clothes on the road, while others
serve, cut branches from the trees and
and to give his Hfe as a ransom strewed them on the road. And 9
for many." the crowds who went in front of
29 As they were leaving Jericho him and who followed behind
30 a crowd followed him, and when shouted,
two blind men who were sitting " Has anna to the Son of David !
beside the road heard Jesus was Blessed be he who comes in the
passing, they shouted, " O Lord, Lord's name /
Son of David, have pity on us ! " Hosannain high heaven

81 The crowd checked them and told Whenhe entered Jerusalem the 10
them to be quiet, but they shouted whole city was in excitement over
all the louder, " O Lord, Son of him. " Who is this ? " they said,
82 David, have pity on us " So ! and the crowds replied, " This is 11
Jesus stopped and called them. the prophet Jesus from Nazaret
He said, " What do you want me in Galilee " ! Then Jesus went 12
88 to do for you?" "Lord," they into the temple of God and drove
said, " we want our eyes opened." out all who were buying and sell-
34 Then Jesus in pity touched their ing inside the temple; he upset
eyes, and they regained their sight the tables of the money-changers
at once and followed him, and the stalls of those who sold
doves, and told them, " It is written, 13
OHAP. ^ My house shall be called a house of
21 When they came near Jerusalem prayer, but you make it a den of
and had reached Bethphage at robbers.''^
the Hill of Olives, then Jesus des- Blind and lame people came up 14
2 patched two disciples, saying to to him in the temple and he healed
them, " Go to the village in front them. But when the high priests 15
of you and you will at once find and scribes saw his wonderful deeds
an ass tethered with a colt alongside and saw the children who shouted
of her; untether them and bring in the temple, " Hosanna to the
8 them to me. If anyone says any- Son of David " they were indig-

thing to you, you will say that the nant; they said to him, "Do you 16
Lord needs them; then he will at hear what they are saying? "
4 once let them go." This took place " Yes," said Jesus, " have you
for the fulfilment of what had been never read Thou hast brought praise
spoken by the prophet, to perfection from the mouth of babes
5 Tell the daughter of Sion, and sucklings?" Then he left 17
Here is your king coming to you, them and went outside the city
to Bethany, where he spent the first and said, ' Son, go and work
night. in the vineyard to-day ' ; he replied, 29
18 In the morning as he came back '
I vnll go, sir,' but he did not go.
19 to the city he felt hungry, and The man went to the second and 30
noticing a fig tree by the roadside same to him; he replied,
said the
he went up to it, but found nothing '
I will not,' but afterwards he
on it except leaves. He said to it, changed mind and did go.
" May no fruit ever come from you Which of the two did the will of 31
after this ! " And instantly the the father?" They said, "The
20 fig tree withered up. When the last." to them, " I
Jesus said
disciples saw this they marvelled. tell you the taxgatherers
" How did the fig tree wither up in and harlots are going into the
21 an instant ? " they said. Jesus an- Realm of God before you. For 32
swered, " I tell you truly, if you John showed you the way to be
have faith, if you have no doubt, good and you would not believe
you will not only do what has been him; the taxgatherers and harlots
done to the fig tree but even if you believed him, and even though you
say to this hill * Take and throw saw that, you would not change
yourself into the sea,' it will be your mind afterwards and believe
22 done. All that ever you ask in him.
prayer you shall have, if you Listen to another parable. There 33
believe." was a householder who planted a
23 When he entered the temple, vineyard, put a fence round it,
the high priests and elders of dug a wine-vat inside it, and built
the people came up to him as a watchtower : then he leased it to
he was teaching, and said, " What vinedressers and went abroad.
authority have you for acting in When the fruit-season was near, 34
this way? Who gave you this he sent his servants to the vine-
24 authority ? " Jesus replied, " Well, dressers to collect his fruit but ; 35
I will ask you a question, and if the vinedressers took his servants
you answer me, then I will tell and flogged one, killed another,
you what authority I have for and stoned a third. Once more he 36
26 acting as I do. Where did the sent some other servants, more
baptism of John come from? than he had sent at first, and they
From heaven or from men ? did the same to them. Afterwards 37
Now they argued to themselves, he sent them his son They will

" If we say, From heaven,' he

respect my son,' he said. But 38
will say to us, ' Then why did when the vinedressers saw his son
26 you not believe him ? ' And if they said to themselves, ' Here is
we say, ' From men,' we are the heir; come on, let us kill him
afraid of the crowd, for they all and seize his inheritance ' So 39 !

hold that John was a prophet." they took and threw him outside
27 So they answered Jesus, " We do the and killed him.
not know." He said to them, Now, when
the owner of the 40
" No more will I tell you what vineyard comes, what will he do
authority I have for acting as I do. to these vinedressers ? " They 41
28 Tell me what you think. A man replied, " He will utterly destroy
had two sons. He went to the the wretches and lease the vine-
: ;

yard to other vinedressers who will ready, but the invited guests
is all
give him the fruits in their season," did not deserve it. So go to the 9
42 Jesus said to them, " Have you bye ways and invite anyone you
never read in the scriptures, meet to the marriage-banquet.'
The stone that the builders rejected And those servants went out on the 10
is the chief stone now of the roads and gathered all they met,
corner bad and good alike. Thus the mar-
this is the doing of the Lord, riage-banquet was supplied with
and a wonder to our eyes ? guests. Now when the king came 11
43 I tell you therefore that the Realm in to view his guests, he saw a man
of God will be taken from you and there who was not dressed in a
given to a nation that bears the wedding-robe. So he said to him, 12
fruits of the Realm. '
My man, how did you get in here
44 Everyone who falls on this stone without a wedding-robe ? ' The
will be shattered, man was speechless. Then said 13
and whoever it falls upon will the king to his servants, Take him

be crushed." hand and foot, and throw him

45 When the high priests and Pharisees outside, out into the darkness
heard these parables they knew there men will wail and gnash their
46 he was speaking about them they ; teeth. For many are invited but 14
tried to get hold of him, but they few are chosen."
were afraid of the crowds, as the Then the Pharisees went and 15
crowds held him to be a prophet. plotted to trap him in talk. They 16
sent him their disciples with the
CHAP. Herodians, who said, " Teacher,
22 Then Jesus again addressed them we know you are sincere and that
2 in parables. " The Realm of you teach the Way of God honestly
heaven," he said, " may be com- and fearlessly; you do not court
pared to a king who gave a mar- human favour. Tell us, then, 17
riage-banquet in honour of his son. what you think about this. Is it
3 He sent his servants to summon right to pay taxes to Caesar or
the invited guests to the feast, not ? " But Jesus detected their 18
4 but they would not come. Once malice. He said, " Why do you
more he sent some other servants, tempt me, you hypocrites ? Show 19
saying, ' Tell the invited guests, me the coin for taxes." So they
here is my supper all prepared, my brought him a shilling. Then Jesus 20
oxen and fat cattle are killed, said to them, " Whose likeness,
everything is ready; come to the whose inscription is this ?
5 marriage-banquet.' But they paid "Caesar's," they said. Then he 21
no attention and went off, one to told them, " Give Caesar what
his estate, another to his business, belongs to Caesar, give God
6 while the rest seized his servants what belongs to God." When 22
and them and killed
ill-treated they heard that they marvelled;
7 them. The king was enraged he ; then they left him and went
sent his troops and destroyed away.
those murderers and burned up That same day some Sadducees 23
8 their city. Then he said to his came up to him, men who hold
servants, The marriage-banquet
' there is no resurrection. They
24 put this question to him, " Teacher, son is he ? " They said to him,
Moses said that if anyone dies with- " David's." He said to them,
out children, his brother is to espouse " How is it then that David in the 43
his wife and raise offspring for his him Lord ?
Spirit calls
25 brother. Now there were seven The Lord said to my Lord, *
Sit at 44
brothers in our number. The first my right hand,
married and died; as he had no tillI put your enemies under
children he left his wife to his your feet.^
26 brother. The same happened with If David calls him Lord, how can 45
the second and the third, down to he be his son ? " No one could 46
27 the seventh. After them all, the make any answer to him, and
28 woman died. Now at the resurrec- from that day no one ventured
tion whose wife will she be ? They to put another question to him.
29 all had her." Jesus answered
them, " You go wrong because OHAP.
you understand neither the scrip- Then Jesus spoke to the crowds 23
30 tures nor the power of God. At and to his disciples. " The scribes 2
the resurrection people neither and Pharisees sit on the seat of
marry nor are married, they are Moses; so do whatever they tell 3
like the angels of God in heaven. 3^ou, obey them, but do not do as
31 And as for the resurrection of the they do. They talk but they do
dead, have you not read what was not act. They make up heavy 4
32 said to you by God, I am the God loads and lay them on men's
of Abraham and the God of Isaac and shoulders but they will not stir a
the God of Jacob ? He is not a God finger to remove them. Besides, 5
33 of dead people but of living." And all they do is done to catch the
when the crowds heard it, they notice of men; they make their
were astounded at his teaching. phylacteries broad, they wear large
34 When the Pharisees heard he tassels, they are fond of the best 6
had silenced the Sadducees, they places at banquets and the front
35 mustered their forces, and one of seats in the synagogues they like;

them, a lawyer, put a question in to be saluted in the marketplaces 7

36 order to tempt him. " Teacher," and to be called ' rabbi by men. '

he said, " what is the greatest But you are not to be called 8
37 command in the Law ? " He replied, '
" You must love the Lord your God for One is your teacher, and
with your whole heart, with your you are all brothers;
whole soul, and with your whole you are not to call anyone 9
38 mind. This is the greatest and *
father '
on earth,
39 chief command. There is a second for One is your heavenly
like it you must love your neigh-
: Father
40 hour as yourself. The whole Law nor must you be called ' leaders,' 10
and the prophets hang upon these for One is your leader, even
two commands." the Christ.
41 As the Pharisees had mustered, He who is greatest among you 11
Jesus put a question to them. must be your servant.
42 " Tell me," he said, " what you Whoever uplifts himself will be 12
think about the Christ. Whose humbled,
; ; ;

and whoever humbles himself Woe to you, you impious scribes 23
will be uplifted. and Pharisees !

13 Woe to you, you impious scribes you tithe mint and dill and
and Pharisees ! cummin,
you shut the Realm of heaven and omit the weightier matters
in men's faces; of the law,
you neither enter yourselves, justice and mercy and faith-
nor will you let those enter fulness ;
who are on the point of these latter you ought to have
practised without omit-
15 Woeto you, you impious scribes ting the former.
and Pharisees I Blind guides that you are, 24
you traverse sea and land to filtering away the gnat and
make a single proselyte, swallowing the camel !

and when you succeed you Woe to you, you irreligious 25

make him a son of Ge- scribes and Pharisees !

henna twice as bad as you clean the outside of the I

yourselves. cup and the plate,

16 Woe to you, blind guides that but inside they are filled
you are ! with your rapacity and
you say, ' Swear by the sanctu- self-indulgence.
ary, and it means nothing Blind Pharisee I first clean the 26
but swear by the gold of the inside of the cup,
sanctuary, and the oath so that the outside may be
is binding.' clean as well.
17 You are senseless and blind ! Woe to you, you irreligious scribes 27
for which is the greater, and Pharisees !

the gold or the sanctuary that you are like tombs white-
makes the gold sacred ? washed ;

18 You say again, ' Swear by the they look comely on the out-
altar, and it means side,
nothing but inside they are full of
but swear by the gift upon it, dead men's bones and all
and the oath is binding.' manner of impurity.
19 You are blind for which is
! So to men you seem just, 28
the greater, but inside you are full of
the gift or the altar that makes hypocrisy and iniquity.
the gift sacred ? Woe to you, you irreligious 29
20 He who swears by the altar scribes and Pharisees I You build
swears by it and by all that tombs for prophets
the and
lies on it; decorate the tombs of the just,
21 he who swears by the sanctuary and you say ' If we had been living 30
swears by it and by Ulm in the days of our fathers, we
who inhabits it would not have joined them in
22 he who swears by heaven shedding the blood of the prophets.'
swears by the throne of God So you are witnesses against your- 31
and by Him who sits upon selves, that you are sons of those
it. who lalled the prophets And you 32
will fill up the measure that my name, saying * I am the Christ,'
33 your fathers filled. You serpents ! and they mislead many. You
will 6
you brood of vipers how can you ! will hear of wars and rumours of
escape being sentenced to Gehenna ? wars; see and do not be alarmed.
34 This is why I will send you prophets, These have to come, but it is not the
wise men, and scribes, some of end yet. For nation will rise against 7
whom you will kill and crucify, nation, and realm against realm
some of whom you will flog in your there will be famines and earth-
synagogues and persecute from quakes here and there. All that 8
35 town to town ; it is that on you is but the beginning of the trouble.
may fall the punishment for all the Then men will hand you over to 9
just blood shed on earth from suffer affliction, and they will kill
the blood of Abel the just down to you ; you will he hated by all the
the blood of Zechariah the son of Gentiles on account of name. my
Barachiah, whom you murdered And many will he rebelled then, 10
between the sanctuary and the they will betray one another and
36 altar. I tell you truly, it will all hate one another. Many false 11
come upon this generation. prophets will rise and mislead
37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem ! slaying many. And in most of you love 12
prophets and stoning those
the will grow cold by the increase of
who have been sent to you How I iniquity; but he will be saved 13
often I would fain have gathered who holds out to the very end.
your children as a fowl gathers her This gospel of the Reign will be 14
brood under her wings But you ! preached all over the wide world
38 would not have it See, your I as a testimony to all the Gentiles,
39 House is left to you, desolate. For I and then the end will come.
tell you, you will never see me again So when you see the appalling 15
till you say, Blessed he he who comes Horror spoken of by the prophet
in the Lord's name^ Daniel, standing erect in the holy
place (let the reader note this), then 16
CHAP. let those who are in Judaea fly to
*24 So Jesus left the temple and went the hills; a man on the housetop 17
on his way. His disciples came must not go down to fetch what is in-
forward to point out to him the side his house, and a man in the field 18
2 temple-buildings, but he replied must not turn back to get his coat.
to them, "You see all this? I Woe to women with child and to 19
tell you truly, not a stone here will women who give suck in those days !

be left upon another, without being Pray that you may not have to fly 20
torn down." in winter or on the sabbath, for 21
3 So as he sat on the Hill of there will be sore misery then, such
Olives the disciples came up to him as has never heen from the heginning
in private and said, " Tell us, when
happen? What
of the world till now
no and never
will this will be shall be. Had not those days been 22
the sign of your arrival and of cut short, not a soul would be saved
4 the end of the world ? " Jesus re- alive; however, for the sake of
plied, " Take care that no one mis- the elect, those days will be cut
5 leads you ; for many will come in short.
* Reading nrXitp^ffert vith B, Sjrr.sin. If anyone tells you at that time, 23


Here is the Christ
' or, *
there Now no one knows anything 36
he do not believe it for
is !
; about that day or hour, not even
24 false Christs and false prophets will the angels in heaven, but only the
rise and bring forward great signs Father. As were the days of Noah, 37
and wonders, so as to mislead the so will the arrival of the Son of man

very elect, if that were possible. be. For as in the days before the 38
25 (I am telling you this beforehand.) deluge people ate and drank, mar-
26 If they tell you, Here he is *
ried and were married, till the day
in the desert,' Noah entered the ark ; and as they 39
do not go out; knew nothing till the deluge came
*here he is in the chamber,' and swept them all away; so
do not believe it. will the arrival of the Son of man
27 For like lightning that shoots be.
from east to west, Then there will be two men in 40
so will be the arrival of the the field,
Son of man. one will be taken and one will
28 Wherever the body lies, be left
there will the vultures gather. two women will be grinding at 41
29 Immediately after the misery of the millstone,
those days one will be taken and one will
the sun will be darkened, be left.
and the moon will not yield her Keep on the watch then, for you 42
light, never know what day your Lord
the stars will drop from heaven will come. But be sure of this, 43
and the orbs of the heavens will that if the householder had known
be shaken, at what watch in the night the thief
30 Then the Sign of the Son of man was coming, he would have been
will appear in heaven; then all on the watch, he would not have
tribes on earth will wail, they will allowed his house to be broken into.
see the Son of man coming on the So be ready yourselves, for the Son 44
clouds of heaven with great power of man is coming at an hour you do
31 and glory. He will despatch his not expect.
angels with a loud trumpet-call to Now where is the trusty and 45
muster his elect from the four winds, thoughtful servant, whom his lord
from the verge of heaven to the verge and master has set over his house-
of earth, hold to assign them their supplies
32 Let the
fig tree teach you a at the proper time ? Blessed is that 46
parable.As soon as its branches servant if his lord and master finds
turn soft and put out leaves, you him so doing when he arrives I tell ! 47
33 know summer is at hand; so, you truly, he will set him over all his
whenever you see all this happen, property. But if the* bad servant 48
you may be sure He is at hand, at says to himself, 'My lord and master
the very door. is long of coming,' and if he starts 49
84 I tell you
the present
truly, to beat his fellow-servants and to
generation will not pass away till eat and drink with drunkards, that 50
85 all this happens. Heaven and servant's lord and master will arrive
earth will pass away, but my words * Omitting {iKetvos], a harmonistio
will never pass away. gloss from Luke xii. 46.
on a day when he does not expect For the case is that of a man 14
him and at an hour which he does going abroad, who summoned his
51 not know he will cut him in two
; servants and handed over his
and assign him the fate of the hypo- property to them; to one he 15
crites. There men will wail and gave twelve hundred pounds,
gnash their teeth. to another five hundred, and to
another two hundred and fifty;
CHAP. each got according to his capacity.
25 Then shall the Realm of heaven Then the man went abroad. The 16
be compared to ten maidens who servant who had got the twelve
took their lamps and went out to hundred pounds at once went and
meet the bridegroom and the bride.* traded with them, making another
2 Five of them were stupid and five twelve hundred. Similarly the ser- 17
3 were sensible. For although the vant who had got the five hundred
stupid took their lamps, they took pounds made another five hundred.
4 no oil with them, whereas the But the servant who had got the 18
sensible took oil in their vessels as two hundred and fifty pounds went
5 well as their lamps. As the bride- off and dug a hole in the ground
groom was long of coming, they all and hid his master's money. Now 19
grew drowsy and went to sleep. a long time afterwards the master
6 But at midnight the cry arose, Here '
of those servants came back and
is the bridegroom! Come out to settled accounts with them. Then 20
7 meet him Then all the maidens
' the servant who had got the twelve
rose and trimmed their lamps. hundred pounds came forward,
8 The stupid said to the sensible, bringing twelve hundred more; he
Give us some of your oil, for our
' said, ' You handed me twelve
9 lamps are going out.' But the hundred pounds, sir; here I have
sensible replied, No, there may
* gained another twelve hundred.'
not be enough for us and for you. His master said to him, Capital, 21

Better go to the dealers and buy you excellent and trusty servant
10 for yourselves.' Now while they You have been trusty in charge of
were away buying oil, the bride- a small sum, I will put you in charge
groom arrived those maidens who
of a large sum. Come and share
were ready accompanied him to the your master's feast.' Then the 22
marriage-banquet, and the door servant with the five hundred
11 was shut. Afterwards the rest of the pounds came forward. He said,
maidens came and said, Oh sir, oh * '
You handed me five hundred
12 sir, open the door for us but he!
' pounds, sir; here I have gained
replied, ' I tell you frankly, I do not another five hundred.' His master 23
13 know you.' Keep on the watch said to him, Capital, you excellent

then, for you know neither the day and trusty servant You have been

nor the hour. trusty in charge of a small sum,

I will put you in charge of a large
* The words koI rris v^/iKpiis are added sum. Come and share your mas-
by DX*, the Latin and Syriae versions, ter's feast.'Then the servant who 24
etc. Their omission may have been due had got the two hundred and fifty
to the feeling of the later church that Jesus
as the Bridegroom ought alone to be
pounds came forward. He said,
mentioned. '
I knew you were a hard man, sir,
reaping where you never sowed I was a stranger and you enter*
and gathering where you never tained me,
25 winnowed. So I was afraid; I I was unclothed and you 30
went and hid your two hundred clothed me,
and fifty pounds in the earth. I was ill and you looked after
26 There's your money ' His master!
said to him in reply, 'You rascal, I was in prison and you visited
you idle servant You knew, did
1 me.*
you, that I reap where I have Then the just will answer, 37
never sowed and gather where *
Lord,when did we see you
27 I have never winnowed Well ! hungry and fed you? or
then, you should have handed thirsty and gave you drink ?
my money to the bankers and I when did we see you a stranger 38
would have got my capital with and entertain you? or un-
28 interest when I came back. Take clothed and clothed you ?
therefore the two hundred and fifty when did we see you ill or in 39
pounds away from him, give it to prison and visit you ?

the servant who had the twelve The King will answer them, I tell 40 '

hundred. you truly, in so far as you did it to

29 For to everyone who has shall one of these brothers of mine, even
more be given and richly to the least of them, you did it to
given; me.' Then he will say to those on 41
but from him who has nothing, the left, ' Begone from me, you
even what he has shall be accursed ones, to the eternal fire
taken. which has been prepared for the
30 Throw the good-for-nothing servant devil and his angels !

into the darkness outside; there For I was hungry but you never 42
men will wail and gnash their fed me,
teeth. I was thirsty but you never
31 When the Son of man comes in gave me drink,
his glory and all the angels with him, I was a stranger but you never 43
then he will sit on the throne of his entertained me,
32 glory, and all nations will be I was unclothed but you never
gathered in front of him; he will clothed me,
separate them one from another, I was ill and in prison but you
as a shepherd separates the sheep never looked after me.'
33 from the goats, setting the sheep Then they will answer too, Lord, 44 '

on his right hand and the goats on when did we ever see you hungry
34 his left. Then shall the King say or thirsty or a stranger or unclothed
to those on his right, ' Come, you or ill or in prison, and did not
whom my Father has blessed, come minister to you ? ' Then he will 45
into your inheritance in the realm answer them, ' I tell you truly, in
prepared for you from the founda- so far as you did not do it to one of
tion of the world. these, even the least of them, you
35 For I was hungry and you fed did not do it to me.'
me, So they will depart to eternal 46
I was thirsty and you gave me punishment,
drink, and the just to eternal life."
26 When Jesus finished saying all On the first day of unleavened 17
2 this he said to his disciples, " You bread the disciples of Jesus came
know the passover is to be held up and said to him, " Where do you
two days after this, and the Son want us to prepare for you to eat
of man" will be delivered up to be the passover ? " He said, " Go 18
crucified." into the city to so-and-so tell him

8 Then the high priests and the that the Teacher says, ' My time is
of the people met in the
elders near, I will celebrate the passover
palace of the high priest who was at your house with my disciples."
4 called Caiaphas and took counsel So the disciples did as Jesus had 19
together to get hold of Jesus told them and prepared the pass-
by craft and have him put to over. When evening came he lay 20
5 death. " Only," they said, " it at table with the disciples, and as 21
must not be during the festi- they were eating he said, " One of
val, in case of a riot among the you is going to betray me.' They 22
people." were greatly distressed at this, and
6 Now when Jesus was at Bethany each of them said to him, " Lord,
in the house of Simon the leper, a surely it is not me." He answered, 23
7 woman came up to him with an " One who has dipped his hand
alabaster flask of expensive perfume into the same dish as myself is
which she poured over his head as going to betray me. The Son of 24
8 he lay at table. When the disciples man goes the road that the scripture
saw this they were angry. " What has described for him, but woe to
is the use of this waste ? " they the man by whom the Son of man
9 said ; " the perfume might have is betrayed ! Better that man had
been sold for a good sum, and the never been born " Then Judas
! 25
10 poor might have got that." But his betrayer said, " Surely it is
Jesus was aware of what they said, not me, Lord ? " He said to him,
and he replied, " Why are you "Is it not?"
annoying the woman? It is a As they were eating he took a 26
beautiful thing she has done to me. loaf and after the blessing he broke
11 The poor you always have beside it then he gave it to the disciples

you, but you will not always have saying, " Take and eat this, it
12 me. In pouring this perfume on means my body." He also took 27
my body she has acted in view of a cup and after thanking God he
13 my burial. I tell you truly, wher- gave it to them saying, " Drink of
ever this gospel is preached through it, all of you ;this means my blood, 28
all the world, men will speak of the new covenant-blood, shed for
what she has done in memory of many, to win the remission of their
her." sins. I tell you, after this I will 29
14 Then one of the twelve called never drink this produce of the
Judas Iscariot went and said to the vine till the day I drink it new
15 high priests, "What will you give with you in the Realm of my
me for betraying him to you ? " Father."
And they weighed out for him thirty After the hymn of praise they 30
16 silver pieces. From that moment went out to the Hill of Olives.
he sought a good opportunity to Then Jesus said to them, " You 31
betray him. will all be disconcerted over me
to-night, for it is written, / will asleep? still resting? The hour is
strike at the shepherd and the sheep near, the Son of man is betrayed
32 will be scattered. But after my into the hands of sinners. Come, 46
rising I will precede you to Galilee." get up and let us go. Here is my
33 Peter answered, " Supposing they betrayer close at hand " While 47

are all disconcerted over you, I he was still speaking, up came

34 will not be disconcerted." Jesus Judas, one of the twelve, accom-
said to him, " I tell you truly, panied by a large mob with swords
you will disown me three times and clubs who had come from the
this very night, before the cock high priests and the elders of the
35 crows." Peter said to him, "Even people. Now his betrayer had 48
though I have to die with you, given them a signal he said, " Who-

I will never disown you." And ever I kiss, that is the man." So 49
all the disciples said the same he went up at once to Jesus ; " Hail,
thing. rabbi " he said, and kissed him.

36 Then Jesus came with them to Jesus said, " My man, do your 50
a place called Gethsemane, and he errand." Then they laid hands
told the disciples, " Sit here till I on Jesus and seized him. One of 51
37 go over there and pray." But he hiscompanions put out his hand,
took Peter and the two sons of drew his sword, and struck the
Zebedaeus along with him; and servant of the high priest, cutting
when he began to feel distressed and off his ear. Then Jesus said to 52
38 agitated, he said to them, "M?/ him, " Put your sword back into
heart is sad, sad even to death; its place; all who draw the sword
stay here and watch with me." will die by the sword. What do 53

39 Then he went forward a little and you think I cannot appeal to my

fell on his face praying, " My Father to furnish me at this moment
Father, if it is possible, let this with over twelve legions of angels ?
cup pass me. Yet, not what I Only, how could the scriptures be 54
40 will but what thou wilt." Then fulfilled then
the scriptures that
he went to the disciples and found say this must be so ? " At that 55
them asleep and he said to Peter,
; hour Jesus said to the crowds,
" So the three of you could not " Have you sallied out to arrest
watch with me for a single hour? me like a robber, with swords
41 Watch and pray, all of you, so that and clubs? Day after day I
you may not slip into temptation. sat in the temple teaching, and
The spirit is eager but the flesh is you never seized me. How- 56
42 weak." Again he went away for ever, this has all happened for
the second time and prayed, " My the fulfilment of the prophetic
Father, if this cup cannot pass scriptures !

unless I drink it, thy will be done." Then all the disciples left him
43 And when he returned he found and fled but those who had seized 57

them asleep again, for their eyes Jesus took him away to the house
44 were heavy. So he left them and of Caiaphas the high priest, where
went back for the third time, the scribes and elders had gathered.
praying in the same words as Peter followed him at a distance 58
45 before. Then he went to the as far as the courtyard of the
disciples and said to them, " Still high priest, and when he got inside
he sat down beside the attendants know the man." After a little 73
to see the end. the bystanders came up and said
59 Now the high priests and the to Peter, " To be sure, you are one
whole of the Sanhedrin tried to of them too. Why, your accent
get false witness against Jesus, in betrays you " At this he broke 74

order to have him put to death; out cursing and swearing, " I do
60 but they could find none, although not know the man." At that
a number of false witnesses came moment a cock crowed. Then 75
forward. However, two men came Peter remembered what Jesus had
61 forward at last and said, " This said, that ' before the cock crows
fellow declared, ' I can destroy the you will disown me three times.'
temple of God and build it in three And he went outside and wept
62 days.' " So the high priest rose bitterly.
and said to him, " Have you no CHIP.
reply to make? What of this When morning came, all the 27
63 evidence against you ? " Jesus high priests and the elders of the
said nothing. Then the high priest people took counsel against Jesus,
addressed him, " I adjure you by so as to have him put to death.
the living God, tell us if you are After binding him, they led him 2
the Christ, the Son of God ! off and handed him over to Pilate
64 Jesus said to him, " Even so ! the governor.
But I tell you, in future you will Then Judas his betrayer saw 3
see the Son of man seated at the he was condemned, and repented;
right hand of the Power, and coming he brought back the thirty silver
65 on the clouds of heaven,''^ Then the pieces to the high priests and elders,
high priest tore his dress and cried, saying, " I did wrong in betraying 4
" He has blasphemed I What more innocent blood." " What does
evidence do we want ? Look, you that matter to us ? " they said, '* it
have heard his blasphemy for is your affair, not ours " Then
! 5
66 yourselves What is your view ? "
! he flung down the silver pieces in
They replied, " He is doomed to the temple and went off and hung
67 death." Then they spat in his himself. The high priests took the 6
face and buffeted him, some of money and said, " It would be
them cuffing him and crying, wrong to put this into the treasury,
68 " Prophesy to us, you Christ for it is the price of blood." So 7
tell us who struck you ! after consulting they bought with
69 Now Peter was sitting outside it the Potter's Field, to serve as a
in the courtyard. A
maidservant burying-place for strangers. That 8
came up and said to him, " You is why the field is called to this
were with Jesus the Galilean too." day " The Field of Blood." Then 9
70 But he denied it before them all. the word spoken by the prophet
" I do not know what you mean," Jeremiah was fulfilled : and I took
71 he said. When he went out to the thirty silver pieces, the price of
the gateway another maidservant him who had been priced, whom
noticed him and said to those who they had priced and expelled from
were there, " This fellow was with the sons of Israel ; and I gave them 10
72 Jesus the Nazarene." Again he for the pottefs fields as the Lord had
denied it ; he swore, " I do not bidden me.

11 Now Jesus stood before the gover- than ever, " Have him crucified 1

nor, and the governor asked him, Now when saw that instead 24
" Are you the King of the Jews ? " of him doing any good a riot
12 Jesus replied, " Certainly." But was rising, he took some water
while he was being accused by and washed his hands in presence
the high priests and elders, he of the crowd, saying, " I am in-
13 made no reply. Then Pilate said nocent of this man's blood. It is
to him, " Do you not hear all your affair " To this all the people 25

14 their evidence against you ? " But, replied, " His blood be on us and
to Pilate's great astonishment, he on our children!" Then he released 26
would not answer him a single Bar- Abbas for them; Jesus he
word. scourged and handed over to be
15 At festival time the governor crucified.
was in the habit of releasing any Then the soldiers of the governor 27
one prisoner whom the crowd took Jesus into the praetorium and
16 chose. At that time they had a got all the regiment round him;
notorious prisoner called Jesus * they stripped him and threw a 28
17 Bar- Abbas ; so, when they had scarlet mantle round him, plaited 29
gathered, Pilate said to them, a crown of thorns and set it on his
" Who do you want released ? head, put a stick in his hand, and
Jesus Bar-Abbas or Jesus the so- knelt before him in mockery, cry-
18 called '
Christ ' ? " (He knew ing, " Hail, King of the Jews !

quite well that Jesus had been They spat on him, they took the 30
19 delivered up out of envy. Besides, stick and struck him on the head,
when he was seated on the tribunal, and after making fun of him they 31
his wife had sent to tell him, " Do stripped him of the mantle, put
nothing with that innocent man, on his own clothes, and took him
for I have suffered greatly to-day off to be crucified. As they went 32
20 in a dream about him.") But the out they met a Cyrenian called
high priests and elders persuaded Simon, whom they forced to carry
the crowds to ask Bar- Abbas and his cross. When they came to a 33
21 to have Jesus killed. The governor place called Golgotha (meaning
said to them, " Which of the two the place of a skull), they gave him 34
do you want me to
release for a drink of wine mixed with bitters ;
you?" "Bar- Abbas," they said. but when he tasted it he would not
22 Pilate said, " Then what I to am drink it. Then they crucified him, 35
do with Jesus the so -called distributed his clothes among them
Christ ' ? " They all said, " Have by drawing lots, and sat down there 36
23 him crucified " " Why," said
to keep watch over him. They 37
" also put over his head his charge in
Pilate, " what has he done wrong ?
But they shouted on more fiercely writing,

* Adding here and in the following THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE
verse 'Irjorovv with the Sinaitic (and JEWS.
Palestinian) Syriac version, some good
minuscules, and manuscripts known to
Origen. The evidence is discussed in
Two robbers were also crucified with 38
Professor Burkitt's Evangelion da- him at that one on the
MepharreshCf ii. 277 f. right hand and one on the left.
89 Those who passed by scoffed at saw the earthquake and all that
him, nodding at him in derision happened they were dreadfully
40 and calling, " You were to destroy afraid; they said, " This man was
the temple and build it in three certainly a son of God " I There 55
days Save yourself, if you are
! were also a number of women
God's Son Come down from the
! there looking on from a distance,
41 cross !
So, too, the high priests women who had followed Jesus
made fun of him with the scribes from Galilee and waited on him,
42 and the elders of the people. " He including Mary of Magdala, Mary 56
saved others," they said, " but he the mother of James and Joseph,
cannot save himself !He the and the mother of the sons of
King of Israel '
! Let him come Zebedaeus.
down now from the cross then ; Now when evening came, a rich 57
43 we will believe in him His trust ! man from Arimathaea, called
is in God? Let God deliver him Joseph, who had become a dis-
now if He cares for Mm ! He said ciple of Jesus, went to Pilate 58
44 he was the Son of God " The ! and asked him for the body of
robbers who were crucified with Jesus. Pilate then ordered the
him also denounced him in the body to be handed over to him.
same way. So Joseph took the body, wrapped 59
45 Now from twelve o'clock to it in clean linen, and put it in his 60
three o'clock darkness covered all new tomb, which he had cut in
46 the land, and about three o'clock the rock; then, after rolling a
Jesus gave a loud cry, " Elei, large boulder to the opening of the
Elei, lema sabachthanei " (that is. tomb, he went away.
My God, my God, why hast thou Mary of Magdala and the other 61
47 forsaken me). On hearing this Mary were there, sitting opposite
some of the bystanders said, " He the tomb.
48 is calhng for Elijah." One of Next day (that is, on the day 62
them ran off at once and took a after the Preparation) the high
sponge, which he soaked in vinegar priests and Pharisees gathered
and put on the end of a stick to round Pilate and said, " We re- 63
give him a drink. But the others member, sir, that when this im-
49 said, " Stop, let us see if Elijah postor was alive he said, ' I will
50 does come to save him " But ! rise after three days.' Now then, 64
Jesus again uttered a loud scream give orders for the tomb to be
51 and gave up his spirit. And the kept secure till the third day, in
curtain of the temple was torn in case his disciples go and steal him
two from top to bottom, the earth and then tell the people, ' He has
52 shook, the rocks were split, the risen from the dead.' The end of
tombs were opened, and a number the fraud will then be worse than
of bodies of the saints who slept the beginning of it." Pilate said 65
53 the sleep of death rose up ^they to them, " Take a guard of soldiers,
left the tombs after his resurrection go and make it as secure as you
and entered the holy city and can." So off they went and made 66
appeared to a number of people. the tomb secure by putting a seal
54 Now when the army-captain and on the boulder and setting the
his men who were watching Jesus guard.

28 At the close of the sabbath, as While they were on their way, 11
the first day of the week was some of the sentries went into the
dawning, Mary of Magdala and city and reported all that had taken
the other Mary went to look at the place to the high priests, who, 12
2 tomb. But a great earthquake after meeting and conferring with
took place; an angel of the the elders, gave a considerable sum
Lord came down from heaven and of money to the soldiers and told
went and rolled away the boulder them to say that " his disciples 13
3 and sat onHis appearance
it. came at night and stole him when
was like lightning and his raiment we were asleep." " If this comes 14
4 white as snow. For fear of him to the ears of the governor," they
the sentries shook and became like added, " we will satisfy him and
5 dead men ; but the angel addressed see that you have no trouble about
the women, saying, " Have no the matter." So the soldiers took 15
fear; I know you are looking for the money and followed their
6 the crucified Jesus. He is not here, instructions; and this story has
he has risen, as he told you he been disseminated among the Jews
would. See, here is the place down to the present day.
7 where he lay. Nowbe quick and Now the eleven disciples went 16
go to his disciples, tell them he has to Galilee, to the hill where Jesus
risen from the dead and that ' he had arranged to meet them. When 17
precedes you to Galilee; you will they saw him they worshipped him,
see him there.' That is my though some were in doubt. Then 18
8 message for you." Then they ran Jesus came forward to them and
quickly from the tomb in fear and said, " Full authority has been
great joy, to announce the news given to me in heaven and on
9 to his disciples. And Jesus him- earth go and make disciples of all
nations, baptize them in the name
self met them, saying, '
So they went up to him and caught of the Father and the Son and the
hold of his feet and worshipped holy Spirit, and teach them to obey 20
10 him; then Jesus said to them, all the commands I have laid on
" Have no fear ! Go and tell my you. And I will be with you all
brothers to leave for Galilee ; they the time, to the very end of the
will see me there." world."

1 The beginning of the gospel of *
Thou art my Son, the Beloved,
Jesus Christ [the Son of God]. in thee is my
2 As it is written in the prophet Then the Spirit drove him imme- 12
Isaiah, diately into the desert, and in 13
Here I send my messenger before the desert he remained for forty
your face days, while Satan tempted him;
to prepare the way for you : he was in the company of wild
8 the voice of one who cries in the beasts, but angels ministered to
desert, him.
' Make the way ready for the After John had been arrested 14
Lord, Jesus went to Galilee preaching
level the paths for him '
the gospel of God he said, " The 15

4 John appeared baptizing in the time has now come, God's reign
desert and preaching a baptism of is near repent and believe in the

repentance for the remission of gospel."

5 sins ;and the whole of Judaea Now as he passed along the sea 16
and all the people of Jerusalem of Galilee he saw Simon and
went out to him and got baptized Simon's brother Andrew netting
by him in the Jordan river, confess- fish in the sea
for they were
6 ing their sins. John was dressed fishermen so Jesus said to them, 17

in earners hair, with a leather " Come, follow me and I will make
girdle round his loins, and he ate you fish for men." At once they 18
7 locusts and wild honey. He an- dropped their nets and went after
nounced, him. Then going on a little further 19
" After me one who is mightier he saw James the son of Zebedaeus
will come, and his brother John; they too
and I am not fit to stoop and were in their boat, mending their
untie the string of his nets ;he called them at once, and 20
sandals : they left their father Zebedaeus in
8 I have baptized you with water, the boat with the crew and went to
but he will baptize you with follow him.
the holy Spirit." They then entered Capharnahum. 21
9 Now it was in those days that As soon as the sabbath came, he at
Jesus arrived from Nazaret in once began to teach in the syna-
Galilee and got baptized in the gogue and they were astounded 22

10 Jordan by John. And the moment at his teaching, for he taught them
he rose from the water he saw the like an authority, not like the
heavens cleft and the Spirit coming scribes. Now there was a man 23
down upon him like a dove; with an unclean spirit in their
11 then said a voice from heaven, synagogue, who at once shrieked

24 out, " Jesus of Nazaret, what busi- there as well ; that is why I came
ness have you with us ? Have you out here." And he went preach- 89
come to destroy us? We know ing in their synagogues throughout
who you are, you are God's holy the whole of Galilee, casting out
25 One." But Jesus checked it " Be ; daemons.
quiet," he said, " come out of him." A leper came to him beseeching 40
26 And after convulsing him the un- him on bended knee, saying, " If
clean spirit did come out of him you only choose, you can cleanse
27 with a loud cry. Then they were me " so he stretched his hand out 41

all so amazed that they discussed in pity and touched him saying,
it together, saying, "Whatever " I do choose, be cleansed." And 42
is this ? " " It's new teaching the leprosy at once left him and he
with authority behind it ! " " He was cleansed. Then he sent him 43
orders even unclean spirits off at once with the stern charge,
" Yes, and they obey him !
" See, you are not to say a word to 44
28 So his fame at once spread in anybody ; away and show yourself
all directions through the whole to the priest and offer what Moses
of the surrounding country of prescribed for your cleansing, to
Galilee. notify men." But he went off and 45
29 On leaving the synagogue they proceeded to proclaim it aloud and
went straight to the house of spread news of the affair both far
Simon and Andrew, accompanied and wide. The result was that
30 by James and John. Simon's Jesus could no longer enter any
mother-in-law was in bed with town openly he stayed outside in

fever, him at once

so they told lonely places, and people came to
31 about her, and he went up to her him from every quarter.
and taking her hand made her
rise the fever left her at once and
32 she ministered to them. Now When he entered Capharnahum 2
when evening came, when the sun again after some days it was re-
they brought him all who were
set, ported that he was at home, and 2
ill or possessed by daemons a large number at once gathered, till
33 indeed the whole town was gathered there was no more room for them,

34 at the door and he cured many not even at the door. He was speak-
who were ill with various diseases ing the word to them, when a 3
and cast out many daemons; but paralytic was brought to him ; four
as the daemons knew him he would men carried him, and as they could 4
not let them say anything. Then not get him near Jesus on account
35 in the early morning, long before of the crowd they tore up the roof
daylight, he got up and went away under which he stood and through
out to a lonely spot. He was the opening they lowered the pallet
36 praying there when Simon and his on which the paralytic lay. When 5
37 companions hunted him out and Jesus saw their faith, he said to
discovered him; they told him, the paralytic, " My son, your sins
" Everybody is looking for you," are forgiven." Now there were 6
38 but he said to them, " Let us go some scribes sitting there who
somewhere else, to the adjoining argued in their hearts, " What does 7
country-towns, so that I may preach the man mean by talking like this ?

It is blasphemy ! Who can forgive and the disciples of the Pharisees

8 sins, who but God alone ? "
Con- fast,and your disciples do not
scious at once were
that they fast? " Jesus said to them, 19
arguing to themselves in this way, " Can friends at a wedding fast
Jesus asked them, " Why do you while the bridegroom is be-
9 argue thus in your hearts ? Which side them ?
is the easier thing, to tell the para- As long as they have the
lytic, '
Your sins are forgiven,' or bridegroom beside them
to tell him, * Rise, lift your pallet, they cannot fast.
10 and walk * ? But to let you see A time will come when the bride- 20
the Son of man has power on earth groom is taken from them;
to forgive sins " he said to the then they will fast, on that
11 paralytic, " Rise, I tell you, lift day.
12 your pallet, and go home." And No one stitches a piece of un- 21
he rose, lifted his pallet at once, dressed cloth on an old
and went off before them all; at coat,
this they were all amazed and otherwise the patch breaks
glorified God sa3dng, " We never away, the new from the
saw the like of it " ! old,
13 Then he went out again by the and the tear is made worse :

seaside, and all the crowd came to no one pours fresh wine into old 22
14 him and he taught them. As he wineskins,
passed along he saw Levi the son otherwise the wine will burst
ofAlphaeus sitting at the tax- the \vineskins,
he said to him, "Follow
office; and both wine and wineskins
me," and he rose and followed him. are ruined." *
15 Now Levi was at table in his own Now it happened that he was 23
house, and he had many tax- passing through the cornfields on
gatherers and sinners as guests the sabbath, and as the disciples
along with Jesus and his disciples made their way through they began
for there were many of them to pull the ears of corn. The 24
16 among his followers. So when Pharisees said to him, " Look at
some scribes of the Pharisees saw what they are doing on the sabbath!
he was eating with taxgatherers That is not allowed." He said to 25
and sinners they said to his dis- them, " Have you never read what
ciples, " Why does he eat and David did when he was in need and
drink with taxgatherers and hungry, he and his men ? He 26
17 sinners ? " On hearing this, Jesus went into the house of God
said to them, (Abiathar was high priest then)
" Those who are strong have no and ate the loaves of the Presence
need of a doctor, but those which no one except the priests is
who are ill allowed to eat, and also shared them
have not come to call just men
I with his followers." And he said 27
but sinners." to them,
18 As the disciples of John and * Omitting a\\^ oivov veov els atTKoi/s
of the Pharisees were observing Kaivovs,a harmonistic addition from the
a fast, people came and asked parallel passage in Luke v. 38 and
him, " Why do John's disciples Matthew ix. 17.


" The sabbath was made for man, and they went to him. He ap- 14
not man for the sabbath : pointed twelve to be with him,
28 so that the Son of man is Lord also that he might despatch them to
even over the sabbath." preach with the power of casting 15
out daemons; there was Simon, 16
CHAP. whom he surnamed Peter, James 17
3 Again he entered a synagogue. the son of Zebedaeus and John
Now a man was there whose hand the brother of James (he surnamed
2 was Mdthered, and they watched them Boanerges, or " Sons of
to see if he would heal him on the thunder "), Andrew, Philip, Bar- 18
sabbath, so as to get a charge tholomew, Thomas,
3 against him. He said to the man James the son of Alphaeus, Thad-
with the withered hand, " Rise daeus, Simon the zealot, and Judas 19
4 and come forward " then he asked
; Iscariot who betrayed him.
them, "Is it right to help or to Then they went indoors, but the 20
hurt on the sabbath, to save life crowd gathered again, so that it
or to kill ? " They were silent. was impossible even to have a
5 Then glancing round him in anger meal. And when his family heard 21
and vexation at their obstinacy this,they set out to get hold of
he told the man, " Stretch out him, for what they said was, " He
your hand." He stretched it out is out of his mind." But the 22
and his hand was quite restored. scribes who had come down from
6 On this the Pharisees withdrew Jerusalem said, *'
He has Beelze-
and at once joined the Herodians bul,"and "It is by the prince of
in a plot against him, to destroy daemons that he casts out
him. daemons." So he called them 23
7 Jesus retired with his disciples and said to them by way of
to the sea, and a large number of parable, " How can Satan cast out
people from Galilee followed him; Satan ?
also a large number came to him If a realm is divided against itself, 24
8 from Judaea, Jerusalem, Idumaea, that realm cannot stand :

the other side of the Jordan, and if a household is divided against 25

the neighbourhood of Tyre and itself,
Sidon, as they had heard of his that household cannot stand
9 doings. So he told his disciples to and if Satan has risen against 26
have a small boat ready; it was himself and is divided,
to prevent him being crushed by he cannot stand, he comes
10 the crowd, for he healed so many to an end.
that all who had complaints were No one can enter the strong man's 27
pressing on him to get a touch of house and plunder his goods un-
11 him. And whenever the unclean less first of all he binds the strong
spirits saw him they fell down man; then he can plunder his
before him, screaming, " You are house. I tell you truly, 28
12 the Son of God " But he charged
I the sons of men shall be forgiven
them strictly and severely not to all their sins,
make him known. and all the blasphemies they
13 Then he went up the hillside may utter,
and summoned the men he wanted, but whoever blasphemes 29
against theholy Spirit is When he was by himself his 10
never forgiven, adherents and the twelve asked him
he is guilty of an eternal sin." about the parables, and he said 11
80 (This was because they said, " He to them :
" The open secret of
81 has an unclean spirit.") Then the Realm of God is granted
came his mother and his brothers, to you, but these outsiders get
and standing outside they sent to everything by way of parables, so
82 call him there was a crowd sitting
; that
round him, and he was told, for all their seeing they may not 12
" Here are your mother and perceive,
brothers and sisters wanting you and for all their hearing they may
33 outside." He replied, " Who are not understand,
my mother and my brothers ? " lest they turn and he forgiven"
34 And glancing at those who were And he said to them, " You do 13
sitting round him in a circle he not understand this parable ? Then
said, " There are my mother and how are you to understand the
35 my brothers Whoever does the
! other parables ? The sower sows 14
will of God, that is my brother and the word. As for those on the
* 15
sister and mother." road,' when the seed is sown there
as soon as they hear it, Satan at
CHAP. once comes and carries off the word
4 Once more he proceeded to sown within them. Similarly those 16
teach by the seaside, and a huge who are sown on stony soil are
* '

crowd gathered round him; so he the people who on hearing the

entered a boat on the sea and sat word accept it * with enthusiasm
down, while all the crowd stayed but they have no root in themselves, 17
2 on shore. He gave them many they do not last the next thing is

lessons in parables, and said to them that when the word brings trouble
in the course of his teaching or persecution, they are at once
3 " Listen, a sower went out to sow, repelled. Another set are those 18
4 and as he sowed it chanced that who are sown among thorns ' '

some seed fell on the road, and the they listen to the word, but the 19
5 birds came and ate it up ; some worries of the world and the delight
other seed on stony soil where
fell of being rich and all the other
ithad not much
earth, and it shot passions come in to choke the word
up at once because it had no depth so it proves unfruitful. As for 20
6 of earth, but when the sun rose it those who were sown * on good soil,'
got scorched and withered away, these are the people who listen to
because it had no root; some the word and take it in and bear
7 other seed fell among thorns, and fruit at the rate of thirty, sixty,
the thorns sprang up and choked it, and a hundredfold."
8 so it bore no crop some other seed
; He also said to them, 21
fell on good soil and bore a crop
that sprang up and grew, jdelding * Omitting fvBis with D, the Sinaitio
at the rate of thirty, sixty, and a Syriac, some manuscripts of the Old
Latin, etc. The tendency was to add
9 hundredfold." He added, "Any- Mark's evQis rather than omit it, especially
one who has ears to hear, lethim when it occurred as here in the Matthew-
listen to this." parallel (xiii. 20).

Is a lamp brought to be placed That same day when evening 35
under a bowl or a bed ? came he said to them, " Let us
Is it not to be placed upon the cross to the other side ; "so, leaving 36
stand ? the crowd, they took him just as
22 Nothing is hidden except to be he was in the boat, accompanied by
disclosed, some other boats. But a heavy 37
nothing concealed except to be squall of wind came on, and the
revealed. waves splashed into the boat, so
23 If anyone has ears to hear, let that the boat filled. He was 38
24 him listen to this." Also he said sleeping on the cushion in the stern,
to them, " Take care what you so they woke him up saying,
hear; the measure you deal out " Teacher, are we to drown for all
to others will be dealt out to you care?" And he woke up, 39
yourselves, and you will receive checked the wind, and told the sea,
extra. "Peace, be quiet." The wind fell
25 For he who has, to him shall more and there was a great calm.
be given Then he said to them, " Why are 40
while as for him who has not, you afraid like this? Why not
from him shall be taken have faith ? " But they were over- 41
even what he has." awed and said to each other,
26 And he said, "It is with the " Whatever can he be, when the
Realm of God as when a man has very wind and sea obey him."
27 sown seed on earth he sleeps at;

night and rises by day, and the seed CHAP.

sprouts and shoots up he knows Then they reached the opposite 5
28 not how. (For the earth bears side of the sea, the country of the
crops by itself, the blade first, Gerasenes. And as soon as he 2
the ear of corn next, and then the stepped out of the boat a man from
29 grain full in the ear.) But when- the tombs came to meet him, a man
ever the crop is ready, he has the with an unclean spirit who dwelt 3
sickle put in at once, as harvest among the tombs; by this time
30 has come." He said also, no one could bind him, not even
" To what can we compare the with a chain, for he had often been 4
Reahnof God? bound with fetters and chains and
how are we to put it in a parable ? had snapped the chains and broken
31 It is a grain of mustard-
the fetters ^nobody could tame
seed than any seed on earth
^less him. All night and day among 5
32 when it is sown on earth; but the tombs and the hills he shrieked
once sown it springs up to be larger and gashed himself with stones.
than any plant, throwing out such On catching sight of Jesus from 6
big branches that the wild birds afar he ran and knelt before him,
33 can roost under its shadow, ^^ In shrieking aloud, " Jesus, son of 7
many a parable like this he spoke God most High, what business
the word to them, so far as they have you with me? By God, I
34 could listen to it; he never spoke adjure you, do not torture me."
tothem except by way of parable, (For he had said, " Come out of 8
but in private he explained every- the man, you unclean spirit.")
thing to his own disciples. Jesus asked him, " What is your 9
name ? " " Legion," he said, lay your hands on her that she may
10 " there is a host of us." And they recover and live." So Jesus went 24
begged him earnestly not to send away with him. Now a large
11 them out of the country. Now a crowd followed him; they pressed
large drove of swine was grazing round him. And there was a 25
12 there on the liillside ; so the woman who had had a hemorrhage
spirits begged him saying, " Send for twelve years
^she had suffered 26
us into the swine, that we may a great deal under a number of
13 enter them." And Jesus gave doctors and had spent all her
them leave. Then out came the means but was none the better;
unclean spirits and entered the in fact she was rather worse. She 27
swine, and the drove rushed down heard about Jesus, got behind him
the steep slope into the sea (there in the crowd, and touched his
were about two thousand of them) robe ; " if I can touch even his 28
and in the sea they were drowned. clothes," she said to herself, " I
14 The herdsmen fled and reported will recover." And at once the 29
it to the town and the hamlets. hemorrhage stopped, and she felt
So the people came to see what in her body that she was cured of
15 had happened, and when they her complaint. Jesus was at once 30
reached Jesus they saw the lunatic conscious that some healing virtue
sitting down, clothed and in his had passed from him, so he turned

sober senses ^the man who had round in the crowd and asked,
been possessed by Legion.' That
' " Who touched my clothes ? " His 31
16 frightened them. And those who disciples said to him, " You see the
had seen it related to them what had crowd are pressing round you, and
happened to the lunatic and the yet you ask, ' Who touched me ? '

17 swine. Then they began begging But he kept looking round to see 32
18 Jesus to leave their district. As he who had done it, and the woman, 33
was stepping into the boat the knowing w^hat had happened to
lunatic begged that he might her, came forward in fear and
19 accompany him; but he said, trembling and fell down before
" Go home to your own people, him, telling him all the truth. He 34
and report to them all the Lord said to her, " Daughter, your faith
has done for you and how he took has made you well; go in peace
20 pity on you." So he went off and and be free from your complaint."
began to proclaim throughout He was still speaking when a 35
Decapolis all that Jesus had done message came from the house of
for him; it made everyone the synagogue-president, " Your
astonished. daughter is dead. Why trouble
Now when Jesus had crossed in "
21 the teacher to come any further ?
the boat to the other side again, a But Jesus ignored the remark 36
large crowd gathered round him; and told the president, " Have no
so he remained beside the sea. fear, only believe." He would not 37
22 A president of the synagogue called allow anyone to accompany him
Jairus came up, and on catching except Peter and James and John
sight of him fell at his feet with the brother of James. So they 38
23 earnest entreaties. " My little girl reached the president's house, where
is dying," he said, " do come and he saw a din of people wailing

89 and making shrill lament and on ; ing the twelve he proceeded to
entering he asked them, " Why send them out two by two ; he
make a noise and wail ? The child gave them power over the unclean
40 not dead but asleep." They
is spirits, and ordered them to take 8
laughed at him. However, he put nothing but a stick for the journey,
them all outside and taking the no bread, no wallet, no coppers in
father and mother of the child as their girdle; they were to wear 9
well as his companions he went sandals, but not to put on two
in to where the child was lying; shirts, he said. Also, he told 10
41 then he took the child's hand and them, " Wherever you enter a
said to her, " Talitha koum " house, stay there till you leave
which may be translated, " Little the place. And if any place vdll 11
girl, I am telling you to rise." not receive you and the people will
42 The girl got up at once and began not listen to you, shake off the
to walk (she was twelve years old) very dust under j^^our feet when you
and at once they were lost in utter leave as a warning to them."
43 amazement. But he strictly for- So they went out and preached 12
bade them to let anyone know repentance; also they cast out 13
about it, and told them to give her a number of daemons and cured
something to eat. a number of sick people by anoint-
ing them with oil.
CHAP. Now this came to the hearing of 14
6 Leaving there he went to his king Herod, for the name of Jesus
native place, follov/ed by his dis- had become well known ; people
2 ciples. When the sabbath came, said,* " John the Baptizer has risen
he began to teach in the syna- from the dead, that is why miracu-
gogue, and the large audience was lous powers are working through
astounded. " Where did he get him; " others said, " It is EHjah," 15
all this ? " they said. " What is others again, " It is a prophet, like
the meaning of this vdsdom he one of the old prophets." But 16
is endowed with?
these And when Herod heard of it he said,
miracles, too, that his hands per- " John has risen, the John I be-
3 form ! Is this not the joiner, the headed." For this Herod had sent 17
son of Mary and the brother of and arrested John and bound him
James and Joses and Judas and in prison on account of his marriage
Simon ? Are not his sisters settled to Herodias the wife of his brother
here among us ? " So they were Philip; John had told Herod, 18
4 repelled by him. Then Jesus said " You have no right to your
to them, '* A prophet never goes brother's wife." Herodias had a 19
without honour except in his native grudge against him; she wanted
place and among his kinsfolk and him killed but she could not manage
5 in his home." There he could not it,for Herod stood in awe of John, 20
do any miracle, beyond laying his knoAving he was a just and holy
hands on a few sick people and man so he protected John he
6 curing them. He was astonished was greatly exercised when he
at their lack of faith. listened to him, still he was glad
Then he made a tour round the * Reading eXeyov with B D and the
7 villages, teaching. And summon- Old Latin.

21 to listen to him. Then came a a large crowd, and out of pity for
holiday, when Herod held a feast them, as they were like sheep
on his birthday for his chief without a shepherd, he proceeded
and generals and the not-
officials to teach them at length. Then, 35
22 ables of GaHlee. The daughter of as the day was far gone, his
Herodias went in and danced to disciples came up to him, saying,
them, and Herod and his guests " It is a desert place and the day
were so delighted that the king is now far gone send them off to 36

said to the girl, " Ask anything the farms and villages round about
you like and I will give you it." to buy some food for themselves."
23 He swore to her, " I will give you He replied, " Give them some food, 37
whatever you want, were it the yourselves." They said, " Are we
24 half of my realm." So she went to go and buy ten pounds' worth of
out and said to her mother, food and give them that to eat ? "
"What am I to ask?" "John He said, " How many loaves have 38
the Baptizer's head," she answered. you got? Go and see." When
25 Then she hurried in at once and they found out they told him,
asked the king, saying, " I want "Five, and two fish." Then he 39
you to give me this very moment gave orders that they were to make
John the Baptist's head on a all the people lie down in parties
26 dish." The king was very vexed, on the green grass ; so they ar- 40
but for the sake of his oaths and ranged themselves in groups of
his guests he did not like to dis- a hundred and of fifty. And he 41
27 appoint her ; so the king at once took the five loaves and the two
sent one of the guard with orders fish, and looking up to heaven he
to bring his head. The man went blessed them, broke the loaves
and beheaded him in the prison, in pieces which he handed to
28 brought his head on a dish, and the disciples to set before them,
gave it to the girl; and the girl and divided the two fish among
29 gave it to her mother. When his them all. They all ate and had 42
disciples heard of it they went and enough besides, the fragments of 43

fetched his body and laid it in a bread and of fish which were
tomb. picked up filled twelve baskets.
30 Now the apostles gathered to (The number of men who ate the 44
meet Jesus and reported to hira loaves was five thousand.)
all they had done and taught. Then he made the disciples at 45
31 And he said to them, " Come away once embark in the boat and cross
to some lonely spot and get a little before him towards Bethsaida,
rest " (for there were many people while he dismissed the crowd;
coming and going, and they could and after saying goodbye to them 46
32 get no time even to eat). So they he went up the hill to pray. Now 47
went away privately in the boat when evening came the boat was
83 to alonely spot. However a in the middle of the sea, and he was
number of people who saw them on the land alone but when he 48

start and recognized them, got to saw them buffeted as they rowed
the place before them by hurrying (for the wind was against them)
there on foot from all the towns. he went to them about the fourth
84 So when Jesus disembarked he saw watch of the night walking on the


49 sea. He meant to pass them, but elders? Why do they take their
when they saw him walking on the food with ' common hands ? " He '

sea they thought it was a ghost said to them, " Isaiah made a grand 6

50 and shrieked aloud ^for they all prophecy about you hypocrites
saw him and were terrified. Then as it is written.
he spoke to them at once; This people honours me with their
" Courage," he said, " it is I, have lips,
51 no fear." And he got into the hut their heart is far away from
boat beside them, and the wind . me
dropped. They were utterly as- vain is their worship of me, 7
52 tounded, for they had not under- for the doctrines they teach are
stood the lesson of the loaves; hut human precepts.
their minds were dull. You drop what God commands 8
53 On crossing over they came to and hold to human tradition.
land at Gennesaret and moored to Yes, forsooth," he added, " you 9
54 the shore. And when they had set aside what God commands, so
disembarked, the people at once as to maintain your own tradition.
55 recognized Jesus they hurried
; Thus, Moses said, Honour yowr 10
round all the district and proceeded father and mother, and, He who
to carry the sick on their pallets curses his father or mother is to
wherever they heard that he suffer death. But you say that 11
56 was whatever village or town or
; if a man tells his father or mother,
hamlet he went to, they would lay '
This money might have been at
their invalids in the marketplace, your service, but it is Korban
begging him to let them touch even (that is, dedicated to God), he is 12

the tassel of his robe ^and all who exempt, so you hold, from doing
touched him recovered. anything for his father or mother.
That is repealing the word of Gk)d 13
in the interests of the tradition
7 Now the Pharisees gathered which you keep up. And you do
meet him, with some scribes
to many things like that." Then he 14
who had come from Jerusalem. called the crowd to him again
2 They noticed that some of his and said to them, " Listen to
disciplesate their food with me, all of you, and understand
common (that is, unwashed)
' this :

8 hands. (The Pharisees and all the nothing outside a man can defile 15
Jews decline to eat till they wash him by entering him;
their hands up to the wrist, in it is what comes from him that
obedience to the tradition of the defiles him.
4 elders ; they decline to eat what If anyone has ears to hear, let 16
comes from the market till they him listen to this."
have washed it; and they have a Now when he went indoors away 17
number of other traditions to keep from the crowd, his disciples asked
about washing cups and jugs and him the meaning of this parabolic
6 basins and beds.) Then the Phari- saying. He said to them, " So you 18
sees and scribes put this question do not understand, either ? Do you
to him, " Why
do your disciples not see how nothing outside a man
not follow the tradition of the can defile him by entering him?

19 It does not enter his heart but heaven with a sigh he said to him,
his belly and passes from that into " Ephphatha " (which means.
the drain " (thus he pronounced Open). Then his ears were at 35
20 all food clean). " No," he said, once opened and his tongue freed
" it is what comes from a man, that
from its fetter he began to speak
21 is what defiles him. From within, correctly. Jesus forbade them to 36
from the heart of man, the designs tell anyone about it, but the more
22 of evil come sexual vice, stealing,
: he forbade them the more eagerly
murder, adultery, lust, malice, they made it public they were 37

deceit, sensuality, envying, slander, astounded in the extreme, saying,

23 arrogance, recklessness, all these " How splendidly he has done every-
evils issue from within and they thing I He actually makes the
defile a man." deaf hear and the dumb speak 1 "
24 Leaving there, he went away to
the territory of Tyre and Sidon. CHAP.
He went into a house and wished In those days, when a large 8
no one to know of it, but he could crowd had again gathered and
25 not escape notice a woman heard
; when they had nothing to eat, he
of him, whose daughter had an called his disciples and said to
unclean spirit, and she came and them, " I am sorry for the crowd ;2
26 fell at his feet (the woman was a they have been three days with
pagan, of Syro-phoenician birth) me now, and they have nothing
begging him to cast the daemon out to eat. If I send them home 3
27 of her daughter. He said to her, without food they will faint on the
" Let the children be satisfied first road. Besides, some of them have
of all; it is not fair to take the come a long way." His disciples 4
children's bread and throw it to replied, " Where can one get loaves
28 the dogs." She answered him, to satisfy them in a desert spot
" No, sir, but under the table the like this?" He asked them, " How 5
dogs do pick up the children's many loaves have you got ? "
29 crumbs." He said to her, " Well, They said, "Seven." So he or- 6
go your way; the daemon has dered the crowd to recline on the
left your daughter, since you have ground, and taking the seven
30 said that." So she went home loaves he gave thanks, broke them,
and found the child lying in and gave them to his disciples to
bed and Ijhe daemon gone from serve out. They served them out
her. to the crowd, and as they also had 7
31 He left the territory of Tyre a few small fish, he blessed them
again and passed through Sidon too and told the disciples to serve
to the sea of Galilee, crossing the them out as well. So the people 8
32 territory of Decapohs. And a deaf ate and were satisfied, and they
man who stammered was brought picked up seven baskets of fragments
to him, with the request that he which were left over. (There were 9
33 would lay his hand on him. So about four thousand of them.)
taking him aside from the crowd Then he sent them away, embarked 10
by himself, he put his fingers into at once in the boat with his
the man's ears, touched his tongue disciples, and went to the district
84 with saliva, and looking up to of Dalmanutha.


11 Now the Pharisees came out and said, " I can make out people, for
started to argue with him, asking I see them as large as trees, mov-
him for a Sign from heaven, by ing." At this he laid his hands on 25
12 way of tempting him. But he his eyes once more, and the man
sighed in spirit and said, stared in front of him; he was
Why does this generation de- quite restored and saw everything
mand a Sign? distinctly. And Jesus sent him 26
I tell you truly, no Sign shall home, saying, " Do not go even
be given this generation." into the village."
13 Then he left them, embarked again, Then Jesus and his disciples set 27
and went away to the opposite off for the villages of Caesarea
side. Philippi; and on the road he
14 They had forgotten to bring any inquired of his disciples, " Who do
bread, and had only one loaf with people say I am?" "John the 28
15 them in the boat. So he cautioned Baptist," they told him, " though
them, " See and beware of the some say Elijah and others say
leaven of the Pharisees and the you are one of the prophets."
leaven of Herod." " Leaven ? So he inquired of them, *' And 29
16 they argued to themselves, " we who do you say I am ? " Peter
17 have no bread at all." He noted replied, " You are the Christ."
this and said to them, " Why do Then he forbade them any- 30
to tell
you argue you have no bread ? Do one about him. And he
proceeded 31
you not see, do you not understand, to teach them that the Son of
even yet? Are you still dull of man had to endure great suffering,
heart ? to be rejected by the elders and
18 You have eyes, do you not the high priests and the scribes, to
see? be killed and after three days to
youhave ears, do you not rise again he spoke of this quite 32

hear? freely. Peter took him and began

19 Do you not remember how many to reprove him for it, but he turned 33
baskets full of fragments you picked on him and noticing his disciples
up when I broke the five loaves reproved Peter, telling him, " Get
for the five thousand?" They behind me, you Satan Your out-

20 said, " Twelve." " And how many look is not God's but man's."
basketfuls of fragments did you Then he called the crowd to him 34
pick up when I broke the seven with his disciples and said to them,
" " If anyone wishes to follow me,
loaves for the seven thousand ?
21 They said, " Seven." " Do you let him deny himself, take up his
not understand now ? " he said. cross, and so follow me
22 Then they reached Bethsaida. for whoever wants to save his 35
A blind man was brought to him life will lose it,
with the request that he would and whoever loses his life for
23 touch him. So he took the blind my sake and the gospel's
man by the hand and led him out- will save it.
side the village ; then, after spitting What profit is it for a man to gain 36
on his eyes, he laid his hands on the whole world and to forfeit his
him and asked him, " Do you see soul ? What could a man offer as 37
24 anything ? " He began to see and an equivalent for his soul ?
88 Whoever is ashamed of me and my As for Elijah, I tell you he has 13
words in this disloyal and sinful come already, and they have done
generation, the Son of man will be to him whatever they pleased
ashamed of him when he comes in as it is written of him." When 14
the glory of his Father with the they reached the disciples they saw
holy angels. a large crowd round them, and
9 **
I tell you truly," he said, some scribes arguing with them.
" there are some of those standing On seeing him the whole crowd 15
here who will not taste death till was thunderstruck and ran to greet
they see the coming of God's Reign him. Jesus asked them, " What 16
with power." are you discussing with them ?
2 Six days afterwards Jesus took A man from the crowd answered 17
Peter, James and John, and led him, " Teacher, I brought my son
them up a high hill by themselves to you ;he has a dumb spirit,
alone; in their presence he was and whenever it seizes him it throws 18
3 transfigured, and his clothes glis- him down, and he foams at the
tened white, vivid white, such as mouth and grinds his teeth. He
no fuller on earth could bleach them. iswasting away with it; so I told
4 And Elijah along with Moses ap- your disciples to cast it out, but
peared to them, and conversed they could not." He answered 19
5 with Jesus. So Peter addressed them, " O faithless generation, how
Jesus, saying, " Rabbi, it is a good long must I still be with you ? how
thing we are here; let us put up long have I to bear with you ?
three tents, one for you, one for Bring him to me." So they brought 20
6 Moses, and one for Ehjah " (for the boy to him, and when the spirit
he did not know what to say, they saw Jesus it at once convulsed the
7 were so terrified). Then a cloud boy; he fell on the ground and
came overshadowing them, and rolled about foaming at the mouth.
from the cloud a voice said, " This Jesus asked his father, " How long 21
is my Son, the Beloved, listen to has he been like this ? " " From 22
8 him." And suddenly looking childhood," he said " it has thrown

round they saw no one there except him into fire and water many a
9 Jesus all alone beside them. As time, to destroy him. If you can
they went down the hill, he forbade do anything, do help us, do have
them to tell anyone what they had pity on us." Jesus said to him, 23
seen, till such time as the Son of " ' If you can Anything can be

10 man rose from the dead. This done for one who believes." At 24
order they obeyed, debating with once the father of the boy cried
themselves what ' rising from the out, " I do believe help my un- ;

11 dead '
meant. So they put this belief." Now as Jesus saw that a 25
question to him, " Why do the crowd was rapidly gathering, he
Pharisees and scribes say that checked the unclean spirit. " Deaf
Elijah has to come first ? " He and dumb spirit," he said, " leave
12 said to them, " Elijah does come him, I command you, and never
first, to restore all things
; but what enter him again." And it did 26
is written about the Son of man come out, after shrieking aloud
as well ? This, that he is to endure and convulsing him violently. The
great suffering and be rejected. cliild turned like a corpse, so that
; :

most people said, " he is dead " name will be ready to speak evil
27 but, taking his hand, Jesus raised of me. He who is not against us 40
28 him and he got up. When he is for us.
went indoors his disciples asked Whoever gives you a cup of 41
him in private, " Wliy could we water because you belong to Christ,
29 not cast it out ? " He said to I tell you truly, he shall not miss
them, "Nothing can make this his reward.
kind come out but prayer and And whoever is a hindrance to 42
fasting." one of these little ones who believe,
30 On leaving there they passed it were better for him to have a
through Galilee. He did not want great millstone hung round his
anyone to know of their journey, neck and be thrown into the
31 for he was teacliing his disciples, sea.
telling them that the Son of man If your hand is a hindrance to 43
would be betrayed into the hands you, cut it off :

of men, that they would kill him, better be maimed and get into
and that when he was killed he Life,
would rise again after three days. than keep your two hands
32 But they did not understand what and go to Gehenna, to the
he said, and they were afraid to fire that is never quenched.
ask him what he meant. If your foot is a hindrance to you, 45
33 Then they reached Capharnahum. cut it off
And when he got into the house better get into Life a cripple,
he asked them, " What were you than keep your two feet and
arguing about on the road ? be thrown into Gehenna.
84 They said nothing, for on the road If your eye is a hindrance to you, 47
they had been disputing about tear it out :

which of them was the greatest. better get into God's Realm
35 So he sat down and called the .with one eye,
twelve. " If anyone wants to be than keep your two eyes
first," he said to them, " he must and be thrown into
be last of all and the servant Gehenna,
36 of all." Then he took a little where their worm never dies 48
child, set it among them, and and the fire is never put
putting his arms round it said to out.
them, Everyone has to be consecrated* 49
37 " Whoever receives one of these by the fire of discipline.
little ones in my name Salt is excellent : 50
receives me, but if salt is tasteless, how are
and whoever receives me receives you to restore its flavour?
not me but him who sent * The Greek word aKKre-na-eTai literally
me." means salted,'
the metaphor being
38 John said to him, " Teacher, we taken from the custom of using salt in
saw a man casting out daemons in ii. 13; Josephus,
sacrifices (cp. e.g. Levit.
Antiquities, " There is fire to
your name but he does not follow
1).iii. 9.
be encountered afterwards if not now;
us, and so we stopped liim." Jesus
how much better to face it now and by
S9 said, " Do not stop him no one ; self-sacrifice insxire against the future

who performs any miracle in my (Professor Meuzies).

Let there be * salt between you ' As he went out on the road a man 17
be at peace with one another." ran up and knelt down before him.
" Good teacher," he asked, " what
OHIP. must I do to inherit hfe eternal ? "
10 Then left and went to the
he Jesus said to him, " Why call me 18
Judaea over the Jordan.
territory of '
good ? No one is good, no one

Crowds gathered to him again, and but God. You know the com- 19
again he taught them as usual. mands do not commit adultery,

2 Now some Pharisees came up and do not kill, do not steal, do not bear
asked him if a man was allowed false witness, do not defraud, honour
to divorce his wife. This was to your father and mother.'' " Teach- 20
3 tempt him. So he replied, " WTiat er," he said, "I have observed all
" these commands from my youth."
did Moses lay down for you ?
4 They said, " Moses permitted a man Jesus looked at him and loved him. 21
to divorce her by writing out a " There is one thing you want,"
5 separation notice.'' Jesus said to he said ; " go and sell all you have
them, " He wrote you that com- give the money to the poor and
mand on account of the hardness you will have treasure in heaven;
6 of your hearts. But from the then come and follow me." But 22
beginning, when God created the his face fell at that, and he went
world, sadly away, for he had great
Male and female. He created them : possessions. Jesus looked round 23
7 hence a man shall leave his father and said to his disciples, "How
and mother, difficult it is for those who have
8 and the pair shall be one flesh. money to get into the Realm
So they are no longer two, but one of God " ! The disciples were 24
9 flesh. What God has joined, then, amazed at what he said; so he
10 man must not separate." Indoors, repeated, " My sons, how difficult
the disciples again asked him about it is [forthose who rely on money]
11 this, and he said to them, " Who- to get into the Realm of God It ! 25
ever divorces his wife and marries is easier for a camel to get through
another woman is an adulterer to a needle's eye than for a rich man to
12 the former, and she is an adulteress get into the Realm of God." They 26
if she divorces her husband and were more astounded than ever;
marries another man." they said to themselves, " Then who
18 Now people brought children for ever can be saved ? " Jesus looked 27
him to touch them, and the at them and said, " For men it is
14 disciples checked them ; but Jesus impossible, but not for God : any-
was angry when he saw this, and he thing is possible for God." Peter 28
said to them, " Let the children began, " Well, we have left our
come to me, do not stop them the : all and followed you." Jesus said, 29
Realm of God belongs to such as " I tell you truly, no one has left
15 these. I tell you truly, whoever home or brothers or sisters or
will not submit to the Reign of God mother or father or children or
like a child will never get into it lands for my sake and for the sake
16 at all." Then he put his arms of the gospel, who does not get a 30
round them, laid his hands on them hundred times as much in this
and blessed them. present world homes, brothers,
; ; 1

mothers, children and lands,
sisters, and their great men overbear
together with persecutions, and in them :

the world to come life eternal. not so with you. 43

31 Many who are first will be last, and Whoever wants to be great among
many who are last will be first." you must be your servant, ,

32 They were on the way up to and whoever of you wants to be 44 !

Jerusalem, Jesus walking in front first must be your slave

of them; the disciples were in for the Son of man himself has 45
dismay and the company who not come to be served but
followed were afraid. So once to serve,
again he took the twelve aside and and to give his life as a ran-
proceeded to tell them what was som for many."
33 going to happen to himself. " We Then they reached Jericho and 46 ;

are going up to Jerusalem," he as he was leaving Jericho with his

said, " and the Son of man will be disciples and a considerable crowd,
betrayed to the high priests and the son of Timaeus, Bartimaeus, the
scribes they will sentence him to
; blind beggar who sat beside the
death and hand him over to the road, heard it was Jesus of Nazaret. 47
34 Gentiles, who will mock him, spit So he started to shout, " Son of
on him, scourge him, and kill him David ! Jesus have pity on me."

then after three days he will rise A number of the people checked him 48
again." and told him to be quiet, but he
35 James and John, the sons of shouted all the more, " Son of
Zebedaeus, came up to him saying, David, have pity on me " Jesus 49 !

Teacher, we want you to do what- stopped and said, " Call him."
36 ever we ask you." So he said, Then they called the blind man and
" What do you want me to do for told him, " Courage Get up, he

37 you? " They said to him, " Give is calling you." Throwing off his 50
us seats, one at your right hand cloak he jumped up and went to
and one at your left hand, in your Jesus. Jesus spoke to him and 51
38 glory." Jesus said, " You do not said, " What do you want me to do
know what you are asking. Can for you ? "The blind man said,
you drink the cup I have to drink, " Rabboni, want to regain my
or undergo the baptism I have to sight." Then Jesus said, " Go, 52
39 undergo ? " They said to him, your faith has made you well; "
" We can." " You
said, and he regained his sight at once
cup I have to drink
shall drink the and followed Jesus along the road.
and undergo the baptism I have
40 to undergo but it is not for me to
grant seats at my right or my left Now when they came near Jeru- 1

hand ^these belong to the men for salem, near Bethphage and Beth-
whom they have been destined." any, at the Hill of Olives, he des-
41 Now when the ten heard of this, patched two of his disciples, saying 2
they burst into anger at James and to them, " Go to the village in front
42 John ; so Jesus called them and said, of you. As soon as you enter it
" You know the so-called rulers you will find a colt tethered, on
of the Gentiles lord it over which no one has ever sat; un-
them. tether it and bring it here. If any- 3
one asks you, '
Why are you doing one to carry a vessel through the
that ? '
say, *
The Lord needs it, temple also he taught them. " Is 17

and he send it back immedi-

will it not written," he asked, " My
4 ately.' " Off they went and found house shall he called a house of prayer
a colt tethered outside a door in the for all nations ? You have made it
5 street. They untethered it but ; a den of rohhers" This came to 18
some of the bystanders said to them, the ears of the high priests and
What do you mean by untethering scribes, and they tried to get him
6 that colt? " So they answered as put to death, for they were afraid of
Jesus had told them, and the men him. But the multitude were all
7 allowed them to go. Then they astounded at his teaching. And 19
brought the colt to Jesus, and when when evening came he went out-
they had put their clothes on it side the city.
8 Jesus seated himself. Many also Now as they passed in the morn- 20
spread their clothes on the road, ing they noticed the fig tree had
while others strewed leaves cut withered to the root. Then Peter 21
9 from the fields and both those in ; remembered. " Rabbi," he said,
front and those who followed " there is the fig tree you cursed,
shouted, all withered " Jesus answered
! 22
" Hosanna ! them, " Have faith in God I tell
! 23
Blessed he he who comes in the you truly, whoever says to this hill,
Lord's name ! '
Take and throw yourself into the
10 Blessed be the Reign to come, sea,' and has not a doubt in his
our father David's reign. mind but believes that what he
Hosanna in high heaven ! says will happen, he will have it
11 Then he entered Jerusalem, en- done. So I tell you, whatever you 24
tered the temple, and looked round pray for and ask, believe you have
at everything; but as it was late got it and you shall have it. Also, 25
he went away with the twelve to whenever you stand up to pray, if
Bethany. you have anything against anybody,
12 Next day, when they had left forgive him, so that your Father
13 Bethany, he felt hungry, and in heaven may forgive you your
noticing a fig tree in leaf some trespasses."
distance away he went to see if he Once more they came to Jeru- 27
could find anything on it but when ; salem. And as he was walking
he reached it he found nothing but within the temple the high priests
leaves, for it was not the time for and scribes and elders came and
14 figs. Then he said to it, " May no asked him, " What authority have 28
one ever eat fruit from you after you for acting in this way ? Who
this " ! The disciples heard him gave you authority to act in this
say it. way Jesus said to them, " I 29
15 Then they came to Jerusalem, am going to ask you a ques-
and entering the temple he started tion.Answer this, and I will tell
to drive out those who were buying you what authority I have for
and selling inside the temple; he acting as I do. What about the 30
upset the tables of the money- baptism of John? Was it from
changers and the stalls of those who heaven or from men ? " Now they 31
16 sold doves, and would not allow any- argued to themselves, " [What are

32 we to say ?] If we say, From *
doing of the Lord,
this is the 11
heaven,' he will ask, ' Then why and a wonder
to our eyes"
did you not believe him.' No, let Then they tried to get hold of him, 12
us say. From men " but they but they were afraid of the crowd.
were afraid of the people, for the They knew he had meant the
people all held John had been really parable for them.
33 a prophet. So they replied to Jesus, So they left him and went away.
" We do not know." Jesus said to But the}'- sent some of the Pharisees 13
them, " No more will I tell you and Herodians to him for the pur-
what authority I have for acting pose of catching him with a ques-
as I do." tion. They came up and said to 14
him, " Teacher, we know you are
OHAP. sincere and fearless; you do not
12 Then
he proceeded to address court human favour, you teach the
them in
parables. " man plantedA Way of God honestly. Is it right to
a vineyard, fenced it round, dug a pay taxes to Caesar or not? Are 15
trough for the winepress, and built a we to pay, or are we not to pay ? "
tower ; then he leased it to vine- But he saw their trick and said to
2 dressers and went abroad. When them, " Why tempt me ? Bring
the season came round he sent a me a shilling. Let me see it."
servant to the vinedressers to collect So they brought one. He said, 16
from the vinedressers some of the " Whose likeness, whose inscription
3 produce of the vineyard, but they is this?" "Caesar's," they said.
took and flogged him and sent him Jesus said to them, " Give Caesar 17
4 off with nothing. Once more he what belongs to Caesar, give God
sent them another servant; him what belongs to God." He aston-
they knocked on the head and in- ished them.
5 suited. He sent another, but they Sadducees, men who hold there 18
killed him. And so they treated isno resurrection, also came up and
many others; some they flogged put a question to him. " Teacher," 19
6 and some they killed. He had still they said, " Moses has written this
one left, a beloved son; he sent law for us, that if a man's brother
him to them last, saying, They
' dies leaving a wife but no child, his
7 will respect my son.' But these brother is to take the woman and raise
vinedressers said to themselves, offspring for his brother, Novy there 20
Herethe heir come on, let us
is ; were seven brothers. The first
8 kill him, and the inheritance will married a wife and died leaving
be our own.' So they took and no offspring the second took her
: 21
killed him, and threw him outside and died without leaving any off-
9 the vineyard. Now what will the spring so did the third
: none of
: 22
owner of the vineyard do? He the seven left any offspring. Last
will come and destroy the vine- of all the woman died too. At the 23
dressers, and he will give the vine- resurrection, when they rise, whose
10 yard to others. Have you not even wife will she be? She was wife to
read this scripture? the seven of them." Jesus said to 24
The stone that the builders rejected them, " Is this not where you go
is the chief stone now of the

wrong ? you understand neither
the scriptures nor the power of God.
25 When people rise from the dead David here calls him Lord. Then 37
how can he be "
they neither marry nor are married, his son ?
they are hke the angels in heaven. Now the mass of the people lis-
26 As for the dead being raised, have tened with delight to him. And in 3S
you not read in the book of Moses, the course of his teaching he said,
at the passage on the Bush, how- ''Beware of the scribes! They
God said to him, / am the God of like to walk about in long robes, to
Abraham and the God of Isaac and get saluted in the marketplaces, to
27 the God of Jacob ? He is not the secure the front seats in the syna- 39
God of dead people but of living. gogues and the best places at
You are far wrong." banquets they prey upon the 40

28 Then a scribe came up, who had property of widows and ofier long
listened to the discussion. Knowing unreal prayers. All the heavier
Jesus had given them an apt answer, will their sentence be !

he put this question to him, " What Sitting down opposite the treas- 41
is the chief of all the commands ? ury, he watched the people putting
29 Jesus replied, " The chief one is : their money into the treasury. A
Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is number of the rich were putting in
30 one Lord, and you must love the Lord large sums, but a poor widow came 42
your God with your whole heart, up and put in two little coins
with your whole soul, with your amounting to a halfpenny. And 43
whole mind, and with your whole he called his disciples and said to
31 strength. The second is this You : them, " I tell you truly, this poor
must love your neighbour as yourself. widow has put in more than all
There is no other command greater who have put their money into the
32 than these." The scribe said to him, treasury for they have all put in 44

" Right, teacher ! You have truly a contribution out of their surplus,
said. He is One, and there is none but she has given out of her needi-
33 else but Him. Also, to love him ness all she possessed, her whole
with the whole heart, with the whole living."
understanding, and with the whole CHAP.
strength, and to love one's neigh- As he went out of the temple one 1

bour as oneself that is far more of his disciples said to him, " Look,
than all holocausts and sacrifices." teacher, what a size these stones
34 Jesus noted his intelligent answer and buildings are ! " Jesus said to 2
and said to him, " You are not far him, " You see these great build-
off the Realm of God." After that ings? Not a stone shall be left
no one ventured to put any more on another, without being torn
questions to him. down."
35 And as Jesus taught in the temple And as he sat on the Hill of Olives 3
he asked, " How can the scribes say opposite the temple, Peter and
that the Christ is David's son? James and John and Andrew asked
36 David himself said in the holy him in private, " Tell us, w^ien is this 4
Spirit, to happen ? What will be the sign
The Lord said to my Lord, *
Sit at accomplished? "
for all this to be
my right hand, So Jesus began " Take care that
: 5
till I put your enemies under your no one misleads you many will
: 6
feet: come in my name saying, *
I am he.'

7 and mislead many. And when you would be saved alive; but he has
hear of wars and rumours of war, cut them short for the sake of the
do not be alarmed; these have to elect whom he has chosen.
8 come, but it is not the end yet. For If anyone tells you at that time, 21
nation will rise against nation, and *
Look, here is the Christ,' or, ' Look,
realm against realm ; there will be there he is,' do not believe it; for 22
earthquakes here and there, and false Christs and false prophets will
famines too. All that is but the rise and perform signs and wonders
9 beginning of the trouble. Look to mislead the elect if they can.
to yourselves. Men will hand you Now take care I am telling you 23

over to Sanhedrins and you will of it all beforehand.

be flogged in synagogues and But when that misery is past, 24
brought before governors and kings in those days,
for my sake, to testify to them. the sun will be darkened
10 (Ere the end, the gospel must be and the moon will not yield her
11 preached to all nations.) Now light,
when they carry you off to trial, do the stars will drop from heaven, 25
not worry beforehand about what and the orbs of the heavens will
you are to say say whatever comes
; be shaken.
to your lips at the moment, for he Then they will see the Son of man 26
who speaks is not you but the holy coming in the clouds with great
12 Spirit. Brother will betray brother power and glory. Then he will 27
to death, the father will betray his despatch his angels and muster the
child, children will rise against elect from the four winds, from
13 their parents and kill them, and the verge of earth to the verge of
you will be hated by all men on heaven.
account of my name but he will be
; Let the fig tree teach you a 28
saved who holds out to the very parable. As soon as its branches
end. turn soft and put out leaves, you
14 But whenever you see the ap- know summer is at hand so, when- 29 ;

palling Horror standing where he ever you see this happen, you may
has no right to stand (let the reader be sure He is at hand, at the very
note this), then let those who are door.
15 in Judaea fly to the hills; a man I tell you truly, the present 30
on the housetop must not go down generation will not pass away till
into the house or go inside to fetch all this happens. Heaven and earth 31
16 anything out of his house, and a will pass away, but my words
man in the field must not turn never.
17 back to get his coat. Woe to Now no one knows anything 32
women with child and to women about that day or hour, not even
who give suck in those days ! the angels in heaven, not even the
18 Pray it may not be winter when Son, but only the Father. Take 33
19 comes, for those days will be
it care, keep awake you never know

days of misery, the like of which has the time. It is like a man leaving 34
never been from the beginning of his house to go abroad he puts his ;

God's creation until now no and servants in charge, each with his
20 never shall be. Had not the Lord work to do, and he orders the por-
cut short those days, not ^ soul ter to keep watch. Watch then, 35
for you never know when the Lord to pay him for it. Meantime he
of the House will come, in the late sought a good opportunity for be-
evening or at midnight or at cock- traying him.
36 crow or in the morning. Watch, On the first day of unleavened 12
in case he comes suddenly and finds bread (the day when the paschal
37 you asleep. Watch I say it to you,
: lamb was sacrificed) his disciples
and I say it to all." said to him, " Where do you want
us to go and prepare for you to eat
OHAP. the passover? " So he despatched 13
14 Thepassover and the festival of two of his disciples, telling them,
unleavened bread fell two days " Go into the city and you will
later so the high priests and scribes
; meet a man carrying a water- jar;
were trying how to get hold of follow him, and whatever house he 14
him by craft and have him put goes into, tell the owner that the
2 to death. " Only," they said, Teacher says, '
Where is my room,
" must not be during the fes-
it that I may eat the passover there
tival; that would mean a popular with my disciples ? '
He will show 15
riot." yen a large room with
3 Now when he was at Bethany in couches spread, all ready; prepare
the house of Simon the leper, lying the passover for us there." The 16
at table, a woman came up with an disciples went away into the city
alabaster flask of pure nard perfume, and found it was as he had told
which had cost a great sum; the them. So they prepared the pass-
flask she broke and poured the per- over, and when evening fell he 17
4 fume over his head. This angered arrived along with the twelve. As 18
some of those present. " What they were at table eating, Jesus
was the use of wasting perfume like said, " Truly I tell you, one of you
5 this ? This perfume might have is going to betray me, one who is
been sold for over three hundred eating with me." They got dis- 19
shillings, and the poor might have tressed at this, and they said to
got that." So they upbraided her. him one after another, " Surely not
6 But Jesus said, " Let her alone. me?" "One of the twelve," he 20
Why are you annoying her? She told them, " one who is dipping into
has done a beautiful thing to me. the same dish as I am. The Son of 21
7 The poor you always have beside man goes the road that the scripture
you, and you can be kind to them has described for him, but woe to
whenever you want; but you will the man by whom the Son of man
8 not always have me. She has done is betrayed !Better that man
all she could
she has anticipated had never been born " And as
! 22
the perfuming of my body for they were eating he took a loaf and
9 burial. I tell you truly, v>^herever after the blessing he broke and gave
the gospel is preached all over the it to them, saying, " Take this, it
world, men will speak of what she means my body." He also took a 23
has done in memory of her." cup and after thanking God he gave
10 Then Judas Iscariot, one of the it to them, and they all drank of it
twelve, went to the high priests to he said to them, " This means my 24
11 betray him to them. They were covenant-blood which is shed for
delighted to hear it, and promised many ; truly I tell you, I will never 25
drink the produce of the vine again Then he came for the third time and 41
till the day I drink it new within said to them, " Still asleep ? still
the Realm of God." resting ? No more of that ! The
26 After the hymn of praise they hour has come, here is the Son of
went out to the Hill of Olives. man betrayed into the hands of
27 Jesus said to them, " You will all sinners. Come, get up, here is my 42
be disconcerted, for it is written : betrayer close at hand." At that 43
/ will strike at the shepherd and the very moment, while he was still
28 sheep will be scattered. But after speaking, Judas [Iscariot] one of
my rising I will precede you to the twelve came up accompanied
29 Galilee." Peter said to him, by a mob with swords and clubs
" Though all are disconcerted, I who had come from the high priests
30 will not be." Jesus said to him, and scribes and elders. Now his 44
" I tell you truly, to-day you will betrayer had given them a signal;
disown me three times, this very he said, " Whoever I kiss, that is
night, before the cock crows the man. Seize him and get him
81 twice." But he persisted, " Though safely away." So when he arrived 45
I have to die with you, I mil never he at once went up to him and said,
disown you." And they all said " Rabbi [rabbi]," and kissed him.
the same. Then they laid hands on him and 46
82 Then they came to a place seized him, but one of the by- 47
called Gethsemane, and he told standers drew his sword and struck
his disciples, " Sit here till I pray." the servant of the high priest, cutting
88 But he took Peter and James and off his ear. Jesus turned on them, 48
John along with him ; and as he saying, " Have you sallied out to
began to feel appalled and agitated, arrest me like a robber, with swords
34 he said to them, "M?/ heart is sad, and clubs? Day after day I was 49
sad even to death; stay here and beside you in the temple teaching,
35 watch." Then he went forward a and you never seized me. How-
little and fell to the earth, praying ever, it is to let the scriptures be
that the hour might pass away fulfilled."
86 from him, if possible. " Abba, Then they left him and fled, all 50
Father," he said, " Thou canst do of them one young man did follow 51

anything. Take this cup away him, with only a linen sheet thrown
from me. Yet, not what I will but round his body, but when the 52
37 what thou wilt." Then he came [young] men seized him he fled
and found them asleep; so he said away naked, leaving the sheet be-
to Peter, "Are you sleeping, Simon ? hind him.
Could you not watch for a single They took Jesus away to the 58
38 hour ? Watch and pray, all of you, high priest, and all the high priests
so that you may not slip into and scribes and elders went with
temptation. The spirit is eager him. Peter followed him at a dis- 54
39 but the flesh is weak." Again he tance till he got inside the court-
went away and prayed in the same yard of the high priest, where he
40 words as before; then he returned sat do"v\Ti with the attendants to
and found them once more asleep, warm himself at the fire.
for their eyes were heavy. They Now the high priests and the 55
did not know what to say to him. whole of the Sanhedrin tried to get
evidence against Jesus, in order to standers, " That fellow is one of
have him put to death; but they them." But he denied again. 70 it
56 could find none, for while many After a the bystanders once
bore false vntness against liim their more said to Peter, " To be sure,
57 evidence did not agree. Some got you are one of them. Why, you
up and bore false witness against are a Galilean " * But he broke 71

58 him, saying, " We heard him say, out cursing and swearing, "I do
I will destroy this temple made not know the man you mean." At 72
by hands, and in three days I will that moment the cock crowed for
build another temple not made by the second time. Then Peter re-
59 hands.' But even so the evidence membered how Jesus had told him,
60 did not agree. So the high priest " Before the cock crows twice you
rose in their midst and asked Jesus, will disown me thrice;" and he
"Have you no reply to make ? What burst into tears.
about this evidence against you ? "
61 He said nothing and made no CHAP.
answer. Again the high priest put Immediately morning came, the 1
a question to him. " Are you the high priests held a consultation
Christ? " he said, " the Son of the with the elders and scribes and all
62 Blessed ? " Jesus said, " I am. the Sanhedrin, and after binding
And, what is more, you will see Jesus they led him off and handed
the of man sitting at the right
Son him over to Pilate. Pilate asked 2
handof the Power and coming with him, " Are you the king of the
63 the clouds of heaven J^ Then the Jews ? " He rephed, " Certainly."
high priest tore his clothes and Then the high priests brought many 3
cried, " What more evidence do we accusations against him, and once
64 want ? You have heard his blas- more Pilate asked him, " Have you 4
phemy for yourselves. What is no reply to make? Look at all
your mind?" They condemned their charges against you." But, 5
him, all of them, to the doom of to the astonishment of Pilate, Jesus
65 death and some of them started
; answered no more. Now at f esti- 6
to spit on him and to blindfold val time he used to release for them
him and buffet him, asking some prisoner whom they begged
him, "Prophesy." The attend- from him. (There was a man 7
ants-created him to cuffs and called Bar-Abbas in prison, among
laps the rioters who had committed
66 Now as Peter was downstairs in murder during the insurrection.)
the courtyard, a maidservant of the So the crowd pressed up and started 8
high priest came along, and when to ask him for his usual boon.
67 she noticed Peter warming himself Pilate replied, " Would you like 9
she looked at him and said, " You me to release the king of the Jews
were with Jesus of Nazaret too," for you ? " (For he knew the high 10
68 But he denied it. " I do not know," priests had handed him over out
he said, " I have no idea what you of envy.) But the high priests 11
mean." Then he went outside into stirred up the crowd to get him to
the passage. The cock crowed. release Bar-Abbas for them instead.
69 Again the maidservant who had Pilate asked them again, "And what 12
noticed him began to tell the by- * Omitting [koI yi KaKui cov ifiodCei].
am T to do with your so-called King build it in three days Come down 30

13 of the Jews ? " Whereupon they from the cross and save yourself " !

shouted again, " Crucify him." So, too, the high priests made fun of 81
14 " Why," said Pilate, ''what has he him to themselves with the scribes;
done wrong? " But they shouted " he saved others," they said, " but
more fiercely than ever, " Crucify he cannot save himself Let ' the 32

15 him " So, as Pilate wanted to

! Christ,' the king of Israel come

satisfy the crowd, he released Bar- down now from the cross Let us

Abbas for them ; Jesus he handed see that and we will believe !

over to be crucified, after he had Those who were crucified with him
scourged him. also denounced him.
16 The soldiers took him inside the When twelve o'clock came, dark- 33
courtyard (that is, the praetorium) ness covered the whole land till
and got all the regiment together; three o'clock, and at three o'clock 34
17 then they dressed him in purple, Jesus gave a loud cry, " Eldi, Eloi,
put on his head a crown of thorns lema sabachthanei " (which means,
18 which they had plaited, and began My God, my God, why hast thou for-
to salute him with, '* Hail, O king saken me ?) On hearing this some 35
19 of the Jews "! They struck him on of the bystanders said, " Look, he
the head with a stick and spat upon is calling for Elijah." One man ran 36
him and bent their knees to him in off, soaked a sponge in vinegar, and
20 homage. Then, after making fun put it on the end of a stick to give
of him, they stripped off the purple, him a drink, saying, " Come on,
put on his own clothes, and took let us see if Ehjah does come to
21 him away to crucify him. They take him down " But Jesus gave
! 37
forced Simon a Cyrenian who was a loud cry and expired. And the 38
passing on his way from the country curtain of the temple was torn in
(the father of Alexander and Rufus) two, from top to bottom. Now 39
22 to carry his cross, and they led him when the army-captain who stood
to the place called Golgotha (which facing him saw that he expired in
23 means the place of a skull). They this way, he said, " This man was
offered him wine flavoured with certainly a son of God." There 40
myrrh, but he would not take it. were some women also watching at a
24 Then they crucified him and dis- distance, among them Mary of Mag-
tributed his clothes among them- dala, Mary the mother of James the
selves drawirg lots for them to de-
^ younger and of Joses, and Salome,
25 cide each man's share. It was nine women who had followed him when 41
in the morning when they cruci- he was in Galilee and waited on
26 fied him. The inscription bearing him, besides a number of other
his charge was : women who had accompanied him
to Jerusalem.
this time it was evening, and 42
27 They also crucified two robbers as it was the day of Preparation
along vdth him, one at his right and (thatis, the day before the sabbath)
29 one at his left. Those who passed Joseph of Arimathaea, a councillor 43
by scoffed at him, nodding at him of good position who himself was
in derision and calling, " Ha !You on the outlook for the Reign of
were to destroy the temple and God, ventured to go to Pilate and
44 ask for the body of Jesus. Pilate said nothing to anyone, for they
was surprised that he was dead were afraid of
already he summoned the captain
and asked if he had been dead
45 some time, and on ascertaining
Now after he rose early on the 9
first day of the week, he appeared
this from the captain he bestowed
first to Mary of Magdala out of
46 the corpse on Joseph. He, after
buying a linen sheet, took him whom he had cast seven daemons.
down and swathed him in the She went and reported to those 10

linen, laying him in a tomb which

who had been with him, as they
had been cut out of the rock and mourned and wept; but although 11
rolling a boulder up against the
they heard he was alive and had
47 opening of the tomb. Now Mary been seen by her they would not
believe it. After this he appeared 12
of Magdala and Mary the mother
in another form to two of them as
of Joses noted where he was laid.
they were walking on their way
to the country. They too went 13
and reported it to the rest, but they
And when the sabbath had would not believe them either.
passed Mary of Magdala, Mary
Afterwards he appeared at table 14
to the eleven themselves and re-
the mother of James, and Salome
bought some spices in order to go proached them for their unbelief
2 and anoint him and very early on
and dulness of mind, because they
the first day of the week they went
had not believed those who saw him
risen. [But they excused themselves,
3 to the tomb, at sunrise. They said
saying, " This age of lawlessness
to themselves, " Who will roll away
the boulder for us at the opening
and unbelief lies under the sway
of Satan, who will not allow what
of the tomb ? " (for it was a very
lies under the unclean spirits J to
4 large boulder).* But when they
looked they saw the boulder had
understand the truth and power of
5 been rolled to one side, and on enter- God therefore," they said to Christ,

" reveal your righteousness now."

ing the tomb they saw a youth
Christ answered them, " The limit
sitting on the right dressed in a
white robe. They were bewildered,
of years for Satan's power has now
expired, but other terrors are at
6 but he said to them, " Do not be
hand. I was delivered to death on
bewildered. You are looking for
behalf of sinners, that they might
Jesus of Nazaret, who was cruci-
return to the truth and sin no more,
fied ? He has risen, he is not here.
That is the place where he was laid. f The following appendix represents a
couple of second century attempts to
7 Go you and tell his disciples and
complete the gospel. The passage within
Peter, '
He precedes you to Galilee brackets in the first of these epilogues
you will see him
there, as he told originally belonged to it, but was excised
8 you.' " And they
fled out of the for some reason at an early date. Jerome
tomb, for they were seized with quoted part of it, but the full text has
only been discovered quite recently in
terror and beside themselves. They codex W, the Freer uncial of the gospels.
I Or, the unclean things that he under
* Transposing the second clause of the control of spirits.
ver.4 to the end of ver. 3. The Greek is obscure at this point.
that they might inherit that glory they will lay hands on the sick
of righteousness which is spiritual and make them well."
15 and imperishable in heaven."] And Then after speaking to them the 19
he said to them, "Go to all the Lord Jesus was taken up to heaven
world and preach the gospel to and sat down at the right hand of God,
every creature : while they went out and preached 20
16 he who believes and is baptized everywhere, the Lord working with
shall be saved, them and confirming the word by
but he who will not believe shall the miracles that endorsed it.
be condemned.
17 And for those who believe, these (6)
miracles will follow : But they gave Peter and his com-
they will cast out daemons in panions a brief account of all that
my name, had been enjoined. And after
they will talk in foreign tongues, that, Jesus himself sent out by
18 they will handle serpents, means of them from east to west
and if they drink any deadly the sacred and imperishable mes-
poison it v/ill not hurt them; sage of eternal salvation.
1 Inasmuch as a number of writers ariah saw him he was troubled,
have essayed to draw up a narrative and fear fell on him ; but the angel 13
of the estabhshed facts in our said to him, " Fear not, Zechariah,
2 rehgion exactly as these have been your prayer has been heard; your
handed down to us by the original wife Elizabeth will bear a son to
eyewitnesses who were in the you, and you must call his name
3 service of the Gospel Message, and John.
inasmuch as I have gone carefully It will be joy and gladness for 14
over them all myself from the very you,
beginning, I have decided, O Theo- and many will rejoice over his
philus, to write them out in order birth :

4 for your excellency, to let you know for he will be great in the sight 15
the solid truth of what you have of the Lord,
been taught. he will drink neither wine nor
strong drink,
5 In the days of Herod king of he will be filled with the holy
Judaea there was a priest called Spirit from his very birth
Zechariah, who belonged to the he will turn many of the sons 16
division of Abijah; he had a wife of Israel to the Lord their
who belonged to the daughters of God,
Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. he will go in front of Him with 17
6 They were both just in the sight the spirit and power of
of God, blameless in their obedience Elijah
to all the commands and regula- to turn the hearts of fathers to
7 tions of God ; but they had no their children,
child, for Elizabeth was barren. turning the disobedient to the
Both of them were advanced in wisdom of the just,
years. to make a people ready and
8 Now while he was officiating prepared for the Lord."
before God in the due course of his Zechariah said to the angel, " But 18
9 division, it fell to him by lot, as how am I to be sure of this? I
was the custom of the priesthood, am an old man myself, and my
to enter the sanctuary of the Lord wife is advanced in years." The 19
10 and burn incense, the mass of the angel replied, " I am Gabriel, I
people all remaining in prayer out- stand before God; I have been
11 side at the hour of incense. And sent to speak to you and to tell you
an angel of the Lord appeared to this good news. But you will be 20
him, standing on the right side of silent and unable to speak till the
12 the altar of incense. When Zech- day this happens, because you have
; :


not believed what I told you; it Spirit will come upon you, the
will be accomplished, for all that, power of the Most High will over-
in due time." shadow you; thus what is born
21 Now the people were waiting for will he called holy. Son of God.
Zechariah and wondering that he Look, there is your kinswoman 36
stayed so long inside the sanctuary. Elizabeth Even she has con-

22 When he did come out he could not ceived a son in her old age, and she
speak to them, so they realized who was called barren is now in her
that he had seen a vision in the sixth month ; for with God nothing 37
sanctuary; he made signs to them is ever impossible" Mary said, 38
23 and remained dumb. Then, after " I am here to serve the Lord. Let
his term of service had elapsed, he it be as you have said." Then the
went home. angel went away.
24 After those days his wife Eliza- In those days Mary started with 39
bethconceived; and for five haste for the hill-country, for a
months she concealed herself. town of Judah ; she entered the 40
25 " The Lord has done this for me," house of Zechariah and saluted
she said, " he has now deigned Elizabeth, and when Elizabeth 41
to remove my reproach among heard the salutation of Mary the
men." babe leapt in her womb. Then
26 In the sixth month the angel Elizabeth was filled with the holy
Gabriel was sent by God to a town Spirit; she called out with a loud 42
27 in Galilee, to a maiden who was cry,
betrothed to a man called Joseph, " Blessed among women are you,
belonging to the house of David. and blessed is the fruit of your
The maiden's name was Mary. womb I

28 The angel went in and said to her, What have I done to have the 43
" Hail, O favoured one the Lord
! mother of myLord come to me?
29 be with you " At this she was
! Why, as soon as the sound of your 44
she thought to herself,
startled; salutation reached my ears, the
whatever can this greeting mean? babe leapt for joy within my
80 But the angel said to her, " Fear womb. And blessed is she who 45
not, Mary, you have found favour believed that the Lord's words to
31 with God. You are to conceive her would be fulfilled." Then 46
and bear a son, and you must call Mary said
his nameJesus. " My soul magnifies the Lord,
32 He be great, he will be called
will my spirit has joy in God my 4J7
the Son of the Most High, Saviour
and the Lord God will give for he has considered the humili- 48
him the throne of David his ation of his servant.
father From this time forth all genera-
33 he will reign over the house of tions will call me blessed,
Jacob for ever, for He who is Mighty has done 49
and to his reign there will be great things for me.
no end." His name is holy,
34 " How can this be ? " said Mary his mercy is on generation after 50
to the angel, " I have no husband." generation,
35 The angel answered her, " The holy for those who reverence him.

51 He has done a deed of might *'

Blessed be the Lord the God of 68
with his arm, Israel,
he has scattered the proud with for he has cared for his people
their purposes, and wrought them redemp-
52 princes he has dethroned and the tion ;
poor he has uplifted, he has raised up a strong saviour 69
58 he has satisfied the hungry with for us
good things and sent the rich in the house of his servant
away empty, David
54 He has succoured his servant as he promised of old by the lips 70
Israel, of his prophets
mindful of his mercy to save us from our foes and from 71
55 as he promised our fathers, the hand of all who hate us,
to have mercy on Abraham and to deal mercifully with our fathers 72
his offspring for ever." and to he mindful of his holy
56 Mary stayed with her about three covenant,
months and then returned home. of the oath he swore to Abraham 73
57 Now the time for EHzabeth's our father,
dehvery had elapsed, and she gave that freed from fear and from 74
58 birth to a son. When her neigh- the hand of our foes
bours and kinsfolk heard of the we should worship him in holi- 75
Lord's great mercy to her they re- ness and uprightness
59 joiced with her, and on the eighth all our days within his presence.
day came to circumcise the child. And you, my
child, will be called 76
They were going to call it by the a prophet of the Most High
60 name of its father Zechariah, but for you will go in front of the
the mother told them, " No, the Lord to make his ways ready,
61 child is to be called John." They to bring his people the knowledge 77
said to her, " None of your family is of salvation
62 called by that name." Then they through the remission of their
made signs to the father, to find out sins
what he wanted the child to be by the tender mercy of our God, 78
63 called, and he asked for a writing- who will make the Dawn visit
tablet and wrote down, " His name us from on high,
is John," to the astonishment of all. to shine on those who sit in dark- 79
64 Instantly his mouth was opened, his ness and in the shadow of
tongue loosed, and he spoke out death,
65 blessing God. Then fear fell on to guide our steps into the way
all their neighbours, and all these of peace."
events were talked of through the And the child grew, he became 80
whole of the hill-country of Judaea. strong in the Spirit and remained
66 All who heard of it bore it in mind in the desert till the day when he
they said, " Whatever will this made his appearance before Israel.
child become ? " For the hand of
the Lord was indeed with him. CHAP.
67 And Zechariah his father was Now in
those days an edict was 2
filled with the holy Spirit; he issued by Caesar Augustus for a
prophesied in these words, census of the whole world. (This 2
S. LUKE 11

was the census, and it took

first been spoken to them about the
place Quirinius was governor
when child; all who heard it were 18
3 of Syria.) So everyone went to astonished at the story of the
be registered, each at his own town, shepherds, and as for Mary, she 19
4 and as Joseph belonged to the treasured it all up and mused upon
house and family of David he went it. Then the shepherds went away 20
up from Galilee to Judaea, from back, glorifying and extolling God
the town of Nazaret to David's for all they had heard and seen as
5 town called Bethlehem, to be they had been told they would.
registered along with Mary his wife. When the eight days had passed 21
6 She was pregnant, and while they for his circumcision, he was named
were there the days elapsed for her
Jesus the name given by the
7 delivery she gave birth to her
; angel before he had been conceived
firstborn son, and as there was no in the womb.
room for them inside the khan she When the days for their purifica- 22
wrapped him up and laid him in a tion in terms of the Mosaic law had
8 stall for cattle. There were some elapsed, they brought him up to
shepherds in the district who were Jerusalem to present him to the
out in the fields keeping guard over Lord (as it is written in the law of 23
9 their flocks by night and an angel
; the Lord every male that opens the

of the Lord flashed upon them, the womb must be considered consecrated
glory of the Lord shone all round to the Lord) and also to offer the 24
them. They were terribly afraid, sacrifice prescribed in the law of the
10 but the angel said to them, " Have Lord, a pair of turtledoves or two
no fear. This is good news I am young pigeons. Now there was a 25
bringing you, news of a great joy man in Jerusalem called Symeon,
that is meant for all the People. an upright and devout man, who
11 To-day you have a saviour born was on the outlook for the Con-
in the town of David, the Lord solation of Israel. The holy Spirit
12 messiah. And here is a proof for was upon him indeed it had been 26

you you will find a baby wrapped

: revealed to him by the holy Spirit
up and lying in a stall for cattle." that he was not to see death before
13 Then a host of heaven's army he had seen the Lord messiah.
suddenly appeared beside the angel By an inspiration of the Spirit he 27
extolling God and saying, came to the temple, and when the
14 " Glory to God in high heaven, parents of the child Jesus carried
and peace on earth for men whom him in to perform the customary
he favours " ! regulations of the law for him,
15 Now when the angels had left them then Symeon took him in his arms, 28
and gone away to heaven, the blessed God, and said,
shepherds said to one another, " Now, Master, thou canst let thy 29
" Let us be off to Bethlehem to see servant go,
this thing that the Lord has told and go in peace, as thou didst
16 us of." So they made haste and promise ;

discovered Mary and Joseph and for mine eyes have seen thy saving 30
the baby lying in the stall for cattle. power
17 When they saw this they told which thou hast prepared before 81
people about the word which had the face of all the peoples.

82 to bea light of revelation for the ances. Then, as they failed to find 45
Gentiles him, they came back to Jerusalem
and a glory <othy people Israel." in search of him. Three days later 4G
33 His father and mother were as- they found him in the temple,
tonished at these words about him, seated among the teachers, listen-
34 but Symeon blessed them, and to ing to them and asking them
his mother Mary he said, *' This questions, till all his hearers were 47
child is destined for the downfall amazed at the intelligence of his
as well as for the rise of many a one own answers. When his parents 48
in Israel ; destined to be a Sign for saw him they were astounded, and

man's attack to bring out the his mother said to him, " My son,
35 secret aims of many a heart. And why have you behaved like this to
your own soul will be pierced by a us Here have your father and I
spear." been looking for you anxiously I

36 There was also a prophetess, " Why did you look for me? " he 49
Hannah the daughter of Phanuel, said, " Did you not know I had to
who belonged to the tribe of Asher be at my Father's house? " But 50
she was advanced in years, having they did not understand what he
lived seven years with her husband said. Then he went down along 51
37 after her girlhood and having been with them to Nazaret, and did as
a widow for eighty-four years. She they told him. His mother treas-
was never away from the temple; ured up everything in her heart.
night and day she worshipped, And Jesus increased in wisdom and 52
38 fasting and praying. Now at that in stature, and in favour with God
very hour she came up, and she and man.
offered praise to God and spoke of
him to all who were on the out-
look for the redemption of Jeru-
salem. Now in the fifteenth year of the 3
39 When they had finished all the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when
regulations of the law of the Lord, Pontius Pilate was governor of
they returned to Galilee, to their Judaea, Herod being tetrarch of
40 own town of Nazaret. And the Galilee, Philip his brother tetrarch
child grew and became strong; he of the country of Ituraea and
was filled with wisdom, and the Trachonitis, and Lysias tetrarch
41 grace of God was on him. Every of Abilene, during the high priest- 2
year his parents used to travel to hood of Annas and Caiaphas the
Jerusalem at the passover festival word of God came to John the son
42 and when he was twelve years old of Zechariah in the desert; and
they went up as usual to the festi- he went into all the Jordan-district 3
43 val. After spending the full num- preaching a baptism of repentance
ber of days they came back, but for the remission of sins
as it is 4
the boy Jesus stayed behind in written in the book of the sayings
Jerusalem. His parents did not of the prophet Isaiah,
44 know of this ; they supposed he The voice of one who cries in the
was in the caravan and travelled desert,
on for a day, searching for him *
Make theway ready for the Lord,
among their kinsfolk and acquaint- level the paths for him,


5 Every valley shall be filled up, His winnowing-fan is in his hand 17

every hill and mound laid low, to purge his threshing-floor,
the crooked made straight, to gather the wheat into his
the rough roads smooth ; granary
6 so shall all flesh see the saving and burn the straw with fire
power of GodJ unquenchable."
7 To the crowds who came out to get Thus with many another appeal he 18
baptized by him John said, " You preached the gospel to the people.
brood of vipers, who told you to But Herod the tetrarch, who had 19
flee from the coming Wrath? been reproved by him for Herodias
8 Well, produce fruits that answer his brother's wife as well as for
to your repentance, instead of all the wickedness that he, Herod,
beginning to say to yourselves, had committed, crowned all by 20
We have a father in Abraham.' shutting John up in prison.
I tell you, God can raise up children Now when all the people had 21
for Abraham from these stones! been baptized and when Jesus had
9 The axe is lying all ready at the been baptized and was praying,
root of the trees ; any tree that is heaven opened and the holy Spirit 22
not producing good fruit will be descended in bodily form like a
cut down and thrown into the dove upon him; and a voice came
fu-e." from heaven,
10 The crowds asked him, " Then " Thou art my son, the Beloved,
11 what are we to do ? " He replied, to-day have I become thy
" Let everyone who possesses two father." *
shirts share with him who has none, At the outset Jesus was about 23
and let him who has food do like- thirty years of age he was the son,

12 wise." Taxgatherers also came to as people supposed, of Joseph, the

get baptized, and they said to him, son of Heli, the son of Matthat, the 24
" Teacher, what are we to do ? " son of Levi, the son of Melchi, the
13 He said to them, " Never exact son of Jannai, the son of Joseph,
14 more than your fixed rate." Sol- the son of Mattathias, the son of 25
diers also asked him, " And what Amos, the son of Nahum, the son
are we to do ? " He said to them of Esli, the son of Naggai, the son 26
" Never extort money, never lay of Maath, the son of Mattathias,
a false charge, but be content with the son of Semein, the son of
your pay." Josech, the son of Joda, the son of 27
15 Now as people's expectations Joanan, the son of Rhesa, the son
were roused and as everybody of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel,
thought to himself about John, the son of Neri, the son of Melchi, 28
16 " Can he be the Christ ? " John said the son of Addi, the son of Kosam,
to them all, the son of Elmadam, the son of
I baptize you with water, Er, the son of Jesus, the son of 29
but after me one who is mightier Eliezer, the son of Jorim, the son of
will come, Matthat, the son of Symeon, the 30
and I amnot fit to untie the
* Reading eyob a-fj/xepov yeyevvrjKci ore,
string of his sandals with D, the Old Latin, Justin, Clement,
he will baptize you with the holy Tyconius, etc. In the other MSS it has
Spirit and fire. been altered, for harmonistio reasons.

son of Judas, the son of Joseph, him alone,^^ Then he brought him 9
the son of Jonam, the son of Elia- to Jerusalem and placing him on
81 kim, the son of Melea, the son of the pinnacle of the temple said to
Menna, the son of Mattatha, the him, " If you are God's son, throw
son of Nathan, the son of David, yourself down from this; for it is 10
32 the son of Jessai, the son of Jobed, written.
the son of Boaz, the son of Sala, He will give his angels charge of
33 the son of Nahshon, the son of you,
Aminadab, the son of Admin, the and 11
son of Ami, the son of Hezron, the They will bear you on their hands,
34 son of Perez, the son of Judah, the lest you strike your foot against a

son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the stone J'

son of Abraham, the son of Terah, Jesus answered him, " It has been 12
35 the son of Nachor, the son of Serug, said. You shall not tempt the Lord
the son of Reu, the son of Peleg, the your GodJ*^ And after exhaust- 13
36 son of Eber, the son of Sala, the ing every kind of temptation the
son of Kainan, the son of Arphaxad, devil left him till a fit opportunity
the son of Shem, the son of Noah, arrived.
37 the son of Lamech, the son of Then Jesus came back in the 14
Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and
son of Jared, the son of Maleleel, the news of him spread over all the
38 the son of Kainan, the son of Enos, surrounding country. He taught 15
the son of Seth, the son of Adam, in their synagogues and was glori-
the son of God. fied by all. Then he came to 16
Nazaret, where he had been brought
CHAP. up, and on the sabbath he entered
4 From the Jordan Jesus came back the synagogue as was his custom.
full of the holy Spirit, and for forty- He stood up to read the lesson and 17
days he was led by the Spirit in was handed the book of the prophet
2 the desert, while the devil tempted Isaiah; on opening the book he
him. During these days he ate came upon the place where it was
nothing, and when they were over written,
3 he felt hungry. The devil said to The Spirit of the Lord is upon 18
him, " If you are God's son, tell me
4 this stone to become a loaf." Jesus for he has consecrated me to preach
replied to him, " It is written, Man the gospel to the poor,
5 is not to live on bread alone. ^^ Then he has sent me to proclaim release
he lifted Jesus up and showed him for captives
the realms of the universe in a
all and recovery of sight for the
6 single instant ; and the devil said blind,
to him, " I will give you all their to set free the oppressed,
power and grandeur, for it has to proclaim the Lord^s year of 19
been made over to me and I can favour.
7 give it to anyone I choose. If you Then, folding up the book, he 20
will worship before me, then it will handed it back to the attendant and
8 all be yours." Jesus answered sat down. The eyes of all in the
him, " It is written. You must synagogue were fixed on him, and 21
worship the Lord your God, and serve he proceeded to tell them that

" To-day, this scripture is fulfilled are God's holy One " But Jesus 35

22 in your hearing." All spoke well checked it, saying, " Be quiet, come
of him and marvelled at the gracious out of him." And after throwing
words that came from his lips they; him down before them the daemon
said, " Is this not Joseph's son ? did come out of him without doing
23 So he said to them, " No doubt him any harm. Then amazement 36 j

you will repeat to me this proverb, came over them all; they talked
* Doctor, cure yourself ! ' Do here
it over among themselves, say-
your own country all we have
in ing, " What does this mean ? He
heard you did in Capharnahum.' orders the unclean spirits with
24 He added, " I tell you truly, no authority and power, and they
prophet is ever welcome in his come out " And a report of him 37

25 native place. I tell you for a fact, spread over all the surrounding
In Israel there were many widows country.
during the days of Elijah, When he got up to leave the 38
when the sky was closed for synagogue he went to the house of
three years and six months, Simon. Simon's mother-in-law was
when a great famine came laid up with a severe attack of
over all the land : fever, sothey asked him about her
26 yet Elijah was not sent to any he stood over her and checked the 39
of these, fever, and it left her. Then she
but only to a widow woman instantly got up and ministered
at Zarephath in Sidon. to them. At sunset all who had 40
27 And in Israel there were many any people ill with any sort of
lepers in the time of the disease brought them to him; he
prophet Elisha, laid his hands on everyone and
yet none of these was cleansed, healed them. From many people 41
but only Naaman the Syrian." daemons were also driven out,
28 When they heard this, all in the clamouring aloud, " You are God's
synagogue were filled with rage; son " But he checked them and

29 they rose up, put him out of the refused to let them say anything,
town, and brought him to the brow as they knew he was the Christ.
of the hill on which their town was When day broke he went away out 42
built, in order to hurl him down. to a lonely spot, but the crowds
30 But he made his way through them made inquiries about him, came
and went off. to where he was, and tried to keep
31 Then he went down to Caphar- him from leaving them. He an- 43
nahum, a town of Galilee, and on swered them, " I must preach the
the sabbath he taught the people; glad news of the Reign of God to
32 they were astounded at his teach- the other towns as well, for that is
ing, for his word came with what I was sent to do." So he 44
83 authority. Now in the synagogue went preaching through the syna-
there was a man possessed by the gogues of Judaea.
spirit of an unclean daemon, who
84 shrieked aloud, " Ha ! Jesus of CHAP.
Nazaret, what business have you Now as the crowd were pressing 5
with us ? Have you come to destroy on him to listen to the word of God,
us? I know who you are, you he saw, as he stood beside the lake %
of Gennesaret, two boats on the Moses prescribed for your cleansing,
shore of the lake; the fishermen to notify men." But the news of 15
had disembarked and were washing him spread abroad more and more
3 their nets. So he entered one of large crowds gathered to hear him
the boats, which belonged to Simon, and to be healed of their com-
and asked him to push out a httle plaints, while he kept in lonely 16
from the land. Then he sat down places and prayed.
and taught the people from the One day he was teaching, and 17
4 boat. When he stopped speaking, near him sat Pharisees and doctors
he said to Simon, " Push out to the of the Law who had come from
deep water and lower your nets every village of Galilee and Judaea
5 for a take." Simon replied, " Mas- as well as from Jerusalem. Now
ter, we worked all night and got the power of the Lord was present
nothing! However, I will lower for the work of healing. Some men 18
6 the nets at your command." And came up carrying a man who was
when they did so, they enclosed a paralysed they tried to carry him

huge shoal of fish, so that their nets inside and lay him in front of Jesus,
7 began to break. Then they made but when they could not find any 19
signals to their mates in the other means of getting him in, on account
boat to come and assist them. They of the crowd, they climbed to the
came and filled both the boats, till top of the house and let him down
8 they began to sink. But when through the tiles, mattress and all,
Simon Peter saw it he fell at the among the people in front of Jesus.
knees of Jesus, crying, "Lord, When he saw their faith he said, 20
9 leave me ; I am a sinful man." For " Man, your sins are forgiven you."
amazement had seized him and all Then the scribes and Pharisees 21
his companions at the take of fish began to argue, " Who is this
10 they had caught ; as was the case blasphemer ? Who can forgive sins,
with James and John, the sons of who but God alone? " Conscious 22
Zebedaeus, who were partners of that they were arguing to them-
Simon. Then said Jesus to Simon, selves, Jesus addressed them, say-
"Have no fear; from now your ing, " Why argue in your hearts ?
11 catch will be men." Then they Which is the easier thing, to say, 23
brought the boats to land, and '
Your sins are forgiven,' or to say,
leaving all they followed him. *
Rise and walk '
? But to let you 24
12 When he was in one of their see the Son of man has power on
towns there was a man full of
earth to forgive sins " he said to
leprosy who, on seeing Jesus, fell the paralysed man, " Rise, I tell
on his face and besought him, " If you, lift your mattress and go
you only choose, sir, you can home." Instantly he got up be- 25
13 cleanse me." So he stretched his fore them, lifted what he had been
hand out and touched him, with lying on, and went home glorifying
the words, " I do choose, be God. And all were seized with 26
cleansed." And the leprosy at astonishment; they glorified God
14 once left him. Jesus ordered him and were filled with awe, saying,
not to say a word to anybody, but " W^e have seen incredible things
to "Go off and show yourself to to-day."
the priest, and offer whatever On going outside after this he 27
; ; ;

noticed a taxgatherer called Levi One sabbath it happened that 6
sitting at the tax-office and said as he was crossing the cornfields
28 to him, " Follow me " he rose,
; his some ears of
disciples pulled
left everything and followed him. corn and ate them, rubbing them
29 Levi held a great banquet for him in their hands. Some of the Phari- 2
in his house; there was a large sees said, " Why you doing
company present of taxgatherers what is not allowed on the sab-
and others who were guests along bath?" But Jesus answered them 3
80 with them. But the Pharisees and " And have you never read what
their scribes complained to his dis- David did when he and his men
ciples, " Why do you eat and drink were hungry? He went into the 4
with taxgatherers and sinners ? " house of God, took the loaves of the
31 Jesus replied to them, Presence and ate them, giving them
" Healthy people have no need of
to his men as well bread that no
a doctor, but those who are ill : one is allowed to eat except the
32 I have not come to call just men priests." And he said to them, 5
but sinners to repentance." " The Son of man is lord even over
33 They said to him, " The disciples the sabbath."
of John fast frequently and offer Another sabbath he happened to 6
prayers, as do the disciples of the go into the synagogue and teach.
Pharisees; but your adherents eat Now a man was there who had
34 and drink." Jesus said to them, his right hand withered, and the 7
" Can you make friends at a wed- scribes and Pharisees watched to
ding fast while the bridegroom see if he would heal on the sabbath,
is beside them ? so as to discover some charge
35 A time will come when the bride- against him. He knew what was 8
groomis taken from them, and in their minds ; so he told the man
then they will fast at that time." with the withered hand, " Rise and
36 He also told them a parable : stand forward." He rose and
" No one tears a piece from a new stood before them. Then Jesus 9
cloak and sews it on an old said to them, " I ask you, is it
cloak right on the sabbath to help or to
otherwise he will tear the new hurt, to save life or to kill ? " And 10
cloak, glancing round at them all in anger
and the new piece will not he said to the man, " Stretch out
match with the old. your hand." He did so, and his
37 No one pours fresh wine into old hand was quite restored. This 11
wineskins filled them with fury, and they
otherwise the fresh wine will discussed what they could do to
burst the wineskins, Jesus.
the wine will be spilt and It in these days that he went 12
the wineskins ruined. off tothe hillside to pray. He
38 No, fresh wine must be poured spent the whole night in prayer
into new wineskins. to God, and when day broke he 13
39 Besides, no one wants new wine summoned his disciples, choosing
[immediately] after drink- twelve of them, to whom he gave the
ing old name of ' apostles ' : Simon (to 14
The old,' he says, * is better.' " whom he gave the name of Peter),
Andrew James, John,
his brother, Woe to you who have your fill 25
15 Phihp, Bartholomew, Matthew, to-day !

Thomas, James the son of Al- you will be hungry.

phaeus, Simon (who was called Woe to you who laugh to-day 1

16 'the Zealot '), Judas the son of you will wail and weep.
James, and Judas Iscariot (who Woe to you when all men speak 26
17 turned traitor). With them he well of you !

came down the hill and stood on that is just what their fathers
a level spot. There was a great did to the false prophets.
company of his disciples with him, I tell you, my hearers, 27
and a large multitude of people love your enemies, do good to
from all Judaea, from Jerusalem, those who hate you :
and from the coast of Tyre and bless those who curse you, 28
Sidon, who had come to hear him pray for those who abuse
and to get cured of their diseases. you.
18 Those who were annoyed with If a man strikes you on the 29
19 unclean also were healed.
spirits one cheek,
Indeed the whole of the crowd offer him the other as well :
made efforts to touch him, for if anyone takes your coat,
power issued from him and cured do not deny him your shirt
20 everybody. Then, raising his eyes as well
he looked at his disciples and give to anyone who asks you, 30
said : and do not ask your goods
" Blessed are you poor I back from anyone who has
the Realm of God is yours. taken them.
21 Blessed are you who hunger to- As you would like men to do 31
day I to you,
you will be satisfied. so do to them.
Blessed are you who weep to- If you love only those who 32
day ! love you, what credit is
you will laugh. that to you ?
22 Blessed are you when men will Why, even sinful men love
hate you, those who love them.
when they will excommunicate If you help only those who 33
you and denounce you help you, what merit is
and defame you as wicked that to you ?
on account of the Son of Why, even sinful men do that.
man; If you only lend to those from 34
23 rejoice on that day and leap whom you hope to get
for joy I something, what credit is
rich is your reward in that to you ?
heaven Even sinful men lend to one
for their fathers did the another, so as to get a fair
very same to the pro- return.
phets. No, you must love your ene- 35
24 But woe to you rich folk I mies and help them,
you get all the comforts you you must lend to them without
will ever get. expecting any return
; :

then you will have a rich each tree is known by its 44

reward, fruit.
you will be sons of the Most Figs are not gathered from thorns,
High- and grapes are not plucked
for he is kind even to the from a bramble-bush.
ungrateful and the evil. The good man produces good 45
36 Be merciful, from the good stored in his
as your Father is merciful. heart,
37 Also, judge not, and you will and the evil man evil from his
not be judged yourselves : evil :

condemn not, and you will not for a man's mouth utters what
be condemned : his heart is full of.
pardon, and you will be par- Why call me, Lord, Lord 46 ' !

doned yourselves : and obey me not ? Everyone who 47

38 give, and you will have ample comes to me and listens to my
measure given you words and acts upon them, I will
they will pour into your lap show you whom he is like. He is 48
measure pressed down, like a man engaged in building a
shaken together, and run- house, who dug deep down and
ning over laid his foundation on the rock;
for the measure you deal out when a flood came, the river dashed
to others will be dealt back against that house but could not
to yourselves." shake it, for it had been well built.
39 He also told them a parabolic He who has listened and has not 49
word : obeyed is like a man who has built
" Can one blind man lead an- a house on the earth with no
other ? foundation the ; river dashed
will they not both fall into against it and it collapsed at once,
a pit?
and the ruin of that house was
40 A scholar is not above his great."
teacher :
but if he is perfectly trained
he will be like his teacher. When he had finished what he 7
41 Why do you note the splinter had to say in the hearing of the
in your brother's eye and fail to people, he went into Capharnahum.
see the plank in your own eye? Now there was an army- captain 2
42 How dare you say to your brother, who had a servant ill whom he
Brother, let me take out the
valued very highly. This man was
splinter that is in your eye,' and at the point of death ; so, when the 3
you never notice the plank in your captain heard about Jesus, he sent
own eye ? You hypocrite take ! some Jewish elders to him, asking
the plank out of your own eye him to come and make his servant
first, and then you will see properly well. When they reached Jesus 4
to take out the splinter in your they asked him earnestly to do
brother's eye. this. " He deserves to have this
43 No sound tree bears rotten fruit, favour from you," they said, " for 5
nor again does a rotten tree he is a lover of our nation ; it was
bear sound fruit he who built our synagogue." So 6

Jesus went with them. But he to him. So John summoned two 19

was not far from the house when and sent them to
of his disciples
the captain sent some friends to ask the " Are you the
tell him, " Do not trouble yourself, Coming One ? Or are we to look
sir, Iam not to have you under
fit out for someone else ? " When 20
7 my roof, andso I did not consider the men reached Jesus they said,
myself fit even to come to you. " John the Baptist has sent us to
Just say the word, and let my you to ask if you are the Coming One
8 servant be cured. For though I or if we are to look out for someone
am a man under authority myself, else ? " Jesus at that moment was 21
I have soldiers under me; I tell healing many people of diseases
one man to go, and he goes, I tell and complaints and evil spirits
another to come, and he conies, he also bestowed sight on many
I tell my servant, Do this,' and
bhnd folk. So he replied, " Go and 22
9 he does it." When Jesus heard report to John what you have seen
this he marvelled at him, and and heard; that the blind see, the
turning to the crowd that followed lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the
he said, *' I tell you, I have never deaf hear, the dead are raised, and
met faith like this anywhere even to the poor the gospel is preached.
10 in Israel." Then the messengers And blessed is he who is repelled 23
went back to the house and found by nothing in me " ^Vhen John's 24

the servant was quite well. messengers had gone, he proceeded

11 It was shortly afterwards that to speak to the crowds about John :

he made his way to a town called " What did you go out to the
Nain, accompanied by his disciples desert to see ?
12 and a large crowd. Just as he was Areed swayed by the vnnd ?
near the gate of the town, there Come, what did you go out to 25
was a dead man being carried out see?
he was the only son of his mother, A man arrayed in soft robes ?
and she was a widow. A large '
Those who are gorgeously
crowd from the town were with dressed and luxurious live
13 her. And when the Lord saw her, in royal palaces.
he felt pity for her and said to her, Come, what did you go out to 26
14 " Do not weep." Then he went see? A prophet?
forward and touched the bier the ; Yes, I tell you, and far more
bearers stopped, and he said, than a prophet.
" Young man, I bid you rise." This is he of whom it is written, 27
15 Then the corpse sat up and began Here I send my messenger before
to speak; and Jesus gave him your face,
16 back to his mother. All were to prepare the way for you,
seized with awe and glorified God. I tell you, among the sons of 28
" A great prophet has appeared women there is none greater than
among us," they said, " God has John, and yet the least in the Realm
17 visited his people." And this story of God is greater than he is." (On 29
of Jesus spread through the whole hearing this all the people and
of Judaea and all the surrounding the taxgatherers acknowledged the
country. justice of God, as they had been
18 John's disciples reported aU this baptized with the baptism of John
' ; ; ; ;


30 but the Pharisees and lawyers, who " Speak, teacher," he said. " There 41
had refused his baptism, frustrated was a moneylender who had two
God's purpose for themselves.) debtors; one owed him fifty
31 " To what then shall I compare pounds, the other five. As they 42
the men of this genera- were unable to pay, he freely for-
tion ? gave them both. Now which of
What are they like ? them will love him most? " " I 43
32 Like children sitting in the suppose," said Simon, " the man
marketplace and calling to one who had most forgiven." " Quite
another, right," he said. Then turning to 44
Wepiped to you and you the woman he said to Simon, " You
would not dance, see this woman? When I came
we lamented and you would into your house,
not weep.' you never gave me water for my
33 For John the Baptist has feet,
come, eating no bread and she has wet my feet
drinking no wine, with her tears and wiped
and you say, He has a ' them with her hair
devil'; you never gave me a kiss, 45
34 the Son of man has come while ever since she came in
eating and drinking, she has kept pressing kisses
and you say, * Here is a on my feet
glutton and a drunkard, you never anointed my head with 46
a friend of taxgatherers oil,
and sinners !
while she has anointed my
35 Nevertheless, Wisdom is vindi- feet with perfume.
cated by all her children." Therefore I tell you, many as her 47
36 One of the Pharisees asked him sins are, they are forgiven, for
to dinner, and entering the house her love is great; whereas he to
of the Pharisee he reclined at table. whom little is forgiven has but
37 Now there was a woman in the little love." And he said to her, 48
town who was a sinner, and when " Your sins are forgiven." His 49
she found out that Jesus was at fellow guests began to say to them-
table in the house of the Pharisee selves, " Who is this, to forgive
she brought an alabaster flask of even sins ? " But he said to the 50
38 perfume and stood behind him at woman, " Your faith has saved
his feet in tears; her tears began you ; go in peace."
to wet his feet, so she wiped them
with the hair of her head, pressed
kisses on them, and anointed them Shortly afterwards he went 8
39 with the perfume. When his host travelling from one town and village
the Pharisee noticed this, he said to another preaching and telling
to himself, " If he was a prophet the good news of the Reign of God
he would know what sort of a he was accompanied by the twelve
woman this is who is touching him and by some women who had been 2
40 for she is a sinner." Then Jesus healed of evil spirits and illnesses,
addressed him. " Simon," he said, Mary called Magdalene (out of
" I have something to say to you." whom seven daemons had been

8 driven), Joanna the wife of Chuza siasm, but they have no root ; they
the chancellor of Herod, Susanna, believe for a while and fall away in
and a number of others, who the hour of trial. As for the seed 14
ministered to him out of their that fell among thorns, that means
4 means. As a large crowd was people who hear but who go and get
gathering and as people were re- choked with worries and money and
sorting to him from town after the pleasures of life, so that they
town, addressed them in a
he never ripen. As for the seed in 15
5 parable. " A sower went out to the good soil, that means those
sow his seed. And as he sowed, who hear and hold fast the word in
some seed fell on the road and a good and sound heart and so bear
was trampled down, fruit stedfastly.
and the wild birds ate it No one lights a lamp and hides 16
up; it under a vessel or puts it
6 some other seed dropped on the below the bed :

rock, he puts it on a stand so that

but it withered away when it those who come in can see
sprang up because it had no the light.
moisture For nothing is hidden that will 17
7 some other seed fell among not be disclosed,
thorns, nothing concealed that will
and the thorns sprang up along not be known and revealed.
with it and choked it; So take care how you listen ; 18
8 some other seed fell on sound for he who has, to him shall
soil, more be given,
and springing up bore a crop, while as for him who has not,
a hundredfold." from him shall be taken even
When he said this he called out, what he thinks he has."
" He who has an ear, let him listen His mother and brothers reached 19
9 to this." The disciples questioned him but they were unable to join
him about the meaning of the him for the crowd. Word was 20
10 parable ; so he said, " It is granted brought to him that " your mother
you to understand the open secrets and brothers are standing outside;
of the Reign of God, but the others they wish to see you," But he 21
get it in parables, so that answered, "My mother and brothers
for all their seeing they may not are those who listen to the word of
see, God and obey it."
and for all their hearing they may It happened on one of these days 22
not understand, that he embarked in a boat alone
11 This is what the parable means. with his disciples and said to them,
12 The seed is the word of God. Those " Let us cross to the other side of
on the road are people who hear;
the lake." So they set sail. Dur- 23
but then the devil comes and ing the voyage he fell asleep. But
carries off the word from their when a gale of wind came down
heart, that they may not believe on the lake and they were being
13 and be saved. Those ' on the swamped and in peril, they went 24
rock ' are people who on hearing and woke him up. " Master,
the word welcome it with enthu- master," they cried, '* we are

drowning " So he woke up and

! left, seated at the feet of Jesus,
checked the wind and the surf; clothed and sane. That frightened
they ceased and there was a calm. them. They got a report from 36
25 Then he said to them, " Where is those who had seen how the lunatic
your faith? " They marvelled in was cured, and then all the inhabi- 37
awe, saying to one another, " What- tants of the surrounding country
ever can he be? He gives orders of the Gerasenes asked him to leave
to the very winds and water, and them, they were so seized with
26 they obey him " ! They put in terror. He embarked in the boat
at the country of the Gerasenes, on and went back. The man whom 38
27 the shore facing Galilee. As he the daemons had left begged that
stepped out on land he was met by he might accompany him. Jesus,
a man from the town who had however, sent him away, sa5ang,
daemons in him; for a long while " Go home and describe all that 39
he had worn no clothing, and he God has done for you." So he went
stayed not in a house but among off to proclaim through the whole
28 the tombs. On catching sight of town all that Jesus had done for
Jesus he shrieked aloud and prayed him.
him with a loud cry, " Jesus, son of On his return Jesus was welcomed 40
God most High, what business have by the crowd they were
; looking
you with me ? Do not torture me, out for him. A man called Jairus 41
29 I beg of you." (For he had charged came, who was a president of the
the unclean spirit to come out of synagogue, and falling at the feet
the man. Many a time when it had of Jesus entreated him to come
seized hold of him, he had been to his house, for he had an only 42
fastened secure in fetters and daughter about twelve years old
chains, but he would snap his bonds and she was dying. As Jesus went
and be driven by the daemon into the crowds kept crushing him, and 43
30 the desert.) So Jesus asked him, a woman who had had a hemorrhage
" What is your name ? " "Legion," for twelve years * which no one
he said, for a number of daemons could cure, came up behind him and 44
31 had entered him. And they begged touched the tassel of his robe. Her
him not to order them off to the hemorrhage instantly ceased. Jesus 45
32 abyss. Now a considerable drove said, " Who touched me ? " As
of swine was grazing there on the everyone denied it, Peter and his
hillside, so the daemons begged him companions said, " Master, the
for leave to enter them. He gave crowds are all round you pressing
33 them leave, and the daemons came hard " Jesus said, " Somebody did 46

out of the man and went into the touch me, for I felt power had passed
swine; the drove rushed down the from me." So when the woman saw 47
steep slope into the lake and were she had not escaped notice she
34 suffocated. When the herdsmen came trembling, and falling down
saw what had occurred they fled before him she told before all the
and reported it to the town and the people why she had touched him and
35 hamlets. The people came out to how she had been instantly cured.
see what had occurred and when " Daughter," he said to her, " your 48
they reached Jesus they discovered * Omitting tarpons trpoa-avaXaxxaffa ^Xof
the man whom the daemons had BD arm.
rhv Qlov with Syr.Sm. sah.
faith has made you well; depart Elijah had appeared, and others
49 in peace." He was speaking
still that one of the ancient prophets
when someone came from the house had arisen. Herod said, " John I 9
of the synagogue-president to say, beheaded. But who is this, of
" Your daughter is dead. Do not whom I hear such tales? " And
trouble the teacher any further." he made efforts to see him.
50 But when Jesus heard it he said to Then the apostles came back and 10
him, " Have no fear, only believe described all they had done to Jesus.
51 and she ^vill get well." When he He took them and retired in private
reached the house he would not to a town called Bethsaida, but the 11
allow anyone to come in with him crowds learned this and followed
except Peter and James and John, him. He welcomed them, spoke
and the child's father and mother. to them of the Reign of God, and
52 Everyone was weeping and bewail- cured those who needed to be
ing her, but he said, " Stop weep- healed. Now as the day began 12
ing; she is not dead but asleep." to decline the twelve came up to
53 They laughed at him, knowing that him and said, " Send the crowd
54 she was dead. But he took her off to lodge in the villages and
hand and called to her, "Rise, little farms around and get provisions
55 girl." And her spirit returned, she there, for here we are in a desert
got up instantly, and he ordered place." He said to them, " Give 13
them to give her something to eat. them some food yourselves."
56 Her parents were amazed, but he They said, " We have only got five
charged them not to tell anyone loaves and two fish. Unless
what had happened. are we to go and buy food for the
whole of this people?" (There 14
OHAP. were about five thousand men of
9 Calling the twelve together he them.) He said to his disciples,
gave them power and authority over *'
Make them lie down in rows of
all daemons as well as to heal about fifty." They did so, and made 15
2 diseases. He sent them out to them all lie down. Then taking the 16
preach the Reign of God and to cure five loaves and the two fish and
3 the sick. And he told them, " Take looking up to heaven he blessed
nothing for the journey, neither them, broke them in pieces and
stick nor wallet nor bread nor silver, handed them to the disciples to set
4 and do not carry two shirts. What- before the crowd. And they all 17
ever house 3^ou go into, stay there ate and had enough. What they
5 and leave from there. Whoever had left over was picked up, twelve
will not receive you, leave that baskets full of fragments.
town and shake ofi the very dust Now it happened that while he 18
from your feet as a testimony was praying by himself his disciples
6 against them." So they went out were beside him. So he inquired of
from village to village preaching the them, " Who do the crowds say I
gospel and healing everywhere. am ? " They rephed, " John the 19
7 When Herod the tetrarch heard Baptist, though some say EHjah
that was going on, he was quite
all and some say that one of the
at a loss; for some said that John ancient prophets has arisen." He 20
8 had risen from the dead, some that said to them, " And who do you

say I am? " Peter replied, " The saying). As he spoke, a cloud came 84
21 Christ of God." Then he forbade and overshadowed them. They
them strictly to tell this to any- were awestruck as they passed into
22 one. The Son of man, he said, has the cloud, but a voice came from 85
to endure great suffering, to be the cloud, " This is my Son, my
rejected by the elders and high Chosen one ; him." When 36
listen to
priests and scribes, to be killed, the voice ceased they found them-
and on the third day to be raised. selves alone with Jesus. And in
23 He said to all, " If anyone wishes those days they kept silence and
to come after me, let him deny him- told nobody anything of what they
self, take up his cross day after had seen.
day, and so follow me Next day when they came down 87
24 for whoever wants to save his life the hill a large crowd met him.
will lose it, " Teacher," shouted a man from 38
and whoever loses his life for my the crowd, " look at my son, I beg
sake, he will save it. of you, for he is my only boy, and a 39
25 What be for a man to
profit will it spirit gets hold of him till he sud-
gain the whole world and lose or denly shrieks ; it convulses him till
26 forfeit himself ? For whoever is he foams ; indeed it will hardly leave
ashamed of me and my words, of off tearing him to pieces. I begged 40
him will the Son of man be ashamed your disciples to cast it out, but
when he comes in his glory and in they could not." Jesus answered, 41
the glory of the Father and of the " O faithless and perverse genera-
27 holy angels. I tell you plainly, tion, how long must I still be with
there are some of those standing you and bear with you? Fetch
here who will not taste death till your son here." Before the boy 42
they see the Reign of God." could reach Jesus the daemon
28 It was about eight days after he dashed him down and convulsed
said this, when he took Peter, John, him, but Jesus checked the unclean
and James, and Avent up the hillside spirit, cured the boy, and handed
29 to pray. While he was praying the him back to his father. And all 43
appearance of his face altered and were astounded at this grand display
his dress turned dazzling white. of God. But while all marvelled
30 There were two men conversing at all he did, he said to his disciples,
31 with him, Moses and Elijah, who " Let these words sink into your 44
appeared in a vision of glory and ears ' the Son of man is to be be-

said he must go through with his trayed into the hands of men.' "
death and departure at Jerusalem. But they did not understand this 45
32 Now Peter and his companions had
saying ^indeed it was kept a secret
been overpowered with sleep, but from them, to prevent them from
on waking up they saw his glory
fathoming it and they were afraid
and the two men who were standing to ask him about this saying.
83 beside him. When they were part- A dispute arose among them as 46
ing from him, Peter said to Jesus, to which of them was the greatest.
" Master, it is a good thing we are Jesus knew the dispute that occu- 47
here let us put up three tents, one
; pied their minds, so he took hold
for you, one for Moses, and one for of a little child and set it by his
Elijah " (not knowing what he was side ; then he said to them, 48
Whoever receives this little him, " I will follow you, Lord. But
child in my
name receives let me first say good-bye to my
me, people at home." Jesus said to 62
and whoever receives me him, " No one is any use to the
receives him who sent Reign of God who puts his hand to
me. the plough and then looks behind
For it is the lowliest of you him."
all who is great."
49 John said to him, " Master, we CHAP.
saw a man casting out daemons in After that the Lord commis- 10
your name, but we stopped him sioned other seventy disciples,
because he is not a follower of sending them in front of him two
50 ours." Jesus said to him, " Do not by two to every town and place
stop him; he who is not against that he intended to visit himself.
you is for you." He said to them, " The harvest 2
51 As the time for his assumption is rich, but the labourers are few;
was now due, he set his face for so pray the Lord of the harvest
52 the journey to Jerusalem. He sent to send labourers to gather his
messengers in front of him. They harvest. Go your way; I am 3
went and entered a Samaritan sending you out like lambs among
village to make preparations for wolves. Carry no purse, no wallet, 4
53 him, but the people would not re- no sandals. Do not stop to salute
ceive him because his face was anybody on the road. Whatever 5
turned in the direction of Jeru- house you enter, first say, Peace '

54 salem. So when the disciples be to this household !Then, if

James and John saw this, they there is a soul there breathing peace,
said, " Lord, will you have us bid your peace will rest on him other- ;

fire come down from heaven and wise it will come back to you.
55 consume them ? " But he turned Stay at the same house, eating 7
56 and checked them. Then they and drinking what the people pro-
57 journeyed to another village. And vide (for the workman deserves his
as they journeyed along the road wages); you are not to shift from
a man said to him, " I will follow one house to another. Wherever 8
68 you anywhere." Jesus said to you are received on entering any
him, town, eat what is provided for you,
" The foxes have their holes, heal those in the town who are ill, 9
the wild birds have their and tell them, The Reign of God

nests, is nearly on you.' But wherever 10

but the Son of man has you are not received on entering
nowhere to lay his any town, go out into the streets
head." of the town and cry, The very dust 11

59 He said to another man, " Follow of your city that clings to us we

me " but he said, " Let me
; go and wipe off from our feet as a protest.
60 bury my
father first of all." Jesus But mark this, the Reign of God
said to him, " Leave the dead to is near ! I tell you, on the great 12

bury their own dead; you go and Day it willbe more bearable for
spread the news of the Reign of Sodom than for that town. Woe 13
61 God." Another man also said to to you, Khorazin I woe to you,

Bethsaida I Had the miracles per- Then turning to the disciples he
formed in you been performed in said privately,
Tyre and Sidon, they would long " Blessed are the eyes that see 23
ago have been sitting penitent in what you see
14 sackcloth and ashes. But it will For I tell you many prophets 24
be more bearable for Tyre and and kings have desired to
Sidon at the judgment than for see what you see,
15 you. And you, O Capharnahum I but they have not seen it;
Exalted to heaven? No, you will and to hear what you hear,
sink to Hades ! but they have not heard
16 He who listens to you listens to it."
me, Now a law^^er got up to tempt 25
he who rejects you rejects him. " Teacher," he said, '* what
me, am "
I to do to inherit life eternal ?
and he who rejects me rejects He said to him, " What is written 26
him who sent me." in the law? What do you read
17 The seventy came back with there? " He rephed, " You must 27
joy. " Lord," they said, " the love the Lord your God with your
very daemons obey us in your whole heart, with your whole soul,
18 name." He said to them, " Yes, with your whole strength, and with
I watched Satan fall from heaven your whole mind. Also your neigh-
19 like a flash of lightning. I have bour as yourself. ^^ " A right an- 28
indeed given you the power of swer!" said Jesus; "do that and
treading on serpents and scorpions you will live,'' Anxious to make 29
and of trampling down all the an excuse for himself, however,
power of the Enemy nothing shall
; he said to Jesus, " But who is my
20 injure you. Only, neighbour? " Jesus rejoined, " A 80
do not rejoice because the spirits man going down from Jerusalem
obey you : to Jericho fell among robbers who
rejoice because your names stripped and belaboured him and
are enrolled in heaven." then went off leaving him half-dead.
21 He thrilled with joy at that hour Now it so chanced that a priest was 31
in the holy Spirit, saying, " I praise going down the same road, but on
thee, Father, Lord of heaven and seeing him he went past on the
earth, for concealing this from opposite side. So did a Levite 82
the wise and learned and reveal- who came to the spot; he went
ing it to the simple-minded; yes. and looked at him but he passed
Father, I praise thee that such on the opposite side. However a 33
was thy chosen purpose." Then Samaritan traveller came to where
turning to the disciples he said, he was and felt pity when he saw
22 " All has been handed over to me him; he went to him, bound his 84
by my Father : wounds up, pouring oil and wine
and no one knows who the into them, mounted him on his
Son is except the Father, own steed, took him to an inn,
who the Father is except
or and attended to him. Next morn- B5
the Son, ing he took out a couple of shillings
and he to whom the Son and gave them to the innkeeper,
chooses to reveal him." saying, * Attend to him, and if you
are put to any extra expense I And he said to them, " Suppose 5
will refund you on my way back.' one of you has a friend, and you
36 Which of these three men, in your go to him at midnight and say to
opinion, proved a neighbour to him, 'Friend, let me have three
the man who fell among the rob- loaves ; for a friend of mine travel- 6
37 bers? " He said, " The man who ling has come to my house and I
took pity on him." Jesus said to have nothing to set before him.'
him, " Then go and do the same." And suppose he answers from the 7
38 In the course of their journey inside, Don't bother me
' the ;

he entered a certain village, and a door is locked by this time, and

woman called Martha welcomed my children are in bed with me.
39 him to her house. She had a sister I can't get up and give you any-
called Mary, who seated herself at thing.' I tell you, though he will 8
the feet of the Lord to listen to his not get up and give you anything
40 talk. Now Martha was so busy because you are a friend of his,
attending to them that she grew he will at least rise and give you
worried; she came up and said, whatever you want because you
" Lord, is it all one to you that persist. So I tell you, 9
my sister has left me to do all the ask and the gilt will be yours,
work alone? Come, tell her to seek and you will find,
41 lend me a hand." The Lord an- knock and the door will
swered her, "Martha, Martha,* open to you;
42 Mary has chosen the best dish, for everyone who asks receives, 10
and she is not to be dragged away the seeker finds,
from it." the door is opened to anyone
who knocks.
OHAP. What father among you, if asked 11
11 Hewas praying at a certain by his son for a loaf, will
place, and when he stopped one hand him a stone ?
of his disciples said to him, " Lord, Or, if asked for a fish, will hand
teach us to pray, as John taught him a serpent instead of
2 his disciples." He said to them, a fish?
" When you pray, say, Father, Or, if asked for an egg, will he 12
thy name be revered, hand him a scorpion ?
thy Reign begin Well, if for all your evil you 13
3 give us our bread for the mor- know to give your children
row day by day, what is good,
4 and forgive us our sins how much more will your
for we do forgive everyone Father give the holy
who has offended us; Spirit fromto heaven
and lead us not into tempta- those who ask him ?
tion." He was casting out a dumb 14
Omitting, with D, Syr.sin- and the
daemon, and when the daemon
majority of the old Latin manuscripts had gone out the dumb man spoke.
. . .
XP^* (^ adding eopv^dCji)' The crowds marvelled, but some of 15
I translate fiepiSa by ' dish,' to bring them said, "It is by Beelzebul
out the point and play of the saying.
Jesus means that Mary has chosen well in
the prince of daemons that he
selecting the nourishment of his teaching. casts out daemons." Others by 16
; : ;

way of tempting him demanded bore you, and the breasts you
he should give them a Sign from sucked "
I But he said, " Blessed 28
17 heaven. He knew what they were rather are those who hear and who
thinking about, so he said to them, observe the word of God !

" Any realm divided against it- As the crowds were thronging 29
self comes to ruin, to him, he proceeded to say,
house after house falls down " This is an evil generation : it
18 and if Satan is divided against demands a Sign,
himself, but no Sign will be given to
how can his realm stand ? it except the Sign of
You say I am casting out Jonah
daemons by Beelzebul ? for as Jonah was a Sign to the 30
19 If I cast out daemons by Beel- Ninivites,
zebul, so shall the Son of man be
by whom do your sons cast to this generation.
them out? The queen of the South will 31
Thus they will be your judges. rise at the judgment
20 But if it is by the finger of God with the men of this
that I cast daemons out, generation and condemn
then the Reign of God has them;
reached you already. for she came from the ends
21 When the strong man in armour of the earth to listen to
guards his homestead, his property the wisdom of Solomon,
22 is undisturbed but when a
; and here is One greater
stronger man attacks and conquers than Solomon.
him, he seizes the panoply on which The men of Ninive will rise at 32
he relied and divides up the spoil. the judgment with this
23 He who is not with me is against generation and condemn
me, it;
and he who does not gather for when Jonah preached
with me scatters.* they did repent,
24 When an unclean spirit leaves a and here is One greater
man, it roams through dry places than Jonah.
in search of refreshment. As it No one lights a lamp to put it 33
finds none, then it says, * I will go in a cellar or under a
25 back to the house I left,' and when bowl,
comes it finds the house clean
it but on a stand, so that those
26 and in order. Then it goes off to who come in can see the
fetch seven other spirits worse than Ught.
itself; they go in and dwell there, Your eye is the lamp of the 34
and the last state of that man is body
worse than the first." when your eye is sound,
27 While he was saying this a then the whole of your body
woman shouted to him out of the has light,
crowd, " Blessed is the womb that but if your eye is diseased,
* Omitting von Soden
then your body is darkened.
;*, which
inserts within bracket ifrom i<L 33 and a (Look !perhaps your very 35
few other authorities. light is dark.)
86 So if your whole body has light, One of the lawyers said to him, 45
without any corner of it in dark- " Teacher, when you say this you
ness, it will be lit up entirely, as are insulting us as well." He 46
when a lamp lights you with its said,
rays." " And woe to you lawyers you I

87 When
he finished speaking a load men with irksome
Pharisee asked him to take a meal burdens,
in his house so he went in and lay
; and you vnll not put a single
38 downat table. The Pharisee was finger to their burdens.
astonished to see that he had not Woe to you you build tombs 47

39 washed before the meal, but the for the prophets whom
Lord said to him, your own fathers killed :

"You Pharisees do clean the thus you testify and con- 48

outside of the cup and the sent to what your fathers
plate, did,
but your inner life is filled for they killed and you build.
with rapacity and malice. This is why the Wisdom of God 49
40 Foolish men did not He who
! said, * I will send them prophets
made the outside make the and apostles, some they will kill
inside of things too ? and some they will persecute '

41 Better cleanse * what is within it was that the blood of all the 50
then nothing will be un- prophets shed from the founda-
clean for you. tion of the world might be charged
42 But woe to you Pharisees ! upon this generation, from the 51
you tithe mint and rue and blood of Abel down to the blood
every vegetable, of Zechariah who was slain be-
but justice and the love of tween the altar and the House of
God you disregard;
God ^yes, I tell you, it will all be
these latter you ought to charged upon this generation.
have practised without Woe to you lawyers you 52

omitting the former. have taken the key that

43 Woe to you Pharisees ! unlocks the door of know-
you love the front bench in ledge;
the synagogues you have not entered your-
and salutations in the selves,
marketplaces. and you have stopped those
44 Woe to you ! who were entering."
you are like unsuspected After he had gone away the scribes 53
tombs and Pharisees commenced to follow
men walk over them un- him up closely and cross-question
awares." him on many points, lying in am- 54
The ordinary text S6re iXe-nixoffvvnv
bush to catch a word from his hps.
(" give alms ") represents the Aramaic
zakki. But the Aramaic dakhi (" pm-ify '* OHAP.
or cleanse ") suits the context better, Meanwhile as the crowd was 12
and Wellhausen plausibly suggests that
Luke has confused " these two verbs gathering in its thousands till they
which difier very little in sound and trod on one another, he proceeded
originally are identical.'* to say to his disciples first of all,

" Be on your guard against the selves about how to defend your-
leaven of the Pharisees, which is selves or what to say, for the holy 12
hypocrisy. Spirit will teach you at that hour
2 Nothing is hidden that will not what you should say."
be revealed, A man out of the crowd said to 13
or concealed that will not be him, " Teacher, tellbrothermy
made known. to give me my share of our in-
3 So allyou utter in the dark will heritance " ; but he said to him, 14
be heard in the light, " Man, who made me a judge or
and what you whisper in arbitrator over your affairs ? "
chambers will be proclaimed Then he said to them, " See and 15
on the housetops. keep clear of covetousness in every
4 I tell you, my friends, shape and form, for a man's life is
have no fear of those who kill not part of his possessions because
the body but after that can he has ample wealth." And he 16
do no more told them a parable. " A rich
5 I will show you whom tofear man's estate bore heavy crops.
fear Him who after he has killed So he debated, ' What am I to do ? 17
has power to cast you into I have no room to store my crops.'
Gehenna. And he said, This is what I will do. 18

Yes, I tell you, fear Him. I will pull down my granaries and
6 Are not five sparrows sold for build larger ones, where I can store
two farthings ? all my produce and my goods.
Yet not one of them is for- And I will say to my soul, " Soul, 19
gotten by God. you have ample stores laid up for
7 But the very hairs on your head many a year; take your ease, eat,
are all numbered; drink and be merry." But God 20

fear not, you are worth far said to him, ' Foolish man, this
more * than sparrows. very night your soul is wanted;
8 I tell you, whoever acknow- and who will get all you have pre-
ledges me before men, pared ? So fares the man who 21

the Son of man will acknow- lays up treasure for himself instead
ledge him before the angels of gaining the riches of God." To 22
of God; his disciples he said, " Therefore I
9 and he who disowns me before tell you,
men do not trouble about what you
will be disowned before the are to eat in life,
angels of God. nor about what you are to
10 Everyone also who says a word put on your body;
against the Son of man will life is something more than 23
be forgiven for it, food,
but he who blasphemes against and the body is something
the holy Spirit will never be more than clothes.
forgiven. Look at the crows they neither 24

11 When they bring you before sow nor reap,

synagogues and the magistrates and no storehouse or granary have
authorities, do not trouble your- they,
See above, on p. 13. and yet God feeds them*
How much more are you worth make them recline at table, and
than birds? come forward to wait on them.
25 Which of you can add an ell to Whether he comes in the second or 38
his height by troubling about the third watch of the night and
it? finds them thus alert, blessed are
26 and if you cannot manage even they !Be sure that if the house- 39
this, why trouble over other holder had known at what hour
things ? the thief was coming,* he would
27 Look how the liUes neither spin not have allowed his house to be
nor weave; broken into. So be ready your- 40
andyet, I tell you, even Solo- selves, for the Son of man is coming
in all his grandeur was at an hour you do not expect."
never robed like one of Peter said, " Lord, are you telling 41
them. this parable for us, or is it for all
28 Now if God so clothes grass w^hich and sundry? " The Lord said, 42
blooms to-day in the field and is " Well, where is the trust}^
thrown to-morrow into the furnace, thoughtful steward whom
the lord
will he not much more clothe you ? and master over his estab-
will set
O men, how little you trust him ! lishment to give out supplies at
29 So do not seek food and drink and the proper time? Blessed is that 43
80 be worried pagans make food and
servant if his lord and master finds
drink their aim in life, but your him so doing when he arrives I ! 44
Father knows quite well you need tell you plainly, he will set him over
81 that; only seek his Realm, and all his property. But if that serv- 45
it will be yours over and above. ant says to himself, My lord and

32 Fear not, you little flock, for your master is long of arriving,' and if
Father is delighted to give you the he starts to beat the menservants
Realm. and maidservants, to eat and drink
83 Sell what you possess and give it and get drunk, that servant's lord 46
away in alms, and master will arrive on a day
make purses for yourselves when he does not expect him and
that never wear out at an hour which he does not know
get treasure in heaven that he will cut him in two and assign
never fails, him the fate of unbelievers.
that no thief can get at, no The servant who knew his lord 47
moth destroy. and master's orders and did
34 For where your treasure lies, not prepare f for them,
your heart will lie there too. will receive many lashes;
35 Keep your loins girt and your whereas he who was ignorant 48
36 lamps lit, and be Hke men who and did what deserves a
are expecting their lord and master beating,
on his return from a marriage- will receive few lashes.
banquet, so as to open the door
for him at once when he comes * Omitting [iypriySpiiffev &v, /col], a
37 and knocks. Blessed are those harmonistic gloss from Matthew xxiv. 43.
servants whom the lord and master t Omitting ^ -n-oL-ncras with L, the majority
of the old Latin manuscripts, the Syriao
finds awake when he comes I tell !
and Armenian versions, etc. The ordinary
you truly, he will gird himself. text is complete.
; ! ;;

He who has much given him your opponent, do your utmost to

will have much required from get quit of him on the way there,
him, in case he hales you before the
and he who has much entrusted judge; then the judge will hand
to him you over to the jailer and the jailer
will have all the more de- will throw you in prison. I tell 59
manded of him. you, you will never get out till you
49 I have come to throw fire on pay the last farthing of your debt."
Would it were kindled already OHAP.
50 I have a baptism to undergo. It was at this time that some 13
How I am distressed till it is all people came to tell him about the
over ! Galileans whose blood Pilate had
51 You think I am here to make mingled with their sacrifices. But 2
peace on earth? he replied to them,
No, I tell you, it is dissen- "Do you think, because they
sion. suffered this, that these
52 After this there will be five at Galileans were worse
issue in one house, sinners than the rest of
three divided against two and the Galileans?
two against three, I tell you, no 3
53 father against son and son against unless you repent you will
father, all perish as they did.
mother against daughter and Or those eighteen men killed 4
daughter against mother, by the fall of the tower
mother-in-law against daughter- at Siloam ?
in-law and daughter-in-law Do you think they were worse
against mother-in-law" offenders than the rest
54 And to the crowds he said, of the residents in Jeru-
" When you see a cloud rise in salem ?
the west, I tell you, no 5
you say, '
There is a shower unless you repent you will
coming,* all perish as they did."
and so it is : And he told this parable. " A man 6
55 when you feel the south wind had a fig tree planted in his vine-
blow, yard he came in search of fruit on

you say, * There will be it but he found none. So he said to 7

heat,' the vinedresser, Here have I come

and so it is. for three years in search of fruit on

56 You hypocrites, you know how this fig tree without finding any;
to decipher the look of cut it down, why should it take up
earth and sky space ? '
But the man replied, 8
how is you cannot de-
it '
Leave it for this year, sir, till I
cipher the meaning of dig round about it and put in
this era ? manure. Then it may bear fruit 9
57 And why do you not yourselves next year. If not, you can have
58 settle what is right ? Thus, when it cut down.' "
you go before the magistrate with When he was teaching in one of 10

the synagogues on the sabbath, the narrow door, for I tell you
11 there was a woman who for eighteen many will try to get in and not be
years had suffered weakness from able, once the master of the House 25
an evil spirit ; indeed she was bent has got up and closed the door.
double and quite imable to raise You may stand outside and knock
12 herself. Jesus noticed her and at the door, crying, * Lord, open
called to her, " Woman, you are for us,' but he will answer you, I *

13 released from your weakness." He do not know where you come from.'
laid his hands on her and instantly You will then proceed to say, ' But 26
she became erect and glorified God. we ate and drank in your presence,
14 But the president of the synagogue and you taught in our streets I 27
' '

was annoyed at Jesus healing on tell you,' he will say, * I do not

the sabbath, and he said to the know where you come from; be-
crowd, " There are six days for gone every one of you, you evildoers,^
work to be done; come during There you will wail and gnash 28
them to get healed, instead of on your teeth, to see Abraham, Isaac,
15 the sabbath." The Lord replied Jacob and all the prophets inside
to him, " You hypocrites, does not the Realm of God and yourselves
each of you untether his ox or ass thrown out. Yes, and people will 29
from the stall on the sabbath and come from east and west and north
16 lead it away to drink ? And this and south to their places at the
woman, a daughter of Abraham, feast within the Realm of God.
bound by Satan for all these Some are last who will be first, 30
eighteen years, was she not to be and some are first who will be
freed from her bondage on the last."
17 sabbath ? " As he said this all Just then some Pharisees came 31
his opponents were put to shame, up to tell him, " Get away from
but all the crowd rejoiced over here, for Herod intends to kill
18 all his splendid doings. So he you." " Go and tell that fox," he 32
said, replied, " I cast out daemons and
" What is the Reign of God like ? perform cures to-day and to-
to what shall I compare it ? morrow, and on the third day I
19 It is like a grain of mustard-seed complete my task I But I must 33
which a man took and put into journey on, to-day, to-morrow, and
his orchard, where it grew up and the next day; it would never do
became a tree, and the wild birds for a prophet to perish except in
20 roosted in its branches." He added, Jerusalem O Jerusalem, Jem-
! 34
" To what shall I compare the salem, slaying the prophets and
21 Reign of God ? It is Hke dough stoning those who have been sent to
which a woman took and buried you ! How often I would fain have
in three pecks of flour, till all of it gathered your children as a fowl
was leavened." gathers her brood under her wings !

22 On he went teaching from one But you would not have it See, 35

town and village to another, as he your House is left to yourselves, I

23 made his way to Jerusalem. A tell you, you will never see me till
man said to him, " Is it only a few, the day comes when you say
sir, who are saved ? " So he said Blessed be he who comes in the Lord's
24 to them, ** Strive to get in through name.
14 Now
when he entered the house just." Hearing this, one of his 15
ofa ruler who belonged to the fellow guests said to him, " Blessed
Pharisees to take a meal, they is he who feasts in the Realm of
2 watched him closely. In front of God " Jesus said to him, " There }6

him there was a man who had was a man who was giving a large
3 dropsy ; so Jesus asked the lawyers supper, to which he had invited a
and Pharisees, "Is it right to heal number of guests. At the hour 17
4 on the sabbath or not ? " They for supper he sent his servant to
held their peace. Then Jesus took tell the guests, ' Come, things are
hold of the man and cured him and all ready.' But they all alike pro- 18
5 sent him off. " Which of you," ceeded to decline. The first said
he said to them, " when an ass or to him, ' I have bought a farm and
an ox has fallen into a well, will I am obliged to go and look at it.
not pull him out at once upon the Pray consider me excused.' The 19
6 sabbath day ? " This they could second said, I have bought five

7 not dispute. He also told a parable pair of oxen and I am going to try
to the guests, when he observed how them. Pray consider me excused.'
they picked out the best places. Another said, I have married a 20

8 " When anyone invites you to a wife ;that is why I cannot come.'
marriage-banquet," he said, " never The servant went and reported this 21
lie down in the best place, in case to his master. Then the master of
a more distinguished guest than the house was enraged, and said to
9 yourself has been invited ; then his servant, ' Quick, go out to the
the host will tell you, ' Make room streets and lanes of the town and
for him,' and you will proceed in bring in the poor, the maimed, the
shame to take the lowest place. blind, and the lame.' When the 22
10 No, when you are invited, go and servant announced, ' Your order
recline in the lowest place, so that has been carried out, sir, but there
when your host comes in he will is still room,' the master said to the 23
tell you, Move higher up, my
servant, ' Go out to the roads and
friend.' Then you will be honoured hedges and make people come
before your fellow guests. in, to fill up my house. For 24
11 For everyone who uplifts him- I tell you that not one of those
self will be humbled, who were invited shall taste my
and he who humbles himself supper.'
will be upHfted." There were large crowds travel- 25
12 He also said to his host, " When ling with him; so he turned and
you give a dinner or supper, do not said to them,
ask your friends or your brothers or " If anyone comes to me and 26
your relatives or your rich neigh- does not hate his father and mother
bours, in case they invite you back and wife and children and brothers
13 again and you get repaid. No, and aye and his own life,
when you give a banquet, invite the hecannot be a disciple of
poor, the maimed, the lame, and mine;
14 the blind. Then you will be whoever does not carry his own 27
blessed for as they have no means
; cross and come after me,
of repaying you, you will be re- he cannot be a disciple of -
paid at the resurrection of the mine.
28 For which of you wants to build joy in heaven over a single sinner
a tower and does not first sit down who repents more than over ninety-
to calculate the expense, to see if nine good people who do not need
he has enough money to complete to repent. Or again, suppose a 8
29 it ? he has laid the
in case, after woman has ten shillings. If she
foundation and then is unable to loses one of them, does she not
finish the building, all the spec- light a lamp and scour the house
tators start to make fun of him, and search carefully till she finds
30 saying, This fellow started to build
it? And when she finds it she 9
31 but he could not finish it.' Or gathers her women-friends and
what king sets out to fight against neighbours, saying, ' Rejoice with
another king without first sitting me, for I have found the shilling
down to deliberate whether with I lost.' So, I tell you, there is 10
ten thousand men he can encounter joy in the presence of the angels
the king who is attacking him with of God over a single sinner who
32 twenty thousand ? If he cannot, repents."
when the other is still at a distance He also said : " There was all
he will send an embassy to do man who had two sons, and the 12
homage to him. younger said to his father, ' Father,
33 So with everyone of j^ou who will give me the share of the property
not part with all his goods that falls to me.' So he divided
he cannot be a disciple of his means among them. Not 13
mine. many days later the younger son
34 Salt is excellent indeed but if : sold off everything and went abroad
salt insipid, what will
becomes to a distant land, where he squan-
35 restore its flavour? It is no use dered his means in loose living.
for either soil or dunghill, it is flung After he had spent his all, a severe 14
out. He who has an ear let him famine set in throughout that land,
listen to this." and he began to feel in want so 15

he went and attached himself to a

citizen of that land, who sent him
15 Now the taxgatherers and sinners to his fields to feed swine. And 16
were all approaching him to listen he was fain to fill his belly with
2 to him, but the Pharisees and the the pods the swine were eating;
scribes complained, " He welcomes no one gave him anything. But 17
sinners and eats along with them ! when he came to his senses he
3 So he told them this parable : said, ' How many hired men of
4 " Which of you with a hundred my father have more than enough
sheep, if he loses one, does not to eat, and here am I perishing of
leave the ninety-nine in the desert hunger !I will be up and off to 18
and go after the lost one till he my father, and I will say to him,
5 finds it? When he finds it he " Father, I have sinned against
puts it on his shoulders with joy, heaven and before you ; I don't 19
6 and when he gets home he gathers deserve to be called your son any
his friends and neighbours 'Re- : more; only make me like one of
joicewith me,' he says to them, your hired men." So he got up 20

*for I have found the sheep I and went off to his father. But
7 lost.' So, I tell you, there will be when he was still far away his

saw him and felt pity for him
father a factor, and this factor, he found,
and ran to fall upon his neck and was accused of misapplying his
21 kiss him. The son said to him, property. So he summoned him 2
Father, I have sinned against
and said, What is this I hear

heaven and before you; I don't about you? Hand in your ac-
deserve to be called your son any counts; you cannot be factor any
22 more.' But the father said to his longer.' The factor said to himself, 3
servants, Quick, bring the best
* *
What am I to do now that my
robe and put it on him, give him a master is taking the factorship
ring for his hand and sandals for away from me? I am too weak
23 his feet, and bring the fatted calf, to dig, I am ashamed to beg. Ah, 4
kill it, and let us eat and be merry I know what I will do, so that
24 for my son here was dead and he people \vill welcome me to their
has come to life, he was lost and he houses when I am deposed from
is found.* So they began to make the factorship.' So he summoned 5
25 merry. Now his elder son was out every single one of his master's
in the field, and as he came near the debtors. He asked the first, * How
house he heard music and dancing much are you owing to my master ? '
26 so, summoning one of the servants, *
A hundred barrels of oil.' he said. 6
27 he asked what this meant. The The factor told him, ' Here is your
servant told him, ' Your brother bill; sit down at once and enter
has arrived, and your father has fifty barrels.' Then he asked 7
killed the fatted calf because he has another, ' And how much do you
got him back safe and sound.' owe ? ' 'A hundred quarters of
28 This angered liim, and he would not wheat,' he said. ' Here is your
go in. His father came out and bill,' said the factor, ' just enter
29 tried to appease him, but he re- eighty.' Well, the master praised 8
plied, Look at all the years I
the dishonest factor for looking
have been serving you! I have ahead; for the children of this
never neglected any of your orders, world look further ahead in deahng
and yet you have never given me with their own generation than
so much as a kid, to let me make the children of Light. And I tell 9
80 merry with my friends. But as you, use mammon, dishonest as
soon as this son of yours arrives, it is, to make friends for your-
after having wasted your means selves, so that when you die * they
with harlots, you kill the fatted may welcome you to the eternal
31 calf for him The father said to
' abodes.
him, My son, you and I are always
He who is faithful with a trifle 10
32 together, all I have is yours. We is also faithful with a large
could not but make merry and trust,
rejoice, for your brother here and he who is dishonest with
was dead and has come to hfe a trifle is also dishonest with
again, he was lost but he has been a large trust.
found.' So if you are not faithful with 11
dishonest mammon,
CHAP. * Reading iKKl-rrriTe or ^KAe/WrjTe with &?,
16 He also said to the disciples :
the bulk of the Latin manuscripts, the
There was a rich man who had Harklean Syriac, etc.
how can you ever be trusted being tortured in Hades he raised
with true Riches ? his eyes and saw Abraham far away
12 And if you are not faithful with with Lazarus in his bosom ; so he 24
what belongs to another, called out, Father Abraham, take

how can you ever be given pity on me, send Lazarus to dip his
what is your own ? fingertip in water and cool my
13 No servant can serve two tongue, for I am in anguish in these
masters : flames.' But Abraham said, Re- 25 '

either he will hate the one and member, my son, you got all the
love the other, bliss when you were alive, just as
or else he will stand by the one Lazarus got the ills of life; he is
and despise the other in comfort now, and you are in
you cannot serve both God and anguish. Besides all that, a great 26
Mammon." gulf yawns between us and you, to
14 Now the Pharisees who were keep back those who want to cross
fond of money heard all this, and from us to you and also those who
15 they sneered at him. So he told want to pass from you to us.' Then 27
them, " You are the people who he said, Well, father, I beg you to

get men to think you are good, send him to my father's house, for 28
but God knows what your hearts I have five brothers; let him bear
are What is lofty in the view of
! testimony to them, that they may
I man is loathsome in the eyes of not come to this place of torture as
God. well.' They have got Moses and 29

16 The Law and the prophets lasted the prophets,' said Abraham, * they
till John since then the good news
; can listen to them.' ' No, father 30
of the Realm of God is preached, Abraham,' he said, ' but if someone
17 and anyone presses in. Yet it is only goes to them from the dead,
easier for heaven and earth to pass they will repent.' He said to him, 31
away than for an iota of the Law '
If they will not listen to Moses
to lapse. and the prophets, they will not be
18 Anyone who divorces his wife convinced, not even if one rose
and marries another woman from the dead."
commits adultery,
and he who marries a divorced
woman commits adultery. To his discipleshe said, ** It is 17
19 There was a rich man, clad in inevitable that hindrances should
purple and fine linen, who lived come, but woe to the man by whom
20 sumptuously every day. Outside they come; it would be well for 2
hisdoor lay a poor man called him to have a millstone hung round
Lazarus; he was a mass of ulcers, his neck and be flung into the sea,
21 and fain to eat up the crumbs that rather than prove a hindrance to
fell from the rich man's table. one of these little ones 1 Take heed 3
(The very dogs used to come and to yourselves. If your brother sins,
22 lick his ulcers.) Now it happened check him, and if he repents forgive
that the poor man died, and he was him. Even if he sins against you 4
carried by the angels to Abraham's seven times in one day and turns
bosom. The rich man died too, to you seven times saying, * I re-
28 and was buried. And as he was pent,' you must forgive him." The 5

apostles said to the Lord, " Give "Get up and go, your faith has
6 us more faith " The Lord said,
! made you well."
" If you had faith the size of a On being asked by the Pharisees 20
grain of mustard-seed, you would when the Reign of God was com-
say to this mulberry tree, Be up- '
ing, he answered them, " The
rooted and planted in the sea,' and Reign of God is not coming as you
7 it would obey you. Which of hope to catch sight of it no one 21 ;

you, with a servant out plough- will say, Here it is or There it

' ' '

ing or shepherding, will say to him is,' for the Reign of God is now in
when he comes in from the field, your midst." To his disciples he 22
Come at once and take your place said, " There will come days when
8 at table ? '
Will the man not you will long and long in vain to
, rather say to him, ' Get something have even one day of the Son of
ready for my supper gird yourself
man. Men will say, See, here he 23 '

and wait on me till I eat and drink is!

See, there he is
' but !

then you can eat and drink your- do not go out or run after
9 self ? Does he thank the servant
10 for doing his bidding ? Well, it is for like lightning that flashes 24
the same with you ; when you have from one side of the sky to
done all you are bidden say, We '
the other,
are but servants * we have only
; so will the Son of man be on
done our duty.' " his own day.
11 Now it happened in the course of But he must first endure great 25
his journey to Jerusalem that he suffering and be rejected by the
passed between Samaria and Gali- present generation. And just as it 26
12 lee. On entering one village he was was in the days of Noah, so will it
met by ten lepers who stood at a be in the days of the Son of man;
13 distance and lifted up their voice, they were eating, drinking, marry- 27
saying, " Jesus, master, have pity ing and being married, till the day
14 on us." Noticing them he said,
Noah entered the ark then camq
Go and show yourselves to the the deluge and destroyed them all.
priests." And as they went away Or just as it was in the days of Lot ; 28
15 they were cleansed. Now
one of they were eating, drinking, buying,
them turned back when he saw he selling, planting and building, but on 29
was cured, glorif5dng God with a the day that Lot left Sodom it rained
16 loud voice; and he fell on his face fire and brimstone from heaven and
at the feet of Jesus and thanked destroyed them all. So will it be on 30
him. The man was a Samaritan. the day the Son of man is revealed.
17 So Jesus said, " Were all the ten not On that day, if a man is on the 31
cleansed? Where are the other housetop and his goods inside the
18 nine ? Was there no one to return house, he must not go down to fetch
and give glory to God except this them out; nor must a man in the
19 foreigner? " And he said to him, field turn hack (remember Lot's 32
*Omitting i.xp^'^oi with Syr.sia.fol- Whoever tries to secure his life 83
lowed by most recent editors. The
emphasis falls on the simple fact of being wiU lose it,
slaves, not on any distinction between and whoever loses it will preserve
good and bad slaves. it.

34 On that night, I tell you, taxgatherer. The Pharisee stood 11

there will be two men in the one up and prayed by himself as follows ;

bed, '
I thank thee, O God, I am not like
the one will be taken and the the rest of men, thieves, rogues,
other left ; and immoral, or even like yon tax-
35 two women will be grinding to- gatherer. Twice a week I fast; 12
gether, on all my income I pay tithes.'
the one will be taken and the But the taxgatherer stood far away 13
other left." and would not lift even his eyes to
37 They asked him, "Where, Lord?" heaven, but beat his breast, saying,
And he said to them, *
O God, have mercy on me for my
" Where the body is lying, sins ! I tell you, he went home
there the vultures will accepted by God rather than the
gather." other man
for everyone who uplifts himself
CHAP. will be humbled,
18 He also told them a parable and he who humbles himself
about the need of always praying will be uplifted."
2 and never losing heart. '* In a Now people even brought their 15
certain town," he said, " there was infants for him to touch them;
a judge who had no reverence for when the disciples noticed it they
God and no respect even for man. checked them, but Jesus called for 16
3 And in that town there was a widow the infants. " Let the children
who used to go and appeal to him come to me," he said, " do not stop
for Justice against my opponent them the Realm of God belongs

4 For a while he would not, but after- to such as these. I tell you truly, 17
wards he said to himself, Though
whoever will not submit to the
I have no reverence for God and no Reign of God like a child will never
5 respect even for man, still, as this get into it at all."
widow is bothering me, I will see Then a ruler asked him, " Good 18
justice done to her ^not to have teacher, what am I to do to inherit
her for ever coming and pestering life eternal ? Jesus said to him, 19
6 me.' Listen," said the Lord, '' to " Why call me good ' '
? No one is
7 what this unjust judge says I And good, no one but God. You know 20
will not God see justice done to his the commands do not commit:

elect who cry to him by day and adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do
night ? Will he be tolerant to their not bear false witness, honour your
8 opponents ? I tell you, he will father and mother." He said, " I 21
quickly see justice done to his elect have observed all these commands
And yet, when the Son of man from my youth." When Jesus 22
does come, will he fmd faith on heard this he said to him, " You
" lack one thing more; sell all you
earth ?
9 He also told the following parable have, distribute the money among
to certain persons who were sure of the poor and you will have treasure
their own goodness and looked down in heaven; then come and follow
10 upon everybody else. " Two men me." But when he heard that he 23
went up to pray in the temple one ; was vexed, for he was extremely
was a Pharisee and the other was a rich. So Jesus looked at him and 24
said, " How difficult it is for those " Lord," he " I want to regain
who have money to enter the Realm my sight." And Jesus said to him, 42
25 of God Why, it is easier for a
" Regain your sight, your faith has
camel to get through a needle's eye made you well." Instantly he 43
than for a rich man to get into the regained his sight and followed him,
26 Realm of God." His hearers said, glorifying God. And all the people
" Then whoever can be saved ? " gave praise to God when they saw
27 He said, " What is impossible for this.
men is possible for God." Peter
28 said, " Well, we have left our homes CHAP.
and followed you " He said to ! Then he entered Jericho. And 19
29 them, " I tell you truly, no one has as he passed through it, there was a 2
left home or wife or brothers or man called Zacchaeus, the head of
parents or children for the sake of the taxgatherers, a wealthy man,
30 the Realm of God, who does not who tried to see what Jesus was 3
receive ever so much more in this like ; but he could not, on account of
present world, and in the world to
the crowd for he was small of
31 come life eternal." Then he took stature. So he ran forward and 4
the twelve aside and told them, climbed into a sycomore tree to get
" We are going up to Jerusalem, a sight of him, as he was to pass
and all the predictions of the that road. But when Jesus reached 5
prophets regarding the Son of man the spot he looked up and said to
32 will be fulfilled ; he will be him, " Zacchaeus, come down at
betrayed to the Gentiles, mocked, once, for I must stay at your house
33 illtreated, and spat on ; they will to-day." He came down at once 6
scourge him and kill him, but he will and welcomed him gladly. But 7
rise again on the third day." when they saw this, everyone began
34 However, they did not under- to mutter that he had gone to be
stand a word of this; indeed the the guest of a sinner. So Zacchaeus 8
saying was hidden from them, stopped and said to the Lord, " I
and they did not know what he will give the half of all I have. Lord,
meant. to the poor, and if I have cheated
35 As he approached Jericho, it anybody I will give him back four
chanced that a blind man was seated times as much." And Jesus said 9
36 beside the road begging. When of him, " To-day salvation has come
he heard the crowd passing he in- to this house, since Zacchaeus here
37 quired what was the matter, and is a son of Abraham. For the Son 10
they told him that Jesus the of man has come to seek and save
38 Nazarene was going by. So he the lost." He went on to tell a 11
shouted, " Jesus, Son of David, parable in their hearing, as he was
39 have pity on me " The people! approaching Jerusalem and as they
in front checked him and told him imagined God's Reign would in-
to be quiet, but he shouted all the stantly come into view. " A noble- 12
more, " Son of David, have pity on man,'" he said, " went abroad to
40 me " So Jesus stopped and or-
! obtain royal power for himself and
dered them to bring him, and asked then return. He first called his 13
41 him when he approached, " What ten servants, giving them each a
do you want me to do for you ? " five-pound note, and telling them,
Trade with this till I come back.'
them bring them here and slay
14 Now his people hated him and sent them in my presence.' "
envoys after him to say, We object *
With these words he went forward 28
him having royal power over us.'
to on his way up to Jerusalem. When 29
15 However he secured the royal power he was near Bethphage and Bethany
and came home. Then he ordered at the hill called the Olive-Orchard,
the servants to be called who had he despatched two of his disciples,
been given the money, that he might saying, " Go to the village in front, 30
find out what business they had and on entering it you will find a
16 done. The first came up saying, colt tethered on which no one ever
Your five pounds has made has sat; untether it and bring
17 other fifty, sir.' '
Capital,* he it. If anyone asks you, Why are 31

said,you excellent servant

be- ! you untethering it? this is what

cause you have proved trustworthy you will say, The Lord needs it.' "

in a trifle, you are placed over The messengers went off and found 32
18 ten towns.' Then the second came the colt exactly as he had told them.
and said, Your five pounds has
' As they were untethering it, the 33
19 made twenty-five, sir.' To him owners said to them, " Why are
he said, ' And you are set over you untethering the colt ? " And 34
20 five towns.' Then the next came they said, " Because the Lord needs
and said, '
Here is your five it." So they brought it to Jesus, 35
pounds, sir; I kept it safe in and thro^dng their clothes on the
21 a napkin, for I was afraid of colt they mounted Jesus upon it.
you, you are such a hard man As he went forward they spread 36
picking up what you never put their clothes under him on the
down, and reaping what you road, and as he was now close to 37
never sowed.' He replied, ' You the descent from the Hill of Olives
22 rascal of a servant, I will con- all the multitude of the disciples
vict you by what you have said started joyfully to praise God with
yourself. You knew, did you, a loud voice for all * they had
that I was a hard man, picking up seen, saying, 88
what I never put down, and reap- " Blessed be the king who comes in
23 ing what I never sowed Wh}^ then ! the Lord's name
did you not put my money into Peace in heaven and glory in the
the bank, so that I could have High places !

got it with interest when I came Some Pharisees in the crowd said 39
24 back ? Then he said to the by-
to him, " Check your disciples,
standers, ' Take the five pounds teacher." But he replied, " I tell 40
from him and give it to the man you, if they were to keep quiet,
25 with fifty.' * Sir,' they said, ' he the very stones would shout."
26 has fifty already 'I tell you, !
And when he saw the city, as he 41
to everyone who has shall more approached, he wept over it, saying, 42
be given, " Would that you too knew even to-
but from him who has nothing, day on what your peace depends !

even what he has shall be But no, it is hidden from you A 43 !

taken. * Omitting Swdfiewv with the old

27 And now for these enemies of mine Syriao version, which preserves the ori-
who objected to me reigning over g;inal text -jrfpi na.vrwv tlhov Keyovr^s.

time is coming for you when your people the following parable. ** A
enemies will throw up ramparts man planted a vineyard, leased it
round you and encircle you and to vinedressers, and went abroad
44 besiege you on every side and for some time. When the season 10
raze you and your children within came round he sent a servant to
you to the ground, leaving not the vinedressers to part
one stone upon another within of the produce of the vineyard,

you and all because you would but the vinedressers flogged him
not understand when God was and sent him off with nothing. He 11
45 visiting you." Then he went into proceeded to send another servant,
the temple and proceeded to drive and they flogged him too, insulted
46 out those who were selling. " It him and sent him off with nothing.
is written," he told them, " my Then he sent still a third, but this 12
house shall he a house of prayer, but one they wounded and threw out-
you have made it a den of robbers,''^ side. Said the owner of the vine- 13
47 Day after day he taught within yard, 'W^hat shall I do ? I will
the temple. The high priests and send my beloved son; perhaps
scribes tried to have him put to they will respect him.' But when 14
death, and so did the leaders of the the vinedressers saw him, they
48 people, but they could not discover argued to themselves, Here is the'

what was to be done, for the w^hole heir, let us kill him so that the
of the people hung upon his lips. inheritance may be ours.' And they 15
threw him outside the vineyard
CHAP. and killed him. Now what will
20 One day, when he was teaching the owner of the vineyard do to
the people in the temple and preach- them ? He willcome and kill these 16
ing the gospel, up came the priests vinedressers and give the vineyard
and scribes along with the elders. to others." When they heard that
2 " Tell us," they said, " what they said, " God forbid " But 17 !

authority you have for acting in he looked at them and said, " Then
this way ? Who was it that gave what does this scripture mean ?
3 you this authority ? " He ansv^rered The stone that the builders rejected
them, " Weil, I will ask you a ques- is the chief stone now of the
4 tion. me, did the baptism of
Tell corner.
John come from heaven or from Everyone who falls on that stone 18
5 men ? " Now they reasoned to them- will be shattered,
selves, " If we say, ' From heaven,* and whoever it falls upon will
he will ask, ' Why
did you not be- be crushed."
6 lieve him ? ' And if we say, ' From At that hour the scribes and high 19
men,' the whole of the people will priests tried to lay hands on him,
stone us, for they are convinced but they were afraid of the people.
7 John was a prophet." So they They knew he had meant this
answered that they did not know parable for them. So watching 20
8 where it came from. Jesus said their chance they sent spies who
to them, " No more will I tell you pretended to be honest persons in
what authority I have for acting order to seize on what he said and
as I do." get him handed over to the authority
9 Then he proceeded to tell the and jurisdiction of the governor.
21 They put this question to him, people but of living, for all live to
" Teacher, we know you are straight him." Some of the scribes de- 39
in what you say and teach, you do clared, " Teacher, that was a fine
not look to human favour but teach answer " They no longer dared
! 40
22 the Way of God honestly. Is it to put any question to him. But 41
right for us to pay tribute to Caesar he said to them, " How can people
23 or not ? " But he noted their say that the Christ is David's son ?
24 knavery and said to them, " Show Why, David himself says in the 42
me a shilling. Whose likeness book of psalms.
and inscription does it bear ? " The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at '

25 " Caesar's," they repHed. " Well my right hand,

then," he said to them, "give Caesar till I put your enemies under 43
what belongs to Caesar, give God your feet.'
26 what belongs to God." So they David then calls him Lord. So 44
could not seize on what he said how can he be his son ? " And in 45
before the people, and marvelling the hearing of all the people he said
at his reply they said nothing. to his disciples, " Beware of the 46
27 Some of the Sadducees came up, scribes 1 They like to walk about
who deny any resurrection, and put in long robes, they are fond of
28 a question to him. " Teacher," getting saluted in the market-
they said, " Moses has written places, of securing the front seats
this law for us, that if a marCs in the synagogues and the best
married brother dies and is childless, places at banquets ; they prey upon 47
his brother is to take the woman the property of widows and offer
and raise offspring for his brother. long unreal prayers. All the heavier
29 Well, there were seven brothers. will their sentence be !

The first married a wife and died

30 childless. The second and the third OHAP.

31 took her, as indeed all the seven did, Looking up he saw the rich 21
dying and leaving no children. putting their gifts into the
32 Afterwards the woman died too. treasury, and noticed a poor 2
33 Now at the resurrection whose wife widow putting two little coins
will she be? She was wife to the in. He said, " I tell you plainly, 3
34 seven of them." Jesus said to this poor widow has put in
them, " People in this world marry more than them all; for these 4
35 and are married, but those who people all contributed out of their
are considered worthy to attain surplus, but she has given out of her
yonder world and the resurrection neediness all her living."
from the dead neither marry nor Some were speaking of the temple 5
36 are married, for they cannot die any with its ornamentation of splendid
more; they are equal to angels stones and votive gifts, but he said,
and by sharing in the resurrection " As for what you see, there are days 6
37 they are sons of God. And that the coming when not a stone will be
dead are raised has been indicated left upon another, without being
by Moses in the passage on the torn down." So they asked him,
Bush, when he calls the Lord God ' " Teacher, and when will this 7
of Abraham and God of Isaac and God happen? What will be the sign
88 of Jacobs God is not a God of dead for this to take place ? " He said, 8

" Take care that you are not they will fall by the edge of the 24
misled; for many will come in sword, they will be carried prisoners
my name saying, '
I am he '
and to all nations, and Jerusalem will
the time is near '
do not go after be under the heel of the Gentiles till
9 them. And when you hear of wars the period of the Gentiles expires.
and disturbances, do not be scared And there will be signs in sun and 25
these have to come first, but the end moon and stars, while on earth the
10 is not at once." Then he said nations will be in dismay with
to them, ''''Nation will rise against bewilderment at the roar of sea and
nation, and realm against realm, waves, men swooning with panic 26
11 there will be great earthquakes and foreboding of what is to befall
with famine and pestilence here and the universe. For the orbs of the
there, there will be awful portents heavens will be shaken, and then 27
12 and great signs from heaven. But they will see the Son of man coming
before all that men will lay hands in a cloud with power and great
on you and persecute you, handing glory. But when these things begin 28
you over to synagogues and prisons to happen, look up and raise your
you will be dragged before kings heads, for your release is not far
and governors for the sake of my distant." And he told them a par- 29
13 name. That will turn out an oppor- able. " Look at the fig tree and
14 tunity for you to bear witness. So indeed all the trees ; as soon as they 30
resolve to yourselves that you will put out their leaves, you can see for
not rehearse your defence before- yourselves that summer is at hand.
15 hand, for I will give you words and So, whenever you see all this hap- 31
wisdom that not one of your oppo- pen, be sure the Reign of God is
nents will be able to meet or refute. at hand.
16 You will be betrayed by your very I tell you truly, the present 32
parents and brothers and kinsmen generation will not pass away till
and friends, and some of you will all this happens. Heaven and 33
17 be put to death. You will be hated earth will pass away, but my
18 by all on account of my name ; but words never.
not a hair of your head will perish. Take heed to yourselves in case 34
19 Hold out stedfast and you win your your hearts get overpowered by
souls. dissipation and drunkenness and
20 But whenever you see Jerusalem worldly anxieties, and so that
surrounded by armies, then be sure Day catches you suddenly like a
her desolation is not far away. trap. For it will come wpon all 35
21 Then those who are in Judaea
let dwellers on the face of all the
fly tothe hills, let those who are earth. From hour to hour keep 36
in the city escape, and let not those awake, praying that you may suc-
who are in the country come in ceed in escaping all these dangers to
22 to the city; for these are the days come and in standing before the
of the divine Vengeance, in fulfilment Son of man."
of all that is written in scripture. By day he taught in the temple, 37
23 Woe to women with child and to but at night he went outside the city
women who give suck in those days, and passed the night on the hill
for sore anguish will come upon called the Olive-Orchard. And all 38
the land and Wrath on this people the people used to come early in the
morning to listen to him in the cup which was handed to him, gave
temple. thanks to God and said, " Take this
and distribute it among your-
OHAF. selves, for I tell you I will never 18
22 Now the feast of unleavened drink the produce of the vine again
bread which is called the passover till such time as God's Reign comes."
2 was near. The high priests and Then he took a loaf and after thank- 19
scribes were trying how to get him ing God he broke it and gave it to
put to death (for they were afraid them, saying, "This means my body
3 of the people), and Satan entered given up for your sake; do this
Judas called Iscariot, a member of in memory of me." So too he gave 20
4 the twelve, who went off to discuss them the cup after supper, saying,
with the high priests and com- " This cup means the new covenant
manders how he could betray him ratified by my blood shed for your
5 to them. They were delighted and sake. But the hand of my betrayer 21
6 agreed to pay him for it. He is on the table beside me The Son 22!

assented to this and sought a of man moves to his end indeed as

good opportunity for betraying him it has been decreed, but woe to the
to them in the absence of the man by whom he is betrayed !

crowd. And they began to discuss among 23

7 Then came the day of unleavened themselves which of them could
bread when the paschal lamb had to possibly be going to do such a
8 be sacrificed. So Jesus despatched thing. A quarrel also rose among 24-
Peter and John, saying, " Go and them as to which of them could
prepare the passover for us that be considered the greatest. But 25
9 we may eat it." They asked him, Jesus said to them,
" Where do you want us to prepare '*
The kings of the Gentiles rule
10 it ? " He said to them, " When you over them,
enter the city you will meet a man and their authorities take the
carrying a water- jar follow him to
: name of ' Benefactor ' :
11 the house he enters, and tell the not so with you. 26
owner of the house, The Teacher
He who is greatest among you
asks you, Where is the room in which must be like the youngest,
I can eat the passover with my and he who is chief like a
12 disciples ? '
Then he will show you servant.
a large room upstairs with couches Which is the greatest, guest or 27
spread; make your preparations servant? Is it not the
13 there." They went off and found guest ?
it was as he had told them. So But I am among you as a
14 they prepared the passover, and servant.
when the hour came he took his It is you who have stood by me 28
place, with the apostles beside through my trials so, even as my 29

15 him. He said to them, " I have Father has assigned me royal power,
longed eagerly to eat this pass- I assign you the right of eating and 30
16 over with you before I suffer, for I drinking at my
table in Realm my
tell you I will never eat the passover and of sitting on thrones to rule the
again till the fulfilment of it in the twelve tribes of Israel. Simon, 31
17 Reign of God." And he took a Simon, Satan has claimed the right
S2 to sift you all like wheat, but I have he was still speaking there came a
prayed that your own faith may mob headed by the man called
not fail. And you in turn must Judas, one of the twelve. He
be a strength to your brothers." approached in order to kiss Jesus,
33 " Lord," he said, " I am ready to but Jesus said to him, " Judas ! 48
go with you to prison and to death." would you betray the Son of man
34 Jesus said, " I tell you, Peter, the with a kiss ? " Now when the 49
cock will not crow to-day before supporters of Jesus saw what was
you have three times denied that going to happen, they said, " Lord,
35 you know me." And he said to shall we strike with our swords ?
them, " When I sent you out with And one of them did strike the 50
neither purse nor wallet nor san- servant of the high priest, cutting
dals, did you want for anything? off his right ear. Jesus said, " Let 51
"No," they said, "for nothing." me do this at least," and cured him
86 Then he said to them, " But he who by touching his ear. Then he said 52
has a purse must take it now, and to the high priests and commanders
the same with a wallet; and he of the temple and elders who had
who has no sword must sell his appeared to take him, " Have you
37 coat and buy one. For I tell you, sallied out to arrest me like a robber,
this word of scripture must be ful- with swords and clubs ? Day after 53
filled in me he was classed among
: day I was beside you in the temple,
criminals. Yes, there is an end to and you never stretched a hand
38 all that refers to me." " Lord," against me. But this is your hour
they said, " here are two swords ! and the dark Power has its way."
" Enough !Enough " he an-
! Then they arrested him and led 54
swered. him away inside the house of the
39 Then he went outside and made high priest. Peter followed at a
his way to the Hill of Olives, as distance and sat down among some
he was accustomed. The disciples people who had lit a fire in the court- 55
40 followed him, and v/hen he reached yard and were sitting round it.
the spot he said to them, " Pray A maidservant who noticed him 56
that you may not slip into tempta- sitting by the fire took a long look
41 tion." He withdrew about a at him and said, " That fellow was
stone's throw and knelt in prayer, with him too." But he disowned
42 saying, " Father, if it please thee, him, saying, " Woman, I know 57
take this cup away from me. But nothing about him." Shortly 58
43 thy will, not mine, be done." [And afterw^ards another man noticed
an angel from heaven appeared to him and said, " Why, you are one
44 strengthen him ; he fell into an of them " ! " Man," said Peter,
agony and prayed with greater " I am not." About an hour had 59
intensity, his sweat dropping to the passed when another man insisted,
45 ground like clots of blood.] Then " That fellow really was with him.
rising from prayer he went to the Why, he is a Galilean " " Man,"
! 60
disciples, only to find them asleep said Peter, " I do not know what
46 from sheer sorrow. He said to you mean." Instantly, just as he
them, " Why are you sleeping ? was speaking, the cock crowed;
Get up and pray that you may the Lord turned round and looked 61
47 not slip into temptation," While at Peter, and then Peter remem-
bered what the Lord had told him, ing that he came under the juris-
that * Before cock-crow to-day diction of Herod, he remitted him
you will disown me three times.' to Herod, who himself was in
62 And he went outside and wept Jerusalem during those days.
bitterly, Herod was greatly delighted to see 8
63 Meantime the men who had Jesus Jesus; he had long wanted to see
in custody flogged him and made him, because he had heard about
64 fun of him blindfolding him they
; him and also because he hoped to
would ask him, " Prophesy, tell see him perform some miracle.
65 us who struck you ? " And many But though he put many questions 9
another insult they uttered against to him, Jesus gave him no answer.
him. Meanwhile the high priests and 10
66 When day broke, the elders of scribes stood and accused him with
the people all met along with the might and main. Then Herod and 11
high priests and scribes, and had his troops scoffed at him and made
him brought before their Sanhedrin. fun of him, and after arraying him
67 They said to him, " Tell us if you in a bright robe he remitted him to
are the Christ." He said to them, Pilate. Herod and Pilate, became 12

" You will not believe me if I tell
you, and you will not answer me had been at enmity.

friends that day previously they

69 when I put a question to you. But Then summoning the high priests 13
after this the Son of man will he seated and rulers and the people, Pilate
at God's right hand of power." said to them, " You brought me this 14
" man as being an inciter to rebellion
70 " Are you the Son of God then ?
they all said. " Certainly," he among the people. I have examined
replied, " I am." So they said, him before you and found nothing
71 " What more evidence do we need ? criminal about him, for all your
We have heard it from his own lips." accusations against him. No, nor 15
has Herod, for he has remitted him
CHAP. to us. He has done nothing, you
23 Then the whole body of them see, that calls for death ; so I shall 16
2 rose and led him to Pilate. They release him with a whipping."* 18
proceeded to accuse him, saying, But they shouted one and all,
" We have discovered this fellow " Away with him Release Bar-

perverting our nation, forbidding Abbas for us " (This was a man 19

tribute being paid to Csesar, and who had been put into prison on
alleging he is king messiah." account of a riot which had taken
8 Pilate asked him, " Are you the place in the city and also on a charge
king of the Jews ? " He replied, of murder. ) Again Pilate addressed 20
4 " Certainly." And Pilate said to them, for he wanted to release Jesus,
the high priests and the crowds, " I but they roared, " To the cross, 21
cannot find anything criminal to the cross with him " He asked 22

5 about him." But they insisted, them a third time, " But what crime
" He stirs up the people by teaching has he committed? I have found
all over Judaea. He started from nothing about him that deserves
6 Galilee and now he is here." When * Omitting [avdyKrjy Se tlx^y airoXveur
Pilate heard that, he asked if the axnols KarcL eoprrju eVo] 83 an explanatory
7 man was a Gahlean, and ascertain- and harmonistic gloss.
death; so I shall release him with " He saved others, let him save him-
23 a whipping." But they loudly he is the Christ of God, the
self, if
urged their demand that he should Chosen One " The soldiers made 36

be crucified, and their shouts carried fun of him too by coming up and
24 the day. Pilate gave sentence that handing him vinegar, saying, " If 37
their demand was to be carried you are the king of the Jews, save
25 out; he released the man they yourself." (For there was an 38
wanted, the man who had been inscription over him in Greek and
imprisoned for riot and murder, Roman and Hebrew characters,
and Jesus he handed over to their
26 As they led him off they caught One of the criminals who had been 39
hold of Simon a Cyrenian on his way hung also abused him, saying, " Are
from the country and laid the cross you not the Christ? Save your-
27 on him to carry after Jesus. He selfand us as well." But the other 40
was followed by a large multitude checked him, saying, " Have you
of the people and also of women no fear even of God? You are
who beat their breasts and lamented suffering the same punishment as
28 him; but Jesus turned to them he. And we suffer justly; we are 41
and said, " Daughters of Jerusalem, getting what we deserve for our
weep not for me but weep for your- deeds. But he has done no harm."
29 selves and for your children For ! And he added, " Jesus, do not for- 42
there are days coming when the cry get me when you come to reign."
will be, " I tell you truly," said Jesus, " you 43
Blessed are the barren, will be in paradise with me this very
the wombs that never have day."
borne By this time it was about twelve 44
and the breasts that never have o'clock, and darkness covered the
suckled ! whole land till three o'clock, owing 45
SO Then will people say to the moun- to an eclipse of the sun; the cur-
tains, ' Fall on us ! ' and to tain in the middle of the temple
the hills, ' Cover us.* was torn in two. Then with a loud 46
31 For if what they do when
this is cry Jesus said, " Father, / trust my
the wood is green, spirit to thy hands, ^^ and with these
what will they do when the words he expired. When the army- 47
wood is dry? " captain saw what had happened,
32 Two criminals were also led out he glorified God, saying, " This man
S3 with him to be executed, and when was really innocent." And when 48
they came to the place called The all the crowds who had collected
Skull they crucified him there with for the sight saw what had happened
the criminals, one at his right and they turned away beating their
34 one at his left. Jesus said, " Father, breasts. As for his acquaintances, 49
forgive them, they do not know they were all standing at a distance
what they aro doing." Then they to look on, with the women who
distributed his clothes among them- had accompanied him from Galilee.
35 selves by drawing lots. The people Now there was a man called 50
stood and looked on, and even Joseph, a member of council but
the rulers sneered at him, saying, a good and just man who had not 51
voted for their plan of action he; women seemed in their opinion to
belonged to Arimathaea, a Jewish be nonsense; they would not
towTi, and he was on the outlook for believe them. Peter did get up 12
52 the Reign of God. This Joseph went and run to the tomb, but when he
to Pilate and asked him for the body looked in he saw nothing except
53 of Jesus. He then took it down, the linen bandages; so he went
wrapped it in linen, and put it in away home wondering what had
a tomb cut out of the rock, where no happened.
54 one had yet been buried. It was That very day two of them were 13
the day of the Preparation and the on their way to a village called
55 sabbath was just dawning. So the Emmaus about seven miles from
women who had accompanied him Jerusalem. They were conversing 14
from Galilee and who had followed about all these events, and during 15
Joseph, noted the tomb and the their conversation and discussion
56 position of the body then they
; Jesus himself approached and
went home and prepared spices and walked beside them, though they 16
perfumes, were prevented from recognizing
him. He said to them, " What is 17
CHAP. all this you are debating on your
24 On the sabbath they rested in walk ? " They stopped, looking
obedience to God's command, but downcast, and one of them, called 18
on the first day of the week at early Cleopas, answered him, " Are you
dawn they took the spices they had a lone stranger in Jerusalem, not
prepared and went to the tomb. to know what has been happening
2 The boulder they found rolled away there ? " " What is that ? " he said 19
3 from the tomb, but when they went to them. They replied, " All about
inside they could not find the body Jesus of Nazaret ! To God and
4 of the Lord Jesus. They were all the people he was a prophet
puzzling over this, when two men strong in action and utterance,
flashed on them in dazzling raiment. but the high priests and our rulers 20
5 They were terrified and bent their delivered him up to be sentenced
faces to the ground, but the men to death and crucified him. Our 21
said to them, " Why do you look own hope was that he would be the
among the dead for him who is redeemer of Israel ; but he is dead,
6 alive ? He is not here, he has risen. and that is three days ago Though 22

Remember how he told you when some women of our number gave us
7 he was still in Galilee that the Son a surprise; they were at the tomb
of man had to be betrayed into the early in the morning and could not 23
hands of sinful men and be crucified find his body, but they came to tell
8 and rise on the third day." Then us they had actually seen a vision
they remembered what he had said, of angels who declared he was alive.
9 and turning away from the tomb Some of our company did go to the 24
they reported all this to the eleven tomb and found things exactly as
10 and all the others. (It was Mary the women had said, but they did
of Magdala, Joanna, and Mary the not see him." He said to them, 25
mother of James who with the rest " O foolish men, with hearts so slow
of the women told this to the to believe, after all the prophets
11 apostles.) But this story of the have declared ! Had not the Christ 26
to suffer thus and so enter his Look atmy hands and feet. It 39
27 glory ? " Then he began with is I ! Feel me and see ; a ghost
Moses and all the prophets and has not flesh and bones as you see
interpreted to them the passages I have." [With these words he 40
referring to himself throughout the showed them his hands and feet.]
28 scriptures. Now they approached Even yet they could not believe it 41
the village to which they were going. for sheer joy; they were lost in
He pretended to be going further wonder. So he said to them, " Have
29 on, but they pressed him, saying, you any food here ? " And when 42
" Stay with us, for it is getting they handed him a piece of broiled
towards evening and the day has fish, he took and ate it in their 43
now declined." So he went in to presence. Then he said to them, 44
30 stay with them. And as he lay at " When I was still with you this is
table with them he took the loaf, what I told you, that whatever is
blessed it, it and handed it
broke written about me in the law of Moses
81 to them. Then their eyes were and the prophets and the psalms
opened and they recognized him, must be fulfilled." Then he opened 45
but he vanished from their sight. their minds to understand the scrip-
32 And they said to one another, tures. " Thus," he said, " it is 46
" Did not our hearts glow within written that the Christ has to suffer
us when he was talking to us on and rise from the dead on the third
the road, opening up the scriptures day, and that repentance and the 47
33 for us ? " So they got up and re- remission of sins must be preached
turned that very hour to Jerusalem, in his name to all nations, beginning
where they found the eleven and from Jerusalem. To this you must 48
34 their friends all gathered, who told bear testimony. And I will send 49
them that the Lord had really risen down on you what my Father has
and that he had appeared to Simon. promised ; wait in the city till you
35 Then they related their own ex- are endued with power from on
perience on the road and how they high." He led them out as far as 50
had recognized him when he broke Bethany; then, lifting his hands,
36 the loaf. Just as they were speak- he blessed them. And as he blessed 51
ing He stood among them [and said them he parted from them [and was
37 to them, " Peace to you "] They
! carried up to heaven]. They wor- 52
were scared and terrified, imagining shipped him and returned with great
it was a ghost they saw; but he joy to Jerusalem, where they spent
38 said to them, " Why are you upset ? all their time within the temple, 53
Why do doubts invade your mind ? blessino- God.


1 The Logos existed in the very God, not to human blood, nor to
beginning, any impulse of the flesh or of man.
the Logos was with God, So the Logos became flesh and 14
the Logos was divine. tarried among us; we have seen
2 He was with God in the very-
beginning :
his glory
glory such father
enjoys from
as an only
his seen
3 through him all existence came itto be full of grace and reality.
into being, (John testified to him with the cry, 15
no existence came into being '
This was he of whom I said, my
apart from him. successor has taken precedence of
4 In him life lay, me, for he preceded me.') For 16
and this life was the Light for we have all been receiving grace
men after grace from his fulness while 17;

5 amid the darkness the Light the Law was given through Moses,
shone, grace and reality are ours through
but the darkness did not master Jesus Christ. Nobody has ever 18
it. seen God, but God has been un-
6 A man appeared, sent by God, folded by the divine One, the only
7 whose name was John he came : Son,* who lies upon the Father's
for the purpose of \vitnessing, to breast.
bear testimony to the Light, so that Now here is John's testimony. 19
allmen might believe by means of When the Jews of Jerusalem
8 him. He was not the Light ; it despatched priests and Levites to
was bear testimony to the
to ask him, " Who are you ? " he 20
9 Light that he appeared. The real
frankly confessed he did not deny
Light, which enlightens every man, it, he frankly confessed, " I am not
was coming then into the world the Christ." They asked him, 21
10 he entered the world "Then what are you? Elijah?"
the world which existed through He said, " I am not." " Are you
him the Prophet?" "No," he an-
yet the world did not recognize swered. "Then who are you? " 22
him; they said ; " tell us, so that we can
11 he came to what was his own, give some answer to those who sent
yet his own folk did not us. W^hat have you to say for
welcome him. yourself ? " He said, " I am 23
12 On those who have accepted him,
* Although eeSs (' the divine one *)
however, he has conferred the right
isprobably more original than the variant
of being children of God, that is, reading vios, fioyoyevris (see ver. 14)
on those who believe in his Name, requires some such periphrasis in order
13 who owe this birth of theirs to to bring out its full meaning here.


the voice of one who cries in the may be

translated, * teacher
desert, "where are you staying?" He
level the way for the Lord '
said to them, " Come and see." 39
24 as the prophet Isaiah said." Now So they went and saw where he
it was some of the Pharisees who stayed, and stayed with him the
25 had been sent to him so they; rest of that day
it was then about
asked him, saying, " Then why are four in the afternoon. One of the 40
you baptizing people, if you are two men who heard what John said
neither the Christ nor EHjah nor and went after Jesus was Andrew,
26 the Prophet ? " " I am baptizing the brother of Peter. In the morn- 41
with water," John rephed, " but ing* he met his brother Simon and
my successor is among you. One told him, " We have found the
27 whom you do not recognize, and I messiah " (which may be translated,
am not fit to untie the thong of '
Christ '). He took him to Jesus; 42
28 his sandal." This took place at Jesus gazed at him and said, " You
Bethany on the opposite side of the are Simon, the son of John ? Your
Jordan, where John was baptizing. name is to be Cephas " (meaning
29 Next day he observed Jesus com- '
Peter ' or ' rock ').
ing towards him and exclaimed, Next day Jesus determined to 43
" Look, there is the lamb of God, leave for Galilee; there he met
who is to remove the sin of the Philip and told him, " Follow me."
80 world ! That is he of whom I Now Philip belonged to Bethsaida, 44
said, * The man who is to succeed the same town as Andrew and
me has taken precedence of me, for Peter he met Nathanael and told
; 45
31 he preceded me.' I myself did not him, " We have found him whom
recognize him; I only came to Moses wrote about in the Law,
baptize with water, in order that
and also the prophets it is Jesus,
he might be disclosed to Israel." the son of Joseph, who comes
82 And John bore this testimony also : from Nazaret." " Nazaret " said ! 46
" I saw the Spirit descend like a Nathanael, " can anything good
dove from heaven and rest on him. come out of Nazaret?" "Come
88 I myself did not recognize him, but and see," said Philip. Jesus saw 47
He who sent me to baptize with Nathanael approaching and said of
water told me, He on whom you
him, " Here is a genuine Israelite !

see the Spirit descending and rest- There is no guile in him." Nathan- 48
ing, that is he who baptizes with the ael said to him, " How do you
84 holy Spirit.' Now I did see it, and know me ? " Jesus answered,
I testify that he is the Son of God." " When you were under that fig
85 Next day again John was stand- tree, before ever Philip called
36 ing with two of his disciples he ; you, I saw you." " Rabbi," said 49
gazed at Jesus as he walked about, Nathanael, " you are the Son of
and said, " Look, there is the lamb God, you are the king of Israel " !

87 of God " The two disciples heard

! Jesus answered, " You believe be- 50
what he said and went after Jesus. cause I told you I had seen you
88 Now Jesus turned, and when he
* The Greek word (vpoot) has been mis-
observed them coming after him, he read in nearly all the MSS. for " first "
asked them, " What do you want ?" {nrparov) ; see the note in Mrs. A. S. Lewis's
They replied, "Rabbi" (which Old Syriac Gospels (1910), pp. xxviii-xxix.

under that fig tree ? You shall see brothers and disciples ; they stayed
51 more than thn,t." He said to him, there for a few days.f
" Truly, truly I tell you all,* you After this Jesus and his disciples 22
shall see heaven open wide and went into the country of Judaea,
God's angels ascending and descend- where he spent some time with
ing upon the Son of man." theni baptizing. John was also 23
baptizing at Aenon near Salim, as
CHAP. there was plenty of water there,
2 Two days later a wedding took and people came to him and were
Cana in Galilee the mother
place at ; baptized (John had not yet been 24
2 of Jesus was present, and Jesus and thrown into prison). Now a dis- 25
his disciples had also been invited pute arose between John's disciples
3 to the wedding. As the wine ran and a Jew over the question of
short, the mother of Jesus said '
purification ; and they ' came and 26
to him, " They have no wine." told John, " Rabbi, the man who
4 " Woman," said Jesus, " what have was with you on the opposite side
you to do with me ? My time has of the Jordan, the to whom man
5 not come yet." His mother said you bore testimony here he is,
to the servants, " Do whatever he baptizing, and everybody goes to
6 tells you." Now six stone water- him " John answered, " No one 27

jars were standing there, for the can receive anything except as a
Jewish rites of 'purification,' each gift from heaven. You can bear 28
holding about twenty gallons. me out, that I said, ' I am not
7 Jesus said, " Fill up the jars with the Christ ' ;
what I said was, '
water." So they filled them to the have been sent in advance of him.'
8 brim. Then he said, " Now draw He who has the bride is the bride- 29
out, and take it to the man- groom; the bridegroom's friend,
9 ager of the feast." They did so who stands by and Ustens to him,
and when the manager of the feast is heartily glad at the sound of the
tasted the water which had become bridegroom's voice. Such is my
wine, not knowing where it had joy, and it is complete. He must 30
come from (though the servants wax, I must wane."
who had drawn it knew), he called Now the Jewish passover was 13
10 the bridegroom and said to him, near, so Jesus went up to Jeru-
" Everybody serves the good wine salem. There he found, seated in- 14
first, and then the poorer wine after side the temple, dealers in cattle,
people have drunk freely you have ;
sheep and pigeons, also money-
kept the good wine till now." changers. Making a scourge of 15
11 Jesus performed this, the first of cords, he drove them all, sheep
his Signs, at Cana in Galilee, thereby and cattle together, out of the
displaying his glory; and his dis- temple, scattered the coins of the
ciples believed in him. brokers and upset their tables, and 16
12 After this he travelled down to told the pigeon-dealers, " Away
Capharnahum, with his mother and with these My Father's house is

* I insert the word ' all ', to make it clear

not to be turned into a shop " !

that the ' you ' of ver. 61 is plural. The (His disciples recalled the scripture 17
promise is more than a personal word to t Transposing iii. 22-30 to its true
Nathanael. position between ii. 12 and ii. 13.


saying, I am consumed with zeal for enter God's Realm. What is born 6
18 thy house.) Then the Jews accosted of the flesh is flesh what is born
: |

him with the words, " What sign of the Spirit is Spirit. Do not 7 !

of authority have you to show us, wonder at me saying, ' You must i

19 for acting in this way ? " Jesus be born from above.' The wind 8 I

repHed, " Destroy this sanctuary blows where it wills you can hear
; ]

and I will raise it up in three days." its sound, but you never know \

20 " This sanctuary took forty-six where it has come from or where \

years to build," the Jews retorted, it goes it is the same with everyone

" and you are going to raise it up who is born of the Spirit." Nico- 9
21 in three days " He meant the
I demus answered, " How can that
22 sanctuary of his body, however, be ? " Jesus replied, " You do not 10
and when the disciples recalled what
he had said, after he had been raised in Israel

understand this? you, a teacher
Truly, truly I tell you, 11

from the dead, they believed the we are speaking of what we do

scripture and the word of Jesus. understand, we testify to what we
23 When he was in Jerusalem at the
have actually seen and yet you
festival of the passover, many refuse our testimony. If you will 12
people believed in his name, as they not believe when I speak to you
witnessed the Signs which he per- about things on earth, how will
24 formed. Jesus, however, would you believe if I speak to you about
not trust* himself to them ; he knew things in heaven ? And yet the 13
25 all men, and required no evidence Son of man, descended from heaven,
from anyone about human nature is the only one who has ever as-
well did he know what was in human cended into heaven. Indeed the Son 14
nature. of man must be lifted on high, just
as Moses lifted up the serpent in
the desert, that everyone who 15
3 Now there was a Pharisee named believes in him may have eternal
Nicodemus, who belonged to the
he came one
life. For God loved the world 16
2 Jewish authorities ;
so dearly that he gave up his
night to Jesus and said, " Rabbi,
only Son, so that everyone who
we know you have come from God
believes in him may have eternal
to teach us, for no one could perform
these Signs of yours unless God
life, instead of perishing. God
did not send his Son into the 17
3 were with him." Jesus replied,
" Truly, truly I tell you, no one can world to pass sentence on it, but
to save the world by him. He 18
see God's Realm unless he is born
who believes in him is not sen-
4 from above." Nicodemus said to
tenced he who will not believe is
him, " How can a man be born

sentenced already, for having re-

when he is old? Can he enter
fused to believe in the name of the
his mother's womb over again and
only Son of God. And this is the 19
5 be born ? " Jesus replied, " Truly,
sentence of condemnation, that the
truly I tell you, unless one is born
Light has entered the world and
of water and the Spirit, he cannot
yet men have preferred darkness
* The Vulgate is able to preserve the asson-
' to light. It is because their actions
ance of the word * trust here and * believe

in ver. 23 **
multi crediderunt in nomine
have been evil for anyone whose
; 20
eius. . lesus non oredebat semet ipsum eis."
. . practices are corrupt loathes the
light and will not come out into it,
ask me for a drink me, a Samari-
in case his actions are exposed, tan " (Jews do not associate Avith

21 whereas anyone whose life is true Samaritans.) Jesus answered, " If 10

comes out into the light, to make you knew what is the free gift of
it plain that his actions have been God and who is asking you for a
divinely prompted. drink, you would have asked him
31 He who comes from above is far instead, and he would have given
above all others; he who springs you living' water." " Sir," said 11

from earth belongs to earth and the woman, " you have nothing to
speaks of earth he who comes from
; draw water with, and it is a deep
32 heaven isfar above all others. He well; where do you get your
is testifying to what he has seen '
living ' water ? Are you a greater 12
and heard, and yet no one accepts man than Jacob, our ancestor ? He
33 his testimony. Whoever does ac- gave us this well, and he drank from
cept it, certifies to the truth of God. it, with his sons and his cattle."

34 For he whom God has sent utters Jesus answered, " Anyone who 13

the words of God God gives him drinks this water will be thirsty
the Spirit in no sparing measure; again, but anyone who drinks the 14
35 the Father loves the Son and has water I will give him will never
given him control over everjrthing. thirst any more; the water I will
36 He who believes in the Son has give him will turn into a spring
eternal life, but he who disobeys of water welling up to eternal life."
the Son shall not see life God's " Ah, sir," said the woman, " give 15
anger broods over him." me this water, so that I need not
thirst or come all this road to draw
4 Now when the Lord learned that water." Jesus said to her, " Go 16
the Pharisees had heard of Jesus and call your husband, then come
gaining and baptizing more dis- back here." The woman replied, 17
" I have no husband." Jesus said
2 ciples than John (though Jesus him-
self did not baptize, it was his to her, " You were right in saying,
3 disciples), he left Judaea and went
I have no husband you have had
' ; 18
4 back to Galilee. He had to pass five husbands, and he whom you
5 through Samaria, and in so doing have now espoused is not your
he arrived at a Samaritan town husband. That was a true word."
" Sir," said the woman, " I see you 19
called Sychar ; it lay near the terri-
tory which Jacob had given to his are a prophet. Now our ancestors 20
6 son Joseph, and Jacob's spring was worshipped on this mountain,
there. Jesus, exhausted by the whereas you Jews declare the proper
journey, sat down at the spring, place for worship is at Jerusalem."
" Woman," said Jesus, " believe me, 21
just as he was. It was about noon,
7 and a Samaritan woman came to the time is coming when you will
draw water. Jesus said to her, be worshipping the Father neither
8 " Give me a drink " (his disciples on this mountain nor at Jerusalem.
had gone to the town to buy some
in all the first three gospels put together.
9 food). The Samaritan woman said,
Dr. E. A. Abbott regards this as an indication
" What ? You * are a Jew, and you
of the evangelist's tendency ' to lay stress
* The Greek word for you (in the singu-
' on personality, and to express personality in
lar) oeours oftenes in the Fourth gospel than dialogue.'
22 You are worshipping something you did not toil other men have

you do not know; we are wor- toiled,and you reap the profit of
shipping what we do know for their toil." Now many Samari- 39
23 salvation comes from the Jews. But tans belonging to that town believed
the time is coming, it has come in him on account of the woman's
already, when the real worshippers testimony, " He told me everything
will worship the Father in Spirit I ever did." So when the Samari- 40
and in reality; for these are the tans arrived, they pressed him to
worshippers that the Father wants. stay with them; he did stay there
24 God is Spirit, and his worshippers two days, and far more of them 41
must worship him in Spirit and believed on account of what he
25 in reality." The woman said to said himself. As they told the 42
him, " Well, I know messiah (which woman, " We no longer believe on
means Christ) is coming. When he account of what you said we have

26 arrives, he will explain it all to us." heard for ourselves, we know that he
I am messiahj" said Jesus, " I is really the Saviour of the world."
who am talking to you." When the two days were over, 43
27 At this point his disciples came he left for Galilee (for Jesus himself 44
up; they were surprised that he testified that a prophet enjoys no
was talking to a woman, but none honour in his own country) ; on 45
of them said, " What is it ? " or, reaching Galilee, he was welcomed
"Why are you talking to her?" by the Galileans, who had seen all he
28 Then the woman left her water-pot, did at the festival in Jerusalem ^for
and going off to the town told the they too had gone to the festival.
29 people, " Come here, look at a man Once more he came to Can in 46
who has told me everything I ever Galilee, where he had turned the
did! Can he be the Christ?" water into wine. There was a royal
80 They set out from the town on their official, whose son was lying ill at
31 way to him. Meanwhile the dis- Capernaum when he heard that
; 47
ciples pressed him, saying, " Rabbi, Jesus had arrived in Galilee from
32 eat something." But he said to Judaea, he went to him and begged
them, " I have food, of which you him to come down and curehis son,
33 know nothing." So they asked who was at the point of death.
each other, " Can anyone have Jesus said to him, " Unless you see 48
brought him something to eat ? " signs and wonders, you never vdll
34 Jesus said, " My food is to do the believe." The official said, " Come 49
will of him who sent me, and to down, sir, before my boy is dead." 50
35 accomplish his work. You have a Jesus told him, " Go yourself, your
saying, have you not, Four months
son is alive." The man believed
yet, then harvest ? Look round,
' what Jesus told him, and started on
I tell you; see, the fields are white his journey. And on the road his 51
36 for harvesting The reaper is
! servants met him vidth the news
already getting his wages and that his boy was alive. So he asked 52
harvesting for eternal life, so them at what hour he had begun
that the sower shares the reaper's to improve ; they told him, " Yes-
37 joy. That proverb, One sows and
terday at one o'clock the fever left
38 another reaps,* holds true here I : him." Then the father realized 58
sent you to reap a crop for which that it had left him at the very
time when Jesus had said to him, told me, Lift your mat and walk '.**

"Your son is alive"; and he became They questioned him, " Who was 12
a believer with all his household. it that told you, Lift it and

54 This was the second Sign which walk ? " Now the man who had 13

Jesus performed again after leaving been healed did not know who it
Judaea for Galilee. was, for (owing to the crowd on
the spot) Jesus had sHpped away.
Later on Jesus met him in the 14
5 After
this there was a festival
temple, and said to him, " See, you
of theJews, and Jesus went up
are well and strong; commit no
2 to Jerusalem. Now in Jerusalem
there is a bath beside the sheep-
more something worse
sins, in case
befalls you." Off went the man 15
pool, which in Hebrew
is called
Beth-zatha; it has five porticoes,
and told the Jews it was Jesus
3 where a crowd of invalids used to
who had healed him. And this was 16
He, the blind, the lame, and folk
why the Jews persecuted Jesus,
because he did things like this on
with shrivelled limbs [waiting for
the sabbath. The reply of Jesus 17
4 the water to bubble. For an angel
was, " As my Father has continued
used to descend from time to time
into the bath, and disturb the water
working to this hour, so I work too."
whereupon the first person who But this only made the Jews more 18
eager to kill him, because he not
stepped in after the water was dis-
turbed was restored to health, no
merely broke the sabbath but
actually spoke of God as his own
matter what disease he had been
Father, thereby making himself
6 afflicted with].* Now one man was
whose equal to God. So Jesus made 19
there, illness had lasted
this answer to them " Truly,
6 thirty-eight years. Jesus saw him
truly I tell you, the Son can do
lying, and knowing he had been
nothing of his own accord, nothing
ill for a long while he said to him,
but what he sees the Father doing
Do you want your health re-
" The invahd rephed, " Sir, for whatever he does, the Son also
7 stored ?
does the same. The Father loves 20
I have nobody to put me into the
the Son and shows him all that
bath, when the water is disturbed
he is doing himself. He will show
and while I am getting down my-
self, someone else gets in
him still greater deeds than these,
to make you wonder for as the; 21
8 me." Jesus said to him, " Get
Father raises the dead and makes
9 up, lift your mat, and walk." And
instantly the man got well, lifted
them alive, so the Son makes
his mat, and started to walk.
anyone live whom he chooses.
Indeed the Father passes judgment 22
10 Now it was the sabbath on that on no one; he has committed the
day. So the Jews said to the man
who had been cured, " This is the judgment which determines life or
death entirely to the Son, that all 23
sabbath, you have no right to be
11 carrying your mat." He rephed,
men may honour the Son as they
" But the man who healed me, he honour the Father. (He who does
not honour the Son does not
* The words in brackets, omitted by
von Soden, represent a passage which is honour the Father who sent him.)
absent from many important versions and Truly, truly I tell you, he who 24
manuscripts. listens to my word and believes
I ;

him who sent me has eternal because you do not believe him
life; he will incur no sentence of whom he sent. You search the 39
judgment, he has already passed scriptures, imagining you possess
25 from death across to life. Truly,
eternal life in their pages and
truly I tell you, the time is com-
they do testify to me but you 40
ing, it has come already, when refuse to come to me for life. I 41
the dead will listen to the voice of accept no credit from men, but I 42
the Son of God, and those who know there is no love to God in you
26 listen will live
; for as the Father here am I, come in the name of my 43
has life in himself, so too he has Father, and you will not accept me :
granted the Son to have life in let someone else come in his own
27 himself, and also granted him name, and you will accept him
authority to act as judge, since he How can you believe, you who 44
28 is Son of man. Do not wonder accept credit from one another in-
at this; for there is a time coming stead of aiming at the credit which
when all who are in the tombs will comes from the only God ? Do not 45
29 listen to his voice and come out, imagine I am going to accuse you
the doers of good to be raised to to the Father; Moses is your
life, ill-doers to be raised for the accuser, Moses who is your hope
sentence of judgment. For if you believed Moses you 46
30 I can do nothing of my own would believe me, since it was of me
accord ; I pass judgment on men that he wrote. But if you do not 47
as I am taught by God, and my believe what he wrote, how will you
judgment is just, because my aim ever believe what I say?
is not my own will but the will of The Jews were amazed, saying, 15
31 him who sent me. If I testify to " How can this uneducated fellow
myself, then my evidence is not manage to read?" Jesus told 16
32 valid ; I have Another to bear them in reply, " My teaching is not
testimony to me, and I know the my own but his who sent me any- 17

evidence he bears to me is valid. one who chooses to do his will, will

33 You sent to John, and he bore understand whether my teaching
34 testimony to the truth (though I comes from God or whether I am
accept no testimony from man talking on my own authority. He 18
only speak of this testimony, that who talks on his own authority
85 you may be saved) ; he was a burn- aims at his own credit, but he who
ing and a shining lamp, and you aims at the credit of the person
chose to rejoice for a while in his who sent him, he is sincere, and
36 light. But I possess a testimony there is no dishonesty in him. Did 19
greater than that of John, for the
not Moses give you the Law ? and
deeds which the Father has granted yet none of you honestly obeys the
me to accomplish, the very deeds on Law. Else, why do you want to kill
which I am engaged, are my testi- me ? " The crowd replied, " You 20
mony that the Father has sent me. are mad. Who wants to kill you ?
87 The Father who sent me has also Jesus answered them, " I have only 21
borne testimony to me himself; performed one deed, and yet you
but his voice you have never heard, are all amazed at it. Moses gave 22
88 his form you have never seen, his you the rite of circumcision (not
word you have not kept with you, th^t it came from Moses, it came
from your ancestors), and you will so that nothing may be wasted."
circumcise a man upon the sabbath. They gathered them up, and filled 18
23 Well, if a man gets circumcised upon twelve baskets with pieces of the
the sabbath, to avoid breaking the five loaves left over from the meal.
Law of Moses, are you enraged at Now when the people saw the 14
me for curing, not cutting, the Sign he had performed, they said,
entire body of a man upon the " This really is the Prophet who is
24 sabbath ? Give over judging by to come into the world " Where- 15

appearances ; be just." upon Jesus perceived they meant to

come and seize him to make a king
OHAP. of him; so he withdrew by himself
6 After this Jesus went off to the to the hill again.
opposite side of the sea of Gahlee When evening came, his disciples 16
2 (the lake of Tiberias), followed by went down to the sea, and em- 17
a large crowd on account of the barking in a boat they started
Signs which they had seen him across the sea for Capharnahum.
3 perform on sick folk. Now Jesus By this time it was dark, Jesus
went up the hill and sat down had not reached them yet, and the 18
4 there with his disciples. (The sea was getting up under a strong
passover, the Jewish festival, was wind. After rowing about three 19
5 at hand.) On looking up and or four miles they saw Jesus walking
seeing a large crowd approaching, on the sea and nearing the boat.
he said to Philip, " Where are we They were terrified, but he said to 20
to buy bread for all these people them, " It is I, have no fear " so 21

6 to eat ? " (He said this to test they agreed to take him on board,
Philip, for he knew what he was and the boat instantly reached the
7 going to do himself.) Philip an- land they were making for.
swered, " Seven pounds' worth of Next day the crowd which had 22
bread would not be enough for them, been left standing on the other side
for everybody to get even a morsel." of the sea bethought them that
8 One of his disciples, Andrew the only one boat had been there, and
brother of Simon Peter, said to him, that Jesus had not gone aboard with
9 " There is a servant here, with five his disciples, who had left by them-
barley-cakes and a couple of fish; selves. So, as some boats from 23
but what is that among so many ? Tiberias had put in near the spot
10 Jesus said, " Get the people to lie where they had eaten bread after
down." Now there was plenty of the Lord's thanksgiving, and as 24
grass at the spot, so the men lay the crowd saw that neither Jesus
down, numbering about five thour nor his disciples were there, they
11 sand. Then Jesus took the loaves, embarked in the boats themselves
gave thanks to God, and distributed and made for Capharnahum in
them to those who were reclining; search of Jesus. When they found 25
so too with the fish, as much as him on the other side of the sea,
12 they wanted. And when they were they said, " Rabbi, when did you
satisfied, he said to the disciples, get here ? " Jesus answered them, 26
Gather up the pieces left over, " Truly, truly I tell you, it is not
* Restoring Til. 16-24 to this, its original
because you saw Signs that you
position in the gospeL are in search of me, but because
you ate these loaves and had your has come down from heaven."
27 fill. Work for no perishing food, They said, " Is this not Jesus the 42
but for that lasting food which son of Joseph ? We know his father
means eternal life; the Son of and mother. How can he claim
man will give you that, for the now, I have descended from

Father, God, has certified him." heaven ? " Jesus replied to them, 43

28 Then they asked him, " What must " Stop murmuring to yourselves.
we do to perform the works of No one is able to come to me 44
29 God ? " Jesus replied to them, unless he is drawn hy the Father
" This is the work of God, to believe who sent me (and I will raise him up
in him whom God has sent." on the last day). In the prophets 45
30 " Well then," they said, " what is it is written, and they will he all
the Sign you perform, that we may instructed by God ; everyone who has
see it and believe you ? What work listened to the Father and learned
31 have you to show ? Our ancestors from him, comes to me. Not that 46
ate manna in the desert :as it is anyone has seen the Father he
written, He gave them bread from only, who is from God, he has
32 heaven to eatJ'^ Then said Jesus, seen the Father. Truly, truly I 47
" What Moses gave you was not the tell you, the believer has eternal
bread from heaven ; it is my Father life. I am the bread of life. 48
who gives you the real bread from Your ancestors ate manna in the 49

33 heaven for the bread of God is desert, but they died; the bread 50
what comes down from heaven that comes down from heaven is
34 and gives life to the world." " Ah, such that one eats of it and never
sir," they said to him, " give us dies. I am the living bread which 51
35 that bread always." Jesus said, has come down from heaven; if
" I am the bread of life he who
; anyone eats of this bread, he will
comes to me will never be hungry, live for ever; and more, the bread
and he who believes on me will never I will give is my flesh, given for the
36 be thirsty again. But, as I told life of the world."
you, though you have seen me, The Jews then wrangled with one 52
37 you do not believe. All those will another, saying, " How can he give
come to me who are the Father's us his flesh to eat ? " So Jesus said 53
gift to me, and never will I reject to them, " Truly, truly I tell you,
38 one of them for I have descended
; unless you eat the flesh of the Son
from heaven not to carry out my of man and drink his blood, you
own will but the will of him who have no life within you. He who 54
39 sent me, and the will of him who feeds on my flesh and drinks
sent me is that I lose none of those my blood possesses eternal life
who are his gift to me, but that I (and I will raise him up on the last
raise them all up on the last day. day), for my flesh is real food and 55
40 It is the will of my Father that my blood is real drink. He who 56
everyone who sees the Son and feeds on my flesh and drinks my
believes in him should possess blood remains within me, as I
eternal life, and that I should raise remain within him. Just as the 57
him up on the last day." living Father sent me and I live by
41 Now the Jews murmured at him the Father, so he who feeds on me
for saying, " I am the bread which will also live by me. Such is the 5S

bread which has come down from Judaea, because the Jews were
heaven your ancestors ate their trying to kill him.

bread and died, but he who feeds Now the Jewish festival of booths 2
59 on this bread will live for ever." was near, so his brothers said to 3
This he said as he taught in the him, " Leave this and go across
synagogue at Capharnahum. into Judaea, to let your disciples
60 Now many of his disciples, on witness what you can do; for no- 4
hearing it, said, " This is hard to body who aims at public recogni-
take in Who can listen to talk tion ever keeps his actions secret.

61 like this ? " Jesus, inwardly con- Since you can do these deeds,
scious that his disciples were mur- display yourself to the world
muring at it, said to them, " So (for even his brothers did not 5
62 this upsets you ? Then what if you believe in him). Jesus said to 6
were to see the Son of man ascend- them, " My time has not come yet,
ing to where he formerly existed ? but your time is always at hand; 7
63 What gives life is the Spirit flesh : the world cannot hate you, but it
is of no avail at all. The words I hates me because I testify that
have uttered to you are spirit and its deeds are evil. Go up to the 8
64 life. And yet there are some of festival yourselves I am not going

you who do not believe " (for Jesus up to this festival, for my time has
knew from the very first who the not arrived yet." So saying he 9
unbelieving were, and who was to stayed on in Galilee. But after his 10
65 betray him ; that was why* he said brothers had gone up to the festival,
No one is able to come to me unless he went up too, not publicly but as
he is allowed by the Father '). it were privately. At the festival 11
66 After that, many of his disciples the Jews were looking for him,
drew back and would not associate saying, " Where is he ? " And 12
67 with him any longer. So Jesus the crowd disputed about him
said to the twelve, " You do not hotly some said, " He is a good

68 want to go, too ? " Simon Peter man," but others said, " No, he is
answered him, " Lord, who are we misleading the people." For fear 13
69 to go to ? You have got words of the Jews, however, nobody spoke
eternal life, and we believe,
of of him in public.
weare certain, that you are the When was half over, 14
the festival
70 holy One of God." Jesus answered Jesus went up to the temple and
them, "Did I not choose you, the began to teach.f Then said some 25
twelve? And yet one of you is of the Jerusalemites, " Is this not
a devil " ! the man they want to kill ? Yet 26
71 (He meant Judas the son of Simon here he is, opening his lips in
Iscariot; for Judas was to be- public, and they say nothing to

tray him and he was one of the him !Can the authorities have
twelve.) really discovered that he is the
Christ ? No, we know where 27
CHAP. this man comes from; but when
7 After this Jesus moved about the Christ does come, no one will
in Galilee; he would not move in know where he comes from." So 28
* Reading Sia tovto ikeyev, with e (so Jesus cried aloud, as he was teaching
Blass and Merx), instead of fix^yev Sta rovro. I See note, p. 121.



in the temple, " You know me ? offspring of David, from David's

you know where I come from? village of Bethlehem, that the Christ
But I have not come on my own is to come? " So the people were 43
initiative I am sent, and sent by
; divided over him; some wanted to 44
Him who is real. You do not arrest him, but no one laid hands
29 know Him but I know Him, because on him. Then the attendants went 45
I have come from Him and He sent back to the high priests and the
30 me." So they tried to arrest him; Pharisees, who asked them, " Why
but no one laid hands on him, have you not brought him with
because his time had not come you ? " The attendants replied, 46
SI yet. Indeed many of the people " No man ever spoke as he does."
believed in him, saying, " When The Pharisees retorted, " Are you 47
the Christ does come, will he per- misled as well ? Have any of the au- 48
form more Signs than this man ? " thorities or of the Pharisees believed
82 The Pharisees heard the people dis- on him ? As for this mob, with its 49
cussing Jesus in this way, so the high
ignorance of the Law it is ac-
priests and Pharisees despatched cursed " Nicodemus, one of their 50

83 attendants to arrest him. Then number (the same who had come
said Jesus, " I will be with you a to him before), said to them, " But 51
little longer, then I go to Him who surely our Law does not condemn
34 sent me ; you will search for me the accused before hearing what
but you will not find me, and where he has to say and ascertaining his
35 I go, you cannot come." The Jews offence ? " They answered him, 52
said to themselves, " Where is he "And are you from Galilee, too?
going, that we will not find him? Search and you. '^lilK see" that no
Is he off to the Dispersion among p^-ophet ever sg^gs from Galilee."
the Greeks, to teach the Greeks? [And every- one of them went 53
36 What does he mean by saying, You ' home, but'vFesus the Hill of 8
will search for me but you will not Olives. Early in the morning he 2
find me, and where I go, you cannot returned to the temple, the people
come '
? all came to him, and he sat down
37 Now on the last day, the great and taught them. The scribes and 3
day, of the festival, Jesus stood and Pharisees brought a woman who
cried aloud, " If anyone is athirst, had been caught in the act of
let him come to me and drink; committing adultery, and making
38 he who believes in me
out of his her stand forward they said to 4
body, as scripture says, streams of him, " Teacher, this woman was
39 living water will flow " (he meant caught in the very act of commit-
by this the Spirit which those who ting adultery. Now Moses has 5
believed in him were to receive : commanded us in the Law to stone
as yet there was no Spirit, because such creatures; but what do you
40 Jesus had not been glorified yet). say ? " (They said this to test 6
On hearing this some of the people him, in order to get a charge
41 said, " This really is the Prophet " against him.) Jesus stooped down,
others said, " He is the Christ " and began to write with his finger
but others said, " No, surely the on the ground; but as they per- 7
Christ does not come from Galilee ? sisted with their question, he raised
42 Does not scripture say it is from the himself and said to them, " Let

the innocent among you throw the Then he said to them again, " I 21
8 stone at her " ; then he stooped
fii*st go away, and you will search for
down again and wrote on the ground. me, but you will die in your sin;
9 And on hearing what he said, they where I go, you cannot come.'*
went away one by one, beginning So the Jews said, " Will he Idll 22
with the older men, till Jesus was himself? Is that why he says,
left alone with the woman standing *
Where I go, you cannot come ? " '

10 before him. Raising himself, Jesus He said to them, " You are from 23
said to her, " Woman, where are the world below, I am from the
they? Has no
one condemned world above you belong to this

11 you? " She said, "No one, sir." world, I do not belong to this world.
Jesus said, "Neither do I; be off, So I told you, you would die in 24
and never sin again."]* your sins; for unless you believe
12 Then Jesus again addressed them, who I am, you will die in your
saying, " I am the light of the sins." They said, " Who are you ? " 25
world he who follows me will not
: Jesus replied, " Why should I talk
walk in darkness, he will enjoy the to you at all ? I have a great deal 26
13 light of life." So the Pharisees said to say about you and many a
to him, " You are testifying to judgment to pass upon you; but
yourself ; your evidenceisnotvalid." he who sent me is true, and so I tell
14 Jesus replied to them, " Though I the world what I have learned from
do testify to myself, my evidence is him." They did not understand 27
valid, because I know where I have he was speaking to them about the
come from and where I am going Father so Jesus said, " When you 28

to whereas you do not know have lifted up the Son of man, you
where I have come from or where will know then who I am, and that
15 I am going to. You judge by the I do nothing of my own accord,
16 outside. I judge no one and though
; but speak as the Father has taught
I do judge, my judgment is true, me. He who sent me is at my side 29 ;

because I am
not by myself there he has not left me alone; for I
is myself and the Fatherwho sent ahvays do what pleases him." As SO
17 me. Why, written in your
it is he said this, a number believed in
own Law that the evidence of two him. So Jesus addressed the Jews 31
18 persons is valid I testify to my-
: who had believed him, saying, " If
self, and the Father who sent me you abide by what I say, you are
19 also testifies to me." " Where is really disciples of mine you will 32

your Father ? " they said. Jesus understand the truth, and the truth
replied, " You know neither me nor will set you free." " We
are 33
my you had known me
Father; if Abraham's offspring," they re-
you would have known my Father torted, " w^e have never been slaves
20 also." These words he spoke in the to anybody. What do you mean
treasury, as he was teaching in the by saying, '
You \^t[11 be free ? "'

temple, but no one laid hands on Jesus replied, " Truly, truly I tell 34
him, because his time had not come you, everyone who commits sin is
yet. a slave. t Now the slave does not 35
f Omitting ttjs afiaprias with D, some
It fa uncertain to which, if any, of evidence from the Latin and Syriac
the canonical gospels this fragment of versions, etc. It is a gloss which disturbs
primitive tradition originally belonged. the sense of the passage.

remain in the household for all Father and you dishonour me.
time; the son of the house does. However, I do not aim at my own 50
36 So, if the Son sets you free, you credit; there is One who cares for
37 will be really free. I know you my credit, and he isjudge. Truly, 51
Abraham's offspring
are Yet you 1 truly I tell you, if anyone holds to
want to kill me, since my word what I say, he will never see death."
makes no headway among you ! The Jews said to him, " Now we are 52
88 I speak of what I have seen with sure you are mad. Abraham is
my Father, and you act as you have dead, and so are all the prophets;
39 learned from your father." They and you declare, ' If anyone holds
answered him, " Abraham is our to what I say, he will never taste
father." " If you are Abraham's death ' ! Are you greater than 53
children," said Jesus, " then do as our father Abraham ? He is dead,
40 Abraham did ; but now you want and the prophets are dead. Who

to kill me to kill a man who has do you claim to be ? " Jesus 54
told you the truth, the truth I replied, " Were I to glorify myself,
have learned from God. Abraham my glory would be nothing; it is
41 did not do that. You do the deeds my Father who glorifies me; you
of your father." They said to him, say ' He is our God,' but you do 53
We are no bastards we have : not understand him. I know him.
42 one father, even God." Said Were I to say, ' I do not know
Jesus, " If God were your father, him,' I would be a liar like your-
you would love me, for I came here selves; but I do know him and I
from God; I did not come of my hold to his word. Your father 56
own accord, I was sent by him. Abraham exulted that he was to
43 Why do you not understand my see my Day he did see it and he

speech? Because you are unable rejoiced." Then said the Jews to 57
44 to listen to what I am saying. You him, " You are not fifty years old,
belong to your father the devil, and and Abraham has seen you ? "*
you want to do what your father " Truly, truly I tell you," said Jesus, 58
desires; he was a slayer of men " I have existed before Abraham
from the very beginning, and he was born." At this they picked up 59
has no place in the truth because stones to throw at him, but Jesus
there is no truth in him when he : concealed himself and made his
a lie, he is expressing his own
tells way out of the temple.
nature, for he is a liar and the
45 father of lies. It is because I tell
the truth, that you do not believe As he passed along he saw a man 9
46 me. Which of you can convict me who had been blind from his birth
of sin? If I tell the truth, why
and his disciples asked him, "Rabbi, 2
47 do you not believe me ? He who for whose sin for his own or for
belongs to God listens to the words his parents'
was he born blind ? "
of God you do not listen to them, Jesus replied, " Neither for his 3

because you do not belong to God." own sin nor for his parents' ^it
48 The Jews retorted, " Are we not * Reading eapaKcv a-ewith
" le9on t< and the
Sinaitic Syriac, etc. plus naturelle
right in saying you are a Samaritan,
peut-etre que la le9on commune, mais qui a
49 you are mad ? " Jesus replied, pu choquer, parce qu'elle semble mettre
I am not mad : I honour my Abraham au-dessus du Christ " (Loisy).
was to let the work of God be prophet." Now the Jews would 18
4 illustrated in him. While daylight not believe he had been born blind
lasts, we must be busy with the and had regained his sight, till they
work of God night comes, when
: summoned the parents of the man
5 no one can do any work. When who had regained his sight and 19
I am in the world, I am light for asked them, " Is this your son,
6 the world." With these words he the son you declare was born blind ?
spat on the ground and made clay How is it that he can see now ? "
with the saliva, which he smeared His parents answered, " This is our 20
7 on the man's eyes, saying, " Go and son, and he was born blind; we
wash them in the pool of Siloam know that. But how he can see 21
(Siloam meaning '
sent '). So off to-day, we do not know, nor do
he went and washed them, and we know who opened his eyes.
8 went home seeing. Whereupon Ask himself; he is of age, he can
the neighbours and those to whom speak for himself." (His parents 22
he had been a famihar sight as a said this because they were afraid
beggar, said, " Is this not the man of the Jews; for the Jews had
9 who used to sit and beg? " Some already agreed that anyone who
said, " It is " ; others said, " No, confessed him to be Christ should
but it is Hke him." He said, " I be excommunicated. That was 23
10 am the man." So they asked him," why the man's parents said, " He
" How were your eyes opened ? is of age, ask himself." ) So the 24
11 He rephed, " The man they call man born blind was summoned a
Jesus made some clay and smeared second time, and told, " Now give
my eyes with it and told me, God the praise this man, we know

Go and wash them in Siloam ' quite well, is only a sinner." To 25
so I went and washed them, and I which he replied, " I do not know
12 got my sight." " Where is he ? whether he is a sinner; one thing
they asked he answered, I do not
; I do know, that once I was bhnd
13 know." They brought him be- and now I can see." " What did 26
fore the Pharisees, this man who he do to you? " they said; " How
14 had once been blind. Now it was did he open your eyes ? " He 27
on the sabbath day that Jesus retorted, " I have told you that
had made clay and opened his eyes. already, and you would not listen
15 So the Pharisees asked him again to me. Why do you want to hear
how he had regained his sight, and it over again ? Do you want to be
he told them, " He smeared some disciples of his ? " Then they 28
clay on my eyes, and I washed them, stormed at him " You are his

16 and now I can see." Then said disciple, we are disciples of Moses I

some of the Pharisees, " This man We know God spoke to Moses, but 29
is not from God, for he does not we do not know where this fellow
keep the sabbath " others said,
; comes from." The man replied to 30
How can a sinner perform such them, " Well, this is astonishing I

Signs ? " They were divided on You do not know where he comes
17 this. So they asked the blind man from, and yet he has opened my
once more, " What have you to say eyes ! God, we know, does not 31
about him, for opening your eyes ?" listen to sinners he listens to any-

The man rephed, " I say he is a one who is devout and who obeys

32 his will. It is unheard of, since believe, because you do not belong
the world began, that anyone should to my sheep. My sheep listen to 27
33 open a blind man's eyes. If this my voice, and know them and
I 28
man were not from God, he could they follow me; and I give them
34 do nothing." They retorted, " And eternal life; they will never perish
so you would teach us you, born
in utter depravity " !Then they
and no one
of my hand.
will tear them out
My Father who t 29
35 expelled him. Jesus heard that gave me them is stronger than all,
they had expelled him, and on and no one can tear anything out of
36 meeting him he said, " You believe the Father's hand.
in the Son of man ? " * " Who is
that, sir ? " said the man, " tell me,
37 that I may believe in him." " You
Truly, truly I tell you, he who 10
does not enter the sheepfold by
have seen him," Jesus said, " he
the gate but climbs up somewhere
38 is talking to you." He said, " I

do believe. Lord " and he wor- else, he is a thief and a robber;
he who enters by the gate is the 2
39 shipped him. Then said Jesus,
shepherd of the sheep. The gate- 3
"It is for judgment that I have
keeper opens the gate for him, and
come into this world, to make the
the sheep listen to his voice; he
sightless see, to make the seeing
calls his sheep by name and leads
40 blind." On hearing this the
Pharisees who were beside him
them out. When he has brought 4
" all his sheep outside, he goes in
asked, " And are we ? blind
front of them, and the sheep follow
41 Jesus replied, " If you were blind,
you would not be guilty ; but, as it him because they know his voice;
they will not follow a stranger, 6
is, you claim to have sight-and
they will run from him, because
so your sin remains." "j*

they do not know the voice of

19 The Jews were again divided over
strangers." Jesus told them this 6
20 these words. A number of them
allegory, but they did not under-
said, " He is mad. Why listen to stand what he was saying to them
21 him ? " Others said, " These are
so he said to them again, " Truly, 7
not a madman's words. Can a mad-
truly I tell you, I am the shepherd
man open the eyes of the blind ? "
of the sheep; all who ever came 8
22 Then came the festival of Dedica-
before me have been thieves and
tion at Jerusalem; it was winter,
23 and Jesus used to walk inside the

robbers but the sheep would not
listen to them. (I am the Gate; 9
temple, in the portico of Solomon.
24 So the Jews gathered round him
whoever enters by me will be saved,
and asked, " How long are you he will go in and out and find
going to keep us in suspense? If
pasture.) The thief only comes 10
to steal, to slay, and to destroy
you are the Christ, tell us plainly."
I have come that they may have
25 Jesus replied, " I have told you,
but you do not believe; the deeds life and have it to the full. I am 11
I do in the name of my Father X Reading &s . . . fji^iQwy with A 1,
26 testify to me, but you do not the Syriac versions, etc.
b TTOiyuV must be read here instead of
Reading hvQpdmov instead of Qeov. 7] dvpuy for the sake of the sense, although
t Transposing x. 19-29, for the sake of it seems to have been preserved by the
sequence, to the close of ch. ix. Sahidic version alone.
the good shepherd; a good shep- though you will not believe m&
herd lays down his own Hfe for that you may learn and under-
12 the sheep. The hired man, who stand that the Father is in me and
is not the shepherd and does not I am in the Father." Once more 39
own the sheep, deserts them when they tried to arrest him, but he
he sees the wolf coming; he runs escaped their hands and went 40
away, leaving the wolf to tear and across the Jordan, back to the spot
13 scatter them, just because he is where John had baptized at first.
a hired man, who has no interest There he stayed and many came 41

14 in the sheep. I am the good to him, saying, *' John did not
shepherd, I know my sheep and perform any Sign, but all he ever
15 my sheep know me (just as the said about this man was true."
Father knows me and I know the And many believed in him there. 42
Father), and I lay down my life
16 for the sheep. I have other sheep,
too, which do not belong to this Now there was a man ill, 11
fold I must bring them also, and
; Lazarus of Bethany the village
they will listen to my voice; so it of Mary and her sister Martha.
will be one one shepherd.
flock, (The Mary whose brother Lazarus 2
17 This is why my Father loves me, was ill was the Mary who anointed
because I lay down my life to take the Lord with perfume and wiped
18 it up again. No one takes it from his feet with her hair.) Jesus 5
me, I lay it down of my own loved Martha and her sister and
accord I have power to lay it down
: Lazarus * so the sisters sent to 3

and also power to take it up again him, saying, " Lord, he whom you
I have my Father's command for love is ill." When Jesus heard it, 4
30 this. I and my Father are one
he said, " This illness is not to end
31 The Jews again caught up stones in death; the end of it is the glory
32 to stone him. Jesus replied, " I of God, that the Son of God may
have let you see many a good deed be glorified thereby." So, when 6
of God for which of them do you
; he heard of the illness, he stayed
33 mean to stone me ? " The Jews where he was for two days then, 7 ;

retorted, " We mean to stone you, after that, he said to his disciples,
not for a good deed, but for blas- " Let us go back to Judaea."
phemy, because you, a mere man, " Rabbi," said the disciples, " the 8
34 make yourself God." Jesus an- Jews were trying to stone you only
swered, " Is it not written in your the other day are you going back

35 Law, / said, you are gods ? If

' '
there ? " Jesus replied, " Are there 9
the Law said they were gods, to not twelve hours in the day ?
whom the word of God came If one walks during the day he
and scripture cannot be broken does not stumble,
^6 do you mean to tell me, whom the for he sees the light of this world
Father consecrated and sent into but if one v/alks during the night 10
the world, ' You are blaspheming,' he does stumble.
because I said, ' I am God's Son ? '
for the light is not in him."
37 If I am not doing the deeds of my * I venture to restore ver. 5 to what
38 Father, do not believe me ; but if appears to have been its original position
I am, then believe the deeds. between vers. 2 and 3.

11 This he said, then added, " Our and went to him. Jesus had not 30
friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; entered the village yet, he was
I am going to waken him.'* still at the spot where Martha had
12 " Lord," said the disciples, " if he met him. Now as Bethany is not 18
has fallen asleep, he will get better." far from Jerusalem, only about two
13 Jesus, however, had been speaking miles away, a number of Jews had 19
of his death ; but as they imagined gone to condole with Martha and
14 he meant natural sleep, he then Mary about their brother and when
; 31
told plainly, " Lazarus is
them the Jews who were condoling with
15 dead; and for your sakes I am her inside the house noticed her
glad I was not there, that you may rise hurriedly and go out, they fol-
believe. Come now, let us go to lowed her, as they imagined she was
16 him." Whereupon Thomas (called going to wail at the tomb. But when 32
the Twin *) said to his fellow- Mary reached Jesus she dropped
disciples, " Let us go too, let us at his feet, crying, "Had you
die along with him
been here. Lord, my brother would
17 Now when Jesus arrived, he not have died." Now when Jesus 33
found that Lazarus had been buried saw her wailing and saw the Jews
20 for four days.* Then Martha, who accompanied her wailing, he
hearing of the arrival of Jesus, chafed in spirit and was disquieted.
went out to meet him, while Mary " Where have you laid him ? " he 34
21 sat at home. Said Martha to asked. They answered, " Come and
Jesus, " Had you been here. Lord, see, sir." Jesus burst into tears. 35
my brother would not have died. Whereupon the Jews said, " See 36

22 But now well, I know whatever
how he loved him " ^though some 37

you ask God for, he will grant you," of them asked, " Could he not have
23 Jesus said to her, " Your brother prevented him from dying, when
24 will rise again." " I know," said he could open a blind man's eyes ? "
Martha, " he will rise at the re- This made Jesus chafe afresh, so 38
25 surrection, on the last day." Jesus he went to the tomb ; it was a cave
said to her, " I am myself resur- with a boulder to close it. Jesus 39
rection and life : said, " Remove the boulder."
he who believes in me will live, " Lord," said Martha, the dead
even if he dies, man's sister, " he will be stinking
26 and no one who lives and believes by this time; he has been dead
in me will ever die. four days." " Did I not tell you," 40
27 believe that ? " " Yes, Lord,"
You said Jesus, " if you will only believe,
she said, " I do believe you are you will see the glory of God ? "
the Christ, the Son of God, who Then they removed the boulder, 41
28 was to come into the world" ^and and Jesus, lifting his eyes to heaven,
with these words she went off to said, " Father, I thank thee for
her sister Mary, telling her
call listening to me, (I knew thou 42
" The Teacher is here,
secretly, wouldst always listen to me, but
29 and he is calling for you." So, I spoke on account of the crowd
on hearing this, Mary rose hurriedly around, that they might believe
* Another case of displacement; vers. thou hast sent me.)" So saying, 43
18 and 19 seem originally to have lain he exclaimed with a loud cry,
betweien vers. 30 and 31. " Lazarus, come out ! " Out came 44
the dead man, his hands and feet temple they said to one another,
swathed in bandages, and his face "What do you think? Do you
tied up with a towel. Jesus said, think he will not come up to the
" Untie him, and let him move." festival ? " (The high priests and 57
45 Now a number of the Jews who the Pharisees had given orders that
had come to visit Mary and who they were to be informed, if any-
witnessed what he had done, be- one found out where he was, so that
46 lieved in him. But some of them they might arrest him.)
went off to the Pharisees and told OHAP.
47 them what Jesus had done where- ; Six days before the festival, 12
upon the high priests and the Jesus came to Bethany, where
Pharisees called a meeting of the Lazarus stayed (whom Jesus had
Sanhedrin. " Whatever is to be raised from the dead). They gave 2
done ? " they said. " The fellow is a supper for him there; Martha
48 performing a number of Signs. If waited on him, and Lazarus was
we let him alone, like this, every- among those who reclined at table
body will believe in him, and then beside him. Then Mary, taking 3
the Romans will come and sup- a pound of expensive perfume,
press our holy Place and our real nard, anointed the feet of
49 nation." But one of them, Jesus and wiped his feet with her
Caiaphas, who was high priest that hair, till the house was filled with
year, said, " You know nothing the scent of the perfume. One of 4

50 about it you do not understand
it is in your own interests that one
his disciples, Judas Iscariot (who
was to betray him), said, " Why was 5
man should die for the People, not this perfume sold for ten
instead of the whole nation being pounds, and the money given to the
51 destroyed." (He did not say this poor ? " (Not that he cared for 6
simply of his own accord; he was the poor; he said this because he
high priest that year, and his words was a thief, and because he carried
were a prophecy that Jesus was to the money-box and pilfered what
52 die for the nation, and not merely was put in.) Then said Jesus, 7
for the nation but to gather into " Let her alone, let her keep what
one the scattered children of God.) she has for the day of my burial.
53 So from that day their plan was You have always the poor beside 8
54 to kill him. Accordingly Jesus no you, but you have not always me."
longer appeared in public among Now the great mass of the Jews 9
the Jews, but withdrew to the learned he was there, and they
country adjoining the desert, to a came not only on account of Jesus
town called Ephraim; there he but to see Lazarus whom he had
stayed with the disciples. raised from the dead. So the 10
high priests planned to kill Lazarus
as well, since it was owing to him 11
55 Now the passover of the Jews that a number of the Jews went
was near, and many people went away and believed in Jesus.
up from the country to Jerusalem, Next day the great mass of 12
to purify themselves before the people who had come up for the
56 passover. They looked out for festival heard that Jesus was enter-
Jesus, and as they stood in the ing Jerusalem, and taking palm- 13
branches they went out to meet and where I am, there my
him, shouting, servant will be also :
" OS anna ! if anyone serves me,
Blessed be he who comes in the my Father will honour him.
14 Lord's name, My soul is now disquieted. What 27
the king of Israel " I am I to say ? ' Father, save me
And Jesus came across a young ass from this hour Nay, it is some-
' ?
and seated himself on it; as it is thing else that has brought me to
written, thishour I will say, Father, glorify
: ' 28
15 Fear not, daughter of Sion ; thy name,' " Then came a voice
here is your king coming, from heaven, " I have glorified
seated on an ass's colt. it, and I will glorify it again."
16 (His disciples did not understand When they heard the sound, the 29
this at first; but when Jesus was people standing by said it had
then they remembered
glorified, thundered others said, " An angel

thishad been written of him and spoke to him," Jesus answered, 30

17 had happened to him.) Now the " This voice did not come for my
people who were with him when sake but for yours. Now is this 31
he called Lazarus from the tomb world to be judged now the Prince;

and raised him from the dead, of this world will be expelled.
18 testified to it; and that was why But I, when I am lifted up from the 32
the crowd went out to meet him, earth, will draw all men to myself."
because they heard he had per- (By this he indicated the kind of 33
19 formed this Sign. Then said the death he was to die.) So the 34
Pharisees to one another, " You people answered, " We have learned
see, you can do nothing! Look, from the Law that the Christ is to
the whole world has gone after remain for ever ; what do you mean
him." by saying that the Son of man must
20 Now there were some Greeks be lifted up? Who is this Son of
amongthose who had come up to man ? " Then Jesus said to them, 35
21 worship at the festival ; they came " The Light will shine among you
to Philip of Bethsaida in Galilee for a little longer yet; walk while
and appealed to him, saying, " Sir, you have the Light, that the dark-
22 we want to see Jesus." Philip ness may not overtake you. He
went and told Andrew; Andrew who walks in the dark does not
and Philip went and told Jesus. know where he is going. While 36
23 And Jesus answered, " The hour you have the Light, believe in the
has come for the Son of man to be Light, that you may be sons of
24 glorified. Truly, truly I tell you, the Light." * And Jesus cried 44
unless a grain of wheat falls into aloud, " He who believes in me
the earth and dies, it remains a believes not in me but in him
single grain ; but if it dies, it bears who sent me, and he who beholds 45
25 rich fruit. He who loves his life me beholds him who sent me. I 46
loses it, and he who cares not for have come as light into the world,
his life in this world will preserve that no one who believes in me
it for eternal life. may remain in the dark. If any- 47
26 If anyone serves me, let him * Restoring vers. 44-50 to their original
follow me, position in the middle of vev. 36.

one hears my words and does them to the end; so at supper, 2

not keep them, it is not I who judge knowing that though the devil
him; for I have not come to judge had suggested to Judas Iscariot,
the world but to save the world. Simon's son, to betray him, the 3
48 He who rejects me and will not Father had put everything into
receive my words has indeed a his hands
^knowing that he had
judge the word I have spoken
: come from God and was going to
49 will judge him on the last day, for God, he rose from table, laid 4
I have not spoken of my own accord aside his robe, and tied a towel
^the Father who sent me, he it round him, then poured water into 5
was who ordered me what to say a basin, and began to wash the
50 and what to speak. And I know his feet of the disciples, wiping them
orders mean eternal life. Therefore with the towel he had tied round
when I speak, I speak as the Father him. He came to Simon Peter. 6
36 has told me." With these words " Lord," said he, " you to wash my
Jesus went away and hid from them. feet " ! Jesus answered him, " You 7
37 Now for all the Signs he had do not understand just now what
performed before them, they did I am doing, but you will understand

38 not believe in him that the word it on." Said Peter, " You
later 8
spoken by the prophet Isaiah will never wash my feet, never 1

might be fulfilled :
" Unless I wash you," Jesus repHed,
Lord, who has believed what they " you will not share my lot."
heard from us ? "Lord," said Simon Peter, "then 9
And to whom has the arm of the wash not only my feet but my
Lord been revealed? hands and head." Jesus said, " He 10
39 This was why they could not who has bathed only needs to have
believe; for Isaiah again said, his feet washed he is clean all over.

40 He has blinded their eyes

And you are clean but not all of
and made their hearts insensible, you " (he knew the traitor; that 11
to prevent them seeing with their was why he said, " You are not all
eyes and understanding with their clean "). Then, after washing their 12
hearts and turning for me to cure feet and putting on his robe, he
them. lay down again. " Do you know,"
41 (Isaiah said this because he saw he said to them, " what I have been
42 his glory and spoke of him.) Still, doing to you ? You call me Teacher 13
a number even of the authorities and Lord, and you are right that :

believed in him, though they would is what I am. Well, if I have washed 14
not confess it on account of the your feet, I who am your Lord and
Pharisees, in case of being excom- Teacher, you are bound to wash
43 municated ; they preferred the ap- one another's feet; for I have been 15
proval of men to the approval of God. setting you an example, that you
should do what I have done to
you. Truly, truly I tell you, a 16
13 Now before the passover festival servant is not greater than his
Jesus knew the time had come master, nor is a messenger greater
for him to pass from this world than he who sent him. If you 17
to the Father. He had loved his know all this, blessed are you if you
own in this world and he loved really do it. When I say ' you,' 18
" :

I do not mean you all ; I know the " I AM the real Vine, and my 15
men of my choice, and I made my Father is the vine-dresser he cuts 2

choice that this scripture might be away any branch on me which is

fulfilled, he who eats my bread has not bearing fruit, and cleans every
19 lifted up his heel against me, I am branch which does bear fruit, to
telling you this now, before it make it bear richer fruit. You 3
occurs, so that when it has occurred are already clean, by the word I
20 you may believe who I am. (Truly, have spoken to you. Remain in 4
truly I tell you, me, as I remain in you just as a

he who receives anyone I send branch cannot bear fruit by itself,

receives me, without remaining on the vine,
and he who receives me receives neither can you, unless you remain
him who sent me.) in me. I am the vine, you are the 5
21 On saying this Jesus was disquieted branches. He who remains in me,
in spirit he testified and said,
: as I in him, bears rich fruit
"Truly, truly I tell you, one of you (because apart from me you can
22 will betray me." The disciples do nothing). If anyone does not 6
looked at each other, at a loss to remain in me, he is thrown aside
23 know which of them he meant. As like a branch and he withers up;
one of his disciples was reclining on then the branches are gathered
his breast
he was the favourite of and thrown into the fire to be

24 Jesus Peter nodded to him, saying, burned. If you remain in me and 7
25 " Tell us who he means." The disci- my words remain in you, then ask
ple just leant back on the breast of whatever you like and you shall
Jesus and said, " Lord, who is it ?
" have it. As you bear rich fruit 8
26 Jesus answered, " The man I am and prove yourselves my disciples,
going to give this piece of bread to, my Father is glorified. As the 9
when I dip it in the dish." Then Father has loved me, so I have
he took the piece of bread, dipped loved you remain within my love.

it, and gave it to Judas, the son If you keep my commands you 10
27 of Simon Iscariot and when he
; will remain within my love, just
took the bread, at that moment as I have kept my Father's com-
Satan entered him. Then Jesus mands and remain within his love.
told him, " Be quick with what I have told you this, that my 11
28 you have to do." (None of those joy may be within you and your
at table understood why he said joy complete. This is my com- 12
29 this to him some of them thought
; mand you are to love one another

that as Judas kept the money-box, as I have loved you. To lay life 18
Jesus told him to buy what they down for his friends, man has no
needed for the festival or to give greater love than that. You are 14
80 something to the poor.) So Judas
my friends ^if you do what I
went out immediately after taking command you I call you servants 15

the bread. And it was night. no longer, because a servant does

81 When he had gone out, Jesus not know what his master is doing
said,* I call you friends, because I have im-
Chapters xv. and xvi. are restored parted to you all that I have learned
to their original position in the middle of from my Father. You have not 16
ver. 31. chosen me, it is I who have chosen
you, appointing you to go and bear killsyou will imagine he is perform-
fruit that lasts, so that the ing a service to God. This they 8
Father may grant you whatever will do, because they have not
17 you ask in my name. This is what known the Father nor me.
I command you, to love one another. I have told you all this, so 4
18 If the world hates you, remember that when the time for it arrives,
19 it hated me first. If you belonged you may remember what I said to
to the world, the world would love you. I did not tell you about this at
what it owned; it is because you the beginning, because I was with
do not belong to the world, because you then; but now I am going to 5
I have chosen you from the world, him who sent me. And yet not
20 that the world hates you. Re- one of you asks, ' Where are you
member what I told you, ' A ser- going ? No, your heart is full
vant is not greater than his of sorrow at what I have told you.
Yet I am telling you the truth 7
If they persecuted me, they will my going is for your good. If I
persecute you do not depart, the Helper will not
if they hold to my word, they will come to you ; whereas if I go, I will
hold to yours. send him to you. And when he 8
21 They will do all this to you on comes, he will convict the world,
account of my name, because convincing men of sin, of righteous-
they know not him who sent me. ness, and of judgment : of sin, 9
22 They would not be guilty, if because they do not believe in
I had not come and spoken to me ; of righteousness, because I 10
them; but, as it is, they have go to the Father and you see me
23 no excuse for their sin he who no more; of judgment, because 11
hates me hates my Father also. the Prince of this world has been
24 They would not be guilty, if I judged. I have still much to say 12
had not done deeds among them to you, but you cannot bear it
such as no one has ever done; just now. However, when the 13
but, as it is, they have seen and Spirit of truth comes, he will lead
they have hated both me and you all to the truth; for he will
25 my Father. It is that the word not speak of his own accord, he
written in their Law may be ful- will say whatever he is told, and
filled they hated me for no cause.
: he will disclose to you what is to
come. He will glorify me, for he 14
will draw upon what is mine and
26 When the Helper comes, whom disclose it to you. All that the 15
send to you from the Father,
I will Father has is mine that is ; why I
even the Spirit of truth which say, he will draw upon
' what
issues from the Father, he will is mine and disclose it to you.'
27 bear witness to me and you too; In a little while, you behold 16
are witnesses, for you have been me no longer; then, after a little,
with me from the very beginning. you will see me." So some of his 17
16 I have told you all this, to keep disciples said to one another,
2 you from being repelled. They val\ " What does he mean by telling us,
excommunicate you; indeed the '
In a little while, you ^vill behold
time is coming when anyone who me no longer ; then, after a little,

you will see me *
? and, *
I go to we are sure you know everything,
18 the Father '
? " They said, " What and we need not question you.
the meaning of 'In a little
This makes us believe you have
do not understand what he is come forth from God." Jesus 31
19 saying." Jesus knew they wanted replied, **
You believe it, at last ?
to ask him, so he said to them, Behold, the time coming,
has 32
is it
" Is this what you are discussing come already, when you will be
together, why I said, * In a little scattered to your homes, every one
while, you will not see me then, : of you, leaving me alone. But I am
after a little, you will behold me ' ? not alone, for the Father is with me.
20 Truly, truly I tell you, you will I have said all this to you that in 33
be wailing and lamenting while the me you may have peace; in the
world is rejoicing; you will be world you have trouble, but courage I

sorrowful, but then your sorrow I have conquered the world.*

21 will be changed into joy. When " Now at last the Son of man is 31
a woman is in labour she is sorry, glorified, and in him God
is glori-
for her time has come; but when fied : if God
glorified in him,
is 32
the child is born she remembers God will glorify him in Himself and
her anguish no longer, for joy that glorify him at once. dear chil- My 33
a human being has been born into dren, I am only to be with you a little
22 the world. So with you. Just longer ; then you will look for me,
now you are in sorrow, but I will and, as I told the Jews I tell you
see you again and your heart will now, where I go you cannot come.
with a joy that no one I give you a new command, to 34
23 can take from you. And on that love one another as I have loved
day you will not ask me any you, you are to love one another.
questions. Truly, truly I tell you, By this everyone will recognize 35
whatever you ask the Father, he that you are my disciples, if you
24)will give you in my name hitherto ; have love one for another."
you have asked nothing in my name " Lord," said Simon Peter, " where 36
ask and you will receive, that your are you going ? " Jesus replied,
25 joy may be full. I have told you "I am going where you cannot
this in figures, but the time is follow me at present; later on
coming when I will speak to you you will follow me." " Lord," 37
in figures no longer I will let you ; said Peter, " why cannot I follow
know plainly about the Father. you just now ? I will lay down my
26 On that day you will ask in my life for you." Jesus replied, " Lay 38
name, and I do not say to you down your life for me? Truly,
I will ask the Father on your truly I tell you, before the cock
27 behalf ;for the Father loves you crows, you will have disowned
himself, because you have loved me thrice over.
me and believed that I came forth
28 from the Father. From the Father CHAP.
I came and I entered the world; Let not your heart be dis- 14
again, I leave the world and I go quieted; you believe believe in
29 to the Father." His disciples said, God and also in me. In my 2
" Now, you are talking plainly at * The sequence of xiii. 31 is now resumed
80 last, not speaking in figures. Now (see above, note on p. 134).
Father'shouse there are many world cannot receive him, because
abodes; were it not so, would I it neither sees nor knows him,
have told you I was going to but you know him, because he
3 prepare a place for you ? And remains with you and will be
when I go and prepare a place for within you. I will not leave you 18
you, I will come back and take forlorn; I am coming to you. A 19
you to be with me, so that you little while longer and the world
4 may be where I am. And you will see me no more; but you
know the way to where I am going." will see me, because I am living
5 " Lord," said Thomas, " we do not and you will be living too. You 20
know where you are going, and how will understand, on that day, that
6 are we to know the way ? " Jesus I am in my Father and you are
said to him, " I am the real and in me and I am in you. He who 21
living way no one comes to the
: possesses my commands and obeys
7 Father except by means of me. If them is he who loves me, and he
you knew me, you would know my who loves me will be loved by my
Father too. You know him now Father, and I will love him and
8 and you have seen him." " Lord," appear to him." " Lord," said 22
said Philip, " let us see the Father ; Judas (not Judas Iscariot), " why
9 that is all we want." Jesus said is it that you are to appear to us,
to him, " Philip, have I been and not to the world ? " Jesus 23
with you all this time, and yet you answered, " If anyone loves me he
do not understand me? He who will obey my word, and my Father
has seen me has seen the Father. will love him, and we will come to
What do you mean by saying, him and take up our abode with
10 'Let us see the Father ? Do you
him. He who does not love me 24
not believe I am in the Father and does not obey my word and what

the Father is in me? The words you hear me say is not my word
I speak to you I do not speak of but the word of the Father who
my own accord; it is the Father sent me.
who remains ever in me, who is I have told you all this while 25
11 performing his own deeds. Believe I am still with you, but the 26
me, I am in the Father and the Helper, the holy Spirit whom the
Father is in me :
or else, believe Father will send in my name, will
because of the deeds themselves. teach you everything and recall
12 Truly, truly I tell you, he who to you everything I have said.
believes in me will do the very Peace I leave to you, my peace 27
deeds I do, and still greater deeds I give to you; I give it not as
than these. For I am going to the the world gives its ' Peace ' Let !

13 Father, and I will do whatever not your heart be disquieted or

you ask in my name, that the timid. You heard me tell you 28
Father may be glorified in the I was going away and coming
14 Son; I will do whatever you ask back to you if you loved me, you

15 me in my name. If you love me would rejoice that I am going

16 you will keep my commands, and to the Father for the Father is
I will ask the Father to give you greater than I am.
another Helper to be with you for I tell you this now, before it occurs, 29
17 ever, even the Spirit of truth : the so that, when it does occur, you may

80 believe. I will no longer talk much of thy Name which thou hast given
with you, for the Prince of this me, that they may be one as we
world is coming. He has no hold are one. When I was with them, 12
81 on me; his coming will only serve I kept them by the power of thy
to let the world see that I love the Name which thou hast given me;
Father and that I am acting as the I guarded them, and not one of
Father ordered. Rise, let us be
them perished only the son of
going." perdition, that the scripture might
be fulfilled. But now I come to 13
CHAP. thee (I speak thus in the world
17 So Jesus spoke; then, lifting that they may have my joy com-
his eyes to heaven, he said plete within them). I have given 14
" Father, the time has now come them thy word, and the world
glorify thy Son that thy Son may has hated them because they do
2 glorify thee, since thou hast not belong to the world any more
granted him power over all flesh than I belong to the world. I 15
to give eternal life to all whom pray not that thou wilt take them
3 thou hast given to him. And this out of the world, but that thou wilt
is eternal life, that they know keep them from the evil one. They 16
thee, the only real God, and him do not belong to the world any more
whom thou hast sent, even Jesus than I belong to the world. Con- 17
4 Christ. I have glorified thee on secrate them by thy truth :thy
earth by accomplishing the work word is truth. As thou hast sent 18
5 thou gavest me to do ; now. me into the world, so have I sent
Father, glorify me in thy presence them into the world, and for their 19
with the glory which I enjoyed sake I consecrate myself that they
in thy presence before the world may be consecrated by the truth.
6 began. I have made thy Name Nor do I pray for them alone, 20
known to the men whom thou hast but for all who believe in me by
given to me from the world (thine their spoken word ; may they all 21
they were, and thou gavest them be one ! As thou, Father, art
to me), and they have held to thy in me and I in thee, so may they
7 word. They know now that what-
be in us that the world may be-
ever thou hast given me comes from lieve thou hast sent me. Yea, I 22
8 thee, for I have given them the have given them the glory thou
words thou gavest me and they gavest me, that they may be one
have received them; they are as we are one
I in them and thou 23
now sure that I came from thee in me ^that they may be made
and that thou didst send me. perfectly one, so that the world
9 I pray for them ^not for the world may recognize that thou hast sent
but for those whom thou hast me and hast loved them as thou
given me do I pray; for they are hast loved me. Father, it is my 24
10 thine (all mine is thine and thine will that these, thy gift to me, may
is mine), and I am glorified in be beside me where I am, to behold
11 them. I am to be in the world no my glory which thou hast given
longer, but they are to be in the me, because thou lovedst me before
world; I come to thee. Holy the foundation of the world. O just 25
Father, keep them by the power Father, though the world has not
knownthee, I have known * thee, " Sheathe your sword. Am I not
and they have known that thou to drink the cup which the Father
26 hast sent me so have I declared,
; has handed me ? "
so will I thy Name to
declare, So the troops and their com- 12
them, that the love with which mander and the Jewish attendants
thou hast loved me may be in seized Jesus, bound him, and 13
them, and I in them." brought him first of all to Annas
(for Annas was the father-in-law
of Caiaphas, who was high priest
18 Having said this, Jesus went
that year the Caiaphas who had 14
out with his disciples across the advised the Jews that it was for
Kidron ravine to an orchard, their interests that one man should
which he entered in the company die for the people). f Then the 19
2 of his disciples. Judas the traitor high priest questioned Jesus about
also knew the spot, for Jesus and his disciples and about his teaching.
3 his disciples often met there. So Jesus answered, " I have spoken 20
after procuring troops and some openly to the world I have always

attendants belonging to the high taught in the synagogue and in

priests and the Pharisees, Judas the temple, where all Jews gather
went there with lanterns and I have said nothing in secret.
4 torches and weapons. Then Jesus, Why ask me ? Ask my hearers 21
who knew everything that was to what I have said to them; they
happen to him, came forward and know what I said." As he said 22
asked them, " Who are you looking this, one of the attendants who
5 for? " " Jesus of Nazaret," they stood by gave him a blow, saying,
replied. Jesus said, " I am he." " Is that how you answer the high
(And Judas the traitor was standing priest ? " " If I have said any- 23
6 beside them.) When he said, " I thing wrong," replied Jesus, " prove
am he," they fell back and dropped it; if I said what was true, why
7 to the ground so he asked them
; strike me?" Then Annas had 24
once more, " Who are you looking him bound and sent him to Caiaphas
for? " And when they replied, the high priest. Simon Peter 15
8 " Jesus of Nazaret," he answered, followed Jesus along with another
" I told you that I am he if it is ; disciple;and as this disciple was
me you are looking for, let these an acquaintance of the high priest,
9 men get away " (this was to fulfil he passed into the courtyard of the
his own word '
I did not lose a
: high priest with Jesus, while Peter 16
single one of those whom thou stood outside at the door. Then
10 didst give me '). Then Simon this other disciple, who was an
Peter, who had a sword, drew it acquaintance of the high priest,
and struck the high priest's ser- came out and spoke to the woman
vant, cutting off his right ear at the door, and brought Peter
(the servant's name was Malchus) inside. The maidservant then said 17
11 whereupon Jesus said to Peter, to Peter, " Are you not one of
this fellow's disciples ? " He said,
* The English perfect is the least inade-
" No." Now the servants and the 18
quate rendering of the Greek aorist here.
Luther, however, prefers the present. " Ich f Transposing vers. 19-24 to a position
kenne Dich, und diese erkennen. . , ,** between vers. 14 and 15.
attendants were standing and being handed over to the Jews,
warming themselves at a charcoal No, my realm lies elsewhere." " So 87
fire which they had lit (for it was you are a king?" said Pilate,
cold), and Peter also stood beside you " " Certainly," said Jesus,

25 them and warmed himself. They " I am a king. This is why I was
asked him, " Are you not one of born, this is why I came into the
" He denied it, say-
his disciples ? world, to bear testimony to the
26 ing, " No." Said one of the high truth. Everyone who belongs to
priest's servants, a kinsman of the truth listens to my voice."
the man whose ear had been cut " Truth " said Pilate, " what
! 38
off by Peter, " Did I not see you is truth " With these words he

27 with him in the orchard ? " Again went outside to the Jews again
Peter denied it. And at that very and told them, " I cannot find
moment the cock crowed. anything wrong about him. But 89
28 Then from the house of Caiaphas it is your custom that I should
they took Jesus to the praetorium. release a prisoner for you at the
(It was early morning.) They passover. Is it your will that I
would not enter the praetorium release j^ou the king of the Jews ?
themselves, in case of being cere- Again they yelled, " No, not him ! 40
monially defiled, for they wanted Bar- Abbas " Now Bar- Abbas was

29 to eat the passover; so Pilate a robber.

came outside to them and asked,
" What charge do you bring against CHAP.
80 this man ? " They retorted, " If Then Pilate took Jesus and had 19
he had not been a criminal, we him scourged. And the soldiers 2
would not have handed him over twisted some thorns into a crown
31 to you." Then said Pilate, " Take and put it on his head, and arrayed
him yourselves, and sentence him him in a purple robe, marching 3
according to your own Law." The to him and shouting, " Hail, king
Jews said, " We have no right to of the Jews "
and striking him.

32 put anyone to death " (that the Again Pilate went out and said to 4
word of Jesus might be fulfilled, them, " Look, I am bringing him
by which he had indicated the out to you. Understand, I cannot
33 kind of death he was to die). So find any thing wrong about him." So 5
Pilate went back inside the prae- out came Jesus, wearing the crown
torium and called Jesus, saying, of thorns and the purple robe and ;

" Then you are king of the Jews ? " Pilate said, " Here the man * is

34 Jesus replied, " Are you saying this Now when the high priests and their 6
of your own accord, or did other attendants saw him, they yelled,
35 people tell you about me ? " " Am " Crucify him, crucify him " !

I a Jew?" said Pilate. "Your Pilate said, " Take him and crucify
own nation and the high priests him yourselves I find nothing

handed you over to me.

have wrong about him." The Jews re- 7
36 What have you done ? " Jesus torted, " But we have a Law, and
replied, "My realm does not be-
long to this world; if my realm The unconscious force of Pilate's words,
it has been suggested, might be brought out
did belong to this world, my men by rendering either " Here is (he man I **
would have fought to prevent me "
or. " Here is the Man 1
by [our] Law he is bound to die, where Jesus had been crucified
because he has made himself out was close to the city; besides, the
8 to be God's Son." Now when inscription was in Hebrew, Latin,
Pilate heard that, he was still and Greek. So the Jewish high 21
9 more afraid ; he went inside the priests said to Pilate, " Do not
praetorium again and asked Jesus, write, KING OF the jews; write,
" Where do you come from ? " HE SAID I AM KING OF THE JEWS."
10 Jesus made no reply. Then Pilate Pilate repHed, " What I have 22
said, You will not speak to me ?
" written, I have written."
Do you not know it is in my power Now when the soldiers crucified 23
to release you ? "
you or to crucify Jesus they took his clothes and
11 Jesus answered, " You would have divided them into four parts, one
no power over me, unless it had for each soldier. But as the tunic
been granted you from above. So was seamless, woven right down
you are less guilty than he who in a single piece, they said to 24
12 betrayed me
to you." This made themselves, " Don't let us tear it.
Pilate anxious to release him, but Let us draw lots to see who gets
the Jews yelled, " If you release it " (that the scripture might be
him, you are no friend of Caesar's ! fulfilled,
Anyone who makes himself a king they distributed my clothes among
13 is against Caesar " On hearing ! them,
this Pilate brought Jesus out and and drew lots for my raiment).
seated him on the tribunal at a This was what the soldiers did.
spot called the mosaic pavement '
Now beside the cross of Jesus 25
14) the Hebrew name is Gabbatha (it stood his mother and his mother's
was the day of Preparation for the sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and
passover, about noon). " There Mary of Magdala. So when Jesus 26
is your king !
" he said to the saw his mother and his favourite
15 Jews. Then they yelled, " Off disciple standing near, he said to
with him Off with him
! Crucify ! his mother, " Woman, there is
him!" "Crucify your king?" your son " Then he siaid to the
! 27
said Pilate. The high priests re- disciple, " Son, there is your
torted, " We have no king but mother '* And from that hour

16 Caesar " Then Pilate handed him

! the disciple took her to his home.
over to them to be crucified. After that, as Jesus knew that 28
17 So they took Jesus, and he went everything was now finished and
away, carrying the cross by him- fulfilled, he said (to fulfil the scrip-
self, to the spot called the ' place ture), " / am thirsty J' A jug full 29
of the skull '

the Hebrew name of vinegar was lying there; so
18 is Golgotha there they crucified
; they put a sponge full of vinegar
him, along with two others, one on a spear and held it to his lips.
on each side and Jesus in the And when Jesus took the vinegar, 30
19 middle. Pilate had written an he said, " It is finished," bowed
inscription to be put on the his head, and gave up his spirit.
cross; what he wrote was, jesus Now, as it was the day of Prepara- 31
THE NAZARENE, KING OF THE tion, in order to prevent the bodies
20 JEWS. Now many of the Jews remaining on the cross during the
read this inscription, for the place sabbath (for that sabbath-day was

a great day), the Jews asked Pilate she saw the boulder had been re-
to have the legs broken and the moved from the tomb, she ran off 2
82 bodies removed. So the soldiers to Simon Peter and to the other
went and broke the legs of the first disciple, the favourite of Jesus,
man and of the other man who had telling them, " They have taken
83 been crucified along with him ; but the master out of the tomb, and
when they came to Jesus and saw we do not know where they have
he was dead already, they did not put him " So Peter and the
! 8
84 break his legs ; only, one of the other disciple set out for the
soldiers pricked his side mth a tomb; they both started to run, 4
lance, and out came blood and but the other disciple ran ahead,
85 water in a moment. He who saw faster than Peter, and got to the
it has borne witness (his witness tomb first. He glanced in and saw 5
is true; God knows he is telling the bandages lying on the ground,
the truth), that you may believe. but he did not go inside. Then 6
86 For this took place that the scrip- Simon Peter came after him, and
ture might be fulfilled, went inside the tomb; he noticed
Not a bone of him will be broken, not only that the bandages were
87 And another scripture also says, lying on the ground but that the 7
They will look on him whom they napkin which had been round
have impaled, his head was folded up by itself,
88 After this, Jjoseph of Arimathaea, instead of lying beside the other
a disciple of Jesus but a secret bandages, tlpon this the other 8
for fear of the Jews disciple, who had reached the tomb
asked Pilate for permission to first, went inside too, and when
remove the body of Jesus. And he saw for himself he was con-
Pilate allowed him. So he went vinced. (For as yet they did not 9
89 and removed the body, accom- understand the Scripture that he
panied by Nicodemus (he who had must rise from the dead.) Then 10
first come to Jesus by night) who the disciples returned home; but 11
brought a mixture of myrrh and Mary stood sobbing outside the
aloes, about a hundred pounds of tomb. As she sobbed, she glanced
40 it ; they took and wrapped up the inside the tomb and noticed two 12
body of Jesus in the spices and in angels in white, sitting where the
bandages, according to the Jewish body of Jesus had lain, one at
41 custom of burial. Now at the the head and one at the feet.
spot where he had been crucified " Woman," they said to her, " why 13
there was an orchard, and in the are you sobbing ? " She said,
orchard a new tomb where no one " Because they have taken away
42 had yet been laid ; so they put my master, and I do not know
Jesus there, since it was the Jewish where they have put him " With ! 14
day of Preparation, seeing that these words she turned round and
the tomb was close by. noticed Jesus standing
she did not know it was Jesus.
OHAP. " Woman," said Jesus, " why are 15
20 On the first day of the week Mary you sobbing? Who are you look-
of Magdala went early to the tomb, ing for? " Supposing he was the
when it was still dark; but as gardener, she said, " Oh, sir, if
you carried him away, tell me with you " Then he said to 27

where you put him, and I will Thomas, " Look at my hands, put
16 remove him." " Mary " said
! your finger here; and put your
Jesus. She started round and said, hand here into my side cease your

" Rabboni " (a Hebrew word

! unbelief and believe." Thomas 28
17 meaning teacher '). Jesus said,
answered him, " My Lord and my
" Cease clinging to me. I have God ! Jesus said to him, " You 29
not ascended yet to the Father, believe because you have seen me ?
but go to my brothers and tell Blessed be those who believe though
them, I am ascending to my
they have never seen me."
Father and yours, to my God and Many another Sign did Jesus 30
18 yours.' " Away went Mary of Mag- perform in presence of his disciples,
dala to the disciples with the news, which is not recorded in this book;

" I have seen the Lord " ^telling but these Signs are recorded so 31
them what he had said to her. that you may believe Jesus is the
19 On the evening of that same Christ, the Son of God, and believ-

day ^the first day of the week ing may have life through his Name.
though the disciples had gathered
within closed doors for fear of the CHAP,
Jews, Jesus entered and stood After that, Jesus disclosed him- 21
among them, saying, " Peace be self once more to the disciples at
20 with you " So saying he showed
! the sea of Tiberias. It was in this
them his hands and his side; and way. Simon Peter, Thomas (who 2
when the disciples saw the Lord, was called * the Twin '), Nathanael
21 they rejoiced. Jesus then re- from Cana in Galilee, the two sons
peated, " Peace be with you of Zebedaeus, and two other dis-
As the Father sent me forth, I am ciples of his, were all together.
22 sending you forth." And with Simon Peter said to them, " I am 3
these words he breathed on them, going to fish." They said, " We
and added, " Receive the holy are coming too." Off they went
23 Spirit ! If you remit the sins of and embarked in the boat, but that
any, they are remitted if: you night they caught nothing. Now 4
retain them, they are retained." at break of day Jesus was standing
24 Now Thomas, one of the twelve, on the beach (though the disciples
who was called ' the Twin,' was not did not know it was Jesus).
25 with them when Jesus came; and " Lads," said Jesus, " have you 5
when the rest of the disciples told got anything? " " No," they an-
him, " We have seen the Lord," swered. So he told them, " Throw 6
he said, " Unless I see his hands your net on the right of the boat,
with the mark of the nails, and put and you will have a take." At this
my finger where the nails were, they threw the net, and now they
and put my hand into his side, could not haul it in for the mass
26 I refuse to beheve it." Eight of fish. So the disciple who was 7
days afterwards his disciples were Jesus' favourite said to Peter, " It
together again, and Thomas with is the Lord " Hearing it was the

them. Though the doors were Lord, Simon Peter threw on his
closed, Jesus entered and stood blouse (he was stripped for work)
among them, saying, " Peace be and jumped into the water, while 8
; ;

the rest of the disciples came ashore can see I love you." Jesus said,
in the punt (they were not far from " Then feed my sheep. Truly, 18
land, only about a hundred yards), truly I tell you, you put on your
9 dragging their netful of fish. When own girdle and went wherever you
they got to land, they saw a char- wanted, when you were young but;

coal fire burning, with fish cooking when you grow old, you will stretch
10 on it, and some bread. Jesus said out your hands for someone to gird
to them, " Bring some of the fish you, and you will be taken where
11 you have just caught." So Peter you have no wish to go " (he said 19
went aboard and hauled the net this to indicate the kind of death
ashore, full of large fish, a hundred by which Peter would glorify God)
and fifty three of them; but for then he added, " Follow me."
all their number the net was not Peter turned round and saw that 20
12 torn. Jesus said, " Come and the favourite disciple of Jesus was
breakfast." (Not one of the dis- following, the disciple who had
dared to ask him who he
ciples leant on his breast at supper and
was; they knew it was the Lord.) put the question, " Lord, who is
18 Jesus went and took the bread and to betray you ? " So, on catching 21
gave it to them, and the fish too. sight of him, Peter said to Jesus,
14 This was the third time, now, that " And what about him. Lord ? "
Jesus appeared to the disciples Jesus replied, " If I choose that he 22
after rising from the dead. should survive till I come back, what
15 Then after breakfast Jesus said does that matter to you ? Follow me
to Simon Peter, " Simon, son of yourself." This started the report 23
John, do you love me more than among the brotherhood that the said
the others do?" "Why, Lord," disciple was not to die. Jesus, how-
he said, " you know I love you." ever, did not say he was not to die
" Then feed my lambs," said Jesus. what he said was, " If I choose that
16 Again he asked him, for the second he should survive till I come back,
time, " Simon, son of John, do you what does that matter to you ?"
love me?" "Why, Lord," he This was the disciple who bears 24
said, " you know I love you." testimony to these facts and who
" Then be a shepherd to my sheep," wrote them down; his testimony,
17 said Jesus. For the third time he we know, is true.
asked him, " Simon, son of John, Now there is much else that 25
do you love me ? " Now Peter was
Jesus did so much, that if it was
vexed at being asked a third time, written down in detail, I do not
" Do you love me ? " So he replied suppose the world itself could hold
" Lord, you know everything, you the written records.

1 In my former volume, Theo- who has been taken from you into
philus, I that Jesus
treated all heaven will come back, just as you
2 began by doing and teaching down have seen him depart to heaven."
to the day when, after issuing his Then they made their way back 12
orders by the holy Spirit to the to Jerusalem from the hill called
disciples whom he had chosen, he *
The Olive-Orchard ' ; it is close
3 was taken up to heaven. After to Jerusalem, only a sabbath day's
his sufferings he had shown them journey from it. On entering the 13
that he was alive by a number of city they went to the upper room
proofs, revealing himself to them where they were in the habit of
for forty days and discussing the meeting; there were Peter, John,
4 affairs of God's Realm. Also, as James, Andrew, Philip and Thomas,
he ate with them, he charged them Bartholomew and Matthew, James
not to leave Jerusalem but to wait (the son of Alphaeus) and Simon
for what the Father promised " for who had been a Zealot, with Judas
what you have heard me speak of," the son of James. All these men 14
6 said he *' for John baptized with
; resorted with one mind to prayer,
water, but not many days after this together with the women, with
you will be baptized with the holy Mary the mother of Jesus and with
6 Spirit." Now when they met, they his brothers.
asked him, ** Lord, is this the time Now during these days Peter 15
you are going to restore the Realm stood up among the brothers (there
7 to Israel ? " But he told them, " It was a crowd of about a hundred and
is not for you to know the course and twenty persons all together). " My 16
periods of time that the Father has brothers," said he, " it had to be
8 fixed by his own authority. You will fulfilled, that scripture which the
receive power when the holy Spirit holy Spirit uttered beforehand by
comes upon you, and you will be the lips of David with regard to
my witnesses at Jerusalem, through- Judas who acted as guide to those
out all Judaea and Samaria, and who arrested Jesus. Judas did 17
9 to the end of the earth." On saying enter our number, he did get his
this he was lifted up while they allotted share of this our ministry.
looked on, and a cloud took him With the money paid him for 18
10 out of sight. As he went up, their his crime he purchased an estate;
eyes were fixed on heaven; but but swelling up he burst in tw^o,
just then two men stood beside and all his bowels poured out a 19
11 them dressed in white, who said, fact which became known to all
Men of GaUlee, why do you stand the residents in Jerusalem, so
looking up to heaven ? This Jesus that the estate got the name, in


their language, of Akeldamach was heard, the multitude gathered

20 or The Ground of Blood. Now in bewilderment, for each heard
it is written in the book of them speaking in his own language.
psalms, All were amazed and astonished.
Desolate he his residencey " Are these not all Galileans," they 7
may no one dwell in it : said, " who are speaking ? Then 8
also, how is it that each of us hears them
let another man take over his in his own native tongue? Par- 9
charge, thians, Medes, Elamites, residents
21 Well then, of the men who have in Mesopotamia, in Judaea and
been associated with us all the Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia, in 10
time the Lord Jesus went in and out Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt
22 among us, from the baptism of and the districts of Libya round
John down to the day when he was Cyrene, visitors from Rome, Jews
taken up from us of these men and proselytes, Cretans and Ara- 11
one must join us as a witness to his bians, we hear these men talking
23 resurrection." So they brought of the triumphs of God in our
forward two men, Joseph called own languages " They were all
! 12
Bar-Sabbas (surnamed Justus) and amazed and quite at a loss. " What
24 Matthias and they prayed, " O
; can it mean ? " they said to one
Lord, who readest the hearts of another. Some others sneered, 13
all, do thou single out from these " They are brim-full of new wine " !

two men him whom thou hast But Peter stood up along with the 14
25 chosen to fill the place in this eleven, and raising his voice he
apostolic ministry which Judas left addressed them thus : " Men of
in order to go to his own place." Judaea and residents in Jerusalem,
Then they cast lots for them, and let every one of you understand
the lot fell upon Matthias, who was this
attend to what I say these 15 :

assigned his position with the men are not drunk, as you imagine.
eleven apostles. Why, it is only nine in the morning !

No, this is what was predicted by 16

the prophet Joel
2 During the course of the day Jii the last days, saith God, then 17
of Pentecost they were all to- will I pour out my Spirit upon
2 gether, when suddenly there came all flesh,
a sound from heaven like a violent your sons and daughters shall
blast of wind, which filled the prophesy,
whole house where they were your young men shall see visions,
3 seated. They saw tongues like your old men shall dream dreams :
flames distributing themselves, one on my very slaves and slave- girls 18
4 resting on the head of each, and in these days will I pour out my
they were all filled with the holy Spirit,

Spirit ^they began to speak in and they shall prophesy.
foreign tongues, as the Spirit en- And I will display wonders in 19
abled them to express themselves. heaven above
5 Now there were devout Jews from and signs on earth below,
every nation under heaven staying blood and fire and vapour of
6 in Jerusalem. So when this sound smoke t

20 the sun shall be changed into God raised, as we can all bear
darkness witness. Uplifted then by God's 33
and the moon into blood, right hand, and receiving from the
ere the great, open Day of the Lord Father the long-promised holy
arrives. Spirit, he has poured on us what
21 And everyone who invokes the you now see and hear.) For it was 34
name of the Lord will be saved. not David who ascended to heaven,
22 Men of Israel, listen to my
words. David says,
Jesus the Nazarene, a man ac- The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at *

credited to you by God through my right hand,

miracles, wonders, and signs which I put your enemies under 35
God performed by him among you your feet '.
23 (as you yourselves know), this So let all the house of Israel under- 36
Jesus, betrayed in the predestined stand beyond a doubt that God
course of God's deliberate purpose, has made him both Lord and Christ,
you got wicked men to nail to the this very Jesus whom you have
24 cross and murder; but God raised crucified." When they heard this, 37
him by checking the pangs of it went straight to their hearts;
death. Death could not hold him. they said to Peter and the rest of
25 For David says of him, the apostles, " Brothers, what are
I saw the Lord before me ever- we to do ? " " Repent," said Peter, 38
more ; " let each of you be baptized in the
lest I be shaken, he is at my right name of Jesus Christ for the re-
hand. mission of your sins; then you
26 My heart is glad, will receive the gift of the holy
my tongue exults, Spirit. For the promise is meant 39
my very flesh will rest in hope, for you and for your children and
27 because thou wilt not forsake my for all who are far off, for anyone
soul in the grave, whom the Lord our God may call to
nor let thy holy one suffer decay. himself.'^ And with many another 40
28 Thou hast made known to me the appeal he urged and entreated
paths of life, them. " Save yourselves," he
thou wilt fill me with delight in thy cried, " from this crooked genera-
presence. tion " So those who accepted
! 41
29 Brothers, can speak quite plainly
I what he said were baptized about ;

to you about the patriarch David three thousand souls were brought
he died and was buried and his in, that day. They devoted them- 42
tomb remains with us to this day. selves to the instruction given by
30 (He was a prophet; he knew God the apostles and to fellowship,
had sworn an oath to him that he breaking bread and praying to-
would seat one of his descendants gether. Awe fell on everyone, 43
SI on his throne ; * so he spoke with a and many wonders and signs were
prevision of the resurrection of the performed by the apostles [in
Christ, when he said that he was Jerusalem]. The believers f all 44
not forsaken in the grave nor did kept together they shared all they 45

32 his flesh suffer decay. This Jesus had with one another, they would
* Omitting [rb Kark ffdpKa kvaffr-fiffeiy rhy sell their possessions and goods
Xptarhy}' t Omitting [<p6$05 re -^v fiiyas ivl iravras].


and distribute the proceeds among was called Solomon's portico. But 12
all, as anyone might be in need. when Peter saw this, he said to the
46 Day after day they resorted with one people, " Men of Israel, why are
accord to the temple and broke bread you surprised at this? Why do
together in their own homes they ; you stare at us, as if we had made
ate with a glad and simple heart, him walk by any power or piety of
47 praising God and looked on with ours ? The God of Abraham and 13
favour by all the people. Mean- the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob,
time the Lord added the saved the God of our fathers has glorified
daily to their number.* Jesus his servant, whom you de-
livered up and repudiated before
Pilate. Pilate had decided to re-
3 Peter and John were on their
lease him, but you repudiated the 14
way up to the temple for the hour
of prayer at three in the afternoon,
Holy and Just One the boon you ;

asked was a murderer, and you killed 15

2 when a man lame from birth was
the pioneer of Life. But God raised
carried past, who used to be laid every
day at what was called the ' Beauti- him from the dead, as we can bear
ful Gate ' of the temple, to ask alms
witness. (He it is who has given 16
strength to this man whom you see
from those who entered the temple.
3 When he noticed that Peter and John
and know, by faith in His name it ;

meant to go into the temple, he is He inspires which has

the faith
4 asked them for alms. Peter looked
made this man hale and whole
before you all.) Now I know, 17
at him steadily, as did John, and
" brothers, that you acted in ignor-
5 said, Look us." The man
attended, expecting to get some-
ance, like your rulers ^though this 18
was how God fulfilled what he had
6 thing from them. But Peter said,
have no silver or gold, but I will
announced beforehand by the lips
of all the prophets, namely the
give you what I do have. In the
name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, sufferings of his Christ. Repent 19
then, and turn to have your sins
7 [get up and] walk " And catch-
blotted out, so that a breathing-
ing him by the right hand he raised
space may be vouchsafed you, and 20
him. Instantly his feet and ankles
that the Lord may send Jesus your
8 grew strong, he leapt to his feet,
long-decreed Christ, who must be 21
started to walk, and accompanied
kept in heaven till the period of
them into the temple, walking,
the great Restoration. Ages ago
9 leaping, and praising God. When
all the people saw him walking and
God spoke of this by the lips of his
holy prophets; for Moses said, 22
10 praising God, and when they recog-
nized this was the very man who
The Lord our God will raise up
used to sit and beg at the Gate a prophet for you from among
Beautiful, they were lost in awe
your brotherhood, as he raised
and amazement at what had hap- me
11 pened to him. As he clung to
you must listen to whatever he
Peter and John, all the people may tell you.
rushed awestruck to them in what Any soul that will not listen to 23
* Omitting [rfi ^:K\7jrtqt], although the this prophet will be exter-
omission makes it difficult to get the above minated from the People ;
sense, or indeed any. out of the Greek. and all the prophets who have 24
spoken since Samuel and his suc- and well, thanks to the name of
cessorshave also announced these Jesus Christ the Nazarene whom
25 days. Now you are the sons of you crucified and whom God raised
the prophets and of the covenant from the dead. He is 11
which God made with your fathers the stone despised by you builders^
when he said to Abraham, all which has become head of the
families on earth shall be blessed in corner.
26 your offspring. It was for you There is no salvation by anyone 12
first that God raised up his Servant, else, nor even a second Name under
and sent him to bless you by turn- heaven appointed for us men and
ing each of you from your wicked our salvation." They were aston- 18
ways." ished to notice how outspoken Peter
4 While they were speaking to and John were, and to discover that
the people, they were surprised by they were uncultured persons and
the priests, the commander of the mere outsiders; they recognized
2 temple, and the Sadducees, who them as having been companions
were annoyed at them teaching the of Jesus, but as they saw the man 14
people and proclaiming Jesus as who had been healed standing be-
an instance of resurrection from side them, they could say nothing.
3 the dead. They laid hands on Ordering them to withdraw from 15
them and, as it was now evening, the Sanhedrin, they proceeded to
put them in custody till next morn- hold a consultation; " What are 16
4 ing. (A number of those who heard we to do with these men ? " they
them speak believed, bringing up said. " It is plain to all the in-
their numbers to [about] five habitants of Jerusalem that a
thousand.) miracle has admittedly been worked
5 Next morning a meeting was held by them. That we cannot deny.
in Jerusalem of their rulers, elders However, to keep things from 17
6 and scribes, which was attended by going any further with the people, we
the high priest Annas, by Caiaphas, had better threaten them that they
John, Alexander, and all the mem- are not to tell anyone in future about
bers of the high priest's family. this Name." So they called the men 18
7 They made the men stand before in and ordered them not to speak or
them and inquired, " By what teach a single sentence about the
authority, in whose name, have you* Name of Jesus. But Peter and 19
8 done this ? " Then Peter, filled with John replied, " Decide for your-
the holy Spirit, said to them selves whether it is right before
Rulers of the people and elders God to obey you rather than God.
9 of Israel, if we are being cross- Certainly we cannot give up speak- 20
examined to-day upon a benefit ing of what we have seen and
rendered to a cripple, upon how heard." Then they threatened 21
10 this man got better, you and the them still further and let them
people of Israel must all understand go on account of the people they

that he stands before you strong found themselves unable to get any
way of punishing them, for every
* With a touch of superciliousness (' men body was glorifying God over what
like you '), which perhaps better ex-
had happened (the man on whom 22

pressed in reading aloud than by any verbal

periphrasis. this miracle of healing had been
performed, being more than forty and soul among the whole of the
years old). believers; not one of them con-
28 On being released they went sidered anything his personal pro-
to their friends and related what perty, they shared all they had
the high priests and elders had with one another. There was not 34
24 said and on hearing this the
; a needy person among them, for
entire company raised their cry those who owned land or houses
to God, " O Sovereign Lord, thou would sell them and bring the
art he * who made heaven, earth, proceeds of the sale, laying the 35
25 and sea, and all that in them is, who money the feet of the
said to our fathers t by the holy apostles ; it was then distributed ac-
Spirit through the lips of thy servant cording to each individual's need.
David, Thus Joseph, who was surnamed 36
Why did the Gentiles rage, Barnabas or (as it may be trans-
and the peoples vainly conspire ? lated) '
Son of Encouragement ' by
26 The kings of the earth stood ready, the apostles, a Levite of Cypriote
the rulers mustered together birth, sold a farm belonging to him 37
against the Lord and his Christ. and brought the money, which he
27 In this very city they actually placed before the feet of the apostles.
mustered against thy holy Servant But a man called Ananias, who 5
Jesus,whom thou didst consecrate with his wife Sapphira had sold some
Herod and Pontius Pilate, to- property, embezzled some of the 2
gether with the Gentiles and the purchase-money with the conniv-
28 peoples of Israel, mustering to carry ance of his wife; he only brought
out what thy hand had traced, part of it to lay before the feet
29 thy purpose had decreed. So now, of the apostles. " Ananias," said 3
O Lord, consider the threats of Peter, " why has Satan filled your
these men, and grant that thy heart and made you cheat the holy
servants may be perfectly fearless Spirit by embezzling some of the
30 in speaking thy word, when thy money paid for the land ? When it 4
hand is stretched out to cure and remained unsold, did it not remain
to perform miracles and wonders your own ? And even after the sale,
by the name of thy holy Servant was the money not yours to do as
31 Jesus." At their prayer the place you pleased about it ? How could
of meeting was shaken, and they you think of doing a thing like this ?
were all filled with the holy Spirit, You have not defrauded men but
speaking God's word fearlessly; God." When Ananias heard this, 5
33 the apostles gave their testimony he fell down and expired. (Great
to the resurrection of the Lord awe came over all who heard of it.)
Jesus with great power, and great And the younger men rose, wrapped 6
grace was upon them all. J the body up and carried it away to
82 Now there was but one heart be buried. After an interval of 7
Omitting [6 ebjl about three hours his wife happened
t Accepting Hort s suggestion that rov to come in, quite unconscious of
irarpos is a corruption of rdls irarpdcriv, what had occurred. " Tell me," 8
though the text even then seems to
said Peter, " did you only sell the
include a gloss somewhere.
X Transposing ver. 33 to its original
land for such and such a sum ? "
position after ver. 31. " Yes," she said, " that was all we
9 sold it for." Peter said to her, the people all about this Life.**
" How could you arrange to put With these orders they went into 21
the Lord's Spirit to the proof? the temple about dawn and pro-
Listen, there are the footsteps of ceeded to teach. Meantime the
the men who have buried your hus- high priest and his allies met, called
band They are at the door, and
! the Sanhedrin together and the
they will carry you out as well." council of seniors belonging to the
10 Instantly she fell down at their sons of Israel, and then sent to
feet and expired. The younger prison for the men. But as the 22
men came in to find her dead they
; attendants did not find them when
carried her out and buried her they got to the prison, they came
11 beside her husband. Great awe back to report, " We found the prison 23
came over the whole church and safely locked up, with the sentries
over all who heard about this. posted at the doors, but on opening
12 Now they all without exception the doors we found no one inside !

met in the portico of Solomon. On hearing this the commander 24

13 Though the people extolled them, of the temple and the high priests
not a soul from the outside dared were quite at a loss to know what
14 to join them. On the other hand, to make of it. However, someone 25
crowds of men and women who came and reported to them, " Here
believed in the Lord were brought are the very men you put in prison,
12 in. Many miracles and wonders standing in the temple and teach-
were performed among the people ing the people " At this the 26

15 by the apostles.* In fact, invalids commander went off with the

were actually carried into the attendants and fetched them but
streets and laid on beds and without using violence, for fear that
mattresses, so that, when Peter the people would pelt them with
passed, his shadow at anyrate stones. They conducted them be- 27
might fall on one or other of them. fore the Sanhedrin, and the high
16 Crowds gathered even from the priest asked them, " We strictly 28
towns round Jerusalem, bringing forbade you to teach about this
invalids and people troubled with Name, did we not? And here
unclean spirits, all of whom were you have filled Jerusalem with your
healed. doctrine !You want to make us
filled the high priest Annas t
17 This responsible for this man's death !

his allies, the Sadducean party, Peter and the apostles answered, 29
18 with bitter jealousy; they laid " One must obey God rather than
hands on the apostles and put men. The God of our fathers 30
19 theminto the public prison, but raised Jesus whom you murdered
an angel of the Lord opened the by hanging him on a gibbet. God 31
prison-doors during the night and lifted him up to his right hand as
20 brought them out, saying, ** Go our pioneer and saviour, in order
and stand in the temple, telling to grant repentance and remission
of sins to Israel. To these facts 32
* Transposing the first clause of ver. 12
we bear witness, with the holy
to the beginning of ver. 15.
Spirit which God has given to
t Blass's brilliant conjecture for the
avaffrds of the ordinary text. It is not those who obey him." When they S3
entirely without manuscript evidence. beard this, they were so furious

that they determined to make looked in the daily distribution of
84 away with the apostles. But a food. So the twelve summoned 2
Pharisee in the Sanhedrin called the main body of the disciples and
Gamahel, a doctor of the Law who said: "It is not desirable that we
was highly respected by all the should drop preaching the word of
people, got up and ordered the God and attend to meals. Brothers, 3
prisoners to be removed for a few look out seven of your own
35 moments. Then he said, " Men number, men of good reputation
of Israel, take care what you do who are full of the Spirit and of
36 about these men. In days gone wisdom. We will appoint them
by Theudas started up, claiming to this duty, but we will continue 4
to be a person of importance; a to devote ourselves to prayer and
number of men, about four hundred the ministry of the word." This 5
of them, rallied to him, but he was plan commended itself to the whole
slain, and all his followers were body, and they chose Stephen,
37 dispersed and wiped out. After a man full of faith and the holy
him Judas the Galilean started up Spirit, Philip, Prochorus, Nikanor,
at the time of the census, and got Timon, Parmenas and Nikolaos
people to desert to him; but he a proselyte from Antioch; these 6
perished too, and all his followers men they presented to the apostles,
38 were scattered. So I advise you who, after prayer, laid their hands
to-day to leave these men to them- upon them.
selves. Let them alone. If this And the word of the Lord spread; 7
project or enterprise springs from the number of the disciples in Jeru-
39 men, it will collapse; while, if it salem greatly increased, and a host
really springs from God, you will be of priests became obedient to the
unable to put them down. You faith.
may even find yourselves fighting Now Stephen, who was full of 8
40 God " They gave in to him, and
1 grace and power, performed great
after summoning the apostles and wonders and miracles among the
giving them a flogging, they re- people. Some of those who be- 9
leased them with instructions that longed to the so-called synagogue
they were not to speak about the of the Libyans,* the Cyrenians,
41 name of Jesus. The apostles left and the Alexandrians, as well as
the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they to that of the Cilicians and Asiatics,
had been considered worthy of started a dispute with Stephen, but 10
suffering dishonour for the sake they could not meet the wisdom
42 of the Name ; not for a single day and the Spirit with which he spoke.
did they cease to teach and They then instigated people to say, 11
preach the gospel of Jesus the " We have heard him talking
Christ in the temple and at home. blasphemy against Moses and God."
In this way they excited the people, 12
CHAP. the elders, and the scribes, who
6 During these days, when the
Reading AL^vffrivav instead of the
discipleswere increasing in number,
Ai^eprivav of the text. This, as Blass
the Hellenists began to complain points out, gives " the African Jews in
against the Hebrews, on the ground the geographical order of their original
that their widows were being over- dwelling-places.
rushed on him, dragged him away, this Place.' God
also gave him 8
and took him before the Sanhedrin. the covenant circumcision.
of So
13 They also brought forward false Abraham became the father of
witnesses to say, "This fellow is Isaac, whom he circumcised on the
never done talking against this eighth day, Isaac was the father of
14 holy Place and the Law Why, ! Jacob, and Jacob of the twelve
we have heard him say that Jesus patriarchs. Out of jealousy the 9
the Nazarene will destroy this patriarchs sold Joseph into Egypt;
Place and change the customs but God was with him, rescuing 10
handed down to us by Moses !
him from all his troubles and
15 Then all who were seated in the allowing him to find favour for his
Sanhedrin fixed their eyes on him, wisdom with Pharaoh king of Egypt,
and saw that his face shone like the who appointed him viceroy over
face of an angel. Egypt and over all his own house-
hold. Now a famine came over 11
the whole of Egypt and Canaan,
7 Said the high priest, " Is this
attended with great misery, so that
2 true ? "
" Listen, brothers and
our ancestors could not find pro-
fathers," said Stephen. " The God
vender. But, hearing there was 12
of glory appeared to our father food in Egypt, Jacob sent our
Abraham when he was still in ancestors on their first visit to that
3 Mesopotamia, before ever he stayed country; at their second visit 13
in Haran, and said to him, Leave '
Joseph made himself known to his
your land and your countrymen and brothers, and Pharaoh
was in-
come to whatever * land I show you J formed of Joseph's lineage. Then 14
4 Then he left the land of the Chal- Joseph sent for his father Jacob
deans and stayed in Haran. From and all his kinsfolk, amounting to
Haran God shifted him, after his seventy- five souls ; and Jacob went 15
father's death, to this land which
south to Egypt, When he and our
5 you now inhabit. But he did not ancestors died, they were carried 16
give him any inheritance in it, not across toShechem and laid in the
even a foot of the land. All he did tomb which Abraham had bought for
was to promise he would give it a sum of money from the sons of
as a possession to him and to his
Hamor in Shechem, As the time 17
offspring after him (he at the time approached for the promise God
6 being childless). What God said had made to Abraham, the people
was this :
offspring will grew and multiplied in Egypt, till 18
sojourn in a foreign land, where they another king arose to rule Egypt who
will he enslaved and oppressed for
knew nothing of Joseph, He took a 19
7 four hundred years. But,' said God, cunning method with our race; he
/ 1 will pass sentence on the nation oppressed our ancestors by forcing
that has made them slaves, and then
them to expose their infants, to
they will get away to worship me in prevent them from surviving. It 20
Omitting [tV]- was at this period that Moses was
t The I fa emphatic. When the New born, a divinely beautiful child.

Testament is read aloud, as it was originally

meant to be, such stresses can be brought out.
For three months he was brought
They often interpret the inner meaning of up in his father's house ; then he 21
the text. was exposed, but Pharaoh's daughter


adopted him and brought him up when they said, ' Who made you
22 as her own son. So Moses got ruler and umpire over us ? '
educated in all the culture of the was the very man whom God sent
Egyptians; he was a strong man to ruleand to redeem them, by aid
23 in speech and action. When he of the angel who had appeared to
had completed his fortieth year, him in the bush. He it was who 36
it occurred to him to visit his led themforth, performing wonders
24 brothers, the sons of Israel, He saw and signs in the land of Egypt, at
one of them being badly treated, the Red Sea, and in the desert during
so he defended him, struck down the forty years. (This was the Moses 37
Egyptian and thus avenged the who told the sons of Israel, * God
25 man who had been wronged. (He will raise a prophet for you from
thought his brothers would under- among your brotherhood, as he raised
stand God was going to bring them me.'') This was the man who at the 38
deliverance by means of him, but assembly in the desert intervened
26 they did not understand.) Next between the angel who spoke to
day he came upon two of them him on mount Sinai and our fathers
fighting and tried to pacify them. he received living Words to be
" You are brothers " he said, ! given to us. But our fathers would 39
27 " why injure one another? " But not submit to him; they pushed
the man who was injuring his him aside and hankered secretly
neighbour pushed him aside. " Who after Egypt. They told Aaron, 40
made you ruler and umpire over '
Make gods that will march in front
28 us ? " he asked. " Bo you want to of us ! As for this Moses who led us
kill me, as you killed the Egyptian out of Egypt, we don't know what
29 yesterday ?" At that Moses fled ; has happened to him ! They 41

he became a sojourner in the land actually made a calf in those days,

of Midian, where he had two sons offered sacriflce to this idol, and
30 born to him. At the close of forty grew festive over what their own
years an angel [of the Lord] appeared hands had manufactured. So God 42
to him in the flames of a burning turned from them, abandoning
thorn-bush, in the desert of mount them to the worship of the starry
31 Sinai. When Moses saw this, he Host as it is written in the book
marvelled at the sight; and as he of the prophets. Did you offer me
went up to look at it, the voice of victims and sacrifices during the
32 the Lord said ' I am the God of your forty years in the desert, O house
fathers, the God of Abraham and of Israel ? No, it was the tent 43
Isaac and Jacob."* Moses was so of Moloch and the star-symbol of
terrified that he did not dare to look Bepha your god that you carried,
33 at the bush. But the Lord said to figures that you manufactured for
him, ' Take the sandals off your feet, worship. So now I will transport
for the place where you are standing you beyond Babylon / In the desert 44
is sacred ground. I have indeed seen our fathers had the tent of witness
the oppression of my people in Egypt, as arranged by Him who told Moses
I have heard their groans, and I to make it after the pattern he had
have come down to rescue them. seen. It was passed on and borne 45
Come now, I will send you back to in by our fathers as with Joshua
85 Egypt,' The Moses they refused, they took possession of the territory

of the nations whom God drove out he slept the sleep of death. (Saul 8
before our fathers. So it remained quite approved of his murder.)
46 down to the days of David. He That day a severe persecution
found favour with God and asked broke out against the church in
permission to devise a dwelling for Jerusalem, and everyone, with the
47 the God of Jacob. It was Solomon, exception of the apostles, was
however, who built him a house, scattered over Judaea and Samaria.
48 And yet the most High does not Devout men buried Stephen and 2
dwell in houses made by hands. made loud lamentation over him,
As the prophet says, but Saul made havoc of the church 3
49 Heaven is my throne, by entering one house after another,
a footstool for my feet!
the earth is dragging off men and women, and
What house would you build me ? consigning them to prison.
saith the Lord, Now those who had to scatter 4
On what spot could I settle ? went through the land preaching
50 Did not my hand make all this? the gospel. Philip travelled down 5
51 Stiff-necked, uncircumcised in heart to a town in Samaria, where he
and ear, you are always resisting preached Christ to the people.
the holy Spirit ! As with your And the crowds attended like one 6
52 fathers, so with you Which of ! man to what was said by Philip,
the prophets did your fathers fail listening to him and watching the
to persecute? They killed those miracles he performed. For un- 7
who announced beforehand the clean spirits came screaming and
coming of the Just One. And shrieking out of many who had
here you have betrayed him, mur- been possessed, and many para-
dered him !

you who got the Law
that angels transmitted, and have
lytics and lame people were healed.
So there was great rejoicing in that 8
not obeyed it ! town. Now for some time previous 9
When they heard this, they were a man called Simon had been
furious and gnashed their teeth practising magic arts in the town,
55 at him. He, full of the holy Spirit, to the utter astonishment of the
gazed up at heaven and saw the Samaritan nation; he made him-
glory of God and Jesus standing self out to be a great person, and 10
56 at God's right hand. " Look," he all sorts and conditions of people
said, " I see heaven open and the attached themselves to him, de-
Son of man standing at God's right claring he was that Power of God
57 hand " With a loud shriek they
! which is known as ' the Great
shut their ears and rushed at him Power.' They attached them- 11
58 like one man. Flinging him out- selves to him because he had dazzled
side the they proceeded to
city, them with his skill in magic for a
stone him
(the witnesses laid their considerable time. But when they 12
clothes at the feet of a youth called believed Philip, who preached the
59 Saul). So they stoned Stephen, gospel of the Reign of God and the
who called on the Lord, saying, name ofJesus, they had them-
" Lord Jesus, receive Spirit my ! selves baptized, both men and
Then he knelt down and cried women ; indeed Simon himself 13
60 aloud, " Lord, let not this sin stand believed, and after his baptism kept
against them " With I these words close to PhiHp, utterly astonished


to see the signs and striking salem for worship and was on his 28
miracles which were taking place. way home. He was sitting in his
14 When the apostles at Jerusalem chariot, reading the prophet Isaiah.
heard that Samaria had accepted The Spirit said to Philip, " Go 29
the word of God, they despatched up and join that chariot." When
15 Peter and John, who came down Philip ran up, he heard him read- 30
and prayed that the Samaritans ing the prophet Isaiah. " Do you
16 might receive the holy Spirit. (As really understand* what you are

yet it had not fallen upon any of
them; they had simply been bap-
tized in the name of the Lord
Jesus.) Then they laid their hands
reading?" he asked. can
I possibly understand it," said the
eunuch, " unless someone puts me
on the right track? " And he begged
on them, and they received the holy Philip to get up and sit beside him.
18 Spirit. Now Simon noticed that the Now the passage of scripture which 32
holy Spirit was conferred by the he was reading was as follows :
laying on of the apostles* hands; he was led like a sheep to be
so he brought them money, saying, slaughtered,
19 " Let me share this power too, and as a lamb is dumb before the
so that anyone on whom I lay my shearer,
hands may receive the holy Spirit." so he opens not his lips.
20 Peter said to him, " Death to you By humbling himself he had his 33
and your money, for dreaming you doom removed.
21 could buy the gift of God You
I Who can tell his family ?
come in for no share or lot in this For his life is cut off from the
religion. Your heart is all wrong earth.
22 in the sight of God, So repent of So the eunuch said to Philip, 34
this wickedness of yours, and ask " Pray, who is the prophet speaking
God whether you cannot be for- about? Is it himself or someone
given for your heart's purpose. else ? " Then Phihp opened his 35
23 For I see you are a hitter poison and lips, and starting from this scripture
24 a pack of evil." Simon replied, preached the gospel of Jesus to him.
" Ask you the Lord for me ! Pray As they travelled on, they came to 36
that nothing you have said may some water, and the eunuch said,
" " Here is water
befall me ! What is to pre-

25 After bearing their testimony to vent me being baptized ? " So he 38

the word of the Lord and preach- ordered the chariot to stop. Both
ing it, the apostles went back to of them stepped into the water,
Jerusalem, preaching the gospel and Philip baptized the eunuch.
to a number of the Samaritan When they came up from the water, 39
26 villages but an angel of the Lord
; the Spirit of the Lord caught
said to PhiUp, " Get up and go Philip away, and the eunuch lost
south, along the road from Jeru- sight of him. He went on his way
salem to Gaza " (the desert-route). rejoicing, while Philip found himself 40
27 So he got up and went on his way. at Azotus, where he passed on,
Now there was an Ethiopian eunuch, * The Vulgate preserves the play on
a high official of Candace the queen words in the Greek. Intellegis quae legis
of the Ethiopians (he was her chief brings out, as English cannot^ the force
treasurer), who had come to Jeru- I of yivct)iTKis h avayiVioffKHS^
preaching the gospel in every town, sight." " But, Lord," Ananias 13
tillhe reached Caesarea. answered, " many people have
told me about all the mischief this
man has done to thy saints at
9 Meanwhile Saul still breathed Jerusalem !And in this city too 14
threats of murder against the he has authority from the high
disciples of the Lord. He went priests to put anyone in chains
2 to the high priest and asked him who invokes thy Name " But !

for letters to the synagogues at the Lord said to him, "Go; I have 15
Damascus empowering him to put chosen him to be the means of bring-
any man or woman in chains whom ing my Name before the Gentiles
he could find belonging to the Way, and their kings as well as before
3 and bring them to Jerusalem. As the sons of Israel. I will show 16
he neared Damascus in the course him all he has to suffer for the sake
of his journey, suddenly a light ofmy Name." So Ananias went off 17
from heaven flashed round him; and entered the house, laying his
4 he dropped to the ground and heard hands on him with these words,
a voice saying to him, " Saul, Saul, " Saul, my brother, I have been
5 why do you persecute me ? " " Who sent by the Lord, by Jesus who
are you?"* he asked. "I am appeared to you on the road, to let
Jesus," he said, " and you perse- you regain your sight and be filled
6 cute me. Get up and go into the with the holy Spirit." In a mo- 18
city. There you will be told what ment something like scales fell from
7 you have to do." His fellow- his eyes, he regained his sight, got
travellers stood speechless, for they up and was baptized. Then he 19
heard the voice but they could not took some food and felt strong
8 see anyone. Saul got up from the again. For several days he stayed
ground, but though his eyes were at Damascus with the disciples.
open he could see nothing; so they He lost no time in preaching 20
took his hand and led him to throughout the synagogues that
9 Damascus. For three days he re-
mained sightless, he neither ate nor

Jesus was the Son of God to the 21
amazement of all his hearers, who
drank. said, " Is this not the man who in
10 Now there was a disciple called Jerusalem harried those who invoke
Ananias in Damascus. The Lord this Name, the man who came here
said to him in a vision, " Ananias."
for the express purpose of carrying
11 He said, " I am here. Lord." And them all in chains to the high
the Lord said to him, " Go away to priests ?
the street called The Straight
Saul became more and more 22
Street,' and ask at the house of vigorous. He put the Jewish resi-
Judas for a man of Tarsus called
dents in Damascus to confusion by
Saul. He is praying at this very his proof that Jesus was the Christ
12 moment, and he has seen a man and the Jews, after a number of 23
called Ananias enter and lay his
days had elapsed, conspired to make
hands upon him to bring back his away with him. But this plot came 24
I have deliberately left Kvpie untrans-
to the ears of Saul, and, although
lated here, as in xxii. 8 and xxvi. 14, no less
than in x. 4. Any English rendering would they kept watch on the gates day
imply either too much oi too little. and night in order to make away
25 with him, his disciples managed and of charitable practices. She 37
one night to let him down over the happened to take ill and die at this
wall by lowering him in a basket. time, and after washing her body
26 He got to Jerusalem and tried to they laid it in an upper room. When 38
join the disciples, but they were all the disciples heard that Peter was
afraid of him, unable to believe he at Lydda (for Joppa is not far from
27 was really a disciple. Barnabas, Lydda), they sent two men to beg
however, got hold of him and him to " Come on to us without
brought him to the apostles. To delay." So Peter got up and went 39
them he related how he had seen with them. When he arrived, they
the Lord upon the road, how He had took him up to the room, where
spoken to him, and how he had all the widows stood beside him
spoken freely in the name of Jesus crying as they showed him the
28 at Damascus. He then went in garments and dresses that Dorcas
and out among them at Jerusalem, used to make when she was with
29 speaking freely in the name of the them. Peter put them all outside ; 40
Lord; he also held conversations then he knelt down and prayed,
and debates with the Hellenists. and turning to the body said,
But when the brothers learned that " Tabitha, rise." She opened her
the Hellenists were tr5dng to make eyes, and on seeing Peter she sat
30 away with him, they took him up. Then he gave her his hand, 41
down to Caesarea and sent him off raised her, and, after calling
to Tarsus. the saints and the widows he pre-
sented her to them alive. This 42
became known all over Joppa,
31 Now, all over Judaea, Gahlee, and many believed in the Lord. 43
and Samaria, the church enjoyed In Joppa Peter stayed for some
peace; it was consolidated, in- time, at the house of Simon a
spired by reverence for the Lord tanner. Now in Caesarea there 10
and by its invocation of the holy was a man called Cornelius, a
Spirit, and so increased in numbers. captain in the Italian regiment,
32 Peter moved here and there among a religious man, who reverenced 2
them all, and it happened that in God with all his household, who
the course of his tours he came was liberal in his alms to the
down to visit the saints who stayed People, and who constantly prayed
33 at Lydda. There he found a man to God. About three o'clock in the 8
called JEneas who had been bed- afternoon he distinctly saw in a
ridden for eight years with paraly- vision an angel of God entering and
34 sis. " iEneas," said Peter, " Jesus saying to him, " Cornelius." He 4
the Christ cures you Get up and
! stared at the angel in terror, say-
make your bed " He got up at
! ing, " What is it ? " He rephed,
35 once. And all the inhabitants of " Your prayers and your alms
Lydda and Saron saw him, and have risen before God as a sacri-
they turned to the Lord. fice to be remembered. You must 5
36 At Joppa there was a disciple now send some men to Joppa
called Tabitha (which may be trans- for a certain Simon who is sur-
lated Dorcas, or ' Gazelle '), a woman named Peter; he is staying with 6
whose life was full of good actions Simon a tanner, whose house stands
7 by the sea." When the angel who reverences God and enjoys a good
spoke to him had left, he called reputation among the whole Jewish
two of his menservants and a nation, was instructed by a holy
religiously soldier who be-
minded angel to send for you to his house
8 longed to his personal retinue, and and to listen to what you had to
after describing all the vision to say." So he invited them in and 23
9 them, he sent them to Joppa. Next entertained them. Next day he was
day they were still on the road and up and off with them, accom-
not far from the town, when Peter panied by some of the brothers
went up to the roof of the house from Joppa and on the next day he
; 24
10 about noon to pray. He got very reached Caesarea. Peter was just 25
hungry and longed for some food. going into the house when Cornelius
But as they were getting the meal met him, fell at his feet, and wor-
11 ready, a trance came over him. He shipped him ; but Peter raised him, 26
saw heaven open and a vessel com- saying, " Get up, I am only a man
ing down, like a huge sheet lowered myself." Then talking to him he 27
by the four corners to the earth, entered the house, to find a large
12 which contained all quadrupeds company assembled. (For Cor- 24
and creeping things of the earth nelius had been expecting him and
13 and wild birds. A voice came to had called his kinsfolk and intimate
him, " Rise, Peter, kill and eat." friends together.) * To them Peter 28
14 But Peter said, " No, no, my Lord said, " You know yourselves it is
I have never eaten anything com- illegal for a Jew to j oin or accost any-
15 mon or unclean." A second time one belonging to another nation but ;

the voice came back to him, God has shown me that I must not
" What God has cleansed, you must call any man common or unclean,
16 not regard as common." This and so I have come without any 29
happened three times; then the demur when I was sent for. Now
vessel was at once raised to heaven. I want to know why you sent for
17 Peter was quite at a loss to know me ? " " Three days ago," said 30
the meaning of the vision he had Cornelius, " at this very hour I was
seen ; but just then, the messenger praying in myhouse at three o'clock
of Cornelius, who had made in- in the afternoon, when a man stood
quiries for the house of Simon, before me in shining dress, saying, 31
18 stood at the door and called out *
Cornelius, your prayer has been
to ask if Simon, surnamed Peter, heard, your alms are remem-
19 was staying there. So the Spirit bered by God. You must send to 32
said to Peter, who was pondering Joppa and summon Simon who is
over the vision, " There are three surnamed Peter; he is staying in
20 men looking for you Come, get
! the house of Simon a tanner beside
up and go down, and have no hesita- the sea.' So I sent for you at once, 33
tion about accompanying them, and you have been kind enough to
for it is I who have sent them." come. Well now, here we are all
21 Then Peter went down to the men, present before God to listen to what
saying, " I am the man you are the Lord has commanded you to
looking for. What is your reason say." Then Peter opened his lips 34
22 for coming?" They said, "Cor- Transposing ver. 246 to its right
nelius, a captain, a good man who position between ver. 27 and ver. 28.
and said, ** I see quite plainly that name of Jesus Christ. Then they
85 God has no favourites, but that he begged him to remain for some
who reverences Him and lives a days.
good life in any nation is welcomed CHAP.
86 by Him. You know the message he Now the apostles and the brothers 11
sent to the sons of Israel when he in Judaea heard that the Gentiles
preached the gospel of peace by also had received the word of God.
Jesus Christ (who is Lord of all); So when Peter came up to Jeru- 2
37 you know how it spread over the salem, the circumcision party fell
whole of Judaea, starting from foul of him. " You went into 3
Galilee after the baptism preached the houses of the uncircumcised,"
by John how God consecrated they said, " and you ate with
88 Jesus Nazaret with the holy
of them " Then Peter proceeded to
! 4
Spirit and power, and how he went put the facts before them. "I 5
about doing good and curing all was in the town of Joppa at prayer,"
who were harassed by the devil; he said, " and in a trance I saw a
39 for God was with him. As for what
he did in the land of the Jews and
vision a vessel coming down like
a huge sheet lowered from heaven
of Jerusalem, we can testify to that.
by the four corners. It came down
They slew him by hanging him on a to me, and when I looked steadily 6
40 gibbet, but God raised him on the at it, I noted the quadrupeds of the
third day, and allowed him to be seen earth, the wild beasts, the creeping
41 not by all the People but by wit- things and the wild birds. Also I 7
nesses whom God had previously heard a voice spying to me, ' Rise,
selected, by us who ate and drank Peter, kill and eat.' I said, ' No, 8
with him after his resurrection from no, my Lord ; * nothing common or
42 the dead, when he enjoined us to unclean has ever passed my lips.'
preach to the People, testif jdng that But a voice answered me for the 9
this was he whom God has appointed
second time out of heaven, ' What
to be judge for the living and of the God has cleansed, you must not
43 dead. All the prophets testify that regard as common.' This hap- 10
everyone who believes in him is to pened three times, and then the
receive remission of sins through
whole thing was drawn back into
44 his Name." While Peter was still heaven. At that very moment 11
speaking, the holy Spirit fell upon three men reached the house where
all who listened to what he said.
I was living, sent to me from
45 Now the Jewish believers who had Caesarea. The Spirit told me to 12
accompanied Peter were amazed have no hesitation in accompanying
that the gift of the holy Spirit had them ; these six brothers went with
actually been poured out on the
me as well, and we entered the
Gentiles for they heard them
man's house. He related to us how 13
speak with ' tongues and magnify
he had seen the angel standing in
47 God. At this Peter asked, " Can his house and saying, ' Send to
any one refuse water for the bap- Joppa for Simon who is surnamed

tism of these people people who
have received the holy Spirit just * Here, as in x. 14, /cupte is translated.
Peter was a Christian, and the connexion of
48 as we ourselves have ? " And he the Voice with the Spirit is evident from the
ordered them to be baptized in the context.

14 Peter ; he will tell you how you and It was at Antioch too that the
your household are to be saved.'
all disciples were originally called
15 Now just as I began to speak, the " Christians."
holy Spirit fell upon them as upon During these days some prophets 27
16 us at the beginning; and I remem- came down from Jerusalem to
bered the saying of the Lord, that Antioch, one of whom, named 28
John baptized with water, but Agabus, showed by the Spirit that
you will be baptized with the holy a severe famine was about to visit
17 Spirit.* Well then, if God has given the whole world (the famine which
them exactly the same gift as he occurred in the reign of Claudius).
gave us when we believed in the So the disciples put aside money, 29
Lord Jesus Christ, who was I as each of them was able to afford

how could I tr}^ to thwart God ? " it, for a contribution to be sent to

18 On hearing this they desisted and the brothers in Judaea. This they 30
glorified God, saying, " So God has carried out, sending their contribu-
actually allowed the Gentiles to tion to the presbyters by Barnabas
" and Saul.
repent and live I

19 Now those who had been scat-

tered by the trouble which arose CHAP.

over Stephen made their way as It was about that time that king 12
far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and An- Herod laid hands of violence on
tioch, but they preached the word some members of the church. James 2
20 to none except Jews. Some of the brother of John he slew with
them, however, were Cypriotes and the sword, and when he saw this 3
Cyrenians, who on reaching An- pleased the Jews, he went on to
tioch told the Greeks * also the seize Peter. (This was during the
21 gospel of the Lord Jesus; the days of unleavened bread.) After 4
strong hand of the Lord was with arresting him he put him in prison,
them, and a large number believed handing him over to a guard of
22 and turned to the Lord. The news sixteen soldiers, with the intention
of this reached the church in Jeru- of producing him to the People
salem, and they despatched Barna- after the passover. So Peter was 5
23 bas to Antioch. When he came and closely guarded in prison, while
saw the grace of God he rejoiced, earnest prayer for him was offered
and encouraged them all to hold to God by the church. The very 6
by the Lord with heartfelt pur- night before Herod meant to have
pose (for he was a good man, full him produced, Peter lay asleep
24 of the holy Spirit and faith). Con- between two soldiers; he was fast-
siderable numbers of people were ened by two chains, and sentries in
25 brought in for the Lord. So Barna- front of the door guarded the
bas went off to Tarsus to look for prison. But an angel of the Lord 7
26 Saul, and on finding him he brought flashed on him, and a light shone in
him to Antioch, where for a whole the cell; striking Peter on the side
year they were guests of the church he woke him saying, " Quick, get
and taught considerable numbers. up !
The fetters dropped from
* Reading "EWvvas with i<<> A D*, for
his hands,and the angel said to him, 8
" Gird yourself and put on your
which 'E\XT)vi(xras seems to have been sub-
stituted under the influence of ix. 29. sandals." He did so. Then said

the angel, " Put on your coat and where he spent some time. As 20
9 follow me." And he followed him there was a bitter feud between
out, not realizing that what the him and the inhabitants of Tyre
angel did was real, but imagining and Sidon, they waited on him
10 that he saw a vision. When they unanimously and after conciliating
had passed the first guard and the the royal chamberlain Blastus made
second they came to the iron gate overtures for peace, as their country
leading into the city, which opened depended for its food-supply upon
to them of its own accord; they the royal territory. On a stated 21
passed out, and after they had gone day Herod arrayed himself in royal
through one street, the angel imme- robes, took his seat on the dais,
11 diately left him. Then Peter came and proceeded to harangue them.
to his senses and said, "Now I know The populace shouted, " It is a 22
for certain that the Lord has sent god's voice, not a man's " And ! 23
his angel and rescued me from the in a moment an angel of the
hand of Herod and from all that Lord struck him, because he had
the Jewish people were anticipat- not given due glory to God; he
12 ing." When he grasped the situa- was eaten up by worms and so
tion, he went to the house of Mary, expired.
the mother of John who was sur- The word of God spread and 24
named Mark, where a number had multiplied.
13 met for prayer. When he knocked at After fulfilling their commission, 25
the door of the porch, a maidservant Barnabas and Saul returned from
called Rhoda came to answer it; Jerusalem, bringing with them
14 but as soon as she recognized Peter's John who is surnamed Mark.
voice, instead of opening the door Now in the local church at An- 13
she ran inside from sheer joy and tioch there were prophets and
announced that Peter was standing teachers, Barnabas, Symeon (called
15 in front of the porch. " You are Niger) and Lucius the Cj'renian,
mad," they said. But she insisted besides Manaen (a foster-brother
it was true. " It is his angel," they of Herod the tetrarch) and Saul.
16 said. But Peter kept on knocking, As they were worshipping the Lord 2
and when they opened the door they and fasting, the holy Spirit said,
17 were amazed to see him. He beck- " Come! set me apart Barnabas
oned to them to keep quiet and and Saul for the work to which I
then described to them how the have called them." Then after 3
Lord had brought him out of prison. fasting and praying they laid their
" Report this to James," he said, hands on them and let them
and to the brothers." And off he go.
18 went to another place. Now Sent out thus by the holy Spirit, 4
when day broke there was a great they went down to Seleucia and
commotion among the soldiers over from there they sailed to Cyprus.
what could have become of Peter. On reaching Salamis they pro- 5
19 Herod made inquiries for him but claimed the word of God in the
could not find him ; so, after cross- Jewish synagogues, with John as
examining the guards, he ordered their assistant. They covered the 6
them off to death. He then went whole island as far as Paphos,
down from Judaea to Caesarea, where they fell in with a Jewish
sorcerer and false prophet called seven nations in the land of Canaan
7 Bar- Jesus he belonged to the suite
; he gave them their land as an inherit-
of the proconsul Sergius Paulus, ance for about four hundred and fifty
an intelligent man who called for years. After that he gave them 20
Barnabas and Saul and demanded judges, down to the prophet
8 to hear the word of God. But the Samuel. Then it was that they 21
sorcerer Elymas (for that is the begged for a king, and God gave
translation of his name) tried to them forty years of Saul, the son
divert the proconsul from the faith. of Kish, who belonged to the tribe
9 So Saul (who is also called Paul), of Benjamin. After deposing him, 22
filled with the holy Spirit, looked he raised up David to be their king,
10 steadily at him and said, " You to whom he bore this testimony
son of the devil, you enemy of all that '7/1 David, the son of Jessai,
good, full of all craft and all cun- / have found a man after my own
ning, will you never stop diverting heart, who will obey all will.* my
11 the straight paths of the Lord ? See From his offspring God brought to 23
here, the Lord's hand will fall on Israel, as he had promised, a saviour
you, and you will be blind, unable whose coming John 24
in Jesus, before
for a time to see the sun." In a had already preached a baptism of
moment a dark mist fell upon him, repentance for all the people of
12 and he groped about for someone Israel. And as John was closing 25
to take him by the hand. Then his career he said, '
What do you
the proconsul believed, when he take me for? I am not He; no,
saw what had happened ; he was he is coming after me, and I am not
astounded at the doctrine of the fit to untie the sandals on his feet

Lord. Brothers, sons of Abraham's race 26

13 Setting sail from Paphos, Paul and all among you who reverence
and his companions reached Perga God, the message of this salvation
in PamphyUa ; John left them and has been sent to us. The inhabi- 27
14 went back to Jerusalem, but they tants of Jerusalem and their rulers,
passed on from Perga and arrived by condemning him * in their
at Pisidian Antioch. On the sab- ignorance, fulfilled the words of the
bath they went into the synagogue prophets which are read every sab-
15 and sat down and, after the reading
; bath ; though they could find him 28
of the Law and the prophets, the guilty of no crime that deserved
president of the synagogue sent to death they begged Pilate to have
tell them, " Brothers, if you have him put to death, and, after carry- 29
any word of counsel for the people, ing out all that had been predicted
16 say it." So Paul stood up and of him in scripture, they lowered
motioning with his hand said, him from the gibbet and laid him
" Listen, men of Israel and you who
in a tomb. But God raised him 30
17 reverence God. The God of this from the dead. For many days he 31
People Israel chose our fathers; was seen by those who had come
he multiplied the people as they
* The Greek text is difficult. I prefer,
sojourned in the land of Egypt and
as the least radical treatment, Lachmann's
with arm uplifted led them out of it. proposal to read Kpivavres immediately after
18 For about forty years he bore with ayyovaavTes Koi, which at anyrate yields a
19 them in the desert,<md after destroying fair sense.
up with him from Galilee to Jeru- were filled with jealousy they began ;

salem; they are now his witnesses to contradict what Paul said and
32 to the People. So we now preach to abuse him. So Paul and Barna- 46
to you the glad news that the bas spoke out fearlessly. " The
33 promise made to the fathers has word of God," they said, " had to
been fulfilled by God for us their be spoken to you in the first in- ^.
children, when he raised Jesus. As stance but as you push it aside and
; ji

it is written in the second psalm, judge yourselves unworthy of eter- |

thou art my son, nal life, well, here we turn to the J

to-day have I become thy father, Gentiles For these are the Lord's 47

34 And as a proof that he has raised him orders to us :

from the dead, never to return to I have set you to be a light for the
decay, he has said this I will give you
: Gentiles,
the holiness of David that fails not. to bring salvation to the end of '>

35 Hence in another psalm he says, the earth."

thou wilt not let thy holy One When the Gentiles heard this they 48
suffer decay, rejoiced and glorified the word of
36 Of God's
course David, after serving the Lord and believed, that is, all
purpose in his own generation, died who had been ordained to eternal
and was laid beside his fathers; he life; and the word of the Lord 49
37 suffered "decay, but He whom God went far and wide over the whole
38 raised did not suffer decay. So you country. But the Jews incited the 50
must understand, my brothers, devout women of high rank and the
that remission of sins is proclaimed leading men in the town, who stirred
39 to you through him, and that by up persecution against Paul and
him everyone who believes is ab- Barnabas and drove them out of j

solved from all that the law of their territory. They shook the 51
40 Moses never could absolve you dust off their feet as a protest
from. Beware then in case the and went to Iconium. As for the 52
prophetic saying applies to you : disciples, they were filled with joy
41 Look, you disdainful folk, wonder and the holy Spirit.
at this and perish CHAP.

for inyour days I do a deed, At Iconium the same thing hap- 14

a deed you will never believe, not pened. They went into the syna-
though one were to explain it to gogue of the Jews and spoke in
you,'' such a way that a great body both
4i2 As Paul and Barnabas went out, of Jews and Greeks believed. Here 3
the people begged to have all this they spent a considerable time,
repeated to them on the following speaking fearlessly about the Lord,
43 sabbath. After the synagogue broke who attested the word of his grace
up, a number of the Jews and the by allowing signs and wonders to
devout proselytes followed them; be performed by them.* But the 2
Paul and Barnabas talked to them refractory Jews stirred up and
and encouraged them to hold by exasperated the feeling of the
44 the grace of God. And on the next Gentiles against the brothers. The 4
sabbath nearly all the town gathered * Restoring ver. 3 to what appears to
45 to hear the word of the Lord. But have been its original position between
when the Jews saw the crowds they vers. 1 and 2.

populace of the town was divided giving you food and joy to your
some sided with the Jews, some heart's content." Even by saying 18
5 with the apostles. But, when the this it was all they could do to
Gentiles and Jews along with their keep the crowds from sacrificing
rulers made a hostile movement to to them.
6 insult and stone them, the apostles But Jews from Antioch and Ico- 19
grasped the situation and escaped nium arrived, who won over the
to the Lycaonian towns of Lystra crowds, and after pelting Paul with
and Derbe and the surrounding stones they dragged him outside the
7 country; there they continued to town, thinking he was dead. How- 20
preach the gospel. ever, as the disciples gathered round
8 At Lystra there was a man sitting, him, he got up and went into the
who was powerless in his feet, a town.
lame man unable to walk ever since Next day he went off with Barna-
9 he was born. He heard Paul speak- bas to Derbe, and after preaching 21
ing, and Paul, gazing steadily at the gospel to that town and making
him and noticing that he had faith a number of disciples, they turned
10 enough to make him better, said back to Lystra, Iconium and An-
in a loud voice, " Stand erect on tioch, strengthening the souls of the 22
your feet." Up he jumped and disciples, encouraging them to hold
11 began to walk.Now when the by the faith, and telling them that
crowds saw what Paul had done, "we have to get into the Realm
they shouted in the Lycaonian of God through many a trouble."
language, " The gods have come They chose presbyters for them in 23
down to us in human form " ! every church, and with prayer and
12 Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul fasting entrusted them to the Lord
Hermes, since he was the chief in whom they had believed. Then 24
13 spokesman. Indeed the priest of they came through Pisidia to Pam-
the temple of Zeus in front of the phylia, and after speaking the word 25
town brought oxen and garlands of the Lord in Perga they went
to the gates, intending to offer down to Attaleia ; thence they sailed 26
sacrifice along with the crowds. for Antioch, where they had been
14 But when the apostles, Paul and commended to the grace of God
Barnabas, heard this they rent for the work they had now com-
their clothes and sprang out among pleted. On their arrival they 27
15 the crowd, shouting, " Men, what is gathered the church together and
this you are doing? We are but reported how God had been with
human, with natures like your them, what he had done, and how
own ! The gospel we are preach- he had opened a door into faith for
ing to you is to turn from such the Gentiles.
futile ways to the living God who They spent a considerable time 28
made the heaven, the earth, the sea, with the disciples there. But cer- 15
16 and all that in them is. In bygone tain individualscame down from
ages he allowed all nations to go Jerusalem and taught the brothers
17 their own ways, though as the boun- that " unless you get circumcised
tiful Giver he did not leave himself after the custom of Moses you can-
without a witness, giving you rain not be saved." As a sharp dispute 12
from heaven and fruitful seasons. and controversy sprang up between
them and Paul and Barnabas, it them among the Gentiles. When 13
was arranged that Paul and Barna- they had finished speaking, James
bas, along with some others of their spoke. " Brothers," he said, " lis-
number, should go up to Jerusalem ten to me. Symeon has explained 14
to see the apostles and presbyters how it was God's original concern
at Jerusalem about this question. to secure a People from among the
8 The church sped them on their jour- Gentiles to bear his Name. This 15
ney, and they passed through both agrees with the words of the pro-
Phoenicia and Syria informing the phets as it is written,

brothers, to the great joy of all, that After this I will return and rebuild 16
the Gentiles were turning to God. David^s fallen tent,
4 On arriving at Jerusalem they were its ruins I will rebuild and erect
received by the church, the apostles it anew,
and the presbyters, and they re- that the rest of men may seek for 17
portedhow God had been with them the Lord,
5 and what he had done. But some even all the Gentiles who are
who belonged to the
of the believers called by my name,
Pharisaic party got up and said, saith the Lord, who makes this known 18
Gentiles must be circumcised and from of old. Hence, in my opinion, 19
told to observe the law of Moses." we ought not to put fresh difficulties
6 The apostles and the presbyters met in the way of those who are turning
7 to investigate this question, and a to God from among the Gentiles, but 20
keen controversy sprang up; but write them injunctions to abstain
Peter rose and said to them, from whatever is contaminated by
" Brothers, you are well aware that idols, from sexual vice, from the
from the earliest days God chose flesh of animals that have been
that of you all I should be the one strangled, and from tasting blood;
by whom the Gentiles were to hear for Moses has had his preachers 21
the word of the gospel and believe from the earliest ages in every town,
8 it. The God who reads the hearts where he is read aloud in the syna-
of all attested this by giving them gogues every sabbath." Then the 22
the holy Spirit just as he gave it apostles and the presbjrters, to-
9 to us ; in cleansing their hearts by gether with the whole church, de-
faith he made not the slightest dis- number
cided to select some of their
tinction between us and them. and send them with Paul and Bar-
10 Well now, why are you trying * nabas to Antioch. The men selected
to impose a yoke on the neck of were Judas (called Bar-Sabbas) and
the disciples which neither our Silas, prominent members of the
fathers nor we ourselves could brotherhood. They conveyed the 23
11 bear? No, it is by the grace of following letter. " The apostles
the Lord Jesus that we believe and and the presbyters of the brother-
are saved, in the same way as they hood to the brothers who belong
12 are." So the whole meeting was to the Gentiles throughout Antioch
quieted and listened to Barnabas and Syria and Cilicia greeting.

and Paul recounting the signs and Having learned that some of our 24
wonders (Jod had performed by number,! quite unauthorized by us,

Omitting rhv 9f6v. t Omitting i^ehSoyres,

have unsettled you with their teach- panying them on active service. So 89
25 ing and upset your souls, we have in irritation they parted company,
decided unanimously to select some Barnabas taking Mark mth him
of our number and send them to you and sailing for Cyprus, while Paul 40
along with our beloved Paul and selected Silas and went off, com-
26 Barnabas who have risked their mended by the brothers to the
lives for the sake of our Lord Jesus grace of the Lord. He made his 41
27 Christ. We therefore send Judas way through Syria and CiHcia,
and Silas with the following mes- strengthening the churches.
sage, which they will also give to He also came down to Derbe 16
28 you orally. The holy Spirit and we and Lystra, where there was a dis-
have decided not to impose any ciple called Timotheus, the son of
extra burden on you, apart from a believing Jewess and a Greek
29 these essential requirements: abstain father. He had a good reputation 2
from food that has been offered to among the brothers at Lystra and
idols, from tasting blood, from the Iconium so, as Paul wished him to
; 3
flesh of animals that have been go abroad with him, he took and
strangled, and from sexual vice. circumcised him on account of the
Keep clear of all this and you will local Jews, all of whom knew his
80 prosper. Goodbye." When the father had been a Greek. As they 4
messengers were despatched, they travelled on from town to town,
went down to Antioch and after they handed over to the people
gathering the whole body they the resolutions which the apostles
31 handed them the letter. On read- and the presbyters in Jerusalem
ing it the people rejoiced at the had decided were to be obeyed;
32 encouragement it brought and as ; and the churches were strengthened 5
Judas and Silas were themselves in the faith and increased in num-
prophets, they encouraged and bers day by day. They crossed 6
strengthened the brothers with Phrygia and the country of Galatia,
33 many a counsel. Then after some the holy Spirit having stopped
time had passed the brothers let them from preaching the word in
them go with a greeting of peace Asia; when they got as far as 7
35 to those who had sent them. Paul Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia,
and Barnabas, however, stayed on but the Spirit of Jesus would not
in Antioch, teaching and preaching allow them, and so they passed
. 8
the word of the Lord along with a Mysia by and went down to Troas.
number of others. A vision appeared to Paul by night, 9
36 Some days later, Paul said to the vision of a Macedonian stand-
Barnabas, " Come and let us go ing and appealing to him with the
back to visit the brothers in every words, " Cross to Macedonia and
town where we have proclaimed the help us." As soon as he saw the 10
word of the Lord. Let us see how vision, we made efforts to start for
37 they are doing." But while Barna- Macedonia, inferring that God had
bas wanted to take John (who was called us to preach the gospel to
38 called Mark) along with them, Paul them. Setting sail then from Troas 11
held they should not take a man we ran straight to Samothrace and
with them who had deserted them on the following day to Neapohs.
in Pamphylia, instead of accom- We then came to the Roman colony 12
of Philippi, which is the foremost them stripped and after ordering
town of the district of Macedonia. them to be flogged with rods, had 23
In this town we spent some days. many lashes inflicted on them and
13 On the sabbath we went outside put them into prison, charging the
the gate to the bank of the river, jailer to keep them safe. On re- 24
where as usual there was a place of ceiving so strict a charge, he put
prayer; we sat down and talked them into the inner prison and
14 to the women who had gathered.
Among the listeners there was a
woman called Lydia, a dealer in
secured their feet in the stocks.
But about midnight, as Paul and 251
Silas were praying and singing to
purple who belonged to the town God, while the prisoners listened,
of Thyatira. She reverenced God, all ofa sudden there was a great 26
and the Lord opened her heart to earthquake which shook the very
15 attend to what Paul said. When foundations of the prison the doors
she was baptized, along with her allflew open in an instant and
household, she begged us, saying, the fetters of all the prisoners
" If you are convinced I am a were unfastened. When the jailer 27
believer in the Lord, come and stay started from his sleep and saw
at my house." She compelled us the prison-doors open, he drew
to come. his sword and was on the point
16 Now it happened as we went to of killing himself, supposing the
the place of prayer that a slave-girl prisoners had made their escape;
met us, possessed by a spirit of but Paul shouted aloud, " Do 28
ventriloquism, and a source of great not harm yourself, we are all
profit to her owners by her power here ! " So calling for lights he 29
17 of fortune-telling. She followed rushed in, fell in terror before Paul
Paul and the rest of us, shrieking, and Silas, and brought them out 30
" These men are servants of the (after securing the other prisoners).
Most High God, they proclaim to " Sirs," he said, " what must I do
18 you the way of salvation " She
! to be saved?" "Believe in the 31
did this for a number of days. Then Lord Jesus Christ," they said, " and
Paul turned in annoyance and told then you will be saved, you and
the spirit, " In the name of Jesus your household as well." And 32
Christ I order you out of her ! they spoke the word of the Lord to
And it left her that very moment. him and to all in his house. Then 33
19 But when her owners saw their he took them at that very hour of
chance of profit was gone, they the night and washed their wounds
caught hold of Paul and Silas and and got baptized instantly, he and
dragged them before the magistrates all his family. He took them up to 34
20 in the forum. Bringing them before his house and put food before them,
the praetors they declared, " These overjoyed like all his household at
fellows are Jews who are making having believed in God. When 35
21 an agitation in our town ; they are day broke, the praetors sent the
proclaiming customs which as Ro- hctors with the message, " Release
mans we are not allowed to accept these men." The jafler repeated 86
22 or observe ! " The crowd also this to Paul. " The praetors," he
joined in the attack upon them, said, " have sent to release you.
while the praetors, after having So come out and go in peace." But 37
Paul replied, " They flogged us in is king." Both the crowd and the 8
public and without a flogged
trial, politarchs were disturbed when they
Roman citizens ! They put us in heard this ; however they let Jason 9
prison, and now they are going to and the others go, after binding
get rid of us secretly No indeed
! ! them over to keep the peace. Then 10
Let them come here themselves the brothers at once sent off Paul
88 and take us out " The hctors
! and Silas by night to Beroea.
reported this to the praetors, who, When they arrived there, they be-
on hearing the men were Roman took themselves to the Jewish syna-
39 citizens, got alarmed they went
; gogue, where the people were more 11
to appease them and after taking amenable than at Thessalonica;
them out of prison begged them to they were perfectly ready to receive
40 leave the town. So they left the the Word and made a daily study
prison and went to Lydia's house of the scriptures to see if it was
where they saw the brothers and really as Paul said. Many of them 12
encouraged then>; then they de- believed, together with a large num-
parted. ber of prominent Greeks, both
women and men. But when the 13
Jews ofThessalonica heard that
17 Travelling on through Amphi- Paul was proclaiming the word of
and Apollonia they reached
polis God at Beroea as well, they came
Thessalonica. Here there was a to create a disturbance and a riot
2 Jewish synagogue, and Paul as among the crowds at Beroea too.
usual went in; for three sabbaths The brothers then sent off Paul at 14
he argued with them on the scrip- once on his way to the sea, while
3 tures, explaining and quoting pas- Silas and Timotheus remained
sages to prove that the messiah had where they were. Paul's escort 15
to suffer and rise from the dead, brought him as far as Athens and
and that " the Jesus I proclaim left with instructions that Silas
4 to you is the messiah." Some were and Timotheus were to join him
persuaded and threw in their lot as soon as possible.
with Paul and Silas, including a host While Paul was waiting for them 16
of devout Greeks and a large num- at Athens, his soul was irritated at
6 ber of the leading women. But the the sight of the idols that filled the
Jews were roused to jealousy; they city. He argued in the synagogue 17
got hold of some idle rascals to form with the Jews and the devout prose-
a mob and set the town in an up- lytes and also in the marketplace
roar; they attacked Jason's house daily with those who chanced to be
in the endeavour to bring them present. Some of the Epicurean 18
6 out before the populace, but as they and Stoic philosophers also came
failed to find Paul and Silas they across him. Some said, " Whatever
haled Jason and some of the does the fellow mean with his scraps
brothers before the politarchs, yel- of learning?" Others said, "He
ling, " These upsetters of the whole looks like a herald of foreign deities"
7 world have come here too Jason ! (this was because he preached
has welcomed them They all
Jesus ' and ' the Resurrection ').
violate the decrees of Caesar by Then taking him to the Areopagus 19
declaring someone else called Jesus they asked, " May we know what
is this novel teaching of yours ? everywhere to repent, inasmuch 81
20 You talk of some things that sound as he has fixed a day on which he
strange to us ; so we want to know will judge the world justly by a
21 what they mean." (For all the man whom he has destined for
Athenians and the foreign visitors this. And he has given proof of
to Athens occupied themselves with this to all by raising him from the
nothing else than repeating or listen- dead." But on hearing of a resur-

22 ing to the latest novelty.) So Paul rection of dead men,' some sneered,
stood in the middle of the Areo- while others said, " We will hear
pagus and said, " Men of Athens, you again on that subject." So 33
I observe wherever I turn that you Paul withdrew from them. Some 84
23 are a most religious people. Why, men, however, did join him
as I passed along and scanned and believe, including Dionysius
your objects of worship, I actually the Areopagite, a woman called
came upon an altar with the Damaris, and some others,
TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. After this Paul leftAthens and 18
went to Corinth. There he came 2
Well, I proclaim to you what you across a Jew called Aquila, a native
24 worship in your ignorance. The God of Pontus who had recently arrived
who made the world and all things from Italy with his wife Priscilla,
in it, he, as Lord of heaven and earth, as Claudius had ordered all Jews to
does not dwell in shrines that are leave Rome. Paul accosted them,
25 made by human hands ; he is not and as he belonged to the same 3
served by human hands as if he trade he stayed with them and they
needed anything, for it is he who all worked together. (They were
gives life and breath and all things workers in leather by trade.)
26 to all men. All nations he has Every sabbath he argued in the 4
created from a common origin, synagogue, persuading both Jews
to dwell all over the earth, fixing and Greeks. By the time Silas 5
their allotted periods and the and Timotheus came south from
27 boundaries of their abodes, meaning Macedonia, Paul was engrossed in
them to seek for God on the chance this preaching of the word, arguing
of finding him in their groping for to the Jews that the messiah was
him. Though indeed he is close to Jesus. But as they opposed and 6
28 each one of us, for it is in him abused him, he shook out his gar-
that we live and move and exist ments in protest, saying, " Your
as some of your own poets blood be on your own heads I!

have said, am not responsible After this


We too belong to His race.' I will go to the Gentiles." Then 7
29 Well, as the race of God, we ought he removed to the house of a de-
not to imagine that the divine vout proselyte called Titus Justus,
nature resembles gold or silver or which adjoined the synagogue. But 8
stone, the product of human art Crispus the president of the syna-
80 and invention. Such ages of ignor- gogue believed in the Lord, as did
ance God overlooked, but he now all his household, and many of
charges men that they are all the Corinthians listened, believed,
9 and were baptized. And the Lord down to Antioch. After spending 23
said to Paul in a vision by night, some time there he went off on a
" Have no fear, speak on and never journey right through the country
10 stop, jor I am with you, and no of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthen-
one will attack and injure you; I ing the disciples.
have many people in this city." There came to Ephesus a Jew 2-4
11 So he settled there for a year and called Apollos, who was a native of
six months, teaching them the word Alexandria, a man of culture, strong
of God. in his knowledge of the scriptures.
12 But whenGallio was proconsul He had been instructed in the Way 25
of Achaia the Jews without excep- of the Lord and he preached and
tion rose against Paul and brought taught about Jesus with ardour
13 him up before the tribunal, crying, and accuracy, though all the bap-
" This fellow incites men to worship tism he knew was that of John.
14 God contrary to the Law." Paul In the synagogue he was very out- 26
was just on the point of opening his spoken at first, but when Priscilla
lips to reply, when Gallio said to and Aquila listened to him, they
the Jews, "If it had been a mis- took him home and explained more
demeanour or wicked crime, there accurately to him what the Way of
would be some reason in me listening God really meant. As he wished to 27
15 to you, O Jews. But as these are cross to Achaia, the brothers wrote
merely questions of words and per- and urged the disciples there to
sons and your own Law, you can give him a welcome. And on his
attend to them for yourselves. I arrival he proved of great service
decline to adjudicate upon matters to those who by God's grace had
16 like that." And he drove them believed, for he publicly refuted the 28
17 from the tribunal. Then all [the Jews with might and main, showing
Greeks] caught hold of Sosthenes from the scriptures that the messiah
the president of the synagogue and was Jesus.
beat him in front of the tribunal;
but Gallio took no notice. CHAP.
18 After waiting on for a number It was when Apollos was in 19
of days Paul said goodbye to the Corinth that Paul, after passing
brothers and sailed for Syria, accom- through the inland districts, came
panied by Priscilla and Aquila. down to Ephesus. There he found
(As the latter was under a vow, he some disciples, whom he asked, 2
had his head shaved at Cenchrese.) " Did you receive the holy Spirit
19 When they reached Ephesus Paul when you believed ? " " No," they
them there. He went to the
left said, " we never even heard of its
synagogue and argued with the existence." " Then," said he, 3
" "
20 Jews, who asked him to stay for a what were you baptized in ?
while. But he would not consent " In John's baptism," they replied.
21 he said goodbye to them, telling " John," said Paul, " baptized with 4
them, " I will come back to you, a baptism of repentance, telling
if it is the will of God." Then, the people to believe in Him who
22 sailing from Ephesus, he reached was to come after him, that is, in
Caesarea, went up to the capital to Jesus." When they heard this, 5
salute the church, and travelled they had themselves baptized in
6 the name of the Lord Jesus, and Many believers would also come to 18
after Paul laid his hands on them confess and disclose their magic
the holy Spirit came upon them, spells ; and numbers who had prac- 19
they spoke with ' tongues ' and tised magic arts collected their
7 prophesied. They numbered all books and burned them in the
together about twelve men. presence of all. On adding up the
8 Then Paul entered the synagogue value of them, it was found that
and for three months spoke out they were worth two thousand
fearlessly, arguing and persuading pounds.
people about the Reign of God. Thus did the word of the Lord 20
9 But as some grew stubborn and increase and prevail mightily.
disobedient, decrying the Way After these events Paul resolved 21
in presence of the multitude, he in the Spirit to travel through
left them, withdrew the disciples, Macedonia and Achaia on his way
and continued his argument every to Jerusalem. " After I get there,"
day from eleven to four* in the he said, " I must also visit Rome."
10 lecture-room of Tyrannus. This So he despatched two of his assis- 22
went on for two years, so that all tants to Macedonia, Timotheus and
the inhabitants of Asia, Jews as Erastus, while he himself stayed on
well as Greeks, heard the word of awhile in Asia. It was about that 23
the Lord. time that a great commotion arose
11 God also worked no ordinary over the Way. This was how it 24
12 miracles by means of Paul people ;
happened. By making silver shrines
even carried away towels or aprons of Artemis a silversmith called
he had used, and at their touch Demetrius was the means of bring-
sick folk were freed from their ing rich profit to his workmen. So 25
diseases and evil spirits came out he got them together, along with the
13 of them. Some strolling Jewish workmen who belonged to similar
exorcists also undertook to pro- trades, and said to them " My

nounce the name of the Lord Jesus men, you know this trade is the
over those who had evil spirits, source of our wealth. You also see 26
saying, " I adjure you by the Jesus and hear that not only at Ephesus
14 whom Paul preaches " The seven
! but almost all over Asia this fellow
sons of Sceuas, a Jewish high priest, Paul has drawn off a considerable
15 used to do this. But the evil spirit number of people by his persuasions.
retorted, " Jesus I know and Paul He declares that hand-made gods
I know, but you
who are you?" are not gods at all. Now the 27
16 And the man in whom the evil spirit danger is not only that we will
resided leapt at them, overpowered have our trade discredited but that
them all, and belaboured them, the temple of the great goddess
till they rushed out of the house Artemis will fall into contempt and
17 stripped and wounded. This came that she will be degraded from her
to the ears of all the inhabitants of majestic glory, she whom all Asia
Ephesus, Jews as well as Greeks; and the wide world worship."
awe fell on them all, and the name When they heard this they were 28
of the Lord Jesus was magnified. filled with rage and raised the cry,
* The words airh &pas irefiirrrjs es Se/cc^Tijs
" Great is Artemis of Ephesus " !

D, etc.) are probably original. So the city was filled with confusion. 29
They rushed like one man into gathering." With these words he 41
the amphitheatre, dragging along dismissed the assembly.
Gains and Aristarchus, Macedon-
ians who were travelling with Paul. OHAF.
80 (Paul wanted to enter the popular When the tumult had ceased, 20
assembly, but the disciples would Paul sent for the disciples and
SI not allow him. Some of the encouraged them; he then took
Asiarchs, who were friends of his, leave of them and went his way
also sent to beg him not to venture to Macedonia. After passing 2
82 into the amphitheatre.) Some were through the districts of Macedonia
shouting one thing, some another; and encouraging the people at
for the assembly was in confusion, length, he came to Greece, where he 3
and the majority had no idea why spent three months. Just as he was
83 they had met. Some of the mob on the point of sailing for Syria,
concluded it must be Alexander, the Jews laid a plot against him.
as the Jews pushed him to the front. He therefore resolved to return
So Alexander motioning with his through Macedonia. His company 4
hand wanted to defend himself as far as Asia consisted of Sopater
84 before the people; but when they of Beroea (the son of Pyrrhus),
discovered he was a Jew, a roar Aristarchus and Secundus from
broke from them all, and for about Thessalonica, Gaius of Derbe,
two hours they shouted, " Great is Timotheus, and Tychicus and
Artemis of Ephesus Great is
! Trophimus from Asia. They went 5
85 Artemis of Ephesus " The secre-
! on to wait for us at Troas, while we 6
tary of state then got the mob sailed from Philippi, after the days
calmed down, and said to them, of unleavened bread, and joined
" Men of Ephesus, who on earth them five days later at Troas. There
does not know that the city of we spent seven days. On the first 7
Ephesus is Warden of the temple day of the week we met for the
of the great Artemis and of the breaking of bread; Paul addressed
86 statue that fell from heaven ? All them, as he was to leave next day,
this is beyond question. So you and he prolonged his address till
should keep calm and do nothing midnight (there were plenty of 8
87 reckless. Instead of that you have lamps in the upper room where we
brought these men here who are met). In the window sat a young 9
guilty neither of sacrilege nor of man called Eutychus, and as Paul's
88 blasphemy against our goddess. If address went on and on, he got
Demetrius and his fellow trades- overcome with drowsiness, went
men have a grievance against any- fast asleep, and fell from the third
body, let both parties state their storey. He was picked up a corpse,
charges; assizes are held and there but Paul went downstairs, threw 10
89 are always the proconsuls. Any himself upon him, and embraced
wider claim must be settled in him. " Do not lament," he said,
the legal assembly of the citizens. " the Hfe is still in him." Then he 11
40 Indeed there is a danger of our went upstairs, broke bread, and
being charged with riot over to-day's ate finally, after conversing awhile

meeting ; there is not a single reason with them till the dawn, he went
we can give for this disorderly away. As for the lad, they took 12
him away alive, much to their see my face again not one of
13 relief. Now we had gone on you among whom I moved as I
beforehand to the ship and set sail preached the Reign. Therefore do 26
for Assos, intending to take Paul I protest before you this day that I
on board there. This was his own am not responsible for the blood of
arrangement, for he intended to any of you I never shrank from 27

14 travel by land. So when he met letting you know the entire purpose
us at Assos, we took him on board of God. Take heed to yourselves 28
15 and got to Mitylene. Sailing thence and to all the flock of which the
on the following day we arrived holy Spirit has appointed you
off Chios ; next day we crossed over guardians; shepherd the church of
to Samos, and [after stopping at the Lord which he has purchased
Trogyllium] we went on next day with his own blood. I know that 29
16 to Miletus. This was because Paul when I am gone, fierce wolves will
had decided to sail past Ephesus, to get in among you, and they will
avoid any loss of time in Asia; he not spare the flock; yes, and men 30
wanted to reach Jerusalem, if pos- of your own number will arise with
sible, by the day of Pentecost. perversions of the truth to draw
17 From Miletus he sent to Ephesus the disciples after them. So be on 31
for the presbyters of the church. the alert, remember how for three
18 When they came to him, he said, whole years I never ceased night
" You know quite well how I lived and day to watch over each one of
among you all the time ever since you with tears. And now I entrust 32
19 I set foot in Asia, how I served you to God and the word of his
the Lord in all humility, with many grace; he is able to upbuild you
a tear and many a trial which I en- and give you your inheritance among
countered owing to the plots of the all the consecrated. Silver, gold, or 33
20 Jews, how I never shrank from let- apparel I never coveted ; you know 34
ting you know anything for your yourselves how these hands of mine
good, or from teaching you alike in provided everything for my own
21 public and from house to house, bear- needs and for my companions. I 35
ing my testimony both to Jews and showed you how this was the way
Greeks of repentance before God to work hard and succour the needy,
and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. remembering the words of the Lord
22 Now here I go to Jerusalem under Jesus, who said, To give is happier

the binding force of the Spirit. than to get.' " With these words he 36
What will befall me there I do knelt down and prayed beside them
23 not know. Only, I know this, that all. They all broke into loud lament- 37
in town after town the holy Spirit ation and falling upon the neck of
testifies to me that bonds and Paul kissed him fondly, sorrowing 38
24 troubles are awaiting me. But chiefly because he told them they
then, I set no value on my own would never see his face again.
life as compared with the joy of Then they escorted him to the ship.
finishing my course and fulfilling
the commission I received from CHAP.
the Lord Jesus to attest the gospel When we had torn ourselves 21
25 of the grace of God. I know to- away from them and set sail, we
day that not one of you will ever made a straight run to Cos, next
day to Rhodes, and thence to After these days we packed up 15
2 Patara as we found a ship there
; and started for Jerusalem, accom- 16
bound for Phoenicia, we went on panied by some of the disciples
3 board and set sail. After sighting from Caesarea, who conducted us to
Cyprus and leaving it on our left, the house of Mnason, a Cypriote,
we sailed for Syria, landing atTyre with whom we were to lodge. He
where the ship was to unload her was a disciple of old standing.
4 cargo. We found out the local The brothers welcomed us gladly 17
disciples and stayed there for seven on our arrival at Jerusalem. Next 18
days. These disciples told Paul by day we accompanied Paul to
the Spirit not to set foot in Jeru- James; all the presbyters were
5 salem but, when our time was up,
; present, and after saluting them 19
we started on our journey, escorted Paul described in detail what God
by them, women and children and had done by means of his ministry
all, till we got outside the town. among the Gentiles. They glorified 20
Then, kneeling on the beach, we God when they heard it. Then
6 prayed and said goodbye to one they said to him, " Brother, you
another. We went on board and see how many thousands of be-
7 they went home. By sailing from lievers there are among the Jews,
Tyre to Ptolemais we completed all of them ardent upholders of the
our voyage; we saluted the brothers, Lord. Now they have heard that 21
8 spent a day with them, and started you teach Jews who live among
next morning for Caesarea, where Gentiles to break away from Moses
we entered the house of Philip and not to circumcise their children,
9 the evangelist (he belonged to the nor to follow the old customs.
Seven, and had four unmarried What is to be done ? They will 22
daughters who prophesied). We be sure to hear you have arrived.*
10 stayed with him. While we re- So do as we tell you. We have 23
mained there for a number of days, four men here under a vow; asso- 24
a prophet called Agabus came down ciate yourself with them, purify
11 from Judaea. He came to us, took yourself with them, pay their ex-
Paul's girdle and bound his own penses so that they may be free to
feet and hands, saying, " Here is have their heads shaved, and then
the word of the holy Spirit ' So : everybody will understand there is
shall the Jews bind the owner of nothing in these stories about you,
this girdle at Jerusalem and hand but that, on the contrary, you are
12 him over to the Gentiles '." Now guided by obedience to the Law.
when we heard this, we and the As for Gentile believers, we have 25
local disciples besought Paul not to issued our decision that they must
13 go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul avoid food that has been offered
replied, " What do you mean by to idols, the taste of blood, flesh of
weeping and disheartening me ? I animals that have been strangled,
am ready not only to be bound but and sexual vice." Then Paul 26
also to die at Jerusalem for the associated himself with the men
14 sake of the Lord Jesus." As he next day; he had himself purified
would not be persuaded, we ac- along with them and went into
quiesced, saying, " The will of the * Omitting [8ci irXrjeos ffvvt\euy] and
Lord be done."
the temple to give notice of the ing, " Away with him " Just as ! 37
time when the days of 'purification he was being taken into the barracks,
would be completed the time, Paul said to the commander, " May
that is to say, when the sacrifice I say a word to you ? " "You know
could be offered for each one of Greek " said the commander.

them. " Then you are not the Egyptian 38

27 The seven days were almost over who in days gone by raised the four
when the Asiatic Jews, catching thousand assassins and led them
sight of him in the temple, stirred out into the desert ? " Paul said, 39 ;,

up all the crowd and laid hands on " I am a Jew, a native of Tarsus
28 him, shouting, " To the rescue, in Cilicia, the citizen of a famous
men of Israel !Here is the man town. Pray let me speak to
whoteaches everyone everywhere the people." As he gave per- 40
against the People and the Law and mission, Paul stood on the steps
this Place ! And he has actually and motioned to the people. A
brought Greeks inside the temple great hush came over them, and
29 and defiled this holy Place " (They
! he addressed them as follows
had previously seen Trophimus in Hebrew.
the Ephesian along with him in I
the city, and they supposed Paul CHAP.
had taken him inside the temple.) " Brothers and fathers, listen 22
30 The whole city was thrown into to the defence I now make before
turmoil. The people rushed to- you." When they heard him 2
gether, seized Paul and dragged him addressing them in Hebrew they
outside the temple ; whereupon the were all the more quiet. So he
31 doors were immediately shut. They went on. "I am a Jew, born at 3
were attempting to kill him when Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up
word reached the commander of the in this city, educated at the feet
garrison that the whole of Jerusalem of Gamaliel in all the stictness of
32 was in confusion. Taldng some our ancestral Law, ardent for God
soldiers and officers, he at once as you all are to-day. I persecuted 4
rushed down to them, and when this Way of religion to the death,
they saw the commander and the chaining and imprisoning both men
soldiers they stopped beating Paul. and women, as the high priest and 5
33 Then the commander came up and all the council of elders can testify.
seized him; he ordered him to be It was from them that I got letters
bound with a couple of chains, and to the brotherhood at Damascus
asked " Who is he? " and " What and then journeyed thither to bind
34 has he done ? " Some of the crowd those who had gathered there and
roared one thing, some another, bring them back to Jerusalem for
and as he could not learn the facts punishment. Now as I neared 6
owing to the uproar, he ordered Damascus on my journey, sud-
Paul to be taken to the barracks. denly about noon a brilliant light
35 By the time he reached the steps, from heaven flashed round me. I 7
he had actually to be carried by dropped to the earth and heard a
the soldiers on account of the voice saying to me, Saul, Saul, why

36 violence of the crowd, for the whole do you persecute me ? Who are 8
' '

mass of the people followed shout- you ? I asked. He said to me, I


am Jesus the Nazarene, and you are such a creature from the earth!
9 persecuting me.* (My companions He is not fit to live !
" They yelled 23
saw the hght, but they did not hear and threw their clothes into the air
the voice of him who talked to me.) and flung dust about, till the com- 24
10 I said, What am I to do ?
' And the '
mander ordered him to be taken
Lord said to me, Get up and make
inside the barracks and examined
your way into Damascus; there under the lash, so as to find out why
you will be told about all you are the people shouted at him in this
11 destined to do.' As I could not see way. They had strapped him up, 25
owing to the dazzling glare of that when Paul said to the officer who
light, my companions took my hand was standing by, '' Are you allowed
12 and so I reached Damascus. Then to scourge a Roman citizen and

a certain Ananias, a devout man in to scourge him without a trial ?
the Law, who had a good reputation When the officer heard this, he went 26
among all the Jewish inhabitants, to the commander and said to him,
13 came to me and standing beside me " What are you going to do ? This
said, * Saul, my brother, regain man is a Roman citizen." So the 27
your sight The same moment
commander went to him and said,
I regained my and looked up
sight " Tell me, are you a Roman
14 at him. Then he said, The God '
citizen?" "Yes," he said. The 28
of our fathers has appointed you to commander replied, " I had to pay
know his will, to see the Just One, a large sum for this citizenship."
and to hear him speak with his own " But I was born a citizen," said
15 lips. For you are to be a witness Paul. Then those who were to have 29
for him before all men, a witness examined him left him at once
of what you have seen and heard. alone; even the commander was
16 And now, why do you wait ? Get alarmed to find Paul was a Roman
up and be baptized and wash away citizen and that he had bound
your sins, calling on his name.' him.
17 When returned to Jerusalem, it
I Next day, as he was anxious to 30
happened that whileI was praying find out the real reason why the
in the temple I fell into a trance Jews accused him, he unbound him,
18 and saw Him saying to me, ' Make ordered the high priests and all the
haste, leave Jerusalem quickly, for Sanhedrin to meet, and brought
they will not accept your evidence Paul down, placing him in front of
19 about me.' ' But, Lord,' I said, them. With a steady look at the 23
'they surely know it was I who Sanhedrin Paul said, " Brothers, I
imprisoned and flogged those who have lived with a perfectly good
believed in you throughout the conscience before God down to
synagogues, and that I stood and the present day." Then the high 2
20 approved when the blood of your priest Ananias ordered those who
martyr Stephen was being shed, were standing next Paul to strike
taking charge of the clothes of his him on the mouth. At this Paul 3
21 murderers But he said to me,
' said to him, " You whitewashed
Go I will send you afar to the
; wall, God will strike you ! You
22 Gentiles " Till he said that,
sit there to judge me by
the Law,
they had listened to him. But at do you ? And you break the Law
that they shouted, " Away with by ordering me to be struck " The ! 4
bystanders said, " What I would you in detail, so that he may have
5 rail at God's high priest ? " " Bro- Paul brought down to you. We
thers," said Paul, " I did not know will be all ready to kill him on the
he was high priest" (for it is written, way down." Now Paul's nephew 16
You must not speak evil of any ruler heard about their treacherous am-
6 of your people). Then, finding half bush; so he got admission to the
the Sanhedrin were Sadducees and barracks and told Paul. Paul 17
the other half Pharisees, Paul summoned one of the officers and
shouted to them, " I am a Phari- said, " Take this young man to the
see, brothers, the son of Pharisees I commander, for he has some news I
It is for the hope of the resurrection to give him." So the officer took 18
from the dead that I am on trial ! him to the commander, saying,
7 When he said this, a quarrel broke " The prisoner Paul has summoned
out between the Pharisees and me to ask if I would bring this
the Sadducees; the meeting was young man to you, as he has some-
8 divided. For while the Sadducees thing to tell you." The commander 19
declare there is no such thing as then took him by the hand aside ^.
resurrection, angels, or spirits, the and asked him in private, " What
is the news you have for me ?
Pharisees affirm them all. Thus a
loud clamour broke out. Some of He answered, " The Jews have 20
the scribes who belonged to the agreed to ask you to bring Paul
Pharisaic party got up and con- down to-morrow to the Sanhedrin,
tended, " We find nothing wrong on the plea that they* propose to
about this man. What if some examine his case in detail. Now 21
has spoken to him ?
spirit or angel do not let them persuade you.
10 The quarrel then became so violent More than forty of them are lying
that the commander was afraid they in ambush for him, and they have
would tear Paul in pieces he there-
; taken a solemn oath neither to eat
fore ordered the troops to march nor to drink till they have murdered
down and take him from them by him. They are all ready at this
force, bringing him inside the moment, awaiting your consent."
11 barracks. On the following night Then the commander dismissed the 22
the Lord stood by Paul and said, youth, bidding him " Tell nobody
" Courage !As you have testified that you have informed me of this."
to me at Jerusalem, so you must He summoned two of the officers 23
testify at Rome." and said, " Get ready by nine o'clock
12 When day broke, the Jews formed to-night two hundred infantry to
a conspiracy, taking a solemn oath march as far as Caesarea, also
neither to eat nor to drink till seventy troopers, and two hundred
13 they had killed Paul. There were spearmen." Horses were also to be 24
more than forty of them in this provided, on which they were to
14 plot. They then went to the mount Paul and carry him safe to
high priests and elders, saying, Felix the governor. He then wrote 25
" Wehave taken a solemn oath to a letter in the following terms.
taste no food till we have killed
* Reading either /xiwovres with the
15 Paul. Now you and the Sanhedrin
Latin, Syriac, Sahidic, and Ethiopia
must inform the commander that versions, or /xeX\6vTa)v {^^t Chrysoetojn,
you pufopose to investigate this case and some minuscules).
26 " Claudius Lysias, to his excellency we enjoy unbroken peace, and as
27 the governor Felix greeting. : This it is owing to your wise care that
man had been seized by the Jevv^s the state of this nation has been
and was on the point of being mur- improved in every way and every-
dered by them, when I came on where, we acknowledge all this with 3
them with the troops and rescued profound gratitude. I have no wish 4
him, as I had ascertained that he to weary you, but I beg of you to
28 was a Roman citizen. Anxious to grant us in your courtesy a brief
find out why they accused him, hearing. The fact is, we have 5
I took him down to their Sanhedrin, found this man is a perfect pest;
29 where I found he was accused of he stirs up sedition among the
matters relating to their Law but Jews all over the world and he is
not impeached for any crime that a ringleader of the Nazarene sect.
deserved death or imprisonment. He actually tried to desecrate the 6
80 I am informed a plot is to be laid temple, but we got hold of him.
against him, so I am sending him Examine him for yourself and you 8
to you at once,* telling his accusers will be able to find out about all
that they must impeach him before these charges of ours against him."
31 you. Farewell." The soldiers, The Jews joined in the attack, 9
according to their instructions, declaring that such were the facts
took Paul and brought him by of the case. Then at a nod from 10
32 night to Antipatris. Next day the governor Paul made his reply.
the infantry returned to their bar- " As I know you have administered
33 racks, leaving the troopers to ride justice in this nation for a number
on with him. They reached of years," he said, " I feel encour-
Caesarea, presented the letter to aged to make my defence, because 11
the governor, and also handed Paul it is not more than twelve days, as
34 over to him. On reading the you can easily ascertain, since I went
letter he asked what province he up to worship at Jerusalem. They 12
belonged to, and finding it was never found me arguing with any-
35 Cilicia he said, " I will go into one in the temple or causing a riot
your case whenever your accusers either in the synagogues or in the
arrive," giving orders that he was city they cannot furnish you with
; 13
to be kept in the praetorium of any proof of their present charges
Herod, against me. I certainly admit to 14
you that I worship our fathers'
CHAP. God according to the methods of
24 Five days later down came the what they call a ' sect but I be-
' ;

high priest Ananias with some lieve all that is written in the Law
elders and a barrister called Ter- and in the prophets, and I cherish 15
tuUus. They laid information be- the same hope in God as they
fore the governor a^gainst Paul. accept, namely that there is to be
2 So Paul was summoned, and then a resurrection of the just and the
Tertullus proceeded to accuse him. unjust. Hence I too endeavour 16
" Your excellency," he said to to have a clear conscience before
Felix, " as it is owing to you that God and men all the time. After 17
a lapse of several years I came up
* Beading i^avrris instead of i^ avruy. with alms and offerings for my


18 nation,* and it was in presenting had elapsed, Felix was succeeded
these that I was found within the by Porcius Festus, and as Felix
temple. I was ceremonially pure, wanted to ingratiate himself with
I was not mixed up in any mob or the Jews, he left Paul still in cus-
riot; no, the trouble was caused tody.
19 by some Jews from Asia, who
ought to have been here before
you with any charge they may Three days after Festus entered 25 [

20 have against me. Failing them, his province, he went up from

let these men yonder tell what Caesarea to Jerusalem. The high 2
fault they found with my appear- priests and the Jewish leaders laid
21 ance before the Sanhedrin unless
! information before him against
it was with the single sentence I Paul, and begged him, as a special 3
uttered, when I stood and said, favour, to send for him to Jeru-
It is for the resurrection of the salem, meaning to lay an ambush
dead that I am on my trial to-day for him and murder him on the
22 before you.' " As Felix had a road. Festus replied that Paul 4
pretty accurate knowledge of the would be kept in custody at Caes-
Way, he remanded Paul, telling area, but that he himself meant to ,

the Jews, " When Lysias the com- leave for Caesarea before long
mander comes down, I will decide " when," he added, " your compe- 5
23 your case." He gave orders to the tent authorities can come down
officer to have Paul kept in custody with me and charge the man with
but to allow him some freedom whatever crime he has committed."
and not to prevent any of his own After staying not more than eight or 6
people from rendering him any ten days with them, he went down
service. to Caesarea. Next day he took his
24 Some days later Felix arrived seat on the tribunal and ordered
with his wife Drusilla, who was a Paul to be brought before him.
Jewess. He sent for Paul and When he arrived, the Jews who 7
heard what he had to say about had come down from Jerusalem
25 faith in Christ Jesus; but when surrounded him and brought a
he argued about morality, self- number of serious charges against
mastery, and the future judgment, him, none of which they were able
Felix grew uneasy. " You may go to prove. Paul's defence was, " I 8
for the present," he said; "when have committed no offence against
I can find a moment, I will send for the Law of the Jews, against the
26 you " (though at the same time temple, or against Caesar." As 9
he hoped Paul would give him a Festus wanted to ingratiate him-
bribe). So he did send for him self with the Jews, he asked Paul,
pretty frequently and conversed " Will you go up to Jerusalem and
27 with him. But when two years be tried there by me upon these
charges ? " Paul said, " I am 10
* It is hardly possible to make sens of standing before Caesar's tribunal;
the following Greek text, and none of that is where I ought to be tried.
the various readings or of the emendations
that have been proposed is entirely satis-
I have done no wrong whatever to
factory. All one can do is to reproduce
the general drift of the passage.
the Jews
you know that perfectly
If I am a criminal, if I have 11
done anything that deserves death, So next day Agrippa and Bernice 23
I do not object to die; but if there proceeded with great pomp to the
is nothing in any of their charges hall of audience, accompanied by
against me, then no one can give the military commanders and the
me up to them. I appeal to prominent civilians of the town.
12 Caesar " Then, after conferring
! Festus then ordered Paul to be
with the council, Festus answered, brought in. " King Agrippa and 24
" You have appealed to Caesar ? allhere present," said Festus, " you
" see before you a man of whom the
Very well, you must go to Caesar !

13 Some days had passed, when entire body of the Jews at Jerusa-
king Agrippa and Bernice came to lem and also here have complained
Caesarea to pay their respects to to me. They loudly insist he ought
14 Festus. As they were spending not to live any longer. I could not 25
several days there, Festus laid find he had done anything that
Paul's case before the king. " There deserved death, so I decided to
is a man," he said, " who was left send him, on his own appeal, to
15 in prison by Felix. When I was the emperor. Only, I have nothing 26
at Jerusalem, the high priests and definite to write to the sovereign
elders of the Jews informed me about him. So I have brought
about him and demanded his con- him up before you all, and especially
16 demnation. I told them Romans before you, O king Agrippa, in
were not in the habit of giving up order that I rnay get something to
any man until the accused met the write as the result of your cross-
accusers face to face and had a examination. For it seems absurd 27
chance of defending himself against to me to forward a prisoner without
17 the impeachment. Well, the day notifying the particulars of his
after they came here along with charge." Then Agrippa said to 26
me, I took my seat on the tribunal Paul, " You have our permission to
without any loss of time. I ordered speak upon your own behalf." At
18 the man to be brought in, but when this Paul stretched out his hand
his accusers stood up they did not and began his defence. " I consider 2
charge him with any of the crimes myself fortunate, king Agrippa, in
19 that I had expected. The questions being able to defend myself to-day
at issue referred to their own religion before you against all that the Jews
and to a certain Jesus who had charge me with; for you are well 8
20 died. Paul said he was alive. As I acquainted with all Jewish customs
felt at a loss about the method of and questions. Pray listen to me
inquiry into such topics, I asked then with patience. How I lived 4
if he would go to Jerusalem and from my youth up among my own
be tried there on these charges. nation and at Jerusalem, all that
21 But Paul entered an appeal for early career of mine, is known to all
his case to be reserved for the de- the Jews. They know me of old. 5
cision of the emperor ; so I ordered They know, if they chose to admit
him to be detained till I could remit it, that as a Pharisee I lived by the
22 him to Caesar." " I should like to principles of the strictest party in
hear the man myself," said Agrippa our religion. To-day I am standing 6
to Festus. " You shall hear him my trial for hoping in the promise
to-morrowg" said Festus, made by God to our fathers, a 7


promise which our twelve tribes announced to those at Damascus
hope to gain by serving God earnestly and at Jerusalem in the first in-
both night and day. And I am stance, then all over the land of
actually impeached by Jews for Judaea, and also to the Gentiles,
9 this hope, O king I once believed
I that they were to repent and turn
it my duty indeed actively to to God by acting up to their repen-
oppose the name of Jesus the tance. This is why the Jews seized 211
10 Nazarene. I did so in Jerusalem. me in the temple and tried to assassi-
I shut up many of the saints in nate me. To this day I have had 22 1i

prison, armed with authority from the help of God in standing, as I

the high priests; when they were now do, to testify alike to low and
put to death, I voted against them high, never uttering a single syll-
11 there was not a synagogue where able beyond what the prophets and
I did not often punish them and Moses predicted was to take place.
force them to blaspheme; and in Why should you consider it in- 8
my frantic fury I persecuted them credible that God raises the dead,*
12 even to foreign towns. I was that the Christ is capable of suffer- 23
travelling to Damascus on this ing, and that he should be the first
business, with authority and a to rise from the dead and bring
commission from the high priests, the message of light to the People
13 when at mid-daj^ on the road, O and to the Gentiles ? " When he 24
king, I saw a light from heaven, brought this forward in his defence,
more dazzling than the sun, flash Festus called out, " Paul, you are
round me and my fellow-travellers. quite mad ! Your great learning
14 We all fell to the ground, and I is driving you insane." " Your 25
heard a voice saying to me in excellency," said Paul to Festus,
Hebrew, '
Saul, Saul, why do you " I am not mad, I am speaking
persecute me? You hurt yourself the sober truth. Why, the king 26
15 by kicking at the goad.' ' Who are is well aware of this ! To the
you ? I asked.
And the Lord king I can speak without the
said, ' I am Jesus, and you are slightest hesitation. I do not
16 persecuting me. Now get up and believe any of it has escaped
stand on your feet, for I have ap- his notice, for this was not done
peared to you in order to appoint in a corner. King Agrippa, you 27
you to my service as a witness to believe the prophets ? I know you
what you have seen and to the do." " At this rate," Agrippa re- 28
17 visions you will have of me. / will marked, " it won't be long before
rescue you from the People and you believe you have made a
also from the Gentiles to whom I Christian of me ! " " Long or 29
18 send you, that their eyes may he short," said Paul, " I would to
opened and that they may turn God that not only you but all
from darkness to light, from the my hearers to-day could be what"
power of Satan to God, to get I
am barring these chains !

remission of their sins and an Then the king rose, with the gover- 30
inheritance among those who are nor and Bernice and those who had
19 consecrated by faith in me.' Upon been seated beside them. They 81
this, O king Agrippa, I did not * Restoring ver. 8 to its original
20 disobey the heavenly vision ; I position at the beginning of ver. 23.
retired to discuss the affair, and by the captain and the owner
agreed that " this man has done rather than by anything Paul could
nothing to deserve death or im- say, and, as the harbour was badly 12
82 prisonment." " He might have placed for wintering in, the majority
been released," said Agrippa to proposed to set sail and try if they
Festus, "if he had not appealed could reach Phoenix and winter
to Caesar." there (Phoenix is a Cretan harbour
facing S.W. and N.W.). When a 13
OHAP. moderate southerly breeze sprang
27 When was decided we were to
it up, they thought they had secured
Paul and some other
sail for Italy, their object, and after weighing
prisoners were handed over to an anchor they sailed along the coast
officer of the Imperial regiment of Crete, close inshore. Presently 14
2 called Julius. Embarking in an down rushed a hurricane of a wind
Andramyttian ship which was called Euroclydon; the ship was 15
bound for the Asiatic seaports, we caught and unable to face the wind,
set sail, accompanied by a Mace- so we gave up and let her drive
donian from Thessalonica called along. Running under the lee of 16
3 Aristarchus. Next day we put in a small island called Clauda we
at Sidon, where Julius very kindly managed with great difficulty to
allowed Paul to visit his friends and get the boat hauled in once it was
; 17
4 be looked after. Putting to sea hoisted aboard, they used ropes* to
from there, we had to sail under undergird the ship, and in fear of
the lee of Cyprus as the wind was being stranded on the Syrtis they
5 against us then, sailing over the
; lowered the sail and lay to. As 18
Cilicianand Pamphylian waters, we were being terribly battered by
6 we came to Myra in Lycia. There the storm, they had to jettison the
the officer found an Alexandrian cargo next day, while two days 19
ship bound for Italy, and put us on later they threw the ship's gear
7 board of her. For a number of overboard with their own hands;
days we made a slow passage and formany days neither sun nor stars 20
had great difficulty in arriving off could be seen, the storm raged
Cnidus; then, as the wind checked heavily, and at last we had to give
our progress, we sailed under the up hope of being saved. When
all 21
8 lee of Crete off Cape Salmon^, and they had gone without food for a
coasting along it with great difficulty long time, Paul stood up among
we reached a place called Fair them and said, " Men, you should
Havens, not far from the town of have listened to me and spared
9 Lasea. By this time it was far on in yourselves this hardship and loss
the season and sailing had become by refusing to set sail from Crete.
dangerous (for the autumn Fast was I now bid you cheer up. There 22
past), so Paul warned them thus will be no loss of life, only of the
10 Men," said he, " I see this voyage ship. For last night an angel of 23
is going to be attended with hard- the God I belong to and serve,
ship and serious loss not only to stood before me, saying, Have no '
the cargo and the ship but also to * Naber's conjecture $oeiais for the
11 our own lives." However the fiovffelais of the MSS. yitsMs iAaB iefJOjeUeiit
officer let himsTelf be persuaded
fear, Paul; you must stand before by throwing the wheat into the sea.
Caesar. And God has granted you When day broke, they could not
the lives of all your fellow-voya- recognize what land it was; how-
25 gers.' Cheer up, men I believe ! ever they noticed a creek with a
God, I believe it will turn out just sandy beach, and resolved to see
26 as I have been told. However, if they could run the ship ashore
we are to be stranded on an there. So the anchors were cut
island." away and left in the sea, while the
27 When the fourteenth night crew unlashed the ropes that tied
arrived, we were drifting about in the rudders, hoisted the foresail to
the sea of Adria when the sailors the breeze, and headed for the
about midnight suspected land was beach. Striking a reef, they drove
28 near. On taking soundings they the ship aground ; the prow jammed
found twenty fathoms, and a little fast, but the stern began to break
further on, when they sounded up under the beating of the waves.
29 again, they found fifteen. Then, Now the soldiers resolved to kill 42
afraid of being stranded on the the prisoners, in case any of them
rocks, they let go four anchors swam off and escaped, but as the 43
from the stern and longed for officer wanted to save Paul, he put
30 daylight. The sailors tried to a stop to their plan, ordering
escape from the ship. They had those who could swim to jump over-
even lowered the boat into the sea, board first and get to land, while 44
pretending they were going to lay the rest were to manage with
31 out anchors from the bow, when planks or pieces of wreckage.
Paul said to the officer and the In this way it turned out that
soldiers, " You cannot be saved the whole company got safe to
unless these men stay by the land.
32 ship." Then the soldiers cut away
the ropes of the boat and let her
33 fall off. Just before daybreak Paul It was only after our escape 28
begged them all to take some that we found out the island was
food. " For fourteen days," he called Malta. The natives showed 2
said, " you have been on the watch us uncommon kindness, for they lit
all the time, without a proper a fire and welcomed us all to it, as the
34 meal. Take some food then, I rain had come on and it was chilly.
beg of you it will keep you alive.
; Now Paul had gathered a bundle 3
You are going to be saved Not ! of sticks and laid them on the fire,
a hair of your heads will perish." when a viper crawled out with the
35 With these words he took a loaf heat and fastened on his hand.
and after thanking God broke and When the natives saw the creature 4
36 ate it in presence of them all. Then hanging from his hand, they said
they all cheered up and took food to each other, " This man must be
37 for themselves (there were about* a murderer ! He has escaped the
seventy-six souls of us on board, sea, but Justice will not let him
38 all told) and when they had eaten
; live." However, he shook off the
their fill, they lightened the ship creature into the fire and was not
* Reading &5 (B and Sahidic version) a whit the worse. The natives 6
for Sia/crfcTiflU. waited for him to swell up or drop
down dead in a moment, but after I was handed over to the Romans
waiting a long while and observing as a prisoner from Jerusalem.
that no harm had befallen him, they They meant to release me after 18
changed their minds and declared examination, as I was innocent of
he was a god. any crime that deserved death.
7 There was an estate in the neigh- But the Jews objected, and so I 19
bourhood which belonged to a man was obliged to appeal to Caesar
called Publius, the governor of the not that I had any charge to bring
island he welcomed us and enter-
; against my own nation. This is 20
tained us hospitably for three days. my reason for asking to see you
8 His father, it so happened, was laid and have a word with you. I am
up with fever and dysentery, but wearing this chain because I share
Paul went in to see him and after Israel's hope." They repUed, " We 21
prayer laid his hands on him and have had no letters about you
9 cured him. When this had hap- from Judaea, and no brother has
pened, the rest of the sick folk in come here with any bad report or
the island also came and got cured story about you. We think it 22
10 they made us rich presents and fur- only right to let you tell your own
nished us, when we set sail, with all story; but as regards this sect,
we needed. we are well aware that there are
11 We set sail, after three months, objections to it on all hands." So 23
in an Alexandrian ship, with the they fixed a day and came to him
Dioscuri on her figure-head, which at his quarters in large numbers.
12 had wintered at the island. We From morning to evening he ex-
put in at Syracuse and stayed for plained the Reign of God to them
13 three days. Then tacking round from personal testimony, and tried
we reached Rhegium; next day to convince them about Jesus from
a south mnd sprang up which the law of Moses and the prophets.
brought us in a day to Puteoli, Some were convinced by what he 24
14 where we came across some of the said, but the others would not be-
brotherhood, who invited us to lieve. As they could not agree 25
stay a week with them. among themselves they turned to
In this way we reached Rome. go away, when Paul added this one
15 As the local brothers had heard word "It was an apt word that

about us, they came out to meet the holy Spirit spoke by the prophet
us as far as Appii Forum and Tres Isaiah to your fathers, when he 26
Tabernae, and when Paul saw them said,
he thanked God and took courage. Go and tellthis people,
16 When we did reach Rome, Paul '
You will hear and hear but
got permission * to live by himself, never understand,
17 with a soldier to guard him. Three you will see and see hut never
days later he called the leading perceive.^
Jews together, and when they met For the heart of this people is 27
he said to them, " Brothers, al- obtuse,
though I have done nothing against their ears are heavy of hearing,
the People or our ancestral customs, their eyes they have closed,
* Omitting [6 kKarSurapxos irapeSuKev robs lest they see with their eyes and
ry crparoveSdpxv} and [5e].
Sffffilovs hear with their ears,
lest they understand with their For two full
years he remained in 30
heart and turn again, and I his private lodging, welcoming any-
cure them, one who came to visit him; he
28 Be sure of this, then, that this sal- preached the Reign of God and 81
vation of God has been sent to the taught about the Lord Jesus Christ
Gentiles; they will listen to it." quite openly and unmolested.

1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, prevented) so as to have some re-
called to be an apostle, set apart sults among you as well as among
2 for the gospel of God (which he the rest of the Gentiles. To Greeks 14
promised of old by his prophets and to barbarians, to wise and to
3 in the holy scriptures) concerning foolish alike, I owe a duty. Hence 15
his Son, who was born of David's my eagerness to preach the gospel
4 offspring by natural descent and toyou in Rome as well. For I am 16
installed as Son of God with power proud of the gospel; it is God's
by the Spirit of holiness when he saving power for everyone who has
was raised from the dead con- faith, for the Jew first and for the
cerning Jesus Christ our Lord, Greek as well. God's righteousness 17
5 through whom I have received the is revealed in it by faith and for
favour of my commission to pro-
faith as it is written, Now by faith
mote obedience to the faith for shall the righteous live. But God's 18
his sake among all the Gentiles, anger is revealed from heaven
6 including yourselves who are called against all the impiety and wicked-
7 to belong to Jesus Christ : to all ness of those who hinder the Truth
in Rome who are beloved by God, by their wickedness. For what- 19
called to be saints, grace and peace ever is to be kno^vn of God is
to you from God our Father and plain to them; God himself has
the Lord Jesus Christ.
made it plain for ever since the 20
8 First of all, I thank my God world was created, his invisible
through Jesus Christ for you all, nature, his everlasting power and
because the report of your faith divine being, have been quite per-
9 is over all the world. God is my ceptible in what he has made.
witness, the God whom I serve So they have no excuse. Though 21
withmy spirit in the gospel of his they knew God, they have not
10 Son, how unceasingly I always glorified him as God nor given
mention you in my prayers, asking thanks to him; they have turned
if I may at last be sped upon my to futile speculations till their
11 way to you by God's will. For I ignorant minds grew dark. They 22
do yearn to see you, that I may claimed to be wise, but they have
impart to you some spiritual gift become fools ; they have exchanged 23

12 for your strengthening or, in other the glory of the immortal God for
words, that I may be encouraged the semblance of the likeness of
by meeting you, I by your faith mortal man, of birds, of quad-
13 and you by mine. Brothers, I rupeds, and of reptiles. So God 24
would like you to understand that I has given them up, in their heart's
have often purposed to come to you lust, to sexual vice, to the dis-
(though up till now I have been honouring of their own bodies,

25 since they have exchanged the yourself ? Or are you slighting all 4
truth of God for an untruth, wor- his wealth of kindness, forbearance,
shipping and serving the creature and patience? Do you not know
rather than the Creator who is his kindness is meant to make you
26 blessed for ever Amen. That is
: repent ? In your stubbornness and 5
why God has given them up to impenitence of heart you are simply
vile passions; their women have storing up anger for yourself on
exchanged the natural function of the Day of anger, when the just
27 sex for what is unnatural, and in doom of God is revealed. For he 6
the same way the males have will render to everyone according to
abandoned the natural use of what he has done, eternal life to 7
women and flamed out in lust for those who by patiently doing good
one another, men perpetrating aim at glory, honour, and immor-
shameless acts with their own sex tality, but anger and wrath to those 8
and getting in their own persons the who are wilful, who disobey the
due recompense of their perversity. Truth and obey wickedness an- 9
28 Yes, as they disdained to acknow- guish and calamity for every human
ledge God any longer, God has given soul that perpetrates evil, for the
them up to a reprobate instinct for Jew first and for the Greek as well,
the perpetration of what is improper, but glory, honour, and peace for 10
29 till they are filled with all manner everyone who does good, for the
of wickedness, depravity, lust, Jew first and for the Greek as well.
and viciousness, filled to the brim There is no partiality about God. 11
with envy, murder, quarrels, in- All who sin outside the Law will 12

80 trigues, and malignity slanderers, perish outside the Law,
defamers, loathed by God, out- and all who sin under the Law
rageous, haughty, boastful, inven- willbe condemned by the Law.
tive in evil, disobedient to parents, For it is not the hearers of the Law 13
31 devoid of conscience, false to their who are just in the eyes of God, it
82 word, callous, merciless though
; is those who obey the Law who will
they know God's decree that people be acquitted, on the day when 16
who practise such vice deserve God judges the secret things of
death, they not only do it them- men, as my gospel holds, by Jesus
selves but applaud those who Christ. (When Gentiles who have 14
practise it. no law obey instinctively the Law's
requirements, they are a law to
CHAP. themselves, even though they have
2 Therefore you are inexcusable, no law; they exhibit the effect of 15
whoever you are, if you pose as a the Law written on their hearts,
judge, for in judging another you their conscience bears them wit-
condemn yourself; you, the judge, ness, as their moral convictions
do the very same things yourself. accuse or it maybe defend them.)*
2 ' Weknow the doom of God falls * Ver. 16 is the sequel to the first
justly upon those who practise such clause of ver. 14. The rest of ver. 14 and
8 vices.' Very well ; and do you imag- the whole of ver. 15 form a short para-
ine you will escape God's doom, O graph which is either a marginal note or
an awkward insertion. To preserve the
man, you who judge those who sequence of thought I have re -arranged
practise such vices and do the same the verses as above.

17 If you bear the name of 'Jew,' Then what is the Jew's superi- 3
relying on the Law, priding your- ority? What is the good of cir-
18 self on God, understanding his cumcision? Much in every way. 2
and with a sense of what is
This to begin with Jews were en-
vital in religion if you are in-
; trusted with the scriptures of God.
19 structed by the Law and are per- Even supposing some of them have 3
suaded you are a guide to the proved untrustworthy,is their
Wind, a Hght to darkened souls, faithlessness to cancel the faith-
20 a tutor for the foolish, a teacher fulness of God ? Never Let God ! 4
of the simple, because in the Law be true to his word, though every
you have the embodiment of know-
man be perfidious as it is written,

21 ledge and truth well then, do That thou mayest he vindicated in
you ever teach yourself, you teacher thy pleadings,
of other people? You preach and triumph in thy trial.
against stealing; do you steal? But if our iniquity thus serves 5
22 You forbid adultery ; do you com- to bring out the justice of God,
mit adultery? You detest idols; what are we to infer? That it is
23 do you rob temples ? You pride unfair of God
to inflict his anger on
yourself on the Law; do you dis- us? (I speak in a merely human
honour God by your breaches of the way.) Never ! In that case, how 6
24 Law ? Why, it is owing to you that could he judge the world? You 7
the name of God is maligned among say, " If my perfidy serves to make
25 the Gentiles, as scripture says Cir-
! the truthfulness of God redound
cumcision is certainly of use, pro- to his glory, why am I to be judged
vided you keep the Law; but if as a sinner? Why should we not 8
you are a breaker of the Law, then do evil that good may come out of
your circumcision is turned into it ? " (which is the calumny attri-
26 uncircumcision. (If then the uncir-
buted to me the very thing some
cumcised observe the requirements people declare I say). Such argu-
of the Law, will not their uncircum- ments are rightly condemned.
cision be reckoned equivalent to Well now, are we Jews in a better 9
27 circumcision ? And will not those position? Not at all. I have
who are physically uncircumcised already charged all, Jews as well as
and who fulfil the Law, judge you Greeks, with being under sin as it 10
who are a breaker of the Law for is written,
all your written code and circum- None one ;
is righteous, no, not
cision ?) no one understands, no one 11
28 He is no Jew who is merely a Jew seeks for God.
outwardly, All have swerved, one and all have 12
nor is circumcision something gone wrong,
outward in the flesh no one does good, not a single one.
29 he is a Jew who is one inwardly, Their throat is an open grave, 13
and circumcision is a matter they are treacherous with their
of the heart, spiritual not tongues,
literal the venom of an asp lies under
praised by God, not by man. their lips.
Their mouth is full of cursing and 14

15 their feet are swift for bloodshed, is God only the God of Jews? Is
16 their ways bring destruction and he not the God of the Gentiles as ;]

calamity, well ? Surely he is. Well then, 30 j|

17 they know nothing of the way of there is one God, a God who will |
"peace ; justify the circumcised as they be-
18 there is no reverence for God lieve and the uncircumcised on the
before their eyes. score of faith. Then * by this 31
19 Whatever the Lavv^ says, we faith '
we '
cancel the Law '
? Not
know, says to those who are
it for one moment I We uphold the
inside theLaw, that every mouth Law.
may be shut and all the world
20 made answerable to God for no ; CHAP.
person will be acquitted in his sight But what can we say 4
if so,
on the score of obedience to law. about Abraham,* our forefather
What the Law imparts is the con- by natural descent? This, that 2
21 sciousness of sin. But now we have if Abraham was justified on the

a righteousness of God disclosed score of what he did,' he has some-

apart from law altogether; it is thing to be proud of. But not to
attested by the Law and the be proud of before God. For what 3
22 prophets, but it is a righteous- does scripture say? Abraham be-
ness of God which comes by be- lieved God and this was counted
lieving in Jesus Christ. And it is to him as righteousness. Now a 4
meant for all who have faith. No worker has his wage counted to
23 distinctions are drawn. All have him as a due, not as a favour but 5 ;

sinned, all come short of the glory a man who instead of '
working '

24 of God, but they are justified for believes in Him who justifies the
nothing by his grace through the ungodly, has his faith counted as
ransom provided in Christ Jesus, righteousness. Just as David him- 6
25 whom God put forward as the self describes the bliss of the man
means of propitiation by his blood, who has righteousness counted to
to be received by faith. This was him by God apart from what he
to demonstrate the justice of God does
in view of the fact that sins pre- Blessed are they whose breaches of 7
viously committed during the Law
are forgiven,
time God's forbearance had
of whose sins are covered !
26 been passed over; it was to Blessed is the man whose sin the 8
demonstrate his justice at the Lord will not count to him.
present epoch, showing that God Now is that description of bliss 9
is just himself and that he justi- meant for the circumcised, or for
fies man on the score of faith in the uncircumcised as well? Abra-
Jesus. ham's faith, I repeat, was counted
27 Then what becomes of our
boast- to him as righteousness. In what 10
ing? ruled out absolutely.
It is way? When he was a circum-
On what principle? On the prin- cised man or an uncircumcised
ciple of doing deeds? No, on the man ? Not when he was circum-
28 principle of faith. We
hold a man cised, but when he was uncircum-
is justified by faith apart from Omitting, with B, 1908* acd Origen,
29 deeds of the Law altogether. Or evpriKfvai.
11 cised. He only got circumcision or the impotence of Sara's womb
as a sign or seal of the righteous- no unbelief made him waver about 20
ness which belonged to his faith God's promise; his faith won
as an uncircumcised man. The strength as he gave glory to God
reason of tliis was to make him the and felt convinced that He was 21
father of all who believe as un- able to do what He had promised.
circumcised persons and thus have Hence his faith was counted to him 22
righteousness counted to them, as righteousness. And these words 23
12 as well as a father of those circum- counted to him have not been written
cised persons who not only share for him alone but for our sakes as 24
circumcision but walk in the steps well; faith will be counted to us
of the faith which our father as we believe in Him who raised
Abraham had as an uncircumcised Jesus Lord from the dead,
man. Jesus who was delivered up for our 25
13 The promise made to Abraham trespasses and raised that we might
and his offspring that he should be justified.
inheritthe world, did not reach
him through the Law, but through
14 the righteousness of faith. For if As we are justified by faith, 5
it is adherents of the Law who are then, let us enjoy the peace we
heirs, then faith is empty of all have with God through our Lord
meaning and the promise is void. Jesus Christ. Through him we 2
15 (What the Law produces is the have got access * to this grace
Wrath, not the promise of God; where we have our standing, and
where there is no law, there is no triumph in the hope of God's
16 transgression either.) That is why glory. Not only so, but we 8
all turns upon faith ; it is to make triumph even in our troubles,
the promise a matter of favour, to knowing that trouble produces
make it secure for all the offspring, endurance, endurance produces 4
not simply for those who are ad- character, and character produces
herents of the Law but also for
hope a hope which never dis- 5
those who share the faith of Abra- appoints us, since God's love floods

ham of Abraham who is the our hearts through the holy Spirit
17 father of us all (as it is written, which has been given to us. For 6
/ have made you a father of many when we were still in weakness,
nations). Such a faith implies the Christ died in due time for the
Eresence of the God in whom he ungodly. For the ungodly Why, I 7
elieved, a God who makes the a man will hardly die for the just,
dead live and calls into being what though one might bring oneself to
18 does not exist. For Abraham, die, if need be, for a good man.
when hope was gone, hoped on in But God proves his love for us in 8
faith, and thus became the father this, that Christ died for us when
of many nations even as he was we were still sinners. Much more 9
told. So numberless shall your off- then, now that we are justified by
19 spring be. His faith never quailed his blood, shall we be saved by
even when he noted the utter im- him from Wrath. If we were 10
potence of his own body (for he * Omitting tt? vicrrei with B D G, the
was about a hundred years old) Old Latin, and Origen.

reconciled to God by the death of Law slipped in to aggravate the 20
his Son when we were enemies, trespass; sin increased, but grace
much more, now that we are recon- surpassed it far, so that while sin 21
we be saved by his life.
ciled, shall had reigned the reign of death,
11 Not only so, but we triumph in grace might also reign with a
God through our Lord Jesus Christ, righteousness that ends in life
by whom we now enjoy our recon- eternal through Jesus Christ our
ciliation. Lord.
12 Thus, then, sin came into the
world by one man, and death came
in by sin; and so death spread Now what are we to infer from
to all men, inasmuch as all men this ? That we are to ' remain
13 sinned. Sin was indeed in the on in sin, so that there may be
world before the Law, but sin is all the more grace ' ? Never
never counted in the absence of How can we live in sin any longer
14 law. Nevertheless, from Adam to when we died to sin ? Surely you
Moses death reigned even over know that all of us who have been
those whose sins were not like baptized into Christ Jesus have
Adam's transgression. Adam pre- been baptized into his death
15 figured Him who was to come, but Our baptism into his death made 4
the gift is very different from the us share his burial, so that, as Christ
trespass. For while the rest of men was raised from the dead by the
died by the trespass of one man, glory of the Father, we too might
the grace of God and the free gift live and move in the new sphere
which comes by the grace of the of Life. For if we have grown 5
one man Jesus Christ overflowed into him by a death like his, we
far more richly upon the rest of men. shall grow into him by a resurrec-
16 Nor is the free gift like the effect tion like his, knowing as we do 6
of the one man's sin; for while that our old self has been crucified
the sentence ensuing on a single with him in order to crush the sinful
sin resulted in doom, the free gift body and free us from any further
ensuing on many trespasses issues slavery to sin (for once dead, a man 7
17 in acquittal. For if the trespass of is absolved from the claims of sin).
one man allowed death to reign We believe that as we have died 8
through that one man, much more with Christ we shall also live with
shall those who receive the over- him; for we know that Christ 9
flowing grace and free gift of right- never dies after his resurrection
eousness reign in life through One,
from the dead death has no more
18 through Jesus Christ. Well then, hold over him; the death he died 10
as one man's trespass issued in was for sin, once for all, but the
doom for all, life he lives is for God. So you 11
so one man's act of redress must consider yourselves dead to
issues in acquittal and life sin and alive to God in Christ
for all. Jesus our Lord. Sin is not to 12
19 Just as one man's disobedience reign, then, over your mortal
made all the rest sinners, bodies and make you obey their
so one man's obedience will passions; you must not let sin 13
make all the rest righteous.
^ have your members for the service
of vice, you must dedicate your- Surely you know, my brothers 7
selves to God as men who have for I am speaking to men who
been brought from death to hfe, know what law means that the
dedicating your members to God law has hold over a person only
for the service of righteousness. during his lifetime Thus a
I 2
14 Sin must have no hold over you, married woman is bound by law
for you live under grace, not under to her husband while he is alive;
law. but if the husband dies, she is done
15 What follows,
then ? Are we ' to with the law of the husband.'

sin, because we live under grace, Accordingly, she will be called an 3

16 not under law '
? Never ! Do adulteress if she becomes another
you not know you are the servants man's while her husband is alive;
of the master you obey, of the but if her husband dies, she is freed
master to whom you yield your- from the law of the husband,' so

selves obedient, whether it is Sin, that she is no adulteress if she

whose service ends in death, or becomes another man's. It is the 4
Obedience, whose service ends in same in your case, my brothers.
17 righteousness ? Thank God, though The crucified body of Christ made
you did serve sin, you have you dead to the Law, so that you
rendered w^hole-hearted obedience might belong to another, to him
to what you were taught under who was raised from the dead that
18 the rule of faith set free from sin,
; we might be fruitful to God. For 5
you have passed into the service of when we were unspiritual, the sinful
19 righteousness. (I use this human cravings excited by the Law were
analogy to bring the truth home active in our members and made
to your weak nature.) As you us fruitful to Death; but now we 6
once dedicated your members to are done with the Law, we have
the service of vice and lawless- died to what once held us, so that
ness,* so now dedicate them to the we can serve in a new way, not
service of righteousness that means under the written code as of old
20 consecration. When you served but in the Spirit.
sin, you were free of righteousness. What follows, then ? That the *
21 Well, what did you gain then by Law is equivalent to sin ? Never ' !

it all? Nothing but what you Why, had it not been for the Law,
are now ashamed of ! The end of I would never have known what
22 all that is death ; but now that sin meant ! Thus I would never
you are set free from sin, now that have known what it is to covet,
you have passed into the service unless the Law had said, You must
ofGod, your gain is consecration, not covet. The command gave an 8
and the end of that is life eternal. impulse to sin, and sin resulted for
23 Sin's wage is death, but God's gift me in all manner of covetous desire
is life eternal in Christ Jesus our for sin, apart from law, is lifeless.
Lord. I lived at one time without law 9
myself, but when the command
Omitting els tV avofiiav^ which Hort came home to me, sin sprang to
brackets, as a gloss introduced to complete life and I died; the command 10
the parallel of els ayia(Tij.6v that meant life proved death for
me. The command gave an im- 11

pulse to sin, sin beguiled me and wretch that I am ! Who will

used the command to kill me. rescue me from this body of
12 So the Law at any rate holy,
is death? God be 25
will! Thanks
the command is holy, just, and for to him through Jesus Christ our
13 our good. Then did what was Lord I

meant my
good prove fatal to
me ? Never It was sin
! sin ; 0B4P.
resulted in death for me by mak- Thus there is no doom now for 8
ing use of this good thing. This those who are in Christ Jesus ; the 2
was how sin was to be revealed law of the Spirit brings the life
in its true nature; it was to use which is in Christ Jesus, and that
the command to become sinful law has set me free from the law of
14 in the extreme. The Law is sin and death. For God has done 3
spiritual; we know that. But what the Law, weakened here by
then I am
a creature of the flesh, the flesh, could not do by sending ;

15 in the thraldom of sin. I cannot his own Son in the guise of sinful
understand my
own actions; I do flesh, to deal with sin, he con-
not act as I want to act; on the demned sin in the flesh, in order 4
16 contrary, I do what I detest. Now, to secure the fulfilment of the Law's
when I act against my
wishes, that requirements in our lives, as we
means I agree that the Law is live and move not by the flesh but
17 right. That being so, it is not I by the Spirit.
who do the deed but sin that For those who follow the flesh
18 dwells within me. For in me have their interests in the
(that is, in my
flesh) no good dwells, flesh,
I know ; the wish is there, but not and those who follow the
the power of doing what is right. Spirit have their interests in
19 I cannot be good as I want to be, the Spirit.
and I do wrong against my wishes. The interests of the flesh mean 6
20 Well, I act against
if my wishes, death,
it is not I who do the deed but the interests of the Spirit mean
21 sin that dwells within me. So this life and peace.
is my
experience of the : I Law For the interests of the flesh are 7
want to do what is right, but wrong hostile to God; they do not yield
22 is all I can manage ; I cordially to the law of God (indeed they
agree with God's law, so far as my cannot). Those who are in the 8
28 inner self is concerned, but then I fleshcannot satisfy God. But you 9
find quite another law in my are not in the flesh, you are in the
members which conflicts with the Spirit, since the Spirit of God dwells
law of my mind and makes me a within you. Anyone who does not
prisoner to sin's law that resides possess the Spirit of Christ does not
25 in my members. (Thus, left to belong to Him. On the other hand, 10
myself, I serve the law of God if Christ is within you, though the
with my mind, but with my flesh I body is a dead thing owing to Adam's
24 serve the law of sin.) * Miserable sin, the spirit is living as the result

Restoring the second part of ver. 25 of righteousness. And if the Spirit 11

feo what seems its original and logical of Etim who raised Jesus from the
dead dwells within you, then He
position before the olimas: of ver. 24.


who raised Christ Jesus from the hope. Who ever hopes for what he
dead will also make your mortal sees already ? But if we hope for 25
bodies live by his indwelling Spirit something that we do not see, we
in your lives. wait for it patiently.
12 Well then, my
brothers, we owe So too the Spirit assists us in 26

a duty but it is not to the flesh ! our weakness; for we do not
It is not to live by the flesh If ! know how to pray aright, but the
you live by the flesh, you are on the Spirit pleads for us with sighs that
13 road to death, but if by the Spirit are beyond words, and He who 27
you put the actions of the body searches the human heart knows
14 to death you will live. For the what is in the mind of the Spirit,
sons of God are those who are since the Spirit pleads before God
15 guided by the Spirit of God. You for the saints.
have received no slavish spirit that We know also that those who 28
would make you relapse into fear love God, those who have been
you have received the Spirit of son- called in terms of his purpose,
ship. And when we cry, " Abba ! have his aid and interest in every-
16 Father ", it is this Spirit testi-
thing. For he decreed of old that 29
fying along with our own spirit those whom he predestined should
17 that we are children of God ; and share the likeness of his Son ^that
children, heirs as well, heirs of
if he might be the firstborn of a great
God, heirs along with Christ for brotherhood. Then he calls those 30
we share his sufierings in order to whom he has thus decreed; then
share his glory. he justifies those whom he has
18 Present suffering, I hold, is a called; then he glorifies those
mere nothing compared to the whom he has justified.
glory that we are to have revealed. Now what follows from all this ? 31
19 Even the creation waits with eager If God is for us, who can be against
longingfor the sons of God us ? The God who did not spare 32
20 to be revealed. For creation was his own Son but gave him up for
not rendered futile by its own us all, surely He will give us every-
choice, but by the will of Him thing besides Who will accuse
! 33
who thus made it subject, the the elect of God? When God
21 hope being that creation as well acquits, who will condemn ? Will 34
as man would one day be freed
Christ? ^the Christ who died, yes
from its thraldom to decay and gain and rose from the dead the Christ !

the glorious freedom of the children who is at God's right hand, who
22 of God. To this day, we know, actually pleads for us What can
! 35
the entire creation sighs and throbs ever part us from Christ's love?
23 with pain and not only so, but
; Can anguish or calamity or persecu-
even we ourselves, who have the tion or famine or nakedness or
Spirit as a foretaste of the future, danger or the sword ? {Because, as 36
even we sigh to ourselves as we it iswritten.
wait for the redemption of the For thy sake we are being hilled all
body that means our full sonship. the day long,
24 We were saved with this hope in we are counted as sheep to be
view. Now when an object of hope slaughtered.)
is seen, there is no further need to No, in all this we are more than 37

conquerors through him who loved children were still unborn and
38 us. For I am certain neither had done nothing either good or
death nor life, neither angels nor bad (to confirm the divine purpose
principalities, neither the present in election which depends upon the
39 nor the future, no powers of the call of God, not on anything man
Height or of the Depth, nor anything does), she was told that the elder 12
else in all creation will be able to will serve the younger. As it is 13
part us from God's love in Christ written, Jacob I loved hut Esau I
Jesus 6uT Lord. hated.
Then are we to infer that there 14
isinjustice in God ? Never I God
9 I AM telling the truth in Christ says to Moses,
it is no lie, my conscience bears / will have mercy on whom 1 15
2 me
out in the holy Spirit when I choose to have mercy,
say that I am in sore pain. I suffer I will have compassion on whom
8 endless anguish of heart. I could I choose to have compassion.
have wished myself accursed and You see, it is not a question of 16
banished from Christ for the sake human will or effort but of the
of my brothers, my natural kins- divine mercy. Why, scripture says 17
4 men for they are Israelites, theirs
; to Pharaoh,
is the Sonship, the Glory, the It was for this that I raised you
covenants, the divine legislation, up,
the Worship, and the promises; to display my power in you,
5 the patriarchs are theirs, and theirs and to spread news of my name
too (so far as natural descent goes) over all the earth.
is the Christ. (Blessed for ever- Thus God has mercy on anyone 18
more be the God who is over all just as he pleases,
Amen.) and he makes anyone stubborn
6 It is not, of course, as if God's just as he pleases.
word had failed ! Far from it " Then, " you will retort, " why 19
Israel ' does not mean everyone does He go on finding fault ? Who
who belongs to Israel; they are can oppose his will ? " But who 20
7 not all children of Abraham be- are you, my man, to speak back to
cause they are descended from God? Is something a man has
Abraham. No,
through Isaac
it is moulded to ask him who has moulded
that your offspring shall be reckoned it, " Why did you make me hke

8 meaning that instead of God's this ? " What has the potter no 21

children being the children born to right over the clay ? Has he no
him by natural descent, it is the right to make out of the same
children of the Promise who are lump one vessel for a noble purpose
reckoned as his true offspring. and another for a menial ? What 22
9 For when God said, I shall come if God, though desirous to display
about this time and Sara will have his anger and show his might, has
a son, that was a word of promise. tolerated most patiently the objects
10 And further, when Rebecca be- of his anger, ripe and ready to be
came pregnant by our father Isaac, destroyed ? What if he means 23
though one man was the father of to show the wealth that lies in his
11 both children, and though the glory for the objects of his mercy,
whom he has made ready before- prayer to God 1 1 can vouch for 2
24 hand to receive glory that is, their zeal for God; only, it is not
for us whom he has called from zeal with knowledge. They would 8
among the Gentiles as well as not surrender to the righteousness
25 the Jews ? As indeed he says in of God, because they were ignorant
Hosea, of his righteousness and therefore
Those who were no people of mine, essayed to set up a righteousness of
I will call my People/ * their own. Now
Christ is an end to 4
and her '
beloved '
who was not law, so as to let every beUever have
beloved ; righteousness. Moses writes of 5
26 on the very spot where they were law-righteousness. Anyone who can
toldy '
You are no people of perform it will live by it. But here 6
mine,'' is what faith-righteousness says :

there shall they be called ^

sons Say not in your heart, Who will go *

of the living God J* up to heaven ? (that is, to bring


27 And Isaiah exclaims, with regard Christ down). Or, who will go * 7
to Israel, Though the number of the down to the abyss ? (that is, to bring

sons of Israel be like the sand of the Christ from the dead). No, what 8
sea, only a remnant of them will be it does say is this The word is :

28 saved ; for the Lord will carry out close to you, in your very mouth and
his sentence on earth with rigour in your heart (that is, the word of
29 and despatch. Indeed, as Isaiah faith which we preach). Confess 9
foretold. with your mouth that Jesus is '

Had not the Lord of hosts left us Lord,' believe in your heart that
with some descendants, God raised him from the dead, and
we would have fared like Sodom, you will be saved for ; 10
we would have been like Gomorra. with his heart man believes and
80 What are we to conclude, then ? is justified,
That Gentiles who never aimed with his mouth he confesses and
at righteousness have attained is saved.
righteousness, that is, righteous- No one who believes in him, the 11
31 ness by faith; whereas Israel who scripture says, will ever be dis-
did aim at the law of righteousness appointed. No one for there is 12
32 have failed to reach that law. And no distinction of Jew and Greek,
why? Simply because Israel has the same Lord is Lord of them all,
relied not on faith but on what they with ample for all who invoke him.
could do. They have stumbled Everyone who invokes the name of IS
over the stone that makes men stumble the Lord will be saved. But how 14
33 as it is written. are they to invoke One in whom
Here I lay a stone in Sion that they do not beheve? And how
will make men stumble, are they to believe in One of whom
even a rock to trip them up ; they have never heard ? And how
hut he who believes in Him will are they ever to hear, without
never be disappointed, a preacher? And how can men 15
preach unless they are sent?
OHAP. as it is written, How pleasant is
10 Oh for their salvation, brothers I the coming of men with glad, good
That is my heart's desire and news!

16 But they have not all given in otherwise grace would cease to be
to the gospel of glad news? No, grace.*
Isaiah says, Lord, who has believed Now what are we to infer from 7
17 what they heard from us ? (You see, this? That Israel has failed to
faith must come from what is heard, secure the object of its quest; the
and what heard comes from word
is elect have secured it, and the rest
18 of Christ.) But, I ask, " Have of men have been rendered insen-
they never heard ? " Indeed they sible to it
as it is written, 8
have. God has given them a spirit of
Their voice carried over all the torpor,
earthy eyes that see not, ears that hear
and their words to the end of the not
world, down to this very day. And David 9
19 Then, I ask, " Did Israel not under- says.
stand?" Why, first of all Moses Let their table prove a snare and
declares, a trap,
/ will make you jealous of a a pitfall and a retribution for
nation that is no nation, them ;
I you to anger over a
will 'provoke let their eyes be darkened, that 10
nation devoid of understanding, they cannot see,
20 And then Isaiah dares to say, bow down their backs for ever.
I have been found by those who Now have they stumbled 11
I ask,
never sought me, to their ruin ? Never The truth 1

I have shown myself to those who is, that by their lapse salvation has
never inquired of me, passed to the Gentiles, so as to
21 He also says of Israel, All the day make them jealous. Well, if their 12
long I have held out my hands to a lapse has enriched the world, if
disobedient and contrary people, their defection is the gain of the
11 Then, I ask, has God repudiated Gentiles, what will it mean when
his People ? Never Why, I am ! they all come in? I tell you this, 13
an Israelite myself, a descendant of you Gentiles, that as an apostle to
Abraham, a member of the tribe of the Gentiles I lay great stress on
2 Benjamin ! God has not repudiated my office, in the hope of being 14
his People, his predestined People I able to make my
fellow- Jews jealous
Surely you know what scripture and of managing thus to save some
says in the passage called ' Elijah ' ? of them. For if their exclusion 15
You know how he pleads with God means that the world is reconciled
8 against Israel Lord, they have
: to God, what will their admission
killed thy prophets, they have de- mean? Why, it will be life from
molished thine altars ; I alone am the dead !

4 left, and they seek my life. Yet If the first handful of dough is 16
what the divine answer? /
is consecrated, so is the rest of
have left myself seven thousand men the lump
6 who have not knelt to Baal, Well, if the root is consecrated, so are
at the present day there is also the branches.
a remnant, selected by grace. Omitting [e/ Se l| ipyvv, ovk4ti iffrlv
6 Selected by grace, and therefore ivel rh epyov ovk4ti icrrlv $pyovJ 'With
not for anything they have done; the Latin version and most MSS.
17 Supposing some of the branches advantage; but so far as election
have been broken off, while you goes, they are beloved for their
have been grafted in like a shoot fathers' sake. For God never goes 29
of wild olive to share the rich back upon his gifts and call.
18 growth of the olive-stem, do not Once you disobeyed God, 80
pride yourself at the expense of and now you enjoy his mercy
these branches. Remember, in thanks to their disobedience
your pride, the stem supports you, in the same way they at present
19 not you the stem. You will say, are disobedient,
" But branches were broken off to so that they in turn may enjoy 31
20 let me be grafted in " Granted. ! the same mercy as your-
They were broken off for their selves.
lack of faith. And you owe your For God has consigned all men 32
position to your faith. You should to disobedience,
feel awed instead of being uplifted. that he may have mercy upon
21 For if God did not spare the natural all.
branches, he will not spare you What a fathomless wealth lies 33
22 either. Consider both the kind- in the wisdom and knowledge of
ness and the severity of God those ; God ! How inscrutable his judg-
who come under his severity,
fall ments How mysterious his

but you come under the divine kind- methods !

ness, provided you adhere to that Whoever understood the thoughts of 34-
kindness. Otherwise, you will be the Lord ?
23 cut away too. And even the others Who has ever been his coun-
willbe grafted in, if they do not sellor ?
adhere to their unbelief; God can Who has first given to him and has 35
24 graft them in again. For if you to be repaid ? All comes from him, 36
have been cut from an olive which all lives by him, all ends in him.
naturally wild, and grafted, con-
is Glory to him for ever, Amen 1
trary to nature, upon a garden
olive, how much more will the OHAP.
natural branches be grafted into Well then, my brothers, I appeal 12
their proper olive? to you by all the mercy of God to
25 To prevent you from being self- dedicate your bodies as a living
conceited, brothers, I would like sacrifice, consecrated and accept-
you to understand this secret: it able to God; that is your cult, a
is only a partial insensibility that spiritual rite. Instead of being 2
has come over Israel, until the full moulded to this world, have your
number of the Gentiles come in. mind renewed, and so be trans-
26 This done, all Israel will be saved formed in nature, able to make out
as it is written. what the will of God is, namely,
The deliverer will come from Sion, what is good and acceptable to
he will banish all godlessness him and perfect.
from Jacob In virtue of my office, I tell every- 3
27 this is my covenant with them, one of your number who is self-
when I take their sins away, important,* that he is not to think
28 So far as the gospel goes, they are * I accept the ingenious conjecture

enemies of God wliich is to your that rt has fallen out after ovti.
; ;


more than he ought to

of himself ^will exact a requital the Lord has
think;he must take a sane view said it. No,
of himself, corresponding to the if your enemyis hungry^ feed him, 20
degree of faith which God has he is thirsty, give him drink
4 assigned to each. In our one body for in this way you will make Mm
we have a number of members, feel a burning sense of shame.
and the members have not all the Do not let evil get the better of 21
5 same function so too, for all
; you ; get the better of evil by doing
our numbers, we form one Body good.
in Christ and we are severally
6members one of another. Our CHAP.
talents differ with the grace that Every subject must obey the 13 !

is given us ; if the talent is that government-authorities, for no

of prophecy, let us employ it in authority exists apart from God;
7 proportion to our faith; if it is the existing authorities have been
practical service, let us mind our constituted by God. Hence anyone 2 ||

service ; the teacher must mind his who resists authority is opposing
8 teaching, the speaker his words of the divine order, and the opposition
counsel; the contributor must be will bring judgment on themselves.
liberal, the superintendent must Magistrates are no terror to an 3
be in earnest, the sick visitor must honest man,* though they are to
9 be cheerful. Let your love be a a bad man. If you want to avoid
real thing, with a loathing for evil being alarmed at the government-
and a bent for what is good. authorities, lead an honest life and
10 Put affection into your love for the you will be commended for it the 4 ;

brotherhood be forward to honour

; magistrate is God's servant for your
11 one another; never let your zeal benefit. But if you do wrong,
flag; maintain the spiritual glow; you may well be alarmed a magis- ;

12 serve the Lord ; let your hope be trate does not wield the power of
a joy to you; be stedfast in trouble, the sword for nothing, he is God's
13 attend to prayer, contribute to servant for the infliction of divine
needy saints, make a practice of vengeance upon evil-doers. You 5
14 hospitahty. Bless those who make must be obedient, therefore, not
a practice of persecuting you ; bless only to avoid the divine vengeance
them instead of cursing them. but as a matter of conscience, for 6
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, the same reason as you pay taxes
and weep with those who weep. since magistrates are God's officers,
16 Keep in harmony with one another bent upon the maintenance of
instead of being ambitious, associ- order and authority. Pay them all 7
ate with humble folk ; never be self- their respective dues, tribute to one,
17 conceited. Never pay back evil for taxes to another, respect to this
evil to anyone ; aim to be above re- man, honour to that. Be in debt 8
18 proach in the eyes of all ; be at peace to no man apart from the debt
with all men, if possible, so far as
* Reading aya6oepy^, Patrick Young's
19 that depends on you. Never re-
attractive conjecture (confirmed by the
venge yourselves, beloved, but let Ethiopic version). As Hort points out,
the Wrath of God have its way ; for *'
the apparent antithesis to ry kok^; could
it is written, Vengeance is mine, I hardly fail to introduce r^ 07^0^.**
of love one to another. He who the man who values a particular 6
loves his fellow-man has fulfilled the day does so to the Lord.*
9 law. You must not commit adultery The eater eats to the Lord,
you must not kill, you must not steal, since he thanks God for his

you must not covet these and any food;
other command are summed up the non-eater abstains to the
in the single word, You must love Lord,
10 your neighbour as yourself. Love and he too thanks God.
never wrongs a neighbour; that is For none of us lives to himself, 7
why love is the fulfilment of the and none of us dies to him-
law. self;
11 And then you know what this if we live, we live to the Lord, 8
Crisis means, you know it is high and if we die, we die to the
time to waken up; for Salvation Lord.
is nearer to us now than when we Thus we are the Lord's whether
12 first believed. It is far on in the we live or die it was for this that 9

night, the day is almost here so let

; Christ died and rose and came to
us drop the deeds of darkness and life, to be Lord both of the dead
put on the armour of the light; and of the living. So why do you 10
13 let us live decorously as in the open criticize your brother ? And you,
light of day no revelry or bouts why do you look down upon your
of drinking, no debauchery or brother? All of us have to stand
sensuality, no quarreling or jeal- before the tribunal of God for it 11
14 ousy. No, put on the character is written.
of the Lord Jesus Christ, and never As I live, saith the Lord, every
think how to gratify the cravings knee shall bend before me,
of the flesh. every tongue shall offer praise to
CHAP. Each of us then will have to answer 12
14 Welcome a man of weak faith, for himself to God.
but not for the purpose of passing So let us stop criticizing one 13
2 judgment on his scruples. While another; rather make up your
one man has enough confidence to mind never to put any stumbling-
eat any food, the man of weak faith block or hindrance in your brother's
3 only eats vegetables. The eater way. I know, I am certain in the 14
must not look down upon the non- Lord Jesus, that nothing is in itself
eater, and the non-eater must not unclean ; only, anything is unclean
criticize the eater, for God has for a man who considers it unclean.
4 welcomed him. Who are you to If your brother is being injured be- 15
criticize the servant of Another? cause you eat a certain food, then
It is for his Master to say whether you are no longer living by the rule of
he stands or falls; and stand he love. Do not let that food of yours
will, for the Master has power to ruin the man for whom Christ died.
5 make him stand. Then again, Your rights must not get a bad 16
this man rates one day above name. The Reign of God is not a 17
another, while that man rates all * Omitting [koX 6 fi^ ippovwv r^y rinepav
days alike. Well, everyone must Kvplcp ov <ppop7] with the Latin version and
be convinced in his own mind; most manuscripts.

matter of eating and drinking, it glory to the God and Father of our
means righteousness, joy, and peace Lord Jesus Christ ! Welcome one 7
18 in the holy Spirit ; he who serves another, then, as Christ has wel-
Christ on these lines, is acceptable comed yourselves, for the glory of
to God and esteemed by men, God. Christ, I mean, became a ser- 8
19 Peace, then, and the building up vant to the circumcised in order to
of each other, these are what we prove God's honesty by fulfilling His
20 must aim at. You must not break promises to the fathers, and also 9
down God's work for the mere sake in order that the Gentiles should
of food ! Everything may be clean,
glorify God for His mercy ^as it is
but it is wrong for a man to prove a written.
stumbling-block by what he eats; Therefore will I offer praise to Thee
21 the right course is to abstain from among the Gentiles,
flesh or wine or indeed anything that
your brother feels to be a stumbling-
and sing to thy name ;
or again, 10
22 block.* Certainly keep your own Rejoice, Gentiles, with his People;
conviction on the matter, as be- or again, 11
tween yourself and God; he is a Extol the Lord, all Gentiles,
fortunate man who has no mis- let all the peoples praise him ;
givings about what he allows him- or again, as Isaiah says, 12
23 self to eat. But if anyone has Then shall the Scion of Jessai live,
doubts about eating and then eats, he who rises to rule the Gentiles ;
that condemns him at once; it on him will the Gentiles set their
was not faith that induced him to hope.
eat, and any action that is not based May the God of your hope so fill 13
on faith is a sin. you with all joy and peace in your
15 We who are strong ought to bear faith,that you may be overflowing
the burdens that the weak make with hope by the power of the holy
for themselves and us. We are not Spirit
2 to please ourselves. Each of us
must please his neighbour, doing Personally I am quite certain, 14
him good by building up his faith. my brothers, that even as it is you
3 Christ certainly did not please him- have ample goodness of heart, you
self, but, as it is written. The re- are filled with knowledge of every
proaches of those who denounced Thee kind, and you are well able to give

4 have fallen upon me, All such words advice to one another. Still, by 15
were written of old for our instruc- way of refreshing your memory, I
tion, that by remaining stedfast have written you with a certain
and drawing encouragement from freedom, in virtue of my divine
the scriptures we may cherish hope. commission as a priest of Christ 16
5 May the God who inspires stedfast- Jesus to the Gentiles in the service
ness and encouragement grant you of God's gospel. My aim is to make
such harmony with one another, the Gentiles an acceptable offering,
6 after Christ Jesus, that you may consecrated by the holy Spirit.
unite in a chorus of praise and Now in Christ Jesus I can be proud 17
of my work for God. I will not 18
Omitting [^ <r/cov5o\/fTat ^ aadevel]
with N* A C, Origen, the Peshitto, etc., make free to speak of anything ex-
as a homiletio gloss. cept what Christ has accomplished by
me in the way of securing the obedi- me by praying to God for me pray 31

ence of the Gentiles, by my words that I may be delivered from the

19 and by my deeds, by the force of unbelievers in Judaea, and also that
miracles and marvels, by the power my mission to Jerusalem may
of the Spirit of God. Thus from prove acceptable to the saints.
Jerusalem right round to Illyricum, Then, by God's will, I shall gladly 32
I have been able to complete the come to you and rest beside you.
preaching of the gospel of Christ The God of peace be with you 33
20 my ambition always being to preach all ! Amen.
it only in places where there had
been no mention of Christ's name,
that I might not build on founda- CHAP.
21 tions laid by others, but that (as Let me introduce our sister 16
it iswritten) Phoebe, a deaconess of the church
They should see who never had at Cenchreae; receive her in the 2
learned about him, Lord as saints should receive one
and they who had never heard of another, and give her any help she
him should understand, may require. She has been a help
22 This is why I have been so often herself to many people, including
23 prevented from visiting you. But myself.
now, as I have no further scope for Salute Prisca and Aquila, my 3
work in these parts, and as for a fellow-workers in Christ Jesus, who 4
number of years I have had a long- have risked their lives for me; I
24 ing to visit you whenever I went to thank them, and not only I but
Spain, I am hoping to see you on all the Gentile churches as well.
my way there, and to be sped Also, salute the church that meets 5
forward by you after I have en- in their house. Salute my beloved
25 joyed your company for a while. Epaenetus, the first in Asia to be
At the moment I am off to Jeru- reaped for Christ. Salute Mary, 6
26 salem on an errand to the saints. who has worked hard for you.
For Macedonia and Achaia have Salute Andronicus and Junias, 7
decided to make a contribution fellow-countrymen and fellow-pris-
for the poor among the saints at oners of mine; they are men of
27 Jerusalem. Such was their de- note among the apostles, and they
cision ;and yet this is a debt they have been in Christ longer than I
owe to these people, for if the Gen- have. Salute Amplias, my beloved 8
tiles have shared their spiritual in the Lord. Salute Urbanus, 9
blessings, they owe them a debt of our fellow-worker in Christ, and
28 aid in material blessings. Well, my beloved Stachys. Salute that 10
once I finish this business by putting tried Christian, Apelles. Salute
the proceeds of the collection safely those who belong to the house-
in their hands, I will start for Spain hold of Aristobulus. Salute my fel- 11
29 and take you on the way. When I low-countryman Herodion. Salute
do come to you, I know I will bring such members of the household
a full blessing from Christ. of Narcissus as are in the Lord.
80 Brothers, I beg of you, by our Salute Tryphaena and Tryphosa, 12
Lord Jesus Christ and by the love who work hard in the Lord. Salute
that the Spirit inspires, rally round the beloved Persis ; she has worked

13 very hard in the Lord. Sahite that evil. The God of peace will socm 20
choice Christian, Rufus; also his crush Satan under your feet
mother, who has been a mother to The grace of our Lord Jesus
14 me. Salute Asyncritus, Phlegon, Christ be with you.
Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the Timotheus my fellow-worker 21
15 brothers of their company. Salute salutes you; so do my fellow-
Philologus and Juha, Nereus and countrymen Lucius, Jason, and
his sister, Olympas too, and all the Sosi pater.
16 saints in their company. Salute I Tertius, who write the letter, 22
one another with a holy kiss. All salute you in the Lord.
the churches of Christ salute you. Gaius, my host and the host of 23
17 Brothers, I beg of you to keep the church at large, salutes you.
your eye on those who stir up dis- Erastus the city-treasurer salutes
sensions and put hindrances in your you; so does brother Quartus.
way, contrary to the doctrine which [Now to Him who can strengthen 25
you have been taught. Avoid them. you by my gospel, by the preach-
18 Such creatures are no servants of ing of Jesus Christ, by revealing
Christ our Lord, they are slaves of the secret purpose which after the
their own base desires with their
; silence of long ages has now been 26
plausible and pious talk they be- disclosed and made known on the
guile the hearts of unsuspecting basis of the prophetic scriptures (by
people. But surely not of you ! command of the eternal God) to all
19 Everyone has heard of your loyalty the Gentiles for their obedience to
to the gospel; it makes me rejoice
the faith to the only wise God be 27
over you. Still, I want you to be glory through Jesus Christ for ever
experts in good and innocents in and ever : Amen.]

1 Paul, called to be an apostle to Paul," "And I to Apollos,"
of Jesus Christ by the will of God, " And I to Cephas," " And I to
2 with brother Sosthenes, to the Christ." Has Christ been parcelled 13
church of God at Corinth, to those out? Was
it Paul who was cruci-
who are consecrated in Christ Jesus, you ? Was it in Paul's name
fied for
called to be saints, as well as to that you were baptized ? I am 14
who, wherever they may be, in-
all thankful now that I baptized none
voke the name of our Lord Jesus of you, except Crispus and Gaius,
Christ, their Lord no less than so that no one can say you 15
3 ours grace and peace to you from
: were baptized in my name. (Well, 16
God our Father and the Lord Jesus I did baptize the household of
Christ. Stephanas, but no one else, as
4 I always thank my God for the far as I remember.) Christ did 17
grace of God that has been bestowed not send me to baptize but to preach
5 on you in Christ Jesus in him you; the gospel.
have received a wealth of all bless- And to preach it with no fine
ing, full power to speak of your faith rhetoric, lest the cross of Christ
and full insight into its meaning, should lose its power Those who 18

6 all of which verifies the testimony are doomed to perish find the story
we bore to Christ when we were of the cross ' sheer folly,' but it
7 with you. Thus you lack no means the power of God for those
spiritual endowment during these whom he saves. It is written, 19
days of waiting till our Lord Jesus /will destroy the wisdom of the
8 Christ is and to the very
revealed ; sageSy
end he will guarantee that you are I will confound the insight of the
vindicated on the day of our Lord wise. Sage, scribe, critic of this world, 20
9 Jesus Christ. Faithful is the God where are they all? Has not God
who called you to this fellowship stultified the wisdom of the world ?
with his Son Jesus Christ our For when the world with all its 21
Lord. wisdom failed to know God in his
10 Brothers, for the sake of our Lord wisdom, God resolved to save
Jesus Christ I beg of you all to drop believers by the ' sheer folly * of
these party-cries. There must be the Christian message. Jews de- 22
no cliques among you; you must mand miracles and Greeks want
regain yourcommon temper and wisdom, but our message is Christ 23
11 attitude. For Chloe's people inform
the crucified a stumbling-block to
12 me that you are quarrelling. By the Jews, ' sheer folly ' to the
quarrelling '
I mean that each of Greeks, but for those who are called, 24
you has his party-cry, " I belong whether Jews or Greeks, a Christ
; ;;


who is the power of God and the but on the proof supplied by the
wisdom of God. Spirit and its power, so that your 5
25 For the ' fooHshness '
of God is faith might not rest on any human
wiser than men, *
wisdom ' but on the power of God.
and the ' weakness '
of God is We do discuss ' wisdom ' with 6
stronger than men. those who are mature; only it is
26 Why, look at your own ranks, my not the wisdom of this world or of
brothers; not many wise men the dethroned Powers who rule
(that is, judged by human stand- this world, it is the mysterious 7
ards), not many leading men, Wisdom of God that we discuss,
not many of good birth, have been that hidden wisdom which God
27 called! No, decreed from all eternity for our
God has chosen what is foolish glory. None of the Powers of this 8 \

in the world world understands it (if they had,

to shame the wise they would never have crucified
28 God has chosen what is weak in the Lord of glory). No, as it is 9
the world written,
to shame what is strong what no eye has ever seen,
God has chosen what is mean and what no ear has ever heard,
despised in the world what never entered the mind of
things which are not, to put man,
down things that are God has prepared all that for those
29 that no person may boast in the who love him.
30 sight of God. This is the God to And God has revealed it to us by 10
whom you owe your being in Christ the Spirit, for the Spirit fathoms
Jesus, whom God has made our everything, even the depths of
Wisdom,' that is, our righteous-
ness and consecration and redemp- What human being can under- 11
31 tion ; so that, as it is written, stand the thoughts of a man,
let him who boasts boast of the except the man's own inner
Lord, spirit ?
OHAP. So too no one understands the
2 Thus when I came to you, my thoughts of God,
brothers, I did not come to proclaim except the Spirit of God.
to you God's secret purpose * with Now we have received the Spirit 12
any elaborate words or wisdom. not the spirit of the world but the
2 I determined among you to be Spirit that comes from God, that we
ignorant of everything except Jesus may understand what God bestows
Christ, and Jesus Christ the cruci- upon us. And this is what we dis- 13
3 fied. It was in weakness and fear cuss, using language taught by no *

and with great trembling that I human wisdom but by the Spirit.
4 visited you ; what I said, what I We interpret what is spiritual in
preached, did not rest on the spiritual language. The unspiritual 14
plausible arguments of 'wisdom' man rejects these truths of the
Spirit of God; to him they are
* The textual evidence for fiaprvpiop is
sheer folly,' he cannot understand
slightly stronger, but I incline upon the
whole to regard it as a secondary reading, them. And the reason is, that
due to i. 6, and to adopt yLvariipiov. they must be read with the spiritual
15 eye. The spiritual man, again, foundation is laid, namely Jesus
can read the meaning of everything and no one can lay any other.
and yet no one can read what On that foundation anyone may 12
16 he is. For who ever understood the build gold, silver, precious stones,
thoughts of the Lord, soas to wood, hay, or straw, but in every 13
give him instruction F No one. case the nature of his work will
Well, our thoughts are Christ's come out ; the Day will show what
thoughts. it is, for the Day breaks in fire,
CHAP. and the fire will test the work of
3 But not discuss things
I could each, no matter what that work
with you, my
brothers, as spiritual may be.
persons; I had to address you as If the structure raised by any man 14
worldlings, as mere babes in Christ. survives,
2 I fed you with milk, not with soHd he will be rewarded
food. You were not able for solid if a man's work is burnt up, 15
food, and you are not able even he will be a loser
3 now ; you are still worldly. For and though he will be saved
with jealousy and quarrels in your himself, he will be snatched
midst, are you not worldly, are you from the very flames.
not behaving like ordinary men? Do you not know you are God's 16
4 When one cries, " I belong to Paul," temple and that God's Spirit dwells
and another, " I belong to ApoUos," within you ? God will destroy any- 17
what are you but men of the world ? one who would destroy God's temple,
5 Who is Apollos ? Who is Paul ? for God's temple is sacred
and that
They are simply used by God to give is what you are.
you faith, each as the Lord assigns Let no one deceive himself about 18
his task. this; whoever of you imagines he
6 I did the planting, Apollos did is wise with this world's wisdom
the watering, must become a fool,' if he is really

but it was God who made the to be wise. For God ranks this 19
seed grow. world's wisdom as sheer folly.'

7 So neither planter nor waterer It is written. He seizes the wise in

counts, their craftiness , and again. The Lord 20
but God alone who makes the knows the reasoning of the wise is
seed grow. futile.
8 Still, though planter and waterer So you must not boast about men. 21
are on the same level, each will get For all belongs to you; Paul, 22
his own wage for the special work Apollos, Cephas, the world, life,
that he has done. death, the present and the future
9 We work together in God's ser- all belongs to you ; and you belong 23
vice; you are God's field to be to Christ, and Christ to God.
planted, God's house to be built. OHAP.
10 In virtue of my commission from This is how you
are to look upon 4t

God, I laid the foundation of the us, as servants of Christ and

house like an expert master-builder. stewards of God's secret truths.
It remains for another to build on Now in stewards your first require- 2
this foundation. Whoever he is, let ment that they must be trust-
11 him be careful how he builds. The worthy. It matters very little to me 8

that you or any human court should when we put
persecuted, up
cross-question me on this point. with itwhen defamed, we
; try 13
I do not even cross-question my- to conciHate. To this hour we
i self for, although I am not conscious
; are treated as the scum of the
of having anything against me, earth, the very refuse of the
that does not clear me. It is the world !

Lord who cross-questions me on the I do not write this to make you 14

5 matter. So do not criticize at feel ashamed, but to instruct you as
all; the hour of reckoning has beloved children of mine. You may 15
still to come, when the Lord will have thousands to superintend you
come to bring dark secrets to the in Christ, but you have not more
light and to reveal life's inner than one father. It was I who in
aims and motives. Then each of Christ Jesus became your father by
us will get his meed of praise from means of the gospel. Then imitate 16
God. me, I beg of you. To ensure this, 17
6 Now I have appHed what has I am sending you Timotheus, my
been said above to myself and beloved and trustworthy son in the
Barnabas, to teach you ... * that Lord he will remind you of those

you are not to be puffed up with methods in Christ Jesus which I

rivalry over one teacher as against teach everywhere in every church.
7 another. Who singles you out, my Certain individuals have got puffed 18
brother ? What do you possess that up, have they, as if I were not com-
has not been given you? And if ing myself ? I will come to you be- 19
it was given you, why do you boast fore long, if the Lord wills, and then
as if it had been gained, not given ? I will find out from these puffed up
8 You Corinthians have your heart's creatures not what their talk but
already, have you? You
desire what their power amounts to. For 20
have heaven's rich bliss already I God's Reign does not show itself
You have come into your kingdom in talk but in power. Which is 21
without us I wish indeed you had
! it to be ? Am
I to come to you with
come into your kingdom, so that we a rod of discipHne or with love and
9 could share it with you For it ! gentleness ?
seems to me that God means us
apostles to come in at the very end, CHAP.
like the doomed
gladiators in the It actually reported that there
is 5
arena ! We
are made a spectacle is immorality among you, and im-
to the world, to angels and to men ! morality such as is unknown even
10 We, for Christ's sake, are * fools ' among pagans that a man has
you in Christ are sensible. are We taken his father's wife I And yet 2
weak, you are strong; you are you are puffed up I You ought
11 honoured, we are in disrepute. To much rather to be mourning the loss
this very hour we hunger and thirst, of a member Expel the perpe-

we are ill-clad and knocked about, trator of such a crime For my 8 !

12 we are waifs, we work hard for part, present with you in spirit
our living ; when reviled, we bless ; though absent in body, I have
* The text and the meaning of the
already passed sentence on such
phrase between fiderire and 'iva i,ii aie an offender as this, by the authority 4
beyond recovery. of our Lord Jesus Christ; I have
met with you in spirit and by the to adjudicate upon trifles ? Do you 3
5 power of our Lord Jesus I have not know we are to manage angels,
consigned that individual to Satan let alone mundane issues ? And 4
for the destruction of his flesh, in yet, when you have mundane issues
order that his spirit may be saved to settle, you refer them to the
6 on the Day of the Lord Jesus. Your judgment of men who from the point
boasting is no credit to you. Do of view of the church are of no ac-
you not know that a morsel of count I say this to put you to
! 5
dough will leaven the whole lump ? shame. Has it come to this,
7 Clean out the old dough that you that there is not a single wise man
may be a fresh lump. For you are among you who could decide a
free from the old leaven; Christ dispute between members of the
our paschal lamb has been sacrificed. brotherhood, instead of one brother 6
8 So let us celebrate our festival, going to law with another and
not with any old leaven, not with before unbelievers too ! Even to 7
vice and evil, but with the un- have law-suits with one another is
leavened bread of innocence and in itself evidence of defeat. Why
integrity. not rather let yourselves be
9 In my
letter I wrote that you were wronged? Why not rather let
not to associate with the immoral. yourselves be defrauded? But 8
10 I did not mean you were literally to instead of that you inflict wrong
avoid contact ^vith the immoral in and practise frauds and
this world, with the lustful and the upon members of the brotherhood !

thievish, or with idolaters ; in that What do you not know that the
I 9
case you would have to leave the wicked will not inherit the Realm
11 world altogether. What I now of God? Make no mistake about
write is that you are not to associate it; neither the immoral nor
with any so-called brother who is idolaters nor adulterers nor cata-
immoral or lustful or idolatrous mites nor sodomites nor thieves 10
or given to abuse or drink or rob- nor the lustful nor the drunken nor
bery. Associate with him ! Do not the abusive nor robbers will inherit
12 even eat with him ! Outsiders it the Realm of God. Some of you 11
is no business of mine to judge. were once like that ; but you washed
You must judge those who are in- yourselves clean, you were con-
side the church, for yourselves; secrated, you were justified in the
13 as for outsiders, God will judge name of the Lord Jesus Christ and
them. Expel the wicked from your in the Spirit of our God.
All things are lawful for me * ? 12
Yes, but not all are good for me.
6 When any of you has a grievance '
All things are lawful for me ' ?
against his neighbour, do you dare Yes, but I am not going to let
to go to law in a sinful pagan court, anything master me.
instead of laying the case before '
Food is meant for the stomach, 13
2 the saints ? Do you not know the and the stomach for food ? *

saints are to manage the world? Yes, and God will do away with
If the world is to come under your the one and the other.
jurisdiction, are you incompetent The body is not meant for im-
; ;


morality but for the Lord, and the to do so for a time in order to devote
14 Lord is for the body; and the God yourselves to prayer. Then come
who raised the Lord will also raise together again. You must not let
15 us by his power. Do you not know Satan tempt you through incon-
your bodies are members of Christ ? tinence. But what I have just said 6
Am I to take Christ's members is by way of concession, not com-
and devote them to a harlot? mand. I would like all men to be 7
16 Never Do you not know that
! as I am. However, everyone is
he who joins himself to a harlot endowed by God in his own way;
is one with her in body he has a gift for the one life or the
(for the pair, it is said, shall other.
become one -flesh), To the unmarried and to widows 8
17 while he who joins himself to the I would say this it is an excellent

Lord thing if like me they remain as they

is one with him in spirit. are. Still, if they cannot restrain 9
18 Shun immorality Any other sin
! themselves, let them marry. Better \

that a man commits is outside the marry than be aflame with passion !

body, but the immoral man sins For married people these are 10
19 against his body. Do you not my instructions (and they are the
know your body is the temple of Lord's, not mine). A wife is not to
the holy Spirit within you the separate from her husband if she 11
Spirit you have received from God? has separated, she must either re-
20 You are not your own, you were main single or be reconciled to him
bought for a price; then glorify and a husband must not put
God with your body. away his wife.
To other people I would say 12
(not the Lord) :

7 Now about the questions in your if any brother has a wife who is
letter. not a believer,
an excellent thing for a man
It is and if she consents to live with
to have no intercourse with a him,
2 woman but there is so much im-
; he must not put her away
morality that every man had better and if any wife has a husband 13
have a wife of his own and every who is not a believer,
woman a husband of her own. and if he consents to live with
3 The husband must give the wife her,
her conjugal dues, she must not put her hus-
and the wife in the same way band away.
must give her husband his For the unbelieving husband is 14
4 the wife cannot do as she pleases consecrated in the person
with her body her husband of his wife,
has power, and the unbelieving wife is
and in the same way the consecrated in the person
husband cannot do as he of the Christian brother
pleases with his body his she has married;
wife has power. otherwise, of course, your children
5 Do not withhold sexual intercourse would be unholy instead of being
from one another, unless you agree consecrated to God. (Should the 15

unbelieving partner be determined mercy to him. Well, what I think 26

to separate, however, separation isthis that, considering the
: immi-
let it be ; in such cases the Christian nent distress in these days, it would
brother or sister is not tied to mar- be an excellent plan for you to re-
riage.) It is to a Hfe of peace that main just as you are.
16 God has called us.* O wife, how do Are you tied to a wife ? Never 27
you know you may not save your try to untie the knot.
husband ? O husband, how do you Are you free ? Never try to
know you may not save your wife ? get married.
17 Only, everyone must lead the lot Of course, if you are actually 28
assigned him by the Lord he must ; married, there is no sin in
go on living the life in which God's that ;
call came to him. (Such is the rule and if a maid marries, there is
I lay down for all the churches). no sin in that.
18 Was a mancircumcised at the who marry
(At the same time those
time he was called? willhave outward trouble and I
Then he is not to efface the would spare you that.) I mean, 29
marks of it. brothers,
Has any man been called when the interval has been shortened
he was uncircumcised ? so let those who have wives live
Then he is not to get circum- as if they had none,
cised. let mourners live as if they were 30
19 Circumcision counts for nothing, not mourning,
uncircumcision counts for nothing let the joyful live as if they had
obedience to God's commands is nojoy,
20 everything. Everyone must remain let buyers live as if they had no
in the condition of life where he was hold on their goods,
21 called. You were a slave when let those who mix in the world 81
you were called? Never mind. live as if they were not en-
Of course, if you do find it possible grossed in it,
to get free, you had better avail for the present phase of things
22 yourself of the opportunity. But is passing away.
a slave who is called to be in the I want you to be free from all 32
Lord is a freedman of the Lord. anxieties.
Just as a free man who is called is The unmarried man is anxious
23 a slave of Christ (for you were about the Lord's affairs,
bought for a price; you must not how best to satisfy the Lord;
24 turn slaves to any man). Brothers, the married man is anxious about S3
everyone must remain with God worldly affairs,
where he
in the condition of life how best to satisfy his wife
was called, so he is torn in two directions. 34
25 Ihave no orders from the Lord The unmarried woman or the
for unmarried women, but I will maid t is also anxious about
give you the opinion of one whom the Lord's affairs,
you can trust, after all the Lord's how to be consecrated, body
* Beading rifias with BD
G, the Latin
and spirit;
version, Origen, Chrysostom, etc., instead f Reading ^ yw^ t} ^yafios Koi ^ rapOevos
of {ffia$ with p" B P, the Vulgate, etc.
! ;

once married, she is anxious about 'there is only the one God.' (So*
worldly affairs, called gods there may be, in heaven
how best to satisfy her husband.
or on earth as indeed there are
85 I am saying this in your own plenty of them, both gods and
interests. Not that I want to *
lords '
but for us
restrict your freedom. It is only to there is one God, the Father,
secure decorum and concentration from whom all comes,
upon a life of devotion to the Lord. and for whom we exist;
36 At the same time, if any man con- one Lord, Jesus Christ,
siders he is not behaving properly by whom all exists,
to the maid who is his spiritual and by whom we exist.)
bride, if his passions are strong and But remember, not everyone
it is
if it must be so, then let him do what who has this ' knowledge.' Some

he wants let them be married; who have hitherto been accus-
37 it is no sin for him. But the man tomed to idols eat the food as food
of firm purpose who has made up which has been really offered to an
his mind, who, instead of being idol, and so their weaker conscience
forced against his will, has deter- is contaminated. Now mere food
mined to himself to keep his maid will not bring us any nearer to God
a spiritual bride that man will if we abstain we do not lose any-
38 be doing the right thing. Thus thing,
both are right alike in marrying
and from marriage,
in refraining
andif we eat we do not gain
but he who does not marry will be But see that the exercise of your 9
found to have done better. right does not prove any stumbling-
39 A woman is bound to her hus- block to the weak. Suppose any- 10
band during his lifetime but if he ; one sees you, a person of enlightened
dies, she is free to marry anyone mind, reclining at meat inside an

she pleases only, it must be a idol's temple; will that really
40 Christian. However, she is happier '
fortify his weak conscience ' ?
ifshe remains as she is that is my ; Will it not embolden him to violate

opinion and I suppose I have the his scruples of conscienceby eating
Spirit of God as well as other people! food that has been offered to idols ?
He is ruined, this weak man, ruined 11
CHAP. by your ' enlightened mind,' this
8 With regard to food that has brother for whose sake Christ died !

been offered to idols. Here, of By sinning against the brotherhood 12

we all possess knowledge
course, '
' in this way and wounding their
Knowledge puffs up, love builds weaker consciences, you are sinning
2 up. Whoever imagines he has against Christ. Therefore if food 13
attained to some degree of know- is any hindrance to my
ledge, does not possess the true welfare, sooner than injure him I
3 knowledge yet but if anyone loves
; will never eat flesh as long as I live,
4s God, he is known by Him. Well never I

then, with regard to food that has

been offered to idols, I am quite
aware that there is no such thing
Am I not free? Am
I not an
as an idol in the world' and that apostle ? Have I not seen Jesus our
Lord? Are you not the work I are to get their living by the gospel ?
have accomplished in the Lord? Only, I have not availed myself of 15
2 To other people I may be no apostle, any of these rights, and I am not
but to you I am, for you are the writing in order to secure any such
seal set upon my apostleship in the provision for myself. I would die
3 Lord. Here is my reply to my sooner than let anyone deprive me of
4 inquisitors. Have we no right to this, my source of pride. What I am 16
eat and drink at the expense of proud of is not the mere preaching
5 the churches ? Have we no right of the gospel ; that I am constrained
to travel with a Christian wife, like to do. Woe to me if I do not preach
the rest of the apostles, like the the gospel I get a reward if I do 17

brothers of the Lord, like Cephas it of my own accord, whereas to do

6 himself ? What are we the only
! it otherwise is no more than for a
ones, myself and Barnabas, who steward to discharge his trust. And 18
are denied the right of abstaining my reward? This, that I can
7 from work for our living ? Does preach the gospel free of charge,
a soldier provide his own supplies ? that I can refrain from insisting on
Does a man plant a vineyard with- all my rights as a preacher of the
out eating its produce? Does a gospel. Why, 19
shepherd get no drink from the milk free as I am from all, I have made
8 of the flock ? Human arguments, myself the slave of all,
you say? But does not Scripture to win over as many as I
9 urge the very same? It is written could.
in the law of Moses, You must not To Jews I have become like a 20
muzzle an ox when he is treading the Jew,
grain. Is God thinking here about to win over Jews;
10 cattle ? Or is he speaking purely to those under the Law I have
for our sakes? Assuredly for our become as one of them-
sakes. This word was written be- selves
cause the ploughman needs to though I am not
under the Law
plough in hope, and the thresher to myself
thresh in the hope of getting a share to win over those under the
11 in the crop. If we sowed you the Law;
seeds of spiritual good, is it a great to those outside the Law I have 21
matter if we reap your worldly become like one of them-
12 goods ? If others share this right selves
over you, why not we all the more ? though I am under Christ's law,
We did not avail ourselves of it, you not outside God's Law
say? No, we do not mind any to win over those outside
privations if we can only avoid the Law;
putting any obstacle in the way of to the weak I have become as 22
13 the gospel of Christ. Do you not weak myself,
know that as men who perform to win over the weak.
temple-rites get their food from To all men I have become all
the temple, and as attendants at things,
the altar get their share of the sacri- to save some by aU and
14 fices, so the Lord's instructions were every means.
that those who proclaim the gospel And I do it all for the sake of 23

the gospel, to secure my own share us whose lot has been cast in the
24 in it. Do you not know that in a closing hours of the world. So let 12
though all run, only one man
race, anyone who thinks he stands secure,
gains the prize ? Run so as to win take care in case he falls. No 13
25 the prize. Every athlete practices temptation has waylaid you that
self-restraint all round; but while isbeyond man's power trust God,;

they do it to win a fading wreath, he will never let you be tempted

26 we do it for an unfading. Well, I beyond what you can stand, but
run without swerving; I do not when temptation comes, he will
plant my blows upon the empty provide the way out of it, so that

27 air no, I maul and master my you can bear up under it.
body, in case, after preaching to Shun idolatry, then, my beloved. 14
other people, I am disqualified my- I am speaking to sensible people; 15
self. weigh my words for yourselves.
The cup of blessing, which we 16
10 For I would have you know this, that not participating in the
my brothers, that while our fathers blood of Christ ?
all lived under the cloud, all crossed The bread we break,
2 through the sea, all were baptized is that not participating in the
into Moses by the cloud and by the body of Christ?
3 sea, all ate the same spiritual food, (for many as we are, we are one 17
4 and all drank the same spiritual Bread, one Body, since we all par-
drink (drinking from the spiritual take of the one Bread). Look at 18
Rock which accompanied them the rites of Israel. Do not those
5 and that Rock was Christ), still who eat the sacrifices participate in
with most of them God was not the altar? Do I imply, you ask, 19
satisfied; they were laid low in the that 'food offered to an idol has
6 desert. Now
this took place as a any meaning, or that an idol itself
warning for us, to keep us from means anything ? No, what I
7 craving for evil as they craved. And imply is that anything people
you must not be idolaters, like some sacrifice is sacrificed to daemons not
of them as it is written,
; to God. And I do not want you to
the people sat down to eat and participate indaemons You can- 21

drink, not drink the cup of the Lord and

and they rose up to make sport. also the cup of daemons; you can-
8 Nor must we commit immorality, not partake of the table of the
as some of them did and in a single Lord and also of the table of
day twenty-three thousand of them daemons. What / do we intend to 22
9 fell. Nor must we presume upon rouse the Lord's jealousy ? Are we
the Lord as some of them did stronger than he is?
only to be destroyed by serpents. '
All tilings are lawful ' ? 23
10 And you must not murmur, as some Yes, but not all are good for
of them did
only to be destroyed us.
11 by the Destroying angel. It all All things are lawful ' ?

happened to them by way of warn- Yes, but not all are edifying.
ing for others, and it was written Each of us must consult his neigh- 24
down for the purpose of instructing hour's interests, not his own. Eat 25
any food that has been sold in the is disgraceful that a woman should
market, instead of letting scruples have her hair cut or be shaven.
of conscience oblige 3^ou to ask any Man does not require to have a veil 7
26 questions about it the earth and all
; on his head, for he represents the
27 its contents belong to the Lord. When likeness and supremacy of God ; but
an unbeliever invites you to dinner woman represents the supremacy
and you agree to go, eat whatever is of man. (Man was not made from 8
put before you, instead of letting woman, woman was made from
scruples of conscience induce you to man; and man was not created 9
28 ask any questions about it. But if for woman, but woman for man.)
someone tells you, This was sacri-
Therefore, in view of the angels, 10
ficial meat,' then do not eat it you ;
woman must wear a symbol of sub-
must consider the man who told jection on her head. (Of course, in 11
you, and also take conscience into the Lord, woman does not exist

29 account his conscience, I mean, apart from man, any more than man
not your own for why should one's
; apart from woman; for as woman 12
own freedom be called in question was made from man, so man is now
30 by someone else's conscience? If made from woman, while both, like
one partakes of food after saying a all things, come from God.) Judge 13
blessing over it, why should one be for yourselves; is it proper for an
denounced for eating what one has unveiled woman to pray to God?
81 given thanks to God for? So Surely nature herself teaches you 14
whether you eat or drink, or what- that while long hair is disgraceful
ever you do, let it be all done for for a man, for a woman long hair 15
82 the glory of God. Put no stumbling- is a glory ? Her hair is given her
block in the way of Jews or Greeks as a covering. If anyone pre- 16
83 or the church of God. Such is my sumes to on this
raise objections
own rule, to satisfy all men in all point acknowledge no other
well, I
points, aiming not at my own ad- mode of worship, and neither do the
vantage but at the advantage of churches of God.

the greater number at their salva- But in giving you the following 17
11 tion. Copy me, as I copy Christ. injunction I cannot commend you;
2 I commend you for always bear- for you are the worse, not the better,
ing me in mind and for maintaining for assembling together. First of 18
the traditions I passed on to you. all, in your church-meetings I am
3 But I would like you to understand told that cliques prevail. And I
this :Christ is the head of every partly believe it. There must be 19
man, man is the head of woman, parties among you, if genuine
4 and God is the head of Christ. Any Christians are to be recognized.
man who prays or prophesies with But this makes it impossible for 20
a veil on his head dishonours his you to eat the Lord's ' supper '

5 head, while any woman who prays when you hold your gatherings.
or prophesies without a veil on As you eat, everyone takes his 21
her head dishonours her head; she own supper one goes hungry while

is no better than a shaven woman. another gets drunk. What have 22 !

6 If a woman will not veil herself, you no houses to eat and drink in ?
she should cut off her hair as well. Do you think you can show dis-
But she ought to veil herself ; for it respect to the church of God and
; ;'

put the poor to shame? What I will give you my instructions
can I say to you? Commend upon the other matters when I
23 you ? Not for this. I passed on come.
to you what I received from the CHAP.
Lord himself, namely, that on the But I want you to understand 12
night he was betrayed the Lord about spiritual gifts, brothers. You 2
24 Jesus took a loaf, and after thank- know, when you were pagans, how
ing God he broke it, saying, your impulses led you to dumb
This means my body broken * for idols so I tell you now, that no one 3

25 you do this in memory of me.' In

; is speaking in the Spirit of God when
the same way he took the cup after he cries, Cursed be Jesus,' and

supper, saying, This cup means

that no one can say, Jesus is Lord

the new covenant ratified by my except in the holy Spirit.

blood ; as often as you drink it, do There are varieties of talents, 4
26 it in memory of me.' For as often but the same Spirit;
as you eat this loaf and drink this varieties of service, 5
cup, you proclaim the Lord's death but the same Lord
27 until he comes. Hence anyone varieties of effects, 6
who eats the loaf or drinks the cup but the same God who effects
of the Lord carelessly, will have to everything in everyone.
answer for a sin against the body Each receives his manifestation of 7
28 and the blood of the Lord. Let a the Spirit for the common good.
man test himself; then he can eat One man is granted words of wis- 8
from the loaf and drink from the dom by the Spirit, another words
29 cup. For he who eats and drinks of knowledge by the same Spirit;
without a proper sense of the Body, one man in the same Spirit has the 9
eats and drinks to his own con- gift of faith, another in the one
30 demnation. That is why many of Spirit has gifts of healing; one has 10
you are ill and infirm, and a number prophecy, another the gift of dis-
31 even dead. If we only judged our tinguishing spirits, another the gift
own lives truly, we would not come of ' tongues ' in their variety,
32 under the Lord's judgment. As it another the gift of interpreting
is, we are chastened when we are '
tongues.' But all these effects 11
judged by him, so that we may are produced by one and the
not be condemned along with the same Spirit, apportioning them
world. severally to each individual as he
33 Well then, my brothers, when pleases.
you gather for a meal, wait for As the human body is one and 12
34 one another ; and anyone is
if has many members, all the mem-
hungry let him eat at home. You bers of the body forming one body
must not gather only to incur number, so is it with
for all their
condemnation. Christ. Forby one Spirit we have 13
* Von Soden brackets K\d)fivov, but it all been baptized into one Body,
must be read with &^c C^, two correctors Jews or Greeks, slaves or freemen
of D(which originally read BpvirrSfievov), we have all been imbued with one
G, the Old Latin and Syriac Vulgate, Spirit. Why, even the body con- 14
Chrysostom, etc. If it is a gloss, it is a
correct one, unless the Lucan BiS6/ivou be sists not of one member but of
preferred. many. If the foot were to say, 15
Because I am not the hand, I do and speakers in '
of vari-

not belong to the body,' that does ous kinds. Are apostles ?allAre 29
not make it no part of the body. all prophets ? Are all teachers ?
16 If the ear were to say, Because I
Are all workers of miracles ? Are 30
am not the eye, I do not belong all endowed with the gifts of
to the body,' that does not make it heahng? Are all able to speak
17 no part of the body. If the body in tongues ?
Are all able to

were all eye, where would hearing interpret ?

be ? If the body were all ear, where Set your hearts on the higher 31
18 would smell be ? As it is, God has talents. And yet I will go on to
set the members in the body, each show you a still higher path. Thus,
19 as it pleased him. If they all made I may speak with the tongues of 13
up one member, what would become men and of angels,
20 of the body ? As it is, there are but if I have no love,
21 many members and one body. The am
a noisy gong or a
eye cannot say to the hand, I have
clanging cymbal
no need of you,' nor again the head I may prophesy, fathom all 2
to the feet, I have no need of you.'
mysteries and secret lore,
22 Quite the contrary. We cannot do I may have such absolute faith
without those very members of the that I can move hills from
body which are considered rather their place,
23 delicate, just as the parts we con- but ifI have no love,
sider rather dishonourable are the I count for nothing;
very parts we invest with special I may
distribute all I possess in 3
honour; our indecorous parts get charity,
24 a special care and attention which I may give up body to bemy
does not need to be paid to our burnt,
more decorous parts. Yes, God but if I have no
has tempered the body together, I make nothingof it.
with a special dignity for the Love is very patient, very kind.
25 inferior parts, so that there may Love knows no jealousy; love
be no disunion in the body, but makes no parade, gives itself no
that the various members should airs, is never rude, never selfish, 5
have a common concern for one never irritated, never resentful
26 another. Thus love is never glad when others go 6
if one member suffers, wrong, love is gladdened by good-
all the members share its suffer- ness, always slow to expose, always 7
ing; eager to beheve the best, always
if one memberis honoured, hopeful, always patient. Love 8
all the members share its never disappears. As for prophesy-
honour. ing, it will be superseded; as for
27 Now you are Christ's Body, and 'tongues,' they will cease; as for
28 severally members of it. That is knowledge, it will be superseded.
to say, God has set people within For we only know bit by bit, and 9
the church to be first of all apostles, we only prophesy bit by bit but 10 ;

secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, when the perfect comes, the im-
then workers of miracles, then perfect will be superseded. When 11
healers, helpers, administrators, I was a child, I talked like a child,

I thought like a child, I argued like with yourselves. Unless your
a child; now that I am a man, I tongue utters language that is
am done with childish ways. readily understood, how can people
12 At present we only see the baffling make out what you say ? You will
reflections in a mirror, be pouring words into the empty
but then it will be face to air ! There are ever so many kinds 10
face; of language in the world, every one
at present I am learning bit by of them meaning something. Well, 11
bit, unless I understand the meaning of
but then
I will understand, as what is said to me, I will appear to
along I have myself been
all the speaker to be talking gibberish,
understood. and to my
mind he will be talking
13 Thus ' faith and hope and love gibberish himself. So with your- 12
last on, these three,' but the selves; since your heart is set on
14 greatest of all is love. Make possessing ' spirits,' make the edifi-
love your aim, and then set your cation of the church your aim in this
heart on the spiritual gifts espe- desire to excel. Thus a man who 13
2 cially upon prophecj^ For he who speaks in a ' tongue must pray for

speaks in a tongue'
addresses ' the gift of interpreting it. For if 14
God not men; no one understands I pray with a '
tongue,' my spirit
him he is talking of divine secrets
; prays, no doubt, but my mind
3 in the Spirit. On the other hand, is no use to anyone. Very well 15
he who prophesies addresses men in then, I will pray in the Spirit, but I
words that edify, encourage, and will also pray with my mind I will

4 console them. He who speaks in a sing praise in the Spirit, but I will
tongue' edifies himself, whereas also sing praise with my mind.
he who prophesies edifies the Otherwise, suppose you are blessing 16
5 church. Now I would like you all God in the Spirit, how is the out-
to speak with '
tongues,' but I sider to say * Amen ' to your
would prefer you to prophesy. The thanksgiving? The man does not
man who prophesies is higher than understand what you are saying !

theman who speaks with tongues *

Your thanksgiving may be all right, 17
unless indeed the latter interprets,
but then the other man is not
so that the church may get edifica- edified ! Thank God, I speak in 18
6 tion. Suppose now I were to come '
tongues more than any of you

to you speaking with * tongues,' but in church I would rather say 19

my brothers what good could I do
; five words with my own mind for
you, unless I had some revelation the instruction of other people
or knowledge or prophecy or teach- than ten thousand words in a
7 ing to lay before you ? Inanimate '
instruments, such as the flute or Brothers, do not be children in 20
the harp, may give a sound, but if the sphere of intelligence; in evil
no intervals occur in their music, be mere infants, but be mature in
how can one make out the air that your intelligence. It is written in 21
is being played either on flute or the Law, By men of alien tongues
8 on harp ? If the trumpet sounds and by the lips of aliens I will speak
indistinct, who will get ready for to this People ; hut even so, they will
9 the fray ? Well, it is the same not listen to me, saith the Lord.
22 Thus tongues ' are intended as a

what I write to you is a command of
sign,not for believers but for the Lord. Anyone who disregards 38
unbelievers whereas prophesying
; this will be himself disregarded.
is meant for believers, not for To sum up, my brothers. Set 89
23 unbelievers. Hence if at a gather- your heart on the prophetic gift,
ing of the whole church everybody and do not put any check upon
speaks with tongues,' and if out-
speaking in ' tongues ' ; but let 40
siders or unbelievers come in, will everything be done decorously and
they not say you are insane? in order.
24 Whereas, if everybody prophesies, As is the rule in all churches of 33
and some unbeliever or outsider the saints, women must keep quiet 34
comes in, he is exposed by all, at gatherings of the church. They
25 brought to book by all the secrets ; are not allowed to speak they must

of his heart are brought to light, take a subordinate place, as the

and so, falling on his face, he will Law enjoins. If they want any 35
worship God, declaring, ' God is information, let them ask their
really among you.* husbands at home it is disgraceful

26 Very well then, brothers; when for a woman to speak in church.

you meet together, each contributes You challenge this rule ? Pray, 36

something a song of praise, a did God's word start from you?
lesson, a revelation, a ' tongue,' Are you the only people it has
an interpretation? Good, but let reached ?
27 everything be for edification. As
for speaking in a tongue,' let only

two or at most three speak at one Now, brothers, I would have you 15
meeting, and that in turn. Also, know the gospel I once preached to
28 let someone interpret if there is ; you, the gospel you received, the
no interpreter, let the speaker gospel in which you have your
keep quiet in church and address footing, the gospel by which you 2
29 himself and God. Let only two or
three prophets speak, while the rest

are saved provided you adhere to

my statement of it unless indeed
exercise their judgment upon what your faith was all haphazard.
80 is said. Should a revelation come First and foremost I passed on 8
to one who seated, the first
is to you what I had myself received,
81 speaker must be quiet. You can namely, that Christ died for our sins
all prophesy quite well, one after as the scripture had said, that he 4
another, so as to let all learn and was buried, that he rose on the third
32 all be encouraged. Prophets can day as the scripture had said, and 5
control their own prophetic spirits, that he was seen by Cephas, then by
83 for God is a God not of disorder but the twelve after that, he was seen
; 6
87 of harmony.* If anyone considers by over five hundred brothers all
himself a prophet or gifted with the at once, the majority of whom
Spirit^ let him imderstand that survive to this day, though some
have died ; after that, he was seen 7
Transposing vers. 336-36 to the end by James, then by all the apostles,
of the chapter, in order to preserve the
sequence of thought. There is some
and finally he was seen by myself, 8
early textual evidence for reading 34-35 by this so-called ' abortion * of an
after 40. apostle. For I am the very least 9
! ;

of the apostles, unfit to bear the that, all who belong to Christ, at
name of apostle, since I persecuted his arrival.Then comes the end, 24
10 the church of God. But by God's when he hands over his royal power
grace I am what I am. The grace to God the Father, after putting
he showed me did not go for no- down all other rulers, all other
thing; no, I have done far more authorities and powers. For he 25
work than all of them ^though it must reign until are put
all his foes
was not I but God's grace at my under his feet, (Death is the last 26
11 side. At any rate, whether I or foe to be put down.) For God has 27
they have done most, such is what put everything under his feet. When
we preach, such is what you be- it is said that everything has been
lieved. put under him, plainly that excludes
12 Now if we preach that Christ rose Him who put everything under
from the dead, how can certain him and when everything is put
; 28
individuals among you assert that under him, then the Son himself
there is no such thing as a resur- will be put under Him who put
13 rection of the dead ? If ' there '
everything under him, so that God
is no such thing as a resurrection may be everything to everyone.
from the dead,' then even Christ Otherwise, if there is no such 29
14 did not rise and if Christ did not
; thing as a resurrection, what is the
rise, then our preaching has gone meaning of people getting baptized
for nothing, and your faith has gone on behalf of their dead? If dead
15 for nothing too. Besides, we are men do not rise at all, why do
detected bearing false witness to people get baptized on their behalf ?
God by affirming of him that he Yes, and why am I myself in danger SO

raised Christ whom he did not every hour ? (Not a day but I am
raise, if after all dead men never at death's door I swear it by
! 31
16 rise. For if dead men never rise, my pride in you, brothers, through
17 Christ did not rise either ; and if Christ Jesus our Lord.) What would 32
Christ did not rise, your faith is it avail me that, humanly speaking,
futile, you are still in your sins. I ' fought with wild beasts '
18 More than that ; those who have Ephesus? If dead men do not
slept the sleep of death in Christ rise, let us eat and drink, for we will
19 have perished after all. Ah, if in be dead to-morrow !
this life we have nothing but a mere Make no mistake about this : 33
hope in Christ, we are of all men '
bad company is the ruin of good
to be pitied most character.' Get back to your sober 34
20 But it is not so Christ did rise
! senses and avoid sin, for some of
from the dead, he was the first to be
you and I say this to your shame
reaped of those who sleep in death. some of you are insensible to God.
21 For since death came by man, But, someone will ask, how do '
by man came also resurrection the dead rise ? What kind of body
from the dead have they when they come?
22; as die in Adam,
all Foolish man What you sow never
! 36
so shall all be made alive in comes to life unless it dies. And 37
Christ. what you sow is not the body that
23 But each in his own division : is to be it is a mere grain of wheat,

Christ the first to be reaped ; after for example, or some other seed.
88 God gives it a body as he pleases, and blood cannot inherit the Realm
gives each kind of seed a body of its of God, nor can the perishing
39 own. Flesh is not all the same inherit the imperishable. Here is 51
there is human flesh, there is flesh a secret truth for you not all of

of beasts, flesh of birds, and flesh us are to die, but all of us are to be
40 of fish. There are heavenly bodies
changed changed in a moment, 52
and also earthly bodies, but the in the twinkling of an eye, at the
splendour of the heavenly is one last trumpet-call. The trumpet will
thing and the splendour of the sound, the dead will rise imperish-
41 earthly is another. There is a able, and we shall be changed.
splendour of the sun and a splen- For this perishing body must be 53
dour of the moon and a splendour invested with the imperishable,
of the stars
for one star differs and this mortal body invested with
42 from another in splendour. So with immortality; and when this mortal 54
the resurrection of the dead : body has been invested with im-
what is sown is mortal, mortality,t then the saying of
what rises is immortal Scripture will be realized.
43 sown inglorious, Death is swallowed up in victory,
it rises in glory; O Death, where is your victory ? 55
sown in weakness, Death, where is your sting ? %
it rises in power; The victory is ours, thank God ! 57
44 sown an animate body, He makes it ours by our Lord Jesus
it rises a spiritual body. Christ. Well then, my beloved 58
As there is an animate body, so brothers, hold your ground, im-
45 there is a spiritual body. Thus it movable; abound in work for the
is written, Lord at all times, for you may be
The man, Adam, became an
first sure that in the Lord your labour
animate being, is never thrown away.
the last Adam a life-giving
Spirit '

46 but the animate, not the spiritual, With regard to the collection for 16
comes first, the saints, you must carry out the
and only then the spiritual. same arrangements as I made for
47 Man the first is from the earth, the churches of Galatia. On the first 2
material day of the week let each of you
Man the second is from heaven. put aside a sum from his weekly
48 As Man the material is, so are the gains, so that the money may not
material have to be collected when I come.
as Man the heavenly is, so are On my arrival I will furnish 8
the heavenly.
49 Thus, as we have borne the like- f Omitting t^ (pdaprhv rovro ^v^va-qrai
acpdapaiau, Kaiwith &5* C* and most of the
ness of material Man, versions. The phrase was probably in-
so we are to bear * the likeness serted for the sake of completing the
of the heavenly Man. parallel.
+ After this verse, the words " The
60 I tell you this, my brothers, flesh
sting of sin is death, and the strength of
Reading <pop4(ro/jLv with B 181 arm sin is the Law " have been added either
aeth, etc., instead of the strongly sup- as a gloss by some editor or perhaps as a
ported <^0p4<r(i>fMty. marginal note by Paul himself.
credentialsfor those whom you for the present it is not the will of
and send them to convey
select, God that he should you.
4 your bounty to Jerusalem; if the Watch, stand firm in the faith, 13
sum makes it worth my while to go play the man, be strong Let all ! 14
too, they will accompany me. you do be done in love.
5 I mean to visit you after my I ask this favour of you, my bro- 15
tour in Macedonia, for I am going thers. The household of Stephanas,
to make a tour through Macedonia. you know, was the first to be reaped
6 The chances are I will spend in Achaia, and they have laid them-
some time with you, possibly even selves out to serve the saints. Well, 16
pass the winter with you, so that I want you to put yourselves under
you may speed me forward on any people like that, under everyone
7 journey that lies before me. I do who sets his hand to the work.
not care about seeing you at this I am glad that Stephanas and 17
moment merely in the by-going; Fortunatus and Achaicus have
my hope is to stay among you for arrived, for they have made up for
some time, with the Lord's per- your absence. They refresh my 18
8 mission. I am staying on for the spirit as they do your own. You
present at Ephesus till Pentecost, should appreciate men like that.
9 for I have wide opportunities here The churches of Asia salute you. 19
for active service and there are Aquila and Prisca, with the church
many to thwart me. that meets in their house, salute
10 If Timotheus arrives, see that you you warmly in the Lord. All the 20
make him feel quite at home with brotherhood salutes you. Salute
you; he carries on the work of the one another with a holy kiss.
11 Lord as I do. So let no one dispar- I Paul write this salutation with 21
age him. When he leaves to rejoin my own hand. If anyone has no
me, speed him cordially on his love for the Lord, God's curse be
journey, for I am expecting him on him Maran atha * The
! ! 23
along with the other brothers. grace of the Lord Jesus be with
12 As for our brother Apollos, I you. My love be with you all in 24
urged him to accompany the other Christ Jesus.'
brothers on a visit to you; he will * An Aramaic phrase, probably mean-
come as soon as he has time, but ing *'
Lord, come " (see Rev. xxii. 20).
1 Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus I rely upon him for the hope that he
by the God, and brother
will of will continue to rescue me. Let me 11
Timotheus, to the church of God have your co-operation in prayer,
at Corinth as well as to all the so that many a soul may render
saints throughout the whole of thanks to him on my behalf for the
2 Achaia grace and peace to you
: boon which many have been the
from God our Father and the Lord means of him bestowing on myself.
Jesus Christ. My proud boast is the testimony 12
3 Blessed be the God and Father of my conscience that holiness
of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father and godly sincerity, not worldly
of tender mercies and the God of all cunning but the grace of God, have
4 comfort, who comforts me in all marked my conduct in the outside
my distress, so that I am able to world and in particular my relations
comfort people who are in any dis- with you. You don't have to read 13
tress by the comfort with which I between the lines of my letters you

5 myself am comforted by God. For can understand them. Yes, I trust

fcs the sufferings of Christ are abun- you will understand the full mean-
dant in my case, so my comfort is ing of my letters as you have partly 14
6 also abundant through Christ. If understood the meaning of my life,
I am in distress, it is in the interests namely that I am your source of
of your comfort and salvation; if pride (as you are mine) on the Day
I am comforted, it is in the interests of our Lord Jesus. Rel5dng on 15
of your comfort, which is effective this Imeant to visit you first,
as it nerves you to endure the same to let you have a double delight I 16

7 sufferings as I suffer myself. Hence intended to take you on my way to

my hope for you is well-founded, Macedonia, and to visit you again on
since I know that as you share the my way back from Macedonia, so as
sufferings you share the comfort by you on my journey to
to be sped
also. Judaea. Such was my intention. 17
8 Now I you to know
would like Now, have I shown myself fickle
' '
about the distress which befell me When I propose some plan, do I
in Asia, brothers. I was crushed, propose in a worldly way, ready
crushed far more than I could to mean ' no ' as well as ' yes ' ?
stand, so much so that I despaired By the good faith of God, myword 18
9 even of hfe ; in fact I told myself to you was not ' yes and no * ; for 19
it was the sentence of death. But the Son of God, Christ Jesus, who
that was to make me rely not on was proclaimed among you by us
myself but on the God who raises (by myself and Silvanus and
10 the dead ; he rescued me from so Timotheus) was not yes and no
* '

terrible a death, he rescues still, and the divine ' yes has at last sounded


20 in him, for in him is the * yes that ' in the presence of Christ for your
affirms all the promises of God. sakes, in case Satan should take 11
Hence it is through him that we advantage of our position for I
affirm our * amen in worship, to
know manoeuvres
his !

21 the glory of God. And it is God Well, when I reached Troas to 12

who confirms me along with you preach the gospel of Christ, though I

22 in Christ, who consecrated me, who I had a wide opportunity in the ]

stamped me with his seal and gave Lord, my spirit could not rest, be- 13^
me the Spirit as a pledge in my cause I did not find Titus my brother \

23 heart. I call God to witness there; so I said goodbye and went

against my soul, it was to spare off to Macedonia. Wherever I go, 14
you that I refrained from revisiting thank God, he makes my life a
24 Corinth. (Not that we lord it over constant pageant of triumph in

your faith no, we co-operate for Christ, diffusing the perfume of
your joy you have a standing of
: his knowledge everywhere by me.
2 your own in the faith.) I decided I live for God as the fragrance of 15
I would not pay you another painful Christ breathed alike on those who
2 visit. For if I pain you, then who are being saved and on those who
is to give me pleasure ? None but are perishing, to the one a deadly 16
3 the very people I am paining So! fragrance that makes for death,
the very reason I wrote was that I to the other a vital fragrance that
might not come only to be pained makes for life. And who is quali-
by those who ought to give me joy fied for this career? I am, for I 17
I relied on you all, I felt sure that am not like most, adulterating the
my joy would be a joy for every word of God like a man of sincerity,

4 one of you. For I wrote you in sore like a man of God, I speak the word
distress and misery of heart, with in Christ before the very presence

many a tear not to pain you but of God.
to convince you of my love, my
5 special love for you. If a certain
individual has been causing pain, Am I beginning again to * com- 3
he has been causing pain not so mend '
myself ? Do I need, like
much to me as to all of you at some people, to be commended by
anyrate (for I am not going to over- written certificates either to you or
state the case) to a section of you. from you? Why, you are my 2
6 This censure from the majority is certificate yourselves, written on
severe enough for the individual my heart, recognized and read by
7 in question, so that instead of cen- all men you make it obvious that 3

suring you should now forgive him you are a letter of Christ which I
and comfort him, in case the man have been employed to inscribe,
is overwhelmed by excessive re- written not with ink but with the
8 morse. So I beg you to reinstate Spirit of the living God, not on
9 him in your love. For my aim tablets of stone but on tablets of the
in writing was simply to test you, human heart. Such is the confi- 4
to see if you were absolutely obedi- dence through Christ in
I possess
10 ent. If you forgive the man, I my service of God. It is not that I 5
forgive him too; anything I had am personally qualified to form
to forgive him has been forgiven any judgment by myself; nay
6 qualifications come from God, and to me, I never lose heart in it;
he has further qualified me to be I disown those practices which 2
the minister of a new covenant very shame conceals from view;
covenant not of written law but of I do not go about it craftily; I
spirit ; for the written law kills but do not falsify the word of God;
7 the Spirit makes alive. Now if the I state the truth openly and so
administration of death which was commend myself to every man's
engraved in letters of stone, was conscience before God. Even if 3

invested with glory so much so my gospel is veiled, it is only
that the children of Israel could not veiled in the case of the perishing
gaze at the face of Moses on account there the god of this world has 4
of the dazzling glory that was fading blinded the minds of unbelievers,
8 from his face ; surely the adminis- to prevent them seeing the light
tration of the Spirit must be in- thrown by the gospel of the glory
9 vested with still greater glory. If of Christ, who is the likeness of God.
there was glory in the administra- (It is Christ Jesus as Lord, not my- 5
tion that condemned, then the ad- self, that I proclaim; I am simply
ministration that acquits abounds a servant of yours for Jesus' sake.)
10 far more in glory (indeed, in view of For God who said, " Light shall 6
the transcendent glory, what was shine out of darkness," has shone
glorious has thfus no glory at all); within my heart to illuminate
11 if what faded had its glory, then men with the knowledge of God's
what lasts will be invested with far glory in the face of Christ.
12 greater glory. Such being my hope But I possess this treasure in a 7
13 then, I am quite frank and open frail vessel of earth, to show that the
not like Moses, who used to hang a transcending power belongs to God,
veil over his face to keep the children not to myself, on every side I am
; 8
of Israel from gazing at the last rays harried but not hemmed in, per-
14 of a fading glory. Besides, their plexed but not despairing, perse- 9
minds were dulled, for to this very cuted but not abandoned, struck
day, when the Old Testament is down but not destroyed
read aloud, the same veil hangs. wherever I go I am being killed 10
Veiled from them the fact that the in the body as Jesus was,
15 glory fades in Christ ! Yes, down so that the life of Jesus may
to this day, whenever Moses is read come out in my body :

aloud, the veil rests on their heart every day of my life I am being 11
16 though whenever they turn to the given over to death for Jesus'
17 Lordj the veil is removed. (The sake,
Lord means the Spirit, and wherever so that the life of Jesus may
the Spirit of the Lord is, there is come out within my mortal
18 open freedom.) But we all mirror flesh.
the glory of the Lord with face un- In me then death
is active, in 12
veiled, and so we are being trans- you life. But
since our spirit of 13
formed into the same likeness as faith is the same, therefore
^as it is

himself, passing from one glory to written / believed and so I spoke

another for this comes of the too believe and so I speak, sure that 14
4 Lord the Spirit. Hence, as I He who raised the Lord Jesus will
hold this ministry by Gk)d's mercy raise me too with Jesus and set me

15 at your side in his presence. It is is plain to God without disguise,
all in your interests, so that the plain also, I trust, to your own con-
more grace abounds, the more science. This is not ' recommending
thanksgiving may rise and redound myself to you again ' ; it is giving
16 to the glory of God. Hence I never you an incentive to be proud of me,
lose heart; though my outward which you can use against men who
man decays, my inner man is re- are proud of externals instead of the y
17 newed day after day. The slight inward reality. ' I am beside my- 13
trouble of the passing hour * results self,' am I ? Well, that is between
in a solid glory past all comparison, myself and God. I am sane,'
am I ?
18 for those of us whose eyes are on Well, that is in your interests ; for 14
the unseen, not on the seen ; for the I am controlled by the love of
seen is transient, the unseen eternal. Christ, convinced that as One has
5 I know that if this earthly tent died for all, then all have died, and 15
of mine is taken down, I get a home that he died for all in order to have
from God, made by no human the living live no longer for them- \
2 hands, eternal in the heavens. It selves but for him who died and rose
makes me sigh indeed, this yearning for them. Once convinced of this, 16
to be under the cover of my heavenly then, I estimate no one by what is
3 habitation, since I am sure that external; even though I once
once so covered I shall not be estimated Christ by what is ex-
4 ' naked ' at the hour of death. I ternal, I no longer estimate him
do sigh within this tent of mine thus. There is a new creation 17


with heavy anxiety not that I whenever a man comes to be in

want to be stripped, no, but to be Christ; what is old is gone, the
under the cover of the other, to new has come. It is all the doing 18
have my mortal element absorbed of the God who has reconciled me
5 by life. I am prepared for this to himself through Christ and has
change by God, who has given me permitted me to be a minister of his
the Spirit as its pledge and instal- reconciliation. For in Christ God 19
6 ment. Come what may, then, I reconciled the world to himself
am confident ; I know that while I instead of counting men's trespasses
reside in the body am away from
I against them ; and he entrusted me
7 the Lord (for I have to lead my life with the message of his reconcilia-
8 in faith, without seeing him) and : tion. So I am an envoy for Christ, 20
in this confidence I would fain God appealing by me, as it were
get away from the body and re- be reconciled to God, I entreat you
9 side with the Lord. Hence also I on behalf of Christ. For our sakes 21
am eager to satisfy him, whether in He made him to be sin who himself
10 the body or away from it ; for we knew nothing of sin, so that in him
have all to appear without disguise we might become the righteousness
before the tribunal of Christ, each of God. I appeal to you too, as 6
to be requited for what he has done a worker with God, do not receive
with his body, well or ill. the grace of God in vain. (He saith, 2
11 If I ' appeal to the interests of 1 have heard you in the time of
men' then, it is with the fear of the favour,
^ Lord before my mind. What I am and helped you on the day of
* Omitting rifiwvm salvation.
Well, here isthe time of favour, here separate, saith the Lord,
8 is the day of salvation.) I put no touh not what is unclean ;
obstacle in the path of any, so that then I will receive you,
my ministry may not be discredited I will be a Father to you, 18
4 I prove myself at all points a true and you shall be my sons and
minister of God, by great endurance, daughters,
by suffering, by troubles, by calam- saith the Lord almighty.
5 ities, by lashes, by imprisonment As these great promises are ours, 7
mobbed, toiling, sleepless, starving beloved, let us cleanse ourselves
6 with innocence, insight, patience, from everything that contaminates
kindness, the holy Spirit, unaffected either flesh or spirit; let us be
7 love, true words, the power of fully consecrated by reverence
God ; with the weapons of integrity for God].* Make a place for me 2
8 for attack or for defence, amid in your hearts; I have wronged
honour and dishonour, amid evil no one, ruined no one, taken
report and good report, an ' im- advantage of no one.
I am not saying this to condemn 3
9 postor ' but honest, ' unknown
but well-known, dying but here I you. Condemn you? Why, I re-
am alive, chastened but not killed, peat, you are in my very heart, and
10 grieved but always glad, a 'pauper', you will be there in death and life
but the means of wealth to many, alike. I have absolute confidence 4
without a penny but possessed of all. in you, I am indeed proud of you,
11 O Corinthians, I am keeping you are a perfect comfort to me, I
nothing back from you; my heart am overflowing with delight, for all
12 is wide open for you. ' Restraint ? ' the trouble I have to bear. For 5
13 that lies with you, not me. A I got no relief from the strain of
, fair exchange now, as the children things, even when I reached Mace-
say Open your hearts wide to me.
! donia it was trouble at every turn,

14 [Keep out of all incongruous ties wrangling all round me, fears in
with unbelievers. my own mind. But the God who 6
What have righteousness and comforts the dejected comforted
iniquity in common, me by the arrival of Titus. Yes, 7
or how can light associate with and by more than his arrival, by
darkness ? the comfort which you had been
13 What harmony can there be be- to him for he gave me such a report

tween Christ and Beliar, of how you longed for me, how
or what business has a believer sorry you were, and how eagerly
with an unbeliever ? you took my part, that it added to
16 What compact can there be be- my delight. In fact, if I did pain 8
tween God's temple and you by that letter, I do not regret
idols ? it. I did regret it when I dis-
For we are the temple of the living covered t that my letter had pained
God as God has said, * This bracketed paragraph (vi. 14-
I dwell and move among
will vii. 1)belongs to some other part of Paul's
them, correspondence with the Corinthian
I will be their God and they will
t Reading fixeirwv with the Vulgate,
be my people. which " alone has preserved the true read-
17 Therefore come away from them. ing, a being read as < " (Hort).

9 you even for the time being, but testify that up to

their means, aye
I am glad now
not glad that you and beyond their means, they have
were pained but glad that your pain
given begging me of their own 4
induced you to repent. For you accord, most urgently, for the
were pained as God meant you to favour of contributing to the sup-
be pained, and so you got no harm port of the saints. They have done 5
10 from what I did the pain God is
; more than expected; they gave
allowed to guide ends in a saving themselves to the Lord, to begin
repentance never to be regretted, with, and then (for so God willed it)
whereas the world's pain ends in they put themselves at my dis-
11 death. See what this pain divine posal. This has led me to ask 6
has done for you, how serious it Titus to complete the arrangements
has made you, how keen to clear for the same gracious contribution
yourselves, how indignant, how among yourselves, as it was he who
alarmed, how eager for me, how started it. Now then, you are to 7
determined, how relentless You
! the front in everything, in faith,
have shown in every way that you in utterance, in knowledge, in all
12 were honest in the business. So zeal, and in love for us * do come
my letter was written to you, not to the front in this gracious enter-
on account of the offender nor for prise as well. I am not issuing any 8
the sake of the injured party, but in orders, only using the zeal of others
order to let you realize before God to prove how sterling your own
how seriously you do care for me. love is. (You know how gracious 9
13 That is what comforts me. our Lord Jesus Christ was; rich
And over and above my personal though he was, he became poor
comfort, I was specially delighted for the sake of you, that by his
at the delight of Titus. You have poverty you might be rich.) But 10
14 mind at rest. I told him
all set his I will tell you what I think about
of my
pride in you, and I have not it; it is to your interest to go on
been disappointed. No, just as with this enterprise, for you started
all I have had to say to you has it last year, you were the first not
been true, so all I said about you to merely to do anything but to want
Titus, all my pride in you, has also to do anything. Now, carry it 11
15 proved true. His own heart goes through, so that your readiness to
out to you all the more when he take it up may be equalled by the
remembers how you all obeyed him, way you carry it through so far
and how you received him with as your means allow. If only one 12
16 reverence and trembling. I am is ready to give, according to his
glad to have full confidence in you. means, it is acceptable; he is not
asked to give what he has not got.
CHAP. This does not mean that other 13
8 Now, brothers, I have to tell you people are to be relieved and you
about the grace God has given to to suffer it is a matter of give and 14

2 the churches of Macedonia. Amid take at the present moment your


a severe ordeal of trouble their surplus goes to make up what they

overflowing joy and their deep Reading D
e| vixtav iv ti/mv with &< C G,
poverty together have poured out almost all the evidence of the Latin ftnd
8 a flood of rich generosity; I can Syriao versions, etc.
lack, in order that their surplus year." And your zeal has been a
may go to make up what you lack. stimulus to the majority of them.
15 Thus it is to be give and take as At the same time I am sending these 3
it is written, brothers just in case my pride in
He who got much had nothing you should prove an empty boast
over^ in this particular instance I want

and he who got little had not too you to be " all ready," as I have
little, been telling them that you would
16 Thanksbe to God who has be, in case any Macedonians accom- 4
/^ inspired Titus with an interest in pany me and find you are not ready
17 you equal to my own he has in- ; which would make me (not to
deed responded to my request, but speak of yourselves) ashamed of
he is off to you by his own choice, having been so sure. That is why 5
/ 18 so keen is his interest in you. Along I have thought it necessary to ask
with him I am sending that brother these brothers to go on in advance
whoseservices to the gospel are and get your promised contribu-
19 praised by all the churches ; be- tion ready in good time. I want
he has been appointed by the
sides, it to be forthcoming as a generous
churches to travel with me on the gift, not as money wrung out of
business of administering this fund you. Mark this :he who sows 6
to the glory of the Lord. His sparingly will reap sparingly, and
appointment has my full consent, he who sows generously will reap
20 for I want to take precautions a generous harvest. Everyone is 7
against any risk of suspicion in to give what he has made up
connection mth the administration his mind to give; there is to be
21 of this charity; I aim at being no grudging or compulsion about
above reproach not only from God it, for God loves the giver who
22 but also from men. Along with gives cheerfully. God is able to 8
them I am also sending our brother : bless you with ample means, so
I have had ample proof of his keen that you may always have quite
V interest on many occasions, and it enough for any emergency of your
is specially keen on this occasion, own and ample besides for any
as he has absolute confidence in kind act to others ; as it is written, 9
23 you. Titus is my
colleague, he He scatters his gifts to the 'poor
shares my
work for you, and these broadcast,
brothers of mine are apostles of his charity lasts for ever.
24 the church, a credit to Christ. So He who furnishes the sower with 10
let them have proof of how you can seed and with bread to eat will
love, and of my
reasons for being supply seed for you and multiply
proud of you; it will be a proof it ; he will increase the crop of your
9 read by the churches.
it quite superfluous for me to
Indeed charities
you will be enriched on 11
hands, so that you can be
be writing to you about this charit- generous on all occasions, and your
2 able service to the saints ; I know generosity, of which I am the
how willing you are, I am proud agent, will make men give thanks
of it, I have boasted of you to God; for the service rendered 12
to the Macedonians : " Achaia," by this fund does more than supply
I tell them, " was all ready last the wants of the saints, it overflows
! I

with many a cry of thanks to God. quite justified. But I am not going 9
13 This service shows what you are, to seem as if I were ' overawing
it makes men praise God for the you with a letter,' so to speak.
, way you have come under the My opponent says, ' Paul's letters 10
gospel of Christ which you confess, are weighty and telling, but his
and for the generosity of your con- personality is weak and his delivery
tributions to themselves and to all is beneath contempt.' Let him 11
14 they are drawn to you and pray understand that I will act when I
for you, on account of the surpass- arrive, as forcibly as I express my-
ing grace which God has shown to self by letter when I absent. am
15 you. Thanks be to God for his I do not venture to class myself 12
unspeakable gift or to compare myself with certain ^

exalted individuals They belong !

OHAF. to the class of self-praisers ; while

10 I APPEAL to you myself by the I limit myself to my own sphere,*
gentleness and consideration of I compare myself with my own^

Christ the Paul who is ' humble standard, and so my boasting never 13
enough to your face when he is goes beyond the limit it is deter-
with you, but outspoken enough mined by the limits of the sphere
2 when he gets away from you.' I marked out for me by God. That
beg of you that when I do come I sphere stretches to include your-
. may not have to speak out and be selves ; I am not overstepping the 14
peremptory but my mind is made
; limit, as if you lay beyond my
up to tackle certain people who sphere; I was the very first to
have made up their minds that I reach you with the gospel of Christ.
move on the low level of the flesh. I do not boast beyond my limits 15
3 I do Hve in the flesh, but I do not in a sphere where other men have
4 make war as the flesh does the ; done the work; my hope rather is
weapons of my warfare are not that the growth of your faith will
weapons of the flesh, but divinely allow me to enlarge the range of
5 strong to demolish fortresses my appointed sphere and preach 16
demolish theories and any rampart the gospel in the lands that lie
thrown up to resist the knowledge beyond you, instead of boasting
of God, I take every project pris- within another's province over
6 oner to make it obey Christ, I work that is already done. How- 17
am prepared to court-martial any- ever, let him who boasts boast of the
one who remains insubordinate, Lord ; for it is not the self-praiser 18
once your submission is complete. with his own recommendations
7 Look at this obvious fact. So- who is accepted, it is the man whom
and-so is perfectly sure he ' be- the Lord recommends.
longs to Christ'? Well then, let
himunderstand,on second thoughts, OHAP.
that I * belong to Christ as much ' WISH you would put up with 11
8 as he does. Even supposing I were a little folly from me. Do put
' '

to boast somewhat freely of my up with me, for I feel a divine 2

authority (and the Lord gave it jealousy on your behalf; I be-
to me for building you up, not * Omitting ov ffuviovatv
Ti/iels de with
for demolishing you), I would feel D*. etc.
trothed you as a chaste maiden to angel of light. So it is no surprise 15
present you to your one husband if his ministers also masquerade
3 Christ, but I am afraid of j^our as ministers of righteousness. Their
thoughts getting seduced from a doom will answer to their deeds.
single devotion to Christ, just as I repeat, no one is to think me a 16
the serpent beguiled Eve with his fool; but even so, pray bear with
4 cunning. You put up with it all me, fool as I am, that I may have
right, when some interloper preaches my little boast as well as others !

a second Jesus (not the Jesus I (What I am now going to say is not 17
preached), or when you are treated inspired by the Lord I am in the

to a Spirit different from the Spirit role of a ' fool,' now, on this busi-
you once received, and to a different ness of boasting. Since many boast 18
gospel from what I gave you Why! on the score of the flesh, I will do
5 not put up with me ? I hold I the same.) You put up with fools 19
am not one whit inferior to these so readily, you who know so much !

6 precious ' apostles '

II am no You put up with a man who 20
speaker, perhaps, but knowledge assumes control of your souls, with
I do possess; I never failed to make a man who spends your money,
myself intelligible to you. with a man who dupes you, with
7 But perhaps I did wrong in a man who gives himself airs, with
taking a humble place that you a man who flies in your face.
might have a high one I mean, I am quite ashamed to say I was 21
in preaching the gospel of God to not equal to that sort of thing I

8 you for nothing ! I made a levy But let them vaunt as they please,
on other churches, I took pay from I am equal to them (mind, this is
9 them so as to minister to you even ; the role of a fool !). Are they 22
when I ran short, during my stay Hebrews ? so am I. Israelites ?
with you, I was no encumbrance soam I. Descended from Abra-
to anybody, for the brothers who ham ? so am I. Ministers of 23
came from Macedonia supplied my Christ? yes perhaps, but not as
wants. Thus I kept myself, as I much as I am (I am mad to talk
intend to keep myself, from being like this !), with all my labours,
10 a burden to you in any way. By with all my lashes, with all my
the truth of Christ within me, I am
time in prison a record longer
going to make this my pride and far than theirs. I have been often
boast unchecked throughout the at the point of death five times 24

11 regions of Achaia Why ? Because

! have I got forty lashes (all but one)
I do not love you? God knows I from the Jews, three times I have 25
12 do. No, I intend to go on as I am been beaten by the Romans, once
doing, in order to checkmate those pelted with stones, three times ship-
who would fain make out that wrecked, adrift at sea for a whole
in the apostolate of which they night and day I have been often on 26

boast they work on the same terms my travels, I have been in danger
13 as I do. ' Apostles ? They are
from rivers and robbers, in danger
spurious apostles, false workmen from Jews and Gentiles, through dan-
thev are masquerading as apostles '
gers of town and of desert, through
14 of Christ.' No wonder they do, for dangers on the sea, through dangers
Satan himself masquerades as an among false brothers through 27


labour and hardship, through many from being puffed up three times 8 ;

a sleepless night, through hunger over I prayed the Lord to make it

and thirst, starving many a time, leave me, but he told me, " It is 9
cold and ill-clad, and all the rest enough for you to have my grace :

28 of it. And then there is the press- it is in weakness that [my] power
ing business of each day, the care is fully felt." So I am proud to
29 of all the churches. Who is weak, boast of all my weakness, and thus
and I do not feel his weakness ? to have the power of Christ resting
Whose faith is hurt, and I am not on my life. It makes me satisfied, 10
30 aglow with indignation ? If there for Christ's sake, with weakness,
is to be any boasting, I will boast insults, trouble, persecution, and
of what I am weak enough to calamity ; for I am strong just when]
31 suffer I The God and Father of the I am weak.
Lord Jesus, He who is blessed for Now this is playing the fool ! 11
ever, He knows I am telling the But you forced me to it, instead
32 truth (At Damascus the ethnarch
I of coming forward yourselves and
of king Aretas had patrols out in vouching for me. That was what
the city of the Damascenes to I deserved for, nobody as I am,

arrest me, but I was lowered in a I am not one whit inferior to these
basket from a loophole in the wall, precious ' apostles.' You had all 12
and so managed to escape his the miracles that mark an apostle
12 clutches.) There is nothing to be done for you fully and patiently
gained by this sort of thing, but as miracles, wonders, and deeds of
I am obhged to boast, I will go on to power. Where were you inferior 13
visions and revelations of the Lord. to the rest of the churches ? unless
2 I know a man in Christ who in this, that your apostle did not
fourteen years ago was caught up choose to make himself a burden
to the third heaven. In the body to you. Pray pardon me this
or out of the body ? That I do not terrible wrong !

3 know : God knows. I simply know Here am ready to pa}^ you 14

I all
that in the body or out of the body my third And I will not
4 (God knows which) this man was be a burden to you; I want your-
caught up to paradise and heard selves and not your money. Chil-
sacred secrets which no human lips dren have not to put money by for
5 can repeat. Of an experience like their parents ; that is what parents
that I am prepared to boast, but do for their children. And for your 15

not of myself personally not ex- souls I will gladly spend all and my
cept as regards my weaknesses. be spent myself. Am
I to be loved
6 (If I did care to boast of other the less because I love you more
things I would be no ' fool,' for I than others ?
would have a true tale to tell; But let that pass, you say; I was 16
however, I abstain from that not a burden to you^ no, but I was
I want no one to take me for more clever enough to dupe you with
than he can see in me or make out my tricks ? Was I ? Did I make 17
7 from me.) My wealth of visions something out of you by any of my
might have puffed me up, so I was messengers? I asked Titus to go, 18
given a thorn in the flesh, an angel and with him I sent our brother.
of Satan to rack me and keep me Titus did not make anything out of
you, did he? And did not I act by the power of God and though

in the same spirit as he did? Did I am weak as he was weak, you will
I not take the very same steps ? find I am alive as he is alive by the
19 You tliink all this time I am power of God. Put yourselves
defending myself to you? No, I to the proof, not me; test your-
amspeaking in Christ before the selves, to see if you are in the
presence of God, and speaking faith. Do you not understand
every word, beloved, in order to that Jesus Christ is within you?
20 build you up. For I am afraid Otherwise you must be failures.
T may perhaps come and find you But I trust you will find I am no
are not what I could wish, while failure, and I pray to God that you
you msLy find Iam not what you
may not go wrong not to prove
could wish; I am afraid of finding I am a success, that is not the
quarrels, jealousy, temper, rivalry, point, but that you should come
slanders, gossiping, arrogance, and right, even if I seemed to be a

21 disorder afraid that when I come failure. (Fail or succeed, I cannot
back to you, myGod may humiliate work against the truth but for
me before you, and I may have to it !) I am glad to be weak if you 9
mourn for many who sinned some are strong; mend your ways,
time ago and yet have never re- is all I ask. I am
writing thus to 10
pented of the impurity, the sexual you in absence, so that when I do
vice, and the sensuality which they come I may not have to deal
have practised. sharply with you; I have the
13 This will be my third visit to Lord's authority for that, but he
you every case is to be decided on
: gave it to me for building you up,
the evidence of two or of three wit- not for demolishing you.
2 nesses, I warned you already, on Now brothers, goodbye; mend 11
mysecond visit, and I warn you your ways, listen to what I have
now before I come, both you who told you, live in harmony, keep the
sinned some time ago and the rest of peace; then the God of love and
you as well, that I will spare no one peace will be with you.
3 if I come back. That will prove to Salute one another with a holy 12
you that I am
indeed a spokesman kiss. All the saints salute you. 13
of Christ. It is no weak Christ ,The grace of the Lord Jesus 14
you have to do with, but a Christ Christ and the love of God and the
4 of power. For though he v/as fellowship of the holy Spirit be
crucified in his weakness, he lives with you all.


1 Paul an apostle not appointed me what it I had it by a
by men nor commissioned by any revelation ofJesus Christ. You 13
man but by Jesus Christ and God know the story of my past career
the Father who raised him from in Judaism; you know how furi-

2 the dead, with all the brothers ously I persecuted the church of God
who are beside me, to the churches and harried it, and how I outstripped 14
3 of Galatia ; grace and peace to you many of my own age and race in
from God our Father and the Lord my special ardour for the ancestral
4 Jesus Christ who gave himself for traditions of my house. But the 15
our sins to rescue us from the God who had set me apart from

present evil world by the will of my very hirth called me by his
6 our God and Father, to whom be grace, and when he chose to reveal 16
glory for ever and ever : Amen. his Son to me, that I might preach
6 I am astonished you are hastily him to the Gentiles, instead of
shifting like this, deserting Him consulting with any human being,
who called you by his grace and instead of going up to Jerusalem 17
7 going over to another gospel. It to see those who had been apostles
simply means that certain indi- before me, I went off at once to
viduals are unsettling you; they Arabia, and on my return I came
want to distort the gospel of back to Damascus. Then, after 18
8 Christ. Now even though it were three years, I w^ent up to Jeru-
myself or some angel from heaven, salem to make the acquaintance of
whoever preaches a gospel that Cephas. I stayed a fortnight with
contradicts the gospel I preached him. I saw no other apostle, only 19
9 to you, God's curse be on him !I James the brother of the Lord.
have said it before and I now repeat (I am writing you the sheer truth, 20
it: whoever preaches a gospel to I swear it before God!) Then 121
you that contradicts the gospel you went to the districts of Syria and
have already received, God's curse of Cilicia. Personally I was quite 22
be on him ! unknown to the Christian churches
10 Now is that ' appealing to the of Judaea ; they merely heard that 23
interests of men ' or of God ? '
our former persecutor is now
Trying to * satisfy men ? Why, if
' preaching the faith he once harried,'
I still tried to give satisfaction to which made them praise God for 24
human masters, I would be no me. Then, fourteen years later, I 2
11 servant of Christ. No, brothers, went up to Jerusalem again, accom-
I tell you the gospel that I preach panied by Barnabas I took Titus

12 is not a human affair; no man put with me also. (Itwas in consequence 2

it into my hands, no man taught of a revelation that I went up at

all.) I submitted the gospel I am of the circumcision party. The 13

in the habit of preaching to the rest of the Jewish Christians also
Gentiles, submitting it privately played false along with him, so
to the authorities, to make sure much so that even Barnabas was
that my
course of action would be carried away by their false play.
3 and had been sound. But even But I saw they were swerving from 14
my companion Titus,
Greek though the true line of the gospel ; so I said
he was, was not obliged to be cir- to Cephas in presence of them all,
4 cumcised. There were traitors of " If you live like the Gentiles and
false brothers, who had crept in not like the Jews, though you are
to spy out the freedom we enjoy a Jew yourself, why do you oblige
in Christ Jesus; they did aim at the Gentiles to become Jews ? "
5 enslaving us again. But we re- We may be Jews by birth and 15
fused to yield for a single instant not ' Gentile sinners,' but since we 16
to their claims ; we were deter- know a man is justified simply by
mined that the truth of the gospel faith in Jesus Christ and not by
6 should hold good for you. Besides, doing what the Law commands,
the so-called * authorities ' (it makes we ourselves have believed in Christ
no difference to me what their Jesus so as to get justified by faith
status used to be
God pays no in Christ and not by doing what the
regard to the externals of men), Law commands for by doing what
these ' authorities ' had no addi- the law commands no person shall
7 tions to make to my
gospel. On he justified. If it is discovered that 17
the contrary, when they saw I had in our quest for justification in
been entrusted with the gospel for Christ we are ' sinners ' as well
the benefit of the uncircumcised, as the Gentiles, does that make
just as Peter had been for the Christ an agent of sin ? Never ! I 18
8 circumcised (for He who equipped really convict myself of transgres-
Peter to be an apostle of the cir- sion when I rebuild what I de-
cumcised equipped me as well for stroyed. For through the Law I 19
the uncircumcised), and when they died to the Law that I might live
recognized the grace I had been for God ; I have been crucified 20
9 given, then the so-called pillars*
with Christ, and it is no longer I
of the church, James and Cephas who live, Christ lives in me; the
and John, gave myself and Barna- life I now live in the flesh I live
bas the right hand of fellowship. by faith in the Son of God who
Our sphere was to be the Gentiles, loved me and gave himself up for
10 theirs the circumcised. Only, we me. I do not annul God's grace; 21
were to remember the poor. I was
' ' but if righteousness comes by way
quite eager to do that myself. of the Law, then indeed Christ's
11 But when Cephas came to Antioch, death was useless.
I opposed him to his face. The
12 man stood self-condemned. Be-
fore certain emissaries of James O SENSELESS Galatiaus, who has 3
arrived, he ate along with the
Gentile Christians ; but when they

bewitched you you who had Jesus
Christ the crucified placarded before
arrived, he began to draw back and your very eyes? I simply want 2
hold aloof, because he was afraid to ask you one thing: did you
; '


receive the Spirit by doing what annuls it or adds a codicil to it.

the Law commands or by believing Now the Promises were made to 16
3 the gospel message ? Are you such Abraham and to his offspring ; it
fools? Did you begin with the isnot said, and to your offsprings

Spirit only to end now with the in the plural, but in the singular
4 flesh? Have you had all that
and to your offspring which is
experience for nothing (if it has Christ. My point is this the Law 17

5 really gone for nothing) ? When which arose four hundred and thirty
He supplies you with the Spirit years later does not repeal a will
and works miracles among you, previously ratified by God, so as
is it because you do what the to cancel the Promise. If the 18
Law commands or because you Inheritance is due to law, it ceases
6 believe the gospel message ? Why, to be due to promise. Now it was
it is as with Abraham, he had by a promise that God bestowed
faith in God and that was counted it on Abraham. Then what about 19
7 to him as righteousness. Well then, the Law? Well, it was inter-
you see that the real sons of polated for the purpose of pro-
Abraham are those who rely on ducing transgressions till such time
8 faith. Besides, Scripture antici- as the Offspring arrived to whom
pated God's justification of the the Promise was made; also, it
Gentiles by faith when it an- was transmitted by means of angels
nounced the gospel beforehand to through the agency of an inter-
Abraham in these terms All
: mediary (an intermediary implies 20
nations shall be blessed in thee, more than one party, but God is
9 So that those who rely on faith are one). Then the Law is contrary 21
blessed along with believing Abra- to God's Promises ? Never Had

10 ham. Whereas a curse rests on all there been any law which had the
who rely upon obedience to the Law power of producing life, righteous-
for it is written, Cursed is everyone ness would really have been due to
who does not hold by all that is law, but Scripture has consigned 22
written in the book of the law, to all without exception to the
11 perform it. And because no one custody of sin, in order that the
is justified on the score of the Law promise due to faith in Jesus Christ
before God (plainly, the just shall might be given to those who have
12 live by faith,
and the Law is not faith. Before this faith came, we 23
based on faith no, he who per-
: were confined by the Law and kept
forms these things shall live by them), in custody, with the prospect of
13 Christ ransomed us from the curse the faith that was to be revealed;
of the Law by becoming accursed the Law thus held us as wards in 24
for us (for it is written. Cursed is discipline, till such time as Christ
14 everyone who hangs on a gibbet), that came, that we might be justified
the blessing of Abraham might hy faith. But faith has come, and 25
reach the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, we are wards no longer you are
; 26
so that by faith we might receive all sons of God by your faith in
the promised Spirit. Christ Jesus (for all of you who 27
15 To take an illustration from had yourselves baptized into Christ
human life, my brothers. Once a have taken on the character of
man's will is ratified, no one else Christ). There is no room for Jew 28
or Greek, there is no room for visit,and though my flesh was a 14
slave or freeman, there is no room trial to you, you did not scoff at
for male and female; you are all me nor spurn me, you welcomed
29 one in Christ Jesus. Now if me like an angel of God, like Christ
you are Christ's, then you are Jesus. You congratulated your- 15
Abraham's offspring; in virtue of selves. Now, what has become of
4 the Promise you are heirs. What all that can bear witness that
? (I
I mean is this. As long as an you would have torn out your very
heir is under age, there is no eyes, if you could, and given me
difference between him and a them.) Am I your enemy to-day, 16
servant, though he is lord of all the because I have been honest with
2 property; he isunder guardians you ? These men make much of 17
and trustees
3 his father.
the time fixed by
So with us. When we

you yes, but for dishonest ends;
they want to debar you from us,
were under age, we lived under so that you may make much of
the thraldom of the Elemental them. Now it is fine for you to 18
4 spirits of the world but when the
; be made much of honestly and all
time had fully expired, God sent
the time not simply when I can
forth his Son, born of a woman, be with you. O my dear children, 19
5 born under the Law, to ransom you with whom I am in travail
those who were under the Law, that over again till Christ be formed
6 we might get our sonship. It is within you, would that I could be 20
because you are sons that God has with you at this moment, and alter
sent forth the Spirit of his Son into my tone, for I am at my wits' end
your hearts crying Abba Father
about you Tell me, you who 21

7 So you are servant no longer but are keen to be under the Law, will
son, and as son you are also heir, you not listen to the Law ? Surely 22
all owing to God. it is written in the Law that
8 In those days, when you were Abraham had two sons, one by
ignorant of God, you were in the slave-woman and one by the
servitude to gods who are really free-woman ; but while the son of 23
9 no gods at all ; but now that you the slave-woman was born by the

know God or rather, are known flesh, the son of the free- woman was

by God how is it you are turning born by the promise. Now this 24
back again to the weakness and is an allegory. The women are
poverty of the Elemental spirits? two covenants. One comes from
Why do you want to be enslaved mount Sinai, bearing children
10 all over again by them ? You for servitude ; that is Hagar, for 25
observe days and months and festal mount Sinai * is away in Arabia.
11 seasons and years ! Why, you She corresponds to the present
make me afraid I may have
spent Jerusalem, for the latter is in servi-
my labour on you for nothing tude with her children. But the 26
12 Do take my line, brothers, I beg of Jerusalem on high is free, and

you ^just as I once took yours.
I have no complaint against you;
she is ' our * mother.
For it is 27

13 no, although it was because of an Omitting "hyap as a gloss, with the

illness (you know) that I preached Latin, Sahidic, and Ethiopia versions,
the gospel to you on my former K C G, Oiigen, and many others.
; ;

Rejoice, O thou barren who hearest in love. You were doing splen- 7
not, didly. Who wasthat prevented
break into
joy, thou who you from obeying the Truth?
travailest That sort of suasion does not come 8
for the children of the desolate from Him who called you ! (A 9
woman are far more than of morsel of leaven will leaven the
the married, whole lump.) I feel persuaded 10
28 Now you are the children of in the Lord that you will not go
29 the Promise, brothers, Hke Isaac wrong. But he who unsettles you
but just as in the old days the son will have to meet his doom, no
born by the flesh persecuted the matter who he is. I am ' still 11
son born by the Spirit, so it is still preaching circumcision myself,' am
30 to-day. However, what does the I ? Then, brothers, why am I still
scripture say ? Put away the slave- being persecuted? And so the
woman and her son, for the son of stumbling-block of the cross has
the slave-woman shall not he heir lost its force, forsooth ! O that 12
along with the son of the free- those who are upsetting you would
31 woman. Hence we are children get themselves castrated !

of no slave-woman, my brothers, Brothers, you were called to be 13

5 but of the free- woman,* with the free; only, do not make your free-
freedom for which Christ set us dom an opening for the flesh, but
free. Make a firm stand then, serve one another in love. For 14
do not slip into any yoke of the entire Law is summed up in one
servitude. word, in You must love your neigh-
2 Here, listen to Paul I I tell you, bour as yourself (whereas, if you 15
you get circumcised, Christ
if will snap at each other and prey upon
3 be no use to you. I insist on this each other, take care in case you
again to everyone who gets cir- destroy one another). I mean, 16
cumcised, that he is obliged to lead the life of the Spirit then you

carry out the whole of the Law. will never satisfy the passions of
4 You are for justification by the the flesh. For the passion of the 17
Law? Then you are done with flesh is against the Spirit, and
Christ, you have deserted grace, the passion of the Spirit against the
5 for it is by faith that ' we wait '

flesh the two are at issue, so that
in the Spirit for the righteousness you are not free to do as you please.
6 we hope for; in Christ Jesus cir- If you are under the sway of the 18
cumcision is not valid, neither is un- Spirit, you are not under the Law.
circumcision, but only faith active Now the deeds of the flesh are quite 19
obvious, such as sexual vice, im-
Whether ^ ia read after t^ i\ev9epia. purity, sensuality, idolatry, magic, 20
or instead of the opening' words of
Vfj, quarrels, dissension, jealousy, tem-
6^ must be connected with the closing
per, rivalry, factions, party-spirit,
words of 4^^. I think on the whole that
this interpretation of the text, which envy, [murder], drinking bouts, 21
is advocated by modern editors like revelry, and the like; I tell you
Lightfoot and Zahn, has the best claim beforehand as I have told you
to be regarded as authentic ; it goes back
already, that people who indulge in
to Maxcion and has the powerfiil support
of the Latin version, of G, of Origen, such practices will never inherit the
Ambrosiaster, Jerome, and others. Realm of God. But the harvest 22
of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, Spirit will reap life eternal from
good temper, kindliness, generosity, the Spirit. Never let us grow tired 9
23 fidelity, gentleness, self-control : of doing what is right, for if we do
there is no
law against those not faint we will reap our harvest
24 who practice such things. Now at the opportune season. So then, 10
those who belong to Christ* have as we have opportunity, let us do
crucified the flesh with its emotions good to all men and in particular
25 and passions. As we live by the to the household of the faith.
Spirit, let us be guided by the See what big letters I make 11
26 Spirit; let us have no vanity, no when I write you in my own
provoking, no envy of one another. hand I

6 Even if anyone is detected in Thesemen who are keen upon 12

some trespass, brothers, you are you getting circumcised are just
spiritual, you must set the offender men who want to make a grand
right in a spirit of gentleness; let
display in the flesh ^it is simply to
each of you look to himself, in case avoid being persecuted for the cross
2 he too is tempted. Bear one of Christ. Why, even the circum- 13
another's burdens, and so fulfil the cision party do not observe the Law
3 law of Christ. If anyone imagines themselves ! They merely want
he is somebody, he is deceiving you to get circumcised, so as to
4 himself, for he is nobody; let boast over your flesh ! But no 14
everyone bring his own work to the boasting for me, none except in
test ^then he will have something the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
to boast about on his own account, by which the world has been cruci-
and not in comparison with his fied to me and I crucified to the
5 fellows. For everyone will have to world. For what counts is neither 15
bear his own load of responsibility. circumcision nor uncircumcision,
6 Those who are taught must share it isthe new creation. On all who 16
all the blessings of life with those will be guided by this rule may
7 who teach them the Word. Make peace and mercy rest, even upon

no mistake God is not to be the Israel of God.
a man will reap just Let no one interfere with me 17
8 what he sows; he who sows for after this, for I bear branded on
his flesh will reap destruction from my body the owner's stamp of
the flesh, and he who sows for the Jesus.
Omitting *l7i(rov with D
G, the Latin,
The grace of our Lord Jesus 18
Gothic, and Armenian versions, Marcion, Christ be with your Spirit, brothers.
Chrysostom, and others. Amen.



1 Paul, by the will of God an your faith have been stamped wit
apostle of Christ Jesus, to the the seal of the long-promised hoi}
saints who are faithful * in Christ Spirit which is the pledge and instal- 14
2 Jesus grace and peace to you
; ment of our common heritage, that
from God our Father and the Lord we may obtain our divine posses-
Jesus Christ. sion and so redound to the praise
3 Blessed be the God and Father of his glory.
of our Lord Jesus Christ who in Hence, as I have heard of your 15
Christ has blessed us with every faith in the Lord Jesus and your
4s spiritual blessing He chose us
! love for all the saints, I never cease 16
in him ere the world was founded, to give thanks for you, when I
to be consecrated and unblemished mention you in my prayers. May 17
5 in his sight, destining us in love to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
be his sons through Jesus Christ. the glorious Father, grant you the
6 Such was the purpose of his will, Spirit of wisdom and revelation ^

redounding to the praise of his for the knowledge of himself, '

glorious grace bestowed on us in illuminating the eyes of your heart 18

7 the Beloved, in whom we enjoy our so that you can understand the
redemption, the forgiveness of our hope to which He calls us, the
trespasses, by the blood he shed. wealth of his glorious heritage in
8 So richly has God lavished his grace the saints, and the surpassing 19
9 upon us ! He has granted us com- greatness of his power over us
plete insight and understanding of believers a power which operates
the open secret of his will, showing with the strength of the might
us how it was the purpose of his which he exerted in raising Christ 20
10 design so to order it in the fulness of from the dead and seating him at
the ages that all things in heaven his right hand in the heavenly
and earth alike should be gathered sphere, above all the angelic Rulers, 21
up in Christ ^in the Christ in whom Authorities, Powers, and Lords,
w^e have had our heritage allotted above every Name that is to be
us (as was decreed in the design named not only in this age but in
of him who carries out everything the age to come he has put every- 22
according to the counsel of his thing under his feet and set him
12 will), to make us redound to the as head over everything for the
praise of his glory by being the church, the church which is his 23
first to put our hope in Christ. Body, filled by him who fills the
13 You also have heard the message universe entirely. And as with us 2
of the truth, the gospel of your so with you. You were dead in
salvation, and in him you also by the trespasses and sins in which you 2
* Omitting [iy 'E^eVy]. moved as you followed the course

of this world, under the sway of the his own he put an end to the

prince of the air the spirit which is feud of the Law
with its code of
at present active within those sons commands, so as to make peace by
3 of disobedience among whom all the creation of a new Man in him-
of us lived, we as well as you, when self out of both parties, so as him- 16
we obeyed the passions of our flesh, self to give the death-blow to that
carrying out the dictates of the feud by reconciling them both to
flesh and its impulses, when we God in one Body through the cross
were objects of God's anger by he came with a gospel of peace for 17
4 nature like the rest of men. But, those far away (that is, for 5''ou) and
dead in trespasses as we were, God for those who were near, for it is 18
was so rich in mercy that for his through him that we both enjoy
5 great love to us he made us live our access to the Father in one
together with Christ (it is by grace Spirit. Thus you are strangers 19
6 you have been saved) together ; and foreigners no longer, you share
with Christ he raised and seated the membership of the saints, you
us \\'ithin the heavenly sphere in belong to God's own household,
7 Christ Jesus, to display throughout you are a building that rests on 20
ages to come his surpassing wealth the apostles and prophets as its
of grace and goodness toward us in foundation, with Christ Jesus as
8 Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you the cornerstone in him the whole 21

have been saved, as you had faith structure is welded together and
it is not your doing but God's gift, rises into a sacred temple in the
9 not the outcome of what you have Lord, and in him you are yourselves
done lest anyone should pride built into this to form a habitation
10 himself on that God has made us
; for God in the Spirit.
what we are, creating us in Christ
Jesus for the good deeds which OHAF.
are prepared beforehand by God For this reason I Paul, I whom 3
as our sphere of action. Jesus has made a prisoner for the
11 Remember then that once upon a
sake of you Gentiles for surely 2
time you Gentiles in the flesh, who you have heard how the grace of
are called 'the Uncircumcision God which was vouchsafed me in
by that so-called 'Circumcision' your interests has ordered it, how 3
which is itself the product of the divine secret was disclosed to
human hands in the flesh re- me by a revelation (if you read
12 member you were in those days what I have already written briefly
outside Christ, aliens to the com- about this, you can understand 4
monwealth of Israel, and strangers my insight into that secret of Christ
to the covenants of the Promise, which was not disclosed to the 6
devoid of hope and God within sons of men in other generations
13 the world. Whereas now, within as it has now been revealed to his
Christ Jesus, you who once were sacred apostles and prophets by
far away have been brought near the Spirit), namely, that in Christ 6
14 by the blood of Christ. For he is Jesus the Gentiles are co-heirs,
our peace, he who has made both companions, and co-partners in
of us a unity and destroyed the the * Promise. Such is the gospel
15 barrier which kept us apart; in Omitting [outoC].
7 which I was called to serve by the
endowment of God's grace which As the Lord's prisoner, then, I 4
was vouchsafed me, by the energy beg of you to live a life worthy of
8 of his power less than the least of
; your calling, with perfect modesty 2
all saints as I am, this grace was and gentleness, showing forbear-
vouchsafed me, that I should bring ance to one another patiently,
the Gentiles the gospel of the zealous in love to preserve the 3
9 fathomless wealth of Christ and unity of the Spirit by binding
enlighten all men upon the new peace upon yourselves. For there 4
order of that divine secret which is one Body and one Spirit
as you
God the Creator of all concealed were called for the one hope that

10 from eternity ^intending to let the
belongs to your call one Lord, one 5
full sweep of the divine wisdom be faith, one baptism, one God and 6
disclosed now by the church to the Father of all, who is over us all,
angelic Rulers and Authorities in who pervades us all, who is within
11 the heavenly sphere, in terms of us all. But each one of us is 7
the eternal purpose which he has granted his own grace as deter-
realized in Christ Jesus our Lord, mined by the full measure of
12 through whom, as we have faith in Christ's gift. Thus it is said, 8
him, we enjoy our confidence of free When he ascended on high he led
access. a host captive
13 So Ibeg of you not to lose heart and granted gifts to men.
over what I am suffering on your What does he ascended mean ex- 9
behalf ; my sufferings are an honour cept that he first descended to the
to you. nether regions of the earth? He 10
14 For this reason then I kneel before who descended is he who ascended
15 the Father from whom every family above all the heavens to fill the
in heaven and on earth derives its universe; he granted some men to 11
16 name and nature, praying Him out be apostles, some to be prophets,
of the wealth of his glory to grant some to be evangelists, some to
you a mighty increase of strength shepherd and teach, for the equip- 12
by his Spirit in the inner man. ment of the saints, for the business
17 May Christ dwell in your hearts as of the ministry, for the upbuilding
you have faith May you be so
! of the Body of Christ, till we should 13
18 fixed and founded in love that you all attain the unity of the faith and
can grasp vdth all the saints what knowledge of God's Son, reaching
is the meaning of * the Breadth,' maturity, reaching the full measure
the Length,' * the Depth,' and of development which belongs to
19 * the Height,' by knowing the love
the fulness of Christ instead of 14
of Christ which surpasses all know- remaining immature, blown from
ledge !May you be filled with the our course and swayed by every
20 entire fulness of God ! Now to passing wind of doctrine, by the
him who by the action of his power adroitness of men who are dexterous
within us can do all things, aye far in devising error; we are to hold 15
more than we ever ask or imagine, by the truth, and by our love to
21 to him be glory in the church and grow up wholly into Him. For He,
in Christ Jesus throughout all gene- Christ, is the head ani under h'm, 16
rations for ever and ever : Amen. as the entire Body is welded to-
gether and compacted by every joint them. And do not vex God's holy 80
with which it is suppHed, the due act- Spirit, by whom you have been
ivity of each part enables the Body sealed for the day of redemption.
to grow and build itself up in love. Drop all bitter feeling and passion 31
17 Now
in the Lord I insist and and anger and clamouring and
protest that you must give up insults, together with all malice;
living like pagans; for their pur- be kind to each other, be tender- 82
18 poses are futile, their intelligence hearted, be generous to each other
is darkened, they are estranged from as God has been generous to you in
the hfe of God by the ignorance Christ. Copy God, then, as his be- 5
which their dulness of heart has loved children, and lead lives of love, 2

19 produced in them men who have just as Christ loved you and gave
recklessly * abandoned themselves himself up for you to be a fragrant
to sensuality, with a lust for the offering and sacrifice to God.
business of impurity in every shape Never let any sexual vice or 8
20 and form. That is not how you impurity or lust be so much as
have understood the meaning of
mentioned by you that is the
21 Christ (for it is Christ whom you proper course for saints to take;
have been taught, it is in Christ no, nor indecent, silly, or scurrilous 4
that you have been instructed
talk all that is improper. Rather,
the real Christ who is in Jesus); voice your thanks to God. Be 5
22 you must lay aside the old nature sure of this, that no one guilty
which belonged to your former of sexual vice or impurity or lust
course of life, that nature which (that is, an idolater) possesses any
crumbles to ruin under the passions inheritance in the realm of Christ
23 of moral deceit, and be renewed in and God. Let no one deceive you 6
24 the spirit of your mind, putting on with specious arguments; these
the new nature, that divine pattern are the vices that bring down God's
which has been created in the up- anger on the sons of disobedience.
right and pious character of the So avoid the company of such men. 7
25 Truth. Lay aside falsehood, then, For while once upon a time you 8
let each tell his neighbour the truth, were darkness, now in the Lord you
for we are members one of another. are light lead the life of those who

26 Be angry but do not sin ; never let are children of the light (for the 9
the sun set upon your exaspera- fruit of light consists in all that is
27 tion, give the devil no chance. Let good and right and true), verifying 10
28 the thief steal no more rather let; what pleases the Lord. Have no- 11
him work and put his hands to an thing to do with the fruitless enter-
honest task, so as to have some- prises of the darkness ; rather expose
thing to contribute to the needy. them. One is indeed ashamed even 12
29 Let no bad word pass your lips, to speak about what such men do
but only such speech as is good for in secret ; still, whatever the light 13
edification, as occasion may require, exposes becomes illuminated for
words that are gracious and a anything that is illuminated turns
means of grace to those who hear into hght. Thus it is said, 14
Reading airriXTriKSTes with D G, the
Wake up, O sleeper, and rise
Latin version, the Syriao Vulgate, from the dead
Irenaeus, Victorious, eto. so Christ will shine upon you.'
15 Be strictly* careful then about man leave father and mother and
the lifeyou lead ; act like sensible cleave to his wife, and the pair shall
16 men, not like thoughtless ; make be one flesh. This is a profound 32
the very most of your time, for symbol, I mean as regards Christ
17 these are evil days. So do not be and the church. However, let 33
but understand what is
senseless, every man of you love his wife as
18 the Lord's will ; and do not get himself, and let the wife reverence

drunk with wine ^that means pro- her husband. Children, obey your 6
but be filled with the parents in the Lord, for this is
19 Spirit, converse with one another right; honour your father and mother 2
in the music of psalms, in hymns, (it is the first command with a
and in songs of the spiritual life, promise), that it may be well with 3
praise the Lord heartily with words you and that you may live long on
20 and music, and render thanks to earth. As for you fathers, do not 4
God the Father in the name of our exasperate your children, but bring
Lord Jesus Christ at all times and them up in the discipline and on
for all things. the admonitions of the Lord.
21 Be subject to one another out of Servants, be obedient to those 5
22 reverence for Christ. Wives, be who are your masters here below
subject to your husbands as to the with reverence and trembling, with
23 Lord, for the husband is the head singleness of heart as to Christ
of the wife as Christ also (though himself instead of merely working
; 6
he is the saviour of the Body) is the when their eye is on you, like those
24 head of the church; as the church who court human favour, do God's
is subject to Christ, so wives are will from the heart like servants of 7
to be subject to their husbands Christ, by rendering service with
25 in every respect. Husbands, love goodwill as to the Lord and Master,
your wives, just as Christ loved the not to men. Be sure that everyone, 8
church and gave himself up for her slave or free, will be paid back by
26 to consecrate her by cleansing her the Lord and Master for the good he
in the bath of baptism as she utters has done. And as for you masters, 9
27 her confession, in order to have the act by your servants in the same
church as his very own, standing way, and stop threatening them;
before him in all her glory, with be sure that they and you have a
never a spot or wrinkle or any such Lord and Master in heaven, and
flaw, but consecrated and un- thereis no partiality about him.
28 blemished. So ought husbands to To conclude. Be strong in the 10

love their wives to love them as Lord and in the strength of his
their own bodies (he who loves his might; put on God's armour so 11
29 wife loves himself). For no one as to be able to stand against the
ever hates his flesh; no, he nour- stratagems of the devil. For we 12
ishes and cherishes it (just as Christ have to struggle not with blood and
30 does the church, for we are members flesh but with the angelic Rulers,
31 of his Body).t Therefore shall a the angelic Authorities, the poten-
tates of the dark present, the spirit-
Reading axpi^ws xs with fc{*, B, forces of evil in the heavenly
Origen, etc.
sphere. So take God's armour, 13
f Omitting [^K rrjs ffapKbs avrov real 4k rSiv
iffTfcov ainov] with J?*, A B, Origen, etc. I that you may be able to make a
stand upon the evil day and hold to speak and open my lips in order
your ground by overcoming all to expound fully and freely that
14 the foe. Hold your ground, tighten open secret of the gospel for the 20
the belt of truth about your loins, sake of which I am in custody as
wear integrity as your coat of mail, its envoy. Pray that I may have
15 and have your feet shod with the freedom to declare it a,s I should.
stability of the gospel of peace Our beloved brother Tychicus, a 21
16 above all, take faith as your shield, faithful minister in the Lord, will
to enable you to quench all the give you all information about me,
fire-tipped darts flung by the evil so that you may know how I
17 one, put on salvation as your hel- am ; that is why I am sending 22
met, and take the Spirit as your him to you, to let you know
sword (that is, the word of God), how I am and to encourage your
18 praying at all times in the Spirit hearts.
with all manner of prayer and en- Peace and love with faith be to 23

treaty be alive to that, attend to the brothers from God the Father
it unceasingly, interceding on be- and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace 24
19 half of all the saints and on my be with all who have an undying
behalf also, that I may be allowed I
love for our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Paul and Timotheus, servants praetorian guard and everywhere
of Christ Jesus, to all the saints in am im-
else it is recognized that I
Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, as prisoned on account of my con-
well as to the bishops and deacons : nexion with Christ, and my im- 14
2 grace and peace to you from God prisonment has given the majority
our Father and the Lord Jesus of the brotherhood greater con-
Christ. fidence in the Lord to venture on
8 I thank my God for all your speaking the word of God without
4 remembrance of me ; in all my being afraid. Some of them, it is 16
prayers for you all I always pray true, are actually preaching Christ
5 with a sense of joy for what you from envy and rivalry, others from
have contributed to the gospel from goodwill ; the latter do it from love 16
the very first day down to this to me, knowing that I am set here
6 moment ; of this I am confident, to defend the gospel, but the former 17
that he who
has begun the good proclaim Christ for their own ends,
work in you will go on completing with mixed motives, intending to
7 it until the day of Jesus Christ. It annoy me as I lie in prison. What 18
is only natural for me to be think- does it matter? Anyhow, for ul-
ing of you all in this way, for alike terior ends or honestly, Christ is
in my prison and as I defend and being proclaimed, and I rejoice over
vindicate the gospel, I bear in mind that ; yes and I will rejoice over it.
how you all share with me in the The outcome of all this, I know, 19
8 grace divine. God is my witness will he my release, as you continue
that I yearn for you all with the to pray for me, and as I am pro-
affection of Christ Jesus himself I vided with the Spirit of Jesus
9 And it is my prayer that your love
Christ my eager desire and hope 20
may be more and more rich in being that I may never feel
knowledge and all manner of in- ashamed but that now as ever I
you to have a sense
sight, enabling may do honour to Christ in my
10 of what is vital, so that you may own person by fearless courage.
be transparent and no harm to Whether that means life or death,
anyone in view of the day of Christ, no matter ! As life means Christ 21
11 your life covered with that harvest to me, so death means gain. But 22
of righteousness which Jesus Christ then, if it is to be life here below,
produces to the glory and the
that means fruitful work. So well,
praise of God. I cannot tell which to choose ; I 23
12 I would have you understand, am in a dilemma between the two.
my brothers, that my affairs have My strong desire is to depart and
really tended to advance the gos- be with Christ, for that is far the
X3 pel ; throughout the whole of the best. But for your sakes it is 24

25 necessary I should live on here be- Therefore God raised him high and 9
low. I am and so I know
sure it is, conferred on him a Name above all
I shall remain alive and serve you names, so that before the Name 10
all by forwarding your progress of Jesus every knee should bend in
and fostering the joy of your faith. heaven, on earth, and underneath
26 Thus you will have ample cause to the earth, and every tongue confess 11
glory in Christ Jesus over me over that * Jesus Christ is Lord,* to the
my return to you. glory of God the Father.
27 Only, do lead a hfe that is Therefore, my beloved, as you 12
worthy of the gospel of Christ. have been obedient always and
Whether I come and see you or not simply when I was present, so,
only hear of you in absence, let now that I am absent, work all the
me know you stand firm in a more strenuously at your salvation
common spirit, fighting side by with reverence and trembling, for 13
side like one man for the faith of it is God who in his goodwill en-
28 the gospel. Never be scared for ables you to this and to
a second by your opponents your ; achieve it. that you do, avoid 14
In all
fearlessness is a clear omen of ruin grumbling and disputing, so as to 15
for them and of your own salvation be blameless and innocent, fault-
29 at the hands of God. For on less children of God in a crooked
behalf of Christ you have the and perverse generation where you
favour of suffering no less than of shine like stars in a dark world;
30 believing in him, by waging the hold fast the word of life, so that I 16
same conflict that, as once you can be proud of you on the Day
saw and now you hear, I wage my- of Christ, because I have not run
2 self. So by all the stimulus of or worked for nothing. Even if 17 my
Christ, by every incentive of love, life-blood has to be poured as a
by all your participation in the libation on the sacred sacrifice of
Spirit, by all your affectionate faith you are offering to God, I
2 tenderness, I pray you to give me rejoice, I congratulate you all and 18
the utter joy of knowing you are you in turn must rejoice and con-
living in harmony, with the same gratulate me.
feelings of love, with one heart and I hope in the Lord Jesus to send 19
3 soul, never acting for private ends you Timotheus before long, that
or from vanity, but humbly con- I may be heartened by news of
sidering each other the better man, you. I have no one like him, for 20
4 and each with an eye to the inter- genuine interest in your welfare.
ests of others as well as to his own. Everybody is selfish, instead of 21
5 Treat one another with the same caring for Jesus Christ. But you 22
spirit as you experience in Christ know how he has stood the test,
6 Jesus. Though he was divine by how he has served with me in
nature, he did not snatch at the gospel, hke a son helping his
7 equality with God but emptied father. I hope to send him then, 23
himself by taking the nature of a as soon as ever I see how it will go
8 servant ; born in human guise and
with me though I am confident in 24
appearing in human form, he hum- the Lord that I will be coming my-
bly stooped in his obedience even self before long. As for Epaphro- 25
to die, and to die upon the cross. ditus, however, my brother, mv


fellow-worker, my fellow-soldier, indeed I count anything a loss, 8

and your messenger to meet my compared to the supreme value of
wants, I think it necessary to send knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.
26 you him at once, for he has been For his sake I have lost everything
yearning for you all. He has been (I count it all the veriest refuse)
greatly concerned because you in order to gain Christ and be 9
27 heard he was ill. And he was ill, found at death in him, possessing
nearly dead with illness. But God no legal righteousness of my own
had mercy on him, and not only but the righteousness of faith in
on him but on me, to save me from Christ, the divine righteousness
having one sorrow upon another. that rests on faith. I would know 10
28 So I am specially eager to send him, him in the power of his resurrection
that you may be glad when you and the fellowship of his sufferings,
see him again, and thus my own with my nature transformed to
29 anxiety may be lightened. Give die as he died, to see if I too can 11
him a welcome in the Lord, attain the resurrection from the
then, with your hearts full of joy. dead. Not that I have already 12
30 Value men like that, for he nearly attained this or am already perfect,
died in the service of Christ by but I press forward to appropriate it
risking his life to make up for the because I have been appropriated
services you were not here to myself by Christ Jesus, Brothers, 13
render me. I for one do not consider myself
to have appropriated this ; my one
thought is, by forgetting what lies
3 Well then, my brothers, rejoice behind me and straining to what
in the Lord. I am repeating this lies before me, to press on to the 14
word * rejoice ' in my
letter, but goal for the prize of God's high call
that does not tire me and it is the in Christ Jesus. For all those of 15
2 safe course for you.
Beware of our number Ivho are mature, this
these dogs, these wicked workmen, must be the point of view; God
3 the incision-party ! We
are the true will reveal that to any of you who
Circumcision, we who worship God look at things differently. Only, 16
in spirit, we who pride ourselves we must let our steps be guided by
on Christ Jesus, we who rely upon such truth as we have attained.
4 no outward privilege. Though I Copy me, brothers, one and all 17
could rely on outward privilege, if of you, and notice those who live
I chose. Whoever thinks he can by the example you get from me.
5 rely on that, I can outdo him. I
For many as I have often told 18
was circumcised on the eighth day you and tell you now with tears
after birth ; I belonged to the race many live as enemies of the cross
of Israel, to the tribe of Benjamin; of Christ. Destruction is their fate, 19
I was the Hebrew son of Hebrew the belly is their god, they glory
parents, a Pharisee as regards the in their shame, these men of earthly
6 Law, in point of ardour a persecutor mind 1 But we are a colony of 20
of the church, immaculate by the heaven, and we wait for the Saviour
standard of legal righteousness. who comes from heaven, the Lord
7 But for Christ's sake I have learned Jesus Christ, who will transform 21
to count my former gains a loss; the body that belongs to our low
estate resembles the body of
till it was never the care but the chance
by the same power that
his Glory, of showing it. Not that I com- 11
enables him to make everything plain of want, for I have learned
4 subject to himself. So then, my how to be content wherever I am.
brothers, for whom I cherish love I know how to live humbly; I 12
and longing, my joy and crown, this also know how to live in prosperity.
is how you must stand firm in the I have been initiated into the
Lord, O my beloved. secret for all sorts and conditions
2 I entreat Euodia and I entreat of life, for plenty and for hunger,
Syntyche to agree in the Lord. for prosperity and for privations.
3 And you, my
true comrade, lend In him who strengthens me I am 13
a hand to these women, I beg of able for an3rthing. But you were 14
you; they have fought at side my kind enough to take your share
in the active service of the gospel, in my trouble. You Philippians 15
along with Clement and the rest are well aware that in the early
of my fellow- workers, whose names days of the gospel, when I had left
are in the hook of life, Macedonia, no church but your-
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I selves had any financial dealings
5 will say it again, rejoice.' Let
with me; even when I was in 16
your forbearance be known to Thessalonica, you sent money more
everyone; the Lord is at hand. than once for my needs. It is 17
6 Never be anxious, but always make not the money I am anxious for;
your requests known to God in what I am anxious for is the in-
prayer and supplication with terest that accumulates in this way
7 thanksgiving so shall God's peace,
; to your divine credit ! Your debt 18
that surpasses all our dreams, to me is fully paid and more than
keep guard over your hearts and paid! I am amply supplied with
minds in Christ Jesus. what you have sent by Epaphro-
8 Finally, brothers, keep in mind ditus, a fragrant 'perfume, the sort
whatever is true, whatever is of sacrifice that God approves and
worthy, whatever is just, what- welcomes. My God will supply all 19
ever is pure, whatever is attrac- your own needs from his wealth in
tive, whatever is high-toned, all Glory in Christ Jesus. Glory to 20
9 excellence, all merit. Practise also God our Father for ever and ever:
what you have learned and re- Amen.
ceived from me, what you heard me Salute every saint in Christ 21
say and what you saw me do then ; Jesus. The brothers beside me
the Gk)d of peace will be with you. salute you. All the saints salute 22
10 It was a great joy to me in the you, especially the Imperial slaves.
Lord that your care for me could The grace of the Lord Jesus 23
revive again; for what you lacked Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

1 Paul, by God's will an apostle fied you to share the lot of the
of Christ Jesus, and brother Timo- saints in the Light, rescuing us 13
2 theus, to the consecrated and faith- from the power of the Darlmess
ful brothers in Christ at Colossae : and transferring us to the realm of
grace and peace to you from God his beloved Son I In him we enjoy 14
our Father. our redemption, that is, the forgive-
3 We always thank the God and ness of sins. He is the likeness of 15
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the unseen God, born first before
4 when we pray for you, since we all the creation for it was by him 16
have heard of your faith in Christ that all things were created both in
Jesus and your love for all the heaven and on earth, both the seen
5 saints, due to the hope which is and the unseen, including Thrones,
laid up for you in heaven. You angelic Lords, celestial Powers and
heard of this hope originally in Rulers ; all things have been created
the message of the Truth, in by him and for him ; he is prior to 17
6 that gospel which has reached you alland all coheres in him. Also, 18
as it spreads over all the world he is the head of the Body, that
with fruit and increase. Such has is,of the church, in virtue of his
been your life from the day primacy as the first to be born from
you learned to know what God's the dead
that gives him pre-
7 grace really is. You got that eminence over all. For it was in 19
lesson from our beloved fellow- him that the divine Fulness willed
servant Epaphras, a minister of to settle without limit, and by him it 20
Christ who is faithful to your in- willed to reconcile in his own person
6 terests ;and it is he who has in- all on earth and in heaven alike, in
formed us of your love in the Spirit. a peace made by the blood of his
9 Hence, from the day we heard of it, cross. Once you were estranged 21
we have never ceased to pray for yourselves, your hearts hostile to
you, asking God to fill you with him in evildoing; but now he has
the knowledge of his will in all reconciled you by dying in his 22
10 spiritual wisdom and insight, so mortal body, so as to set you conse-
that you may lead a life that is crated and unblemished and irre-
worthy of the Lord and give him
proachable in his presence ^that is, 23
entire satisfaction. May you be if you adhere to the foundations and
fruitful and increase in the doing of stability of the faith, instead of mov-
all good, as you thus know God ! ing away from the hope you have
11 May his glorious might nerve you learned in the gospel, that gospel
with full power to endure and to be which has been preached to every
patient cheerfully, whatever comes, creature under heaven, and of which
12 thanking the Father who has quali- I Paul was made a minister.

24 I am
suffering now on your be- faith as you have been taught it,
half, I rejoice in that; I would
but and overflowing with thankfulness
make up the full sum of all that to God. Beware of anyone getting 8
Christ has to suffer in my
person hold of you by means of a theosophy
on behalf of the church, his Body which is specious make-believe, on
25 for I am a minister of the church by the lines of human tradition, cor-
the divine commission which has responding to the Elemental spirits
been granted me in your interests, of the world and not to Christ.
to make a full presentation of God's It is in Christ that the entire 9
message of that open secret which, Fulness of deity has settled bodily,
though concealed from ages and it is in him that you reach your full 10
generations of old, has now been life, and he is the Head of every
27 disclosed to the saints of God. It angelic Ruler and Power; in him 11
is His wdll that they should under- you have been circumcised with
stand the glorious wealth which no material circumcision that cuts
this secret holds for the Gentiles, in flesh from the body, but with
the fact of Christ's presence among Christ's own circumcision, when 12
28 you as your hope of glory. This is you were buried with him in your
the Christ we proclaim; we train baptism and thereby raised with
everyone and teach everyone the him as you believed in the power
full scope of this knowledge, in of the God who raised him from
order to set everyone before God the dead. For though you were 13
29 mature in Christ ; I labour for that dead in your trespasses, your flesh
end, striving for it with the divine uncircumcised. He made you live
energy which is a power within me. with Christ, He forgave us all our
2 Striving? Yes, I want you to trespasses. He cancelled the regu- 14
understand my deep concern for lations that stood against us all
you and for those at Laodicea, for these obligations he set aside when
all who have never seen my face. he nailed them to the cross, when 15
2 May their hearts be encouraged ! he cut away the angelic Rulers and
May they learn the meaning of Powers from us, exposing them to
love !May they have all the all the world and triumphing over
wealth of conviction that comes them in the cross. So let no one 16
from insight May they learn to
! take you to task on questions of eat-
know that open secret of God, the ing and drinking or in connexion
3 Father of Christ, in whom all the with the observance of festivals or
treasures of wisdom and knowledge new moons or sabbaths. All that 17
4 he hidden say this to prevent
! I is the mere shadow of what is to
you from being deluded by plau- be ; the substance belongs to Christ.
5 sible arguments from anybody for ; Let no one lay down rules for you 18
although I am absent in body I am as he pleases, with regard to fasting
with you in spirit, and it is a joy and the cult of angels, presuming
to note your steadiness and the on his visions and inflated by his
solid front of your faith in Christ. sensuous notions, instead of keeping 19
6 Since you have had the messiah, in touch with that Head under
even Jesus the Lord, brought to whom the entire Body, supplied with
7 you, lead your life in him, fixed and joints and sinews and thus com-
founded in him, confirmed in the pacted, grows with growth divine.

20 As you died with Christ to the other in any case of complaint ; as
Elemental spirits of the worid, why the Lord forgave you, so must you
live as if you still belonged to the forgive. And above all you must 14
worid? Why
submit to rules and
be loving, for love is the link of
21 regulations like " Hands off this ! the perfect life. Also, let the peace 15
" Taste not that " " Touch not of Christ be supreme within your
22 this !
" referring
to things that

hearts why you have been

^that is
perish by
being used? These members of the one Body.
called as
rules are determined by human And you must be thankful. Let the 16
23 precepts and tenets ; they get the inspiration of Christ dwell in your
name of ' wisdom with their self- '
midst with all its wealth of wis-
imposed devotions, with their fast- dom; teach and train one another
ing, with their rigorous discipline of with the music of psalms, with
the body, but they are of no value, hymns, and songs of the spiritual
they simply pamper the flesh ! life ; praise God with thankful heart.
8 Since then you have been raised Indeed, whatever you say or do, let 17
with Christ, aim at what is above, everything be done in dependence
where Christ is, seated at the right on the Lord Jesus, giving thanks in
2 hand of God ; mind what is above, his name to God the Father.
3 not what is on earth, for you died Wives, be subject to your hus- 18
and your life is hidden with Christ bands ; that is your proper duty in
4 in God. When Christ, who is your the Lord. Husbands, love your 19
life, appears, then you voll appear wives, do not be harsh to them.
5 with him in glory. So put to death Children, obey your parents at 20
those members that are on earth : every point, for this pleases the
sexual vice, impurity, appetite, Lord right well. Fathers, avoid 21
evil desire, and lust (which is irritating your children, in case
6 idolatry), things that bring down they get dispirited. Servants, obey 22
the anger of God on the sons of your masters here below at every
7 disobedience. Once you moved point; do not work simply when
among them when you lived in their eye is on you, like those who
8 them; but off with them all now, court human favour, but serve them
with anger, rage, malice, slander,
off with a single heart out of reverence
9 foul talk Tell no lies to one
! for your Lord and Master. What- 23
another ; you have stripped off ever be your task, work at it
the old nature with its practices, heartily as servants of the Lord
10 and put on the new nature which is and not of men remember, you
; 24
renewed in the likeness of its Creator will receive from the Lord the in-
11 for the knowledge of him. In it there heritance which is your due serve

is no room for Greek and Jew, cir- Christ your Lord and Master, for 25
cumcised and uncircumcised, bar- the wrongdoer will be paid back
barian, Scythian, slave, or free man
for his wrongdoing ^there will be
Christ is everj'^thing and everywhere. no favour shown. Masters, treat 4
12 As God's own chosen, then, your servants justly and fairly;
as consecrated and beloved, be remember you have a Master of
clothed with compassion, kindliness, your own in heaven.
humility, gentleness, and good Attend to your prayers, maintain 2

13 temper ^forbear and forgive each your zest for prayer by thanks-
3 giving ; and pray for me as well, are the only comrades in the work
that God may give me an opening of God's realm, belonging to the
for the word, to speak of the open circumcised, who have been any
secret of Christ for which I am comfort to me. Epaphras, who is 12
4 in custody. Pray that I may un- one of yourselves, salutes you
5 fold it as I should. Let Christian servant of Christ Jesus who is
wisdom rule your behaviour to always earnest in prayer for you,
the outside world make the very
; that you may stand firm like mature
6 most of your time; let your talk and convinced Christians, what-
always have a saving salt of grace ever be the will of God for you. I 13
about it, and learn how to answer can testify to his exertions on your
any question put to you. behalf and on behalf of those at
7 Tychicus, that beloved brother Laodicea and Hierapolis. Our be- 14
and faithful minister and fellow- loved Luke, the doctor, salutes you
servant in the Lord, will give you so does Demas. Salute the brothers 15
8 all information about me. That is at Laodicea, also Nympha and the
why I am sending him to you, to church which meets at her house.
let you know how I am and to en- And when this letter has been 16
9 courage your hearts. He is accom- read to you, see that it is also read
panied by that faithful and be- in the church of the Laodiceans;
loved brother Onesimus, who is also, see that you read the letter that
one of yourselves. They will in- reaches you from Laodicea. And 17
form you of all that goes on here. tell Archippus, ' Attend to the
10 Aristarchus my fellow-prisoner ministry you have received in the
salutes you ; so does Mark the cousin Lord ; see that you fulfil it.'
of Barnabas, about whom you have This salutation is in my own 18
got instructions (if he comes to you, hand, from Paul. ' Remember I
11 give him a welcome); and so does am in prison. Grace be with
Jesus who is called Justus. These you.'



1 Paul and Silvanus and Timo- But you remember yourselves, 2
theus, to the church of the Thessa- brothers, that our visit to you
lonians in God the Father and the was no failure. At Philippi, as 2
Lord Jesus Christ grace and peace
: you know, we had been ill-treated
to you. and insulted, but we took courage
2 We always thank God for you and confidence in our God to tell
all when we mention you constantly you the gospel of God in spite of
3 in our prayers, as we recall your all the strain. For the appeal we 3
active faith and labour of love make does not spring from any
and patient hope in our Lord Jesus delusion or from impure motives
Christ, before our God and Father. it does not work by cunning; no, 4
4 O brothers beloved by God, we God has attested our fitness to be
5 know he has chosen you; for our entrusted with the gospel, and so we
gospel came to you not with mere tell the gospel not to satisfy men
words but also with power and with but to satisfy the God who tests
the holy Spirit, with ample con- our hearts. We never resorted to 5
viction on our part (you know flattery (you know that), nor to
what we were to you, for your own any pretext for self-seeking (God
6 good), and you started to copy is witness to that) we never sought
; 6
us and the Lord, welcoming the honour from men, from you or
word, though it brought you heavy from anybody else, though as
trouble, with a joy inspiredby the apostles of Christ we had the power
7 holy Spirit. Thus you became a of claiming to be men of weight;
pattern to all the believers in Mace- no, we behaved gently when we 7
8 donia and in Achaia for the word
; were among you, like a nursing
of the Lord has resounded from mother cherishing her own children,
you not only through Macedonia fain, in our yearning affection for 8

and Achaia no, your faith in you, to impart not only the gospel
God has reached every place. We of God to you but our very souls
never need to speak about it.
9 People tell us of their own accord
as well you had so won our love.
Brothers, you recollect our hard 9
about the visit we paid to you, labour and toil, how we worked at
and how you turned to God from our trade night and day, when we
idols, to serve a living and a real
^ preached the gospel to you, so as
10 God and to wait for the coming not to be a burden to any of you.
of his Son from heaven
the Son You are witnesses, and so is God, 10
whom he raised from the dead, to our behaviour among you be-
Jesus who rescues us from the lievers, how pious and upright and
Wrath to come, blameless it was, how (as you know) 11
we treated each of you as a father you beforehand, when we were with
treats his children, beseeching you, you, that " we Christians are to
encouraging you, and charging you
have trouble " and, as you know,
12 to lead a life worthy of the God ithas been so.) Well then, unable 5
who called you to his own realm to bear it any longer, I sent to find
and glory. out about your faith, in case the
13 We
thank God constantly for Tempter had tempted you and
this too, that when you received our labour had been thrown away.
the word of the divine message But when Timotheus reached me a 6
from us, you took it not as a human moment ago on his return from
word but for what it really is, the you, bringing me the good news of
word of God. It proves effective in your faith and love and of how
14 you believers, for you have started, you always remember me kindly,
mybrothers, to copy the churches longing to see me as I long to see
of God
in Christ Jesus throughout you, then, amid all my
own dis- 7
Judaea; you have suffered from tress and trouble, I was cheered
your compatriots just as they this faith of yours encouraged me.
15 have suffered from the Jews, who It is life to me now, if you stand 8
killed the Lord Jesus and the firm in the Lord. How
can I 9
prophets, who harassed ourselves, render thanks enough to God for ,

who offend God and oppose all you, for all the joy you make me ,

16 men by hindering us from speaking feel in the presence of our God?

words of salvation to the Gentiles. Night and day I pray specially 10
So they would fill up the measure of that I may see your faces and sup-
their sins to the last drop ! But the ply what is defective in your faith.
Wrath is on them to the bitter end May God and Father and our 11
17 Brothers, when we were bereft direct my way to you
Lord Jesus I

of you for a little while (out of sight, And may the Lord make you in- 12
not out of mind), we were the more crease and excel in love to one
eager to see you. We had a keen another and to all men (as is
18 longing for you. (We did want to my love for you), so as to streng- 13

reach you I did, I Paul, more then your hearts and make them

than once but Satan stopped us.) blameless in holiness before our
19 For who is our hope, our joy, our God and Father when our Lord i

crown of pride (who but you?) Jesus comes with all his holy ones. |

in the presence of our Lord Jesus [Amen.]

20 on his arrival ? Why, you, you
3 are our glory and joy ! So,
unable to bear it any longer, I Finally, brothers, we beg and 4
made up my mind to be left beseech you in the Lord Jesus to
2 behind at Athens all alone I sent ; follow our instructions about the
Timotheus our brother, who works way you are to live so as to satisfy *

with God in the gospel of Christ, God; you are leading that life,
for your strengthening and en- but you are to excel in it still
8 couragement in the faith, to prevent further. You remember the in- 2
anyone being disturbed by these structions we gave you on the
troubles. (Troubles are our lot, authority of the Lord Jesus. It 8
4 you know that well ; for we told is God's will that you should be

consecrated, that you abstain from survive, will be caught up along
4 sexual vice, that each of you should with them in the clouds to meet
learn to take a wife for himself the Lord in the air, and so we will
5 chastely and honourably, not to be with the Lord for ever. Now 18
gratify sensual passion like the then, encourage one another with
Gentiles in their ignorance of God these words.
6 no one is to defraud or overreach As regards the course and periods 5
his brother in this matter, for the of time, brothers, you have no need
Lord avenges all these sins, as we of being written to. You know per- 2
told you already in our solemn fectly well that the day of the Lord
7 protest against them. God did comes like a thief in the night;
not call us to be impure but to be when 'all's well' and *all is safe' 3
8 consecrated; hence, he who dis- are on the lips of men, then all of a
regards this, disregards not man sudden Destruction is upon them,
but the God who gave you his holy like pangs on a pregnant woman
9 Spirit. You need no one to write escape there is none. But, brothers, 4
you upon brotherly love, for you you are not in the darkness for the
are yourselves taught by God to Day to surprise you like thieves ; *
10 love one another, as indeed is your you are all sons of the Light and 5
practice towards all the brothers sons of the day. We do not belong
throughout all Macedonia. We be- to the night or the darkness. Well 6
seech you, brothers, to excel in then, we must not sleep like the
11 this more and more; also, endea- rest of men, but be wakeful and
vour to live quietly, attend to your sober; for sleepers sleep by night 7
own business, and -as we charged and drunkards are drunk by night,

12 you work with your hands, so but we must be sober, we who 8
that your life may be correct in the belong to the day, clad in faith and
eyes of the outside world and self- love as our coat of mail, with the
supporting. hope of salvation as our helmet
13 We would like you, brothers, to for God destined us not for Wrath 9
understand about those who are but to gain salvation through our
asleep in death. You must not Lord Jesus Christ, who died for 10
grieve for them, like the rest of men us that waking in life or sleeping
14 who have no hope. Since we be- in death we should live together
lieve that Jesus died and rose again, with him. Encourage one another, 11
then it follows that by means of therefore, and let each edify the
Jesus God will bring with him
other as indeed you are doing.
15 those who have fallen asleep. For Brothers, we beg you to respect 12
we tell you, as the Lord has told us, those who are working among you,
that we the living, who survive till presiding over you in the Lord and
the Lord comes, are by no means maintaining discipUne; hold them 13
to take precedence of those who in special esteem and affection,
16 have fallen asleep. The Lord him- for the sake of their work. Be
self willdescend from heaven with at peace among yourselves. We 14
^ a loud summons, when the arch- beseech you, brothers, keep a
angel calls and the trumpet of God check upon loafers, encourage the
sounds; the dead in Christ will * Reading /cAeWaj with A B and the
17 rise first; then we the living, who Bohairio version.
faint-hearted, sustain weak souls, May the God of peace consecrate 23
never lose your temper with any- you through and through Spirit,

15 one; see that none of you pays soul, and body, may you be kept
back evil for evil, but always aim without break or blame till the
at what is kind to one another arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ I

16 and to all the world; rejoice at He who calls you is faithful, he will 24
17 all times, never give up prayer, do this.
18 thank God for everything such Pray for us, brothers. 25
is his will for you in Christ Jesus Salute every one of the brothers 26
19 never quench the fire of the Spirit, with a holy kiss. I adjure you 27
20 never disdain prophetic revelations by the Lord to have this letter read
21 but test them all, retaining what aloud to all the [holy] brothers.
22 is good and abstaining from what- The grace of our Lord Jesus 28
ever kind is evil. Christ be with you. [Amen.]

1 Paul and Silvanus and Tlmo- when he comes to he glorified in 10
theus, to the church of the Thessa- his saints
lonians in God our Father and the and marvelled at in all believers
2 Lord Jesus Christ : grace and on that day (for our testimony has
peace to you from God the Father found confirmation * in your lives).
and the Lord Jesus Christ. In view of this we always pray 11
8 We
are bound always to thank for you, asking our God to make

God for you, brothers ^it is proper you worthy of his calling and by his
that we should, because your faith power to fulfil every good resolve
grows apace and your mutual love, and every effort of faith, so that 12
4 one and all, is increasing. So much the name of our Lord Jesus may
so, that throughout the churches he glorified in you (and you glorified
of God we are proud of you, proud in him), by the grace of our God
of the stedfastness and faith you and the Lord Jesus Christ.
display through all the persecutions With regard to the arrival of 2
and the troubles in which you are the t Lord Jesus Christ and our
5 involved. They are proof positive muster before him, I beg you,
of God*s equity; you are suffering brothers, not to let your minds 2
for the realm of God, and he means get easily unsettled or excited by
to make you worthy of it since any spirit of prophecy or any de-
6 God considers it but just claration or any letter purporting
to repay with trouble those who to come from me, to the effect that
trouble you, the Day of the Lord is already
7 and repay you who are troubled here. Let nobody delude you into 3
(as well as us) with rest and this belief, whatever he may say.
relief, It will not come till the Rebellion
when the Lord Jesus is revealed takes place first of all, with the
from heaven revealing of the Lawless J One, the
together with the angels of his doomed One, the adversary who 4
8 power in flaming fire, vaunts himself above and against
to inflict punishment on those who every so-called god or object of
ignore God, worship, actually seating himself
even on those who refuse obedi- in the temple of God with the pro-
ence to the gospel of our Lord clamation that he himself is God.
Jesus, * Reading with Markland and Hort
men who will pay the penalty of (104 469 Ambrosiaster) for the

being destroyed eternally ivia-reierj of most manuscripts and all

from the presence of the Lord 7}fia)v with B Syr^i.
t Omitting
and from the glory of his I Reading avo/.das with &5 B, etc., for
might, the Western paraphrastic afiaprias.

5 Do younot remember I used to tell eternal encouragement and good /

you when I was with you?
this hope, graciously encourage your 17
6 Well, you can recall now what it hearts and strengthen them for all
is that restrains him from being good in word and deed.
revealed before his appointed time.
7 For the secret force of lawlessness
is at work already only, it cannot
Finally, brothers, pray for us, 3
be revealed till he who at present
that the word of the Lord may
restrains it is removed.
speed on and triumph, as in your
8 Then shall the Lawless One be own case, and that we may be 2
delivered from perverse and evil
whom the Lord Jesus will
men for the faith is not held by
destroy with the breath of his
all. However, the Lord is faithful ; 3
he will be sure to strengthen you
and quell by his appearing and and protect you from the Evil
one. Now, we rely on you in 4
9 that One whosearrival is due to the Lord, confident that you do
Satan's activity,
and will do what we enjoin. 5
with the full power, the miracles May the Lord direct your hearts
and portents, of falsehood, towards God's love and towards
10 and with the full deceitfulness Christ's patience !

of evil for those who are

Brothers, we charge you in the 6
doomed to perish,
name of the Lord Jesus Christ to
since they refuse to love the
shun any brother who is loafing,
Truth that would save
instead of following the rule you
them. got * from us. For you know quite 7
11 Therefore God visits them with an well how to copy us; we did not
active delusion,
loaf in your midst, we did not take 8
till they put faith in false-
free meals from anyone no, toiling;

hard at our trade, we worked night
12 so that all may be doomed who
and day, so as not to be a burden
refuse faith in the Truth
to any of you. Not that we have 9
but delight in evil. no right to such support; it was
13 Now we are bound always to simply to give you a pattern to copy.
thank God for you, brothers be- We used to charge you even when we 10
loved by the Lord, because God has
were with you, ' If a man will not
chosen you as the first to be reaped work, he shall not eat.' But we are 11
for salvation, by the consecration
informed that some of your num-
of your and by faith in the
ber are loafing, busybodies instead
14 Truth was for this that he
; it
of busy. Now in the Lord Jesus 12
called you by our gospel, to gain
Christ we charge and exhort such
the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. persons to keep quiet, to do their
15 Well, then, brothers, stand firm

work and earn their own hving.

and hold to the rules which you As for yourselves, brothers, never 13
have learned from us orally or by grow tired of doing what is right.
16 letter. And may our Lord Jesus
Christ himself and God our Father Reading irapeKaBere with B G, etc., for
who has loved us and given us

14 Only, if anyone will not obey our grant you peace continually, what-
orders in this letter, mark that man, ever comes.
do not associate mth him ^that The Lord be with you all.
15 will make him feel ashamed ! You The salutation is in my own hand, 17
are not to treat him as an enemy, Paul's; that is a mark in every
but to put him under discipline as a letter of mine. This is how I write.
brother. '
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ 18
16 May the Lord of peace himself be with you all.'

1 Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus I render thanks to Christ Jesus 12
by command of God our Saviour our Lord, who has made me able
2 and Christ Jesus our Hope, to Timo- for this; he considered me trust-
theus his lawful son in the faith : worthy and appointed me to the
grace, mercy, peace from God the ministry, though I had formerly 13
Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. been a blasphemer and a perse-
3 As I asked you when I was on my cutor and a wanton aggressor. I
way to Macedonia, stay where you obtained mercy because in my
are at Ephesus and warn certain unbelief I had acted out of ignor-
individuals against teaching novel- ance and the grace of our Lord
; 14
4 ties and studying myths and inter- flooded my life along with the
minable genealogies such studies
; faith and love that Christ Jesus
bear upon speculations rather than inspires. It is a sure word, it 15
on the divine order which belongs deserves all praise, that " Christ
5 to faith. Whereas the aim of the Jesus came into the world to save
Christian discipline is the love that sinners " and though I am the

springs from a pure heart, from a foremost of sinners, I obtained 16

good conscience, and from a sincere mercy, for the purpose of furnishing
6 faith. Certain individuals have Christ Jesus with the chief illustra-
failed here by turning to empty tion of his utter patience ; I was to
7 argument ; doctors of the Law is be the typical instance of all who
what they want to be, but they have were to believe in him and gain
no idea either of the meaning of the eternal Hfe. To the King of eter- 17
words they use or of the themes nity, immortal, invisible, the only
8 on which they harp. I am quite God, be honour and glory for ever
aware that the Law is admirable
and ever : Amen.
provided that one makes a law- I transmit these instructions to 18
you, Timotheus my son, in accord-
9 ful use of it ;he must keep in mind
that no law is ever made for honest ance with what the prophets said
people but for the lawless and the who first directed me to you ; fight
insubordinate, for the impious and the good fight on these lines, keep- 19
the sinful, for the irreverent and the ing hold of faith and a good con-
profane, for parricides and matri- science. Certain individuals have
10 cides, murderers, immoral persons, scouted the good conscience and
sodomites, kidnappers, hars, per- thus come to grief over their
jurers, and whatever else is con- faith including Hymenaeus and 20
11 trary to sound doctrine as laid Alexander, whom I have made
down by that glorious gospel of over to Satan. That will teach
the blessed God with which I have them to stop their blasphemous
been entrusted. ongoings 1


2 Well, my very first counsel is that " whoever aspires to office is set
supplications, prayers, petitions, upon an excellent occupation."
and thanksgiving, are to be offered Well, for the office of a bishop a 2
2 for all men for
kings and all in man must be above reproach; he
authority, that we may lead a tran- must be only married once, he must
quil life in all piety and gravity; be temperate, master of himself,
3 it is good to pray thus, it is accept- unruffled, hospitable, a skilled
able to our Saviour, to the God who teacher, not a drunkard or violent, 3
4 desires all men to be saved and to but lenient and conciliatory, not
attain the knowledge of the Truth. a lover of money, able to manage 4
5 For " there is one God " and " one his own household properly and
intermediary between God and men, keep his children submissive and
the man Christ Jesus who gave him- perfectly respectful (if a man does 5
6 self as a ransom for all": in due not know how to manage his own
time this was attested, and I was ap- household, how is he to look after
7 pointed to be its herald and apostle the church of God?); he must not 6
(I am not telling a lie, it is quite be a new convert, in case he gets
true), to teach the Gentiles faith conceited and incurs the doom
and truth. passed on the devil ; also, he must 7
8 Now want the men to offer
I have a good reputation among
prayer at any meeting of the church outsiders, in case he incurs slander
and let the hands they lift to and is trapped by the devil.

heaven be holy they must be free Deacons in turn are to be serious 8
9 from anger and dissension. Women men; they are not to be tale-
in turn are to dress modestly and bearers or addicted to drink or
quietly in seemly garb; they are pilfering; they must maintain the 9
not to adorn themselves with plaits divine truth of the faith with a pure
of hair, with gold or pearls or ex- conscience. They too must be put 10
10 pensive finery, but with good deeds on probation; after that, if they
(as befits women who make a re- are above reproach, they can serve
11 ligious profession). A
woman must as deacons. Their wives must be 11
listen quietly in church and be serious too; they must not be
12 perfectly submissive; I allow no slanderers but temperate and ab-
woman to teach or dictate to men, solutely trustworthy. Deacons are 12
13 she must keep quiet. For Adam only to be married once, and they
14 was created first, then Eve; and must manage their children and
Adam was not deceived, it was households properly. For those 13
Eve who was deceived and who fell who do good service as deacons win
16 into sin. However, women will get a good position for themselves as
safely through childbirth if they well as great freedom in the faith
continue to be faithful and loving of Christ Jesus.
and holy as well as unassuming. Though I hope to come to you 14
8 It is a popular * saying that before long, I am writing to you
* Reading avdpdoirtvos with D, the Old in this way, in case I am detained, 15
Latin, Anabrosiaster, and Western codices to let you see how people ought
known to Jerome. It is much more easy to behave within the household of
to understand how it was altered to '!n(TT6s
for the sake of uniformity with i. 16, etc., God ; it is the church of the living
than vice versa. God, the pillar and bulwark of the
16 Truth. And who does not admit Give these orders and teach these 11
how profound is the divine truth lessons. Let no one slight you 12
of our religion ?

it is He who was because you are a youth, but set
manifest in the flesh, the believers an example of speech,
vindicated by the Spirit, behaviour, love, faith, and purity.
seen by the angels, Attend to your Scripture-reading, 13
preached among the nations, your preaching, and your teaching,
believed on throughout the world, till I come. You have a gift that 14
taken up to glory." came to you transmitted by the
4 But
in later days, the Spirit prophets, when the presbytery laid
distinctly declares, certain people their hands upon you; do not
will rebel against the faith; they neglect that gift. Attend to these 15
will listen to spirits of error and to duties, let them absorb you, so that
the doctrines that daemons teach allmen may note your progress.
2 through plausible sophists who are Watch yourself and watch your 16
3 seared in conscience men who teaching; stick to your work;
prohibit marriage and insist on if you do that, you will save your
abstinence from foods which God hearers as well as yourself.
created for believing men, who Never censure an older man 5
understand the Truth, to partake harshly ; appeal to him as a father.
4 of with thanksgiving. Anything Treat younger men like brothers,
God has created is good, and women
older like mothers, younger 2
nothing is to be tabooed provided women like sisters with perfect
5 it is eaten with thanksgiving, for propriety.
then it is consecrated by the Widows who really need it must 3
prayer said over it. be supported from the funds.
6 Lay this before the brotherhood, (When a widow has children or 4
and you will be an excellent minis- grandchildren, they must learn
ter of Christ Jesus, brought up on that the first duty of religion is to
the truths of the faith and on the their own household, and that they
lessons of the good doctrine you should make some return to those
7 have already followed. Shut your who have brought them up. In
mind against these profane, drivel- God's sight this is an acceptable
ling myths ; train for the rehgious thing.) The really forlorn widow 5
8 Ufe. The training of the body is has her hope fixed on God, night
of small service, but religion is of and day she is at her prayers and
service in all directions; it con- supplications; whereas the widow 6
tains the promise of life both for who plunges into dissipation is dead
9 the present and for the future. It before ever she dies. So lay down 7
is sure word, it deserves all
a the following rules, to prevent any
10 praise, that " we toil and strive * reproach being incurred. Who- 8
because our hope is fixed upon ever does not provide for his own
the hving God, the Saviour of all relatives and particularly for his

men " of believers in particular. own has repudiated the
faith he is worse than an infidel.
* Reading ay(ouiCSfMeOa with 5^* A
C G K,
No one under sixty is to be put
etc. The context requires an aggressive, 9
active verb. The " sure words " all have a on the church's list of wddows;
more or less eschatological outlook. and she must have been only once

10 married, she must have a reputa- Lord Jesus Christ and the elect
tion for good service, as a woman angels, I adjure you to be unpreju-
who has brought up children, shown diced in carrying out these orders;
hospitahty, washed the feet of be absolutely impartial.
the saints, reheved distress, and Never be in a hurry to ordain a 22
interested herself in all good works. presbyter; do not make yourself
11 Refuse to put young widows on the responsible for the sins of another
when their wanton desires
hst, for
man keep your own life pure.f
alienate them from Christ, they Some people's sins are notorious 24
12 want to marry and thus are and judgment, but in some
call for
guilty of breaking their first troth cases sin onlycomes out afterwards.
13 to Him. Besides, they become Good works are equally conspi- 25
idle unconsciously * by gadding cuous and even when they are not,

about from one house to another they cannot escape notice for ever.
and not merely idle but gossips Let all servants who are under 6
and busybodies, repeating things the yoke of slavery remember that
they have no right to mention. their masters are entitled to per-
14 So I prefer young widows to marry fect respect
otherwise it will be
again, to bear children, to look a scandal to the Name of God and
after their households, and not to to our doctrine. Those who have 2
afford our opponents any chance of Christian believers as their masters
15 reviling us. As it is, some widows must not take liberties with them
have already turned after Satan. because they are brothers; they
16 Any believer, man or woman, who must be all the better servants
has widowed relatives, must give because those who get the good
them relief; the church is not to of their service are behevers and
be burdened with them; she has beloved.
to relieve the widows who really
need relief.
This is what you are to teach
17 Presbyters who are efficient presi- and preach. Anyone who teaches 3
dents are to be considered worthy novelties and refuses to fall in with
of ample remuneration, particularly
the sound words of our Lord Jesus
those who have the task of preach- Christ and the doctrine that talHes
18 ing and teaching Scripture says,
with piety, is a conceited, ignorant 4
You must not muzzle an ox wJien he creature, with a morbid passion
is treading the grain, and A work-
for controversy and argument
man deserves his wages, which only leads to envy, dissen-
19 Never let any charge be brought sion, insults, insinuations, and con- 5
against a presbyter, unless it is stant friction between people who
certified by two or three witnesses.
are depraved in mind and de-
20 Those who are guilty of sin you prived of the Truth. They imagine
must expose in public, to over- religion is a paying concern. And 6
awe the others.
21 In the presence of God and the

so it is provided it goes with a

f The words, " Give up being a total

I accept the conjecture \av9dvovcn for abstainer; take a wine for the sake
Uie fiavddvovci of the canonical text, which of your stomach and your frequent
makes the grammatical construction very attacks of illness," which follow, are either
awkward. a marginal gloss or misplaced.
7 contented spirit ; for we bring Sovereign, King
of kings and Lord
nothing into the worid, and we can of lords, who
alone has immortality, 16
8 take nothing out of it. If we have who dwells in hght that none can
food and clothes, we must be con- approach, whom no man has ever
9 tent with that. Those who are seen or can see. To him be honour
eager to be rich get tempted and and eternal power: Amen.
trapped in many senseless and Charge the rich of this world not 17
pernicious propensities that drag to be supercilious, and not to fix
men down to ruin and destruction. their hopes on so uncertain a thing
10 For love of money is the root of all as riches but on the living God who
mischief; it is by aspiring to be richly provides us with all the
rich that certain individuals have enjoyments of Hfe; tell them to be 18
gone astray from the faith and bountiful, rich in good works, open-
found themselves pierced with many handed and generous, amassing 19
11 a pang of remorse. Shun that, right good * treasure for them-
O man of God, aim at integrity, selves in the world to come, in
piety, faith, love, stedfastness, and order to secure the life which is life
12 suavity ; fight in the good fight of indeed.
the faith, secure that hfe eternal to O Timotheus, keep the securities 20
which you were called when you of the faith intact avoid the :

voiced the good confession in the profane jargon and contradictions

13 presence of many witnesses. In of what is falsely called * Know-
the presence of God who is the ledge.' Certain individuals have 21
Life of all, and of Christ Jesus who failed in the faith by professing
testified to the good confession be- that.
fore Pontius Pilate, I charge you Grace be with you. [Amen.]
14 to keep your commission free from
For I accept the attractive
stain, free from reproach, till the
conjecture in view of the close
6cfia xiav,
appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ parallel in Tobit iv. 9-10 (0eVa yap ayaOhv
15 which will be brought about in dricravpi^eis creavrcf els rj/jLepav audyKTis 5i6ri
due time by that blessed and only iKetiiioavvri 4k davdrov ^ixrat).


1 Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus appointed a herald and an apostle
by the of God in the ser-
will and a teacher, and this is why I 12
vice of the Life he has promised in am suffering. Still, I am not

2 Christ Jesus to his beloved son ashamed of it; I know whom I
Timotheus : grace, mercy, peace, have trusted and I am certain he
from God the Father and Christ is able to keep what I have put into
Jesus our Lord. his hands till the great Day.
3 I render thanks to God, the God Model yourself on the sound 13
of my fathers whom I worship with instruction you have had from me
a pure conscience, as I mention you in the faith and love of Christ Jesus.
4 constantly in my prayers. When Keep the great securities of your 14
I recall the tears you shed when faith intact, by aid of the holy
we parted, I long by night and day Spirit that dwells within us. You 15
to see you again. That would fill are aware that all the Asiatics have
5 me with joy, for I am reminded of discarded me, including Phygelus
your sincere faith, a faith which and Hermogenes. May the Lord 16
dwelt first in your grandmother show favour to the household of
Lois and your mother Eunice, as Onesiphorus, for many a time he
it dwells (I feel sure) in yourself. braced me up ; he was not ashamed
6 Hence I would remind you to re- of my imprisonment
no, he made 17
kindle the divine gift which you eager search for me when he reached
received when my hands were laid Rome, and he found me (may he 18
7 upon you for God has not given us
; find favour with the Lord on the
a timid spirit but a spirit of power great Day ! The Lord grant it !).
8 and love and discipline. So do not And you know very well what a
be ashamed to testify to our Lord, help he was to me in Ephesus.
and do not be ashamed of a prisoner Now, my son, be strong in the 2
of the Lord like me; join me in grace of Christ Jesus, and trans- 2
bearing suffering for the gospel by mit the instructions I gave you in
9 the power of the God who has saved presence of many witnesses to
us and called us to a life of consecra- trustworthy men, that they may

tion not for anything we have done be competent to teach others. Join 3
but because he chose to do it him- the ranks of those who bear suffer-
self, by the grace which he gave us ing, like a loyal soldier of Christ
10 ages ago in Christ Jesus and has Jesus. No soldier gets entangled 4
now revealed in the appearance of in civil pursuits; his aim is to
our Saviour Christ Jesus, who has satisfy his commander. Again, a 5
put down death and brought life competitor in the games is not
and immortality to light by the crowned unless he observes the rules.
11 gospel. Of that gospel I have been The farmer who has done the work 6

must have the first share of the In any great house there are indeed 20
7 fruit. Think what I mean The ! vessels not only of gold and silver
Lord will help you to understand but also of wood and clay, some
perfectly. for noble, some for menial service.
8 Never forget " Jesus Christ risen If one will only keep clear of the 21
from the dead, descended from latter, he will be put to noble use,

9 David " ^that is my gospel, for he will be consecrated and useful
which I have to suffer imprison- to the Owner of the House, he will
ment as if I were a criminal. (But be set apart for good work of all
there is no prison for the word kinds. So shun the lusts of youth 22
10 of God.) All I endure is for the and aim at integrity, faith, love
sake of the elect, to let them get and peace, in the company of those
their share of the salvation of who invoke the Lord out of a pure
Christ Jesus and also of eternal heart. Shut your mind against 23
11 glory. It is a sure word, that foolish, popular controversy; be
"If we have died with him, we sure that only breeds strife. And 24
will live with him, the Lord's servant must not be a
12 if we endure, then we will reign man of strife ; he must be kind to
with him, everybody, a skilled teacher, a man
if we disown him, then he will who will not resent injuries; he 26
disown us, must be gentle in his admonitions
13 if we are faithless, he remains

to the opposition God may per-
faithful haps let them change
their mind
for he cannot be untrue to himself. and admit the Truth ; they may 26
14 Remind men of this : adjure come to their senses again and
them before the Lord not to bandy escape the snare of the devil, as
arguments no good comes out of they are brought back to life by
that, it only means the undoing God to do his will.
15 of your audience. Do your utmost
to let God see that you at least are CHAP.
a sound workman, with no need to Mark there are hard times
this, 3
be ashamed of the way you handle coming in the last days. For men 2
16 the word of the Truth. Avoid will be selfish, fond of money, boast-
all that profane
jargon, for it ful, haughty, abusive, disobedient
leads people further into irre-
still to their parents, ungrateful, ir-
17 ligion, and their doctrine spreads 3
reverent, callous, relentless, scur-
like a gangrene. So it is with rilous, dissolute, and savage

18 Hymenaeus and Philetus ; they will hate goodness, they will be 4

have Truth by arguing
failed in the treacherous, reckless and conceited,
that the resurrection has taken preferring pleasure to God for 5
place already, and they are under- though they keep up a form of
10 mining some people's faith. But religion, they will have nothing to
the solid foundation laid by God do with it as a force. Avoid all
remains, and this is its inscription : such. Some of them worm their 6
the Lord knows who are his, way into families and get hold of
and the women-folk who feel crushed
let everyone who names the
by the burden of their sins way-
name of the Lord give up evil.' ward creatures of impulse, who are 7
always curious to learn and never people will decline to be taught
able to attain the knowledge of the sound doctrine and will accumulate
8 Truth. For these guides of theirs teachers to suit themselves and
are hostile to the Truth, just as tickle their own fancies ; they will 4
Jannes and Jambres were hostile give up listening to the Truth and
to Moses they are depraved in
; turn to myths.
mind and useless for all pur- Whatever happens, be self-pos- 5
9 poses of faith. However, they sessed, flinch from no suffering, do
will get no further, for their aber- your wqrk as an evangelist, and
ration will be detected by every- discharge all your duties as a
one, as was the case with these minister.
magicians. The last drops of my
own sacri- 6
10 Now you have followed my teach- fice are falling
; mytime to go has
ing, my practice, my aims, my faith, come. I have fought in the good 7
my patience, my love, my stedfast- fight; I have run mycourse; I
11 ness, my persecutions, my sufferings have kept the faith. Now the 8
all that befell me at Antioch, crown of a good life awaits me,
Iconium and Lystra, all the persecu- with which the Lord, that just
tions I had to undergo, from which Judge, will reward me on the great
12 the Lord rescued me. Yes, and all
Day and not only me but all who
who want to live the religious life have loved and longed for his
in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. appearance.
13 Bad characters and impostors will Do your best to come soon to 9
go from bad to worse, deceiving me, for Demas, in his love for this 10
others and deceived themselves; world, has deserted me and gone
14 but hold you to what you have been to Thessalonica ; Crescens is off
taught, hold to your convictions, to Gaul, Titus to Dalmatia, Luke 11
remember who your teachers were, is the only one who is with me.
16 remember you have known from Pick up Mark and bring him
childhood the sacred writings that along with you, for he is of great
can impart saving wisdom by faith use in helping me. (I have had 12
16 in Christ Jesus. All scripture is to send Tychicus to Ephesus.)
inspired by God and profitable for When you come, bring the mantle IS
teaching, for reproof, for amend- I left at Troas with Carpus, also
17 ment, and for moral discipline, to my books, and particularly my
make the man of God proficient paper.
and equip him for good work of Alexander the blacksmith has 14
every kind, done me a lot of harm the Lord

4 In the presence of God and of will pay him hack for what he has
Christ Jesus who will judge the done (beware of him), for he has 15
living and the dead, in the light of been bitterly hostile to anything
his appearance and his reign, I ad- I have said. The first time I had 16
2 jure you to preach the word keep ; to defend myself, I had no sup-
at it in season and out of season, porters; everyone deserted me.
refuting, checking, and exhorting God grant it may not be brought
men; never lose patience with up against them But the Lord 17

them, and never give up your teach- supported me and gave me strength
8 ing, for the time will come when to make a full statement of the
gospel and let all the heathen hear Erastus stayed on at Corinth : 20
it. I was rescued from the jaws of I Trophimus ill at Miletus.
18 the lion. The Lord will rescue me Do your best to come before winter. 21
from every assault of evil, he will Eubulus salutes you; so do
bring me safe to his own realm in Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all
heaven. To him be glory for ever the brotherhood.
and ever ! Amen. The Lord Jesus be with your 22
19 Salute Prisca and Aquila and the spirit.
household of Onesiphorus. Grace be with you all.



1 Paul a servant of God and an who impose on people with their
apostle of Jesus Christ for the faith empt}^ arguments, particularly those
of God's elect and for their know- who have come over from Judaism
ledge of the Truth that goes with they must be silenced, for they 11
2 a religious life, serving in hope are undermining whole families by
of the life eternal which God, who teaching objectionable doctrine for
3 never lies, promised ages ago he the base end of making money. It 12
gave effect to his word in due time has been said by one of them-
by a proclamation with which I selves, by a prophet of their own,
have been entrusted by command that
4 of God our Saviour :
^to Titus my " Cretans are always liars, evil
lawful son in a faith we hold in beasts, lazy gluttons."
common; grace and peace from That is a true statement. So deal 13
God the Father and Christ Jesus sharply with them, to make them
our Saviour. sound in the faith instead of 14
5 I left you behind in Crete in studying Jewish myths and rules
order to finish putting things right laid down by men who have dis-
and to appoint presbyters in every covered the Truth. For the pure 15
6 town as I told you, men who are all things are pure, but nothing
above reproach, only once married, is pure for the polluted and un-
with children who believe and who believing their very mind and con-

are not liable to the charge of science are polluted. They profess 16
being profligate or insubordinate. to know God but they deny him
7 [For a bishop must be above re- by their deeds; they are detest-

proach he is a steward of God's able, disobedient, and useless for

house he must not be presump- good work of any kind.
tuous or hot-tempered or a drunkard
or violent or addicted to pilfering;
8 he must be hospitable, a lover of You must instruct people in 2
goodness, master of himself, a just what is due to sound doctrine. Tell 2
man, a religious man, and ab- the older men to be temperate,
9 stemious he must hold by the
; serious, masters of themselves,
sure truths of doctrine so as to be sound in faith, in love, and in sted-
able to give instruction in sound fastness. Tell the older women 3
doctrine and refute objections also to be reverent in their de-
10 raised by any.] * For there are meanour and not to be slanderers
plenty of insubordinate creatures or slaves to drink; they must
* This passage seems to have been
give good counsel, so that the 4
added, rather awkwardly, to the original young women may be trained to
text. love their husbands and children,

5 to be mistress of themselves, chaste, dient, astray, enslaved to all man-

domestic, kind, and submissive to ner of passions and pleasures; we
their husbands
otherwise it will spent our days in malice and envy,
6 be a scandal to the gospel. Tell we were hateful, and we hated one
the young men also to be masters another. But " the goodness and 4
7 of themselves at all points set ; affection of God our Saviour ap-
them an example of good conduct peared; and he saved us, not for 6
be sincere and serious in your teach- anything we had done but from
8 ing, let your words be sound and his own pity for us, by the water
such that no exception can be taken that means regeneration and re-
to them, so that the opposite side newal under the holy Spirit which 6
may be confounded by finding no- he poured upon us richly through
thing that they can say to our dis- Jesus Christ our Saviour, that we 7
9 credit. Tell servants to be sub- might be justified by his grace
missive to their masters and to give and become heirs to the hope of
them satisfaction all round, not to hfe eternal." It is a sure saying. 8
be refractory, not to embezzle, I want you to insist on this,
10 but to prove themselves truly that those who have faith in God
faithful at all points, so as to be an must profess honest occupations.
ornament to the doctrine of God Such counsels are right and good
11 our Saviour in all respects. For for men. But avoid foolish con- 9
the grace of God has appeared to troversy, and let genealogies and
12 save all men, and it schools us to dissensions and strife over the Law
renounce irreligion and worldly alone, for these are fruitless and
passions and to live a life of self- futile.
mastery, of integrity, and of piety After a first and a second warning 10
13 in this present world, awaiting the have no more to do with a factious
blessed hope of the appearance of person you may be sure a man like 11

the Glory of the great God and that is perverted he is sinning and

14 of our Saviour Christ Jesus, who he knows it.

gave himself up for us to redeem us Whenever I send Artemas or 12
from all iniquity and secure himself Tychicus to you, do your best to
a clean people with a zest for good come to me at Nicopolis, for I have
works. decided to winter there. Give a 13
15 Tell them all this, exhort and hearty send-off to Zenas the lawyer
reprove, with full authority; let and ApoUos; see that they want
no one slight you. for nothing. Our people must 14
3 Remind them to be submissive really learn to profess honest occu-
to their rulers and authorities they
; pations, so as to be able to meet such
must obey, they must be ready for special occasions; they must not
2 any good work, they must abuse be idle.
no one, they must not quarrel but All who are with me salute you. 16
be conciliatory and display perfect Salute those who love us in the
8 gentleness to all men. For we our- faith.
selves were once senseless, disobe- " Grace be with you all.

1 Paul a prisoner of Jesus Christ very heart. I would have liked to 13
and brother Timotheus, to our be- keep him beside me, that as your
2 loved fellow-worker Philemon, to deputy he might serve me during my
our sister Apphia, to our fellow- imprisonment for the gospel; but 14
soldier Archippus, and to the church I did not want to do anything with-
3 that meets in your house grace : out your consent, so that your good-
and peace to you from God our ness to me might come of your own
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. free will, without any appearance
4 I always thank my God when I of constraint.
6 mention you in my prayers ; for Perhaps this was why you and 16
as I hear of your love and loyalty he were parted for a while, that you
to the Lord Jesus and to all the might get him back for good, no 16
6 saints, I pray that by their partici- longer a mere slave but something
pation in your loyal faith they more than a slave a beloved
may have a vivid sense of how brother; especially dear to me but
much good we * Christians can how much more to you as a man
attain. and as a Christian I You count me 17
7 I have had great joy and en- a partner? Then receive him as
couragement over your love, my you would receive me, and if he has 18
brother, over the way you have cheated you of any money or owes
refreshed the hearts of the saints. you any sum, put that down to my
8 Hence, although in Christ I would account. This is in my own hand- 19
feel quite free to order you to do writing : Paul promise to refund
9 your duty, I prefer to appeal to you
it ' not to mention that you owe
on the ground of love. Well then, me, over and above, your very
as Paul the old man, who now-a- soul. Come, brother, let me have 20
days is a prisoner for Christ Jesus, some return from you in the Lord I
10 I appeal to you on behalf of my Refresh my
heart in Christ.
spiritual son born while I was in I send you this letter relying on 21
11 prison. It is Onesimus Once you ! your obedience; I know you will
found him a worthless character, but do even more than I tell you. And 22
now-a-days he is worth something get quarters ready for me, for I am
12 to you and me. I am sending him hoping that by your prayers I will
back to you, and parting with my be restored to you.
Epaphras my fellow-prisoner in 23
Reading r]fuv instead
of vfuy. As Christ Jesus salutes you. So do 24
Lightfoot observes, scribes would be
Mark, Aristarchus, Demas and
strongly tempted to alter ri/xtu into v/mp
Luke, my fellow-workers.
from a misapprehension of the sense, and
a wish to apply the words to Philemon The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ 25
and his household." be with your spirit. Amen.
1 Many were the forms and fashions and, 10
inwhich God spoke of old to '
Thou didst found the earth at the
2 our fathers by the prophets, but beginning, Lord,
in these days at the end he has and the heavens are the work of thy
spoken to us by a Son a Son hands
whom he appointed heir of the they will perish, but thou re- 11
universe as it was by him that mainest,
8 he created the world. He, reflect- they will all be worn out like a
ing God's bright glory and stamped garment,
with God's own character, sustains thou wilt roll them up like a mantle 12
the universe with his word of power. and t theywill be changed,
When he had secured our purifi- but thou art the same,
cation from sins, he sat down at and thy years will never faiV
the right hand of the Majesty on To what angel did he ever say, 13
4 high. And thus
he is superior to the *
Sit at my right hand,
angels, as he has inherited a Name till I put your enemies under your
5 superior to theirs. For to what feet '
angel did God ever say, Are not angels merely spirits in 14
Thou art my son^ the divine service, commissioned for
to-day have I become thy father ' / the benefit of those who are to in-
Or again, herit salvation ?
/ will be a father to him, We must therefore pay closer 2
and he will be a son to me* ^ attention to what we have heard,
6 And further, when introducing the in case we drift away. For if the 2
Firstborn into the world, he says, divine word spoken by angels held
Let all God's angels worship him,^ good, if transgression and disobedi-
7 While he says of angels, ence met with due punishment in
Who makes his angels into winds, every case, how shall we escape 8
his servants into flames of fire,* the penalty for neglecting a salva-
8 he says of the Son, tion which was originally proclaimed
God is thy throne for ever and ever, by the Lord himself and guaranteed
thy royal sceptre is the sceptre of to us by those who heard him, while 4
equity God corroborated their testimony
9 thou hast loved justice and hated with signs and wonders and a variety
lawlessness^ * of miraculous powers, distributing
therefore God, thy God, has con- the holy Spirit as it pleased him.
secrated thee For the world to come, of which 6
with the oil of rejoicing beyond thy I am speaking, was not put under
comrades '
t Omitting [wj ifxdriov\ which has been
* Reading avo/xiav instead of kSiKlav, repeated from the previous line.

6 the control of angels. One writer, to resemble his brothers in every

as we know, has affirmed, respect, in order to prove a mer-
What is man, that thou art mind- ciful and faithful high priest in
ful of him ? things divine, to expiate the sins
or the son of man, that thou of the People. It is as he suffered 18
carest for him ? by his temptations that he is able
7 For a little while thou hast put to help the tempted.
him lower than the angels, CHAP.
crowning him with glory and Holy brothers, you who 3
honour, pate in a heavenly calling, look at
8 putting all things under his feet. Jesus then at the apostle and high
Now by putting all things under him priest of our confession he is faith- 2

the writer meant to leave nothing f ul to Him who appointed him. For
out of his control. But, as it is, we while Moses also was faithful in every
do not yet see all things controlled by department of God's house, Jesus has 3
9 man; what we do see is Jesus who been adjudged greater glory than
was put lower than the angels for a Moses, inasmuch as the founder of
little while to suffer death, and who a house enjoys greater honour than
has been crowned with glory and the house itself. (Every house is 4
honour that by God's grace he might founded by someone, but God is
10 taste death for everyone. In bring- the founder of all.) Besides, while 5
ing many sons to glory, it was befit- Moses was faithful in every depart-
ting that He for whom and by whom ment of God's house as an attendant
the universe exists, should perfect by way of witness to the coming
the Pioneer of their salvation by revelation
Christ is faithful as a 6
11 suffering. For sanctifier and sanc- Son over God's house.
tified have all one origin. That is Now we are this house of God, if
why he is not ashamed to call them we will only keep confident and
12 brothers, saying, proud of our hope.* Therefore, as 7
/ will proclaim thy name to my the holy Spirit says,
brothers, To-day, when you hear his twice,
in the midst of the church I will harden not your hearts as at the 8
sing of thee,^ Provocation,
13 and again, on the day of the Temptation in
/ will put my trust in him,'' the desert,
and again, where your fathers put me to the 9
Here am I and the children God proof,
has given me J and for forty years felt what I
14 Since the children then share blood could do.
and flesh, he himself participated Therefore I grew exasperated with 10
in their nature, so that by d5ang that generation,
he might crush him who wields the 1 said, ' They are always astray
power of death (that is to say, the in their heart':
15 devil) and release from thraldom They would not learn my ways ;
those who lay under a life-long
* Omitting yuexpi r4\ovs ^e^alav, which
16 fear of death. (For of course it is
has probably been inserted from ver. 14,
not angels that he succours, it is where the same words occur in a similai
17 the 0^spring of Abraham.) He had connexion.
11 $0 I swore in my anger, And again in this passage, they shall 5
they shall never enter my Rest.^ never enter my Rest, Since then it 6
12 Brothers, take care in case there is is reserved for some to enter it, and
a wicked, unbeheving heart in any since those who formerly got the
of you, moving you to apostatize good news failed to enter owing to
13 from the Hving God. Rather ad- their disobedience, he again fixes 7
monish one another daily, so long a day; To-day as he says in
as this word To-day is uttered, *
David ' after so long an interval,
that none of you may be deceived and as has been already quoted
14 by sin and hardened. For we only To-day, when you hear his voice,
participate in Christ provided that harden not your hearts.
we keep firm to the very end the Thus if Joshua had given them 8
confidence with which we started, Rest, God would not speak later
15 this word ever sounding in our ears, about another day. There is a 9
To-day, when you hear his voice, sabbath-Rest then reserved still for
harden not your hearts as at the the People of God (for once a man 10
Provocation, enters his rest, he rests from work
16 Who heard and yet provoked him? just as God did).
Was it not
all who left Egypt under Let us be eager then to enter that 11
17 the leadership of Moses ? And with Rest, in case anyone falls into the
whom was he exasperated for forty same sort of disobedience. For the 12
years P Was it not with those Logos of God is a living thing,
who sinned, whose corpses
fell in the active and more cutting than any
18 desert ? to whom did he swear
And sword with double edge, penetrating
that they would never enter his Rest ? to the very division of soul and
To whom but those who disobeyed ? spirit, joints and marrow
Thus we see it was owing to unbelief izing the very thoughts and concep-
4 that they could not enter. Well tions of the heart. And no created 13
then, as the promise of entrance thingis hidden from him all things

is still left to us, let us be afraid lieopen and exposed before the eyes
of anyone being judged to have of him with whom we have to
2 missed it. For we have had the reckon.
good news as well as they; only,
the message they heard was of no As we have a great high 14
use to them, because it did not then, who has passed through the
meet with * faith in the hearers. heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us
3 For we do enter the Rest by our hold fast to our confession ; for ours 15
faith : according to his word, is no high priest who is incapable of
As I swore in my anger, sympathizing with our weaknesses,
they shall never enter my Rest but one who has been tempted in
although his works were all over by every respect like ourselves, yet
4 the foundation of the world. For he without sinning. So let us approach 16
says this somewhere about the the throne of grace with confidence,
seventh day: And God rested from that we may receive mercy and
all his works on the seventh day, find grace to help us in the hour
* of need.
Reading (nryKKepa<rfi4vo5 or ffvyKCKpa-
fifvos with K, the Old Latin, the Peshitto, Every high priest who is selected 5
etc. from men and appointed to act on
behalf of men in things divine, Let us pass on then to what 6
offering gifts and sacrifices for sins, is mature, leaving elementary
2 can deal gently with those who err Christian doctrine behind, instead
through ignorance, since he him- of laying the foundation over again
3 self is beset with weakness which with repentance from dead works, j
obliges him to present offerings for
his own sins as well as for those of
with faith in God, with instruction
about ablutions and the laying on
4 the People. Also, it is an office of hands, about the resurrection of
which no one elects to take for him- the dead and eternal punishment.
self he is called to it by God, just
; With God's permission, we will take 3
5 as Aaron was. Similarly Christ was this step.* For in the case of people 4
not raised to the glory of the high who have been once enlightened,
priesthood by himself but by Him who tasted the heavenly Gift, who
who declared to him, participated in the holy Spirit, who 5 ..

Thou art my son, tasted the goodness of God's word

to-day have I become thy father, and the powers of the world to
6 Just as elsewhere he says, come, and then fell away it is 6|

Thou art a 'priest for ever, with the impossible to make them repent
rank of Melchizedek, afresh, since they crucify the Son
7 In the days of his flesh, with bitter of God in their own persons and
cries and tears, he offered prayers hold him up to obloquy. For land 7
and supplications to Him who was which absorbs the rain that often
able to save him from death; and falls on it, and bears plants that are
he was heard because of his godly useful to those for whom it is tilled,
8 fear. Thus, Son though he was, receives a blessing from God;
he learned by all he suffered how whereas, if it produces thorns and 8
9 to obey, and by being thus perfected thistles, it is reprobate and on the
he became the source of eternal
verge of being cursed its fate is to
10 salvation for all who obey him, be- be burned.
ing designated by God high priest Though I say this, beloved, I feel 9
with the rank of Melchizedek, sure you will take the better course
11 On this point I have a great that means salvation. God is not 10
deal to say, which it is hard to make unfair; he will not forget what you
intelligible to you. For you have have done, or the love you have
12 grown dull of hearing. Though by shown for his sake in ministering,
this time you should be teaching as you still do, to the saints. It is 11
other people, you still need some- my heart's desire that each of you
one to teach you once more the would prove equally keen upon real-
rudimentary principles of the divine izing your full hope to the very end, 12
revelation. You are in need of so that instead of being slack you
13 milk, not of solid food. (For any- may imitate those who inherit the
one who is fed on milk is un- promises by their stedfast faith.
skilled in moral truth; he is a For in making a promise to Abra- 13
14 mere babe. Whereas solid food ham God sivore by himself (since he
is for the mature, for those who could swear by none greater), I will 14
have their faculties trained by indeed bless you and multiply you,
exercise to distinguish good and * Reading iroi-fiffofji.ev with N B, the Latin ^
evil.) version, etc., instead of Troiiia'ujMitv. |B

15 Thus itwas that Abraham by his is blessed by the Again,

superior.) 8
stedfastness obtained what he had it is mortal men in
the one case who
16 been promised. For as men swear receive tithes, while in the other it
by a greater than themselves, and as is one of whom the witness is that
an oath means to them a guarantee '
he lives.' In fact, we might 9
17 that ends any dispute, God, in his almost say that even Levi the re-
desire to afford the heirs of the ceiver of tithes paid tithes through
Promise a special proof of the solid Abraham; for he was still in the 10
character of his purpose, interposed loins of his father when Melchizedek
18 with an oath so that by these two
; met him. Further, if the Levitical 11
solid facts (the Promise and the priesthood had been the means of
Oath), where it is impossible for God reaching perfection (for it was on
to be false, we refugees might have the basis of that priesthood that
strong encouragement to seize the the Law was enacted for the
19 hope set before us, anchoring the People), why was it still necessary
soul to it safe and sure, as it enters for another sort of priest to emerge
the inner Presence behind the rjeil. with the rank of Melchizedek, instead
20 There Jesus entered for us in ad- of simply with the rank of Aaron 12
vance, when he became high priest (for when the priesthood is changed,
for ever with the rank of Melchizedek. a change of law necessarily follows) ?
7 For Melchizedek, the king of Saleniy He who is thus described belongs 13
a priest of the Most High God, to another tribe, no member of
who met Abraham on his return which ever devoted himself to the
from the slaughter of the kings and altar ; for it is evident that our 14

2 blessed him who had a tenth part Lord sprang from Judah, and
of everything assigned him by Moses never mentioned priesthood
Abraham this Melchizedek is prim- in connexion with that tribe. This 15
arily a king of righteousness (that is becomes all the more plain when
the meaning of his name); then, another priest emerges resembling
besides that, king of Salem (which Melchizedek, one who has become 16
3 means, king of peace). He has a priest by the power of an indis-
neither father nor mother nor soluble Life and not by the law of an
genealogy, neither a beginning to external command ; for the witness 17
his days nor an end to his life, but, to him is,
resembhng the Son of God, con- Thou art priest for ever, with the
tinues to be priest permanently. rank of Melchizedek.
4 Now mark the dignity of this man. A previous command is set aside 18
The patriarch Abraham paid him a on account of its weakness and
5 tenth of the spoils. Those sons of uselessness (for the Law made 19
Levi who receive the priestly office nothing perfect), and there is in-
are indeed ordered by law to tithe troduced a better Hope, by means
the people (that is, their brothers), of which we can draw near to
although the latter are descended God. A better Hope, because it 20
6 from Abraham but he who had no
; was not promised apart from an
Levitical genealogy actually tithed oath. Previous priests became 21
Abraham and blessed the possessor priests apart from any oath, but
7 of the promises (And there is no
! he has an oath from Him who said
question that it is the inferior who to him,

The Lord has sworn, and he will said, that you make everything on the
not change his mind, pattern shown you upon the mouU'
thou art a priest for ever. tain). As it is, however, the divine 6
22 And this makes Jesus surety for a service he has obtained is superior,
23 superior covenant. Also, while they owing to the fact that he mediates
became priests in large numbers, a superior covenant, enacted with
since death prevents them from superior promises. For if the first 7
24 continuing to serve, he holds his covenant had been faultless, there
priesthood without any successor, would have been no occasion for a
25 since he continues for ever. Hence second. Whereas God does find fault 8
for all time he is able to save those with the people of that covenant,
who approach God through him, when he says :

as he is always Uving to intercede The day is coming, saith the Lord,

on their behalf. when I will conclude a new covenant
26 Such was the high priest for us, with the house of Israel and with
saintly, innocent, unstained, lifted the house of Judah.
high above the heavens, far from It will not be on the lines of the
27 all contact with the sinful, one covenant I made with their
who has no need, hke yonder high fathers,
priests, day by day to offer sacri- on the day I took them by the hand 9
fices for their own sins and
first to lead out of Egypt's land;
then for those of the People he for they would not hold to my
did that once for all in offering up covenant,
28 himself. For the Law appoints so I let them alone,^ saith the
human beings in their weakness Lord.
to the priesthood ; but the word of This is the covenant I will make 10
the Oath appoints a Son who is with the house of Israel when that
made perfect for ever. day comes, saith the Lord ;
8 The point* of all thisis, we do I will set my laws within their
have such a high priest,one who is mind,
seated at the right hand of the throne inscribing them upon their hearts ;
2 of Majesty in the heavens, and who I will be a God to them,
officiates in the sanctuary or true and they shall be a People to me ;
tabernacle set up by the Lord and not one citizen will no longer teach his 11
8 by man. Now, as every high priest fellow,
appointed to offer gifts and sacri-
is one man will no longer teach his
fices, he too must have something to brother,
4 offer. Were he on earth, he would saying, ^
Know the Lord,"*
not be a priest at all, for there are for all will know me, low and high
priests already to offer the gifts together.
6 prescribed by Law^ (men who serve I will be merciful to their iniquities, 12
a mere outline and shadow of the and remember their sins no more.

heavenly as Moses was instructed, By saying 'a new covenant,' he 13
when he was about to execute the antiquates the first. And whatever
building of the tabernacle see, God: is antiquated and aged is on the

* Or, as Coverdale translates, "the pith." verge of vanishing.

"All this" means "all the previous argu- t The same Greek word as is translated
ment." " neglected " in ii. 3.
OKAT. of goats and oxen but his own blood,
9 The firstcovenant had indeed and entered once for all into the
its regulations for worship and a Holy place. He secured an eternal
2 material sanctuary. A tent was redemption. For if the blood of 13
set up, the outer tent, containing goats and bulls and the ashes of a
the lampstand, the table, and the heifer, sprinkled on defiled persons,
loaves of the Presence this is called
; give them a holiness that bears on
3 the Holy place. But behind the bodily purity, how much more will 14
second veil was the tent called the blood of Christ, who in the
4 the Holy of HoHes, containing the spirit of the eternal offered himself
golden altar of incense, and also as an unblemished sacrifice to God,
the ark of the covenant covered all cleanse your conscience from dead
over with gold, which held the works to serve a living God ? He 15
golden pot of manna, the rod of mediates a new covenant for this
Aaron that once blossomed, and the reason, that those who have been
5 tablets of the covenant above this
; called may obtain the eternal in-
were the cherubims of the Glory, heritance they have been promised,
overshadowing the mercy seat now that a death has occurred
matters which it is impossible for which redeems them from the trans-
me to discuss at present in detail. gressions involved in the first cove-
6 Such were the arrangements for nant. Thus in the case of a will, 16
worship. The priests constantly the death of the testator must be
enter the first tent, in the discharge announced. A will only holds in 17
7 of their ritual duties, but the second cases of death; it is never valid
tent is entered only once a year by so long as the testator is alive.

the high priest alone and it must Hence even the first covenant of 18
not be without blood, which he God's will was not inaugurated
presents on behalf of himself and apart from blood; for after Moses 19
8 the errors of the People. By this had announced every command in
the holy Spirit means that the way the Law to all the people, he took
into the Holiest Presence was not the blood of calves and goats, to-
disclosed so long as the first tent gether with water, scarlet wool and
9 (which foreshadowed the present hyssop, sprinkling the book and
age) was still standing, with its ail the people, and saying, This is 20
oSerings of gifts and sacrifices the blood of that covenant which is
which cannot possibly make the God's command for you. He even 21
conscience of the worshipper per- sprinlded with blood the tent and
10 feet, since they relate merely to all the utensils of worship in the
food and drink and a variety of same way. In fact, one might 22

ablutions outward regulations for almost say that by Law everything
the body, that only hold till the is cleansed with blood. No blood
11 period of the New Order. But when shed, no remission of sins ! Now, 23
Christ arrived as the high priest of while the copies of the heavenly
the bliss that was to be, he passed things had to be cleansed with
through the greater and more per- sacrifices like these, the heavenly
fect tent which no hands had made things themselves required nobler
(no part, that is to say, of the pre- sacrifices. For Christ has not en- 24
12 sent order), not taking any blood tered a holy place which human

hands have made (a mere type of He begins by saying, thou hast no
the reality
!) he has entered heaven
; desire for, thou takest no delight in,
itself, now to appear in the presence sacrifices and offerings and holocausts
25 of God on our behalf. Nor was it and sin-offerings (and these are
to offer himself repeatedly, Hke the what are offered in terms of the
high priest entering the holy place Law) he then adds. Here I come to

every year with blood that was do thy will. He does away with
26 not his own
for in that case he
the first in order to establish the
would have had to suffer repeatedly, second. And it is by this will that 10
ever since the world was founded. we are consecrated, because Jesus
Nay, once for all, at the end of the Christ once for all has offered up his
world, he has appeared with his body.
27 self-sacrifice abolish sin. And
to Again, while every priest f stands 11
just as it is appointed for men daily at his service, offering the
to die once and after that to be same sacrifices repeatedly, sacri-
28 judged, so Christ, after being once fices which never can take sins
sacrificed to bear the sins of many, away He a single sacri- 12
will appear again, not to deal with fice for sins and then seated him-
sin but for the saving of those who self for all time at the right hand
look out* for him. of God, to wait until his enemies are 13
10 For as the Law has a mere put under his feet. For by a single 14
shadow of the bliss that is to be, offering he has made the sanctified
instead of representing the reality perfect for all time. Besides, we 15
of that bliss, it can never perfect have the testimony of the holy
those who draw near with the same Spirit for after saying.

annual sacrifices that are perpetu- This is the covenant I will make 16
2 ally offered. Otherwise, they would with them when that day comes,
surely have ceased to be offered; saith the Lord,
for the worshippers, once cleansed, I will set my laws upon their
would no longer be conscious of hearts,
S sins As it is, they are an annual
! inscribing them upon their minds,
4 reminder of sins (for the blood of he adds.
bulls and goats cannot possibly And their sins and breaches of the 17
5 remove sins !). Hence, on entering law I will remember no more.
the world he says, Now where these are remitted, an 18
Thou hast no desire for sacrifice offering for sin exists no longer.
or offering
is a body thou hast prepared Brothers, since we have confi- 19
for me dence to enter the holy Presence
6 in holocausts and sin-offerings in virtue of the blood of Jesus, by 20
thou takest no delight. the fresh, living way which he has
7 So I said, ' Here I come in the inaugurated for us through the veil
roll of the book this is written (that is, through his flesh), and since 21
of me we have a great Priest over the
I come to do thy will, God,^ house of God, let us draw near with 22
a true heart, in absolute assurance
* Paurs word in PMl. iii. 20; but I trans-
of faith, our hearts sprinkled clean
late " look out " here, in order to suggest the
antithesis in x. 27. t Reading hpehs instead of opx'ep*^**
from a bad conscience, and our bodies the will ofGod you may get what
23 washed in pure water; let us hold you have been promised. For in a 37
the hope we avow without wavering little, a very little now.
(for we can rely on him who gave The Coming One will arrive with-
24 us the Promise) and let us consider
; out delay.
how to stir up one another to love Meantime my just man will live 38

25 and good deeds not ceasing to meet on by his faith ;
together, as is the habit of some, if he shrinks back, my soul takes
but admonishing one another, all no delight in him.
the more so, as you see the Day com- We are not the men to shrink back 39
26 ing near. For if we sin deliberately, and be lost, but to have faith and
after receiving the knowledge of the so to win our souls.
Truth, there is no longer any sacri- Now faith means we are confident 11
27 fice for sins left, nothing but an of what we hope for, convinced of
awful outlook of doom, of that what we do not see. It was for 2
burning Wrath which will consume this that the men of old won their
28 the foes of God. Anyone who has record. It isby faith we understand 8
rejected the law of Moses dies that the world was fashioned by
without mercy, on the evidence of two the word of God, and thus the
29 or of three witnesses. How much visible was made out of the in-
heavier, do you suppose, will be visible. It was by faith that Abel 4
the punishment assigned to him offered God a richer sacrifice than
who has spurned the Son of God, Cain did, and thus won from God
who has profaned the covenant- the record of being * just,' on the
blood with which he was sanctified, score of what he gave ; he died, but
who has insulted the Spirit of grace ? by his faith he is speaking to us
SO We know who said. Vengeance is still. It was by faith that Enoch 5
mine, I will exact a requital : and was taken to heaven, so that he
again. The Lord will pass sentence on never died (he was not overtaken by
31 his people. It is an awful thing to death, for God had taken him away).
fall into the hands of the living For before he was taken to heaven,
God. his record was that he had satisfied *
32 Recall the former days when, God ; and apart from faith it is im- 6
after you were enlightened, you en- possible to satisfy him, for the man
dured a hard struggle of suffering, who draws near to God must believe
33 partly by being held up yourselves that he exists and that he does
to obloquy and anguish, partly by reward those who seek him. It 7
making common cause with those was by faith that Noah, after being
34 who fared in this way for you did
; told by God of what was still un-
sympathize with the prisoners, and seen, reverently constructed an ark
you took the confiscation of your to save his household ; thus he con-
own belongings cheerfully, con- demned the world and became heir
scious that elsewhere you had higher, of the righteousness that follows
35 you had lasting, possessions. Now faith. It was by faith that Abra- 8
do not drop that confidence of ham obeyed his call to go forth to a
yours ; it carries with it a rich hope * Here, as elsewhere, " satisfy " is used in
86 of reward. Steady patience is the sense of a serrant giving satisfaction to
what you need, so that after doing his master.

place which he would receive as an each of the sons of Joseph, bending
inheritance; he went forth, al- in prayer over the head of his staff.
though he did not know where he It was by faith that Joseph at his 22
9 was to go. It was by faith that end thought about the exodus of
he sojourned in the promised land, the sons of Israel, and gave orders
as in a foreign country, residing in about his own bones. It was by 23
tents, as did Isaac and Jacob who faith that Moses xvas hidden for three
were co-heirs ^vith him of the same months after birth by his parents,
10 promise ; he was waiting for the City because they saw the child was
with its fixed foundations, whose beautiful, and had no fear of the
11 builder and maker is God. It royal decree. It was by faith that 24
was by faith that even Sara got Moses refused, when he had grown up,
strength to conceive, bearing a son to be called the son of Pharaoh's
when she was past the age for it daughter ill-treatment with God's
; 25
because she considered she could people he preferred to the passing
rely on Him who gave the promise. pleasures of sin, considering obloquy 26
12 Thus a single man, though he was with the messiah to be richer wealth
physically impotent, had issue in
than all Egypt's treasures for he
number like the stars in heaven, had an eye to the Reward. It was 27
countless as the sand on the seashore, by faith that he left Egypt, not from
13 (These all died in faith without any fear of the king's wrath ; like one
obtaining the promises; they only who saw the King Invisible, he never
saw them far away and hailed them, flinched. It was by faith that he 28
owning they were ' strangers and celebrated the passover and per-
14 exiles upon earth.' Now people formed the sprinkling by blood, so
who speakin this way plainly show that the destroying angel might not
they are in search of a fatherland. touch Israel's first-born. It was 29
15 If they thought of the land they by faith that they crossed the Red
have left behind, they would have
Sea like dry land and when the
16 time to go back, but they really Egyptians attempted it, they were
aspire to the better land in heaven. drowned. It was by faith that the 30
That is why God is not ashamed to walls of Jericho collapsed, after
be called their God he has prepared
; being surrounded for only seven
17 a City for them.) It was by faith, days. It was by faith that Rahab 31
when Abraham was put to the test, that the harlot did not perish along with
he sacrificed Isaac ; he was ready to those who were disobedient, as she
sacrifice his only son, although he had welcomed the scouts peaceably.
18 had received the promises and had And what more shall I say ? 82
been told that it is through Isaac Time would fail me to tell of
thai your offspring shall be reckoned Gideon, of Barak and Samson and
19 for he considered God was able Jephthah, of David and Samuel
even to raise men from the dead.
and the prophets men who by 33
Hence he did get him back, by what faith conquered kingdoms, adminis-
was a parable of the resurrection. tered justice, obtained promises,
20 It was by faith that Isaac blessed shut the mouth of lions, quenched 84
Jacob and Esau in connection with the power of fire, escaped the edge
21 the future. It was by faith that, of the sword, from weakness won
when Jacob was dying, he blessed to strength, proved valiant in war-
fare, and routed hosts of foreigners. word of appeal that reasons with
35 Some were given back to their you as sons ?
womankind, raised from the very- My son, never make light of the
dead; others were broken on the Lord's discipline,
wheel, refusing to accept release, never faint under his reproofs ;
that they might obtain a better for the Lord disciplines the man he 6
86 resurrection ; others, again, had to loves,
experience scoffs and scourging, and scourges every son he receives.
37 aye chains and imprisonment they It is for discipline thatyou have to 7
were stoned,* sawn in two, and endure. God is treating you as
cut to pieces; they had to roam sons for where is the son who is

about in sheepskins and goatskins, not disciplined by his father ? Dis- 8

38 forlorn, oppressed, ill-treated (men cipline is the portion of all; if you
of whom the world was not worthy), get no discipline, then you are not
wanderers in the desert and among sons but bastards. Why, we had 9
the hills, in caves and gullies. fathers of our flesh to discipline us,
39 They all won their record for and we yielded to them ! Shall we
faith, but the Promise they did not far more submit to the Father
40 not obtain. God had something of our spirits, and so live ? For 10
better in store for us; he would while their discipline was only for
not have them perfected apart a time, and inflicted at their plea-
from us. sure, he disciplines us for our good,
12 Therefore, with all this host of that we may share in his own holi-
witnessesf encircling us, we must ness. Discipline always seems for U
strip off every handicap, strip off sin the time to be a thing of pain, not
with its clinging folds, to run our of joy; but those who are trained
2 appointed course steadily, our eyes by it reap the fruit of it afterwards
fixed upon Jesus as the pioneer and in the peace of an upright life. So 12

the perfection of faith upon Jesus up with your listless hands ! Streng-
who, in order to reach his own ap- then your weak knees I And mc^e 13
pointed joy, steadily endured the straight paths for your feet to walk
cross, thinking nothing of its shame, in. You must not let the lame get
and is now seated at the right hand dislocated, but rather make them
3 of the throne of God. Compare him whole. Aim at peace with all and 14
who steadily endured that hos-
all at that consecration without which
tility from sinful men, so as to keep no one will ever see the Lord; see 15
your own hearts from fainting and to it that no one misses the grace of
4 failing. You have not had to shed God, no root of bitterness grows
blood yet in the struggle against up a trouble by contaminating
to he
5 sin. And have you forgotten the all the rest of you; that no one 16
turns to sexual vice or to a profane
* The next word, iireipdadrja-aVf is either
due to dittography (with the following life as Esau did
Esau, who for a
iirpiaericrav) or a corruption of some word single meal parted with
his birthright.
like itrvpdtrd'ncrav or iiretpdlidTicrav. I have left You know how later on, when he 17
it untranslated.
wanted to obtain his inheritance of
The Greek word is beginning already to
hover round the special sense of " martyrs " blessing, he was set aside; he got
but the broadei sense is obviously required no chance to repent, though he tried
here. for it with tears.


18 You have not come to what you member prisoners as if you wew
can touch, to flames of fire, to mist in prison yourselves; remember
19 and gloom and stormy blasts, to those who are being ill-treated,
the blare of a trumpet and to a since you too are in the body.
Voice whose words made those who Let marriage be held in honour
heard it refuse to hear another by all, and keep the marriage-bed
20 syllable (for they could not bear unstained. God will punish the
the command, // even a beast touches vicious and adulterous.
the mountain, it must be stoned) Keep your life free from the love
21 indeed, so awful was the sight that of money; be content with what
Moses said, / am terrified and aghast, you have, for He has said.
22 You have come to mount Sion, the Never will I fail you, never will I
city of the living God, the heavenly forsake you.
Jerusalem, to myriads of angels in So that we can say confidently.
23 festal gathering, to the assembly The Lord is my helper, I will not
of the first-born registered in be afraid.
heaven, to the God of all as judge, What can men do
to me ?
to the spirits of just men made per- Remember your leaders, the
24 feet, to Jesus who mediates the new men who spoke the word of God
covenant, and to the sprinkled to you; look back upon the close
blood whose message is nobler than of their career, and copy their
25 Abel's. See that you do not refuse faith.
to Hsten to His voice. For if they Jesus Christ is always the same,
failed to escape, who refused to yesterday, to-day, and for ever.
listen to their instructor upon Never let yourselves be carried
earth, much less shall we, if we dis- away with a variety of novel doc-
card Him who speaks from heaven. trines; for the right thing is to
26 Then his voice shook the earth, but have one's heart strengthened by
now the assurance is, once again I will grace, not by the eating of food
make heaven as well as earth to quake, that has never been any use to
27 That phrase, once again, denotes the those who have had recourse to it.
removal of what is shaken (as no Our altar is one of which the wor- 10
more than created), to leave only shippers have no right to eat. For 11
28 what stands unshaken. Therefore the bodies of the animals whose
let us render thanks* that we get blood is taken into the holy Place
an unshaken realm; and in this by the high priest as a sin-offer-
way let us worship God acceptably ing, are burned outside the camp;
29 but with godly fear j and awe, and so Jesus also suffered outside 12
for our God is indeed a consuming the gate, in order to sanctify the
fire, people by his own blood. Let us 13
go to him outside the camp, then,
OHAP. bearing his obloquy (for we have 14
13 Let your brotherly love con- no lasting city here below, we seek
2 tinue. Never forget to be hospit- the City to come). And by him let 15
able, for by hospitality some have us constantly offer praise to God
3 entertained angels unawares. Re- as our sacrifice, that is, the fruit of
* Reading cxwMev. lips that celebrate his Name. Do 16
t Like Jesus himself (v. 7). not forget beneficence and charity,

these are the kind of sacri-

either ; furnish you with everything * for 21
that are acceptable to God.
fices the doing of his will, creating in
17 Obey your leaders, submit to your lives by Jesus Christ what is
them; for they are alive to the acceptable in his own sight To I

interests of your souls, as men who him be glory for ever and ever:
will have to account for their trust. Amen.
Let their work be a joy to them I appeal to you, brothers, to 22

and not a grief which would be a bear with this appeal of mine. It
loss to yourselves. is but a short letter.
18 Pray for me, for I am sure I have You must understand that our 23
a clean conscience; my desire is in brother Timotheus is now free. If
every way to lead an honest life. he comes soon, he and I will see you
19 I urge you to this all the more, together.
that I may get back to you the Salute all your leaders and all the 24
sooner. saints. The Italians salute you.
20 May the God of peace who brought Grace be with you all. Amen.
up from the dead our Lord Jesus, * Omitting, with t<, D*, the Latin and
the great Shepherd of the sheep, Bohairic versions, etc., the homiletic
th the blood of the eternal covenant, addition of ayaO^.


1 James, a servant of God and the tempted as he is beguiled and
Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve allured by his own desire ; then 15
tribes in the Dispersion : greeting. Desire conceives and breeds Sin,
2 Greet it as pure joy, my brothers, while Sin matures and gives birth
when you come across any sort of to Death. Make no mistake about 16
3 trial, sure that the sterling temper this, my beloved brothers all we 17

of your faith produces endurance; are given is good, and all our endow-
4 only, let your endurance be a fin- ments are faultless, descending from
ished product, so that you may be above, from the Father of the
finished and complete, with never a heavenly lights, who knows no
5 defect. Whoever of you is defec- change of rising and setting, who
tive in wisdom, let him ask God casts no shadow on the earth. It 18
who gives to all men without ques- was his own will that we should be
tion or reproach, and the gift will born by the Word of the truth, to
6 be his. Only, let him ask in be a kind of firstfruits among his
faith, with never a doubt; for the creatures. Be sure of that, my 19
doubtful man is like surge of beloved brothers.
the sea whirled and swayed by the Let everyone be quick to listen,
7 wind that man need not imagine
; slow to talk, slow to be angry for 20
he will get anything from God, human anger does not promote
8 double-minded creature that he is, divine righteousness ; so clear away 21
9 wavering at every turn. Let a all the foul rank growth of malice,
brother of low position exult when and make a soil of modesty for the
he is raised but let one who is rich
; Word which roots itself inwardly
1 exult in being lowered for the rich ; with power to save your souls. Act 22
will pass away like the flower of the on the Word, instead of merely lis-
grass up comes the sun with the tening to it and deluding yourselves. 23
scorching wind and withers the grass For whoever listens and does no- 24
its flower drops off, and the splen- thing, is like a man who glances at
dour of it is ruined so shall the
: his natural face in a mirror; he
rich fade away amid their pursuits. glances at himself, goes off, and
12 Blessed is he who endures under at once forgets what he was like.
trial; for when he has stood the Whereas he who gazes into the 25
test, he will get the crown of life faultlesslaw of freedom and remains
which is promised to all who love in that position, proving himself
13 Him. Let no one who is tried by to be no forgetful listener but an
temptation say, '
My temptation active agent, he will be blessed in
comes from God God is incap-
' ; his activity. Whoever considers 26
able of being tempted by evil and he is religious, and does not bridle
14 he tempts no one. Everyone is his tongue, but deceives his own

27 heart, his religion is futile. Pure, as those who are to be judged by

unsoiled religion in the judgment of the law of freedom; for the judg- 13
God the Father means this to care: ment will be merciless to the man
for* orphans and widows in their who has shown no mercy whereas
trouble, and to keep oneself from the merciful life will triumph in
the stain of the world. the face of judgment. J Do not 11
2 My
brothers, as you believe in defame one another, brothers; he
our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the who defames or judges his brother
Glory, pay no servile regard to defames and judges the Law; and
2 people. Suppose there comes into if you judge the Law, you pass
your meeting a man who wears gold sentence on it instead of obeying it.
rings and handsome clothes, and One alone is the legislator, who 12
8 also a poor manin dirty clothes ; if passes sentence ; it is He who is able
you attend to the wearer of the to save and to destroy; who are
handsome clothes and say to him, you, to judge your neighbour?
" Sit here, this is a good place," My brothers, what is the use of 14
and the poor man, " You can
tell anyone declaring he has faith, if he
stand," or " Sit theref at my feet," has no deeds to show? Can his
4 are you not drawing distinctions in faith save him ? Suppose some 15
your own minds and proving that brother or sister is ill-clad and
you judge people with partiality? short of daily food ; if any of you 16
5 Listen, my beloved brothers ; has says to them, " Depart in peace !

not God chosen the poor of this Get warm, get food," without
world to be rich in faith and to supplying their bodily needs, what
inherit the realm which he has use is that ? So faith, unless it has 17
promised to those who love him? deeds, is dead in itself. Someone 18
6 Now you insult the poor. Is it not will object, * And you claim to have
the rich who lord it over you and faith * ! Yes, and I claim to have
7 drag you to court ? Is it not they deeds as well; you show me your
who scoff at the noble Name you faith without any deeds, and I will
8 bear ? If you really fulfil the royal show you by my
deeds what faith
law laid down by scripture. You is ! You believe in one God ? 19
must love your neighbour as yourself, Well and good. So do the devils,
9 well and good but if you pay
; and they shudder. But will you 20
servile regard to people, you com- understand, you senseless fellow,
mit a sin, and the Law convicts that faith without deeds is dead?
10 you of transgression. For whoever When our father Abraham offered 21
obeys the whole of the Law and his son Isaac on the altar, was he not
only makes a single slip, is guilty of justified by what he did? In his 22
11 everything. He who said. Do not case, you see, faith co-operated
commit adultery, also said. Do not with deeds, faith was completed by
kill. Now if you do not commit deeds, and the scripture was ful- 23
adultery but if you kill, you have filled: Abraham believed God, and
12 transgressed the Law. Speak, act, this was counted to him as righteous-

* As in Matthew xrv. 36, the word implies

ness he was called God's friend.
personal service and help.
You observe it is by what he does 24
t Reading fj Kdeov e/cet with B and some X Restoring 4^^^-^^ to what seems to have
evidence from, the Latin version. been its original place.

that a man is justified, not simply has been tamed by mankind, no 8
25 by what he believes. So too with
Rahab the harlot. Was she not
man can tame the tongue plague
of disorder that it is, full of deadly

justified by what she did, when venom With the tongue we bless
! 9
she entertained the scouts and the Lord and Father, and with the
got them away by a different tongue we curse men made in God's
road? likeness ; blessing and cursing 10
26 For as the body without the stream from the same lips My !

breath of life is dead, brothers, this ought not to be.

so faith is dead without deeds. Does a fountain pour out fresh 11
17 Whoever, then, knows what is right water and brackish from the same
to do and does not do it, that is a hole ? Can a fig tree, my brothers, 12
sin for him.* bear olives? Or a vine, figs?
No more can salt water yield
3 Brothers, do not swell the ranks Who among you is wise and 13
of the teachers; remember we learned? Let him show by his
teachers will be judged with special good conduct, with the modesty
2 strictness. We all make many a of wisdom, what his deeds are.
slip, but whoever avoids slips of But if you are cherishing bitter 14
speech is a perfect man; he can jealousy and rivalry in your hearts,
bridle the whole of the body as well do not pride yourselves on that
8 as the tongue. We put bridles into and be false to the truth. That is 15
the mouths of horses to make them not the vdsdom which comes down
obey us, and so, you see,t we can from above, it is an earthly wis-
move the whole of their bodies. dom, sensuous, devilish; for wher- 16
4 Look at ships too ; for all their size ever jealousy and rivalry exist,
and speed under stiff v^dnds, they there disorder reigns and every
are turnedby a tiny rudder wher- evil. The wisdom from above is 17
ever the mind of the steersman first of all pure, then peaceable,
5 chooses. So the tongue is a small forbearing, conciliatory, full of
member of the body, but it can mercy and wholesome fruit, un-
boast of great exploits. What a ambiguous, straightforward; and 18
forest is set ablaze by a little spark the peacemakers who sow in peace
6 of fire ! And the tongue is a fire, reap righteousness. Where do 4
the tongue proves a very world conflicts, where do vn'angles come
of mischief among our members, from, in your midst? Is it
staining the whole of the body and not from these passions of yours
setting fire to the round circle of that war among your members?
existence vrith a flame fed by hell. You crave, and miss what you 2
7 For while every kind of beast and want you envy % and covet, but

bird, of creeping animals and you cannot acquire you wrangle :

creatures marine, is tameable and

and fight you miss what you
want because you do not ask God
This seems likely to have been the for it you do ask and you do not 3
original position of 4^'.
get it, because you ask with the
t Reading with C P, the Syriao and
Armenian versions, tSe {iSov), instead of % Accepting ^Oovelref the conjecture of
6( Se. Erasmus, for the <pove{>Tt of the MSS.
wicked intention of spending it on You have been storing up trea-
4 your pleasures. (Wanton creatures I sure in the very last days;*
do you not know that the world's j^our wealth lies rotting, 2
friendship means enmity to God? and your clothes are moth-
Whoever, then, chooses to be the eaten ;

world's turns enemy to

friend, your gold and silver lie rusted 3
What, do you consider this
5 God.
6 is an idle word of scripture ? He ' and
their rust will be evidence
yearns jealously for the spirit he against you,
set within us.') Yet he gives grace it will devour your flesh like
more and more thus it is said,

The haughty God opposes, See, the wages of which you have 4
hut to the humble he gives grace, defrauded the workmen who
7 Well then, submit yourselves to mowed your fields call out,
God; and the cries of the harvesters
resist the devil, have reached the ears of the
and he will fly from you : Lord of Hosts.
8 draw near to God, You have revelled on earth and 5
and he will draw near to you. plunged into dissipation
Cleanse your hands, you sinners, you have fattened yourselves as
and purify your hearts, you for the Day of slaughter ;
double-minded. you have condemned, you have 6
9 Lament and mourn and weep, murdered the righteous
let your laughter be turned to unresisting.
mourning, Be patient, then, brothers, till 7
and your joy to depression; the arrival of the Lord. See how
10 humble yourselves before the the farmer waits for the precious
Lord, crop of the land, biding his time
and then he will raise you up. patiently till he gets {he autumn
and the spring rains ; have patience 8
13 Come now, you who say, " To- yourselves, strengthen your hearts,
day or to-morrow we are going to for the arrival of the Lord is at
such and such a city we shall spend ;
hand. Do not murmur against 9
a year there trading and making one another, brothers, lest you are

14 money " you who know nothing
about to-morrow For what is
judged look, the Judge is standing

at the very door As an ex- 10


your life? You are but a mist, ample of fortitude and endurance,
which appears for a little and then brothers, take the prophets who
15 vanishes. You ought rather to have spoken in the name of the
say, " If the Lord will, we shall live Lord. See, we call the stedfast 11
16 to do this or that." But here you happy ; you have heard of the
are, boasting in your proud preten- stedfastness of Job, and you have
sions All such boasting is wicked.
seen the end of the Lord with him,
seen that the Lord is very com-
OEAF. passionate and pitiful. Above all, 12
5 Come now, you rich men, weep * Transferring the last clause of ver. 3
and shriek over your impending to what appears to have boon iti original
miseries I position.

my brothers, never swear an oath, another, that you may be healed;
either by heaven or by earth or by the prayers of the righteous have a
anything else let your " yes " be a
; powerful effect. Elijah was a man 17
plain " yes," your " no " a plain with a nature just like our own;
" no," lest you incur judgment. but he offered prayer that it might
13 Is anyone of you in trouble ? let not rain, and for three years and
him pray. Is anyone thriving? six months it did not rain then he 18

14 let him sing praise. Is anyone ill ? prayed again, and the sky yielded
let him summon the presbyters of rain, the earth brought forth its
the church, and let them pray over fruit.
him, anointing him with oil in the My brothers, if anyone of you 19
15 name of the Lord; the prayer of goes astray from the truth and some
faith will restore the sick man, and one brings him back, understand 20 i

the Lord will raise him up; even that he M^ho brings a sinner back
the sins he has committed will be from the error of his way saves his
1 forgiven him. So confess your sins soul from death and hides a host of
to one another and pray for one sins.
1 Peter an apostle of Jesus the Spirit of messiah within them 11
Christ, to the exiles of the Disper- foretold all the suffering of messiah
sion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, and his after-glory, and they pon-
2 Asia, and Bithynia, whom God the dered when or how this was to
Father has predestined and chosen, come ; to them it was revealed that 12
by the consecration of the Spirit, to they got this intelligence * not for '

obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled themselves but for you, regarding
with his blood may grace and
: all that has now been disclosed to
peace be multiplied to you. you by those who preached the gos-
3 Blessed be the God and Father pel to you through the holy Spirit
of our Lord Jesus Christ By his ! sent from heaven. The very angels
great mercy we have been born long to get a glimpse of this I
anew to a life of hope through the Brace up your minds, then, 13
resurrection of Jesus Christ from keep cool, and put your hope for
4 the dead, born to an unscathed, good and all in the grace that is
inviolate, unfading inheritance; it coming to you at the revelation
5 is kept in heaven for you, and the of Jesus Christ. Be obedient chil- 14
power of God protects you by faith dren, instead of moulding your-
till you do inherit the salvation selves to the passions that once
which is all ready to be revealed ruled the days of your ignorance;
6 at the last hour. You will re- as He who called you is holy, so 15
joice then, though for the passing you must be holy too in all your
moment you may need to suffer
conduct -for it is written. You shall 16
7 various trials ; that is only to prove be holy because I am holy. And as 17
your faith is sterling (far more you call upon a Father who judges
precious than gold wHich is perish- everyone impartially by what he
able and yet is tested by fire), and has done, be reverent in your
it redounds to your praise and glory conduct while you sojourn here
and honour at the revelation of below; you know it was not by 18
8 Jesus Christ. You never knew him, perishable silver or gold that you
^- but you love him for the moment
; were ransomed from the futile tra-
you do not see him, but you be- ditions of your past, but by the 19
lieve in him. and you will thrill precious blood of Christ, a lamb un-
with an unspeakable and glorioas blemished and unstained. He was 20
9 joy to obtain the outcome of your predestined before the foundation
faith in the salvation of your souls.
* On the basis of Enoch i. 2 {oix fls r^y
10 Even prophets have searched and
vvv yfveav Sitvooifxrtv iW' inl 'ir6ppw oZaav
inquired about that salvation, the
iyia \a\a) Dr. Rendel Harris plausibly
prophets who prophesied of the reads Sievoovvro, as above, for the ^i'i\k6vow
grace that was meant for you; of the ordinary text.


of the world and has appeared a stone over which men stumble and 8
at the end of the ages for your a rock of offence ; they stumble over
21 sake ; it is by him that you be- it in their disobedience to God's
heve in God who raised him from word. Such is their appointed
the dead and gave him glory; and doom. But you are the elect race, 9
thus your faith means hope in God, the royal priesthood, the consecrated
22 Now that your obedience to the nation, the People wfio belong to Him,
Truth has purified your souls for a that you may proclaim the wondrous
brotherly love that is sincere, love deeds of Him who has called you
one another heartily and steadily. from darkness to his wonderful
23 You are born anew of immortal, not light ^you who once were no people 10
of mortal seed, by the living, lasting and now are God's people, you who
24 word of God ; for once were unpitied and now are
All flesh is like the grass, pitied.
and all its glory like the flower Beloved, as sojourners and exiles 11
of grass I appeal to you to abstain from the
the grass withers passions of the flesh that wage war
and the flower fades, upon the soul. Conduct yourselves 12
25 hut the word of the Lord lasts for properly before pagans ; so that for
ever all their slander of you as bad
and that is the word of the gospel for characters, they may come to
2 you. So off with all malice, all glorify God when you are put
guile and insincerity and envy and upon your trial, by what they see
2 slander of every kind ! Like newly- of your good deeds.
born children, thirst for the pure, Submit for the Lord's sake to any 13
spiritual milk to make you grow up human authority; submit to the
3 to salvation. You have had a taste emperor as supreme, and to gover- 14
4 of the kindness of the Lord : come to nors as deputed by him for the

him then come to that living Stone punishment of wrongdoers and the
which men have rejected and God encouragement of honest people
5 holds choice and precious, come for it is the will of God that by 15
and, like living stones yourselves, be your honest lives you should silence
built into a spiritual house, to form the ignorant charges of foolish
a consecrated priesthood for the persons. Live like free men, only 16
offering of those spiritual sacrifices do not make your freedom a pre-
that are acceptable to God through text for misconduct; live like ser- ^

6 Jesus Christ. For thus it stands in vants of God. Do honour to all, 17

the scripture: love the brotherhood, reverence God,
Here I lay a Stone in Sion, honour the emperor.
a choice, a 'precious corner- Servants, be submissive to your 18
stone : masters with perfect respect, not
he who believes in him will never simply to those who are kind and
he disappointed. reasonable but to the surly as well
7 Now you believe, you hold him for it is a merit when from a sejQise 19
precious,' but as for the unbeliev- of God one bears the pain of unjust
ing suffering. Where is the credit in 20
the very stone the builders rejected standing punishment for having
is now the cornerstone, done wrong? No, if you stand

for having done right,

suffering in living with your wives, since
what God counts a merit.
that is they are the weaker sex you must ;

21 It isjyour vocation for when Christ ; honour them as heirs equally with
suffered for you, he left you an yourselves of the grace of Life, so
example, and you must follow his that your prayers may not be
footsteps. hindered.
22 He committed no sin, Lastly, you must all be united, 8
no guile was ever found upon you must have sympathy, brotherly
his lips ; love, compassion, and humility,
23 he was reviled and made no retort, never paying back evil for evil, never 9
he suffered and never threat- reviling when you are reviled, but
ened, on the contrary blessing. For this j

but everything to Him who

left is your vocation, to bless and to
24 judges justly he hare our sins in his
; inherit blessing;
own body on the gibbet, that we he who would love Life 10
might break with sin and live for and enjoy good days,
righteousness; and hy his wounds let him keep his tongue from evil
25 you have been healed. You were and his lips from speaking
astray like sheep^ but you have come guile
back now to the Shepherd and let him shun wrong and do 11
Guardian of your souls. right,
3 In the same way, you wives let him seek peace and make
must be submissive to your hus- peace his aim.
bands, so that even those who will For the eyes of the Lord are on the 12
not believe the Word may be won upright,
i^ over without a word by the behav- and his ears are open to their
2 iour of their wives, when they see cry ;
howchaste and reverent you are. hut the face of the Lord is set against
3 You are not to adorn yourselves wrongdoers.
on the outside with braids of hair Yet who will wrong you if you 13
and ornaments of gold and changes have a passion for goodness ? Even 14
4 of dress, but inside, in the heart, supposing 5^ou have to suffer for
with the immortal beauty of a the sake of what is right, still you ^
\ gentle and modest spirit, which in are blessed. Have no fear of their
the sight of God is of rare value. threats, do not let that trouble you,
5 It was in this way long ago that but reverence Christ as Lord in 15
the holy women who hoped in God your own hearts. Always be
adorned themselves. They were ready vnih. a reply for anyone
6 submissive to their husbands. Thus who calls you to account for the
Sara obeyed Abraham by calling hope you cherish, but answer gently /
him lord \
And you are daughters and with a sense of reverence see 16 ;

of Sara if you do what is right and that you have a clean conscience,
7 yield to no panic,* In the same way so that, for all their slander of you,
you husbands must be considerate these libellers of your good Chris-
tian behaviour may be ashamed.
Apparently an allusion to the fear of
violence at tne hands of their (pagan ?)
For it is better to suffer for doing 17
husbands. The language, but not the idea, right (if that should be the will
ia that of Pioyeibs ui. 25. of God) than for doing wrong.
18 Christ himself died for sins, once was preached to the dead as well,
for ail, a just man for unjust that while they are judged in the ^^

men, that he might bring us near

flesh as men, they may live as God \

to God in the flesh he was put to

; lives in the spirit). ^J
death but he came to Hfe in the Now the end of all is near. 7
19 Spirit. (It was in the Spirit that Steady then, keep cool and pray !

Enoch* also went and preached to Above all, be keen to love one 8 /
20 the imprisoned spirits who had another, for love hides a host of
disobeyed at the time when God's sins. Be hospitable to each other, 9
patience held out during the con- and do not grudge it. You must 10
struction of the ark in the days of serve one another, each with the

Noah the ark by which only a few talent he has received, as efficient
, souls, eight in all, were brought stewards of God's varied grace.
\ 21 safely through the water. Baptism, If anyone preaches, he must preach 11
the counterpart of that, saves you as one who utters the words of ^ /
to-day (not the mere washing of God if anyone renders some service,

^ dirt from the flesh but the prayer it must be as one who is supplied
for a clean conscience before God) by God with power, so that in
by the resurrection of Jesus Christ everything God may be glorified
22 who is at God's right hand for he through Jesus Christ. The glory
*- went to heaven after angels, authori- and the dominion are his for ever
ties, and powers celestial had been and ever Amen. :

made subject to him.) Beloved, do not be surprised at 12

4 Well, as Christ has suffered for the ordeal that has come to test
us in the flesh, let this very con- you, as though some foreign ex-
viction that he who has suffered in perience befell you. You are shar- 13
the flesh gets quit of sin, nerve you ing what Christ suffered ; so rejoice
2 to spend the rest of your time in in it, that you may also rejoice and
the flesh for the will of God and no exult when his glory is revealed.
3 longer for human passions. It is If you are denounced for the sake of 14
quite enough to have done as pagans Christ, you are blessed; for then
choose to do, during the time gone the Spirit of glory and power, the
by I You used to lead lives of Spirit of God himself, is resting on
sensuality, lust, carousing, revelry, you. None of you must suffer as
4 dissipation and illicit idolatry, and a murderer or a thief or a bad
it astonishes them that you will character or a revolutionary; but 16
not plunge with them still into if a man suffers for being a Chris-
the same flood of profligacy. They tian, he must not be ashamed, he
6 abuse you, but they will have to must rather glorify God for that.
answer for that to Him who is It is time for the Judgment to begin 17
prepared to judge the living and the with the household of God;
6 dead (for this was why the gospel and if it begins with us,
* Accepting the emendation of Dr. what will be the fate of those
Rendel Harris that *Ev(ax has been omitted who refuse obedience to
after iy $ Kal (ENXIKAI [ENflX]), by "a God's gospel?
scribe's blunder in dropping some re-
peated letters." The story of this mission
If the just man is scarcely saved, 18
is told in the Book of Enoch (see abovo^
what will become of the impious
p. 291). and sinful ?
19 So let those who are suffering by when time, he may raise you
it is
the will of God trust their souls to let all your anxieties fall upon him,
him, their faithful Creator, as they for his interest is in you.
continue to do right. Keep cool, keep awake. Your 8
enemy the devil prowls like a
OHAP. roaring lion, looking out for some-
5 Now I make this appeal to your one to devour. Resist him; keep 9
presbyters (for I am a presbyter your foothold in the faith, and
myself, I was a witness of what learn to pay the same tax of suffer-
/ Christ suffered and I am to share ing as the rest of your brotherhood
2 the glory that will be revealed), be throughout the world. Once you 10
shepherds to your flock of God; have suffered for a little, the God
take charge of them willingly* of all grace who has called you to
instead of being pressed to it, not his eternal glory in Christ, willf
to make a base profit from it but repair and recruit and strengthen
8 freely, not by way of lording it over you. The dominion is his for ever 11
your charges but proving a pattern and ever Amen.:

4 to the flock. Then you will receive By the hand of Silvanus, a faith- 12
the unfading crown of glory, when ful brother (in my opinion), I have
the chief Shepherd makes his ap- written you these few lines of en-
6 pearance. You younger men couragement, to testify that this is
must also submit to the presbyters. what the true grace of God means.
Indeed you must all put on the Stand in that grace.
apron of humility to serve one Your sister-church in Babylon, 13
\\\ another, for elect like yourselves, salutes you.
the haughty God opposes, So does my son Mark. Salute one 14
but to the humble he gives grace, another with a kiss of love.
6 Humble yourselves under the Peace be to you all who are in
strong hand of God then, so that Christ [Jesus].
t Omitting ee/xeXidxrei with A B, tii
* Omitting Karh Biiv, Latin and Ethiopio versions.



1 Symeon Peter, a servant and with the right of entry into the
apostle of Jesus Christ, to those eternal realm of our Lord and
who have been allotted a faith of saviour Jesus Christ.
equal privilege with ours, by the Hence I mean to keep on remind- 12
equity of our God and saviour Jesus ing you of this, although you are ,

2 Christ : grace and peace be multi- aware of it and are fixed in the Truth, W^
plied to you by the knowledge of * as it is ; so long as I am in this tent, 13
8 our Lord. Inasmuch as his power I deem it proper to stir you up by
divine has bestowed on us every way of reminder, since I know my 141
requisite for life and piety by the tent must be folded up very soon I

knowledge of him who called us as indeed our Lord Jesus Christ

to his own glory and excellence has shown me. Yes, and I will see 15
4 bestowing on us thereby promises to it that even when I am gone, you
precious and supreme, that by will keep this constantly in mind.
means of them you may escape the For it was no fabricated fables 16
corruption produced within the that we followed when we reported
world by lust, and participate in to you the power and advent of
5 the divine nature for this very our Lord Jesus Christ; we were /
reason, do you contrive to make admitted to the spectacle of his ^
it your whole concern to furnish sovereignty, when he was invested 17
your faith with resolution, resolu- with honour and glory by God the
(5 tion with intelligence, intelligence Father, and when the following
with self-control, self-control with voice was borne to him from | the
stedfastness, stedfastness with sublime Glory, " This is my son, *

7 piety, piety with brotherliness, the Beloved, in whom I delight."

brotherliness with Christian love. That voice borne from heaven we 18
8 For as these qualities exist and heard, we who were beside him on
increase with you, they render you the sacred hill, and thus we have 19
active and fruitful in the knowledge gained fresh confirmation of the
9 of our Lord Jesus Christ ; whereas prophetic word. Pray attend to
he who has not these by him is that word; it shines like a lamp
blind, shortsighted, oblivious that within a darksome spot, till the
he has been cleansed from his erst- Day dawns and the daystar rises
10 while sins. So be the more eager,
within your hearts understanding 20
brothers, to ratify your calling and this, at the outset, that no pro-
election, for as you practise these phetic scripture allows a man to
qualities you will never make a slip interpret it by himself; for pro- 2]
11 you will thus be richly furnished phecy never came by human im-
* Omitting, with P Uid the Latin Vul- t Reading with the Syriac and Latin
gate, -rov StOV Kol 'lllffOV, (Vulgate) versions avh instead of vif6.

Eulse, it was when carried away to rescue pious folk from trial, and
y the holy Spirit that the* holy how to keep the unrighteous under
men of God
spoke. punishment till the day of doom,
2 Still,prophets did appear
false particularly those who fall in with 10
among the People, as among you the polluting appetite of the flesh
also there will be false teachers, and despise the Powers celestial.
men who will insinuate destructive Daring, presumptuous creatures I
heresies, even disowning the Lord they are not afraid to scoff at the an-
who ransomed them; they bring gelic Glories; whereas even angels, 11
rapid destruction on themselves, superior in might and power, lay no
2 and many ^vill follow their immor- scoffing charge against these before
ality (thanks to them the true Way the Lord. But those people 12 !
3 will be maligned) ; in their lust like irrational animals, creatures
they will exploit you with cunning of mere instinct, born for capture
men whose doom and corruption, they scoff at what
comes apace from of old, and they are ignorant of; and like
destruction is awake upon their animals they will suffer corruption
C^ trail.
For if
who had
God did not spare
sinned, but com-
and ruin, done out of the profits 13
of their evil-doing. Pleasure for
mitting them to pits of the nether them is revelling in open daylight
gloom in Tartarus, reserved them spots and blots, with their dissipated
6 under punishment f for doom if : revelling, as they carouse in your
he did not spare the ancient world midst! their
eyes are full of 14
but kept Noah, the herald of harlotry, insatiable for sin; their
righteousness, safe with seven own hearts trained to lust, they
others, when he let loose the deluge beguile unsteady souls. Accursed
6 on the world of impious men if : generation they have gone wrong
I 15
he reduced the cities of Sodom and by leaving the straight road, by
Gomorra to ashes when he sen- following the road of Balaam son
tenced them to devastation, and of Bosor, who liked the profits of
thus gave the impious I an example
evil-doing but he got reproved 16
7 of what was in store for them, but for his malpractice a dumb ass:

rescued righteous Lot who was spoke with human voice and
sore burdened by the immoral checked the prophet's infatuation.
8 behaviour of the lawless (for when These people are waterless foun- 17
that righteous man resided among tains and mists driven by a squall,
them, by what he saw and heard his for whom the nether gloom of dark-
righteous soul was vexed day after ness is reserved. By talking arro-
day with their unlawful doings) gant futilities they beguile with the
9 then be sure the Lord knows how sensual lure of fleshly passion those
* Reading ot ayioi 6eov
who are just escaping from the
with A,
the Latin version, etc.
Reading with t^ A, the Latin and
HvOpaairoi fc^
company of misconduct promising 19
them freedom, when they are them-

Egyptian versions, and SyrP^Ji KoKa^oixivovs selves enslaved to corruption (for
Ttjpelv instead of ttjpovij.4uovs.
a man is the slave of whatever
X affefieanv (B P Syr^) or to7s
(sah boh) instead of acreh^tv. As
ikffffieaip Reading, with ^5* BP
SyrPi^ii arm a5i-
Weizsacker renders it, " ein Vorbild des Kov/xuoi instead of Kofxiovfievu
Kommenden gebend f^ die Gottlosen." II
Omitting [ets alum].


20 overpowers him). After escaping thousand years are like a single day.
the pollutions of the world by the The Lord is not slow with what 9
knowledge of our Lord and saviour he promises, according to certain
Jesus Christ, if they get entangled people's idea of slowness; no, he
and overpowered again, the last is longsuffering for your sake,! he
state is worse for them than the does not wish any to perish but
21 first. Better had they never known all to betake them to repentance.
the Way of righteousness, than to The day of the Lord will come like 10
know it and then turn back from a thief, when the heavens will
the holy commandment which was vanish with crackhng roar, the
22 committed to them. They verify stars will be set ablaze and melt,
the truth of the proverb : the earth and all its works will dis-
The dog turns hack to what he has appear. | Now as all things are 11
vomited, thus to be dissolved, what holy and
the sow when washed will pious men ought you to be in your
wallow in the mire." behaviour, you who expect and 12
8 This is the second letter I have hasten the advent of the Day of
already written to you, beloved, God, which dissolves the heavens in
stirring up your pure mind* by way fire and makes the stars blaze and
2 of reminder, to have you recollect melt I It is new heavens and a 13
the words spoken by the holy new earth that we expect, as He
prophets beforehand and the com- has promised, and in them dwells
mand given by your apostles from righteousness. Then, beloved, as 14
8 the Lord and saviour. To begin you are expecting this, be eager /

with, you know that mockers will to be found by him unspotted and \

come with their mockeries in the unblemished in serene assurance.

last days, men who go by their own And consider that the longsuffering 15
4 passions, asking, " Where is His of our Lord means salvation ; as
promised advent? Since the day indeed our beloved brother Paul
our fathers fell asleep, things re- has written to you out of the wis-
main exactly as they were from the dom vouchsafed to him, speaking 16
5 beginning of creation." They wil- of this as he has done in all his
fully ignore the fact that heavens letters
letters containing some
existed long ago, and an earth knotty points, which ignorant and
which the word of God formed of unsteady souls twist (as they do the
6 water and by water. By water rest of the scriptures) to their own
the then-existing world was deluged destruction. Now, beloved, you 17
7 and destroyed, but the present are forewarned : mind you are not
heavens and earth are treasured carried away by the error of the law-
up by the same word for fire, re- less and so lose your proper footing
served for the day when the im- but grow in the grace and know- 18
pious are doomed and destroyed. ledge of our Lord and saviour Jesus
8 Beloved, you must not ignore this Christ. To him be the glory now
one fact, that with the Lord a single and to the day of eternity Amen. :

day is like a thousand years, and a

* Adiflficult phrase, referring perhaps to t Reading 5t' with X A Lat. syr. sah., etc.
freedom from the contamination of heresies. X Adding ovx before tvpeOiifftrai with the
Beuss rendera, ** votie sain jugement." SaLidio version.
1 It is of what existed from the the Father in Jesus Christ the just
very beginning, of what we heard, he is himself the propitiation for 2
of what we saw, of what we wit- our sins, though not for ours alone
nessed and touched with our own but also for the whole world.
hands, it is of the Logos of Life This is how we may be sure we 3
2 (the Life has appeared ; we saw it, know him, by obeying his com-
we testify to it, we bring you word mands. He who says, ' I know 4
of that eternal Life which existed him,' but does not obey his com-
with the Father and was disclosed mands, is a liar and the truth is not

3 to us) it is of what we heard and in him but whoever obeys his word,
; 5
saw that we bring you word, so in him love to God is really complete.
that you may share our fellowship This is how we may be sure we are
and our fellowship is with the in him: he who says he 'remains 6
Father and with his Son Jesus in him ought
' to live as he lived.
4 Christ. We are writing this to you Beloved, I am not writing you 7
that our own joy may be complete. any new command, but an old
5 Here is the message we learned command which you have had from
from him and announce to you : the very beginning the old com-

God is light and in him there is mand is the word you have heard.
6 no darkness, none.' If we say, And yet it is a new command I am 8
We have fellowship with him,*
writing to you ^reahzed in him
when we live and move in darkness, and also in yourselves, because the
then we are lying, we are not darkness is passing away and the
7 practising the truth ; but if we live true light is already shining. He 9
and move within the light, as he who says he is *in the light' and
is within the light, then we have hates his brother, is in darkness still.
fellowship with one another, and He who loves his brother remains 10
the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses in the light
and in the light there
8 us from every sin. If we say, ' We is no pitfall; but he who hates his 11
are not guilty,' we are deceiving brother is in darkness, he walks in
ourselves and the truth is not in us darkness and does not know where
9 if we confess our sins, he is faithful he is going, for the darkness has
and just, he forgives our sins and blinded his eyes.
10 cleanses us from all iniquity; if My dear children, I am writing 12
we say, " We have not sinned," we to you,
make him a liar and his word is because your sins are forgiven
2 not within us. Mydear chil- for his sake :

dren, I am writing this to you that fathers, I am writing to you, 13

you may not sin; but if anyone because you know him who is
does sin, we have an advocate with from the very beginning

young men, I am writing to This is '

you, he who disowns the Father and
because you have conquered the Son.
the evil One. No one who disowns the Son can 23
children, I have written to possess the Father :

you, he who confesses the Son pos-

because you know the Father : sesses the Father as well.
14 fathers, I have written to you, Let that remain in you which 24
because you know him who is you learned from the very begin-
from the very beginning : ning if what you learned from the

yoimg men, I have written to very beginning remains with you,

you, then you will remain in the Son
because you are strong, and the and in the Father. /

word of God remains within Now this is what he has prom- 25

you, and you have conquered ised you,* eternal life. I am writing 26
the evil One. to you in this way about those who
15 Love not the world, nor yet what would deceive you, but the unction 27
is in the world; if anyone loves you received from him remains
the world, love for the Father is within you, and you really need no
16 not in him. For all that is in the teaching from anyone; simply re-
world, the desire of the flesh and main in him, for his unction teaches
the desire of the eyes and the you about everything and is true
proud glory of life, belongs not to
and is no lie remain in him, as it
17 the Father but to the world ; and has taught you to do. Remain with- 28
the world is passing away with its in him now, my dear children, so
desire, while he who does the will that when he appears, we may have
of God remains for ever. confidence instead of shrinking
18 Children, it is the last hour. You from him in shame at his arrival.
have learned that ' Antichrist is As you know he is just, be sure 29
coming.' Well, but many anti- that everyone wfib" practises right-
christs have appeared which eousness is born of him. ' Born 3
makes us sure it is the last hour. of him ' Think what a love

19 They withdrew from us, but they the Father has for us, in letting
us be called ' children of God
did not belong to us; had they !

belonged to us, they would have That is what we

The world are.
remained with us, but they with- does not recognize us? That is
drew to make it plain that they simply because it did not recognize
20 are none of us. Now, you have him. We are children of God now, 2
been anointed by the holy One, beloved; what we are to be is not
21 and you all possess knowledge. I apparent yet, but we do know that
am not writing to you because you when he appears, we are to be like
do not know the truth, but because
him for we are to see him as he is .
you do know it, and know that no And everyone who rests thtsTiope 8
lie has any connexion with the on him, purifies himself ^hej^ pure.
truth. Everyone who commits sin com- 4
22 Who is the real liar ? mits lawlessness sin is lawlessness,

who but he who denies that and you know he appeared to take 5
Jesus is the Christ? * Reading vfuv instead of 7}fuv
[our] sins away. In him there is or into talk but into deeds, and
6 no sin ; anyone who remains in him make it real.

does not sin anyone who sins has it is that we may be sure we 19
neither seen nor known him. Let belong to the truth and reassure
7 no one deceive you, my dear chil- ourselves whenever our heart con- 20
dren : he who practises righteous- demns us for God is greater than

8 ness is just, as He is just; he who our heart, and he knows all. If 21

commits sin 15elongs to the devil, our heart does not condemn us,
for the devil is a sinner from the beloved, then we have confidence
very beginning. (This is why the in approaching God, and we get 22
Son of God appeared, to destroy from him whatever we ask, because
9 the deeds of the devil.) Anyone we obey his commands and do what
who is born of God does not commit is pleasing in his sight. Now 23
sin, for the offspring of God remain this iswhat he commands, that we
in Him, and they cannot sin, he- believe in the name of his Son Jesus
ld cause they are born of God. Here Christ, and love one another as he
is how the children of God and the has commanded us to do he who 24 ;

children of the devil are recognized obeys his commands remains within
anyone who does not practise
him and He remains within him.
righteousness does not belong to And this is how we may be sure he
God, and neither does he who has remains within us, by means of the
11 no love for his brother. For this Spirit he has given us. Do not 4
is the message you have learned believe every spirit, beloved, but
from the very beginning, that we test the spirits to see if they come
12 are to love one another : we are from God for many false prophets

not to be like Cain, who belonged have emerged in the world. You 2
to the evil One and slew his brother. can recognize the Spirit of God by
And why did he slay him? Be- this every spirit which confesses

cause his own deeds were evil and Jesus as the Christ incarnate comes
13 his brother's just. Do not wonder, from God, and every spirit which 3
brothers, that the world hates you. does not confess Jesus [incarnate]
14 We know we have crossed from does not come from God. This
death to life, because we love the latter is the spirit of antichrist;
brotherhood; he who has no love you were told it was coming, and
[for his brother] remains in death. here it is already in the world. My 4
15 Anyone who hates his brother is a dear children, you belong to God,
murderer, and you know no mur- and you have conquered all such,
derer has eternal life remaining for He who is within you is greater
16 within him. We know what love than he who is in the world.
is by this, that He laid down his life They belong to the world, 5
for us; so we ought to lay down therefore they speak as in-
our lives for the brotherhood. spired by the world,
17 But whoever possesses this world's and the world listens to them :

goods, and notices his brother in we belong to God 6

need, and shuts his heart against he who knows God listens to
him, how can love to God re- us,
18 main in him ? My dear children, he who does not belong to God
let us put our love not into words does not listen to us.
; :

This is how we recognize the spirit command from him, that he who
of truth and the spirit of error. God is to
loves love his brother as
7 Beloved, let us love one another, well.
for love belongs to God, and every- Everyone who believes Jesus is 5
one who loves is born of God and the Christ,is born of God; and
8 knows God ; he who does not love, everyone who loves the Father,
does not know God, for God is love. loves the sons * born of him. This 2
9 This is how the love of God has is how we are sure that we love
appeared for us, by God sending his God's children, by loving God and
only Son into the world, so that by obejring his commands (for love to 3
10 him we might live. Love lies in God means keeping his commands).
this, not in our love for him but in And his commands are not irksome,
his love for us
^in the sending of his for whatever is born of God con- 4
Son to be the propitiation for our quers the world. Our faith, that
11 sins. Beloved, if God had such love is the conquest which conquers the
for us, we ought to love one an- world. Who is the world's con- 5
12 other. God no one has ever seen queror but he who believes that
but if we love one another, then God Jesus is the Son of God? Jesus 6
remains within us, and love for him Christ, he it is who came by water
13 is complete in us. This is how we
and blood not by the water alone,
may be sure we remain in him and but by the water and the blood.
he in us, because he has given us a The Spirit is the witness to this, 7
14 share in his own Spirit and we have
; for the Spirit is truth. The wit- 8
seen, we can testify, that the Father nesses are three, the Spirit and the
has sent the Son as the Saviour of water and the blood, and the three
15 the world. Whoever confesses that of them are in accord. If we 9
Jesus is the Son of God,' in him accept human testimony, God's
God remains, and he remains in testimony is greater; for God's
16 God; well, we do know, we have testimony consists in his testimony
beheved, the love God has for us. to his Son. He who believes in the 10
God is love, and he who remains Son God possesses that testimony
in love remains in God, and God within himself; he who will not
17 remains in him. Love is complete believe God, has made God a liar
with us when we have absolute con- by refusing to believe the testimony
fidence about the day of judgment, which God has borne to his Son.
since in this world we are living as And the testimony is, that God 11
c 18 He lives. Love has no dread in gave us life eternal and this life is
it ; no, love in its fulness drives all in his Son.
dread away, for dread has to do He who possesses the Son pos- 12

with punishment anyone who has sesses life
dread, has not reached the fulness of he who does not possess the Son
19 love. We love, because He loved does not possess life.
20 us first. If anyone declares, 'I love I have written in this way to 13
God,* and yet hates his brother, he is you who believe in the name of the
a liar ; for he who will not love his Son of God, that you may be sure
brother whom he has seen, cannot * The Greek word is singular. It may be
possibly love the God whom he taken strictly, as meaning " the Son," cw
21 has never seen. And we get this generically as above (see the next verse).
14 you have life eternal. Now the We know that anyone who is 18
confidence we have in him is this, born of God does not sin He who

that he listens to us whenever we was born of God preserves him,

ask anything in accordance with and the evil One never catches
i 15 his will and if we know he listens
; him.
to whatever we ask, we know we We know that we belong to God, 19
obtain the requests we have made and that the whole world lies in
16 to him. If anyone notices his the power of the evil One.
brother committing a sin which We know that the Son of God 20
is not deadly, he will ask and ob- has come, and has given us insight
tain life for
him for anyone who to know Him who is the Real God
does not commit a deadly sin. and we are in Him who is real,
There is such a thing as deadly his Son Jesus Christ.
even in This
sin ; I do not mean he is to pray for is the real God, this is life eternal.
17 that. All iniquity is sin, but there My dear children, keep clear of 21
are sins which are not deadly. idols.


1 The presbyter, to the elect Lady of Jesus Christ in the flesh; that
and her children whom I love in the marks the real ' impostor * and
Truth (and not only I but all who '
antichrist.' Watch yourselves ; 8
2 know the Truth) for the sake of you must not lose what you have
the Truth which remains within us been working for, but gain a full
3 and will be with us for ever ; grace, reward. Anyone who is ' advanced 9 '

mercy, peace will be with us from and will not remain by the doctrine
God the Father and from Jesus of Christ, does not possess God :
Christ the Son of the Father, in he who remains by the doctrine
truth and love. of Christ possesses both the Father
4 I was overjoyed to find some of and the Son. If anyone comes to 10
your children leading the true Life, you and does not bring this doc-
as we were commanded to do by trine, do not admit him to the
6 the Father. And now I entreat
house do not even greet him, for 11

you. Lady not as though I were he who greets him shares in his
writing you any new command, it wicked work.
is the command which we have had I have a great deal to write to 12
from the very beginning let us you, but I do not mean to use ink
6 love one another. To live by his and paper; I hope to visit you
commands, that is what love means and have a talk with you, so that
and the command is, live in love your * joy may be unimpaired.
as you have learned to do from the The children of your elect Sister 13
7 very beginning. I say this, be- greet you.
cause a number of impostors have
emerged in the world, men who Reading with A B and several versions,
will not acknowledge the coming ifiwv, instead of rj/xoiv.

1 The presbyter, to the beloved the lead among them, repudiates
Gaius whom I love in the Truth. me. So when I come, I will bring 10
2 Beloved, I pray you may prosper up what he is doing, babbling
in every way and keep well as against me with wdcked words
indeed your soul is keeping well. and, not satisfied with words, he
3 For I was overjoyed when some refuses to welcome the brothers,
brothers arrived and testified to checks those who want to welcome
the truth of your life, as indeed you them, and excommunicates them
4 do lead the true Life ; I have no from the church. Beloved, do 11
greater joy than to hear of my not imitate evil but good he who

5 children living in the Truth. Be- does good belongs to God, he who
loved, you are acting loyally in does evil has never seen God.
rendering any service to the bro- Everybody testifies to Deme- 12
thers and especially to strangers; trius, and so does the Truth itself :

6 they have testified to your love I testify to him too, and you know
before the church. Pray speed my testimony is true.
them on their journey worthily of Ihad a great deal to write to 13
7 God; they have started out for you, but I do not want to write
his sake and declined to take any- to you with ink and pen; I am 14
8 thing from pagans; hence we are hoping to see you soon, and we will
bound to support such men, to have a talk.
prove ourselves allies of the Truth. Peace to you !The friends 15
9 I have written to the church; salute you salute the friends one

only, Diotrephes, who likes to take by one.

1 Judas, a servant of Jesus Christ Powers celestial, and scoff at the
and a brother of James, to those angelic Glories. Now the very arch- 9
who have been called, who are angel Michael, when he disputed
beloved by God the Father and the body of Moses with Satan, did
2 kept by Jesus Christ mercy, peace
: not dare to condemn him with
and love be multiplied to you. scoffs ; what he said was. The Lord
3 Beloved, my whole concern was rebuke you ! But these people 10
to write to you on the subject of scoff at anything they do not un-
our common salvation, but I am derstand; and whatever they do
forced to write you an appeal to understand, like irrational animals,
defend the faith which has once by mere instinct, that proves their
for all been committed to the ruin. Woe to them they go the 11

4) saints ; for certain persons have road of Cain, rush into Balaam's
slipped in by stealth (their doom error for what it brings them, and
has been predicted long ago), im- perish in Korah's rebelUon. These 12
pious creatures who pervert the people are stains on your love-
grace of our God into immorality feasts ; they have no qualms about
/ and disown our sole liege and Lord, carousing in your midst, they look
'^ 5 Jesus Christ. Now I want to after none but themselves rainless
remind you of what you are per- clouds, swept along by the wind,
fectly aware, that though the Lord trees in autumn without fruit,
once * brought the People safe doubly dead and so uprooted, wild 13
out of Egypt, he subsequently de- waves foaming out their own
6 stroyed the unbeheving, while the shame, wandering stars for whom
angels who abandoned their own the nether gloom of darkness has
domain, instead of preserving their been reserved eternally. It was of 14
proper rank, are reserved by him these, too, that Enoch the seventh
within the nether gloom, in chains from Adam prophesied, when he
eternal, for the doom of the great said.

7 Day ^just as Sodom and Gomorra
and the adjacent cities, which
Behold the Lord comes with my-
riads of his holy ones,
similarly glutted themselves with to execute judgment upon all, 15
vice and sensual perversity, are and impious
to convict all the
exhibited as a warning of the ever- of all the impious deeds they have
lasting fire they are sentenced to committed,
8 suffer. Despite it all, these vision- and of all the harsh things said
aries pollute their flesh, scorn the against him by impious sinners.
For these people are murmurers, 16
* &va^ must be connected, as in the
Syriao and Egyptian versions, with trwo-as, grumbling at their lot in life ^they
not with iS6ras as in most manuscripts. fall in with their own passions, their
talk is arrogant, they pay court eternal. Snatch some from the fire, 22
to men to benefit themselves. and have mercy on the waverers, 23
17 Now, beloved, you must re- trembling as you touch them, with
member the words of the apostles loathing for tihe garment which the
18 of our Lord Jesus Christ ; they flesh has stained.
told you beforehand, " At the end Now to him who is able to keep 24
of things there will be mockers who you from slipping and to make you
go by their own impious passions." stand unblemished and exultant
19 These are the people who set up
before his glory to the only God, 25
divisions and distinctions, sensuous our saviour through Jesus Christ
creatures, destitute of the Spirit. our Lord, be glory, majesty, power
20 But do you, beloved, build up your- and authority, before all time and
selves on your most holy faith and now and for all time Amen. :

21 pray in the holy Spirit, so keeping

yourselves witlun the love of God * Reading wphs
koI ots fiev 4k apircf^ere,
and waiting for the mercy of our SiaKpivo/jLh'ovs 56 ^\aT, with SyrP^^^ Clement
Lord Jesus Christ that ends in life and Jerome.

1 A REVELATION by Jesus Christ, On the Lord's day I found myself 10
which God granted him for his rapt in the Spirit, and I heard a
servants, to show them what must loud voice behind me like a trumpet
come to pass very soon; he dis- calling, " Write your vision in a 11
closed it by sending it through his book, and send it to the seven
2 angel to his servant John, who now churches, to Ephesus and Smyrna
testifies to what is God's word and and Pergamum and Thyatira and

Jesus Christ's testimony ^to what Sardis and Philadelphia and Lao-
3 he saw. Blessed is he who reads dicea." So I turned to see whose 12
aloud, blessed they who hear the voice it was that spoke to me and ;

words of this prophecy and lay to on turning round I saw seven

heart what is written in it; for the golden lampstands and in the middle 13
time is near. of the lampstands One who re-
4 John to the seven churches in sembled a human being, with a long
Asia :grace be to you and peace robe, and a belt of gold round his
from HE WHO IS and was and is breast; his head and hair were 14
COMING, and from the seven Spirits white as wool, white as snow ; his
5 before his throne, and from Jesus eyes flashed like fire, his feet glowed 15
Christ the faithful witness, the first- like burnished bronze, his voice
born from the dead, and the prince sounded like many waves, in his 16
over the kings of earth ; to him who right hand he held seven stars, a
loves us and has loosed us from sharp sword with a double edge
6 our sins by shedding his blood he issued from his mouth, and his face
has made us a realm of priests for shone like the sun in full strength.
his God and Father,
^to him be When I saw him, I fell at his feet 17
glory and dominion for ever and like a dead man; but he laid his
7 ever : Amen. Lo, he is coming on hand on me, saying, " Do not be
the clouds, to he seen by every afraid; I am the First and the
eye, even by those who impaled Last,* I was dead and here I am 18
him, and all the tribes of earth alive evermore, holding the
will wail because of him : even keys that unlock death and Hades.
8 so. Amen. " / am the alpha and Write down your vision of what is 19
the omega," saith the Lord God, and what is to be hereafter. As for 20
who is and was and is coming, the the secret symbol of the seven stars
almighty, which you have seen in my right
9 I John, your brother and your hand, and of the seven golden lamp-
companion in the distress and realm
stands ^the seven stars are the
and patient endurance which Jesus angels of the seven churches, and
brings, found myself in the island * The words and the
* living One *
{koI i
called Patmos, for adhering to God's (oiu) have been added as a gloss from th
word and the testimony of Jesus. next versa.

the seven lampstands are the seven for it, and I \^ill give you the crown
2 churches. To the angel of the of Life. Let anyone who has an 11
church at Ephesus write thus : ear listen to what the Spirit says
These are the words of him who holds to the churches : * The conqueror
the seven stars in his right hand, shall not be injured by the second
who moves among the seven golden death.' Then to the angel of the 12
2 lampstands I know your doings,
: church at Pergamum write thus :
your hard work and your patient These are the words of him who
endurance I know that you cannot
; wields the sharp sword with the
bear wicked men, and that you double edge : I know where you IS
have tested those who style them- dwell, where Satan sits enthroned,
selves apostles (no apostles they !) and yet you adhere to my Name,
and detected them to be liars; you have not renounced your faith
3 I know that you are enduring in me even during the days when
patiently and have borne up for my witness, myfaithful Antipas,
my sake and have not wearied. was martyred in your midst
4 But I have this against you you : where Satan dwells. But I have 14
have given up loving one another one or two things against you
5 as you did at first. Now, remem- you have some adherents there of
ber the height from which you have the tenets of Balaam, who taught
fallen; repent and act as you did Balak how to set a pitfall before the
at first. If not, I will come to you sons of Israel by making them eat
[very soon] and remove your lamp- food which had been sacrificed to
6 stand, unless you repent. Still, idols and give way to sexual vice.
you have this in your favour : you So even with you; you likewise 15
hate the practices of theNicolaitans, have some adherents of the tenets
7 and I hate them too. Let anyone of the Nicolaitans. Repent; if IC
who has an ear listen to what the not, I will very soon come to you
Spirit says to the churches '
The : and make war upon them with the
conqueror I will allow to eat from sword of my mouth. Let anyone 17
the tree of Life which is within the who has an ear listen to what the
8 paradise of God,^ Then to the Spirit says to the churches :The'

angel of the church at Smyrna conqueror / will allow to share the

write thus
These are the words
: hidden manna, and I will give him
of the First and Last, who was dead a white stone inscribed with a new
9 and came to life I know your *
: name, unknown to any except him
distress and your poverty (but who receives it.' Then to the 18
you are rich!); I know how you angel of the church at Thyatira
are being slandered by those who write thus :
These are the words
themselves Jews (no Jews
style of the Son of God, whose eyes flash
are they, but a mere synagogue of like fire and whose feet glow like
10 Satan !). Have no fear of what you bronze, I know your doings, your 19
are to suffer. The devil indeed is love and loyalty and service and
going to put some of you in prison, patient endurance I know you are

that you may he tested ; you will doing more than you did at first.
have a distressful ten days. Be Still I have this against you 20 :

faithful, though you have to die you are tolerating that Jezebel
* Omitting [rh ipya /col]. of a woman who styles herself a
; 1


prophetess and seduces my servants like a thief ; you will not know at
by teaching them to give way to what hour I come upon you.
sexual vice and to eat food which has Still, you have a few souls at Sardis 4
21 been sacrificed to idols, I have given who have not soiled their raiment
her time to repent, but she refuses they will walk beside me in white,
22 to repent of her sexual vice. Lo, I for they deserve to. The conqueror
will lay her on a sickbed, and bring will be clad in white raiment; I
her paramours into sore distress, will never erase his name from the
if they do not repent of her prac- hook of Life, but will own him
23 tices ; and her children I will ex- openly before my Father and before
terminate. So shall all the churches his angels.' Let anyone who has 6
know that I am the searcher of the an ear listen to what the Spirit says
inmost heart ; I will requite each of to the churches. Then to the 7
you according to what you have done, angel of the church at Philadelphia
24 But for the rest of you at Thyatira, write thus :
These are the words
for all who do not hold these tenets, of the true Holy One, who holds
for those who have not (in their the key of David, who opens and none
phrase) 'fathomed the deep mys- shall shut, who shuts and none shall
teries of
Satan' ^for you this is open.* Lo, I have set a door open 8
my word I impose no fresh burden
: before you which no one is able to
25 on you only hold to what you have,
; shut; for though your strength is
till such time as I come. And the ' small, you have kept my word, you
26 conqueror, he who till the end lays have not renounced my Name.
to heart what I enjoin, / will give Lo, I will make those who belong 9
him authority over the nations to that synagogue of Satan, who
27 aye, he will shepherd them with an style themselves Jews (no Jews
iron flail,
are they, but liars !) lo, I will have
shattering them like a patterns them come and do homage before
jars your feet and learn that / did love
as I myself have received authority you. Because you have kept the 10
28 from my
Father ; also I will grant word of my patient endurance, I
him to see the Morning-star.' Let will keep you safe through the hour
anyone who has an ear listen to of trial which is coming upon the
what the Spirit says to the churches. whole world to test the dwellers
3 Then to the angel of the church on earth. I am coming very soon 1 :

at Sardis write thus :

These are hold to what you have, in case your
the words of him who holds the crown is taken from you. As for 12

seven Spirits of God and the seven the conqueror, I will make him a
stars : I know your doings, you pillar in the temple of my God
have the name of being alive, but (nevermore will he leave it), and
2 you are dead. Wake up, rally what I will inscribe on him the name of
to you, though it is on
is still left my God, the name of the city of my
the very point of death for I find
; God (the new Jerusalem which
nothing you have done is complete descends out of heaven from my
8 in the eyes of my God. Now * Omitting (with Primasius) oIScC aov rh
remember what you received and tpya, * I know your doings,' a harmonistio
heard, hold to it and repent. If gloss which interrupts the connexion of
you will not wake up, I will come thought.
God), and my own new name,'* sembled in appearance jasper and
13 Let anyone v^ho has an ear listen
sardius and round the throne a 4
to what the Spirit says to the rainbow resembling emerald in
14 churches. Then to the angel of appearance; also round the throne
the church at Laodicea write thus : four and twenty thrones, and on
These are the words of the Amen, these thrones four and twenty
the faithful and true witness, the Presbyters seated, who were clad
15 origin of God's creation. I know in wliite raiment with golden
your doings, you are neither cold crowns upon their heads. From 5

nor hot would you were either the throne issue flashes of lightning
16 cold or hot So, because you are
! and loud blasts and peals of thunder.
lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, And in front of the throne seven 6
I am going to spit you out of my torches of fire burn (they are the
17 mouth. You declare, * I am rich, seven Spirits of God); also in front
/ am well off, I lack nothing !
of the throne there is like a sea of
not knovvdng you are a miserable glass, resembling crystal. And on
creature, pitiful, poor, blind, naked. each side of the throne, all round it,
18 I advise you to buy from me gold four living Creatures full of eyes
refined in the fire, that you may be inside and outside; the first living 7
rich, white raiment to clothe you Creature resembling a lion, the
and prevent the shame of your second living Creature resembling
nakedness from being seen, and an ox, the third living Creature with
salve to rub on your eyes, that you a face like a man's, the fourth living
19 may see. / reprove and discipline Creature like a flying eagle. The 8
those whom I love ; so be in warm four living Creatures, each with
20 earnest and repent. Lo, I stand six wings apiece, are full of eyes all
at the door and knock; if anyone over their bodies and under their
hears my voice and opens the door, wings, and day and night they
I will come in and sup with him, never cease the chant,
21 and he with me. The conqueror
* " Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God
I will allow to sit beside me on almighty,
mythrone, as I myself have con- who was and is and is coming."
quered and sat down beside my And whenever the living Creatures 9
22 Father on his throne.' Let any- render glory and honour and
one who has an ear listen to what thanksgiving to him who is seated
the Spirit says to the churches." on the throne, who lives for ever
and ever, the four and twenty 10
OHAP. Presbyters fall down before him
4 After this I looked, and there who is seated on the throne, wor-
was a door standing open in heaven ! shipping him who lives for ever and
And the first voice I had heard ever, and casting their crovms before
talking vrith me Hke a trumpet said, the throne, with the cry,
" Come up here, and I will show *'
Thou deservest, our Lord and 11
you what must come to pass after God,* to receive glory and
2 this." At once I found myself honour and power,
rapt in the Spirit ; and lo a Throne for it was thou who didst create
stood in heaven with Owe seated on ail things
8 the throne the seated One re-

* Omitting [b aytos].

tEey existed and were created thou hast made them kings and 10
by thy will." priests for our God, and they
CHAP. shall reign on earth."

5 Then I saw lying on the right Then I looked, and I heard the 11
hand of him who was seated on the voice of many angels round the
throne, a scroll with writing on the throne and of the living Creatures
back as well as inside, sealed with and of the Presbyters, numbering
2 seven seals. And I saw a strong myriads myriads and thousands
angel exclaiming wdth a loud voice, of thousands, crying aloud, " The 12
" Who is fit to open the scroll, to slain Lamb deserves to receive
8 break the seals of it ? " But no power and wealth and wisdom and
one wasfit, either in heaven or on
might and honour and glory and
earth or underneath the earth, to blessing." And I heard every 13
open the scroll or look into it. creature in heaven and on earth
4 So I began to weep bitterly and under the earth crying, " Bless-
because no one had been found ing and honour and glory and
fit to open the scroll or look into
dominion for ever and ever, to
5 it ; but one of the Presbyters told him who is seated on the throne
me, " Weep not lo, the Lion of
and to the Lamb!" " Amen," 14
said the four living Creatures, and
JudaKs tribe, the Scion of David,
he has won * the power of opening the Presbyters fell down and wor-
" !
the scroll and its seven seals."
6 Then I noticed a Lamb standing And when the Lamb opened one 6
in the midst of the throne and the of the seven seals, I looked, and I
four living Creatures and the heard one of the four living Crea-
Presbyters; it seemed to have tures calling like thunder, "Come."t
been slain, but it had seven heads So I looked, and there was a white 2
and seven eyes (they are the seven horse, its rider holding a bow; he
Spirits of God sent out into all was given a crown, and away he
7 the earth), and it went and took rode conquering and to conquer.
the scroll out of the right hand of And when he opened the second 8
him who was seated on the throne, seal, I heard the second living

8 And when it took the scroll, the Creature calling, " Come." And 4
four living Creatures and the four away went another red horse ; its
and twenty Presbyters fell down rider was allowed to take peace
before the Lamb, each with his from the earth and to make men
harp and with golden bowls full of slay each other; he was given a
incense (that is, full of the prayers huge sword.
9 of the saints), singing a new song : And when he opened the third 5
" Thou deservest to take the scroll seal, I heard the third living
and open its seals, Creature calling, " Come." So I
for thou wast slain and by looked and there was a black horse ;
its rider held a pair of scales in his
shedding thy blood hast ran-
somed for God men from every hand, and I heard like a voice in 6
tribe and tongue and people the midst of the four living Crea-
and nation tures saying, " A shilling for a -

Literally, " has conquered (see more prob-

iii. 21), t Addressed either to the seer or,
BO that he can open." ably, to the mounted figures.

quart of wheat, a shilling for three the throne and from the anger of
quarts of barley; but harm not the Lamb for the great Day of their
; 17
oil and wine
! anger has come, and who can stand
7 And when he opened the fourth itr'
seal, I heard the voice of the fourth After that I saw four angels 7
8 living Creature calling, "Come." standing at the four corners of the
So I looked, and there was a livid earth, holding back the four winds
horse; its rider's name was Death, from blowing on the earth or on the
and Hades followed him. They sea or on any tree. And I saw 2
were given power over the fourth another angel rise up from the
part of the earth, to Mil men with east, with the seal of the living
sword and famine and plague and God; he shouted aloud to the
by the wild beasts of the earth. four angels who were allowed to
9 And when he opened the fifth injure the earth and sea, " Do no 3
seal, saw underneath the altar
I harm to earth or sea or trees, until
the souls of those who had been we seal the servants of our God
slain for adhering to God's word upon their foreheads,'*'' And I heard 4
and to the testimony which they what was the number of the sealed
10 bore and they cried aloud, "
a. hundred and forty-four thou-

Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how sand sealed from every tribe of
long wilt thou refrain from charging the sons of Israel, twelve thousand 5
and avenging our blood upon those sealed from the tribe of Judah,
11 who dwell on earth ? " But they were twelve thousand from the tribe of
each given a white robe, and told Reuben, twelve thousand from the 7
to remain quiet for a little longer, tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand
until their number was completed from the tribe of Levi, twelve
by their fellow-servants and their thousand from the tribe of Issachar,
brothers who were to be killed like twelve thousand from the tribe 8
themselves. of Zebulun, twelve thousand from
12 And when he opened the sixth the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand
seal, I looked and a great earth-
; from the tribe of Benjamin * [twelve
quake tookplace, the sun turned thousand from the tribe of Gad,
black as sackcloth, the full moon twelve thousand from the tribe of 6
13 turned like blood, the stars of the Asher, twelve thousand from the
sky dropped to earth as a fig tree tribe of Naphtali, twelve thousand
shaken by a gale sheds her unripe sealed from the tribe of Manasseh.]
14 figs, the sky was swept aside like After that I looked, and there 9
a scroll being folded up, and every was a great host whom no one
mountain and island was moved could count, from every nation
15 out of its place. Then the kings and tribe and people and tongue,
of the earth, the magnates, the standing! before the throne and
generals, the rich, the strong, before the Lamb, clad in white
slaves and freemen everyone of robes, with palm-branches in their
them, hid in caves and among the * The simple transposition of 5o-6 to a
16 rocks of the mountains, calling place after 8, as Dr. G. B. Gray has pointed
to the mountains and the rocks, out {Encyclopaedia Biblica 6209), yields a fau
" Fall upon us and hide us from more normal list of the tribes.
t In contrast to the dread of vi 17, and in
the face of him who is seated on line with the thought of Luke xzi. 36.


10 hands ; and they cried with a loud he was given abundant incense,
voice, " Saved by our God who is to be laid with the prayers of all
seated on the throne, and by the the saints upon the golden altar in
11 Lamb " And all the angels sur-
! front of the throne and the smoke
; 4
rounded the throne and the Presby- of the incense with the prayers of all
ters and the four living Creatures, the saints rose up from the angel's
and fell on their faces before the hand before God. And the angel 5
12 throne, worshipping God and cry- took the censer, filled it with fire
ing, " Even so Blessing and glory
! from the altar, and poured it on
and wisdom and thanksgiving and the earth; then followed peals of
honour and power and might be thunder, loud blasts, flashes of light-
to our God for ever and ever ning, and an earthquake. And 6
13 Amen " Then one of the Presby-
I the seven angels with the seven
ters addressed me, saying, " Who trumpets prepared to blow their
are these, clad in white robes? blasts. The first blew, and there 7
14 where have they come from? " I came hail and fire mixed with blood,
said to him, " You know, my falling on the earth ; a third of the
lord." So he told me, " These are earth was burnt up, a third of
the people who have come out of the trees were burnt up, and all
the great Distress, who washed their the green grass was burnt up. The 8
robes and made them white in the second angel blew, and what looked
blood of the Lamb. like a huge mountain on fire was
15 For they are now before
this hurled into the sea ; a third of the
the throne of God, sea turned blood, a third of the 9
serving* him day and night
creatures in the sea the living
within his temple,
and he who is seated on the throne

creatures perished, and a third
of the ships were destroyed. The 10
shall overshadow them. third angel blew, and a huge star
16 Never again will they hunger, blazing like a torch dropped out of
never again will they thirst, the sky, dropped on a third of the
never shall the sun strike them, rivers and on the fountains (the 11
nor any scorching heat ; name of the star is Wormwood);
17 for the Lamb in the midst of the a third of the waters became worm-
throne will be their shepherd, wood, and many people died of the
guiding them to fountains of waters, because they had turned
living water ; bitter. The fourth angel blew; 12
and God will wipe every tear and a stroke fell on a third of the
from their eyes,''^ sun, a third of the moon, and a
third of the stars, so as to darken
one third of them, withdrawing
8 And when
he opened the seventh lightfrom a third of the day and
seal, silence reigned in heaven for
likewise of the night.
2 about half-an-hour. Then I saw Then I looked, and I heard an 13
seven trumpets being given to the eagle flying in mid-heaven with a
seven angels who stand before God. loud cry, "Woe, woe, woe to the
3 And another angel went and stood dwellers on earth, for the rest of
at the altar with a golden censer; the trumpet-blasts that the three
* In tho sense of woiship, as in xziL 3. angels are about to blow !
OHAP. God, telling the sixth angel with 14
9 The fifth saw
angel blew, and I the trumpet, " Let loose the four
a Star which had dropped from angels who
are bound at the great
heaven to earth he was given the
; river So the four 15
2 key of the pit of the abyss, and angels were unloosed, who had been
he opened the pit of the abyss, kept ready for that hour and day
and smoke poured out of the pit, and month and year, to kill the
like the smoke of a huge furnace, third of men. And the number 16
till the sun and the air were darkened of the troops of their cavalry was
3 by the smoke from the pit. And two hundred millions (I heard
out of the smoke came locusts on what was their number). And 17
the earth ; they were granted power this is how the horses and their
hke the power wielded by scorpions riders looked in my vision they :

4 on earth, but they were told not to wore coats of mail red as fire,
harm the grass on earth nor any dark-blue as jacinth and yellow as
green thing nor any tree, only such smoke; the horses' heads were
human beings as had not the seal like lions' heads, and from their
5 of God upon their foreheads ; these mouths poured fire and smoke
they were allowed, not to kill but and brimstone. By three 18 these
to torture, for five months and plagues the third of men were
their torture was like the torture killed, by the fire, the smoke, and
of a scorpion when it stings a man. the brimstone, that poured out of
6 In those days men will seek death, their mouths ; for the power of 19
hut they will not find it the horses lies in their mouths
they will long to die, and also in their tails (their tails
but death flies from them. are like serpents, they have heads,
7 The appearance of the locusts and it is with their heads that
resembled horses armed for battle they hurt). But the rest of man- 20
on their heads were sort of crowns kind, who were not killed by these
like gold; their faces were like plagues, did not repent of the
8 human faces, their hair like women's works of their hands and give up wor-
hair, and their teeth like lions^ fangs ; shipping daemons and idols of gold
9 they had scales like iron coats of and silver and brass and stone and
mail; the whirring of their wings wood, which cannot either see or hear
was like the noise of many chariots or stir ; nor did they repent of their 21
10 rushing to battle their tails and
; murders or of their magic spells or
their stings were like scorpions', of their sexual vice or of their thefts.
and their power of hurting men OHAP.
for five months lay in their tails Then I saw another* strong angel 10
11 they had a king over them, the descend from heaven he was clad
angel of the abyss his Hebrew in a cloud, with a rainbow over

name is Abaddon, but in Greek he his head, his face like the sun, his
is called Apollyon.
feet like columns of fire, and a 2
12 The first woe has passed :
small scroll open in his hand. He
two woes are still to come. set his right foot on the sea, his
13 Then the sixth angel blew ; and * Referring to v. 2, in all probability;
I heard a voice from the four but it may
simply mean, *'
another angel, a
horns of the golden altar before strong one,"
: :

8 left upon the earth, and shouted allow my two witnesses to prophesy
aloud like a lion roaring; and for twelve hundred and sixty days,
at his shout the seven thunders clad in sackcloth (they are the
4 gave voice. After the seven two olive-trees and the two lamp-
thunders had spoken, I was going stands which stand before the Lord
to write it down; but I heard a of the earth)
voice from heaven saying, " Seal whoever tries to harm them,
up what the seven thunders have fire will mouth
issue from their
5 said, do not write it." Then the and consume their enemies ;
angel I saw standing on the sea whoever should try to harm them,
and the earth raised his right hand so must he be killed."
6 to heaven and swore by Him who They have power to shut up the
lives for ever and ever, who created sky, so that no rain falls during
the heaven and what is in it, the the days when they are prophesy-
earth and what is in it, and the sea ing; and they have power over
and what is in it, " There shall be the waters, to turn them into blood,
7 no more delay; in the days of the
seventh angel's voice, when he
now blows his blast, then shall
and also to smite the earth with all
manner of plagues as often as they
choose. But, when they have
the secret purpose of God be fulfilled, finished their testimony, the Beast
as he assured his servants the that ascends from the abyss will make
8 prophets J*^ Then the voice I had war on them and conquer them and
heard from heaven again talked kill them, and their corpses will
to me, saying, " Go and take the lie the streets of that great
small scroll which lies open in the City whose mystical name is Sodom
hand of the angel who is standing
and Egypt where their Lord also
9 on the sea and the earth." So I was crucified. For three days and
went to the angel, saying, " Give a half, men from all peoples and
me the small scrolV^ " Take it," tribes and tongues and nations
said he, " and swallow it ; it will look at their corpses, refusing to let
taste sweet as honey, but it will be their corpses be buried and the 10;

10 bitter to digest.'" Then I took dwellers on earth vdll gloat over

the small scroll from the hand of them and rejoice, sending presents
the angel and swallowed it ; it did to congratulate one another ^for
taste sweet, like honey, but when these two prophets were a torment
I had eaten it, it was bitter to to the dwellers on earth. But 11
11 digest. Then I was told, ''''You must after three days and a half the
prophesy again of many peoples and breath of life from God entered
nations and languages and kings. them; they stood on their feet
11 And I was given a reed like a rod, on those who saw them)
(terror fell
and told, " Rise up and measure and heard a loud voice from heaven 12
the temple of God and the altar, telling them, " Come up here."
2 numbering the worshippers but; So up to heaven they went in a cloud,
omit the court outside the temple, before the eyes of their enemies.
do not measure that, for it has been At that hour a great earthquake 13
given over to the Gentiles ; and took place, a tenth of the City
the city will be under their heel for was destroyed, and seven thousand
3 two and forty months. But I will souls perished in the earthquake
the rest were awestruck, and gave the point of being delivered, to
glory to the God of heaven. devour her child as soon as it was
14 The second woe has passed : born. She gave birth to a son, a 5
the third woe soon is coming. male child, who is to shepherd all
15 Then the seventh angel blew; the nations with an iron flail ; her
and loud voices followed in heaven, child was caught up to God and to
crying, " The rule of the world has his throne, and she herself fled to 6
passed to our Lord and his Christ, the desert, where a place has been
and he shall reign for ever and prepared for her by God, in which
16 ever.'' Then the four and twenty she is to be nourished for twelve
Presbyters who are seated on their hundred and sixty days. And war 7
thrones before God, fell on their broke out in heaven, Michael and
faces and worshipped God, saying, his angels fighting with the dragon
17 " We thank thee. Lord God the dragon and his angels also
almighty, who art and wast, fought, but he failed, and there 8
that thou hast assumed thy great was no place for them in heaven
power and begun to reign ; any longer. So the huge dragon 9
18 the nations were enraged, was thrown down ^that old serpent
but thine anger has come called the Devil and Satan, the
the time has come for the dead
seducer of the whole world thrown
to be judged, down to the earth, and his angels
the time for rewarding thy ser- thrown down along with him.
vants the "prophets, Then I heard a loud voice in heaven 10
and the saints who reverence thy saying, " Now it has come, the
name, both low and high, salvation and power, the reign of
the time for destroying the de- our God and the authority of his
stroyers of the earth." Christ !
for the Accuser of our
19 Then the temple of God in brothers is thrown down, who
heaven was thrown open, and the accused them before God day and
ark of his covenant was seen inside night. But they have conquered 11
his temple; there were flashes of him by the blood of the Lamb and
lightning, loud blasts, peals of by the word of their testimony;
thunder, an earthquake, and a hail- they had to die for it, but they did
12 storm. And a great portent was not cling to life. Rejoice for this, 12
seen in heaven, a woman clad in heavens and ye that dwell in

the sun with the moon under her them But woe to earth and sea

feet,and a tiara of twelve stars The devil has descended to you

2 on her head ; she was with child, in fierce anger, knowing that his
crying in the pangs of travail, in time is short." And when the 13
8 anguish for her delivery. Then dragon found himself thrown down
another portent was seen in heaven ! to earth, he pursued the woman
There was a huge red dragon, with who had given birth to the male
seven heads and seven horns and child; but the woman was given 14
4 seven diadems upon his heads his
; the two wings of a great eagle
tail swept away a third of the stars for her flight to the desert, to her
of heaven and flung them to the appointed place, where she is
earth. And the dragon stood in nourished for a Time, two Times,
front of the woman who was on and half a Time, safe from the


15 serpent. Then from his mouth name has not been written from
the serpent poured water after the foundation of the world in ike
the woman like a river, to sweep hook of Life.'\ Let anyone who has 9
16 her away with a flood; but the an ear listen :

earth came to the rescue of the Whoever is destined for captivity^ 10

woman, the earth opened its mouth to captivity he goes :

and swallowed up the river that whoever kills with the sword,
the dragon had poured out of his by the sword must he be killed.
17 mouth. So, enraged at the woman, This is what shows the patience
the dragon went off to wage war on and the faith of the saints.
the rest of her offspring, on those Then I saw another Beast rising 11
who keep God's commandments from the land; he had two horns
and hold the testimony of Jesus. like a lamb, but he spoke like a
18 Then I stood on the sand of the dragon. He exerts the full author- 12
13 sea, and I saw a Beast rising out ity of the first Beast in his presence,
of the sea with ten horns and seven causing the earth and its inhabit-
heads, ten diadems * on his horns, ants to worship the first Beast,
and blasphemous titles on his whose deadly wound was healed.
2 heads. The Beast I saw resembled He performs amazing miracles, 13
a leopard, his feet were like a beards, even making fire descend from
and his mouth like a lion's. To him heaven on earth in the sight of
the dragon gave his own power and men, and by dint of the miracles 14
his own throne and great authority. he is allowed to perform in presence
3 One of his heads looked as if it had of the Beast, he seduces the dwellers
been slain and killed, but the deadly on earth; he bids the dwellers on
wound was healed, and the whole earth erect a statue to the Beast
earth went after him in wonder, who lived after being wounded by
worshipping the dragon for having the sword, and to this statue of the 15
given authority to the Beast, and Beast he was allowed to impart the
4 worshipping the Beast with the cry, breath of life, so that the statue
" Who is like the Beast ? of the Beast should actually speak.
Who can fight with him ? " He has everyone put to death
5 He was allowed to utter loud and who will not worship the statue of
blasphemous vaunts, and allowed the Beast, and he obliges all men, 16
to exert authority for two and forty low and high, rich and poor,
6 months ;so he opened his mouth freemen and slaves alike, to have
for blasphemies against God, to a mark put upon their right hand
blaspheme his name and his dwell- or their forehead, so that no one 17
ing (that is, the dwellers in heaven). can buy or sell unless he bears the
7 He was allowed to wage war on the mark, that is the name of the
saints and to conquer them, and Beast or the cipher of his name.
given authority over every tribe Now for the gift of interpretation 18 !

and people and tongue and nation Let the discerning calculate the
8 and all the dwellers on earth will cipher of the Beast it is the cipher

be his worshippers, everyone whose " of the Lamb slain " (rod
t The words
* Here, as in xiL 3, an assumption of the apvlov rov i(r((>ay/x4vov) are probably a gloss
royal power which really belonged to God from xxi. 27. The book of Life elsewhere
(see xix. 12). e,ppears without any such addition.
of a man, and the figures are six the Beast and his statue, and lets
hundred and sixty-six. his forehead or hand be marked,
he shall drink the wine of God's 10
14 Then and there was
I looked, passion, poured out untempered in
the Lamb
standing on mount Si on, the cup of his anger, and shall be
and along with him a hundred and tortured with fire and brimstone
forty-four thousand bearing his before the holy angels and before
name and the name of his Father the Lamb the smoke of their 11

2 written on their foreheads! And torture rises for ever and ever, and
I heard a voice from heaven like they get no rest from it, day and
the sound of many waves and the night, these worshippers of the
sound of loud thunder; the voice Beast and his statue, and all who
I heard was like harpists playing
are marked with his name." This 12
is what shows the patience of the
3 on their harps they were singing *

a new song before the throne and saints

^they who keep God's com-
before the four living Creatures mands and the faith of Jesus.
Then I heard a voice from heaven 13
and the Presbyters, and no one
could learn that song except the saying, " Write this :

Blessed are

hundred and forty-four thousand the dead who die in the Lord
who had been ransomed from earth. from henceforth! Even so, it is
4 They have not been defiled by
the voice of the Spirit blessed in

intercourse with women ^they are restingfrom their toils; for what
ceUbates; they follow the Lamb they have done goes with them.' "
wherever he goes ; they have been Then / looked, and there was a 14
ransomed from among men, as the white cloud, and seated on the
first to be reaped for God and the cloud One resembling a human
5 Lamb. And on their lips no lie was being, a golden crown upon his
ever detected^; they are stainless. head and a sharp sickle in his hand.
6 Then I saw another angel flying in And another angel came out of the 15
mid-heaven with an eternal gospel temple shouting aloud to him who
for the inhabitants of the earth, sat upon the cloud,
" Thrust your sickle in and reap,
for every nation and tribe and
7 tongue and people ; he cried aloud, the time has come to reap,
" Fear God and give him glory, for the harvest of earth is ripe and
the hour of his judgment has come ready."
worship him who made heaven and So he who sat upon the cloud 16
earthy the sea and the fountains of swung his sickle over the earth,
8 water." And another, a second and the earth was reaped. Then 17
angel followed, crying, " Fallen, another angel came out of the
fallen is Babylon the great, who made temple, he too with a sharp sickle
all nations drink the wine of the and another angel came from the 18
9 passion of her vice " They were altar
he who has power over fire

followed by another, a third angel, and called loudly to the one who
crying aloud, " Whoever worships had the sharp sickle,
" Thrust your sharp sickle in,
* Omitting [ws].
cull the clusters from the Vine
f The thought and phraseology of the
whole passage should be compared and of earth,
eontrasted with 1 Pet. ii. 21-22. for its grapes are fully ripe."


19 So the angel swung his sickle on who lives for ever and ever; and 8
the earth and culled the clusters the temple was filled with smoke
from the Vine of earth, flinging the from the glory of God and from
grapes into the great winepress his might, nor could anyone enter
20 of God's anger ; outside the City the temple till the seven plagues
was the winepress trodden, and blood of the seven angels were over.
gushed out of the winepress as high Then I heard a loud voice from 16
as a horse's bridle for the space of the temple telling the seven angels,
two hundred miles. " Go and pour out the seven bowls
of the wrath of God on earth.^' So 2
CHAP. the first went off and poured his
15 Then I saw another portent in bowl upon the land ; and noisome,
heaven, great and marvellous : painful ulcers broke out on those
seven angels with seven plagues who bore the mark of the Beast
the last plagues, for they complete and worshipped his statue. The 3
2 the wrath of God. And I saw second poured out his bowl upon
what was like a sea of glass mixed the sea; it turned blood like the
with fire, and, standing beside the blood of a corpse, and every living
sea of glass, those who came off thing within the sea perished. The 4
conquerors from the Beast and third poured out his bowl upon
his statue and the cipher of his the rivers and fountains of water,
3 name they had harps of God and
; and they turned blood. Then I 5
they were singing the song of Moses heard the angel of the waters cry,
the servant of God and the song " O holy One, who art and wast,
of the Lamb just art thou in this thy sentence.
" Great and marvellous are thy deeds. They poured out the blood of saints 6
Lord God almighty ! and prophets, and thou hast given
Just and true thy ways, them blood to drink ! They deserve
King of nations ! it !
" And I heard the altar cry, 7
4 Who shall not fear, Lord, and " Even Lord God almighty:
glorify thy name ? true and just are thy sentences
for thou alone art holy. of doom.^^
Yea, all nations shall come and The fourth angel poured out his 8
worship before thee, bowl upon the sun; and the sun
for thy judgments are disclosed." was allowed to scorch men with
5 After that * I looked, and the temple fire, till men, scorched by the 9
of the tabernacle of testimony in fierce heat, blasphemed the name
6 heaven was thrown open, and out of the God who had control of
of the temple came the seven angels these plagues; yet they would
with the seven plagues, robed in not repent and give him glory.
pure dazzling linen, their breasts The fifth poured out his bowl upon 10
7 encircled with golden belts. Then the throne of the Beast ; his realm
one of the four living Creatures was darkened, and men gnawed
gave the seven angels seven golden their tongues in anguish, blasphem- 11
bowls full of the wrath of God ing the God of heaven for their pains
* That is, after the interlude of 2-4. The and their ulcers, but refusing to
words always denote a fresh phrase or stage repent of their doings. The sixth 12
of the vision. poured out his bowl on the great
river Euphrates, and its waters of earth have committed vice, and
were dried up to prepare the way the dwellers on earth have been
13 for the kings from the east. Then drunk with the wine of her vice." 3
I sav7 issuing from the mouth of So he bore me away rapt in the
the dragon and from the mouth Spirit to the desert, and I saw a
of the Beast and from the mouth woman sitting on a scarlet Beast
of the false Prophet, three foul covered with blasphemous titles;
14 spirits like frogs
demon-spirits it had seven heads and ten horns. 4
performing miracles, who come out The woman was clad in purple
to muster the kings of the whole and scarlet, her ornaments were of
world for battle on the great Day gold and precious stones and pearls,
15 of almighty God. (Lo, I am coming in her hand was a golden cup
like a thief; blessed be he who full of all abominations and the
keeps awake and holds his raiment impurities of her vice, and on her 5
fast, not to go naked and have the forehead a name was written by
16 shame of exposure !) * And they way of symbol, " Babylon the
were mustered at the spot called great, the mother of harlots and of
17 (in Hebrew) Harmagedon. The all abominations on earth." Then 6
seventh angel poured out his bowl I saw the woman was drunk with
in the air ; then came a loud voice the blood of the saints and the
out of the temple of heaven from blood of the witnesses of Jesus;
the throne, crying, " All is over ! and as I looked at her I marvelled
18 followed by flashes of lightning, greatly. But the angel said to 7
loud blasts, peals of thunder, and me, " Why marvel ? I will ex-
a mighty earthquake, the like of plain to you the mystery of the
which never was since man lived woman, and of the Beast with the
on earth, such a mighty earthquake seven heads and the ten horns
19 it v/as the great City was shattered
; who carries her. The Beast you 8
in three parts, the cities of the have seen was, is not, but is to
nations fell, and God remembered
rise from the abyss yet to perdition
to give Babylon the great the cup
he shall go and the dwellers on
of the wine of the passion of his earth wdll wonder (all whose names
20 anger. Every island fled away, have not been written from the
21 the mountains disappeared, and foundation of the world in the
huge hailstones fell from heaven book of Life), when they see that
on men, till men blasphemed God the Beast was, is not, but is
for the plague of the hail ^for coming. Now for the interpreta- 9
the plague of it was fearful. tion of the discerning mind ! The
OHAP. seven heads are seven hills, on
17 Then came one of the seven which the woman is seated also, 10

angels with the seven plagues and they are seven kings, of whom
spoke to me, saying, " Come and five have fallen, one is living, and
I will show you the doom of the the other has not arrived yet
great Harlot who is seated on and when he does arrive, he can
2 many waters, with whom the kings only stay a little while. As for II
* Ver. 15 interrupts the sequence of
the Beast which was and is not,
thought; it is either a gloss or misplaced, he is an eighth head; he belongs
perhaps from the third chapter. to the seven, and to perdition he

12 shall go. As for the ten horns you And I heard another voice from 4
have seen, they are ten kings who heaven crying,
have no royal power as yet, but " Come out of her, my people,
receive royal authority for an that you share not her sins,
13 hour along with the Beast; they that you partake not of her
are of one mind, and they confer plagues :

their power and authority upon for high as heaven her sins are 5
14 the Beast. They will wage war heaped,
on the Lamb, but the Lamb will and Gk>d calls her misdeeds ta
conquer them because he is Lord the reckoning.
of lords and King of kings ^the Render to her what she rendered 6
Lamb and the elect, the chosen, to others,
the faithful who are with him." aye, double the doom for all she
15 He also told me, " The waters you has done;
saw, on which the woman is seated, mix her the draught double in
are peoples and hosts, nations and the cup she mixed for others.
16 tongues. As for the ten horns As she gloried and played the 7
you have seen, they and the Beast wanton,
will hate the harlot, lay her waste, so give her like measure of
and strip her naked; they will torture and tears.
devour her flesh and burn her with Since in her heart she vaunts,
17 fire, for God has put it into their 'A queen I sit,
hearts to execute his purpose, by no widow I, tears I will never know,"
having one mind and by conferring so shall her plagues fall in a S
their royal power upon the Beast, single day,
until the words of God are fulfilled. pestilence, tears, and famine :
18 As for the woman you have seen, she shall be burnt with fire
she is the great City which reigns for strong is God the Lord her judge.
over the kings of the earth." * And the kings of the earth who 9
18 After that I saw another angel committed vice and wantoned with
descend from heaven, great in her will weep and wail over her,
might; his radiance lit up the as they watch the smoke of her
2 earth, and he shouted aloud with burning; for fear of her torture 10
a strong voice, they will stand far off, crying,
' Woe and alas, thou great city I
''Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great,
now she is a haunt of demons, thou strong city of Babylon !
the den of all foul spirits, In one brief hour thy doom has
a cage for every foul and loath- come.'
some bird : And the traders of earth will weep 11
3 for allnations have drunk the and wail over her; for now there
wine of the passion of her vice, is none to buy their freights,
the kings of the earth have com- freights of gold, silver, jewels, 12
mitted vice with her, pearls, linen, purples, silk,
and by the wealth of her wanton- scarlet all sorts of citron
ness earth's traders have grown wood and ivory wares, all articles
rich." of costly wood, of bronze, of iron
* PosBibly xix. 9-10 ( The angel also . . .") and of marble, with cinnamon, 13
originally came at this place in the narrative. balsam, spices, myrrh, frankin-
cense, wines, olive-oil, fine flour and the sound of the millstone
and wheat, with cattle, sheep, shall never be heard in thee
horses, carriages, slaves, and the more :

16 souls of men,* The traders in these and the light of a lamp 23

wares, who made rich profits from shall never be seen in thee
her, will stand far off for fear of her more:
torture, weeping and wailing : and thevoice of the bridegroom
*Woe and alas, for the great and bride
city, shall never be heard in thee
robed in linen, in purple and more.
scarlet, Vanished the ripe fruit of thy 14
her ornaments of gold, of jewels soul's desire !

and pearl ! Perished thy luxviry and splen-

And all this splendour gone in dour !

one brief hour ! Never again to be seen.
17 And all shipmasters and sea- For the magnates of earth were 23
faring folk, sailors and all whose thy traders ;
business lies upon the sea, stood all nations were seduced by thy
18 far off as they watched the smoke magic spells.
of her burning, crying, ' What city And in her was found the blood 24
19 was like the great City ? * They of prophets and saints,
threw dust on their heads and cried, of all who were slain upon earth,'* t
as they wept and wailed,
Woe and alas for the great City,
where all shipmen made rich After that I heard what was 19
by her treasures !
profit like the shout of a great host in
Gone, gone in one brief hour I heaven, crying,
20 O heaven, rejoice over her I " Hallelujah ! salvation and glory
Saints, apostles, prophets, re- and power are our God's !

joice ! True and just are his sentences of 2

For God has avenged you on her doom ;
now." he has doomed the great Harlot
21 Then a strong angel lifted a boulder who destroyed earth with
like a huge millstone and flung it her vice,
into the sea, crying, he has avenged on her the blood
" So shall the great city, Babylon, of his servants,

be hurled down, hurtling, Again they repeated, 8

and never be seen any more : " Hallelujah 1 And the smoke of
22 and the sound of harpists and her goes up for ever and ever !
minstrels and fluteplayers Then the four and twenty Presby- 4
and trumpeters ters and the four living Creatures
shall never be heard in thee fell down and worshipped God who
more is seated on the throne, crying, " So
and craftsmen of any craft be it, hallelujah " And a voice 5
shall never be found in thee came from the throne,
more " Extol our God, all ye his servants,
Ver. 14 has been misplaced from its t Ver. 24, like ver. 20, links xvii. 6 to the
original position in the middle of ver. 23. outburst of zix. 2.

ye who reverence himy low and A sharp sword issues from his 18
high!'' lips, wherewith to smite the
6 Then
I heard a cry like the shout nations ;
ofa great host and the sound of he will shepherd* them with an
many waves and the roar of heavy iron -flail,
thunder and trample the winepress of the
" Hallelujah ! now the Lord our passion of the anger of God
God almighty reigns ! almighty.
7 Let us rejoice and triumph, And on his robe, upon his thigh, li|

let us give him the glory his name is written. i

For now comes the marriage of KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF \,

the Lamb ; LORDS, !

his bride has arrayed herself, Then I saw an angel standing in 1^

8 Yea, sheallowed to put on
is the sun, who shouted aloud to all ?

fine linen, dazzling the birds that fly in mid -heaven,
(the white linen is the righteous " Come, gather for the great banquet
9 conduct of the saints). Then I was of God, to devour the flesh of kings, 1|
told, " Write this Blessed are:
* the flesh of generals, the flesh of the
those who have been called to the strong, the flesh of horses and their |
marriage-banquet of the Lamb !
' riders, the flesh of all men free ^
The angel also told me, " These and slaves, low and high alike."
10 are genuine words of God." Then And I saw the Beast and the kings 19
I fell before his feet to worship of earth and their troops mustered
him but he said to me, " No, not
; to wage war on him who was seated
that I am but a servant like your-
! on the horse and on his troops.
self and your brothers, who hold But the Beast was seized, together 20
the testimony of Jesus. Worship with the false Prophet who had
God" (for the testimony borne performed in his presence the
by Jesus is the breath of all miracles by means of which he
prophecy). seduced those who received the
mark of the Beast and worshipped
11 Then I saw heaven open wide his statue; both of them were
and there was a white horse : flung alive into the lake of fire
his rider was called Faithful '
that blazes with brimstone, while 21
and True,' '
the rest were killed by the sword
yea, just are his judgments and of him who is seated on the horse,
his warfare. by the sword that issues from his
12 His eyes are a flame of fire^ lips. And all the birds were glutted
on his head are many diadems, with their flesh.
he bears a written name which Then I saw an angel descend 20
none knows but himself. from heaven with the key of the
13 He is clad in a robe dipped in abyss and a huge chain in his
blood hand; he gripped the dragon, 2
(hisname is called the logos that old serpent (who is the devil
OF god),
* The verb had really come to mean no
14 and the troops of heaven follow more than "rule" by this time; but the
him on white horses, literal rendering may be retained f ob the sak*
arrayed in pure white linen. of the antithesis in vii. 17.
from his presence earth and sky fled,
and Satan), and bound him for no more to be found.
a thousand years, flinging him
And I saw the dead, high and low, W
the abyss and shutting and seahng standing before the throne,
it on the top of him,
to prevent
nations again and books were opened
him seducing
also another book, the book
until the thousand ye^rs
Life, was opened
completedafter which he has to
for a little while. and the dead were judged by
be released in these
what was written
4 And / saw thrones with people what they had
books, by
sitting on them, who were allowed
to iwdgesaw the souls of those 18
The sea gave up its corpses,
who had been beheaded for the Death and Hades gave up their
testimony of Jesus and Gods
worship dead,
word, those who would not
or his statue, and who and all were judged by what each
the Beast
had done.
would not receive his mark on
they came Then Death and Hades were 14
their forehead or hand ;

with the flung into the lake of fire,

to life and reigned along not found en- 15
As and whoever was
Christ for a thousand years.
dead, they did rolled in the book of Life
for the rest of the
was flung into the lake of
not come to life until the thousand
This is fire
years were completed. the second death, the
Blessed and which is
6 the first resurrection. lake of fire.*
holy is he who shares in the

over such the second Then I saw the new heaven and 2i
resurrection ;
be the new earth, for the first
death has no power, they will
God and the Christ, and and the first earth had passed
priests of
away; and the sea is no more.
reign along with him dunng
thousand years. But when the And I saw the holy City, the new 2
Jerusalem, descending from God
thousand years are over, Satan
out of heaven, all ready like a bride
be released from his prison,
arrayed for her husband. And
will 8
8 and he will emerge to
seduce the
I heard a loud voice
out of the
nations at the four corners of the
throne, crying,
eaHh even Gog and Magog, muster- " Lo, God's dwelling-place

is with
ing them for the fray.
number was like the sand of the sea, men will he dwell
broad with
9 and they swarmed over the
of the they will be his people,
earth, encircling the leaguer himself he with
but fire and God will
saints and the beloved City ;

descended from heaven and con- from 4
the he will wipe every tear
10 sumed them, and their seducer, their eyes,
devil, was flung into the
lake of
the Beast and death shall be no more
fire and brimstone, where
and the false Prophet also he, to * Unless this line is to be omitted
be tortured day and night altogether, it must be placed
thus afte?
ever and ever. ver. 15, not after 14 (as in
the ordinary
text), since there ia no
question of a second
11 Then I saw a great white throne,
death except for human beings.
and One who was seated thereon 3iS0
no more wailing or crying or pain, wand by way of a measuring-rod.
for the first things have passed to measure the City and its gates
away." and wall ; the City lies foursquare. Its

5 Then he who was seated on the the length the same as the breadth,
throne said, " Lo, / make all things and he measured fifteen hundred
new,^^ And he said, " Write this : miles with his rod for the City, for
these words are trustworthy and
its breadth and length and height
6 genuine.* " Then he said, " All alike; he made the measure of the IT
is over I am the alpha and the
! wall seventy-two yards, by human,
omega, the First and the Last. that is, by angelic reckoning.
I will let the thirsty drink of the The material of the wall is jasper, 18
fountain of the water of Life without but the City is made of pure gold,
7 price. The conqueror will obtain transparent like glass. The found- 1>
this, and I will be his God, and he ation-stones of the city-wall are
8 shall be my son ; but as for the adorned with all sorts of precious
craven, the faithless, the abomin- stones, the foundation-stone
able, as for the murderers, the being of the second of
immoral, the sorcerers, the idolaters, sapphire, the third of agate, the
and liars of all kindstheir lot fourth of emerald, the fifth of 20
the lake that blazes with fire and
is onyx, the sixth of sardius, the
brimstone^ which is the second seventh of chrysolite, the eighth
death." of beryl, the ninth of topaz, the
9 Then came one of the seven tenth of chrysoprase, the eleventh
angels who had the seven bowls of jacinth, the twelfth of amethyst.
filled with the seven last plagues ; The twelve gates are twelve pearls, 2i
and he spoke to me thus, " Come, each gate made of a single pearl;
and I will show you the Bride, and the streets of the City are pure
10 the wife of the Lamb." So he gold, clear as crystal. But I saw 22
carried me off, rapt in the Spirit, no temple in the City, for its
to a huge, high mountain, where temple is the Lord God almighty
he showed me the City, the holy and the Lamb. And the City needs 28
Jerusalem, descending from God no sun or moon to shine upon it,
11 out of heaven, with the glory of God. for the glory of God illumines it,
The sheen of it resembled some and the Lamb lights it up.
rare jewel like jasper, clear as By its light will the nations walk ; 24
12 crystal ; it has a huge, high wall and into it will the kings of earth
with twelve gates, twelve angels at bring their glories
the twelve gates, and names in- (the gates of it will never be shut 26
scribed thereon which are the names by day,
of the twelve tribes of the sons of and night there shall be none),
IB Israel, three gates on the east, three they will bring to it the glories 26
gates on the north, three gates on and treasures of the nations.
the south, and three gates on the Nothing profane, none who prac- 27
14 west. And the wall of the City tises abomination or falsehood
has twelve foundation-stones, bear- shall enter,
ing the twelve names of the but those alone whose names are
16 twelve apostles of the Lamb. He written in the LamVs book of
who talked to me had a golden Life.
22 Then he showed me the river of let the righteous still do right,
the water of Life, bright as crystal, let the holy still be holy !

flowing from the throne of God and Lo, I am coming very soon, with I'l

2 of the Lamb through the streets my reward,

of the City; on both sides of the to requite everyone for what he has
river grew the tree of Life, bearing done.
twelve kinds of fruit, each month I am the alpha and the omega, 18
having its own fruit ; and the the First and the Last,
leaves served to heal the nations. the beginning and the end.
3 None who is accursed zoiU be Blessed are those who wash their 14
there ; robes,* that theirs may be the right
but the throne of God and the to the tree of Life, the right to enter
Lamb will be within it, the gates of the City! Begone, 15
his servants will serve and wor- you dogs, you sorcerers, you vicious
ship him, men, you murderers, you idolaters,
4 they will see his face, you who love and practise false-
and his name will be on their hood, every one of you " !

foreheads. **
I Jesus have sent my angel to 16
fl Night there shall be none give you this testimony for the
they will need no lamp or sun churches; I am the Scion and
to shine upon them, offspring of David, the bright star
for the Lord God will illumine of the Morning."
them; " Come," say the Spirit and the 17
and they wiU reign for ever and Bride :

ever. let the hearer too say, " Come "

6 And the angel said to me, " These and let the thirsty come,
words are trustworthy and genuine, let anyone who desires it, take
for the Lord God of the spirits the water of Life without price,
of the prophets has sent his angel I adjure all who hear the words 18
show his servants what must
to of the prophecy of this book :
7 very soon come to pass, Lo, I am " If anyone adds to them,
coming very soon; blessed is he God will add to him the plagues
who lays to heart the words of described in this book ;
the prophecy of this book ! and if anyone removes any words 19
8 John saw and heard all
I this; written in this book,
and when I heard and saw it, I fell God will remove his share in
down to worship before the feet the tree of Life and in the
of the angel who had shown me holy City described in this
9 it all. But he said to me, " No, book."
not that ! I am
but a servant like He whobears this testimony 20
yourself and your brothers the says," Even so I am coming :

prophets, who lay to heart the words very soon." Amen, Lord Jesus,
10 of this book. Worship God." Then come !

he said, " Do not seal up the words The grace of the Lord Jesus 21
of the prophecy of this book, for Christ be with you all.f Amen.
the time is near :
* Reading ttXvvovt^s ras crro\iis airwv 'with
11 Let the wicked still be wicked, i< A, Primasius, the Vulgate, etc.
let the filthy still be filthy, f Reading vivTw or Tcdvrw vfjLcty

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