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192413 JUNE 13, 2012) There are checks of a special type called managers or cashiers checks. These
are bills of exchange drawn by the banks manager or cashier, in the name of
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation vs Hi-Tri Development the bank, against the bank itself. Typically, a managers or a cashiers check is
Corporation procured from the bank by allocating a particular amount of funds to be debited
G.R. No. 192413 June 13, 2012 from the depositors account or by directly paying or depositing to the bank the
value of the check to be drawn. Since the bank issues the check in its name,
Facts: Luz Bakunawa and her husband Manuel, now deceased (Spouses with itself as the drawee, the check is deemed accepted in advance. Ordinarily,
Bakunawa) are registered owners of six (6) parcels of land covered by TCT the check becomes the primary obligation of the issuing bank and constitutes
Nos. 324985 and 324986 of the Quezon City Register of Deeds, and TCT Nos. its written promise to pay upon demand.
103724, 98827, 98828 and 98829 of the Marikina Register of Deeds. These
lots were sequestered by the Presidential Commission on Good Government Nevertheless, the mere issuance of a managers check does not ipso facto
[(PCGG)]. Sometime in 1990, a certain Teresita Millan (Millan), through her work as an automatic transfer of funds to the account of the payee. In case the
representative, Jerry Montemayor, offered to buy said lots for 6,724,085.71, procurer of the managers or cashiers check retains custody of the instrument,
with the promise that she will take care of clearing whatever preliminary does not tender it to the intended payee, or fails to make an effective delivery,
obstacles there may be to effect a completion of the sale. The Spouses we find the following provision on undelivered instruments under the
Bakunawa gave to Millan the Owners Copies of said TCTs and in turn, Millan Negotiable Instruments Law applicable:
made a downpayment of 1,019,514.29 for the intended purchase. However,
for one reason or another, Millan was not able to clear said obstacles. As a
result, the Spouses Bakunawa rescinded the sale and offered to return to Sec. 16. Delivery; when effectual; when presumed. Every contract on a
Millan her downpayment of 1,019,514.29. However, Millan refused to accept negotiable instrument is incomplete and revocable until delivery of the
back the 1,019,514.29 down[]payment. Consequently, the Spouses instrument for the purpose of giving effect thereto. As between immediate
Bakunawa, through their company, the Hi-Tri Development Corporation (Hi- parties and as regards a remote party other than a holder in due course, the
Tri) took out on October 28, 1991, a Managers Check from RCBC-Ermita in delivery, in order to be effectual, must be made either by or under the authority
the amount of 1,019,514.29, payable to Millans company Rosmil Realty and of the party making, drawing, accepting, or indorsing, as the case may be; and,
Development Corporation (Rosmil) c/o Teresita Millan and used this as one of in such case, the delivery may be shown to have been conditional, or for a
their basis for a complaint against Millan and Montemayor which they filed with special purpose only, and not for the purpose of transferring the property in
the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 99. On January 31, 2003, the instrument. But where the instrument is in the hands of a holder in due
during the pendency of the above mentioned case and without the knowledge course, a valid delivery thereof by all parties prior to him so as to make them
of [Hi-Tri and Spouses Bakunawa], RCBC reported the 1,019,514.29-credit liable to him is conclusively presumed. And where the instrument is no longer
existing in favor of Rosmil to the Bureau of Treasury as among its unclaimed in the possession of a party whose signature appears thereon, a valid and
balances as of January 31, 2003. Allegedly, a copy of the Sworn Statement intentional delivery by him is presumed until the contrary is proved.
executed by Florentino N. Mendoza, Manager and Head of RCBCs Asset
Management, Disbursement & Sundry Department (AMDSD) was posted
within the premises of RCBC-Ermita. Since there was no delivery, presentment of the check to the bank for payment
did not occur. An order to debit the account of respondents was never made.
In fact, petitioner confirms that the Managers Check was never negotiated or
Issue: Whether or not the escheat of the account in RCBC is proper. presented for payment to its Ermita Branch, and that the allocated fund is still
held by the bank. As a result, the assigned fund is deemed to remain part of
Held: No. An ordinary check refers to a bill of exchange drawn by a depositor the account of Hi-Tri, which procured the Managers Check. The doctrine that
(drawer) on a bank (drawee), requesting the latter to pay a person named the deposit represented by a managers check automatically passes to the
therein (payee) or to the order of the payee or to the bearer, a named sum of payee is inapplicable, because the instrument although accepted in advance
money. The issuance of the check does not of itself operate as an assignment remains undelivered. Hence, respondents should have been informed that the
of any part of the funds in the bank to the credit of the drawer. Here, the bank deposit had been left inactive for more than 10 years, and that it may be
becomes liable only after it accepts or certifies the check. After the check is subjected to escheat proceedings if left unclaimed.
accepted for payment, the bank would then debit the amount to be paid to the
holder of the check from the account of the depositor-drawer.
attained an [sic] ubiquitous presence among the people, who have come to
EQUITABLE BANKING VS SSP (G.R. NO. 175350 JUNE 13, 2012) regard them with respect and even gratitude and, above all, trust and
confidence. In this connection, it is important that banks should guard against
injury attributable to negligence or bad faith on its part. As repeatedly
Equitable Banking Corporation, Inc vs Special Steel Products emphasized, since the banking business is impressed with public interest, the
G.R. No. 175350 June 13, 2012 trust and confidence of the public in it is of paramount importance.
Consequently, the highest degree of diligence is expected, and high standards
Facts: Augusto L. Pardo (Pardo) is SSPIs President and majority stockholder. of integrity and performance are required of it.
International Copra Export Corporation (Interco) is its regular customer. Jose
Isidoro Uy, alias Jolly Uy (Uy), is an Interco employee, in charge of the Equitable did not observe the required degree of diligence expected of a
purchasing department, and the son-in-law of its majority stockholder. banking institution under the existing factual circumstances.
Petitioner Equitable Banking Corporation (Equitable or bank) is a private
domestic corporation engaged in banking and is the depository bank of Interco Equitables pretension that there is nothing under the circumstances that
and of Uy. In 1991, SSPI sold welding electrodes to Interco, as evidenced by rendered Uys title to the checks questionable is outrageous. These are
the following sales invoices: Sales Invoice No. 65042 dated February 14, 1991 crossed checks, whose manner of discharge, in banking practice, is restrictive
for P 325,976.34 Sales Invoice No. 65842 dated April 11, 1991 for P and specific. Uys name does not appear anywhere on the crossed checks.
345,412.80 Sales Invoice No. 65843 dated April 11, 1991 for P 313,845.84 Equitable, not knowing the named payee on the check, had no way of verifying
The due dates for these invoices were March 16, 1991 (for the first sales for itself the alleged genuineness of the indorsement to Uy. The checks bear
invoice) and May 11, 1991 (for the others). The invoices provided that Interco nothing on their face that supports the belief that the drawer gave the checks
would pay interest at the rate of 36% per annum in case of delay. and July 29, to Uy. Uys relationship to Intercos majority stockholder will not justify
1991. In payment for the above welding electrodes, Interco issued three disregarding what is clearly ordered on the checks.
checks payable to the order of SSPI on July 10, 1991, July 16, 1991, Each
check was crossed with the notation account payee only and was drawn
against Equitable. The records do not identify the signatory for these three
checks, or explain how Uy, Intercos purchasing officer, came into possession
of these checks. The records only disclose that Uy presented each crossed
check to Equitable on the day of its issuance and claimed that he had good
title thereto. He demanded the deposit of the checks in his personal accounts
in Equitable, Account No. 188412 and Account No. 03474-0.

Issue: Whether or not the payment made by Equitable is proper.

Held: No. The checks that Interco issued in favor of SSPI were all crossed,
made payable to SSPIs order, and contained the notation account payee
only. This creates a reasonable expectation that the payee alone would
receive the proceeds of the checks and that diversion of the checks would be
averted. This expectation arises from the accepted banking practice that
crossed checks are intended for deposit in the named payees account only
and no other. At the very least, the nature of crossed checks should place a
bank on notice that it should exercise more caution or expend more than a
cursory inquiry, to ascertain whether the payee on the check has authorized
the holder to deposit the same in a different account. It is well to remember
that [t]he banking system has become an indispensable institution in the
modern world and plays a vital role in the economic life of every civilized
society. Whether as mere passive entities for the safe-keeping and saving of
money or as active instruments of business and commerce, banks have

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