Auburn Storm Water

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Stormwater Drainage

Part J Development Control


1.0 Development to which this Plan Applies 2

2.0 Property Drainage 3
3.0 Disposal Of Stormwater From Site 6
4.0 Council Drainage System 10
5.0 On-Site Detention 13
6.0 Stormwater Inundation 19
7.0 Rain Water Reuse 22
8.0 Erosion & Sediment Control 24
9.0 Submission Requirements 27

A1 On Site Detention Drawing Submission Checklist 30

(A2) OSD Calculation Sheet 40
A3 Certificate of Hydraulic Compliance 41
A4 Certificate Of Hydraulic Compliance (Outstanding Works) 42
A5 OSD WAE Survey and Certification Submission 43
A6 Section 88B Instrument Wording 47
A7 Auburn Council Rainfall Intensities 50
A8 Standard Council Gully Pit Details Error! Bookmark not defined.
A9 Updates Registration 52

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1.0 Development to which this Plan Applies
This plan applies to all development within the Auburn Council area which lead to increased levels of
stormwater runoff and/or are required to drain to a Council or other State Government Controlled
Stormwater System.


to preserve and protect the amenity and property of existing residents, property owners and the
to ensure the safety of residents and the community.
to meet reasonable expectations and statutory requirements for the development of properties.
to protect the physical environment and receiving waters of catchments.

Terms used in abbreviated form in this Development Control Plan are repeated here so readers can
understand them before commencing reading.

Australian Rainfall & Runoff (AR&R)

A technical publication from the Institution of Engineers Australia providing guidance on current
drainage design practice.

Average Recurrence Interval (ARI)

A statistical likelihood of a storm event of at least a designated average rainfall intensity occurring.
The probability is a long term average, and not a period between events (eg 10 years ARI indicates
10 events over 100 years).

On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD) Storage

Restricting the outflow of stormwater runoff from a site by draining collected surface flows from paved
and roof areas through a storage with an outflow control device.

Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP)

An estimate of the maximum amount of rainfall that could possibly occur.

Stormwater Drainage Concept Plan (SDCP)

A site plan of a development showing buildings and proposed drainage measures and structures. This
should include existing and proposed ground and floor levels, as well as approximate sizes of
drainage structures and surface flow path treatments. Preliminary hydrologic calculations should
accompany the plan.

Sydney Water Corporation (SWC)

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2.0 Property Drainage

a. To control surface runoff from impervious areas (roofs, driveways, paving) using a system of roof
gutters, downpipes and surface inlet pits and to be piped to a suitable on-site detention system,
where required (see section 5 for on-site detention requirements).

b. To direct stormwater runoff to Councils drainage system without adversely impacting on adjoining
or downstream properties.

Performance Criteria Development Standards

The Drainage System D2.1 PIPES

The development shall ensure roof and The minimum pipe size shall be
surface stormwater is collected and 100mm dia and shall increase to
controlled within the property for major and 150mm dia where the catchment
minor storm events prior to discharging into draining to the pit is likely to
Councils Stormwater System. contain significant leaf litter or
other debris.

Minimum pipe grade permitted

shall be 1%. Unless otherwise
approved by Councils
Engineering approval officer.
Pipes should be designed to be
self cleansing without causing
scour. The minimum pipe velocity
should be 0.6 m/s during the
design storm and a maximum
velocity of 6.0 m/s.

The piped system to the basin

outlet pit shall be adequately
sized to accept runoff from
storms up to the 20-year average
recurrence interval (ARI).

Standard grated gully pits with
kerb inlet shall be in accordance
with the drawings contained in
Appendix 8. All pits shall comply
with the following requirements.

! Surface inlet pits shall be

sufficiently large to accept the
predicted inflow.
! Pits deeper than 1.8m to be
! PVC pits are only permitted in
landscape areas & courtyards
! All masonry pits shall be
cement rendered.
! Step irons spaced 300mm
apart shall be provided for pits
deeper that 1.0m

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

! Pits and grated trench drains

shall be positioned within the
site to ensure:-
! all runoff from roofed and
paved areas is collected.
! runoff does not enter
garages or buildings.
! long term ponding of
stormwater does not occur.
! pedestrian access to buildings
is not restricted by significant
flow depths
! runoff from paved driveways
and paths, or concentrated
runoff from grassed and
landscaped areas, should not
flow over the public footpath.
Pits or cleansing eyes shall be
provided at a maximum
spacing of 30 metres along a
length of pipe to facilitate
There should be a cleaning
eye or pit provided at every
Trash screens shall be
provided at the boundary pit.

Runoff from the site should be

routed through a sediment trap pit
before it is discharged into
Councils drainage system. Such
sediment traps pits shall be
minimum 450mm x 450 mm with
the invert level of the pit 200 mm
Overland Flowpaths below the invert level of the outlet
The development shall ensure overland pipe.
flow paths are considered in the case of
pipe blockage or major storm events D2. 3 Provision shall be made to
ensure runoff from storms up to
the 100 year ARI, which cannot
be conveyed within the piped
drainage system (minor system
including overflows from roof
gutters is safely conveyed within
formal or informal overland flow
paths (major system) to the
detention storage facility.

Where it in not practicable to

provide paths for overland flows
the piped drainage system should
be sized to accept runoff up to
the 100 year ARI.

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

Flow Or Runoff Across Property D2. 4 Runoff currently entering the site
Boundaries from upstream properties should
Development should avoid flooding to not be obstructed from flowing
adjoining properties. onto the site and should not be
redirected so as to increase the
quantity or concentration of
surface runoff entering adjoining

Where the overland flowrates are

large, the requirements outlined
in the section 6 on Stormwater
Inundation will need to be

D2.5 Where increased seepage is

anticipated or becomes evident
as a result of building or site
works and this is likely to
adversely impact on adjoining
properties or the public footpaths,
adequate subsoil cutoff drains
shall be provided and connected
to the piped drainage system.
Water Quality D2.6 Oil/silt arresters are required for
Water quality devices are required to the carparks of industrial and
prevent pollutants from carpark areas commercial developments where
entering the waterways. there are 10 or more parking
spaces proposed.

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3.0 Disposal Of Stormwater From Site
(a) To ensure that stormwater drainage from properties is directed to one of the following:
! Councils Stormwater drainage system
! Sydney Water Corporation drainage System
! Duck River
(b) To avoid environmental impact on private property and the public domain.

Performance Criteria Development Standards

Discharge To Kerb D3.1 Discharge into the kerb and

High stormwater flows should not discharge gutter will generally be permitted
onto the local road system. if the discharged from the site
does not exceed 30 l/s. Only one
discharge line will be permitted
within the footpaths per
development. Unless specifically
approved otherwise by Council
Multiple pipelines within the
footpaths will not be permitted.

Where the outlet pipe from the

property exceeds 100-mm
diameter, a converter pit is to be
constructed inside the front
boundary of the property. Flows
between the converter pit and the
kerb and gutter shall be
discharged using galvanised steel
rectangular hollow section.
Connection To Councils/Sydney
Water Corporation Underground D3.2 Where an adequate Council
Drainage System drainage line is available,
All connections to the Stormwater network connection into the system will be
are in accordance with Councils/SWCs permissible by means of an
standards and specifications. existing pit or constructing a new
pit to Councils specifications. If
the pipe diameter is greater than
or equal to 900mm and an
existing pit is not available within
the 30 metres of the property
boundary, a slope junction may
be constructed in accordance
with the requirements of
AS3500.3. Where a slope
junction connection is made, an
inspection will be carried out by
Council officers of the connection
within the pipeline. An additional
inspection fee will apply in such
Council may direct or permit
drainage to be discharged into
Councils piped drainage system
or a stormwater channel,
notwithstanding the requirements
outlined in section 3.1 above.

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

Discharge To A Natural Watercourse D3.3 Discharge to a suitable natural

watercourse or creek may be
permissible subject to the
approval of Councils
Development Engineer and the
responsible authority. The outlet
at the point of discharge is to be
designed to ensure the velocities
are reduced sufficiently to prevent
erosion of the receiving

Properties Sloping Away From Street D3.4 Council will generally not approve
Stormwater should not adversely affect stormwater systems which drain
downstream properties and should against the natural grade of the
generally rely on gravity as a means of land. Where the property falls
disposing of stormwater. away from the road frontage, it
must have or obtain the benefit of
an inter-allotment drainage
easement through properties
downstream (see section 3.7)
unless the development satisfies
the conditions outlined in section
3.5 below permitting on-site

On-Site Disposal D3.5 On-site disposal will generally not

As the Auburn local area is made up of be permitted. However for single
predominantly clay absorption trenches are dwellings with an impervious area
generally ineffective. of 60% of the site, where the
property falls away from its road
In the limited instances that on site disposal frontage and does not have, or
will be appropriate, satisfactory soil cannot obtain the benefit of a
permeability rates (supply by Geotech Eng) drainage easement, Council will
should be demonstrated as well as give consideration to permitting
ensuring no adverse impacts on driveways and landscape areas
downstream properties. to discharge to an on-site
adsorption trench provided all the
following requirements are

Letters have been obtained

from all the adjoining
downstream property owners
causing an impasse,
indicating their unwillingness
to grant an easement with
reasonable compensation.
All roof areas are discharged
to the road via a charged
drainage system using
sewer grade PVC pipes.
The total impervious area
draining to the trench is not
greater than 60m. NOTE
this applies to the site cover
for existing lots only. New
land subdivisions will not be
permitted to dispose of
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Performance Criteria Development Standards

collected runoff on-site.

The absorption trench shall
be constructed within the
grassed area in accordance
with Councils standard
design. The minimum
dimensions to be 0.6m wide
x 0.6m deep x 6.0m long.
(Net void area)
The trenches are to be
constructed parallel to the
contour of the land, with the front
and rear of the trench at least 3
metres away from any building or
boundary unless special
circumstances exist.

Downstream buildings and

improvements have
sufficient height above
finished ground levels to
prevent inundation of
damage attributable to runoff
from the subject site.
Overflows from the on-site
absorption trenches will not
flow directly into bushland
areas considered significant
by Council.

Pumped Discharge D3.6 Use of pumps will not be

Stormwater drainage systems should permitted except to drain an
generally not rely on pump out systems. underground parking area of a
proposed development, and the
Table 1 only inflow is seepage and runoff
from an access driveway. The
Driveway 60m2 or area of the driveway is to be kept
Catchment Area 5% of Basement to a minimum. In no case shall
Pump Discharge 100 year ARI the potential catchment
Rate 5 Minute Storm contributing runoff to the
Duration basement exceed 5% of the
Required Storage 100 year ARI basement area or 60m which
Volume in Tank 90 Minute Storm ever is the greater. See Table 1
for pump requirements.
Required storage 100 year ARI Dual pumps shall be used in case
volume in carpark 2 Hour Storm of pump failure with each pump
area Duration designed for the maximum
Note: 100mm freeboard required for discharge.
lockup garages.
Further, a Positive Covenant will
need to be executed and
registered against the title of the
lot requiring ongoing
maintenance and repair of the
pump. The covenant will need to
commit the owner to checking the
condition of the pump by pumping
water for at least five minutes

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

every six months and a log book

maintained of these periodic

In addition, the covenant should

provide Council with the authority
to enter the land and view the log
book and the condition of the
pump twice a year following the
giving of two days notice.

Inter-Allotment Drainage Easements D3.7 Where the creation of an inter-

Properties should drain to their natural allotment drainage is required,
catchment through a stormwater pipe the securing of such an easement
traversing through a downstream property is the applicants responsibility
into a Council stormwater system and should be addressed prior to
the lodgment of the Development
Application. A letter of agreement
from the affected property
owner(s) shall accompany the
development application to
demonstrate to Council that a
suitable easement can be

Further, the subsequent

Construction Certificate will not
be released until the easement
has been prepared by a Surveyor
and has been lodged with the
Land Titles Office for registration.

Such easements would normally

be 1.2m wide for 150mm to
375mm lines unless otherwise
approved by Councils Service
Planning Department.

The easement should be in

favour of the lot(s) benefited or
Council, with Council being the
body to release or modify the

Where adjoining downstream

property owners are unwilling to
grant an easement to drain water,
under Section 88K of the
Conveyancing Act 1919, the
applicant/owner of the subject
property may lodge an application
to the Supreme Court under this
section to obtain the required

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4.0 Council Drainage System


To ensure the efficient and effective planning, management and maintenance of Councils existing
and future stormwater systems to reduce environmental and property damage.

Performance Criteria Development Standards

Easements To Drain Water D4.1 Council will require the creation of

Council is responsible to improve & an easement in its favour, at the
maintain proposed & existing pipe systems cost of the applicant, over all
through private properties. pipelines in which council has an
interest, such as pipes which
transfer runoff from a public land.
With both new easements and
existing easements the conditions
below shall apply.

The required width of the

easement shall be a minimum of
1.2m for pipes less than 300mm
and 4 x pipe diameter for pipes
greater than 300mm diameter.

Only pavement and landscaped

areas will be permitted over
Council easements. The
construction of a demountable
carport spanning the easement
will be considered. If approved it
will be necessary for the owner to
enter a deed of agreement with
Council to remove the structure at
the owners expense if access to
the easement is required. Any
such approvals will not extinguish
or limit Councils rights under the
easement. Eaves, suspended
patios or pedestrian bridges will
not be permitted to encroach on
the easement for heights less
than 3.0m.

Where no easement exists over a

stormwater line in which Council
has an interest, or the existing
easement is undersized, Council
will generally require the creation
of such an easement as a
condition of development
consent. All set backs shall
account for the future presence of
an easement.

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

Footings located near the

easement are to be taken a
minimum of 0.75 metres below
the zone of load transfer (taken
as a 45 plane from the edge of
the easement, starting at the
invert level of the pipe, by either
the use of deep beam footing or
by piers. The invert of the pipeline
within the easement will need to
be determined and shown on the
building plans lodged as part of
the Construction Certificate.

Restrictions As To Use For Overland D4.2 Where the property is affected by

Flow overland flow associated with
Overland flow associated with Councils Councils drainage system
drainage system remains unimpeded and Council may require the creation
unobstructed. of a Restriction as to Use on
land under section 88B of the
Conveyancing Act, to facilitate
the passage of overland flow
through the property. The
restriction will prohibit the
placement of any structure of a
permanent nature, or the varying
of any finished ground level within
the designated flowpath without
the prior consent of Council.

The path of overland flow will

generally need to be determined
by the applicants suitably
qualified civil & hydraulic
engineer. The area of land
affected by the Restriction as to
Use will be the width of the
overland flow.

D4.3 The applicant, will need to pay a

Contribution Towards Drainage contribution towards the provision
Works of trunk drainage works inter-
allotment drainage, road
The public drainage system is kept up drainage, or a contribution
to standard whilst higher demands are towards costs previously incurred
placed on it through additional by Council in the construction of
development within the catchment. works to facilitate development of
the catchment.

D4.4 Contributions towards drainage

are required for developments
within a catchment identified by a
section 94 plan. (Development
Drainage Schemes and Road
Development Drainage
Schemes) that have been
prepared by Council

D4.5 Drainage Pipe Construction

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

Construction Of Pipe Drainage In

Public Areas D4.5.1 Drainage Pipes
All works carried out in public roads are Size, Class, Cover, Joints
constructed to Australian Standards and All pipes are to be designed to
Councils Specifications. comply with Councils
standards and Specifications.
Generally pipes which drain
public area such as a public
road or park, are to be
minimum 375 mm dia. class 2
reinforced concrete pipes. The
minimum finished cover shall
be 500mm unless otherwise
approved by Council. All pipes
shall be rubber ring jointed.

D4.5.2 Gully Pits shall be in

accordance with Appendix 8.

D4.5.3 Excavation
Trenches shall be excavated
to the grade line shown on
approved drawings. All soft,
yielding and other unsuitable
material shall be removed and
the trench shall be thoroughly
compacted and finished to a
smooth surface of uniform
bearing value.

D4.5.4 Laying Pipes

Pipes shall be laid true to
grade and alignment and
bedding shall comply with the
Council standards and
specifications for the
appropriate loading conditions.
The pipes shall be aligned so
that the centre of inlet pipes
intersect with the centre of the
outlet pipe at the downstream
face of the pit.

D4.5.5 Backfilling shall comprise the

material types nominated for
the appropriate loading
conditions specified in
Councils standards and

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5.0 On-Site Detention


To ensure that through the on site detention of stormwater, discharge is controlled thereby ensuring
the development does not increase the risk of downstream flooding of roads and properties, or
erosion of unstable waterways.

Performance Criteria Development Standards

Provision of On-Site Detention D5.1 Developments requiring OSD.

On site detention of stormwater is generally On site detention will be required for
incorporated into all new development as a all proposed development, re-
means of controlling and managing the flow development or new land
of stormwater to Councils drainage subdivisions, expect where;
The proposal is a one-off

The proposal is a single

dwelling where the impervious
area is less that 60%.

The applicant can demonstrate

to Councils satisfaction, the
development is subject to
mainstream flooding or is
subjected to major overland
flow. A flood report prepared
by a suitably qualified engineer
is required in this case, or

The property falls within zones

6, 7 & 8 as indicated in Map 1.
Design Objective
Sufficient storage is provided to ensure
D5.2 The Permissible Site Discharge
peak flowrates at any point within the
downstream drainage system do not
The permissible site discharge
increase as a result of the development
(PSD) and site storage provisions
during all storm events up to the 100 year
given in the Table 1 are deemed to
satisfy this requirement.

Alternative values for the required

storage volume will be permitted if
the applicant can demonstrate to
Councils satisfaction, using
appropriate computer modelling that
the relevant PSD will be satisfied.
Computation methods based on the
approximate triangular method or
the rational method are not

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Performance Criteria Development Standards


PSD Description. PSD SSR

Where the site contains an existing
Zone l/s/Ha M /Ha building which is to be demolished
1 Duck River 80 530 for the proposed development, the
Catchment site will be considered vacant and
2 Nottinghill Rd 100 455 site runoff determined for state of
Catchment nature conditions.
3 Woodburn Rd 130 370
Catchment Stormwater runoff from all new
impervious areas will need to be
4 Lower 150 325
Haslams Cr routed through the on-site detention
Catchment facility. Runoff entering the site from
upstream properties should be
5 Silverwater Rd 130 370
Catchment directed around the on-site
detention system.
6 Lower Duck - -
7 Upper Cooks - -
8 Sydney - - The site storage requirements
Olympic Park (SSR) for all properties are shown
Catchment in Table 2.

See map 1, for catchment zones.

The area used when determining
permissible site discharge and
storage volume shall include the
entire area which will contribute
runoff to the detention storage
facility during a 100 year ARI storm

Runoff Bypassing The Storage D5.4 A portion of the new impervious

Facility areas may discharge directly to
Councils system if it cannot be
drained to the storage facility,
provided that the PSD is reduced to
compensate for the smaller
catchment. No more than 20% of
the total site area will be permitted
to bypass the basin. The modified
PSD will be selected from the figure
in Appendix 2. The calculation of
storage requirement should be
based on both the area which
drains to the basin and the pervious
area which bypass the basin.

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

Providing Storage
D5.5 Storage may be provided below
ground in tanks or oversize pipes,
above ground as a shallow pond on
a driveway, or as a combination of
below ground and above ground
storage. See Table 2 for

The system shall be designed to

safely convey all possible overflow
from the storage basin to an
adequate Council road gutter or
drainage system. The total blockage
case is to be considered. Where
overflow is through an adjoining
downstream property and a suitable
overland flow path is not available,
the overflow should be collected
within a drainage pipeline with a
design capacity equivalent to the
Table 3 100 year ARI runoff from the site.

In the interests of safety and

Parking/paved areas 150mm desirable amenity, ponded water depths
200mm maximum should not usually exceed the
over grate. values indicated in Table 3.

Landscaping 300mm desirable In certain circumstances, however,

600mm maximum these ponding depths may be
over grate. exceeded but only with specific
Council approval.
Fenced storage 1000mm max.
Below ground storage facilities
Roof area as required by should posses the following
structural integrity characteristics:

Underground 900mm minimum Be structurally designed to

Storage 1200mm des adequately withstand all
service loads;
Contain a sediment trap
immediately upstream of the
outlet pipe, consisting of an
area 600mm x 600mm
depressed 200mm below the
invert level of the outlet pipe;
Be graded to drain completely.
Long term ponding of water
over the floor of the basin will
not be acceptable;
Contain an overflow outlet. The
top water level over the
overflow to be not less than
100mm below garage floor
levels or 250mm below
habitable floor levels;

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

Contain an inspection/access
grate 900mm x 900mm every 5
metres, with one over the
Contain step irons where the
tank depth is in excess of 1.2
metres deep.

Above ground storage facilities

should possess the following

The top water level over the

overflow to be not less than
100 mm below garage floor
levels or 250mm below
habitable floor levels;
Not be located across the
boundary of a lot;
Not restrict pedestrian access
from the public road to
Be designed in a manner,
which minimises
inconvenience caused by the
The basin walls shall be of
masonry type construction to
ensure basin modifications do
not occur.

A works-as executed survey of the

detention basin will need to be
prepared to demonstrate that
adequate storage volume has been
provided. A WAE Survey Certificate
and Certification checklist must be
submitted as outlined in Appendix 5
prior to the issue of an Occupation
Certificate or Subdivision
Certificate. Further, a positive
covenant will need to be executed
and registered against the title of
the lot containing the above ground
basin in accordance with Councils
standard terms as outlined in
Appendix 6.

D5.6 The level of the outlet should be

high enough to be independent of
the head in Councils system.
Calculations will need to be
provided to demonstrate that the
control will be satisfactory in
ensuring the correct PSD.

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

D5.6.1 Pipe and Pit Losses

Friction and minor losses in pipes

and pits leading from the storage
facility is a method often employed
to control the PSD. This method of
outflow control will generally be the
most desirable and should be
employed where practicable.

D5.6.2 Sharp Edged Orifices:

Orifices are to be made of minimum

200 mm x 200mm flat stainless
steel, 3mm thick. The sharp edged
orifice plate is to be tooled to the
exact dimension as calculated.
Orifices will need to be securely
fastened over the outlet pipe using
four (4) bolts to prevent its
unauthorised removal.

The calculation sheet in appendix 2

may be used to calculate the
required orifice diameter.

This formula assumes the water

level immediately downstream of
the orifice is not above its obvert.

D5.6.3 Debris Screens

Pipes or orifices with a diameter

less than 150 mm will not be
acceptable except where protected
against blockages using a
removable, rustproof screen or wire
cage installed around the outlet.
The minimum surface area of the
screen is to be 50 times the area of
the outlet pipe or orifice.

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6.0 Stormwater Inundation

a. To ensure the impact of flooding and flood liability on existing and proposed development is
b. To ensure there is no increase in hazard or private and public losses resulting from flooding.

Performance Criteria Development Standards

Design Flood Standard D6.1 The applicant shall provide a survey

All new development is above the 1 in 100 plan to Australian Height Datum
year recurrence interval flood level. (AHD) indicating both Existing and
Development is located and designed to proposed levels. This survey
avoid and minimise flood hazard. should also identify the 1 in 100
year recurrence interval flood level.

Design Requirements D6.2

D6.2.1 Building Improvements

Habitable floor levels are generally

to be not be less than 500 mm
above the standard flood level.
Garage levels are to be not less
than 100 mm above the level.
These minimum freeboard values
may be increased or reduced at the
discretion of Council. Factors which
will be considered in determining
possible variation of freeboard are
the flowrates, anticipated flow
depths, and the confidence in the
accuracy of the prediction computer
model. An adverse combination of
factors may result in a freeboard
greater than 500 mm being
required. ( Eg. an unstable model)

Proposed improvements are not to

be subjected to damage due to
scour, debris or buoyancy forces.
The development is not to
aggravate the flood hazard to
existing improvements on the
property, and where opportunity
exists, practicable measures should
be undertaken to redress existing
flooding problems.

The development shall not

contribute to an appreciable
increase in depths or velocities on
adjoining private or public
properties. Where relevant, this
should be considered in conjunction
with potential and similar
development in the vicinity.

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

A flood report is required to be

submitted to Council that addresses
these issues.

D6.2.2 Vehicle Parking Areas

Vehicle Parking areas shall be

100mm above the 1 in 20 year ARI
level, and shall comply with the
flood hazard requirements outlined
in the NSW Government Floodplain
Management Manual. January

D6.2.3 Flood Hazard

To satisfy restrictions pertaining to

flood hazard, both depth x velocity
(D.V) limits and safe water depth
limits should be observed. These
limits are considered reasonable in
designing flowpaths through
residential properties.

D6.2.4 Depth x Velocity Products as a

Measure of Hazard

The peak depth x velocity product of

stormwater runoff through areas
accessible to children shall be
limited to the stability values
provided in the Floodplain
Management Manual. Such areas
include driveways, carparking
spaces, pathways and courtyards.
Suitable fences or other appropriate
methods will need to be used to
restrict access by children to areas
where the peak depth x velocity
product exceeds the limiting stability
value. Further, the placement of any
obstructions or impediments to the
flow within the defined floodway is
to be prevented by the placement of
a Restriction as to Use on the
property title

D6.2.5 Water Depth as a Measure of


The degree of hazard resulting from

relatively deep, slow moving or still
water, is dependent on the grades
of the land adjacent to the waters
edge, and progressing into deeper
water. where these criteria cannot
be satisfied.

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

D6.2.6 Inappropriate Developments

Proposed developments which

reduce the opportunity to redress
existing flooding problems by
modifying buildings or redeveloping
the property in a more appropriate
manner, will not be permitted.

D6.2.7 Nuisance Impacts

The nuisance value associated with

frequent and widespread inundation
of open space areas may make
development unviable, even though
the hazard level may be low. Each
dwelling should have useable
outdoor recreation area which,
during storm events equal to less
than the 5-year ARI, is free from
inundation by overland flows
exceeding 50 mm. Below ground
swimming pools should be free from
inundation from storms up to the 5-
year ARI.

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7.0 Rain Water Reuse

To encourage new residential development to;
a. enable the re-use of rainwater
b. reduce the demand for potable water

Performance Criteria Development Standards

Rainwater Tanks D7.1 For all developments except single

Rainwater is retained and reuse for non- dwellings, rainwater tanks or a
potable uses of toilet flushing, laundry, water reuse device must be
garden watering and external washing incorporated into the roof
(cars, etc). stormwater drainage with a
minimum storage size of 5,000 litres
(10,000 litres is recommended).

Dwelling Houses may install

rainwater tanks. A minimum
capacity of 2,000 litre is
recommended, rising to 5,000 or
10,000 litres where suitable to the

D7.2 All systems to be installed under the

following guidelines:

! A first flush diversion to

remove roof contamination is

! Adequate screening to prevent

mosquito breeding and to
prevent entry of any animals or
foreign matter.

D7.3 Tanks should be plumbed to top-up

from the potable supply, during dry
periods. To ensure maximum
capture of rainwater, this inflow
should not take place until the tank
is at least 80% empty.

! No direct cross-connection with

the Sydney Water potable
supply and an air gap
maintained above the overflow
in the tank refilling
arrangements. A sign must be
installed stating Not for
Human Consumption.

! Overflow from the tank shall be

piped to the approved drainage

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

! Above-ground tanks not to be

located within the front building
line and shall be detailed to be
compatible with the
surrounding environment. For
tank capacity above 3,000
litres, an application to Council
detailing size, location and
appearance is required.

D7.4 One third of the volume of the

rainwater storage may be used to
offset the on-site stormwater
detention (OSD) volume
requirements, provided a
reticulation system to supply a
reasonable quantity of on-site non-
potable uses is installed.

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8.0 Erosion & Sediment Control


To reduce sediment and pollution to downstream areas and receiving waters.

Performance Criteria Development Standards

Erosion and Sediment Control Plans D8.1 The ESCP must be in accordance
(ESCPS) with the standards outlined in the
All runoff from surrounding land is diverted Managing Urban Stormwater: Soils
away from the area disturbed. All polluted & Construction NSW Department
runoff is retained on site. of Housing.
ESCP for all developments and/or
All disturbed areas are stabilised with associated works must be prepared
vegetation immediately after site works are to the satisfaction of Council and
completed. conform to the specifications and
standards contained within this DCP

All erosion and sedimentation

controls must be in place prior to
the commencement of works.

D8.2 All Erosion & Sediment Control

Plans must include:
" Existing site contours.
" Details of access points to the
construction site.

" Details of all sediment and

erosion control structures.
" All existing watercourses and
drainage systems.
" Timing of site rehabilitation or
the landscaping program
" Outline of maintenance
program for all erosion and
sediment controls.
" The name and contact phone
number of the person
responsible for ensuring the
implementation of the Site
Work Plan.

" All measures employed will

Maintenance measures must be kept in address pollution sources
good working order so as to minimise the including access control, soil
likelihood of sedimentation of waterways. erosion, sediment and general

D8.3 Maintenance of erosion and

sedimentation control measures
involves ensuring that they are kept
in effective working order.

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

Failure to maintain sedimentation

controls may result in the
responsible individual/corporation
receiving an on-the-spot fine of up
to $1500 under the Protection of the
Environment Operations Act 1997.

Soil and Water Management Plans D8.4 SWMPs shall be prepared in

(SWMPs) accordance with the manual
Soil and water management plans are prepared by the Department of
required for larger development sites Housing Managing Urban
including residential flat buildings Stormwater: Soils and Construction.

The SWMP must be prepared by a

suitably experienced and qualified
person.(Evidence of experience &
qualifications shall be submitted).

Vehicle Access and Road Cleaning D8.5 Sediment tracked onto the public
roadway by vehicles leaving the
Public roads are kept free of mud and dirt construction site shall be swept up
to prevent hazard and nuisance to vehicles immediately.
using the road and to prevent pollution
entering the street drains. All vehicular entrances to the site
must be stabilised to prevent them
becoming a source of sediment.

Fences should be erected to ensure

vehicles cannot bypass them unless
coming from a stabilised area.

Larger developments including

medium density residential, will
require a heavier duty method such
as shaker grids or wash-down bays
to minimise the transportation of

Sediment Fences D8.6 To be effective sediment fences:

Sediment fences are used for filtering " Must be perpendicular to the
sediment from sheet flow and not flow of water.
concentrated runoff to a single point. " Must be installed to ensure
they do not collapse under the
weight of the water
" Should not allow flow under,
around or over the fence
before a sufficient amount of
ponding has occurred.
" Must have timely maintenance
to ensure volume is not
reduced by collected sediment.

D8.7 Fences must be installed in

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

accordance with the manufacturers


The base of the filter fence shall be

buried into the ground to a minimum
depth of 200mm and the soil
holding the fence into the ground is
to be heavily compacted.

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9.0 Submission Requirements
Performance Criteria Development Standards

Stormwater Drainage Plans D9.1 Plans and calculations of the

The Stormwater Drainage Plans submitted proposed property drainage system
shall be detailed drawings to ensure shall be submitted and approved by
Council is satisfied with the method of Councils Service Planning
disposal in to Councils stormwater system. Department prior to the issue of
Development Consent.

The plans, prepared at a 1:100

scale, (1:200 for large sites) shall

i) The location of all pits and

pipes, along with pit grate
levels and invert levels.
ii) Levels at the point of discharge
of the property drainage
system into Councils system.
iii) The size and class of all pipes
and the size of all pits.
iv) Contour spacing to be
sufficient to determine site
v) Finished level of all paved
areas, unpaved areas,
dwellings and garages.
vi) An indication of the path taken
by overland flow during storm
events where the capacity of
the piped drainage system is

A clear indication of any easements,

drainage lines or watercourses
passing through the property.

Where OSD is required , the

Drainage Plans shall be
accompanied by Auburn Councils
On-site Detention Check List .The
Check list shall be completed by a
qualified and experienced
Civil/Hydraulic Engineer.

The calculations to be submitted

shall include:-

i. Catchment plans and

calculation sheets, detailing the
area and surface type of the
sub-catchment for each
collection point; the quantity of
flow in the pipe; and the design
pipe capacity.

ii. A hydraulic grade line analysis

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

of all pipelines in excess of 225

mm diameter where bypass
flows are not connected to the
On-site detention system.

iii. Full details of input variables

and calculations used for the
design of the on-site detention
system including the selection
of the permitted site discharge;
the sizing of storage facility;
and the design of the outlet
control. (NOTE completion and
submission of the calculation
form provided in appendix A2
will be sufficient to satisfy this

Creation Of Private Drainage Easements D9.2 Where the creation of an inter-

Private easements to drain water are allotment drainage easement is
required for properties draining away from required, a letter of agreement from
a Council stormwater drainage system. the affected downstream property
This will enable the property to drain via a owner(s) shall accompany the
downstream property into a Council pipe or development application to
gutter and ensure the stormwater remains demonstrate to Council that a
in its natural catchment. suitable easement can be obtained.
The subsequent Construction
Certificate will not be released until
the easement has been prepared by
a registered surveyor and has been
lodged and registered with the Land
Titles Office.

Overland Stormwater Inundation D9.3 Where overland flow affects the

An overland flow analysis is required for property, the applicant will generally
properties that receive stormwater from the be required to submit information in
upstream catchment for the safety of the support of the development
subject property and the surrounding application to demonstrate that the
properties. proposal is consistent with the
objectives outlined in section 7. This
information shall include;
A survey, to AHD, of the floodway
through the site, and adjoining
properties where necessary,
undertaken by a registered
surveyor, showing all physical
features which will affect the
position and depth of floodwaters.
This should extend sufficiently
upstream and downstream to
ensure relevant hydraulic controls
are contained within the survey,
A hydrological analysis of the
upstream catchment and a
hydraulic analysis of the relevant
section of the piped drainage
system, to determine overland
flowrates through the site.

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Performance Criteria Development Standards

Where known, these values will

be supplied by Council,

Plans and calculations of the

pre-developed and post-
developed position, depth and
velocity of the floodway through
the site, and adjoining properties
where relevant, prepared by a
suitably experienced, qualified
civil/hydraulic engineer.
The required level of detail of the
supporting information may vary
considerably from site to site,
depending partly on how close the
application finds itself to the criteria
limits. The civil engineer referred to
above is best placed to make a
reasonably accurate assessment of
the magnitude of the investigation
required. It is recommended that
where overland flow does affect the
property a competent civil engineer
be consulted early in the planning
phase of the development project to
discuss any flood related
constraints and/or provisions.

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DA No.

A1 On Site Detention Drawing
Submission Checklist







This Checklist shall be completed and signed by the Design Engineer.

The purpose of this Checklist is to ensure that On Site Detention (OSD) and stormwater drawings
submitted to Council will contain the necessary and correct information and details which will
enable an expedient assessment to be carried out by Councils officers to expedite the assessment

*** Please note: Inaccurate or incomplete Checklists will result in delays with processing or
possible refusal of the Development Application.***

All of the following details and information are required for all Hydraulic Drawings containing an On
Site Detention System. Note that in certain circumstances, Council may request additional
information for clarity.

The designer is suitably accredited to carry out the design.

Four (4) copies of the fully detailed Hydraulic Drawing at a scale of 1:100 are provided
(where development site size requires more than two A2 drawing sheets at 1:100 scale, the
drawing may be reduced in scale to 1:200).

Four (4) copies of the OSD Design Summary Calculations are attached. The correct
Permissible Site Discharge (PSD) and Site Storage Requirement (SSR) values have been
used (See Section 5 of the Stormwater Drainage DCP).

Full Site Plan containing existing contours is provided.

Site Plan corresponds with, and compliments, Architectural and Landscape Drawings.

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Roof Plan of all proposed buildings is provided.

Downpipe locations are clearly indicated for all proposed buildings.

All stormwater pipes are clearly shown from downpipes and pits to the outlet connection
point into Councils drainage system/kerb and gutter.

All pipe sizes and grades are indicated adjacent to all pipes proposed on the site.

Outlet pipe from Discharge Control Unit has twice the capacity of the PSD for site.

All pit sizes, surface and invert levels are indicated adjacent to all pits proposed on the site.

All walls, kerbs or crests proposed on the site are indicated along with their respective levels.

Retaining walls forming above ground storage basin/s are of water tight construction *ie:
Masonry/Brick) and a typical section detail is provided.

Finished surface levels are indicated with all courtyards/driveways/detention storage areas.

A 1.2m high pool type fence/suitable barrier on railing has been provided where a vertical
drop into an above ground basin exceeds 500mm.

All services within the footpath area are accurately indicated on the Hydraulic Drawing.

All vehicular crossings proposed are located a minimum of 1.0m clear of power poles and
1.2m clear of large Telstra manholes, where relevant.

Detailed cross-section of discharge control unit/below ground tank is in accordance with the
Council Standard Section details. (Note: The Councils Standard Sections are attached in
Appendix A).

Typical section detail of a surface inlet pit is provided.

Detailed working volume calculations of the proposed storage basin area/below ground tank
are provided.

The full extent of the detention tank(s)/above ground detention area(s) is clearly delineated
on the Hydraulic Drawing.

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Areas of this site that by-pass the detention system/s are clearly delineated on the Hydraulic

Top of water level/spillway location of detention system/s is clearly indicated on the Hydraulic
Drawing ensuring that the detention system will not spill into adjoining properties.

The site stormwater connection point into Councils kerb and gutter/stormwater pipe is
indicated on Hydraulic Drawing along with its invert level.

Satisfactory access is provided into the detention storage area/s with maximum 1 in 4 batters
or steps.

All trees to remain on the subject site or those on neighbouring properties which overhang or
are within 5m of the site boundaries of the subject site are to be accurately located and
indicated on the Hydraulic Drawing.

No filling or excavation is proposed within required protection zone of trees to remain.

Finished floor levels of dwellings are a minimum of 300mm above the top of water level of
the On Site Detention and garages are a minimum of 100mm above the top of water level of
the OSD.

The Design Engineer shall complete the following in relation to the matters that are relevant to the
development site or proposed stormwater and On Site Detention system. Any items that are ticked
below will require the completion of the relevant checklists.

The orifice outlet of the proposed detention system will function as a drowned discharge
outlet, ie. submerged. (Checklist 1 must be completed).

Localised overland flows generated in a 1 in 100 year ARI storm event currently drain
through site. (Checklist 2 must also be completed). Localised refers to catchment areas up
to 0.5. Ha.

The site is located in/or adjacent to a low point in the catchment area or a Council drainage
easement/open channel is located within or adjoins the site or upstream catchment is greater
than 0.5 Ha. (Checklist 3 must be completed).

An easement is required through an adjoining property/properties in order to drain the sites

On Site Detention/Stormwater system. (Checklist 4 must be completed).

The proposed development requires a pump out system for the basement level (residential
flat buildings only). (Checklist 5 must be completed).

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Submerged Orifice Outlet

Design summary calculation for submerged orifice outlet showing revised volume of storage
required has been completed and is attached.

On Site Detention system has been designed to take into consideration additional volume
required due to submerged orifice conditions.

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Localised Overland Flows Exist

Catchment Plan highlighting full upstream catchment area generating the overland
stormwater flows is provided.

Full hydraulic analysis for projected flows generated from the upstream catchment in the 1 in
100 year ARI storm event are provided.

Hydraulic Drawing contains full details of works required to ensure overland flows generated
from upstream catchment are conveyed through the site without draining into the detention
system and altering existing conditions on adjoining properties.

*** Please note: Concrete lined swales/channels or pipes will generally not be approved. The
Design Engineer should provide turfed swales or utilise landscape strips as channels for
intercepting and conveying overland flows.***

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Low Point/Easement/Open Channel/ > Catchment Area 0.5 Ha

Councils Drainage Engineers have been contacted about development site and any relevant
information obtained has been attached.

Catchment Plan highlighting full upstream catchment area generating the overland
stormwater flows is provided.

A pre & post construction detailed hydraulic analysis based on the 1 in 100 year ARI storm
event for the upstream catchment area has been prepared by a qualified Hydraulic Engineer
having NPER accreditation and is attached.

A plot of the site showing pre & post construction conditions relating to stormwater overland
flows has been prepared and is attached.

Details and drawings of the works that are required to convey the 1 in 100 year ARI
stormwater overland flow through the site ensuring that the adjoining properties do not suffer
any increase in water levels or flooding following construction of the proposed development
are provided on the hydraulic drawings.

The velocity times depth value through the site does not exceed 0.4 sq. metres/second within
any proposed overland flow paths on the site. If this cannot be achieved then low hazard
category flows must be attained. (Refer to floodplain development manual, section relating
to provisional hazard categories).

Floor levels of all dwellings are a minimum of 500mm above the calculated overland flow
path/flood level. Garage floor levels are a minimum of 150mm above the calculated overland
flow path/flood level.

The proposed overland flows generated from upstream catchment do not drain into the
detention system proposed on the site.

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Easement Required in Neighbouring Property.

Proof that owner of property where easement is required within, agrees to give
drainage easement rights to proposed development site is attached.

Full details of Stormwater drainage proposed within easement is included on Hydraulic


Drainage easement location will not disturb any structures or root zone of existing
trees within property/properties.

All trees within overhanging or within 5m of the proposed easement are to be

accurately indicated on the Hydraulic Drawing.

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The pump out system shall be designed to be operated in the following manner;

The pumps shall be programmed to work alternatively so as to allow both pumps to

have an equal operation load and pump life.
A low level float shall be provided to ensure that the minimum required water level is
maintained within the sump area of the below ground tank. In this regard this float will
function as an off switch for the pumps.
A second float shall be provided at a higher level, approximately 300mm above the
minimum water level, whereby one of the pumps will operate and drain the tank to the
level of the low-level float.
A third float shall be provided at a high level, which is approximately the roof level of
the below ground tank. This float should start the other pump that is not operating and
activate the alarm.
An alarm system shall be provided with a flashing strobe light and a pump failure
warning sign which are to be located at the driveway entrance to the basement level.
The alarm system shall be provided with a battery back-up in case of power failure.

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(A2) OSD Calculation Sheet

DRAINAGE DESIGN SUMMARY DA No. ____________________________

Project: _________________________ Location: ____________________________________

Designed by: ___________________ Company: ____________________ Phone: __________

Qualifications: __________________

SITE AREA _________________ ha [A]

Basic storage volume SSR x [A] ____________ =__________m [B]
Basic discharge = PSD x [A] ____________ =__________m /s [C]
Area of site drained to storage =__________ha [D]
(Must be as much as possible and not be less than 75% of the total site
without written Council approval).
[D/[A] + [ ]/[ ] x 100 =__________% [E]
Storage per ha. of contributing area = [B]/[D] =__________ [F]
Enter volume/PSD adjustment equation SSR = 74.66 x PSD using =__________I/s/ha [G]
[F], and Read new PSD in litres/second/ha (I/s/ha).
Determine PSD =[G] x [D] _______________ x ______________ =__________I/s [H]
Maximum head to orifice centre =__________m [K]

Weir flow to storage Q

Weir Weir 1.5
=CL(H ) .. H
Weir =__________m [I]
0.5 0.5
Selected orifice diameter: d =(0.464 x Q I h ) =(0.464x[H]/[K] ) =__________m [J]
Maximum discharge =__________I/s [L]
Head for high early discharge =__________m [M]
High early discharge {[L] x [M] / [K] } (min 75% of [L]) =__________I/s [N]
Approximate mean discharge = ([L] + [N]) /2 =__________I/s [P]
Average discharge/ha = [P] / [D] = _____________/_____________ =__________I/s/ha [Q]
-0.731 3
Enter volume/P.S.D. equation SSR = 74.66 x PSD =__________m /ha [R]
Determine final SSR = [R] x [D] = ___________ x ___________ =__________m [S]
Primary storage proportion = [S] x _______% =__________m [T]
Secondary storage proportion = [S] x _______% =__________m [U]
Tertiary storage proportion = [S] x _______% =__________m [V]
Check [T] + [U] = [V] = [S] =__________m

SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________ DATE: _________________

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A3 Certificate of Hydraulic Compliance







I ________________________ of ________________________ (accredited professional being competent

to practice in the field of stormwater drainage design) have inspected the above on-site stormwater detention
system and certify that the works have been constructed in accordance with the approved design details for
the above mentioned project.

Signature: ________________________ Date: _________________



I ________________________ of ________________________ (accredited professional being competent

to practice in the field of stormwater drainage design) have inspected the above on-site stormwater detention
system and certify that the works have been constructed in accordance with the approved design details for
the above mentioned project, except for the variations listed below which do not affect the performance of
the system, subject to satisfactory maintenance.


Signature: ________________________ Date: _________________


As the copyright owner of the drainage plans, I hereby authorise release of the approved plans/attached
sketch plan to future owners of the property to assist in the maintenance of the On-site Stormwater Detention

Signature: ________________________ Date: _________________

Name: _______________________________________ (Print)

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A4 Certificate Of Hydraulic Compliance (Outstanding Works)







I ________________________ of ________________________ (accredited professional being competent

to practice in the field of stormwater drainage design) have inspected the above on-site stormwater detention
system and the following variations to the approved design. The listed remedial works will be necessary to
make the system function according to the approved design.

Variation Remedial Work Necessary

Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

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A5 OSD WAE Survey and Certification Submission
This form is to be completed by the stormwater designer and submitted to Council.

PROJECT ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________

DEVELOPER: __________________________________________________________________________


Company Name:
Telephone No: Fax No:
Accreditation Organisation:
Accreditation Reference:
Name and signature of designer:
(Print Name)


Items submitted: **

WAE Plan/s Yes / No

Certificate of Hydraulic Compliance Yes / No
Certificate of Structural Compliance Yes / No / Na
WAE Survey and Certification Checklist Yes / No
Attachment A: OSD Volume Calculations Yes / No
Attachment B: OSD WAE Dimensions, etc. Yes / No


Council Review Officers Name:

Review Officers comments:

Signature: Date:

** The above items are to be submitted in a single bound form a loose leaf format is unacceptable.

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1. The WAE plan/s has/have been prepared
If YES, see Plan No/Nos . prepared by
.. and dated ..
1(a) The WAE plan and Attachment B provides the following
information about each discharge control pit, DCP
internal pit dimensions
diameter of fitted orifice plate
location, dimensions, distance from orifice for fitted
levels of top and invert of pit
internal diameter of outlet pipe
1(b) The WAE survey provides the following information about
each storage
type of storage (roof, above ground, below ground,
sufficient levels and dimensions to verify storage
calculations of actual volume achieved, see
Attachment A
level, dimensions and location of overflow structure
between DCP and storage
1(c) The WAE plans provide the following information on
internal drainage
pit lid types and surface levels
invert levels and diameters of pipes
location, dimensions and levels of any floodways
and/or overland flowpaths
sufficient spot levels to show site gradings and
extent of areas drainage and not drainage to the
1(d) The WAE plan provides finished floor levels of dwellings
and garages
2. The following drainage-related structural elements have been
constructed in accordance with the design
2(a) Free standing walls (see certificate of structural
2(b) Retaining walls (see certificate of structural compliance)
2(c) Underground storages (see certificate of structural

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Final site inspection details: By: Date: ..
3(a). Each discharge control pit complies with the following
requirements. See also Attachment B.
DCP dimensions and levels comply with design
material, thickness, diameter and sharp edge of fitted
orifice plate
the orifice is plate is securely fitted and sealed.
the orifice is screened with maximesh RH3030 or similar,
and the screen is properly fixed, located and able to be
easily removed.
outlet pipe is the correct diameter, level and grade (to
ensure there is free discharge through the orifice)
the levels of the top water surface, storage invert and
DCP are such that the design discharge from the storage
is achieved.
in design cases of high early discharge, runoff from
sufficient areas of the site is directed to the DCP.
the specified flap valve is fitted correctly
3(b). Each storage complies with the following requirements, see also
Attachment B.
the actual volume achieved is adequate
the actual top water level will not result in either
unintended surcharge of the internal drainage system
and/or inundation or inadequate freeboard to finished
floor levels
the base of the storage is well graded and drains to the
Spillways and overflow paths are constructed to the
correct levels and are free from obstructions
3(c). The internal drainage complies with the following requirements.
site gradings are in accordance with the design
expectation (regarding areas to be commanded by each
the internal drainage lines are of a sufficient size, level
and grade to convey the flows to the storage.
storages cannot be by-passed by overflows from the
internal system or by overflows from any surface area
designed to drain to the storages.
floodways and/or overland flowpaths designed to divert
flows around the basin have been properly constructed
and will function as designed
general workmanship is adequate to prevent long-term
failure of the system
3(d). The finished levels of structures (eg. dwellings, garages) are
sufficiently above the as-constructed maximum water surface
levels in the storage and flowpaths.
3(e). An emergency spillway or overflow path has been provided so
that surcharge will not cause stormwater to enter buildings
where significant damage would occur.
3(f). All drainage pits, pipes, storages are in a clean condition and
free of building materials.

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(a) Orifice diameter (mm)

(b) Orifice plate material

(c) Pit width (m)

(d) Pit breadth (m)


(a) Reduced level

(b) Width

(c) Height (mm)

DCP invert level

Access grate dimensions


(a) Top water level

(b) Storage volume (m )
Detailed calculations to be attached.

(c) Freeboard to F.F.L. (mm)

(i) Habitable area

(ii) Garage

Maximum depth of water (mm)

Note: A separate Attachment B sheet shall be submitted for each basin with a Discharge Control Pit.




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Lengths are in metres (Sheet 1 of 3 sheets)


Plan: Plan of subdivision of Lot

______ DP _______ Covered
by Council Certificate
No._____ of

A6 Section 88B Instrument Wording

Full name and address of
proprietors of the land

1. Identity of the Positive Covenant firstly Positive Covenant

referred to in above mentioned plan


Lots Burdened Authority Benefited

Common Property or Lot * Auburn Council

Authorised Person

Delete if not applicable

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Lengths are in metres (Sheet 2 of 3 sheets)

Plan: Plan of subdivision of Lot
______ DP _______ Covered
by Council Certificate
No._____ of



1. The proprietors of Common Property or Lot * hereby burdened with respect to the detention
facility described in Plan No. ________ dated ______________ (Councils File Ref:
______________) held in the offices of the Council of Auburn, Civic Place, 1 Susan Street,
Auburn shall:

(a) Permit stormwater to be temporarily detained in the detention facility.

(b) Keep the detention facility clean and free from silt, rubbish and debris.
(c) Maintain and repair the detention facility so that it functions in a safe and efficient
(d) Replace, repair, alter and renew the whole or parts of the detention facility within the
time and in the manner specified in a written notice issued by the Council.
(e) Not make any alterations to the detention facility or elements thereof without prior
consent in writing of the Council.
(f) Permit the Council or its authorised agent from time to time upon giving reasonable
notice (but at any time and without notice in the case of an emergency) to enter and
inspect the land for compliance with the requirements of this Clause.
(g) Comply with the terms of any written notice issued by the Council in respect to the
requirements of the Clause within the time stated in the notice.

Authorised Person

Delete if not applicable

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Lengths are in metres (Sheet 3 of 3 sheets)

Plan: Plan of subdivision of Lot
______ DP _______ Covered
by Council Certificate
No._____ of

2. In the event of the proprietor/s failing to comply with the terms of any written notice served
with respect to the matters in Clause 1, the Council or its authorised agents may enter with
all necessary equipment and carry out any work required to ensure the safe, efficient
operation of the system and recover from the proprietor/s the cost of carrying out the work
and if necessary recover the amount due by legal proceedings (including legal costs and
fees) and entry of a covenant charge on the lots burdened under Section 88F of the
Conveyancing Act, 1919. In carrying out any work under this Clause, the Council shall take
reasonable precautions to ensure that the land is disturbed as little as possible.

3. In this Covenant Council means Auburn Council.



Auburn Council


Delete if not applicable

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A7 Auburn Council Rainfall Intensities
LOCATION 33.850 S 151.050 E ISSUES 18TH FEBRUARY 1988 REF GN2530

In(I) = a + b*(In(T)) + c*(In(T))**2 + d*(In(T))**3 + e*(In(T))**4 + f*(In(T))**t + g*(In(T))**6

I = Intensity in millimetres per hour

T = Time in Hours

PERIOD a b c d e f g
1 3.2926 -0.5932 -0.0437 0.00585 0.002353 0.0000507 -0.0001071
2 3.5431 -0.5904 -0.0414 0.00644 0.001994 -0.0000173 -0.0000867
5 3.7887 -0.5800 -0.0362 0.00669 0.001360 -0.0000756 -0.0000595
10 3.9060 -0.5746 -0.0334 0.00677 0.001028 -0.0000926 -0.0000477
20 4.0439 -0.5706 -0.0310 0.00709 0.000710 -0.0001364 -0.0000319
50 4.1985 -0.5657 -0.0286 0.00728 0.000424 -0.0001742 -0.0000179
100 4.3017 -0.5623 -0.0268 0.00736 0.000205 -0.0001867 -0.0000105



DURATION 10 20 50 100
5 MIN 87.1 111. 141. 158. 180. 209. 231
6 MIN 81.6 104. 132. 148. 169. 197. 217
10 MIN 66.8 85.5 108. 122. 139. 162. 179
20 MIN 48.8 62.6 79.5 89.1 102. 119. 131.
30 MIN 39.7 50.9 64.8 72.7 83.3 97.0 107.
60 MIN 26.9 34.5 44.2 49.7 57.0 66.6 73.8
2 HRS 17.5 22.6 29.1 32.9 37.9 44.5 49.5
3 HRS 13.5 17.4 22.6 25.7 29.7 34.9 38.9
6 HRS 8.54 11.1 14.6 16.7 19.4 23.0 25.8
12 HRS 5.52 7.19 9.56 11.0 12.8 15.2 17.1
24 HRS 3.67 4.78 6.34 7.29 8.50 10.1 11.4
48 HRS 2.44 3.16 4.17 4.78 5.56 6.59 7.38
72 HRS 1.85 2.40 3.16 3.62 4.21 4.99 5.58

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Auburn Development Control Plans 2000

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June 5, 2002
A9 Updates Registration

If you would like to receive further updates of this DCP, please send back this form with
the following details and post to:

Auburn Council
Attention: Engineering & Infrastructure Section
PO Box 118

Fax registrations can be sent to: 02 9643 1120





Auburn Development Control Plans 2000

Stormwater Drainage Page 52
June 5, 2002

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