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Academic Integrity Assignment

After viewing the Academic Integrity Policy and the Common Craft: Plagiarism
Video, please respond to the following questions:


1. Plagiarism is commonly referred to as

Plagiarism is commonly referred to as the passing off of another persons

work as ones own, whether deliberate or accidental.


2. How will student work be checked for plagiarism? (List at least two ways)

One of various ways to check student work for plagiarism is through the use
of Turnitin, a plagiarism identification software that compares a large
database of writing to student work for partial or full plagiarism. Another
way to check student work is by comparing it to others work for the same

3. Sanctions for plagiarism include (list at least two possible consequences):

Some sanctions for plagiarism include a mark on the student record, zero
marks for the assignment, and removal from the course.

4. What is the difference between accidental plagiarism and deliberate


Deliberate plagiarism is using direct information from another source and

deliberately passing it off as your own, without referencing the source at all.
Accidental plagiarism happens when a source is not properly cited or
paraphrased, (making mistakes when acknowledging the source, causing
5. How can you avoid plagiarism, while still integrating support (ideas and
quotes) in your own work?

By properly citing sources, marking direct quotes and paraphrasing and note
taking in your own words, you can still tie support from these sources into your
work without directly taking the ideas of others and calling them your own.
Rather than using the ideas of others, building on them and mentioning them
for support can help you avoid plagiarism.

6. Other than the written work, what other items can be plagiarized? Can you
still use these items? How?

Many items can be plagiarized, including works of art (music, pieces of art),
quotes, speeches, diagrams, graphs or statistics and information online
from websites. These items can still be used in work, but it must clearly be
shown that it is not your original idea or work. Giving credit and
acknowledging where the information came from allows you to use it
honestly as integrated support without plagiarizing.

7. Do some internet research and find at least one website (not listed in the
Academic Integrity Policy or on the Common Craft Video) that helped you
understand how to avoid plagiarism.

Some websites that helped me to further understand how to avoid

plagiarism include
plagiarism-when-writing, and
integrity/plagiarism .

Please sign (type name) after you have reviewed the statement below
I have reviewed both the Academic Integrity Policy and viewed the Common
Craft: Plagiarism video. I have a good understanding of Plagiarism and how
avoid this practice. If I have any questions (before the course begins or when
completing an assignment), I will send my questions to the teacher before I
submit my work.

______________Monica Leca_________________

(Type Name=Signature of Understanding)

Common Craft. (2011, December 27). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:28,
September 6, 2012, from

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