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Lucho Oddo


English 1 Honors

11 October 2017

Harlem Hellfighters
The Harlem Hellfighters were an African American infantry unit in World War 1. They
spent more time in combat than any other unit in America. Despite their courage, sacrifice, and
dedication to their courage, they came home to discrimination, racism and segregation. They
enjoyed a continuity of leadership, commanded throughout the war by one of their original
organizers, Colonel William Hayward. Colonel William was different than most white officers
serving in the black regiments, Colonel Hayward respected his troops, dedicated himself to their
well-being, and strong his political connections to keep the support from New Yorkers. They are
described as being brave, loyal, and strong.

They are brave because they were willing to sacrifice themselves for their country and
being African American people didn't trust them or respect them but they pulled through. Their
bravery during WW1 changed Americans opinion on African American soldiers and helped the
African American soldiers. This shows their bravery because even though they were disliked by
most Americans they persevered and changed how people looked at the black population. Most
African american units were segregated into different battalions that did labor but the Harlem
Hellfighters were an exception. They showed bravery because they were an exception and most
likely criticized in the army because they were black and not doing labor.

They were described as loyal because they werent cowards and didnt drop out the army
and chose to serve their country. The 369th was demobilized on February 28, 1919 at Camp
Upton at Yaphank, New York, and returned to the New York Army National Guard. This shows
their loyalty by still enlisting in their army after the war. The Harlem Hellfighters spent 191
days in front line trenches, more than any other American unit. They were the first unit to cross
the Rhine into Germany. They are loyal because they didnt turn back, they did what they were
supposed to do to support the country and fought bravely in battle.

Most might say they were strong or they strongest unit in the military because of their
sacrifices and challenges. The Hell fighters" never lost a prisoner or gave up a foot of captured
ground. Their motto was God damn, let's go. This shows how strong they are because they
never lost a man when they were captured which showed their determination to survive and did
everything they could to not get killed. Hell Fighter, James Reese Europe, was the first African-
American officer to lead troops into battle during WW1 and survived a poison gas attack. This
is another example of their determination to survive by being smart and strong and not giving up
on their country

My conclusion is that the Harlem Hellfighters should be made into a video game because
of their stories, loyalty, bravery, and their strength. Their sacrifice not only benefited the country
but they benefited the African American community and segregation, They proved that the black
community could do everything that any other race could do and they are just as loyal and
strong. They came home to segregation and discrimination instead of cheers and happiness
which they deserved. They were willing to do whatever to serve this country and prove
everybody wrong they are true heroes.

Works cited

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