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Considering Synchronous Generator Capability

Curve Variations for Reactive Power Market
I. Niazy, Graduate Student Member, IEEE, H. Mortazavi, J. Ebadi and S. Sabzevari

especially generators capabilities are fully recognized and

AbstractIn this paper a new challenge about the reactive deployed.
capability curves of the synchronous generator is discussed. The The stability and security limits of power systems can be
behavior of generators with respect to the generation of the closely approximated by voltage stability criteria [5]. In almost
reactive power is provided by the reactive capability curves. The
reactive capability curves are a graphical representation of the
all voltage instability incidents, one or more synchronous
reactive and real power produced by the generators under generators reached its reactive power limits (Q-limits) [6];
various operating conditions, as specified by the cold gas pressure thus, the proper modeling of the reactive power capabilities of
and temperature inside the generators as well as the power factor. generators is of crucial importance for voltage stability studies.
These curves define the normal limits of operation without This paper presents a new challenge about the synchronous
exceeding thermal limitations. Manufactures of the generators generator capability curves. In the majority of the applications,
provide the estimated reactive capability curves. However, as
generators are used, over time the actual reactive capability
it is assumed that the reactive capability curves of the
curves of the generators would deviate from the estimated curves. generators are as estimated by the manufactures. So, in the
Therefore, it is necessary for the optimal dispatch of the reactive active and reactive power dispatch programs, these provided
and active power, that the mentioned variations to be considered. capability curves are used [7]-[9]. However, in the real world,
This paper discusses about some reasons, which lead to the reactive capability curves of the generator are changed over
variations, and then introduces methods for determining new time and aging of the generators. The mentioned changes are
capability curves.
caused due to several reasons such as mechanical restrictions
Index TermsAncillary services, generator capability curve, in the turbine-generator system and fouling problem in the
generator aging, optimal power dispatch, reactive power. cooling systems of the generators [10], [11]. In addition, it can
be caused by restrictions of the cooling water circulation [12].
I. INTRODUCTION Also, limits of the capability curve of the generator, including
the overexcited region, underexcited region and region limited
R EACTIVE power is an important system support
service in the current power market. Power producers
have the opportunity to offer this service to make a profit.
by stator current heating, are modified in response to changes
in coolant pressure or temperature [13]. These temperature and
Given the fact that a generator needs reactive power to pressure ratings are designed to maintain the synchronous
transmit its own active power, however, it is possible that generator temperature at or below the electrical insulation
certain generators cannot support a system even if they are temperature class limit [14].
generating reactive power [1]. In an open accessed After discussion about the sakes of variation in the
transmission system, the costs of each ancillary service will be generator reactive capability curves, this paper presents some
unbundled [2]. ways to test and extract the new and real-time reactive
Synchronous generators are a primary source of reactive capability curves instead of the one provided by the
power in electric power systems. Although there are other manufacture. Using new extracted capability curves, it is
important reactive power sources such as shunt capacitors and possible for generation companies and power plants to
flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) controllers, to a great participate in the reactive power market and economic
extent, generators are responsible for maintaining adequate dispatch programs with more confidence, security and
voltage profiles across the systems [3]. Consequently, their reliability [13].
characteristics and their limitations are of major importance
for the analysis of power grids, particularly when the system is II. GENERATOR REACTIVE CAPABILITY CURVE
operated near its limits. This is even more relevant under the Generator capability curves or reactive capability curves
current competitive market environment, as economic provide a useful tool in the loading of electrical generators.
pressures from market participants force the grid to supply the These curves define the normal limits of operation without
required demand with widely varying suppliers while still exceeding thermal limitations. The capability curve or family
guaranteeing the operational and security limits of the system of capability curves in the case of the hydrogen cooled
[4]. Therefore, the economic performance of electricity generator, show the MVAR loading vs. the MW loading over
markets is directly related to the level which the systems and the full range of operation, overexcited and underexcited, at
varying hydrogen gas pressures. Lines of constant power factor

may be indicated on the capability curve by straight lines as III. CAPABILITY CURVES VARIATIONS
shown in Fig. 1. Operation at any load greater than those In the majority of the applications such as ancillary services
indicated within the limit curves will result in overheating. and reactive power markets, it is assumed that the capability
curves of the generators do not change over time and are as
provided by the generator manufacture. In this paper, this
assumption is challenged and so this paper is looking for the
changes appeared in the generator capability curves with aging
and their reasons. In this paper, the capability curve variations
are categorized into two categories based on the cause of the
variations: the mechanical and the electrical causes.
A. Mechanical Causes
Turbine-generator combination has various mechanical and
electrical parts. In many reports, the effect of aging on
different mechanical parts of the turbo-generators is reported
[10]-[12]. The most important limitation factor in the
capability curves is the heating problem of the armature and
excitation currents [13]. As mentioned in several reports, it is
clear that the fouling in the cooling system of the water-cooled
generators, limits the follow of the electric current in the
windings. Fouling has two important effects on the cooling
Fig. 1. Reactive capability curve [15] process: first effect is due to follow restriction caused by
fouling and second is due to heat transfer defects caused by
The limiting factor in each rejoin of the capability curve at fouling layer in the skin of the tubes.
the upper boundary at any H2 pressure level is the rotor field Water-cooled generators with hollow copper strands
thermal limit specified at DC current rating. The right frequently suffer from deposition of copper oxides that clog
boundary is the synchronous generator stator limit. The lower them and impair cooling water flow. Solubility is one factor
boundary is the end iron heating limit which occurs during governing the release and the re-deposition of copper oxides.
leading power factor, underexcited operating condition. In Fig. 3 shows copper oxide deposit in the hollow conductor,
addition, some limitations are applied by system and which restricts follow of cooling water in the hollows.
protection considerations. For example every machine have a
steadystate stability limit that is determined by generator
characteristic and the stiffness of the electrical system to which
the machine is paralleled. A loss-of-load relay can be set to
trip the machine auxiliary relay before this limit is exceeded.
Other limitations are minimum excitation limiter (MEL) and
underexcitation reactive ampere limiter (URAL) in the
automatic voltage regulator. Therefore, the resultant capability
curve is more limited as shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3. Copper oxide deposits at the hollow conductor inlet [10]

Another problem caused by fouling is defect heat transfer

from skins of the water tubes. The fouling in the internal skin
of the water tubes produces deposition and the skin thickness
increases and heat transfer decreases subsequently. This is
discussed in [11], increment of heat transfer resistance in the
skins is shown in Fig .4 as a function of time.

Fig. 2. Capability curve with system protection limits [14]

Fig. 4. Increment of the heat transfer resistance in the skin [11]

B. Electrical Causes A. Direct method

The electrical equipments used in stator and rotor windings In some applications it is suggested that generators should
have a major impact on the operation of large motors and be tested directly to be evaluated in order to new reactive
generators [16]. The main effect of aging on generator as capability curve of the generators be acquired. The direct
discussed in many reports [16], [17] appears on the insulation method is categorized to two subsections itself: approximate
of windings and conductors of the windings. These problem method and precise method, which will be discussed in
results to several kind of phenomenon that are pointed in following.
reports such as [16], [17]: 1) Approximate direct method
Change in insulation resistance In some applications, the reactive capability curve of the
Increment in DC and AC leakage currents generators is not accessible and so it is essential that the
Change in polarization index mentioned curve be acquired. In such cases if the exact curves
Increase in dissipation factor are not needed, the approximate curves can be extracted using
Decrement of discharge excitation voltage standard methods provided in many documents [20]-[24].
Dielectric absorption variation The capability curve diagram illustrates the complex power
Winding resistance variation S = P + jQ. It is derived from the generators phasor diagram,
Winding impedance and pole balance variation assuming that voltage of the terminals of the generator V is
constant at the generators rated voltage. Fig. 5 (a) illustrates
As discussed, several kinds of variations arise in the turbine- the phasor diagram of a synchronous generator operating at its
generator system, which results in varying the turbine- rated-voltage and lagging-power factor. The orthogonal axes
generator characteristics. Therefore, the capability of the are drawn with units of volts. The length of the vertical
generator in delivery of real and reactive power will change segment AB is XSIAcos, and horizontal segment 0A is
which varies the capability curve of the generator. So the XSIAsin. Where IA is the current of the generator, XS is
reactive capability curve of the synchronous generators can synchronous impedance and is the phase angle between
vary with aging and the assumption of that the capability curve voltage V and current IA. The generators real and reactive
is unchanged over time and in the all over of the lifetime of the power outputs are:
generator to be constant is not a reliable assumption.
P = 3V I A cos (1)
Because of mentioned challenges and discussed
problems, in some operational utilization it is suggested to re- Q = 3V I A sin (2)
check the generators in order to extract the new reactive
Moreover, the apparent power is:
capability curve of the synchronous generators. For example,
in some applications it is suggested that, units with a nominal S = 3V I A (3)
capacity greater than 70 MW should be tested for reactive Fig. 5 (b) illustrates how the axes can be recalibrated in
capability [18]. In [19] it is suggested that the test should be terms of real and reactive power. The conversion factor used
performed for units with more than 10-MW capacity. to change the scale of the axis from volts (V) to voltamperes
Therefore, units, which have worked more than 5 years, should (VA) is 3V/XS and so [20]:
be tested and it is suggested that the mentioned test to be 3V
repeated every 5-years [18]. In the following section, several P = 3V I A cos = ( X S I A cos ) (4)
methods are suggested for extracting new reactive capability IA
curve of the synchronous generators. 3V
Q = 3V I A sin = ( X S I A sin ) (5)
As mentioned previously in the past sections, the reactive
capability curve of the synchronous generators vary over time,
therefore the assumption of that the capability curve to be
considered unchanged is not valid. For this reason, in this
section some methods, which are used to extract the new
reactive capability curve of the synchronous generators, are
presented. The methods, which are used to extract new
capability curve of the generators, can be categorized in two
Fig. 5. Derivation of a synchronous generator capability curve. (a) The
main methods: First method is direct method, which use direct generator phasor diagram; (b) the corresponding power units [20].
tests on the synchronous generators to acquire new reactive
capability curves of the generators. The second method is Fig. 6 illustrates the final capability curve of a synchronous
related to methods, which use indirect approach to acquire new generator. It illustrates a plot of real power P versus reactive
capability curve. power Q. The lines representing constant armature current IA
are shown as lines of constant apparent power S = 3VIA,
which are represented by concentric circles around the origin.

The lines representing constant field current corresponds to Limit at the specified Unit Net MW Output, as
lines of constant EA. These are illustrated by circles of measured at the low side of the unit step-up
magnitude 3EAV/XS centered at [20]: transformer, excluding any station service load fed off
3V2 of the unit terminal bus.
Q= (6) c. The leading or lagging Unit Maximum Net MVAR
XS Limit at the specified Unit Net MW Output, as
The armature current limit is illustrated by the circle measured at the low side of the unit step-up
corresponding to the rated IA or MVA. The field current limit transformer, excluding any station service load fed off
is illustrated by the circle corresponding to the rated IF or EA. of the unit terminal bus.
Any point located within both circles is a safe operating point - The Unit Minimum and Maximum Net MVAR Limits must
for the generator. Additional constraints, such as the maximum indicate the realistic, usable capability that is sustainable
prime-mover power, can also be shown on the diagram (Fig. 7) during continuous long-term unit operation. This sustainable
continuous capability is based on actual operating experience
(or testing) and takes into consideration any normal unit or
plant restrictions at 95 degrees Fahrenheit ambient or above.
Therefore, the reactive capability derived results in the proven
sustainable reactive capability, rather than merely reflecting
the design limits of the unit.
-A sufficient number of curve points must be provided to
accurately model the full operating range and capability of the
unit as described above.
Data requirements:
A minimum of two curve points must be provided.
Fig. 6. The resulting generator capability curve [20]
A maximum of eight curve points may be provided.
The Unit Maximum Net MVAR Limit must be greater
than (or equal to) the Unit Minimum Net MVAR Limit
for each curve point.
The Unit Minimum Net MVAR Limit may be equal for
any number of adjacent curve points.
The Unit Maximum Net MVAR Limit may be equal for
any number of adjacent curve points.
The Unit Net MW Output must be increasing from the
first to the last point.
More information is available in reference [m] with detailed
Explanation. Although the direct method provides exact
reactive capability curves of the synchronous generators, but
Fig. 7. A capability diagram showing the prime-mover power limit [20] has disadvantages:
Coordination is required between System Control Center
2) Exact direct method [18] personnel, power plant personnel and the General Office
In some cases, for example in units with high capacity, it is engineering group coordinating the testing.
important to have exact reactive capability curve and the Sufficient system generating capacity is needed to
approximate curves which acquired by approximate method accommodate the partial loss of generation due to
are not satisfactory. Therefore, it is essential that mentioned running the unit being tested at minimum load.
curves to be obtained using precise approach. The precise
This testing can be costly as the unit under test is
approach is very exact but expensive and time-consuming
removed from the normal order of economic dispatch.
Test requires switching of electrical auxiliary equipment
Detailed method can be found in documents as [18], and in
in the power plant.
this paper just a glance to the method is presented. Listed
below are the specifications for the Continuous Generating B. Indirect method
Unit Reactive Capability Curve: As mentioned, the exact direct method is expensive and
- Following data for each point on the curve must be specified: time consuming and it is preferred that the capability curve to
a. The Unit Net MW Output provided to the system, as be obtained using simpler and cheaper methods. In [13], [25]
measured at the low-side of the unit step-up new and indirect methods are presented to acquire reactive
transformer, excluding any station service load fed of capability curve of the synchronous generators indirectly using
the unit terminal bus. historical data of the plants and on-line conditions of the
b. The leading or lagging Unit Minimum Net MVAR generator. Provided methods are capable to acquire the

capability curve in real-time without any need to especial test pressure and power factor)
conditions. In addition, proposed programs collect data when P = f(amount of high pressure steam, amount of hot
generator is operating at a number of operation load levels and reheat steam, amount of low pressure steam, cold
a number of different power factors to require information gas generator temperature, cold gas generator
regarding the real and reactive power generated at each of the pressure and power factor)
various operating load levels and power factors. Subsequently, Because of the relation between the mentioned parameters
the proposed method analyzes the collected data to determine and reactive and real power is non-linear so it is difficult to
an actual reactive capability curve of the generator. The system determine a simple function. In these cases, it is proposed to
also provides generator health monitoring and identifies use techniques such as neural networks, evolutionary
changes and trends in the capability curves of the generator. algorithms such as genetic algorithm, curve fitting with
Any power plant can be considered in indirect method, in interpolation, regression etc to find the best approximation to
[13], [25] combined cycle power plants are considered. Fig. 8 the non-linear function. In [25] neural-networks technique is
shows schematic diagram of such power plant. chosen to approximate the relationship between output power
and input parameters. Fig. 9 presents a schematic diagram of
the neural-network used to approximate the relation between
output reactive power and input parameters in the combustion
units is presented.

Fig. 9. Schematic diagram of the neural-network used to approximate the

Fig. 8. Schenmatic diagram of a combined cycle power plant [25] relation between output reactive power and input parameters in the
combustion units
To evaluate real and reactive capability curves of the
generator, it is assumed that the output real and reactive power In addition, for active power in combustion units also for
of units is functions of the input variables of the power plant. reactive and real power output in steam units, similar
For this purpose, the combustion and steam units of a configuration of the neural-networks is used which for
combined cycle power station are considered separately. abbreviation are not presented here. When the relation
Therefore, the reactive output of the combustion units is taken between output power and input parameters is determined, it is
as a function of the heat into unit from the fuel, compressor possible to estimate real and reactive power in any given
inlet temperature, cold gas generator temperature, cold gas conditions. Therefore, it is possible to obtain new capability
generator pressure and power factor. Similarly, the real power curves of the synchronous generator. Fig. 10 presents an
is another function of the mentioned parameters. Also for the estimated capability curves using indirect method.
steam units the reactive power is taken as a function of amount
of high pressure steam from heat recovery steam generator,
amount of hot reheat steam from heat recovery steam
generator, amount of low pressure steam from heat recovery
steam generator, cold gas generator temperature, cold gas
generator pressure and power factor. For the real power, the
similar function is taken. It is available to write these functions
briefly for combustion units:
Q = f(heat into unit from the fuel, compressor inlet
temperature, cold gas generator temperature, cold
gas generator pressure and power factor)
P = f(heat into unit from the fuel, compressor inlet
temperature, cold gas generator temperature, cold
gas generator pressure and power factor)
In addition, for steam units:
Q = f(amount of high pressure steam, amount of hot
reheat steam, amount of low pressure steam, cold
Fig. 10. Estimated reactive capability curves [25]
gas generator temperature, cold gas generator

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