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Shakeerah Brodie

MEDT 7476
Assessment Implementation
Summer 2017

Client Information

Ms. Kimberly Ware

Kemp Elementary School
Certification ID #1380867

Actual Assessment

Teacher Directions:
1. Teacher summarizes the basic functions of each simple machine with the students.
2. Teacher then tell students that they will be creating online stories or comics strips focusing on simple
machines and their uses. Students should be encouraged to be creative and/or comical if they choose to
do a comic.
3. Teacher briefly review the writing process and gives students approximately 15 minutes to brainstorm
and record their ideas on paper.
4. Following the brainstorming, teacher distributes laptops.
5. Teacher uses projector to display the link for online stories that could be used. Students are directed to
type the website in the browser, as teacher review the various free story telling resources.
6. The teacher then distributes the rubrics and explicitly go over the expectations.
7. The students are now ready to work independently to complete the performance task.
8. Finished products are printed and presented to the class.
Shakeerah Brodie
MEDT 7476
Assessment Implementation
Summer 2017
Simple Stories About Simple Machines
Performance Task

Student Directions: Today you will complete a performance task on simple machines. You must create an
online story or comic strip to demonstrate your understanding of simple machines. The rubrics are provided to
guide your work.

In your story, you must do the following:

1. Identify and describe the six simple machines

2. Provide a description of how the simple machines are used
3. Explain the practical uses for the simple machines
4. Include at least 5 vocabulary words from the unit.
5. Check your story for grammatical errors.
6. Creatively do the above so that your story flow.

In your comic strip, you must do the following:

1. Identify and describe the six simple machines

2. Provide a description of how the simple machines are used
3. Explain the practical uses of the simple machines
4. Include at least 5 vocabulary words from the unit.
5. Include visuals that correlate with each panel
6. Check for grammatical errors.
7. Creatively do the above so that your story flow.
Shakeerah Brodie
MEDT 7476
Assessment Implementation
Summer 2017
Measurement Tool
Online Story Creation Rubric

Students are asked to create an online story demonstrating their understanding of all six simple machines.
Students will be evaluated according to this rubric.

5 points 3 points 1 point
Storyline You Identify and You Identify and You Identify and
describe the six simple describe four or five describe less than four
machines and provide a simple machines and simple machines and
description of how the provide a description of provide a description of
simple machines are how the simple how the simple
used. machines are used. machines are used.

Creativity You explain the You explain the You explain the
practical uses for all 6 practical uses for 4 or 5 practical uses for less
simple machines as a of the simple machines than 4 simple machines
part of your storyline as a part of your as a part of your
without interrupting the storyline with some storyline with major
flow of your story. You interruption in the flow interruption in the flow
use ingenuity and of your story. Shows of your story. Reproduce
imagination, going some imagination when existing examples, does
outside of examples shaping ideas into a not imagine new ones.
presented in class, when product, but may stay
shaping ideas into the have used some
storyline. examples presented in

Vocabulary You include 5 or more You use 3 to 4 You use less than 3
vocabulary words in vocabulary words in vocabulary words in
your storyline. your storyline. your storyline.

Spelling, There are no spelling, There are 1-3 spelling, There are 4-5 spelling,
Punctuation, punctuation, or grammar punctuation, or grammar punctuation, and
and errors. errors. grammar errors.
Feedback: Total
Shakeerah Brodie
MEDT 7476
Assessment Implementation
Summer 2017
Comic Strip Summative Assessment Rubric

Students are asked to create a 6-panel comic strip demonstrating their understanding of all six simple
machines. Students will be evaluated according to this rubric.

4 3 2 1 Points
Storyline You Identify and You Identify and You Identify and You Identify and
describe the six describe five describe four describe less than
simple machines simple machines simple machines four simple
and provide a and provide a and provide a machines and
description of how description of how description of how provide a
the simple the simple the simple description of how
machines are used. machines are machines are used. the simple
used. machines are used.
Creativity You explain the You explain the You explain the You explain the
practical uses for practical uses for practical uses for 4 practical uses less
the all 6 simple 5 of the simple simple machines than 4 simple
machines as a part machines as a part as a part of your machines as a part
of your storyline of your storyline storyline with of your storyline
without with some major interruption with major
interrupting the interruption in the in the flow of your interruption in the
flow of your flow of your story. story. Reproduce flow of your story.
comic. You use Shows some existing examples, Reproduce existing
ingenuity and imagination when does not imagine examples, does not
imagination, going shaping ideas into new ones. imagine new ones.
outside of a product, but may
examples presented stay have used
in class, when some examples
shaping ideas into presented in class.
the storyline.
Landscape The comic has at The comic has at The comic has 4 The comic has less
and Props least 6 panels that least 5 panels that panels landscape than 4 panels
include landscape include landscape and props are landscape and
and props that are and props are generally related to props seem
directly related to directly related to the theme or randomly chosen
the theme or the theme or purpose of the OR distract the
purpose of the purpose of the comic. reader.
comic and enhance comic.
understanding of
the scene.
Spelling, There are no There are 1-3 There are 4-5 There are more
Punctuation, spelling, spelling, spelling, than 5 spelling,
and punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, and punctuation, and
Grammar grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
Feedback: Total
Shakeerah Brodie
MEDT 7476
Assessment Implementation
Summer 2017

Example of Student Submission with Teacher Feedback and Grade

Shakeerah Brodie
MEDT 7476
Assessment Implementation
Summer 2017
Comic Strip Summative Assessment Rubric

Students are asked to create a 6-panel comic strip demonstrating their understanding of all six simple
machines. Students will be evaluated according to this rubric.

4 3 2 1 Points
Storyline You Identify and You Identify and You Identify and You Identify and 3
describe the six describe five describe four describe less than
simple machines simple machines simple machines four simple
and provide a and provide a and provide a machines and
description of how description of how description of how provide a
the simple the simple the simple description of how
machines are used. machines are machines are used. the simple
used. machines are used.
Creativity You explain the You explain the You explain the You explain the 4
practical uses for practical uses for practical uses for 4 practical uses less
the all 6 simple 5 of the simple simple machines than 4 simple
machines as a part machines as a part as a part of your machines as a part
of your storyline of your storyline storyline with of your storyline
without with some major interruption with major
interrupting the interruption in the in the flow of your interruption in the
flow of your comic. flow of your story. story. Reproduce flow of your story.
You use ingenuity Shows some existing examples, Reproduce existing
and imagination, imagination when does not imagine examples, does not
going outside of shaping ideas into new ones. imagine new ones.
examples presented a product, but may
in class, when stay have used
shaping ideas into some examples
the storyline. presented in class.
Landscape The comic has at The comic has at The comic has 4 The comic has less 4
and Props least 6 panels that least 5 panels that panels landscape than 4 panels
include landscape include landscape and props are landscape and
and props that are and props are generally related to props seem
directly related to directly related to the theme or randomly chosen
the theme or the theme or purpose of the OR distract the
purpose of the purpose of the comic. reader.
comic and enhance comic.
understanding of
the scene.
Spelling, There are no There are 1-3 There are 4-5 There are more 3
Punctuation, spelling, spelling, spelling, than 5 spelling,
and punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, and punctuation, and
Grammar grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
Feedback: You did an excellent job with your storyline and creativity. You used the simple Total
machines in practical ways that werent discussed in class. You discussed the appropriate topic. Points
Remember that you were required to discuss 6 simple machines. 14/16
Shakeerah Brodie
MEDT 7476
Assessment Implementation
Summer 2017


The assessment went well for the most part. I found that the students understood the expectations and was able
to show mastery of the standard. They could identify the six simple machines and their practical uses. While
they understood the expectations, many of them struggled with creating practical uses of simple machines
outside of what was discussed in the class. I was hoping that more students would be creative with their
storylines, but found that the stories were predictable and similar to ideas presented during the unit. Students
that struggle with writing enjoyed this assignment more than normal, as they enjoyed the option of doing a
comic strip versus writing a story.

Impact on Student Learning


Student Scored 13-16 Scored 10-12 Scored Less than 10

U.I. X
W.W. X
A.G. X
S.S. X
E.R.B. X
R.M.B. X
N.Z. X
A.T. X
R.L. X
S.N. X
T.T. X
Shakeerah Brodie
MEDT 7476
Assessment Implementation
Summer 2017


GIRLS 8 3 4
BOYS 6 5 2
EIP 2 6 7

The analysis shows that 52% of my students were proficient and 30% of the students were developing.
Approximately 18% of the of the students were beginners. In my subgroups, 73% of my girls were developing
or proficient while 91% of my boys were. 53% of my EIP students were developing or proficient and my 2
DES students were beginner learners. This data shows me that the boys in the class grasps and displayed the
concepts better. About half of my EIP students were able to grasp the concepts. This could be because they
struggle in reading, therefore unable to efficiently demonstrate their knowledge through a story. Finally, my
DES students work with DES were not able to meet the standards.

Future Instructional Plans

In planning for the future, the teacher will work closely with the DES and EIP resources teachers to review
simple machines with the students. The teacher will pull these students during small group to review the
standards while incorporating writing strategies to strengthen their ability to complete the performance task. In
an effort to meet the needs of the DES students, the teacher will allow those students to verbally tell the teacher
the story incorporating the simple machines. An alternate assessment with multiple choice questions will also
be made to meet the needs of these struggling readers and writers. This modification would be done with the
lower level EIP students as well. The final revision in instruction would be to continue utilizing online story/
comic maker with the students.

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