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Effective Communication Skills

Latonya Graham, MA, LPC-S, NCC

Christin James, BS
Courtney Walters, MA, LPCS, NCC
Michael Englert, MA, LPC, LCAS, NCC
What weve learned from you
Believe that rules that apply to others do not apply to you
Inconvenience others without thinking
Expect others to help you but do not reciprocate
Not acknowledging the teacher
Lack of participation in class
Cell phone use and other distractions
Do not recognize own strengths and weaknesses
Emotional regulation
Recognizing consequences for behaviors
Classroom Habits for Teachers
Connecting Habits Disconnecting Habits
Listening Criticizing/Labeling
Supporting Blaming
Encouraging Complaining
Respecting Nagging
Trusting Threatening
Accepting Punishing
Negotiating Differences Bribing or Rewarding to
Motivating Students
Provide frequent, early, positive feedback that supports
students' beliefs that they can do well.
Ensure opportunities for success by assigning tasks that
are neither too easy nor too difficult.
Help students find personal meaning and value in the
Create an open and supportive atmosphere.
Succeed together instead of competing against each other.
Help students feel that they are valued members of a
learning community.
Encouragement Activity
Looking back on your life, who encouraged you?
What did this person say or do?
Were there factors in that situation that you think were
relevant to what was said or done?
What was your approximate age at the time?
Looking back, how did this encouragement affect you?
How did it affect the person you have become?
Thank you!

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