Agenda Oct 30

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Los Vecinos de Buford Highway

October 30, 2017
Skyland Church (Presencia Space)

1. Recent Cenas What went well? What could be improved?

a. Add story-sharing component to dinners?
b. Following up with hosts (i.e. Community Captain)
2. Upcoming Cenas
a. Nov 2 (Huntington Creek/Bloom at Dresden Park)
i. Vecinos Board Member attending?
b. Nov 14 (Huntington Terraces) Thanksgiving-style
i. Vecinos Board Member attending?
3. Formalize Strategies
4. Upcoming Projects/Events
a. January 2018 1 Year Anniversary Celebration?
i. Venue
ii. Date/time
iii. Topics/Style?
iv. Lead person?
b. Graduation Announcement Banners for Apartments
i. Cost students/families pay portion/
ii. Lead person?
c. Bulletin Boards for Apartments
i. Collaborate with cities and property managers
ii. Lead person?
d. DACA Community Service Week (Week of Nov 20)
i. Participate?
ii. Ideas?
iii. Lead person?
e. Cena Hosts Follow-up Debrief/Thank You Dinner?
i. First cohort of apartment hosts
ii. Vecinos to host dinner/debrief session
iii. Introduce idea of Community Captain and see what commitment exists
within group
5. Roles (open to discussion and updates/changes)
a. Facebook Messenger Responses Marco
b. Website Contact Form Responses Rebekah
c. Twitter and Facebook Posts Marco and Rebekah
d. Setting Agendas for Meetings Deanna
e. Follow-ups with Cena Hosts -- ?
f. Scheduling new Cenas -- ?

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