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Name: Ashley Dixon


1. Name of Campus? Simon Fraser University

2. What is unique about this campus? There is a mall inside the lower part of the SFU


3. What kinds of programs are offered? A large number of programs are offered, such as:

criminology, economics, philosophy, business, etc.

4. What is the application deadline? For 2019, it is fall 2018

5. How do I check my application status? On your account at the BC Education Planner


6. After I have been accepted, how do I register? After you are accepted, youll receive an

email that tells you the date you can register for classes.

7. How do I know what classes to register for? Under your program in the course catalog,

there are recommended classes.

8. What is the average class size? It varies from about 150 or less

9. How do you provide academic advice to students? There are many groups that are

available to give academic advising, such as: academics first program, back on track

program, techbytes, student learning commons, research commons and even the library.

10. Where are the best places to study on campus? The library is one of the best places to

study, because there are varying levels of quiet, green: talking is allowed, yellow: very

little but, some talking allowed, Red: No talking is allowed.

11. Does the campus offer residence? No

12. How can I get involved with athletics or clubs and societies? On the SFU website there

is a list of teams and sports that students can get involved with. Underneath that an email

is listed and a form you must fill out to join or be considered for said teams or clubs is


13. What surprised you about the campus? The small classrooms, I expected it to be larger.

14. What did you like about the campus? SFU is beautiful, I really liked the facilities and it

seems very easy to ask for help with writing papers or getting a temporary laptop.

15. What did you not like about the campus? That there is no on campus residency.

16. How long was the tour? Forty-five Minutes

17. Would you apply to this campus? Definitely, the campus was somewhere I could see

myself going to school.

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