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1st Grade- Social Studies

Shakeerah Brodie, Brittany Moore, Emily Rhinehart, Autumn Schaffer

Subject & Content

This project focuses on 1st grade social studies standards, particularly those
related to determining the location of city, country, state, nation, as well as
continents. The students will use digital tools to guess and learn about others
geographic locations.

The focus Common Core Georgia Performance Standards for this lesson are:
SS1G2 Identify and locate the students city, county, state, nation (country), and
continent on a simple map or a globe.
SS1G3 Locate major topographical features of the earths surface.
a. Locate all of the continents: North America, South America, Africa, Europe,
Asia, Antarctica, and Australia.

Learning Objectives
1 The student(s) will collaboratively create a presentation describing major
landmarks, points of interest, and geographic features of their nation, state,
and city/county.
2 The student(s) will collaboratively create a Kahoot quiz based upon their
presentation describing major landmarks, points of interest, and
geographic features of their nation, state, and city/county.
3 The student will participate in Mystery Hangout sessions and devised an
educated guess as to where the other group of students are located
(nation, state, city/county).

Grade & Age Range

This project is aligned to 1st grade standards. First grade classrooms (with
students 6-8 years old) will be invited to participate. It is encouraged that these
classrooms be located on/in a variety of continents, countries, states, and cities.

Within the classroom, learners will participate in the project via small groups (5
students per group). The students will meet in their groups to formulate their
presentation (Prezi or Google slides) with assistance from the teacher. This
presentation will include maps of their location as well as images of topical
features and historical landmarks.

The students will then formulate their Kahoot quiz with assistance from the
teacher. The students will formulate a set of questions (yes/no responses) for the
group that they will meet to gain information to make an educated guess as to
where the other group is located.

The small group will then use Google Hangouts to connect with another group
who has also created a presentation/quiz. They will view the other groups
presentation and then use their question protocol and map to try to guess their

They will then test their knowledge by completing the other groups Kahoot.

Students' Technology Use

1 Prezi/Google Slides: With assistance from the teacher, the small groups will
create a Prezi/Google Slides within information about their country, state,
and city. This might include historical information, geographic location, or
landmark descriptions. The teacher will screen share this presentation with
the partner group during the Mystery Hangout meeting.
2 Kahoot: Both partner groups will create a Kahoot quiz based upon their own
location (country, state, city). The other group will play the quiz live during
the Mystery Hangout.
3 Google Hangouts: The students will meet with other 1st grade classes
(arranged by the teachers) at certain days/times. Each group will meet with
a different class on a different day (so that there are only 5 students using
the Hangout during center time). The students will first share their
presentation and the other group will participate in the Kahoot. The other
group will try to guess where they are located (country, state, city). The
other group will then present their presentation and quiz. The students will
use the questions they devised to try to determine where the partner group
is located.
4 Kids World Map App: This app will be used by the students to locate and
guess their partner classes location.
5 iPads/Chromebooks: The students will use a mobile device or Chromebook to
participate in the Kahoot quiz before guessing where the partner group is

Instructors' Technology Use

In addition to using Prezi/Google Slides, Kahoot, Kids World Map App, and
Google Hangouts (to assist the students in the creation and presentation of
information), the teachers will make connections and appointments for meetings
via the Google+ Community. The teachers can exchange contact information to
be able to email and connect via Hangouts at the appropriate date/time.

Project Timeline
This standard will be taught over a series of 6 weeks (with this activity and
others). This will allow each group (of 5 students) to meet with a group a least
once over the 6-week period. Each Mystery Hangout will last between 45-60

Desired Outcome
The outcome of student work will be based upon the meeting of the three
learning objectives/outcomes. Two outcomes are based upon the completion of a
presentation (Prezi/Google Sites) as well as the creation of a Kahoot quiz.
Students work collaboratively to create these products. Due to the students age,
they will also need assistance from the teacher. She will help to create the
products based upon the input from the students.

The other outcome is related to the guessing of the other groups location. The
students will need to give an oral description as to why they are suggesting that
location. While the student isnt held accountable for guessing the location
correctly, he/she will be evaluated based upon the statement of reasoning.

The final desired outcome is that students will gain an understanding of their own
location in terms of country, state, and city/county. They are also expected to
gain some initial understanding of the various continents (in hopes that some of
the meeting groups will be located on different continents).

Since much of this activity is based upon student performance, the groups will be
evaluated using a rubric (see below).

Criteria Meets Objective Progressing Does Not Meet

5 Points 3 Points 0 Points

The student(s) will The group created The group created The group created
collaboratively create a presentation includes ALL presentation includes at presentation contains TWO
presentation describing major the following: least FOUR of the following: or less of the following
landmarks, points of interest,
and geographic features of -3 Major Landmarks and/or -3 major landmark and/or -3 major landmark and/or
their nation, state, and points of interest point of interest point of interest
State Examples: World of State Examples: World of State Examples: World of
Coca-Cola, Stone Mountain, Coca-Cola, Stone Mountain, Coca-Cola, Stone Mountain,
Rock City, MLK Historic Site, Rock City, MLK Historic Site, Rock City, MLK Historic Site,
etc. etc. etc.
National Examples: Statue National Examples: Statue National Examples: Statue of
of Liberty, Mt. Rushmore, of Liberty, Mt. Rushmore, Liberty, Mt. Rushmore, White
White House White House House

-3 Geographic Features -3 Geographic Features -3 Geographic Features

State examples: State examples: State examples: coast/beach

coast/beach (Savannah, coast/beach (Savannah, (Savannah, Saint Simons,
Saint Simons, etc.), Saint Simons, etc.), etc.), Mountains (North
Mountains (North Georgia), Mountains (North Georgia), Georgia), Farmland (South
Farmland (South Georgia) Farmland (South Georgia) Georgia)
National Examples: Colder National Examples: Colder National Examples: Colder in
in the North/Humid in the in the North/Humid in the the North/Humid in the South,
South, More Farmland in South, More Farmland in More Farmland in South,
South, Beaches on the East South, Beaches on the East Beaches on the East and
and West coast) and West coast) West coast)
The student(s) will The group created Kahoot The group created Kahoot The group created Kahoot
collaboratively create a Kahoot contains 6 questions that contains 4 questions that contains 2 or less questions
quiz based upon their ask/hint to three major ask/hint to three major that ask/hint to three major
presentation describing major national/state national/state national/state
landmarks, points of interest, landmarks/points of interest landmarks/points of interest landmarks/points of interest
and geographic features of AND geographic locations AND geographic locations AND geographic locations
their nation, state, and (national/state) (national/state) (national/state)
The student will participate in The individual student The individual student The individual did not
Mystery Hangout sessions and participated in the mystery participated in the mystery satisfactorily participate in the
devised an educated guess as hangout by doing ALL the hangout by doing SOME of mystery hangout and did not
to where the other group of following: the following: complete any of the
students are located (nation, following:
state, city/county). -Being present in the -Being present in the
classroom during the classroom during the -Being present in the
mystery hangout mystery hangout classroom during the mystery
-Assisting in devising the -Assisting in devising the
questions to ask the mystery questions to ask the mystery -Assisting in devising the
hangout (to guess the other hangout (to guess the other questions to ask the mystery
groups location) groups location) hangout (to guess the other
groups location)
-Asking questions during the -Asking questions during the
mystery hangout session mystery hangout session -Asking questions during the
mystery hangout session
-Making an educated guess -Making an educated guess
to the location of the other to the location of the other -Making an educated guess
group using the map app group using the map app to the location of the other
(guess does not have to be (guess does not have to be group using the map app
correct if it can be justified correct if it can be justified (guess does not have to be
based upon hints) based upon hints) correct if it can be justified
based upon hints)
Total Points: _/15
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