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10/30/2017 Body System

Body System
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Welcome to Body Systems 101

7th Grade Science

Instructors: Olivia Hicks & Tarita Chambers

Location: 100% Online

Contact Information:

Email: (

& (

Phone: 678-525-5110

SecondLife by appointment: 6pm-8pm in the conference room.

Required Materials

Access to a personal computer (PC or MAC).

High-speed internet is recommended.

Objective: Standard S7L2- Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe how
cell structures, cells, tissue, organs, and organ system interact to maintain the basic needs of

Students will:

Identify the seven systems of the human body.

Locate the major organs in each body system.
Describe the function of each system. 1/7
10/30/2017 Body System

Discuss how each system interacts with other systems of the body.

Activities and assignments, evaluation, procedures, and grading policy

This course is offered online to provide students with to access work at home or anywhere
they have internet access. This class has three modules over the course of two weeks.
Students will need to complete each module to move to the next one. The second and
third modules, students' assignments and discussions will demonstrate knowledge,
comprehension, analysis, and synthesis, of the seven systems of the human body. Below are
the activities/practices, assignments, and assessment of each module.



Class discussions are required in each module for each topic. It is engaging with other
classmates throughout the week regarding the reading topic. This is similar to a face to face
experience where you would discuss the week. Discussion posts are due every day and
responses are due every Friday. You need to response to at least two of your classmates for
full credit. Each graded discussion is worth 55 points.

5pts You are expected to post all modules discussions and responses by due the dates.

5pts You should begin at least one thread and provide at least two posts in response to
other participants threads.

10 pts Posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two
paragraphs. Word totals for each post should be in the 50-150 words range. Whether you
agree or disagree explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or
a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate. Use APA style

5pts Be organized in your thoughts and ideas.

5pts Incorporate correlations with the assigned readings or topics.

5pts Post stay on topic. 2/7
10/30/2017 Body System

10pts Information is accurate and justified

5pts Be aware of grammar and sentence mechanics.

5pts Use proper etiquette. Remember that being respectful is critical.

Due Dates

All projects and assignments are due on the posted due date. Late assignment will only be
accepted under special circumstances such as illness or family emergencies. If you know of
a situation or event prior to the due date that will cause you to miss an assignment contact
your instructors immediately. Please make sure to follow the class calendar to follow any
updates or changes to the class outline.


Module 1

Discussion #1- Introduction Due: May 1, 2017

Module 2

Discussion #2-Cardiovascular Due: May 2, 2017

Discussion #3-Digestive Due: May 3, 2017

Discussion #4-Respiratory Due: May 4, 2017

Module 2 Quiz Due: May 5, 2017

Module 3

Discussion #5- Muscular Due: May 8, 2017

Discussion #6-Nervous Due: May 9, 2017

Discussion #7-Immune Due: May 10, 2017

Group Project Due: May 12, 2017 3/7
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You will create a presentation on the 7 systems of the Human Body. The instructors will
select the groups for this project. You then will choose how you will present your topic
(example: blog,virtual world,ect). Review the rubric for assignment detail.

Project Rubric

CATEGORY 40 30 20 10

Describes all of
Describes most of Describes a few of Describes 1 of the
the major organs
Organ & the major organs of the major organs of major organs of
of the body
Functions the body system the body system the body system
system and how
and how they work. and how they work. and how it works.
they work.

Missing two to
Missing one of the Missing four or
Presents all 7 three of the 7
Systems 7 seven body more of the body
body systems. seven body
systems. systems.

All of the Most of the Some of the Few of the

members members members members
Group Work completed their completed their completed their completed their
part of the part of the part of the part of the
presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation.

The presentation The presentation

The presentation is The presentation is
is exemplary and is messy or
Presentation neat or has 4 or neat or has more
doesn't have any grammar makes it
& Grammar less grammar than 5 grammar
grammar difficult to
mistakes. mistakes.
mistakes. understand.

Assessment 4/7
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Module 2 has a quiz at the end. There are practice quizzes and activies at the end of each
instructional lesson to review. The practice quizzes will allow you to see areas that will need
improvement before the formal quiz at the end of the module.


Activity Points Due Date

Discussions 385 Ongoing
Quiz 55 May 5th
Project 160 May 12th

Final Grade Points

A =600-540

B =539-480


F=420 and below

Online Classroom policies

Netiquette (

Netiquette describes how to communicate with each other online.

Be respectful of other students.

Don't use emoticons in discussions.
Think before you post.

Academic Honesty

All work submitted must be your original work created for this class. Make sure to include
proper citations for all your written assignments. Plagiarism is when you use someone else's
work as your own without proper credit. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense. Students
found in violation of this could find their grade a zero.

Nature of Digital Education 5/7
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Digital Education is a great way for students to continue their education without location
restraints, using 21st-century skills, and flexible schedules. Thank you for taking advantage
of this great new way of learning.

Students will need a working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Internet.

Disabilities Statement

Every student should have equal accommodations for their class needs whether online or
face to face. The needs are defined under the American with Disabilities Act and are not
limited to learning needs. Therefore it is important for students to contact Disabilities
Services to make sure student's needs are met in the classroom.

Privacy Policy

Any information students provide will be strictly used for this course and this school.

Course Summary:

Date Details

Mon May 1, 2017 Welcome to Biology: Class Introduction due by 11:59pm


Tue May 2, 2017 Cardiovascular due by 11:59pm


Wed May 3, 2017 Digestive due by 11:59pm


Thu May 4, 2017 Respiratory due by 11:59pm


Fri May 5, 2017 Module 2 Quiz due by 11:59pm


Mon May 8, 2017 Muscular due by 11:59pm


Tue May 9, 2017 Nervous due by 11:59pm


Wed May 10, 2017 Immune due by 11:59pm

( 6/7
10/30/2017 Body System

Date Details

Fri May 12, 2017 Group Project due by 11:59pm


( This course content is offered under a Public Domain

( license. Content in this course
can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted. 7/7

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