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Solution Selection Guide

Asset Performance Management (APM) Software

Solution Selection Guide

Dan Miklovic, November 2015

Enterprise Quality Management Software

Matthew Littlefield, May 2012

Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Asset Performance Management Market Overview

Asset Performance Management (APM) solutions can cover a broad spectrum of application and
business process areas, almost as broad as Operational Excellence itself. For businesses that use
physical assets to produce goods or services—ensuring those assets deliver optimal performance
encompasses everything from collecting data about how they are currently performing to the tools
and applications that enable how to predict the best use for those assets to achieve operational
goals in the most cost effective manner. The tools/applications needed to manage such a broad
range of processes are numerous. In some cases the functionality for certain business process
management may reside in multiple applications, even in those traditionally thought of as belonging
to other domains. Nominally, the set of applications that delivers the functionality most commonly
associated with APM is:
 Advanced Machine Diagnostic Systems/Software
 Calibration Management Systems
 Computerized Maintenance Management Systems
 Condition Monitoring Systems used to support Condition Based Maintenance
 Corrosion Analysis Systems
 Enterprise Asset Management Systems
 Exposure Management Systems
 Labor Tracking, Training Management, and Certification Support Systems
 Lockout/Tagout Systems
 Lubrication Programs/Systems
 Maintenance Training Systems
 Mobile/Field Service Solutions
 Modeling & Simulation Systems
 MRO Procurement and Stores Inventory Management Systems
 Reliability Centered Maintenance Systems/Tools (such as RCA, FMEA)
 Vibration Analysis Systems

All of these systems, applications, and tools need to interact with each other and need to talk to
applications in other domains, such as generic HR systems, ERP applications, finance &
accounting. Likewise, they need to be compatible with process control systems, data historians, and
other Manufacturing Execution Systems / Manufacturing Operations Management (MES / MOM)
These systems are also quite diverse, often with a very different focus points and characteristics.
Many of the solutions are primarily process or machine centric, dealing with real-time data. This
data may come from literally thousands of sources in time spans that range down to the sub-second
level. Frequently this data has immediate value, but may or may not have any long-term value. At
the other end of the spectrum are solutions that are involved primarily with higher-level business
processes and have high degrees of human interaction. These applications deal with information
that may not change frequently, but has persistence. If the asset register resides in an Enterprise
Asset Management (EAM) application the information may need to be maintained over the entire life
of the asset, which may be 20 or more years.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

This has led to the situation in the market today where many different solutions co-exist. Some
providers offer a comprehensive range of solutions including EAM solutions or computerized
maintenance management software/solutions (CMMS), as well as analytics and MES/MOM
functionality, at least to the level of linking with automation systems and specialized tools like quality
or calibration management. Other providers have focused on a single functional area that may be
quite specific, and still others may lie somewhere in the middle with more than a point solution but
not a full suite of functionality, which nevertheless has focused on the needs of a specific industry or
set of industries. And finally others may focus geographically or by business size with either point
solutions or broader solution sets.
This market diversity has made it extremely difficult for many end-users to evaluate and select the
appropriate set of providers to aid them in their pursuit of Operational Excellence in the context of
Asset Performance Management. This APM Solution Selection Guide will help with that process by
providing a single resource documenting the capabilities of the providers in the APM market that are
most frequently seen in manufacturing and asset intensive industries.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Asset Performance Management Market Overview ........................................................................... 2
How the APM Solution Selection Guide Was Prepared ..................................................................... 6
Using the Solution Selection Guide .................................................................................................... 6
Solution Coverage Tables .................................................................................................................. 8
Functionality ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Deployment/Delivery Model ............................................................................................................. 20
Development Platform ...................................................................................................................... 22
Interfaces and Integration Models Supported ................................................................................... 25
Industries Served ............................................................................................................................. 28
Geographies Served ........................................................................................................................ 32
Organization Sizes Served ............................................................................................................... 34
Solution Providers in Detail .............................................................................................................. 36
ABB .............................................................................................................................................. 37
ABB at a Glance ........................................................................................................................... 39
AssetPoint .................................................................................................................................... 41
AssetPoint at a Glance ................................................................................................................. 42
Bentley Systems, Inc. ................................................................................................................... 44
Bentley Systems at a Glance ........................................................................................................ 45
Emerson Process Management.................................................................................................... 46
Emerson Process Management at a Glance ................................................................................ 47
GE ................................................................................................................................................ 49
GE at a Glance ............................................................................................................................. 51
GE APM Product Appendix: ......................................................................................................... 54
Honeywell ..................................................................................................................................... 55
Honeywell at a Glance .................................................................................................................. 56
IBM ............................................................................................................................................... 58
IBM at a Glance ............................................................................................................................ 60
IFS ................................................................................................................................................ 62
IFS at a Glance ............................................................................................................................. 63
Infor .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Infor at a Glance ........................................................................................................................... 66
Maintenance Assistant .................................................................................................................. 69
Maintenance Assistant at a Glance .............................................................................................. 70

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Meridium ....................................................................................................................................... 72
Meridium at a Glance .................................................................................................................... 74
MROConnection ........................................................................................................................... 77
MROConnection at a Glance ........................................................................................................ 79
Mtell .............................................................................................................................................. 80
Mtell at a Glance ........................................................................................................................... 81
Oniqua .......................................................................................................................................... 83
Oniqua at a Glance ....................................................................................................................... 85
Oracle ........................................................................................................................................... 87
Oracle at a Glance ........................................................................................................................ 89
Rockwell Automation .................................................................................................................... 92
Rockwell Automation at a Glance ................................................................................................. 93
SAP .............................................................................................................................................. 95
SAP at a Glance ........................................................................................................................... 96
Schneider Electric ......................................................................................................................... 97
Schneider Electric at a Glance ..................................................................................................... 99
Siemens ...................................................................................................................................... 100
Siemens at a Glance .................................................................................................................. 102
Xtivity .......................................................................................................................................... 104
Xtivity at a Glance ....................................................................................................................... 105
Concluding Thoughts ..................................................................................................................... 106

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

How the APM Solution Selection Guide Was Prepared

The APM Solution Selection Guide was prepared using data collected from the various providers in
a variety of ways. For most providers the process included responding to an online data entry tool
followed by a Web or face-to-face briefing. Part of the data collection process included checking
references provided by the vendors. Other end-user references came from members of LNS
Research’s Global Executive Council clients, other consulting clients, or meetings at various user
group meetings or other events. Prior to publication vendors were provided an opportunity to verify
particular details for factual accuracy.
In a few cases vendors either declined to provide a response via the online collection tool, or to
conduct a vendor briefing, or both. Some vendors could not accommodate the timing of the
preparation of the Solution Selection Guide while others explicitly declined participation. Where a
vendor is a significant provider in the market space but declined to participate LNS Research used a
combination of end-user resources as well as publicly available material to make an assessment of
the vendor’s capabilities. Those vendors were still given the opportunity to review the material
published in the guide for factual accuracy. Some vendors responded to this request while others
did not. In those cases where the provider did not participate in some fashion in the data collection
and verification process a notation has been made with detailed information as to their particular
circumstances. End-users are advised to perform additional due diligence on those vendors that did
not participate to validate the information in the profile section.
Using the Solution Selection Guide
Given the breadth of the APM space and the varying degrees of functionality that providers offer,
ranging from very specific point solutions to broad enterprise solutions with a spectrum of
functionality, many users struggle to identify potential providers appropriate for their situation. At the
same time the APM space is growing in terms of both packaged functionalities and industry-specific
solutions, which is challenging for companies trying to create a shortlist of potential vendors. Any
organization interested in implementing elements of APM should take the appropriate steps for
determining which solution is right for its operations. First, current capabilities, functionalities, and IT
architectures should be assessed. The identification of where investments have been made in ERP,
MES/MOM, Historians, Industrial Automation, EHS Applications and Enterprise Quality
Management Software (EQMS) solutions, as well as existing APM point solutions and broader
solution sets and other applications should all be used as criteria for choosing a vendor.
Next, because the selection and implementation of an APM solution takes significant resources, the
educational process is integral for a successful investment. The LNS Research APM Solution
Selection Guide aims to simplify this process, covering a total of 20 vendors, both point solutions
and broader suites. Following the summary tables offers a snapshot of each company as well as a
brief analysis. The guide also has an individualized table for each vendor, providing an extensive
overview in a single location. The table covers the following areas:
 APM Functionality: Lists the APM functionalities offered by vendors. It includes all of the
functionality associated with all of the APM related products the vendor offers and, where
possible, identifies which products provide which specific APM functionality. To avoid
creating excessively long tables when vendors offer nearly full coverage the table makes a
generalized notation to that effect. Where a vendor has more limited functionality only the

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

specific functions are listed. In Either case readers should use the tables in conjunction with
the Harvey Ball Charts in the first section of the document to gain a complete picture.
 Technology Delivery Model: Lists the delivery model options offered by vendors. Ex: On-
premise, Cloud, etc.
 Technology Development Platforms: Lists the platforms used by vendors to develop and
integrate solutions. Ex: Java/J2EE, Microsoft .NET, etc.
 Integration Standards Supported: Lists the new standards supported by vendors that
support interoperability and ease integration efforts. Ex. ISA-95, OAGIS, OPC UA, MIMOSA,
ISO55000, etc.
 Industries Served: Lists the industries as well as various sub-verticals served by vendors.
Ex: Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Automotive, etc.
 Geographies Served: Lists the regions covered by vendors. Ex: North America, Europe, etc.
 Company Sizes Served: Lists the company sizes targeted by vendors. Ex: Small, Medium,
and Large enterprises

For each of the Market Area Served and Functionality tables the responses are categorized in one
of the following ways:
 Have Coverage: Means the vendor has capabilities in this area but does not consider it an
existing or emerging strength.
 Area of Strength: Shows the areas in which the vendor believes it stands out in the market
and LNS Research has done research that validates that users gain significant benefit from
using this feature or function, or that support is particularly good in that region or industry.
 Emerging Strength: Shows the areas in which the vendor believes investment of resources
is enhancing its ability to deliver that functionality or serve that market segment and LNS
Research has done research that validates that users stand to gain significant benefit from
using this feature or function once it is fully developed or that support is becoming
significantly better in that region or industry.
 Next Release: The vendor will support this platform in its very next release and not later than
12 months from the date of this report publication.

For the deployment model table the responses are categorized in one of the following ways:
 Provides: Means the vendor delivers the solution in this deployment model.
 Predominant: Means the vendor deploys the solution most often using this model(s)
 Not Provided: Means the vendor does not support this delivery model.
 Next Release: Means the vendor will offer this delivery model in the very next release.

For the Development Platform table the responses are categorized in one of the following ways:
 Development Platform: Means the vendor does all of its native development on this
 Ported: Means the vendor does development on another platform and then ports its solution
to this platform
 Legacy Platform: The vendor has delivered on this platform in the past and still supports it,
but with bug fixes only and no new enhancements.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

 Next Release: The vendor will support this platform in its very next release and not later than
12 months from the date of this report publication.

For the Integration Standards Supported table the responses are categorized in one of the following
 Standard: Means the vendor delivers this capability as part of the standard product.
 Optional: Means the vendor offers this capability as an option for additional cost.
 Custom: Means the vendor has or is willing to provide this capability as a custom project.
 Next Release: Means the vendor will provide this capability as part of the standard offering
in the very next release.

This guide serves as a critical executive resource for moving forward with the decision of selecting
an APM provider. LNS Research believes that the functionalities offered by each of these vendors
meet the needs of the market as described in the sections.
Users should use the summary tables that follow this section to identify potential vendors for further
research. They should then refer to the detailed vendor descriptions to generate a shortlist of
candidates they believe have the potential to address their needs. Once a shortlist of vendors has
been created the decision makers should work with their teams to build a Request for Proposal
(RFP) that can be sent to these prospective vendors. After reviewing the responses and getting
references and other feedback, a cross-functional committee comprising executives, plant
managers, and engineers and maintenance professionals across the organization should make the
final decision.
Solution Coverage Tables
This section uses Harvey Ball charts to summarize the coverage of each of the vendors. It provides
a snapshot that allows for quick identification as to which vendors offer a solution that may be
appropriate for an organization’s specific situation. Each table has an explanation of the meaning of
each Harvey Ball symbol as it maps back to the responses outlined in the section above. It is
important to understand these tables are not quantitative ratings of a vendors capabilities but rather
a visual aid to identify whether the provider has capabilities in a particular area. In most cases the
differences between fully filled Harvey balls and partially filled Harvey balls are subtle degrees of
capabilities and ARE NOT A STACKED RANKING TOOL. Percentage of fill of a ball does not
correlate to percentage of functionality delivered by a provider. Readers should use the charts only
to verify if a particular provider has some degree of capabilities regarding a particular criterion and
then read that providers detailed review for more information.
Where a supplier did not cooperate with LNS Research in the preparation of this guide we have
“grayed out” the column (in a shade of rose) for that vendor and suggest readers refer to the vendor
specific section for more specific information as a narrative has been provided as to what LNS
Research believes the vendor offers and its relative strength in the market. Another color coding
convention is employed where a vendor has capabilities in a specific functional area (or other
category) but it is strictly related to providing services related to that specific topic. In these cases
where the provider has no applications or devices delivering that functionality and only can deploy
other providers’ products or offer consulting related to that topic, the cell in the chart is highlighted in

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

In the functionality table there are a few of points to consider when comparing the providers. In
some cases a vendor may indicate coverage or strength but it is related to a specific product. For
example, there are vendors that offer utility focused EAM solutions and have excellent linear asset
coverage in that specific package, but the solution it typically sells into another industry may not
have linear asset capability. Clients are advised to both see the vendor specific sections that follow
as well as validate the functionality specific to the solution they have chosen.
Another point of note is that some of the providers in the table offer a combination of products and
services. In particular, several of the automation and control vendors have consulting and services
groups that have deep expertise in implementing most common EAM/CMMS solutions and can
assist in the deployment of whatever third-party package utilized, but the vendor has no specific
product to deliver. In those cases LNS Research has elected to tag the cell with an “S” in addition to
the symbol, denoting the vendor’s coverage, and highlighted the cell in yellow. This implies users
must have an alternative technology solution to deliver the core functionality, although the provider
in question may be able to assist in maximizing the benefit achievable from that capability. Clients
should also see the provider-specific sections that follow for further clarifying information related to
the product versus services aspect of these types of providers.
Key for Functionality Tables (only)
0 No 3 Emerging
Coverage Strength

2 Have Strength
Coverage 4
N indicates it is planned in the next release

Table 1: Functionality

ABB AssetPoint Bentley Emerson

Anomaly Case Management 0 2 1 0
Asset Big Data Analytics 3 0 3 0
Asset Health Management 2 4 4 0
Asset Performance Analytics / Intelligence 3 4 4 2
Asset Performance Dashboards 3 4 4 2
Asset Register Database 4 4 4 2
Calibration Support 4 4 4 2
Compliance Management 4 4 4 2
Contractor Management 4 2 4 2
Corrosion monitoring and prediction solutions 0 0 2 0
Craft Training Simulation 0 0 0 0
Criticality Analysis 2 4 4 4
Direct Machine Tool Integration 0 0 0 0

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Document Management 2 4 4 2
Electronic Work Order Work Instruction Support 4 4 4 4
Embedded Software Maintenance Support 0 2 0 0
Employee Forecasting & Scheduling 0 4 4 4
Employee Training & Certification Management 0 4 2 2
Engineering Content Management 0 0 4 0
ERP Integration 2 4 4 2
Excess MRO Inventory Disposal 4 2 0 0
Exposures Management 4 0 0 0
FAA Regulated Asset Support 2 0 0 2
Fleet Analytics 0 2 0 0
Industrial Energy Management Functionality 0 2 3 2
INPO AP-913 System Health/Long Term Asset Management 4 0 4 0
Integrated Alarm Management 2 4 4 0
Labor Analytics 0 4 0 2
Life Cycle Costing Analysis 3 2 2 0
Linear Asset Support 4 4 4 2
Lockout/Tagout 4 4 0 2
Maintenance & investment optimization algorithms 3 0 2 4
Maintenance Process Change Control Management 4 3 2 2
Maintenance Requests 4 4 4 2
Maintenance Work Order Management 4 4 4 2
Maintenance Work Planning & Scheduling 4 4 4 2
Mechanical Integrity 0 4 3 0
Mobile Asset Tracking 4 4 4 4
Mobile Operations Visualization & Management 4 4 4 3
Monitoring & Diagnostic Workflow 2 0 0 0
MRO Inventory Management 4 4 4 4
MRO Inventory Optimization 2 4 0 4
MRO Purchase Orders 4 4 4 0
MRO Purchase Requests 4 4 4 2
MRO Storeroom Operations 4 4 4 2
OEE Calculations 0 3 4 4
Plant CAD/CAM/PLM Integration 0 4 4 2
Plant Data Historization 2 4 4 2
Predictive Diagnostics as a Service 2 0 0 0
Predictive Maintenance Work Order Support 4 4 4 2
Preventative Maintenance Work Order Support 4 4 4 2
Pricing Analysis 0 0 0 0
Procure to pay effectiveness 0 0 0 0

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Production Loss Analysis 2 4 3 0

Real-Time Maintenance Performance Visualization 3 4 4 0
Reconfigurable Asset Train Support 4 0 0 0
Reliability Planning & Analysis 4 0 4 4
Rich Asset Model 2 2 4 4
Rotable Asset Support 4 4 4 4
SAP Master Data Governance 0 0 0 0
Shipping Receiving Support 4 4 4 0
Shutdown/Turnaround Planning 2 4 4 3
Simulation 2 0 4 0
Supplier Management 4 4 4 2
Supplier Quality Tracking 2 2 0 4
Time & Attendance 2 4 4 0
Tools to Support CBM 4 4 4 4
Tools to Support PdM 4 4 4 4
Tools to Support RCM 4 4 4 4

GE Honeywell IBM IFS

Anomaly Case Management 4 0 3
Asset Big Data Analytics 4 4 4
Asset Health Management 2 0 2
Asset Performance Analytics / Intelligence 4 4 4
Asset Performance Dashboards 4 4 4
Asset Register Database 4 0 4
Calibration Support 0 0 3
Compliance Management 2 0 4
Contractor Management 0 0 4
Corrosion monitoring and prediction solutions 0 4 0
Craft Training Simulation 0 0 0
Criticality Analysis 2 0 3
Direct Machine Tool Integration 2 0 2
Document Management 2 0 4
Electronic Work Order Work Instruction Support 4 0 4
Embedded Software Maintenance Support 0 0 0
Employee Forecasting & Scheduling 0 0 4
Employee Training & Certification Management 2 0 4
Engineering Content Management 0 0 3
ERP Integration 2 4 4
Excess MRO Inventory Disposal 0 0 4

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Exposures Management 0 0 2
FAA Regulated Asset Support 2 4 4
Fleet Analytics 2 0 0
Industrial Energy Management Functionality 2 4 0
INPO AP-913 System Health/Long Term Asset Management 2 0 3
Integrated Alarm Management 4 0 0
Labor Analytics 2 0 4
Life Cycle Costing Analysis 0 0 4
Linear Asset Support 0 0 4
Lockout/Tagout 2 0 2
Maintenance & investment optimization algorithms 2 0 2
Maintenance Process Change Control Management 0 0 2
Maintenance Requests 2 4 4
Maintenance Work Order Management 2 0 4
Maintenance Work Planning & Scheduling 2 0 4
Mechanical Integrity 2 0 0
Mobile Asset Tracking 4 4 4
Mobile Operations Visualization & Management 2 4 4
Monitoring & Diagnostic Workflow 4 0 0
MRO Inventory Management 0 0 4
MRO Inventory Optimization 0 0 4
MRO Purchase Orders 0 0 4
MRO Purchase Requests 0 0 4
MRO Storeroom Operations 0 0 4
OEE Calculations 4 4 4
Plant CAD/CAM/PLM Integration 2 0 2
Plant Data Historization 4 4 2
Predictive Diagnostics as a Service 4 0 0
Predictive Maintenance Work Order Support 4 4 4
Preventative Maintenance Work Order Support 0 4 4
Pricing Analysis 0 0 0
Procure to pay effectiveness 0 0 3
Production Loss Analysis 2 0 3
Real-Time Maintenance Performance Visualization 4 4 4
Reconfigurable Asset Train Support 0 0 4
Reliability Planning & Analysis 4 0 2
Rich Asset Model 4 0 0
Rotable Asset Support 4 0 4
SAP Master Data Governance 0 0 0
Shipping Receiving Support 4 0 4

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Shutdown/Turnaround Planning 4 0 4
Simulation 0 0 0
Supplier Management 0 0 4
Supplier Quality Tracking 4 0 4
Time & Attendance 0 0 4
Tools to Support CBM 4 0 4
Tools to Support PdM 4 0 3
Tools to Support RCM 4 0 4

Infor MaintenanceAssistant Meridium

Anomaly Case Management 0 0 3
Asset Big Data Analytics 3 N 4
Asset Health Management 0 0 4
Asset Performance Analytics / Intelligence 3 4 4
Asset Performance Dashboards 4 3 4
Asset Register Database 4 2 4
Calibration Support 2 0 4
Compliance Management 4 N 4
Contractor Management 2 N 0
Corrosion monitoring and prediction solutions 0 0 2
Craft Training Simulation 2 2 0
Criticality Analysis 0 0 3
Direct Machine Tool Integration 2 4 0
Document Management 2 3 2
Electronic Work Order Work Instruction Support 4 2 2
Embedded Software Maintenance Support 2 3 3
Employee Forecasting & Scheduling 4 0 0
Employee Training & Certification Management 2 4 2
Engineering Content Management 0 0 3
ERP Integration 4 4 4
Excess MRO Inventory Disposal 2 2 0
Exposures Management 4 0 0
FAA Regulated Asset Support 4 0 0
Fleet Analytics 0 0 3
Industrial Energy Management Functionality 4 0 0
INPO AP-913 System Health/Long Term Asset Management 0 0 3
Integrated Alarm Management 0 0 2
Labor Analytics 2 2 0
Life Cycle Costing Analysis 2 N 3

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Linear Asset Support 4 2 3

Lockout/Tagout 4 0 0
Maintenance & investment optimization algorithms 0 0 4
Maintenance Process Change Control Management 4 3 2
Maintenance Requests 4 2 4
Maintenance Work Order Management 4 2 2
Maintenance Work Planning & Scheduling 4 2 2
Mechanical Integrity 0 0 4
Mobile Asset Tracking 4 2 2
Mobile Operations Visualization & Management 4 2 4
Monitoring & Diagnostic Workflow 0 0 3
MRO Inventory Management 4 2 2
MRO Inventory Optimization 3 2 2
MRO Purchase Orders 4 2 0
MRO Purchase Requests 4 2 0
MRO Storeroom Operations 4 2 0
OEE Calculations 2 0 4
Plant CAD/CAM/PLM Integration 4 0 2
Plant Data Historization 2 2 4
Predictive Diagnostics as a Service 0 0 3
Predictive Maintenance Work Order Support 4 3 3
Preventative Maintenance Work Order Support 4 2 3
Pricing Analysis 0 0 0
Procure to pay effectiveness 0 0 0
Production Loss Analysis 0 0 4
Real-Time Maintenance Performance Visualization 2 0 4
Reconfigurable Asset Train Support 4 0 0
Reliability Planning & Analysis 4 N 4
Rich Asset Model 0 0 3
Rotable Asset Support 4 2 2
SAP Master Data Governance 0 0 2
Shipping Receiving Support 2 2 0
Shutdown/Turnaround Planning 3 3 2
Simulation 0 0 3
Supplier Management 2 2 0
Supplier Quality Tracking 2 0 0
Time & Attendance 2 0 0
Tools to Support CBM 4 3 4
Tools to Support PdM 4 3 4
Tools to Support RCM 4 3 4

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

MROConnection Mtell Oniqua

Anomaly Case Management 0 2 0
Asset Big Data Analytics 0 2 0
Asset Health Management 0 0 0
Asset Performance Analytics / Intelligence 0 2 4
Asset Performance Dashboards 0 2 4
Asset Register Database 0 2 0
Calibration Support 0 0 0
Compliance Management N 0 0
Contractor Management 0 0 0
Corrosion monitoring and prediction solutions 0 0 0
Craft Training Simulation 0 0 0
Criticality Analysis 0 0 3
Direct Machine Tool Integration 0 0 0
Document Management 0 0 0
Electronic Work Order Work Instruction Support 0 0 0
Embedded Software Maintenance Support 0 0 0
Employee Forecasting & Scheduling 0 0 0
Employee Training & Certification Management 0 0 0
Engineering Content Management 0 0 0
ERP Integration 2 0 4
Excess MRO Inventory Disposal 2 0 3
Exposures Management 0 0 0
FAA Regulated Asset Support 0 0 0
Fleet Analytics 0 0 0
Industrial Energy Management Functionality 0 0 0
INPO AP-913 System Health/Long Term Asset Management 0 0 0
Integrated Alarm Management 0 0 0
Labor Analytics 0 0 0
Life Cycle Costing Analysis 0 0 4
Linear Asset Support 0 0 0
Lockout/Tagout 0 0 0
Maintenance & investment optimization algorithms 0 0 2
Maintenance Process Change Control Management 2 0 0
Maintenance Requests 2 0 0
Maintenance Work Order Management 2 0 0
Maintenance Work Planning & Scheduling 2 0 0
Mechanical Integrity 0 0 0

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Mobile Asset Tracking 0 0 0

Mobile Operations Visualization & Management 0 0 0
Monitoring & Diagnostic Workflow 0 0 0
MRO Inventory Management 4 0 4
MRO Inventory Optimization 4 0 4
MRO Purchase Orders 4 0 0
MRO Purchase Requests 4 0 4
MRO Storeroom Operations 4 0 4
OEE Calculations 0 0 N
Plant CAD/CAM/PLM Integration 0 0 0
Plant Data Historization 0 0 0
Predictive Diagnostics as a Service 0 0 0
Predictive Maintenance Work Order Support 0 0 0
Preventative Maintenance Work Order Support 0 0 2
Pricing Analysis 0 0 2
Procure to pay effectiveness 0 0 3
Production Loss Analysis 0 0 0
Real-Time Maintenance Performance Visualization 0 0 0
Reconfigurable Asset Train Support 0 0 0
Reliability Planning & Analysis 0 0 0
Rich Asset Model 0 0 0
Rotable Asset Support 0 0 0
SAP Master Data Governance 0 0 0
Shipping Receiving Support 0 0 0
Shutdown/Turnaround Planning 2 0 0
Simulation 0 0 0
Supplier Management 0 0 4
Supplier Quality Tracking 0 0 4
Time & Attendance 0 0 0
Tools to Support CBM 0 0 0
Tools to Support PdM 0 0 0
Tools to Support RCM 0 0 2

Oracle Rockwell SAP

Anomaly Case Management 0 0 3
Asset Big Data Analytics 2 3 4
Asset Health Management 0 0 2
Asset Performance Analytics / Intelligence 2 4 2
Asset Performance Dashboards 2 4 4

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Asset Register Database 4 4 4

Calibration Support 2 4 2
Compliance Management 2 4 4
Contractor Management 4 0 3
Corrosion monitoring and prediction solutions 0 0 0
Craft Training Simulation 0 0 2
Criticality Analysis 0 0 2
Direct Machine Tool Integration 0 4 2
Document Management 2 4 4
Electronic Work Order Work Instruction Support 2 4 4
Embedded Software Maintenance Support 0 4 2
Employee Forecasting & Scheduling 2 0 4
Employee Training & Certification Management 2 0 2
Engineering Content Management 2 0 2
ERP Integration 4 4 4
Excess MRO Inventory Disposal 4 4 2
Exposures Management 2 0 2
FAA Regulated Asset Support 4 4 2
Fleet Analytics 2 0 2
Industrial Energy Management Functionality 2 4 2
INPO AP-913 System Health/Long Term Asset Management 0 0 0
Integrated Alarm Management 0 0 0
Labor Analytics 2 0 4
Life Cycle Costing Analysis 2 2 2
Linear Asset Support 4 4 4
Lockout/Tagout 2 4 2
Maintenance & investment optimization algorithms 0 0 0
Maintenance Process Change Control Management 2 4 2
Maintenance Requests 4 4 4
Maintenance Work Order Management 4 2 4
Maintenance Work Planning & Scheduling 2 4 4
Mechanical Integrity 0 0 0
Mobile Asset Tracking 4 4 2
Mobile Operations Visualization & Management 4 4 2
Monitoring & Diagnostic Workflow 0 0 2
MRO Inventory Management 4 4 4
MRO Inventory Optimization 4 4 2
MRO Purchase Orders 4 4 4
MRO Purchase Requests 4 4 4
MRO Storeroom Operations 4 4 4

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

OEE Calculations 2 4 4
Plant CAD/CAM/PLM Integration 2 4 2
Plant Data Historization 2 4 2
Predictive Diagnostics as a Service 0 0 2
Predictive Maintenance Work Order Support 4 3 4
Preventative Maintenance Work Order Support 4 4 4
Pricing Analysis 0 0 2
Procure to pay effectiveness 2 0 2
Production Loss Analysis 0 0 2
Real-Time Maintenance Performance Visualization 2 4 2
Reconfigurable Asset Train Support 4 2 2
Reliability Planning & Analysis 2 2 2
Rich Asset Model 2 0 2
Rotable Asset Support 2 4 2
SAP Master Data Governance 0 0 4
Shipping Receiving Support 4 0 4
Shutdown/Turnaround Planning 4 4 4
Simulation 0 0 0
Supplier Management 4 0 4
Supplier Quality Tracking 4 0 4
Time & Attendance 4 0 4
Tools to Support CBM 2 4 2
Tools to Support PdM 2 2 2
Tools to Support RCM 4 4 2

Schneider Siemens Xtivity

Anomaly Case Management 2 0 0
Asset Big Data Analytics 3 3 0
Asset Health Management 2 0 0
Asset Performance Analytics / Intelligence 4 3 0
Asset Performance Dashboards 4 4 0
Asset Register Database 4 2 0
Calibration Support 4 2 0
Compliance Management 4 4 0
Contractor Management 4 2 0
Corrosion monitoring and prediction solutions 0 0 0
Craft Training Simulation 4 0 0
Criticality Analysis 0 0 0
Direct Machine Tool Integration 4 4 0

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Document Management 4 4 0
Electronic Work Order Work Instruction Support 4 4 0
Embedded Software Maintenance Support 2 4 0
Employee Forecasting & Scheduling 4 0 0
Employee Training & Certification Management 4 2 0
Engineering Content Management 0 0 0
ERP Integration 4 4 4
Excess MRO Inventory Disposal 2 0 4
Exposures Management 4 0 0
FAA Regulated Asset Support 4 0 0
Fleet Analytics (Mobile) 0 0 0
Industrial Energy Management Functionality 4 4 0
INPO AP-913 System Health/Long Term Asset Management 2 0 0
Integrated Alarm Management 2 0 0
Labor Analytics 4 0 0
Life Cycle Costing Analysis 4 2 0
Linear Asset Support 3 2 0
Lockout/Tagout 4 0 0
Maintenance & investment optimization algorithms 2 0 0
Maintenance Process Change Control Management 4 2 0
Maintenance Requests 4 2 0
Maintenance Work Order Management 4 2 0
Maintenance Work Planning & Scheduling 4 2 0
Mechanical Integrity 0 0 0
Mobile Asset Tracking 4 3 0
Mobile Operations Visualization & Management 4 3 0
Monitoring & Diagnostic Workflow 2 0 0
MRO Inventory Management 4 0 4
MRO Inventory Optimization 4 0 4
MRO Purchase Orders 4 2 4
MRO Purchase Requests 4 2 4
MRO Storeroom Operations 4 0 0
OEE Calculations 4 4 0
Plant CAD/CAM/PLM Integration 4 4 0
Plant Data Historization 4 4 0
Predictive Diagnostics as a Service 2 0 0
Predictive Maintenance Work Order Support 4 3 0
Preventative Maintenance Work Order Support 4 3 0
Pricing Analysis 0 0 0
Procure to pay effectiveness 0 0 0

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Production Loss Analysis 2 0 0

Real-Time Maintenance Performance Visualization 4 3 0
Reconfigurable Asset Train Support 4 0 0
Reliability Planning & Analysis 4 4 0
Rich Asset Model 2 0 0
Rotable Asset Support 4 2 0
SAP Master Data Governance 0 0 0
Shipping Receiving Support 4 2 0
Shutdown/Turnaround Planning 4 2 0
Simulation 4 2 0
Supplier Management 4 2 0
Supplier Quality Tracking 4 4 0
Time & Attendance 4 0 0
Tools to Support CBM 4 3 0
Tools to Support PdM 4 4 0
Tools to Support RCM 4 0 0

Deployment/Delivery Model
Users should understand the implications of how a vendor deploys its solutions. If it offers on-
premise only and Cloud is of interest that particular vendor may not be appropriate. If a vendor
offers multiple deployment options it is important to understand if there are differences in the code
base for the alternatives and how the products are supported and releases are managed.

Key for Deployment/Delivery Models Table (only)

0 No Coverage 2 Provided 6 Legacy

4 Predominant 1 Available in
Model next release
Note: * Indicates there are more than two solutions and it varies by specific product
& users should verify specific details for the products they are considering
Where two symbols are shown it means that there are two major solutions and users should verify
the specific details for the product they are considering.

Table 2: Deployment/Delivery Model(s)

ABB AssetPoint Bentley Emerson

On-Premise: Perpetual License with Support 4* 4 4 2
On-Premise: Periodic License with Support 2* 0 4 2
Hosted at our site on dedicated server 0 0 3,1 4

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Hosted at our site as single instance/multi tenant 4,1 0 0 4

Hosted at 3rd party site single instance/multi
tenant 2* 4 0 0
Hosted at a Cloud provider like MS or Amazon 2* 2 3 0

GE Honeywell IBM IFS

On-Premise: Perpetual License with Support 2 4 4
On-Premise: Periodic License with Support 2 2 3
Hosted at our site on dedicated server 2 2 2
Hosted at our site as single instance/multi tenant 2 2 0
Hosted at 3rd party site single instance/multi
tenant 2 2 0
Hosted at a Cloud provider like MS or Amazon 2 0 2

Infor MaintenanceAssistant Meridium

On-Premise: Perpetual License with Support 4 0 4
On-Premise: Periodic License with Support 0 0 2
Hosted at our site on dedicated server 2 0 2
Hosted at our site as single instance/multi
tenant 2 0 2
Hosted at 3rd party site single instance/multi
tenant 2 4 4
Hosted at a Cloud provider like MS or Amazon 4 4 2

MROConnection Mtell Oniqua

On-Premise: Perpetual License with Support 0 2 4
On-Premise: Periodic License with Support 0 4 0
Hosted at our site on dedicated server 0 2 0
Hosted at our site as single instance/multi tenant 0 0 0
Hosted at 3rd party site single instance/multi
tenant 0 2 1
Hosted at a Cloud provider like MS or Amazon 4 2 4

Oracle Rockwell SAP

On-Premise: Perpetual License with Support 4 4 4
On-Premise: Periodic License with Support 2 0 4

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Hosted at our site on dedicated server 2 2 4

Hosted at our site as single instance/multi tenant 2 0 0
Hosted at 3rd party site single instance/multi
tenant 2 0 0
Hosted at a Cloud provider like MS or Amazon 2 2 4

Schneider Siemens Xtivity

On-Premise: Perpetual License with Support 4 4 0
On-Premise: Periodic License with Support 0 4 0
Hosted at our site on dedicated server 2 2 0
Hosted at our site as single instance/multi tenant 2 0 0
Hosted at 3rd party site single instance/multi
tenant 2 0 0
Hosted at a Cloud provider like MS or Amazon 2 0 4

Development Platform
Users should consider the platform on which a product is developed very carefully. Typically, in on-
premise versions of software new functionality and product releases are available first on the
development platform and then later on ported platforms. If a platform is considered a legacy
platform it often means that new features or modules may not be available on that platform or that
there is an installed base but the platform is no longer supported. Users should always verify with
the vendors they are considering the implications of a particular platform choice.
Key for Development Platform Tables (only)
0 Not Provided 3 Ported 1 Available in
next release
4 Development 7 Legacy
Platform Platform
Where multiple symbols are shown it means that there are multiple solutions and users should
verify the specific details for the product they are considering.

Table 3: Platform Support

ABB AssetPoint Bentley Emerson GE Honeywell

ASP 4/1 0 0 0 0 0
ASP.NET 4/1 0 4 0 0 0
C/C++ 4/1 0 4 7 4 7
Delphi 0 0 0 0 0 0
Documentum xCP 0 0 0 0 0 0
GE Proficy & Predix 0 0 0 0 4 0

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HTML5 0 4 1 4 4 7
IBM Websphere 0 0 4 0 0 0
Java/J2EE 7 0 4 0 4 7
MS Sharepoint 0 0 0 0 0 7
MS Silverlight 0 0 0 0 0 7
MS.NET 4/1/ 4 4 4 4 7
net4.5/SQL 0 0 0 0 0 0
Oracle Forms 0 0 0 0 0 0
Oracle Fusion 0 0 0 0 0 0
Oracle Weblogic &
Database 0 0 0 0 0 0
Own platform 0 0 0 0 0 0
PL/SQL 0 0 0 0 0 0
PTC/Thingworx 0 0 0 0 0 0
SAP Netweaver 0 0 4 0 0 0
SAP/HANA 0 0 0 0 0 0
TCL 0 0 0 0 0 0
Web Services 0 4 4 4 4 7
Weblogic & JBOSS Wildfly 0 0 0 0 0 0

IBM IFS Infor MaintenanceAssistant Meridium

ASP 0 0 0 0
ASP.NET 0 0 0 0
C/C++ 0 0 0 4
Delphi 0 0 0 0
Documentum xCP 0 0 0 0
GE Proficy & Predix 0 0 0 1
HTML5 3 4 0 4
IBM Websphere 7 0 0 0
Java/J2EE 4 4 4 4
MS Sharepoint 0 0 0 0
MS Silverlight 4 0 0 0
MS.NET 4 4 0 4
net4.5/SQL 0 0 0 0
Oracle Forms 0 0 0 0
Oracle Fusion 4 0 0 0
Oracle Weblogic &
Database 4 0 0 0
Own platform 4 0 4 0

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PL/SQL 0 0 0 0
PTC/Thingworx 0 0 0 0
SAP Netweaver 0 0 0 0
SAP/HANA 0 0 0 1
TCL 0 0 0 0
Web Services 4 4 4 4
Weblogic & JBOSS Wildfly 0 4 0 0

MROConnection Mtell Oniqua Oracle

ASP 0 0 0 0
ASP.NET 4 4 0 0
C/C++ 0 4 0 0
Delphi 0 0 0 0
Documentum xCP 0 0 0 0
GE Proficy & Predix 0 0 0 0
HTML5 0 4 4 0
IBM Websphere 0 0 0 0
Java/J2EE 4 0 4 4
MS Sharepoint 0 0 0 0
MS Silverlight 0 0 0 0
MS.NET 0 4 7 0
net4.5/SQL 4 0 0 0
Oracle Forms 0 0 0 4
Oracle Fusion 0 0 0 0
Oracle Weblogic &
Database 0 0 0 4
Own platform 0 0 0 0
PL/SQL 0 0 1 4
PTC/Thingworx 0 0 0 0
SAP Netweaver 0 4 0 0
SAP/HANA 0 4 0 0
TCL 0 0 0 0
Web Services 0 4 1 0
Weblogic & JBOSS Wildfly 0 0 0 0

Rockwell SAP Schneider Siemens Xtivity

ASP 4 0 0 0 0
ASP.NET 4 0 4 0 4

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C/C++ 4 0 4 0 0
Delphi 0 0 0 0 0
Documentum xCP 0 0 0 0 0
GE Proficy & Predix 0 0 0 0 0
HTML5 4 0 4 4,3,1 0
IBM Websphere 7 0 0 0 0
Java/J2EE 7 0 4 0 4
MS Sharepoint 4 0 40 0 0
MS Silverlight 7 0 0 0 0
MS.NET 4 0 0 4,7 0
net4.5/SQL 0 0 0 0 4
Oracle Forms 0 0 0 0 0
Oracle Fusion 0 0 0 0 0
Oracle Weblogic &
Database 0 0 0 0 0
Own platform 0 0 0 0 0
PL/SQL 0 0 0 0 0
PTC/Thingworx 0 0 0 0 0
SAP Netweaver 0 437 0 0 0
SAP/HANA 0 437 0 4,3,1 0
TCL 0 0 0 0 0
Web Services 4 437 4 4.3 0
Weblogic & JBOSS Wildfly 0 0 0 0 0

Interfaces and Integration Models Supported

Users should be cognizant of how a supplier can interface its solution to other applications in its
APM and enterprise software portfolio.
Key for Interfaces and Integration Models Supported Table (only)
0 Not 3 Optional

4 Standard 2 Custom
Where multiple symbols are shown it means that there are multiple solutions
and users should verify the specific details for the product they are considering.

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Table 4: Interface and Integration Models Supported

ABB AssetPoint Bentley Emerson GE Honeywell

ArcGIS 0 2 3 0 0 0
B2MML 0 2 0 0 0 0
CAx 0 3 0 0 0 0
IBM Websphere MQ 0 2 4 0 0 0
ISA95 0 2 0 0 4 0
ISA99 0 3 0 0 0 0
JDBC 0 0 4 0 4 0
MIMOSA 0 2 3 0 4 0
MS.NET 4 3 4 0 0 4
Multiple ISO. API, JA-, IEC
and ISA standards 0 0 4 0 0 0
OAGIS 0 2 0 0 0 0
ODBC 4 3 4 0 4 4
OPC-Classic 0 3 4 4 4 4
OPC-UA 0 2 0 4 4 0
Open O&M 0 0 3 0 0 0
Oracle Fusion Middleware 0 2 0 0 0 0
Own API 0 0 4 0 0 0
PAS55 Compliant
Standards 0 2 4 4 0 0
SAP xMII 0 3 0 0 0 0
STEP 0 2 0 0 0 0
TIBCO 0 2 0 0 0 0
Web Services 0 3 4 4 4 4

IBM IFS Infor MaintenanceAssistant Meridium

ArcGIS 4 2 2 0
B2MML 0 0 2 0
CAx 0 0 2 0
IBM Websphere MQ 2 0 2 0
ISA95 0 0 2 0
ISA99 0 0 2 0
JDBC 4 0 0 4
MIMOSA 2 0 2 0
MS.NET 0 4 2 4

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Multiple ISO. API, JA-, IEC

and ISA standards 0 0 0 0
OAGIS 4 4 2 0
ODBC 4 4 2 0
OPC-Classic 4 0 3 3
OPC-UA 0 0 3 3
Open O&M 0 0 2 0
Oracle Fusion Middleware 2 0 2 0
Own API 0 0 4 4
PAS55 Compliant
Standards 0 4 2 3
SAP xMII 0 0 2 0
STEP 0 0 2 0
TIBCO 2 0 2 0
Web Services 4 4 4 4

MROConnection Mtell Oniqua Oracle

ArcGIS 0 0 0 4
B2MML 0 0 0 2
CAx 0 0 0 2
IBM Websphere MQ 0 4 0 2
ISA95 0 3 0 2
ISA99 0 0 0 2
JDBC 0 0 4 0
MIMOSA 0 4 0 2
MS.NET 0 4 0 2
Multiple ISO. API, JA-, IEC
and ISA standards 0 0 0 0
OAGIS 0 0 0 2
ODBC 0 4 4 2
OPC-Classic 0 4 0 2
OPC-UA 0 4 0 2
Open O&M 0 4 0 2
Oracle Fusion Middleware 0 4 0 4
Own API 0 0 4 0
PAS55 Compliant
Standards 0 0 0 2
SAP xMII 0 0 0 2
STEP 0 0 0 2

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TIBCO 0 0 0 2
Web Services 0 4 1 4

Rockwell SAP Schneider Siemens Xtivity

ArcGIS 0 4 4 0 0
B2MML 4 0 2 4,3 0
CAx 0 4 0 0 0
IBM Websphere MQ 2 0 0 0 0
ISA95 4 0 4 4 0
ISA99 4 0 0 0 0
JDBC 0 0 0 0 0
MIMOSA 4 0 4 0 0
MS.NET 4 0 4 0 0
Multiple ISO. API, JA-, IEC
and ISA standards 0 0 4 0 0
OAGIS 4 0 0 0 0
ODBC 4 4 4 0 0
OPC-Classic 4 0 4 4,3 0
OPC-UA 4 4 4 4,3 0
Open O&M 0 0 4 0 0
Oracle Fusion Middleware 2 0 0 0 0
Own API 0 0 4 0 0
PAS55 Compliant
Standards 0 4 4 0 0
SAP xMII 2 4 2 0 0
STEP 0 0 0 0 0
TIBCO 0 0 4 0 0
Web Services 4 4 4 0 0

Industries Served
It is important to consider the industries in which a vendor operates. That said, if a vendor has
experience in a similar (but not identical) industry this may be a reason to consider it as well,
especially if there is a strong geographic presence within business locations, and a vendor with
better industry experience does not have close by geographic presence. The industry and
geography tables are best considered together for this reason.

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Key for Industries Served Table (only)

0 No 3 Emerging
Coverage Strength

2 Have 4 Strength
Where multiple symbols are shown it means that there are multiple solutions and users should
verify the specific details for the product they are considering.

Table 5: Industries Served

ABB AssetPoint Bentley Emerson GE

A&D 2 4 4 2 4
Agriculture 0 0 4 0 4
Automotive 0 4 2 2 4
Beverage/Foods 0 4 2 2 4
Chemicals 2 4 4 4 4
Consulting 0 2 0 4 0
Consumer Durables (White Goods) 0 2 0 2 0
Consumer Packaged Goods 2 2 0 2 4
Defense Forces 0 0 4 0 0
Education 0 2 0 0 0
Hi Tech 0 4 0 0 0
Industrial Equipment Manufacturing 0 4 4 2 4
Medical Devices 0 4 0 0 4
Metals 0 4 4 4 4
Mining 4 4 4 4 4
Oil & Gas 2 4 4 4 4
Packaging 0 2 0 2 4
Paper/Lumber/Forest Products 0 4 4 4 4
Pharmaceuticals 0 0 0 4 4
Public Infrastructure 0 0 4 0 2
Public Transit 2 0 4 0 2
Publishing 0 2 0 0 0
Semiconductor 0 4 0 0 4
Telecommunications 2 0 0 0 0
Transport: Rail/Air/Maritime 0 0 3 0 4
Utilities 4 4 4 4 4

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Honeywell IBM IFS Infor Assistant
A&D 4 4 4 4
Agriculture 0 0 0 0
Automotive 0 3 4 4
Beverage/Foods 0 3 4 4
Chemicals 4 3 4 4
Consulting 0 3 3 3
Consumer Durables (White Goods) 0 2 4 3
Consumer Packaged Goods 2 2 4 4
Defense Forces 0 4 0 0
Education 0 0 4 3
Hi Tech 0 4 4 4
Industrial Equipment Manufacturing 0 4 4 4
Medical Devices 0 4 4 4
Metals 3 4 4 4
Mining 4 4 4 4
Oil & Gas 4 4 4 4
Packaging 0 4 4 4
Paper/Lumber/Forest Products 4 4 3 4
Pharmaceuticals 2 3 4 4
Public Infrastructure 0 4 2 4
Public Transit 0 4 2 2
Publishing 0 0 3 4
Semiconductor 0 2 4 4
Telecommunications 0 3 3 4
Transport: Rail/Air/Maritime 0 4 2 2
Utilities 4 4 4 4

Meridium MROConnection Mtell Oniqua Oracle

A&D 3 2 0 0 4
Agriculture 0 0 0 0 2
Automotive 3 4 0 0 4
Beverage/Foods 3 4 0 0 4
Chemicals 4 4 3 4 4
Consulting 2 0 0 0 2
Consumer Durables (White Goods) 3 2 0 0 4
Consumer Packaged Goods 3 2 0 0 4
Defense Forces 3 0 0 0 2

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Education 2 0 0 0 4
Hi Tech 3 0 0 0 4
Industrial Equipment Manufacturing 4 2 4 4 4
Medical Devices 3 2 0 0 4
Metals 4 2 3 4 4
Mining 4 4 3 4 4
Oil & Gas 4 4 3 4 4
Packaging 4 2 0 0 4
Paper/Lumber/Forest Products 4 4 0 2 4
Pharmaceuticals 3 4 3 0 4
Public Infrastructure 3 0 4 4 4
Public Transit 3 0 0 4 4
Publishing 2 0 0 0 4
Semiconductor 3 2 0 0 4
Telecommunications 3 3 0 0 4
Transport: Rail/Air/Maritime 4 4 4 0 4
Utilities 4 4 4 4 4

Rockwell SAP Schneider Siemens Xtivity

A&D 4 4 0 4 2
Agriculture 0 2 0 0 0
Automotive 4 4 2 4 4
Beverage/Foods 4 4 4 4 4
Chemicals 4 4 4 4 4
Consulting 0 4 2 0 2
Consumer Durables (White Goods) 4 4 4 4 2
Consumer Packaged Goods 4 4 4 4 2
Defense Forces 0 4 2 0 0
Education 0 4 2 0 0
Hi Tech 4 4 2 0 0
Industrial Equipment Manufacturing 4 4 2 4 2
Medical Devices 4 4 0 4 2
Metals 4 4 4 0 2
Mining 4 4 4 4 4
Oil & Gas 4 4 4 3 4
Packaging 4 4 2 4 2
Paper/Lumber/Forest Products 4 4 4 2 4
Pharmaceuticals 4 4 2 3 4
Public Infrastructure 0 4 0 0 0

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Public Transit 0 4 0 0 0
Publishing 0 4 0 0 0
Semiconductor 2 4 0 4 2
Telecommunications 0 4 0 0 2
Transport: Rail/Air/Maritime 0 4 4 0 4
Utilities 4 4 4 4,3 4

Geographies Served
As noted above, users should consider geographies and industries served in conjunction. It may be
preferable to choose a vendor with a strong local presence but with a weaker industry presence in
some situations. Users should be wary of on-premise solutions with little geographic presence, but
this may not be as serious a factor in a Cloud type deployment.

Key for Geographies Served Tables (only)

0 No 3 Emerging
Coverage Strength

2 Have 4 Strength
Where multiple symbols are shown it means that there are multiple solutions
and users should verify the specific details for the product they are considering

Table 6: Geographies Served

ABB AssetPoint Bentley Emerson GE Honeywell

Africa 2 2 4 3 4 3
Asia Pacific 2 2 4 4 4 3
Zealand 4 2 4 3 4 4
Europe - EU 4 4 4 2 4 4
Europe - Non EU 2 2 4 3 4 4
India 2 2 4 3 4 4
Latin America 2 4 4 3 4 4
Middle East 2 2 4 4 4 4
North America 4 4 4 4 4 4

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IBM IFS Infor MaintenanceAssistant Meridium

Africa 4 2 2 4
Asia Pacific 4 3 2 4
Zealand 4 4 4 4
Europe - EU 4 4 3 4
Europe - Non EU 4 2 3 4
India 4 3 3 4
Latin America 4 3 3 4
Middle East 4 2 3 4
North America 4 4 4 4

MROConnection Mtell Oniqua Oracle

Africa 2 0 2 4
Asia Pacific 2 0 4 4
Zealand 4 2 4 4
Europe - EU 2 2 3 4
Europe - Non EU 2 0 0 4
India 2 0 2 4
Latin America 2 2 4 4
Middle East 4 2 2 4
North America 4 4 4 4

Rockwell SAP Schneider Siemens Xtivity

Africa 4 4 4 2 2
Asia Pacific 4 4 4 2,3 2
Zealand 4 4 4 2 4
Europe - EU 4 4 4 4 2
Europe - Non EU 4 4 3 2 2
India 4 4 3 3 2
Latin America 4 4 4 4,3 4
Middle East 4 4 3 2 3
North America 4 4 4 4,3 4

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Organization Sizes Served

Users should consider the organization size that a particular solution provider targets. If the user is
small and the vendor only caters to larger customers they may not find the solution appropriate for
their needs. Likewise, a large organization may find that a vendor that typically serves small to mid-
sized clients incapable of meeting their support needs. As with all of the previous tables, this is a
guideline and users should consult the specific vendor sections as well as verifying all information
for currency with each vendor they are considering.

Key for Organization Size Served (only)

0 No 3 Emerging
Coverage Strength

2 Have 4 Strength

Table 7: Organization Size Served

Revenue ABB AssetPoint Bentley Emerson GE Honeywell

<$50 Million 0 2 2 2 3 2
$50-$500 Million 2 4 3 2 4 2
$500 Million-$1 Billion 4 4 4 4 4 4
>$1 Billion 4 4 4 4 4 4

Revenue IBM IFS Infor MaintenanceAssistant Meridium

<$50 Million 2 2 4 3
$50-$500 Million 4 3 4 4
$500 Million-$1
Billion 3 4 3 4
>$1 Billion 3 4 3 4

Revenue MROConnection Mtell Oniqua Oracle

<$50 Million 4 0 0 2
$50-$500 Million 4 0 2 4
$500 Million-$1 Billion 4 3 3 4
>$1 Billion 4 3 4 4

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Revenue Rockwell SAP Schneider Siemens Xtivity

<$50 Million 2 2 2 4 4
$50-$500 Million 4 4 4 4 4
$500 Million-$1 Billion 4 4 4 4 4
>$1 Billion 4 4 4 4 4

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Solution Providers in Detail

Note: When using the individual vendor section and the APM functionality table, refer to the Harvey
Ball charts in the overview section for the most complete listing of supported functionality, markets
and deployment models. Also, functionality frequently varies significantly by product in the case of
suppliers that offer multiple products, so validation with the vendor of the capabilities of the specific
product(s) being considered is a must. When interpreting the tables in this section it is important to
remember that if an item appears in either the center or right hand columns it also then could be
listed in the left hand column. For brevity’s sake items appearing in the center or right hand columns
were not duplicated in the left hand column although they technically could be.
Integration standards are not included in the individual write-ups since they often vary significantly
by product and usually can be dealt with as optional or custom development activities.

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Based out of Zurich, Switzerland, and with about 140,000 employees and operations in over 100
countries, ABB is best known as a powerhouse in automation and energy management. What is
less known is that ABB has also been a software and industry applications provider in the APM
solutions market. ABB is one of the few automation suppliers that offers solutions spanning all five
levels from the sensor to the enterprise asset management level. In addition to its APM solutions
the company also offers generalized MOM and industry specific operational solutions, particularly
for the utilities, energy, and mining sectors.
The company also offers an Industrial Energy Management (IEM) application that is particularly well
suited for optimizing costs around electric utility purchasing and co-generation strategies, as well as
for managing general energy and water resources across a broad range of industries.
ABB’s industry focus is primarily in process, hybrid industries, and utilities, with key solution
strengths in Power (leveraging its acquisition of Ventyx Power Transmission and Distribution
solutions in May of 2010), Mining & Minerals (leveraging their acquisition of Mincom in May of 2011
for complete technical mining solutions in the areas of mine planning, asset management,
production accounting, business intelligence and analytics), Chemicals, Oil & Gas, and Paper.
Moving forward, ABB has a strategy to continue to invest in improving and harmonizing their
industry solutions capabilities in APM.
ABB provides its APM solutions via the ABB Enterprise Software product group. The specific APM
products are:
 Asset Health Center – core APM solution with predictive analytics that enables asset
intensive industries to combine data from sensors and control systems with other data
collected throughout the enterprise to predict, prioritize, and address potential operational
risks related to equipment failures. Asset Health Center supports CBM, maintenance
optimization and integration with work requests in EAM systems. The Asset Health Center
solution also supports long-term asset management by optimizing and recommending asset
replacement based on organization priorities including but not limited to asset criticality, asset
replacement cost, and asset condition.
 Asset Suite – an EAM solution primarily targeted at the utilities sector, primarily generation. It
is a full function EAM solution that is based on years of experience serving the power
industry by the predecessor companies Indus International and TSW that were part of
Ventyx, which is the core of ABB Enterprise Software product group.
 Ellipse – an EAM solution targeted at asset intensive industries but originally developed for
the mining industry as a core product of the Australian software company Mincom. Ellipse
has evolved to be one of the more feature-rich EAM solutions available with support for
complex assets such as reconfigurable asset trains that can be found in rail, linear assets as
found in transmission and distribution and rail, and support for environments with large
volumes of rotable assets such as what is found in transportation and energy.
 ER Suite – an equipment reliability application based on INPO AP-913 that automates the
processes associated with identifying critical components, monitoring their performance,
taking corrective actions, and enhancing reliability across the equipment lifecycle. It is made
up of a number of modules with different naming conventions.

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ABB prides itself in being able to design, deliver, and support integrated industry solutions that can
span from devices to enterprise business systems, virtually anywhere in the world. With such a
broad portfolio of solutions and capabilities it is well positioned to operate in the era of the Industrial
Internet of Things (IIoT) and Smart Connected Assets. In the core industries that ABB targets it is a
good choice for a broad range of APM functionality. In other industries ABB may have capabilities
that are of interest, but sometimes identifying the proper solution can be difficult and ABB’s website
does not necessarily make it easy to locate information related to certain products like ER Suite.
Still, its APM solutions generally have good reviews from customers who enjoy a robust support
community composed of ABB Services offerings, particularly in the utilities sector, as well as peer
groups that support each other.

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ABB at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  A&D  Mining
 Chemicals  Utilities
 Consumer Packaged
 Public Transport
APM Functionality  Shutdown/Turnaround  Asset  Most core
Planning Performance EAM/CMMS
 MRO Inventory Dashboards functionality except
Optimization  Asset those listed in the
 Supplier Quality Performance first or second
Tracking Analytics columns
 FAA Regulated Asset  Asset Big Data
Support Analytics
 Document  Real-Time
Management Maintenance
 Plant Historian Performance
 ERP Integration
 Lifecycle
Company Sizes  $50-$500 Million  >$500 Million
Geographies Served  Rest of world not  North America
considered a strength  EU
and listed in right  AZ/NZ
hand column

Technology  Java / J2EE is a  Microsoft .NET

Development legacy platform on  C / C++
Platforms some products  ASP
 ASP.Net
Technology Delivery  On-Premise Periodic  On-Premise
Model License Perpetual License

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 Hosted at Third-Party  Hosted Single

Site Instance Model for
 Hosted at Cloud Most Products

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AssetPoint is headquartered in Greenville, SC with customers in numerous asset intensive
industries. It is privately held with approximately 50 employees. Its APM offering is TabWare, a full
function EAM application suite that is available as either on-premise software or as a SaaS hosted
application. TabWare originated at Fluor, the large engineering services and construction company,
in 1978 as a mainframe CMMS application. It was spun out of Fluor in 2002 with Triton Partners
acquiring a majority interest in 2008.
With over 35 years of development history TabWare has emerged as one of the more feature-rich
EAM and predictive maintenance solutions in the market. With its mainframe roots it was also one
of the first EAM/CMMS applications to be offered as SaaS since the affordability of a mainframe
was beyond the reach of many companies. Built on an MS.NET platform today it also has HTML5
and Web Services technology at its core.
AssetPoint has customers across the globe and across many asset intensive industries. Over the
long span of years it has existed TabWare has been interfaced to the vast majority of ERP
applications as well as numerous plant floor systems. As such, it is relatively easy to integrate into
most environments. AssetPoint has not emphasized IIoT connectivity but it can connect to real-time
systems via protocols such as OPC, which is prevalent in plants today. Users considering TabWare
should validate that AssetPoint’s IIoT strategy will accommodate their own plans on how to integrate
Smart Connected Assets going forward as this is not clearly articulated in AssetPoint’s marketing
For customers seeking an affordable, feature-rich EAM application that supports predictive and
RCM methodologies for asset management TabWare is a good choice, particularly if a hosted
solution is desirable. For prospects in the Americas TabWare is well supported and has good local
user support communities. Prospects in the rest of the world will need to consider AssetPoint’s size
and ability to support operations within relevant time zones. But as a hosted solution AssetPoint is
used to providing around-the-clock support and this issue is not a serious one. For users that are
not looking for a solution on a public Cloud provider, TabWare can provide either single or multi-
tenant implementations hosted at a certified secure facility.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

AssetPoint at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  Consulting  A&D
 Consumer Durable  Automotive
Goods  Food & Beverage
 Consumer Packaged  Chemicals
Goods  High Tech
 Publishing  Industrial Equipment
 Education  Medical Devices
 Packaging  Metals
 Mining
 Oil & Gas
 Paper & Forest
 Semiconductors
 Utilities
APM Functionality  MRO Storeroom  Virtually all common
Operations EAM / CMMS
 Excess MRO functions, except for
Inventory Disposal those noted in the
 Shipping / Receiving first column
 Supplier Management
 Contractor
 Supplier Quality
 FAA Regulated Asset
 Reconfigurable Asset
 Rotable Asset
 OEE Calculation

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

 Exposures
 Energy Management
 Embedded S / W
Company Sizes  <$50 Million  >$50 Million
Geographies Served  Rest of world not  North America
considered a strength  Latin America
and listed to right  EU
Technology  Microsoft .NET
Development  HTML5
 Web Services
Technology Delivery  All deployment
Model models except hosted
as a public Cloud
services provider

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Bentley Systems, Inc.

Bentley Systems is headquartered in Exton, PA with regional Headquarters in Dublin, Ireland and
Beijing, China. Keith and Barry Bentley founded the company in 1984 and its first product was
MicroStation, a PC based CAD application. In September 2012 Bentley entered the APM space with
the acquisition of Ivara, a Canadian EAM, APM, and RCM applications provider. It expanded its
APM portfolio with the acquisition of C3Global, a UK provider of predictive analytics and modeling
software called Amulet, which has been incorporated into the AssetWise family of products built on
the Ivara foundation.
The product set provided by Bentley related to APM includes:
 AssetWise Suite of Solutions that includes:
o AssetWise APM Asset Health Monitoring
o AssetWise APM EAM Connectors
o AssetWise APM ODC Connector
o AssetWise APM Strategy Development
o AssetWise Amulet Operational Analytics
o AssetWise Ivara EAM
o AssetWise Engineering Content Management
 Optram Railway Maintenance Decision Support
 Exor Asset Manager
 Inspect Tech Bridge Asset Management

Of these the Solution Selection Guide coverage focuses on the AssetWise EAM, APM, and RCM
related solutions.
As the only engineering software provider to offer a rich set of APM solutions, including both
APM/RCM and EAM capabilities Bentley is uniquely positioned in the industry. No other provider
offers as seamless a transition from the design-and-construct phase of a large capital project in
asset intensive industries to the operate-and-maintain phase as Bentley. While the APM and EAM
functionality was acquired with the acquisition of Ivara, Bentley has done a good job of ensuring it is
integrated with it engineering products. Ivara cut its teeth in the steel industry and other asset
intensive industries in the late 1990s and as such had time to develop a functionally complete
product set on both the APM and EAM sides prior to its acquisition by Bentley. Bentley has kept the
products competitive and companies in Bentley’s sweet-spot industries of Utilities, Mining, Oil &
Gas, Infrastructure, and Heavy Transportation would be well served to consider Bentley’s APM
With the recent acquisition of UK based C3global and its Amulet Operational Analytics solution
Bentley is better positioned to leverage information provided through the IIoT and to support Smart
Connected Assets.
Bentley Systems is a global supplier with operations around the world and a support infrastructure
to match. It has a services group that can help in both pre-project and project/implement phases
and has a strong academic program, which enables higher learning institutions to graduate Bentley
experienced engineers. Bentley is a very reasonable choice both on the APM side as well as for
those looking for a full asset lifecycle set of solutions from design, to operation, to retirement.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Bentley Systems at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  Automotive  A&D
 Food & Beverage  Chemicals
 Industrial Equipment
 Metals
 Mining
 Oil & Gas
 Paper & Forest
 Utilities
APM Functionality  Maintenance Process  Almost EAM/CMMS
Change functionality except
 Control Management those listed in the
 Employee Training first or second
and Certification columns
Management  Asset Strategy
 Lifecycle Costing Development
Analysis  Asset Data Analysis
Company Sizes  $50-$500 Million  >$500 Million
Geographies Served  All
Technology  HTML5 as a Next  Microsoft .NET
Development Release  Java / J2EE
 C / C++
 ASP.Net
 SAP NetWeaver
 IBM Websphere
 Web Services
Technology Delivery  On-Premise Periodic  Hosted at Third-  On-Premise
Model License for Some Party or Cloud Perpetual License for
Products Providers Some Products
 Hosted

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Emerson Process Management

Part of 125-year-old Emerson, Inc., headquartered in St. Louis, MO, the Process Management
Business is division of the company is based out of Round Rock, TX, and Bloomington, MN, with
offices worldwide, Emerson Process Management is best known as a major process
instrumentation and automation systems solutions company. It offers a full range of solutions from
instrumentation and actuators up through MOM and APM solutions designed to support Operational
Excellence, primarily in batch and process manufacturing. It expanded its capabilities as an APM
services provider by acquiring Maintenance Resources Group (MRG) in mid-2014. In addition to its
own software Emerson is a significant reseller and implementer of the Meridium APM solution set.
The key product sets in Emerson’s portfolio (other than its services capabilities) are:
 AMS Suite – Family of asset health monitoring and management solutions including: AMS
Device Manager, AMS Machinery Manager, AMS APM, AMS Asset Graphics, AMS
Performance Monitor, AMS Performance Monitor and the UBS Fieldbus Interface
 CSI Technologies – Vibration sensing and predictive technologies, Continuous monitoring
and predictive technologies, Route based data collection, Oil analysis technology, and Online
 Syncade – A MOM solution (see the LNS Research MOM Solution Selection Guide) that
incorporates some APM functionality
 Catapult – Solutions and services related to EAM implementation and deployment including
asset master data management
 WebRUSL – MRO inventory optimization software
 A family of vibration analyzers and associated software to analyze the information provided
by those devices
 A partnership with Spectro, which purchased Emerson’s oil analysis patents and provides
services related to oil analysis.

One of the key strengths that the larger Emerson Process Management organization possesses is
the ability to execute on multi-vendor integration projects, with the North American, European, and
Asia Pacific teams being in the best position to deliver comprehensive APM solutions. Even though
its APM solutions work with other automation systems, a large percentage of Emerson’s APM
business is conducted in combination with DeltaV automation projects.
Emerson has a long history with Smart Connected Assets, being an early pioneer in digital
networking and fieldbus solutions in the process automation sector. As such, it has developed an
extensive portfolio of technology to support sensors, actuators, and instrumentation in batch and
process manufacturing. This includes field communicators, which are used to install, service, and
support instrumentation in the plant. LNS Research believes Emerson will continue to evolve its
products to take advantage of the IIoT, Big Data, and Predictive Analytics.
Emerson’s acquisition of MRG in 2014 added significant service capability to its portfolio. MRG
brought considerable skills in master data management and in RCM, FMEA, and maintenance best
practices with its addition. MRG had been primarily North American focused, but under Emerson’s
ownership it has broadened its reach to other geographies. Asset intensive industries and batch and
continuous process industries would be well served to consider Emerson Process Management
APM solutions on any shortlist and to evaluate Emerson’s service capabilities as well.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Emerson Process Management at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  A&D  Chemicals
 Automotive  Consulting
 Food & Beverage  Metals
 Consumer Durable  Mining
Goods  Oil & Gas
 Consumer Packaged  Paper & Forest
Goods Products
 Industrial Equipment  Pharmaceuticals
 Packaging  Utilities
APM Functionality  Maintenance Work  Electronic Work
Request and Work Instruction Support
Order Support  MRO Inventory
 PM & PdM Work Management
Support  MRO Inventory
 Shutdown and Optimization
Turnaround Support  Supplier Quality
 Supplier and Tracking
Contractor Support  Mobile Asset
 Asset Registry Tracking
 Lockout / Tagout  Rotable Asset
 Compliance Support
 Document  Tools to Support
Management and PdM, CBM & RCM
Calibration Support  OEE Calculation
 Employee Time &  Employee
Attendance Support Forecasting &
 Energy Management Scheduling
 ERP & Other  Reliability Planning &
Application Integration Analysis
Company Sizes  <$500 Million  >$500 Million
Geographies Served  EU  Latin America  North America

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 Non-EU Europe  Asia Pacific

 Africa  Middle East
 AZ / NZ
Technology  Microsoft .NET
Development  Web Services
Technology Delivery  On-Premise Perpetual  Hosted on-site as
Model or Periodic License either a dedicated
platform or multi-
tenant single

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

GE is a household name brand and corporation, known for its many successful industrial,
commercial, and healthcare systems ventures, along with its co-founding more than 130 years ago
by famous inventor Thomas Edison. GE Corporate is headquartered in Fairfield, CT with Divisional
headquarters located around the world for all of its major business. GE has multiple divisions
including Intelligent Platforms, Software, Aviation, Transportation, and industry specific groups like
Oil & Gas, Power & Water, and Mining, all of which have APM related offerings.
In 2015 GE has made a concerted effort to rationalize all of its APM offerings and the key two
businesses with APM related solutions specifically of interest to manufacturers are the GE
Digitaldivision based out of San Ramon, CA, which works closely with the company’s software
development center based out of San Ramon, CA, and the Oil & Gas division, which manages the
Measurement & Control sector, including the Bentley Nevada product line of vibration sensors. GE
made an investment in APM technology by acquiring a 25% stake in Meridium, profiled later in this
guide. The list of GE APM solutions is so extensive we have included it as an appendix following the
“GE at a Glance” table.
The GE Digital division was formed to deliver hardware and software technology platforms to
industry with a strong focus on selling through OEM providers that can extend market and solutions
reach. GE also provides automation hardware and software solutions to end users in addition to the
division filling an important market need for solutions providers that require proven, stable,
integrated platforms to build upon. This guide covers GE’s Proficy brand of industrial software
offerings, which includes: HMI / SCADA, MES, data management and analytics software
(SmartSignal), real-time operational intelligence, and business process management and
Equipment Insight from GE designed to support OEMs. Within the Intelligent Platforms division is
the GE Industrial Performance and Reliability Center, located outside Chicago, IL, which provides
diagnostic services for predicting reliability and process issues with a combination of advanced
analytics software supported by domain experts with deep process knowledge.
GE has a strong understanding of manufacturing processes and what is required to deliver
enterprise class software platforms, as it leverages GE Digital offerings to support many of its own
internal manufacturing operations.
LNS Research sees a significant amount of messaging and number of proof points coming out of
GE Corporate and GE Intelligent Platforms on the accelerating, interconnected world as well as the
future potential coming from the IIoT. LNS Research hopes to see GE accelerate its cloud-based /
SaaS offerings into the market in support of these trends.
GE Digital “owns” the Predix Industrial Internet, cloud-based platform and has built Predix around
four key areas: Secure Connected Assets, Industrial Data Management, Industrial Data Science,
and Mobility and Cloud. GE has leveraged its own use of analytics to support reliability in its own
product lines, such as aircraft engines and locomotives to develop methodologies to support RCM,
CBM, and APM in all industries it serves.
LNS Research sees GE’s new focus on APM and the IIoT as positive signs the company is finally
addressing the proliferation of APM products it has offered and the sometimes disjointed marketing
of such in the past. LNS believes GE has a combination of services and products that allow it to
deliver one of the broader range of APM solutions, with the exception of EAM functionality. Global

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

customers in all industries should shortlist GE for any APM implementation project not related to an
EAM/CMMS project.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

GE at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  A&D
 Agriculture
 Automotive
 Food & Beverage
 Chemicals
 Consumer Packaged
 Industrial Equipment
 Medical Devices
 Metals
 Mining
 Oil & Gas
 Packaging
 Paper & Forest
 Pharmaceuticals
 Semiconductors
 Utilities
 Transport
 Rail / Air / Maritime
APM Functionality  Maintenance Work  Electronic Work
Planning and Instruction Support
Management  PdM & PM Support
 FAA Regulated Asset and Tools
Support  Shutdown /
 Lockout / Tagout Turnaround Planning
 Compliance  Shipping / Receiving
Management Support
 Document  Supplier Quality
Management Tracking
 Mobile Operations  Asset Registry

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Support  Mobile Asset

 Employee Tracking
Management Support  Tools to Support
 Direct Machine Tool PdM, CBM, RCM
Integration  Plant Data
 Industrial Energy Historization
Management  OEE Calculation
 ERP Integration  Asset Performance
 PLM / CAD Dashboards
Integration  Asset Performance
 Fleet Analytics Analytics
 Big Data Analytics
 Real-Time
 Reliability Planning &
 Monitoring and
Diagnostic Workflow
 Rich Asset Data
 Anomaly Case
 Predictive
Diagnostics as a
 Integrated Alarm
Company Sizes  <$50 Million  >$50 Million
Geographies Served  All
Technology  Microsoft .NET
Development  Web Services
 Java / J2EE
 GE Proficy / Predix
Technology Delivery  All Supported

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Depending on

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

GE APM Product Appendix:

Equipment Insight
InspectionWorks Connect
Mine Performance
Operations Optimization for Power
Production Asset Reliability
Reliability Max
SeaLytics BOP Advisor Software
System 1 Evolution
System 1 Fleet Management
Unified Operations

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Honeywell is an aerospace, transportation systems, materials, and automation supplier and a
Fortune 100 company with a history that dates back more than 125 years. The automation business
includes Honeywell Process Systems and the building controls business. Based in Houston, TX,
and with offices worldwide, Honeywell Process Solutions is the process automation, software, and
solutions division of Honeywell International. In manufacturing markets, the Honeywell brand is well
known for integrated distributed control systems (DCS), safety systems, and instrumentation, along
with lifecycle services that provide turnkey industry solutions. Honeywell is well respected for its
domain expertise in the Chemicals, Metals, Oil & Gas, Paper, and Pharmaceuticals industries.
Over the last few decades, Honeywell Process Solutions has also been building and acquiring
advanced software solutions for the process manufacturing industries. Notable acquisitions over this
period have included Bonner & Moore, Matrikon, OPTIVISION, Profimatics, and WAM Systems.
Honeywell’s solution approach is to address customers’ business problems through an outcome-
based consulting approach that supports a combination of improved process design, process
history and analytics, operations excellence, production management, and enterprise collaboration.
The goals of its advanced software solutions are to enable users to make faster and smarter
decisions to improve safety, reliability, efficiency, and sustainability.
For this APM guide, LNS Research evaluated Honeywell’s Uniformance Asset Sentinel, Smart CET
corrosion monitoring and Mobile Equipment Monitor solutions. Honeywell has a long history in the
APM space and has leveraged its expertise in reliability solutions in the aerospace segment to build
out a functionally rich APM solution set for CBM and RCM. The Smart CET corrosion monitoring
solution provides real-time online corrosion monitoring technology. The Mobile Equipment Monitor
solution is primarily designed to support the mining industry with a combination of hardware and
software to monitor the performance of heavy equipment and predict reliability problems. The
Uniformance Asset Sentinel solution combines real-time monitoring, historical data analysis, and the
Matrikon Equipment Condition Monitoring software to provide a platform to monitor process
equipment as well as smart instrumentation and to provide event notification to other APM solutions
such as EAM systems to trigger inspection or maintenance work requests.
Honeywell has a history of leveraging smart devices in both control and APM applications and is
leveraging the emergence of IIoT devices to enhance the functionality of its APM product set. LNS
Research believes customers with a Honeywell process control environment would benefit from
exploring and adopting Honeywell’s APM solutions. Other customers considering Honeywell for a
broader project should consider Honeywell’s APM expertise as a positive factor when evaluating its
viability as a supplier.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Honeywell at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  Pharmaceuticals  Metals  A&D
 Consumer Packaged  Chemicals
Goods  Mining
 See Emerging and  Paper & Forest
Strength Columns Products
 Utilities
 Oil & Gas
APM Functionality  Maintenance Work
 PM & PdM WO
 Mobile Asset
 FAA Regulated
Asset Support
 Historian
 OEE Calculation
 Asset Performance
Analytics, and
 ERP Integration
 Energy Management
 Mobile Operations
Visualization and
 Real-Time
Company Sizes  <$500 Million  >$500 Million

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Geographies Served  Asia Pacific  All Except Those

 Africa Listed as Emerging
Technology  Java / J2EE  Microsoft .NET
Development  Microsoft Silverlight  Web Services
 Microsoft SharePoint
Technology Delivery  All Except Cloud  On-Premise
Model Perpetual

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Based out of Armonk, NY, IBM is one of the largest global IT solution providers with a broad range
of hardware, software, and services offerings. For the purposes of this report LNS Research
evaluated IBM only on a subset of its products and services relevant to APM. Note: IBM did not
participate in our data collection process, did not conduct a vendor briefing, and provided no
references so all of the information contained in this section is based on LNS Research’s analysis of
information IBM has published on its website as well as interactions with existing IBM customers.
IBM was given the opportunity to review this information but declined to verify its accuracy.
Specifically, LNS Research has included the Maximo EAM/CMMS product line and the Predictive
Maintenance and Quality analytics solution and associated services for these products in this
analysis. IBM does offer other products such as the Rational product suite for software support and
the Tivoli solution set, which some enterprises might find useful as part of an APM solution portfolio
but these were not included in the analysis.
IBM’s Maximo product is one of industry’s popular EAM/CMMS applications and has been deployed
by thousands of organizations in virtually every conceivable industry. Maximo is scalable across a
variety of different sized organizations and has a global support network of third-party companies
and IBM Global Services, so it has broad geographic coverage. Functionally Maximo offers
capabilities in the areas of asset management, work management, service management, contract
management, inventory management, and procurement. There are specialized editions of Maximo
providing tailored functionality for spatial, linear, and mobile assets as well as extensions for
workforce scheduling and calibration management. IBM offers mobile device access and both on-
premise and hosted options for deployment. Maximo is available on Linux, many Unix, and MS
One of the reasons for Maximo’s popularity is the maintenance-friendly user interface. Since its
inception the product has been designed for use by maintenance staff and the user interface closely
parallels the work processes most organizations use in conducting plant maintenance. Additionally,
it has possessed a high degree of integration across its functional elements since its origins as a
product of a company called PSDI, which then became MRO Software prior to its acquisition by
IBM. Also, while operating as MRO Software the company was among the first to recognize that
software was becoming a maintenance factor for plant floor assets as much as the hardware itself.
With IBM’s introduction of the “Smart Planet” concept, Maximo was a logical fit and its integrated
approach to maintaining smart assets contributed to Maximo’s attractiveness to IBM. By making
Maximo part of the Tivoli software product group it has been able to extend this functionality over
IBM has also made acquisitions that are supportive of APM in other domains as well. Two of these
are the Cognos and SPSS products. Both have given IBM strong capabilities in the predictive
analytics arena and one of the outcomes has been a product called Predictive Maintenance and
Quality. This has added more advanced CBM capabilities to IBM’s portfolio, and while not requiring
Maximo to deploy, its tight integration with Maximo makes it a logical choice for existing Maximo
clients looking to upgrade their predictive analytics capabilities.
From a support and pricing perspective, Maximo is well supported by IBM Global Services as well
as an extensive global third-party network of integrators ranging from specialist firms to nearly all of
the major system integrators. There is a healthy user community as well that is highly collaborative

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

on key social media channels as well as via IBM sponsored activities. While entry level pricing is
very competitive, a full-blown enterprise-wide deployment of Maximo with all of its functionality
enabled is not trivial. Given that it competes against large ERP based EAM/CMMS solutions with
huge footprints its pricing is comparable, which sometimes puts it out of the range of smaller firms.
Overall, LNS Research’s assessment of IBM’s APM offerings is that for EAM/CMMS functionality it
is an easy choice to shortlist but since its Predictive Maintenance functionality is much newer, end
users should consider that as an emerging strength and look into alternatives as well as IBM if they
are looking to enhance their CBM capabilities.
With good mobile device support, early recognition that software is an important aspect of plant
asset management, support for Cloud and Big Data, including predictive analytics, IBM is a credible
supplier of APM solutions today and for the foreseeable future. IBM Global Services has domain
expertise in many asset intensive industries and offers high levels of support in most geographies.
The company aligns well with LNS Research’s vision of APM today and how it will evolve in the
future. The only caution offered regarding IBM is related to its lack of active participation in this
guide; LNS Research recommends that users perform their own diligence to assure themselves that
IBM will meet their needs.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

IBM at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  A&D  Life Sciences
 Automotive  Utilities
 Beverages  Transportation
 Chemicals  Oil & Gas
 Consulting
 Consumer Durable
 Consumer Packaged
 Education
 High-Tech
 Industrial Equipment
 Medical Devices
 Metals
 Military
 Mining
 Oil & Gas
 Packaging
 Paper / Lumber /
Forest Products
 Pharmaceuticals
 Public
 Infrastructure
 Publishing
 Semiconductor
 Telecommunications
 Transportation
 Utilities

APM Functionality  Predictive Analytics  Calibration  Work Order

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Management Management
 EHS  Work Planning &
Management Scheduling
 MRO Procurement
 MRO Inventory

Company Sizes  <$500 Million  >$500 Million

Geographies Served  Asia Pacific  North America
 India  Latin America
 Middle East  Europe – EU
 Africa
 AZ / NZ
Technology  Microsoft Windows  Unix
Development  Linux
Technology Delivery  Hosted  On-Premise

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

IFS, headquartered in Linköping, Sweden, was founded in 1983 and has offices globally. Its first
product, IFS Maintenance, was delivered in 1985 so the company has a long tradition in the APM
sector. It remains one of the larger independent ERP/EAM providers serving the mid-market and
division-level businesses of tier one companies. Its primary product is IFS Application v9.0. IFS
Applications has, since its introduction, been an early adopter of modularity and componentization,
which has allowed it to serve a broad range of industries by developing industry specific
functionality in modules that plug into its architecture. This has led to IFS building up a strong
presence in certain niche sectors such as Aerospace & Defense, Aviation, Pulp & Paper, Energy
and Utilities, and the Fleet and Equipment Service Sectors, all of which have high asset intensive
and APM aspects.
Accordingly, it has expanded the functionality of what is its EAM solution to include some predictive
analytics capabilities. In July of 2015 IFS acquired VisionWaves B.V., an operational intelligence
solutions provider, which gives it enhanced capabilities in mapping, monitoring, and managing end-
to-end business processes. IFS has customers that have used the information from Smart
Connected Assets with triggers sent by these assets to improve asset reliability and reduce
downtime, but has yet to develop the marketing message that competitors have around the IIoT,
Smart Connected Assets, or Predictive Analytics and Big Data. IFS has strong industry offerings as
well, but also has not developed the marketing messages that emphasize how IFS applications can
drive real value from APM in those industries.
Although IFS has a global presence, it tends to vary by industry in most geographies or by company
size. It is strongest in Scandinavia and Europe, both Eastern and Western, and in the UK and US as
well. It is gaining share in China and has a presence in the majority of other Asian countries. The
company recently announced a systems integration relationship with Accenture in Europe that
enhances its delivery capabilities, something that other regions could benefit from. It also has
relationships with Capgemini, Deloitte, NEC, and Tech Mahindra.
For companies in IFS target industries, IFS Applications represents a good entry into APM and the
pursuit of Operational Excellence. Coupled with Smart Connected Assets/Devices from an
appropriate automation vendor, companies with straightforward and basic RCM needs will find IFS
a potentially affordable and powerful EAM solution with high-end functionality at a mid-market price
point and, due to its componentization, easy enough to implement in a phased approach. IFS would
benefit from more APM and IIoT focused marketing and by establishing some partnerships with
additional systems integrators and RCM/CBM specialist solution providers, but it still represents a
strong technical choice.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

IFS at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  A&D  High-Tech
 Automotive  Industrial Equipment
 Chemicals  Medical Devices
 Consulting  Metals
 Consumer Durable  Mining
Goods  Oil & Gas
 Consumer Packaged  Packaging
Goods  Paper & Forest
 Food & Beverage Products
 Pharmaceuticals  Utilities
 Semiconductors  Public Infrastructure
 Telecommunications  Defense Forces
APM Functionality  CAD / CAM / PLM  Almost all EAM /
Integration CMMS functions as
 Direct Machine Tool well as some
Integration analytics and
 Reliability Planning dashboarding
 Exposures
 PdM Support
 Calibration Support
 Lockout / Tagout
 Maintenance Work
Process Change
Company Sizes  <$50 Million  $500 Million - $1  $50 - $500 Million
Served Billion
Geographies Served  Middle East and  North America
others referenced in  Latin America
right hand column  EU
 Asia Pacific

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

 India
 Africa
 AZ / NZ
Technology  Java / J2EE
Development  Microsoft .NET
 Web Services
 Oracle Weblogic /
Technology Delivery  On-Premise Periodic
Model License
 Hosted on a
Dedicated Server
 Hosted on a Cloud
Provider Server

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Infor is a large enterprise software provider that offers a full range of enterprise applications, ranging
from manufacturing specific ERP and execution to CRM and supply chain management along with
Asset Performance Management/EAM solutions. Infor’s headquarters are in New York, NY and it
has offices in 41 countries globally. It approaches the market with both a horizontal solution
approach as well as a very well defined vertical industry approach. Infor is privately held but
publishes some financial information such as revenue. The company has within its customer base a
significant majority of the top 10 companies in almost every manufacturing sector from A&D to
In the manufacturing APM space Infor’s greatest market presence is with its Infor EAM Enterprise
and Infor EAM Energy Performance Management products targeted at larger organizations, with its
Infor MP2 product serving as an alternative for smaller enterprises. For the purposes of this guide
the focus is on the Infor EAM Enterprise and Energy Performance Management solutions. The
summary data in the Harvey Ball charts and the Infor at a Glance section is based on only that set
of solutions and core supporting technology, such as Infor’s social collaboration tools. Like many of
the other applications in the Infor portfolio the EAM solutions came via acquisition of another
company. This has given Infor access to a long history in the EAM space and should not be
considered a negative, as Infor has continuously invested in the product and in its harmonization
with the broader Infor portfolio.
The core functionality of EAM Enterprise includes:
 Asset hierarchy management
 Budget management
 Inspection management
 Purchasing management
 Work management
 Materials management

As noted above the functionality has a more than 25-year history and therefore has rich
functionality. Manufacturers and asset intensive industries should find Infor more than adequate for
their core EAM needs. The company’s strategic direction is to the Cloud and it does have emerging
strength in the area of Big Data and Predictive Analytics as it relates to APM (Infor has a stronger,
more generalized business/CRM Big Data capability currently).
LNS Research sees Infor as a very credible player in the EAM segment of the APM space with a
strengthening position in the broader set of APM functionality that is important in an era of Smart
Connected Assets. Infor’s information was provided late in the guide preparation process with no
references provided but past interactions with Infor customers supports LNS Research’s
assessment. However, end users are cautioned to perform their own due diligence when it comes to
reference checking as time constraints precluding LNS Research from doing so.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Infor at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  A&D  Consulting  All but those listed
 Automotive  Paper & Forest in other two
 Chemicals Products columns – see
 Publishing Harvey Ball chart
 Consulting for complete listing
 Consumer Durable  Telecommunications of industries
 Consumer Packaged
 Food & Beverage
 Pharmaceuticals
 Public Infrastructure
 Public Transit
 Semiconductors
 Telecommunications
 Transportation
APM Functionality  Excess MRO  Shutdown /  Maintenance Work
Inventory Disposal Turnaround Requests
 Shipping / Receiving Planning  Planning &
Support  MRO Inventory Scheduling and
 Supplier Optimization Work Order
Management  Asset Performance Management
 Contractor Analytics /  Maintenance
Management Intelligence Process Change
 Plant Data  Asset Big Data Control
Historization Predictive Analytics Management
 OEE Calculations  Electronic Work
Order Work
 Supplier Quality Instruction Support
 Preventive &
 Document Predictive
Management Maintenance Work
 Calibration Support Order Support
 Real-Time

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Maintenance  MRO Purchase

Performance and Requests
Visualization  Orders and
 Time & Attendance Inventory
 Labor Analytics Management
 Employee Training  MRO Storeroom
and Certification Operations
Management  Asset Register
 Craft Training Database
Simulation  Mobile Asset
 Lifecycle Costing Tracking
Analysis  Linear Asset
 Direct Machine Tool Support
Integration  Rotable Asset
 Embedded Software Support
Maintenance Support  FAA Regulated
Asset Support
 Reconfigurable
Asset Train Support
 Lockout / Tagout
 Tools to Support
 Tools to Support
 Asset Performance
 Mobile Operations
Visualization &
 Employee
Forecasting &
 Industrial Energy
 ERP Integration
 Plant CAD / CAM /

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PLM Integration
 Reliability Planning
& Analysis

Company Sizes  <$500 Million  >$500 Million

Geographies  Non-EU Europe  Latin America  North America
Served  Middle East  India  EU
 Africa  Asia Pacific  AZ / NZ
Technology  Java / J2EE
Development  Microsoft .NET
 Web Services
 Weblogic & JBOSS
 Wildfly
Technology  Hosted On-Site on a  On-Premise
Delivery Model Dedicated Server Perpetual License
 Hosted as a Single  Hosted at a Cloud
Instance Multi-Tenant Provider
Version at a Third-
Party or On-Site

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Maintenance Assistant
Incorporated in 2008 and headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Maintenance Assistant provides a
Cloud-based maintenance and asset management software platform that directly targets both the
enterprise and mid-market, specifically in manufacturing, IT, food and beverage and energy and
utilities sectors. Maintenance Assistant also offers a turnkey Platform as a Service (PaaS) model to
affiliate resellers, MRO vendors, and white label partners. It is privately held with some outside
funding. The company is experiencing annual growth in the high double digits and is steadily adding
functionality and interoperability options.
Its core cloud-based maintenance and asset management product, MA, is available for all typical
platforms from the desktop to mobile devices. It supports:
 Work Orders
 PM
 Rotable Assets
 MRO Inventory Management
 Multi-Site Implementations
 Reporting
 Machine Monitoring I/F
 API Connections to equipment and other Applications

In addition Maintenance Assistant has MA Source ™, a MRO Marketplace for typical MRO stock
item purchases. Maintenance Assistant is available in English (US), English (UK), French, Spanish,
Portuguese, German, Dutch, Turkish, Arabic, Korean, and Chinese.
It is a multi-tenant implementation that is hosted in the Cloud (AWS) and weekly updates ensure all
users have access to the latest features and functions. Maintenance Assistant customers provided
very positive reviews of the products and company and noted that the security provided by the
Cloud-based solution was greater than they could get with on-premise solutions and the costs were
significantly less. With price points starting at less than $250/user/year MA CMMS is an extremely
affordable solution.
LNS Research believes Maintenance Assistant, while not the first to offer hosted CMMS software,
by being a multi-tenant, Cloud-only solution is poised to grow significantly in the marketplace. Its
marketing message is appropriate to its audience and it clearly is positioned to take advantage of
Smart Connected Assets and IIoT advances once the market demands them. For companies
looking for a Cloud-based CMMS or entry level EAM application, Maintenance Assistant bears

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Maintenance Assistant at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  Consulting  A&D
 Consumer  Automotive
Durables  Food & Beverage
 Education  Chemicals
 Consumer Packaged
 High-Tech
 Industrial Equipment
 Medical Devices
 Metals
 Mining
 Oil & Gas
 Packaging
 Paper & Forest
 Pharmaceuticals
 Publishing
 Semiconductors
 Telecommunications
 Utilities
 Public Infrastructure
APM Functionality  Most EAM / CMMS  Maintenance  Employee Training &
Functionality Process Certification
Change Management
Management  ERP Integration
Support  Asset Performance
 PdM Support Analytics
 Shutdown /
 Tools to support
PdM, CBM, &

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 Embedded
Company Sizes  >$500 Million  <$500 Million
Geographies Served  Asia Pacific  Latin America  North America
 Africa  Europe  AZ / NZ
 India
 Middle East
Technology  Java / J2EE
Development  Web Services
 Own Platform
Technology Delivery  Hosted at Third-Party
Model or Cloud Platform

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Headquartered in Roanoke, VA, USA, Meridium is one of the earliest providers of core APM
functionality. Founded in 1992 the company has been focused on APM since its founding, including
CBM, PdM and RCM. Meridium currently offers three APM solutions: Enterprise APM, Enterprise
APM Now, and Asset Answers. The company is privately held, although GE holds a 25% interest.
As one of the pioneers in the APM space Meridium has established partnerships not only with GE
but also with Emerson Process Systems and several EAM providers. Meridium has over 450
employees globally and is present in every major geographical region.
The Enterprise APM solution set (APM Foundation, APM Strategy, APM Failure Elimination, APM
Mechanical Integrity, APM Safety) is the core APM product offering and is an on-premise licensed
version of the solution. Enterprise APM Now is the SaaS offering of the solution set. Meridium also
offers extensive consulting and implementation services to assist clients in gaining benefits from
APM Modules in the shortest possible time. The company provides pre-implementation services to
help design the right project scope for deploying its solution.
LNS Research considers the company’s APM Solutions to have one of the richest functionality
profiles of all the solutions focused on the core aspects of APM. It is not an EAM or CMMS solution,
nor does it provide specialized MRO inventory optimization functionality. What it does deliver is
clear insight into the actual condition of assets, assuming it is provided with the necessary inputs. It
facilitates a reliability and risk-based approach to asset care that permits enterprises to achieve
optimum value for the maintenance dollars they do spend. It has capabilities to assist with failure
elimination, integrity improvement, and safety. Over 1,200 sites in more than 75 countries (in eight
languages) have deployed Enterprise APM in the chemical, mining, oil & gas, power & utilities,
transportation and aerospace, and other manufacturing industries. It supports mobile operations
and utilizes current technology to deliver functionality across all deployment models. The most
current release features a completely re-architected product that can be deployed equally well in all
of the models we listed. APM has standard interfaces to SAP, Oracle, and IBM Maximo EAM
applications. The solution provides tools for operator inspections and lubrication management and
has interfaces to equipment via OPC and OSIsoft PI software, among others and Emerson’s AMS
Analytics and GE System1.
Asset Answers is Meridium’s newest solution, developed as a distinct offering that leverages the
wealth of asset data that Meridium has aggregated working with aforementioned customers to
create a cloud-based benchmarking database. It permits organizations to assess their APM
performance against peers in their industry, a global community, or process specific peer
comparisons. It categorizes the benchmarking metrics into three categories: 1.) Corrective cost
analysis, 2.) Repair event analysis and 3.) Asset availability analysis. It is offered as a cloud-based
service to allow quick start-up, scalability, and growth as a company’s expertise and needs
Meridium was a pioneer in the APM space and did much to define the functionality and analytics
associated with asset health assessment and operational risk management from an equipment
failure perspective. It has continued to show thought leadership with its Asset Answers solution. The
continued evolution of the product set, adding enhanced mobility and support for additional
platforms, will keep Meridium a good choice for most companies’ shortlists if they are looking for an
APM solution to integrate with existing or planned EAM solutions.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

From a pricing and support perspective Meridium delivers value, but the company does face
challenges to its market position from a few directions. One example is lower cost competitors that
offer more narrowly focused solution. Another lies in the analytics capabilities and templates offered
by larger EAM centric providers with Cloud capabilities and Big Data experience in other
applications. All things considered, Meridium will continue to be one of the must-see alternatives for
companies trying to build out their APM architecture.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Meridium at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  All of the Emerging  Automotive  A&D
and Strength Areas  Beverages  Chemicals
 Consulting  Consumer Durable  Industrial Equipment
 Education Goods  Manufacturing
 Publishing  Consumer  Metals
Packaged Goods  Mining
 High-Tech  Oil & Gas
 Medical Devices  Packaging
 Pharmaceuticals  Paper / Lumber /
 Semiconductor Forest Products
 Telecommunications  Utilities
 Transportation
 Public Infrastructure
APM Functionality  Maintenance Work  Linear Asset  Maintenance Work
Planning & Support (Next Requests
Scheduling Release)  Asset Register /
 Preventive WO  Lifecycle Costing Database
Support Analysis (Next Compliance
 Predictive WO Release) Management
Support  Tools to Support
 Shutdown / PdM
Turnaround  Tools to Support
Planning CBM
 Tools to Support
 Asset Data
 OEE Calculations
 Asset Performance
 Asset Performance
Analytics /

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

 Asset Big Data
 Real-Time
Visualization and
 Mobile Operations
Visualization and
 ERP Integration
 Reliability Planning
& Analysis
 Mechanical Integrity
 Asset Health
 Production Loss
Company Sizes  All from Small to  All from $50 Million
Served Very Large (Over $1 to Over $1 Billion in
Billion Revenue) Revenue
Geographies  Globally  North America
Served  Latin America
 Europe
 Asia Pacific
 India
 Middle east
 Africa
 AZ / NZ
Technology  Microsoft .NET  SAP / HANA (To Be
Development  Web Services Offered Next
Platforms Release)
 Java

Technology  In most recent  On-Premise

Delivery Model release all Perpetual License

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

deployment models with Support

are equally and fully  Hosted at Cloud
supported Provider

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

MROConnection is an LLC registered in Kentucky formed as an alliance of three companies: Xtivity
out of London, Ontario, Net Results Group out of Glenview, Kentucky, and Performance Consulting
Associates out of Duluth, Georgia. Xtivity and Net Results Group provide technology aspects of the
solution set while PCA provides services, as do both Xtivity and NRG. This ownership structure is
somewhat unique in the APM space and allows for a single point of contact and responsibility when
implementing the MRO inventory and supply chain optimization services that MROConnection
Typically delivered as part of an overall project that includes services, the key technology elements
of the MROConnection solution set are:
 xSpend – a SaaS MRO spending analytics application
 MRO3i – a tool to capture part identification information
 xIO Pulse – a SaaS MRO inventory optimization application
 xIO Corporate View – an enterprise MRO inventory Dashboard solution
 MRO Airflow – an application to support disposal of excess MRO materials

By combining the elements of these solutions and the services the three companies offer
MROConnection is able to deliver a comprehensive MRO inventory management and optimization
package. It predominantly serves the North American market, although it does have a broader
global presence. It has focused on industries that are asset intensive and tightly regulated such as
pharmaceuticals, but has customers in many other segments of manufacturing as well.
As a narrowly focused solution MROConnection does not yet significantly play into the IIoT or Smart
Connected Asset space, but as these technologies become more pervasive MROConnection will
have to expand functionality and develop the supporting marketing to lead customers in the
deployment of them. For companies looking for a near turnkey MRO inventory optimization program
the products and services offered by MROConnection bear investigation. For those companies that
are looking for a broader APM solution set or one that is available as an on-premise alternative
MROConnection may not be the best fit, but the consulting services offered are still capable of fast
tracking a project.
Clients should also investigate Xtivity (which is profiled later in this guide) and the MRO3I
Technology Suite, which is the broader solution set offered by NRG (not evaluated as part of this
guide) and includes:
 MRO Invest, which provides for item identification, stocking decision making, grey market
analysis and lifecycle analytics for redeployment, resale, and disposal of excess MRO items.
 Black Stock Walkdown, which is an Android® application that enables the identification of
MRO items, including description enrichment, association to stocking locations, condition
status, handling & storage practices, and disposition tagging.
 RAM BOM™ (Reliability Availability and Maintainability Bill of Material), which is an Android®
application that supports item association to equipment and locations.
 MRO Provisioning, which is a SaaS application that guides initial MRO stocking decisions at
multiple points in the Asset Lifecycle.
 MRO Dispositioning, which is a SaaS application that links to the MRO grey market for the
purpose of item valuation, determining resale viability, and identifying potential buyers.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

 MRO OptiX, which is a tool to assist in the assessment and development of MRO Lifecycle
practices to achieve business and operational objectives.
 Lifecycle Analytics, which is a SaaS application used in conducting multi-site, multi-level
analytics in supply chain performance, spend analysis, item performance, item
equals/substitutes, and MRO investments, and MRO strategies evaluation

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

MROConnection at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  A&D  Telecommunications  Automotive
 Consumer Durable  Food & Beverage
Goods  Chemicals
 Industrial Equipment  Mining
 Medical Devices  Oil & Gas
 Metals  Packaging
 Packaging  Paper & Forest
 Semiconductors Products
 Pharmaceuticals
 Utilities
 Transportation: Air /
Rail / Maritime
APM Functionality  Maintenance Work  MRO Management
Request / Order and Optimization
 Shutdown /
Planning Support
 Excess MRO
Inventory Disposal
 ERP Integration
Company Sizes  All
Geographies  Remainder of World  North America
Served Not Listed as a  Middle East
Strength  AZ / NZ
Technology  Java / J2EE
Development  ASP.Net
 Net4.5 / SQL
Technology  Hosted at a Cloud
Delivery Model Provider

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Mtelligence Corporation, which uses the name Mtell, is based in San Diego CA. It is privately held
and was founded in 2006. It currently has approximately 20 employees and is focused on predictive
analytics/CBM and intelligent alarming in the APM space. The principals have considerable
experience in the process automation and manufacturing sector, as well as a track record in
launching successful software companies. Mtell’s solutions are deployed globally with
implementations in South Africa, the Middle East, Australia, India, and North and South America. It
has customers in the Oil & Gas, Chemicals, Mining, Utilities, Transportation and Pharmaceutical
Mtell currently has four products serving the APM market:
 Basis – Entry level solution that provides the linkage between process data, EAM systems
and CBM decision making
 Previse – Predictive analytics that uses machine learning to predict machine and process
 Reservoir – Enterprise capable data repository for time series, relational, and other indexed
information available at plant locations and remote data centers
 Summit – Combination of the above bringing all together along with services in a complete
solution implementation.
Mtell’s target clients are in asset intensive or regulated industries and it focuses on large, mid-sized
to tier one companies with substantial asset holdings. It typically has multi-site implementations in
these customers, yet each deal is typically in the $50K-$100K range meaning the solution has quick
payback or ROI. Mtell targets plant and division level decision makers and works from the “success
breeds success” model. Mtell offers implementation and training services in addition to its products.
While it previously has deployed its solutions in an on-premise perpetual license model it is
transitioning to a subscription based offering.
Mtell distinguishes itself by providing a machine learning approach to “prescriptive analytics” which
includes predictions of outcomes along with automatic initiation of action to avoid or change the
outcome. It is a low-touch product where the software does the work instead of analysts and clients
report that it implements easier, faster, and generates payback much earlier than other solutions
that were evaluated. It does not use models or rules, but detects patterns in the digital sensor data
streams that indicate normal operations, degradation and failures. References report few or no false
alarms and it tells the end user when a failure will occur and why the failure will occur with the
advance notice to enable them to make decisions to avoid or mitigate the impending degradation or
failure. Mtell is developing a series of partnerships, which has resulted in deployments that have
been scaled to some impressive levels. Clients looking for cutting edge PdM predictive technology
should consider Mtell but remain cognizant of the company’s size and support capabilities. The
prescriptive approach Mtell utilizes is different than many of the traditional predictive analytics
providers in the market. Given the low implementation costs and the potential benefits, the risks are

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Mtell at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  Chemicals  Industrial Equipment
 Metals  Utilities
 Mining  Transportation: Air /
 Oil & Gas Rail / Maritime
 Pharmaceuticals
APM Functionality  Maintenance Work
Order Management
 Electronic Work
Instruction Support
 PM WO Support
 PdM WO Support
 Asset Registry
 Linear Asset Support
 Rotable Asset
 Tools to Support
 Plant Data
 OEE Calculation
 Asset Performance
 Performance
Visualization and
 Asset Big Data
 Industrial Energy
 ERP Integration
 Reliability Planning
Company Sizes  >$500 Million

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Geographies Served  Latin America  North America
 EU
 Middle East
 AZ / NZ
Technology  Microsoft .NET
Development  C / C++
 ASP.Net
 Web Services
 SAP NetWeaver
Technology Delivery  On-Premise  On-Premise Periodic
Model Perpetual License License

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Based out of Brisbane, QSLD, Australia, Oniqua is a specialist APM solution provider that has
focused on MRO inventory analytics and optimization and maintenance and procurement analytics.
The company was founded in 1990 and was acquired by the ASCO Group of companies (an oil &
gas services company) in 2012. Oniqua has over 50 employees in offices in Australia, South Africa,
Chile, the UK and the US. It has users in over 30 countries and more than $12 billion worth of
spares, materials, and assets under management. The company’s roots are in the mining sector but
it has expanded to serve asset intensive industries across the board.
Oniqua Analytics Solution (OAS) is the company’s core product and is available as either on-
premise software or by a subscription-based service. There are three paid levels of service, each
with increasing capabilities. OAS uses a combination of proprietary and industry algorithms to
optimize Inventory, Procurement and Maintenance decisions. Optimization recommendations are
accessed through the Citrix workbench client and SAP Business Objects reports. OAS is based on
four key components. The Workbench Client is the primary access mechanism for users to interact
with the cloud-based solution. Based on the Microsoft SQL Server, Datamart is managed by Oniqua
and is the repository for each client’s single tenanted database. There is Export and Upload
capability to act as the interface to various ERP applications and finally several embedded third-
party products to facilitate reporting and dashboarding using Crystal Reports and SAP Business
Objects BI Suite/Edge BI and Apache Tomcat provides Web application server capability. OAS
integrates with all leading ERP applications and has a well-defined process to integrate with less
common ERP applications and EAM applications. Material information and related data are
automatically imported into OAS and recommendations are exported to the ERP upon an analyst
accepting a recommendation, or an automated basis.
Oniqua also provides extensive consulting on both the implementation of its own products but also
on general MRO data issues including:
 Catalog Master Data standardization/cleansing
 Bill of Materials development
 Procurement analysis
 Custom consulting related to inventory management and supplier relationship management
and procurement practices
 Training on the above topics

Typical results from implementing Oniqua’s solutions include:

 Significant MRO inventory reductions; up to 50%
 25% +/- lower replenishment costs
 Up to 50% reductions in stock-outs
 Corresponding maintenance budget savings
 ROI that is as much as four times investment costs

LNS Research’s take is that any industry that has a significant reliance on assets that is trying to
achieve Operational Excellence in the area of APM needs to include MRO inventory optimization as
part of its overall APM toolkit. Oniqua was one of the first companies to address this space, is one
of the most established MRO inventory optimization providers in the market, and should be

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

considered by all companies seeking solutions in this category. While small, its narrow focus has
allowed it to deliver high value to its clients. As a smaller company it does face some challenges
such as competition from larger competitors, particularly EAM and ERP providers that are adding
extensive analytics to their product lines, but with its domain knowledge it remains a viable provider
for the foreseeable future.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Oniqua at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  Paper & Forest  Oil & Gas  Chemicals
Products  Industrial Equipment
 Metals
 Mining
 Utilities
 Public Transport
 Public Infrastructure
APM Functionality  Procure to Pay  Excess MRO  MRO Purchase
Effectiveness Inventory Requests
 Pricing Analysis Disposal  MRO Inventory
 Functionalities Listed  Lifecycle Management
in Emerging Strengths Costing  MRO Storeroom
and Strengths Analysis Operations
Categories  MRO Inventory
 Procurement
 Lead Time Analysis
 Service Level
 Supplier
 Supplier Quality
 Asset Performance
 Criticality Analysis
 Asset Performance
Analytics /
 ERP/EAM Integration

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Company Sizes  <$500 Million  $500 Million -  >$1 Billion

Served $1 Billion

Geographies Served  India  EU  North America

 Middle East  Latin America
 Africa  Asia Pacific
 AZ / NZ
Technology  Java / J2EE
Technology Delivery  On-Premise Perpetual  Hosted at a Cloud
Model License with Supplier
 Hosted at a Third-
Party Site

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Headquartered out of Redwood Shores, CA, Oracle is one of the largest IT companies in the world,
with offerings across a wide portfolio of engineered computer hardware and enterprise software
applications. For the purposes of this report, LNS Research evaluated Oracle on its ability to deliver
APM software functionalities across a variety of industries by including the following software EAM
and CBM/RCM enabling technologies and solutions:
 Oracle E-Business Suite, including the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) solution
 Oracle Inventory Optimization
 JD Edwards World Plant and Equipment Maintenance Management
 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Asset Lifecycle Management
 Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul
 Oracle Work and Asset Management
 Oracle Asset Lifecycle Management
 Oracle Management Operations Center
 Oracle’s predictive analytics applications

Together with the vendor’s popular database technology, Edge Servers and ERP, MOM, CRM,
SCM, and other business management offerings, Oracle aims to help improve productivity, ensure
compliance, and align the value chains of manufacturing and asset intensive enterprises. Oracle
can additionally deliver data management and automation capabilities for product development and
quality with its Agile PLM and Document Management software, although these offerings are not
explicitly covered in this guide.
This broad portfolio of APM solutions has been developed through a combination of organic
development and via acquisition. Some of the solutions are pre-integrated while others can be
integrated or interfaced via the Oracle Fusion platform. With this extremely broad set of capabilities
virtually any manufacturing or asset intensive industry can find a broad range of APM functionality
targeted to its specific industry or otherwise appropriate. However, not every solution is suitable for
every industry and this is one of the few caveats LNS Research has when users are evaluating
Oracle solutions: Companies must understand what is being evaluated and exactly how it will be
integrated into the current environment. The summary charts in the earlier section and the “Oracle
at a Glance” tables below reflect the amalgamated responses and are not meant to imply every
Oracle product has every type of functionality. However, with the relative ease of integrating various
Oracle components together there can be some mixing among product families of specific APM
For companies that have already invested in the Oracle technology stack, LNS Research believes
that investing in Oracle’s APM capabilities are a natural extension. However, LNS Research also
believes that some may find that they prefer to integrate other, more specialized and developed
APM products that are not so tightly bound to the Oracle ERP and database applications. For some
users, the autonomy and flexibility of a loosely coupled APM system may be more appropriate for
their business needs. In the EAM end of the APM market Oracle’s products are mature and full-
featured and will more than satisfy the requirements of all but the most specialized companies. In
the data collection for CBM part of the APM spectrum Oracle has highly capable products such as
the Manufacturing Operations Center but it is best suited for companies already invested in Oracle.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

For companies looking for APM predictive analytics the choice is really dependent on their own level
of sophistication. Oracle’s maintenance related predictive tools are developing quite well and will fit
well, but for organizations that have very mature and rich capabilities, right now other more
specialized alternatives should also be considered.
Oracle is making what LNS Research believes are appropriate investments in Cloud, Big
Data/Analytics, Mobility, and the IoT, and the company is well positioned to continue to grow its
presence in the APM space. LNS Research feels, for those companies with IT organizations with
Oracle integration experience or those that are willing to leverage service providers including Oracle
itself, that the Oracle set of APM solutions can be part of a comprehensive APM architecture.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Oracle at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  All Listed in Strength  A&D
Column  Automotive
 Consulting  Food & Beverage
 Chemicals
 Consumer Durable
 Education
 High-Tech
 Industrial Equipment
 Medical Devices
 Metals
 Mining
 Oil & Gas
 Packaging
 Paper & Forest
 Pharmaceuticals
 Publishing
 Semiconductors
 Telecommunications
 Utilities
 Public Infrastructure
 Transport: Air / Rail /
APM Functionality  Maintenance Work  Maintenance Work
Planning & Requests
Scheduling  Maintenance Work
 Maintenance Process Orders
Change Control  PM & PdM WO
Management Support
 Electronic Work Order  Shutdown /

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 Rotable Asset Turnaround Planning

Support  MRO Materials
 Lockout / Tagout Management &
 Compliance Optimization
Management  Contractor &
 Document Supplier
Management Management
 Calibration Support  Supplier Quality
 Tools to Support PdM
& CBM  Asset Registry
 Plant Data  Mobile Asset
Historization Tracking
 OEE Calculation  Linear Asset Support
 Asset Performance  FAA Regulated
Dashboards Asset Support
 Asset Performance  Reconfigurable Asset
Analytics Support
 Asset Big Data  Tools to Support
Analytics RCM
 Real-Time  Mobile Operations
Maintenance Support
Performance  Time & Attendance
Visualization  ERP Integration
 Employee
Management &
 Exposures
 Energy Management
 PLM Integration
 Lifecycle Costing
 Reliability Planning
Company Sizes  <$50 Million  >$50 Million
Geographies Served  All
Technology  Java / J2EE
Development  Oracle Forms

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 PL / SQL
Technology Delivery  All Others  Perpetual On-
Model Premise

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Rockwell Automation
A longtime player in the industrial automation and information market space, Rockwell Automation
is headquartered in Milwaukee, WI and has offices and a large distribution and system integration
network to serve customers around the globe. The Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk information
software portfolio enables manufacturers to better visualize or gain insight into production
operations, analyze sources of inefficiencies, poor quality, or downtime, and provide standardized
workflows and procedures to optimize production operations.
In addition, Rockwell Automation also provides services and some underlying technology in the
APM space. The three primary focus areas of Rockwell Automation’s services offerings are:
 MRO Process Management
 Storeroom Services
 Spare Parts Management

All of these are being “productized” and the Rockwell Automation strategy is to deliver them as
products going forward.
On the technology side Rockwell Automation provides key network management technology in
partnership with Cisco, Panduit, and Endress & Hauser, EMI / dashboarding for OEE and tracking
equipment performance and analytics to support CBM and a process data historian. In addition
Rockwell has embedded some of these capabilities in some of the automation, and drives products
to the benefit of both end users and OEMs that embed Rockwell Automation technology in their own
products as part of their Asset Center offering.
Unlike many of its competitors in the control and automation space, Rockwell Automation’s focus is
primarily on the services aspect of asset management. It does have strong messaging around the
IIoT and can articulate the value of deploying Smart Connected Assets, but it focuses its APM
marketing message on its Asset Management services offering. The company is building out a
Cloud infrastructure to support this services offering as well and has remote monitoring tools.
Rockwell Automation’s global reach and presence in many industries make it a safe choice if a
customer is seeking APM related services, particularly if it already has a significant investment in
Rockwell Automation equipment and technology. LNS Research believes Rockwell Automation will
continue to invest in the underlying technology and services that enhance APM and will have a role
in many enterprises’ overall APM strategy.

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Rockwell Automation at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  Semiconductors  A&D
 Automotive
 Food & Beverage
 Chemicals
 Consumer Durable
 Consumer Packaged
 High-Tech
 Industrial Equipment
 Medical Devices
 Metals
 Mining
 Oil & Gas
 Packaging
 Paper & Forest
 Pharmaceuticals
 Utilities
APM Functionality  See Section with
Summary Charts as
many of Rockwell
capabilities in this
category are services
offerings and not

Company Sizes  <$50 Million  >$50 Million

Geographies Served  All
Technology  Microsoft .NET

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Development  C / C++
 Web Services
 Microsoft SharePoint
Technology Delivery  Hosted at Dedicated  Perpetual On-
Model Server or on a Public Premise License
Cloud Server

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

A longtime provider in the Enterprise Application space, SAP was founded in 1972 and has its
worldwide headquarters in Walldorf, Germany. Although known for its large ERP presence and
versatile business configurability, the company has built up one of the largest ecosystems of
manufacturing technology and solution partners, along with developing, acquiring, and integrating
APM software solutions for a wide range of manufacturing and asset intensive industries. One of
SAP’s key strengths is its ability to create customer value by supporting end-to-end business
process improvement, and APM is an area that SAP has delivered capabilities in for more than 30
years, beginning with its Plant Maintenance (PM) module. Over time it has expanded its coverage in
the APM space by growing PM into a full EAM solution and was one of the very first vendors to do
so. It has expanded its functionality in the core EAM space to encompass almost every industry and
has support for some of the most complex asset trains, such as linear assets as found in public
infrastructure, rail, and utilities.
SAP has moved beyond core EAM functionality in several ways. One is through a very tight
relationship with Meridium for more traditional CBM/RCM aspects of APM. With the advent of the
SAP HANA solution and Big Data and Predictive Analytics SAP is also beginning to move into
providing capabilities in this area directly. Another close SAP partner is process data historian
provider OSIsoft. The combination of the OSIsoft PI historian technology with SAP Predictive
Analytics capabilities will enable some organizations without the rich needs satisfied by the
Meridium solution to accomplish basic CBM activities with an all-SAP solution using MII/PCo or
Predictive Maintenance on HANA. Customers have also leveraged the functionality in other SAP
Applications modules like the Quality module to provide calibration management, process safety
management and other process centric functions. Likewise, leveraging the EHS module exposures
management and other health and safety functionality can be deployed. SAP also has a predictive
maintenance solution set called SAP Predictive Maintenance and Service.
SAP is widely deployed across virtually every industry and across every geography, although from
an APM perspective few organizations have rolled out every APM capability on a global scale. LNS
Research sees SAP as an extremely viable APM provider that will continue to evolve over time and
which is being aggressive about adopting the technology that will enable it to take advantage of the
wealth of information that the IIoT will expose. SAP is very well positioned to become a strong
player in the Smart Connected Asset model that LNS Research believes will dominate the APM
space over the next 10 years. With its MOM, EHS, Quality, APM, and Sustainability / Energy
management solutions SAP is well positioned to be a platform for many enterprises’ pursuit of
Operational Excellence.
Sometimes criticized for its complexity, cost, and service-intensive deployments, LNS Research has
found that enterprises that opt to deploy SAP using templated approaches and focus on deploying
only the elements they need to achieve their essential operational objectives can improve their
business performance and avoid common pitfalls. LNS Research believes existing SAP customers
that have SAP EAM should stay abreast of SAP’s other moves in the APM space, as the company
is well positioned to help clients adopt newer technologies, such as APM in the Cloud, Big Data,
and Predictive Analytics, and IIoT capabilities. This does not mean that other suppliers do not add
value and should not be considered, but that given SAP’s track record of incorporating technology
advancements over time, it would make a good candidate as a strategic partner.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

SAP at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  All Industries
APM Functionality  SAP provides virtually  Predictive
every APM related Analytics  Most EAM
function, whether functions functionality is
through its APM related to “strength”
module, supporting APM
modules such as
Quality or EHS, or via
partners like
Meridium and OSIsoft

Company Sizes  <$50 Million  >$50 Million

Geographies Served  All
Technology  Web Services
Development  SAP NetWeaver
Technology Delivery  Primarily via On-
Model Premise Perpetual or
Periodic Licenses via
SaaS on SAP-
Hosted Platforms

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric is a €25 billion, multinational electricity distribution and process and building
automation management company founded in 1836. At the time of this publication there was an
announcement of a deal with the UK company AVEVA to create a new software business. While
Schneider Electric embeds APM related capabilities in some of its automation and drives products,
this guide focuses solely on the APM solutions provided by what was the Invensys business unit
and the products from InStep, acquired in 2014, and which will subsequently be part of the new
Aveva Software unit that will have a new named yet to be determined.

The business unit that was Invensys, along with its dedicated software distribution and support
network, does business in over 180 countries in the world—across a wide variety of manufacturing
industries. The primary software brands represented in this APM guide are Avantis, SimSci and
Wonderware, with the primary focus being on the Avantis Enterprise EAM product line, which
includes the products that were part of InStep. Key products in the Wonderware and Avantis line

 Avantis.PRO
 Avantis.DSS
 Avantis Condition Manager
 Avantis PRiSM
 Wonderware eDNA
 IntelaTrac

The Avantis EAM solution, Avantis.PRO, has its roots in the Marcam ERP product, which was
acquired by Invensys. Due to this historical manufacturing and process industries background
Avantis has always had a functional profile that is well suited to manufacturing and asset intensive
industries. As reflected in the “at a Glance” table that follows, Avantis will meet the needs of most
companies seeking a full function EAM.
Avantis.DSS is a KPI dashboarding and reporting tool for maintenance data. It is essentially an EMI
solution specifically optimized to display APM data.
Avantis Condition Manager is an intelligent real-time condition management solution that collects
and analyzes real-time diagnostic information from any plant production asset. It can trigger actions
in the Avantis EAM or IBM’s Maximo EAM and SAP’s PM module. With the acquisition of InStep
late last year Schneider Electric adds robust CBM/RCM capabilities to the Avantis product set with
Avantis PRiSM. Note that Avantis has a specific module Avantis CBM, which adds basic CBM
functionality while PRiSM adds additional predictive maintenance functionality for risk-based
PRiSM is a predictive analytics solution for online asset health and performance monitoring. It is
equipment manufacturer agnostic and uses both data driven models as well as advanced pattern
recognition software to identify potential failures. It also has a Web-based tool for root cause
analysis and fault diagnostics. InteleTrac is a Wonderware solution supporting the mobile workforce
and includes both hardware and software.

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LNS Research sees Schneider Electric making the right investments in IIoT technology, software,
and services to become one of the broader APM solution providers. It is one of the few providers in
the market that offers all elements of APM from the factory floor to enterprise level EAM. Schneider
Electric clearly understands that APM is a fundamental element of Operational Excellence and
merits investigation by any enterprise seeking either a single source, complete APM solution or
components to integrate into its own architecture.
Schneider Electric also operates a monitoring and diagnostic services center (MDSC) for remotely
monitoring customers’ industrial assets as a services-based offering. As part of this service
Schneider Electric engineers performs the monitoring of assets, provides early warning alerts, and
provides diagnostic guidance to customers.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Schneider Electric at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  Automotive  Food & Beverage
 Consulting  Chemicals
 Education  Consumer Durable
 High-Tech Goods
 Industrial Equipment  Consumer Packaged
 Packaging Goods
 Pharmaceuticals  Metals
 Mining
 Oil & Gas
 Paper & Forest
 Utilities
APM Functionality  Excess MRO  Linear Asset  Virtually all except for
Inventory Disposal Support those listed in first or
 Embedded Software  Asset Big Data second column
Support Analytics
Company Sizes  <$50 Million  > $50 Million
Geographies Served  Non-EU Europe  North America
 India  Latin America
 Middle East  EU
 Africa
 Asia Pacific
 AZ / NZ
Technology  C / C++
Development  Web Services
Technology Delivery  Hosted at Suppliers’  Perpetual On-
Model Third Party or Cloud Premise License

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Based in Germany, Siemens is a more than 165-year-old global electronics and electrical
engineering company, operating in the industry, energy, healthcare, and infrastructure and cities
sectors. Siemens is one of the largest vendors in the industrial / manufacturing market space with a
broad range of offerings in automation, software, and services. The company is well known for its
prowess in Industrial Automation, and it also has capable offerings for PLM software, MES, and
EMI. Based on recent acquisitions and developments, Siemens is also extending its solutions into
As a diversified volume manufacturer itself, Siemens has a good understanding of the needs of
engineering, manufacturing, and IT executives, allowing it to offer a broad set of functionalities to
many industries. In the APM sector Siemens’ approach is fundamentally to offer advanced reliability
and predictive solutions for its own products, although it is expanding its coverage to include third-
party drives and machinery. It also provides enabling technology at both the process automation
level as well as via its portfolio of PLM related applications.
Siemens brings its APM capabilities to market under primarily two business units, Digital Factory
(DF), and Process Systems & Drives (PD). Some of the key products and technologies related to
APM are:
 B Data (energy management) (DF)
 Siemens PLM Software with Tecnomatix, Teamcenter, and NX (DF)
 COMOS and COMOS Walkinside (ITS) (PD) – 3D Plant Design & Modeling
 Sinumerik Integrate (DF) – CNC Automation Support
 TIA Portal (DF)
 SIMIT and PCS 7 (PD) – Simulation and Process Control
 Plant Data Services (energy and condition monitoring) (DF – PD)

Siemens can deliver a fairly broad spectrum of APM functionality but it is spread across many
different products and services. The vast majority of these are offered by each individual product
group with functionality specifically defined for each product family. This necessitates purchasing
many different solutions that would need to be integrated with each other if a single comprehensive
solution is the objective. This can lead to complex architectures and high support costs. On the
other hand being so focused on the automation and drives hardware has allowed Siemens to
deliver high value results with low initial implementation costs.
For end-users with a Siemens only, or a predominantly Siemens automation and machinery
environment, the machine-specific APM functionality that Siemens can provide makes sense to
consider. For environments that contain a mix of vendors and are seeking to develop an integrated
APM platform alternatives may make more sense, although individual Siemens APM applications
may still be appropriate provided they can plug into your APM platform solution.
LNS Research sees Siemens as a credible APM solutions provider that has the underlying
technology to help end-users deploy Smart Connected Assets and leverage the IIoT. The challenge
that most users face is identifying what pieces and parts are needed to accomplish any specific

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

APM goal as Siemens has minimal APM specific marketing and no clear focus on the APM topic,
although it acknowledges its importance.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Siemens at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  Paper & Forest  Utilities*  Utilities*
Products  Pharmaceuticals  A&D
 Oil & Gas  Automotive
 Food & Beverage
 Chemicals
 Consumer Durable
 Consumer Packaged
 Industrial Equipment
 Medical Devices
 Metals
 Mining
 Packaging
 Semiconductors
APM Functionality  Maintenance WO &  PM WO Support  Electronic Work
Request Support  PdM WO Instruction Support
 Maintenance Work Support  Supplier Quality
Process Change  Mobile Asset Tracking
Support Tracking  Compliance
 Shutdown /  Tools to Support Management
Turnaround Support CBM  Document
 MRO Materials  Asset Management
Requests and Performance  Tools to Support
Purchase Orders Analytics PdM
 Shipping & Receiving  Asset Big Data  Plant Data
Support Analytics Historization
 Supplier & Contractor  Real-Time  OEE Calculation
Management Performance  Asset Performance
 Asset Registry Visualization Dashboards
 Linear Asset Support  Mobile  Energy Management
 Rotable Asset Operations  ERP Integration

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Support Visualization  PLM Integration

 Calibration Support  Reliability Planning
 Employee Training &  Direct Machine Tool
Certification Integration
Management  Embedded Software
 Lifecycle Costing Maintenance Support
 Simulation
Company Sizes  All
Geographies Served  Non-EU Europe  North America*  North America*
 Asia Pacific*  Latin America*  Latin America*
 Middle East  India  EU
 Africa  Asia Pacific*
 AZ / NZ
Technology  Microsoft .NET*  HTML5*  Microsoft .NET*
Development  SAP / HANA  Web Services*
Technology Delivery  Hosted as Siemens  On-Premise Periodic
Model on Dedicated Server or Perpetual License

*Product Specific

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Xtivity is a privately held company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. Its primary focus is MRO
inventory optimization. The company is just over 10 years old and its core product is the xIO
Inventory Optimizer. As noted in the earlier review of MROConnection in this guide, Xtivity is one of
the three key partners in that endeavor. It is a relatively small company with less than 20
employees. It can serve the client base it has with such a small team because it offers only a Cloud-
based solution that simplifies support and implementation.
The xIO optimizer and the Pulse reporting tool products coupled with consulting services delivered
by Xtivity or through its MROConnection partners provide a way for organizations to essentially
outsource their MRO inventory optimization process. Xtivity delivers this capability through the xIO
Service offering.
One of the differentiating factors in the xIO optimizer is the rigorous academic background behind
the optimization algorithm. This enables Xtivity to deliver readily captured results relatively quickly.
The challenge that Xtivity faces is that as such a small company and being linked to services its
growth is more limited than a product focused company in the same space. Delivery via the Cloud
mitigates that to some degree but end users looking at Xtivity need factor the company’s ability to
support them into their decision making process when considering MRO inventory optimizer
alternatives. The tradeoff of functionality versus supportability is a common one when dealing with
smaller startups and while the MROConnection alliance mitigates it somewhat each user will have
to decide on their own tolerance for risk.
Overall we believe Xtvity offers a solution worth evaluating, especially for North American
companies, even those with global operations.

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Xtivity at a Glance

Total Coverage Area Emerging Area of

Strength/Other Strength/Predominant
Delivery Model/Platform
Industries Served  A&D  Automotive
 Consulting  Food & Beverage
 Consumer Durable  Chemicals
Goods  Mining
 Consumer Packaged  Oil & Gas
Goods  Paper & Forest
 Industrial Equipment Products
 Medical Devices  Pharmaceuticals
 Metals  Utilities
 Packaging  Transport: Air / Rail /
 Semiconductors Maritime
 Telecommunications
APM Functionality  MRO Material
Management &
Optimization (Except
 ERP Integration
Company Sizes  All
Geographies Served  Rest of World Not  Middle East  North America
Listed in Other  Latin America
Columns  AZ / NZ
Technology  Java / J2EE
Development  ASP .NET
 NET.45 / SQL
Technology Delivery  Hosted at a Cloud
Model Provider

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

Concluding Thoughts
Since “healthy assets are the foundation of a healthy business” Asset Performance Management
software plays a key role in helping enterprises achieve Operational Excellence. It contributes to
improved quality, safety, environmental compliance, and manufacturing operations availability and
performance. It enables people to execute the processes that are essential to keeping facilities
producing the goods and services that are the foundation of the enterprise’s existence.
The information in this guide is intended to serve as a critical resource for executives at the starting
point in their journey toward selecting APM solutions. By breaking down vendors by industries
served, functionalities, technology delivery platforms, and so on, executives can create a shortlist of
potential solutions that meet their needs and expectations.
Selecting and implementing a comprehensive APM solution can be a laborious and complex
process; however, market leading companies have greatly benefited from the power of both
integrated and specialized APM solutions. LNS Research is happy to participate in the entire
process of selecting a vendor, including confirming which vendors should be on the shortlist,
managing the RFP process, and making the final decision. More specifically, LNS Research can
help in the following ways:
 Prepare draft RFP document, review, and finalize with client
 Send RFP to approximately three to five top vendors and manage all subsequent
 Collect all responses and prepare summary report for client executives
 Analyze results in conjunction with client and provide recommendation for choices 1, 2, and 3
 Act as advisor on any subsequent proof of concept projects
For more information on how LNS Research can facilitate the solution selection process or for any
questions or comments, please contact us by email at
Executives interested in an APM implementation may also be interested in the following LNS
Research reports:

Asset Performance Management Best Practices Guide

Asset Performance Management Application Landscape

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Asset Performance Management: Solution Selection Guide

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