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_________2010 by and between CASE42 Creative Media hereinafter referred to as "

PRODUCER " of 22606 E. Heroy Ave, Otis Orchards, WA 99027 and Chase Hubbard
hereinafter referred to as the ARTIST" WITNESSETH In consideration of the mutual
covenants herein contained, it is hereby agreed as follows; Producer agrees to
provide production services as an independent producer and the necessary studio
facilities to Artist, for the immediate purpose of producing and exploiting a
master demonstration record ( master demo ) and for the further purpose of
assisting in the development of the Artist's career. This is a demo in order to
shop artist to other labels. The master demo can be turn into a master should a
record deal develop. Producer agrees to produce ( 3 or 4 ) songs on the recording
Artist into a mixed, finished recording of each song, for a fee of $ _________ To
be paid as follows, 50% of total amount of recording cost will be mandatory, the
balance of $_______shall be paid by certified check on or before the recording
session. The Fees will be based on 3 or 4 songs and is only the production cost.
The producer in some cases waves the fee. It is mandatory to deposit 50% of the
total due. When a producer calls the players for a session, he is responsible to
pay them. The deposit only shows that the artist is in good faith and is not taking
advantage of the producer or his staff. The producer's job is to find material for
the artist, booking the studio, securing musicians for the session that fits the
artist style. The fees are paid for services rendered, "work for hire" and non-
refunded. The producer does not pay for any production cost and does can not
guarantee any success due to the very nature of the music business. Artist and
Producer ( parties ) agree to seek an exclusive artist/producer recording contract
with a nationally distributed record company ( RECORDING CONTRACT ), providing for
(a) a commitment of at least two singles in the initial year and at least one (1)
LP, or its equivalent, a year in not more than four (4) option years, and (b) a
basic combined artist-producer royalty of not less than sixteen per cent (16% )of
one hundred per cent (100%) of the retail selling price, subject to customary
adjustments for tape, foreign, record clubs, budget records,
container charges, etc. Number 3 only takes place if the producer gets you signed
to a label. If he does not get you signed, CASE42 Creative Media may offer you a
single record deal not less than described in number 3 above. The 16% of 100% of
the retail selling price is subject to change as the music industry changes. The
parties shall share equally in all advances and royalties received under the
Recording Contract, and under any alternate or substitute agreement. The shares
shall be payable only after recoupment of all recording cost are paid to the
artist, producer or investors as described in paragraph 2, above of this agreement.
If a label advances you and the producer a royalty ( Example ) $20,000.00 And your
production cost is $6,000.00. The total amount that is divided in half is
$14,000.00 between you and your producer, you would get your production cost of
$6,000.00 plus $7,000.00 a total of $13,000.00 and the producer would get
$7,000.00. Artist agrees that producer will continue as Artist's Producer for the
full term, including any exercised options, of the Recording Contract, and of any
alternate or substituted agreements with respect to the Recording Contract. This
section protects the producer. If the producer gets you signed he is entitled to
stay on as your producer unless a mutual agreement is made between all parties at
the signing. Artist agrees to execute, at Producer's request, a Recording Contract
which contains terms and conditions no less favorable to the Artist than those set
forth above. Applies to number 3 above. Should CASE42 Creative Media offer you a
record deal, it shall not be less than the percentage offered on the agreement
stated above. In the event that Producer has not negotiated a Recording Contract
within a period of ONE (1) YEAR from the date hereof, Artist shall have the right
to terminate this contract by written notice by registered or certified mail. The
parties agree that the term of this agreement shall extend for the full term of the
Recording Contract, as same may be extended through the exercise of options, and
such term as extended of any alternate or substitute agreements. If an option is
not exercised under any such agreement, the term of this agreement shall be deemed
extended for
an additional six (6) months for the purpose of obtaining an alternate or
substitute agreement. In the event that the parties are unable to obtain a
Recording Contract within nine (9) months from the date of this agreement, Producer
may authorize the release, on a regional or national basis, of any master demo
produced under this agreement upon the minimum royalty and the participation terms
of Paragraphs 2 and 3 hereof. As to any composition written or controlled directly
or indirectly by Artist which is recorded and released pursuant to the provisions
hereof, Artist agrees to assign to producer a fifty percent (50%) undivided
interest in Artist's interest in the copyright of the composition, as well as the
sole and exclusive right to administer and protect both Parties, interest in the
composition throughout the world, for the full life of the copyright. Producer will
account to Artist, and pay Artist, semiannually within sixty (60) days after July 1
and December 31 of each year, fifty per cent (50%) of the net publisher's share
actually received by Producer or its representative in the U.S.A. and remaining
after deduction of writer royalties and other direct cost. If Artist is a writer of
such a composition, Artist and Producer shall enter into a songwriter-publisher
contract on the terms of The Songwriter's Guild minimum basic form contract. Only
pertains to you if you are the song writer of the material being recorded. Because
the producer has waved his producer fee or has out of pocket expenses. He shall
administer at least 50% of the publishing rights of the song. This does not mean he
will own any part of the writers rights. The writer maintains 100% writer and 50%
Publishing. The Producer owns only 50% of the Publishing. If material is obtained
by the producer, the material is owned by the publisher and the copyright owners of
the material which has granted the producer the right to use said material as a
master demo. Producer agrees to be available for actual production services as an
independent producer pursuant to this agreement. In the event of the Producer's
disability or other unavailability for such services, any substitute for Producer
must be mutually approved, which approval shall not be unreasonable withheld. The
cost of any such substitute shall be charged against the participation of the
Producer. In the event of any unresolved controversy between the parties relating
to this agreement, the parties shall submit the same to a single arbitrator for
final determination under the then applicable rules of the American Arbitration
Association in the city of Nashville, County of Davidson State of Tennessee, and
judgment may be entered upon any such
award in any court having jurisdiction. Sometimes you have a misunderstanding
between you and the producer. A lot of times this can be resolved by just talking
it out. If not then the American Arbitration Association helps resolve the matter.
No breach of this agreement by either Party shall be deemed material, unless the
other Party gives written notice of the breach by registered certified mail, and
the recipient of the notice has failed to cure the breach within (30) days after
the receipt of such notice. A notice sent by registered certified mail, to the
party that has a dispute. This puts the party on notice that he must respond and
correct or cure the misunderstanding. Producer shall account and pay royalties to
Artist semiannually within (60) days after receipt from a record company pursuant
to a Recording Contract. Receipts contemplated under Paragraph 9 above shall also
be so accounted for. Pertains to artist that the producer was able to secure a
recording contract. Artist shall have the right to audit the books and records of
Producer, no more than once annually, upon reasonable written notice with respect
to all matters hereunder; Audits shall be performed during business hours at
Producer's offices by certified public accountant. Pertains to money received by
producer to share with artist from a record company or assignment. Artist agrees
that because his or her services are unique and extraordinary and cannot be
adequately compensated for in damages, Producer shall be entitled to injunctive
relief, in addition to damages, to enforce the provisions of this agreement.
Producer may assign its rights under this agreement, in whole or in part, to any
subsidiary, affiliated or controlling corporation or to any other assignee,
provided that such assignment shall not relieve Producer of its obligations under
this agreement. Producer may also assign its rights under this agreement to any of
its licensees, in the ordinary course of business, to the extent necessary or
appropriate, in Producer's sole discretion, to implement the license granted. If
the producer does not have the right to assign his rights, then it would be hard
for the producer to solicit an artist to a label. However the person he assigns
this to must honor this agreement.
Producer may act as "booking agent;" seeking out and contracting for public
engagements. Producer agrees to ensure the availability of Artist for said
engagements before contracts are entered into. Producer will always seek top dollar
for each engagement, but Artist agrees herein that some engagements will be done
without compensation in order to raise the public profile of Artist. Producer will
secure photographs of Artist for use in promotional material. Costs for various
marketing materials will be presented to Artist before ordering them, and Artist
has the opportunity to approve or deny any material costs, which may be reimbursed
from any royalties paid from engagements or recording contracts. Producer may
assign musicians to Artist for the purpose of performing at public engagements.
This agreement shall be deemed made in and shall be construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of Washington. This agreement may not be modified orally and
shall not be binding until it is signed by both Parties hereto. If you have any
question regarding this contract feel free to contact Dave McClave or Shane Baldwin
of CASE42 Creative Media at 509-270-3500 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto
have entered into this agreement the day and year first above written.
_____________________________________________ Date _______________ Artist CHASE
HUBBARD _____________________________________________ Date _______________ David
McClave, Producer CASE42 Creative Media

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