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Addressing MAC Layer Inefficiency and Deafness

of IEEE802.11ad Millimeter Wave Networks using
a Multi-Band Approach

Conference Paper September 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3420.3122


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3 authors, including:

Gek Hong Sim Joerg Widmer

Technische Universitt Darmstadt Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies


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Addressing MAC Layer Inefficiency and Deafness
of IEEE802.11ad Millimeter Wave Networks using
a Multi-Band Approach
Gek Hong Sim Thomas Nitsche Joerg C. Widmer

Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany. Fraunhofer ESK, Munich, Germany. Institute IMDEA Networks, Madrid, Spain.

AbstractAchieving multi-gigabit per second data rates, to determine the schedule. In contrast, CSMA/CA is very
millimeter wave communication promises to accommodate future efficient in handling unpredictable bursts of traffic, such as
and current demands for very high speed wireless data trans- traffic generated by web browsing. Hence, adaptation of
mission. However, the mandatory use of directional antennas
brings significant challenges for the design of efficient MAC the CSMA/CA scheme to the constraints imposed by mm-
layer mechanisms. In particular, IEEE 802.11ad for the 60 GHz wave communication is highly relevant. In its basic form,
band lacks omni-directional transmissions and carrier sensing. CSMA/CA suffers from several drawbacks when applied to
This prevents stations from overhearing the actions of other directional communication systems, the main challenge being
stations, the so called deafness problem, which substantially incomplete carrier sensing. Further, erratic deferral behavior
impairs the efficiency and fairness of CSMA/CA medium access.
Most existing solutions to this problem depend on properties of and increased collisions lead to reduced fairness in terms of
lower frequency bands and thus do not apply to 60 GHz. In channel access. While long term fairness is still achieved,
this paper, we propose a dual-band MAC protocol combining a group of active nodes may dominate the channel whereas
60 GHz communication with co-existing 5 GHz interfaces. By long time inactive users have a low probability of successfully
broadcasting control messages on 5 GHz frequencies, we solve accessing the medium.
the deafness problem and can use the 60 GHz band exclusively
for high rate data transmission. While our approach occupies Even though several works have addressed deafness in
air time on the 5 GHz band for control messages, it does WLAN and WPAN [3], most solutions are designed for
achieve a net throughput gain (over both bands) of up to 65.3% lower frequency communication where omni-directional com-
compared to IEEE 802.11ad. In addition, our simulation results munication for coordination purposes is feasible. At mm-
show an improvement of MAC fairness of up to 42.8% over wave frequencies, however, increased attenuation requires a
IEEE 802.11ad.
directional antenna configuration at least at one side of a
I. I NTRODUCTION communication link. The most suitable adaptations of CS-
Communication in the 60 GHz and other millimeter-wave MA/CA for mm-wave frequencies are proposed by IEEE
(mm-wave) frequency bands (between 30 and 300 GHz) is a 802.11ad [1] and work by Gong et al. [4]. With IEEE 802.11ad
highly promising evolution of WiFi and is considered a key CSMA/CA, a data exchange between two nodes is protected
technology for 5G networks. However, strong signal attenu- with a directional RTS/CTS exchange, which prevents stations
ation in this frequency range requires the use of directional with aligned antenna beams from creating interference as
antennas, which in turn makes the design of efficient MAC- they overhear messages from either transmitter or receiver.
layer protocols more difficult. As we show in this work, However, as messages are unlikely to be overheard by nodes
reduced efficiency and fairness of carrier sense multiple access with antenna beams in other directions, these nodes do not
with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) MAC mechanisms are defer during ongoing transmissions but unsuccessfully try
the major draw-backs in this context. to access the channel and then excessively increase their
The use of directional antennas for communication requires contention window. A different approach is proposed in [4],
accurately aligning the beams of transmitter and receiver. This where CTS messages are broadcasted omni-directionally by
shift to directional communication and the lack of omni- the AP. To achieve sufficient link budget to receive the omni-
directional communication raise new challenges for the MAC directional CTS messages, every station by default directs its
layer design of WiFi systems. In particular, the deafness receive beam towards the AP. Unfortunately, this approach
problem stations that are located outside of the transmitter still suffers from colliding directional RTS messages, which
antennas boresight not being able to overhear or sense other lowers the effectiveness of the deferral process. As a result,
transmissions needs to be addressed. both techniques leads to a fairness problem as stations that
The IEEE 802.11ad amendment for 60 GHz WiFi [1] successfully access the channel have a substantially higher
addresses these challenges by defining a hybrid medium access chance to subsequently win the contention again.
mechanism which includes polling and time division multiple In this paper, we use a multi-band approach to address
access (TDMA) in addition to the well known CSMA/CA the deafness problem, which severely impacts fairness and
[2]. However, polling introduces overhead at all stations, and efficiency of uplink transmissions. Use of multiple bands in
TDMA requires additional coordination and communication high speed mm-wave WiFi is common, due to easily blocked

directional links and limited range, requiring a fallback mech- ordinator (PNC) in a WPAN to coordinate each transmission.
anism to more resilient lower frequency communication. In In addition, this technique also prevents spatial reuse since
fact, the IEEE 802.11ad standard specifies Fast Session Trans- a busy PNC cannot coordinate new transmissions. The IEEE
fer functionality to transition between multiple bands [1]. 802.11ad amendment itself proposes a directional MAC layer
As a consequence, we expect most devices following IEEE mechanism but does not address the deafness problem that
802.11ad and following mm-wave WiFi standards to be com- leads to a critical fairness issue. We discuss the details of this
patible with our approach. mechanism in Section III. Similar to our approach, [14][16]
Our solution maintains high fairness through a combination exploit the coexistence of a microwave interface. However,
of 60 GHz communication with control messages on legacy there the dual-band approach is used for neighbor discovery, as
WiFi frequencies. When contending for the channel, stations a fall-back mechanism for range extension, instead of solving
exchange omni-directional RTS/CTS messages on the lower the deafness problem.
frequency band and then exchange data frames on the 60 GHz III. FAIRNESS I MPAIRMENTS IN IEEE 802.11 AD
band. The advantage of our approach is twofold. First, control D IRECTIONAL CSMA/CA
message exchange on frequencies of 2.4 or 5 GHz is highly
This section describes the impact of deafness on the
reliable over the typically short IEEE 802.11ad communication
popular CSMA/CA mechanism in directional IEEE 802.11ad
distances. Thus, every station overhears the control messages
networks.The deafness problem entails that in many cases
and can correctly defer, avoiding the IEEE 802.11ad unfairness
other stations will neither overhear frames nor sense that the
problem. Second, by parallelizing control and data transmis-
carrier is busy when two stations are communicating, causing
sion, we free resources on the 60 GHz band for high speed
the following two important performance impairments.
data transmission. RTS/CTS control messages that are used by
Excessive Backoff. Due to limited (or lacking) carrier sensing,
default on the 60 GHz band are no longer necessary with our
the frame collision probability during contention increases.
approach. Thus, this dual band approach enhances throughput
Especially in dense networks, this in turn significantly in-
and MAC efficiency. To the best of our knowledge, this paper
creases the average contention window. Furthermore, as frames
is the first to study and analyze the fairness for multi-band
(including RTS/CTS) are transmitted directionally, stations
WiFi networks operating in the mm-wave band.
outside the transmit beam will not overhear the ongoing com-
Our paper is organized as follows. In Section II we discuss
munications and thus will not defer. Instead, a deaf station may
past proposals to solve the deafness problem. Sections III
try to transmit to an already communicating station, which has
describes impairment on the CSMA/CA mechanisms due to
its receive antenna beam steered into another direction. While
the deafness problem. Our dual-band CSMA/CA solution is
this will not necessarily disrupt the ongoing communication,
described in Section IV. Section V provides the channel and
the deaf station will increase its contention window due to
transmission model we use for the performance evaluation.
the failed transmission. Fig. 1 depicts this excessive backoff
Simulation results are presented in Section VI followed by
problem. Stations two and three initially collide with their
Section VII which concludes the paper.
RTS messages, resulting in increased contention windows
II. R ELATED W ORK compared to station 1. Both have reduced chances to hit
the following contention windows. In the example, their next
As for mm-Wave communication, directional antennas are
RTS messages are lost since the AP directs its receive beam
also used in microwave communication, e.g., the 2.4 GHz and
away from them due to an ongoing data transmission. Stations
5 GHz frequency bands, to improve throughput and reduce in-
two and three further increase their contention window, and
terference. Also here, the directionality of the communication
station one dominates the medium access.
can cause deafness. Solutions to this problem are discussed in
Unbalanced Contention. Stations suffering excessive backoff
[5][12]. [5] and [6] solve the deafness problem for CSMA/CA
have a low probability to win contention, which favors recently
systems by omni-directionally transmitting control messages
active stations with smaller contention windows. While this
(i.e., RTS and CTS). However, by doing so, all overhearing
effect is also present in conventional IEEE 802.11, it is vastly
nodes will defer their transmission, which impacts spatial reuse
exacerbated in IEEE 802.11ad since the contending stations do
in ad-hoc networks. Korakis et al. [9] propose a directional
not know when an ongoing frame ends, i.e., when to resume
system that emulates omni-directional RTS transmission by
contention. This in turn increases the probability that the same
sweeping transmit directions, i.e., transmitting an RTS in each
active station transmits a high number of frames consecutively,
possible direction. While this technique effectively deals with
before another station happens to win the contention for
deaf stations, it has high overhead, especially for systems with
medium access. Note that this effect primarily impacts short
many narrow directional sectors. The works in [10], [11] ad-
term fairness. Over longer time scales, the active station
dress the deafness problem by omni-directionally transmitting
changes sufficiently often to compensate the frame bursts of
control messages but they require additional mechanisms to
active stations and achieve some level of fairness.
prevent interfering transmissions.
Only few works address the deafness problem while taking IV. D UAL -BAND CSMA/CA
this additional challenge on directional transmission into con- In this section, we propose a dual-band CSMA/CA scheme
sideration. Gong et al. [4], [13] use the personal network co- that mitigates the deafness problem for uplink communication.

Unsuccessful RTS



SIFS CTS Timeout DIFS Backoff
SIFS CTS Timeout DIFS Backoff
SIFS CTS Timeout DIFS Backoff
SIFS CTS Timeout DIFS Backoff


Excessive backoff
Fig. 1. Excessive backoff behavior of CSMA/CA in IEEE802.11ad

Our approach leverages omni-directional transmissions on known to all stations. Note that the RTS/CTS exchange can
legacy WiFi band to coordinate high throughput transmissions already occur during the transmission of some previous data
in the 60 GHz band. frame on the 60 GHz band to avoid unnecessary delay.
We assume an IEEE 802.11ad compatible transceiver de- Fig. 2 shows an example frame flow for our dual-band
sign and an infrastructure based network architecture with an approach. Three stations (distinguishable by the subscript in
AP. Further, we require all stations to be able to communicate frame descriptions) intend to transmit a frame to the AP
over a 60 GHz and legacy WiFi interfaces. This type of at the same time. In contrast to deaf IEEE 802.11ad CS-
transceiver architecture is very likely, as IEEE 802.11ad makes MA/CA, backoff happens on the legacy frequency band and
use of a multi-band fast session transfer (refer [1]) for range the RTS/CTS messages are overheard. As can be seen from
extension and seamless failover in case of link breaks. Thus, frames Data1 and RT S2 , data frame transmission and backoff
we expect typical IEEE 802.11ad devices to comply with the procedure happen in parallel.
requirements of our dual-band CSMA/CA scheme. For sim-
plicity we omit details about beam training on the directional B. Improvements to Millimeter Wave CSMA/CA
60 GHz interface and assume pre-trained directional links for A fundamental advantage of our dual-band approach is
all stations to the AP. In general, this assumption is satisfied by that all stations can overhear the RTS/CTS exchange on lower
the association beam training process described in [1]. Dual- omni-directional frequencies, thus solving the deafness prob-
band CSMA/CA access can then be enabled as an addition to lem. As a result, dual-band CSMA/CA does not suffer from the
the IEEE 802.11ad hybrid MAC architecture. impairments described in Section III. Our approach achieves
a flawless deferral behavior, avoids excessive contention win-
A. Dual-Band CSMA/CA Protocol dows, and increases the fairness of medium access.
Our dual band CSMA/CA protocol follows the random A second benefit results from the parallelization of RT-
backoff and deferral mechanism of IEEE 802.11ad. How- S/CTS exchanges and data transmissions on two separate
ever, the contention mechanism together with the RTS/CTS frequency bands. This removes idle time and RTS/CTS trans-
exchange occur on the omni-directional legacy WiFi band. missions from the 60 GHz frequency band. As RTS/CTS
The IEEE 802.11ad interface is exclusively used for data exchanges are transmitted with the most robust and thus lowest
transmission and acknowledgments. rate coding and modulation scheme, inefficient use of the
When applying the contention mechanism on legacy WiFi 60 GHz channel is avoided. Instead, all available channel
interfaces, only one message can be exchanged at a time. time with only a SIFS interval between data frames (and
Thus, for our approach, we assume to have data frame sizes acknowledgements) can be utilized for very high throughput
that exceed the duration of the RTS/CTS exchange on the transmissions on the 60 GHz channel. Sacrificing transmission
lower frequency. This is a valid assumption since aggregation time on the legacy WiFi band for control traffic improves
of data frames is beneficial (to reduce overhead time) for efficiency as the band supports much lower transmit rates
transmissions at very high data rate, i.e., 60 GHz transmission. compared to the 60 GHz band.
When the aggregation level is low, it is possible to use in- V. S IMULATION M ODELS
band RTS/CTS as in conventional IEEE 802.11ad for small
data frames for which dual-band RTS/CTS creates too much This section discusses the simulation model, implemented
overhead. The detailed on the switching between in-band and on an event-based MATLAB simulator, that is used to produce
dual-band RTS/CTS is out of the scope of this paper. the numerical results in Section VI. We consider an indoor
When frames are transmitted according to the dual-band wireless network with a single access point (AP) and a set
mechanism, stations need to sense the lower frequency band of S non-AP stations that are randomly distributed within the
to be idle for at least a DIFS time before starting the contention coverage area of the AP. Let {s, d} be a transmission pair,
mechanism. The transmitted RTS frame will reference the end where s and d denote the source and destination stations,
of the latest known transmission on the 60 GHz band plus respectively.
a SIFS interval. Receiving RTS and CTS messages omni- Channel model. The received power at d is
directionally ensures that the corresponding transmission is Pr (s, d)(dBm) = Pt (dBm) + Gs (dBi) + Gd (dBi) PL(ls,d ),




SIFS DIFS Backoff DIFS Backoff




Fig. 2. Channel access mechanism of the Dual-band approach

where Gs and Gd are the antenna gains at s and d, respectively. Dell 6430u laptop communicating with a D5000 docking sys-
The path loss PL(ls,d ) of stations that are ls,d apart is tem with 13 sector width. The fairness interval over which
fairness is evaluated is chosen to reflect short term ( = 5
4ls,d (m)
PL(ls,d ) = 20 log10 + ls,d (dB) ms) and long term fairness ( = 80 ms), respectively. We
also use different frame sizes f = {1.5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75}KB
as presented by Zhu et al. [17]. The oxygen absorption is = to study the impact of different levels of frame aggregation
0.02 dB/m and the wavelength at 60 GHz frequency band on performance. For data frame transmission at 60GHz, we
is 5 mm. Pt is the transmit power and ranges from 10 dBm consider the 12 single carrier MCSs defined in IEEE 802.11ad
to 27 dBm, the maximum value specified by IEEE 802.11ad. [1]. The corresponding transmit rates range from 389 Mbps
The maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) to 4620 Mbps. Table I shows the control message transmis-
permitted by the FCC for IEEE 802.11ad is 40 dBm. sion rate for 802.11ad and 802.11ac respectively as well as
Interference model. Fig. 3 illustrates the interference sce- simulation settings.
nario in a directional network. A station can only interfere with TABLE I
a receiving station if it is located within the antenna boresight PARAMETERS IN 60GH Z AND 5GH Z FREQUENCY BANDS .
of the receiving station. For instance, when the AP is receiving Item
IEEE 802.11ad IEEE 802.11ac
data from STA1 in Fig. 3, it beamforms to STA1, therefore, 60GHz 5GHz, 80MHz bandwidth
STA2 is a potential interferer but not STA3. In the presence aDIFSTime 13s 34s
aSIFSTime 3s 3s
of interference, the total interference power Pint (s, d) at the a aSlotTime 5s 9s
receiving station d is MCS0 27.5Mbps 32.5Mbps
X aRTSTime = aCTSTime 8.19s 7.30s
Pint (s, d) = Pr (n, d). (1)
Performance metrics. The main performance metrics are
throughput, fairness, and delay. Throughput is the total amount
of data bits successfully received at the destination station
over the transmission time. To ensure fair comparison, we
take the throughput loss on the lower frequency band that
our scheme incurs into account. We scale the lower frequency
bands throughput rate by the amount of channel time not used
for RTS/CTS exchanges and add this value to the rate achieved
at mm-wave frequencies to obtain total throughput. For non
Fig. 3. Interference in a directional network
dual-band schemes, the full data rate of the lower frequency
bands is added, which is fixed to 433 Mbps, the maximum rate
VI. R ESULTS supported by IEEE 802.11ac without MIMO. Lastly, fairness
This section evaluates the performance of our Dual-band is computed based on Jains fairness index [18].
scheme. We investigate the impact of the number of stations Performance comparison. We compare the performance
Ns , time interval over which fairness is measured called of the proposed approach against two other schemes. The
fairness interval, and the frame size f . We consider an uplink first approach is the IEEE 802.11ad standard [1] where all
scenario, where all stations contend for the channel to transmit messages are transmitted directionally between the source and
data frames to the AP. Since all stations are attempting to the destination stations. The second approach is the centrally
transmit to the AP, their beams are always directed towards coordinated scheme (denoted Central) of Gong et al. [4],
the AP. However, only one station at a time can win a transmit where an RTS message is transmitted directionally from the
opportunity (TXOP) with the AP. Upon winning a TXOP, a source to the AP, which replies with a broadcast CTS message
station uses it to transmits a maximally sized data frame that to all stations in the system.
fits the TXOP before recontending for the channel. We compare throughput, fairness, and the impact of frame
Network topology and configuration. In the simulation, size of the different methods in a homogeneous scenario where
stations are randomly distributed within the coverage area of all stations have the same sector width of 30 .
the AP of radius 23 m. This range is the same as the maximum Throughput. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 illustrate the impact of the
range we measured on first generation mm-wave devices, a number of stations Ns on frame collision rate and system

throughput, respectively. Both simulations have a fixed fairness

Data time MAC overhead time Ilde time Collision time

interval of = 80 ms and frame size of f = 15 KB.

Time interval (ms)

In general, Fig. 4 shows that increasing Ns also increases 60

the probability of RTS frame collision. While Central avoids 40

collisions with data frames due to broadcasted CTS messages 20

by the AP, directional RTS frames during the contention phase
still can collide since the directional RTS may not be overheard 1 4 16 1 4 16 1
Central(CWmin=15) Central(CW =31) Central(CW =63)
4 16 1 4 16
IEEE 802.11ad
1 4 16
by other stations. Further, Central with higher CWmin has a
min min
Number of stations, Ns

lower number of RTS collisions. For IEEE 802.11ad, the curve Fig. 6. Time proportion for data transmission, MAC overhead, idle time and
denoted IEEE 802.11ad only shows collisions of RTS frames, collision time for Ns = {1, 4, 16} in the homogeneous sector scenario.
while IEEE 802.11ad (All collisions) also shows collisions
with CTS and data frames. The plain RTS-RTS collision

rate is comparable to the centralized scheme, however the 95

Fairness index (%)

Fairness index (%)

overall collision rate of IEEE 802.11ad is much higher. In 90
fact, the majority of the collisions in IEEE 802.11ad occur 85
due to the transmission of RTS messages from the deaf
Central(CWmin=15) Central(CWmin=15)
Central(CWmin=31) Central(CWmin=31)
stations during an ongoing data transmission. Dual-band in
Central(CWmin=63) 80 Central(CWmin=63)
IEEE 802.11ad IEEE 802.11ad
contrast has the lowest RTS-RTS collision rate since RTSs
Dualband Dualband
1 2 4 8 16 32 1 2 4 8 16 32
are transmitted omni-directionally and thus stations defer upon Number of stations, Ns Number of stations, Ns

overhearing them. Collisions only occur if two RTS messages Fig. 7. Short term fairness. Fig. 8. Long term fairness.
are transmitted in the exact same slot.
Central(CWmin=15) 3 Central(CWmin=15)
Ns because fewer stations increases the channel contention
1000 Central(CWmin=31) Central(CWmin=31) probability. Further, Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show that Central and
Number of RTSRTS collisions

Central(CWmin=63) Central(CWmin=63)

IEEE 802.11ad have significantly lower fairness than Dual-

Total throughput (Gbps)

800 IEEE 802.11ad 2.5 IEEE 802.11ad

IEEE 802.11ad (All collisions) Dualband

band. This is because increased RTS collisions lead to larger

contention windows. Thus, stations that experience collisions
1.5 have a much lower chance of successfully contending for
the channel.In particular, when many stations contend for the

channel, most of the stations excessively increase their backoff

0 1
1 2 4 8 16 32 1 2 4 8 16 32
Number of stations, N Number of stations, N
s s
interval as the successful contending station repeatedly wins
Fig. 4. RTS-RTS collisions Fig. 5. Throughput comparison
TXOPs with its minimum contention window.
From Fig. 5 we see that throughput increases with Ns . Somewhat surprisingly, IEEE 802.11ad performs almost as
This is due to the reduction of time between two consecutive well as Central in terms of fairness. This is due to the fact that
transmissions when more stations contend for the channel. deaf stations continue reducing their backoff timer during on-
Further, increasing the minimum contention window CWmin going packet transmissions. They thus have a chance to access
reduces the probability of collision but also causes throughput the channel upon the expiry of the backoff time in a random
loss for lower Ns as stations back off unnecessarily, as can be manner, even when their initial backoff time was very large.
seen for the three different CWmin configurations. In contrast, with the Central scheme, stations defer due to the
Fig. 6 presents the duration for data transmission, MAC overheard CTS and resulting in a long time to count down
overhead, collision time and idle time. The Central schemes excessively long backoff timers. We also find that the initial
with higher CWmin incur more idle time than those with a contention window size for Central impacts fairness. Smaller
lower CWmin . Dual-band has increased idle time between minimum windows result in reduced fairness, as successfully
frames, which coincides with the lower throughput for Ns = 1. contending nodes have shorter contention times.
This is due to longer DIFS and slot time on the lower fre- For the long term fairness analysis with = 80 ms, higher
quency band (see Table I). Therefore, the backoff time is 80% fairness is found for all schemes, since even a station with
longer than that for IEEE 802.11ad and Central. For larger Ns , large backoff interval has sufficiently many opportunities to
the benefits of Dual-band outweighs increased inter-frame and contend for the channel and eventually will be able to transmit.
slot times. Further, collision reduction leaves more time for Fig. 8 further reveals that IEEE 802.11ad even outperforms
actual data transmission. Remarks: Dual-band performs well the Central scheme for Ns 32. This due to the deferring
for Ns > 1 achieving throughput gain of up to 65.3% against mechanism discussed above.
IEEE 802.11ad and 57.9% against Central. Further, Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 show the histogram of the aver-
Fairness. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show the short-term ( = 5 ms) aged maximum per frame delay for Ns = 4 and Ns = 16, over
and long-term ( = 80 ms) fairness of the schemes. For both, 200 simulation runs. The frame size for these simulations is
the frame size is fixed to f = 15 KB and the number of fixed to f = 15 KB and the fairness interval is = 80 ms. The
stations Ns is varied between 1 and 32. delay duration is the time difference between two successful
In general, fairness is found to be higher for smaller transmissions (given that all stations are backlogged). From

Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 IEEE 802.11ad has a higher distribution of band due to broadcasting of control messages, our approach
longer delay for Ns = 4 than that for Ns = 16, as compared to still achieves significant overall throughput gain up to 65%
Central. This is also due to the deferring behaviour of Central and 61.8% over IEEE 802.11ad and the centralized scheme,
when the backoff time is long. respectively.
80 100
Central(CWmin=15) Central(CWmin=15)
IEEE 802.11ad 80 IEEE 802.11ad
60 Dualband Dualband
This research was funded by the European Research Coun-

40 cil grant ERC CoG 617721, the Ramon y Cajal grant from

the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness RYC-
2012-10788, the Madrid Regional Government through the
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 TIGRE5-CM program (S2013/ICE-2919), the LOEWE initia-
Maximum per frame delay (ms) Maximum per frame delay (ms)
tive (Hessen, Germany) within the NICER project.
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Ns = 4. Ns = 16.
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Fairness index (%)

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