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Master Program

Sisteme Software Avansate


Foundations of Service Science

Fundamentele Stiintei Serviciului

Sem. I, 2017-2018
De ce studiem serviciile si sistemele de
servicii ?
Part 1-1
What is Service Science
What is service
Why do we study Service Science?
Directions to read
Organizarea activitatilor

Room PR 106
Evaluation: final exam (50%), homework (30%), class
participation (Q&A) (20%)
Compulsory to be able to enrol for exam: 50% of homework points, 50% of
class participation points
Pass exam: 50% of final exam points

Assignment Schedule: to be announced on Moodle

Submission: on Moodle, hard deadline
Ce inseamna service science?

Service Science = Stiinta Serviciului

Service science is the study of service and service systems
Exemple de servicii unde este serviciul ?

Transportation Television, movies

Trains, planes Professional Services

Hospitality Doctors, lawyers
Hotels, restaurants Education
Infrastructure Colleges, universities
Telephone, electricity IT Services
Government Outsourcing, consulting
Police, fire Business Services
Financial Consulting, outsourcing
Banking, investments
So what is service?

In economics and marketing, a service is the non-material equivalent of a good.

service provision = as an economic activity that does not result in ownership, and this is
what differentiates it from providing physical goods.

e.g. telefonie mobile cum descriem acest serviciu ?

It is claimed to be a process that creates benefits by facilitating either a change in

customers, a change in their physical possessions, or a change in their intangible assets.
So what is service?
Services = products of economic activity that you cant drop on your foot
(anything sold in trade that cannot be dropped on your foot)
The Economist,

Client asks about products (something that can be measured and counted):
"what can you make for me?"

Client asks about services (the result of the application of skills and expertise
towards an identified need):
"what can you do for me?"
So what is service?

Deed, act, or performance

Berry (1980)
All economic activity whose output is not physical product or construction
Brian et al (1987)
A time-perishable, intangible experience performed for a customer acting as co-
Fitzsimmons & Fitzsimmons (2001)
A change in condition or state of an economic entity (or thing) caused by another
Hill (1977)
Deeds, processes, performances
Zeithaml & Bitner(1996)
Application of specialized competences through deeds, processes, and
performances to benefit another
Vargo & Lusch(2004)
Cateva exemple

Kenya's Banking Revolution

By Alex Perry and Nick Wadhams / Nairobi Monday, Jan. 31, 2011,9171,2043329,00.html

Howash Green Car Wash

Cameroons green car wash DW English.mp4

Ce putem deduce din aceste exemple?
(Q): Ce putem deduce din aceste exemple?


serviciu / servicii



Why is service so important?
Why is service so important?
Why is service so important?
Eurostat service (data),
Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union:
is the largest source of statistical information about European member states,
located in Luxembourg;
offers comparable, reliable and objective figures on a changing Europe;
presents information on regional and country level for the enlarged Union, the
Candidate Countries and the EFTA (European Free Trade Association)
aims at introducing common statistical language like concepts, terminology
as well as data collection and production methods.
Why is service so important?
NAICS, the North American Industry Classification System,
used by business and government to classify business establishments
according to type of economic activity (process of production);
is the product of a collaborative effort between the United States, Canada and
Mexico; replaces and updates the older SIC Code (Standard Industry
Classification) system;
classifies each establishment into a detailed industry based in the production
processes it uses.
What is involved in service?
(Q): Completati trunghiul pentru cele doua
What is a service system?

Service systems are value co-creation configurations of people,

technology, internal and external service systems connected by value
propositions and shared information (such as language, laws, measures,

value proposition = propunere de valoare

Stiinta serviciului se ocupa cu studiul sistemelor de servicii

What is a service system?

Exemple de sisteme de servicii ?

What is service science again?

Services depend critically on people, technology, and co-creation of value

People work together and with technology to provide value for clients
So a service system is a complex socio-technical system
Service innovation combines people, technology, value, clients
Servicii Sisteme de servicii

Major types of demand

A. Systems that focus on flow of
things that humans need

Major Types of Expertise/Knowledge

1. Transportation & supply chain
2. Water & waste recycling/Climate &
3. Food & products manufacturing
4. Energy & electricity grid/Clean Tech
5. Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT access)

B. Systems that focus on human

activity and development
6. Buildings & construction (smart
7. Retail & hospitality/Media &
entertainment/Tourism & sports
8. Banking & finance/Business & C. Systems that focus on human governance - security and
consulting (wealthy) opportunity
9. Healthcare & family life (healthy) 11. Cities & security for families and professionals (property tax)
10. Education & work life/Professions 12. States/regions & commercial development opportunities/investments
& entrepreneurship (wise) (sales tax)
13. Nations/NGOs & citizens rights/rules/incentives/policies/laws (income
Exista mai multe perspective asupra

Image #1: Service as activities for the benefit of others

Image #2: Service as outcomes or benefits for others
Image #3: Service as a response to a request
Image #4: Service as a provider-customer interaction
Image #5: Service as a category distinct from products/services
Image #6: Service as a direction for change
Image #7: Service as the basis of economic exchange
Image #8: Service as a role in a business ecosystem

Multiple Perspectives on Service Service Science.pdf

Discipline legate de notiunea de serviciu-
Who does
What, When, Where and How?
WHAT Service Design
Being in the realm of praxis and close to Innovation and to the concept of disequilibrium,
service design should be able to answer questions that start with what and point to
originality and newness. Organisations with questions such as What else can we do?,
should address them to service design discipline experts. These last ones would have to
focus their research on new ways of exploring possibilities, of expanding the limits of
what is possible. This is, indeed, a very rich and complex research endeavour that should
aim to enable people to co-create preferred futures.
WHEN Service Management
Although the art of management is heavily based on tacit knowledge, its focus starts to
move towards efficiency and equilibrium. Organisations that need to answer questions
related to when and timing would ask: When should we start improving our service?, Is
this the right moment to do it? or What should we do NOW?. The discipline of service
management should supply answers based on the lived moment of the organisation,
even indicating whether managers should pursue solutions created by other disciplines.
Knowing what to do and when would be the major responsibility of the service
management discipline and the focus of its research efforts.
Mauricio Manhes, TP04-3P24 Service Disciplines: Who does What, When, Where and How?

Service Science Archives:

Service disciplines - Who does
What, When, Where and How?
HOW Service Engineering
Entering the other half of the continuum, the first discipline is service engineering, with its
proximity to the concepts of maintenance and equilibrium. With a stronger focus on
efficiency, this discipline should be expected to answer questions like How can it be done
better? and How can we improve the efficiency of this service? Its research focus would
be on organising best practices and procedures, building models and frameworks that
can be repeated by organisations with the best results possible. Service engineering
does not need to understand why something works, as long as it works repeatedly.
WHY Service Science
Service science, predictably, should answer the question of why. To be able to improve
the other disciplines, and to push the envelope of their research, at some point it will be
necessary to know Why did that workshop work?, Why did that model create that
result?, Why was that the best time for doing that?, etc. Research in this discipline
should be focused on understanding the relation between elements, structures and
mechanisms, and why particular combinations create specific results. This is fundamental
information to report back to the other disciplines.

Mauricio Manhes, TP04-3P24 Service Disciplines: Who does What, When, Where and How?

Service Science Archives:

Where to start from (1):

Service Science worldwide community
Where to start from (3):

Service Science Knowledge Environment
Cuvinte cheie

Sistem de servicii
Cocreare de valoare
Propunere de valoare

Referinte bibliografice

In Moodle

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