Personal Prescription Paper Final

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Nazaryan Davit

HED 004 #74738 Project 1

30 September, 2017

Personal Prescription Paper

For the current paper, I have borrowed, to some extent, the model of the Six Dimensions to

describe in detail my current health and wellness:

I. Physical health: the results of my latest regular medical check-up confirmed that I do not

have major issues concerning my current physical health. My body weight is within the norm. I

follow a moderate diet, in which I try to balance healthy types of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

I have made a rule to have fresh fruits and vegetables at least once in a day, on the other hand, I

have drastically reduced soda and junk food consumption. As a former soccer player, I am used to

physical activities. To keep myself fit I take long brisk walks. However, as a tobacco smoker, I am

facing a challenge of overcoming the addiction which causes me anxiety and irregular sleep


II. My emotional health depends on my physical and environmental conditions. The hectic

routine filled with work and study often can be exhausting to the extent of shattering me both

physically and emotionally. I find it challenging to adapt to a new environment. The very process

of learning how to adapt is demanding as it requires a total dedication of my mental, emotional

and physical energy. Furthermore, it is very stressful to feel like I am pulled out from my comfort

zone where I am in control of the situation. The realization of my insecurity in front of the

challenges at the new place where I constantly try to solve problems, can be very exhausting. Thus,

stress always accompanies me, and I need to learn some techniques of stress-management. In my

search for the solution I came across the study by L. Barile (1999) who introduces to the four

healthy mental habits: 1.Developing a positive attitude to embrace changes. Negative thoughts

will lead to resistance and will enhance fear, which is associated with uncertainty, which in turn

can be threatening. Thus, it is very important to form a positive frame in order to take a control

and remove fear. The self-esteem will increase if one keeps a logical outlook. 2. Understanding

and committing to one's own values at one's workplace. Making an informed choice, taking

responsibility by committing to the organization's change or by finding other employment. 3.

Being a realistic optimist, and knowing what can be controlled and what cannot. In order to use

ones energy wisely, one should not waste it trying to change what can't be changed. At the same

time it is suggested to avoid the flight, fright, or freeze behavior, but rather try to initiate a change,,

or accept and manage the situation. 4. Caring for yourself and keeping balance in life. Educating

oneself to maintain objectivity. Managing stress by avoiding perceiving oneself a victim. Looking

for creative solutions for difficult situations.

III. My social and environmental health are closely interconnected as they are a reflection of

my efforts to establish a balance between the inner and outer circles of my being. The environment

is a necessity for a person. However, the social environment can damage a person as it tends to

overpower ones feelings and the mind. The environment can cause stress and anxiety, however,

as part of it, I can make my own investment in the environmental health by initiating small, but

realistic steps such as smoking less, generating less waste, and saving water. As far as the social

health is concerned, by implementing the principles of positive frame and realistic optimism, I can

establish a fine balance between I and others. In order to make a change in the environment, I will

start with myself.

Ways to Improve My Current Health

Stress is an inevitable part of my current life, and I cannot eliminate it as it is the inherent part

of my current hectic routine. Furthermore, stress evokes a chain effect: it causes anxiety, which

then stimulates my tobacco smoking habit, which in its turn generates more anxiety culminating

in sleeping disorder. The study has suggested that addiction to tobacco/alcohol/drugs are a result

of habitual responding to the stimuli cigarette. (Leventhal & Zvolensky, 2015). The research

indicates that smoking develops into an addiction due to the psychological and physiological

changes it causes in the brain and body. If smoking is determined by habitual associations, then I

can suggest replacing one stimulus (cigarette) by another stimulus such as a source for positive

emotions, inspirations, and ideas: people, nature, music, etc. Humor and laughter are great

remedies too.

One possible solution in this situation is enhancing my mental stamina, an ability to face

lifes challenges with a balanced, controlled mind and feelings. In fact, the studies have revealed,

that mental factors may influence physical functioning and that psychological well-being works

positively on physical health (Veenhoven 2008). Moreover, according to the same studies which

are summarized in the World Database Happiness, there is consistent positive relationship between

happiness defined as a state of mind and physical health. Happiness does not restore health in the

case of serious illness, but it protects against illness: there are well documented cases of better

immune response when in good mood (Veenhoven, 2008, p. 451). The latter improves health

behavior: happy people are more inclined to watch their weight, are more perceptive of symptoms

of illness, and cope better with threatening information. Also, happy people live healthier as they

engage more often in sports or physical activities, in general, and they tend to be moderate with

smoking and drinking. The mental factor of happiness has wider activating effects, which keep the

body fit and strong. The reverse is seen in depression that typically slows down functioning and
probably that makes people more susceptible to illness. According to a theory proposed by

Fredetickson (1998), positive affect "broadens" the action repertoire: it helps to "build" resources

and this likely to create healthier living conditions.

My personal list of the ways to improve my current health includes time management to

organize the day by planning the day ahead and try to follow it religiously; continue to eat healthy

food and be physically active. The study has indicated that sportive people tend to be happier than

non-sportive people, and the difference appears to be independent of age, marital status. As an

instance, there indication of a causal effect of jogging on mood (Biddle, 2000).

Importance of Sustaining a Healthy Lifestyle

A lot of factors play a role in staying healthy. Sustaining a good health is essential for

decreasing the risk of developing certain conditions such as heart disease, stroke, some cancers,

and injuries. One can start with a few changes in eating habits: eating nutrient-dense food with

fruits and vegetables nourish the body with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, avoiding trans-saturated

fats, reducing the empty-calories foods which are high in calorie but have very little nutritional

value cookies, pizza, etc. Reading food labels is another healthy behavior, which is important to

develop. Exercising in moderation: it makes the heart stronger, which helps it pump more blood

with each heartbeat. It delivers oxygen to the body, which helps it function more efficiently.

Changing eating and exercising pattern is important for tobacco-smokers who are determined to

quit. Quitting can and often does bring about physical and emotional changes that can be

challenging to deal with. Therefore, healthy eating and exercising can counterbalance the

transitional challenges such as the urge to smoke, frustration, and headache.

The strategy of planning can be helpful tool for organizing ones life and bringing in changes

gradually. R.J. Donatelle suggests developing a plan to kick the tobacco habit, make a list of

positive tobacco alternatives, fix a day for stopping smoking, throwing away all cigarettes,

ashtrays, and lighters, fixing on positives and rewarding oneself for not smoking.

My 3 Goals to Improve a Healthy Lifestyle

Learn to handle stress level and learn the techniques of de-stressing. Balanced state of

mind, or happiness, I believe, is the choices we make in life, which most of the time are based on

expected satisfaction. For example, we choose a profession we think we will like, or we believe

that it will give a comfort level which will make us feel satisfied. A concept of "expected utility"

which is defined in economics explains peoples preferences with regard to choices made on the

basis of incomplete information. For instance, people accept higher paying job that requires more

commuting in the expectation that the extra money will compensate for the travel-time. However,

the research has shown that they are mostly remain unsatisfied and the happiness tends to go down

in such cases (Frey, 2004). Therefore, following the on-going research on the fundamental aspects

of life which concern every human being, is a very useful practice, I believe, as it allows making

well-informed autonomous decisions.

Continue to study about micro-nutritional properties of products, and integrate that

knowledge into my lifestyle to make it a real-life experience. Get a medical check; based on the

medical reports, create an individualized meal plan and follow it meticulously.

Attempt to quit smoking by integrating the techniques proposed by R.J. Donatelle, by

incorporating a healthy diet and moderate exercising. My first realistic step will be reducing by

half the number of cigarettes I smoke per day. If the strategy proposed by Donatelle does not prove

to be effective in my case, I will concentrate on developing mental habits to generate a satisfied

state of mind to eliminate, eventually, the bad habit: moderate smokers appear to be no less happy

than non-smokers, but heavy smokers are. (Veenhoven, 2008, 460).


Maintaining good health is an ongoing process. It requires care, attention and mindful work

for nourishing healthy habits to enjoy its long-term rewards later. Health is essential to the

successful life, and one should learn to nourish healthy behaviors. Nourishing, I believe, starts

from noticing the problem and recognizing our responsibility for our health. After the right choice

is made, the process of healing starts. In the course of looking for solutions we learn about the

immediate benefits of health, and we learn how to handle the problems. Well-being depends on

various skills for living, such as realism, determinations, social competence, some resilience.

Recently I learned about the positive psychology study. This will be an area I would like to

explore further in order to find ways for developing a rewarding life-style.


Barile, L. (1999). Four habits of highly successful change-skilled people. Nursing Management

(Springhouse), 30 (11). doi:10.1097/00006247-199911000-00026

Biddle, S.J. (2000). Emotions, mood and physical activity. In S.J. Biddle, R.K. Fox, & S.H.

Boutcher (Eds.), Physical activity and psychological well-being. London: Routledge.

Frederickson, B.L. (1998). What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology, 2

(3), 300-319. doi:10.1037//1089-2680.2.3.300

Donatelle, R. J. (2017). Health: the basics. Boston: Pearson

Frederickson, B.L. (1998). What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology, 2

(3), 300-319. doi:10.1037//1089-2680.2.3.300

Leventhal, A. M., & Zvolensky, M. J. (2015). Anxiety, depression, and cigarette smoking: A

transdiagnostic vulnerability framework to understanding emotionsmoking

comorbidity. Psychological Bulletin, 141(1), 176-212. doi:10.1037/bul0000003

Sun, Y., Li, Z., Li, J., Li, Z., & Han, J. (2016). A Healthy Dietary Pattern Reduces Lung Cancer

Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients,8(3), 134. doi:10.3390/nu8030134

Veenhoven, R. (2007). Healthy happiness on physical health and the consequences for preventive

health care. Retrieved September 28, 2017, from


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