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Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.

Com, MA Eng) 03214346076




Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076


1 What is the size of the stars in the space?
According to Sir James Jeans, most of the stars are so big in size that hundreds of thousands of earths
could be put inside each and still there would be empty space in it.
2 What is the number of the stars in the space?
According to Sir James Jeans, stars are numberless. Their number is as large as the number of grains of
sand on all the sea shores of the world.
3 Why do the stars not come near to each other?
Sir James Jeans tells that this universe is quite vast. Millions of stars are wandering about in the space.
One star seldom finds another star near it as there is a distance of million miles between two stars.
4 What rare event took place two thousand years ago? What happened when a star came near to the
According to Sir James Jeans, a star happened to come near the sun and raised a tide on the surface of
the sun. As the star came nearer and nearer, the tide became higher and higher and took the form of a
5 What happened when the wandering star began to move away from the sun? Or What are planets
and how did they come into existence? Or When and how did our earth come into existence?
When the wandering star began to move away from the sun, its tidal pull became so powerful that the
mountain was torn to pieces. These pieces were thrown into space and started revolving around the sun.
These pieces are called planets and our earth is one of them
6 How was life born on the earth? OR Write a note on the beginning of life on the earth? OR How did
human beings come into existence?
One of the cooling pieces of the Sun gave birth to life. Life started in simple organisms. They were able
to reproduce themselves before their death. After this a stream life started and in the end, human beings
came into existence.
7 What we feel, when we try to discover the nature and purpose of the universe? What frightens us?
Why is the universe of which our earth is a part so frightening?
According to Sir James Jeans, the universe is quite vast and our earth is very small like a grain of sand.
When, standing on this little planet we try to discover the nature and purpose of the universe, it becomes
very much frightening because of its long distances, time Stretches, our loneliness and littleness of our
8 What is the place of our earth in the universe?
According to Sir James Jeans the universe is quite vast and our home/earth is very very small like a
grain of sand. Standing on this little planet like a grain of sand when we try to discover the nature and
purpose of the universe which is quite frightening.
9 Why is life impossible on the other planets? Why is there no life on the stars and the sun?
The life on other planets and stars is not possible because they (like earth) do not have suitable physical
conditions like water, air and suitable temperature. The sun and the other stars are so hot that life would
be burnt in them. Empty space is so cold that all life in it would be frozen.
1 How has the scientific method helped us in solving our problems?
The use of scientific method has changed and improved the conditions of life. By the use of scientific
method we have made wonderful progress in every field of life. It has helped in improving the means of
communication and transportation. It has also helped man in controlling the dangerous diseases like
small pox, malaria, typhoid fever etc.
2 How has the use of scientific method helped us in fighting against the diseases?
The use of scientific method helped us in fighting against the dangerous diseases like small pox,
malaria, typhoid fever etc. Now, babies are born in hospitals. Vaccines and life saving drugs are easily
available. Modern equipments are used for treatment in hospitals.
3 What were the sanitary conditions of the big cities one hundred years ago?
In past, the big cities had narrow, unpaved and poorly drained streets. They were not cleaned regularly.
Outdoor toilets were common. People used to throw their waste foods and waste materials into the
4 What better sanitary conditions are available in our cities today?
Today, the big cities have wide, paved and well drained streets. They are cleaned regularly. Indoor
toilets are common. They do not throw their waste foods and waste materials into the streets.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

5 How was water fetched in the past for household use?

A hundred years ago, people carried water full of germs into the buckets from distant wells. Water had
to be used very sparingly.
6 How has the use of scientific methods solved the problem of water supply?
The use of scientific methods has solved the problem of water supply. Now with the help of long pipes,
water is supplied to the cities from the canals, rivers arid tanks. Everybody can get water in plenty and
quite easily.
7 How has the use of scientific methods solved the problem of food shortage?
By the use of scientific methods, we have increased food growth and its production. Modern methods of
selecting grading and processing have helped us a lot in preservation of food.
8 What are the modern methods of preservation of food?
We can preserve vegetables and fruit by quick freezing method and dehydration method. Dehydration
means removal of water. It is a practical method for the preservation of eggs, potatoes and apples.
9 How was food preserved in the past? Or How did thrifty house wives preserve food?
Thrifty house wives preserved their home grown vegetables and fruits by canning, pickling or drying.
Meats of various kinds were preserved by salting and drying or by freezing.
10 What were the superstitious beliefs practised by people in the past?
In past, people were superstitious. They wore some kind of charm to protect themselves from bad luck
and evil spirits. The people thought that diseases were brought by the evil spirits. They were afraid of
certain superstitious beliefs. They thought that black cats, broken mirrors, and number 13 could harm
11 How have the people become open minded? Why do many people not believe in superstition now-
a-days? Why are we less fearful than our ancestors?
We are less fearful than our forefathers because we are not superstitious. We are broad minded and
realistic in our thinking and accept the ideas logically. We know fully that every human di stress has
some reason. We like our forefathers do not believe in signs of good or bad luck and the evil spirits. We
are also not afraid of black cats, broken mirrors, and number 13.


1. How many types of students are there who fail in college?
There are two types of students who fail in the college. Those who try and those who do not try.
2. How can nervous habits be uprooted among students? Why do many students fail in spite of
having the talent?
Many students fail in the examination in spite of having talent simply because of nervous habits. They
do not sit at desk and concentrate on their studies. Nobody but the boys themselves can uproot the
nervous habits.
3. Who are the bright boys? What is the cause of their failure? What is its cure?
The bright boys are the talented boys. They passed the school examinations effortlessly and believe that
they can also pass the college examinations easily. They become overconfident and fail. The cure of this
disease involves an entire change of attitude. No one can do this but the boy himself.
4. What is mistaken ambition? How does mistaken ambition on the part of boys and their parents
lead to the failure of boys?
Mistaken ambition means wrong ambition. Sometimes, the parents want their son to be a physician or a
dentist or an engineer. But the boy wants to adopt some other profession. They force them to study the
subjects of their choice. He studies the subjects uninterestingly and fails. However, this problem can be
solved by counseling the parents.
5. How is health another cause of the failure of students? How this cause can be solved?
Bad health, both physical and mental is also one of the causes of failure. A boy suffering from a disease
cannot pay concentration to his studies and as a result he fails. However, this problem can be solved by
providing proper health service in college.
6. Why financial difficulty is another cause of failure of students? OR How does financial pressure
lead to the failure of boys? How can the financial problems of students be solved?
Some parents force their children to earn their entire way through college. For this they do part time job.
They always remain tired and can't give proper time to their studies. Thus, they fail. College authorities
can overcome this difficulty by granting stipends and scholarships to the needy and deserving students.
7. What does the writer recommend about a boy interested in games?

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

The writer suggests that the boys, who are too much interested in games and literary activities, should
leave the college to become a professional athlete.
8. What place would you accord to sports in colleges?
Sports and literary activities have their own importance and place in college life. These are the side
shows so they should not be at the expense of studies.
9. Who are the lazy bluffers? Why does the writer show no sympathy for them?
The students who have not got any serious interest in life are lazy bluffers. They come to college for fun
but not for studies. The writer shows no sympathy for them and suggests that these boys should be
expelled from the college to face the bitter realities of the world.
10. What is the job of a college dean?
The college dean has to diagnose the disease like a doctor. He should help the students to see life in a
balanced way. It is his duty to save boys from failure through foolishness, sickness and sin.
11. What are the various causes of failure of boys?
Nervous habits, non seriousness, wrong ambition, financial difficulty, poor health and too much interest
in sports and games are the various causes of failure of boys.
1. What was Daiches' attitude towards the week-end as a school boy?
As a school boy David Daiches' attitude towards week end was like an escaped prisoner. He had become
fed up with the boring and laborious home work.
2. What was the attitude of the writer towards Friday and Friday night?
The phrase "Friday Thank God" expresses perfectly his attitude to the arrival of the week end. Friday
night was the best night of the week with two solid holidays before going to school again.
3. What were the feelings of the writer on Saturday and Sunday?
Saturday night was also pleasant because there was still a whole day between it and Monday. Sunday
night was full of the threat of the Monday morning.
4. Why was it difficult to get up on Monday morning?
It always had been a dismal experience for the writer to get up in the morning especially on Monday. He
didnt feel good on Monday because of the tough activities of school.
5. What was writer's general view about school life?
David Daiches was of the view that school life is a beautiful blend of pain and pleasure, relief and boredom.
He says he always enjoyed the class room work. But the daily hard work, the home task and the competition
with other students pressed heavily upon him.
6. He liked holidays for their freedom-freedom from what?
The writer liked holidays for their freedom from the daily hard work, the home task and the competition
with other students at school. He wanted freedom for relax both at school and at home .
7. How did the writer look towards summer vacation? How did he enjoy summer holidays?
During school days, the writer was very fond of summer holidays of two months and always dreamed of
them. He went to his town and visited his relatives with his parents during summer holidays.
8. What are the things he longed for but could not have?
The writers wishes did not come true because he belonged to a poor family. In his early childhood, he
wished for a tricycle and later a bicycle. He wished to get ice-cream and sweets free of cost. But he could not
have things. So he said wishes dont come true in this life.
9. When and how did he buy his first bicycle?
He bought his first bicycle with the prize-money when he was a university student.
10. Why did the writer stand outside the sweet shop?
He used to stand outside the sweet shop longing for getting some sweets free of cost.
11. What was the writer's expectation from the ice cream man?
The writer belonged to a poor family. He had no money to buy the ice cream. So he expected a fr ee cup
of ice cream from the ice cream man.
12. What were the 'unexpected respites'? When did they get a whole day for skating?
Unexpected respites are the unscheduled holidays to attend some match or celebration. If there were
continuous frost days, they would get a whole day for skating.
13. What did the writer do with his pocket-money?
The writer was not allowed to spend his pocket money so he kept his saving in money box.
1. What sort of books were presented by the British public/nation to soldiers?

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

The British nation presented more than two million books to the soldiers. Most of these books were
useless and outdated. They were old magazines, guides to the Lake District and calendars.
2. Why should bad/useless books be destroyed? Or Why is it difficult to destroy books? Useless and
bad books should be destroyed to make room for new books and to save one's heirs from storing and
sorting out these books. But it is not always easy to destroy such books because of non availability of
proper place.
3. Where did the writer live? Or What sort of books had the writer in his flat?
Squire says that he was living in a small and heaven kissing flat in Chelsea. By and by a big stock of
worthless books accumulated there. They were outdated and useless.
4. Why could not the Author burn the unwanted/useless books?
The writer had a big stock of worthless books. They were outdated and useless. He says he could not
burn the unwanted books because he had no kitchen range in his apartment.
5. How did the writer decide to get rid of books?
The writer had a big stock of worthless books. The writer devised a novel method to dispose of the
unnecessary books. He decided to pack them into a sack and throw them into the river.
6. Describe the author's midnight venture to throw the books in the river and the suspicions which
his action were likely to arouse?
At mid-night, the author came out in the street with a sack on his shoulders. There was nobody on the
road except a policeman who saw him suspiciously. When he reached the middle of the bridge, he saw
some stranger there and was trembled with fear. At last, he threw his sack into the river. No body took
notice of it.
7. How did the writer get rid of useless books? Or How did he muster up courage at last to fling
them into the river?
He remained reluctant for a long time. He felt ashamed of being such a coward. Then he thought that if
he failed that day he would never be able to regain his respect. Thinking this he mustered up the courage
and threw the sack of useless books into the river.
8. What happened when he threw the books into the river?
When he threw the sack into the river, there was a big splash. He thought that people would catch him
thinking that he had thrown a baby into the river. But nothing happened. Silence fell again and he
returned home.
9. What did the writer think while returning home? Or What did the writer think about the books
after throwing them into the river?
After throwing books into the river, the writer felt pity for the books that would be lying at the bottom
of the river. He also felt sorry for destroying them so disgracefully. Horrible books now seemed to him
poor innocent books.
10. Give the names of some of the books that the writer threw into the river?
The names of the few books are Odd to Diana, Sonnet to Ethel, Dramas on love of Lancelot and Stanzas
on a first glimpse of Venice
1. How did the writer suspect that his liver was out of order? Or How did he come to know that his
liver was out of order?
Jerome came to know or suspect that his liver was out of order on reading a liver pill advertisement that
contained all the symptoms of liver disorder. He thought that he had all those symptoms.
2. Why did the writer go to the British Museum?
The writer went to the British Museum to read the treatment of a slight disease namely hay fever. He got
down the book on pharmacy and began to read it. First he read about the hay fever and then started
studying all the diseases in general.
3. What were some of the diseases he thought that he was suffering from? Or What was the disease
he discovered he had not? What was his first reaction?
After reading the symptoms of all the diseases alphabetically, the writer was frozen with horror that he
was suffering from almost all diseases like hay fever, typhoid fever, Saint Virus's dance, cholera,
diphtheria, gout and zymnosis. The only disease he had not got was house maid's knee. He was
disappointed and insulted at this finding.
4. Why should the writer be an acquisition to the medical class? Or why did the writer call himself a
hospital? He thought he was doing the doctor a good turn by going to him. Why did the writer
think so?

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

The writer should be an acquisition to the medical class because he was a hospital in himself. He had all
diseases in him. Medical students should examine him to know all the diseases to get diploma. It would be
good turn as the students as well as doctors could do more practice from the writer.
5. Why did the writer go the doctor? Describe the visit of the writer to the medical man when he
found many diseases in himself?
The writer went to the medical man for the treatment of almost all the diseases, except the housemaids
knee. The doctor examined him in his on way. He felt his pulse and hit him over the chest. He also
butted him with the side of his head and wrote a prescription. The writer left without opening it.
6. What did the doctor prescribe to him? What was the prescription given to the writer by the
In prescription he was advised to eat one pound beef steak every six hours, take ten mile walk every
morning; go to bed at 11 sharp every night and not to stuff his mind with things he did not understand.
7. Describe the visit to the writer to the chemist. What did the Chemist reply/say after seeing the
The writer went to the chemist. He replied after seeing the prescription that he might have helped him if
he had a cooperative store and a hotel combined.
9 . What is the significance of the doctor's advice: don't stuff your head with things you don't
The doctor's advice is very important for those who are whimsical and have a weak will power. The
doctor advises people should not think about those things for which they have no concern as it becomes
the cause of their worry.
1. Why did the writer go to the bank? Or How much was the writer's salary raised?
The writer went to the bank to open his account. His salary was raised to fifty dollars a month. He
decided to deposit his amount in a bank.
2. What happened to the writer as soon as he crossed the boundary of the bank? What happens to
the writer whenever he enters into the bank?
Stephen Leacock says as he entered the bank, he felt nervous. Every thing and every person at bank
rattled him. The clerks, the desks and the sight of money got on his nerves.
3. What light do the following expressions throw on Leacock's state of mind when be entered the
The expression "Looked timidly" shows that Leacock was much confused when he entered the bank.
The expression "Shambled in" shows the effect of his body that staggered with fear. Thus both these
expressions show his confusion and lack of confidence.
4. Why did the manager come to think that Leacock had an awful secret to reveal?
The manager came to think that Leacock had an awful secret to reveal because of his mysterious
manners. He took him for a detective. When he asked the manager to see him alone, the manger thought
that he had some secret to disclose and led him to his private room.
5. What was the attitude of the manager towards Leacock on learning that he only wished to deposit
56 dollars in the bank?
The manager was expecting a big account from him. But when he came to know that he wished to
deposit 56 dollars only, he became very cold and indifferent. He advised him to go to the accountant.
6. What other blunders did Leacock commit after leaving the manager's office? Or Give examples to
show that Leacock was completely lost in bank?
After leaving the manager's room, Leacock committed several blunders. He entered the safe. He gave
the money to the accountant in an absurd way. He deposited all his money. Then he thought to draw 6
dollors. But, in nervousness he wrote on cheque fifty six instead of six dollars. His every action showed
his nervousness.
7. How did the writer want to draw and why? Why did the people think he was some invalid rich
After depositing his money in the bank, he remembered that he needed some money for present use. He
didnt know what to do. Somebody gave him a cheque book, and some one told him how to write it. He
wanted to draw six dollars but in nervousness he wrote fifty six dollars. Owing to this the people
thought that he was some invalid rich man.
8. Where did the author keep his money after the misadventure? After misadventure in the bank,
where did the Leacock keep his money?

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

After misadventure, the writer never thought of going to bank. He disliked bank account. He kept his
money in cash in his trousers pocket and his savings in silver dollars in his socks.
1. Why has the world changed its attitude towards China?
The world has changed its attitude towards China because of the following reasons.
i. It has made tremendous progress in agriculture and industry.
ii. Its decentralized economy has increased the gross national product.
iii. Women played a role of vital importance in the progress of the country.
2. Discuss Chinese Agriculture system?
China is basically an agricultural country. In China, land has been divided into small agricultural
sectors. These sectors have been further bifurcated into small zones. Different machines are used in the
fields. China is perhaps the biggest corn growing country.
3. Describe a day in the life of a Chinese student?
A Chinese student gets up early in the morning. After doing a few chores, he takes breakfast and goes to
the school. After 11 a.m., he comes back home, takes his lunch and goes back to the school. He returns
home at 3 p.m. and revises his lesson. After 4 O'clock, he takes rest, reads the newspaper and enjoys the
radio and goes for sports.
4. Write a note on Chinese women. OR What kind of social security benefits do the Chinese women
Chinese women are hard working and play an important role in society. They do not use beauty
products. They enjoy so many social security benefits. They enjoy free hospitalization and medical care,
nursery and infant schools, 56 paid days before childbirth. They retire at 50 or 55. They are given
pension after retirement.
5. What kind of social security benefits do the Chinese workers enjoy? Or What are the working
conditions in China?
Working conditions are ideal for the workers in China. Male workers retire at the age of 60 whereas
female workers at 50 or 55. They enjoy so many social security benefits. They enjoy free hospitalization
and medical care and accommodation. Leave with full pay is granted to sick workers. They get meal at
low prices. Government maintains their standard of living.
6. "It is the people and not the things that are decisive." Discuss.
Mao the Chinese leader believed that number of people or, economic facts and figures does not count.
People themselves are important if they have the faith for the benefit of the people.
7. How does China rely on its own resource!?
Chinese follow the maxim of Mao, Rely on your own forces. They depend on their own resources by
using all the locally made machines. These machines are cheaper than the imported machines. They use
their own products.
8. "The heart of the matter is the need to root out! Selfishness." Discuss
According to this statement, one should work for the betterment of others. The secret of China's
progress lies in this principle.
9. What decentralized economy mean? Why do the Chinese not rush to the big cities?
In decentralized economy the rural areas can not be urbanized. In such economy people of rural areas do
not move to urban areas cities because the agricultural and industrial systems provide them job near
their homes. The villagers work in the industries situated in their villages.
10. What is the assistance scheme in china? What is the function of assistance scheme?
Under this system, every company raises the salary of workers according to their increasing expenses. It
also helps the farmers whose wages are very low or unable to do work physicall y.
1 What does hunger mean on large scale as viewed by the author?
Hunger does not mean missing one meal. It means never having enough to eat. After one meal there is
no surety of another meal.
2 Describe some great famines of the world.
The Nile remained dry for seven years and the Egyptians had to face the famine. Likewise, China and
England faced great famines and millions of people died in Russia because of famine in 1921.
3 How do famines occur? OR What are some of the causes of famines?
Some of the causes of famines are over population, failure of crops, shortage of food and lack of rains.
4 What is meant by birth-rate and death-rate and how do they affect the population of a country?

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

Birth-rate means the number of births per 1000 population while death-rate means the number of deaths
per 1000 population. When birth-rate is greater than the death-rate, population increases.
5 What have public-measures to do with increase in population?
The discovery of the treatment of many diseases has decreased the death rate. When death rate
decreases, population increases.
6 How do you account for the high birth-rate in under-developed countries?
Birth rate is very high in under-developed countries. Here people are illiterate. They do not learn the
importance of family planning. They hold God solely responsible for all their needs. They produce
children but never think, about their feeding and education.
7 Why is birth-rate not so high in more advanced countries?
In the more advanced countries, birth-rate is not so high. People are educated. They know the
importance of family planning. They are aware of their responsibilities.
8 Give a brief account of the poor economic conditions prevailing in under-developed countries.
Poverty, illiteracy and diseases are the common factors in under-developed countries. Such countries
have poor economy because they depend on the export of raw material.
1. Give an account of the early career of Abd-al-Rahman?
Abd-al-Rahman belonged to the Ummayyad dynasty. He was only 20 when Ummayyad dynasty was
overthrown by Abbaside Dynasty in Damascus in 750 A.D. They assassinated every male member of the
ruling family. He dramatically escaped and reached Spain. He became its ruler with in five years.
2. Give an account of the dramatic escape of Abd-al-Rahman.
Abd-al-Rahman with his younger brother dashed into the Euphrates River and reached the other bank
safely. Afoot, penniless and friendless he reached Palestine and from there North Africa. Then
wandering from tribe to tribe he reached Ceuta where he was given refuge by his maternal uncles.
3. How did Abd-al-Rahman deal with the governor appointed by the Abbasides Caliph?
Abd-al-Rahman killed the Abbaside governor. He cut off his head and preserved it in salt and camphor.
He wrapped it in black flag and in the letter of appointment. After two years it was sent to the caliph as
a gift.
4. What did the Abbasid Caliph say on receiving the head of his governor?
When the Caliph received the head of his governor he said "Thanks be to Allah for having placed the
sea between us and such a foe!
5. What did Abd-al-Rahman-I do to make himself strong and to beautify his capital?
Abd-al-Rahman-I raised a well disciplined and highly trained army of 40,000 to fortify himself. He paid
them generously to get their loyalty. In order to beautify his capital, he built an aqueduct for water
supply to the capital. He founded the great mosque of Cordova. He introduced exotic plants.
6. Who was Al Hakam? Who succeeded Abd-al-Rahman? What did Al-Hakam do to promote
learning in his kingdom or Spain?
Al-Hakam was the successor of Abd-ul Rahman. He was the best scholar. He started 27 free schools and
colleges under the University of Cordova. He invited great scholars from the East and arranged their
salaries. He provided 400,000 books to the library at Cordova.
7. Give an account of the all round progress made by the Arabs under Abd-al-Rahman III.
Under Abd-al-Rahman III, the Spanish Arabs introduced new agricultural methods. They planted new trees
and grains. They exported cotton, olives and oil to other countries. There was a regular postal service in the
whole country. Scholarship expanded. Universities were set up.
8. How did agriculture flourish in Spain?
The Spanish Arabs introduced new agricultural methods. They dug canals. They cultivated grapes,
oranges, sugar cane, cotton, wheat, olives and other fruit. They exported cotton, olives and oil to other
9. What did he and his successors do with the title of the 'Caliph'?
He and his successors down to Abd-al-Rahman III did not adopt the title Caliph. They were contented
to be called 'Amir'.
10. Which thing became the shrine of Western Islam?
The great mosque of Cardova founded by Abd - ul - Rahman became the shrine of Western Islam in
Spain. It was completed and enlarged by his successors.
11. Why was Cordova called 'The Jewel of the World'?

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

Spain under Abd - ul - Rahman III was one of the wealthiest and the most thickly populated lands of
Europe. The fame of Cordova, the capital of Spain, spread to Germany where a nun called it the 'Jewel
of The World" for it was the most cultured city in Europe.


1. Why did Churchill not do well in examination?
Churchill did not do well in the examination because the examiner asked him such questions on Latin
and Mathematics as he did not know. He says that he was fond of history, poetry and writing essays and
wanted to be examined in them.
2. HowweretheentryteststrialforChurchill?WhydidChurchillcalltheexaminationaninhospitable
Churchill did not like examinations because they proved to be a great trial for him. He was afraid of
them. He says that the examiners asked such questions as he did not know. This was why he called them
an inhospitable region.
3. How did Churchill perform in the entrance test to Harrow?
Churchills performance in the Latin paper was not good. It was because the examiner asked him such
questions on Latin and Mathematics as he did not know. He says that he was fond of history, poetry and
writing essays and wanted to be examined in them.
4. How did he do his Latin paper?
Churchills performance in the Latin paper in entrance test at Harrow was not good. He wrote his name
at the top of the page and then put down the number of the question 1 and after thinking put brackets
around it. The answer sheet was returned quite blank.
5. Who was Mr. Welldon? What was the view of Churchill about Mr. Welldon?
Mr. Welldon was the headmaster at Harrow. He took the broad minded view and admitted Churchill to
Harrow despite his poor performance. Churchill showed great respect to him and called him a man who
could look beneath the surface of things.
6. Why was Churchill placed in lowest grade? Or why was Churchill admitted to Harrow despite his
poor performance?
Mr. Welldon, the headmaster at Harrow took the broad minded view and admitted him to Harrow
despite his poor performance. He was placed in the lowest division of the lowest class for his poor
performance in entry test. He was to learn English there. His name was Spencer Churchill, so he was
number three from the bottom.
7. Who was Mr. Somervell and how did he teach English?
Mr. Somervell was an English teacher. He taught English Grammatically and practised it like a drill. He
practiced parsing and analysis of sentences by using black, red and green inks. Churchill learnt a lot
from him.
8. Churchill was taught English at Harrow and not Latin Greek. Was it a gain or loss? Or What good did
his three years stay at Harrow do him? In the after years how did the knowledge of English stand him
in good stead?
Churchill remained at Harrow in the lowest grade for three years. Here he was taught English by Mr.
Somervell. He gained an immense advantage over the cleverer boys. In his later years, it bore fruit . He
became the great orator and writer of his time. He also won Nobel Prize for literature. So his knowledge
of English was a great advantage for him.
9. Why was Churchill in favour of boys learning English?
Churchill is of the view that students should learn English first because it was their national langu age.
The knowledge of this language would be helpful for making their way in life and earning livelihood.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076


1. What is hitch hiking?
Hitch-hiking means travelling by getting free rides in other people's vehicles.
2. Give an idea of the size of Sahara. How does it compare with England?
Sahara is the world's largest desert situated in North Africa. The Sahara desert stretches almost to the
complete width of North Africa. It is many times grater than Great Britain. If a giant were to pick
England up and put it down in the middle of the desert, it would be a difficult task to find it.
3. WhathadChristophersmotherhadtodowithhisdesiretoseedistantplaces?
Christopher was an American young man. In his boyhood he was very naughty. Sometimes, her foster
mother threatened him to send him as a punishment to Timbuktu (an ancient city in the Sahara desert). This
threat, instead of alarming him, aroused in him a keen desire to see that distant place.
4. How did he manage to get a seat in weapons carrier?
Christopher managed to get a seat in a fast moving weapons carrier by showing the officer a permission
letter issued by the Ministry of War. On this he was permitted to ride in military vehicle.
5. What was the most noticeable feature of the desert named Gharadia?
Gharadia was a typical desert city with a large number of flies. They covered food completely and
sometimes they followed it into the mouth. Children's mouth looked like masks of flies.
6. How did they manage to drive the heavy truck in the trackless desert with its soft sand?
They managed to drive the heavy truck in the trackless desert with its soft sand by placing long sheets of
steel under its wheels. When the truck reached the harder ground they collected those sheets. In this way
they crossed the area of soft sand.
7. What did the driver of the truck tell Christopher about three Englishmen who tried to cross the
The driver of the truck told Christopher that three Englishmen tried to cross the desert in a car. They had
water for one day only. Their car got stuck in the sand and three days later their bodies were found dried
up like leaves. They drained the water of radiator in thirst and one tried to drink even oil.
8. Give an account of the little town El Golea?
EI Golea was a beautiful little town. There was a little pool shaded by palm trees and fruit trees.
Christopher took bath in it. It was the most pleasant and lovely region in the Sahara. Christopher spent
his time very beautifully.
9. Give an account of the little town In Salah?
In Salah was quite different form El Golea. It was a barren desert. The palm trees were like bushes. It
was quit hot there.
10. How do you know of Professor Claude Balanguernon?
Professor Balanguernon was a French man who met Christopher in Tamanrasset. He arranged a guide
for him for the dangerous journey to Timbuktu. Professor Balanguernon also sent his rescue party when
Christopher drank the dirty water from the stomach of camel.
11. Describe the events leading to the killing of a camel. Or What happened when they were crossing the
land of thirst and death?
When they were passing through the land of death and thirst, 560 kilometers from Timbuktu, they had to
face the shortage of water and food. There was no chance of their survival. They killed one of the six
camels and drank greenish liquid of bad smell from the stomach of the dead camel. It kept them alive
for another day.
12. Describe the journey through the land of death and thirst??
The region after Tuaregs was the most difficult part of the Sahara and was called by the local people
"The Land of Thirst and Death." It was notorious for sandstorms and dried up waterholes. The sand
dune looked as if they were on fire.
13. Describe the stay at Abbangarit. Or How Christopher managed to get water there?
Christopher told that in Abbangarit there was only one building consisting of a roof and four walls. The
well was about 275 meters away but water was 45 meters below and he had to face a great difficulty. He
took tape recorder's wire and tied it with a cup and lowered it into the well. He succeeded in collecting
twenty three liters of water.


1. Write a note on the early life of Fleming.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

Alexander Fleming was born on a farm near Darvel on August 6, 1881. He was the youngest of a family
of eight. His father died when he was only seven years old. At ten he went to Darvel School. At fourteen
he went to London and studied at the Regent Street polytechnic for the next two years.
2. What are antiseptics? What is antiseptic method?
Antiseptics are the chemicals used to kill germs in human body. Carbolic acid (detol) and iodine are the
antiseptics. They are used to prevent germs from entering into body. It is preventive method.
3. What are the aseptic methods?
Theses are the methods in which surgical instruments are sterilized by heat instead of chemicals.
4. What was the chief defect of antiseptic method? Why was the use of carbolic acid abandoned?
The use of carbolic acid or antiseptic method was abandoned because it destroyed the white blood cells
of the body. This was the chief defect of the antiseptic method
5. Why could not penicillin have been discovered in American laboratories?
Penicillin could never have been discovered in American labs because their culture plates were never
contaminated. They were ideally kept neat and clean. The air was pure and the mould would never enter
6. WhywasFlemingsfamily called medical family?
Flemings Fleming was called medical family because most of the members of his family belonged to
medical profession. His one brother was an eye specialist and the other two were opticians. His one
sister was married to a doctor and the other to a veterinary surgeon.
7. What part is played by the white cells in the blood of a human body?
White blood cells are the natural armour of the body. When germs enter the body they are immediately
attacked by the white cells. Hence they play the role of protecting the body.
8. Describe how Fleming discovered penicillin? Or When was penicillin discovered?
In 1928, Fleming was appointed a professor of Bacteriology in the University of London. One day he
was carrying out experiments in laboratory at St. Mary's. By chance the spore of the mould or fungus
was blown in through the window and fell on the culture plate. It killed all the microbes around it. He
found out that it was a natural antiseptic which killed the germs. He named it penicillin.
9. In what respect penicillin is better than the antiseptics? How is penicillin a wonder drug?
Penicillin is a wonder drug it is an ideal germs killer. It is three times stronger than carbolic acid. It is
quite harmless for the white blood cells of the body.
10. What is lysozyme? How was lysozyme different from the other chemicals?
In 1922, when Fleming was examining his own nasal secretion he discovered a substance which killed
the germs on the culture plate. It was called lysozyme. It was natural substa nce that destroyed the germs
without harming the white blood cells. It was also forerunner of penicillin.
11. Who revolutionized the theory and the practice of medicine?
Fleming discovered the germs and lister killed them by heat or carbolic acid. These two men brought a
revolution in the theory and the practice of medicine.
12. Was Fleming proud of his discovery? How did he become famous?
Fleming was not proud of his discovery. He was simple and modest by nature. When the whole world
showered him with honours, he said, "Nature makes penicillin, I just found it."
13. Why and when was Fleming knighted?
Fleming was knighted in 1944 on the discovery of penicillin. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for
Medicine in 1945.
1. Describe the early life of Louis Pasteur?
Louis Pasteur was born at dole in France in 1822. He got his early education at Dole. He was science
and Arts graduated from the college at Besancon and started teaching there. In 1848, he became a
member of the National Guards to fight for France. In 1870, he offered his services to the French army.
He devoted all his money.
2. Give some instances of Pasteur's patriotism?
Pasteur was more patriot than a scientist. In 1848, he became a member of the National Guards to fight for
France. He also devoted all his money to Government. In 1870, he offered his services to the French army
but he was refused due to paralytic stroke.
3. What do you mean by spontaneous generation?
Spontaneous generation means production of living things from non living things. It was a belief that
germs born of dead matter. But he refuted this claim of scientists.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

4. How did Pasteur prove that spontaneous get was not a fact?
In I860, the French Academy offered a prize for the solution of problem whether spontaneous
generation was not a fact. Pasteur claimed that it was a wrong concept. Pasteur did his experiment by
boiling the milk. He found that no bacteria were left alive. Thus he won the prize.
5. Describe the importance and popularity of the silk industry in France.
Silk worm industry was quite popular in France. Practically every family set aside the best room in the
house for the rearing and tending of silkworms.
6. What help did Pasteur render in curing the silkworm disease?
Once there spread a mysterious epidemic that destroyed silkworms. Pasteur studied the diseased worms
and told that this disease was mainly due to uncleanliness, overcrowding, overheating and unhealthy
conditions. He advised the farmers to avoid these things. He also advised them to get eggs from healthy
parents. The results were quite favourable.
7. How did Pasteur discover the treatment for the cattle disease, Anthrax?
The cattle disease Anthrax is caused by a germ Anthrax bacillus. Pasteur introduced these weakened
germs in measured quantity into the body of a healthy animal. It temporarily gave rise to slight
symptoms of anthrax but ultimately protected the animal from catching the disease. This method is
called vaccination. He applied the same method on chickens for the prevention from chicke n-cholera.
8. What are vaccines? How did Pasteur discover the method of vaccines?
In 1879, Pasteur discovered the method of making vaccines when he was working on fowl cholera. One
day he went away for a holiday. On his return he found all his cultivation germs dead or dying. He
inoculated birds with those half dead germs and found that some birds showed signs of being recovered.
So vaccines are prepared from weakened germs.
9. How did Pasture discover the treatment of Hydrophobia and how he cured the first patient
suffering from?
Rabies or Hydrophobia is a horrible disease caused by the bite of the mad dog. Pasteur studied it
attentively and found the way of making its vaccine. It was tried on dogs and the results were quite
satisfactory. In 1885, for the first time this type of treatment was given to a boy. This vaccine cured him
of the disease and saved his life.
10. How did Pasteur show the way to other scientist?
Pasteur worked and inspired in such a way that many scientists followed the same path. They tried those
methods of cure for other diseases. Many diseases were cured by following the same lines. Between 1880
and 1890 the germs of consumption, diphtheria, typhoid, cholera and Malta fever were discovered.
1. What was the attitude of the Turkish government towards the Allies after World War I?
After World War I, a government from the old liberals was in power. The attitude of the government was
slavish. Allied forces were given the task of supervising the police and the ports. Normal machinery of the
government was superseded by the orders and suggestion of the allied forces.
2. Why was Mustafa Kamal Sent to Anatolia?
Mustafa Kamal was sent to Anatolia as a Governor General of Eastern Provinces to crush the rebels who
refused to accept defeat before the allied forces. They were creating hurdles for government.
3. What was the reaction of the Turkish patriots to the intention of the Allies to partition the
Ottoman Empire?
The Turkish patriots and the friends of Allies were angry at the evil intention of the Allies to partition the
Ottoman Empire. They did not accept to divide the Turkish Empire among themselves. Turkish patriotism
was like a flame burning in the hearts of Turkish men and women.
4. Write a note on Mustafa Kamal's activities in Anatolia.
Mustafa Kamal met Ali Faut, the commander of small army corps. He made a secret meeting with the
patriots and planned to raise an army for fighting against the Greeks. He went village to village to prepare
army. He also panned to form a government in Anatolia.
5. Why did Mehmet order Mustafa Kamal to return to Istanbul (Constantinople)?
When Mehmet came to know that Mustafa Kamal had raised the National army of the patriots for fighting
against the Aliesd forces, he ordered him to return to Istanbul. Or When Mehmet came to know about the
rebellious activities of Mustafa Kamal, he ordered him to return to Istanbul.
6. What was Mustafa Kamal's reply?
When the king ordered Mustafa Kamal to come back to Capital, he remained adamant and replied "I shall
stay in Anatolia until the nation has won its independence."

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

7. How did Mehmet try to regain Anatolia for himself? 2009G-I,

Mehmet unexpectedly and diplomatically invited the patriots to join the government. The Sultan suggested
the delegates of Anatolia to transfer their activities to Istanbul and Mustafa Kamal's ideas would be put into
8. Whydidhisplanfail?OrwhydidMehmetsplantoregainAnatoliafail?
Mehmets plan to regain Anatolia failed because Mustafa Kamal did not agreed with him. Mustafa Kamal
remained busy in forming a large army of regular troops, armed peasants and women for supplying arms.
9. What were the terms offered to turkey by the Allies? 2009L-I,
The terms of peace published by the Allies were as under:
The Allied powers would supervise the small and helpless Ottoman Empire.
Eastern Anatolia was to be added to the state of Armenia.
Around Azmic was to be a large Greek district.
Cicilia was to go to the French.
Istanbul was to be an international centre.
10. Give an account of the Greek attack and its defeat?
The Greeks attacked Turkey on the 21st of August, 1921. The two valiant nations fought almost man to
man for fourteen days. Mustafa Kamal was the commander of the brave Turks. He led them so masterly
by the 4th of September that the Greeks were fully defeated.
11. escribe the reforms introduced by Mustafa Kamal with reference to
a) The position of women:
Mustafa Kamal introduced many reforms with reference to women. The most striking reform was
the abolition of veil. He stressed on higher education for women. Women were given equal
rights. Women were also given voting rights.
b) The removal of illiteracy/ educational reforms:
Mustafa Kamal introduced many reforms with reference to education. He purified and simplified the
language by removing the old Arabic and Persian words. He replaced the old Arabic script with
the Roman script. He himself demonstrated it by touring the country. Now it was easy to read and
c) Change in dress:
In 1925 he abolished the head dress called Fez being Greek origin but had become the symbol of
Turkey. Instead of it, wearing Western hats was made compulsory for all.
d) The industrial and economic development/reforms:
The country also advanced economically. Mustafa Kamal inaugurated great development and
construction schemes. He encouraged heavy industry. In 1919, there were 150 factories but in
1933 they were 2000 in number. He recognized the banking system and public debt was reduced to
one tenth of its former size. All this was achieved without further borrowing.
12. Who was Mustafa Kamal? How was Mustafa Kamal a great nation Builder? Was Mustafa Kamal
founder/father of modern Turkey?
Mustafa Kamal was a true patriot. He introduced many social, educational, industrial and economic
reforms in the society. He was the founder and saviour of modern Turkey. He abolished the Sulta nate
in Turkey. Mustafa Kamal laid the foundation. He liberated his country from the foreign occupation
and influence.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076


James Hilton

1. Date of Birth: 1848
2. Joined Brookfiled: July, 1870, Whetherby interviewed Chips
3. Met Katherine and became housemaster: 1896
4. Married in 1896 at the age of 48
5. Katherine died in child birth on 1 st April, 1898
6. Acting head (first time):1900, Governor appointed him
7. Date of retirement: July 1913 at the age of 65, got bronchitis and resigned.
8. Farewell party: July 1913, was given a cheque, table and clock
9. Total service: 43 years
10. Rejoined Brookfield: 1916 at the request of Chatteris, the head master
11. Acting head (second time):1917 (winter)
12. Resigned: 1918 (November)
13. Made is will: 1930
14. Date of Death: 1933

Head masters
1. Whetherby:July 1870. Served for 30 years, died during summer vacation
2. Meldrum: served for 30 years from 1870 to 1900, died of pneumonia
3. Ralston: age 37 when joined, left Brookfield in 1911, served for 11 years from 1900 to 1911
4. Chatteris: joined Brookfield at the age 34, died at 41, served from 1911 to 1917, requested Mr.
Chips to rejoin in 1916, died in 1917, Chips became Acting Head after his death.
5. Cartwright: Became headmaster after Chatteris death. Was present at the time of Chips death

1. What were routine activities of Mr. Chips at Mrs. Wickett's?
Chips always wound up the clock after the last bell. Then he put the wire guard in front of the fire,
turned out the gas, and carried a detective novel to bed, Sleep overtook him before completin g a page or
2. Who was Merivale? What did Doctor Merivale say about Mr. Chips' health?
Merivale was Mr. Chips doctor. He visited Mr. Chips fortnightly. He thought that Chips was only
suffering from anno-domini which means advancing old age. He often admired his health by saying
these words, My dear fellow, youre fitter than I am. He told that he would die a natural death.
3. What advice did Merivale give to Mrs. Wickett about Chips?
When Chips had a cold or when the east winds blew, Merivale would become worried. He then advised
Mrs. Wickett to take special care of Mr. Chips.
4. What information do we get about Chips' birth?
Mr. Chips was born in 1848. He went to the Great Exhibition as a toddling child. There were very few
people alive who could remember such an old incident.
5. When did Mr. Chips join Brookfield, and how did he remember it?
Mr. Chips joined the Brookfield school in a sunny July of 1870 at the age of 22. It was the same year
when the war between France and Prussia broke out.
6. What impression do you gather about Chips' personality at the time of his joining?
At that time Mr. Chips was a handsome, impressive young man. He was fresh-complexioned, side-
whiskered and was fashionably dressed according to the Victorian times.
7. Why did Mr. Chips not like his previous school? Why did Mr. Chips leave Melburry School?
Mr. Chips taught at Melbury Public School for one year before joining Brookfield. There he could not
maintain discipline and was badly teased by the boys. He did not like that school and lef t it.
8. Who was Mr. Wetherby? When and how did Wetherby die?

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

Mr. Wetherby was the Headmaster of Brookfield School in 1870, when Chips joined Brookfield. He
was an old man at that time. He stayed at Brookfield for thirty years. He died during the summer
vacation before Chips could really begin his first term. He was a good administrator
9. Describe the day when Chips came for interview.
Mr. Chips had a splendid and unforgettable interview with Mr. Wetherby. It was a sunny day of July
when he came to join. The air was full of fragrance and. In the cricket ground Brookfield was playing
with Barn Hurst School. Chips also remembered that one of the Barn Hurst boys scored a brilliant
10. What advice did Mr. Wetherby give Mr. Chips?
He advised Chips to be strict in the matter of discipline. Chips remembered his exact words: "You are
young man, Mr. Chipping and Brookfield is an old foundation. Youth and age often combine well. Give
your enthusiasm to Brookfield and Brookfield will give you something in return."
11. When and where did Mr. Chips take his first class at Brookfield school?
Mr. Chips took his first class of prep of five hundred students in Big Hall. As he came to the dais, there
was hush silence. Suddenly someone dropped the lid of his desk. Mr. Chips found that boy and
punished him. So he controlled his class from the very beginning and won his first round.
12. Who was Colley? Or How did Mr. Chips punish Colley on the very first class?
Colley was the boy who had dropped the lid of his desk during the class. Mr. Chips ordered him to get
up and write hundred lines as a punishment. After many years his son and grand son became the
students of Mr. Chips.
13. How did Mr. Chips welcome the son of the first Colley to his class?
Chips told him that his father was the first boy whom he punished in the class. He said, "He deserved it
then, and you deserve it now."
14. What was Chips' famous joke about the third Colley? What did Chips say to the third Colley?
Chips told the third Colley that he was a fine example of family traditions. He explained that his
grandfather was a stupid fellow, and so was his father. He called the third Colley the biggest fool of the
15. What did Chips teach at Brookfield?
Mr. Chips taught Latin and Greek and Roman history to different classes at B rookfield school. He
taught Latin grammar in detain. He also taught pronunciation of Latin words. His lessons on Roman and
Latin were always very interesting.
16. What type of the schools were Grammar Schools?
Grammar schools were set up in the sixteenth century during the rule of Queen Elizabeth I. They were
basically meant to teach Latin only. Later on, classical languages and literatures were taught in such
17. What was the status of Brookfield School? What was the repute of Brookfield?
Brookfield was not so much famous as Harrow or Eton. Few of its heads like Wetherby raised its status,
Overall, it was a good school of second rank. It produced or supplied a number of history making men.
Many of its students became judges, member of parliaments, businessmen, industrialists, merchants,
bishops, doctors, engineers and other professional men.
18. What was the outer view of Brookfield School?
The school was surrounded by tall elm trees which became bare in winter and looked like tall, straight
and graceful columns. In spring and summer they presented the view of a big wall surrounding a
fortress. In autumn their reddish brown colour cast a special impact on the viewer,
19. Describe the main campus of Brookfield School.
The school campus was a group of eighteenth-century buildings centered upon a quadrangle. Beyond it
were acres of leveled land used in playing fields. Matches were regularly played in these grounds.
20. Describe the village Brookfield.
The village Brookfield was very beautiful and lush green, the mountains in the distance provided a
beautiful background of the village. Most of the time these mountains remained covered by Hills, but in
the clear atmosphere mountains behind other mountains look very attractive.
21. Describe the similarities between Chips and Brookfield.
Mr. Chips and Brookfield Grammar School were perhaps made for each other. They had many things in
common. Both were old-fashioned and rooted deep in the past. Both were not very brilliant apparently,
but at heart both were gracious and full of love.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

22. What were Chips' thoughts when he joined Brookfield? What did he recognize in 1880 after a period
of ten years?
Mr. Chips joined this school at the age of twenty-two. After ten years he realized that he could go
nowhere to better himself. So he tried to settle there wholeheartedly.
23. What was Chips' attainment at Brookfield with the passage of time?
At the age of forty Chips was rooted deep in Brookfield and was quite happy. At fifty he was the
senior-most member of the stuff and was officially recognized in this capacity.
24. What was he at sixty? What was Chips' status at Brookfield as the senior-most member?
At sixty he himself wan Brookfield. He was the guest of honour at Old Brookfieldian dinners, the court of
appeal in all matters. At the age of sixty-five, he retired in the most honourable way.
25. What kind of people did Brookfield supply or produce?
It produced or supplied a number of history making men. Many of its students became judges, member of
parliaments, businessmen, industrialists, merchants, bishops, doctors, engineers and other professional men.
26. Who was Mrs. Wickett?
Mrs. Wickett was an old lady who remained once the incharge of linen room at Brookfield school. Her
house was opposite to Brookfield School. Mr. Chips resided at her house after his retirement as a paying
guest. She entertained chips guest happily. She served Mr. Chips for along time.
27. How did Mr. Chips feel at Mrs. Wicket's house?
After retirement Mr. Chips stayed at Mrs. Wickett's house. He led very pleasant and contented life at Mrs.
Wicket's. His pension was adequate and could afford everything.
28. How chips room was decorated? What was the condition of the house of Mrs. Wickett?
Mrs. Wickett's house was quite ugly but the room she had given to Mr. Chips was very comfortable and
sunny. It was furnished with few bookshelves, trophies, fixture cards and photographs. A worn Turkey
carpet was laid on the floor.
29. What kind of books did Mr. Chips read after retirement?
Mr. Chips had a good literary taste. His books were chiefly classical and detective novels. Sometimes he
read Virgil and Xenophon. Mostly he was interested in detective novels.
30. Describe Mr. Chips hospitality at Mrs. Wicket's house? How did Mr. Chips serve his visitors?
Mr. Chips was hospitable in nature. He served tea to his visitors with walnut cake with pink icing from
Reddaway's. Chips did not let visitor's plates empty.
31. Who was Collingwood? What did Chips tell Mrs. Wicket about Collingwood?
Collingwood was the student of Chips. Chips told Mrs. Wicket that once he was thrashed or beaten by him
for climbing on to the gymnasium roof to get a ball out of gutter. Later on, he became a major in British
Army and was killed in Egypt in some military action.
32. Why was spring 1896 very dear to Mr. Chips?
Spring 1896 was very dear to Chips because he was appointed housemaster. He was forty-eight, and had
become mature. The same year he went to the Lake District where he met Katherine.
33. Describe Mr. Chips' visit to the Lake District. Or How did Mr. Chips come across (meet) Katherine
Bridges? Or Give the first encounter between Chips and Katherine.
In the spring of 1896, during the summer vacation, Mr. Chips at the age of 48 visited the Lake District with
his colleague Mr. Rowden. One day on Great Gable he saw a girl of 25 namely Katherine bridges waving
her hand towards her friend. Chips rushed towards her thinking her to be in difficulty and injured his own
ankle. She looked after him daily. With in a week they got married before the autumn term.
34. Why did Mr. Chips not marry till the age of 48? Why was Chips against the women of nineties?
Mr. Chips was an old fashioned person. He hated the women of the nineties or Victorian period because of
having liberal and radical ideas. The women of that period like reading Shaw and Ibsen who were in favour
of emancipation. He disapproved the modern life style. This was why Mr. Chips did not marry till the age of
35. Describe Katherine Bridges' physical grace. or How did Katherine look like?
Katherine Bridges had blue flashing eyes, freckled cheeks and smooth straw coloured hair. She was a
beautiful and decent girl of 25. She had advanced and liberal ideas.
36. WhatwereKatherinesideas?OrWhowereKatherinesfavouritewriters?
Katherine Bridges had modern, radical, liberal and revolutionary ideas. She read and admired Ibsen,
Bernard Shaw and William Morris. She was in favour of university education and voting right for women.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

37. What were Katherine's views about Chips' profession?

Katherine Bridges loved Mr. Chips and his profession. She was happy that he was not a solicitor or a
broker or a dentist or some business man. She made him realize how important and sacred his profession
was. She was of the view that a school teacher was in a position to influence youngsters.
38. How old were Chips and Katherine at the time of their marriage?
Katherine was twenty-five years old, while Chips was forty-eight at the time of their marriage.
39. How was Katherine married and what did she say on the night before marriage?
Katherine Bridges had no parents. She was married from the house of an aunt in Baling. On the night before
wedding, when Chips was ready to leave for his hotel, she said to him Good by Mr. Chips for the first time.
40. What changes did marriage bring in Chips? How much did Chips' marriage contribute towards his
popularity? What was the influence of Ketherine on Mr. Chips?
Before marriage Mr. Chips was a dry, rigid and narrow minded person. He disliked modern women. He was
not impressive at all. Marriage gave him a new touch. His eyes gained sparkle, his mind began to move
more quickly, his discipline improved and became popular.
41. Describe Mr. Chips humour.
After marriage his sense of humour blossomed into a sudden richness. His little jokes, his amusing remarks
pleased everybody. Wherever he went, there were roars of laughter.
42. How did Katherine persuade Chips in holding a match between Mission School and Brookfield?
Katherine persuaded Chips in holding a match between Mission School and Brookfield by her forceful
arguments. She said, "England isn't always going to divide into officers and other ranks and those poplar
boys are just as important to England as Brookfield is." For her the rich and the poor were equal.
43. Describe Poplar boys' visit to Brookfield.
They arrived at Brookfield one Saturday afternoon and played a football match with the School's second
team. They were honourably defeated by seven goals to five. Later they had high tea with the School team
in the Dining Hall.
CHAPTER 7, 8 &9
44. Who was Ogilvie?
Ogilvie was an old choirmaster at Brookfield. Once a naughty boy namely Dunster put a rat in the organ loft
while Ogilvie was taking choir practice. Chips remembered that Ogilvie was dead and Dunster drowned at
45. Who was Dunster?
Dunster was a little naughty boy who once put a rat in the organ loft while Ogilvie was taking choir practice.
Chips remembered that Dunster drowned at Jutland.
46. Who was Lloyed George?
Mr Llyed George was the old student of Brookfield. He remained Prime Minister from 1916 to 1922. He
was invited as a guest of honour on Brookfiled speech day. Chips jokingly said that he had improved very
much. Lloyed laughed and talked to Chips more than anyone else.
47. What difficulties did Chips face when he wanted to write down his memories?
When Chips remembered memories he often wanted to write down them in the form of a book. But
whenever he tried to do so he faced difficulties. Firstly writing made him tired mentally and physically.
Secondly memories when written lost their charm.
48. How did Katherine help Chips in the matters of discipline?
Mr. Chips was occasionally too strict. She asked him to be kind without losing the balance. But she had not
always pleaded for leniency.
49. Describe Katherlne's tragic death. Or When and how did Katherine die?
On April 01, 1898 Katherine died during childs birth. The newly born baby also died with the mother.
Katherine could live with Mr. Chips for two years only. It was the end of the golden period of Chips life.
50. What were Chips' feelings on the death of his wife?
Mr. Chips was disturbed, rather badly shaken. He exclaimed: "My wife is dead and my child is dead, and I
wish I were dead myself." It happened on First April 1898. As such, it was the biggest piece of April
51. What was the effect of Katherine's death on Chips?
He was badly shaken. He was different now, and everybody noticed it. His hair had turned grey. He wore
his gown till it was almost too tattered to hold together. He was the man who looked 'old' then. His jokes
became serious.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

52. What kind of teacher was Mr. Chips? Why was Mr. Chips popular with the boys?
Mr. Chips was a devoted teacher. He helped his students in character building. He became social due to his
wife. He was popular with his students and colleagues for his conversation full of jokes. Everyone looked
forward the latest jokes from him.
53. Where did Mr. Chips liveafterKatherinesdeath?
Mr. Chips after the death of his beloved wife shifted to his old bachelor quarter.
54. Who was Meldrum? When and how did he die? {2007,
Mr. Meldrum was the Headmaster of Brookfield after the death of Mr. Wetherby in 1870. He was as
efficient as Wetherby. He worked in this capacity for thirty years. In 1900 he suddenly died of pneumonia.
55. When and how did Chips become the Acting Head of Brookfield for the first time?
In 1900, after the death of Mr. Meldrum, the Governor appointed Chips as the Acting Head of Brookfield.
56. Who was Mr. Ralston? Describe the personality of Mr. Ralston. Or what kind of person was Ralston?
Mr. Ralston was a modern young man of thirty seven, with a brilliant academic record. He was appointed as
the head master of Brookfield. He was a live wire and a fine power transmitter. He had an impressive
personality that could easily reduce a big hall to silence by lifting his eye brow.
57. Why could Ralston not become popular?
Ralston was ambitious and efficient. But at the same time he was unkind and inhuman. His manners were
very imperious. The row between him and chips was also a major cause of unpopularity with the students
and their parents.
58. What was Ralston's progress as the Head?
During his stay the status of Brookfield School improved, though the staff remained under constant
pressure. There were longish waiting lists of the boys who wanted to get admission.
59. Describe the row between Ralston and Chips. Or Why did Ralston quarrel with Chips?
The most thrilling incident of the novel is the row between Mr. Chips and Ralston. This incident brought
popularity for Mr. Chips and unpopularity for Ralston. When Chips became sixty years old, Ralston called
him in his office. He pointed out his weaknesses and asked him to think about retirement. Mr. Chips lost his
temper. The result was a row between the two.
60. How did the people of the area come to know about the row between Chips and Ralston?
By chance a boy was present outside Ralston's office. He overheard all the conversation. He told other boys
about the unhappy incident and the news spread like wildfire that Ralston had insulted Mr. Chips. .
61. What was people's reaction after the row between Ralston and Chips?
People could not tolerate Chips' insult. They reacted against it. The matter became so serious that the
Chairman of the Board of Governors had to visit Brookfield to resolve the matter.
62. Who was Sir John Rivers? Describe his visit to Brookfield and what did he say to Chips?
Sir John Rivers was the Chairman of the Board of Governors. He was an old Brookfieldian and was a direct
student of Mr. Chips. When he visited Brookfield, he went direct to Chips ignoring Ralston. He felt sorry.
He assured Chips that the Governors were with him and they never wanted him to retire.
63. Who were Grayson junior and senior? What did Chips say to Grayson junior?
Grayson junior was the student at Brookfield in Chatteris ' Latin class. He was not very active in his studies.
Grayson senior was his father. He sailed on the Titanic that sank into the sea. Chips congratulated Grayson
junior when he knew that his father was rescued on the sea. Grayson junior died afterwards.
64. Who was Mr. Jones?
Mr. Jones was the employee of railway in charge of signal. Owing to some reason, Railway employees were
on strike. Mr. Jones was also one of them. Mr. Chips met him and talked to him very friendly. People
thought that Chips was in favour of the strike of railway men.
CHAPTER 12, 13, 14&15
65. When and why did Mr. Ralston leave Brookfield?
In 1911 Ralston left Brookfield because he was offered the headship of an other greater public school.
66. Why and when did Mr. Chips decide to retire?
In 1913, at the age of sixty five, Mr. Chips caught cold and could not go to school for the whole winter. It
was then that he thought and decided to get retirement from his services.
67. Where did Chips go in 1913?
In 1913, at the age of sixty five, Mr. Chips caught cold. He went to Wiesbaden for cure. He lodged at the
home of a German teacher Herr Staefel.
68. What was given or presented to Mr. Chips on his farewell?

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

In July 1913, at the age of sixty five Chips was presented or given a cheque, a writing desk and a wall clock
on his farewell party.
69. Describe Mr. Chips' farewell speech. What type of farewell was given to Mr. Chips?
In July, 1913, Chips was given his farewell party. At the end of farewell he made a very interesting speech.
It was full of jokes. It had several Latin quotations as well. He told the boys that he would remember all
their faces.
70. Who was Mr. Chatteris? How did Chatteris behave with Chips?
After Ralston, Mr. Chatteris became the Headmaster in 1911 at the age of 34. He was an able, hardworking
and kind man. Chatteris behaved with Mr. Chips very nicely. He accepted Mr. Chips as an institution. In
1918, Chatteris died at the age of forty one. Chatteris was suffering from diabetes.
71. How did Mr. Chatteris look when he came to meet Mr. Chips at Mrs. Wickett's house? Why did Mr.
Chatteris come to meet Chips in 1916? When and why did Mr. Chips rejoin Brookfield?
In 1916, when Mr. Chatteris, the headmaster of Brookfield came to Mr. Chips, he was looking over worked
and ill. He requested Mr. Chips to rejoin the school as he could not manage school matters efficiently. Chips
accepted the offer and rejoined the school.

72. When and Why did Chips become the Acting Head of Brookfield again?
Chips became the Acting Head of Brookfield again after the death of Mr. Chatteris. He continued working
till the end of next year in the same capacity at the request of the Governor.
73. Who was Burrow? Who were Stink Merchants?
Burrow was the pale, lean and medically unfit science master. Mr. Chips called him Stink Merchant.
74. Who was Forrester?
Forrester was the smallest new boy, the Brookfield ever had had. He was four feet high above his muddy
foot ball boots. He was killed down in 1918.
75. Who was a Lamp Boy?
Lamp Boy was the employee of Brookfield. His duty was to trim and lit the candles of Brookfield school.
76. How did Chips perform his duties during his second Headship?
He sat in the headmaster's study every morning, handling problem and seeing people. The First World War
was still going on. On Sundays in chapel he read out the names of those who were killed on the war front.
He sent his resignation to the governors in 1918.
CHAPTER 16, 17&18
77. What was the condition of Chips' health during the last few years at Mrs. Wlckett's?
He was not ill but because of old age he started feeling a bit tired. Only in the winter months his breathing
became disturbed. He had to take care of himself when there were east winds.
78. How did Chips spend last few years at Mrs. Wickett's? What was Chips routine after 1929?
He remained indoors during winter and waited for summer. There were the continual visits of the old boys.
He enjoyed their visits more than anything else. He mostly followed the timetable of Brookfield and often
remembered the gone days.
79. What were the two things Chips had never experienced or done in his life?
He had never been to a talky show and had never traveled by air.
80. How did people like his jokes when they visited him at Mrs. Wicikett's?
When the old or new boys visited Mr. Chips at Mrs. Wickett's, they wished to be entertained with some new
jokes. Mr. Chips was always brilliant, always at his best. He had earned the reputation of being a great
81. What were Chips' outdoor activities during the last years of his retired life?
When Chips was eighty-one, he remained stationed at Brookfield. He even did not go for Old Boys' dinners
in London. He was much afraid of chills, and late nights began to tire him too much. He came across to the
schools on fine days only.
82. What was Chips' will? Or when did he make his will?
Mr. Chips made his will in 1930. According to his will, some of his money was to go to Mrs. Wickett, some
to the mission and the amount left was to found entrance scholarships to the school.
83. Who was Linford? Or what was the last joke the Brookfield boys played on Chips?
Linford was a boy who came to see Chips just one day before his death. It was his first meeting with Chips.
He was first at Brookfield of his family. Some of the other boys had sent him to Chips by way of joke.
Chips entertained him with tea and walnut cake and talked about different matters.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

84. Why did Chips become sad after Linford's departure?

When Linford was about to depart, he said good-bye to Mr. Chips. The way he said reminded him of his late
wife Katherine who used the same words in the evening before their wedding day. It made Mr. Chips very
sad. He burst into tears and fainted.
85. What did Cartwright say about Chips' children? Or What was the reaction of Chips when Cartwright
said to him issueless?
Cartwright was the headmaster after Chatteris. He felt sorry for Chips for not having any child. Chips heard
this and, in spite of his weakness, reacted against it. He said that all the school boys were his children. Then
so many names of boys sounded in his ears like a chorus.
86. Describe the scene of Mr. Chips' death.
After recovering from the shock, Chips was between sleep and wakefulness. The sweet memories of
Katherine came to his mind. He remembered almost all the boys. Soon he was asleep, but from this sleep he
could not rise again.
87. When did Mr. Chips die?
Mr. Chips died in 1933 at the age of 85 years after spending contented and comfortable retired life of fifteen
1. A bird's eye view (a general view) I have a birds eye view of this book.
2. A black sheep (a man with a bad repute) We call him a black sheep for bad manners.
3. Above board(beyond doubt) His honesty is above board.
4. A far cry (a long way) It is a far cry from Narowal to Lahore.
5. A dead letter (law not effective) This law is only a dead letter in Pakistan.
6. A white elephant (burden) This old car is a white elephant for him.
7. A royal road (easy way) There is no royal road to glory.
8. A rainy day (difficult time) He saved some money for a rainy day.
9. A laughing stock (object of ridicule) He became a laughing stock in the class.
10. A burning question (a critical matter) Inflation is a burning question of the year.
11. Apple pie order (in complete order) His room is in apple pie order.
12. At sixes and sevens (not in order) His books are lying at sixes and sevens.
13. A bird of passage (migratory) A bird of passage has no permanent address.
14. A lion's share (largest part of anything) He got a lions share of his fathers property.
15. A leap in the dark (doubtful attempt) The new plan is only a leap in the dark.
16. A maiden speech (first speech) It is his maiden speech.
17. A red letter day (a momentous day) March 23, is a red letter day for Pakistan.
18. A fair weather friend (selfish friend) His companions are fair weather friends.
19. A Wild-goose chase (a futile search) It is a wild-goose chase to find the lost car.
20. Apple of discord (cause of contention) This car is an apple of discord for us.
21. A bone of contention (reason of enmity) This car is a bone of contention for us.
22. A rotten/bad egg (evil man) He proved to be a rotten egg for his friends.
23. At the eleventh hour (at the last moment) He reached at the eleventh hour and saved his life.
24. An eye wash (a pretence) His offer to help is just an eye wash.
25. Add insult to injury (to aggravate) His way of talking added insult to my injury.
26. All and sundry (everybody) Give away the sweets among all and sundry.
27. Add fuel to the fire (instigate/incite) He added fuel to fire by his ironic remarks.
28. At daggers drawn (have bad blood) Both the parties are at daggers drawn.
29. Atarmslength (keep away) Keep bad boys at arms length.
30. A man of parts(leaned) My teacher is a man of parts
31. A blue stocking (a showy woman) Ayesha is a blue stocking.
32. Black sheep (an evil mannered) Smugglers are the black sheep of the society.
33. Bell the cat (take a risk or dare to act) Who will bell the cat by reporting against him?
34. Break the news (to give information) The Major broke the news of the war.
35. Bury the hatchet (to stop quarrelling) He buried the hatchet and embraced him.
36. Birds of a feather (people of same sort) Birds of a feather flock together.
37. Blow hot and cold (with no clear view point) He is a fickle. He always blows hot and cold.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

38. Bolt from the blue (Gods act) Flood proved to be a bolt from the blue for me.
39. Burn midnight oil (work hard) He burnt midnight oil to get success.
40. Burnonesfingers (to bear loss) He burnt his fingers for his misdeeds
41. Burn the candle at both ends He burnt the candle at both ends and ruined.
42. Build castle in the air (to boast of) He builds castles in the air and does nothing.
43. Bring to book (to call to account) A criminal was brought to book.
44. Broken reed (trustless person) Do not depend upon him as he is a broken reed.
45. Better half (wife) She is my better half.
46. Bring to light (to expose) The murder was brought to light.
47. Bad blood (feelings of revenge) There is a bad blood between Ali And Shahid.
48. By fists and starts (not seriously) He who works by fists and starts rarely succeed.
49. By hook or by crook (by fair or foul way) Ali wants to get the job by hook or by crook.
50. Break the ice (to overcome shyness) Naeem broke the ice when all were silent.
51. Bag and baggage (with all belongings) He left his house bag and baggage.
52. By leaps and bounds (rapidly) Japan has made progress by leaps and bounds.
53. By and by (gradually) He comes round his wife by and by.
54. Beat about the bush (to talk irrelevantly) Dont beat about the bush and come to the point.
55. Crocodile tears (hypocritical tears) The thief sheds crocodile tears before the police.
56. Catch at a straw (to get support) A drowning man catches at a straw.
57. Cock and bull story (fabricated story ) I dont believe in his cock and bull story.
58. Come to blows ( start quarrel ) Both abused each other and came to blows.
59. Casting vote (decisive vote) My vote proved to be a casting vote.
60. Call a spade a spade (to be truthful) Our leader always calls a spade a spade.
61. Call in question (to object) Parents love cannot be called in question.
62. Call names(to abuse) He has a bad habit of calling names.
63. Carry the day (to win) After a long struggle, Pakistan carried the day.
64. Carry weight (carry importance) His arguments carry weight.
65. Catspaw(to be used as a tool) Ali is cats paw in the hand s of his manager.
66. Cold war (open enmity with out fighting) There is a cold war between husband and wife.
67. Come to terms (come to agreement) At last, they had to come to terms.
68. Cut a sorry figure (to feel shame He cut a sorry figure at his maiden speech.
69. Capital punishment (death sentence) The terrorists deserve capital punishment.
70. Cry wolf ( to spread rumor) Those who cry wolf are never respected.
71. Curry favour (to praise for benefit) He always tries to curry favour with his boss.
72. Dutch courage (courage from being drunk) She does not like his Dutch courage.
73. Double faced ( hypocrite) I cannot accept your double faced policy.
74. Do a good turn to ( be helpful) He always does a good turn to others.
75. Dance attendance on (to do what one likes) He always dances attendance on his boss.
76. Dark horse (A person with hidden abilities) Ali proved to be a dark horse on getting good marks.
77. Die in harness (to continue to the last) Ali remained busy in work and died in harness.
78. Every inch (completely) He is every inch a knave.
79. End in smoke ( go useless) His business ended in smoke due to his misdeeds.
80. Eatoneswords (to back out) An honest man does not eat his words.
81. Flesh and blood (human nature) It is just flesh and blood to get money.
82. Fair play (just dealing) I believe in fair play.
83. Fall prey to (become victim of) He fell a prey to a beautiful woman
84. Foul play (unfair) I dont believe in foul play.
85. Find fault with (to criticize) He is in habit of finding fault in every matter.
86. Flog a dead horse (useless effort) It is useless to flog a dead horse.
87. Fish out of water (to be unease at new place) He feels like a fish out water at his new job.
88. Face the music (face the result) He has to face the music for his misdeeds.
89. Fall in love with (love) She has fallen in love with Ali.
90. Fall in with (meet) I fell in with the manager in the meeting.
91. For want of (running short of) His car stopped on the way for want of oil
92. For good (forever) Ali has left the city for good.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

93. Few and far between (rarely) His visits here are few and far between.
94. French leave (to leave without notice) He is on french leave today.
95. Feather one's nest (to enrich oneself ) The rulers always try to feather their nest.
96. Get rid of (to leave) He should try to get rid of the Americans.
97. Go to the dogs (be ruined) He will go to the dogs for his misdeeds.
98. Go to the walls (to be unsuccessful/fail) He will go to the walls for not working hard.
99. Give oneself airs (to boast of) He gives himself airs for his wealth.
100. Gift of gab (gift of speech) The Quaid had great gift of gab.
101. Hard and fast (strict) There are no hard and fast rules in our society.
102. Hit below the belt (treat unfairly) The candidate hit below the belt to win the election.
103. Hue and cry (raise an alarm) There was a great hue and cry in the meeting.
104. Hand in glove (very close) They are hand in glove with each other.
105. House of cards ( a plan that will fail) Our political system is a house of cards.
106. In full swing (to the climax) Spring season is in full swing.
107. In short (in brief) In short, I shall stand by you.
108. In the long run ( in the end) In the long run, our team won the match.
109. In the teeth of ( besides opposition) We went to meet him in the teeth of heavy rain.
110. Ins and outs (all the details) I know the ins and out of this matter.
111. Iron will ( very strong determination) Quaid-e-Azam was a man of iron will.
112. In the air (spreading of information) It is in the air that you have married.
113. In a fix (in dilemma, awkward situation) He is in a fix for his misdeeds.
114. In black and white (to put down) We should get the terms in black and white.
115. In the nick of time (at the eleventh hour) He shut down the computer in the nick of time.
116. Keep up appearances(an outward show) He keeps up appearances through thick and thin.
117. keep at arm's length (to keep others away) He keeps himself at arm's length from others.
118. Kith and kin(relatives) The innocent Iraqis have lost their kith and kin.
119. Kick the bucket (pass away) The old man kicked the bucket last night.
120. Keep abreast of (keeping in touch) We should keep abreast of new technology.
121. Let the cat out of bag ( to disclose) At last he let the cat out of bag before me.
122. Leave no stone unturned (try every means) He left no stone unturned to help his friend.
123. Leave in the lurch (leave in difficulty) We should never leave our friends in the lurch.
124. Lick the dust (lick) After all, the enemy will have to lick the dust.
125. Look down upon (to hate) We should not look down upon the poor.
126. Make fun of (to laugh at) Dont make fun of others.
127. Make both ends meet (to be in ones income) A poor man hardly makes both ends meet.
128. Make a clean breast of (to confess) The accused make clean breast of his crime
129. Make amends for (to make penance for) He makes amends for his past misdeeds.
130. Make good (to compensate) The insurance company will make good my loss.
131. Makeonesmark (to earn fame) He made his mark as a poet
132. Move heaven and earth (to struggle hard) He moved heaven and earth to get a job
133. Null and void (cancelled) The old trade laws have become null and void.
134. Nip in the bud (remove from the beginning) Nip the evil in the bud.
135. Off hand (with out preparation) He delivered his speech off hand.
136. Out and out (thoroughly) Jamil is out and out rude.
137. Off and on (now and then) He visits me off and on. /now and then.
138. Once in a blue moon (rarely) He visits me once in a blue moon.
139. Over head and ears (completely in debt) He is in debt over head and ears.
140. On the eve of (on the occasion of ) He met me on the eve of Eid.
141. Necessary evil ( an un-avoided evil) War is a necessary evil.
142. Narrow escape (close shave) He had a narrow escape from accident today.
143. Part and parcel (inseparable) Man and woman are part and parcel for each other.
144. Play ducks and drakes ( to spend lavishly) He plays ducks and drakes with his father money.
145. Prose and cons (favorable & unfavorable) I know the pros and cons of this matter.
146. Play with fire (dangerous play) It is not good to play with fire.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

147. Pay back in the same coin (tit for tat) He abused me and I paid back him in the same coin.
148. Pocket an insult (bear insult silently) He pocketed insult and went home.
149. Pokeonesnose (to interfere) Dont poke your nose in my affairs.
150. Poisononesears (to make someone against) She poisons her husbands ears
151. Play truants (to run from school) He often plays truant from school.
152. Pull a long face (to get sad) He pulled a long face on my refusal.
153. Pullonesleg (to befool someone) Dont pull your friends leg.
154. Pay through nose (face the music) You will pay through nose for your misdeeds.
155. Put the cart before horse (to do contrary) It is wrong to put the cart before horse.
156. Red tape (official delay due to Our officers suffer from red tape.
157. Read between the lines(to know the hidden) Be prudent and read between the lines
158. Rank and file(common people) He helps the rank and file.
159. Small talk (to gossip) After dinner, we made small talk.
160. Smell a rat (to smell danger) The thief smells a rat and ran away.
161. Show white feather (show coward-ness) Dont show white feather in fight.
162. Scot free (to be free completely) The thief got Scot free.
163. Split hair (to scrutinize) He is in habit of splitting hair.
164. Stand on ceremony (to be formal) Dont stand on ceremony and feel at home.
165. Spick and span (neat and tidy) She keeps the house spick and span.
166. Spread like wild fire (spread very fast) The news of row spread like wild fire.
167. See eye to eye with (to get agree) He sees eye to eye with me in this matter.
168. Take to task (to reprove) The student was taken to task by the teacher.
169. Take ill (to mind) Dont take my remarks ill.
170. Tell upon (break down) Hard work fell upon his health.
171. Talk shop (talk of ones own business) He always talks shop.
172. Takeonesheals (run away) The thief took to his heal to see a police man.
173. Take to heart (take seriously) He has his failure to heart.
174. Taken aback (surprised) He was taken aback to see me there.
175. Turn over a new leaf(start life afresh) After marriage, she turned over a new leaf.
176. Turn a deaf ear to (not to listen) He turned a deaf ear to my advice.
177. Turn coat (disloyal/traitor) Dont believe him as he is a turn coat.
178. Turn tail (to run away) The thief turned tail in darkness.
179. Turn turtle (to upside down) The bus turned turtle after accident.
180. Through thick and thin(through all sorts) I shall stand by you through thick and thin.
181. Throwdustinoneseyes (to deceive) Ali tries to throw dust in his parents eyes.
182. Take fancy to (like some one) He has taken fancy to that girl.
183. To get wind of (to be informed of) He got wind of her marriage from his friend..
184. With heart and soul (fully) He does every thing with heart and soul.
185. Up to the mark (having reasonable) His performance in paper is up to the mark.
186. Under a cloud (to be dishonoured) He is under a cloud for his negligence.
187. Uphill/Herculean task (difficult task) It is not good to play with fire.
188. Wet blanket (discouraging person) He is a wet blanket.
189. Well off (to be rich) He is well off because his income is very high.
190. Wear and tear (depreciation) The wear and tear can be seen on this machinery.
191. Win laurels (to earn fame) Churchill won laurels in English literature.

Phrasal Verbs
192. Bear out ( to confirm/certify) He bears out my honesty.
193. Belong to (come of) She belongs to a noble family.
194. Back out (dishonour commitment) Ali does not back out of his words.
195. Bring home to (to explain) My teacher brings home to us all the points
196. Bring about(cause) What brought about your failure?
197. Bring up (to rear, to educate) He brought up her only daughter well.
198. Break down (stop functioning) His car broke down on the way.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

199. Break away (to run away) The thief broke away from the jail.
200. Break out (to spread) Cholera broke out in city.
201. Break into (enter violently) The thief broke into the house.
202. Break through (pass through) The thief broke through the crowd.
203. Call for (demand, need) Success calls for hard work.
204. Call in ( call for help) nThe nurse called in the doctor.
205. Call off (to stop something) The workers called off the strike.
206. Call to account (Call for explanation) The manager called the clerk to account.
207. Carry out (to execute orders) He carries out my orders.
208. Carry on ( to continue) He carried on working hard.
209. Come out (to appear) The new edition of this book has come out.
210. Come off (to happen) Our village fair will come off next Sunday.
211. Come across (meet by chance) I came across my old friend in the garden.
212. Come round (to get round) He comes round his wife by arguments.
213. Comes of (have relation to) Ali comes of a great family.
214. Cast away ( to throw) He cast away his old books.
215. Cast down (be unhappy) He was cast down by his failure.
216. Cut short (be brief) Please cut the matter short as I am busy.
217. Cut down (to reduce) He cut down his expenditures.
218. Deal in (to do business) He deals in sugar.
219. Do away with (eradicate) We should do with injustice.
220. Die out (disappear) Many old customs are dying out gradually,
221. Drop off (to fall asleep) The patient has just dropped off.
222. Do up (to decorate) He did up his house with beautiful things.
223. Fall in with (happen to meet, agree to) Ali fell in with my views at once.
224. Fall out (to quarrel) He fell out with his friend for nothing.
225. Fall through (to fail) The scheme fell through for want of funds.
226. Fall off (to decrease) My income is falling off.
227. Go off (explode) The bomb went off in the Hall.
228. Get through (to succeed) You will get through by hard work.
229. Get at (reach, gain access to) I cannot get at the top position.
230. Get over(forget) Chips could never get over Katherine.
231. Go through He goes through his course in a week
232. Give away (distribute) The principal gave away the prizes.
233. Give in ( to yield) The enemy gave in.
234. Give up (to hand over) You should give bad habits.
235. Keep up with (go forward with You cannot keep with the class.
236. Lay by/put by/set aside ( to save) Lay be something for a rainy day.
237. Look down upon (to hate) We should not look down upon the beggars.
238. Look after ( to take care) He looks after her mother.
239. Look forward to ( to expect eagerly) I look forward to seeing you.
240. Look for (to search) He is looking for his lost book.
241. Make good (to compensate The company will make good our loss.
242. Make up for (Make up) (compensate) Hard work will make up for the loss.
243. Make out ( to understand) He easily made out my point of view.
244. Put off(to postpone) We should not put off any matter.
245. Put up with (endure; tolerate) Mr. Jinnah had to put up with many hardships.
246. Put down (to lower, to suppress) The police put down the crowd.
247. Put on (clothe) The manager put on his hat.
248. pass by ( to ignore) He always passes by my mistakes.
249. pass away(to die) The old man passed away last night.
250. part with (to do with out a thing) He cannot pass with his old car.
251. part from(to do with out a person) He cannot pass from his mother.
252. Set out (to start on a journey) Marco Polo set out for China in 1271.
253. Set off ( to start) We shall set off Lahore tomorrow.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076

254. Set in (to begin) Spring has set in.

255. Set up (to establish) He set up a new company.
256. See off (to depart with complements) He will see off the guests.
257. See through (to understand) I can see through your problem.
258. Stand out (to look prominent) His performance stands him out from others.
259. Stand for (to represent) He stands for intelligence.
260. Stand by (to support) I shall stand by you through thick and thin.
261. Run short of (to fall short of) He ran short of money.
262. Run out (to finish) His money has run out.
263. Run over (knock down) The car ran over a beggar.
264. Send for (ask someone to go and bring) Please send for the doctor.
265. Take down (write) Please take down the main points.
266. Take for (misunderstand) He took me for Ali.
267. Take to (to be accustomed to) He has taken to smoking.
268. Take after (to be similar to) She takes after her mother.
269. Take into account (note, consider) The judge took my views into account.
270. Tell upon(on) (influence adversely) His hard work told upon his health..
271. Turn down (refuse to consider) My case was turned down by the Board.
272. Turn up (arrive) The chief guest has not yet turned up.
273. Turn out/off ( extinguish) Please put out the light.
274. Write off (to cancel) He wrote off my loan.
275. Work out (to solve) He worked out the problem.

Important Prepositions
(05 marks)
Set-A Set-B Set-C Set-D
Astonished at Catch at Hard on Prior to
Attend on Confident of Invite to Prevent from
Attend to Comes of Hostile to Persist on
Agree with Consist of Indebted to Ponder over
Agree at Charged with Inclination to/for Quick at
Agree on Control over Interfere with Relieve of
Angry with Cheque on Indifferent to Rely on
Angry at Cure of Inform of Rescue from
Acceded to Compare to Impose on Revenge on
Aim at Compare with Indifferent to Rob of
Approve of Congratulate on Interfere with Repent on
Allot to Deaf to Involve Proficient in
Attach to Deprive of Jump up Run over
Aware of Depend on Jealous of Remind of
Afraid of Die of justified in Reward for
Absorbed in Die for Keen about Succeed in
Accomplished in Dwell at Kind to Smile at
Adorned with Deal in Key to Sick of
Adverse to deal with Knock at Senior to
Ashamed of Differ from Knocked out Sure of
Abide by Disgusted with Long for Side of
Avail of Displeased with Leads to Startled at
Absent from Dear to Listen to Stare at
Adhere to Deliver to Lack of loyal to Short of
Addicted to Dream of Lust for Taste for
Alarmed at Drain into Look up Tired of
Adjacent to Enter into Lecture about True to
Based on Envious of Laugh at Trust in
Burst into Eligible for Made from Takes after
Believe in Enjoy of Made of Thankful to
Begins from Fond of Marry to Victim to
Beware of Faith in Note down Wrong with
Beg for Familiar with Notorious for Want of
Born in Familiar to Operate upon Write with
Born to Faithful to Object to Write down
Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076
Born at Fight for Objection to Write in
Bad at Furious at Oppose to Yearn for
Boast of Famous for Part with
Brag of Fill in Part from
Banished from Fire at Proud of
Become of Good at Preside at
Blind in Good to Plot against
Blind to Good of Popular with
Blessed with Gaze at Play at
Bring up Guilty of Play upon
Claim for Grumbled at Pray to
Clever at Hope for Prefer to
Confidence in Happened to Prevail on

(05 marks)

Use of Noun
Incorrect Correct
1. The sceneries of Swat are lovely. The scenery of Swat is lovely.
2. The furnitures in this room are good. The furniture in this room is good.
3. She gave me two advices. She gave me two pieces of advice.
4. She shouted vulgar abuses at me. She shouted vulgar abuse at me.
5. She wrote three poetries She wrote three poems.
6. The hen ate many rices. The hen ate many grains of rice.
7. He made many mischiefs. He made many pieces/acts of mischief.
8. He ran into many troubles. He ran into much trouble.
9. He gave me two informations. He gave me two pieces of information.
10. She told me two news. She told me two pieces of news.
11. She took tea with her family members. She took tea with the members of her family.
12. Cattle is eating grass. Cattle are eating grass.
13. Cattles are eating grass. Cattle are eating grass.
14. Ten miles are a long distance. Ten miles is a long distance.
15. He gave me a fifty rupees note. She gave me a fifty rupee note.
16. Her hairs are curly. Her hair is curly.
17. Politics are a game. Politics is a game.
18. Two sheeps are eating grass. Two sheep are eating grass.
19. I like fresh fruits. I like fresh fruit
20. He grows a variety of fruit. He grows a variety of fruits.
21. I bought two dozens eggs. I bought two dozen eggs.
22. She bought some stationeries. She bought some stationery.
23. He caught two fishes. He caught two fish.
24. I have two works to do. I have two pieces of work to do.
25. I have a business in the office. I have a piece of business in the office.
26. We spent the summer vacations in Swat We spent the summer vacation in Swat
27. The United States are a rich country. The United States is a rich country.
28. The United Nations are not working for us. The United Nations are not working for us.
29. We have read many poetries. We have read many poems
30. He issues order to release him. He issues orders to release him.
31. He takes pain over his work. He takes pains over his work.
32. I have an urgent work/business at home. I have an urgent piece of work/business at home.
33. The tables leg is broken. The leg of table is broken.
34. She has Naeems book. She has book of Naeem.
35. I was busy in my study. I was busy in my studies.
36. I am twenty years old. I am twenty year old.
37. Vermin is seen everywhere in rainy season. Vermin are seen everywhere in rainy season.
38. He killed two deers. He killed two deer.
39. I saw many deers. I saw many deer.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076
40. He bought four scores of oranges. He bought four score of oranges.
41. For God sake, help me. For Gods sake help me.
42. For justices sake, I did so. For justice sake, I did so.
43. Measles are spreading rapidly. Measles is spreading rapidly.
44. Please put your sign here Please put your signature here

Use of Pronoun
Incorrect Correct
45. I and he are friends. He and I are friends.
46. He and you are friends You and he are friends.
47. This pens is my. This pen is mine.
48. I, you and he will help the poor. You he and I will help the poor.
49. I, you and he deceive others. I, he and you deceive others.
50. Any one can do if one tries. Any one can do if he tries.
51. One of the dogs bite. One of the dogs bites.
52. One of the teacher died in blast. One of the teachers died in blast.
53. Neither of the three girls are my sister. None of the three girls is my sister.
54. None of the two boys are there. Neither of the two boys is there.
55. Either of the three girls are my sister. Anyone of the three girls is my sister.
56. Anyone of the two boys are there. Either of the two boys is there.
57. He along with his teachers are going. He along with his teachers is going.
58. He as well as you is in the wrong. He as well as you are in the wrong.
59. Neither he nor I is working. Neither he nor I am working.
60. Either you or she have done some thing Either you or she has done some thing wrong.
61. He is one of those boys who is mischievous. He is one of those boys who are mischievous.
62. I want a teacher for my son who is over forty. For my son, I want a teacher who is over forty.
63. It is I who are to blame. It is I who am to blame.
64. It is she not you who are to blame. It is she not you who is to blame.
65. He is taller than me. He is taller than I.
66. He is happy as her. He is happy as she.
67. This is yours book. This is your book. Or This book is yours.
68. Your work is better than mine work. Your work is better than my work. OR Your work is
better than mine.
69. One should do his duty. One should do one's duty.
70. A man should do one's duty. A man should do his duty.
71. He keeps himself away from smoking. He keeps away from smoking.
72. She was bathing herself in the pool. She was bathing in the pool.
73. Wise people avail of every opportunity. Wise people avail themselves of every opportunity.
74. He enjoyed in the class. He enjoyed himself in the class.
75. Aslam and I are thieves. I and Aslam are thieves.
76. I and Aslam are social workers. Aslam and I are social workers.
77. Ali is the boy which I like the best Ali is the boy whom I like the best
78. I saw a bird who was pretty. I saw a bird which was pretty.
79. He is such a boy who is liked by me. He is such a boy as is liked by me.
80. He is the same boy who won the prize. He is the same boy that won the prize.
81. He is the boy who I like. He is the boy whom I like.
82. Whom is singing a song? Who is singing a song?
83. Who do you like the most? Whom do you like the most?
84. It is him. It is he.
85. Let she come in. Let her come in.
86. The matter is between she and I. The matter is between her and me.
87. None of the girls has done their work. None of the girls has done her work.
88. Neither of the two boys is doing their duty. Neither of the two boys is doing his duty.
89. Either of die two boys is learning their lesson. Either of the two boys is learning his lesson.
90. Anyone of these boys is reading their book Anyone of these boys is reading his book.
91. Every boy is doing their duty. Every boy is doing his duty.
92. Each of us has paid their dues. Each of us has paid his dues.
93. The four girls are fighting with each other. The two girls are fighting with one another.
94. The jury was divided in its verdict The jury were divided in their verdict
95. The jury were united in their opinion. The jury was united in its opinion.
96. I saw a girl in the school who is lovely. In the school, I saw a girl who is lovely.
97. Both of they have gone. Both of them have gone.
98. He braver than we all. He braver than us all. Or all of us.
99. The two boys are helping one another. The two boys are helping each other.
100. One of the girl is wise. One of the girls is wise.
101. Yours truly. Yours truly

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076
102. This pen is like me. This pen is like my pen.
103. Those who work hard they will pass. Those who work hard will pass.
104. He who is proud he is not liked. He who is proud is not liked.
105. You and I do your work You and I do our work.
106. They and we do their duty. They and we do our duty.
107. You and they obey their parents. You and they obey your parents.

Use of adjective
Incorrect Correct
108. Please give me any milk. Please give me some milk.
109. He did not give me some milk. He did not give me any milk.
110. She made tea with little milk. She made tea with a little milk.
111. She made tea with a little milk I brought. She made tea with the little milk I brought.
112. He earns few rupees daily. He earns a few rupees daily.
113. He spent a few rupees he had. He spent the few rupees he had.
114. She is taller than me. She is taller than I.
115. She is the tallest than her sister. She is taller than her sister.
116. He is the taller of the three. He is the tallest of the three.
117. She is more taller than I. She is taller than I.
118. This book is more ideal than that This book is ideal.
119. This car is more preferable than that This car is preferable to that
120. He is the most unique doctor in the city. He is a unique doctor in die city.
121. This cloth is more superior than that This cloth is superior to that
122. He is senior than me. He is senior to me.
123. She is the most tallest girl in the class. She is the tallest girl in the class.
124. He gained a first prize. He gained die first prize.
125. He loves every of his two sisters. He loves each of his two sisters.
126. I am elder than he. I am older than he.
127. She is my older sister. She is my elder sister.
128. She is the tallest of the two. She is die taller of die two.
129. The number of boys in our school are less. The number of boys in our school is small.
130. Yours sincere friend. Yours sincerely. OR your sincere friend.
131. He is a coward man He is a coward. OR He is a cowardly man.
132. She is much beautiful. She is very beautiful.
133. He spent whole the money. He spent the whole money.
134. He spent the all money. He spent all die money. ,
135. She has no any money to buy a pen. She has no money to buy a pen.
136. She is very tired to run. She is too tired to run.
137. Of the two, he is the best. Of the two, he is the better.
138. It much fine today It very fine today
139. It is too cold today. It is very cold today.
140. He is a best student. He is a good student.
141. He is more fatter than I. He is fatter than I.
142. He is my older brother. He is my elder brother.
143. This story is much interesting. This story is very interesting.
144. She is elder than I. She is elder to me.
145. Where are your family members? Where are the members of your family?
146. His result is much encouraging. His result is much encouraging.
147. I was much happy. I was much happy.
148. I am much pleased to see you. I am much pleased to see you.
149. I am very obliged to you. I am very obliged to you.
150. He is a miser man. He is a miserly man.
151. All is the eldest man in the town. All is the oldest man in the town.
152. She is my oldest daughter. She is my eldest daughter.
153. What is the last news of the match? What is the latest news of the match?
154. She is a miser woman. She is a miserly woman. OR She is a miser.
155. This book is too much thick. This book is much too thick.
156. He is coward boy. He is cowardly boy. Or He is coward.
157. The braves are always respected. The brave are always respected.
158. This is a worth seeing place. The is a place worth seeing
159. Health is more preferable than wealth. Health is more preferable to wealth.
160. She is the most unique teacher in school. She is a unique teacher in school.
161. Please keep quietly. Please keep quiet.
162. This orange tastes sweetly. This orange tastes sweet.

Use of verb
Incorrect Correct
163. She never speaks a lie. She never tells a lie.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076
164. She opened the knot She untied the knot
165. She has written a letter last night She wrote a letter last night
166. The boat drowned into the lake. The boat sank into the lake.
167. Two men sank in the sea. Two men drowned in the sea.
168. A duck was swimming in the pool. A duck was floating in the pool.
169. A boy was floating in the canal A boy was swimming in the canal.
170. A picture was hanged on die wall. A picture was hung on the wall.
171. The murderer was hung yesterday. The murderer was hanged yesterday.
172. The hen has lain an egg. The hen has laid an egg.
173. She was laying in the bed. She was lying in die bed.
174. You will pass if you will work hard. You will pass if you work hard.
175. If he worked hard, he win pass. If he worked hard, he would pass.
176. If he had worked hard, he will have passed. If he had worked hard, he would have passed
177. She said that she is ill. She said that she was ill
178. I fear to pass die exam. I hope to pass die exam.
179. I hope to lose die game. I fear to lose die game.
180. He told that he was ill. He told that he was sick
181. The boy has given the examination. The boy has taken the examination.
182. The lion invaded the hunter. The lion attacked the hunter.
183. She has taken admission to the college. She has got admission to the college.
184. He refused that he had told a lie. He denied that he had told a lie.
185. He denied to help me. He refused to help me.
186. He refuses the existence of God. He denies the existence of God.
187. She with her daughters are taking tea. She with her daughters is taking tea.
188. I as well as you were wrong. I as well as you was wrong.
189. Either he or I are wrong. Either he or I am wrong.
190. A number of boys has failed. A number of boys have failed.
191. Majority in Pakistan are poor. Majority in Pakistan is poor.
192. Majority of the people in Pakistan is poor. Majority of the people in Pakistan are poor.
193. Two and two makes four. Two and two make four.
194. Do not let him to go. Do not let him go.
195. She had better to take the exam. She had better take the exam.
196. She works hard lest she should not fail. She works hard lest she should fail.
197. It is raining since morning. It has been raining since morning.
He has been absent for a long time, OR He has been
198. He has been absent for long.
absent since long.
199. Why he ate bread? Why did he eat bread?
200. He makes friend. He makes friends.
201. Each student have done his work. Each student has done his work.
202. Every one of them are lazy. Every one of them is lazy.
203. Black and white TV are Cheap. Black and white TV is cheap.
204. Cutting the grass, a snake bit him. Cutting the grass, he was bitten by a snake.
205. Opening the door, a handle was broken. Opening the door, he broke the handle.
206. Opening the book, the lesson was learnt Opening the book, she learnt the lesson.
207. He had not met me two days ago. He did not meet me two days ago.
208. She is one of those who is liked by me. She is one of those who are liked by me.
209. She prevented me to go there. She prevented me from going there.
210. He knows to swim. He knows how to swim.
211. Ali looks happily. Ali looks happy.
212. He is feeling hunger. He is feeling hungry.
213. Union is consisted in faith. Union consists in faith.
214. She wants that I should help her. She wants me to help her.
215. Every Muslim should wear a beard. Every Muslim should have a beard.
216. Climbing down the tree, an egg was broken While he was climbing down the tree, he broke an egg .
217. Being a rainy day, I could not come. It being a rainy day I could not come.

Use of Article
Incorrect Correct
218. She is making noise. She is making a noise.
219. He is in wrong. He is in the wrong.
220. Horse is a faithful animal. The horse is a faithful animal.
221. She is telling lie. She is telling a lie.
222. I saw snake in the garden. ! saw a snake in the garden.
223. I bought an eggs. I bought eggs.
224. She drank a tea. She drank tea.
225. The health is a wealth. Health is a wealth.
226. Beauty of Swat is matchless. The beauty of Swat is matchless.
227. The iron is found in Pakistan. Iron is found in Pakistan.
228. Gold of this watch is pure. The gold of this watch is pure.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076
229. I love the Pakistan. I love Pakistan.
230. Pakistan of today is different from Pakistan of The Pakistan of today is different from the Pakistan
1947. of 1947.
231. Earth is a small planet. The Earth is a small planet.
232. A snake I saw in the garden was black. The snake I saw in the garden was black
233. Karachi is biggest city of Pakistan. Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan.
234. We should love innocent We should love the innocent
235. English are a cunning nation. The English are a cunning nation.
236. Nile is the longest river of the world. The Nile is the longest river of the world.
237. The sun sets in west The sun sets in the west
238. Holy Quraan is the last book of Allah. The Holy Quraan is the last book of Allah.
239. More we earn, more we want The more we earn, the more we want
240. She is wiser of the two girls. She is the wiser of the two girls.
241. The Aslam is a selfish boy. Aslam is a selfish boy.
242. The all books in this bag are written by me. All the books in this bag are written by me.
243. She is suffering from the diabetes. She is suffering from diabetes.
244. She ate the breakfast late today. She ate breakfast late today.
245. The both sisters are beautiful. Both the sisters are beautiful.
246. She got an employment in the bank. She got employment in the bank.
247. She is of opinion that he is a cheat She is of the opinion that he is a cheat
248. The wisdom is a unique gift Wisdom is a unique gift
249. Wisdom of Ali is unique. The wisdom of Ali is unique.
250. This is the gold. This is gold.
251. Gold of Brazil is very famous. The gold of Brazil is very famous.

Use of Preposition
Incorrect Correct
252. The bird was sitting on the tree. The bird was sitting in the tree.
253. The stars are shining on the sky, The stars are shining in the sky.
254. I hate from cruelty. I hate cruelty.
255. The lion attacked on the hunter. The lion attacked the hunter.
256. We reached at the station in time. We reached the station in time.
257. You can pass in die examination. You can pass the examination.
258. She is kind on me. She is kind to me.
259. The knife is to cut The knife is to cut with.
260. The page is to write. The page is to write on.
261. The house is to live. The house is to live in.
262. The patient has been operated. The patient has been operated upon.
263. He is angry at me. He is angry with me.
264. She is angry with my performance. She is angry at my performance.
265. The letter is written with pencil. The letter is written in pencil.
266. I am writing the letter in pencil. I am writing the letter with pencil.
267. He likes to write with blue ink. He likes to write in blue ink.
268. She could not sit in the exam. She could not sit for the exam.
269. He sat under the shade of a tree. He sat under the in of a tree.
270. She is blind of her right eye. She is blind in her right eye.
271. He is blind in his shortcomings. He is blind to his shortcomings.
272. This cheque is of the United Bank. This cheque is on the United Bank. .
273. This cheque is of Rs. 20000/- This cheque is for Rs. 20000/-
274. I will say it on his face. I will say it to his face.
275. What is he for you? What is he to you?
276. He died from TB. He died of TB.
277. She is ill from fever. She is ill with fever.
278. She congratulated me for my success. She congratulated me on my success.
279. She resembles to her mother. She resembles her mother.
280. The examination will begin from Sunday. The examination will begin on Sunday.
281. He reached at the station. He reached the station.
282. He met me on night. He met me at night.
283. He closes his shop at the afternoon. He closes his shop in die afternoon.
284. We will meet after two days. We will meet in two days.
285. Open die books on page 8. Open the books at page 8.
286. She is good in cooking. She is good at cooking.
287. He did not agree with my proposal. He did not agree to my proposal.
288. She impressed me from her wisdom. She impressed me with her wisdom.
289. He is lacking of courage. He is lacking in courage.
290. Smoking is injurious for health. Smoking is injurious to health.
291. She was accused with theft. She was accused of theft
292. She is very popular in friends. She is very popular with friends.

Naeem series By Naeem Akhtar (M.Phill, M.Com, MA Eng) 03214346076
293. He cannot part from his books. He cannot part with his books.
294. He has never been in the cinema. He has never been at the cinema.

Use of Conjunction
Incorrect Correct
295. She is as tall as him. She is as tall as he.
296. She no sooner entered the class, the teacher She no sooner entered the class than the teacher began
began to teach the lesson. to teach the lesson.
297. She is not as tall as her sister. She is not so tall as her sister.
298. She is so tall as her sister. She is as tall as her sister.
299. He is as tall as all of we. He is as tall as all of us.
300. She is as wise as both of we. She is as wise as both of us.
301. She is both wise as well as beautiful. She is both wise and beautiful.
302. Although he is old but he can run fast Although he is old yet he can run fast
303. We had hardly reached the class than the We had hardly reached the class when the teacher
teacher began to teach the lesson. began to teach the lesson.
304. She had scarcely reached the station than the She had scarcely reached the station when the train
train steamed off. steamed off.
305. Not only he is fat but also lazy. He is not only fat but also lazy.
306. Not only he writes but also teaches. He not only writes but also teaches.
307. I dont like such boys who are naughty. I dont like those boys as are naughty.
308. This is the same book which I gave you. This the same book that/as I gave you.
309. When he comes then I shall go with him When he comes, I shall go with him
310. As he was there so I met him. As he was there I met him.
311. She talks like her mother does She talks like her mother. Or talks as her mother does
312. She talks is if she is scholar. She talks is if she were scholar.
313. Walk carefully lest you may not fall. Walk carefully lest you should fall.
314. He cannot succeed unless he doesnt read. He cannot succeed unless he reads.
315. Either she or I is in the wrong. Either she or I is in the wrong.
316. He is no other but Naeem. He is no other than Naeem.

Incorrect Correct
317. There are three females in the room. There are three ladies/women in the room.
318. The attested copy of the certificate is attached The attested copy of the certificate is attached.
319. The students should keep good health. The students should enjoy good health.
320. There is no place in this compartment. There is no room in this compartment
321. He was writing in his copy. He was writing in his note book.
322. Good evening, I am going to sleep. Good night, I am going to sleep.
323. Good night, I am glad to see you. Good evening, I am glad to see you.
324. She could not help but weep. She could not help weeping.
325. I went there with a view to help him. I went there with a view to helping him.
326. She met me in the way. She met me on the way.
327. What to speak of milk, even water could not be Not to speak of milk, even water could not be had
had there. there.
328. It is half past seven in my watch. It is half past seven by my watch.


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