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Growth Analysis, Crops {Ut Benjamin tamed Rosarch, Harpendan, UK 1 207 Li. ee Tiare epoductn che pesos ection ley Lana, lume 2, SB-S5, © 208, ei i Nomenclature Ades bse tine regused lor canopy cose {Co promt ate Unite te et asian ate incase in weight per tnt ete) zac ati (ai of plant ea area plan was) 1 Supply af source of roth fetight enincion coetient ‘Tota lea pee plane {AD Leaf aren dutaton ney of ea ea index over en ce) 1A Lea area inde (ato off ate ood ae) {9 Let weit ato (aio of eat aea to ea wei) Introduction he ann concep of plan growth nasi (ee Regulators of Grow: Growth Anas, idl Pars) are those of 1 ren of rset (uch a aol oelatve rot ate) imple atin (aich a ea weigh plan ey weigh 1 ampounded growth ates (uch a Incase ny weit ert ea ae © fool fr poring gow ana (uch Sing roth ces fo weight daa) In this aie, ehese goth ana concep ane mets sm applied 1 the peormancs of enite cops. in patie poh analysis appl o provide insights othe interactions, eowenindbiduse that come wo makeup the cop coun. Plant Density Pare density is snl yt ckcly impo variate hat lnk tenia to rpm lant Jens sip there ldesicaton ofthe individuals obvious. The unit ofthe op- ttn can clone ented nthe ntl plan cop ff foresmplesanonen (soca) or eae (Ds Sue cata All plane epeces splay plasicry in thie ‘moptoogy ane shdulr oh Oi ths couse cus in idntifing 30 appropri unit of he population. For ‘ample inmost comin many plane with pone abi proce runners ich root a aus locaton ach woot, ‘semble desi fg a single wd may be ead a ‘vida Tieng eae sal as ca alo case sia ‘nssven os Peter este, Youre) Pm Plant deny (number per round unit area) ‘Inia vale Relive prone ate (ince i weigh per anit vei) Dail lib nepal SLA Spec ela (ratio of eases ol weight) Uae of eure foe posh spice ocupie bya plato plant put Wot dy weight pe plan wean General route 1 hop ie (otal wg fal pet pe i prod ea) cies in decing upon the vi f te population Simi lay in potatoes (Sonera, the natber of ems sing om ee er ter than he ner fe aes Sev an bea more rail meso lant deny There sn angle lear arses to hat thet of he this lifclty can ase and tet is 2 ned or conse In ‘hice of te uno the poplin, eat Area Index taf acai imponane in deen plant gro ate (oe Regulators of Growth: Growth Analysis Il Pts) (CAI) The teat anid e the to af he lea tes of al ‘he plants othe rou area they oeupy. Hence i he total leaf ean an ea of pond, Pte: Nowe alu that the me ea arp lan, and nie he plat density, then also Lat=ton Pl Leaf ate index an impact physiologic meson that ecmins light ntercpon By the cop an the ea, ‘sop gown thas been proposed ha thee isan esponer {hal decease ight inten with ncreting datece for the top ofthe eop canopy and that the slog ofthe Secrest i {pendent onthe seul eae inex fom he fp ofthe canopy Hence, te amount of gt iene, by {he ce canopy i gen Be Sete 1A) bl 26 __Arable Crops | Growth Analysts, Crops lua area rio ca he forte decompo api ea nea (SLA) an ea weigh ratio (IWR). longs ration of premegence ros is song soca i eductons in unt eat ae (rgure 3) The seeing ‘hat had sled long drt of peemergence roth invtated only alow propoton other iy mater in cmledon veld (Pure 5fe). This may be Beease most of the dy {ater ced ences ad been oat inthe ere oie for emergence The plants atempeed to compensate by ‘oducng Nigher pei ea anes (igure 3(6)). Despite ti mperanion, the ection in lal weight ao. damaged {he photonic capac of the cosedony, expen lf ‘eduction ia une et, Aear adel ater lal ‘weigh tat al specie leat area plies tht ea aren ea ‘ould not be increned 0 compat forthe redaion In ‘nit ea ate (igre 36), cp placement of he sos in he si and the develop ment of sista eae pial ator that exten he per of hecroopi growth inthe dark Hence, grote ‘osc as arity in ll pefonmance and weather onions xn ene whic ean nse oh tes. This nial vara can be the bse fr futher wa ‘bli inthe growth ffl pane within he cp, Plant late Growth Rat ~The Phase of Campton Following seeding emergence rer yaraon In rave growth rts induced by competitive traction betwee Ieihboring plans nceasing plant density ceases the Inumsty ofthe competitive interacions betwee plant The ree of competion generating vanity date rots ‘te within cope cn be determined by messing the ange In roefient of vacation or Ci coeficen hh Ines epi Is the vas mrt af epeiment eich plan ‘dered bec said and sanity io plan weigh records, he oberation wes that variation Increased wih Fe ese . qe on} te 2° oa . oz 078 03 04 05 06 07 08 08 © % &@ 7% 0 % Unit ata ‘Space at 08 am? aay ‘ont ma) Fieute3_Feunn en goum rays rand fo cra etn oneness a posure Goh a an ‘ea a) Spee awe a ht al) Let wogh lad ui tn a) Ua woh ae ol sane al sta Tao marae nay cers sea ase 5° (2) 65-70 (100-18 (130-15 aes om Tone atin Dt, Os Say. "aba crores ad earth oan pad eg (ae cave} eu of sl angers, saw deh Sl stg a a wit Set Tage ee a 2538 Coste of vriton of stage oot wiht Cooter vation of eoaing toot wot ure tt of rt deny and ty inca sang ia ‘nt ne aren stargate mots aa soung (0) 25 ps mw) th pms Ya or Be, LR 182 Same fe of og a of sng omens, Ds son dea an ses sx on ts aration exo bop Sho age Se 55, sre cae had mutha pac om the aay fn sao plant through a stage wen ey woul! Be hese omer In U comin desis of aoe atin te aproiate ‘ange of 100-250 plans en”, ut higher densi common production of this ep, aay in vate goth rates wll Play an imporant role in generating omer wnesiable ‘raion nthe hanes cp Competition for pit considered wo inte he relave rout ate tale (a probably hei) iil white ‘pressing the eltve grow tate of shoe pln, Sich toncpritien is lled orvended or moat. Ie contrat, Pestle oreo of one plano ‘overop' tose of 2 eehbor. Fen competion for bow sours ede the mca relive roth ate bt doce no increase he wariain In reauve growth rates This type of competion i called This view hat seenty een challenged. he reeoing Debind the challenge ass fr decomposition of rave “eI ‘ee pl yw ahd i he ey at ‘ote wane apuae ome tants Stop otis sou he nem (hy he ‘Sule of woe pe he dfn) ‘Noa png rth te idm a {temas cme cy The ‘om cb be dope a (8) 1 tly le Ye alae Wed ed Wy ‘where ishe space ocupied by and dfs the ate of sure supply. The fis ten, (1/t aif) Is a wesouce ‘Arable Crops | Growt Analysis, rops 27 ‘palallty far, the second term (VW) san allomety {thts shape) fcon a he id tr yd he Taos [18) and [1 wee applet the obsewations of a aren ground cover and yg of pe let (acu racer) pana at contain dense. although the hee ‘tthe plants np intecepted pene propoion of te Ie tg pt our ath ese et go the beaver plant inlly nox have a compete aan tape over ihe plans. Alou competition for gh ws ‘cruing the competion wis ymmetc Lak nthe crops ‘evelopment hee was a geste diflrnce in ght Deen, heavier and ight plans a at igh density this ig dle ‘ence outelghed he taller plants allometic eave {Corsequeny at high density ater i the cop's development. the competion had become aeymmetrc bata ow density ‘ompeitonrenaiedsynmetic Hence, compedion fright ‘Goes no aways couse 4 cvergeace i feaive gst aes Teas als Bee tan that competion for bewaround resources could be arynmete The ol medi 2 soure ‘of seve maoutes cea or pane goth, Soil are alo otros spatially eterogineeus inthe availa thse resources Over the ane ofa idl plan’ 008 yen there may be one oF more patches enced i one rescue ‘andinpoveaed eather Severs paces ta dlr wiley ‘enfin ofthe rot sen of a lage plant The lage plane root system muy be ble wo inate this spatially heap ecu ese abil. thnkaion may be PO ‘collet te demonaat iergeace in goth ft due “Compettion for belowground esau, ut should nt be ‘iced 4 a fort dering the vaibily in plane ‘Dy appbing signs promt abs approach, ie posblet inferde mechani of competition Deween ind. ‘dale with cre These mechan of competion det Inne here of relive growth aes ithin «communi ‘log normal sation in weighs wil develop Ina cop 2 yom ate atcach ime sep subet to plan pant ar {bil and if many sours of varablty are combined by ‘mulpying a proportionate enor This log normal dsb thon all Jevwlop irapective of the shape a the nial frequency darbstion. An aemativepproach sen ken by consalerng how hangs inthe shape of Fegueny ist butions ae generic by time maa’ reponse froth fet stating weight. The relation Ieween tating sz ad Incewe inset alla a ‘detbuton modifying fain ‘The dston modifying fri sonnet hae Ba taken fuer by cleulting fr any one tne Bethe prod of the ean gow a he ate ate and he "ata nse at hares which resus fon Yasaion in ew es as implaons fr the elelaon of growth nai tite, Tools have heen dele foe he csi fa funcional approaches of growth analss wo handle ‘oneal the sail compcaons in dering te sot fae and ato tts om vale data

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