Evolutionary Process of Bos Taurus Cattle in Favourable Versus Unfavourable Environments and Its Implications For Genetic Selection

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Evolutionary Applications ISSN 1752-4571


Evolutionary process of Bos taurus cattle in favourable

versus unfavourable environments and its implications
for genetic selection
Christopher J. ONeill,1 David L. Swain2 and Haja N. Kadarmideen1
1 Systems Genetics, CSIRO Livestock Industries; and Sustainable Agricultural Flagship, Davies Laboratory, Townsville, Qld, Australia
2 Centre for Environmental Management, CQUniversity, Rockhampton, Qld, Australia

Keywords Abstract
adaptation, breeding, cattle, environment,
genetic improvement, trait. The evolutionary processes that have enabled Bos taurus cattle to establish
around the globe are at the core to the future success of livestock production.
Correspondence Our study focuses on the history of cattle domestication including the last
Christopher J. ONeill, Systems Genetics, 60 years of B. taurus breeding programmes in both favourable and unfavour-
CSIRO Livestock Industries, Davies Laboratory,
able environments and its consequences on evolution and fitness of cattle. We
PMB Box, Aitkenvale, Townsville, Qld 4814,
Australia. Tel.: +61 7 47538638;
discuss the emergence of production diseases in temperate production systems
fax: +61 7 47538600; e-mail: and consider the evolutionary genetics of tropical adaptation in cattle and
christopher.oneill@csiro.au conclude that the Senepol, NDama, Adaptaur and Criollo breeds, among
others with similar evolutionary trajectories, would possess genes capable of
Received: 24 May 2010 improving the productivity of cattle in challenging environments. Using our
Accepted: 1 July 2010 own experimental evidence from northern Australia, we review the evolution
of the Adaptaur cattle breed which has become resistant to cattle tick. We
emphasize that the knowledge of interactions between genotype, environment
and management in the livestock systems will be required to generate geno-
types for efficient livestock production that are both economically and environ-
mentally sustainable. Livestock producers in the 21st century will have less
reliance on infrastructure and veterinary products to alleviate environmental
stress and more on the animals ability to achieve fitness in a given production

nelled towards particular production proteins. This study

explores how evolutionary genetics might help inform
Whilst both natural evolutionary processes and modern modern cattle breeding programmes and shows some
genetic selection result in phenotypic changes, the mecha- examples from tropically adapted cattle. We consider the
nisms that determine the changes are quite different. importance of environmental stress for identifying robust
Evolution is dynamic natural change in response to envi- genotypes in production systems that will increasingly
ronmental pressure. Genetic selection is artificial directed need to focus on efficiency rather than total productivity.
change largely independent of environmental pressure. Since the 1950s in the developed countries, the era of
Within modern agriculture, genetic selection has been agricultural productivism emerged with a corresponding
able to maximize directed change by minimizing environ- demise in the influence of natural selection in livestock
mental pressures. The environmental pressures are man- production systems. Livestock productivism was charac-
aged through intervention strategies such as providing terized by a significant use of technology, both mechani-
high quality feeds, artificial housing or drugs to restrict zation and biotechnology, to maximize productive
disease. These intervention strategies are energy dense and output. This productivism was facilitated by relatively
enable agriculture to maximize outputs (productivism); abundant cheap fossil fuels; environmental regulation
however, they result in populations that are unable to removed environmental stressors to allow intensification,
withstand the pressure of more natural environments. In concentration and specialization of the systems (Ilbery
some cases, the extreme selection for a single trait can and Bowler 1998). The genetic diversity of both Bos tau-
result in physiological breakdown as resources are chan- rus and Bos indicus cattle was reduced with the concen-

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ONeill et al. Evolutionary process of B. taurus

tration on breeds and sires within breeds that had the stress provides a model approach to cattle breeding,
highest production potential. More recently, there has which, if applied within the broader livestock industries
been a trend for a measured increase in productivity and might determine more favourable genotypes especially in
growing pressure for cattle production systems to manage the advent of escalating environmental stress due to
their total carbon budgets, which will require a reduction climate change.
in their greenhouse gas emissions. The reduction in the This study explores the consequences of selection for
use of fossil fuel derived energy and nutrients (direct: production traits and demonstrates evolutionary genetics
fuel and fertilizer; indirect: acaricide, anthelmintics and of taurine cattle in both temperate (favourable) and trop-
vaccine) will reduce the ability to manage directly envi- ical (unfavourable) environments. As an example of evo-
ronmental stress. A paradigm shift in priorities is there- lutionary adaptation we focus on the Adaptaur from
fore required more diverse genotypes that are northern Australia; however, we also draw on examples
productive in a range of environments will need to be from three other B. taurus breeds that all have evolution-
developed. The evolutionary path of cattle since domesti- ary backgrounds in unfavourable environments: Senepol
cation provides insight into the current fitness levels as from the Caribbean, the Criollo breed group from Central
well as a better understanding of the interactions between and South America and the NDama from West Africa.
cattle genotypes, environments and management inter- We show how exposure to a specific environmental stress
vention strategies (hence forth called G E M interac- (cattle tick infestation in a tropical environment) demon-
tions). strates the potential for experimental evolution to gener-
There has been a long history of domestication and ate new more robust genotypes that can perform in
implicit genetic selection; however, systematic breeding environmentally stressful environments. Genetic adapta-
programmes have only been used over the last 60 years. tion of cattle for a successful transition into the postpro-
These breeding programmes have enabled cattle to meet ductivism era must incorporate alleles of economic
specific roles: predominantly supplying meat and milk for importance from genotypes adapted to potentially more
human consumption. There are hundreds of distinct cat- stressful environments. The principles of evolutionary
tle breeds around the world. However, a recent article genetics can be used to facilitate Darwinian fitness in
published in Science (The Bovine HapMap Consortium future livestock breeding programmes to generate optimal
2009) looked at the process of cattle domestication. Their genotypes for a low-cost and environmentally sustainable
analyses (based on mutation rate, inbreeding rate, linkage production system. In essence, there are complex interac-
disequilibrium levels, etc.) revealed that cattle have under- tions between genotype, environment and management
gone a rapid recent decrease in effective population size (G E M) in the livestock systems and the implications
from a very large ancestral population, possibly due to relate to: (i) fitting the right genotypes to the right envi-
bottlenecks associated with domestication, selection and ronments and production systems and (ii) determining
breed formation. This study also provided genetic related- the optimal genotype across a range of environments and
ness amongst these breeds. Hence, any future proposal production systems. We provide some perspectives on
for evolutionary management of cattle domestication G E M and how this could contribute to evolution of
should consider this worldwide structure of the breeds to future strains or breeds of cattle.
design conservation programmes and mating schemes.
The reduction in the ancestral population diversity has
Historical movement of African and European Bos
important implications for breeding programmes in the
21st century.
The opportunity for modern cattle breeds to evolve in About 10 000 years bp (before present), Neolithic hunter-
response to environmental stress is restricted as the diver- gathers began to domesticate simultaneously both B. tau-
sity of the gene pool of cattle populations diminishes. rus (Fertile Crescent and Saharan Africa) and B. indicus
However, there are examples of cattle breeds that have (Indian subcontinent) (Bradley et al. 1998; Bruford et al.
demonstrated rapid evolutionary change: in particular 2003; Chen et al. 2010). The history of B. indicus in Asia
where B. taurus cattle have been reared in challenging (Harris 1992), and more recent introduction to Africa via
tropical environments. The Adaptaur of northern Australia the African east coast about 3500 years bp (Hanotte et al.
is a European B. taurus (interbred HerefordShorthorn) 2002), is notable for the high levels of environmental
that has undergone a relatively rapid transition from stress associated with indicine evolution. The heterosis
extreme susceptibility to extreme resistance to cattle tick achieved from B. taurus B. indicus crossbreeding is well
via a synergy between natural and artificial selection for documented (e.g. McDowell et al. 1996). However, some
tick resistance (Frisch 1981; Hetzel et al. 1990; Frisch African taurine breeds, such as NDama, were able to sur-
et al. 2000). The evolution of the Adaptaur under tropical vive in stressful tropical environments with little or no

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Evolutionary process of B. taurus ONeill et al.

B. indicus hybridization1 (Frisch et al. 1997; Anderung trait (or combination of traits) under selection (Simm
et al. 2007). et al. 2000). Quantitative genetic methods have been a
In Europe, B. taurus accompanied Neolithic Mans crucial component of productivism: development of selec-
conversion from nomadic hunter-gatherer to a sedentary tion index principles in animal breeding programmes in
agriculturalist and cattle evolved adaptations to temperate early 1940s (Hazel and Lush 1943) followed by applica-
climates. Under various Celtic, Germanic and Nordic tion of Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) of ani-
tribes, there was a general divergence of the larger conti- mals genetic merit from early 1970s: the animal model
nental breeds (e.g. Charolais, Simmental) from the med- (Henderson 1975). These methods accurately quantify
ium-sized British breeds (e.g. Hereford, Red Poll, Murray breeding potential (estimated breeding values or EBVs;
Grey) and specialization into dairy (e.g. Holstein, Jersey), expected progeny differences or EPDs) for economically
beef (e.g. Angus, Shorthorn) and dual purpose (e.g. important traits and are expressed in real units of mea-
Brown Swiss). In the developed regions of Europe, cattle surement (e.g. kg for growth rate). To assess the relative
increased their propensity to supply meat and milk superiority of a bull or a cow, the animals EBV is com-
through increased industrialization and dedicated breed- pared with those reported by a breed average. With
ing programmes. continuing advances in statistical and computing technol-
European taurine cattle were also subjected to the stres- ogy, quantitative geneticists successfully refined and mod-
sors of tropical and semi-arid regions as these cattle were ified BLUP methodology as new performance records
a significant component of the human colonization of (e.g. on daily growth) and associated new traits became
Central and South America by the Spanish and Portuguese available. Utilizing these sophisticated levels of technolo-
during the 16th century. Cattle from the colonization were gies, livestock industries of the developed countries have
collectively known as Creole or Criollo,2 and adapted to achieved significant increases in the product quantity and
the environments that ranged from semi-arid to the wet quality within the optimal (i.e. stress-free) environments
tropics (Russell et al. 2000; Mariante et al. 2009). Also (Rauw et al. 1998; Bishop and Woolliams 2004; Maas
regarded as tropically adapted is the Senepol, a two-breed et al. 2009). High performance under these stress-free
composite of NDama and Red Poll cattle, bred on the environments does not, however, imply high performance
Caribbean island of St Croix in 1918 (Hammond et al. in all environments. Whilst quantitative genetic tech-
1996). Moreover, northern Australia witnessed the forma- niques have successfully identified superior performing
tion of tropically adapted taurine composites. Herefords individuals and selectively bred from them, the selection
and Shorthorns, first imported into Australia from United process has been largely under increasingly optimal envi-
Kingdom in 1826, along with the South African cattle ronments (i.e. stress-free). There is an emerging question
breed, Africander imported from King Ranch, Texas, USA of the costs of stress-free selection as genotypes are
in 1953 formed part of a CSIRO research programme at exposed to more stressful environments. Whilst manage-
the Belmont Research Station, Rockhampton in the 1950s ment intervention has increasingly reduced environmental
(Kennedy and Turner 1959). Selection lines within a four- stress the ability for an individual to respond has
breed composite of Africander, Brahman, Hereford and decreased as genetic selection has refined metabolic path-
Shorthorn, commercialized as Belmont Red, and a two- ways towards product output at the expense of other
breed composite of Hereford and Shorthorn (HS line) traits such as disease resistance.
were established. The HS line was partially commercialized For the dairy industries the concern has been the emer-
as Adaptaur in 1985 (ONeill et al. 1998). gence of production diseases (e.g. lameness and meta-
bolic and reproductive disorders), in parallel with
increasing levels of milk production (Lucy 2001; Mulligan
Bos taurus breeding programmes in favourable
and Doherty 2008; Ward 2009). However, research and
environments productivism and its
breeding programmes of dairy cattle have started to shift
emphasis from production-only traits in the breeding goal
Modern genetic selection programmes are capable of to traits that are associated with robustness (e.g. resis-
delivering cumulative gains of 12% per annum for the tance to clinical mastitis, lameness and milk fever) and
sustainability (e.g. fertility, feed efficiency, conformation,
African indicine and taurine crossbred cattle are optimal behaviour) (Distl 2000; Kadarmideen et al. 2000;
generally referred to as Sanga cattle. Kadarmideen and Pryce 2001; Neuenschwander et al.
Creole or Criollo Spanish words referring to descen- 2005). Beef cattle breed societies have gone down a simi-
dents of Iberian livestock transported to Central and lar path to the dairy industries with the emphasis on per-
South America during colonization of these countries by formance recording production traits. In beef cattle
the Spanish and Portuguese. breeding, growth, calving ease, reproduction and meat

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ONeill et al. Evolutionary process of B. taurus

quality traits such as muscle and/or fat depth and tender- both energy and physiological mechanisms to alleviate
ness are the main drivers of commercial operations. As stress are not required. In theory, the metabolic energy is
with the dairy industries there has been an increase in therefore available for production traits but with contin-
persistent production diseases in the beef industries; ued selection for high production the dairy cow is unable
namely respiratory diseases and metabolic disorders in to consume enough energy to meet this production
the feedlot systems (e.g. Owens et al. 1998; Garcia et al. potential and the cows fertility (Butler and Smith 1989;
2010). Continuing outbreaks of the ocular disease called Kadarmideen et al. 2003; Wathes et al. 2009) and health
infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) also generates (Ingvartsen et al. 2003; Zuerner et al. 2007; Mulligan and
significant economic and welfare issues for the cattle Doherty 2008) suffer as a consequence. Moreover, a num-
industries (Brown et al. 1998; Snowder et al. 2005). These ber of studies have shown a negative relationship between
problems have been addressed through research to metabolic rate and resistance to stress (see Parsons 1990
develop animal management protocols, feed additives, and Hoffmann and Parsons 1991). Animals of low resis-
pharmacological agents and vaccines to combat the dis- tance to environmental stress have inherently higher rates
eases (Quigley et al. 1997; Galyean and Rivera 2003; of growth, appetite and fasting metabolism than animals
McConnel et al. 2007; Carriquiry et al. 2009; Marcillac- relatively resistant to environmental stress (Frisch and
Embertson et al. 2009) and demonstrates a classic envi- Vercoe 1984). Thus, selection for production traits, disre-
ronment control strategy. However, genetic methods for garding physiological limits, fertility and resistance to
the identification of host resistance/susceptibility for dis- environmental stress, would have serious negative conse-
eases such as IBK in the US Department of Agriculture quences for future cattle herds as cows can only be main-
reference cattle population (Casas and Stone 2006) and tained with high inputs that are unsustainable in the
Australian Adaptaur cattle (Ali et al. 2010) are being longer term.
explored. The three main genetic processes involved in the evo-
The animal model can be used to evaluate genetic lution of animals during domestication are selection,
merit of animals for traits associated with the produc- genetic drift and inbreeding (Falconer and Mackay
tion diseases described above (Heringstad et al. 2000; 1996), and inbreeding is posing additional problems for
Kadarmideen et al. 2000). It is not only possible to select the intensive cattle industries. Inbreeding can lead to
animals for just one trait, but rather a combination of loss of fitness and even survival of a breed or species.
traits. Hence, animals EBVs for different traits (e.g. For the dairy industry in the USA, Smith et al. (1998)
growth, reproductive success and some measures of found that the effects of inbreeding in the Holstein
adaptability like IBK resistance) are combined to form an herd, years 19831993, were cumulative and larger on
aggregate or total breeding value (TBV). Therefore, a lifetime profit functions than on lactation traits. Tech-
multi-trait breeding objective would appear as: niques are now available to control inbreeding using
conventional BLUP methods (Villanueva et al. 2006) or
^ b1 EBV1 b2 EBV2  bn EBVn ;
A using molecular genetic markers in genetic improvement
programmes (e.g. Li et al. 2008). Hence, any future
where A ^ is the total breeding value, bi is an economic breeding programmes must be designed to manage
weight for the ith trait in breeding objective, EBVi is the inbreeding depression (Kearney et al. 2004; Fernandez
EBV for the ith trait and n is the number of traits in the et al. 2008).
breeding goal. Breeders can modify their herds genetics In recent decades, cattle breeds of the developed coun-
based on assigning different economic weights to different tries have been subjected to breeding programmes that
traits; for instance if adaptability or disease resistance is are not sustainable and inappropriate for determining
more important than other traits in tropical environ- genotypes that are productive in unfavourable environ-
ments, then there needs to be higher weights for those ments. Stern and Orgogozo (2009) suggest that there is a
traits in the breeding goal. Application of these novel need to identify and select specific mutations without
methods has had major beneficial effects on the cost and negative consequences. We argue that for cattle of the
quality of food, and on the efficiency, competitiveness 21st century it will be necessary to also explore the evolu-
and welfare status of the livestock industries concerned. tion of cattle in unfavourable environments, where there
The incorporation of resistance traits ensures that has been selection for alleles at many loci offering specific
the TBV is also driven by evolutionary principles of environmental adaptations. The next section provides
adaptation. some examples of breeding programmes that have
However, in any breeding programme the animals identified desirable genetics contributing to adaptations of
physiological limits must be considered. In production temperate cattle breeds to unfavourable tropical environ-
systems of negligible environmental stress, the need for ments.

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Evolutionary process of B. taurus ONeill et al.

parasites endemic in the tropics. A similar case occurred

Bos taurus breeding programmes in unfavourable
in 1952 with the introduction of Herefords and Shor-
environments: tick resistance and tropical
thorns (HS line) on the CSIRO Belmont Research Station,
a property located 26 km NNW of Rockhampton, in
Modern agricultural populations of plants and animals north-eastern Australia. As a research station located in
have shown rapid evolutionary adaptation to environ- the tropics, acaricide was initially used routinely to treat
mental stress in timeframes of decades (or less) (Thomp- tick infestations but from 1966 it was used only as an
son 1998; Bell and Collins 2008; Campbell et al. 2009). experimental treatment or to prevent mortalities from
Environmental stress is defined as an environmental force, tick infestations (Frisch 1981). Thus on Belmont, there
from either biotic or abiotic factors, that impairs an ani- was a need to select European B. taurus cattle which had
mals regulatory mechanism to such an extent that fitness anti-parasitic mechanisms to enable them to survive and
is compromised. Fitness, an animals ability to grow and maintain fitness. Cattle, as with other herbivores, have
reproduce viable offspring will be adversely affected if the evolved various anti-tick mechanisms: multiple immuno-
animal is unable to mount an appropriate response to the logical processors, hypersensitivity and exudate and
stressor via means of its physiology and/or behaviour. grooming behaviour (Riek 1962; Roberts 1968a; Schleger
The degree of sensitivity to these stressors, or homeosta- et al. 1981; Brossard and Wikel 2004). Roberts (1968b)
sis, will be regarded as an aspect of fitness (Falconer and also showed that rejection of larvae on B. taurus occurred
Mackay 1996). In a relatively short period of time, Euro- within 24 h of infestation and the effect was greater in
pean B. taurus relocated from temperate to tropical animals resistant to tick. As pointed out by Roberts
regions and had to achieve higher fitness in the presence (1968b) the early mortality of larvae has implications for
of tropical stressors. This higher fitness was achieved the restricted transmission of such tick-borne diseases as
through the application of evolutionary principles within Babesia bigemina. A family within the HS line on Belmont
a genetic selection program. did acquire extreme resistance to infestations of cattle tick
The response to environmental stress involves a synergy (Frisch et al. 2000).
between behaviour and physiological adaptation (Hart The origins of the Adaptaur began on Belmont in 1980
1990; Hoffmann and Parsons 1991; Lomborg et al. 2008). with the identification of a heifer (animal identity:
Documenting the plethora of tropical environmental 790546) of the 1979 calf crop of the HS line and after
stressors and the corresponding responses of B. taurus to 1980 selection for both high growth tick resistance within
these stressors is beyond the scope of this study. There- the HS line focused on this family. The heifer acquired
fore, we present data from experiments that aimed to extreme resistance to field infestations of cattle tick soon
assess the evolutionary adaptation of B. taurus cattle to after weaning (subsequent counts of zero or one regard-
stress from infestations of the ectoparasite cattle tick Rhi- less of tick counts of cohorts see Fig. 1 for tick counts
picephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Cattle tick infestations of cohorts). There was no evidence of hypersensitivity (J.
have a substantial negative impact on host fitness (Frisch E. Frisch and C. J. ONeill, unpublished data) and a
and Vercoe 1984; Lehmann 1993). By the end of last cen- grooming response to remove larvae within 24 h of infes-
tury, estimates of the yearly global costs of cattle tick and tation (C. J. ONeill and J. E. Frisch, unpublished data).
tick-borne diseases were between US$13.9 and Figure 1 presents a compilation of tick count data from
US$18.7 billion (de Castro 1997). The global costs of ticks various studies of the 1980s on adaptation, production or
are set to escalate; increasing levels of acaricide resistance heterosis [see Frisch and Vercoe (1984), Frisch (1987),
(Sangster 2001), limited efficacy of anti-tick vaccines and Frisch et al. (2000) for details of environment, breeding
emergence of nonresponders to vaccination (Outteridge programmes experimental designs and various analyses of
1993; Sonenshine et al. 2006), the genetic antagonism on data]. These studies were conducted as a precursor to a
fitness traits from biased artificial selection for production major heterosis study conducted during the 1990s, involv-
traits (Frisch 1981; Kadarmideen et al. 2000) and the ing breeds of European, Indian and African origins, to
potential negative impact of climate change (White et al. identify the optimal genotype for herd productivity in a
2003). Exploring the full repertoire of the animals stressful tropical environment (Frisch and ONeill
anti-tick mechanisms is warranted if genetic technologies 1998a,b,c). Figure 1 illustrates that there is a strong
that utilize naturally occurring adaptation to parasitic tendency in low tick counts of progeny from sires of the
stress are going to contribute to sustainable livestock pro- 790546 family compared to progeny from sires of the
duction. remaining Adaptaur herd and progeny from the Brahman
European taurine cattle, such as the Criollo in the sires. The focus on the maternal lineage of 790546 not
1500s, were relocated to their respective tropical environ- only assisted in rapid reduction in the phenotypic trend
ments from temperate environments that were free of in tick count (Fig. 1), but also a corresponding linear

426 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 3 (2010) 422433

ONeill et al. Evolutionary process of B. taurus

Brahman sires Adaptaur: sires from family 790546 Adaptaur: remaining sires

Tick count (ticks/animal/day)






1979 1983 1984 1986 1987 1988
Calf crop (year)

Figure 1 Arithmetic means (three highest counts for the calf crop) (SEM) of field tick (Rhipicephalus microplus) infestations of heifer progeny of
Brahman and Adaptaur sires for calf crops 1979, 19831984 and 19861988 on Belmont Research Station. Number of sires and progeny per
group: Brahman, 24 sires with 159 progeny, Adaptaur maternal lineage 790546, five sires with 55 progeny, and remaining Adaptaur, 20 sires
with 109 progeny.

(R2 = 0.93) genetic trend from 1983 to 1998 of a mean Table 1. Number of Bos indicus (straightbred Brahman) and Bos tau-
rate of 7 ticks/year of the Adaptaur herd (Frisch et al. rus (Adaptaur and F1 Adaptaur cross) 24-month-old heifers in each
2000). A similar genetic trend was found by Henshall class of tick resistance from an artificial infestation of cattle tick (Rhipi-
cephalus microplus) on Belmont Research Station November 2007*.
Twenty-seven years after the identification of heifer Number of heifers in tick class
Tick resistance
790546, in 2007 descendents from this heifer exhibited class (cumulative
high tick resistance (Table 1) and with some straightbred tick count) Brahman Adaptaur Adaptaur F1
animals (e.g. animal identities: 060017 and 060031)
Very low (>150) 0 0 0
resembling the extreme phenotype of 790546 (Table 2).
Low (81150) 0 0 0
Tick count data from an experiment conducted on Average (3180) 3 1 0
Belmont during November and December 2007, involving High (1130) 4 0 1
2-year-old heifers are presented in Tables 1 and 2. This Very high (110) 8 3 2
experiment was aimed at studying tick resistance of Extreme (0) 0 4 3
different breed types and observing host hypersensitivity Daily weight gain 1.03 0.048 1.08 0.066 1.13 0.077
to tick larvae. Animals were sourced for this experiment (kg/day) during the
tick infestation
as follows: there were 15 Brahman heifers chosen at ran-
dom from a calf crop of 140 heifers from Belmont
Research Station and the Adaptaur and Adaptaur cross- *To confirm the viability of the tick larvae a straightbred Murray Grey
breds were sourced locally from commercial Seedstock heifer from Ben MCree of known high susceptibility (field counts
producers Vineree and Ben MCree. To restrict the imme- >100 ticks/side at both 6 and 12 months of age at Ben MCree,
personal communication P and L Quayle) of the same cohort was
diate host grooming to remove tick larvae, we fitted a
pastured with the above heifers at Belmont and produced a count of
collar to the animal and taped a tube of larvae onto the 233 mature ticks by day 21 of the artificial infestation.
collar. These cattle were artificially infested with 10 000 Tick resistance class was based on number of maturing ticks from
two-week-old tick larvae (R. microplus, Queensland cumulative tick counts (/side) on days 1921 from an artificial infesta-
Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, tion of 10 000 larvae.
Yeerongpilly, Australia). At 48-h postinfestation, all heif-
ers were assessed for their degree of hypersensitivity. The age (Table 2) confirms that resistance is acquired.
Adaptaur straightbred has not lost its high resistance to Although general hypersensitivity was not observed in this
cattle tick, even after 27 years (Table 1), and this high experiment, five of the most tick resistant B. taurus heif-
tick resistance appears to be conferred to other taurine ers had a small area (approx. 5 cm in diameter) of exu-
breeds regardless of their genetic background for tick date ranging from minor to excessive at the site of larval
resistance (Table 2). The finding that some heifers with release (Table 2), indicating a host immune response to
high counts at 6 months of age have progressively the parasite. By day 15, there was no evidence of exudate.
lower counts at 12 months of age and 24 months of The relatively high weight gain on pasture of the Adap-

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Evolutionary process of B. taurus ONeill et al.

Table 2. Bos taurus (Adaptaur straightbred and F1 Adaptaur cross) heifers with individual tick counts (Rhipicephalus microplus) at 6, 12 and
24 months of age and an assessment of the degree of exudate at the site of larval release from an artificial infestation of cattle tick at 24 months
of age on Belmont Research Station, November 2007.

Tick count at age (months)

Genotype Animal identity Sire breed Dam breed 6* 12* 24 Exudate

F1 Adaptaur cross 060001 Simmental Adaptaur >100 >100 24 Nil

060021 Simmental Adaptaur >100 67 7 Nil
060064 Tuli Adaptaur >100 8 7 Nil
060006 Simmental Adaptaur 25 9 0 Nil
060037 Adaptaur Murray Grey 10 23 0 Moderate
060003 Senepol Adaptaur 0 0 0 Excessive
Adaptaur straightbred 060044 Adaptaur Adaptaur >100 17 2 Nil
060042 Adaptaur Adaptaur >100 17 0 Nil
060037 Adaptaur Adaptaur 26 3 2 Minor
060017 Adaptaur Adaptaur 1 4 0 Excessive
060031 Adaptaur Adaptaur 1 2 0 Excessive

*Tick counts (/side) courtesy of P and L Quayle from field infestations at Ben MCree, Peachester, Queensland, Australia.
Cumulative tick counts (/side) on days 1921 from the artificial infestation of 10 000 larvae.
Exudate assessed at the site of larval release 48-h postinfestation of the 10 000 larvae.

taur straightbred and F1 compared to the Brahman infected cattle. NDama not only possesses a genetic
(Table 1) would suggest that neither the imposition of capacity to control parasitism (Claxton and Leperre
10 000 tick larvae nor the Adaptaur anti-tick mechanism 1991), but also to avoid anaemia and the severe pathol-
was detrimental to their productivity. The results pre- ogy associated with trypanosome infection (Murray and
sented in Tables 1 and 2 suggest a relative advantage of Dexter 1988; Naessens 2006). A major gene for hair
Adaptaur and Adaptaur cross-over Brahmans in tick length slick hair that contributes to improving the ani-
resistance at the same level of growth. However, if strong mals thermoregulatory ability, has been described in
conclusions are to be made, a larger sample size in each both Senepol and Venezuelan Carora a two-breed com-
of the breed classes would be required and a statistical posite of Brown Swiss and local Criollo (Olson et al.
analysis conducted. 2003). It could be speculated that the Senepol also has
the potential for high tick resistance given its NDama
origin and slick coat (Claxton and Leperre 1991; Ham-
Evolutionary genetics of adaptation to
mond et al. 1996). OKelly and Spiers (1983) using
environmental stressors in the tropics
animals from the HS line, among other breeds, demon-
Just as the African B. taurus evolved mechanisms for strated that fewer ticks matured on clipped areas of coat
resistance to tropical stress so did the European B. tau- compared to unclipped areas.
rus. There are a number of adaptation mechanisms that Relative to their temperate origins, the environmental
could explain the relatively high levels of resistance to assault on the HS line on Belmont was extreme, from
tropical stressors for the Adaptaur, NDama, Senepol and solar radiation, heat stress, parasites and periods of poor
Criollo breeds. The following scenarios highlight the nutrition, thus creating strong natural selection. A live-
complexity of disease resistance and pertain to evolution- stock population surviving with minimal intervention to
ary genetics: chance mutations, a synergy between natural remove environmental stress, such as not treating the
selection and artificial selection and phenotypic plasticity. Adaptaur with acaricide to remove parasites, means that
Moreover, adding to this complexity Colditz (2002) and the population was under natural selection pressure.
Viney et al. (2005) contend that the hosts optimum Using both calf survival data and a multi-trait mixed
immune response to parasites and pathogens is one of model genetic analysis of growth rates from 1966 to 1981,
immunosufficiency, because the former is a balance Hetzel et al. (1990) concluded that the fitness of this pop-
between energy loss due to pathogen infection and ulation was increasing under natural selection. Moreover,
energy expenditure mounting an immune response that with the artificial selection protocol in place, selecting
is conducive to fitness. Naessens (2006) has shown that it sires for high growth rate in a stressful environment (Fris-
is the inappropriate response of the immune system that ch 1981), was working in synergy with natural selection
results in the mortality and morbidity of trypanosome- (Hetzel et al. 1990). Frisch (1981) also concluded that the

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ONeill et al. Evolutionary process of B. taurus

increasing level of resistance to environmental stress was Extreme environmental conditions that result in high
solely responsible for the improved growth rates for this selection intensity on traits directly related to fitness have
population. Since 1983, the additional selection protocol been shown to impact directly on the evolutionary pro-
of high tick resistance focusing on a single family with cess. Such high selection intensity tends to rapidly fix
selection for high growth rate, confirmed the value of tar- pleiotropic genes with predominantly positive effects
geting components that positively impact on productivity (Lande 1982). Hoffmann and Parsons (1991) also point
in a stressful tropical environment. The 33% improve- out that short periods (years, decades) of high selection
ment in calving rates of Adaptaur cows from 1992 to intensity, rather than long periods (century or more) of
1996, compared to Adaptaurs before selection 19641972 low selection intensity, favour genes of major effect in
(ONeill and Frisch 1998), is further evidence that high the evolutionary process hence the emergence of a
selection intensity (high growth and high tick resistance) major gene for slick hair that contributes to heat resis-
on fitness traits was successful for European B. taurus in tance in the Senepol and Carora breeds (Olson et al.
a tropical environment. In a large Australian purebred- 2003). The identification and evidence of a putative
crossbreeding study from the Cooperative Research Cen- major gene for tick resistance in the Adaptaur (Frisch
tre for Cattle and Beef Quality, Newman et al. (2002) 1994; Kerr et al. 1994) was not confirmed by Henshall
found that progeny from Belmont Red sires produced (2004) with additional data and inclusion of polygenic
carcasses with the lowest sub-cutaneous fat and highest effects in the statistical model. However, using complex
retail beef yield, desirable traits for human consumption. segregation analysis, Kadarmideen et al. (2009) have
The above-mentioned research work with adapted geno- shown evidence of major gene effects in this breed. The
types has highlighted the importance of the synergy first large-scale gene expression profiling study (skin
between natural and artificial selection for both adapta- cDNA microarrays) was undertaken using resistant/sus-
tion and production traits. ceptible Adaptaur cattle and identified several candidate
The transition from unadapted to an adapted state for mechanisms (e.g. antibody immune response day 1 of the
the NDama, Adaptaur, Senepol and Criollo could also infestation) that were involved in Adaptaur tick resistance
involve elements of phenotypic plasticity, defined as the (Wang et al. 2007). Nevertheless, because complex
ability of a genotype to produce more than one pheno- response mechanisms to multiple and variable stressors
type in response to differing environments (Scheiner are involved, the contribution of quantitative genetics
1993; de Jong 2005; Fordyce 2006). Garland and Kelly and molecular biology for the improvement of B. taurus
(2006) point out that directional selection should support to a stressful tropical and/or semi-arid environment
alleles that increase phenotypic plasticity in the direction remains to be fully assessed.
of selection. When animal breeders are faced with multi- The completion of the bovine Genome Assembly (The
ple environments, models of phenotypic plasticity could Bovine Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium
contribute to the development of appropriate selection 2009) provides an opportunity to understand how cattle
programmes for their production system (de Jong and evolved and adapted to different geographical regions and
Bijma 2002). It is conceivable that the Mexican Criollo production systems. The biological systems most affected
from the Chihuahuan Desert3 possess alleles pertinent to by changes in the number and organization of genes in
plasticity for variations in water consumption, extreme the cattle lineage include reproduction, immunity, lacta-
fluctuations in ambient temperature, metabolism of a tion and digestion, all of which are important to our dis-
variety of herbaceous plants, and alternating between cussion on tropical adaptation. They concluded that these
browsing and grazing. Existence of such alleles has impli- changes in the cattle lineage probably reflect metabolic,
cations for other semi-arid regions such as the livestock physiologic and immune adaptations due to microbial
component in the management of dryland salinity of fermentation in the rumen, the environment and its
southern Australia as described by Masters et al. (2006). influence on disease transmission, and the reproductive
Given the extreme range of environments involved, plus strategy of cattle. Indeed, understanding the taurine evo-
the simultaneous natural and artificial selection pressure lutionary trajectories also provides an insight into the
applied to achieve fitness, phenotypic plasticity could predictability of cattle performance in cattle industries of
have contributed to the adaptation of the B. taurus to the 21st century.
extreme and highly variable environmental parameters,
and therefore future breeding programmes in variable
Genotype by environment by management
challenging environments.
interaction in cattle
A semi-arid region of the USAMexico border with an Awareness of the taurine evolutionary trajectories in
annual rainfall of 235 mL. favourable environments will provide a guide to future

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Evolutionary process of B. taurus ONeill et al.

breeding experiments. Breeding goals are enhanced by not

only knowledge about the diseases associated with pro-
duction and the stress they cause but also mechanisms of
resistance to diseases. Global warming, with elevated
ambient temperatures, altered rainfall patterns and chan-
ged distributions of parasites and pathogens (Sutherst
2001; Howden et al. 2008; Thornton et al. 2009), will also
impact livestock evolutionary trajectories (Burdon and
Thrall 2008) and provide new challenges for livestock
producers. Figure 2 Diagrammatic representation of the G E M for Bos tau-
In the previous sections, we reviewed and discussed the rus adapted to a temperate environment (e.g. Angus) and B. taurus
evolutionary history and genetics of B. taurus cattle and adapted to a tropical environment (e.g. NDama) showing the propor-
the selection pressures imposed by different environments tional decline from optimal production potential for growth when
and/or production systems using tick resistance as a case there is no intervention by management to alleviate increasing levels
of tropical environmental stress. The two shaded horizontal lines
study. In a systems framework, it is the interactions
indicate the level of management required to maintain production
between genotype, environment and management that potential.
contribute to evolution of different genotypes. Compared
to the tropically adapted B. taurus, the evolutionary his-
tory of temperate (productivism) B. taurus possess inheri- high production. Hence, we emphasize that it is not high
tantly higher levels of production potential, the production, but rather production efficiency that should
production achieved in the absence of all environmental be highest priority.
stress, and attributed to traits such as higher metabolic We have specifically avoided discussing G E M
rates and appetites of the temperate taurine breeds. Con- interactions that exist within breed between animals at
versely, the evolution of B. taurus in environmentally the level of genes which respond to different environ-
stressful regions has ensured that those genotypes possess ments and/or different management interventions. These
mechanisms of adaptation (e.g. resistance to cattle tick) are extensively discussed in Kadarmideen et al. (2006a,b)
unlike their temperate counterpart (see Hoffmann and and are outside the scope of this study. In practice, the
Parsons 1991). Hence, the metabolic rates of breeds such major hurdle to achieving economic sustainability will be
as Charolais and Angus would be higher than the tropi- the acknowledgement that no single genotype will outper-
cally adapted breeds NDama and Criollo. However, in form all other genotypes regardless of environmental
terms of adaptation to environmental stress the reverse is conditions. Moreover, interactions between genotype and
true and the NDama and Criollo possess relatively higher management (e.g. use of acaricide to control cattle tick)
levels of environmental adaptation than breeds synony- occur when performances of different genotypes are not
mous with productivism. Historically in commercial equally affected by different management inputs. Let us
livestock production systems environmental stress is alle- consider the following examples. If NDama and Angus
viated with strategies such as parasite control and supple- cattle are given the same dosage of acaricide in a region
mentary feeding. Figure 2 shows the G E M of tick infestation, Angus cattle responds better to treat-
interactions in terms of relative production potential of ment than NDama cattle (response as in growth and fer-
temperate and tropical B. taurus (G) in the presence and tility). If, however, NDama and Angus cattle are not
absence of management (M) to negate the effect of given any treatment of acaricide in the same region, then
increasing levels of environmental stress (E). The relative NDama cattle are likely to achieve higher production
levels of production potential are shown on the vertical performance than Angus cattle (Fig. 2). When different
axis whilst the increasing levels of environmental stress genotypes perform differently in different management
are shown on the horizontal axis. Thus, as the level of strategies, then there is G M. Hence, a livestock system
environmental stress increases, the decline in production in essence is defined by the G E M interactions and
of the tropically adapted B. taurus is substantially less understanding G E M and its impact on genetic,
than the decline of the temperate B. taurus but if there is environmental and managerial strategies is crucial in
intervention to remove environmental stress then the future livestock systems.
response on production by the temperate taurine breeds
would be greater than the response by the tropically
adapted taurine breeds (Fig. 2). This implies that the
costs associated with maintaining high productivity in Livestock production in the 21st century will be charac-
temperate B. taurus might negate the profit obtained via terized by systems where both market (food and fibre

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ONeill et al. Evolutionary process of B. taurus

output) and nonmarket (social, environmental and cli- Donation of the Adaptaur and Adaptaur cross heifers
mate change) issues are given consideration. Thus, live- from Vineree and Ben MCree for the tick infestation
stock producers will maintain their drive for study was much appreciated. Authors thank John Hen-
maximization of output but with diminished reliance on shall and Dean Revell for their constructive comments on
industrialization and therapeutic agents to alleviate envi- the earlier version of the manuscript.
ronmental stress and rely more on the genetic make-up
of their animals to combat stress from heat, parasites,
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