Assignment 2 - 111115089

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Problem 1

Design a rigid cast iron protected type flange coupling to transmit 25 kW at

300rpm. The ultimate tensile strength is 200 MPa and safety factor of 6 and
yield strength of 330 MPa and safety factor of 4. Use 30C8 steel for the
shaft, compressive strength of 500 MPa and safety factor of 5. The pressure
for pin is 0.3 MPa for fitting the shaft. Find the dimensions of flanges and


Protected type flange coupling

Power P = 25 kW

n = 300rpm

ut = 200 MPa

nfu = 6

y = 330 MPa

nfy = 4

Shaft material: - 30C8


c = 500 MPa

nfc = 5

Dimensions of split muff coupling


(i) Shaft
Material: 30C8 Steel

Diameter of shaft:
60 P 60 * 25 *106
Mt 795774.72 N mm
2n 2 * 3.14 * 300
16M t
d 3 46.144(or )50mm

0.5S yt 0.5(330)
41.25 N / mm2
fs 4

(ii) Flanges
Material: Cast iron

Permissible stress:
0.5S ut 0.5(200)
16.67 N / mm2
fs 6

Dimensions of flange

Dh = 2d = 2 (50) = 100 mm
lh = 1.5d = 1.5 (50) = 75 mm
D = 3d = 3(50) = 150 mm
t = 0.5d = 0.5(50) = 25 mm
t1 = 0.25d = 0.25(50) = 12.5 mm
tp = 0.25d = 0.25(50) = 12.5 mm
dr = 1.5d = 1.5(50) = 75 mm
D0 = (4d +2t1) = 4(50) + 2(12.5) = 225 mm

The hub is treated as a hollow cylinder subjected to torsional moment.

Hub material: Cast iron

(d h4 d 4 ) 3.14(1004 50 4 )
J 9199218.75mm4
32 32
r 50mm
The torsional shear stress in the hub is given by,

M t r 795774.72 * 50
4.325 N / mm2
J 9199218.75
16.67 N / mm2
The shear stress in the ange at the junction of the hub is,

2M t 2 * 795774.72
2.026 N / mm 2

d h2t 3.14 *1002 * 25

16.67 N / mm2
The stresses in the ange are within limit.

(iii) Keys and bolts

Material: 45C8 Steel

0.5S yt 0.5(380)
47.5 N / mm2
fs 4

1.5S yt 1.5(380)
c 142.5 N / mm2
fs 4

Diameter of bolts

Material of Bolts: 45C8 Steel

The diameter of the shaft is 60 mm.

40 < d < 100 mm

The number of bolts is 4.

8M t 8 * 795774.72
d1 10.06mm
DN 3.14 * 50 * 4 * 33.33
2M t 2 * 795774.72
c 10.574 N / mm2
Nd1tD 4 *10.6 * 25 *150
c 100 N / mm2

Dimensions of keys

From p5.16,

The dimensions of the at key are 75*14*9 mm.

b = 14 mm

h = 9 mm

l = lh = 75 mm
2M t 2 * 795774.72
30.31N / mm 2
dbl 50 *14 * 75
47.5 N / mm 2

4 M t 4 * 794774.72
c 94.19 N / mm2
dhl 50 * 9 * 75
c 100 N / mm2

The shear and compressive stresses induced in the key are within permissible
limits and the design is safe.

Problem 2

Design a rigid cast iron split muff coupling to transmit 25 kW at 300rpm.

The ultimate tensile strength is 200 MPa and safety factor of 6 and yield
strength of 330 MPa and safety factor of 4. Use 30C8 steel for the shaft,
compressive strength of 500 MPa and safety factor of 5.


Power P = 25 kW

n = 300 rpm

Sut = 200 MPa nfu = 6

Sy = 330 MPa nfy = 4

Shaft material: 30 C8 steel

Sc = 500 Mpa nfc = 5

Dimensions of split muff coupling



Material:30C8 Steel
Permissible stress on shaft
0.5S yt 0.5(330)
41.25 N / mm2
fs 4

Diameter of shaft

60 P 60 * 25 *106
Mt 795774.72 N mm
2n 2 * 3.14 * 300
16M t
d 3 46.144(or )50mm


Material: Cast iron

Length and outer diameter of sleeves:

D = 2.5 d = 2.5 (50) = 125 mm

L = 3.5 d = 3.5 (50) = 175 mm

Clamping Bolts:

Material: 30C8 Steel

Diameter of clamping bolts:

Assuming number of clamping bolts to be 8.

2M t 2 * 795774.72
P1 13262.912 N
fdn 0.3 * 50 * 8
4 P1 4 *13262.912
d1 14.31(or )15mm
t 3.14 * 82.5

Keys: 30C8 Steel

Keys and bolts

The permissible stresses are calculated as follows:

0.5S yt 0.5(330)
41.25 N / mm2
fs 4

1.5S yt 1.5(330)
c 123.75 N / mm2
fs 4

S yt (330)
t 82.5 N / mm2
fs 4

Dimensions of keys

From p5.16,

The dimensions of the at key are 75*14*9 mm.

b = 16 mm

h = 10 mm

l = lh = 75 mm
2M t 2 * 795774.72
26.52 N / mm 2
dbl 50 *16 * 75
41.25 N / mm 2

4 M t 4 * 794774.72
c 84.708 N / mm 2
dhl 50 * 10 * 75
c 100 N / mm 2

The shear and compressive stresses induced in the key are within permissible
limits and the design is safe.

Problem 3

Design a bushed pin type flexible coupling to connect the motor shaft and
pump shaft of 50 mm and 50 mm diameter respectively when 15 kW power
is to be transmitted at 1200 rpm. The permissible bearing pressure for pin
is 0.3 MPa.

Note: The bolts are subjected to initial tightening and shearing due to
torque. So, consider, for the bolt, the safe stress due to shear as 30 MPa.


Bushed fin type flexible coupling

P=15 kW

n=1200 rpm

dp = 50 mm

dm = 50 mm


Dimensions of the Bush fin type flexible coupling.


Material : plain carbon steel of grade C40
(Syt = 380 N/mm2)
Permissible stress:
0.5S yt 0.5(380)
95 N / mm2
fs 2

Torque acting on the shaft =

60 P 60 *15 *106
Mt 119426.7516 N mm
2n 2 * 3.14 *1200

Material: plain carbon steel of grade 30C8
(Syt = 400 N/mm2)
0.5S yt 0.5(400)
100 N / mm2
fs 2

1.5S yt 1.5(400)
c 300 N / mm2
fs 2

Material: plain carbon steel of grade 30C8

(Syt = 400 N/mm2)

Permissible stresses on the pin =

S yt (400)
t 200 N / mm2
fs 2

30 N / mm2

Diameter of pins
The number of pins is selected as 6.


The diameter of the pin is given by,

d1 10.2(or )12mm

Material: Grey cast iron of grade FG 200
(Sut = 200 N/mm2)
Permissible stress:
0.5S ut 0.5(200)
16.67 N / mm2
fs 6

Dimensions of flange

dh = 2d = 100 mm
lh = 1.5d = 75 mm
D = 4d = 200 mm
t = 0.5d = 25 mm
t1 = 0.25d = 12.5 mm

The hub is treated as a hollow cylinder subjected to torsional moment.

(d h4 d 4 ) 3.14(1004 50 4 )
J 9199218.75mm4
32 32
r 50mm
The torsional shear stress in the hub is given by,
M t r 119426.7516 * 50
0.628 N / mm2
J 9199218.75
16.67 N / mm2
The shear stress in the ange at the junction of the hub is,

2M t 2 *119426.7516
0.304 N / mm2
d h t 3.14 *100 * 25
2 2

16.67 N / mm2
The stresses in the ange are within limit.

The permissible intensity of pressure between the rubber bush and the cast iron
flange is given as 0.3 N/mm2.

The ratio of length to the outer diameter for the rubber bush is usually assumed
as 1.

Db =lb

The shear stress in the pin is,

8M t 8 *119426.7516
3.5 N / mm2
d1 DNpm 3.14 *11 * 400 * 6 * 0.3
2 2

30 N / mm2

The design is safe based on shear strength.

Dimensions of bushes

pm= 0.3 N/mm2

2M t 2 *119426.7516
Db2 331.7409mm2
DNpm 400 * 6 * 0.3
Db lb 18.21(or )19mm
Bending stresses in pins

The force P acting on each pin depends upon the torque and the relationship is
given by,
2M t 2 *119426.7516
P 99.52 N
DN 400 * 6

Bending moment

The clearance between two flanges is 5 mm.

It is assumed that the force P is uniformly distributed over 19 mm of effective

length (lb) of the bush.

At the section, bending moment=

M b P(5 ) 1443.04 N mm
32M b 3 32 *1443.04
d1 3 4.188(or )5mm
b 3.14 * 200

the calculated diameter of the pin =12 mm (empirical formula)

According to the bending stresses method the value of d1 is 5 mm which is not

sufcient to withstand and the minimum diameter of the pin should be 12 mm.

The diameter of the pin should be enlarged at the section-XX to x the pin in
the driven ange. This enlarged diameter is taken as (12 + 6) or 18 mm.

The thickness of the brass lining =2 mm.

Therefore, the inner diameter of the rubber bush is (18 + 4) or 22 mm.

The minimum thickness of the rubber bush is usually 10 mm.

Therefore, the outside diameter of the rubber bush is (22 + 20) or 42 mm.

Dimensions of keys

From p5.16,

The dimensions of the at key are 75*14*9 mm.

b = 14 mm

h = 9 mm

l = lh = 75 mm
2M t 2 *119426.7516
4.55 N / mm2
dbl 50 *14 * 75
100 N / mm2

4M t 4 *119426.7516
c 14.15 N / mm2
dhl 50 * 9 * 75
c 300 N / mm2

The shear and compressive stresses induced in the key are within permissible
limits and the design is safe.

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