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Impacts of Migration

The process of migration can have positive and negative impacts on both the source country and
the receiving country.

Below is a basic summary of some of those impacts as they relate to Mexico and USA

Impacts on US (positive and negative)

Illegal migration costs the USA millions of dollars for border

patrols and prisons
Mexicans are seen as a drain on the USA economy
Migrant workers keep wages low which affects Americans
They cause problems in cities due cultural and racial issues
Mexican migrants benefit the US economy by working for low
Mexican culture has enriched the US border states with food,
language and music
The incidents of TB has been increasing greatly due to the
increased migration

Impacts on Mexico (positive and negative)

The Mexican countryside has a shortage of economically active

Many men emigrate leaving a majority of women who have
trouble finding marriage partners
Young people tend to migrate leaving the old and the very young
Legal and illegal immigrants together send some $6 billion a year
back to Mexico
Certain villages such as Santa Ines have lost 2/3 of its inhabitants

Below is a detailed summary of some of those impacts as they relate to El Salvador and USA

Advantages Disadvantages
Source Reduced unemployment. El Salvador's is Often skilled and
Country currently about 10%, but in reality it is educated migrants
(losing probably much higher. There is also a lot of leave 'Brain Drain'
country) underemployment. The dependency ratio
Reduced pressure on schools and increases as the
hospitals. It is estimated that there are 2 economically active
million migrants living in the US from El leave
Salvador. A dependency on
Remittances sent by family and friends remittances develops
living abroad. Remittances go straight into There maybe shortage
the hands of the people, not the of workers, especially
government. In 2010 it was estimated that during harvests
El Salvador received $2.5 billion in Family separation
remittances, shared between 22.5% of Gangs have returned
families. back to El Salvador that
Improved relations with foreign countries were formed in the US
e.g. El Salvador and US, in 2011 Barack e.g. MS and M18.
Obama visited El Salvador
Migrants may return home with new skills
and knowledge of new technology
Reduced birth and fertility rate and people
in reproductive age range leave
Destination Source of manual workers who are Possible racial tension.
Country prepared to work dirty low paid jobs e.g. US citizens will often
(receiving farming, construction and cleaning. blame Central
country) Also source of skilled workers who are Americans for taking
added to skilled workforce 'Brain Gain' e.g. their jobs.
teachers, nurses and lawyers (baseball Inflation caused by
players!) increase demand
New cultures e.g. food and dance, Pressure on schools
Pupasas are sold in the US and hospitals. In parts
Improved links with source countries, of California over half of
possible new markets e.g. El Salvador people speak Spanish,
buys US products and franchises e.g. this can cause
Burger King and Starbucks. problems for schools,
hospitals, etc.
Pressure on housing,
electricity, water, etc.
Increased congestion
and pollution
Gangs were created by
Salvadorian migrants
e.g. MS, M18

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