The Cooperative Research Centre For Satellite Systems Australia'S Fedsat Project

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The Cooperative Research Centre for Satellite



Brian J J Embleton

1 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

w Expand user demands for microsatellite services
w Industry, research organisations and universities
lead and participate in space projects
w Integrate education and training opportunities
w Apply skills to design, construction, and operation
of space systems
w Retain skills and expertise for future space projects

2 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

CRC for Satellite Systems
w The Centre commenced 1 January 1998 with a
mission to deliver sustainable advantage to
Australian industries, universities and government
agencies involved in services based on applications
of small satellites.
w The flagship project of the CRCSS is FedSat, an
engineering and scientific test satellite designed to
demonstrate Australian space technology
capabilities and to provide research data for the
CRCSS research programs.

3 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

Centre Research Programs
w Space Science
Leader Professor Brian Fraser
University of Newcastle
w Satellite Communications
Leader Professor Bill Cowley
University of South Australia
w Satellite Systems
Leader Professor Miles Moody
Queensland University of Technology
w Satellite Engineering
Leader Mr Mirek Vesely
Vipac Engineers & Scientists Ltd

4 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

The Cooperative Research Centre for
Satellite Systems - Partners
w University of South Australia w DSpace Pty Ltd
w CSIRO w Curtin University
w Queensland University of Technology
of Technology
w Auspace Limited w La Trobe University
w Vipac Engineers & w Codan (Qld) Ltd
Scientists Limited
w University of Newcastle w Defence Science and
w University of Technology Sydney Technology Organisation

5 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems


Navigation & Computing

Qld Uni of Tech

UniSA, ITR Space Science
Uni Tech Sydney Uni of Ncastle
DSTO La Trobe Uni
CSIRO Engineering
Codan Auspace

6 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

Industry - Research Organisations - Universities

working together in a space enterprise

w Research to strengthen Australias expertise and

industrial capability in satellite technologies
w Cost effective and efficient satellite services for
the Australian community
w Education and training in space science and

7 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

Centre Structure
Core Participants Board
University of South Australia Chair: Hon Tony Staley
CSIRO Board Directors
Queensland University of Executive Director
University of Technology, Sydney
Auspace Ltd
Vipac Engineers & Scientists Ltd
University of Newcastle
Supporting Participants
DSpace Pty Ltd
La Trobe University
Codan Qld Ltd
Curtin University

Education Commercial Administration Engineering Communications Systems Science

R & D Programs

8 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

w Experimental microsatellite system

w Operational by 2002

w Space laboratory

w Showcasing Australian technology

9 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

Spacecraft Configuration

10 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

FedSat - Spacecraft

11 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

Spacecraft Configuration

12 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

w A high-profile national project with international
w It will carry payloads for navigation,
communications, computer technology, space
science, and a compact disk bearing messages from
the Australian public
w The project employs 15 engineers in Canberra, and
26 engineers and scientists in Adelaide, Brisbane,
Newcastle and Sydney
13 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems
Mission Experiments
Communication Space Science
Ka-band subsystem Ionosphere GPS soundings
UHF-band messaging Lower atmosphere GPS
GaAs MMIC device soundings
qualification Magnetospheric studies
ATM-like services Geomagnetic main field
Advanced Earth terminals

Satellite Systems Navigation

High performance Precise orbit determination
computing GPS techniques

14 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

Mission Characteristics
w Satellite Mass - 58 kg
w Dimensions - 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.7 m - boom stowed
w Orbit type - polar, sun-synchronous, circular
w Altitude - 800 km
w Inclination - 98.6 degrees
w Launch - 2002, Tanegashima Space Center,
- H-IIA rocket
w Launching States - Japan (site), Australia (procurer)

15 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

International Cooperation

w broadens the available skill-base

w facilitates access to technology
w extends applications
w expands opportunities for education and training
w reduces risk and increases affordability
The Centre encourages opportunities for international

16 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

International Cooperation
w Japanese space agency NASDA will launch FedSat
w US space agency NASA is supplying the navigation
w University of California LA, and Johns Hopkins
University are supporting payload developments
w British National Space Centre (BNSC) is facilitating
contract work through Surrey Satellite Technology
w Canadian Space Agency is providing satellite
attitude control instruments

17 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

Centres Formal links with..
w National Space Development Agency (NASDA)
w National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
w Canadian Space Agency (CSA)
w Australian Space Research Institute (ASRI)
w Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO)
w Ionospheric Prediction Service (IPS)
w University of California, Los Angeles
w Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
w Johns Hopkins University, USA
w University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
w Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
w International Space University
18 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems
Education and Training Objectives
w > 100 PhD graduates by 2005

w Continuing education courses in

satellite engineering
space technology
satellite communications
commercialisation of research
antenna technology

w Improve national skills base

19 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

Space Systems
w Yield unique visions of the global environment

w Enhance voice, data and Internet communications

w Are vital for improved weather forecasting services

w Have revolutionised navigation, positioning, and tracking


Access to space technologies is essential

20 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

CRC for Satellite Systems - Goals
w To build and operate a satellite
w To establish an inherent technological experience
which can be used to nurture innovative ideas
w To create links between research institutions and
w To improve and promote industrial knowledge and
w To foster recognition of Australian abilities in
current and complex technology

21 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

22 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems
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24 APRSAF Website July 2002 CRC for Satellite Systems

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