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G ram m ar Vocabulary Interaction, Speaking Listening, Reading

and P ronunciation and P ortfolio

Present tense Fitness Interaction 1: Catching up Read: Capoeira

review Phrasal with a friend Listen: Matthews
Past tense verbs and Speak: Asking and answering new life
review expressions questions Portfolio 1: An informal
with get Pronunciation: / i z / article

Present perfect Electrical Interaction 2: Returning items Read: The wonderful

with just / yet / items to a shop world of WEEE /
already Prefixes Speak: Talking about Listen: Time banking *
Present perfect electrical items Portfolio 2: A discussion
continuous Pronunciation: Stress patterns essay

Review 1 and
id 2 Grammar Vocabulary Correct it! How are you

will and going Natural Interaction 3: Getting ready Read: Extreme weather
to disasters for a trip around the world
Future Outdoor Speak: An interview about Listen: Getting ready
continuous equipment volunteer work to go on holiday
Pronunciation: / u : / and / u / Portfolio 3: An email
asking for information

if when, as soon Friendship Interaction 4: Giving and Read: An online

as and unless Adjectives of receiving advice friendship
First and second personality Speak: Talking about who you Listen: Best friends
conditional ask for help Portfolio 4: An informal
review Pronunciation: Friendly email to a friend

Review 3 and 4 Grammar Vocabulary Correct it! How are you doing?

Permission: School Interaction 5: Interrupting Read: Lessons in life

can, let and be Memory Speak: Guess the question Listen: Sleep and the
allowed to Pronunciation: Final e brain
Passive review Portfolio 5: Ideas for
improving your school

Past perfect Noun suffixes Interaction 6: Agreeing and Read: Young and
Past perfect Entertainment disagreeing talented
continuous collocations Speak: Talking about free Listen: Sleep quiz
time activities Portfolio 6: Completing
Pronunciation: Changing a form
word stress

Review 5 and 6 Grammar Vocabulary Correct it! How are you doing?
G ram m ar Vocabulary Interaction, Speaking Listening, Reading
and P ronunciation and P ortfolio

Modal verbs Extreme Interaction 7: Guessing what Read: Mothman and

of deduction: adjectives happened the Men in Black
present Phrasal verbs Speak: Guess what the Listen: Strange stories
Modal verbs of with go picture is Portfolio 7: A mystery
deduction: past Pronunciation: Elision of have story

Quantifiers Health interaction 8: Asking for and Read: Active gaming

review problems giving explanations Listen: Gadgets
Non-defining Technology Speak: Talking about your Portfolio 8: A formal
relative clauses opinions letter of complaint
Pronunciation: Words with

Review 7 and 8 Grammar Vocabulary Correct it! How are you doing?

as if as though Adjectives of Interaction 9: Being tactful Read: The camera

and like opinion Speak: Speculating on photos never lies
a/an, the or no Truth and lies Pronunciation: The sounds Listen: Art
article / 9 / and / 0 / Portfolio 9: Writing
about your opinions

Reported Reading Interaction 10: Checking Read: Rapping Shakespeare

statements materials details Listen: Interviews
Reported Adverbs and Speak: Talking about your about reading habits
questions, adverbial reading habits Portfolio 10: A book
commands and phrases Pronunciation: Rhythm review

Review 9 and 10 Grammar Vocabulary Correct it! How are you doing?

Subject Crime Interaction 11: Apologising Read: Computer

and object Crime Speak: Discussing crimes and criminals
questions collocations punishments Listen: Crime quiz
wish and if only Pronunciation: Consonant show
clusters at the ends of words Portfolio 11: A report

would rather Hopes and Interaction 12: Dealing with a Read: Aim High
and would ambitions problem Listen: The end of
prefer Dependent Speak: Talking about the school year
Third prepositions preferences Portfolio 12: A record
conditional Pronunciation: Sentence of achievement

Review 11 an d 12 Grammar Vocabulary Correct it! How are you doing?

Skills4Real: Units 1-4 Skills4Real: Units 5 -8 Skills4Real: Units 9 -1 2 Interaction: Student A

Interaction: Student B Speaking activities Wordlist Irregular verbs Phonemic chart

1 Get up and go!
Present tense review
Past tense review
Vocabulary: Fitness; Phrasal verbs
and expressions w ith get
Interaction 1: Catching up w ith a friend

0 Read and listen

a Read th e te x t quickly and m atch th e headings
w ith th e paragraphs 1-4.

History Music What is capoeira? Moves

A sp o rt? A p assio n ? A T he m usic an d in s tru m e n ts m ak e ca p o eira

w a y o f life? C apoeira is not d iffe re n t to o th e r ph y sical activ ities,
e a sy to d efine, b u t th is b e a u tifu l a n d w ith o u t th e m c a p o eira w o u ld n t be
an d en e rg e tic c o m b in a tio n o f m a rtia l so u n u su a l. T he m a in in stru m e n t, th e
a rts , m usic a n d d a n c e is g ro w in g fast. b e rim b a u , is a s tra n g e -lo o k in g object
C ap o eira sc h o o ls h av e o p en e d all ov er c o n sistin g o f a cu rv e d piece o f w ood an d one
th e w orld a n d m ore a n d m ore people strin g . The m u sicia n s sin g so n g s in P o rtu g u e se an d
a re d o in g ca p o eira . So w h y h a s th is th e ly ric s tell sto ries a b o u t life. Som e o f th e songs h av e
B ra z ilia n a r t fo rm becom e so p o p u la r? b een passed from g en e ratio n to g en e ratio n , b u t new
so n g s a re b ein g created all th e tim e.

C apoeira is a g am e w here tw o players m ove

I f y o u re a lly w a n t to u n d e rs ta n d c a p o e ira , i t s
a ro u n d inside a circle. P layers kick to a ttac k
im p o rta n t to k n o w a b o u t its h isto ry . O ver 4 0 0 y e a rs
each o th e r an d stretch or fall on th e g rou n d
ago, A fric a n slav es w ere ta k e n to B razil to w o rk on
to tr y to escape, b u t th e m ost im p o rta n t m ove
s u g a r a n d to b acco p la n ta tio n s . T h ey to o k th e ir m usic,
is th e g in g a w h ich m eans to sw in g . P layers
n t n v i r f h n r - h i A r 'i - r r \ o o n rf f n r n r o r ^ e f n + V ip r V ix r f la m c u ltu r e a n d b eliefs w ith th e m , an d c a p o e ira w as one
o f th e th in g s th a t h elp ed th e m keep th e ir A fric a n
o f th e m usic and, because th e y are c o n sta n tly
id e n tity . T h ey also w a n te d to be s tro n g a n d fit so th a t
m oving, it is h a rd e r for opp o n en ts to attack .
th e y co u ld g et aw a y fro m th e ir m a ste rs. T h ey p lay ed
C apoeira is such an in ten se form o f exercise
m u sic to h id e th e fa c t th a t th e y w ere tr a in in g an d ,
th a t players m u st w arm up before
as a re su lt, slav e m a ste rs th o u g h t th e slav es w ere
J th e y s ta rt tra in in g , so th a t th e y
d a n c in g for fu n , n o t g e ttin g fit in o rd e r to
are flexible enough to do th e
r u n aw ay. So w h a t is c a p o e ira ? P erh ap s th e
' 1 m oves.
b e s t w a y to u n d e rs ta n d it is to t r y it y o u rse lf.

b 501-2 Read the te x t again and listen. Are the C Find th e words in th e te x t th a t mean ...
sentences right ( / ) , w rong (X) or doesnt say (-)? 1 explain the meaning of something (para 1)
C orrect th e w rong sentences. 2 two or more different things together (para 1)
1 A lot of people in different countries are doing 3 move smoothly backwards and forwards (para 2)
capoeira. 4 people who belong to someone else and have
2 Capoeira is mainly popular with women. to work for them (para 4)
3 When players do the ginga they fall on the ground. 5 things you believe are true (para 4)
4 Players cant do capoeira w ithout warming up.
5 All the capoeira songs are very old. d W ork in a group. Answ er th e questions.
6 Slave masters didnt know the real reason why slaves 1 Have you tried any kind of dance or martial art?
practised capoeira. Did you enjoy it? Why? / Why not?
2 What types of dance or martial arts would you
like to try? Why?

4 Unit l
(2) Grammar C Com plete th e te x t w ith th e correct present form
o f th e verbs.
Present tense review
be become not know open play want
a Look at the examples and m atch them
w ith th e tenses.

present simple (x2 ) present continuous

3 e l l y d w & ip q
present perfect (x2 )

1 Capoeira schools have opened all over the world.

2 More and more people are doing capoeira.
3 Capoeira is not easy to define.
4 Players kick to attack each other.
5 Why has this art form become so popular?

(^?rcig)the co rre ct w ords to com plete the rules.

We use:
the present sim ple / present co ntin uo us for
1.................................y o u ................................... to g et fit
the present sim ple / present and have fun, b u t you 2................................. w hat to
continuous for habits and routines. do? Well, why dont you learn belly dancing or,
the present sim ple / present ju st for fun, th e D arbuka? Belly dancing
continuous for actions happening now. 3.................................g rea t exercise for everyone,
and i t 4..................................m ore and m ore popular
the present simple / present perfect for actions
around th e world. O r you could learn to play
which happened at some time in the past. th e D arbuka, th e A rabic d rum w hich people
the present continuous / present p erfect for 5................................d u rin g belly-dancing classes.
actions that started in the past and continue in A new fun fitness cen tre 6................................. in th e
the present. tow n cen tre recently, so if you are looking for a
new hobby, com e and find us!
Grammar reference: Workbook page 76

W ork w ith a partner. Tell h im /h e r a b o u t...

C om plete th e sentences w ith the correct
present form o f th e verbs. 1 something you do every day.
2 something interesting youve done recently.
1 H e ..............................(do) sport every day.
3 something new youre learning this year.
2 Whats that noise? Someone..............................
(play) the drums.
3 ever............................... (try)
4 I .............................. (not know) the answer.
M atch the tw o parts o f the questions.
Can you help me?
1 W hats the best A most active? In the
5 She..............................(not wear) her school
2 When do you feel morning? At night?
uniform today because its Sunday.
3 What exercise have B enough time for sport?
6 A lana..............................(never visit) Brazil.
4 Which sports clubs Why? / Why not?
or gyms C for anything at
Check it out! 5 Are you training the moment?
6 Do you think D have you been to?
Some verbs are not usually used in the
you have E type of exercise?
continuous form: agree, be, believe, hate,
7 Which new F you like to try? Why?
like, need, remember, understand, want.
I agree with you. NOT Im agreeing w ith you. sports would G you done this week?

b W ork in a group. Answ er th e questions.

c Tell the class about yo ur group. W ho likes/d oe sn t

like doing exercise? W hos th e m o s t/le a s t active?
W hat types o f exercise are th e m ost popular?
(4 Vocabulary 15 Listen
Fitness a Look at the photo. W h a t sport are th e people
doing? W ho do you th in k th ey are?
a 001.3 M atch th e words w ith the definitions.
Then listen and check.

1 active 2 energetic 3 fit 4 flexible

5 stretch 6 train 7 warm up 8 work out

A do lots of exercise to prepare for a sports event

B do exercise in a gym to make your body fit and
C make your arms, legs or body straight or long
D do some exercises to get ready before you do
a sport
E able to bend your body easily into different
F having lots of energy
G healthy and strong, as a result of regular exercise
H always busy doing things and moving around

b Do you know any m ore w ords to do w ith

fitness? W rite th em down.

iirc k y the correct words.

This year Ive joined an aerobics class because
I wanted to be more 1 stretch / active and feel
healthier. At the beginning of each class w e 2 warm
up / work out and w e 3 train / stretch so that we
dont hurt our muscles. Then we spend about
45 minutes 4 working out / warming up. I found it
hard at first because I wasnt v e ry 5 fit / train, but |i.4 Listen and num ber the events in
its easier now, and Im definitely more 6 stretch / M a tth e w s life.
flexible. Even if Im tired before the class, I always
He joined a martial arts club.
fe e l 7 work out / energetic afterwards. Aerobics is a
He travels the world with the Shaolin monks.

good way to 8 stretch / train if you want to become
strong and healthy. He saw the Shaolin monks in London.

He went to China.
11.4 Listen again and answer the questions.
1 How old was Matthew when he decided to
become a Shaolin monk?
2 Why didnt M atthews parents want him to go to
3 How many hours of training did he do every day
in China?
4 Who does Matthew want to help?

d W ork w ith a partner. Answ er th e questions.

Did you know that all students in
1 What do you do to keep fit?
Britain have to do Physical Education
2 Which sports do you think you need the most
(PE) at school until they are 16? Do
energy to do? Why? you have to do PE at school? Do you think PE
3 Which sports do you need to be flexible to do? should be compulsory at school?

Unit 1
(6) Pronunciation Check it ou t!
/IZ / The negative and question form of used to is
use to
a E H 1.5 Sometimes we pronounce -s, -es or th e
She did n t use to like vegetables.
possessives as /iz /. Listen to these words w ith
NOT She didnt used to like vegetables.
th e / iz / sound. Add -s, -es or th e possessives. Did you use to get up early?
1 house..S... 4 wash....... NOT Did you used to get up early?
2 class 5 stretch.......
3 exercise 6 George.......
b (Circie) the correct words. Sometimes both
b E H 1.6 Tick ( / ) the w ords th a t end in the answers are possible.
syllable /iz /. Then listen, check and repeat. Energy drinks fir s t 1 became / were becoming
1 dances 6 messages popular in the 1980s and 1990s. At first, only
2 Matthews 7 drinks athletes 2 were drinking / used to drink them for
3 chooses 8 teaches extra energy before and during workouts or training.
Then, more and more peo ple 3 discovered / used to
4 shows 9 sports
discover them and soon everyone 4 started / was
5 Chriss 10 fishes
starting to drink them. People often 5 drank / used
c S01.7 Listen and repeat. to drink them while they
6 did / were doing
Jess sends messages about dances and exercises exercise or when they
to George's phone during Chriss classes. 7 used to need / needed
an energy boost. However,
today experts say that too
many energy drinks are
fT lG rammar bad for you.

Past tense review

a Look at th e examples and m atch them w ith
the structures in the box.

past continuous past simple (x2 ) used to

1 He joined a martial arts club. C C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct past

2 While he was w atching he decided to become form o f th e verbs. Use used to w here possible.
a monk. 1 I (learn) to swim when I
3 He used to train every day before school. .......................(be) five.
4 He d id n t understand the language. 2 W e ..............................(play) tennis every week,
but now we only play once a month.
(^ irc le )th e correct words to com plete the rules.
3 I .............................. (see) my friend Pete when
We use the past sim ple / past continuous
I ...............................(run) in the park yesterday.
for an action in progress at a particular time
4 W here................. y o u ....................(go) last night? I
in the past.
..................(not know) where y o u ................... (be).
We use the past sim ple / past continuous
5 H e ..............................(want) to do some exercise
for a completed action in the past or a
so h e ...............................(join) a gym and
situation in the past.
...............................(start) to work out every day.
We use th e past co ntin uo us / used to for a
6 She (not be) very fit, but now
repeated action or situation in the past which
shes a fitness instructor.
is not true now.
d W ork w ith a partner. Tell h im /h e r a b o u t...
Grammar reference: Workbook page 78
1 something you used to do when you were
2 something you saw while you were coming to
school this morning.
3 something you got for your last birthday.

Unit l 7
(TjVocabulary e W ork w ith a partner.
Student A: C om plete the questions w ith
Phrasal verbs and expressions the correct form o f the phrasal verbs and
with get expressions. Then ask and answer the
a 0 0 1.8 M atch th e phrasal verbs w ith the
Student B: Turn to page 124.
meanings. Then listen and check.
1 His parents wanted him to get in to university. get better get home get on with get tired
2 I hope I get th ro ug h this aerobics class! get to school

3 Its difficult to get your message across.

1 What do you usually do when y o u ..................
4 I get on w ith my sister. Were great friends.
from school?
5 I must get on w ith my homework.
2 Which subject at school would you like to
6 Some people try to get o u t o f PE.
A avoid doing something you should do 3 Do y o u ..................if you stay up too late?
B be chosen to go to a university or to join a 4 Have you ever late in the morning?
sports team 5 What time do you usually..................your
C come to the end of a difficult time homework?
D communicate an idea to someone
E continue doing something, especially work
F like and be friends with someone
Interaction l DVD
b Replace the underlined words w ith th e correct
form o f th e phrasal verbs in Exercise 8a.
Catching up with a friend
1 You always try and avoid tidying your room.
2 Ive come to the end of my exams. (sn
3 Do you Jike many people in your class?
x ffl
4 She was chosen for the school hockey team.
5 I cant communicate mv idea to him. i y
6 I must continue with my work now.
% ^
C M atch th e uses o f get in the expressions w ith
th e meanings 1-4.

1 obtain 2 become 3 receive 4 arrive

A What was his life like when he g ot to China?

B Little by little he g o t fitte r and stronger.
C Where did you get the information from?
D She got lots of presents for her birthday. a 5 0 1-9 Listen to th e conversation between
M ickey and Jessica. Tick ( / ) th e sports th a t
d W hat does get mean in these expressions? are m entioned.

arrive become obtain receive b 5 0 19 Listen again and m atch th e questions

o r phrases w ith th e responses.
1 get a present re c e iv e
1 Hows it going? A Lots of things.
2 get home...................... ..................
2 How are things? B Great.
3 get a text message .................
3 So whats new? C Nothing really.
4 get the shopping ..................
4 What have you D Yeah, catch
5 get an email....................................
been up to? you later.
6 get older....................... ..................
5 Anyway, Ive got E Fine, thanks.
7 get tired........................ ..................
to go now. F Yeah, me too.
8 get to school...................................
6 See you around.

C W ork w ith a partner.

Student A: Turn to page 118.
Student B: Turn to page 121.
Portfolio 1 J p '
An informal article
a Read Keiras a rticle fo r th e school website. Does she enjoy keeping f it now?

School News

How much get up and go

have you got?
Tell us what you
up skating!
do to keep fit. Do My name s Keira and I m in class 4C. My hobby is inline
you like exercise? skating and I go skating every day to keep fit.

You know, I used to be really u n fit! I d id n 't use to do much

exercise and I alw ays trie d to g e t o u t o f PE a t school. I
hated it! Then I m et my best frien d Eve tw o years ago.
We g e t on w ell, b u t she's alw ays been very active and fit.
She asked me to go to a ska ting class w ith her, so I agreed.

The class was so energetic th a t I was tire d a fte r th e w arm

up and I fell over all the tim e. Anyway, I g o t through th e firs t
class and the next few classes g o t easier. Then som ething
really strange happened - I started to enjoy th e classes and
co uldn 't w a it fo r the next one. It was so much fun!

Now I love inline skating. I'm tra in in g fo r th e skating

m arathon n ext m onth and I've g o t in to th e school's inline
skating team . Exercise has become p a rt o f my life and now
I've g o t much more g e t up and go!

Read the a rticle again and answer the questions. Read the announcem ent and w rite an
1 What is the title? a rticle fo r the school website. Use the
2 Who is the reader? Check it out! box to help you.

3 How many paragraphs has Keira written?

4 What information has she included in each paragraph?
Exercise at school
Find words in the a rticle th a t make th e to ne inform al
and friendly. Look fo r contractions, phrasal verbs and
inform al expressions.
Do you like PE?
You know, I used to be really unfit!
Tell us what exercise

We get on well. you do at school.

Check it out!
When w ritin g an a rticle :
include a title
talk to your reader (your classmates, your teacher
or a friend) What do/dont you like
be friendly (use contractions, phrasal verbs and ahout itP
informal expressions) Do you think its imuortant
talk about your experience to do PE at school?
organise your ideas into paragraphs

e W ork w ith a partner. Read yo ur p a rtn e rs

article. Is it interesting? Does he/sh eUnit l 9
sound inform al and friendly? Why? /








Unit 1
2 Waste not, want
Present perfect w ith just / yet / already
Present perfect continuous
Vocabulary: Electrical items; Prefixes
Interaction 2: Returning items to a shop

1 Vocabulary Electrical items Put th e words in Exercise 1a in to th e w ord webs,

a 001.11 M atch th e words w ith th e pictures. disktuasker

Then listen and check.

1 dishwasher 2 electric razor

3 food processor 4 freezer 5 hairdryer
6 microwave 7 toaster 8 tumble dryer
9 vacuum cleaner 10 washing machine
C Do you know any m ore words fo r electrical items?
W rite them down.

d W hich do you th in k are th e three m ost useful

electrical items? Choose yo ur to p th re e and then
compare w ith your partner.

) A: I think the washing machine is the most useful.

It saves a lot of time.
B: Yes, but I think the hairdryer is more useful.
You can use it for drying and styling your hair.

( 2 ) Pronunciation <s->
Stress patterns
11.12 Listen to th e stress patterns in these words.

two syllables toaster machine

three syllables hairdryer computer

Put th e words in th e correct colum n.

dishwasher guitar umbrella freezer police

firefighter money recycle potato island
timetable repair

Y_ J

C 1.13 Listen, check and repeat.

d W ork w ith a partner. Your p artne r closes h is /h e r

book. W rite a w ord from Exercise 2b. Can your
partne r rem em ber how many syllables it has and
w here the stress is?

Unit 5
13 SRead and listen
a Look at th e picture and guess th e answers to the questions.
What is this sculpture made of? Why do you think it was built? Who do think made it?

b Read the te x t quickly and see if your guesses in Exercise 3a w ere correct.

This giant m onster is a be difficult, as m ost electrical repair shops have

sculpture created by Paul disappeared. Even if you find a shop to repair your old
Bonomini. It's called the goods, it often costs more to repair som ething like a
WEEE Man. WEEE stands washing machine or toaster than to th ro w it away and
fo r 'Waste Electrical and buy a new one!
Electronic Equipment', The WEEE Man now lives at the Eden Project, an
also known as 'e-waste'. environmental centre in Cornwall, in the southwest
Paul Bonomini wanted o f England. Thousands o f people have already visited
to show how much the WEEE Man and seen for themselves just how much
electrical waste a e-waste one human being can create. The seven-
normal person in the m etre-tall sculpture has really made a big impression
UK generates in an average lifetim e o f 77 years. The on everyone w ho has seen it. It has also inspired other
average fam ily in Britain owns 25 electrical items and artists to make sculptures out o f e-waste. In fact, the
each person generates 517 kg o f rubbish each year. Only Czech Republic has held a com petition for artists
104 kg are recycled and the rest goes to landfill sites. to create dinosaurs from e-waste and the results
The WEEE Man weighs 3.3 tonnes (3,300 kg), which is were w onderful.
the am ount o f e-waste produced by the average person
Since the WEEE Man was 'born', the problems we have
in th eir lifetim e. That's the equivalent o f the w eight o f
w ith disposing o f e-waste haven't disappeared and we
three cars.
haven't found a real solution yet. We can't ban e-waste,
If e-waste isn't recycled, it sits in landfill sites and the b ut things are g ettin g better. Many countries have
toxic material goes into the ground and contaminates just introduced new laws to force the manufacturers
the earth. So, why do we produce so much waste o f electrical goods to recycle old items. But have we
anyway? Well, have you ever tried to repair your already created too much waste?
broken printer or camera? In many places it can

11.14 Read th e te x t again and listen. e W ork in a group. Answ er the questions.
Then answer the questions. 1 Is it possible to recycle e-waste in your town?
1 What do the numbers in the text refer to: 77, 25, 517, If so, how?
3,300 and 7? 2 What things do you recycle and reuse?
2 What does Paul Bonomini want people to think 3 Do you think recycling is important?
about when they see his sculpture? Why? / Why not?
3 Give two reasons why it can be difficult to repair
electrical appliances.
4 Give an example of how one country has been
inspired by the WEEE Man.
Did you know that some regions in <
5 What have many countries done recently to try the UK give rewards to residents who
and solve the problem of e-waste? recycle a lot of waste? They weigh the
waste and residents win points. The points
Find the words in the te x t th a t mean ... can be exchanged for things like cinema
1 typical or usual (para 1) tickets. Do you think it's a good idea? Are
2 places where waste is put in the ground (para 2 ) there any similar schemes where you live?
3 makes something dirty or poisonous (para 2)
4 relating to the environment (para 3)
5 prohibit or not allow (para 4)
6 companies that produce something (para 4)

(? 3
;4) Grammar
Present perfect with just/yet/already
a Look at the examples. Then (^irc ie )th e correct words to com plete th e rules.

Thousands of people have already visited We use already / just to mean sooner than expected.
the WEEE Man. We use yet / just to mean a short time ago.
Have we already created too much waste? We use already / yet to mean until now.
Many countries have just introduced new laws.
Already and just usually go before / a fte r the
Have you just arrived?
past participle.
We havent found a real solution yet
Yet is usually used in positive / negative sentences
Has he seen the WEEE Man yet?
and questions, and goes at the end.

Grammar reference: Workbook page 76

W ork in a group. Ask each o th e r w h a t

b Put the words in th e correct order. yo u ve done this week. Use th e ideas
1 havent / yet / my / bike / repaired / I in th e box or your own. Use just, already
and yet.
2 heard / the / have / I / news / good / just
3 booked / We / flights / already / the / have homework / go to the cinema /
4 yet / seen / WEEE / Man / Have / you / the ? have a class / have exams / watch TV /
5 just / a / phone / She / bought / has / mobile / new. go shopping / play sport
6 Have / that / you / film / seen / already ?
A: Have you done your homework yet?
7 tickets / the / havent / got / for / yet / They / concert
B: No, but I ve already had three exams.
C C om plete th e responses w ith th e present perfect and the C: I've just played basketball but I havent
words in brackets. done my homework yet!
1 A: Would you like something to drink?
B: No thanks, I .................... a glass of water. Check it o u t!
(just / have)
2 A: Are your parents going to give you a new mobile? Been and gone have different meanings.
Shes been to Brazil = She went to Brazil
B: I dont know. They............................... (not decide / yet)
in the past, but she isnt there now.
3 A: What do you think about the new Super Mario game?
Shes gone to Brazil = Shes in Brazil now.
B: Its a bit too easy. I ............... level3andIonly
got it yesterday, (already / pass)
4 A: Wheres Luis?
B: He went to take the recycling to the containers but
h e ............................... (not come back / yet)

5 Speak
W ork w ith a partner. Use th e language to ask questions.

W\ore ikaw. 2 vwobile
Wvore t-ktm 2 IMPS players?
aK electrical rtewv?

b Tell th e class tw o things a bo ut yo ur partner. Monica has had three mobile phones.

Unit 5
(6) Vocabulary
a Look at th e words in th e table. W h a t do th e prefixes mean? Put th e words in th e box in the correct columns.

too much again before not enough/below better

-- A
re- over under pre super-
j .........................
recharge oversleep underpaid precooked supermodel
reuse overweight under-age preheat superpower
retake overpriced underground pre-paid supermarket

b 511-15 Choose the correct w ord from 7 l Listen

Exercise 6 a to com plete the sentences.
Then listen and check. a S H I-16 Listen to John Black ta lkin g a bo ut a tim e bank.
1 Shes just started doing photo shoots Tick ( / ) th e things he m entions.
for magazines and she wants to be a day.
2 He cant go into the disco. Hes only 17
so hes ...............................
3 I try t o .............................. the plastic bags
I get from the supermarket.
4 Someone who is too heavy is

5 Ive just bought a

phone. I can only use the minutes Ive
already paid for.
6 Ive got t o _____ my laptop.
The battery is dead.
7 You dont need to make dinner. You can
buy lots o f..............................meals at our
8 When I study late at night I sometimes
..............................the next morning and
dont get to school until 11 :00.

C Do you know any more words w ith the BUS] Listen again. Choose the correct answer:
prefixes in Exercise 6 a? W rite them in A, B or C.
th e table. 1 What do members of the time bank earn?
A money B time credits C food
d W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the
2 What is Bill an expert in?
A music B dog walking C computers
1 When was the last time you overslept?
3 What has Bill been learning to do?
2 Do you think computer games are
A play the guitar B speak Spanish C paint
4 How old is the youngest member of the time bank?
3 Are part-time jobs for teenagers underpaid
in your country? A 13 B 18 C 16
4 Have you ever retaken an exam? 5 What is Josh good at looking after?

5 What things do you reuse? A young children Bold people C pets

W ork in a group. Answ er th e questions.

1 Do you think that time banking is a good idea?
Why? / Why not?
2 What could you offer to do if you joined a time bank?

Unit E 15

Present perfect continuous
Look at th e examples. Then (?rcie)the correct
I nteraction 5
words to com plete the rules.
Returning items to a shop

- H es been learning to play the guitar with Amrit.

Have you been banking many time credits
yourself recently?
Josh hasnt been doing it for long.
We use the present perfect continuous for actions
which started in the past and have finished
recently / a long tim e ago or are still continuing.
We form the present perfect continuous with has/
have(nt) + been + ve rb + -ing / in fin itiv e .

Grammar reference: Workbook page 79

Check it out!
for + a period of time
Ive been learning English fo r ten years.
since + a specific point in time
Ive been waiting for you since 8 oclock.
a S 0 1-17 Listen to someone returning an item
to a shop. Tick ( / ) the correct picture.

b C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct verbs in b 5 0 1-17 Listen again.

the present perfect continuous.
1 What has the customer just bought?
ask dream not go not learn watch work 2 Whats the problem?
3 How long will it take to repair?
1 You look really tired, I think you
4 Is the customer happy? Why? / Why not?
..........................................too hard recently.
2 I ...........................................Spanish for very long so C 5 0 117 Listen again. Who says the phrases,
Im not very good at speaking. the shop assistant (S) or customer (C)?
3... .................y o u ................... that new series on 1 Can I help you?

Channel 4 on Thursday nights?
2 Ive just bought this.
4 She her parents for a new
MP3 player for months! 3 It doesnt work properly.
5 He cant believe hes got tickets for the World Cup
4 Whats the problem?
final. H e ...........................................about this for
years! 5 Ive only used it once.
6 I dont know if I like my new school yet. I 6 Do you have the receipt?
..........................................there very long.
7 Im sorry about that.
c Make questions to ask your partner.
1 What / favourite / group? How long / listen / ...? d Work with a partner.
2 Who / favourite / author? How long / read / ...? Student A: Turn to page 118.
3 What / favourite / subject? How long / s t u d y / ...? Student B: Turn to page 121.

A: Whats your favourite group?

B: Probably Florence and the Machine.
A: How long have you been listening to them?
B: For about four years.

Unit 2
Portfolio 2
A discussion essay
A kram had to w rite an essay fo r school. The title was Plastic bags
should be banned from my to w n . Look at w h a t he did before he
started w ritin g . W hy do you th in k he made these notes?

I n ir o - h d p tn v ir o n r n tn i /
Some, boojns havz, a lr ta d ) b a n n td baqS
Arguments in -Favour Arguments againsi
'Reasons io ban Reasons NOT io ban
olastic bags. Id ea s! olastic bags. Id eaS !

Less waste They're useful when you buy something unexpectedly.

Less energy used to make the bags No plastic bags = always carrying another bag -
Less plastic in the sea and in n o t cool
ihe countryside Plastic bag Factories may dose
1 t r* 1 r~\
L o st J o b s fo r p top it :
Cleaner town
7ou can reuse plastic bags in bins a t home
Lonciusion - don r ban bags!
------------ nu n ii

Read A kra m s essay and tic k ( / ) th e things he Choose one o f the essay title s below
m entions from his notes above. and make notes w ith y o u r ideas.
1 All electrical items should be repaired
and reused.
P la s tic baas s h o u ld be, b a n n e d -From
2 People today produce too much waste.
m ) tooon. Jd iscu ss.
3 Everyone should do something to help
the environment.
N ow adays m any people- are w o rrie d a b o u t the
environm ent. Mo s t people w an t to d o w h a t they ca n to 4 Landfill sites should be banned. We
look a fte r o u r p lan e t a n d som e tow n s have been m aking need to find other solutions for waste.
ch an ge s to b an p la stic bags.
W rite yo ur essay. You should have fo u r
clear paragraphs:
^ T o begin w ith, I am g o in g to look a t th e advantages o f
b an n in g p la stic bags. I n th e f ir s t place, there w ould an introduction
be le ss w aste a n d le ss p la stic in th e seas a n d in the arguments in favour of the statement
cou ntrysid e. O u r tow n w ould be cle an e r i f we d id n 't arguments against the statement
have any p la stic bags. M aking bags uses a lo t o f energy a conclusion
so w e w ould save energy too.
W ork w ith a partner. Read your
I n contrast, th ere are also d isad van tages to consid er. p a rtn e rs essay. Do you share th e ir
. P lastic b ags are ve ry u se fu l w hen you g o to a sh o p opinion? W hy? / W hy not?
unexpectedly. I f we d o n 't have p la stic bags, we always
have to c a rry a n o th e r bag a n d Som etim es th a t's
im practical. I n a d d itio n to this, the people w ho w ork in
p la stic bag fa c to rie s cou ld lose th e ir jo b s .

T o Sum up, X d o n 't th in k it s a g o o d idea to ban p lastic

bags com pletely in m y town. People should try to use fe w e r
bags a n d only take them w hen they really need them, b u t
bags sh o u ld n 't be b an n e d completely. I'v e been th in kin g
about th is carefully a n d I believe th a t m anufacturers
sh o u ld m ake p aper bags too, So people have a choice.
Unit E
Wise up to
n e t iS 't , K B S y c 1 Waste Week
1 2 th - 1 9 th J u ly
The average family produces one ton of
rubbish each year -
mmuui uid same weight
as a car. Below are some suggestions about Th in k positively about waste!
what you can do to cut down on your waste W h a t w ill happen to Swanseas waste in the future?
Po your bit tor the ------- W h a t are the alternatives to throw ing things away?
* of waste younp X e H ow can I help tackle climate change?

Answers to these questions and many m ore during

MILLENNIUM W ise up to W aste W eek .

S T A D IU M . W a ste to W o n d e r W o rk sh o p s Create a work o f :

from waste.

CD , DVD, co m p u ter gam e and toy exchange

Exchange your old CDs, DVDs, computer games and toys.

M agazine and book exchange An opportunity to

swap books and magazines you have already read.




Katherine Jenkins concert W ales v. England T h e G r e a t^ S w a g is e a

Book your ticke ts early 4 February

W ales ja Irejand
12 March Saturday 26 July at the
Il l lWaterfront
U in i. Museum
Cardiff MAS Carnival Is your wardrobe bulging w ith clothes you
C a rd iff Bay to _ I no longer wear?
Do you want to update your wardrobe without buying
C ivic C entre # ^
clothes from expensive city centre stores?
6 A u g * J# 1 Come and take part in the Great Swansea Clothes Swap!
The Great Swansea Clothes Swap is expected to be the
LARGEST clothes swap that has ever taken part in Wales.
Swapping your old clothes is good for you because it
helps you to replenish your wardrobe without costing you
a fortune; its good for the environment because your old
Its the 22nd annual Cardiff Dee's WoricTSwonder' clothes won't be going into landfill sites; and its good for
which brings Cardiff City Centre alive with hundreds of flamboyant 2 day will
charity, because any items left at the end of the <
costumes, carnival creations, masks, headpieces,
giant puppets on backpacks and mobile sculptures. be donated to a cancer charity.

Watch scheming magicians, cosmic spirits, shadowy

demons, swashbuckling adventurers and Welsh Indian
warriors as they all dance dynamically to the funky
Buy your ticket in advance.
street bands through the streets o f Cardiff finishing
Tickets 7.50, available from
at the Admiral Big Weekend on City Hall Lawn.
The Parade
1 1 :3 0 a m ^
Bring at least three unwanted items of clothing
Parade leaves Wales Millennium Centre travelling up Bute Street.
1 2 :3 0 p m ^
to the venue.
Along St Mary's Street where the parade stops for a half hour 'Street Jam'. Collect 1 token for each item you bring.
1 :0 0 p m ^
Clothes should be in good condition and wearable.
Continuing along The Hayes, Castle Street, Kingsway.
1 :3 0 p m V a No underwear, swimwear or earrings.
Finishing at the Admiral Cardiff Big Weekend on City Hall Lawn.
I AI * '"wMnnW" Bring your tokens and choose one item o f clothing
the parade? come along and taf Sunday * ^ -fj fig
in three weeks for each token.
of FREE Carnival Arts Workshoi
G et ready to fin d your new summ er wardrobe!
0 Culture UK: South Wales
a Look at th e inform a tion abo ut South Wales and answer
the questions.
1 What can you make in the Waste to Wonder Workshop?
2 What time and where does the Mas Carnival parade begin?
3 Who can take part in the carnival parade and what do you
have to do to join in?
4 What can you do with your old books and magazines during
Wise up to Waste Week?
5 Name two events you could see at the Millennium Stadium.
6 What time can you leave your clothes to swap in the Great
Swansea Clothes Swap?
7 Where is the Great Swansea Clothes Swap taking place?
8 What three types of clothing and accessories are not allowed
in the Great Swansea Clothes Swap?

b C om plete th e crossword and find a w ord related to th e environm ent.

1 Things we throw away, (text 1)
2 Swap something for something else, (text 2 )
3 The problems of changes to the weather caused by
pollution, (text 2)
4 An organisation that helps people in need, (text 4)
5 Try to deal with a difficult problem, (text 2)
6 In good enough condition to wear, (text 4)

7 A large shop, (text 4)

C Imagine you are going to visit South Wales.

W hich events w ould you like to take p art in? Why?

2 Your project
Wise up to Waste Week o f w a s te w h ic h lin e r s th e s tr e e ts w J S ,

in your town 2? r 1,heaes,tes of

h a z a rd . ' S a'S0 a n ' i ro n m e n ta l

a W ork in a group. Make a list o f ideas o f some events

fo r young people to take p art in, as p art o f a
On the first Saturday o f June, we
Wise up to Waste W eek in your tow n. will scour the Parisian streets for
any rubbish that has not been
b T h in k about: properly disposed of. We will then
transport the waste to place it in
What events will attract young people? J r o n t o f the Eiffel tower.
How will it be organised?
fe"'aSte wiM be !eft for
Where will it take place? J Sunday for tourists and
residents to see the sheer scale o f
How will it be advertised? waste left on the streets o f Paris
How will it help the environment?

C Make a leaflet to advertise th e green event

to make pep,e f ,he
in your tow n. foe consequences o f their actions Saturday 0f June
h e n th e y d ro p litte r. W ith the * Wc "'11 provideevcrythmn
m edia a tte n tio n , w e h ope to m ake 'nClUding * T' shin ~ >0
a n s a g ree n e r and c le a n e r c ity . - p le a s e b r in g a s m a n y

Review CjJ) and
t j j Grammar 0 W rite sentences. Use th e present perfect

O C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct

present fo rm o f the verbs.
1 You / read / that book for months.

1 Every day h e ............................. (leave) his house 2 I / feel / tired since I woke up.
at 8:45am.
2 W ho y o u ..................(call) now? Youre
3 She / not get / any exercise recently.
always on your mobile phone!
3 They (wait) for the bus to
arrive now. 4 He / have / problems with his motorbike
4 I dont feel very well, I think I .............................. all week.
(eat) too much chocolate.
5 How long / they / learn / to play the guitar?
5 Frank usually.............................(go) to karate
lessons on Thursdays.
6 H e ...............................(not like) getting up early. 6 What / you / do / all morning?
7 How lon g y o u ...................(live) here?

O C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct past

form o f th e verb do. Use used to w hen possible.
Read the com m ent from a recycling message
board. Choose th e correct answer: A, B or C.
1 What tim e you judo yesterday? My camera has 1 broken so 12 it to
2 When I was younger I .................................... the shop earlier today to see if they could repair it.
lots of activities after school but now I dont do The m an 3 that it would cost more to repair
anything. it than to buy a new one! I havent decided what to
3 you your homework last night? d o 4 ............ I find it hard to believe that we cant get
anything repaired these days. In the past there
We have to give it in today.
5 repair shops in every town, so there wasnt as
4 Maria was busy when I arrived. She
much waste.
.................................... some jobs for her mum.
5 W hat you when I rang you last A yet B already C just
night? You didnt answer the phone. A took B was taking C didnt take
6 H e .................................... his homework, but hes A said B has said C was saying
making more effort now and he usually does it.
A already B just C yet
A was B are C used to be
(^ irc ig ) th e correct w ords to com plete th e
Teacher: Have you finished the activity?
Student 1: Yes, Ive 1 yet / just finished it.
Student 2: No, I havent finished 2 already / yet.
I need a few more minutes.
Teacher: OK, all the students who have 3 yet /
already finished can turn to page 44.
Student 3: Sorry, Miss. What page?
How are you doing?
Teacher: Iv e 4just / yet told you the page. H ow many points have you got? Put tw o crosses on
Page 44. th e chart: one fo r gram m ar and one fo r vocabulary.
Student 4: And what can we do if we havent
finished 5 already / yet? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Teacher: If you havent finished 6 already / yet,
you can have five more minutes. ISli

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


20 Review 1 and E

(2) Vocabulary Put the letters in th e correct order and make words
fo r electrical items.
a C om plete the sentences w ith th e words in
1 idshwshaer....................................
th e box.
2 awhnsig hm cniea....................................

active energetic fit flexible stretch train 3 acvumu ncaeelr....................................

warm up work out 4 w icm eorva....................................

5 dofo rpocessro....................................
1 You should your muscles when
6 mubtle ry d e r....................................
youve finished doing exercise.
7 ia rh e d y rr....................................
2 Ive started going to the gym because I want to
g e t......................... 8 reefrez.................................... 8

3 Were going t o ........................ for six months

|J |: C om plete th e sentences w ith the correct form o f
before we do the marathon.
th e verbs. A dd a prefix (re-, over-, under- or super-)
4 Im not ve ry........................ - 1cant even touch
to th e verb.
my toes!
5 It isnt good to play computer games all the time
charge model paid priced sleep use
- y o u should be m ore.........................
6 Its im portant t o .........................properly before 1 I always try t o . .shopping bags.
you start doing exercise. 2 Hes so attractive - he looks like a ........................
7 If you want strong muscles, you should 3 Video cameras are too expensive. I think theyre the gym. i
8 I just want to sit down and rest - 1dont feel very 4 Some young people do jobs that a re...................! so they earn very little money.
5 I cant phone my friends because I need to phone.
M atch th e phrasal verbs and expressions in
6 I need to get to bed early - 1dont want to
b o ld w ith the meanings.
arrive avoid be chosen for be friends with
become continue obtain receive

1 She was g e ttin g tired.

2 I must get on w ith my homework now.
Correct it! *GLISH

3 Ive just got a text message from Edith. C orrect these typical learner errors
4 She hates PE and always tries to get o u t o f it. from Units 1 and 2.
5 What time will we get to Paris?
1 I hope I will get in university next year.
6 Hes trying to get in to the football team.
7 Where can I get information about sports clubs?
2 Hes always having breakfast every day at 8 oclock.
8 I get on w ith Jack very well.
3 Shes totally agreeing with her parents.

4 Thanks for explaining that. Im understanding now.

5 You can use a hairdryer for dry your hair.

GREEN: Great! Tell your teacher your score!

6 I need a new food procesor.
Not bad, but go to the website for extra practice.

RED: Talk to your teacher and look at Units 1 and 2

7 Weve finished just our lesson.
again. Go to the website for extra practice.

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8 Hes gone to London four times.

f 9 Weve lived in this house since three months.

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
10 Shes studying English for five years.
Review l and E 21
Forces of nature
will and going to
Future continuous
Vocabulary: Natural disasters; Outdoor equipment
Interaction 3: Getting ready for a trip

11 Read and listen a Water, water everywhere

Read th e texts quickly and m atch them w ith the title s A -C .

Naima, 17, India

Right now I'm in our flat in Delhi. There are dark, heavy monsoon clouds, so it's
going to rain soon, very hard and for a long time. Tomorrow my father is going to
make sure all our windows are secure so they w ill keep the rain out. We're also going
to buy extra food and drinking water - we expect it w ill be difficult to get to the
shops once the rain starts, but I think we'll cope with the situation if we prepare for
it. In the city there are often floods and the electricity sometimes gets cut off. But
that's nothing compared to what can happen in the countryside. Every year there are
huge floods near rivers or the sea, and hundreds of people lose their homes.

| | Jon, 16, USA

I live in the state of Mississippi. It's part of'Tornado Alley' an area which has; aTot
of tornadoes, or 'twisters', every spring. About 1,000 tornadoes occur in different
Darts of the USA every year. This year we had a really bad storm. A huge twister,
1 fi km wide came right through the centre of town with winds blowing at about
MOkm perh. Lite m r*t tornadoes, i t pel, lasted for about to minutes, but io s
of buildings were damaged and people got hurt very badly. We were lucky.
because our house wasn't touched. Most people think our town w ill probably be OK
next year, because it isn't very likely that a tornado w ill h it i t two years in a row.
But we're going to make our basement stronger, just in case.

Brittany, 18, Australia

In Victoria we often get heat waves in January and February, when

temperatures can sometimes be as high as 44C. Heat waves increase the risk
of forest fires, or bushfires. We've just had a few bushfires in my area. Luckily,
nobody was badly hurt this time, but hundreds of houses were burnt to the
ground. The fires reached very high temperatures and a lot of animals, like
kangaroos and cows, were killed. Lots of people volunteered to help as
firefighters, but I'm helping to Look after the people who have lost their
homes. We've got a place for them to stay and we're making them food, but
maybe the most important thing is to talk to them and listen to them. They're
in shock because they've just lost everything they had.

b 0 0 1 .1 8 Read th e texts again and listen. Then answer C W ork in a group. Answ er th e questions.
the questions. 1 Do you know about any natural disasters?
1 How is Naimas family preparing for the monsoon? 2 What do people do to prepare for extreme
2 What are the effects of the monsoon? weather in your country?
3 Where is Tornado Alley? 3 Would you volunteer to help in an emergency?
4 How big was the tornado that went through Jons town? Why? / Why not?
5 What are the effects of the bushfires?
6 What is Brittany doing at the moment?

22 Unit 3
2 Vocabulary Natural disasters 5 0 1 .2 0 Listen to th e conversations and w eather
reports. W hich o f the things in Exercise 2a are the
a 5 0 1 .1 9 M atch th e pictures w ith th e words fo r people ta lkin g about?
natural disasters. Then listen and check. 1

1 avalanche 2 drought 3 earthquake 2

4 flood 5 heatwave 6 hurricane 3 ........................

7 tsunami 8 volcanic eruption 4 ___ ________ _____

W ork w ith a partner. Answ er th e questions.

1 What types of weather do you think are more
difficult to live with? Why?
2 W hats the worst weather you have experienced?
What happened?

(3 ) Pronunciation
/ui/ and /u/
11.21 Sometimes th e same co m bination o f
letters can be pronounced differently. Listen to
these words.
/u :/ monsoon boot food
/u/ look foot good

5 0 1 .22 Listen to th e p ronunciation o f the

" Y , V ' .
underlined words and tic k ( / ) th e correct
colum n.

/u :/ /u /
1 He bought a book about hurricanes.
2 Itll stop raining soon.
3 Im going to school in half an hour.
4 It's a clear night. Can you see
the moon?
5 The earth shook for about
three minutes.
6 The lightning struck somewhere in
the wood. y

c 5 0 1 .22 Listen again and repeat.

d 5 0 i .23 Listen and repeat.

Look at the rain! Its good that the monsoon

will finish soon!

Choose th e correct words.

Culture Vulture
1 Two skiers died in the avalanche / drought.
2 If it continues to rain, there might be a heat wave / Did you know th at betw een
flood in the town. 2000 and 2010 Britain had seven
serious floods, two tornadoes, two
3 The drought / tsunami has continued for three
heat waves, two periods of heavy snow
months now, and a lot of plants have died.
and one hurricane? Does your country
4 A heat wave / hurricane has the power to destroy
often have extrem e weather?
trees and buildings. V
Unit 3 23
4 Grammar C 0 0 1 .2 4 (Q rc je )th e correct words, th en listen and check
yo ur answers.
will and going to
a Look at th e exam ples and m atch them
w ith the uses.

1 There are dark, heavy monsoon clouds,

so it's going to rain soon.
2 We expect it will be difficult to get to
the shops once the rain starts.
3 But were going to make our basement
stronger, just in case.
4 I ll help you!

A a decision made at the time of

speaking (sometimes an offer or promise)
B a future plan or intention
C a prediction based on present evidence
D a prediction about the future (often
with think, hope, expect, etc.) Have you heard 1 whats happening / what will happen at
mm mm m m m mm mm mm school next Friday? 2 Well have / We're having a special
Grammar reference: Workbook page 82 Mad Hair Day to raise money for people who are homeless
after the earthquake. If you pay 1, you can come to school
with a crazy hairstyle or a silly h a t. 3 Itll be / Its being fun!
C om plete th e sentences w ith will or Sam and 14 are going to spray / will spray our hair different
going to and th e verbs in brackets. colours.5 Were going / We'll go to a concert after school.
1 Ive made a homework plan. I 6 Its being / Itll be good to have funky hair.
.............................. (write) my history
W ork w ith a partner. C om plete the sentences so they
essay tomorrow.
are tru e fo r you, th en compare.
2 Do you think th e re .............................. (be)
more extreme weather in the future? 1 After class, I think ... 3 A t the weekend I ...
3 A: This bag is really heavy! 2 This evening I ... 4 Next year, I ...
B: I .............................. (carry) it for you!
4 Look out! You.............................. (fall)!
5 I .............................. (not tidy) my room (5. Speak
this evening. I want to go out.
6 I expect y o u (have) a W ork on your own. You are going to vo lu ntee r after
great time on holiday. a natural disaster. T h in k o f a disaster and fill in the
inform ation.
" * A

Check it out!
Country: ...................................................................
We use the present continuous and Disaster:.......... ...................................................................
going to for future arrangements.
Im m eeting / going to m eet my
friends later.
However, we cant use the present
continuous for intentions, if there isnt
an arrangement. Your job: ...................................................................
One day Im going to buy a big car. . T
NOT One day Im buying a big ear.
b W ork w ith a partner. Take turns to inte rvie w each
o th e r a bo ut yo ur vo lu ntee r w ork. Ask a bo ut the
country, th e disaster, th e problem s and your p a rtn e rs
job. Make notes.

C Com pare your notes. W hich v o lu n te e rs job w ill be

m ore d ifficult? Why?

24 Unit 3
6) Vocabulary
O utdoor equipm ent
a 5 0 1 .2 5 M atch th e words w ith th e pictures.
Then listen and check.

1 anorak 2 fleece 3 goggles 4 insect repellent

5 rucksack 6 sleeping bag 7 sun cream
8 torch 9 walking boots 10 wetsuit

b C om plete th e sentences w ith words from

Exercise 6a.
1 M y really comfortable to carry,
even when its heavy.
2 He wears a .............................. to keep warm when
he goes windsurfing.
3 When we go camping we sleep in a

4 Shes got very pale skin so she takes lots of

..............................when she travels to hot countries.
5 I always get bitten by mosquitoes when I forget to
ta ke ...............................
6 They forgot to take a .............................. with them
so they couldnt see anything at night.
7 He always takes a .............................. when he goes
climbing. Its lighter and warmer than a normal
8 Her T-shirt was dry because she was wearing an
..............................over it, but her jeans got very wet
in the rain.

C Imagine you are going on these trips. W rite th re e items from Exercise 6a th a t you w ould take w ith you.

Surfing Skiing Camping Trekking Safari

fle e c e
w a lk in g boo+S

(7) Listen b 5 0 1 .2 6 Listen again. Are th e sentences right

( / ) or wrong (X)? C orrect the w rong sentences.
a 5 0 1 .2 5 Listen to th re e conversations about
1 Dan and Ben both need a new sleeping bag.
people g ettin g ready to go on holiday. N um ber
2 Dan and Ben will have to take fleeces on
th e items in the order you hear them .
skis goggles their trip.

3 Jess and Simone are going to share a bottle
sleeping bag snowboard of insect repellent.

sun cream walking boots 4 Jess and Simone are going to the beach on

insect repellent fleece Thursday.

5 Toby is really good at snowboarding.
6 Marlene and Toby are both going to go

C W ork w ith a partner. W hich o f th e holidays

w ould you like to go on? Why?
Future continuous Interaction 3
Look at th e examples. Then th e correct Getting ready for a trip
words to com plete the rules.

4 Next Friday well be sunbathing and

swimming in the sea.
We w ont be sleeping in a tent.

>We use the future continuous for actions in

progress at a / no specific time in the future.
We form the future continuous with will be +
in fin itiv e / verb + -ing

Grammar reference: Workbook page 84

C om plete the sentences w ith th e verbs in

brackets. Use the fu tu re continuous or will.
1 That cheap sun cream isnt waterproof. I
........................(get) this one instead.
2 This time next week w e .........................(walk) in
the Himalayas. I cant believe it.
3 I think perhaps I .........................(get) a
job in the campsite shop again this summer.
4 Just think, in three days time y o u ........................
(lie) on a sunny beach.
5 Call me at seven oclock. I (not do)
my homework at that time.

W ork in a group. Ask and answer questions about

the fu tu re . Add extra words if necessary.

in the summer at 9am on Saturday

this time next Thursday in 10 years time
ji.2 7 Listen to Jack and M illie deciding
A: What will you be doing in the summer? w h a t to take on a cam ping trip . Tick ( / ) the
B: I ll be working at the cafe in town. things in th e picture th a t th e y are d e fin ite ly
going to take.

Ji.27 Listen again and m atch th e sentence


1 Well definitely A be easy to

need buy food.
2 I reckon itll B just in case.

3 Lets take the C well need

tin opener, the jumpers.
4 Well decide on D take the fleeces?
5 Do you think itll E be cold in
6 Shall we the evening?
7 I dont think F sleeping bags.
G the stove later.

W ork w ith a partner.

Student A: Turn to page 118.
Student B: Turn to page 121.

26 Unit 3
Portfolio 3
An email asking for information
a Jez has seen this a dvert online. Read th e advert. W hat th re e types o f w o rk does it advertise?
Adventure Volunteers

File Edit View insert Format Tools Actions Help

Doing voluntary work is an exciting and rewarding

way to travel to other countries. Make a positive
contribution to the places you visit by helping others.
At Reach Out we organise volunteer trips for young
people aged 16-18. If you are simply looking for a
fantastic adventure, we also offer great trips packed Wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe
with action, supervised by experts.

Help children improve their survival

House building in Thailand skills in the Canadian mountains

W rite to u s w ith you r q u e s tio n s an d w e will s e n d you d e ta iled inform ation.

b Read Jezs email. W hich trip does he choose and

why? W h a t does he w an t to know? in fo @ a d v e n tu r e v o lu n te e r s .o r g

S ub je ct: conservation volunteering

c Read Jezs email again. Find and co rrect six
spelling mistakes. Dear Sir/Madam,

I am interested in takin g pa rt in a volun te er

d You have seen these trips advertised on a website. program m e. I would like to help w ith w ildlife
Choose the trip you w ould prefer to go on. conservation as I love anim als and have always
wanted to go on safari to take photos o f beuatiful
1 Look after cute monkeys in Sri Lanka!
wild animals like lions or elephants.
2 Tree planting and flora conservation in Costa Rica.
I am w riting to ask you fo r some m ore inform ation
3 Teach sports, art or basic computer skills to
about the trip . How long will I be able to stay in
children in Tanzania. Zim babwe and when will the trip start? I'll have fou r
weeks free from 20th July. How many o th e r people
e W rite an email to explain w hich trip you w an t to will I be traveling with? I t would be gre at to m eet
go on and to ask fo r more inform ation. Ask about them before the trip if posible. W hat equipem ent will
some o f th e things in the box. Check your spelling. I need to take? Will I need speciall walking boots?
I'm also keen to learn m ore about the conservation
getting to and from the destination a ctivitie s on the trip . W hat kinds o f a ctivitie s will we
the length of the trip clothes equipment be doing every day?
activities during the trip places to stay I'm really looking forw ard to going on the trip.
food weather other information I th in k it'll be a fan ta stic expirience.

Yours faith fu lly,

f W ork w ith a partner. Read your p a rtn e rs email. Jez M artin
W hich trip does he/sh e choose and why? Does
h e/sh e ask good questions?
p 1111

1 Arctic Action
File Edit View insert Format lo ols Actions Help

............................................. ..... -..... ~ .. ............ ........... ~iiu.... ~ 1

Arctic Action THE ARCTIC

The Arctic covers more

r u o U imagine trying to,surv

than one sixth of the
Earth's surface.
^ F -^ S S S r The Arctic includes the
Arctic Ocean and parts of

> ^
rs ^ -
S i" r S i s m a W n g P a n d th e
Canada, Greenland (part
of Denmark), Russia, the
United States (Alaska),
rising. * dramatically- Iceland, Norway, Sweden
- ecosystem is chan^ . ingto
and Finland The lowest temperature recorded
The Arctic Ocean is the in the Arctic is - 68C.

- S S 3^
are really making an impact.
smallest ocean on the
The North Pole is on sea ice that
floats on the Arctic Ocean.

N ation al Inuit
Students on Ice offers unique educational
Youth Council
expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic for
young people aged 14- 18. This Canadian
The National Inuit Youth Council (NIYC)
organisation brings teachers and scientists
works to protect the interests of young Inuit
together to work with students from
people, who are natives of the Arctic region.
around the world who are interested in
The organisation campaigns to preserve their
learning about the polar regions. They
language and culture. These young people
travel on a ship and make trips onto
know that climate change will directly affect them and they need to be
the land and ice to learn about local heard. This group is also trying to find out more about dimate change.
communities, wildlife, and marine and One group of young people met in Inuvik, northern Canada, to take part
plant life. Learning about these places in a conference on climate change. The participants had the opportunity
in a classroom is one thing, but learning to learn from experts. As well as learning about climate change in talks
about them when you are physically there and presentations, they also went out on 'field trips' to learn more about
is completely different! The founder of the land and to experiment with new green technologies such as solar-
the organisation, Geoff Green, hopes that powered cars. They all agreed that it is important to campaign to help slow
when participants return home they will down the dimate changes that are affecting the landscape and will affect
be Polar Ambassadors. This means they the whole planet in the future.
will be able to give talks, do research and
motivate others to become interested in
protecting the polar regions. a World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) :
Polar Bear Tracker
The World Wide Fund fo r Nature (WWF) is working !
hard to try and save the polar bear, whose habitat JP J
is threatened because of global warming. They have
launched the Polar Bear Tracker campaign to help people H i ,
understand why polar bears are in danger and to get
people involved in following their progress. They have
put special electronic tags on six polar bears in Canada's Hudson Bay. Have
a look below to see how the WWF team managed to tag these enormous
creatures. The electronic tags receive satellite signals and anybody who is
interested can track the polar bears' movements live online.
fi Culture World: The Arctic
Read th e w ebzine quickly and choose Find the words in th e texts th a t mean ...
the best title fo r th e page. 1 changing from a solid to a liquid because of heat (text 1)
1 Arctic animals in danger 2 a powerful effect that something has on a situation or a
2 Working to save the Arctic person (text 1)
3 The history and people of the Arctic 3 an organised journey, especially a long one for a
4 Young people studying the Arctic particular purpose (text 2 )
4 an event where there are talks about a particular subject
Read th e texts again and answer the (text 3)
questions. 5 visits made by students to study something away from
1 Why is the Arctic in danger? their school or college (text 3)
2 What can students learn on the Students 6 follow a person or animal by using electronic equipment
(text 4).
on Ice programme?
3 Where is the organisation Students on Ice d W ork w ith a partner. Answ er th e questions.
from? 1 Would you like to go on an expedition to the Arctic?
4 What does the NIYC want to save? Why? / Why not?
5 Why is the polar bears habitat in danger? 2 What do you think about the Polar Bear Tracker
campaign? Do you think it would be interesting to follow
6 Who can track the polar bears?
a polar bear? Why? / Why not?
3 Do you think that politicians and world leaders really
listen to young peoples opinions? Why? / Why not?

(2 Your project
Campaigning for action
a W ork in a group. C om plete a table like th e one below w ith inform a tion abo ut a campaign
you w ould like to begin in your area.

Campaign Location Problem Action

WlWPs Polar Bear Hudson Bay, Canada. Polar bears are in Tag and Track a group
Tracker Campaign. danger as Their of polar bears so That
kabiTaT is changing. people aroundTke
world can -follow Tkevn.
Plan yo ur campaign. T hin k
about events you can organise,
and d iffe re n t ways you can
advertise yo ur campaign.

Make a poster or flye r to

advertise yo ur campaign.
Include pictures, and details
o f th e events you have planned. We greatly appreciate
your donations of
money at

How we help the homeless 3. We hugely va

Homelessness is difficult enough without W e campaign Confidential any time you

h a v i n g to b e g to stay alive. Therefore we to raise awarenes advice sessions, can volunteer to us. You
provide a place for the destitute to collect food the plight can choose how and when
parcels and basic survival materials such as 0f the homeless. We man over you would like to help.
blankets and clothes. .W e give out 50 collect,on bine-
., , a for food donated 4. Spread the WORD.

centres throughout to the homeless.

P k hA1,
First and second conditional review
Vocabulary: Friendship; Adjectives of personality
Interaction 4: Giving and receiving advice

( l ) Vocabulary
| i .28 Read th e te x t and m atch the words in
bold w ith th e definitions. Listen and check.
Jack and I are best mates. Weve known each other
since we were five. We usually 1get on w ell, but
the other day he really 2le t me down. I know its
stupid to 3fa ll o u t w ith each other over something
so silly but 14was really cross w ith him after what
he did. He borrowed my phone w ithout asking and
sent a stupid text to our mate Leon, pretending
he was me! It was supposed to be a joke but
I didnt think it was very funny and we 5had a
huge argum ent. He often plays jokes on people
but usually I never T e ll on him. When he gets in
trouble, I always 7stick up fo r him - but this time
he went too far. I guess in a few days well 8make
up w ith each other and be friends again but for
c Do you know any m ore words or expressions to
do w ith friendship? W rite th em down.
now, were not talking.
A become friendly with someone again after d W ork w ith a partner. C om plete th e sentences so
arguing with them th ey are tru e fo r you, then compare.
B make someone feel disappointed with you 1 My ideal best mate i s ...
C like and be friendly to each other 2 The last time I had an argument w a s ...
D speak angrily with someone because you 3 The last time a friend let me down w a s ...
disagree with them
E tell someone about something bad that
someone else has done (2) Pronunciation
F stop being friendly with someone
G be annoyed or angry with someone
Friendly intonation
H defend or support a person |i.2 9 Listen to the speakers and decide if
th ey sound frie n d ly or unfriendly. W rite A or B
b Put th e expressions in Exercise 1a into the
in th e correct colum n.
w ord webs.
Friendly U nfriendly
1 Ill call you later. Bye! A B

2 Have you got time

for a chat?

3 That video isnt bad.

4 I really dont have

time to talk now.
b 0 0 1 .2 9 Listen again, check and practise saying
th e sentences in a frie n d ly way.

30 Unit H
f 3 Read and listen
a Read th e te x t quickly and choose th e best title .
1 Mixing work and friendship doesnt work
2 Best m ates... but only online
3 An unusual way to find your best friend ...
and a job

C harlie McDonnell and Alex Day are frie nd s. They got to

know each other on YouTube and they soon realised th a t
they had a few th in g s in com m on. They both love m aking
videos, and they both w rite and sing th e ir own songs.
They are both huge fans of the scie nce -fictio n TV series
D octor Who and they have a s im ila r sense of humour.
In fa c t, they have so many th in g s in comm on and get
on so well w ith each other th a t they even live and work
together. They do occasionally argue and fa ll out w ith
each other over som ething really silly, b ut they always
make up soon a fte rw a rd s. In many ways, Charlie and
Alex are ju s t like m ost young fla tm a te s , b ut th e ir shared E ddplant and Tom M ilsom , all fello w bloggers. Between
hobbies have turne d into a career fo r both o f them . them they have had over 67 m illion video view s, so they
C harlie had been m aking video blogs on YouTube fo r ju s t already reach a very large audience. If th is continues, the
a couple of m onths when he became an online celebrity band w ill be a huge success.
alm ost overnight. YouTube decided to p ut his video called W atching th e ir videos, i t s clear th a t Charlie and Alex
How to get fea tured on YouTube on th e ir homepage and share a m utual respect. They often help each o ther out
the num ber of view s increased from 150 to over 4 ,0 00 ! by prom oting th e ir frie n d s con ten t on th e ir own sites.
Now he has had more tha n 40 m illion views. He has C harlie w as recently asked to present an award at
already appeared on num erous TV shows and he has the BAFTAs, w hich is the B ritish Academ y of Film and
given presentations a t Google conferences. As soon as Television A rts. Who did he invite as a guest? Yes, youve
you see Charlie in action, youll agree w ith his view ers guessed it, not his mum or a g irlfrie n d , b ut Alex, who
th a t hes a great entertainer. blogged about it the next day! Unless som ething strange
Alex, known online as Nerim on, is a successful m usician happens, Charlie and Alex w ill continue to enjoy th e ir
and since he s ta rte d m aking videos on YouTube he has success, and th e ir frie nd sh ip. W ill they s till be the best of
become an online celebrity. His la te s t project is a band frie n d s when one of them becomes really fam ous? Only
called Sons of Adm irals, w hich is made up of Charlie, tim e w ill tell.

V : ............. I......... ..

1 1 1.30 Read th e te x t again and listen. W rite C W ork in a group. Answ er th e questions.
(C harlie), A (A lex) or B (bo th C harlie and Alex). 1 Have you ever got to know someone on the
1 One of his first videos got onto the internet? How?
YouTube homepage............. 2 Do you read blogs or watch videos? Which ones?
2 Hes been on television programmes............. 3 Have you ever made a video and put it on the
3 His online name is N erim on............ internet? If so, tell your group about it.
4 Hes given presentations at conferences............. 4 Would you like to make a career out of your
5 Hes in the band The Sons of Adm irals............. hobbies? Why? / Why not?

6 He respects his best frie n d ............

7 He presented an important award.............
8 He blogged about an award ceremony.............

Unit M 31
14 Grammar (151 Listen
if, when, as soon as and unless a W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions.
1 When do you usually see your friends?
a Look at th e examples. Then (circle) th e correct words
2 What things do you do together?
to com plete th e rules.

|i.3 i Listen to three people talking about

> A s soon as you see Charlie in action, you ll agree friends. M atch the speakers w ith the photos.
that hes a great entertainer. W rite D (Dan), H (Helen) or M (M olly).
If this continues, the band will be a huge success.
Unless something strange happens, Charlie and Alex
will continue to enjoy their success.
Will they still be the best of friends when one of them
becomes really famous?

We use:
when / as soon as to mean immediately when.
unless / when to mean if not.
when for situations that we are / arent sure will
if for situations that we are / arent sure will happen.
if, when, as soon as and unless with th e present
sim ple / will.

G ram m ar reference: Workbook page 84

Check it out!
We use unless to make part of a conditional
sentence negative.
Unless I study more, Ill fail the course =
If I dont study more, Ill fail the course.
We use unless + positive verb.
Unless I leave now, Ill miss the bus.
NOT Unless I dont leave now, Ill miss the bus.

b C om plete the second sentence so it has th e same 11.31 Listen again. Are th e sentences
m eaning as th e first. right ( / ) or w rong (X)?
1 Ill only buy the dress if I have enough money. 1 Helen usually gets on very well with her
I wont buy the dress...............................I have enough best friend.
money. 2 Helen waited for a long time at the cinema.
2 Unless you help me with my homework, I wont go out 3 Dans friend supports the same football
this evening. team as him.
If ..............................with my homework, I wont go out 4 Dan sees his friend every week.
this evening. 5 Molly has met her friend a few times.
3 We wont get tickets if we dont buy them today. 6 Molly often talks to her friend by phone.
We wont get tickets unless.............................. today.
4 Unless the bus comes soon, well miss the beginning
of the film.
Culture Vulture
If the bus.............................., well miss the beginning Did you know th a t th e average
of the film. teenager in th e USA has 75 friends
on their social netw orking site and 32
C W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions.
friends on their mobile phones? Do you
1 What will you do as soon as this class finishes? th in k online friends are as good as real
2 What will you do when you get home today? friends? Why / Why not?

32 Unit H
( b) Vocabulary
Adjectives of personality
a 0 0 1 .3 2 M atch th e sentences. Then listen and check.
1 He talks non-stop. A Shes a bit cheeky.
2 Callum always does lots of housework for his grandmother. B Shes always sym pathetic.
3 One minute shes happy and the next shes sad. C Hes so rude!
4 I always have a great time with Jack. D Hes really chatty.
5 Chloe listens to other peoples problems and E Hes the most laid-back person I know.
really understands how they feel. F Hes fun to be with.
6 Hes so relaxed and doesnt usually get cross with anyone. G Shes so moody.
7 Shes funny, but she doesnt always show respect. H Hes really helpful.
8 Suzy always says please and thank you. I Shes so polite.
9 I cant believe he shouts at his parents. J Shes really outgoing.
10 Shes friendly, energetic and likes meeting new people.

W rite th e adjectives from Exercise 6a in th e circles

according to th e ir m eaning.
Check it out!
Fun = entertaining and enjoyable.
Funny = making you smile or laugh.
The new theme park is really fun.
NOT The new theme park is really funny.

7 Speak
W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer the
questions. Explain your answers using
adjectives from Exercise 6a.

Do you know any m ore adjectives o f personality? Add W ho w ould you choose to ...
them to th e circles in Exercise 6b. 1 ask for help with a difficult problem?
2 tell a secret to?
C om plete th e sentences w ith th e adjectives in Exercise
3 take with you to a party?
4 go shopping with?
1 Shes really............................... She never stops talking! 5 go on holiday with?
2 You never know if hes going to be happy or sad - hes
really.............................. these days. A: Who would you ask for help with a difficult
3 We always have a good time together - hes problem?
B: M y best friend, Richard. Hes always
Both my parents are q u ite .............................. They dont sympathetic when I have a problem. A nd you?
worry much and they dont usually get stressed. A: M y older sister Anya. Shes always helpful.
Jack works as a volunteer in a youth club. He does loads
of work for the club - hes really...............................
I gave him a birthday present and he never thanked me
- hes so ...............................

T hin k o f fo u r adjectives to describe each o f

these people. Then compare your ideas
w ith a partner.

you your best friend a family member

your favourite actor or singer

UnitH 33
8 Grammar
First and second conditional review
a Look at the examples. W hich are th e first co nditional
and w hich are th e second conditional?
Giving and receiving advice

1 If I go to the match next Saturday, I ll see him there.

2 If she phones me tonight, I w ont answer my phone.
3 H o w would you feel if your best mate totally forgot

(Circig) th e correct words to com plete the rules.

We use the firs t / second conditional for possible
future situations.
We use the firs t / second conditional for imaginary
situations or situations that are impossible or
very unlikely.
We form the first conditional with lf+ present / past
simple + will/wont + infinitive without to.
We form the second conditional with lf+ present /
past simple + would(nt) + infinitive without to.
The //clause has to / doesnt have to come first
in the sentence.

Grammar reference: Workbook page 86 a 5 0 1 .3 3 Listen to th e conversation.

W h a ts O liver w orried about?

b W rite sentences in th e first or second conditional.

b 5 0 1 3 3 Listen again. N um be r the
1 she / finish her essay tom orrow / go to the beach expressions in the order you hear them .
2 he / meet a really famous singer / tell all his friends
A What do you think I should do?

3 they / be unhappy / it / rain / at the music festival /
B If I were you, Id ...

next weekend
4 we / miss the plane / traffic / not move soon C Im not sure about that.
5 you / go to study / in the USA / you / keep in touch D Im (a bit) worried a b o u t...

with your friends
6 she / buy / a new car / she win the lottery
E Maybe youre right.
C W rite th e phrases in Exercise b in the
correct columns.
Check it ou t!
We never use if+ would in the same clause in 1 Asking for advice 2 Giving advice
conditional sentences. Have you got Why dont you talk
If we made up, Id be happy. a minute? to him?
NOT If we w ould make up, Id be happy.
What would you How a b o u t...
do? (-ing)?

C W ork in small groups. Answ er th e questions.

1 What would you do if you saw your favourite actor in
the street? 3 Accepting advice 4 Rejecting advice
2 If you have some free time this evening, what will you do?
Yeah, I guess I dont think thats
3 If you fell out with a good friend, what would you do?
youre right. the answer.
4 If you could live in any country in the world, where would
you live? Why? V )

d W ork w ith a partner.

Student A: Turn to page 118.
Student B: Turn to page 121.

34 Unit H
Portfolio H
An informal email to a friend
a Emma and Laura are online friends w ho often chat and w rite emails to each other, especially w hen they
have a problem . Read th e first tw o messages and then answer the questions.
1 W hats Lauras problem?
2 Does Emma give good advice?
3 What would you do if you were Laura?

To: e m m a 3 6 0 @ b e rr y m a il.c o m

S u b ject: Marta's party

Hi Emma!
How are you doing? Remem ber I told you th a t Marta's
having a p a rty on Saturday night? Well, you w o n't believe Laura
it but my mum has ju s t told me th a t it's my grandm a's Su bject: Re:Marta's party
70th birth da y p a rty on the same day and all the fam ily
have to go. I've told Mum I can 't go w ith them because Hey Laura! How r u?
I've got to do a school p ro je ct w ith Marta. My mum M artas party sounds cool, but ur grandm as gonna
believed me and said I can stay at M arta's house on b 70 and I think that's kinda cool 2! I dont know,
Saturday night. Now I feel te rrib le ! I f Mum finds out the I can't decide 4 u Laura, so just do w hat feels right.
tru th , she'll go crazy. W hat would you do, Emma? I need W hy dont u call ur grandm a and let her decide?
advice pis. Speak soon, Emma
Thx! Laura

N ow read the next tw o messages.

1 Did Laura take Emmas advice?
2 Did Lauras grandmother react as you expected?

Hi Emma!
Thanks fo r your message. You're the best! Guess what? I
phoned my grandm a and told her about M arta's party. Do
you know w hat she said? She said if she were 16 again,
she'd go to M arta's p a rty fo r sure! She said 'yo u 're only
young once. Have fu n !' She's so laid-back! So, I'm gonna
visit Grandma the follow ing weekend!
Laura, x

A bbreviations and inform al phrases are sometimes d W rite an email to a friend explaining
used in inform al emails. W rite th e meanings. a problem you have. Use some o f the
Use the messages to help you. abbreviations in Exercise c. You can use a real
1 b4n Bye + o r aow 8 kinda problem o r choose one o f these:
2 gonna 9 2 1 You have fallen out with your best friend.
3 wanna 10 b 2 Youre not getting on very well with someone
4 4 11 ur in your family.
5 u 12 thx 3 You borrowed something im portant from a
6 r 13 pis friend and have lost it.
7 I8 r 14 X
e W ork w ith a partner. Read yo u r p a rtn e rs
email. W h a t advice w ould you give them ?

Unit H { 3 5

Friendship Train
(1 Song
11.34 Listen to the firs t verse o f th e song.
W hat do you th in k th e main idea is?
war is terrible
the world is being destroyed
people should try to get on with each other
people are all different

0 0 134 Listen again and ( a r d e )th e correct word.

Calling out to everyone across the nation
Said the world today is in a desperate / terrible situation
Listen now, stealing, burning, fighting, killing, nothing
but corruption / abduction
It looks like mankind is on the eve of discovery /
People, let me tell you that
Weve got to learn to be / live with each other
No matter what race, creed or colour / language
I just got to tell you what the world needs now is love
and understanding / comprehension
So get on board the friendship train
Everybody shake my hand, make / meet a friend now.

0 0 1.35 M atch th e parts o f th e sentences from the

next verse o f th e song. Then listen and check.
1 Weve got to start A shake my hand, shake a
today hand Check it o u t!
We can do it, I B only if our hearts are willing
In colloquial US English, dont is often used
can prove it, but C the friendship train
for doesnt.
So get on board D to make tom orrow a
It dont matter what you look like.
Everybody, brighter day for our children

11.36 Put th e words from th e last p art o f the

11.37 Listen to th e song again. Then
song in order. Then listen and check.
w o rk in a group. Do you agree w ith th e
1 train / stands / This / justice / for
opinions in th e song? Why? / W hy not?
2 freedom / This / for / train / stands
1 The world today is full of violence and
3 for / harmony / train / and / This / peace / stands
4 love, love, love / for / on / stands / train / so /
2 Everybody should get on with everybody else,
come / This
no matter what nationality, religion or colour
they are.
3 It doesnt matter what you look like if you are
a good person.

35 Unit H
(2 Sound check (3 Musical notes
a 501.38 Listen to th e first tw o lines o f th e song. The 1970s
A ll the stressed syllables are u n d e rlin e d .
a 5 0 1-4 0 Listen to some d iffe re n t types o f music
Calling out to everyone across the nation from th e 1970s. N um ber th e pictures in the
Said the world today is in a desperate situation order you hear them .

b 5 0 1 - 3 9 Listen to these lines and underline all

the stressed syllables.
It dont matter what you look like, people,
Or who you are
If your heart is in the right place
Talking about the right place
Youre welcome aboard

C 5 0 1 .3 9 Listen again and say th e lines at

the same tim e as th e recording.

THE 1970s
The song Friendship Train is by an American band called
The Temptations. They were a male group formed in 1960
by the Motown record label, and they were one of the most
successful soul/funk groups in musical history, selling
tens of millions of albums.

At that time, other musical styles were also popular,

including disco, punk and reggae. These musical styles
were all very different from each other, and they each
had their own distinctive hairstyles and fashions.

b W hich o f th e 1970s music and fashion styles

do you like best? Why?
Review Q and Q
( \ ) Grammar C om plete the sentences w ith will, wont, would
C om plete the sentences w ith th e verbs in or wouldnt.
brackets and th e correct form o f will or going to. 1 If Billy didnt have to go to school today, he
1 Next Saturday Jack...............................(go) ................. stay at home and play video games.
shopping with his mum. 2 W h a do if you found a wallet on
2 That suitcase looks really heavy, I the floor?
..............................(help) you if you want. 3 You...................arrive too early if you leave now.
3 I promise I ...............................(not tell) anybody! Wait a few minutes.
4 W h a t..............................(do) tomorrow if 4 If your mum has time, you
its raining? with your homework when she gets home.

5 If youre not back by 11 oclock I ............................. 5 He study English if it wasnt

(send) you a text to see if youre OK. compulsory.

6 I always know when my computer 6 If she read one page a day, she...................finish
..............................(crash) because it makes a the book by the end of the year.
strange noise.
C om plete the second sentence so th a t it means
7 I dont think I ...............................(pass) the exam.
the same as the first.
1 Phone me the moment you arrive.
Imagine you and yo ur friends are going on an Phone me as soon.....................................
adventure holiday next week. This is the holiday 2 I wont buy a computer if I dont get the job.
plan. C om plete the sentences w ith the fu tu re I wont buy a computer unless
M orning A fternoon 3 Ill go travelling for six months unless I get a job.

Monday arrive at the camp walk in the If I get a jo b ,.....................................

4 My plan is to do all my homework tonight.
Tuesday swim in the lake rest Im ....................................
Wednesday bungee jumping trek in the jungle 5 The tickets went on sale and she bought one
Thursday learn rock climbing mountain biking immediately.
She bought a ticket as.....................................
On Monday at 4pm w e
the mountains.
On Tuesday morning w e
the lake.
On Tuesday afternoon w e ..................................
On Wednesday morning w e ...................................
doing our homework.
W e .................................. .. in the jungle on
Wednesday afternoon.
W e .....................................rock climbing on
Thursday morning. I flf

(Circie) th e correct words. How are you doing?

Well play tennis later unless / as soon as it rains. H ow many points have you got? Put tw o crosses on
Ill call you later if / unless I have enough time. the chart: one fo r gram m ar and one fo r vocabulary.
We should buy tickets if / as soon as they go on
sale, to get good seats.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ill be famous all over the world if / when I win
this competition!
Well be late if/ unless we dont leave soon!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Im sure Jack will be at the party as soon as /
unless hes ill.

Review 3 and H
2 Vocabulary C om plete the crossword.
Put th e letters in the co rrect order and make 3 Able to understand peoples feelings.
words fo r natural disasters.
5 Relaxed.
1 nasutmi........................... ............................. 6 Willing to help other people.
2 rhtugdo .................................... Down
3 anevchala .................................... 1 Someone who is doesnt show respect.
4 covlanic reupiont ................................... 2 Dont shout at your parents - its !
5 anehicrur .................................... 4 Its to say please and thank you.
6 O C ld ................................................
7 quathaeker ....................................

C om plete th e sentences w ith th e words in

th e box.

anorak fleece goggles insect repellent

rucksack sun cream torch wetsuit

1 Its dark o u tsid e -ta ke a .......................

2 The waters cold - you should wear a

3 .........................will keep the mosquitoes away.

4 I always put o n ........................when its sunny.
5 Take a n ........................ - it might rain.
6 Ill carry everything in m y.........................
7 A warm but quite light to carry.
8 I always w ea protect my c.
eyes when Im skiing.

(Circle) the correct words. Correct it! ^AJGUStt 6

1 Dont be cross / make up with me - it was
an accident! C orrect these typical learner errors
2 Ill let / get my parents down if I fail my exams. from U nits 3 and 4.
3 You should always stick up with / for your friends.
1 Were go to the beach next Saturday.
4 If you do that again, Ill tell on / get on you!
5 I had / made an argument with my parents.
2 What will you do at four oclock this afternoon?
6 I like Sam. I get on / let on really well with him.
Would it be a good time to talk?
7 Its horrible when you fall out / get on with your
3 Theyll have a picnic next weekend.
8 Shes my best friend, so Ill try and make up for /
up with her.
4 Were going pass all our exams this year.
9 Do you get on / stick up well with Tom?

5 At six oclock tomorrow we be taking the exam.

6 The day at the theme park was funny!

GREEN: Great! Tell your teacher your score!
Not bad, but go to the website for extra practice.
7 I will buy the dress unless I get a pay rise.
RED: Talk to your teacher and look at Units 3 and 4
again. Go to the website for extra practice.
8 What will you do if you won $5000 in a quiz show?

S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

9 If you do more exercise, youd feel better.

*5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 10 As soon that the water boils, add the pasta.

Review 3 and 4
Permission: can, let and be allowed to
Passive review
Vocabulary: School; Memory
Interaction 5: Interrupting

(j Read and listen

a Read the te x t quickly and m atch th e headings w ith th e paragraphs A -C .

Lessons or no lessons? Do it yourself Transcendental meditation

Lessons in life
Many schools in the UK are experimenting with new ways of learning. We visited a few of them.

W h o needs teachers w hen y o u have the internet? In an Fre d d y Fuller m editates for 45 m inutes, m o rn in g and evening,
experim ent at E g g b u c k la n d School, in Devon, a grou p w ith tw o other 15-m inute session s d u rin g the day. He says it
o f second ary stu d e nts were allowed to take control calm s him dow n and helps him fo cus on schoolw ork. Freddy, aged
o f their ow n learning. T h e y researched lessons u sin g 16, attends a small private school in Lancashire. All stu d e nts at
laptops and then ta ught each other. The teachers let the school meditate silently for 10 m inutes at the b e g in n in g and
them make m istakes and d id n 't correct them at all. end o f the day. T h e y can meditate for lo nge r if they want. The
The stu d e nts soon learned to look at several internet sch o o ls exam results are tw ice as good as the national average.
sites w hile p re pa ring their lessons. D an Buckley, the The St Jam e s Inde p end e n t School, in L on d on , also has daily
head teacher, said the stu d e nts gave excellent lessons. m editation for all its students. The head teacher, D a vid Boddy,
H o w did the laptop g ro u p get on compared with thinks that m editation helps stu d e nts concentrate in class, but
students in other classes? A t the end o f the first believes that liste n ing to m usic or p la y in g vid e o gam es has the
year, the independent learners got w orse m arks than opposite effect. The students arent allowed to use M P 3 players
stu d e nts in traditional classes. B u t after tw o years they in s c h o o l At St Jam es, every class starts and finishes w ith a
all got high e r grades in their final exams. 3 0 -se co n d silence, so students can prepare their m in d s for
stu d ying.

c ......................................
Sum m erhill, in Suffolk, is fam ous for b e in g different. It is called the school where yo u d o n 't have to go to le sso n s
or the school w ith no rules. B u t there are a lot o f rules. The difference is that rules are m ade at the school council,
where all the teachers and p upils have one vote each. However, the council d o e sn t let students do eve ryth ing they
want. Tor example, the p u n ishm e n t for w ritin g graffiti on the walls is a 2 fine.
A n d do students have to go to le sso n s? C h ae -E u n Park, a 16-year-old student from South Korea, explains that
stu d e nts can choose w hich le sso n s they w ant to attend. She thinks that stud e nts learn to be confident and responsible
because they are allowed to make choices for themselves. A s a result, Su m m e rhills exam results are im pressive.

12.2 Read the te x t again and listen. W rite A, B or C. W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the
1 Silence is part of the school day. questions.
2 Teachers didnt correct students mistakes. 1 Which of these schools would you
3 Students dont have to attend lessons. like to go to?
4 Students and teachers decide about the rules together. 2 What changes would you like to
5 S turipnts ta u e h t p a rh n th p r make to your school? Why?

6 Students cant listen to their MP3 players.

40 Unit 5
2 Vocabulary
a 5 0 2 . 3 M atch the words w ith th e
definitions. Then listen and check.

1 be in detention 2 cheat 3 come top in

4 fail 5 a high mark 6 pass 7 retake
8 revise 9 skive off (informal) 10 term

to be successful in an exam
a good result for an essay or a project
the school year is divided into three of
to study something before a test or exam
to behave in a dishonest way in an exam
to get a bad result in an exam or a test
to be the best in the class or school at
a subject
to not go to school when you should 3 Speak
to be kept in school after class as a
a W ork in pairs.
Student A: Read th e instructions and w rite words or
to do an exam again
num bers in th e shapes.
Student B: Turn to page 124.
2.4 Listen to these students and
In the triangle write your favourite subject.
teachers and (circle) th e correct words.
In the square write your best mark in the last tw o weeks.
1 Sandra and Anna got low / high marks.
2 Anna revised for / cheated in the test. In the circle write the length of the morning break at your
3 Joe has to revise / be in detention at the
weekend. In the rectangle write the number of languages you
4 Joe will have to study for / retake an exam. are learning.

5 Chris passed / failed his exam. In the oval write your least favourite school day of
6 Chris got 65% in his French / Maths exam. the week.

7 Lucy is cheating in / retaking an exam.

8 Lucy will have to see the head teacher /
English teacher.

C W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions.

1 How do you prepare for exams? Do you
spend a lot of time revising?
2 Is it important for you to pass exams and get
high marks? Why? / Why not?

Culture Vulture
Did you know th at in England
and Wales students usually
study about ten subjects until
th ey are 16? They then study three
or four subjects betw een the ages
of 16 and 18. How many subjects Look at yo ur p a rtn e rs shapes and guess w h a t the words
do students study at 16-18 in your or num bers mean. Ask fo llo w -u p questions if possible.
country? Do you thin k th ey study too
} A: Maths. Is that your favourite subject?
many or too few subjects?
B: No, it isnt. Try again.

Unit 5 41
4 Grammar Check it out!
Permission: can, let and Let is followed by the verb w ithout to.
be allowed to They dont le t us w ear earrings.
NOT They dont let us to wear earrings.
a Look at the examples. Then (circle) the correct
words to com plete th e rules.
C Change the words in italics if necessary, so th a t
they are tru e fo r yo u r school.
Students were allowed to take control of
their own learning. 1 We can wear jeans to school.
The teachers let them make mistakes. 2 We arent allowed to go outside in the breaks.
They can meditate for longer if they want. 3 We are allowed to chew gum in class.

We use can and be allowed to when someone 4 The teachers let us smoke in school.
tells us it is O K / n o t O K to do something. 5 We cant bring our own food to school.
We use let when we tell someone it is O K / 6 The teacher lets us talk in our own language in
n o t O K to do something. English classes.
We use let + person + verb / ve rb + -ing
d W ork in a group. Answ er the questions.

Grammar reference: Workbook page 90 1 Should teenagers be allowed to wear what they
want at school or at school events?
2 Do you think parents should let teenagers stay
b Read the te xts and choose the correct answer:
out late at the weekend?
A, B or C.
3 Should parents let teenagers have parties
w ithout adult supervision?
S hould a 17-year-old girl
1 w e a r a tu x e d o
* to h e r h ig h -sc h o o l p ro m J p f H p (5 Pronunciation
; (form al e n d -o f-y e a r p a rty )?
; H e r sch o o l p rin cip al in Final e
; In d ian a, USA, say s th a t girls
: 2 w e a r tu x e d o s
a 002.5 An e at th e end o f a w ord can change
a n d she m u st w e a r a d re ss
th e pronunciation. Listen and repeat
j in stead . th e words.
f | i
1 U P D A T E : T h e sc h o o l h a s b 0 0 2 . 5 Listen again and m atch th e words to
1 c h a n g e d its d e cisio n a n d th is y e a r it w i l l 3 th e sounds.
fe m a le stu d e n ts w e a r tu x e d o s.
* 1 mad /e i/ 7 not M
2 made /ae/ 8 note lot

3 pet /e/ 9 us N
To sh o w h o w m u c h h e loves h is te a m , th e C incinnati
4 Pete /i:/ 10 use luil
B engals, D u stin R e a d e r sh a v e d th e le tte r B in to his
hair. H is sch o o l, how ever, 5 sit /a i/
4...................... stu d e n ts 6 site / i/
c o m e to c la ss w ith u n u su a l
h a irsty le s. S ch o o l officials Look at the words. Can you guess the
sa y h e w i l l 5...................... p ronunciation w ith a final e?
c o m e b a c k to sc h o o l
1 at 4 fin
w h e n his h a ir g ro w s back,
2 bit 5 pin
o r w h e n h e c h a n g e s his
3 tap 6 hat
h airstyle.

512.6 Listen, check and repeat.

1 A can B be allowed to C let 512.7 Listen and repeat.

2 A can B not allowed to C cant
3 A can B be allowed to c let When I revise, I use a computer and
complete my notes before I take the exam.
4 A is allowed to B doesnt let c cant
5 A be allowed to B can c let

42 Unit 5
6 Vocabulary Q Listen
M em ory a W ork w ith a partner. Do th e quiz.

a 1 5 0 2 .8 M atch th e words or phrases in bold

w ith th e definitions. W hich tw o have th e same
meaning? Then listen and check.
1 Bens got a good m em ory. He can always
remember lots of information, even in exams.
2 Susies very good at Maths as well as languages.
Shes got a great mind.
3 Ive written myself a message so I wont fo rg e t
to do my essay.
4 Im playing the leading role in the school play,
so Ive got to m em orise a lot of lines.
5 Remind me to take my sports kit to school.
6 The teacher told us to learn this poem by heart.

A the opposite of remember

B the ability to remember things
C learn something so that you will remember it How much sleep do teenagers need?
exactly (2 answers) A 7 hours B 8 hours C 9 hours
D the part of a person that enables a person to
Teenagers are most awake in the ...
think, feel emotions and be aware of things
A evening B m orning C afternoon
E tell someone else to remember something
Deep REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is
necessary because it helps with ...
Check it out! A m em ory B stress C A and B
If you remember something, you dont
Your brain changes more when youre in your ...
forget it. If you remind someone else about
A teens B tw enties C thirties
something, you tell them so that they dont
forget. People learn b e s t ...
I must rem em be r to post the letter. A by m em orising B in different C by w riting
Remind me to post the letter. (= tell me) inform ation ways notes
NOT Remember me to post the letter.

Com plete th e sentences. Use th e words in 502.9 Listen to p a rt o f a ta lk by Dr Laura

Exercise 6a. Baker, an e xp e rt on the brain. Check your
1 Einstein had a b rillia n t................................. answers to Exercise 7a.
2 I m ust to do my Maths
5 0 2 .9 Listen again. Are the sentences right ( / )
hom ew ork for Wednesday.
or wrong (X)? C orrect the w rong sentences.
3 Dont to phone me later.
1 People need the same amount of sleep
4 Did y o u .................................the words to the
throughout their lives.
song? We have to sing it at the concert
2 REM sleep is very important at exam times.
tom orrow evening.
3 A teenagers brain changes less than an adults
5 My grandm others ................................. is getting
worse. She often forgets my name.
4 Practising a variety of activities isnt good for
6 ................................. me to post th a t letter.
your brain.
W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions. 5 Its more difficult to learn things as an adult.

1 Have you got a good memory? 6 Everyone learns in the same way.

2 How do you memorise things?

W ork w ith a partner. Discuss th e questions.
3 How do you rem em ber new English words?
1 What time of day do you learn best?
4 W hat things do you forget?
2 What different things do you do to use your

Unit 5 43
(8 Grammar
Passive review
a Look at the examples. Then (circle) the correct
words to com plete the rules. Interrupting

Sleep is needed for lots of reasons.

Lots of connections are built between brain cells.
I w asnt taught to play a musical instrument.
A lot of studies have been done about the
importance of sleep.
This book was written by an expert on sleep.
We use a passive verb when we know /
d o n t know who did something, or the action
is m ore / less im portant than who does it.
We form the passive with the verb be and the
past p a rtic ip le / -ing fo rm
The verb be can / ca nn ot be in any tense.
We can say who did something with by / for

Grammar reference: Workbook page 90

Check it out!
We can use modals + be + past participle
(e.g. will, might, can, should).
Food should n o t be eaten in the library.
The repairs m ig h t be finished soon.

b Rewrite the sentences in the passive. a 5 0 2 .1 0 Listen to M ike, George and Ella
1 People dont use mobile phones in our class. ta lkin g a bo ut school. Tick ( / ) the th in g th ey
agree is the m ost im p o rta n t at school.

2 Scientists have done research to show how the

b 5 0 2-10 C om plete the phrases w ith the
brain works.
words. Then listen again and check.

3 They sold all the concert tickets before 11:00.

course finish go on hang point
4 We can do this later.

In te rru p tin g
5 They will release the new version of the game
next month. Sorry, can I just say...............................?
Can I make a
6 When did they invent the telephone? A llo w in g som eone to in te rru p t
7 They dont sell pizzas in that restaurant. Yes, o f...............................
N o t a llo w in g someone to in te rru p t
...............................on a minute.
Can I ju s t...............................?

C W ork in a group o f four.

Student A: Turn to page 119.
Student B: Turn to page 122.

44 Unit 5
Portfolio 5
Ideas for improving your school
Read th e m em o fro m th e headteacher and th e
tw o letters w ith suggestions. W hich le tte r do
you th in k is better? Why?

M em o

From : T h e h e a d te a c h e r
To: A ll s tu d e n ts i n t h e sc h o o l

W e h a v e r e c e n t ly r e c e iv e d so m e m o n e y
fr o m t h e g o v e r n m e n t a n d w e w o u ld
lik e y o u r id e a s o n h o w to im p ro v e
H/ there
t h e sch o o l. P le a s e w r it e t o M s B row n , Let we give you a few ideas. First off, we reed a
t h e D e p u ty H ea d tea ch er, w it h y o u r
n*uch bigger science lab and you should let the younger
s u g g e s tio n s a n d r e a s o n s fo r m a k in g
kids use it. The equipment's really old, too. And
t h e im p r o v e m e n ts. S h e w ill w r it e b a c k another thing - we need more computers so everybody
t o y o u w it h th e f in a l d ecisio n .
can do their homework in the library, blot everyone has
a computer at home, you know! 3 efore 1 fnish, 1 want
to say that it would be cool i f we could talk more to
teachers. A school council for students and teachers
Read th e second le tte r again and look a t th e would be great.
phrases in bold. H ow does th e w r it e r ... OK, that's all. Write back soon.
1 start the letter? Cheers,
2 explain the reason for writing? Ally J~
3 put the parts o f the letter in order? ' " "" "
4 finish the letter? 2
( )
5 say goodbye at the end?
Dear Ms Brown

Check it out! I am w ritin g to explain how I think the school can

be improved.
In form al letters:
Firstly, I think we should improve the science facilities.
If you d o n t know th e name, use Dear Sir/
In my opinion we need tw o new science laboratories
Madam, and Yours faithfully a t th e end.
w ith more modern equipment. At the moment there
If you know th e name, use Dear M r/M s White,
is only one laboratory and younger students are not
and Yours sincerely at th e end.
allowed to use it because it is used by the older
students every day.

Look a t th e phrases in italics in th e second A n othe r p o in t is th a t there are not enough computers
letter. Find th re e ways to ... in the libraries. Many students would like to do their
1 give opinions. homework there and not everyone has a computer at
2 make suggestions.
home. I recommend buying a lot more computers.

Finally, I'd like to say that I think we should have more

W rite a le tte r e xplaining how yo u r school could discussion between teachers and students. We could
be im proved and w hy it should be im proved. have a school council meeting every month to talk
Include: about important issues. The school council would be
able to plan ways o f raising money for things like
thre e ideas fo r changes and reasons w h y th e y
are necessary new computers.

language from Exercise c I hope these ideas are useful. I loo k fo rw a rd

to hearing fro m you soon.
th e features o f form al letters from Exercise b
Yours sincerely.
Read yo u r p a rtn e rs letter. D o you agree w ith
yo ur p a rtn e rs ideas? Jack Walker (Class 5B)


\ TOO. .d





O O O F!


46 Unit 5





^ THE TREES. ^ . FOR US. .






Unit 5 47
Whos got talent?
Past perfect
Past perfect continuous
Vocabulary: Noun suffixes;
Entertainment collocations
Interaction 6: Agreeing and disagreeing

1 Read and listen

Look at th e photos. W h a t types o f TV program m es are th e y from?

Young and talented

TV talent shows are one of the most popular types of entertainment selection of food and only have a few minutes to decide what to
on television these days, but it's not just singers and dancers who cook and how to cook it. For the contestants, part of the excitement
share their talent with studio audiences and viewers at home. is not knowing what the final dish will taste like, but Emily amazed
everyone with her talent for combining unusual flavours. Emily
had visited South Africa, Morocco and Cuba before she was on
At the age of 22, Abdi Farah won the reality TV show Work of Art
Masterchef and she used ideas from these places in her recipes.
with his artistic creations. The prize was his very own exhibition
Emily's ambitions are to travel and learn more about food from
at the world-famous Brooklyn Museum in New York and over
other cultures, become a food writer and one day have her own
$100,000. During the competition, Abdi created many paintings
and photographs, but his sculptures of athletes and self-portraits
were what won him the title of The Next Great Artist'. For Abdi,
taking part in the show was the greatest artistic experience of his American fashion designer Christian Siriano has designed clothes
life. Before the show, he had expected to learn about business and for everyone from Heidi Klum to Lady Gaga. He became famous
working with people, but he found that he actually learned a lot after his appearance on the TV reality show Project Runway,
about art itself. In his opinion, one of the best things about the show where contestants have to design clothes in a limited amount of
is that viewers are able to follow the development of the works of time. During the show, the 21-year-old won more challenges than
art from the beginning, when they are just ideas, to the finished any other participant. Through his hard work and determination
product. Christian won first prize and presented his collection at New York
Fashion Week, where he now presents regularly. Before going on
Project Runway, Christian was familiar with the fashion industry as
18-year-old Emily Ludolf was still at school when she appeared
he had worked as a make-up artist, a wedding dress designer and
on the TV cookery show Masterchef. Even though she didn't win,
for British designers Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen.
the young finalist impressed the judges with her imagination and
Since winning the show, he has started his own successful business
creativity in the kitchen. It's a tough competition: contestants are
and his designs have appeared in the most important fashion
filmed for a month, sometimes 22 hours a day. They are given a
magazines around the world.

Read th e te x t quickly and m atch paragraphs Find th e words in th e te x t th a t mean ...

1-3 w ith photos A -C . 1 known by many people around the world (para 1)
2 pictures you paint of yourself (para 1)
12.12 Read th e te x t again and listen.
3 difficult (para 2)
Then answer th e questions.
4 different from others or strange (para 2)
1 What did Abdi learn on the show?
5 difficult tasks (para 3)
2 What does Abdi like most about the show?
6 a dress that a woman wears when she gets married
3 Why did the judges like Emilys cooking?
(para 3)
4 What does Emily want to do in the future?
5 What jobs did Christian do before the show? W ork in a group. Answ er th e questions.
6 How has Christians life changed since he won 1 Which of the three TV reality shows would you most
the show? like to take part in? Why?
2 Do you think reality TV shows are a good way of
discovering talented people? Why? / Why not?

48 Unit 6
2 ] Vocabulary
Noun suffixes
Did yeu know that 'Britain's Got
a 5 0 2 .1 3 We can add suffixes to words to make Talent' is a popular TV talent show in
nouns. Look at the examples and w rite them in Britain? In 2009 over 19 million viewers,
th e tables. Then listen and check. around 32% of the whole population, watched
the show. Which TV talent shows are popular
appearance artist creation entertainm ent in your country? Which reality TV shows do
reality singer you watch?
V _________________________________________

verb + -er noun + -ist
3 Pronunciation
Changing word stress
__ )
a 5 0 2 .1 5 W hen we add a noun suffix to a
Things, feelings, qualities w ord, th e stress can move to a d ifferen t
syllable. Listen to the w ord stress in these
verb + verb + verb + adj +
-(t)ion -ment -ance -ity
com pete - com petition
imagine - imagination
V ............ ? photograph - photographer

b 5 0 2 .1 4 A dd noun suffixes to the w ords in the b 5 0 2 .1 5 Listen to the pairs o f w ords and
underline the stressed syllables in the
box and add them to the tables in Exercise 2a.
nouns colum n. Then tic k ( / ) th e words if
Then listen and check.
the w ord stress moves.
creative design excite exhibit final s
Nouns W ord stress
perform select style
moves? /
1 dance dancer
c C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct fo rm o f 2 creative creativity
th e words in Exercise 2b. 3 entertain entertainm ent
1 I Galliano and Versace. 4 final finalist
Their clothes are amazing. 5 exhibit exhibition
2 There were th re e the 6 real reality
competition, but only one winner.
7 develop developm ent
3 Have you seen the new photography
8 educate education the city art museum?
9 active activity
4 Theres a w onderful...............................of dishes on
10 design designer
the menu. Its difficult to choose. V J
5 I love watching her on stage - shes a great
Check it out!
6 She works as a h air...............................for models
at fashion shows. Nouns ending in -ion or -ity usually
7 There was a lot o f in the studio stress the syllable before the suffix,
while they chose the winning design. collection, sim ila rity

8 It takes a lot o f .............................. to come up with Nouns ending in -ment and -ness

such good ideas. usually keep the same stress,

enjoy - e n jo ym e n t
d W ork in a group. Answ er the questions. happy - happiness

1 Which artists or fashion designers do you like?

c 5 0 2 -17 Listen and repeat.
2 What kinds of exhibition do you like going to see?
3 What types of entertainment do you like watching The artists, photographers and designers
on TV? created amazing collections for their

Unit 6 49
4 Grammar 5 Vocabulary
Past perfect Entertainment collocations
a Look at the examples. W rite 1 or 2 next a 0 0 2 .1 8 M atch a w ord from each box to make
to sentences to p u t the events in order. e n te rta in m e n t collocations. Then listen and check.

S Emily h ad visited South Africa, Morocco and 1 art 2 fashion 3 media 4 natural 5 prize
Cuba before she was on Masterchef. 6 reality 7 sports 8 studio 9 talent
Before going on Project Runway, Christian 10 world
had worked as a make-up artist.
Emily went to South Africa, Morocco
and Cuba. A attention B audience C champion
D designer E money F museum G show
Emily was on Masterchef. H star I talent J TV

Christian was on Project Runway.

Christian worked as a make-up artist. b C om plete the sentences w ith the correct form o f
th e collocations in Exercise 5a.
1 I th in k footballers and
(Circlg) th e correct words to com plete th e rules.
basketball players are overpaid.
We use the past perfect to emphasise that an
2 Have you seen th a
action happened before / a t th e same tim e as
about people who learn a new sport?
another action in the past.
3 Have you ever watched a live TV show sitting in
We form the past perfect with have / had and
th e ....................................?
the past participle.
4 My favourite........................... areinParis.
Grammar reference: W orkbook page 80 I love the Louvre and the Musee dOrsay.
5 I would never wear any clothes by that
.................................... - theyre too unusual.
C om plete th e sentences w ith the past simple
6 Hes th e .....................................because hes won
or past perfect form o f th e verbs and the tim e more tournaments than any other player.
7 Shes definitely got a .....................................for
singing. Her voice is amazing.
8 How many participants are in tonights

C C om plete th e sentences so th ey are tru e fo r you.

1 I think reality TV is ...
2 If I could meet a sports star, Id love to m e e t...
3 Ive got a natural talent f o r ...

d W ork w ith a partner. Answ er th e questions.

1 How much prize money do you think the winner
of a TV talent show should win?
2 Why do you think some fashion designers design
crazy clothes?
3 Why do some reality TV contestants get so much
media attention?
In 2010,19-year-old Charlie Bruce 1.................. (win)
the British TV talent show So you think you can
dance. Over 6 million view ers2...................(watch)
the show. Before her audition C harlie3..................
(already/decide) that this would be her last audition
because she4.................. (attend) lots of auditions
before, but she5................... (never/be) successful.
Before she6 (appear) on the show Charlie
7................. (not be) able to get a job as a dancer, so
she8.................. (work) in a shop.

50 Unit 6
6 Listen
W h a t activities can you see in the photos? W hich do you th in k you need natural ta le n t to do?

12.19 Listen to fo u r people ta lkin g a bo ut ta len t. W h a t does each speaker th in k is m ore im p o rta n t:
natural ta le n t or practice? Listen and w rite T (ta le n t) or P (practice).
1 K a tia ................... 2 C a rlo s.................. 3 H a n n a h ................... 4 Jack....

2.19 Listen again. Choose th e correct answer: A, B or C.

W hat does Katia have a natural ta le n t for? Hannahs friend ...
A reading B hip hop dancing A sings and plays the piano
C reading and hip hop dancing B sings in a band C wants to be on TV
Carlos thinks th a t people w ill practise a lot if they ... W hat does Jack th in k the best w orld champions
A have a lot o f free tim e B w ant to be the best need to do?
C like som ething A start w hen they are young
B have natural ta le n t C practise a lot

W ork w ith a partner. A nsw er th e questions.

1 W hat do you th in k is m ore im p o rta n t: natural ta le n t or practice? Why?
2 Who do you know w ho is very good at something? Do they have natural ta le n t o r do they practise a lot?

7 Speak
a W ork w ith a partner. Ask yo ur p a rtne r questions and com plete th e table. Use the prom pts to help you.
w h a t/y o u /d o /fre e time? What do you do in your free time? d ifficu lt or easy to learn?
w h e n /y o u /s ta rt. ..-ing? you/have to /p ra ctise a lot?
how o fte n /y o u . yo u/good a t . ring?

f ' Y
Name Free-time activities: music, dance, acting, H ours/day H ours/w eek
sport, computers, other

Lara Hip hop dancing. 10

She started when she was 11.
It was difficult to learn.
She has to practise a lot.
Shes good at dancing.


b Tell your class abo ut yo ur p a rtn e rs free-tim e activity. Use yo ur notes to help you.

Unit 6 51
8 Grammar (Circle) the correct words.
She had looked / been looking for her keys for
Past perfect continuous over an hour before she found them.
a Look at th e exam ples and answer the I had already met / been meeting my best friend
questions. before I started school.
I couldnt go to the cinema because I had lost /
'} I d been reading for a year before I started been losing my wallet.
school. I got to the concert late, but luckily the band
Shed been singing in a girl band for ages hadnt played / been playing for long.
before she started lessons. When I saw Jane I could see that she had cried /
His dad had been teaching him the keyboard had been crying.
and violin since he was three. I didnt go to the cinema with the others because
Could I read when I started school? I had seen / had been seeing that film before.
What did I do first, learn to read or start school?

(Circle) the correct words to com plete the rules.

We use the past perfect continuous for a longer
past action that was happening before / a fte r
another action in the past.
Agreeing and disagreeing
We often use the past perfect continuous with
for / since + period of time and for / since +
a point in time.
We form the past perfect continuous with had +
been + -ing / -edform.

Grammar reference: Workbook page 80

C om plete the sentences w ith th e verbs in the

past perfect continuous and for o r since.
1 M o za rt...........................................(learn) music
five years when he wrote his first
12.20 Listen to M ia and Peter ta lkin g
2 Michael Jordan...........................................(play)
a bo ut TV ta le n t shows. W rite M (M ia ) or
with the Chicago Bulls nine years when he
P (Peter) next to th e ir opinions.
retired in 1993.
TV talent show s...
3 When Jodie Foster won an Oscar in 1991, she
.......................................... (a c t)............ 26 years. 1 are an opportunity to become famous.
4 By 1506, Leonardo da Vinci 2 give false hope and disappointment.
...........................................(paint) the Mona Lisa
almost three years.
3 attract positive media attention.
5 When Mary Quant, the fashion designer, invented 12.20 Listen again. Tick ( / ) the phrases
the mini skirt in 1965 she......................................... you hear.
(sell) clothes in her own shop 1955. I see what you mean, b u t ...
I totally disagree!
Check it out! Thats completely untrue!
We use the past perfect continuous to show OK, maybe youve got a point.
that an action continued over a period of time.
I agree with what youre saying, b u t ...
We use the past perfect simple when
Yes, I hadnt thought of that.

we say how many times it happened.
Id been studying Spanish for over a year. Yes, absolutely!
Id been to Spain three times before.
NOT Id been going to Spain three t imes before.
Yes, definitely, b u t ...
W ork w ith a partner.
Student A: Turn to page 119.
Student B: Turn to page 122.

52 Unit 6
Talk talk magazine - competition!
Portfolio 6
Completing a form
Do you kn ow anyone at sch oo l o r in yo u r fa m ily w ith
a Read the magazine page. W h a ts
an am azing ta len t? N om inate them to w in. We have
th e co m p e titio n for? W h a t can
three prizes o f 500!
you win?
We are looking for young people (aged 14-20) who ...
b N ow read M ickeys nom ination have a natural talent for something
form . W ho does he nom inate? have worked hard to develop their talent
Why? have clear plans for the future

C lic k h ere to com plete

your n o m in a tio n fo rm

What would you like to nominate the person for?

Arts and music Q ] Sport and fitness ^ Other ^

Nominator: Name: I/Mickey Surname: 3ot\es Age: 16

How do you know the nominee? Besd friewd

SiAce we were 12.

Nominee: Name: Skauw 2.............. Baxter Age: l>

c Some questions and headings
are missing from the form . W rite
What is the nominees talent? Swiwuwin.g and. wader polo
words and sentences A -F in gaps
1-6 on th e form .
Brervdkill sports club, Brervdkill swiwuwiwg and wader polo club,
A How has the nom inee worked
jLit\g Williaw sckool swivw/wmg arvi wader polodeavw, Wales ur.der-l?s
hard at th e ir talent?
swivwwing ard wader polo deawvs. Gfread B ridair under-l?s swivwwing
nd wader polo deawvs. B Surname:
C W hat are the nom inees plans for
the future?
Wken I firsd w\ed Skaun, ked been swiwwving since ke was six and
ked already won several covnpedidions. Since dken, kes also won D W hat im portant things has the
silver and gold wvedals fo r Wales in swivnwing and wader polo. He dook nom inee done?
port in dke 20I0 youdk blyvnpics in Singapore. E W hich groups or clubs is the
nom inee a m em ber of?

Skaun geds up every vworning ad H:Z0 and swivns fo r dwo kours F How long have you known the
refore sckool. Tken ke plays wader polodwo evenings a week and nominee?
works oud ad dke gywvdwice a week. I dkink kes god a noduxal dalend
for swivwwing, buf ke also drains a lod. d W rite a nom ination form to
nom inate someone you know
fo r the award. Include the same
Skaun wands do swivn fo r Bridain in dke nexd blyvnpics and kes
already in draining! He also wands do ged indo sports college nexd year. headings and questions as
M ickeys form .
Why do you believe the nominee should get this award?
e Read o th e r nom inations in yo ur
Skaun kad already been working kard ad kis sport before I vwed kiwv
four years ago. I dkink ids avnazing dkad ke con be o norvnol sdudend class and choose th re e w inners.
d sckool, kave diwve do do kis sckool work, drain oudside sckool and W hy do you th in k th e y should
never ged sdressed oud. win?

......A*,....,.... Unit 6 53
& drink
the nia
b ir m in g h a m

The Birmingham National Indoor Arena (NIA) is one of

the busiest indoor sporting and entertainment venues
in Europe. Since it opened in 1991, it has welcomed
visitors to over 30 different sports, and a huge variety of
entertainment and music.
The NIA has played host to artists such as Prince, Coldplay
and Destinys Child. It has also hosted many other forms
of entertainment, including the spectacular Disney on Ice
shows, Lord of the Dance and the Cirque du Soleil.

P X Doors: 17:00 5>how:

At the NIA Friday-* 10 September See the NIA website for more
Tickets 3 5 -4 5 (All prices exclude fees and charges)

for Men and Women

This year, for the first time, Great Britain will
hold a Judo World Cup for both men and
women. It will be the biggest Judo World Cup
ever held in Britain.

At:The National Indoor Arendfv

14 (adults)
6 (children and senior citizens)

,tu rd a y

fro m

p u re
west e'
H>ts c t i r i g g
Tickets are priced at 21.50
and are available from the Ticket Factory, on
0844 338 8000 or online at
1 Culture UK: Birminghams National
Indoor Arena
a Look at the inform a tion about th e N ational Indoor Arena (N IA )
in Birm ingham and answer the questions.
1 Who are Diversity and how many members are there?
2 Where can you get tickets to see Diversity?
3 What is special about the judo world cup this year?
4 Who performed at the NIA in September?
5 How many countries has Cirque du Soleil performed in?
6 What types of food can you buy at the NIA?
7 Where can you eat food at the NIA?
8 How long has the NIA been open?

b C om plete th e crossword and find an interna tion al type o f event.

1 Received (visitors), (text 2)
2 Sweet food or chocolates, (text 1)
3 Normal or usual, (text 6)
4 A shop that sells the products of one company, (text 1)
5 ................. events take place inside a building, (text 2)
6 A show where acrobats perform in a tent called a Big Top. (text 6)
7 The only one of its kind, (text 6)
8 Very exciting to look at or watch, (text 4)

W ork w ith a partner. Look at the inform a tion a bo ut the NIA.

W hich events w ould you m ost like to see? Why?

S o ^ th | g f g | ^
2 Your project
An events calendar
Gangneung Danoje Festival

3 W ork in a group. Make a list o f d iffe re n t types T his is one o f K o re a s oldest

u|a F.tefi, Fcstiva,
festivals. C elebrating
o f event. Korean traditional cu ltu re ' A great free festiv al i
there w ill be dancing, enjoy han d s-o n activj
parades, w restling and such as trout fishing a
b Use the in te rn e t or local newspapers and bidding farew ell to the gods rafting. M u ju s fireflit
on the last o f th e 8 d a v s fam ous in South Kore
magazines to make a list o f fu tu re events this is y o u r ch an ce to :
them up close.
w here you live. Find o u t about:
the type of event (concert, sports event, theatre
show, etc.) WorldTaekwondo r. Expo
Surll Busan Internationa! Rock
the venue Held in the M uju -g u n area.
A five-day e v e n t w hich
O v e r 150,000 p e o p le attend
the date(s), time and ticket prices attracts T aek w o n d o fans
this free m usic festival
from all o v e r the w orld. F or
ev ery year. F o r tw o days
specific information about the event S 150 you can participate,
y ou can ro ck to established
w atch d isp lay s a n d learn
(performers, what happens, why its being from the best.
an d debut a rtists from
su n rise to sunset.
held, etc.)
September ( October

Boryeong Mud Festival

c Make an events calendar fo r w here you live. International Film
A fantastic fun festival Festival
Circle th e dates on a calendar and w rite w hich is firm ly established SB9A1
on the international
inform a tion about five or six events. Include O n e o f A sia s forem ost film
calendar. Enjoy m ud-
icuuvais is neid right hi
th e inform a tion from Exercise 2b. w restling, m ud-m assages,
f South K orea. V ery pop
m ud-sliding, m ud-
j w ith the youth w h o atte
sw im m ing, m ud-assault-
large num bers.
courses and m an y m o re m ud

Unit 6
Review: : and
1 Grammar C om plete th e sentences w ith th e past simple,
past perfect or past perfect continuous form of
Look at th e school rules then (circle) the the verbs.
correct words. 1 She...............................(play) the guitar for ages
before she started having lessons.
J You have X You do not have
permission to ... permission to ... 2 I (meet) my best friend about
seven years ago.
sit in a classroom in run inside the school
break time 3 How lon g you (know) him before you
eat or drink during
got married?
bring your own food for classes
lunch 4 M ic k (cycle) for two hours when
use mobile phones
during classes he had an accident.
write on the walls 5 When we arrived at the airport the plane............
or desks already...................(leave).
They...............................(write) for 50 minutes when
If you dont want to go outside in the break, you
the teacher told them to stop.
can / cant sit in a classroom.
You are / arent allowed to run inside the school. Read th e te x t and choose the correct answer: A, B
You can / cant use your mobile phone in class. o r C.
You are / arent allowed to bring your own lunch. Tinchy Stryder is a very unusual pop star. He is the first
The teachers let / dont let you eat during classes. person who 1 a number one single in the UK charts
You can / cant write on the walls! with the title Number 1, and he is probably the first
pop star to have to write a 6,000-word essay during a
C om plete the second sentence so th a t it means tour. Tinchy had his number one hit in 2009, at the age
the same as th e first. Use the w ord in brackets. of 21, but h e 2 rap since the age of 14 and h e 3......
1 We cant talk during exams. out his debut album (Star in the Hood) tw o years
4....... Although h e 5 to be a musician, he started a
W e ...............................(allowed) during exams.
course in animation at the University of East London.
2 Im not allowed to use my dads computer.
While on tour last year h e 6 a documentary film as
My dad doesnt ...............................(let) his
part of his course work.
1 A had B has had C has
3 I cant watch TV after ten oclock.
2 A performed B was performing C had been
I ..............................(allowed) TV after ten oclock.
3 A had brought B has brought C having
C om plete the sentences w ith th e verbs in the
correct form o f th e passive. 4 A soon B earlier C later
5 A always wants B always had C had always
1 Penicillin (discover) in 1928.
wanted wanted
2 Drama classes...............................(offer) at our
6 A has made B had made C made
school every year.
3 A lot of books...............................(write) on this
subject already.
4 the computer roo m (use) r
every day?
How are you doing?
5 A lot of improvements..............................(make)
How many points have you got? Put tw o crosses on
to the school since I came here.
th e chart: one fo r gram m ar and one fo r vocabulary.
6 The vid e o ...............................(make) last year.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Review 5 and 6
(2 Vocabulary Add a suffix to th e w ord to make a noun. Sometimes
you need to change th e spelling.
M atch th e tw o parts o f th e sentences.
-ance -er -ion -ist -ity -ment
1 Daisy failed her exam 1 w in ....................... 6design ...................
2 Emily passed all her exams 2 enjoy ..................... 7 final
3 I cant go out tonight because 3 popular ...................... 8 entertain
4 Sam got a high mark in the test 4 educate ...................... 9 attract .........
5 I was caught cheating, 5 appear ................... | | g

6 I am in trouble because C om plete th e sentences w ith the words in the box.

A so shes going to university.
attention champion fashion museum
B I have to revise for the test tomorrow.
reality show star studio talent
C so hes going out to celebrate.
D and thats why Im in detention. 1 I hate w a tc h in g ....................TV shows.
E I skived off PE. 2 There are some w onderful paintings in the a r t .................
F so she will have to retake it. 3 He loves all the m e d ia he gets!
4 Shes a great singer - shes got a lot o f natural
C om plete th e crossword a bo ut m em ory.
Use th e clues to help you. 5 I was sitting in th e ...................audience for that show.
Across 6 He practises a lot - he wants to be the world
4 People o fte n .................. the words to songs day!
................... (3 words) 7 She loves clothes. She wants to be a ...................designer.
6 Dont to ring me later! 8 Would you ever go on a ta le n t...................?
D ow n 9 He wants to become a famous sports................. . 9
1 If y o u r is good, you can remember
lots of things.
2 Yoga is good for your body and y o u r.................
3 I had t o ...................a whole poem for the exam. Correct it!
5 Can y o u to buy a pen? | I 6
C orrect these typical learner errors
from U nits 5 and 6.
1 Parents let their children to have more freedom
1 3 than before.
4 5

2 We cant wear jeans.

3 We dont allowed to use mobile phones at school.


4 Do you allowed to take pets inside?

5 This book was write by J.K. Rowling.

6 Our exams will being finished soon.

GREEN: Great! Tell your teacher your score!

Not bad, but go to the website for extra practice. 7 He couldnt remember what just had happened.

RED: Talk to your teacher and look at Units 5 and 6

again. Go to the website for extra practice. 8 The teacher gave me a higher note than before.

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 9 At the age of 15 I was all ready in a band.

10 We took a lot of photos which will remember us of

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
the holiday.

Review 5 and 6 57
7 Thats incredible!
Modal verbs of deduction: present
Modal verbs of deduction: past
Vocabulary: Extreme adjectives; Phrasal verbs w ith go
Interaction 7: Guessing w hat happened

sten 2) Vocabulary
12.21 Look at th e newspaper headlines Extreme adjectives
and photos. W h a t do you th in k the stories are
5 0 2 .2 2 M atch th e adjectives w ith the
about? Listen and check.
extrem e adjectives. Then listen and check.

The real Harry Potter Adjective Extreme adject

1 cold A tiny
2 big B freezing
Snake saves family 3 hungry C huge
4 small D starving
5 tired E boiling
6 frightening F awful
7 hot G unbelievable
8 bad H exhausted
9 surprising I terrifying

Check it out!
Use absolutely, NOT very + extreme adjectives.
Hes absolutely exhausted.
NOT Hes very exhausted.

C om plete the sentences w ith an extrem e

adjective from Exercise 2a.
12.21 Listen again. Are th e sentences right ( / )
o r w rong (X)? C orrect th e w rong sentences. Is dinner ready yet? Im absolutely...................
Its ................. in here. Can I close the window?
1 The real-life Harry Potter and the actor, Daniel
Radcliffe, both have a scar. Im ................. ! Its 45C in here!
Eight people can get in their car. Its absolutely
2 People often think that the real-life Harry
is lying about his name.
5 Theyve walked a long way today, so theyll
3 When he met his girlfriend, he had to show probably b e ................. .
her his bus pass.
6 My rooms absolutely.................... Theresonly
4 The Chinese man helped the snake space for one small bed.
because snakes are lucky. 7 We saw sharks when we were swimming. It was
5 He kept the snake as protection against wild a ...................experience!
animals. 8 The end of the film w as ! I never
thought he might be an alien!
6 The snake woke the man up by pulling his clothes
with its teeth.
W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions.
W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions. 1 What do you do when you are exhausted /
boiling / starving / freezing?
1 Do you think the stories are true? Why? / Why not?
2 Have you heard any strange stories in the news 2 When was the last time you saw or heard
recently? something unbelievable / terrifying / awful?
When I m starving I go out for a pizza.

58 Unit 7
(325rammar (4) Speak
Modal verbs of deduction: present Look at th e pictures o f strange things or
events. W ork w ith a partner. Use m odal verbs
a Look at th e examples. Then (circle) th e correct
o f d eduction to explain the pictures.
words to com plete th e rules.
) That cant be a real crocodile.
) It must be a model of a crocodile. Maybe
) It must be really strange to have the same name
they are making a film.
as a character in a book.
People might not believe that his name is really
Harry Potter.
It cant be there. I ve just cleared out all the
magazines from my room.
It may be in that pile under the table.

We use might, may or could when we think

something in the present is possible / impossible.
We use must when we are certa in / uncertain
that something is true.
We use cant when we are certain that something
is possible / impossible
Modal verbs change / dont change in the 3rd
person (he/she/it).
Modal verbs are followed by the
in fin itiv e w ith o u t to / -ing form .

Grammar reference: Workbook page 92

Check it out!
We do not use the negative must not for
deductions. We can only use cant.
Susie cant be at home now. Ive just seen her
in the park.
NOT Susie mustnt be at home now. Ive just
seen her in the park.

(tfr c ie ) th e correct words.

1 I dont really know what the answer is, but it
could / must be 100.
2 The house is completely dark. Everybody must /
might be out.
3 All that homework is for tomorrow? You could /
cant be serious!
4 My sister might / can't be at home by now. She
finished work early today.
5 I cant see the letters very well. They cant / may
be an H and a T .
6 She cant / might come from Sweden. She doesnt
speak Swedish.
b W ork w ith a nother pair. Are yo ur reactions
He might not / must be at school today. Hes got and explanations th e same?
a bad cold.
8 I dont know whose phone it is - it might / must c Read a bo ut tw o o f th e pictures, th e n explain
be Sammys. yo ur pictures to yo ur partner.
Student A: Turn to page 124.
Student B: Turn to page 124.

Unit 7 59
(5 Read and listen
a Look at the pictures. W hat do
you th in k th e story is about?
Read th e te x t and find out.

and the Men in Black

T h e b iz a r re e v e n ts a r o u n d th e s m a ll to w n o f P o in t b e e n e x tra te rre stria ls. T h ey
P le a sa n t, W e s t V irg in ia , s ta r t e d in N o v e m b e r 1966. b e h a v e d v ery strangely, a n d so m e
F o u r y o u n g p e o p le w e re g o in g r o u n d a n o ld fa c to ry p e o p le said th e y d id n t h av e an y e a rs a n d
o u ts id e th e to w n w h e n th e y n o tic e d tw o re d lig h ts a n d th e y ta lk e d w ith o u t m o v in g th e ir lips.
s to p p e d th e c a r to in v e stig a te . T h e y saw th e s h in in g , T h e p e o p le o f P o in t P le a s a n t w e n t th r o u g h m o n th s o f
re d ey es o f a la rg e a n im a l. It w a s c o m p le te ly u n lik e a n y frig h te n in g ev e n ts, th e n a te rrib le a c c id e n t to o k p lace
a n im a l th e y h a d e v e r s e e n b efo re. It w a s lik e a m a n , in D e c e m b e r 1967. T h e m a in b rid g e in th e to w n fell
b u t b ig g e r, w ith h u g e w in g s o n its b a c k . T errified , th e y d o w n a n d 46 p e o p le w e re k illed . M o th m a n s e e m e d to
d ro v e aw ay a s fa st a s th e y c o u ld a n d th e c r e a tu r e w e n t go away. C o u ld th e r e h av e b e e n a c o n n e c tio n b e tw e e n
a f te r th e m , fly in g a t o v er 160k m p e r h o u r! M o th m a n a n d th e b rid g e a c c id e n t?
O v e r th e n e x t few days, m a n y m o re p e o p le sa id N in e y ea rs la te r a jo u rn a lis t ca lle d R ick M o ran
th e y h a d s e e n th e c r e a tu r e . P eo p le b e g a n c a llin g it d e c id e d to in v e stig a te th e story. H e th o u g h t th e w eird
M o th m a n . O th e r s tr a n g e th in g s w e n t o n in P o in t e v e n ts m ay n o t h av e really h a p p e n e d . B u t n ea rly
P le a sa n t. U n u s u a l lig h ts w e re s e e n in th e sk y a n d ev e ry o n e h e sp o k e to in P o in t P le a sa n t re m e m b e re d
o d d n o ise s w e re h e a rd . O n e w o m a n w a s w a tc h in g w h a t h a d h a p p e n e d clearly. S u rely so m a n y p e o p le c a n t
T V w h e n sh e h e a r d a s tr a n g e b u z z in g n o ise o u tsid e . h av e im a g in e d M o th m a n ?
S he w e n t o u t a n d fo u n d M o th m a n h o v e rin g in th e a ir M o ra n r e tu r n e d to N ew Y ork a n d s o m e th in g v e ry
a b o u t th r e e m e tr e s aw ay fro m h er, so sh e im m e d ia te ly s tr a n g e h a p p e n e d . H is fa m ily
w e n t b a c k in to th e h o u se . S he w a s a m a z e d w h e n a n d f rie n d s s ta r t e d to rec eiv e
sh e d isc o v e re d t h a t h e r T V p r o g ra m m e h a d e n d e d . f rig h te n in g p h o n e ca lls; th e y
S o m e h o w sh e h a d T o st a b o u t 25 m in u te s . w e re to ld to w a r n M o ra n n o t
M an y p e o p le th o u g h t M o th m a n m u s t h av e co m e to s p e a k o r w rite a b o u t P o in t
fro m o u te r sp ace, b u t o th e rs th o u g h t th e c re a tu re P le a s a n t. W e re th e m e s sa g e s
m ig h t b e p a r t o f a g o v e rn m e n t e x p e rim e n t. T h e n so m e fro m th e M e n in Black?
s tra n g e rs, d re s s e d in b la c k su its, a rriv e d in to w n . T h e y M o ra n w e n t o n th e ra d io a n d
sa id th e y w ere g o v e rn m e n t a g e n ts a n d v isite d p e o p le in r e p o r te d e v e r y th in g h e k new ,
th e ir h o m e s to w a rn th e m n o t to sp e a k a b o u t M o th m a n a f te r w h ic h th e w a r n in g s
in p u b lic . T h e to w n sp e o p le w ere frig h te n e d o f th e s e im m e d ia te ly s to p p e d .
M e n in B lack, a n d s o m e th o u g h t th e y m ig h t h av e

12.23 Read the te x t again and listen. Are the W ork w ith a partner. Answ er th e questions.
sentences right ( / ) , w rong (X) or doesnt say (-)?
1 Do you think Mothman was real? Why? / Why not?
Mothman was first seen in Point Pleasant town 2 Who do you think the Men in Black were?
centre. 3 What films about monsters or aliens have you seen?
The woman who lost 25 minutes fell asleep in front
of the TV.
Mothman was trying to attack and hurt people. Culture Vulture
Some people thought the Men in Black were not
human. Did you know th at in Britain,
there are stories about the
Mothman warned people about the bridge.
Loch Ness Monster, a strange
At first Rick Moran thought it was possible that the
creature th at lives in a loch, or lake,
Mothman story was not true.
in Scotland? Are there any stories about
Some of Morans friends tried to stop him from strange creatures in your country?
talking about Point Pleasant.

Unit 7
f 6 l Grammar 7 Pronunciation
Modal verbs of deduction: past Elision of have
Look at th e examples. Then (circje) th e correct words a 0 0 2 .2 5 Listen to the p ronunciation o f
to com plete th e rules. the w eak form s o f have /av/.
They couldJnave seen an alien.
) Some thought they might have been extraterrestrials. They must-have been government agents.
Many people thought Mothman must have come from He can't^have been a vampire.
outer space.
Surely so many people cant have imagined Mothman? 0 0 2 .2 5 Listen to th e sentences. W rite
He thought the weird events may not have really th e n um ber o f tim es you hear the word
happened have in each dialogue.

We use might/may/could have when we th in k 1 2 3 4

som ething is possible / im possible in the past.
We use must/cant have w hen we are ce rta in / 0 0 2.26 Listen, check and repeat.
u nce rta in about som ething in the past.
W ork w ith a partner. Take it in turns to
We use modal verb + have + past sim ple /
say th e sentences. Rem em ber to use the
past p a rticip le .
weak form o f have in th e m iddle o f the
Grammar reference: Workbook page 92
1 You must have seen th a t light in th e sky.
2 They could have forgotten to come.
Rewrite the sentences using a suitable m odal verb.
3 It must have been a plane.
Sometimes more than one m odal is possible.
4 That noise could have been the cat.
1 Im sure I didnt leave my keys in my room.
I comH U ave.kft My. keys ivv.My.r.oo.M.......................
2 Perhaps my brother ate the chocolates.
M y brother.....................................................................
3 I am certain they were at the cinema yesterday.
4 Maybe we didnt lose the map on the train.
W e .........................................................................
5 Im sure he hasnt left w ithout me.
H e .........................................................................

W ork w ith a partner. Read th e story, then guess

w h a t happened. Use past modals o f deduction.
On 21 October 1978 Frederick Valentich, aged 20,
took off in a small plane from Melbourne, Australia.
45 minutes later Frederick contacted the airport
in Melbourne. He said he could see a huge aircraft
flying very close to him. Later he said the plane
seemed to be chasing him. Then, terrified, he
spoke his final words to Melbourne: That
strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again.
Its hovering, and its not an aircraft! Frederick
then disappeared. Rescue services looked for
him but did not find anything. At the same
time as the accident, about 20 people had
seen a strange green light in the sky.

0 0 2 .2 4 Listen to fo u r possible
explanations o f w h a t m ight have happened.
Are th ey th e same as yo ur explanations?
W hich is the m ost likely explanation?
8 Vocabulary
Phrasal verbs with go
a Look at the sentences and underline the C Replace th e underlined words w ith th e correct
phrasal verbs w ith go. form o f the phrasal verbs in Exercise 8b.
1 Four young people were going round an old 1 You should always check your hom ew ork before
factory. you give it to the teacher.
2 The creature went after them. 2 W hats happening over there? W hat are all those
3 She went out and found Mothman hovering people doing?
in the air. 3 Silvia had a long illness last year but shes fine at
4 She immediately went back into the house. the moment.
4 If this rain continues, we w ont be able to play
b 5 0 2 .2 7 M atch th e phrasal verbs in th e tennis.
sentences w ith the definitions. Then listen 5 There were some strange lights in the sky, then
and check. they disappeared.

leave or disappear continue happen d W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions.
check have an unpleasant or difficult experience
1 W hat has been going on at your school recently?
2 If somebody to o k your money, w ould you go after
1 Strange things w e n t on in Point Pleasant.
them ? Why? / Why not?
2 The mysterious events w e n t on for so long.
3 Do you know anyone w ho has been through a
3 They w e n t th ro u g h months of frightening
serious illness or another difficu lt experience?
4 How much tim e do you spend going over your
4 Mothman seemed to go away.
hom ew ork before you hand it in?
5 I always go over my work to look for mistakes.

Interaction 7 DVD

Guessing what happened

a 5 0 2 2 8 Listen to Sara and Darren try in g to
w o rk o u t w h a t happened yesterday evening.
W h a t do th ey th in k was strange? W hat do they
th in k is the m ost likely explanation?

b 5 0 2 .2 8 Listen again and m atch th e sentence

1 Maybe youre A I th in k ...
2 Actually, B right, b u t ...
3 Im not C must have happened.
4 Something D sure about that.
5 That doesnt E sound like Charlie.
6 I know what F right.
7 Youre probably G might have happened.

C W ork w ith a partner.

Student A: Turn to page 119.
Student B: Turn to page 122.
Portfolio 7
A mystery story
3 In 1925 Percy Fawcett w e n t into
th e jungle to find a lost city.
Look at the pictures. W h a t do
you th in k m ig ht have happened
to him?

b Read th e story and p ut th e paragraphs in the correct C W hich paragraph(s) ...

order. 1 introduce the main character?
A Q Three years later, George Dyott went to look for 2 give background details to the story?
Fawcett and reported that he had died. Nobody believed 3 describe the main events in the story?
him. Some people said Fawcett was a prisoner in a village, 4 describe recent events and conclude
and others said that he was living happily in the city of the story?
Z. Over the next 50 years about 100 adventurers may
have died while they were looking for Fawcetts lost city. d U nderline exam ples o f these tenses in
th e story:
B [ T ] Colonel Percy Fawcett was a British adventurer
and the inspiration for Indiana Jones. He became 1 the past simple
famous in the early 1900s for his expeditions in the 2 the past continuous
Amazon jungle in South America. 3 the past perfect

C Q In 1914 he discovered a South American tribe e W hich tense in Exercise d is used f o r ...
who told him about a beautiful city, hidden in the
1 the main events in a story?
jungle. In 1925, he returned to Brazil to look for the
2 something that happened before the main
city, which he called Z. On May 25, Fawcett wrote
to his wife saying that he and his son Jack were
going to look for Z . No one heard from them again. 3 the background to a story, or events going
on for a period of time?
D Q For years most archaeologists thought Fawcett
had been crazy. But recently satellite cameras have f W rite a story abo ut an unsolved mystery.
found evidence of a huge, ancient city in the jungle. Use one o f the ideas in th e box.
The city of Z might have existed after all.
a missing person a strange creature
E At the beginning of the twentieth century, only
an unsolved crime a lost civilisation
native tribes were living in the Amazon jungle. It
a UFO an urban legend
was full of dangerous insects, poisonous snakes and
man-eating tribes. But Fawcett found the jungle
mysterious and exciting. 9 Read your p a rtn e rs story. W h a t do you
th in k could have happened?
The Bahamas - The Bahamas - Fast facts
What and where? 700 islands (30 inhabited) in the Atlantic Ocean
myths and mysteries and the Caribbean Sea
Why go? Its brilliant for diving and snorkelling, and the climate
An ideal place to surf, dive o r ju s t lie in th e sun
is fantastic
- th e Bahamas is a m od ern h olida y paradise.
What language? English
But th e re are m any m ysterious, a ncien t stories
Check out: the Exuma Land and Sea Park in the north for beautiful,
a b o u t th e area. Here w e tr y to separate the
empty beaches
facts fro m th e fantasy.
Watch out for: the hurricane season (the most dangerous months .
are August and September) and Lusca, a sea monster!

The Bimini Road

- part of Atlantis?
T he m y th
According to the Ancient Greek
philosopher Plato, Atlantis was an
island inhabited by a very advanced
society, which suddenly vanished
under the sea over 2,500 years
ago. People used to think Atlantis
was a mythical place, but recently
some people have started to wonder
whether it could have been real. One theory is that the Bimini Road, near
Bimini Island in the Bahamas, is part of the lost capital of Atlantis.
T he e x p la n a tio n
Many experts have investigated the Bimini Road and they say it cant have
been a road or a wall. It is a natural rock formation.
The Bem u d a Triangle
T he m y th Lusca the sea monster
Hundreds of ships and planes have disappeared without a trace in the T he m y th
mysterious Bermuda Triangle, a huge area in the Atlantic Ocean. Many Lusca is a terrifying cross between a giant shark and an octopus, and
people think the incidents could be due to strange magnetic activity or attacks ships. This monster hides in blue holes, which are underwater cave
extraterrestrial spaceships. systems between island lakes and the sea. Lusca is especially active around
One of the most bizarre disappearances isthat ofFlight 19, five USNavy Andros, the largest island in the Bahamas, but it has been seen throughout
planes that vanished mysteriously. The rescue plane which went to look the Caribbean Sea.
for them also disappeared. A total of 27 men were lost. Steven Spielberg T he e x p la n a tio n
included a fictional version of this story in his science-fiction film, Close Blue holes really are dangerous, but because of strong sea currents, not
Encounters of the ThirdKind. because of Lusca.
T h e e x p la n a tio n
M e r m id s
The Flight 19 pilots thought they were flying over the Florida Keys, a group of
islands near Miami, but they were actually over the Bahamas. They probably T he m y th
didnt have enough fuel to get back to land and they got lost far out at sea. For centuries sailors have told stories about mermaids, creatures that are
Most BermudaTriangle accidents have probably been caused by extreme half woman and half fish. In 1616 an English captain, John Smith, noticed a
weather conditions. There are more hurricanes and unexpected storms in woman swimming near the Bahamas. She had large eyes, rather too round,
a finely shaped nose (a little too short)... and long green hair'. Suddenly
this area than in any other part of the Atlantic.
she rolled over and he saw she had a fishs tail. People still believe that a
mermaid lives in Mermaid Hole, a lake on Cat Island in the Bahamas.
T he e x p la n a tio n
T h e m y th
Many people think that mermaids must have been manatees, large sea
Chickcharnies live in the forests of Andros. They are half human, half bird
mammals which can be up to four metres long. These friendly, curious
with red eyes, three fingers, three toes and a tail, which they use to hang
animals often approach ships. At night they just might look like mermaids.
upside-down fromtrees. If you meet a chickcharnie and treat it with respect,
youll be lucky for the rest of your life. But if you are rude, your head will turn
around completely!
T h e e x p la n a tio n
There once really was a bird like the Chickcharnie on Andros. It was a large
three-toed owl that couldn't fly but could turn its head around a long way.
Q Culture World: 2 Your project
The Bahamas Mysteries in your country
a Do you know any strange myths or a W ork in a group. C om plete a table a bo ut your
mysteries? W hat happened? co u n try w ith inform a tion a bo ut a popular m ystery
and some possible explanations.
b Read th e magazine a rticle quickly and f V
m atch th e captions w ith th e pictures. Place oc\ IslawcL
1 Is this part of a lost city?
M ystery A wvervwaicL (k a lf wovwoa,
2 Sociable manatees coming to say hello.
3 Why is this area of sea so dangerous? kal-f -pisk) S'HII lives \w
IMerwvaicl dole
c Read the te x t again and answer
th e questions. Explanation People i/wigkt kave seen,
1 What three sports activities can you wvatvcd'ees omd. 'fkougkt ik e y
do in the Bahamas?
V were ku.w\<m
2 What do many people think causes the
strange disappearances in the Bermuda
Triangle? b W rite an article a bo ut th e m ystery and the
3 How many planes disappeared in the explanations. Use th e inform a tion in Exercise 2a.
Flight 19 incident? Include:
4 What is the most probable reason for a title and sub-headings
the Bermuda Triangle disappearances?
details about the mystery
5 Why should you be polite to a Chickcharnie?
possible explanations
6 What do the experts think about
the Bimini Road? photos and captions

7 What a re blue holes?

8 What did John Smith think he saw
at first? What did he think he saw later?

d Find the words in the te x t th a t mean ...

Over 60 years after the accident in Roswell,
1 disappeared suddenly (Bermuda Triangle) nobody agrees on w hat really happened. We
try to uncover the truth.
2 politeness towards someone/something
(Chickcharnies) In Ju n e or Ju ly 194 7 , A fter
3 live in a place (Bimini Road) an unidentified flying hundreds o f in terv iew s,
object (U F O ) crash ed a g ro u p c f research ers
4 ask yourself questions about something
in the city o f R osw ell, cam e to the conclusion
(Bimini Road)
N ew M exico in that an alien aircraft had
5 a mixture of tw o different things (Lusca) the U nited States. crashed close to R osw ell.
6 see or be aware of something (Mermaids) T he ev en t w as qu ick ly Several books have been
forgotten until 1978 w ritten on th e subject,
e W ork w ith a partner. A nsw er the questions. w hen M ajo r Jesse M arcel But w h at happ en ed
1 Do you believe the explanations of the w as in terview ed ab o u t th e ex actly ? W as it an alien
mysteries? Why? / Why not? accident. spaceship? O r a w eath er
b alloon? O r d ebris co m in g
2 Do you think some mysteries are impossible
from a top secret governm ent
to explain? Why? / Why not?
ex p erim en t d esigned by the
U n ited States in o rd er to test the
possibility o f detectin g
R ussian n uclear tests and
m issiles w ith eq u ip m en t on
high altitude b alloons? O ne
thing is certain - th e mystery
has o nly got thicker.
Quantifiers review
Non-defining relative clauses
Vocabulary.- Health problems; Technology
nterachon 8: Asking for and giving explanations

(l^Read and listen

3 h p L a t th e tW P'CtUreS' W hich d 0 you th in k is th e
healthier activity? Which do you think is more fun?

( T ) Scientists at the University of Oklahoma have found that playing active

Active video games can play an important role
video games can be as effective for teenagers as doing moderate exercise. in getting young people off the sofa and interested
The research shows that active video games can help to keep you fit. This is in physical activity. But are they really a replacement
especially important fo r many young people of today's generation who often for traditional exercise? Colleen Greene, MA, from
spend too much time watching television or playing games sitting down. the University of Michigan, doesn't think so.
Dr Kevin Short believes that too many young people don't do enough exercise, In recent research, she found that some video
and although ploying active video games is no substitute for 'real' sports activities, games, like golf or tennis, reguire as little activity
you can burn calories. He thinks that any exercise is better thon no exercise at all. as a swing of the wrist. This is not enough to gualify
as 'real' exercise. Research shows that although you
The investigation tested teenagers while they watched television and played
can burn real calories during virtual gaming, if you
active video games. Compared to watching television, the calories burned while
played the game or sport in 'real life' you would
active gaming increased by two or three times. burn three to four times the amount.
Overall, the energy used while playing active video games was similar to walking
Greene does note, however, that a few active
quite fast. So, for young people who play a lot of computer games, changing to video games can help to improve confidence and
> n cnffi fun and valuable means of doing exercise.
hand-eye co-ordination. She believes that for some
teenagers active gaming can be a safe place to try
a new sport, which they may then want to actually
play. She is sure, though, that it is not enough
exercise to just play video games. She suggests that
young people should get outside in the fresh air and
give 'real' sports a try.

@ 0 2 .2 9 R e a d and listen to b o th te xts and

answer th e questions.
, Have you ever played any actiye vrieo games. I ,
S tudent A: Read te x t 1. S tudent B: Read te x t 2.
A nsw er th e questions a bo ut yo u r te x t. 2 Do you tb^tk active video gaming is a good way to
1 W hat positive points of active gaming are
, :" a ^ a tg n m e n W b ic b ,e x t
mentioned in your text?
2 What negative points of active gaming are do you agree w ith most? Why.

3 How does your text compare active gaming to
real exercise?
4 In general, is the article in favour of active Did you know th a t British people
gaming? Why? / Why not? spend about 4 b illion a year on
computer gam es and consoles? Do
W o rk w ith yo ur partner. Tell h im /h e r a bo ut people in your country spend more
m oney on gam ing, music or films?
yo u r article.

65 Unit 8
(2) Vocabulary
Health problems
a 0 0 2 .3 0 M atch th e phrases w ith
the pictures. Then listen and check.

1 Hes got a headache. 2 Hes got flu.

3 Shes got a cold. 4 Shes got a cough.
5 Shes got a sore throat.
6 Hes got a temperature.
7 She feels dizzy. 8 He feels sick.
9 Shes got a pain in her chest.
10 His w rist hurts.

Check it out!
We use different words to ta lk about
sore (adjective): Ive got a sore knee. (3 Pronunciation
pain (noun): I've got a pain in my foot.
hurt (verb): M y wrists hurt. Words with ough
ache (noun): Ive got a headache.
ache (verb): M y arms ache. a 0 0 2 .3 1 The letters ough can be pronounced
in d iffe re n t ways. Listen to these words.

b (tfircie) the correct words. /Df/ cough /x f / enough

1 We danced fo r hours yesterday and today my /u :/ through /a u / although
legs pain / ache.
2 Ive got a hurt / pain in my arm.
b 0 0 2.32 ((fircig) th e w ord in each group th a t
3 Hes been eating junk food all day and now hes
doesnt have th e same pronunciation. Then
got a stomach sore / ache.
listen and check.
4 The w orld is going round and round, I feel quite
1 although through though
dizzy / sore.
2 cough true off
5 My feet hurt / pain\
3 rough now tough
6 Ive got a sore / hurt arm from to o much active
4 new through cough
5 enough tough through
C Do you know any m ore words a bo ut health?
W rite th em dow n. C 0 0 2 .3 3 Listen and w rite the w ord from
Exercise 3b th a t you hear in each sentence.
d W ork w ith a partner. Answ er th e questions. 1 ...................... 4.. ..............................
1 When was the last tim e you had flu or 2 ............................. 5.. ...................... .......
a tem perature? 3 ........................ 6
2 W hat do you do w hen you have a bad cold or flu?
3 When was th e last tim e your body ached d 0 0 2 .3 4 Listen and repeat.
from doing lots o f exercise?
Although he saw him clearly enough through the
4 W hat health problems do you th in k active
window, he was too tough to catch!
gaming can give you?
4 } Grammar Check it out!
Quantifiers review Adjectives come before enough, but after too.
Its to o big. Its big enough.
a Look at th e examples. Then th e correct Its n ot big enough. NOT It s not enough big.
words to com plete the rules

Children spend too much time watching television. We use too much and too many to mean more / less
Too many children dont do enough exercise. than the right quantity.
Playing games doesnt give you enough exercise We use less and fewer to mean a larger / sm aller
A few active video games can help to improve quantity.
confidence. We use a few to refer to a small / large quantity.
Fewer girls play video games than boys. Quantifiers always come before / a fte r the noun.
I have less time for gaming than when I was younger.
We use too much and less with uncountable /
We use enough / too much to mean the right countable nouns.
quantity, and too many / not enough to mean less We use too many, fewer and a few with uncountable /
than the right quantity. countable nouns.

Grammar reference: Workbook page 94

C C om plete the second sentence w ith the correct
q u a n tifie r so th a t it means th e same as th e first
C om plete the sentences w ith th e correct
1 Hes got so many clothes he doesnt have time to wear
1 I havent g o to buy them all!
the game and the remote control.
Hes g o t.........................clothes.
2 students always arrive late
2 She needs more free time.
to class, but most arrive on time.
She hasnt g o t........................ free time.
3 I think weve g o t.........................homework!
3 On Wednesday there were 28 students but today there
I'll never have time to do it all tonight!
are only 19.
4 There w ere........................people at the
There a re .........................students here today than on
party - 1couldnt get in the room!
5 Youre ........................fa
4 I used to watch a lot of TV when I was younger but now
be good at gaming.
I dont.
6 I w a tch ........................ films than I used to
I w atch .........................TV now.
as I havent got much free time these days.
5 There are only two or three video games that I enjoy.
I only e njoy video games.
(5 Speak
W ork w ith a partner. Use th e words in the circles to ta lk a bo ut your opinions.

There are fewer

1) I TkiAk Tkere are ...
; women video game
designers than men.
I TkiAk T k e re s ... (? ) T iw \e ...
Ive goT / I kave^i WvoAey ...
people ... I havent got enough
ewo u .gk
free time to do sport.
kowvework ...
... oa TV.
... oa Tke irviem ei.
uuowveA ...

wveA ...
(?) Vocabulary
Technology a 50 2 3 6 Listen to a podcast fr o m Technology Today.
M atch the gadgets w ith th e extrem e sports.
5 0 2 .3 5 M atch the words w ith the
definitions. Then listen and check.

1 games console
2 GPS (global positioning system)
3 run out of battery
4 plugin
5 touch screen
6 voice-activated

7 cable
8 memory card

A operated by speaking
B have no power
C a plastic-covered wire
D a machine with controls that you use for
playing video games
E using satellites to show your exact position
F connect to electricity so the gadget works
G a small, portable disc drive for storing
H operated with your hands, not a keyboard b 5 0 2 3 6 Listen again. Choose the correct answer: A, B
or C.
C om plete th e sentences w ith words from 1 The heated jacket comes 4 The GPS tracke r...
Exercise 6a. with ... A is linked to a
1 I store my photos on a A a place to recharge an website.
MP3 player. B counts the number
2 My brother has just bought a B a free MP3 player. of kilometres cycled
for his car so he wont get C a pocket to keep a C sends a message to
lost. battery in. emergency services
3 I cant call you - my mobile phone has if you have an
2 For the jacket to work, you
m u s t... accident.
4 We wont need keyboards when all A put batteries in your 5 The waterproof
computers are cam era...
5 Every gadget comes with its own A is attached to the
B plug it in the night before.
to recharge it. surfboard.
C take your laptop with you.
6 Hes got the latest so he B is attached to
3 The software for the GPS
can play some brilliant games. a helmet.
tra cke r...
A isnt necessary to use the C is hand-held.
Do you know any more technology
words? W rite them down. gadget. 6 The camera can film
B has to be bought online. f o r ...
W ork in a group. Answ er the questions. C is free if you buy the A four hours.
1 Which objects do you have that you have gadget. B five hours.
to plug in? C six hours.
2 When was the last time that something
you own ran out of battery at a bad C W ork in a group. Answ er th e questions.
moment? 1 Which of the gadgets do you think is the best? Why?
3 When was the last time you downloaded 2 Have you ever listened to a podcast like this? What was
something from the internet? it about?
4 Do you think that GPS is useful? Why? / 3 Have you done any of the sports that Pete tried? Which
Why not? ones?

Unit 8
8 Grammar b Put commas in the correct places to make
non-defining relative clauses.
Non-defining relative clauses
1 The high-speed train which is new this year was
a Look at the examples. Then (circle) the correct designed in Japan.
words to com plete the rules. 2 My home town where I was born and grew up is
famous for its beautiful beaches.
3 My friend Josh whose parents are both politicians
> Its a heated jacket, which isnt so new, but this
wants to be an actor.
one has a really special feature.
4 His computer which he only bought last week
This week Pete, who is our very own Gadget
has already got a virus.
Guru, has tested three gadgets.
M y mate Jack, whose brother is a pro-biker, has
C Make one sentence from tw o.
already got one of these and loves it.
I went to the southwest coast, where the waves 1 Cathy is such a computer addict. (Shes my
were huge, for a bit of surfing. sisters best friend.)
CoctUy, tukos vwy sis ie r s b esi friend,
In non-defining relative clauses we use commas
is su c k a cowvpwter a d d ic t.....................
around the clause.
2 My phone has broken already. (It cost 150!)
Non-defining relative clauses give us
3 This laptop picks up a wifi signal at the top of a
extra inform a tion / essential inform ation.
mountain. (Its small enough to fit in my pocket.)
We use which for people / things / places.
4 Jack is really bad at biology. (His parents are both
We use who for people / things / places.
We use whose / who instead of his, her or their.
5 Footballers earn far too much money. (Their job
We use where for people / things / places.
is really easy and fun.)
6 My new webcam has a built-in microphone.
Grammar reference: W orkbook page 94
(I got it for my birthday.)

d Com plete the sentences so they are true fo r you.

Check it out!
1 One of my favourite actors, who I really admire,
We dont use that in non-defining relative is...............................
clauses: 2 My favourite gadget, which i often use, is
His house, w hich is the biggest in the city,
cost over a m illion euros.
3 A special place, where Id like to be right now,
NOT H is house, th a t is the b iggest in th e city,
is ...............................
cost over a m illion euros:

Interaction 8
Asking for and giving explanations 12 .3 7 Listen again. W ho says the
phrases, Grandm a (G) or H attie (/-/)?
a 0 0 2 .3 7 Listen to th e conversation between H attie
and her grandma. Tick ( / ) the gadget her grandma has.
1 Sort of.
2 Ive got no idea what a

ZX2000-and-whatever console is.
3 Oh, I see.
4 How does it work?
5 I dont know what that is!
6 What happens if you press this button?
7 If you press th a t...
W ork w ith a partner.
a high-visibility ^ ^ a remote-control
walking stick hearing aid Student A: Turn to page 119.
Student B: Turn to page 122.
Portfolio 8
A formal letter
of complaint 16A Station Road
a Read th e letter. H ow many Birmingham
com plaints does Pablo have BM4 7XY
a bo ut th e cam era he bought?

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am w riting to complain about the 'MiniDigi 75 x-sport video camera' I bought from your website in
February. I am usually very happy with your products, but this time I am very disappointed.
Your site informed me th a t the camera would take 3-5 days to arrive. I placed my order on the 7th
and eventually received my camera on the 23rd after making five phone calls to your customer service
number. When the camera arrived, I was disappointed to discover th a t the box didn't contain the camera
bag th a t was included in the price. In addition to this, the battery does not work properly. I followed the
instructions for recharging the battery, but instead of the advertised 9-hour battery life, the camera only
lasts for 5 hours before i t needs to be recharged. This is very inconvenient because I bought the camera
to film skating competitions, which often Last all day. I am also very disappointed with the quality of the
picture. I t should be 8 mega-pixels and HD but I'm afraid th a t the quality is not good enough. Please find
enclosed a photo taken with this camera.
To resolve the problem, I suggest th a t you send me the camera bag immediately and I would also like
you to change the camera for a different model. I would like the MiniDigi 82 instead, for the same price.
I would like a solution to my problem w ithin the next week. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Pablo Baker.

b Read the le tte r again and m atch paragraphs 1-4 w ith the inform ation.

offers an idea for a possible solution Q finishes the letter

says where and when the item was bought Q gives details about the problems with the item

C Look at these phrases from th e letter. Put them into the correct colum n in th e table.
A I am writing to complain a b o u t... A
Reason for Problems Solutions O ther useful
B I was disappointed to discover th a t... w ritin g phrases
C In addition to this,
D This is very inconvenient because ...
E I am also very disappointed with the quality ...
F To resolve the problem, I suggest that you ...
G I would like a solution to my problem ...
H I look forward to hearing from you soon. V__

d W rite a le tte r to com plain a bo ut one o f the fo llo w in g products. Use form al language and th e phrases in
Exercise c to help you.

1 an MP3 player that doesnt work well 3 a camera helmet that doesnt fit you
2 a laptop which has very short battery life 4 something else you choose

e W ork w ith a partner. Read your p a rtn e rs letter. Do you th in k th e com pany w ould offer a solution?
Why? / W hy not?

Unit 8 71
a B ! | 2.3 8 Listen to th e first verse o f th e song.
W h a t does zeroes and ones refer to?
A large amounts of money
B bits and bytes used for computer programming
C an important date in history

12 .3 9 Listen to th e w hole song and p u t the

verses in the co rrect order.

1 This tim e th e re vo lu tio n w ill be co m puterised

Youll know it as you do it in real time before your
Slip between realities
2 T h e re s m ore to th is th a n a n yth in g th a t you
or I can see
The world is mine the world is yours and heres
the cause
Zeroes and ones will take us there
Zeroes and ones will take us there
3 This tim e , w e ve s p lit th e w o rld once m ore
4 T he re s those th a t have and those th a t d on t
in in fo rm a tio n wars Read th e song lyrics and m atch th e lines
Were not alone cause all is known and its in b o ld to th e ir meanings.
everywhere A Computers are going to play an
Its everywhere important role in world changes.
Zeroes and ones will take us there B The only limit to what you can do

Zeroes and ones will take us there

online is the time you have available.
Zeroes and ones will take us there
C Now the planet is divided in two.
D Online communication is fast, but

5 Across th e w o rld th e message flies, the information isnt always honest.

in fo rm a tio n , tr u th and lies E Theres a big gap between people who
6 I t s all yours and i t s all m ine, you ju s t have to have access to technology and people
who dont.
fin d th e tim e
F You and I will never fully understand
Were all the same, we share the blame, we play
the games
If its yes or no the decision is easy, its easy W ork in a group. Answ er the questions.
Zeroes and ones will take us there 1 Do you agree that the world is divided into
Zeroes and ones will take us there people who have computers and access to
the internet and those who dont? Why? /
Ive stared into the heart of it all Why not?
Seen the pictures on the wall 2 How do you think computers are going to
The beat of a heart affect peoples lives in the future?
The oceans part and the patterns in my mind 3 In what ways was daily life different
before computers and the internet were
2 .39 Listen to th e song again and check. invented?


72 Unit 8
( 2 ) Sound check 3 Musical notes
5 0 2 4 0 Listen to th e chorus o f the song Electronic music
and focus on the w ords th a t are clearly linked
together. Choose th e correct option. 5 0 2 .4 2 Listen to some d iffe re n t kinds o f
electronic music. W rite the correct decade for
1 zeroes.and ones w ill ta k e jjs there
each extract.
2 zeroes and ones w illja k e u s jh e re 1 ......... 2 ..........................
b 5 0 241 Listen to these lines from th e song.
Draw lines to show w here the words are linked. b Do you like electronic music? Why? / W hy not?
1 Its all yours and it s all mine How do you th in k music w ill change in the
2 If its yes or no the decision is easy, its easy future?

3 The w orld is mine the w orld is yours and heres

the cause

4 Ive stared into the heart o f it all

5 0 2 -41 Listen again and repeat.

The song Zeroes and Ones was recorded in 1993 by the
band Jesus Jones.
Electronic music started in the 1960s. The first sound
synthesisers looked like computers. The strange-
sounding music they produced was used as background
music in films and TV programmes, especially for science-
flction programmes. In the 1970s and 80s, bands started
using electronic keyboards along with more traditional
instruments. The keyboards could create interesting
sounds and rhythms. In the 1990s and 2000s, electronic
dance music became popular. Live bands were often
replaced by DJs, who mixed the music on stage.

Unit 8
Review Q and O
i l Grammar Join th e tw o sentences using non-defining
relative clauses.
Kate and Sara are at a party on Saturday. M atch 1 Her laptop has got a huge memory. It was really
1-4 w ith A -D to make Saras possible answers. expensive.
Kate: Theres somebody at the door. Do you think its
Jake? 2 Brighton is a great place for live music. I used
Sara: to live there.

1 It must be Jake.
2 It could be Jake. 3 My cousin is coming to stay with us. He works

in South Korea.

3 It cant be Jake.
4 It might not be Jake. 4 Lena is going to be in our basketball team. Her
sister is in my class.
A He said he was going away for the weekend.
B He said he probably wouldnt have time to come.
5 These trainers are the best Ive ever had. I got
C He said he would come at this time. them in Paris.
D He said he would come if he had time.

(0 rc ig ) th e correct words.
1 Their car isnt there. They must / cant have gone
6 The Blue Door Cafe is my favourite place to meet
friends. Its in Main Street.

2 He might not / may have seen us, but Im not sure. C om plete th e second sentence so th a t it means
3 She might / cant have forgotten the box. I left it the same as the first.
where she would see it. 1 Its possible that hes Johnny Depp.
4 I dont know what that noise was. It could / must .................................... Johnny Depp.
have been a mouse. 2 I need more money to buy those jeans.
5 Hurry up! The concert might not / may have already I havent .................................... to buy those jeans.
started. 3 Im sure that the answer isnt 50.
6 He beat me at the game. He cant / must have The answer....................................50.
practised it a lot. 4 There are more boys than girls in my class.
7 They only left a few minutes ago. They There.................................... than boys in my class.
cant / must have arrived yet! 5 It might be time to go in.
Perhaps to go in.
0 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e words in th e box. 6 It was definitely a wolf.
It been a wolf.
a few enough fewer less
not enough too many too much

1 Have you g o t food fo r your lunch?

Do you w a n t some fruit?
2 Weve g o t minutes before the film
starts. Lets get a drink.
3 Theres .......................... tim e to play the video game. How are you doing?
It takes a lo n g tim e .
H ow many points have you got? Put tw o crosses on
4 I cant come to the party, Ive g o t......................... th e chart: one fo r gram m ar and one fo r vocabulary.
5 Youve given m e .......................... ice cream than him!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Can I have some more?
6 I tried to get tickets, but there w e re .........................
people in the queue in front of me.
7 There w e re people at the
match today than there were last week.

74 Review 7 and 8
(2 Vocabulary ^ C om plete th e sentences w ith th e words in th e box.

Replace th e adjectives in b o ld w ith ache feel got hurts pain sore

extrem e adjectives.
1 Turn on the heating, i t s cold 1 Ive got a ....................... leg.
................................. in here. 2 Hes got a te rrib le head......................... .

2 I cant w a it fo r dinner, Im hungry 3 I .......................... sick after eating all th a t chocolate!

4 Have y o u ....................... a cough?
3 We w atched a frig h te n in g 5 Ive got a ....................... in my chest. , and afterwards 6 Oh, my b a c k ...........................!
I couldnt sleep.
4 When they got to the to p o f th e mountain,
they were t ir e d ............................... ! Put th e letters in the correct order and make
technology words.
5 Have you seen th e ir new puppy? Its
s m a ll............................... ! 1 mmeroy racd
6 It was h o t , so we swam 2 glup ni............................ ..............................
every day. 3 mages noclose............................................
7 Theyve got a b ig ............... ....... 4 blaec.............................. ..............................
garden w ith a sw im m ing pool. 5 tchou creens...............................................
8 I got ten o u t o fte n in Maths! T hats 6 vioec-tacivtaed............................................
surprising ......................... ! 7 PGS................................ ..............................
9 That was a really b a d ____ ____ 8 mu tuo fo abttrey ..............................
film !

o (Circle) th e correct words.

1 I could see th a t som ething strange was
going off / on.
2 Going round / after the factory was very
interesting. Correct it!
3 I w ent out / away into the garden.
C orrect these typical learner errors
4 M y mum offered to go round / over my
from U nits 7 and 8.
w ork for me.
5 We w ent through / over a very d ifficult 1 There was news about the terryfying accident th a t
tim e.
6 I shouted at him and he w ent after / away.
7 I called to her, but she w ent on / over 2 We w e n t to Ginza, where is in the centre o f Tokyo.
3 There isnt enought space fo r another bed.

4 There was fewer traffic on the roads.

5 She hurted her shoulder.

6 It maybe dangerous, but it w ould be exciting.

GREEN: Great! Tell your teacher your score!
/V: Not bad, but go to the website for extra practice.
7 We shouldnt eat to o much oily dishes.
RED: Talk to your teacher and look at Units 7 and 8
again. Go to the website for extra practice.
8 People should use a bicycle, wich is less expensive
than a car.
* 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

I W m M m W m jA 9 M y stomack h u rt after eating the seafood.

* 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

10 They had to much free tim e, w ith nothing to do.

Review 7 and 8
Seeing is believing
as if, as though and like
a/an, the or no article
Vocabulary: Adjectives of opinion; Truth and lies
Interaction 9: Being tactful

W ork in a group. Answ er the questions.
1 What type of art do/d on 't you like? Why?
2 Have you ever been to an art or photography
exhibition? What did you see?

b 0 0 3 .2 Listen to tw o people ta lkin g a bo ut the

pictures. Tick ( / ) th e adjectives you hear.
amusing Q annoying Q depressing
shocking Q hideous upsetting

confusing [^ ] gorgeous impressive


0 0 3 .2 Listen again. Are th e sentences right ( / )

or w rong (X)? C orrect the w rong sentences.
1 One of the speakers doesnt understand picture A.
2 Both speakers like picture B.
3 One speaker prefers picture C to Picassos art.
4 Both speakers are impressed by picture E.

2; Vocabulary
Adjectives of opinion
13.3 M atch the adjectives in Exercise 1b w ith the
definitions. Then listen and check.
A making you laugh..................
B very beautiful or attractive..................
C extremely interesting.................
D making you feel a little angry..................
E making you feel unhappy and w orrie d ..................
F really ugly or horrible..................
G very good
H making you feel very sad
I difficult to understand
J very surprising and h o rrib le ..................

b (tfr c ie ) th e correct adjectives.

1 Its a very confusing / amusing film. It makes me laugh.
2 He finds that singer fascinating / shocking. He watches
her videos every day.
3 I hate that dress! Its gorgeous / hideous!
4 I cant understand this - its so impressive / confusing.
5 This cold, wet weather is really depressing / gorgeous.
76 Unit 9
3jGrammar (4Y5peak
as if, as though and like a Look at the photos. Decide w hich look
real and w hich look as th ough th ey have
a Look at th e examples. Then (circle) th e correct words
been changed using a com puter.
to com plete th e rules.

) It feels as though the lines are moving, but they're not.

It looks as if a face is looking out of the picture.
The hands look like theyre holding a child.
Its like a Picasso painting.
I love optical illusions like this.
Its like looking at a childs painting.

We use as if/though or like to describe how a

situation really is / seems to be.
We can use like to say something is different from /
similar to something else.
As if and as though are followed by a clause with
a subject + a verb.
Like can be followed by a clause, but this use is
formal / informal.
Like is usually followed by a noun, pronoun or -ing

Grammar reference: Workbook page 96

Check it out!
As if, as though and like are often used w ith
verbs o f sensation: look, seem, feel, sound, taste.
It feels as if w ere moving.
This song sounds like the last one.

b (^Ircie) th e correct words. Sometimes both answers

are possible.
1 It sounds like / as if an aircraft.
2 He loves going to art exhibitions. Hes as though /
like an art critic.
3 The photos you sent us are beautiful. They look as if
/ like a professional photographer to o k them .
4 It looks as though / like its going to rain.
5 You look as / like your sister.
6 These singers sounded like / as //professionals.
7 M y ankle feels as if / as though it m ight be broken. b W ork w ith a partner. Com pare your
opinions a bo ut the photos.
C W ork w ith a partner. C om plete th e sentences so
A: I think photo A could be real. It looks like
they are tru e fo r you, th en compare.
my grandmothers cat.
1 I feel as if life is perfect when ...
B: I think its fake. It looks as though
2 People sometimes say I look like ... someones changed the eye colour with
3 When I hear my favourite song, I feelas though ... a computer.
4 I w ant to be more like ...
C Check yo ur answers on page 124. How
many did you guess correctly?
5 Read and listen
a W h a t typ e o f images are used in
adverts to sell these products? The camera
beauty products
food holidays
technology never lies
Read th e te x t quickly and (^irde) We have all heard the expression T h e camera
the products in Exercise 5a th a t are never lies', b u t is this really true? Everywhere we
m entioned in th e te xt. look we see photos o f gorgeous people with
amazingly perfect smiles, or m outh-watering
13 .4 Read th e te x t again and listen.
images o f fo o d that looks to o g o od to eat.
Choose th e correct answer: A, B or C.
However, are these photos real, or are they fake?
1 In th e past, editing photos w a s ... than
it is today.
A easier n the past , only professional photographers were able
B more d ifficu lt to change the appearance of a photo, but nowadays
C more comm on people can adapt their
2 Today, most people use photo-editing own images at home
software to ... with a computer and
A create strange images. photo-editing software.
B create professional photos. It seems as though
C change th e ir own photos. there are no longer
3 The w rite r thinks th a t many people ... any photos of people
A have bad hair and bad skin.
with red eyes or spots
B feel happy w ith their body image.
because more and
more of us are editing
C like seeing perfect pictures of famous
our own pictures. As
4 The w rite r a s k s ... in adverts.
well as changing eye
colour, we can copy
A if it is O K to lie
and paste someone into The power of photo editing.
B w hen the camera doesnt lie
a different situation or
C w hy the camera lies
add special effects to the photo. We can change peoples
W ork in a group. Answ er the questions. physical appearance - they can become prettier, slimmer,
1 Do you sometimes alter the taller or even uglier, fatter and older!
appearance o f your photos? Most of us would be shocked if we realised how much the
Why? / W hy not?
beauty industry depends on photo manipulation. Almost
2 Should companies change all images used to sell beauty products are altered to make
peoples appearance in adverts?
the models look younger or more beautiful. Perhaps if we
Why? / Why not?
saw the original photo, we wouldnt worry so much about
our own appearance. One beauty company ran a campaign
Culture Vulture to tell the truth behind photo manipulation in advertising.
They wanted the campaign to make people aware of
One b e a u ty c o m p a n y
natural beauty.
f o u n d t h a t o n ly 12% of
w o m en a re 'v e r y s a tis f ie d ' But if we are truthful, how many of us want to open a
w ith t h e i r a p p e a r a n c e . T h ey also magazine to find unedited photos of supermodels with
f o u n d t h a t 68% 's tr o n g ly a g re e ' t h a t bad skin or having a bad hair day? Perhaps we prefer the
t h e im a g e s o f b e a u ty sh o w n in th e
magazine to be full of these perfectfake images. So maybe
m e d ia a re u n r e a lis tic . Do y o u t h i n k
the question we need to ask is not Does the camera ever
t h e m e d ia m a k e s p e o p le fe e l b a d
a b o u t th e m s e lv e s ? Is i t a g o o d id e a lie?, but Should advertisements use real pictures and tell
to u s e o r d in a r y p e o p le in a d v e r tis in g the truth about their products?
ca m p a ig n s?
BlGrammar d C om plete th e te x t w ith a/an or the or leave th e space blank
w here no a rticle is needed.
a/an, the or no article
a Look at the examples. Then (circle)
th e correct words to com plete
th e rules. The human
) Have you been sent an
amusing photo7
One beauty company ran a
Steven W iltshire is know n
campaign ...
as the hum an cam era
They wanted the campaign
to make people aware ... because he has 1................
The beauty industry depends photographic memory.
on photo manipulation a lot.
His teachers noticed his am azing m em ory w hile he w as at 2..........
Images are altered to make the
school. Now, he is 3.................incredible artist who is able to draw
models look younger.
People can adapt their own 4................w hole city from mem ory. H is m em ory is so good that
images at home. he draw s 5.................exact num ber o f w indow s in each building.
In 2008 he w ent on 6.................short helicopter ride o v e r 7................
A / An means one of many / the
only one city o f London looking at a l l 8............. buildings along 9................
The means one of many / R iver Tham es. A fter 10.................helicopter ride he drew 11..............
the only one. panoram ic view o f H e has also draw n 13................
We use a / the w ith someone or other cities including 14.................Rom e, M adrid and Tokyo.
som ething th a t we m ention for
the first tim e.
We use a / the w ith someone or
som ething th a t we know about or
is already mentioned.
0 Pronunciation
We use the / no article to talk The sounds /6 / and / /
about plural and uncountable
nouns in general. a 0 0 3 . 5 There are tw o ways to say th - / 5 / and / 9 / . Listen to
We use no article / the w ith th e examples.
some places (school, work, /Q/ the, though, brother / 0 / truth, think, north
university, home, bed).
b 0 0 3 .6 W rite the w ords in th e correct colum n. Then listen
Grammar reference: and check.
Workbook page 96
there thm g birthday month
sunbathing they tru th fu l w ith
b (tiircie ) th e correct words.
1 Do you like taking a / the / - A
0 0
photos? Why? / Why not?
2 Have you been to an / the / - T U e re
art exhibition? Where?
V ___J
3 Do you like a / the / - dogs?
Why? / Why not? 13 .7 (tilrd e ) the word w ith a different pronunciation o f th.
4 Have you done a / the / - Then listen, check and repeat.
homework you got last week? m outh
1 though through three
5 Would you like to get a / the/ -
2 athletics bath rather th in
job or go to a / the / - university
3 their together other thank
when you leave a / the / -
4 throw teeth m other Maths
school? Why?
5 theatre although thum b too th
C W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the 6 south these then weather
questions in Exercise 6b. 7 clothes th a t length this
8 Vocabulary Truth and lies
a 5 0 3 .8 M atch th e words in bold w ith th e definitions. Then listen and check.
1 Why do you tell lies all the time? No one ever believes A the true facts about something (noun)
anything you say. B make an illegal or false copy of something,
2 You can believe him completely. He always tells th e tru th . like a document (verb)
3 I think advertising companies should be more tru th fu l C things that are not true (noun)
about their products. D make someone believe something that is
4 They tried to use fake passports to get into the country. not true (verb)
5 This advert uses a special camera tr ic k to make the food E not real, but made to look real (adj)
look perfect. F honest (adj)
6 Adverts fo o l us because models look more beautiful than G something that makes things look different
they really are. from how they really are (noun)
7 I told a w h ite lie and said that her cake was delicious, but H a lie that someone tells in order to be polite
between you and me, it was overcooked! or to avoid upsetting someone (noun)
8 He forged a famous artists signature on his painting.

b C om plete th e sentences w ith w ords in Exercise 8a.

Check it out!
1 D ont t e l l .................................! I w a n t to know w hat
really happened! We tell the truth and tell lies.
2 Beauty companies use cam era................................. in She always te lls th e tru th . NOT '
th e ir adverts. says the truth.
You mustn't te ll lies. N O T }
3 Theyre not real diamonds. Theyr e ................................
4 I w ant you to tell me t h e .................................and
explain w h a t really happened.
5 Dont let a d ve into thinking
th a t som ething is perfect.

C W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions. Did y o u k n o w t h a t in B r ita in

1 Is a fake suntan better than a real suntan? Why? / 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 fa k e b a n k n o te s a re fo u n d
Why not? e a c h y e a r? I f y o u fin d o n e , y o u s h o u ld
2 Has anyone ever fooled you? W hat happened? t a k e i t to a b a n k a n d h a n d i t in .

3 When did you last tell a w hite lie? Why?

Interaction 9 Being tactful b 13.10 Listen again to conversation tw o . N um ber

th e phrases Jen says in th e order you hear them .
a 5 0 3 .9 Listen to tw o conversations w ith There is one e xtra phrase.
Lindsay. W ho tells w h ite lies to be ta ctfu l f .....
a bo ut Lindsays jeans, Robyn or Jen? Theyre kind of cool.

Theyre not exactly my colour.

... but they seem a bit too bright.

Theyre not really me.

Theyre all right. I

Theyre sort o f ... different.

Theyre quite nice.

I actually prefer darker colours.

W ork w ith a partner.
Student A: Turn to page 120.
Student B: Turn to page 123.

Unit 9
Portfolio 9 / Writing about your opinions

a Read N atalias email to a newspaper. How does N atalia feel a bo ut pho to m anipulation?

le tte rs @ e d itio n m a g a z in e .o rg

Subject: photo manipulation

D ear E dito r

Y este rday I read an a rtic le a b o u t p h o to m a n ip u la tio n in

b e a u ty a d v e rtis e m e n ts and I am w ritin g to you because
I fe e l shocked by som e o f th e th in g s m e n tio n e d .
F irstly, it seem s to me th a t p h o to m a n ip u la tio n has
a v e ry n e g a tiv e e ffe c t on th e w ay we see ou rse lve s.
T he m odels in th e m agazines look p e rfe c t and we feel
as if we have g o t to be ju s t like th e m . Real people do
n o t re a lly lo o k like th e m od els in th e p h otos because
m o s t o f th e im ages have been changed w ith p h o to
e d itin g s o ftw a re .

In a d d itio n to th is , I am v e ry s u rp ris e d a t th e high

n u m b e r o f you ng people w ho w a n t co s m e tic su rg e ry.
I do n o t th in k th a t we should w o rry so m uch a b o u t
ch a ng ing o u r ap pe aran ce. I f m agazines in clud ed m ore
p h otos o f c e le b ritie s lo o kin g n o rm a l, th e n I am sure
th a t we w ould feei h a p p ie r a b o u t th e w ay we look.

In co n clu sio n , m agazine and a d v e rtis in g com panies

should th in k a b o u t th e e ffe c t th a t th e ir ph otos have
on you ng people. In m y vie w , th e y should use im ages
th a t have n o t been a lte re d , to help you ng people feel
good a b o u t th e ir ow n bodies and faces and t r y to g e t
across th e m essage th a t even s u p e rm o d e ls are n o t
p e rfe c t.

N atalia A llen , 17.

Read th e email again and com plete th e table

w ith th e expressions in bold.

A W rite to a new spaper a bo ut one o f the topics

Ordering ideas Expressing your opinion in the box. Use th e expressions in Exercise b
First of all I (do not) think and th e structure in Exercise c.

I (do not) believe

photos in adverts for clothes and shoes
Secondly graffiti
photos in fashion magazines
To sum up advertising on websites

V J W ork w ith a partner. Read w h a t yo u r partner
has w ritte n . Do you agree w ith h is /h e r
There are fo u r paragraphs in th e email. W hich
opinions? Why? / W hy not?
paragraph ...

introduces ideas?
ends the email?
adds more ideas?
explains the reason for writing? [

Unit 9 81


LIKE ...
i SMOKE. .

^ BEN!
y ...







Y pho to s? , - // I IM RINGING
. \ ABOUT, y

r theyre^K j/
^ THEY? y K___,

P ^ K T H E Y RE G R E A T 'S

WHO...? Unit 9
10 Beyond words
Reported statements
Reported questions, commands and requests
Vocabulary: Reading materials; Adverbs and adverbial phrases
Interaction ID: Checking details

(1) Read and listen

a Read th e te xts quickly. H ow many versions
o f Shakespeares plays are m entioned?
W hich w ould you like to see? Why?

a n a iu tS P tit
Plays from the sixteenth century are boring, right?
Wrong, says rapper Akala, who has loved both
Shakespeare and hip hop since he was at school.
He thinks both use powerful rhythms to get across
messages about timeless themes like love, money,
jealousy, friendship, passion and revenge.
Akala believes that many teenagers are turned o ff
Shakespeare because they only read his words on the page
in school. Hip Hop Shakespeare is his project to bring the
beat to the bard. He organises rapping workshops where
young people use Shakespeare's original plots, but rewrite
the words so they sound like hip hop.
Come and see the results at the Hip Hop Shakespeare
event at Londons South Bank Centre on 25th July. You can
join in and rap along w ith Akala and his big sister, hip hop
star Ms Dynamite!

Homco andJuliet 3ict 2, ^ccnc 2 - *. X

(J ) Romeo and Juliet Act 2, Scene 2
Juliet M O D E R N VE R SIO N
Tis but th y nam e th a t is m y enemy.
Thou art thyself, though not a M ontague. JULIET
W hats M ontague? It is nor hand, nor foot, It's only your name that is my enemy. You are
Nor arm, nor face, nor an y other part yourself, whether or not you are a Montague. W hats
Belonging to a man. 0, be some other name! a Montague anyway? It isn't a hand, a foot, an arm,
W hats in a nam e? That w hich we call a rose a face, or any other part of a man. Oh, take another
By any other nam e w ould smell as sweet. name!
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called,
Retain th a t dear perfection w hich he owes W hat does a name matter? A rose would smell just as
W ithout th at title. Romeo, doff thy name, sweet if we called it something else. Romeo would be
A nd for th at nam e, w hich is no p art o f thee just as perfect if he w asnt called Romeo. Romeo,
Take all myself. change your name. Your name really has nothing to do
with you - get rid of your name and take me instead!
I take thee at th y word.
I believe you're telling the truth. If you call me your
Call m e b u t love, and Ill be new baptised.
love, Ill change my name. From now on, Ill never be
H enceforth I never will be Romeo. called Romeo again.

84 Unit 10

j 3.12 Read th e texts again and listen.

Are th e sentences right ( / ) , wrong (X) or
doesnt say (-)?
1 Akala thinks the subject-matter of
Shakepeares plays is outdated.
2 The Hip Hop Shakespeare project changes
the words in the plays.
3 Writing plays made Shakespeare world-
famous and rich.
4 Romeos family name is Montague.
5 Juliet thinks the names of things are very
6 Romeo wants Juliet to love him.

c Find th e words and phrases in the texts

th a t mean ...
1 never becoming old or outdated (text 1)
2 another word for the story in a book, play or
film (text 1) Reading materials
3 remove or throw away something unwanted
(text 3) a 0 0 3 .1 6 M atch th e words w ith th e definitions.
4 from this moment and always in the future Then listen and check.
(text 3)
1 autobiography 2 biography 3 e-book
d W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the 4 graphic novel 5 non-fiction 6 novel
questions. 7 screenplay 8 thriller

1 Have you ever seen a Shakespeare play A a book about the life of a real person
in the theatre or in the cinema, as a film?
B a piece of writing for the cinema
Which play was it? What was it about? Did
C a book about imaginary people and events
you like it? Why? / Why not?
D writing that is about real events and facts
2 What type of live performances do you like
E a book about the w riters own life
going to see?
F an electronic book
G a book with an exciting story, often about crime

(2 j Pronunciation <se>
H a book which tells a story in pictures

Rhythm b Do you know any o th e r words fo r reading

m aterials? W rite them down.
a 5503.13 Listen to p art o f a hip hop version
C W h a t kind o f reading m aterials w ou ld you
o f Romeo and Juliet.
recom m end fo r someone w ho ...
Sweet Juliet your face is like a rose.
1 likes reading about the lives of famous people?
But do you love me? IeJ] me, no one knows.
2 wants to work in the film industry?
b 5503.13 Listen again and repeat. Stress 3 loves action and mystery stories?
the underlined syllables. 4 prefers looking at pictures to reading texts?
5 likes using the latest technology?
J3.14 Listen to the next p art and
underline th e stressed syllables.
Oh Romeo my heart wont be the same.
Culture Vulture
Hey lets get married, boy! Ill change my Did y o u k n o w t h a t 83% of
name. 11-18 y e a r-o ld s in B r ita in re a d in
t h e i r fre e tim e ? H o w ev er, 70% w o u ld
3.15 Listen to both parts and repeat. p re fe r to w a tc h TV o r a DVD t h a n re a d
a b o o k . Do y o u re a d in y o u r f re e tim e ?
W ould y o u p re fe r to w a tc h a DVD or re a d
a book?

Unit ID 85
(4 ) Grammar Reported statements
a Look at th e examples o f d ire ct speech and
reported statem ents and com plete the table w ith
the correct verb form s and adverbial phrases.

Its only your name that is my enemy.

-* Juliet said it was only his name that was
her enemy.
I ll change my name.
-> Romeo said he would change his name.
7 can come here tomorrow
* He said he could come there the next day

Direct speech Reported statements

Present simple -*..........................................
Present co n tin u o u s - Past c o n tin u o u s
Present p e rfe ct -* Past perfect
Past sim ple -* Past p e rfe ct
will -*.............................
can -*.............................
tomorrow ...........................
yesterday -> the day before
here -*.............................
this morning -* that morning
next M onday -* the following Monday

Grammar reference: Workbook page 98 Q Speak

a N um ber th e activities from w h a t you do m ost
b R eport these statem ents. (1) to w h a t you do least (4).
Ive been here before. reading books reading newspapers
She s a id ..................................................................
reading magazines or comics
Im going to Verona next Sunday.
w ritin g te x t messages
He told m e .............................................................
Were exhausted. b W ork w ith a partner. Com pare your order fo r
They s a id ................................................................ Exercise 5a and ask fo llo w -u p questions.
Ill do it tom orrow . How long do you spend ... a week? How often do
I said ...................................................................... you ... ? W hat typ e o f ... do you like? Why?
I w e nt to the new sushi restaurant yesterday.
C W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer the
He told m e .............................................................
questions and ask fo llo w -u p questions.
We dont buy a newspaper every day.
1 W hat was the last th in g you read?
You sa id ..................................................................
2 W hat was the last th in g you w atched on TV?
Check it out! ) A: What was the last thing you read?
B: A magazine article about personality
We need an object after tell.
She told him th a t she loved him.
A: Was it interesting?
NOT She to ld th a t she loved h im .
* We dont include an object after say.
d W ork w ith a d iffe re n t partner. Tell your new
She said th a t she loved him.
partne r w h a t your firs t partne r said. Use
NOT She said him th a t she loved h im .
reported speech.
He told me hed read a magazine article about
personality types. He said it ...

86 Unit 10
(jjB B E a b u la ry Adverbs and adverbial phrases
8 Read a sum m ary o f a manga story. W h a t type o f story is it? W ould you like to read it? Why? / W hy not?


IM a n W S to rie S x
Tell us about your favourite stories.

At the beginning o f the story we meet Shinji, a sensitive Japanese teenager

who lives w ith his parents. One night there is an invasion o f alien parasites.
These are tin y creatures which enter the brain and turn humans into terrifying
monsters. While Shinji is in his bedroom listening to music, a parasite suddenly
tries to get into his ear. Luckily, Shinji's headphones stop it. Unfortunately,
it does get into his left hand. At first Shinji thinks he is dreaming, but soon
afterwards he realises th a t his hand does not belong to him. Surprisingly, the
parasite can communicate and Shinji gets to know it. Meanwhile, the monsters
are killing and eating millions o f humans... W h a t happens in th e end? You'll
have to read th e s to ry to fin d o u t!

Find and underline nine more adverbs and adverbial (7 Listen

phrases in th e text.
0 0 3 .1 8 Listen to the interview s w ith
5503.17 Add th e expressions from Exercise 6b under th e teenagers fo r a radio program m e and
correct heading. Then listen and check. (circle) the reading m aterials th ey ta lk
Showing when or how
things happened Expressing opinions (online) magazines manga
(online) newspapers novels poems
a + 'tk e begmwikvg lu c k ily
non-fiction song lyrics plays blogs
owe A ig ld

0 0 3 .1 8 Listen again and answer the

1 W hat day is World Book Day ?

(Circle) the correct words. 2 W hat does Jessica prefer reading?

1 My best friend and I fell out last year, but at first/in the end we 3 W hat do Jessica and Vicky like reading
made up again. online?

2 Luckily / Unfortunately, their latest album is a big 4 W hat type o f book does Drew say is

disappointment. popular in the USA?

3 Suddenly / Meanwhile a dog ran in front of the car and 5 W hat does Tom read online?
I had no time to react, so I hit it. 6 W hy does he like the bookshop?
4 While / Meanwhile the guards were sleeping, we managed to 7 W hat is Rubys ideal way of spending
escape. Saturday morning?
5 She published her first novel last year and soon afterwards /
W ork in a group. Discuss the
luckily she bought her new car.
6 He was sitting at home reading a thriller, unaware of the real
danger. While / Meanwhile, the aliens were gradually getting 1 Do teenagers in your co u n try read the

nearer and nearer. same types o f th in g as the teenagers

in the radio programme?
W ork w ith a partner. T h in k o f som ething yo u ve read or 2 How often do you go to bookshops
w atched recently. Tell yo ur p artne r w h a t happened, using or libraries? Where else do you find
adverbs and adverbial phrases. interesting things to read?

Unit 10 87
Reported questions, commands and requests
a Look at the examples. Then (circle) th e correct Rewrite th e sentences as reported questions
words to com plete the rules. or commands. Use ask or tell.
1 Excuse me, w heres King Street?
P D o you like reading? Tke m m . as^.cL. k e r ...............................
-> Ruby asked him if/whether he liked reading.
2 Give me your essays, please.
What do you like reading?
-> She asked her what she liked reading. IM r 3 owes 'ip.I.d u s .......................................
Can you recommend some m anga? 3 Why cant you come to our party?
-> She asked him to recommend some manga. 3 e s s asked, u s..........................................
Speak up a little.
4 Go away!
-* Ruby told him to speak up a little.
Ske ..............................................................
In reported questions, we use question /
5 Do you like hip hop?
sta te m e nt word order.
M fe e ...................................................................
When we report yes/no questions we use /
dont use if or whether.
W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer
We report requests / commands w ith ask
questions and ask fo llo w -u p questions.
someone to + infinitive.
W hat typ e of books do you like?
We report requests / commands w ith tell
Do you like texting?
someone to + infinitive.
H ow often do you use social netw orking sites?
Do you w rite a blog or a diary?
Grammar reference: Workbook page 98

W ork w ith a d iffe re n t partner. R eport w ha t

you asked your p a rtne r in Exercise 8c and
Check it out! h is /h e r answers.
We sometimes have to change pronouns when ) I asked him if he liked texting. He told me
we report questions, requests and commands. that he did.
Do you w ant to come w ith us? -
He asked me if I wanted to go w ith them .

Interaction ID DVD Checking details

a 5 0 3 .1 9 Listen to the conversation between Mel, Leah
5 0 3 .1 9 Listen again and tic k ( / ) the
and Ethan. W hat are they talking about?
phrases you hear.

a theatre school seeing a play a theatre festival f Y

1 Introducing a topic 2 Checking

You know t h a t ... W hat do we

I wanted to ask you ... have to do?
Im calling to check ... Did you say 30?

3 Asking someone to repeat something

W hat did you say?

Sorry, I d id n t get that.
Can you say th a t again?

W ork w ith a partner.

Student A: Turn to page 120.
Student B: Turn to page 123.
Portfolio 10
A book review
a Read the review o f Dracula. W ould you like to read it? j' i i f is if
If you have already read it, do you agree w ith th e review?

Book reviewer

Dracula, p u b lis h e d in 1 8 9 7 , w a s th e fir s t v a m p ire b e stse lle r. I t is th e m o s t fa m o u s

n o v e l by B ra m S to ke r, w h o re s e a rc h e d a n c ie n t le g e n d s a b o u t D ra cu la b e fo re he w ro te
h is te r r ify in g s to ry .
A t th e b e g in n in g o f th e s to ry , a y o u n g E n g lis h m a n , J o n a th a n H a rke r, tra v e ls on
b u s in e s s to C o u n t D ra c u la 's c a s tle in T ra n s y lv a n ia , R o m a n ia . A t f ir s t J o n a th a n fin d s
th e C o u n t p o lite and frie n d ly , b u t soo n a fte rw a rd s he d is c o v e rs t h a t n o t e v e ry th in g SO
is w h a t it a p p e a rs to be. W h y a re th e re no m irro rs ? W h y is n 't he a llo w e d in to c e rta in ' ** -I-
p a rts o f th e ca stle ? T hen he re a lis e s t h a t he is D ra cu la 's p riso n e r. O ne n ig h t, w h ile he
is tr y in g to g e t o u t o f th e c a s tle , th re e b e a u tifu l fe m a le v a m p ire s a tta c k h im .
M e a n w h ile , D ra cu la is in E ng la n d and is fo llo w in g J o n a th a n 's g irlfrie n d , M ina, an d h e r
frie n d Lucy. W hen L u cy be co m e s m y s te rio u s ly ill, h e r d o c to r se n d s f o r his old te a ch e r,
P ro fe s s o r Van H e lsin g . L u ckily, Van H e lsin g is an e x p e rt on v a m p ire s and he fin d s tw o
s m a ll m a rk s on L u cy's ne ck. A fte r a s tra n g e a tta c k by a w o lf, Lucy se e m s to d ie , b u t
Van H e lsin g k n o w s t h a t she is n 't de ad . She has b e co m e a v a m p ire .
Read th e no vel to fin d o u t w h a t h a p p e n s n e x t. A lth o u g h th e m id d le o f th e b o o k is a little
slo w , th e end is e x c itin g . T h e s to ry is to ld fro m th e p o in t o f v ie w o f d iffe re n t c h a ra c te rs ,
w h ich m a ke s it m o re o rig in a l. B ram S to k e r also uses d iffe re n t t e x t ty p e s , like le tte rs ,
d ia rie s and n e w s p a p e r a rtic le s . I f you like v a m p ire s to rie s , yo u sh o u ld d e fin ite ly read
th is classic.

b C om plete th e table. Tick ( / ) th e first colum n if the book review includes the inform ation.
W rite th e paragraph n um ber in th e second colum n if appropriate.

Tick ( / ) if included Paragraph(s)

Information about the author

Information about the main character(s)

Details about the beginning of the story

Details about the end of the story

Why the book is good / bad

A recommendation

c W hich things in th e table are n o t included? W hy not?

d W rite a review o f a book you have read.

Include the inform ation given in Exercise b.
Use adverbs and adverbial phrases.
Use reported speech if necessary.

Read yo ur p a rtn e rs book review. W ould you like to read th e book?

Unit 10
gftafeespeare fa r Brsaftfast Tickets from

CATEGORY: THEATRE Running time: 0:55
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and enjoy three exciting weeks of the very best in international
opera, music, drama and dance.
Come with us on a journey of discovery and celebrate the colour,
the passion and the drama of the Edinburgh International Festival.
See performers from the Americas and the Pacific as well as artists
from Spain, Holland, Germany, Russia and the UK.
Wed love you to join us!

i inspiring "T,."
e worlds largest public [Against the world-famous backdrop of Edinburgh Castle
elebration of the written word, the Royal Military Tattoo will celebrate their Diamond
ght in the heart of Edinburgh. Jubilee this year. The landmark 60th anniversary
undreds of author events, production will feature awe-inspiring colour and variety
lohates and workshops from the four corners of the globe.
'. S I 17 extraordinary
each August,
More than 12 million people have attended the Tattoo in
, RT corns
a n a fe n ta -3 jjj the last 60 years. The annual audience is around 217,000.
Around 100 million people see the Tattoo each year on
+ ocumi can n o \M
You neeum I I IIJO vw._ international television.
download the audio to some of our
Approximately 70 per cent of each audience is from
most popular events from our m e d i^ B
outside Scotland, HaTfiof. these are from overseas.
archive. If you dont have time to ! is | H
to a whole event, why not catch the The Tattoo has always been staged at Edinburgh Castle.
I flavour of the festival with podcast RehearsMs take place at Redford Barracks in Edinburgh.]
I interviews or read about memorable
Over 40 countries bgye been represented at the Tattoo.

^E dinburgh

s ^ .* S w a p

F T e provide^the best Ghost and History

tours in Scotland and specialise in walking tours
around Edinburghs Old Town featuring the
most haunted locations, the scariest stories and
most spectacular candlelit Underground Vaults. To mark the 500 years of printing and publishing ii
Scotland, Publishing Scotland - the industry and
Our tours run all year round. When you visit
promotion body for publishers in Scotland - teai
Edinburgh join us for ajourney back in time to
up with Edinburgh University and the Edinburgh
experience the dark past o f Scotlands capital city.
UNESCO City of Literature team to run a massive
Book Swap in the City on Tuesday 1 April.
Ticket type Price (each)
A dult 9.00 Edinburgh residents, visitors and workers took
Concession 7.50 along a book they would like to recommend or
C hild 5.00 swap and picked up another to take home. The
Family 23.00 event was free and Scottish publishers donated
A dult E xtended T our 11.00 over 500 books of ail kinds to get things started -
C hild E xtended T our 6.50
Fam ily E xtended T our childrens books, books on Scottish history, walk
guides, biography, academic, sport, novels
something for everyone.
1 Culture UK: Edinburgh
Look at th e inform a tion a bo ut Edinburgh and answer the questions.
1 W hat is the name o f the musical m ilita ry parade? W here does it take
2 W hat do you get for breakfast at the Shakespeare show?
3 W hat four nationalities, apart from the UK, are definitely taking part at
the Edinburgh International Festival this year?
4 How long does the Book Festival last?
5 How long have books been published in Edinburgh? How is the
anniversary being celebrated?
6 If you miss an event at the Book Festival, w hat can you do?
7 Which part of Edinburgh does the M ercat Tour visit? W hat is the highlight
of the tour?

b C om plete the crossword and find th e name o f the

symbol o f Scotland.
1 Give something to a charity, (text 6)
2 A practice before a show, (text 3)
3 W ith a lot o f energy, (text 3)
4 Foreign, from abroad, (text 3)
5 W ith ghosts, (text 5)
6 Lit by candles, (text 5)
7 The earth or the w orld, (text 3)

C W ork w ith a partner. W ould you like to visit Edinburgh?

W hich events w ould you like to go to?

(YjYour project
An arts festival
a W ork in a group. Plan a festival like the
Edinburgh Inte rn atio na l Festival fo r your
to w n /a re a . T hin k about:
the type o f festival. It could be one typ e or
several d iffe re n t types.

book music theatre comedy film (other)

any extra attractions, e.g. special tours

the location
the name o f the festival
where people can stay
how to get there and how to get around

b Make a poster a bo ut your festival. Include the

io Q P g l
inform a tion from Exercise 2a and pictures or
photos if possible.
L lB w ri0 5

Unit 10
Review 0 and 0
(TjGrammar W rite th e underlined questions and comm ands
as reported questions or commands.
C om plete th e sentences w ith one w ord: like, as
or though.
James: 1 W hat do we have to do for homework?
Alice: We have to w rite about a book. 2 W h a ts
1 What a great camera! Those lo o k ........................
your favourite b o o k ? 3 W hat typ e of books
professional photos.
do you like?
2 This street is familiar. I fe e l.........................if Ive
James: I d o n t really read books.
been here before.
Alice: OK. 4 W rite about the book we read in
3 Whats all that noise? It sounds as........................
class. 5 Have you finished it?
theyre having an argument.
4 This T-shirt, but its James: Well ... not exactly.
cotton. Alice: 6 Finish the book, then you can write
5 We should listen to your brother. He sounds about it.
........................though he knows a lot about 1 James asked A lic e .
computers. Alice asked James.
6 Youve got a new m obile.........................mine. She asked h im .
When did you get it? She told h im .

C om plete the te x t w ith a, an, the or no article.

1................. Dutch painter Van Gogh is 2 ...................
She asked h im .
She told h im .

fascinating artist. A t first, he only painted with

3 ................. dark colours, until he saw some
Read th e te x t abo ut Livi. Choose th e correct
colourful paintings from 4 ..................Japan. He was
answer: A, B, C or D.
impressed by 5 ................. paintings and started
using 6 ...................brighter colours in his own work. Livi is 1 fascinating teenage w riter and artist.
He moved t o 7................. south of France, where I feel 2 ............ I know her through her poems and
he painted his well-known paintings of her art. When I interviewed her online she 3............
8 ................. sunflowers. Unfortunately, he became me that she had been drawing since she 4............
very unhappy and after an argument with a friend hold a crayon. She said that sometimes she feels
he cut of part o f 9 ..................ear. He died in as5 she is as light as air and art is the magic
10.................. 1890. While he was alive, Van Gogh that lifts her feet from the ground. She also told me
sold only one painting. However, since his death that she 6 reading short stories.
he has become one o f 11...................most famous 1 A an B a C the D (-)
artists in 2 A if B though C as though D as
3 A told B telling c says D said
W h a t did th ey say? Rewrite the reported
statem ents in d irect speech.
4 A can B is able to c will D could
5 A like B if c as though D well
1 They said they had been there before.
W e .........................................................................
6 A love B is loving c was loving D loved

2 She said she was going to write a graphic novel.

I ...................................................................................................
3 He said he would teach me how to drive.
I ...................................................................................
4 You said you couldnt play the piano.
How are you doing?
I ...................................................................... How many points have you got? Put tw o crosses on
5 They said they always went to that cinema. th e chart: one fo r gram m ar and one fo r vocabulary.
W e .........................................................................
6 He said he was going to see his cousin the next 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


92 Review 9 and 10
(^Vocabulary Add vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to make words fo r
reading m aterial.
M atch th e adjectives w ith th e descriptions.
1 th r_ ll_ r
amusing annoying confusing depressing 2 b gr_phy
fascinating gorgeous impressive shocking 3 _ -b k
4 gr_ph_c n_v_l
1 Its so difficult to understand!.
5 t_b gr_phy
2 Its very interesting..................
6 n_n-f_ct n
3 It makes me really sad............
7 scr npl_y
4 It makes me laugh...................
8 n_v_l
5 He makes me angry................
9 pi y
6 Shes really beautiful...............
7 Its surprising and upsetting..... Q (G rcie) th e correct words.
8 It really impresses m e............. The manga Aventura 1 tells the story of
8 Lewin, a student at the Gaius school for
witches and w iz a rd s .1 Unfortunately /
C om plete th e puzzle and use the Q letters to find
the m ystery w ord.
Luckily Lewin has no magical talent, but
2 surprisingly / unfortunately he is accepted
1 You can tru st her. She tells t h e ............ into the to p school of magic. 3 Meanwhile /
That painting isnt a Picasso - its . At first he finds it d ifficu lt, but he doesnt give
He told her a and said he liked her haircut up. 4 Soon afterwards / In the end he makes

because he d idnt w ant to upset her. friends w ith Soela and Chris and 5 suddenly /
luckily they teach him the m ethods of magic.
Its against the law t o ............ someones signature.
6 At first / In the end th e y realise th a t Lewin
That film uses really clever cam era You feel
has hidden talents and could become a great
like youre flying through the air.
Dont let the a d ve rts you!
M ystery word - someone w ho never tells lies is

A A A A Correct it!
a A C orrect these typical learner errors
v ) from Units 9 and 10.
A \
1 They w ill live like if they were in prison.

A A 2 It seemed as they knew each other.

A / 3 Ive enjoyed a trip very much.
A \

4 He is studying economics at the Oxford University.

5 Simon suddently realised how lucky he was.

6 M y cousin said us to wait.

GREEN: Great! Tell your teacher your score!
Not bad, but go to the website for extra practice.
7 He to ld th a t the story was true.
RED: Talk to your teacher and look at Units 9 and 10
again. Go to the website for extra practice.
8 You asked me w ether I had bought a com puter or
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
a bicycle.

9 It was really impressing to see the m idnight sun.

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

10 Please tell me the true.

Review 9 and 10 93
11 Is it a crime?
Subject and object questions
wish and if only
Vocabulary: Crime; Crime collocations
Interaction 11: Apologising

j Si/ocabulary Crime
a 5 0 3 . 2 0 M atch th e crim es w ith the definitions.
Then listen and check.

1 bank robbery 2 burglary 3 hacking

4 identity theft 5 piracy 6 plagiarism
(T llliste n
7 shoplifting 8 theft 9 vandalism W ork w ith a partner. Do th e quiz.

A taking or stealing som ething
B getting into someone elses com puter system
C stealing money from a bank
1 Who wears green T-shirts that say I'm a thief in Ohio, USA?
D copying software, music or films from the internet
A burglars B bank robbers C shoplifters
w ith o u t permission
E stealing things from a shop 2 Where do you need a licence to skateboard?
F breaking things or w ritin g graffiti in public places A London B Florida CHong Kong

G getting into a building and stealing things 3 Who has to pay a fine in Russia? People with ...
H copying someone elses w ork or idea A broken mobiles B dirty cars Cmore than
I stealing personal inform ation about someone else two computers
and using it to com m it a crime 4 Where is i t legal to escape from prison?
A The USA B France CDenmark
]3 .2 l W rite dow n th e crim inals and verbs fo r
5 What was illegal in Singapore before 2004?
the crimes in Exercise 1a. Use a d ictio na ry to help
A chewing gum B smoking Cburgers
if necessary. Then listen and check.
6 What do some students study at one university in Britain?
Change th e w ord in brackets to a verb or noun A hacking B burglary Cvandalism
to fit into the sentence.
1 A ...............................(burgle) stole our computer.
13.22 Listen to th e TV quiz show and
2 The b a n k .................................(rob) was caught.
check your answers.
3 Why do p e o p le .................................(vandal) buses?
4 A ...............................(th e ft) stole my purse. 13.22 Listen again and answer the
5 D ont ............................. (plagiarist) someone elses questions.
w ork in your essay. 1 W h a ts the m axim um num ber o f points for
6 A ...............................(hack) got into the banks each question in the quiz?
computer. 2 Who gives the wrong answer to question four?
7 The police arrested her fo r ..............................(shoplift). 3 Why was it illegal to chew gum in one place?
8 Its quite easy t o .................................(piracy) DVDs. 4 W here in Britain can students do a university
degree in hacking?
5 W hich team wins the quiz?
Check it out! 6 How many points do they get?
You rob a person or a place. You steal a thing.
They robbed the bank. W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions.
1 W ould you like to go on a TV quiz show?
They stole the money. Why? / W hy not?
NOT They robbed the money. 2 W hich laws in the quiz do you th in k are the
weirdest? Why?

94 Unit 11
(TjG'rammar C Make subject or object questions
from the prom pts.
Subject and object questions
1 Who / you / chat to / at school?
a Look at the examples. Then (circle) the correct words to Ulko eta you ckqi.i-o a+..............
com plete the rules. s c k o p l?
2 What / make / you / happy?
Subject questions Object questions lAlWft-t ywakes you. kftppy?
1 W ho wears green T-shirts 1 W hat do shoplifters 3 Who / help / you / with your
in O hio? wear in O hio? homework?
2 Which team won the 2 H ow many points 4 Who / oversleep / in your family?
quiz? did Team A get? 5 Which films / you / find / amusing?

3 Who has to pay a fine in 3 What do people with 6 Who / send / you / text messages?

Russia? dirty cars have to do 7 What / plagiarism / mean?

in Russia? 8 When / you / last / go to the cinema?

In subject questions, the question word is the subject / d W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the
object of the verb. questions in Exercise 3c.
We use a question word + verb in subject / object
We always use an auxiliary verb (e.g. do, did, had ) in (A j Pronunciation
subject / object questions.
Consonant clusters
Grammar reference: Workbook page 100 at the ends of words
13 .23 Listen to the w ords and
Check it out! repeat.

In subject questions w ith Who and What, the verb is vandalism th e ft hacks burgles
usually singular even if the answer is plural. /zm / /ft/ /ks/ /glz/
Who wants a drink? We all w ant a drink.
NOT W ho w ant a d rink? |3 .2 4 Listen and (arcie) th e words
W hats in the fridge? Some cheese and some apples.
you hear. Then listen, check and
NOT W hat arc in the fridge?
A dd an a uxiliary verb in th e gaps w here necessary.
1 shoplift shoplifts
Then m atch the questions w ith the answers.
2 arrest arrests
3 uncle uncles
tw enty Ben hacking skateboarders BenTeam A won
4 accept accepts
5 send sends
1 W h o ........... needs a licence in Florida?
6 argument arguments
2 W h a t.......... some students study at university in Scotland?
7 act acts
3 W ho gave the wrong answer in the quiz?
ask asks
4 W hat happened at the end o f th e quiz? 8 )
5 How many p o in ts Team B get? W ork w ith a partner. Student A:
6 W ho Rosie tell off? say one o f the words in Exercise 4b.
Student B: give the reference for the
word. Then change roles.

uncle A-3 '

3 .25 Listen and repeat.

The artist objects to his arrests for

vandalism and plagiarism, but
accepts his arrest for theft.
tTltfocabularu b C om plete the story w ith the correct form o f th e words.

Crime collocations arrest charge commit crime criminal law

prison sentence

Last summer three yo uth s1.........................a serious

2............................... They broke into a house and stole a
computer, a TV, a microwave and over one hundred DVDs.
The police 3.............................. the suspects, took them to the
police station and 4 them with burglary.
The youths were found guilty and were given a long prison
5............................... As well as going t o 6...............................
they will have a 7...............................record for the rest of their
lives for breaking th e 8...............................

W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions.

a 5 0 3 . 2 6 C om plete th e crim e C
1 What happens to people under 18 in your country who
collocations w ith th e words in the box.
commit a serious crime?
Then listen and check.
2 Do you think community service is a good type of
a fine a suspect charge community punishment? Why? / Why not?
crime law prison record sentence

1 If you do something illegal, you

co m m it a or break th e
a W ork w ith a partner. Look at the crimes and the
punishments. W hat do you th in k the punishm ent should be
The police a rre s t.........................and
for young people under 18 for each crime?
take him /her to a police station when
they think he/she is responsible for
a crime. Crimes Punishments
The police .................... someone drive a car without pay a fine
w ith a crim e when they officially say a licence do community service
that he/she has done something illegal.
steal a magazine from get detention at school
When criminals go t o ............ a shop get suspended from
or ja il they live in a building with other
not buy a ticket for the school
criminals and they cannot leave.
bus or train get told off by the
A special prison for young criminals is
plagiarise an essay police
called a prison.
for school from the get arrested by the
A prison the length of internet police
time a criminal spends in prison.
vandalise a shop go to a youth prison
A typical punishment for a crime that is window with spray
not very serious is to p a y ................. paint
A common punishment for young
criminals is to help people in their area
by doing .........................service. W ork in a group. Com pare yo ur ideas w ith the rest o f your
An official document listing the crimes group and explain yo ur reasons. Then agree to ge th er on a
someone has committed is a crim inal punishm ent fo r each crim e.
A: I think that students who plagiarise essays should get
suspended from school.
Check it out! B: I completely disagree. I think they should fail the essay
and get detention at school.
For words that end in a vowel +
consonant, double the consonant C: I see what you mean, but i think...
before -ed, -ing, -er, -est.
C Tell the class your groups decisions. Agree on a
commit - committed
shop - shopping ro b -ro b b e r punishm ent fo r each crim e w ith th e w hole class.

regret - regretted big - biggest

and listen Culture Vulture
a Read the te x t quickly and (g rd e ) the Did y o u k n o w t h a t m o s t ta r g e ts o f i d e n tity t h e f t
crimes and punishm ents in the text. in th e UK are y o u n g p eo p le b e tw e e n 16 a n d 24? One
re a s o n is t h a t t h e ir p assw o rd s are n o t sa fe b e c a u s e th e y
are e a s y to g u ess. W h a t p e rs o n a l in f o rm a tio n do y o u h av e
on y o u r co m p u ter? Do y o u u se sa fe p assw o rd s? H ow ca n
y o u m a k e s u re a p assw o rd is safe?
World Politics

Technology Sport

Computer criminals
. u s a w m ^ l i As more and more o f us depend on
PftSSWORDj***** th e in te rn e t fo r everything from
shopping to keeping in touch w ith
frie n d s and fa m ily, more and more o f
our personal in fo rm a tio n is stored online. This means
th a t we are all possible targets for hackers, and hacking
laws are becoming stricter to protect us. Consequently,
in the future more young hackers could find themselves A group o f about ten students were involved in the
going to prison for th e ir crimes. In 2005, a teenage cheating and grade changing, b ut unlike the others,
hacker from Massachusetts was sentenced to 11 months who were a ll under 18, Khan and Singh were charged
in a youth ja il for hacking into Paris Hilton's mobile w ith th e ir crimes as adults. Singh only broke into the
phone and putting a copy o f her address book online, school once. He completed 200 hours o f community
which included email addresses o f celebrity friends service and three years of probation, and all charges
like Eminem and Christina Aguilera. As well as having a against him were eventually dropped. But Khan faced a
crim inal record for the rest o f his life, the 17-year-old sentence o f prison tim e, probation, community service
was banned from using a computer or mobile phone for and fines.
two years. Michael Calce, who was also a teen hacker, now
In 2008, 18-year-olds Omar Khan and Tanvir Singh wishes he hadn't committed his crimes. At ju s t 15, he
were charged w ith breaking in to th e ir high school and hacked in to some o f the biggest sites on the internet,
hacking into the computer network. Khan used stolen including Yahoo!, Amazon, CNN and eBay. He didn't steal
IDs and passwords to cheat on tests and to change his money or inform ation, but he shut down the sites to
average C and D grades in to A grades. He wanted to show the world th a t computer security was vulnerable to
make sure he got into university, but teachers became attack. He was arrested in 2000 and later regretted what
suspicious when they noticed he suddenly had some of he had done. He now wishes people would take hacking
the best marks in the school. He spent graduation day more seriously. He has w ritte n books th a t teach ways we
in prison instead o f celebrating w ith his classmates. can protect ourselves against hacking.

13 .2 7 Read the te x t again and listen. Find th e words in th e te x t th a t mean ...

Then answer the questions. 1 people who other people attack (para 1)
1 W hat do the numbers and letters refer to in 2 another word for school marks (para 2)
the text? 3 thinking that someone might have done
something wrong or dishonest (para 2)
11 18 C A 15
4 a period of time when a criminal must behave well
2 Why are hacking laws changing? in order to avoid being sent to prison (para 3)

3 W hat happened to Paris Hilton? 5 felt sorry about something you did (para 4)

4 Why did Khan w ant to hack into the school

W ork in a group. Answ er the questions.
com puter network?
1 Do you think teenage criminals should go to prison?
5 How did the teachers find o u t about the
Why? / Why not?
2 Do you think that hacking laws need to be stricter
6 Why did one ex-hacker w rite a book?
nowadays? Why? / Why not?

Unit 11

o r s b r a m m a r wish and if only C Look at th e things Paolo isnt happy about.
C om plete th e sentences w ith wish/if only.
a Look at th e examples. Then (circle) the
1 Paolo doesnt have a computer in his room.
correct words to com plete the rules.
2 His e-pals cant speak Italian,
) I wish I had better grades.
rf.m ly.........................
He wishes he hadnt committed his crimes.
3 He has flu so cant go to the party.
He wishes people would take hacking more
He wiskes...................
4 His parents wont let him go out tonight,
If only he hadnt committed his crimes!
rf.m ly......................... .
We use wish/if only:
+ past simple for a present / past situation d C om plete th e sentences so th a t th ey are true
which we would like to be different but cant fo r you.
change. 1 I wish I w a s .. . .
+ would for something we would like to 2 I wish I could .. . .
happen in the present or past / future. 3 If only my parents wouldnt . .. .
+ past perfect for a situation in the present / 4 If only I hadnt . .. .
past that we regret but can / cant change.

Grammar reference: Workbook page 88

Check it out!
Interaction 11 DVD

If only is similar to wish but stronger. Apologising

I wish I could go on holiday. = I would
like to.
a 0 0 3 .2 8 Listen to
If o nly I could go on holiday! = I would th e conversation
really like to! betw een Lara and
her teacher. W hat
is Lara apologising
b Com plete Lisas email w ith the co rrect form for? W hy did she
of th e verbs. do it? W h a t does
her teacher decide
should happen?

b 0 0 3 .2 8 Listen again and com plete th e phrases

Hi Shona w ith the w ords in th e box.
I'm feeling so depressed! I wish you 1 ....................
(be) here w ith me now. I f only your mum 2 .................... again have doesnt good really
(let) you come round to my house now! I w ent to want was wrong your
Angela's p a rty last night. I f only you 3 ....................
(come) w ith me. I t was aw ful! T hat new girl Celia was 1 I .......................... to apologise for what I did.
the re . I told her th a t I liked Jake and then she went 2 You know that its to
up to Jake and told him! I t was so em barrassing, I 3 I shouldnt copied.
wish I 4 .................... (not te ll) her. He was w ith his
4 Im sorry.
frien ds and the y all started laughing. I wish Celia
5 I accept apology.
5 .................... (not go) to the party. I'm never going
to speak to her again! 6 As long as it happen
7 I realise it wrong.
8 It wont happen
9 Thats

C W ork w ith a partner.

Student A: Turn to page 120.
Student B: Turn to page 123.
Portfolio 11 A report

Read th e re p o rt and choose the best heading fo r each paragraph.

1 What is this report about? / Who breaks the law?
2 Which artists give concerts online? / Where can people find music online?
3 How do people swap music? / Who commits crimes online?
4 What does the law say? / Which sites are legal?

File Edit View Insert Eormat lools Actions Help

Music online and the

T he aim o f this report is to look at w here G enerally speaking, it is fine to sw ap m usic on P2P (peer-to-peer)
people can find m usic online, explain w hat netw orks if people follow copyright laws. H ow ever, one problem
they can do w ith m usic w ithout breaking the w ith these netw orks is that users are at risk o f viruses or identity theft.
law and suggest how they can protect their Social netw orking pages can also be used to share videos, photos or
com puter w hen accessing m usic sites online. m usic. W atching a video or listening to a song is usually fine, but
dow nloading a track onto a com puter could b e against the law.

T here are m any w ays o f accessing m usic

online, from dow nloading tracks or album s To sum up, copyright law s p ro tect artists, and artists depend on
to buying e-tickets. Som e sites allow fans to these law s to earn m oney for th eir w ork. B ecause o f this, sharing
listen to music to see if they like it before they copyrighted m usic w ithout perm ission is against the law and the
buy it and som e artists let people enjoy their punishm ent is usually a huge fine. F or these reasons, I recom m end
m usic for free, but m ost o f the time, m usic that people find out about copyright laws, m ake sure th eir com puter
has to be paid for. is protected against viruses and only use legal sites online.

b W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions.

Check it out!
1 Is a report a formal or an informal piece of writing?
2 Who do you think would read a report? When you write a report, organise it into
3 How is the information organised in a report? paragraphs.
1 introduction to explain why you are
c C om plete th e table w ith th e words and phrases in writing the report
b o ld in the report. 2 your first piece of information
3 a different piece of information
W riting a report 4 your conclusion and recommendations

To begin the report

and say what it does
d W rite a re p o rt a bo ut one o f th e topics in the

box. Before you w rite , plan yo u r ideas and

organise th em in fo u r paragraphs.
To give general
information How to keep computer passwords safe
Using the internet for homework and plagiarism

To give reasons Downloading films from the internet

To give e W ork w ith a partner. Read yo ur p a rtn e rs report.

recommendations Is it interesting? Are th e ideas organised well?
jjS T

Key Facts
O ffic ia l name Republic o f Singapore
Capital City o f Singapore
E S rmtm &I
Location One main island and I
63 tiny islands in Southeast Asia, ik
between Malaysia and Indonesia.
H h
I 'ay-C
( j
Tropical. Hot and sunny all
year round, with two monsoon seasons.
Currency Singapore Dollar
O ffic ia l language Malay, but English is
the main language o f communication.
Other languages include Mandarin,Tamil The Merlion,
and Singlish (Singaporean English!) Singapores symbol:
half-lion, half-fish Singapores skyline and Esplanade theatres.
In te rn e t co u n try code

Sientosa island | ^
Unique is probably the best word to describe Singapore, as
there is nowhere else like it on Earth. This dynamic city has
developed into one of the most cosmopolitan nations in the
world, which is reflected in everything from its culture and
language to its architecture and food.

animals and the first 4 D Relax on Sentosa beach.

One thing people often associate with Singapore is strict theatre in Southeast
laws. While this may be true, Singapore enjoys one of the 4
Asia, the Sentosa D Magix, which makes watching a
lowest crime rates in the world, which means that it is film a totally interactive experience.
generally very safe for travellers and violent crime is rare.
However, tourists shouldn't drop litter or chewing gum in G-Max reverse bungee and
the street or cross the road where there isnt a pedestrian GX-5 Xtreme swing
crossing. If they do, they may have to pay a fine. For those who need a bit of adrenalin, why not try
Singapore's first-ever reverse bungee? Feel what it's like
to be thrown up into the sky at 200km per hour to a
You will fnd an endless variety of
food on this multi-cultural island.
terrifying height of 60m. Or try the GX -5Xtreme swing.
This giant swing offers you the chance to experience a
The cheapest and most popular
free fall from 50m above the Singapore River.
places to eat out are hawker
centres, a collection of individual
Night Safari
food stalls selling Chinese, Malay,
If you are looking for something to do after sunset,
Indian and Tamil food. The best
visit the Night Safari. The world's first night zoo
dishes include /Mee Goreng
(fried noodles with vegetables is divided into eight different geographical zones
and egg), Laksa, made with including the Asian rainforest, African savannah and
What is that smell?
rice noodles in a coconut sauce The durian. South American pampas. Explore the home of more
with prawns, egg and chicken, than 900 animals on foot or by tram.
and Murtabak, a type of spicy Indian pizza. Watch out for
Singapore's most smelly food, the durian. This strange- Mosaic Music Festival
looking fruit is popular with the locals, but so smelly that it This music festival began in 2005 and has since grown
is officially banned on public transport! into one of Singapore's biggest music events. Audiences
can enjoy a 10-day music experience at the Esplanade
theatres, where they can listen to anything from jazz to
There is always plenty to do in Singapore, during the day hip hop performed by international and regional artists.
and at night. Here are some of our favourite attractions.
(TtSulture World: 12Your project
Singapore My country
a Read th e a rticle quickly and m atch the W ork in a group. C om plete a table abo ut yo ur co un try
headings w ith th e paragraphs. w ith key facts and interesting inform a tion fo r tourists.

Top attractions Mouth-watering dishes Key facts Official\e: T k e Republic

Crimes and fines Singapore is different
o f Singapore
b Read the article again and answer the CapiTal: CiTy o f Singapore
questions. 6-fficial (Malay
1 How many islands does Singapore OTker languages: Brglisk,
consist of? iMawdarih., Tawvil
2 What language is only spoken in
lh.Terh.eT code: .sg
3 What might happen if you cross the road Why i t s cosvwopoliTah., Mu.ITi-cu.Hwal
in the wrong place?
4 Where does the writer recommend you Tourists drop liTTer ih Tke sTreeT,
go to eat? shouldnt ...
drop ckewihg guvw
5 What are people not allowed to take on
buses or trains? Tourists food aT kauuker cehTres: M ee
should t r y ...
6 Where can visitors watch an interactive
Grorerg, Laksa, MurTabak
film in 4D?
7 How can visitors travel around the night Top SerTosa, WigkT Safari,
a ttractions
GrlMax reverse b argee,
8 How long does the Mosaic Music
Mosaic vwasic fesTival
Festival last?

c Find the words in the article th a t W rite an a rticle fo r tourists com ing to yo ur country.
m e a n ... Use the inform a tion in Exercise 2a to help you.
1 special and different from the rest In c lu d e ...
(para 1) a Fact File with key facts
2 an area of a road where it is safe for short paragraphs about other information in the table
people to cross (para 2) photos with captions to illustrate your article
3 never seeming to finish (para 3)
4 a place where people go to rest or for
sporting activities (Sentosa Island) Official nam e: Italian
Republic Why is Italy unique?
Capital city: Rome
W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the . Official language: Italian Italy has som e o f the m ost
Population: c,60 m illion beautiful architecture on the
questions. planet. It is the hom e o f art
Currency: Euro
and culture and has been
1 Which information interested or lntem ei code: .it
called the birthplace o f
surprised you most about Singapore? m odem civilisation.
It w as hom e to Julius
Why? Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci,
M ichelangelo and m any
2 Which food would / wouldnt you like others.

to try? Why? / Why not? W here to visit T

3 Which attractions would / wouldnt you There is m ore to Italy than
the Coliseum in Rome. You And rem em ber...
like to visit? Why? / Why not? can hike in the Dolom ites,
head to the beaches and ski
in the Alps. If city-hopping If you visit a church,
is m ore to your taste, w hy wear long sleeves.
not head to the leaning Never order a
tow er at Pisa. St, M ark s cappuccino after dinner.
Basilica in V enice or Dress well - fashion is
Florence - the cradle o f the important to Italians.

Unit 11 101
would rather and would prefer
Third conditional
Vocabulary: Hopes and ambitions; Dependent prepositions
Interaction IE: Dealing w ith a problem
W ill Sheila get a
(T] Read and listen record contract?
a Read th e te x t quickly. W ould you like to take part in a project like Yes, w ith o u t a doubt.
Aim H ig h ? Why? / W hy not? No, I d o n t th ink so.

S h o w m e th e re s u lts .

The d e cisio n s you m ake in y o u r teenage years can shape y o u r fu tu re . A im H igh is an in te ra c tiv e o n lin e /w e b
p ro je c t th a t w ill fo llo w a g ro up o f 12 young people as th e y go th ro u g h a life -c h a n g in g year. W ell be w ith th e
p a rtic ip a n ts every ste p o f th e w a y ... w e ll see th e ir h ighs and low s, th e ir su ccesse s and fru s tra tio n s .
S o n g w ritin g , fo o tb a ll, poetry, b allet - w h a te ve r th e ir g oals and a m b itio n s, th e y ll le t us fo llo w th e ir p rogress
th ro u g h th e ir blogs, tw e e ts, and video diaries. You can even c o n ta c t th e m d ire c tly to ask a q ue stion , o ffe r
a dvice o r ju s t have a ch at. Aim High is n o t a c o m p e titio n so th e re are no prizes, b u t w e e x p e c t th a t th e re w ill

be lo ts o f w inn ers!

S h e ila L o r d , 17 A k ila h R u s s e ll, 19 T o m M u g g le to n , 18

Singing is my life. I really w ant to I aim to become a top journalist. My goals are to get into university,
get a recording co ntract but that Im doing some w o rk experience to live away from home fo r the
w ill depend on being discovered at our local new spaper offices, firs t tim e and to make some new
by a producer w ho likes my music. but in the future Id rather w o rk in friends. These are huge challenges
My parents w ould rather I w ent television than fo r a newspaper. fo r me because Im quite shy.
to university but I w ant to try and I w ant to fo llo w my dream and Som etim es I th ink Id prefer not to
achieve my goal. Please check out succeed in w hat I do. Over- go; Id rather stay at home. Then I
my video diaries on my blog and am bitious? Id rather not think rem em ber how exciting this year is
listen to my songs. Id love to hear about that! Maybe I am, but look going to be. If you w ant to contact
your opinions! at my blog and let me know w hat me, please visit my blog.
you think.

b 5 0 3 .2 9 Read the te x t again and listen. Are C Find th e words in th e te x t th a t mean ...
th e sentences right ( / ) , wrong (X) or doesnt say (-)? 1 decide or influence something (para 1)
1 The Aim High participants are all 18 years old. 2 things that you want to achieve (para 2)
2 Viewers can interact w ith the participants on their 3 look at something to see what it is like (para 3)
blogs. 4 very good or very important (para 4)
3 Sheila would prefer to go to university.
d W ork in a group. Answ er th e questions.
4 Akilah isnt sure about w hat she wants to do in the
1 Which of the three participants you read about
would be the most interesting to follow? Why?
5 Tom thinks the year ahead is going to be easy.
2 What are your goals and ambitions for next year?
6 Viewers can give th e ir opinions.

102 ; Unit 15
(TtGrammar cabulary
would rather and would prefer Hopes and ambitions
a Read th e examples. Then (circle) th e correct a 1813.30 Read th e defin itio ns and com plete
w ords to com plete th e rules. the exam ples w ith th e words. Then listen
MMHC ' and check.

) I d rather work in television than for a newspaper. achieve atm ambition challenge
M y parents would rather I went to university. expect goal hope
I d rather not think about that!
I d prefer not to go; I d rather stay at home. 1 intend: I ..MM... to be a millionaire one day.
We use would rather and would prefer to express 2 a strong wish to be successful: Shes got a lot
our preferences in general / in a specific o f ............. .
situation 3 an aim or purpose: O u r .............. is to win
Would rather (not) is followed by the infinitive the league this season.
with / without to. 4 something difficult that needs a lot of effort:
Would prefer (not) is followed by the infinitive Running a marathon is a real ............. .
with / without to. 5 succeed in finishing something or reaching
We use would rather + someone + present / past an aim: I want t o ............. my dreams.
to say what we would like someone else to do. 6 to want something to happen: I want this job,
We use than / that to express a preference so I .............. the interview goes well.
between two options. 7 to think something will probably happen:
> I .............. that you 'II pass the exam because
Grammar reference: Workbook page 100 y o u re good at Maths.

b C om plete the sentences w ith prefer or rather. Check it out!

1 Id games than watch TV.
To talk about w hat you w ant to
2 My parents w o u ld ...............................I went to the happen in th e future we use hope, not
local college. wish.
3 Would y o u to watch a horror film I hope I w ill pass my driving test on
or a romantic comedy? Saturday.
4 Sheila w o u ld .............................. go trekking for her NOT I w ish I w ill pass my d riving t est
holiday than sit on a beach. on Saturday.
5 Id m uch live in a student residence
than in a flat on my own.
b (trircie) th e correct words.
C C om plete the sentences so th ey are tru e fo r you,
1 T heres a lot o f com petition, so it s going
then compare yo ur answers w ith a partner.
to be a challenge / an aim to get a job in
1 Instead of being in class right now Id rather be .... advertising.
2 Ive got t o this evening but Id prefer to .... 2 I expect / hope hell get the jo b as hes got
more experience than me.
3 He hopes / achieves to go to university next
4 M y biggest aim / achievement last year was
w inning the gold award for skating.
5 Things th a t are ambitious / challenging are
very difficult.

C W ork in a group. Answ er th e questions.

1 W hat do you hope to do w hen youre older?
2 W hat decisions do you need to make now
th a t w ill shape your future?

Unit 12 1 0 3 )..3
a W ork in a group. A dd tw o more activities to each circle. Then ask and answer questions
to find o u t w hich are the m ost popular activities.
) A: Would you rather do your homework, go shopping or play video games after school today?
B: I d much rather go shopping than do my homework!
C: I d prefer to play video games.

90 io ik e
eta vwy
cinewva eta a
kowvework skopping
*4-Ia o m /c

w eekend

stay a i
kovwe s ia r t vwy own

b W ork in a group. Do you agree or disagree w ith th e statements? Why? / W hy not?

1 A t my age it s d iffic u lt to decide w h a t to do in the future.
2 Parents should let th e ir children make the im portant decisions in th e ir lives.

a Bum3.31 Listen to three people ta lkin g abo ut how th ey celebrated th e end o f the school year.
M atch the people w ith th e pictures. W rite E (Ellen), P (Pablo) or M (M ario).

* 0 0 3 .3 1 Listen again and answer the

W ork w ith a partner. Answ er th e questions.
1 W hich of th e three end-of-school celebrations w ould you
1 W hat did the students w ear to the prefer to take part in? Why?
prom? 2 W hat m ight you do to celebrate the end of school?
2 W hat was the only disappointm ent
about the prom?
3 How long was the trip to London?
4 W hat did the speaker lose on the trip Did y o u k n o w t h a t a t th e e n d of a sch o o l y e a r
to London? m a n y sc h o o ls in th e USA p ro d u ce a yearbook?
5 W hat was the w eather like on the last I t c o n ta in s p h o to s a n d a r tic le s a b o u t th e y ear.
day o f M arios exams? E very s tu d e n t g e ts a copy. Do y o u h a v e y ea rb o o k s
6 Why was it a double celebration for in y o u r c o u n try ? Do y o u t h i n k th e y are a n ic e w ay
M ario and his classmates? to re m e m b e r y o u r sc h o o l y ears? W hy? / W hy n o t?

1041 Unit 12
ijjjG ram m ar C Rewrite the sentences using th e th ird conditional.
The firs t one is done fo r you.
Third conditional 1 I didnt drive slowly. The police stopped me.

a Look at th e examples. Then (circle) the |-f I kad clrivew slowly, Tke police w.oaldbVi.
correct words to com plete the rules. kove sTopped m .....................
2 I stayed up late. I felt exhausted the next day.
If the weather had been better, we If I hadnt .............................................................
would have had our photos taken in 3 She didnt read his email carefully. She didnt see his
the garden. good news.
If I hadnt lost my camera, it would If she.............................................................
have been the perfect trip! 4 The bus was late. They missed the beginning of the film.
How would you have felt if you had If the bus.............................................................
won the World Cup?
5 We didnt take a taxi. We didnt have any money.
If wed visited London before our exam,
We w o u ld .............................................................
we could have got better marks!
6 They didnt wait for half an hour outside the stadium
We can use the third conditional to so they didnt see Messi.
talk about imaginary situations that They w o u ld .............................................................
happened / did n t happen in the past.
The third conditional is form ed w ith if
+ past p erfect / present perfect, +
would have + past participle.
When the //clause is positive, it means
the action did / d id n t take place.
When the //clause is negative, it means
the action did / did n t take place.
We can use could / can instead of

Grammar reference: Workbook page 88

d W ork w ith a partner. Answ er th e questions.

Check it out! 1 W hat w ould you have done today if you hadnt come
to school?
We never use //+ would in
2 If youd been born fifty years ago, how w ould your life
the same clause in conditional
have been different?
If we had lost the match, we
would have been unhappy. NOT t f
w e w o u ld have lost the match, w e (7 2 B conunciation <32H>
w o u ld have been unhappy.
Sentence stress
b Read th e sentences and answer the a 5 1 3 .3 2 Listen to the sentences and underline
questions. th e words th a t are stressed.
1 If my phone hadnt broken, I w ould have 1 Im really interested in learning about technology.
called you. 2 Hes looking forward to starting university.
Did my phone break? Did I call you? 3 Itll depend on his marks, but he wants to be a doctor.
2 She w ould have stayed for lunch if shed 4 W hat do you th in k about the new series o f Aim High ?
had tim e.
Did she stay for lunch? Did she have time? b W h a t types o f w ords are stressed? W h a t types are
3 His mum wouldnt have got cross if hed told unstressed?
the truth.
C U nderline the stressed words in th e sentence.
Did his mum get cross? Did he tell the
truth? It depends on the weather, but I th in k Ill probably go to the

4 He w o uldn t have been late if he hadnt beach at the weekend.

d E S I3 .3 3 Listen, check and repeat.
Was he late? Did he oversleep?

Unit 15 105
liTSWocabularu Interaction IS DVD

Dependent prepositions
Dealing with a problem
a Some verbs and adjectives are often follow ed
by a preposition. W rite th e words in the
correct columns. Sometimes m ore than one
answer is possible.

concentrate decide depend look forward
make progress succeed

bad good interested keen

/- A
on in at to


3 .3 4 C om plete th e sentences w ith the

correct words. Then listen and check.
1 Are y o u art?
2 I hope y o u getting a
place at the best university.
13 .3 5 Rosa, Peter and Carlos are
3 Shes really................................... at history. organising th e end-of-year party at school.
She failed the last exam. Listen to th e conversation. W h a ts the
4 Are y o u going on problem ? H ow do th ey plan to solve it?
holiday? I cant wait!
5 I cant .........................on this film while 13 .3 5 Listen again and tic k ( / ) the
youre talking on the phone. expressions you hear.
6 Im sure hel l ....................................on a
T elling o thers a b o u t th e p roblem
medical career if he can.
7 The teacher asked me if I was
Youre not going to believe this.
in English. Theres a bit of a problem with ...
8 I dont know what well do at the weekend.
I t .................................... on the weather.
Weve got a huge problem!
Blame and re g re t
C W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the questions.
1 What things are you interested in? What
Its (not) your fault.
things are you good at?
I told you so!

2 What have you succeeded in doing this year? If we hadnt , this wouldnt
have happened.
3 What are you looking forward to?
L ooking fo r solutions

Check it out! OK, so what are we going to do now?

Looking forward to is always followed by
Well sort this out.
the -ing form of the verb.
Im looking forward to fin ish ing the
Lets make a plan.
That might work.
NOT Im looking forward to fin ish the W ork w ith a partner.
Student A: Turn to page 120.
Student B: Turn to page 123.

106 Unit 12
Portfolio IE
A record of achievement
Look at A n ita s Record o f achievem ent and answer the questions.
1 What has she got better at?
2 What does she still need to work on?
3 Did she achieve her goals this year?
4 What are her aims for next year?

Record of Achievement Name: Amha Qupha

Think about your progress in English during the last year.
How good are you at the following? Mark yourself on the
line from W (weak) to S (strong).

Making an effort in class W................. X .... S What are your aims for next term?
Doing homework W X S Nexh herm I aim ho do more o-f hhe
Speaking W................. X S homework .T h is year I haven h done all hhe
Listening W................. X S
and I know I w ill geh a worse mark because
Reading W................... X...S
o-f hhah.
Writing W................. X .... S
What will you need to do next term to help
Which activities did you most enjoy? you achieve your aims?
I liked working in groups besh. I enjoyed hhe
X w ill hr'y ho organise my hi me behher S o I
achivihies where we. w orked hogehher. I don'h
can do my hom ew ork .
like working on my own very much.
If you had planned the course, what would
Which activities helped you make progress in you have done differently?
English this year? J would have liked ho wahch a film in English
I hhink hhah hhe speaking achivihies have helped as parh o f hhe course and i-f I had planned
me mosh hhis year. Lash year I waSn'h very hhe course , X would have done less grammar
confidenh a i speaking in English buh hhis year and more speaking!
we have prachised a Io h . Also T now have a
friend -from Aushralia so I prachise English Is there anything that you are able to do now
wihh h im . that you couldnt do at the beginning of the
Have you achieved your goals this year? W hen I lishen ho music in English, X can
My goal -for hhis year was ho paSS all hhe somehimes undershand hhe lyrics! Ah hhe
subjechs and T v e Josh -found ouh hhah I have I beginning o-f hhe course X couldn'h do hhah.
I hhink I could have made behher progress in I h depends on hhe song - some are shill
English i-f I 'd worked a lihhle bih harder buh really di-fficulh, buh I -feel hhah X am able ho
I -feel hhah I have im proved. undershand m o re .

b Read the record o f achievem ent again carefully. W rite yo ur own record o f achievem ent
U nderline exam ples o f the fo llow ing: in your notebook. I r y and use a variety
1 the past simple of tenses w ith at least one exam ple of
2 the present perfect with just those in Exercise b. Answ er w ith as much
inform a tion as you can.
3 the third conditional
4 a future tense
W ork w ith a partner. Read yo ur p a rtn e rs
5 two ways of expressing ability record o f achievem ent and offer h im /h e r
6 two verbs or adjectives with dependent prepositions some advice.

Unit IE ( 1 0 7 ) .
It Aint Over Til Its Over
3 .3 6 Listen to th e beginning o f the
song and n um ber th e lines, 1-4. Then
(cTrcTe) w h a t th e song is about.

So much tim e, wasted

Here we are, still together

Playing games w ith love

We are o n e ...

The song is about b e in g ...

w ith friends in love at home

13 .3 7 Listen to the next part o f the

song and com plete the lines w ith the

alive cried over over pain tried

So many tears Iv e ...................

So m u c h ...................inside
But baby it aint over til it s ...................
So many years w ev e ...................
To keep our lo v e ...................
But baby it aint over til its ...................

13 . 3 8 Listen to p art o f th e song and

i the correct words.
How many days / times
Did we give / take up
But we always worked / sorted things out
A nd all my doubts and fears / questions
Kept me wondering, yeah
If Id always, always be your friend / in love

13 . 3 9 Listen to the w hole song. Then

answer th e questions.
1 Are the people in the song together now?
2 W hat do they wish?
A They hadnt stayed together.
B They had been happier together in
the past.
C They had wasted more tim e and
played more games.
3 It aint over til its over' was fam ously said
by Am erican baseball player and coach,
Yogi Berra, w hen his team played very
badly. W hat does it mean?

108 Unit 12
(T B6und check
a M atch the contractions w ith the full forms.

cause til aint because is not until

j 3 .4 0 Listen and co un t the syllables.

But baby it aint over 'til its over
1 H ow many syllables are in the line?
2 Why do we use contractions in songs?

fT lM u sical notes
The 1990s

The song It A int Over Til I ts Over is by the

American singer-songwriter Lenny Kravitz.
His music, incorporating different styles such
as rock and reggae, became very popular in the
1990s. Other music styles that were popular
in the 1990s included pop and alternative rock.
People also listened to R&B and rap music,
which came to Britain from the US.

13 .4 1 Listen and n um ber the types

o f music from the 1990s in th e order you
hear them .

Rank the fo u r styles o f music in order 1-4,

from the one you like most, to the one
you like least. Compare w ith a p a rtne r and
explain w hy you like or dislike each style.
R & B ........................ R a p..........................
A lternative ro c k .........................
P o p .........................

Unit 12 1109
Review and
rrtd T ammar C om plete th e sentences fo r each situation.
1 Your friend wants to order a mushroom pizza to
O C om plete th e subject or object questions. share with you. You dont like mushroom, but you
1 M r H arm er teaches ICT at school. like ham and pineapple.
W h o .......................................? Id rather.....................................
2 M ost bank robberies take place on Fridays. 2 Your friends want to meet at 6 oclock. You want to
W h e n ....................................... ? meet at 7 oclock.
3 M y brother w ent to a concert last night. Id rather w e .....................................
W h o .......................................? 3 Jack wants to watch the sports channel. Lucia wants
4 The thieves stole an expensive painting from the to watch the movie channel.
museum. Shed prefer.....................................
W h a t..................................... ? 4 Your mum asks you if you want to go into town or
5 Lucy updates her social netw orking site every day. stay at home.
W h o ...................................... ? Would you prefer.....................................?
6 Harry organised a trip to London to celebrate the 5 You want to leave school and get a job. Your parents
end o f the school year. want you to go to university.
W hat ? Theyd rather.....................................
6 Students can study Spanish or Italian at school. You
Rewrite the sentences w ith wish or if only. want to study Italian.
1 Alesha cant dance, b u t she w ould like to. Youd prefer............................................. |I6|
S he...................................... .
^ C om plete th e second sentence so th a t it means
2 Adi didnt revise for his exams and he failed
the same as th e first.
I f ...................................... . 1 I wish I hadnt gone to the party.

3 Anika wants to have long hair. If o n ly ..................................... !

S he...................................... . 2 I dont want to get a job this summer, but I have to.

4 Manuel and Gabi w ant to live by the sea. I w is h .....................................

I f ...................................... . 3 They would have gone out to celebrate if theyd
known it was Dans birthday.
5 Diana doesnt w ant her dad to smoke.
They....................................stayed at home if
She...................................... .
Dans birthday.
6 H enris parents dont let him go out during the
4 If she had revised more, she wouldnt have failed
week. He wants to go o u t on Tuesday.
her exams.
H e ............................. .
She would have........................... ........ .
( C lrd e) th e correct words. 5 Hed rather do his homework on the computer.
1 If she hadnt cheated / didnt cheat in the exam, Hed prefer.....................................
she w o u ld n t get / have got into trouble. 6 I dont want you to tell her the secret.
2 If I had chosen / would choose a safer password, Id rather.....................................
no one w ould hack / have hacked into my social
netw orking site.
3 The vandals had gone / would have gone to prison
if they had been / would be caught. How are you doing?
4 We had had / would have had a school prom if the H ow many points have you got? Put tw o crosses on
head teacher had / would have let us. the chart: one fo r gram m ar and one fo r vocabulary.
5 If he had / hadnt lost his passport, he could go /
have gone on the school trip.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
6 He could go / have gone to university if he had /
would have got better grades at school. I

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Vocabulary | I
I r

Review U and IE
iT l Vocabularu
C om plete th e crossword. C om plete the table w ith th e words (1 -6 ) fo r the
verbs and adjectives.
noun verb adjective
3 4 aim 1 -
expectation 2 -
achievem ent 3 -

4 - ambitious
5 - challenging
6 - hopeful

Com plete th e sentences w ith th e correct

preposition: on, in, at or to.
1 We may go. It d e p e n d e weather.
2 Theyre in te re s te d .................... learning Chinese.
3 Did he succeed.................. finding a job?
4 I wish I was b e tte r playing th e drums.
5 I need to co n ce n tra te .................... revising now.
Across 6 Im looking forward ..... my birthday.
1 a person w ho steals som ething from a shop 7 Shes very k e e n ...................the idea.
4 break into someones house and take things
5 get into someones com puter system
8 copying someone elses w ork and saying its yours
2 stealing personal inform ation to com m it a crime Correct it! ffl/GLISH 6^

3 take som ething th a t isnt yours

C orrect these typical learner errors
4 a person w ho steals money from a bank
from U nits 11 and 12.
6 a person w ho w rites graffiti or breaks things
7 copying software or music from the internet 1 I wish I w ould find my pen.

C om plete the crim e collocations.

1 c................ a crime
2 One night she decided to stole the painting.

2 arrest as..................
3 The most com m on age for a person to make a
3 c................ someone with a crime crime is between 16 and 22.
4 g ............... to prison
5 a prison s.................. 4 I rather listen to music than play games on the
6 p a y a f ................. computer.
7 community s..................
8 have a criminal r.................. 5 I w ould prefere to stay in the Abrahams hotel.

6 I wish you can come to my birthday party next

GREEN: Great! Tell your teacher your score!
Not bad, but go to the website for extra practice.

RED: Talk to your teacher and look at Units 11 and 12

7 I d idnt expected to get the first prize.
again. Go to the website for extra practice.

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
8 We are looking to hearing from you soon.
I I i---- 1---- 1 i---- 1 i HI
_ LJ 9 But it depends o f where you live.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

10 I am very interested to become part o f this project.

Review 11 and IE I 111 "

S k ills 4 Real

0 Speaking
a W hich are im p o rta n t qualities fo r a good C W ork w ith a partner. Answer the questions.
friend? Put the fo llo w in g in order from the most Have you e v e r...
im p o rta n t to th e least im p orta nt.
1 told a friend how important he/she is to you?
generous patient fun understanding 2 fallen out with a friend and never made up?
good sense of humour kind 3 felt bad about how you have spoken to a friend?
4 done anything dangerous to help a friend?
Do you agree w ith your partner? Why? / W hy not?

IA Ks 1+ ComesTo Kn End b he Perfect Friend C Ode T o A C M brooir*

by Kay by Shannen Wrass by A \ar/e
Today I found a friend Oneday I d eed ed to get w the net,
Ks I Sit here in class,
who knew everything I felt I thought a. chad room would be my best bet.
I observe, m\| frie n d s she knew my weakness
Knd look -forw ard to the ^ear \[saw names and words up from where
and the problems I've been dealt.
Com ing to an end. She understood my wonders 1 knew not.
and listened to my dreams, 1 soon took a chanceand thou
I t 's gonna be Sad
she listened to how I felt about Could I do this, t looked really neat.
T o Sa^ goodbye.
life and love
I 'l l m iss everyone. I saw names on the screen that started with
and knew what it all means.
I know I will cr^. Not once did she interrupt me street,
I rem em ber the da\| or tell me I was wrong sweet smiles, So,and were there too,
U )h en I came back she understood what I was going And then I saw it, Oh, yes, were talking to
T o be w ith m^ frie n d s through you,
Knd get on th e rig h t track. and promised she'd stay long. come on mand chat for a while.'
I reached out to this friend,
UOe had So manvj moments-, And when I did 1 started to smile.
to show her that I care
Som e bad, m ost great. to pull her close and let her know 1 saw Chuche and 'Robbie and soon I
I I I always rem em ber the love how much I need her there. friends
Knd erase th e hate. I went to hold her hand with quite a few people by the day's end.
to pull her a bit nearer And after awhile they called me friend.
I d o n 't w anna Sa\| goodbye
and I realized this perfect friend
T o all m\| frie n d s. Sometimes I come in and my friends are not
I found
I don t w ant th is \|ear
was nothing but a mirror. there,
T o com e to an e n d . T u t TH go back agam because I know that
they care.
E 'A brother m ay not be a Some hue in the States and some do not,
friend, but a friend w ill
always be a brother.' T u t they always know when 1 need to talk.
Samuel Richardson 1 am so glad 1 took the leap and went mto
0 P rp te fe n n ie P oem s- chat roomwherefriends so
I W a n t t o tell y o u s o n ie f h in n
It s soppy b a t t i W 3
riend* P g rew /fefo w ep
F 'Books and-friends should
be few bub good!
(2) Reading (fa s te n in g
a Look at the poems and quotes about
friendship. Where do you think you
would find them?

t) Read the poems and quotes quickly.

Which one (A-F) is about somebody
who ...
1 is about to leave school?
2 has just discovered the possibility of
making online friends?
3 is getting to know themselves better?
4 believes that its better to have one
or two really good friends than lots of
average friends?
5 may get on better with a friend than
a member of their family?

C Read the poems and quotes again. j 3 .42 Listen to three people talking about their
Are the statements right ( / ) , wrong best friends. Match the opinions with the speakers.
(X) or doesnt say (-)? 1 Weve known each other since we were three or four.
1 The author of poem A only has happy
memories of her school days. 2 I love my best friends sense of humour.'
2 The author of poem B believes you
should be your own friend. 3 We have lots of the same friends.
3 The author of poem C isnt enjoying
making friends online.
4 The author of poem D wants to tell J3.42 Listen again. W hat three questions does
their friend that they are appreciated. the interviewer ask? Take notes on the speakers
5 The author of quote E believes you answers.
automatically get on well with your 1 .............................................
2 ...................................................
6 The author of quote F has lots of good
3 ........................................
Work with a partner. Compare your notes and ask
d Match the words w ith the meanings.
and answer the questions in Exercise 3b together.
1 erase
2 an ode
3 neat
4 a leap
4 Writing
5 weakness You are going to w rite a very short poem or a
6 soppy quote about friends and friendship, to include
A good (informal US) in your friends birthday card.
B remove information Think of a friend (real or imaginary) that you can
write about.
C a quality or part of someone that is not
good How does your friend make you feel? What is
special about him/her?
D a poem expressing the w riters feelings
Is your poem or quote going to be funny or serious?
E a large jump
F showing or feeling too much emotion Make a note of useful words and ideas.
Write your poem or quote.
e Work w ith a partner. Which poem or
quote do you like best? Why? Work in a group. Read your poems and quotes to
each other. Do you like them? Why? / Why not?
( !) Speaking
a W ork w ith a partner. Imagine you are a musician. H ow many ways o f becom ing famous can you
th in k of?

b Com pare yo ur ideas w ith a nother pair. W ho has more ideas?

How to get yo Give it away now

Unlike MySpace songs, songs can

music heard be embedded anywhere. It has no file-size lim it and

it lets fans com m ent on specific parts o f a recording.
Q uicker and easier than MySpace - just not as
popular ... Yet.

Hey Mr DJ!
There are tw o types o f radio DJ - those that play
from a playlist and those that break new music.
Ignore the form er and focus on the latter. It's easy to
find contact details via MySpace or Facebook, then
just send a high-quality MP3 (192kbps).

Think about the audience

M any unknow n musicians get their music heard
by having tracks published in videogames. Visit and check out the contact details
for hundreds o f games publishers and developers.

Lily Allen has come a long, long way from her M ySpace Show what youre made of
beginnings If you w ant to impress a particular label or
************* artist, remix an official track and send it to the
E Get social management. This recently happened w ith the
Dandy W arhols - resulting in the remix being
It w orked for Lily Allen and the A rctic Monkeys and
included in their next official release.
it might just w o rk for you. Facebook allows easy-
to-design fan sites and artist pages, although cross Spend a little money and a lot of tim e
prom otion can be tricky. And you need to Tweet to N othing is better than physical contact w ith potential
stay in touch w ith fans. fans. Bulk-buy CDs, burn your best tracks, scribble
Get played and paid your band's URL, then give out to punters at the kind
o f gig that fits your music. Simple but effective.
O nline music stores like specialise in
selling music from independent artists. They sell your Got the X-Factor?
music in both CD and digital form at (including an Check out com m unity sites such as
iTunes listing) for low start-up costs. It's how people for talent competitions that can result in a chart listing
like Jack Johnson started out. and even being played on 400 FM radio stations.
Festival focus HO Get creative
The UK has been in festival frenzy w ith many Stickers are cool. Stickers w ith your band's name and
m ajor events desperately looking for new talent logo are even cooler. Visit
to fill secondary stages. Check out the website where you can get 1,000 custom-designed stickers to find out what's on, where, for 150.
and w ho you need to approach.

I SkillsHReal 58
r Z '-
( 2 ) Reading 3) Listening
a Read th e te x t quickly. H ow many
o f your ideas from Exercise 1 were
m entioned?

b Read th e te x t again and answer the

1 What do musicians use social
networking sites like Facebook for?
2 If you want to sell your music online,
which website can help you?
3 Which website can help you if you
want to perform your music live?
4 How can you contact radio DJs to get
them to play your music?
5 Apart from social networking sites, a 0 0 3 .4 3 Listen to th re e people ta lkin g about
whats one popular way for new music. M atch th e phrases w ith th e speakers.
musicians to get published? 1 Im really into pop music..................
6 What can you do to show a record 2 Ive always got a song in my head..................
label that you have musical ability? 3 I play the piano and the drum s...................
7 How can talent competitions be
useful? b 003.43 Listen again. W h a t th re e questions
8 What two things could you give away does th e intervie w er ask? Take notes on the
to potential fans? speakers answers.
c M atch the words or phrases w ith the
2 ............
3 .................................... ........
1 a household name
2 approach C W ork w ith a partner. Compare your notes ask
3 the fo rm e r... the latter and answer the questions in Exercise 3b together.
4 release
5 scribble
6 punter (4 1 Writing
A speak or write to someone
a W ork w ith a partner. Youre going to w rite
B a CD or piece of music that is
some tips fo r doing som ething successfully.
W rite a bo ut one o f the ideas in the box or your
C a very famous person
own idea.
D write down quickly
E someone who buys products H o w to ...
F the fir s t... the second
take photos dress like a top model
play football/basketball
W ork w ith a partner. Answer the
design a website speak English fluently
come top in your exams
1 Do you think the advice in the text is
good? Why? / Why not?
b W rite your tips (6 -8 ). Include:
2 If you had a band, which of the things
would you do? 1 a heading for each tip
3 Can you think of any other ways to get 2 imperatives (V i s i t C h e c k o u t ...) or modalsof
your music heard? ability ( You can ..., You could ...)
4 What are the advantages and 3 useful website addresses
disadvantages of being a household
name? C Swap yo ur tips w ith a no the r pair. Is th e advice
S k ilM R e a l
UNITS 9-12

W ork w ith a partner. Answ er th e questions.
1 Which museums and art galleries are popular in your country? Have you visited any of them?
2 Do you think objects like T-shirts, watches or bags can be forms of art? Why? / Why not?
3 Which well-known artists and designers come from your country? Do you like their work? Why? / Why not?

The Pop Artist/Designer

File Edit View insert Format Tools Actions Help

Tate M odern brings to g e th e r artists from the 1980s

on w a rds w ho have em braced com m e rce and the m ass
m edia to build th e ir ow n b ra n d s.
G ood business is the best a rt, A n d y W arhol fam ou sly
rem arked. S ince his death in 1987, m an y sub seq ue nt
i l
a rtists have follow e d his lead. P OISHMWSHBIM! <
A nu m be r o f th e artists fea tu red in the Pop Life exhibition
have explored the boun da ries betw een art and com m e rce
and the roles o f artists and designers. W e ve selected ju s t
a fe w to g e t you thinking ab ou t yo u r ow n design ideas.


Keith Haring
Artists such as Keith Haring created signature designs As part of the YBA generation, Tracey Emin and Sarah Lucas
and products such as toys, magnets and T-shirts. The opened T h e Shop in 1993, a project created for marketing
exhibition will include a reconstruction o f Keith Harings their work. For six months they rented a space, form erly
Pop Shop (right). a doctors surgery, in east Londons Bethnal Green Road,
where they made and sold solo and collaborative work.
In 1986, Haring opened his Pop Shop in New York,
offering a range o f m erchandise branded with his distinct
visual style. The walls, floor and ceiling were covered with
Harings graffiti, and the goods on sale changed hands to E S O d lM I (K lM JL E (M I(
the accom panim ent of a continuous rap soundtrack.
T h e c h a lle n g e w a s to use the P op Life exh ib itio n
Takashi Murakami and fe a tu re d art and a rtists as in sp ira tio n to cre a te
There will also be an exciting new commission by the an o rig in a l P o p -in sp ire d
Japanese artist Takashi Murakami. Murakami has worked T -sh irt de sig n.
across different media and disciplines including painting,
giant inflatable sculptures and performance events. He The artists shown in the Pop
has also designed everything from key chains, mouse Life exhibition at the Tate Modern
pads, plush dolls, T-shirts to Louis Vuitton handbags. inspired this T-shirt entitled Pop
Life Deserves A Toast. Displays
Murakami's retrospective at the Museum of by pop icons such as Keith Haring
Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, for example, and Takashi Murakami influenced
incorporated a Louis Vuitton boutique in the middle of the customisation and colour. The
the exhibition, selling merchandise that the artist had toasters symbolise the everyday
designed for the fashion label. consumer product, along with the
The YBAs toast that pops up representing
Young Tate W inning
There will also be a gallery dedicated to the so-called the energy and lifestyle of Pop Art
Design: Pop Life
Young British Artists', which will include ephemera from that we all know and love.
Deserves A Toast by
Tracey Emin and Sarah Lucas's shop. Kayleigh Doughty

(2 fReading (3) Listening
a Look at the inform a tion a bo ut the Pop
Life e xhibitio n. W h a t is the e xh ib itio n

b Read the inform a tion quickly. W hich

a r t is t ...

Andy Warhol Keith Haring

Takashi Murakami Tracey Emin
Kayleigh Doughty

1 won a competition with a T-shirt design?

2 said that business was good for art?
3 sold fashion products during his/her
4 opened a shop in London with another 13 .4 4 Listen to three people ta lkin g about
artist? museum exhibitions. M atch th e phrases w ith

5 designed toys, magnets and T-shirts? th e speakers.

1 I prefer history museums to art museums.
C Read th e inform a tion again. Are the
sentences right ( / ) , wrong (X) or doesnt 2 I like museums with interactive exhibits.
say (-)?
1 The Pop Life exhibition looks at the 3 I went to an exhibition at my favourite football
connection between art and business. club recently...................
2 Harings Pop Shop sold music products.
3 Murakami never paints. 13 .4 4 Listen again. W h a t th re e questions

4 Tracey Emin and Sarah Lucas only had does the intervie w er ask? Take notes on th e
The Shop for a few months. speakers answers.
5 The winning T-shirt in the Pop Life Design 1

Challenge was inspired by classical art. 2 ........................................

d M atch th e words w ith th e meanings.
1 commerce
W ork w ith a partner. Com pare yo ur notes
ask and answer th e questions in Exercise 3b
2 boundaries
3 merchandise
4 boutique
5 icons
6 symbolise (4 J Writing
A famous people admired by others W rite a review fo r yo ur blog o f an e xh ib itio n
B limits w hich is on in your city or co un try now.
C business Include this inform ation:
D represent the theme of the exhibition
E shop what you can see there (photographs,
F things that are bought and sold paintings, objects, etc.)
the artists
e W ork w ith a partner. Answ er the
the venue, dates, ticket prices
your opinion of the exhibition
1 Would you like to visit the Pop Life
exhibition? Why? / Why not? W ork in a group. Swap inform a tion about
2 Do you think artists should sell products as th e exhibitions. W hich e xh ib itio n w ould you
part of their exhibitions? Why? / Why not? m ost like to go to? Why?
Interaction: Student A
Interaction l page 8
C Have conversations w ith yo ur partner. First, ask questions to find o u t yo ur p a rtn e rs
news. Then answer yo ur p a rtn e rs questions a bo ut your news (you invent the details).
Use th e Interaction language to help you.
C onversation 1: You havent done much recently. Your cousin has got married. You failed
your Maths and Science exams and your dads broken his leg.
C onversation 2: Youve been to watch a really good film at the cinema and youve bought
some new trainers. Youve started exercise classes too.

d Have a conversation abo ut your real news. Use th e Interaction language to help you.

Interaction 2 page 16
d Take turns being the custom er and the shop assistant. First, you are th e customer.
Return these items to the shop. Then respond to yo ur partne r w hen he/sh e is the
customer. Use th e interactio n language to help you.

MP3 Player

March, 7*l

page 26
C You are going on a four-day trip to a music festival in Scotland. You w ill be cam ping at the festival.
Decide to ge th er w h a t you are going to take w ith you in your rucksacks. Use th e Interaction language
to help you.
Extra information about the trip
Scotland is famous for having a lot of mosquitoes.
There arent many shops in the area. The nearest town is 4km away.
It rains a lot in Scotland.

Interaction H page 34
d Tell your partne r abo ut yo ur problem . Listen to yo ur p a rtn e rs advice and accept or reject it. Then listen to
yo ur p a rtn e rs problem and give advice. Use the Interaction language to help you.
Your p roblem : You are worried about a friend of yours. He/She has just got a motorbike and he/she always drives
too fast and in a dangerous way. He/She thinks its funny to race through the town centre but youre worried hell/
shell have an accident soon.

Interaction: Student A
page 44

C W ork w ith a partner. Discuss w h a t d iffe re n t things make a school better. You can use th e ideas
in th e box, b ut add some o f your own ideas.

a theatre a laptop for every student a music studio good science labs
a cafe with relaxing music a swimming pool

d N ow w o rk in yo ur group o f four. Decide on th e tw o m ost im p o rta n t things to include in a new school.

In te rru p t th e o th e r people in the group if necessary. Use th e Interaction language to help you.

page 52
C You are going to take p art in three debates. Before you start, w rite dow n some ideas to su pp ort
yo ur opinions. D uring th e debates use th e Interaction language to help you agree and disagree.
1 Reality TV is great television. You agree. Your partner disagrees.
2 Being famous is wonderful. You disagree. Your partner agrees.
3 Hard work is more important than natural talent. You agree. Your partner disagrees.

d Have a discussion a bo ut the topics w ith yo ur real opinions.

Interaction 7 ^
page 62
C Laura, a girl in yo ur class, hasnt come to school fo r th e last three days. Your partne r is a frien d o f Lauras
and he/sh e w ill help you guess w h a t m ight have happened to her. Use th e Interaction language to help you.

d There was a big party at th e weekend, b ut yo ur friend Kevin d id n t go. Your p artne r is going to guess w ha t
happened. Tell h im /h e r if h is /h e r ideas m ight be right. Use th e Interaction language to help you.

You know th at:

Kevin gets on very well with the boy who had the party.
A girl he likes was going to the party.
You saw him the day of the party and he was fine.
He was going to play football just before the party.
He had a big argument with his brother the day before the party.
His older cousin had a party the same night.

Interaction 8 page 70
C Look at th e descriptions o f th e gadgets below and th in k a bo ut how th ey m ight w ork. Then explain
to your p artne r how to use th e gadgets and answer any questions h e/sh e has. Use th e Interaction language
to help you.
A gadget to make learning English easier.
A gadget to help with the housework.

d N ow listen to your p a rtn e rs explanations o f how to use tw o gadgets. Ask fo r more inform a tion
if you d o n t understand th e explanations. Use the Interaction language to help you.

Interaction: Student A 119

interaction 9 page 80
C Look at the inform a tion and act o u t th e conversations w ith your partner. Use th e Interaction language
to help you.
C onversation 1: Your friend has bought some new clothes and asks you if you like them. You think theyre awful
(you decide why), but you dont want to hurt his/her feelings so you tell some white lies to be tactful. Your partner
starts the conversation.
C onversation 2: You have bought your friend a present (you decide what). You think its great, but youre not sure
if he/she likes it. Ask him /her if he/she likes the present. You start the conversation.

Interaction 10 A
page 88
c You are going to an A rts Festival to ge th er next w eekend. You need to check some details. Use the
Interaction language to help you.

Student A
Saturday Sunday

M orning What? A presentation of new What?

computer games Where?
Where? Cost? 2.50
Cost? Free

Afternoon What? What? Winners of short film competition

Where? New Theatre Where?
Cost? Cost?

Evening What? Rock concert - lots of different bands What?

Where? Where? The Queens Hall
Cost? 35 Cost? Free

Interaction 11
__________________________________________________ A
page 98
C Look at th e inform a tion and act o u t the conversations w ith yo ur partner. Use th e Interaction language to
help you.
C onversation 1: You are a teacher and one of your students borrowed the class video camera for some project
work. He/She took it home to use and now its broken. Talk to the student and decide on what should happen.
Your partner starts the conversation.
C onversation 2: You didnt go to one of your classes yesterday because you had an important exam and you hadnt
studied for it (you decide on the subject and why you hadnt studied). Your teacher wants to talk to you. Apologise
and explain why you didnt go to the class. You start the conversation.

Interaction IE A
page 106
C Look at the inform a tion and act o u t th e conversations w ith yo ur partner. Try to find solutions to the
problems. Use the Interaction language to help you.
C onversation 1: You are working on a school project together. You had all the information saved on your laptop
and it has just broken. You have lost the whole project! You think that your friend Jack, w hos a computer genius,
will be able to repair the laptop and find the project.
C onversation 2: You are preparing an outdoor party to celebrate the end of the school year. The party is in three
days time. The weather forecast predicts rain and storms. You want to cancel the party completely! It will be a
disaster in the rain.

Interaction: Student A
Interaction: 5tudent B
Interaction 1 page 8
C Have conversations w ith your partner. First, answer your p a rtn e rs questions a bo ut your
news (you invent the details). Then ask questions to find o u t yo ur partners news. Use
the Interaction language to help you.
C onversation 1: Youve started singing lessons and youve been to a concert. Youre training
for a marathon.
C onversation 2: You havent done much recently. Youve got into a very good sports team but
youre a bit worried because you dont know anyone on the team.

d Have a conversation abo ut your real news. Use th e Interaction language to help you.

Interaction E page 16
d Take turns being the custom er and the shop assistant. First, respond to your partner
w hen h e/sh e is the custom er. Then you are th e customer. Return these items to the
shop. Use th e Interaction language to help you.

Interaction 3 page 26
C You are going on a four-day trip to a music festival in Scotland. You w ill be cam ping at the festival.
Decide to ge th er w h a t you are going to take w ith you in your rucksacks. Use th e Interaction language
to help you.
Extra information about the trip
The sun can be quite strong in summer, even though its cloudy.
There is only one cafe on the festival site. The food is very expensive.
You will be walking long distances, so you need to carry as little as possible.

Interaction H page 34
d Listen to yo ur p a rtn e rs problem and give advice. Then te ll yo ur partne r a bo ut yo ur problem . Listen to your
p a rtn e rs advice and accept or reject it. Use the Interaction language to help you.
Your problem : You are worried about a friend. He/She has started to meet lots of new friends online through a
social network site. He/She spends hours chatting to them and now wants to travel to meet them. You dont think
its safe.

Interaction: Student B 121

page 44

C W ork w ith a partner. Discuss w h a t d iffe re n t things make a school better. You can use the ideas in the box
b u t add some o f your own ideas.

a theatre a laptop for every student a music studio good science labs
a cafe with relaxing music a swimming pool

d N ow w ork in yo ur group o f four. Decide on th e tw o m ost im p o rta n t things to include in a new school.
In te rru p t the o th e r people in the group if necessary. Use the Interaction language to help you.

page 52
C You are going to take p art in three debates. Before you start, w rite dow n some ideas to su pp ort
your opinions. D uring th e debates use th e Interaction language to help you agree and disagree.
1 Reality TV is great television. You disagree. Your partner agrees.
2 Being famous is wonderful. You agree. Your partner disagrees.
3 Hard work is more important than natural talent. You disagree. Your partner agrees.

d Have a discussion a bo ut th e topics w ith your real opinions.

Interaction 7
page 62
C Laura, a girl in your class, hasnt come to school fo r the last three days. Your partne r is going to guess
w h a t happened. Tell h im /h e r if h is /h e r ideas m ight be right. Use the Interaction language to help you.

You know th at:

Laura never makes excuses to miss tests.
She likes most school subjects and being with her friends at school.
She was going to go skateboarding four days ago.
She often goes to stay with her grandparents, who live a long way from the school.
She usually keeps in touch by phone and email, but she hasnt contacted you.
Her sister had flu last week.

d There was a big party at th e weekend, b ut the m ost popular boy in th e class, Kevin, d id n t go. Your partner
is a frien d o f Kevins and he/sh e w ill help you guess w h a t m ight have happened to him. Use th e Interaction
language to help you.

Interaction 8
_______________________ A
page 70
C Listen to yo ur p a rtn e rs explanations o f how to use tw o gadgets. Ask fo r m ore inform a tion if you d o n t
understand the explanations. Use th e Interaction language to help you.

d N ow look at th e descriptions o f the gadgets below and th in k about how th ey m ig ht w ork. Then explain to
your partne r how to use the gadgets and answer any questions he/sh e has.Use th e Interaction language
to help you.
A gadget to help you find shops in your local area.
A gadget to help you find your mobile phone.

122 Interaction: Student B

Interaction 9 page 80
C Look at th e inform a tion and act o u t the conversations w ith yo ur partner. Use the Interaction language
to help you.
C onversation 1: You have bought some new clothes (you decide what). You love them and show your friend.
Ask your friend if he/she likes your new clothes. You start the conversation.
C onversation 2: Your friend has bought you a present. You hate it, but you dont want to hurt his/her feelings
so you tell some white lies to be tactful. Your partner starts the conversation.

Interaction 10__ page 88

C You are going to an A rts Festival to ge th er next weekend. You need to check some details. Use the
Interaction language to help you.

Student B

Saturday Sunday

M orning What? What? Manga exhibition with animated

Where? The Orange Store film clips
Cost? Where? The Fitz Museum

Afternoon What? Comedy (play) about university students What?

Where? Where? Odeon Cinema
Cost? 7 Cost? Free

Evening What? What? Party with writers and musicians

Where? Sports Stadium Where?
Cost? Cost?
V. ......-


Interaction ll A
page 98
C Look at the inform a tion and act o u t the conversations w ith yo ur partner. Use th e Interaction language
to help you.
C onversation 1: Your teacher gave you permission to borrow the class video camera to record something for
a project. You took it home but it got broken (you decide how it happened). Your teacher wants to talk to you.
Apologise and explain what happened. You start the conversation.
C onversation 2: You are a teacher. One of your students didnt come to your class yesterday and missed
an important exam. Talk to the student and find out why he/she didn't come to your class. Decide on what
should happen. Your partner starts the conversation.

Interaction IE u
page 106
C Look at th e inform a tion and act o u t th e conversations w ith your partner. Try to find solutions to the
problems. Use the Interaction language to help you.
C onversation 1: You are working on a school project together. Your partner had all the information saved on
a laptop and it has just broken. The whole project is lost! You are angry and think its your partners fault as
she/he should have made a back-up copy.
C onversation 2: You are preparing an outdoor party to celebrate the end of the school year. The party is in
three days time. The weather forecast predicts rain and storms. You dont believe in weather forecasts! You want
to go ahead with the party as planned.

Interaction: Student B
Speaking activities
Unit 1, page 8 Unit 5, page 41

Student B
Student B 3 Read th e instructions and w rite words or
C om plete th e questions w ith the correct form of num bers in th e shapes.
th e phrasal verbs and expressions. Then ask and
answer the questions.

get get into get on with get text messages

get through

1 How often do you ................?

2 What did y o u for your last birthday?
3 Who dont y o u your family?
4 What do you do to help y o u ...................difficult
5 Would you like t o ................... university? Why? /
Why not?

Unit 7, page 59: Student A

Pictures A and C:
1 In the triangle write the name of the most
A This is a picture of a man called Chito playing interesting teacher you have.
with Pocho, a giant crocodile. They became
2 In the square write the subjects you have
friends 20 years ago in Costa Rica when Chito
got high marks in so far this term.
found Pocho close to death and looked after
3 In the circle write your favourite school day
him for six months. Now they both perform for
of the week.
4 In the rectangle write the number of
C This is a close-up photo of a dragonhead
minutes you spend doing your homework
eumegalodon, a type of cricket. Biochemist
in the evening.
and photographer Igor Siwanowicz spent years
5 In the oval write the subject you like the
photographing amazing images of insects in his
home studio in Munich, Germany.

t> Look at yo ur p a rtn e rs shapes and guess

w h a t th e words or num bers mean. Ask
Unit 9, page 77 fo llo w -u p questions if possible.
B: ) 7. Is that the number of lessons you have
in one day?
Picture A is real. Some cats (and some people)
A: No, it isnt. Try again.
really do have different-coloured eyes.
Picture B is real. It was taken on a beach. The man
is standing further away than the woman, which Unit 7, page 59: Student B
makes him look much smaller.
Picture C is a real watermelon. Watermelons are
Pictures B and D:
sometimes grown in boxes to make them square,
B There are many different ways of sawing
so that they are easier to store and pack.
someone in half. These include using two
Picture D is also real. The woman is bending
different people, boxes with secret sections
forwards, looking in her bag, and the angle the
inside, mirrors and false legs and feet.
photo was taken from makes it impossible to see
D This is a zorse or zebrula. Its parents were a
any of her head.
zebra and a horse. The zorse is more like a horse
than a zebra in shape, but it has striped legs and
it often has stripes on its body and neck.

124 Speaking activities

(adj) = adjective (adv) = adverb (adv ph) = adverbial phrase
(n) = noun (npl) = plural noun (v) = verb (pp) = past participle

under-age (adj) /.Anda'reid3/ tell on someone (v) /'tel Dn

Unit 1
underground (n) /.Anda'graund/ .SAmwAn/
Fitness underpaid (adj) /.Anda'peid/ chatty (adj) /'tjaeti/
active (adj) /'asktiv/ cheeky (adj) /'tjiik i/
energetic (adj) /.e n a ^ e tik / Unit 3 fun (adj) /fAn/
fit (adj) / f it / helpful (adj) /'helpfal/
Natural disasters
flexible (adj) /'fleksibl/ laid-back (adj) /.leid baek/
avalanche (n) /'aevalainj/
stretch (v) /stre tj/ moody (adj) /'m u :d i/
drought (n) /d ra u t/
train (v) /tre in / outgoing (adj) /.aut'gauig/
earthquake (n) /'3:0kw eik/
warm up (v) /,wa:m V\p/ polite (adj) /p a 'la it/
flood (n) /fU d /
work out (v) /,w3:k 'aut/ rude (adj) /ru id /
heat wave (n) /'h i:t w e iv /
Phrasal verbs and expressions hurricane (n) /'hArikan/ sympathetic (adj) /,sim pa'0etik/
w ith get tsunami (n) /tsu:'na:m i/
get into (v) /,get 'in ta / volcanic eruption (n) /vDl.kaenik
Unit 5
get on w ith someone (v) /,get 'on I'rApJn/ School
w i9 ,SAmwAn/ be in detention (v) /b i ,in d i'te njan /
Outdoor clothes and
get on w ith something (v) /,get Un cheat (v) /tji:t/
w i9 ,SAm0ig/ come top in (v) /kAm 'top ,in/
anorak (n) /'aenaraek/
get out of (v) /.get 'aut av/ fail (v) /fe il/
fleece (n) /fliis /
get something across (v) /.get a high mark (n) /a 'hai ,ma:k/
goggles (npl) /'gog\z/
SAm0ig a'kros/ pass(v) /p a:s/
insect repellent (n) /'insekt
get through (v) /.get '0ru:/ retake (v) /.rii'te ik/
revise (v) /ri'v a iz /
rucksack (n) /'rAksaek/
Unit 2 skive off (inform al) (v) /.skaiv 'Df/
sleeping bag (n) /'sliipirj .baeg/
Electrical items term (n) /t3 :m /
sun cream (n) /'sAn ,kri:m/
dishwasher (n) /'di/.wDja/ torch (n) /ta :tj/ Memory
electric razor (n) /i.le ktrik 'reiza/ walking boots (npl) /'w aikig ,bu:ts/ forget (v) /fa'get/
food processor (n) /'fu:d .prausesa/ wetsuit (n) /'w etsu:t/ learn by heart (v) /,l3in bai 'h a it/
freezer (n) /'fri:za/ memorise (v) /'m em araiz/
hairdryer (n) /'hea.draiar/ Unit 4 memory (n) /'m em eri/
microwave (n) /'m a ikra w eiv/ mind (n) /m a in d /
toaster (n) /'tausta/ remind (v) /ri'm a in d /
be cross w ith someone (v) / bi 'kros
tum ble dryer (n) /'tAmbl .draia/
w i9 .SAmwAn/
vacuum cleaner (n)
fall out w ith someone (v) /.foil 'aut
Unit 6
/'vaekjuim ,kli:na/
w i9 .SAmwAn/ Noun suffixes
washing machine (n) /'wa:Jir|
get on well w ith someone (v) /g e t appearance (n) /a'piarans/
m a jl:n /
'Dn 'wel w i9 .SAmwAn/ artist (n) /'a rtis t/
Prefixes have an argument w ith someone creation (n) /kri'e ijn /
overpriced (adj) /.auva'praist/ (v) / haev an 'a igju m a nt w i9 creativity (n) /.k riie i'tiv iti/
oversleep (v) /.auva'sliip/ .SAmwAn/ designer (n) /d i'za in a /
overweight (adj) /.auva'weit/ keep in touch w ith someone (v) entertainm ent (n) /e nta'tein m a nt/
precooked (adj) /.prii'kukt/ /,ki:p in 'tAtJ w i9 .SAmwAn/ excitement (n) /ik'sa itm a n t/
preheat (v) /.p rii'h iit/ let somebody down (v) /.let SAmbadi exhibition (n) /.eksi'bijan/
pre-paid (adj) /.p rii'pe id / 'daun/ finalist (n) /'fa in a list/
recharge (v) /,ri:'tfa :d 3 / make up w ith someone (v) /.m eik perfomance (n) /pa'fa:mans/
retake (v) /.rii'te ik/ 'Ap w i9 .SAmwAn/ performer (n) /pa'faim a/
reuse (v) /,ri:'ju:z/ stick up for someone/something reality (n) /ri'aeliti/
supermarket (n) /'su:pa,m a:kit/ (v) /.stik 'Ap fa .SAmwAn/ selection (n) /si'lekjn/
supermodel (n) /'su:pa,mDdl/ /,SAm0ig/ singer (n) /'sirja/
superpower (n) /'su:pa,paua/ stylist (n) /'stailist/

Entertainment collocations plug in (v) /,plAg Tn/ Unit 11
art museum (n) /'a :t mju:,zi:9m/ run out of battery (v) /rAn ,aut av
'baetri/ Crime
fashion designer (n) /'fae/n di,zainar/
touch screen (n) /'tAtf ,skri:n/ bank robbery (n) /'baerjk .robari/
media attention (n) /'m i:dia a,tenjn/
voice-activated (adj) burglary (n) /'b3:glari/
natural talent (n) /.naetjrl 'taelant/
/'vais,aektiveitid/ hacking (n) /'haekirj/
prize money (n) /'praiz ,mAni/
identity th e ft (n) /a i'd e n titi ,0eft/
reality TV (n) /ri'aeliti ti:,vi:/
sports star (n) /'sports ,sta:/
Unit 9 piracy (n) /'pairasi/
plagiarism (n) /'p le id 3 arizm /
studio audience (n) /,stju:diau Adjectives o f opinion
shoplifting (n) /'/o p .liftirj/
a:dians/ amusing (adj) /a 'm ju izig /
th e ft (n) /0 e ft/
talent show (n) /'taelnt Jau/ annoying (adj) /a'nang/
vandalism (n) /'vaendalizm/
world champion (n) /,w3:ld confusing (adj) /kan'fjuizir)/
't/aempian/ depressing (adj) /d i'p re sirj/ Crime collocations
fascinating (adj) /'faesineitig/ charge (v) /t/a :d 3 /
Unit 7 gorgeous (adj) /'ga:d 3 as/ com m unity service (n) /ka,mju:nati
Extreme adjectives hideous (adj) /'hidias/ 'S3IVIS/
awful (adj) /'a:fal/ impressive (adj) /im 'p re s iv / fin e (n) /fa in /
boiling (adj) /'b a ilig / shocking (adj) /jD k ig / law (n) /la :/
exhausted (adj) /ig 'zo rstid / upsetting (adj) /Ap'setig/ prison (n) /'p riz n /
freezing (adj) /'friizirj/ record (n) /'re ka :d /
Truth and lies
huge (adj) /h ju :d 3 / sentence (n) /'sentans/
fake (adj) /fe ik /
starving (adj) /'s ta iv irj/ suspect (n) /'sAspekt/
fool so m e b o d y (v) /'fu:l sA m b a d i/
terrifying (adj) /'te ra fa iirj/ yo u th (n) /ju :0 /
forge (v) /fa :d 3 /
tiny (adj) /'ta in i/ lies (npl) /la iz /
unbelievable (adj) /.A nbi'liivabl/
Unit 12
the truth (n) /5a 'tru:/
trick (n) /tr ik / Hopes and ambitions
Phrasal verbs w ith go
truthful (adj) /'tru :0 fl/ achieve (v) /a'tfi:v/
go after (v) /g o u 'a:fta/
w hite lie (n) /,w a it 'lai/ aim (v) /e im /
go away (v) /g o u a'w ei/
am bition (n) /aem 'bijn/
go back (v) /g o u 'baek/
go on (v) /g o u 'Dn/
Unit 10 challenge (n) /'tjaelind 3 /
expect (v) /ik'spekt/
go out (v) /g o u 'aut/ Reading materials
goal (n) /g a u l/
go over (v) /g o u 'auva/ autobiography (n) /pitabai'D grafi/
hope (v) /h o u p /
go round (v) /g o u 'raund/ biography (n) /baTografi/
go through (v) /g o u 'Gru:/ e-book (n) /'iib u k / Verbs w ith dependent
graphic novel (n) /.graefik 'novl/ prepositions
Unit 8 non-fiction (n) /n a n 'fik ja n / be good or bad at (v) / bi: 'gud at/
Health problems novel (n) /'n o vl/ /b i: 'baed at/
cold (n) /ka u ld / screenplay (n) /'skrim plei/ be interested in (v) /b i: Tntrastid in /
cough (n) /kDf/ th rille r (n) /'0 rila / be keen on (v) /b i: 'ki:n on/
dizzy (adj) /'d iz i/ concentrate on (v) /'kDnsantreit o n /
Adverbs and adverbial
flu (n) /flu :/ decide on (v) /di'said on/
headache (n) /'hedeik/ depend on (v) /d i'p en d Dn/
at first (adv) /a t 'f3ist/
to hurt (v) /ta 'h3:t/ listen to (v) /'lisan tu /
at the beginning (adv ph) /a t 5a
a pain in her chest (n) /a 'pein in ha look forward to (v) /lu k 'fa:wad ta/
b i'g im q /
.tjest/ make progress in (v) /m e ik
in the end (adv ph) /in 6a 'end/
sick (adj) /sik/ 'praugres in /
luckily (adv) /'lAkali/
sore throat (n) /'sa: 0 ra ut/ succeed in (v) /sak'si:d in /
meanwhile (adv) /'m iin w a il/
temperature (n) /'tem pratfa/ one night (adv ph) /wAn 'n a it/
Technology soon afterwards (adv) /,su:n
cable (n) /'ke ib l/ 'aiftaw adz/
games console (n) /'geim z .kDnsaul/ suddenly (adv) /'sAdanli/
GPS (global positioning system) surprisingly (adv) /sa'praizigli/
(n) /,d 3 i:pi:'es/ /'glaubl pa'zijnig unfortunately (adv) /An'fait/anatli/
,sistam/ while (adv) /w a il/
memory card (n) /'memari ka:d/

Irregular verbs
Past Past
Verb Past simple participle Verb Past simple participle

be was/were been lose lost lost

become became become make made made
begin began begun mean meant meant
blow blew blown meet met met
break broke broken pay paid paid
bring brought brought put put put
build built built read read read
burn burned/burnt burned/burnt ride rode ridden
buy bought bought ring rang rung
can could been able run ran run
catch caught caught say said said
choose chose chosen see saw seen
come came come sell sold sold
cost cost cost send sent sent
cut cut cut set set set
do did done shake shook shaken
draw drew drawn shoot shot shot
drink drank drunk shut shut shut
drive drove driven sing sang sung
eat ate eaten sit sat sat
fall fell fallen sleep slept slept
feel felt felt speak spoke spoken
fight fought fought spell spelled/spelt spelled/spelt
find found found spend spent spent
fly flew flown spin span/spun spun
forget forgot forgotten stand stood stood
get got got steal stole stolen
give gave given strike struck struck
go went gone/been swim swam swum
grow grew grown swing swung swung
have had had take took taken
hear heard heard teach taught taught
h it hit hit tell told told
hold held held think thought thought
hurt hurt hurt throw threw thrown
keep kept kept understand understood understood
know knew known wake woke woken
learn learned/learnt learned/learnt wear wore worn
leave left left win won won
lend lent lent w rite wrote written
let let let

Irregular verbs
Phonemic chart
Consonant sounds
[7b7 /d / a q




television table


Vowel sounds

4 f f f?


/a /
Go to the Interactive website fo r more pronunciation practice!
com puter

128 Phonemic chart

Interactive is an exciting course for teenagers, packed with
up-to-the-minute, stimulating content. It will get your students
talking and keep them talking, using real, contemporary English.

Interactive gets students Interactive provides up-to-date, real-life

communicating from day one, by English every step of the way.
providing them w ith the framework and Skills4Real sections, Culture UK
tools they need. noticeboards and Culture World magazines
Interaction sections give students the practise skills using authentic reading material
confidence to use English in real-life and unscripted listenings, followed up by
situations such as returning items to a shop activities and projects to put this language
and giving and receiving advice into practice.
A fold-out Interaction Language Correct it! sections and Check it out! boxes
Reference on the cover provides phrases expose students to international English from
needed for speaking activities the Cambridge Learner Corpus, and raise
A regular Pronunciation focus and awareness of common mistakes
illustrated phoneme chart makes this A realistic Graphic Novel runs through the

CEFR level: I C a m bridge ESOL exams: The DVD provides additional models of all Pronunciation and
In te ra c tiv e 4
Interaction sections. A Talking Heads section shows real
F irst (FC E) language and unscripted responses, along with a series of
teen-presented Interviews.
P re lim in a ry (PET)

The Web Zone access code is at the back of the

K e y (K E T )
Students Book.
Visit to
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The course includes:

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W o rkb o o k with D ow nload able A ud io
Teachers Book with W eb Z o n e access CAM BRIDGE ENGLISH CORPUS
Teachers Resource Pack The Cambridge English Corpus is a

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D V D (PAL or N T S C )
m ulti-billion word collection of written
and spoken English. It includes the
Cambridge Learner Corpus, a unique
bank of exam candidate papers.
(D H I
l|J p
C a m b r id g e
Our authors study the Corpus to see how English is
Classw are D V D - R O M really used, and to identify typical learner mistakes.
This means that Cambridge materials help students to
Testm aker C D - R O M and A u d io C D avoid mistakes, and you can be confident the language
taught is useful, natural and fully up to date.

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