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What images we have put up is only an IMAGE. And all IMAGES are false.

Man since eons built of images

equivalent to the number of all waves that appeared on all the oceans of earth since their beginning.

Images appear and disappear. Every second a new image engulfs the old one and at the same time being
engulfed by another image. Indian sages called them MAYA.ILLUSION.

So why shall we cling to an IMAGE?

Because it provides a false sense of security.

Instead of living under this false sense of euphoria called security one must seek guidance from right
teacher, live a simple but fruitful life, help fellow travelers in whatever best way one can, seeking
blessings from elders and trusting natural forces.

If a man can at least do this he must be the man who is living without any image.

India needs them now in plenty.

Jobs Guaranteed.


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