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Genre: Drama

Producer: Yoen K, Ody Mulya Hidayat

Production: Maxima Pictures
Director: Guntur Soeharjanto


Acha Septriasa, Abimana Aryasetya, raline shah, Nino Fernandez, Dewi Sandra, Marissa
Nasution, Alex Abbad, Geccha Tawara, Dian Pelangi, Fatin Shidqia Lubis, Salsabiela Rais


The film tells the real experience of a pair of Indonesian students studying in Europe. How
they adapt, to meet with various friends until finally lead them to the great secret of Islam in
continental Europe.

Appointed from the bestselling novel by Salsabiela Rais Hanum and Rangga Almahendra, this film
takes place in four countries: Vienna (Austria), Paris (France), Cordoba (Spain) and Istanbul (Turkey).


Film adaptation of the novel by Salsabiela Rais Hanum and Rangga Almahendra begins with
the opening of a slick that tells the history of the conquest of Austria by Turkey under the
leadership of Kara Mustafa Pasha. Throughout the movie my eyes are pampered by a variety
of beautiful scenery in Europe. Many times I was amazed by the beauty of the architecture is
the background in this film. I get a complete package when watching, eyes are spoiled by the
beauty of the film set entirely in Europe, the hearts were touched inspired by the noble
message of being an agent good Muslims wherever they are, and expand the horizons of
historical facts are ignored, especially about the triumph of Islam in the future then.
Everything appears so simple but full of meaning. I enjoyed this movie from beginning to
end. Despite the end of the film is so unpredictable that there will be a Part 2. From a glance
at the end of the movie trailer, part 2 is worth the wait.

Acting the top Indonesian movie player involved in this film also feels right and flows
beautifully. One of the main that stole my attention was Nino Fernandez successfully portray
an atheist named Stefan, he went on to become the player character emotionally draining me,
infuriating all at once adorable. Congratulations, Nino!

Acha Septriasa also quite successfully portray Hanum Rais, boredom Hanum after a long stay
in Vienna with no activity, not to mention the constraints of everyday language is German,
discrimination against Muslims and immigrants, to quarrel with neighbors because of trivial
matters like the smell when frying anchovies able described well by Acha through acting
apiknya. Quite evoke emotions and my imagination about the life of a wife accompanying
her husband S3 abroad as well as how to bridge the cultural gap and spread kindness through
the mission of "being a good Muslim agent".

Similarly, the successful Aryasetya Abimana played Rangga, husband Hanum. He

successfully portray every woman's dream husband is intelligent, affectionate, patient,
humorous, and also have the firmness of faith. When he was faced with the choice between
following the Friday prayer or exam when left will threaten his graduation, he successfully
made me realize that being a minority was hard, especially being tested is faith.

Humor inserted also placed with appropriate portions and not excessive, just kept me
entertained, let alone dialogue related to Stefan, able to bring the debate about the existence
of God in a relaxed, humorous, without losing the true essence of the message to be conveyed
to the audience. The presence of Marissa Nasution, a college friend Rangga, given its own
color, he successfully portray a woman who 'seductive' constancy and fidelity Rangga.

Fatma Pasha is my favorite character in the novel 99 Light in the Sky Europe, he is an
important figure who opened the eyes (and hearts) of the main character, Rais Hanum, the
other side to know the history of Islam in Europe. He did not just close friends but also the
giver of inspiration that transforms Hanum outlook on life. Modest figure which has a
thickness of faith to keep her scarf in the modern city, Vienna. Has a mission to be a good
Muslim agent in the place where Islam has a bad image, regarded as a religion with a violent
teachings and synonymous with the terrorists. Also toughness when something happens to
their beloved daughter, Ayse, Fatma make me so admire. I can only say raline shah very
pretty plays a Turkish woman who was kept. Although I do not feel like my shadow Fatma
Fatma played in Raline, I am quite satisfied with the acting Raline.

Ayse played Geccha Tawara my attention after acting Nino Fernandez skyline. Geccha able
to portray Ayse very well for his age child once her debut on the big screen. Geccha adorable
made me join touched by his determination to remain veiled although his teacher persuaded
to remove the veil so that he was no longer harassed classmates. Ayse intelligent and critical
flicked Hanum with the question: why did he not veiled when a Muslim? Geccha also
successfully made me cry when I discovered her strength to live a destiny that is heavy
enough to bear a child of her age. Congratulations, Geccha, I believe you are one of the
nation's assets that will continue to shine and scent Indonesia through the world of cinema.
Dialogue in the film uses several different languages, namely Indonesia (dominant), the
United Kingdom, Germany and Turkey. This dialogue is a bit annoying me in some scenes,
such as for example Fatma is a woman in Turkey but in some scenes using Indonesian. Or
Marion Latimer (Sandra) who use the Indonesian language with French accents, though she is
a woman not a mulatto Indonesia French-French. There are also friends Rangga, like Stefan
and Khan, which is clearly an international student in Vienna but speak Indonesian. Slightly
reducing the perfection of this film, but quite understandable considering screenwriter would
be very inconvenient if you have to lay out all the dialogue in a foreign language. It may also
be difficult for the players feared that acting less in total.

I was also a bit annoyed with sponsor messages were a bit pushy, Marion Latimer is a French
women wear local cosmetic products made in Indonesia who sponsor? Quite a bit
unreasonable. Even if they had to show links tampilkanlah fairly, as Hanum which is native
to Indonesia is quite reasonable to use this product or as Rangga who uses the ATM of a
national bank. Scene is also disturbing is the scene of the shooting Fatin vidoklip then
happened to meet Hanum and Rangga, I think a little bit of force, considering the scene only
prolongs the duration but does not support the storyline at all.

But behind all the advantages and disadvantages, this movie made me grateful to live in
Indonesia, where Islam as a majority, are free to worship, not as Rangga are faced with the
choice to take the exams or to perform Friday prayers. Unlike Rangga are having trouble
finding a place of prayer on campus that forced prayer in all religions worship space, between
the crosses, statues of Buddha, and the smoke of incense. Unlike Rangga should be careful
choosing kosher foods. Unlike Fatma and Ayse who face difficulties because of her
headscarf. Something very be grateful given that most of us are too spoiled in a majority
position in the country and sometimes less respect minority interest.

Watching the film also revived my dream to continue their studies to Europe One day I
promised to prove to yourself that Islam once so powerful to exert influence in Europe in its
heyday years ago.

Overall, the film 99 Light in the Sky Europe can be pretty entertaining spectacle well as add
insight to be traces of Islam in Europe. Although the film is thick with Islam, it does not
mean only be enjoyed by Muslims alone, I think this movie actually fits watched by anyone,
of any religion, as one spectacle that can provide inspiration about tolerance and mutual
respect between religious communities.

Success for the film 99 Light in the Sky Europe. Success for Rais Hanum and Rangga
Almahendra, thanks for sharing experience that is so inspiring. Success for filmmakers film,
keep working to educate the nation. And the life of Indonesian cinema, hopefully we can
become masters in their own country!

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